
英美概况考试重点复习材料〔英国部分〕Chapter 1第一章Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称与其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛〔较大的一个〕和爱尔兰岛,与成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。

二、英美概况的地理特点1. 英国地理特点(1)英国位于欧洲西北部,包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰四个主要地区。
2. 美国地理特点(1)美国位于北美洲中部,是世界第四大国家,总面积达到9,638,131平方公里。
三、英美概况的历史沿革1. 英国历史沿革(1)英国有着悠久的历史文化,公元前55年,罗马帝国入侵了不列颠岛,成为不列颠的一部分。
2. 美国历史沿革(1)美国历史的起源可以追溯到公元前1492年,哥伦布发现了北美大陆。

I. Choice1. The longest river in Britain is the ________ River.[A] Severn [B] Thames[C] Mersey [D] Humber2. The Lake District is well-known for________.[A] its wild and beautiful scenery [B] its varied lakes[C] the lake Poets [D] all of the above three3. Which of the following is NOT the feature of British climate?[A] Coldness. [B] More rainy days.[C] Changeability . [D] More fogs.4. The two main islands of the British Isles are____A.Great Britain and IrelandB.England and ScotlandC.Great Britain and Northern IrelandD.Great Britain and England5. The established church of Britain is ________.[A] The Church of Scotland [B] Free churches[C] The United Reformed Church [D] The Church of England5. Easter is kept, commemorating the ________of Jesus Christ.[A] coming [B] birth[C] death [D] resurrection6. Under Mrs. Thatcher, British economy in 1980s gradually ________.[A] declined [B] recessed[C] recovered [D] went down7. Tertiary industry does NOT include ________.[A] retailing [B] insurance[C] electronics [D] banking8. In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of________.[A] the Queen [B] the Prime Minister[C] the House of Commons [D] the House of Lords9. ________ is seen as the party of the “middle”, occupying the ideological groundbetween the two main parties in U.K.[A] The Conservative [B] The Labour[C] The Liberal Democratic [D] The Tory12. In 43 A.D. Romans under ________ conquered Britain.[A] Julius Caesar [B] Claudius[C] Augustine [D] the Pope13. ________ launched the Hundred Years’ War.[A] Edward I [B] Edward II[C] Edward III [D] Henry III14. Black Death to some extent brought ________ to villains.[A] higher wages [B] greater freedom[C] better life [D] both A and B15. The British Industrial Revolution first began in the________ industry.[A] iron and steel [B] textile[C] coal-mining [D] ship-building16. The English people are descendants of ________.[A] Celts [B] Romans[C] Anglo-Saxons [D] Danes17. The central bank in Britain is ________.[A] Lloyd [B] Barclay[C] Midland [D] the Bank of England18. All the government ministers of Britain must be members of ________.[A] the House of Lords [B] the House of Commons[C] the Privy Council [D] Parliament.19.____is at the center of the Britain political system.A.The CabinetB.The House of LordsC.The House of CommonsD.The Privy Council20. The party that has the majority of seats in ________ will form the government.[A] the House of Commons [B] the House of Lords[C] the Privy Council [D] the Cabinet21. In the middle of fifth century, Anglo-Saxons came from the region of ________and the Low Countries and settled in Britain.[A] Denmark [B] Norway[C] Germany [D] Holland22 .The____marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A.Viking invasionsB.signing of the Magna CartaC.Norman ConquestD.adoption of common law23. Wars of Roses were fought ________ between the Lacastrians and the Yorkistsfrom 1455 to 1465.[A] constantly [B] irregularly[C] continuously [D] intermittently24. The first British colony was ________.[A] New England [B] Newfoundland[C] West Indies [D] India26. The British Empire reached the peak of its colonial expansion after the ________ .[A] Anglo- Boer War [B] the First Opium War[C] World War I [D] World War II27. Which of the following is NOT the feature of imperialism?[A] foreign territorial expansion. [B] export of capital.[C] free competition. [D] monopoly.28.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom,___is the smallest.A.EnglandB.ScotlandC.WalesD.North Ireland29.The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is_____A.poetryB.dramaC.novelD.pamphlet30.At present,nearly___of the world’s population communicate in England.A.halfB.a quarterC.one-thirdD.one-fifth32.____was passed after the Glorious RevolutionA.The Bill of RightB.The Act of SupremacyC.The Provisions of OxfordD.The Magna Carta33.The importance of the Britain monarchy can be seen in its effect on____A.passing billsB.advising the govermentC.political partiesD.public attitude35.Generally speaking, the Britain Parliament operates on a____ system.A.single-partyB.two-partyC.three-partyD.multi-party36.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every____years.A.threeB.fourC.fiveD.six37.____ of the energy consumed in Britain are provided by coal mining industry.A.one-thirdB.one-fourthC.one-fifthD.two-thirds38.Of the following sectors in Britain,____has experience spectacular growth since the end World War II.A.agricultureB.the energy industryC.the service sectorD. the manufacturing industry39The following Christmas traditions particularly British EXCEPT___.A.Trooping the ColorB.The Queen’Christmas messageC.Boxing DayD.the Christmas pantomime40.Waiting for Godot is written by ___A.Samuel BeckeetB.George OrwellC.william Goldingwrench41.The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is _A.poetryB.dramaC.novelD.pamphlet42. Over____of British children receive primary and secondary education through the independent system.A.5%B.6%C.7%D.8%43.