衡水体英语作文的魅力In the realm of English writing, the "Hengshui Script" has gained immense popularity, especially among Chinese students. This unique style of handwriting, named after its origin in Hengshui, Hebei province, China, combines the elegance of traditional Chinese calligraphy with the requirements of modern English writing. Its popularity can be attributed to its legibility, consistency, and beauty, all of which contribute to the effectiveness of communication in the global language of English.The legibility of Hengshui Script is its most appealing feature. Its neat and tidy appearance makes it easy for readers to comprehend the written content. The consistent shapes and sizes of letters, as well as the clear spacing between words and sentences, ensure that the text is clear and unambiguous. This legibility is crucial in academic writing, where precision and clarity are paramount.The consistency of Hengshui Script is another factor that contributes to its popularity. Unlike some otherstyles of handwriting, which can vary widely from person to person, Hengshui Script maintains a uniform appearance.This consistency ensures that documents written in this style have a professional and polished look, reflecting the seriousness and attention to detail of the writer.The beauty of Hengshui Script lies in its harmonious blend of traditional Chinese calligraphy and modern English writing. The rounded shapes of the letters and the smooth curves of the strokes evoke a sense of elegance and refinement. This beauty not only enhances the aesthetic value of the written text but also inspires writers to produce their best work.The popularity of Hengshui Script among Chinese students can be traced to its utility in English learning and testing. In China's education system, English is a crucial subject, and students are often required to write essays and other compositions in English. The legibility and consistency of Hengshui Script make it an ideal choice for these tasks, as it helps students to convey their ideas clearly and effectively. Furthermore, many English teachers and examiners prefer this style of handwriting due to its ease of reading and understanding.In conclusion, the Hengshui Script embodies the essence of effective communication in English writing. Itslegibility, consistency, and beauty make it a standout among other styles of handwriting. As more and more Chinese students embrace this style, it has become a powerful tool for expressing their thoughts and ideas in the global language of English. The influence of Hengshui Script is likely to continue to grow, as it bridges the gap between traditional Chinese culture and modern English writing.**衡水体英语作文的魅力**在英语写作领域,衡水体以其独特的魅力,尤其在中国学生中获得了广泛的欢迎。
英语手写衡水体字帖范文The art of calligraphy has long been revered in many cultures, particularly in East Asia, where it has been deeply intertwined with scholarly and artistic traditions for centuries. Among the various calligraphic styles that have emerged over time, the Hengshui style, originating from the city of Hengshui in China's Hebei province, stands out as a unique and captivating form of handwritten expression.The Hengshui style of calligraphy is characterized by its bold, dynamic strokes and a sense of power and elegance that emanates from the written characters. This style is believed to have developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as local calligraphers sought to create a distinctive regional form that would set their work apart from the more traditional styles prevalent in other parts of China.One of the defining features of the Hengshui style is the way in which the calligraphers approach the structure and balance of each character. Rather than adhering strictly to the standard brush techniques and stroke orders, Hengshui calligraphers oftenexperiment with unconventional methods, such as starting a stroke from the bottom or using a more forceful, angular approach to certain elements of the characters.This unconventional approach lends the Hengshui style a sense of raw energy and individuality that is both visually striking and deeply expressive. The calligraphers' emphasis on personal interpretation and stylistic flair is particularly evident in the way they handle the cursive or "running" script, where the characters flow together in a continuous, fluid motion.One of the most renowned Hengshui calligraphers of the modern era was Wang Dongling, who is widely recognized for his masterful command of the style. Wang's works are characterized by their bold, sweeping strokes, which seem to convey a sense of power and dynamism that is both captivating and awe-inspiring.In his writings, Wang