作者简介:陈柯(1975-),女,陕西西安人,汉族,硕士,教授,研究方向:翻译;刘祎铭(1997-),女,陕西西安人,汉族,硕士,研究方向:翻译㊂海洋石油英语文本中介词的翻译研究陈㊀柯㊀刘祎铭(西安石油大学外国语学院,陕西西安710065)摘㊀要:海洋石油英语文本中大量使用由介词和实词组成的句子成分,实词通常能够在汉语中找到含义相对应的字词,但是介词往往难以通过直译表达原句的含义㊂本文对这一现象作深入研究分析㊂本文从‘中国油气“中选取十篇与海洋石油有关的英文期刊作为语料,借助Claws 软件词性标注功能和WordSmith 软件中Word List 词频功能,对海洋石油英语文本中的介词进行分析㊂希望借此解决海洋石油翻译中的介词翻译难点,从而准确,提高译文质量㊂关键词:海洋石油英语;介词翻译;Claws ;WordSmith中图分类号:F74㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2023.05.0220㊀引言中国是一个陆海兼备的海洋大国,建设海洋强国是实现中华民族复兴不可分割的重要组成部分㊂我国石油资源量约为1072.7亿吨,海洋石油资源量为275.3亿吨,占总量的25.7%㊂随着全球化时代的来临,我国需要加大与国外的技术交流,因此海洋石油英语类文本的准确翻译尤为重要㊂本文借助Word-Smith(4.0)和CLAWS 等标注分析工具,对文本中的介词进行研究㊂选取介词作为研究对象,原因有二:第一,石油文本信息量大,逻辑严谨,而介词多用于实现句中的衔接,起到桥梁作用;第二,译者在翻译过程中容易重实词轻虚词,以介词本意汉译㊂译者应采取哪些翻译方法,将原文信息准确传递给目的语读者;以及如何更好地再现原文的行文逻辑,增强译文可读性,以上均是本文的研究重点㊂1㊀工具介绍及应用研究中用到的工具主要是CLAWS 和WordSmith(4.0)㊂将语料扫描后通过识别英文的Abbyy Fine-Reader 7.0软件转化成电子文档,再对语料进行加工清洗后,以纯文本形式保存㊂至此准备工作完成,得到的纯文本将用以下工具进行进一步处理㊂1.1㊀ClawsCLAWS(自动词类可能成分赋码系统)由英国兰卡斯特大学一批研究者开发,曾被用来为英国国家语料库(BNC)进行自动词性赋码,赋码准确率达到96%~97%㊂图1㊀经过Claws 在线赋码的词性标注文本操作过程:文本语料首先经过赋码,进行结构标记,接着合并添加文本之后,便可进行网络在线赋码㊂具体应用步骤如下㊂(1)进入UCREL,粘贴文本,在 Select tag set 后根据需要选择 C7 或 C5 ㊂(2)在 Select output style 后选择一项,通常选择 Horizontal 项㊂(3)点击 Tag text now 键,开始赋码;赋码结束后,将已赋码文本再复制到文本中㊂1.2㊀WordSmith ToolsWordSmith Tools 是一个用于观察文字在文本中的表现的语料分析软件,由英国利物浦大学MikeScott 设计㊂包含Concord(语境共现检索工具)Word List(词频列表检索工具),Key Words(关键词检索工具)等工具㊂本文主要使用Word List 工具㊂制作Word List 步骤如下㊂(1)打开Word List,点击File 中的New,再点击㊃46㊃Choose Texts Now ㊂(2)接着将准备好的文本依次选中,点击右侧竖线,添加到 File selected ㊂(3)添加完毕后软件会自动运行,点击 Make aword list 即可得到图2结果㊂图2㊀Word List 制作结果2㊀海洋石油英语中介词的分类与词频2.1㊀介词分类介词用来表示名词㊁代词等与句中其它词的关系㊂经过Claws 的词性标注,发现海洋石油英语文本中,最常出现的结构如下㊂表1㊀Claws 词性标注Claws 赋码结构_VVG /_NN1+_PRP 名词/动名词+介词_VVD /_VVN +_PRP 动词/过去分词+介词_PRP +_VVG /_NN1介词+名词/动名词㊀㊀通过词性分析,按照在文本中所起功能划分,介词可分为表示时间㊁方式㊁目的㊁对象,有时还表示动作㊂例如,英语中用于表达时间或地点标记功能的组合是 介词+时间/地点名词 ,如 in one second,on dry land ㊂其中时间及地点名词是不可缺少的指示性词汇,需要搭配相应的介词来表达具体的含义㊂因此英语中同一介词可以在不同的语境中表达不同的意思,因此译者在翻译时也要做到灵活变通,注重含义的对应㊂2.2㊀介词词频上文提到过Word List 制作方法,这里不再赘述㊂得出上图结果后,人工手动将语料中出现频次较高的介词进行统计,得到如下结果㊂表2㊀介词词频计算结果排序词项词频百分比(%)1OF430 3.502FOR 426 3.473IN 2482.024TO 237 1.935AT 233 1.90㊀㊀从上表可看出频率最高的五种介词,下面分别对高频介词所在例句的翻译方法进行讨论㊂3㊀海洋石油英语中高频介词的翻译示例薄冰曾指出: 介词的作用在于其句法功能㊂句子中单词之间的句法关系是通过介词来实现的㊂因此,介词的翻译最重要的是找出可能的逻辑句法㊂ 换而言之,就是在特定上下文中单词之间的关系㊂英语介词使用率高,搭配力强,含义灵活,在使用中其表达习惯与汉语有较大的差异,因此在翻译过程中是比较难以处理的一种词类㊂一般说来,除了一些介词短语㊁习语已有的释义和译法外,还有大量的介词在翻译时需要从其基本含义出发,密切联系上下文灵活处理㊂3.1㊀转译所谓转译,主要是指转换改变其原本词性,如把英语介词转换成汉语动词㊁副词或形容词等㊂(1)从表1可知,名词+介词的组合很多,且 of是高频出现的介词,在科技翻译中, 的 结构在文本中广泛使用,译者往往会将这些认为是一种从属关系,容易机械地译为 的 字,使译文读起来不通畅,故需要进行转译㊂①of 短语作定语跟它所修饰的名词有动宾关系时,可译成动宾词组㊂The plan includesan expansion of offshore oil andgas,accelerated development in renewables,and a grea-ter role for market forces.该计划包括扩大近海石油和天然气,加快可再生能源发展,发挥市场力量更大的作用㊂②of 短语作定语有时跟它修饰的名词有主谓关系,翻译时译成主谓词组㊂For those countries without significant sources of crude oil,securing sourcesof it through trade is crucial.对于那些没有重要原油来源的国家而言,通过贸易确保就显得极为重要㊂(2)在表地点的介词短语里,介词常被转换为动词㊂㊃56㊃Putting pump jacks on the sea floor or even on plat-forms is totally impractical,but pumps and compression facilities at the wellhead can overcome the back pressure of fluid between the sea floor and the surface.在海底甚至是平台上安装抽油机是不切实际的,但是在井口安装泵和压缩机设备能够克服海底和海平面的间的井内液柱产生的回压㊂at 如果视为表示地点的介词,那么前后读起来会有些别扭,不符合中文表达习惯,同一个句子中,中文表达讲求前后对应,前半句 平台上安装抽机 后半句 井口安装泵 读起来顺畅,也合乎中文逻辑㊂(3)在作原因㊁目的状语的介词短语里,介词常被转换为动词㊂Recent studies have shown potential advantagesfor carbon fiber tendons.最近的研究表明,碳纤维筋有许多潜在优势㊂ for 在本句中搭配 advantage ,对象是 carbon fiber tendons ,通读全句可知本句说的是碳纤维筋的优势,根据中文的动宾搭配,前面应该为动词 有 ,所以译为 碳纤维筋有许多潜在优势 ㊂3.2㊀省译省译是在忠实于原文内容的前提下使译文更简洁,更合乎译文语言规范㊂(1)表示时间和地点的英语介词如出现在句首,可省译㊂In1947the first steel offshore platform was installed. 1947年,工人们搭建了首个由金属构建的海上钻井平台㊂(2)表示手段和方式的 by ,在翻译时将原动词的宾语转译为它的定语㊂The studyby Dawson and many such studies de-scribe different types.道文森的研究和诸多此类的研究都描绘了不同的种类㊂(3)表职务时, 的 字可省译㊂Yamani was appointed tothe post of Saudi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in1962,and it was then he began leading the campaign to wrest control of Arab oil resources from foreign-owned companies. 1962年,亚马尼受命担任沙特石油部部长㊂正是那一年,他开始领导运动,从外资企业手中夺回阿拉伯石油的控制权㊂3.3㊀分译中英两种语言的表达方式有很多差异㊂英语句式长,习惯用一个词或词组表达一层意思,层层叠加组成长句;而中文多用动词或含动词的短句来表述㊂因此,部分英语介词短语可以译成分句㊂(1)译为条件分句㊂With the permission of the crew,the drilling plat-form can be put into maintenance.如井队人员同意,钻井平台方可进行维护㊂(2)译为表原因的分句㊂Production growth in Bohai offshore remained stead-y,while overseas production fell slightlyafter the sched-uled maintenance at the Buzzard oilfield in the UK North Sea.渤海近海的产量增长保持稳定,而由于英国北海的巴扎德油田需要定期维护,导致海外产量略有下降㊂"after"的原义指的是时间的先后,但通读整句发现存在因果关系,即由于油田定期维护,导致了其产量下降㊂4㊀结语本文利用WordSmith和Claws工具,分析了海洋石油英语翻译中介词的词频和分类,并对翻译方法进行了举例说明及总结㊂介词作为英语中重要的功能词类,一直是语句中重要的组成部分㊂但由于介词是虚词,其具体含义不好准确把握㊂因而,译者在介词的翻译中尤其需要参考文章的上下文的具体语境,才能准确地判断出一个介词在句中的含义,从而准确理解原文㊂并在充分理解原文的基础上,再结合汉语的特点和表述习惯,在语义的层面上,通过转译㊁省译和分译的翻译方法将英语中的介词或介词短语准确地用汉语表达出来㊂参考文献[1]张卫平.中国海洋石油发展回顾与思考[M].北京:石油工业出版社,2010.[2]梁茂成.学习者英语书面语料自动词性赋码的信度研究[J].外语教学与研究,2006,(38):279-320.[3]薄冰.英语介词比较[M].北京:商务印书店出版社,2013.[4]喻云根,陈定山.英语介词汉译初探[J].中国翻译,1982,(01): 22-27.㊃66㊃。
季佩玉、范烨学术英语答案2. And yet, isn't there something wonderous, — something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, — or more likely, a few dozen— waiting. (Line 3, Para.6)Task 3/Formal English1. very many2. buying or selling3. a large group of4. more huge5. understand6. troubledUnit 2Language buildingTask 1:Part 1:1)无形之手;2)自由企业制度3)股东4)经济体制5)开发产品和服务6)市场力量;市场调节作用7)金融机构8)严重衰退9)破产10)mission11)stock price12)corporate motto14)maximize profits 15)financial system Part 2:1)market forces2)financial institutions 3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions5)invisible hand6)stockholder7)profit maximization 8)economic system Task 2:1.and;2.Another;3. also;4. Not only;but;5. otherTask 31. understanding;2. agree with;3. forces… to be accepted;4. bad5. purpose7. given;8.famous.Unit 3Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1) 充满敬畏与感激;2)与外部世界隔离3)陷入绝境4)易感抑郁5)恢复体能6)界定性特征7)暂时的挫败8)不因挫败而心烦意乱9)竞选权位10)吹着欢快的曲调Part 2:1)bout 2)validated 3)squabble 4)aptitude5)platitude 6)debilitate7)reassuring 8)undermine 9)ruminate 10)martial Task 2:1.contrasting;2.in contrast;3. However;4. different;5. on the other hand6. in the opposite way7.howeverTask 31. full of;2. becomes alert and energetic3. keeping thinking about4. been left in hopelessness5. likely to suffer from6. not disturbed7. saying something that people are quite familiar with8. officially approvedUnit 4Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. green movement2. protected areas3. extinction of animals and plants4. wild fish stocks5. make clean power6. save resources7. 培育生物多样性8. 控制污染9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏10. 扩大清洁产业11. 集体世界观12. 