____ is Britain's top pay-television provider.A.BSBB.SkyTVC.BBCD.BSkyB44.( ) is sold especially to the upper or upper–middle class and has a reputation for its serious attitude and great bulk.A.The ObserverB.The New York TimesC.New York Daily NewsD.The Daily Telegraph45.The rapid economic development following the( )laid the groundwork for the modern U.S industrial economyA .world war l B. world war llC. civil warD.Anti-Japanese wa r46.America produces a major portion of the world’products in the following fields EXCEPT ______A.transportationB.textileC.oreD.chemicals47.The continental United States has()states.A.50B.49C.48D.3548.The longest river in the U.S is_.A.the Missouri RiverB.the Mississippi RiverC.the Ohio RiverD.the Lake Itasca50.To get a bachelor's degree,all undergraduate students are required to do the following EXCEPT( )A.attending lectures and completing assignmentsB.passing examinationsC.working for communitiesD.earning a certain number of credits51.President _____introduced the New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great DepressionA,Wilson B ,Truman C ,Roosevelt D ,Kennedy52.( )is regarded as the “father of American literature "A.James Fenimore CooperB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Thomas JeffersonD.Washington Irving53.Of the following,( )is not characteristic of Mark Twain's worksA colloquial speech B. a sense of humorC a realistic view D. an idealistic view54.In 1783 the British and the Americans signed ________,and the United States of America won its independence.A.the Act of UnionB. Treaty of LexingtonC. Declaration of IndependenceD. Treaty of Paris55.The U.S Constitution came into effect in ( )A1787 B1789 C1791 D179356.The terms for a Senator and Repressentive are ( )and ( )years respectively.A. two ,fourB.two ,threeC.two,sixD.six,two13.Employment in the ( )sector has been increasing in the U.S .since the 1970sA.serviceB.agricultureC.manufacturingD.high-tech58. the seven years 'war occurred between ( )Athe French and the American IndiansB .the French and the SpanishC .the French and the BritishD .the British and the American Indians59.the policy of the united states was ( )at the begining of the two world wars.A .neutralityB .full involvementC .partial involvementD .appeasement61.______is regarded as the “father of American literature ".A.James Fenimore CooperB.Charles DickensC.Thomas JeffersonD.Washington Irving62.The following Christmas traditions particularly British is__.A.Trooping the ColorB.Bonfire NightC.Boxing DayD.Macy’s Day Parade63.Of the following writers,( ) is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.A.Alice WalkerB.Ernest HemingwayC.William FaulknerD.Eugene O'Neill64.Of the following writers( )is NOT included in the group of naturalists.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Theodore DreiserD.Herman Melville65.Of the following ,( )is considered Herman Melville's masterpiece.A.The Last of the MohicansB.The Legend of Sleepy HollowC.Moby DickD.Daisy Miller66.Of the following writers,_______ is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.A.Alice WalkerB.Harold PinterC.William GoldingD.Eugene O'Neill67.Emigration in Ireland started since the __.A.medieval periodB.17th centuryC.Great Potato FamineD.early 18th ce ntury68..In 1801,the British and the Irish Parliament passed ___A the Anglo_Irish AgreementB the Belfast AgreementC the Act of UnionD the treaty of paris69.The Republic of Ireland occupies approximately _____of the island of Ireland.A. one-sixthB. two-sixthsC. three-fifthD. five-sixths70.Ireland has a free public school system with compulsory attendance forall children of____years old.A 7 to 15B 6 to 15C 10 to 15D 6 to 1471.After Irish Parliament was set up,_____was issued and directly led to the Irish War of independence.A Angle Irish TreatyB Belfast AgreementC Unilateral Declaration of IndependenceD Angle Irish Agreement.三、名词解释The opium war鸦片战争Act of Supremacy 至尊法案Three Majestic Circles 三环外交the Union of South Africa 南非联盟United States Electoral College 总统选举团A policy of Appeasement绥靖政策Three Majestic Circles三环外交The Truman doctrine杜鲁门主义The R oosevelt’s new deal罗斯福新政the Anglo-Irish Treaty英爱条约the Reformation宗教改革The proletariat 无产阶级The lake poets 湖畔派诗人Modernism 现代主义Postmodernism 后现代主义Theater of the Absurd 荒诞派戏剧Great Awakening Movement Movement 大觉醒运动Transcendentalism 超验主义Aestheticism唯美主义European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织(英国)上议院House of Lords(英国)下议院House of Commons(美国)上议院Senate(美国)下议院House of Representatives独立战争the war of independence黑死病black death文法学校grammer school七国集团group of Seven君主立宪制constitutional monarchy英联邦自治领Dominions同盟国the Central Powers三权分立Checks and balances西进运动The westward movement光荣革命Glorious revolution工业革命The Industrial Revolution人权法案Bill of right第六级学院the six form普通中等教育证书General Certificate of Secondary Education 垮掉的一代运动the Beat Movement迷惘的一代the lost generation启蒙运动the Enlightenment工党The Labor party保守党the Conservative Party民主党the Democratic PartyIII. Define or explain briefly the following terms. 30' ( 6*5' )1.Hamlet2.The Renaissance3.The Lake poets4.Critical Realism5.The Lost Generation6.Feminism7.The Black Death8.The Crusade9.The War of Roses10.The Reformation11.The Glorious Revolution12.The Industrial Revolution13.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)14.Cambridge University15.Thanksgiving DayIV. Answer the following questions. 20' ( 2*10')1.Please make a brief introduction to the development of English, which includes the characteristics in different period and at least two examples.2.Please make a brief introduction of the House of Lords and the House of Commons in Britain including their constituents and their respective functions.3.Make a comparison on the policies of Conservative Party and Labor Party in Britain.4.State briefly the formation of the Commonwealth and its main functions.5.Introduce briefly the public schools in Britain and state their superiorities to the other schools.6.What is Critical Realism in English literature? Please present one author and briefly introduce his / her masterpiece ?。