often explored the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of calligraphy, seeing it not merely as a technical craft but as a means of self-expression and a reflection of one's inner state. He believed that the act of calligraphy was a meditative practice, a way of connecting the mind, body, and spirit through the controlled movement of the brush.This holistic approach to calligraphy is reflected in the way Wang'sworks are often imbued with a sense of emotional depth and resonance. His characters seem to vibrate with an energy that transcends the purely visual, inviting the viewer to engage with the work on a deeper, more intuitive level.Beyond the individual mastery of Wang Dongling and other renowned Hengshui calligraphers, the style as a whole has also been shaped by the unique cultural and geographical context of the Hengshui region. The city's history as a hub of scholarly and artistic activity, as well as its proximity to the capital Beijing, have all contributed to the development of a distinct local aesthetic that sets the Hengshui style apart from other calligraphic traditions.One of the key influences on the Hengshui style is the region's rich natural environment, which has long been a source of inspiration for local artists and craftspeople. The rugged, mountainous landscape of Hebei province, with its towering peaks and winding rivers, has been reflected in the bold, sweeping strokes and dynamic compositions of Hengshui calligraphy.Additionally, the Hengshui style has been shaped by the region's long-standing traditions of ink painting and seal carving, which have influenced the calligraphers' approach to the use of negative space, the balance of light and dark elements, and the incorporation of symbolic imagery into their works.As the Hengshui style has gained recognition and acclaim both within China and on the global stage, it has also inspired a new generation of calligraphers to explore and expand upon its distinctive aesthetic. Contemporary Hengshui calligraphers are experimenting with innovative techniques, such as the integration of digital media and the incorporation of modern design elements, while still maintaining the core principles and visual language of the traditional style.One example of this is the work of calligrapher Gao Xiaoli, who has gained international recognition for his bold, abstract interpretations of the Hengshui style. Gao's works often feature large-scale, gestural compositions that seem to capture the raw energy and expressive power of the calligraphic tradition, while also pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the medium.Similarly, other young Hengshui calligraphers are exploring ways to adapt the style to contemporary contexts, such as by incorporating it into graphic design, fashion, and even performance art. This cross-pollination of traditional and modern forms has helped to keep the Hengshui style alive and relevant in the 21st century, ensuring that it continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world.In conclusion, the Hengshui style of calligraphy is a unique andcaptivating form of handwritten expression that has its roots in the rich cultural and natural heritage of China's Hebei province. Through the work of master calligraphers like Wang Dongling, as well as the ongoing experimentation and innovation of contemporary practitioners, the Hengshui style continues to evolve and expand, offering a powerful and deeply resonant mode of artistic expression that transcends the boundaries of time and place.。
In the tapestry of life, the path we tread is often adorned with challenges that test our mettle and unveil our true potential. One such challenge that has captivated the hearts and minds of countless students across the globe is the pursuit of academic excellence. In this essay, we shall delve into the intricacies of achieving academic success and explore the indispensable role of determination, perseverance, and strategic planning.The Power of Determination。
At the core of academic achievement lies the unwavering flame of determination. It is the indomitable spirit that propels us forward even when the path ahead seems shrouded in doubt. When we are determined to succeed, we summon aninner strength that enables us to overcome obstacles and stay the course. It is the unwavering belief in ourabilities that sets us apart from those who falter in the face of adversity.Determination is not merely a passive desire; it is an active force that drives us to take decisive actions. It compels us to seek out opportunities for growth, embrace challenges with open arms, and never settle for mediocrity. With determination as our guiding star, we can unlock the hidden reservoirs of our potential and soar to unprecedented heights.The Importance of Perseverance。