生态经济Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6)If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7)The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature.2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7)When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics.Task 3 Formal language1. unchangeable; increasing2. control3. effort; charitable4. pleasant detail5. complicated6. change7. Changing8. importantUnit 5Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. having a mind2.behave as if you understand3.what and how we know4.inside;reflects Mentalist Dbehaviorist BEpistemologist Aphenomenologist CPart 21. psychological2.spiritual3.behaviour4.phenomenologist5.perplexity6.mentallyTask 2:…,classified…This class of…The class of……a less severe label…The huge classTask 31. what we imagine about computers today2.we have broken the distinction between the first type of response3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind.5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice6. as groundless as believing that computers have mindUnit 6Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. 数学化,数字处理2. 计算机辅助设计3. 统计4. 基因组学5. 运筹学6. 优化组合7. 概率8. 数据库Part 2:1. database2. CAD3. statistics4. probability5. optimization6. genomics7. mathematization8. Operations researchTask 2:1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:…(Line1,para.8,Text A)2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the manyexamples that Baker gives:…(Line 8, para.10, Text A)Task 3 Formal language1. exists2. included3. explained4. model5. get6. environment7. knowledgeable person; in which8. until now9. fix ideas of (caution) in one’s mindUnit 7Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. -h2.-f3.-a4.-j5.-i6.-b7.-d8.-g9.-c10.-ePart 2:1. To achieve professional development isimportant as a means to the end of becoming an expert and gaining more flexibility and independence2. Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction3. An employee's work orientation is shaped in the first instance by their understanding of “what work is about”4. The government is trying to introduce new measures to create a better social safety net and encourage better worker pay5. Money has been used as the incentive of many intelligence contests in TV program Task 2:1. The present perfect tense(现在完成时)emphasizes that people’s conception about what money can bring them has changed greatly2. The tense switches from the present to the past to manifest that an example is given3.The tense switches between the present and the past to produce a comparison of different interpretations of a “calling”in different times Task 3 Formal language1. pour heart and soul into :spare no efforts,try one's bestwhat will stimulate\encourage a worker to try his best in making good products?2. lure:temptationgrueling:working exhaustedlyPeople are no longer so tempted by the dream of becoming rich by working exhaustedly 80 hours a week for several years in a humble position3. lowly job:humble jobrecrafted:turnedHe might be doing a humble job,but he would turn it into a great mission4. entails:requiresA career requires more devotion to work5. contributing to:being beneficial toconnotation:implicationPeople who regard their work as a calling\great mission think that what they do helps serve the public and brings benefits to our society,and therefore it's quite proper to say that a mission\calling implies something similar to religious beliefsUnit8Task 1 Specialized vocabulare1. cultural tradition 文化传统2. social stability 社会稳定3. distinct identity 鲜明特色4. edge effect 边缘效应5. organic evolution 有机界进化6. mutual respect 相互尊重7.political correctness 政治正确性anic evolution2. mutual respect3. Edge effect4. social stability5. political correctness6. cultural tradition7. distinct identityTask 2 Signpost language1. Through; through; through2. not just; but3. first4. second5. next6. final7.not only; but alsoTask 3 Formal English1. develop2. combined3. skillful performers4. obvious5. friendly6. getting rid of7. combine8. changed9. imagine10. a large number ofUnit 9Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 D 医疗2 J 基因分型3 F 内窥镜检查4 A 生物技术5 H 诊断6 C 分子的7 I 治疗方案8 E 医生9 G 外科医生的;手术的10 B 胶囊1 diagnosis2 surgical3 Biotechnology4 healthcare5 protocols6 molecularTask 2 Signpost language1 known as2 referred to as3 call4 describe5 meanTask 3 Formal English1 increases2 marked3 arrival/ coming4 replaced5 move away6 filledUnit 10Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 b2 k3 f4 j5 g6 i7 e8 c9 h10 a11 d1 syntactic patterns2 Language faculty3 neural system4 underlying logic5 evolutionary adaptation6 formal instruction7 mental organ8 natural selectionTask 2 Signpost language1 for2 led to3 because4 Therefore5 Therefore6 because; because7 SoTask 3 Formal English1 explanation/interpretation; impacts2 is present all over; analyze/explain/interpret亚当斯密称它为“看不见的手”导致无数人的神秘力量,各为自己的利益工作,推动结束,受益多。
Unit Nine EconomyText:Globalization and ChinaStephan RothlinBackground InformationAbout the author:The author is a professor of business ethics. In one of his writings he illustrated ideas about business ethics developed in U.S. and in Europe. He also indicates China has its culture’s rich ethical heritage, and can both govern and guide its national economy to develop better, not only for China but also for the World.Language points1. Para.[3]: The United States will cease the annual review procedure in which congress considers ending ...“in which” in used in a relative clause that starts within a preposition (it means to talk about a situation that you have just mentioned). Similarly used in the passage: Para.10, Para.11.2. Para.[6]: Global companies seem perched ... ever widening open doors.The sentences means: Global companies seem to be laying China’s economic development ona dangerous position by making good use of ( or taking advantage of ) China’s ever wideningopen doors.3. Para.[9]: Mencius remained especially strong in his belief that human nature might become ... . Similarly used in the passage: Para.11“that” used after verbs to introduce an objective clause which gives more information, a reason, an explanation etc.4. Para.[11]: The policy of opening-up supported ... watching.The opening policy supported for over twenty years started a period which has never happened before for economic growth that has the whole world watching.5. Para.[13]: It is in the vital interest of business and administration for China to become familiarized with values.“It” is used as the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is later in the sentence.Word study1. negotiate v.to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business orpolitics① The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.② Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working work.③ The French have brought new proposals to the negotiating table ( official business ).negotiation n.