《英美国家概况》I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices:1. The highest mountain in Britain is ____.A. ScafellB. Ben NevisC. the CotswoldsD. the Forth2. The longest river in Britain is _____.A. the ClydeB. the MerseyC. the SevernD. the Thames3. The largest lake in Britain is _____.A. the Lough NeageB. Windermere WaterC. Coniston WaterD. the Lake District4. Which part of Britain is always fighting?A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northem Ireland5. The immigrants coming to Britain are mainly from _____.A. EuropeB. the United StatesC. AfricaD. the West Indies,6. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____.A. the NormansB. the CeltsC. the IberiansD. the Anglo-Saxons7. British Recorded history began with _____.A.Roman invasionB. the Norman ConquestC. the Viking and Danish invasionD. the Anglo-Saxons invasion8. In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English.A. JohnB. James IC. EgbertD. Henry I9. Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A. 1056B. 1066C. 1006D. 106010. Henry II was the first king of the _____ dynasty.A. WindsorB. TudorC. MalcolmD. Plantagenet11. In 1265 ____ summoned the Great Council, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.A. Henry IIIB. the PopeC. BaronsD. Simon de Montfort12. The Hundred Years’ war started in ____ and ended in ____, in which the English had lost all the territories of France except the French port of ____.A. 1337, 1453, FlandersB. 1337, 1453, CalaisC. 1346, 1453, ArgencourtD. 1346, 1453, Brest13. The Wars of Roses lasted for _____ years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.A.30, Richard III, Henry TudorB. 50, Richard III, Henry TudorB. C. 30, Richard I, Henry Tudor D. 50, Richard I, Henry Tudor14. The Renaissance began in ____ in the early ____ century.A. England, 14B. England, 15C. Italy, 14D. Italy, 1515. The English Civil War is also called _____.A. the Glorious RevolutionB. the Bloody RevolutionC. the Catholic RevolutionD. the Puritan Revolution16. In _____, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America.A. 1620, LondonB. 1620, PlymouthC. 1720, LondonD. 1720, Plymouth17. In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A. the Industrial RevolutionB. the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesD. the Religious Reformation18. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of _____ in 1583.A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. IndiaD. Newfoundland19. _____ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American:A. Edward VIIIB. Edward VIIC. George VID. George VII20. In January _____ Britain became a member of the European Economic Community.A. 1957B. 1967C. 1973D. 197921. soon after _____, Britain not only gave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.A. 1900B. the First World WarC. the Second World WarD. 196022. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate.A. inflation, growthB. growth, inflationC. growth, divorceD. growth, birth23. The following are all reasons of British decline of coal industry except _____.A.the exhaustion of old minesB. costly extractionB. C. little money being invested D. the labour shortage24. Britain’s foreign trade is mainly with _____.A. developing countriesB. other Commonwealth countriesC. other developed countriesD. EC25. The House of Lords is presided over by _____.A. the Lord ChancellorB. the QueenC. the Archbishop of CanterburyD. the Prime Minister26. A General Election is held every _____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments are elected.A. five, 600B. five, 650C. five, 651D. four, 65127. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC. the Queen, the House of CommonsD. the Queen, the House of Lords28. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.A. the QueenB. the CabinetC. the House of LordsD. the House of Commons29. The sources of British law include _____.A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Community lawB. statutes, common law and equity lawC. statutes, common law and European Community lawD. a complete code and statutes30. In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt or innocence.A. the judge, the juryB. the judge, the judgeC. the jury, the juryD. the Lord Chancellor, the jury答案I. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices.1. B2. C3. A4. D5. D6. C7. A8. C9. B 10. D11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. CII. Fill in the blanks:1. Ceographically speaking, the north and west of Britain are _______, while the east and south-east are mostly______.2. Welsh is located in the ______ of Great Britain.3. The ancestors of the English ______, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish the ______.4. In the mid-5th century, three Teuronic tribes ______, _____, and _____ invaded Britain. Among them, the _____ gave their name to English people.5. The battle of _______ witnessed the death of Harold in October, 1066.6. Under William, the ______ system in England was completely established.7. The property record in William’s time is kno wn as ______, which was compiled in _____.8. _____’s grave became a place of pilgrimage in and beyond chaucer’s time after he was murdered.9. ______ was the deadly bubonic plague, which reduced England’s population from four million to ______ million b y the end of the 14th century.10. One of the consequences of the Uprising of 1381 was the emergence of a new class of ______ farmers.11. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in ______.12. During the Civil War, the Cavaliers supported ________, while the Roundheads supported _______.13. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a ______, later, he became _________.14. In 1707, the Act of _______ united England and ______.15. The two parties originated with the Glorious Revolution were _____ and _______. The former were the forerunners of the ______ Party, the latter were of the ______ party.16. In 1765, the Scottish inventor _____ produced a very efficient _____ that could be applied to textile and other machinery.17. After the Industrial Revolution, Britain became the “______” of the world.18. During the Second World War ________ led Britain to final victory in 1945.19. In 1974 and 1977, the two ______ shock caused inflation to rise dramatically.20. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 under _______.II. Fill in the blanks:1.highlands, lowlands2. west3. Anglo-Saxons, Celts4. Jutes, Saxons, Angles, Angles5. Hastings6. feudal7. Domesday Book, 10868. Thomas Becket9. Black Death, two 10. yeomen 11. the Divine Right of Kings 12. the king, the Parliament 13. Commonwealth, Lord Protector 14. Union, Scotland 15. Whigs Tories Liberal Conservative 16. James Watt steam engine 17. workship 18. Winston Churchill19. oil 20. the North SeaIII. Explain the following terms.1. the Hardian’s Wall: It was one of the two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out of the area they had conquered.2. Alfred the Great Alfred was a strong king of the wisemen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advis e the king. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.3. William the Conqueror William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudal system in England.4. the battle of Hastings In 1066, King Edward died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold as king. William, Duke of Normandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armies met nea r Hasting. After a day’s battle, Harold was killed and his army completely defeated. So this battle was very important on the way of the Roman conquest.5. Domesday Book Under William, the feudal system was established. William sent officials to compile a property record known as Domesday Book, which completed in 1086. It was the result of a general survey of England made in 1085. It stated the extent, value, the population, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It seemed to the English like the Book of doom on Judgement Day.6. the Great Charter King John’s reign caused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced to sign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. It has 63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the foundation of English liberities, its spirit was the limitation of the king’s powers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.7. the Hundred Years’ War It referred to the intermittent war between France and England that last from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the Frenchrefused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English were successful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost all their possessions in France. The expelling of the English was a blessing for both countries.8. Joan of Arc She was a national heroine of France during the Hundred Years’ War. She successfully led the French to drive the English out of France.9. the Black Death It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences.10. the Wars of Roses They referred to the battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose, and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism received its death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor monarchs ruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.11. Bloody Mary Henry VIII’s daughter and a devout Catholic. When sh e became Queen, she persecuted and burnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname “Bloody Mary”. Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.12. Elizabeth I One of the greatest monarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.13. Oliver Cromwell The leader during the Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat the king and condemned him to death. Then he declared England a Commonwealth and made himself Lord of Protector. He ruled England till the restoration of charles II in 1660.14. the Bill of Rights In 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.15. Whigs and Tories It referred to the two party names which originated with the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Noncomformists. The Tories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Whigs formed a coalition with dissident Tories and became the Liberal Party. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.16. James Watt The Scottish inventor who produced an efficient steam engine with rotary motion that could be applied to textile and other machinery.17. Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in 1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country to final victory in 1945. He was defeated in the general election of 1945, but returned to power in 1951.18. Agribusiness It refers to the new farming in Britain, because it’s equipped and managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs into the farm of processes which occur on the farm, and outputs or products which leave the farm. The emphasis is upon intensive farming, designes to give the maximum output of crops and animals.19. the British Constitution There is no written constitution in the United Kingdom. The British Constitution is not set out in any single document, but made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interpret statues.20. Queen Elizabeth II The present Sovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crowned in 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center of many national ceremonies and the leader of society.IVRead the following statements carefully and decide if each of them is True or False: ( 20 points )( ) 1. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first twelve amendments to the Constitution.( ) 2. The stock market crash in 1929 was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U. S.( ) 3. George Washington was the first president of the United States.( ) 4. The system of the parliamentary government of the U.K. is based on a written constitution.( ) 5. Benjamin Franklin alone drafted the Declaration of Independence, and on July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the declaration.( ) 6. Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishment of the British Empire.( ) 7. The word English means “the language that belongs to the Angles.”( ) 8. The Pennines are known as the “Backbone of England”.( ) 9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh Lake in Wales which covers an area of 397 square kilometers. ( ) 10. Both the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress were held in Boston.( ) 11. The American Constitution founded feudalism and introduced checks and balances.( ) 12. The national church in Scotland is also the Church of England.( ) 13.Of all the English university Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious( ) 14. The House of Lords is now made up of two kinds of Lords: the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.( ) 15. William, Duke of Normandy, founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea and he became known as “Father of the British Navy.”( ) 16. Anglo-Saxons in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh people. ( ) 17. After Margaret Thatcher was elected Britain’s first ever woman prime minister in 1979, she adopted a new program to cure the “British disease”.( ) 18. America Vespucci proved that the land discovered by Columbus was not Indian, but a new continent. As a result, the new continent was named after him and became known as America.( ) 19. Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 14, 1776, a day which has been celebrated each year as Independence Day of the United States.( ) 20. When the news of American victory at Yorktown reached London, the Parliament voted to end the War and peace negotiation began in 1782.1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTTFF 11~15 FFTTTIIV Give an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. What is the longest river in Britain?The longest river in Britain is Severn river.2. How long did the Wars of the Roses go on?The War of the Roses went on for 30 years.3. When did American Civil War break out?. American Civil War began in 1861.4. What were the mainstream Americans called?The mainstream Americans are called WASPs.5. What does American Congress consist of?American Congress consists of Senate and House of Representatives.IIIV Write between 100-150 words on the following topic: ( 10 points )Cold WarKey to Model 2Some historians say that the world entered Cold War immediately after the Second World War ended. The conflicts arose basically from the separate concepts of postwar world order. The United States, relying on its large economic and military strength, tried to play the role of world police under the pretext of fighting against the Soviet expansion. The Soviet Union put forward the theory that there could be no long-term peaceful coexistence between socialism and capitalism and the Soviet Union should rapidly build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism, represented by the United States and Britain. Cold War was characterized by international tension and conflicts without bloody “hot war” between the Soviet Union and the United States. Cold War did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989.。

1. 英国的首都是哪里?
2. 美国的独立日是每年的哪一天?
3. 英国的官方语言是什么?
4. 美国的货币单位是什么?
5. 英国的国花是什么?
6. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?
7. 英国的国王或女王的正式称呼是什么?
8. 美国的宪法有多少条修正案?
9. 英国最大的城市是哪一个?
11. 英国的议会由哪两院组成?
12. 美国的总统任期是多久?
13. 英国的国歌名是什么?
14. 美国的人口在世界上排名第几?答案:第三。
15. 英国的国旗由哪几种颜色组成?答案:蓝色、白色和红色。
16. 美国的首都是哪个城市?
17. 英国的国教是什么?
18. 美国的官方语言是什么?
19. 英国的君主制是哪种类型?

