硫化氢气体传感器结构尺寸图:硫化氢气体传感器直视图和PIN 脚定义图:硫化氢气体传感器工作电压DC5V±1%/DC24±1%波特率9600测量气体硫化氢H2S 气体检测原理电化学采样精度±2%F.S 响应时间<30S重复性±1%F.S 工作湿度0-95%RH,(无冷凝)工作温度-30~50℃长期漂移≤±1%(F.S/年)存储温度-40~70℃预热时间30S 工作电流≤50mA 工作气压86kpa-106kpa安装方式8脚拔插式质保期1年输出接口8pIN 外壳材质铝合金使用寿命2年外型尺寸(引脚除外)33.5X3121.5X31测量范围详见选型表输出信号TTL(标配)0.4-2.0VDC(常规)定制RS485/4-20mA引脚名称说明1+5V 电源接入PIN 脚2EN Rs485(3.3V),可接MCU Tx 3Rx/A 串口RX(3.3V),可接MCU Rx 5Scl I2C,Scl(3.3v)引脚6SDA I2C(3.3V)引脚7GND 电源GND 引脚8VOUT电压输出,0-5V/0.4-2.0V硫化氢气体传感器串口和电压采集接线定义图:硫化氢气体传感器I2C接线定义图:硫化氢气体传感器I2C接线定义图:硫化氢气体传感器交叉干扰系数高精度的传感器检测原理决定了它有良好的一致性,重复性,温湿度补偿等特性,但也不能忽略被检测气体之间的交叉干扰,为了达到很好的检测精准度,须考虑以下气体对该检测气体的干扰系数。
NAP-57S 接触燃烧式气体传感器技术手册说明书
![NAP-57S 接触燃烧式气体传感器技术手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e2441300b207e87101f69e3143323968011cf4fa.png)
20180605NAP-57S(接触燃烧式气体传感器)技术手册株式会社:日本根本传感器工程技术有限公司〒168-0072 東京都杉並区高井戸東4-10-9TEL. 03-3333-2760FAX. 03-3333-7344E-mail:****************.jpURL : http://www.nemoto.co.jpNAP-57S是一个基于56A研发出来的新品,可以用在工业及商业场合的可燃气体探测器上,它在HMDS和H2S等毒性气体环境下有良好的检测灵敏度,同时传感器的功耗和管脚位置与55A和56A是相同的。
1. 57S的特性和用途1)特性良好的稳定性极佳的重复性和一致性对应不同的气体浓度具有良好的线性.优异的抗毒性气体能力能非常灵活地在可燃气体报警器和可燃气体浓度检测仪上应用2)用途在可燃气体报警器和可燃气体检测仪上都能被使用2. 绝对最大额定功率供给电压AC 3.3V (50 -60Hz)DC 3.3V工作时环境温度和湿度的范围环境温度:-40 ~+80℃相对湿度:99%RH(无凝露)存放时温度和湿度的范围环境温度:-40 ~+80℃相对湿度:99%RH (无凝露)3.额定功率供给电压AC 2.5 ±0.25V(50-60Hz)DC 2.5 ±0.25V电流(加2.5V时) AC 160 ~180mA(50-60Hz)DC 160 ~180mA工作时环境温度和湿度的范围环境温度:-20 ~+60℃相对湿度:95%RH以下(无凝露)存放时温度和湿度的范围环境温度:-30 ~+70℃相对湿度:95%RH以下(无凝露)4. 检测范围该传感器能检测除乙炔以外的全部可燃气体,检测范围1%~100%LEL,其中在50%LEL以内能达到±10%的检测精度。
5.响应时间及恢复时间洁净空气到10%LEL T90: 10sec.以内10%LEL气体中恢复到洁净空气T90: 20sec.以内(这些时间是依照环境条件所得)6. 输出特性6-1. 可燃气体的灵敏度特性图 1.可燃气体的灵敏度特性图 2.到50%LEL时甲烷气体的线性度6-2. 温度影响图 3.温度对零点漂移的影响图 4.温度对甲烷气体的敏度的影响6-3.湿度影响图 5.湿度对零点漂移的影响图 6.湿度对甲烷气体灵敏度的影响6-4.传感器方位性对输出的影响传感器当检测端和补偿端方位发生变化时感度的变化在±100ppm内。
19940125NAP—50A(触媒接触燃烧式城市燃气传感器)使用说明书深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com目 录1.NAP—50A传感器的特征及用途 (2)2.额定值 (2)3.燃气灵敏度特性 (3)4.应答特性 (4)5.电源电压波动特性 (5)6.温度特性 (7)7.湿度特性 (7)8.传感器的检测方法 (8)9.传感器图纸 (11)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.NAP—50A传感器的特征及用途NAP—50A和从前本公司生产的接触燃烧式燃气传感器(NAP—2A、NAP—7A)相比,体积小、节能,消耗电力只有NAP—2A的50%,并且由于和同型号的NAP—55A相对比对酒精的感度小,不仅适合家庭用而且适合业务用燃气报警器。
下面介绍一下特征及用途:(1) 特征·具有良好的稳定性·突出的再现性和灵敏度·对于城市燃气浓度的输出信号显示为良好直线性·应答速度极快·由于超小型,故报警器形状可随意调整(2) 用途·城市燃气用报警器·各种燃气的浓度计2.额定值·电桥外加电压 A.C.2.5V±0.25V(频率50—60Hz)D.C.2.5V±0.25V·电桥外加电流 A.C. 160~180mA(频率50—60Hz)(2.5V外加时) D.C. 160~180mA·使用时周围的温湿度 温度 –10~+50℃湿度95%RH以下·保管时周围的温湿度 温度 –20~+60℃湿度95%RH以下深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com3. 燃气灵敏度特性图 1 NAP—50A 的灵敏度特性深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589004. 应答特性(测定例:和NAP—2A 的比较)图中的时间是90%应答的情况图 2 NAP—50A 的应答特性深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589005. 