[usually plural] official discussion between the representatives of opposing groups, who are trying to reach an agreement especially in business or politics.④ The treaty was a result of long and complex negotiation.⑤ Through negotiation we are able to reach a compromise.2. perch v. to be in a position on top of, or on the edge of something① The birds perched on the telephone wires.② He was perched on his throne.③ The house perched on a cliff above the town.④ Linda perched herself on a bar stool.n. [informal] a high place where a person sits or where a building is placed⑤ From our perch on the hill, we can see the whole city.3. decisive a. action, event that has a powerful effect on the final result of something① Waterloo was the decisive battle of the entire war.② She demonstrated a talent for quick, decisive action.③ The covenant at Sinai was the decisive step in the creation of Israel.④ China has played a decisive role in the recent peace progress.decisiveness n.the ability to make decisions quickly with confidence and determination⑤ David acted with speed and decisiveness.4. fundamental a. affecting the simplest and most important parts of something① She is not just in a bad mood, she must have a fundamental psychological problem.② His fundamental mistake was to rely too much on other people.③ Water is fundamental to survival.n. the most important idea, rules etc that something is based on④I couldn’t even grasp the fundamentals of mechanics.fundamentally ad. in everyway that is important or basic⑤ They are good friends even though their view on many things are fundamentally different.5. corrupt ing one’s power in a dishonest or illegal way in order to get an advantage foroneself① Corrupt judges have taken millions of dollars in bribes.② Sometimes we doubt a corrupt society. (a very bad morally).v. to encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way③ Pornographic publications corrupt the minds of young people.④ Young prisoners are being corrupted by the older, long term offenders.corruption n. dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, especially from someone with power⑤ The chief Executive is being investigated for alleged corruption.⑥The word Thursday is a corruption of Thor’s Day. (a changed form of something)参考译文全球经济一体化与中国斯蒂芬·罗世林[1] 中国,拥有世界上人口最多的国家,在2001年11月10日加入世界贸易组织,结束了长达15年的谈判,这为中国在世界民族之林获得了一个新的地位与席位,为几个世纪以来的梦想注入了新的活力。
21版:(浙) Unit 2 Cloning(步步高)
Ⅰ.读句品词——阅读下列句子,写出加黑单词的词性及汉语意思1.It is apparent that the applicant wants a straightforward answer. adj.简单的;直接的其他意义:adj.坦率的2.One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to put up with his bad habits.n.缺点;不利条件3.It occurred to me that I could ask my cousin to help me obtain a visa. v t.获得4.With medical breakthroughs,the majority of the people are living a healthier and longer life.n.突破5.Adoring Chinese paintings,Sally has come to China to learn how to paint. v t.喜爱Ⅱ.语境填词背一背1.exact adj.精确的;准确的2.altogether ad v.总共;完全地3.forbid v t.禁止;不准4.owe v t.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……5.bother v t.打扰v i.操心n.烦扰6.strike v i.& v t.打;撞击;罢工n.罢工7.regulation n.规则;规章;法规8.decoration n.装饰练一练[从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空]1.I didn’t know exactly how many applicants had been interviewed in this company yesterday. 2.It is reported that there are altogether four towns occupied by the strong army so far.3.The old woman slipped and fell,striking her head against the side of the boat.4.The survey indicated that smoking was forbidden in most areas of the country.5.The carrier was busy loading the goods into the truck,so we’d better not bother him.Ⅲ.拓展提升背一背1.differ v i.不同;相异→different adj.不同的→difference n.不同;差异2.object v i.反对;不赞成→objection n.不赞成,反对;异议→objective adj.客观的;公正的;真实的3.conservative adj.保守的;守旧的→conservation n.保护;保存→conserve v.保护4.accumulate v t.& v i.积累;聚积→accumulation n.积累;累积;堆积物5.retire v i.退休;离开→retirement n.退休;离开6.assumption n.假定;设想→assume v t.假定;设想7.resist v t.抵抗;对抗→resistance n.抵抗;阻力;抵抗力;电阻→resistant adj.反抗的;有抵抗力的8.reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的→reason n.原因;理由练一练[用所给单词的正确形式填空]1.Mr Brown is approaching retirement and before he retires,he plans to do many great things. (retire)2.Be reasonable! We can’t work late every night,which is the reason why I object to the proposal.(reason)3.The purpose of education is not only the accumulation of knowledge,but also means accumulating useful skills.(accumulate)4.My calculations were based on the assumption(assume) that house prices would remain steady. 5.Some of my colleagues objected to my plan and I decided to ignore their objection.(object)Ⅳ.选词填空背一背1.pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2.cast down使失望;使沮丧3.in favour of赞成;支持4.(be) bound to (do)...一定或注定(做)……5.strike...into one’s heart使……刻骨铭心6.from time to time不时,偶尔7.bring back to life使复生;使复活8.in vain白费力气;枉费心机9.in good/poor condition状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)练一练[从左栏中选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空]1.To accomplish the task on time,we tried to team up with them,but in vain.2.In ancient times,people believed that they could be brought back to life after death.3.It is wrong of you to recall the hardships you have suffered from time to time.4.I’m in favour of the opinion that a company should hire some creative young people. 5.Don’t let yourself be cast down by a small failure in the experiment;try again.6.By the end of this year,I’ll have paid off all the money I borrowed from the bank.Ⅴ.仿写运用背一背1.It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones.当园艺师从生长着的植物上剪下枝来培植新植物时,它(克隆)就发生了。
(二)题型本题为两项:Section A及Section B。
Section A:A项由一段300词左右的汉语短文所组成,其中有一段150词左右的段落被底线划出。
Section B:B项由一段300词左右的短文所组成,其中有一段150词左右的段落被底线划出。
二、2012八级翻译真题PART V TRANSLATION (60 MIN)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.泊珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到1岁的孩子接回来。
SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.In some cases, intelligent people implementing intelligent policies are responsible for producing a "boomerang effect"; they actually create more of whatever it is they seek to reduce in the first place.The boomerang effect has been achieved many times in recent years by men and women of goodwill. State legislatures around the nation have recently raised the drinking age back to 21 in an effort to reduce the prevalence of violent deaths among our young people. But such policies seem instead to have created the conditions for even more campus violence. Some college students who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers (夜总会,酒吧等保安人员) (not to mention owners eager to keep their liquor licenses) now retreat to the sanctuary of their fraternity houses and apartments, where they no longer control their behaviour - or their drinking.The boomerang effect has also played a role in attempts to reduce the availability of illicit drugs. During recent years, the federal government has been quite successful in reducing thesupply of street drugs. As fields are burned and contraband (违禁品)confiscated, the price of street drugs has skyrocketed to a point where cheap altematives have begun to compete in the marketplace. Unfortunately, the cheap alternatives are even more harmful than the illicit drugs they replace.boomerang: a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so as to return to the thrower 回飞镖参考答案:(SECTION A)With pains gathering in her heart, she felt something burning hot between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression and sorrow which was about to run out of her throat in any moment. She could not think straight when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where other children were staying. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were dancing. “Just leave it here”, she t hought to herself, “This might be the best choice. There are kind-hearted priests and nuns and the place will be renovated into a Medicare C enter”. The child would be her secret kept in the buildings behind the woods.参考答案:(SECTION B)相反的是,上述政策似乎引发了更多的校园暴力。
2025年高中二年级英语作文常用词(1775页)每周学一页(学习卡)一、惯用词Either翻译:任一Brain翻译:大脑Cell翻译:细胞Seagull翻译:海鸥Rug翻译:小地毯Bandage翻译:绷带History翻译:历史Case翻译:案件Beautiful翻译:美丽的Condor翻译:秃鹫Doctor翻译:医生Base翻译:基础Heater翻译:加热器Foot翻译:脚Include翻译:包括Environment翻译:环境二、短句We are attending a business seminar nextweek.翻译:我们下周参加一个商务研讨会。
I am planning to learn how to swim nextyear.翻译:我计划明年学游泳。
I want to improve my fitness this year.翻译:我今年想提高我的体能。
She loves visiting new places during theholidays.翻译:她喜欢在假期去新地方旅游。
They are planning to have a wedding in thespring.翻译:他们计划在春天举行婚礼。
I like to draw and paint in my spare time.翻译:我在空闲时喜欢画画和涂色。
He is studying hard for his final exams.翻译:他正在为期末考试努力学习。
She is learning to play the guitar.翻译:她正在学吉他。
He enjoys playing basketball after schoolwith friends.翻译:他放学后喜欢和朋友们打篮球。
I like to drink coffee while reading a goodbook.翻译:我喜欢在读一本好书时喝咖啡。
学术英语综合季佩英辅助资料The proficiency in academic English is crucial for success in higher education and research. As a non-native English speaker, acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate in academic settings can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are various comprehensive auxiliary materials available to assist individuals in developing their academic English abilities.One of the essential components of academic English is the ability to comprehend and produce well-structured academic texts. This includes mastering the conventions of academic writing, such as logical organization, clear and concise expression, and the appropriate use of academic vocabulary and style. Comprehensive auxiliary materials, such as textbooks, online resources, and academic writing guides, can provide invaluable guidance in this regard.These materials often cover a wide range of topics, including the structure and organization of academic essays, the use of appropriate language and tone, the integration of sources and citations, and the development of critical thinking and analytical skills.By studying and practicing the techniques and strategies outlined in these materials, individuals can improve their ability to compose well-crafted academic papers, research reports, and other scholarly documents.In addition to improving writing skills, academic English auxiliary materials can also assist individuals in enhancing their reading comprehension and analysis abilities. Many of these materials include exercises and strategies for effectively understanding and interpreting academic texts, such as journal articles, research papers, and textbook chapters. This can be especially beneficial for students who need to engage with a significant amount of complex, discipline-specific literature as part of their coursework or research.Furthermore, comprehensive academic English auxiliary materials often cover the development of oral communication skills, which are equally essential for success in academic settings. These materials may provide guidance on delivering effective presentations, participating in discussions and debates, and engaging in academic discourse with peers and faculty members. By practicing the techniques and strategies outlined in these materials, individuals can improve their confidence and effectiveness in verbal communication within academic contexts.Another crucial aspect of academic English that is addressed incomprehensive auxiliary materials is the proper citation and referencing of sources. Accurate and consistent citation practices are vital for maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism. These materials typically provide detailed instructions and examples on the various citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago, as well as strategies for effectively integrating sources into one's own writing.In addition to the core components of academic English, comprehensive auxiliary materials may also cover other essential skills and knowledge necessary for success in higher education and research. This may include guidance on time management, critical thinking and problem-solving, research methods and data analysis, and professional development opportunities.By utilizing these comprehensive academic English auxiliary materials, individuals can develop a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge that will enable them to thrive in academic settings. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or a professional looking to enhance your academic English proficiency, these materials can be invaluable resources in your journey towards academic success.In conclusion, the availability of comprehensive academic English auxiliary materials is a valuable asset for individuals seeking to improve their ability to effectively communicate and engage inacademic discourse. By leveraging these resources, non-native English speakers can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their academic pursuits, contributing to their overall intellectual and professional growth.。
8-1:丝绸之路 The Silk Road
• 我社安排的“丝绸之路游”,始于古城西安,止于 新疆首府乌鲁木齐,沿线游客可以领略自然景观的 魅力,欣赏古代艺术家的高超工艺,品尝地方风味 小吃,结识当地居民。
• The 7,000-kilometer-long “Silk Road”, whose history dates back to the second century B.C., is a trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe.
8-2:传统节日 Traditional Holidays
• 中国农历5月5日的端午节旨在纪念古代诗人 屈原。
• The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th month of China’s lunar calendar is set aside and celebrated in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan.