一、翻译题分constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制the Monarch 君主Parliament 议会House of Commons 平民院平民院/下议院The Government Party执政党Royal Assent御准(女王批准)Shadow Cabinet 影子内阁jury system 陪审团制the Conservative Party 保守党保守党the Labour Party 工党工党common law 习惯法Crown Courts 王室法院The Celts 凯尔特人Anglo-Saxons 盎格鲁萨克逊人Norman Conquest 诺曼征服The Great Charter 大宪章大宪章The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战The Black Death黑死病Renaissance 文艺复兴Humanists 人文主义者the Great Lakes大湖区Secretary of State国务卿The US Congress 国会众议院国会the House of Representatives众议院The Judicial Branch司法部门the Supreme Court最高法院最高法院the Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件、The Bill of Rights人权法案人权法案The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗The Monroe Doctrine门罗主义Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言/废奴宣言Frontiersman拓荒者The Civil War内战The Westward Movement西进运动英语国家概况精讲系列(一)Chapter 1 第一章Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。

一、英国(United Kingdom)英国是英语的发源地,也是英语国家中最重要的一个。
二、美国(United States)美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
五、新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,也是一个英语国家。

英美概况考试题汇总一、英国部分1. 英国的全名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
大伦敦市下设一个对的金融城(City of London)和32个城区(London Boroughs)。
2. 英国最长的河流是:塞文河(354公里);最重要的河流为泰晤士河,流经伦敦,全长346公里。
3. 英国的气候主要受北大西洋暖流的影响,属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。
4. 1707年英格兰与苏格兰合并,不列颠岛统一。
5. 现代英国民族的基本成分是三个日耳曼部族,他们是:盎格鲁、萨克森和朱特。
6. 爱德华一世最后终于在1282年成功征服了威尔士北部和西部的最后一个当地的威尔士公国(大约是今天的安格鲁西郡、凯尔纳冯夏尔郡、麦里昂斯郡、塞勒狄琼郡和凯尔马瑟夏尔郡这块地区),并且在两年之后透过《罗德兰法令》(Statute of Rhuddlan)确立了爱德华一世对此地的统治。

Ⅰ.Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or False.1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales.2.People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country.3.Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language.4.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom.5.The longest river of Britain originates in Wales.6.Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom.7.Though the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperature in northern Scotland often falls below -10℃ in January.8.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.9.The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.10.English changed into what is described as Modern English from the late 16th century.Ⅱ. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.1.The two main islands of the British Isles are _.A. Great Britain and IrelandB. Great Britain and ScotlandC. Great Britain and WalesD. Great Britain and England2._is the capital city of Scotland.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff3. According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over_million.A. 160B. 600C. 60D. 164. Among the four parts of the UnitedKingdom,_is the smallest.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland5. Almost a quarter of the British population lives in_England.A. northeasternB. southeasternC. northwesternD. southwestern6. English belongs to the_group of Indo-European family of languages.A. CelticB. Indo-IranianC. GermanicD. Roman7. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of_words to English.A. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek8. The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the_influence.A. NormanB. DutchC. GermanD. Danish9. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of_.A. grammarB. handwritingC. spellingD. pronunciation10. At present, nearly_of the world’s population communicate in English.A. halfB. a quarterC. one thirdD. one fifthⅢ. Give brief answers to the following questions.1.What is the full name of the U.K.?2.Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?3.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?Answers:1.The full name is the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland.2.They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottishscenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to seeScotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3.The development of the English languagecan be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.4.The laboring and merchant classes grew ineconomic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French.Ⅳ. State your understanding of the following questions in about 100 words.1.Who are the British people?2.What is Standard English?Answers:1.The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language.Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the British people are also composed of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.2.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English. It is also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.。

以下是几个代表性的英语国家概况:1. 英国(United Kingdom)英国位于欧洲大陆的西北部,由四个国家组成:英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
2. 美国(United States)美国是一个位于北美洲的联邦共和制国家,由50个州组成。
3. 加拿大(Canada)加拿大是北美洲最北端的国家,是一个君主立宪制国家。
4. 澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚是世界上面积第六大的国家,位于南太平洋地区。
5. 新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰位于南太平洋地区,由北岛和南岛组成。
二、国家特点1. 文化和历史英语国家的文化和历史各具特色。
2. 经济和科技英语国家在经济和科技领域具有强大实力。


Multiple Choice (20%)1。
The highest mountain peak in Britain is called ______ __.[A] Ben Nevis[B]Cross Fell[C]Snowdon[D] Scafell2。
The Lake District is well-known for________。
[A]its wild and beautiful scenery[B] its varied lakes[C]the lake Poets[D] all of the above three3。
Which of the following is NOT the feature of Br itish climate?[A] Coldness。
[B] More rainy days.[C]Changeability .[D]More fogs。
The established church of Britain is ________。
[A]The Church of Scotland[B] Free churches[C]The United Reformed Church[D]The Church of England5.Easter is kept,commemorating the ________of Jesus Christ.[A]coming[B] birth[C] death[D]resurrection6.Under Mrs。
Thatcher,British economy in 1980s gradu ally ____C__[A]declined[B]recessed[C]recovered[D] went down7.Tertiary industry does NOT include ________.[A]retailing[B]insurance[C] electronics[D]banking8.In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of ________.[A]the Queen[B] the Prime Minister[C] the House of Commons[D] the House of Lords9。

(0035)《英美国家概况》复习大纲考试内容:英国部分Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three美国部分Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three(注:考试不包含课本补充阅读材料)(0035)《英美国家概况》样题及答案一.单项选择题Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question. (15 points)1. The Stonehenge was the most shining example of people.a. Celticb. Anglo-Saxonc. Danishd. Roman答案为a 。
如1. a 2. d2. In 1975, the first oil was brought ashore from the .a. Atlantic Oceanb. English Channelc. Indian Oceand. North Sea答案为d 。
二.是非题Read the following statements carefully and decide if each of them isTrue or False: (15 points)1. It was during James I’s time that England defeated Spanish Armada. (F)2. Cold war did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989. (T)请将答案按顺序写在答题纸上。

1.谁发现美洲新大陆;the new world and the old world
17.Spoils system(名词解释)
19.进步主义运动progressivemovement (名词解释) Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson P301
21.战后President Wilson提出“fourteen points”, only“the league of nations”was adopted.
