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1.______ this approach is effective in losing weight, it is not as beneficial as keeping a balanced diet.

A.Once B.While C.Unless D.Until

2.Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, will give up the name “royal” ____ they withdraw from official duties and embrace new lives, the couple confirmed on Friday.

A.unless B.while C.as D.although

3.______ the environmental impacts of larger plastics are well documented, very little is understood about the dangers associated with micro plastics.

A.While B.As C.Because D.If

4.There are other languages that sound extremely different, ________ they’re conveying exactly the same meaning.

A.as though B.even though C.so that D.in that

5.The basic model function of the hero seems to remain constant, ______ the precise qualities of hero may vary over time.

A.in case B.as if C.so that D.even though

6._____ I once made some mistakes, I won’t spend a moment of the future regretting what might have been.

A.Until B.While C.Unless D.Because 7.—Shall I ________ the raincoat?

—No hurry. Leave it ________ it is. It looks like rain.

A.put away; in the place B.put away; where

C.put on; where D.put on; there

8.Mary rushed home______ she heard the news, only ______ that her husband was gone. A.as soon as; finding B.immediately; to find

C.the moment; find D.when; found

9.—Mr. Robert, I’d like to take a gap year to volunteer for a global anti-Aids campaign.—That’s great, ______ you can afford the time.

A.provided that B.in case C.even if D.so that

10.The young lady rushed into the room _____ she heard the noise.

A.right away B.at once C.immediately D.at the moment 11._____ you may meet, you should face the challenge bravely.

A.However a serious problem B.What a serious problem

C.However serious a problem D.What serious a problem

12.He hasn’t got any hobbies,________you call watching TV a hobby.

A.when B.if

C.unless D.since

13.You should take control of your life _________ it is planning coursework or picking a major. A.whenever B.whether C.whatever D.no matter

14.________,she can help Mother do housework.

A.As my sister is a child B.A child as my sister is

C.Child as is my sister D.Child as my sister is

15.Mother Teresa _______ great contribution to the world peace, _______ she was awarded the Nobel Price in 1979.

A.might have made, because B.must have made, for

C.could have make, since D.should have make, as

16.China is playing a key role in controlling the virus. However, it will take long and much effort ________ it is under control.

A.until B.after C.before D.unless

17.It won't be long _our summer vacation begins, but my vacation plans are still up in the air. A.when B.until C.that D.before

18.In boxing, players should wear gloves and mouth guards ________ anything dangerous happens.

A.in vain B.in a word C.in debt D.in case

19.________ the sales figure of the new range of products is relatively small, the potential market is large.

A.Unless B.After C.Since D.While

20.Some pressure is good for you ________ it can help you try harder.

A.unless B.although

C.before D.as

21.You won’t find paper cutting difficult _____you keep practicing it.

A.even if B.as long as C.as if D.ever since 22.You won’t find paper cutting difficult ________ you keep practicing it.

A.even though B.as long as

C.as if D.ever since

23.I'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately. A.In case B.As if

C.Even though D.Now that

24.Human beings are different from animals________they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A.in which B.in that

C.for that D.for which

25.______ you lose in life, don’t lose faith and hope, with which you can live a happy life and achieve your goals.

A.Whenever B.Wherever C.Whatever D.Whoever