不少网友看罢后感叹,作文写成这样想不拿高分也难!龙:卖战演练〕⅛w is Querything going ? AS you Qre InUnSted in the ChineSe CUSromS at T(IbIe φI Qm more Than glad tc expose you ro the fantastic CUIrUre Of China ∙(IeTleralIy speaking . guests Ore regarded QS the CQntre On SUCh an OCCaSiOn ∙AS a COnSe(IUenCe t the host Wiu IeQd TAe guests to HItiT seats first. BeSideS f IT t S the guests IAJhQ are SUPPOSed ro try the first taste ・ IAthQt f S more. QS is known, it is TyPiCQI Of ChineSe toUSe ChQPStlCkS Qnd We QIIarcaccustomea tυ making nonoise LaSt but not /east. G PO guest never forgets TO express thanks foτrΛ∣AS the OId Saying goes ∙ do WhQn you PQy a VJSit t bearl⅛⅛⅜⅞⅜l -¼×⅜^⅞Φ.WC are making PrOgreSS every day.Date:AS We Qll know. We are WhOt WQ eat. TtWefg its Very VrtQl ' for US to fom healthy eating habits. HOWeVer ・ bad Orf绅⅛∙ι bits Qn Stfll Ve^y common among US StUdentS. 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Hal^ 1 ^iSh you Qre4?/Z ∕⅛HM stmιlar the SirUQtiOn” Wzrt ^hat I^nChUQn faced r∕? 2008f TO OUr delight * WUKhUQn has¼e77 reco^ryi∩g Mth an OPttmtSttC atmud匕I believe Ihat ^ithΛ⅛e 初ter∏Qfro∩al http r you rebuildyoι∕f homt Qndrι^Qtn Q happy Utt!逆天:衡水中学学生手写作文堪比印刷体IbQ 不出⑺一/£吨彳瑟切∖∖G are Inaking PrOgreSS every day. AS VVC a// Sxv ・ WQ Qre What WC eat ・ TtwtfgitS V 叩何 for us io fo∏n healthy eating habits HOWever >bod 吠(㈣ Ao- bits QrQ StftI Vefy cωτvnor ∖ QfnQng US Stude∕rfs ∙ Somw 吋 USgo to SChOOl WlthOUt breakfast ・ some /∕M to ⅛√e SMCn I art PartiCUlOt ObOUt food» Qnd Still 严Ig eat Or drink too muih AIl these bod habits ιv∕7/ SSZy do ham to OUtMdth ・TQ keep fft ・ WQ should have VanoUS healthy ditts.^ich曲 Clu(U PfVp6t CUnOUntS Of fi 心,meat Nqatabbs t fn^ftas M amain fx>od ・ Besides. 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IΛ∕hat,s more, as is⅛πown. it is typical Of ChineSe to USe Cf)OPStfCkS QndWe Qll are accustomed tomaking no nois^ ÷ LaSt butnot /east. o /JUeSr never forgets toexpress thanks for the Wam trAS Me OId Saying goes *rfo Jn RQn l/Vhen you PatJ a ι∕istt bear int最近网络曝光了衡水中学学生手写的英语作文,大多堪比印刷体。
衡水高中作文英语手写版英文回答:First and foremost, the significance of education liesin its pivotal role in shaping individuals and society as a whole. Education imparts knowledge, skills, and values that empower individuals to navigate the complexities of lifeand realize their full potential. By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills, education equips individuals with the necessary tools to tackle challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.Moreover, education promotes social mobility and economic well-being. By providing equal opportunities forall individuals to acquire knowledge and skills, education levels the playing field and allows individuals fromdiverse backgrounds to compete on a more equal footing.This not only benefits individuals but also society as a whole, as it fosters a more inclusive, equitable, andprosperous society.In the realm of personal development, education plays an indispensable role in cultivating self-awareness, self-esteem, and lifelong learning. Through exposure to diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences, education broadens individuals' horizons and challenges their assumptions. This process of intellectual and emotional growth fosters a strong sense of self and instills a thirst for continuous learning, which is essential for adapting to a rapidly changing world.Furthermore, education transcends the walls of the classroom and extends into the broader context of cultural preservation and transmission. By passing down knowledge, traditions, and values from one generation to the next, education ensures the continuity of cultural heritage and fosters a sense of belonging and identity within a community. It also promotes cultural exchange and understanding, contributing to the richness and diversity of human civilization.中文回答:教育的重要性。