30.Civil rights movement(名词解释)P362代表
32.the Civil Rights Acts of 1964and president JohnsonP365
33.in 1973, the Nixon administration signed peace treaty with North Vietnam
26.美国参加二战的直接原因Japanese air-raid on Pearl Harborin 1941
27.The lend-Lease bill(名词解释)P353
28.Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine(名词解释)P358
29.Beat Generation垮掉的一代(名词解释)

一、翻译题分constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制the Monarch 君主Parliament 议会House of Commons 平民院/下议院The Government Party执政党Royal Assent御准(女王批准)Shadow Cabinet 影子内阁jury system 陪审团制the Conservative Party 保守党the Labour Party 工党common law 习惯法Crown Courts 王室法院The Celts 凯尔特人Anglo—Saxons 盎格鲁萨克逊人Norman Conquest 诺曼征服The Great Charter 大宪章The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战The Black Death黑死病Renaissance 文艺复兴Humanists 人文主义者the Great Lakes大湖区Secretary of State国务卿The US Congress 国会the House of Representatives众议院The Judicial Branch司法部门the Supreme Court最高法院the Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件、The Bill of Rights人权法案The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗The Monroe Doctrine门罗主义Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言/废奴宣言Frontiersman拓荒者The Civil War内战The Westward Movement西进运动英语国家概况精讲系列(一)Chapter 1第一章Land and People英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1。


英美国家概况期末复习考试题型说明: 10个简答题和5个论述题。
一.简答题1.Wha.i.th.ful.nam.o.th.U.K.?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.ponent.o.th.Britis.Parliament?They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.3.Wh.di.Britai.cooperat.closel.wit.th.Unite.State.afte.Worl.Wa.Ⅱ.Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.mons?The three functions are : to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.plet.academi.freedom?British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.6.Wha.ar.th.thre.categorie.o.Shakespeare’.play.an.thei.representatives?Shakespeare’edie.i nclud..Midsumme.Night’.Dream.Th.Merchan.o.Venice.A.Yo.Lik.I.an.Twelft.Night.Hi.majo.historica.play.includ.Richar.III.Henr.I.an.Anton.an.Cleopatra.Hi.grea.tragedie.ar.represente.b.Hamlet.Othello.Kin.Lear.Macbeth.an.Rome.an.Juliet.7.Wha.wer.Nixon'.well-know.contribution.durin.hi.presidency?Nixon made three well-known contributions:a) brought the Vietnam War to a close;b.reestablishin.U.S.relation.wit.China;c) negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the former Soviet Union.8.Wha.ar.th.tw.characteristic.o.th.U.S.Constitution?On.i."chec.an.balances".ernment.ar.specified.9.说出三个英国的节日Christmas, Easter and "Trooping the color"二. 论述题1.Wha.ar.th.characteristic.o.Englis.literatur.i.th.20t.century?Englis.literatur.i.th.20t.centur.ca.b.roughl.divide.int.tw.periods.Modernis.an.Postmodernism.Modernis.pre .o.innov ativ.form.o.expression.Modernis.writin.seem.unorganized.har.t.understand.I.ofte.portray.th.actio.for.th.view poin.o..singl.confuse.individual.rathe.tha.fro.th.viewpoin.o.all-knowing.impersona.narrato..Afte.Worl.Wa.II.postmodernis.begins.Postmodernis.differ.i.som.way.fro.Modernism.Modernism.fo.example.tend.t.presen..fra mente.a..loss.Pos men.th.ide.o.fragmentatio.bu.rathe.celebrate.i..Modernist.loo.fo.burie.meanin.belo.confusin.surfaces.whil.postmodernist.abando.tha.search.However.ther.ar.stil.man.postwa.writer.wh.continu.traditi ona.themes.2.Wh.i.th.Unite.State.regarde.a.."meltin.pot.an.."salad"?Th.Unite.State."i.no.merel..natio.bu..natio.o.nations".Th.immigrant.cam.i.waves.includin.th.Europeans.th.A ns.Therefore.Americ.wa.describe.a.."bin e.int.on.culture.Recently.American.hav.bee.calle.."salad.i.tha.peopl.o.differen.race.an.ethni.group.mi.harmoni ousl.bu.a.th.sam.tim.kee.thei.distinc.cultur.an.custom.3.Wha.wa.th.caus.o.th.America.Civi.War?(可能该题考简答)Th.issu.o.slaver.wa.th.focu.o.America.politics.economic.an.cultura.lif.b.th.mid-19t.century.Th.souther.plant borer.t.manag.thei.plantation.an.the.regarde.th.blac.slave.a.thei.property.I.th.North bor.What'.pro ernmen.t.financ.th.buildin.o.railway.an.roads.bu.th.Southerner.wer.strongl.agains.i.an.advocate.fre.trad.s.tha.the.coul.purchas.cheape.good.fro.foreig.countries.Th.accumulatin.conflict.le.t.th.divisio.o.th.Nort.an.th.Sout.an.finall.th.Civi.War.4.Ho.i..Presiden.vote.int.offic.i.America.Wha.ar.you.idea.abou.th.America.election?..Eac.part.hold.it.nationa.conventio.ever.fou.year.t.choos..candidat.fo.th.presidency.T.wi..presidentia.election..c lion.o.dollars.trave.al.ove.th.countr.t.mak.speeches.an.debat.o.televisio.wit.th.rival.Th.gen era.electio.i.technicall.divide.int.tw.stages.Durin.th.firs.stage.presidentia.elector.fo.eac.stat.wil.b.chosen.I.th.sec on.stag.th.elector.mee.an.vot..President.Sinc.th.secon.stag.i.onl..kin.o.formality.everyon.know.wh.wil.b.th.nex.P