Vocabulary Work
• 伊拉克:Iraq; • 叙利亚:Syria; • 地中海:the Mediterranean; • 丝绸织物:silk cloth and goods; • 火药:gunpowder; • 造纸术:paper making technique; • 印刷术:printing technique; • 佛教:Buddhism; • 伊斯兰教:Islam;
• 建议:可以做一下反向的练习,汉译英,再 把英语译成汉语,比较一下,看出差别在那 些地方。 2024/9/24
8-2:传统节日 Traditional Holidays
英语专业八级考试翻译部分历届试题及参考答案(1995-2005)1995 年英语专业八级考试--翻译部分参考译文C-E原文:简.奥斯丁的小说都是三五户人家居家度日,婚恋嫁娶的小事。
参考译文:However, subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor by which we judge a novel of its depth as well as (of ) its artistic appeal and ideological content (or: as to whether a novel digs deep or not or whether it excels in artistic appeal and ideological content). Some people compare Austen’s works to olives: the more you chew them, the more tasty (the tastier) they become. This comparison is based not only on (This is not only because of ) her expressive language and her creative contribution to the development of novel writing as an art, but also on (because of ) thefact that what hides behind her light and lively narrative is something implicit and opaque (not so explicit and transparent). Mrs. Smith once observed, women writers often sought (made attempts)to rectify the existing value concepts (orders) by changing people’s opinions on w hat is “important” and what is not.E-C原文I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacksof street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I amrated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring valuesmore central to the good life?For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’ orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense if self?I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in smallplaces that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot bebanished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.”Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions ofone-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are,sadly,more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us.参考译文:对我的几个儿子来说,乡村当然有充足的新鲜蔬菜,垂钓来的鱼,邻里菜园和果园里可供分享的丰盛瓜果。
2001 年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译 真题译文+题目翻译
Text 1
专业化可被视为针对科学知识不断膨胀这个问题所做出的反应。 通过将学科 细化成小单元, 人们能够继续处理这些不断膨胀的信息并将它们作为深入研究的 基础。但是专业化仅是科学领域内一系列影响交流过程的有关现象之一。另一现 象是科学活动的日益职业化。 在科学领域内,专业人员与业余人员之间没有绝对的区分:任何规则都有其 例外。但是“业余”这个词的确有含义:那就是所指的那个人没有完全融入某个 科学家群体,特别是,他可能并不完全认同这个群体的价值观。19 世纪的专业 化的发展,以及随之而来的对训练的长期性和复杂性的要求,对业余人员进入科 学界造成了更大的困难。 这一趋势在以数学训练或实验室训练为基础的科学领域 里自然表现得最为突出,英国地质学的发展可以说明这一问题。 把英国最近一个半世纪的地质学刊物作一比较,人们发现,不仅研究的重要 性越来越受到强调,而且学术论文的出版标准也在不断地发生变化。因此,在 19 世纪,局部的地质学研究本身就代表了一种有价值的科研;而到了 20 世纪, 局部的研究只有在包含或考虑到更广阔的地质面貌时才越来越被专业人员接受。 另一方面业余人员继续以旧的方式从事局部的研究。结果是,业余人员更难在专 业地质刊物上发表论文。这种结果因为评审制度的引入表现得更突出。开始是 19 世纪国家级杂志的引入, 后来是 20 世纪数家地方地质杂志的引入。 这样发展 的必然结果是出现了针对专业读者和业余读者的不同杂志。 类似的分化过程也导 致专业地质学家聚集起来,形成一两个全国性的团体,而业余地质学家则要么留 在地方性团体中,要么以不同方式组成全国性的团体。 虽然职业化和专业化过程在 19 世纪的英国地质学界中己经开始形成,但是 它的效果却延迟到 20 世纪才充分显示出来。然而,从科学这个整体来看,I9 世 纪必须被视为科学结构发生变化的关键时期。 21. 19 世纪专业化的发展在____科学领域更为显见。 A. 社会学、化学 B. 物理学、心理学 C. 社会学、 心理学 D. 物理学、 化学 22.从文中,我们可以推断出_____。 A. 专业化和职业化过程几乎没有区别 B. 业余研究者可以在某些科学领域与专业研究者相匹敌 C. 专业人员倾向于欢迎业余人员加入他们的科学团体 D. 非专业研究人员拥有全国性的学术机构,但是没有地方性的机构 2016 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 但为君故
考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译1. cordial['kɔ:djəl]a. 诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的[同义词]Sincere2. accord [ə'kɔ:d]vt. 授予,赠与,给予(欢迎、称颂等)vi./n. 一致,符合【同义词】award3. accordance[ə'kɔ:dəns]n. 一致,和谐,符合4. accordingly[ə'kɔ:diŋli]ad. 因此,从而;相应地,照着办,按照;于是,5. according to[ə'kɔ:diŋtu]prep. 据/照…(所说、所写);按照…,视…【真题例句】According to the theory, the universe burst into being as a submicroscopic, unimaginably dense knot of pure energy that flew outward in all directions, emitting radiation as it went, condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas.(1998考研英语翻译)参考译文:按照这一理论,宇宙形成于一团亚微观的、密度相当大的纯能量团,它在向四面八方发散的过程中放出辐射线,浓缩成粒子,然后形成气体原子。
6. record [ri'kɔ:d, 'rekɔ:d]n.记录;最高记录;履历;唱片v. 记录;录音【同义词】disk file【真题例句】Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.(2007阅读2)参考译文:其他标准化测试,如学术评估测验(SAT)和研究生人学考试(GRE),都充分体现了IQ测试的主要特点。
季佩英 学术英语综合 译文(
第一单元经济学Text A感谢“看不见的手”杰夫·雅各比英国清教徒建立普利茅斯殖民地后经历了他们的第一次大丰收,从那以后,感恩全能的上帝就一直是感恩节的主题……今天,全美数百万的家庭,都在感激上帝所赠与的众多礼物——桌上的盛宴、所爱之人的陪伴、过去一年的健康和好运、战争时期国内的和平、作为一个美国人或成为一个美国人所拥有的不可估量的优越感。
本⽂是⽂都考研英语辅导⽼师徐可风在2012考研英语⾼端班(翻译部分)课堂讲到的“连串成句”的参考译⽂,同学们⾃⼰做完后可以参考参考,别直接看哟……真题详解例1 (07.50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.翻译:虽然来⾃于律师的评论和反应可以增强故事,(但是)对记者来说,还是凭借⾃⼰对重要性的理解来做出⾃⼰的判断。
例2 (04.50) Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which, in its strongest form, states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.翻译:Whorf 逐渐相信⼀种语⾔决定论,它烈的说法认为语⾔禁锢了思维,也认为语⾔的语法模式对社会的⽂化会产⽣意义深远的结果。
例3 (02.49) Freedom and dignity are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.翻译:⾃由和尊严是传统理论中的⾃制的⼈的拥有物。
高考英语 Unit 2 Exploring English Section Ⅲ U
Section ⅢUsing language构词法写出画线词的构词法。
1.(教材P14)Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple.合成法2.(教材P14)For example, in our free time we can sculpt a sculpture and paint a painting. 派生法3.(教材P15)When we look out of the window and see rain or snow, we can say “it’s raining” or “it’s snowing”.转化法4.(教材P15)When you see the capitalized “WHO” in a medical report,... 缩写一、派生法所谓派生法,就是在词根前加前缀或在其后加后缀构成新词。
1.前缀(1)表示否定意义的前缀有:anti-(反对,相反,防止),dis-(不,无,相反,取消),in-[通常在b, m, p前用im-,在l前用il-,在r前用ir-(不,无,非)],mis-(误,错,不),non-(非,无,不),un-(不,无,非,未,取消,相反动作)。
如:anti-sunburn防晒的,disappearance消失,dishonest不诚实的,illegal非法的,impolite 不礼貌的,incorrect不正确的,irregular不规则的,misguide误导,misunderstand误解,non-drinker不喝酒的人,non-English非英语的。
(2)其他常见前缀:auto-(自动,自己),co-(联合, 伴同),bio-(生命,生物),en-(置于……之上,使成某种状态,致使), extra-(以外,超过),fore-(前,先,预告),inter-(在……之间,互相),over-(过度),post-(后),pre-(前,预先),re-(回,再,重新),sub-(下,低于,次于),super-(超级,在……上,过度),tele-(远,电视),trans-(横过,转变,变换),vice-(副)。
MLA格式参考文献示例期刊文章1. 一位作者写的文章Stewart, Donald C. "What is an English Major, and What Should It be?" College Composition and Communication 40 (1989): 188-202.Yu, Yongding. [余永定]. 财政稳定问题研究的一个理论框架. 世界经济, 2005 (7): 25-29.2. 两位作者写的文章Brownell, Hiram H., and Heather H. Potter. "Inference Deficits in Right-Brain Damaged Patients." Brain and Language 27 (1986): 310-21.Li, Jianzhong, and Liu, Xianmin. [李建中, 刘显敏]. 大数据的一个重要方面:数据可用性. 计算机研究与发展, 2013 (6): 1147-62.3. 三位及以上的作者写的文章Mascia-Lees, Frances E., et al. "Double Liminality and the Black Woman Writer."American Behavioral Scientist 31 (1987): 101-14.Zhang, Peng, et al. [张鹏等]. 云计算环境下适于工作流的数据布局方法. 计算机研究与发展, 2013 (3): 636-47.专著1.一位作者写的书籍Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature: An Institutional History. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1987.Zhang, Zhijian. [张志健]. 严复思想研究. 桂林: 广西师大出版社, 1989.2.两位作者写的书籍Plant, Raymond, and Kenneth Hoover. Conservative Capitalism in Britain and the United States: A Critical Appraisal. London: Routledge, 2014.Yin, Di, and Shang, Hai. [隐地, 尚海]. 到绿光咖啡屋听巴赫读余秋雨. 上海: 上海世界图书出版公司, 2001.3.三位作者写的书籍Chen, Weizheng, et al. [陈维政等]. 人力资源管理. 大连: 大连理大学出版社, 2006.Hall, Stuart, et al. Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972-79 (Cultural Studies Birmingham). London: Routledge, 1991.4. 新版书Erikson, Erik. Childhood and Society. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1963.编著1. 一位主编编撰的书籍Loshin, David, ed. Big Data Analytics. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.Zhong, Lanfeng. [钟兰凤] (编). 英文科技学术话语研究. 镇江: 江苏大学出版社, 2014.2. 两位主编编撰的书籍Kerckhove, Derrick De, and Charles J. Lumsden, eds. The Alphabet and the Brain: The Lateralization of Writing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.Zhang, Delu, and Zhang, Guo. [张德禄, 张国] (编). 英语文体学教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2011.3. 三位及以上主编编撰的书籍Campbell, Colin. M., et al, eds. Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2. New York: Cambridge UP, 2003.Zhang, Keding, et al. [张克定等] (编). 系统评价功能. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2007.4. 书中的文章Glover, David. "The Stuff that Dreams are Made of: Masculinity, Femininity, and the Thriller." Gender, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. Ed. Derek Longhurst. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. 67-83.He, Jianmin, and Yu, Jianping. [何建敏, 于建平]. 学术论文引言部分的经验功能分析. 张克定等(编). 系统功能评价. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2007, 93-101.Miao, Xingwei. [苗兴伟]. 英语的评价型强势主位结构. 张克定, 王振华(编). 系统功能评价. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2007, 163-69.翻译的书籍(Translated book)Lacan, Jacques. Ecrits: A Selection. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton, 1977. Le, Dailei. [勒代雷]. 释意学派口笔译理论. (刘和平译). 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001.Kontra, Miklos, et al. 语言: 权利和资源. (李君, 满文静译). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2014.Wang, Rending, and Yu, Qiuyu. [王仁定, 余秋雨]. 吴越之间——余秋雨眼里的中国文化(彩图本). (梁实秋, 董乐天译). 上海: 上海文化出版社, 2001.硕博士论文Hubert, Henry Allan. "The Development of English Studies in Nineteenth-Century Anglo- Canadian Colleges." Diss. U of British Columbia, 1988.Wang, Xuanzi. [王璇子]. 功能对等视角下的英语长句翻译. 南京大学硕士学位论文, 2014.注:1.出版社名称须使用缩写。