衡水高中英语作文手写Handwritten English Essay of Hengshui High SchoolEducation has always been a fundamental aspect of our society and the key to unlocking the vast potential of individuals. At Hengshui High School, we believe that the art of handwriting plays a crucial role in the holistic development of our students. In an era dominated by digital technologies, the act of putting pen to paper has become increasingly rare, yet it remains an essential skill that transcends the boundaries of academia.The importance of handwriting extends far beyond mere functionality. It is a reflection of one's personality, a unique expression of the individual. Each stroke, each curve, and each flourish carries with it a deeper meaning, a glimpse into the inner workings of the writer's mind. In a world that often prioritizes efficiency over authenticity, the act of handwriting serves as a reminder of the inherent value of the human touch.At Hengshui High School, we recognize the profound impact thathandwriting can have on a student's academic and personal growth. Through our comprehensive English essay writing program, we strive to nurture not only the technical aspects of composition but also the art of handwriting itself.Our approach to English essay writing begins with a deep appreciation for the written word. We encourage our students to view their essays as canvases, where the interplay of language and penmanship can create a masterpiece. From the initial brainstorming stages to the final draft, we emphasize the importance of maintaining a consistent and legible handwriting style.One of the key benefits of our handwritten essay program is the development of fine motor skills. The act of holding a pen and carefully crafting each letter requires a level of dexterity and coordination that is often overlooked in the digital age. By engaging in this tactile form of expression, our students not only improve their handwriting but also enhance their overall hand-eye coordination and attention to detail.Moreover, the practice of handwriting has been shown to have a positive impact on cognitive development. Studies have demonstrated that the physical act of writing by hand can stimulate the brain in ways that typing on a keyboard cannot. The process of forming letters and organizing thoughts on paper engages variousregions of the brain, leading to improved memory retention, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving.At Hengshui High School, we believe that the benefits of handwritten essays extend beyond the academic realm. The act of writing by hand fosters a sense of mindfulness and self-reflection, as students are required to slow down and engage with the material on a deeper level. This mindfulness can translate into other areas of their lives, promoting emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and a greater appreciation for the world around them.Furthermore, the handwritten essay serves as a tangible representation of a student's hard work and dedication. In an age where digital documents can be easily manipulated and replicated, the handwritten essay stands as a unique and irreplaceable artifact that captures the essence of the writer's journey. This sense of ownership and pride can be a powerful motivator for our students, inspiring them to put forth their best efforts and take greater ownership of their academic achievements.Of course, we recognize that the digital age has brought with it a host of technological advancements that have transformed the educational landscape. We do not dismiss the value of these digital tools, but rather, we seek to strike a balance between the traditional and the modern. Our handwritten essay program is designed tocomplement, rather than replace, the use of digital resources in the classroom.By fostering a deep appreciation for the art of handwriting, we aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also possess the critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, and attention to detail that are so highly sought after in today's competitive job market.As we look to the future, we remain committed to the ongoing evolution of our handwritten essay program. We will continue to explore innovative teaching methods, incorporate the latest research in cognitive science, and collaborate with educational experts to ensure that our students receive the highest quality of instruction.In conclusion, the handwritten English essay at Hengshui High School is more than just a academic exercise – it is a testament to our unwavering belief in the power of the written word and the inherent value of the human touch. Through this program, we strive to nurture not only the intellectual growth of our students but also their emotional and personal development, empowering them to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.。
The dynamic nature of the world around us necessitates a high level of adaptability in our communication methods. In this vein, template-based approaches have emerged as a practical solution for composing written responses, particularly in educational settings. Among these, the "衡水体" (衡水 Model) has gained prominence in China due to its systematic structure and effectiveness in addressing diverse essay topics.Structure and Characteristics。
