
以下是一份中国银行交易明细英文模板:**中国银行交易明细(英文版)****Customer Name:** [您的姓名]**Account Number:** [您的账户号码]**Transaction Date:** [交易日期]**Description of Transaction:** [交易描述]**Amount:** [交易金额]【开头语】This is to confirm our bank's transaction details for the specified date.在此确认我行于指定日期的交易明细。
【具体内容】1. **Deposit:**我们收到了[收款人姓名]的[具体金额]存款,详情如下:* Date: [存款日期]* Amount: [存款金额]* Account: [收款人账户]2. **Withdrawal:**我们收到了[您的姓名]的[具体金额]取款,详情如下:* Date: [取款日期]* Amount: [取款金额]* Location: [取款地点]3. **Transfer:**我们完成了[您的姓名]与[收款人姓名]之间的[具体金额]转账,详情如下:* Date: [转账日期]* From Account: [您的账户]* To Account: [收款人账户]4. **Payment:**我们完成了[您的姓名]对[供应商名称]的[具体金额]付款,详情如下:* Date: [付款日期]* Amount: [付款金额]* Vendor: [供应商名称]5. **Interest Earned:**我们的账户在本月获得了[具体金额]的利息收益。
6. **Balance:**截止到今天,您的账户余额为[余额]。
【结尾语】Please find attached our bank statement for your reference. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you of our prompt resolution.附上我行明细单,供您参考。

Rural Credit Cooperation Banks of China HeNan
Certificate of deposit
Date. *-0*-20**
To. Deacon Sir Mr/ MS.
兹证明***先生/女士截止到20**年*月**日在我社存款如下:This is to certify Mr. Liu Yaohua / Madam As of July 31, 2014 at the agency's deposit as follows:
Time to time deposits.0*-0*-201*
Rural Credit Cooperation Banks of ******* shi
Explanation. 1. The "certificate of deposit" as a Union original, copying is invalid
2. The "certificate of deposit" not negotiable and can not be used as extracting the deposit certificate.。
2018年存款证明 英文-易修改word版 (3页)

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存款证明 英文
存款 证明 英文
No. of Client:Date:20xx/xx/xx
Name: XXXX Time:
Current Accounting
Bank of China Guangzhou Branch (seal)
No. of Client:Date:20xx/xx/xx
Name: XXXX Time:
Current Accounting
A/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus
11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivity
Fixed Time Accounting
Serial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus
0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting201X0808xx-xxxActivity
Bank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal)
certificate of deposit
存款: deposit; deposit money bank
证明: prove; testify; bear out
1.Bank deposit slips and certificates of deposit ,
2.Bank statement from parent in ireland

不同国家对于存款证明的要求不尽相同,需要存多少?要存多久?下面我们来看看主要几个地区的要求:个人存款证明PERSONA1CERTIFICATEOFDEPOSITM怖Na.:升Date:Λ(ιi«1 _____________________________ ____________________ 多生,女Ir dιK4的W件XRh局Iwm _______________________ I tH9RI ___________C W4*WH,I1∙WHJ>∙<M二HR我〃体就加\.做“*∏V"hZfmra.IM>⅜IH<VYYV>⅜∣Qnh旬MdYYV)M∣rM⅝_IMYYBdaIeHa*・■1βJf⅛∙»帆SWAKtMR1tWN111iw∣M1⅛Mk⅛1⅜r⅜Ait0美本个人停砍3■∙美耀用修通,・♦依1<αrMfkκIenIrtrMIfit-n∏∙mf‰fk*∙1>∣ι∙i∙HαMrt⅛ι∙∙frimm∙∙U<mM⅛≡∖mtw13f⅜w,ιw∙itwv<ιι11y.1美国留学存款证明:学生提供在美留学期间的总费用的资金担保证明,其中可以是大部分资金用银行存款证明的形式来体现,加以银行理财产品、股票投资和多套房产等其他形式作为资金担保的参考。

银行存单和存款证明翻译(五篇)第一篇:银行存单和存款证明翻译BANK OF CHINAAuto-renewalWithdrawal by password2012 DEPOSIT CERTIFICATENo.B 00000000(Depositor’s Seal)Afterwards Supervisor:Approved: 0Operated: 8888888No.B(Sealed by Han Lu)CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITNo.: 333333 Date: 2012/05/24We hereby certify that up to Ms.has deposit accounts with this Bank as follows:Special seal of Deposit Certificate, Bank of China ** City ** Sub-Branch第二篇:存款证明翻译CertificationTo Canadian Embassy in China,We hereby certify that Wang Jinggao has opened a current account with our bank, account No.: ***.As of July 14, 2008, Wang Jinggao has deposited CNY/81000.00(Capital Letters: eighty-one thousand yuan only)with our bank.This Certification is issued solely for the Customer Wang Jinggao as a financial proof for his application for overseas mercial Bank of Taian City Shizhong Sub-BranchOfficial Business Seal of Commercial Bank of Taian City Shizhong Sub-Branch(1)(seal)July 14, 2008Issuer: Su FenglingOffice Tel: 86 538 8228495Mobile Phone: 0***Address: No.86 Dongyue Street, Taian City, Shandong, China 第三篇:银行存单当作还款证明还钱没?银行存单当作还款证明2009-08-04 08:47:00 来源: 四川新闻网-成都晚报(成都)出借16万元两年之后,债主突然将借款人和中间人告到法院,要求对方偿还剩余15万元债务。