Physics in English_期末版
in other energy chains, all the energy evevtuallyWhenever there is an energy change, work is done.An energy change is sometimes called an energy transformation.Whenever it takes place:Work done = energy transformedSo, for each 1 J of energy transformed, 1 J of work is done. Calculating potential energy (PE)The stone above has potential energy. This is equcalin lifting it to a heigh h above the ground.m, has a weight of mg.So the force needed to overcome gravity and lift it is mg.As the stone is lifted through a height h:work done = force ×distance moved = mgpotential energy = mghFor example, if a 2 kg stone is 5 m above the ground, and g is 10 N , then the stone’s PE = 2×10×5 = 100 J.The stone on the right has kinetic energy. B7 shows you how to calculate this, the For example, if a 2 kg stone has a speedPE to KEThe diagram on the right shows how PE ischanged into KE when something falls. The stone inthis example starts with 100 J of PE. Air resistanceis assumed to be zero, so no energy is lost to the airas the stone falls.By the time the stone is about to hit the ground(with velocity v), all of its potential energy has beenchanged into kinetic energy. So:added without allowing for direction.1/2mv2 = mghDividing both sides by m and rearranging:v = (2gh)1/2In this example, v=(2×10×5)1/2= 10 m s-1.Note that v does not depend on m. A heavy stone hit the ground atexactly the same speed as a light one.= useful power output / power inputmotor which raises a mass of 2 kg through a height of 12 m in 3 s:For example, if an electric motor’s power input is 100W, and itsuseful power output (mechanical) is 80 W, then its efficiency isThis can be expressed as 80%.proton). Orbiting the nucleus are much lighter particles called—The particles are held closetogether. But the vibrations are strongfixed volume, but it can flow to fill any—The particle move at high speed,of their container. They are too spread outand fast-moving to stick together, so a gasis due to the impact of its particles on theheat at a steady rate. Melting and boiling are both examples of a change of phase.A toB The temperature rises until the ice starts to melt.B toC Heat is absorbed, but with no rise in temperature. The energyinput is being used to overcome the attractions between theparticles as the solid changes into a liquid.C toD The temperature rises until the water starts to boil.D toE Heat is absorbed, but with no rise in temperature. The energyinput is being used to separate the particles as theliquidinto a gas (water vapour).Heat can be transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation well as by evaporation.In all materials, fast-moving particles in one region can gradually pass on energy to neighbouring particles, and hence on to all the particles.Metals are the best conductors of heat. This is because they have free electrons which can transfer energy rapidly from one part of theMost room heaters rely on convection. Hot air from the heater expands and floats upwards through the cooler air around it. Cooler air sinks to replace the hot air which has risen. In this way, a liquid or gas.effect. So it is known as thermal radiation .Black surfaces are the best emitters of thermal radiation and also the best absorbers. (They look black because they absorb light).Shiny surfaces are poor emitters and also poor absorbers. They sometimes called static electricity .A charged object will attract an uncharged one. On the right, the charged rob has extra electrons. Being uncharged, the foil has equal charges are repelled by the rod and trend to move away, while the + charges are attracted. However, the Charge which collects in one region because of the presence of induced charge .as above.joules of energy in moving round the circuit from one terminal toThe two poles are the combined effect of all these tiny magnets linedThere are two types of poles: north (N)and south (S):Unlike poles attract. Like poles repel.¾The earth is a weak magnet. As a result, a freely-suspended barmagnet turns until it ends are pointing roughly north-south—which ishow the two types of pole got their names. However, the north end ofthe Earth is, magnetically, a south pole because it attracts the northpole of a magnet.¾The region around a magnet wheremagnetic forces act is sometimes called amagnetic field. In diagrams, a magneticfield is represented by field lines. Thestronger the field, the closer the lines. Thedirection of the field is the direction inwhich a ‘free’N pole would move(though in reality, magnetic poles alwaysexits in pairs).A current has a magnetic field around it. The greater the current, the strongercarrying wire is shown in the figure. The field direction is given by. Imagine a screw moving in the conventional direction. The field turns the same way as the ¾The field round a current-carrying coil is similar to that round a bar magnet. The field direction can be worked out using either the screw rule or the right-hand grip rule. Imagine gripping the coil with your right hand so that your fingers curl the same way as the conventional direction. Your thumb is then pointing to the N pole.¾This field is very much stronger if the coil has an iron core. Together, the coil and core form a electromagnet. With an iron core, the field vanishes when the current is turned off. However, a steel core keeps its magnetism. Permanent magnets are made using this principle.Orbiting electrons in atoms aretiny currents. They are the sourceof the fields from magnets.A simple electric motor¾The electric motor below has a coil which can rotate in a magneticfield. When a current passes through the coil, the left side is pushed up,and the right side is pushed down, so these a turning effect. Aswitching mechanism called a commutator keeps the left-and right-A generator which produces Ac is called side current directions the same, whatever the position of the coil. Sothe turning effect is always the same way.Currents from magnetic fields¾If one end of a bar magnet is moved into a coil, as below, an EMF(voltage) is generated in the coil. This effect is called electromagneticinduction. The EMF makes a current flow in the circuit.¾The induced EMF (and the current) is increased if :the magnet is moved faster,there are more turns on the coil,a magnet giving a stronger field is used.¾If the magnet is moved out of the coil, the EMF is reversed. If themagnet is stationary, the EMF is zero.A source of oscillationA material or field which can transmit oscillations.Transverse wavedirection of travel:Longitudinal wave—The oscillations are in line with the direction of travel, so that a compress (‘squash’) is followed by a rarefaction (‘stretch’), and so on:The wave above are tiny ripples moving across the surface of someAmFrWaSpRe For example, if the frequency is 5 Hz and the wavelength is 2 m,ReDifIntRay A is mainly refracted when it passes from glass to air, although some light is also reflected.Ray B is also refracted, but only just. Beyond therefraction can occur.Ray C strikes the surface at too great angle for any refraction to is totally internally reflected until it comes out of the other.The electromagneticspectrum¾Light is one member of a whole family of transverse waves called the electromagnetic spectrum. In empty space, these waves all travelat the same speed: 300000km/s.¾Electromagnetic waves are emitted whenever electrons or other charged particles oscillate or lose energy. The greater the energy change, the lower the wavelength.Speed Loudness Wavelength Pitch。