The "衡水体" model adheres to a rigid structure, which can be outlined as follows:Opening Begins with a captivating hook to engage thereader.Body Composed of three main points, each supported by evidence and analysis.Conclusion Summarizes the main arguments and restates the thesis statement.Advantages of the "衡水体" Model。
高考英语作文范文的魅力:衡水体In the realm of English essay writing for the College Entrance Examination, the "Hengshui Style" has garnered significant attention for its elegance and clarity. Named after the legendary Hengshui High School in Hebei province, this writing style is characterized by its整齐划一的字体,balanced sentence structure, and logical flow of ideas.The charm of the Hengshui Style lies in its ability to convey complex ideas in a simple and straightforward manner. The use of concise language and precise vocabulary helps to convey the writer's message effectively, ensuring that the reader can easily grasp the central idea. This style emphasizes the importance of clarity and coherence,ensuring that each sentence contributes to the overall flow of the essay.One of the key features of the Hengshui Style is its emphasis on practice and repetition. Students are encouraged to practice writing essays repeatedly, honing their skills and perfecting their technique. Thisrepetitive practice helps to ingrain the principles of goodwriting, such as using transitional words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly.Moreover, the Hengshui Style promotes the importance of reading widely. By reading a variety of English texts, students can expand their vocabulary, learn new sentence structures, and develop a deeper understanding of the language. This reading practice helps to enhance their writing skills and allows them to express their ideas more fluently.In addition to its practical benefits, the Hengshui Style also instills in students a sense of pride and accomplishment. The effortless elegance of the Hengshui font, when executed well, not only enhances the readability of the essay but also gives the writer a sense of accomplishment. This sense of pride and accomplishment acts as a powerful motivator, encouraging students to continue developing their writing skills.The Hengshui Style is not just a writing style; it is a philosophy that emphasizes clarity, coherence, and hard work. It represents the essence of good writing and serves as a powerful tool for students to convey their ideaseffectively in the College Entrance Examination. Asstudents continue to practice and perfect this style, they will not only improve their writing skills but also gain a deeper understanding of the English language and the art of effective communication.**高考英语作文范文的魅力:衡水体**在高考英语作文的写作领域,衡水体因其优雅和清晰而备受瞩目。
高考满分英语作文精选范文衡水体{z}Title: Model English Compositions for High School Examinations (Hengshui Style)Introduction:The Hengshui Style of writing is highly regarded in China for its neatness, uniformity, and readability.This collection features excellent English compositions that have achieved full marks in the national college entrance examination, commonly known as "Gaokao".These models demonstrate the standards and techniques required to excel in English essay writing.Body:Composition 1: "The Importance of Persistence"Persistence is the key to success.This essay discusses how perseverance leads to achievements in life.It highlights examples of successful individuals who have overcome obstacles through determination and grit.The composition is well-structured, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs supporting the thesis, and a persuasive conclusion.Composition 2: "The Impact of Technology on Our Lives"This essay explores the positive and negative effects of technology on modern life.It discusses how technology has revolutionized communication, education, and healthcare, but also addresses concernsabout privacy and social isolation.The writer presents a balanced view, showcasing strong argumentation and logical reasoning.Composition 3: "Environmental Protection: Our Responsibility"Pollution and environmental degradation are pressing issues.This composition argues that it is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.It provides solutions such as reducing carbon footprints, promoting renewable energy, and implementing strict regulations.The essay is compelling and demonstrates a deep understanding of environmental issues.Composition 4: "The Power of Dreams"Dreams are the driving force behind innovation and progress.This essay describes how dreams inspire individuals to pursue extraordinary goals and bring about positive changes.It includes examples of historical figures and contemporary achievers who have turned their dreams into reality.The