Bank of ChinaPersonal Time Deposit CertificateNo. A 017271523 A/C No. 179709695979 A/C NameAmount In Figure CNY 180,000.00Transaction Date Interest from Type Term Interest Date Maturity Date 30/01/2011 30/01/2011 Lum 3 Months 2.2500% 30/04/2011Authorised Signature:Bank of China Tongling Aiguo Branch (seal)A/C No.: 1217979988810034761 Name:Volume No.: 001*1 Withdrawal Method: Cipher Symbol: Universal Cash Saving and Withdrawing China Construction Bank Special Seal for Passbook of China Construction BankShanghai City Luban Road Branch Passbook No.: 310001736925 Issue Date: 06/04/20091 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 100,000.00 2.79000% 7639000062 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 100,000.00 2.79000% 7639000063 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 50,000.00 2.79000% 763900006No. Date Remarks DCUR. E/C Type Period. Due Date Principal/Interest Int. Rate/Tax RateTeller Please check all entries before leaving the counter.China Postal SavingsDeposit CertificateWan A 7406488540Opening Branch TransactionDateValue Date Term Due Date AnnualDate%TransferTypeRe-depTermS.C. Oper340701006 19/02/2011 19/02/2011 3Months 19/05/2011 2.6000 Re-dep 3MonthsCipher 3420130Account No.: 0303340701005209403 Depositor: Original Account No. Amount: RMB 40,000.00Authorised Signature: LI LanhongChina Postal Savings Zhongheyuan Branch (seal)Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaDeposit CertificateZhe A 17417944Transaction Date Value Date Term Due Date Do You Wantto Renew onMaturityRe-depTermAnnualDateInterestDateNoticeDate06/04/2010 06/04/2010 7 DaysNature S.C. Free Dep Oper001 Cipher Free 05235 Account No.: 1203281508100535003* Depositor: Original Account No.Amount: RMB 210,000.00Authorised Signature:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Rui’an Hongqiao Branch (seal)Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Lump-Sum Time Deposit Certificate (Large Amount)Certificate No.: No.: Ji ATransaction Date Value Date Nature S.C Free Dep TermCipher Free 6 Months Re-dep Term Annual Rate %Due Date Interests Due Operator 000A/C No.:Depositor:Amount: RMB 80,000.00Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Tangshan City Zhaozhuang Branch (seal)A/C No. Depositor:Tag of Issuing Card:Special Seal for Passbook of China Industrial and Commercial Bank Tangshan City Xueyuan Lu BranchNo. 1Site Name: Xueyuan Lu Savings BankCertificate No.:Authorized Signature:Issue Date: Free Deposit and Withdrawal: free S.C.: CipherNo.Date Nature Notes Term DueDateR.T.Currency(E/C)Principal/InterestInterest Rate/TaxS.N.Operator001001Open theaccount003000RMB¥ 1.7100003185001001Withdrawal003000RMB¥7.193185 002001Deposit012000RMB¥ 1.9800003185 003001Deposit012012RMB¥ 2.2500003029China Construction BankLump-Sum Special Deposit Certificate No.The amount on this deposit certificate should be no more than RMB 1,000,000.00 (or foreign currency with the same value). Otherwise the deposit certificate will be invalid.A/C No. Depositor:Currency RMB (C Currency)Amount (in figures): (in figure )TransactionDate Term Interest Rate Value Date Due Date Due Interest WithdrawalModeRe-depositTermWithdrawalDate A/C No.Withdrawal Amount Fromthe CapitalInterest Serial Number Free Deposit /WithdrawSavings Counter of China Construction Bank Tangshan City Xueyuan Lu Branch (official seal) Checked by: Withdrawal checked by: Accounts kept by:Deposit checked by: Accounts kept by:(seal)Please read the “Client Notice” on the back of this deposit certi ficate carefully.。

新版中英文财产证明Certification of Property尊敬的各位有关部门,我在此证明以下财产情况。
4.股票投资:我持有几只中国知名公司的股票,包括XXX公司和XXX 公司。
此致Salutation to the departments concerned,I hereby certify the following property information.1. Real estate: I own a residential property located in XXX City, with the property certificate number XXX. The buildingarea of the residence is XXX square meters, and its estimated market value is XXX CNY.2. Vehicles: I possess a car registered in my name with the license plate number XXX. The car is of the brand XXX, purchased in 20XX, and estimated to be valued at XXX CNY.3. Bank deposits: I have a savings deposit in a Chinese bank, with the account number XXX and a balance of XXX CNY.The aforementioned are all the current properties I own, which are true and accurate. This certification is hereby made.Yours faithfully,。

银行资金证明中英文模板Bank Financial StatementDear Sir/Madam,We hereby certify that [Customer Name], with the identification number [Identification Number], has an account with our bank, [Bank Name], and has maintained a satisfactory credit standing.As of [Date], the account balance is [Currency] [Amount], which includes both checking and savings accounts. This financial statement is issued for the purpose of [Purpose of the Statement, e.g., visa application, business transaction, etc.].Please note that this statement does not represent a commitment or guarantee from our bank to lend or extendcredit to the customer. It is solely for the purpose of confirming the customer's financial status as of the date indicated.We reserve the right to revoke this statement if any discrepancies are found or if the account status changesprior to the date of the intended use.This financial statement is valid for a period of [Validity Period, e.g., 30 days] from the date of issue.For further inquiries, please contact us at [Contact Information].Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Bank Name][Date]Bank Financial Statement尊敬的先生/女士,兹证明[客户姓名],身份证号码为[身份证号码],在我行[银行名称]开立账户,并保持良好的信用记录。