residen.a.soo.a.th.firs.stag.i.over..thin.th.candidate.spen.to.muc.mone.o.th.electora.campaign.However.th.electio.ca.no.solv.th.socia.an.economi. problem.a.som.candidate.d.no.kee.thei.wor.afte.the.becom.President..groundwor.fo.America'.economi.development?Th.U.S.Constitution.a.a.economi.charter.establishe.tha.th.entir.nation.wa..unifie.o."common.market.Ther.merc.wit.foreig.ws.creat.mone.an.regulat.it.value.fi.standard.o.weight.a s.mentione.claus.wa.a.e arl.recognitio.o.th.importanc.o."intellectua.property"..matte.tha.bega.assumin.grea.importanc.i.trad.negotia t.20t.century.6.Wha.ar.th.characteristic.o.America.writin.durin.th.Romanti.period?Durin.th.Romanti.period.mos.o.th.America.writing.place.a.increasin.emphasi.o.th.fre.expressio.o.emotions.an.th e.displaye.a.increasin.attentio.t.th.psychi.stat.o.thei.characters.The.celebrate.America’.landscap.wit.it.virgi.for ests.meadows.endles.prairies.stream.an.vas.oceans.Th.Romanti.writer.ha..stron.tendenc.t.exal.th.individua.an.th .commo.man.。
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Ⅰ.Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or False.1.The British history before 55BC isbasically undocumented.2.The Celts became the dominant group inBritain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.3.The name of Britain came from a Celtictribe—the Britons.4.The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in themid-5th century.5.The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxontribes exercised power at their own will. 6.The Vikings began to attack the Englishcoast in the 8th century.7.Henr yⅡbuilt up a large empire whichincluded England and most of France.8.The Magna Carta was designed to protectthe rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.9.The Hundred Years’War was a series ofwars fought between England andNormans for trade and territory.10.In an effort to make a compromisebetween different religious factions, Queen Elizabet hⅠactually defended the fruit the Religious Reformation.Ⅱ. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.1. The_attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic2. By the late 7th century,_became the dominant religion in England.A. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity3. Westminster Abbey was built at the time of .A. St. AugustineB. Edward the ConfessorC. William the ConquerorD. Alfred the Great4. The_marked the establishment offeudalism in England.A. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law5. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of_ .A. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster6. The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King HenryⅧ’s eff ort to .A. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over the church7. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between_.A. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians8._was passed after the Glorious Revolution.A. Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Provisions of OxfordD. Magna Carta9. The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the_century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th10. Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the_century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20thⅢ. Give brief answers to the following questions.1.What are the two components of the British parliament?2.What were some of Queen Victoria’s major achievements?3.What were the two camps in Europe in World WarⅠ?4.Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World Wa rⅡ?Answers:1.T hey are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.2.Q ueen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, Britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass.3.T he Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the Allied Powers which were mainly comprised of France, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, Italy and the United States.4.B ecause they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.Ⅳ. State your understanding of the following questions.1.What were the results of the IndustrialRevolution in Britain?2.The Rise and Fall of the British Empire?Answers:1.The Industrial Revolution changed Britainin many ways. First, industrial productivity increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed. The conflict between the capitalists and the proletarians became the most important political issue.2.Colonization of Newfoundland, the firstBritish colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837,Britain had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of the 19th century, the British Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World Wa rⅠ, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain’s colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall of the Empire.。