writer"s enthusiasm and passion for the topic shine through in the essay.Composition 5: "Cultural Exchange: A Bridge between Nations"Cultural exchange plays a vital role in promoting mutual understanding and global harmony.This composition discusses the benefits of learning about different cultures, including increased tolerance and enhanced diplomatic relations.It highlights the importance of language learning, international exchanges, and cultural events.Theessay is insightful and demonstrates broad cultural knowledge.Conclusion:These model compositions showcase the highest standards of English essay writing achieved in the Gaokao examination.They serve as excellent references for high school students aiming to improve their writing skills.The Hengshui Style, with its emphasis on neatness, uniformity, and readability, is a valuable approach to crafting impressive essays.By studying these models, students can learn to structure their thoughts, present arguments effectively, and express themselves clearly in English.。
衡水英文手写体范本The art of handwriting is a skill that transcends the digital age, offering a personal touch that is uniquely human. In the realm of calligraphy, the衡水style stands out for its elegance and precision.This style, often admired for its clarity and neatness,is an excellent choice for students looking to improve their penmanship. Each stroke is deliberate, reflecting adisciplined approach to writing that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.For beginners, mastering衡水handwriting begins with understanding the basic strokes and their sequence. Practiceis key, and with each letter written, one develops a rhythm that becomes second nature.As one progresses, the衡水style encourages a balance between speed and accuracy. It's not just about writing quickly; it's about maintaining the integrity of each letter while doing so.In academic settings,衡水handwriting is often favored for its legibility. Exams and assignments that are written inthis style are easily graded, as the text is consistently formatted and easy to follow.Moreover, the衡水handwriting style is not limited to theclassroom. It can be a valuable asset in professional settings, where neat and legible notes can make a significant impression.For those who aspire to perfect衡水handwriting, patience and persistence are virtues. It requires time to develop the muscle memory needed to execute each letter with precision.Finally, the衡水style is more than just a method of writing; it's a testament to the beauty of the written word.It's a reminder that, in a world of screens and keyboards,the art of handwriting remains a cherished and timeless craft.。
三、The process of creating Hengshui printed English essays is a meticulous and labor-intensive one. It begins with the selection of high-quality rice paper, which serves as the foundation for the printed texts and designs. The artists then carefully carve the English texts and intricate patterns onto wooden blocks, which are used for the printing process. Each color is applied using a separate block, and the final product is a stunning blend of English letters and Chinese motifs.
手写英文作文衡水Hengshui is a city located in Hebei province, China. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Thecity has a vibrant atmosphere with a mix of modern and traditional elements. The locals are friendly and welcoming, making it a great place to visit.The food in Hengshui is delicious and diverse. From traditional Chinese dishes to international cuisines, there is something for everyone. The local street food is a must-try, with its bold flavors and unique combinations. Whether you are a fan of spicy food or prefer something milder, Hengshui has it all.The city is also home to several famous landmarks and attractions. One of the most popular is the Hengshui Lake, which is known for its stunning scenery and peaceful atmosphere. The lake is a great place to relax and unwind, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.In addition to its natural beauty, Hengshui is also known for its cultural festivals and events. The Hengshui International Kite Festival is a highlight, attracting kite enthusiasts from all over the world. The festival showcases a wide variety of kites, from traditional designs to modern creations. It is a colorful and lively event that is not to be missed.Shopping in Hengshui is a unique experience. The cityis home to several markets and shopping centers, where you can find a wide range of products. From traditional handicrafts to modern fashion, there is something for everyone. The prices are affordable, making it a greatplace to shop for souvenirs or gifts.Overall, Hengshui is a city that offers a mix of history, culture, and modernity. It is a place wheretradition meets innovation, creating a unique and vibrant atmosphere. Whether you are a food lover, nature enthusiast, or culture seeker, Hengshui has something to offer. So, why not plan a trip to this amazing city and experience it for yourself?。