南京工程学院毕业设计文献资料翻译(原文及译文)原文名称:IIS Multi Audio Interface and WM8960课题名称:基于Linux系统的音频编解码芯片驱动程序设计学生姓名:倪烨学号:208100621指导老师:朱瑾所在院系:通信工程学院专业名称:电子信息工程2014 年 2 月南京IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACE1.1 OVERVIEW OF IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACEInter-IC Sound (IIS) is one of the popular digital audio interface. The IIS bus handles audio data and the other signals, namely, sub-coding and control, are transferred separately. It is possible to transmit data between two IIS bus. To minimize the number of pins required and to keep wiring simple, basically, a 3-line serial bus is used. This consists of a line for two time-multiplexed data channels, a word select line and a clock line.IIS interface transmits or receives sound data from external stereo audio codec. To transmit and receive data, 32bitsx64 FIFOs (First-In-First-Out) for each channel are included and DMA transfer mode to transmit and receive samples can be supported. IIS-specific clock can be supplied from internal system clock controller through IIS clock divider or direct clock source.IIS V5.1 can handle up to 2 sound sources. For example, OS (Operating Sound)-controlled sound can be delivered to primary sound path and OS-independent sound can be delivered to secondary sound path. IIS V5.1 can mix primary sound source and secondary sound source.1.2 KEY FEATURES OF IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACE• Mixes up to two sound sources: Primary and Secondary sound source.• Primary sound source can drive up to 5.1ch IIS-bus for audio interface with external DMA-based operation• Secondary sound source can support stereo sound channels with internal DMA • Serial, 8/16/24-bit per channel data transfers• Supports IIS, MSB-justified and LSB-justified data format• IIS v5.1 interrupt can wake-up system from IDLE and DEEP_IDLE mode.• Master /slave mode support• Auxiliary clock out support for codec chip1.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONSIIS interface consists of register bank, FIFOs, shift registers, clock control, DMA finite state machine, and channel control block as shown in Figure 2-1. Note that each FIFO has 32-bit width and 64-depth structure, which contains left/right channel data. Thus, FIFO access and data transfer are handled with left/right pair unit. Figure 2-1shows the functional block diagram of IIS interface.1.4 MASTER/SLAVE MODEMaster/Slave mode shows direction of I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK. If IIS bus interface transmits I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK to IIS codec, IIS bus is master mode. If IIS bus interface receives I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK from IIS codec, IIS bus is slave mode. To select master or slave mode, set MSS bit of IISMOD register. TX/RX mode indicates the direction of data flow. If IIS bus interface transmits data to IIS codec, this indicates TX mode. Conversely, IIS bus interface receives data from IIS codec, this indicates RX mode.1.5 Sound MixingIIS can mix primary sound in TXFIFO0 and secondary sound in TXFIFO_S when two sound sources have the same sampling rate and PCM format.• If overflow occurs, then mixer saturates output v alue.• Mixer can handle Different Bit Length. (Controlled by BLC bit at IISMOD SFR) This function has two limitations:1. Normalization should be pre-processed in S/W configurations or settings.2. Synchronization between two sound sources is not guaranteed.WM8960 Sound Chip1.1 DESCRIPTIONThe WM8960 is a low power, high quality stereo codec designed for portable digital audio applications.Stereo class D speaker drivers provide 1W per channel into 8 loads with a 5V supply. Low leakage, excellent PSRR and pop/click suppression mechanisms also allow direct battery connection to the speaker supply. Flexible speaker boost settings allow speaker output power to be maximised while minimising other analogue supplyA highly flexible input configuration for up to three stereo sources is integrated, with a complete microphone interface. External component requirements are drastically reduced as no separate microphone, speaker or headphone amplifiers are required. Advanced on-chip digital signal processing performs automatic level control for the microphone or line input.Stereo 24-bit sigma-delta ADCs and DACs are used with low power over-sampling digital interpolation and decimation filters and a flexible digital audio interface.The master clock can be input directly or generated internally by an onboard PLL, supporting most commonly-used clocking schemes.The WM8960 operates at analogue supply voltages down to 2.7V, although the digital supplies can operate at voltages down to 1.71V to save power. The speaker supply can operate at up to 5.5V, providing 1W per channel into 8 loads. Unused functions can be disabled using software control to save power.The WM8960 is supplied in a very small and thin 5*5mm QFN package, ideal for use in hand-held and portable systems.1.2 ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC)The WM8960 uses stereo 24-bit, 64x oversampled sigma-delta ADCs. The use of multi-bit feedback and high oversampling rates reduce the effects of jitter and high frequency noise. The ADC Full Scale input level is proportional to A VDD. With a 3.3V supply voltage, the full scale level is 1.0V Any voltage greater than full scale may overload the ADC and cause distortion.1.3 AUTOMATIC LEVEL CONTROL(ALC)The WM8960 has an automatic level control that aims to keep a constant recording volume irrespective of the input signal level. This is achieved by continuously adjusting the PGA gain so that the signal level at the ADC input remains constant. A digital peak detector monitors the ADC output and changes the PGA gain if necessary. Note that when the ALC function is enabled, the settings of registers 0 and 1 (LINVOL, IPVU, LIZC, LINMUTE, RINVOL, RIZC and RINMUTE) are1.4 INPUT SIGNAL PATHThe WM8960 has three flexible stereo analogue input channels which can be configured as line inputs, differential microphone inputs or single-ended microphone inputs. Line inputs and microphone PGA outputs can be routed to the hi-fi ADCs or directly to the output mixers via a bypass path.1.5 OUTPUT SIGNAL PATHThe hi-fi DACs and DAC digital filters are enabled by register bits DACL and DACR. The mixers and output drivers can be separately enabled by individual control bits (see Analogue Outputs). Thus it is possible to utilise the analogue mixing and amplification provided by the WM8960, irrespective of whether the DACs are enabled or not.The WM8960 DACs receive digital input data on the DACDAT pin. The digital filter block processes the data to provide the following functions:1.Digital volume control with soft mute and soft un-mute2.Mono mix3.3D stereo enhancement4.De-emphasis5.Sigma-delta modulationHigh performance sigma-delta 24-bit audio DAC converts the digital data into an analogue signal.The analogue outputs from the DACs can then be mixed with the analogue line inputs and the ADC analogue inputs. This mix is fed to the output drivers for headphone or speaker output. OUT3 can provide a mono mix of left and right mixers or a pseudo-ground for capless headphone drive.1.6 APPLICATIONS1.Games consoles.2.Portable media/DVD players3.Mobile multimediaFrom: :S5PV210_UM_REV1.1 and WM8960__NatertechIIS 多路音频接口1.1 IIS多路音频接口的综述IIS又称内部集成电路声音总线,是目前经常使用的数字音频接口之一。