衡水英文作文印刷版English:The printed version of the Hengshui English essay should be well-formatted with clear and legible text. It should be printed on high-quality paper to ensure that the content is presented in a professional and presentable manner. The essay should be properly proofread for any spelling or grammatical errors before printing to avoid any mistakes in the final version. Additionally, including relevant images or illustrations in the essay can enhance the overall presentation and make it more engaging for the readers. Overall, the printed version of the Hengshui English essay should be of high quality and visually appealing to effectively convey the intended message.中文翻译:衡水英文作文的印刷版应该采用良好的格式,文字清晰易读。
衡水字体英文作文模板英文:As a native of Hengshui, I am proud of the unique Hengshui font. The Hengshui font is a typeface that originated in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China. It is a traditional Chinese font that has a long history and a distinct style. The Hengshui font is characterized by its bold and vigorous strokes, and it is widely used in various fields such as advertising, packaging, and printing.The Hengshui font has a rich cultural heritage and has been passed down from generation to generation. It is a symbol of the traditional Chinese culture and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Hengshui font has been widely recognized by the international community and has won numerous awards.In addition to its cultural significance, the Hengshui font is also practical and versatile. It can be used forvarious purposes, from traditional Chinese calligraphy to modern graphic design. The Hengshui font is also easy to read and has a strong visual impact, making it an excellent choice for advertising and marketing materials.中文:作为衡水人,我为独特的衡水字体感到自豪。
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“一年高考, 三年备考”
在《全国高等学校统 一招生考试说明》中, 对写作的批改评分原则 中规定:如书写较差, 以至影响交际的,将分 数降低一个档次。
一 突出练写英语字
宣讲英语书写的重要性 。 选字帖,定字体样板 。
方法指导,突出细节,贵在长抓不懈。 书写大赛 激励先进,带动后进。
5 0
15 17
好 2022
2018年 高考成绩高分,作文 高分的学生作文展示
Subject(主语) 1. _______ (take) exercise is good for our health. be good for 对---有好处 be bad for 对---有害处 do good to do harm to be harmful to 2.Taking exercise _______ (do) good to our health. 3. _______(surf)the Internet is bad for our study . Surfing the Internet is_______(harm)to our study . Surfing the Internet does harm _______ our study . Taking exercise _______( have) a good effect on our health. have an effect on/upon 对-----有影响 have a good effect on 对---有好的影响 have a bad effect on 对-----有坏的影响 have a positive effect on 对-----有积极的影响 have a negative effect on 对-----有消极的影响 7. To take exercise has a positive effect _______ our health. 不定式短语的用法: (1)表________________。 8. _______ (go) to college is my dream. (2)表________________。 9. _______ (smoke) is bad for your health. 10.To smoke is harmful to your _______ ( healthy). 11.To smoke has a bad influence _______ your health.
动名词短语的用法: (1)表________________。 12. Surfing the Internet has _______ effect on our study . (2)表________________。
13. Surfing the Internet has _______ negative effect upon our study . 14. _______(learn)English well is very important. be very important=be of great importance很 重要 be very helpful =be of great help 很有帮 助 be very useful =be of great use很有用 be very valuable=be of great value很有价值 15.To learn English well is_______ . (importance) 16.To learn English well is of great _______ . (important) 17.To learn English well is_______ .(use) 18.To learn English well is of great _______ . (useful) 19.It is very important _______ (learn) English well. 20.It is very important for us _______ (learn) English well. 21. _______ is very important for us to learn English well. 22.I think _______is very important for us to learn English well. 23.I think _______ it is of great importance for us to learn English well. 25.I think ______ necessary for us to help others.
lijdy hard .
2. We should study hard, which is of great importance for us.
3. I like math and English very much. 4. I am not only fond of math ,but also interested in English. 5.Not only am I fond of math ,but also I am interested in English.
重点讲句子成分和五种基本句型 。 注重过渡词和常用高级句型。 提供作文模板进行训练。
第一档(差):(1-5分)较多 语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响 对写作内容的理解。 第二档(较差):(6-10分)有 一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误, 影响了对写作内容的理解。