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南京工程学院毕业设计文献资料翻译(原文及译文)原文名称:IIS Multi Audio Interface and WM8960课题名称:基于Linux系统的音频编解码芯片驱动程序设计学生姓名:倪烨学号:208100621指导老师:朱瑾所在院系:通信工程学院专业名称:电子信息工程2014 年 2 月南京IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACE1.1 OVERVIEW OF IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACEInter-IC Sound (IIS) is one of the popular digital audio interface. The IIS bus handles audio data and the other signals, namely, sub-coding and control, are transferred separately. It is possible to transmit data between two IIS bus. To minimize the number of pins required and to keep wiring simple, basically, a 3-line serial bus is used. This consists of a line for two time-multiplexed data channels, a word select line and a clock line.IIS interface transmits or receives sound data from external stereo audio codec. To transmit and receive data, 32bitsx64 FIFOs (First-In-First-Out) for each channel are included and DMA transfer mode to transmit and receive samples can be supported. IIS-specific clock can be supplied from internal system clock controller through IIS clock divider or direct clock source.IIS V5.1 can handle up to 2 sound sources. For example, OS (Operating Sound)-controlled sound can be delivered to primary sound path and OS-independent sound can be delivered to secondary sound path. IIS V5.1 can mix primary sound source and secondary sound source.1.2 KEY FEATURES OF IIS MULTI AUDIO INTERFACE• Mixes up to two sound sources: Primary and Secondary sound source.• Primary sound source can drive up to 5.1ch IIS-bus for audio interface with external DMA-based operation• Secondary sound source can support stereo sound channels with internal DMA • Serial, 8/16/24-bit per channel data transfers• Supports IIS, MSB-justified and LSB-justified data format• IIS v5.1 interrupt can wake-up system from IDLE and DEEP_IDLE mode.• Master /slave mode support• Auxiliary clock out support for codec chip1.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONSIIS interface consists of register bank, FIFOs, shift registers, clock control, DMA finite state machine, and channel control block as shown in Figure 2-1. Note that each FIFO has 32-bit width and 64-depth structure, which contains left/right channel data. Thus, FIFO access and data transfer are handled with left/right pair unit. Figure 2-1shows the functional block diagram of IIS interface.1.4 MASTER/SLAVE MODEMaster/Slave mode shows direction of I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK. If IIS bus interface transmits I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK to IIS codec, IIS bus is master mode. If IIS bus interface receives I2SLRCLK and I2SSCLK from IIS codec, IIS bus is slave mode. To select master or slave mode, set MSS bit of IISMOD register. TX/RX mode indicates the direction of data flow. If IIS bus interface transmits data to IIS codec, this indicates TX mode. Conversely, IIS bus interface receives data from IIS codec, this indicates RX mode.1.5 Sound MixingIIS can mix primary sound in TXFIFO0 and secondary sound in TXFIFO_S when two sound sources have the same sampling rate and PCM format.• If overflow occurs, then mixer saturates output v alue.• Mixer can handle Different Bit Length. (Controlled by BLC bit at IISMOD SFR) This function has two limitations:1. Normalization should be pre-processed in S/W configurations or settings.2. Synchronization between two sound sources is not guaranteed.WM8960 Sound Chip1.1 DESCRIPTIONThe WM8960 is a low power, high quality stereo codec designed for portable digital audio applications.Stereo class D speaker drivers provide 1W per channel into 8 loads with a 5V supply. Low leakage, excellent PSRR and pop/click suppression mechanisms also allow direct battery connection to the speaker supply. Flexible speaker boost settings allow speaker output power to be maximised while minimising other analogue supplyA highly flexible input configuration for up to three stereo sources is integrated, with a complete microphone interface. External component requirements are drastically reduced as no separate microphone, speaker or headphone amplifiers are required. Advanced on-chip digital signal processing performs automatic level control for the microphone or line input.Stereo 24-bit sigma-delta ADCs and DACs are used with low power over-sampling digital interpolation and decimation filters and a flexible digital audio interface.The master clock can be input directly or generated internally by an onboard PLL, supporting most commonly-used clocking schemes.The WM8960 operates at analogue supply voltages down to 2.7V, although the digital supplies can operate at voltages down to 1.71V to save power. The speaker supply can operate at up to 5.5V, providing 1W per channel into 8 loads. Unused functions can be disabled using software control to save power.The WM8960 is supplied in a very small and thin 5*5mm QFN package, ideal for use in hand-held and portable systems.1.2 ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERTER(ADC)The WM8960 uses stereo 24-bit, 64x oversampled sigma-delta ADCs. The use of multi-bit feedback and high oversampling rates reduce the effects of jitter and high frequency noise. The ADC Full Scale input level is proportional to A VDD. With a 3.3V supply voltage, the full scale level is 1.0V Any voltage greater than full scale may overload the ADC and cause distortion.1.3 AUTOMATIC LEVEL CONTROL(ALC)The WM8960 has an automatic level control that aims to keep a constant recording volume irrespective of the input signal level. This is achieved by continuously adjusting the PGA gain so that the signal level at the ADC input remains constant. A digital peak detector monitors the ADC output and changes the PGA gain if necessary. Note that when the ALC function is enabled, the settings of registers 0 and 1 (LINVOL, IPVU, LIZC, LINMUTE, RINVOL, RIZC and RINMUTE) are1.4 INPUT SIGNAL PATHThe WM8960 has three flexible stereo analogue input channels which can be configured as line inputs, differential microphone inputs or single-ended microphone inputs. Line inputs and microphone PGA outputs can be routed to the hi-fi ADCs or directly to the output mixers via a bypass path.1.5 OUTPUT SIGNAL PATHThe hi-fi DACs and DAC digital filters are enabled by register bits DACL and DACR. The mixers and output drivers can be separately enabled by individual control bits (see Analogue Outputs). Thus it is possible to utilise the analogue mixing and amplification provided by the WM8960, irrespective of whether the DACs are enabled or not.The WM8960 DACs receive digital input data on the DACDAT pin. The digital filter block processes the data to provide the following functions:1.Digital volume control with soft mute and soft un-mute2.Mono mix3.3D stereo enhancement4.De-emphasis5.Sigma-delta modulationHigh performance sigma-delta 24-bit audio DAC converts the digital data into an analogue signal.The analogue outputs from the DACs can then be mixed with the analogue line inputs and the ADC analogue inputs. This mix is fed to the output drivers for headphone or speaker output. OUT3 can provide a mono mix of left and right mixers or a pseudo-ground for capless headphone drive.1.6 APPLICATIONS1.Games consoles.2.Portable media/DVD players3.Mobile multimediaFrom: :S5PV210_UM_REV1.1 and WM8960__NatertechIIS 多路音频接口1.1 IIS多路音频接口的综述IIS又称内部集成电路声音总线,是目前经常使用的数字音频接口之一。