电源电压波动特性图 3 NAP—50A 的燃气感应灵敏度的电源电压变动特性图 4 空气中输出值的电源电压波动特性2.252.50 2.75Supply Voltage (V)1020∆V o u t i n C H (m V )4 2.25 2.50 2.752-2V o u t i n A i r (m V )Supply Voltage (V)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900图 5 理论报警浓度的电源电压波动特性2.752.502.25Supply Voltage (V)20002500300035004000T h e o r i t i c a l A l a r m G a s C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f C H (p p m )4深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589006. 温度特性图 6 NAP—50A 的温度特性7. 湿度特性图 7 NAP—50A 的湿度特性 3030404050502020101000-10-10-22Temperature (C)oTemperature (C)o V o u t i n A i r (m V )303060609090Relative Humidity (%)Relative Humidity (%)-22V o u t i n A i r (m V )深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589008. 传感器的检测方法(1) 试验装置试验装置的简图如下(注意事项) ① 试验槽·试验槽材质必须是不产生燃气和不附着燃气,比如金属或者玻璃为好。
Nemoto Industrial Gas Sensors・Catalytic type・Electrochemical type深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司●Industrial electrochemical sensorModel Detected gasRemarks1 NE-CO Compatible with 4 series sensor of City Tech.2 NE-CO-P COFlat type, direct soldering3 NE-H2S Standard type, 0 – 100ppm, 500nA/ppm4 NE-H2S-100 0 – 100ppm, compatible with City’s, 700nA/ppm5 NE-H2S-200* 0 – 200ppm, 500nA/ppm6 NE-H2S-500* 0 – 500ppm, 200nA/ppm7 NE-H2S-P H 2SFlat type, direct soldering, 500nA/ppm 8 NE-NH3Standard type, 0 – 100ppm 9 NE-NH3-1000* 0 – 1,000ppm 10 NE-NH3-5000*NH 3 0 – 5,000ppm11 NE-NO2 Standard type, 0 – 20ppm 12 NE-NO2-PNO 2 Flat type, direct soldering* : Since basic characteristics are the same as standard type, detailed information of them are not described one by one in this general information.●Industrial pellistorModel Detected gas Remarks1 NC-170 2.0V – 170mA, matched pair type2 NC-170S 2.0V – 170mA, single header type3 NC-300 2.0V – 300mA, matched pair type4 NC-300S 2.0V – 300mA, single header type5 NC-180 2.6V – 170mA, matched pair type6 NC-180S General combustible gases 2.6V – 170mA, single header type7 NC-180S-H Hydrogen 1.6V – 140mA, single header type8 NC-180S-N Ammonia 2.2V – 150mA, single header type9 NC-180-H Hydrogen 1.6V – 140mA, matched pair type 10 NC-180-A Acetylene 2.0V – 170mA, matched pair type 11 NC-180-N Ammonia2.2V – 150mA, matched pair type 12 NC-50S 4.25V – 50mA, single header type 13 NC-70S General combustible gases3.0V – 75mA, single header type深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司NE-CO gas sensor is an industrial type CO gas sensor, and since its signal is larger than domestic type, minimum detection level is lower than domestic type, additionally it is superior on selectivity and resistivity to residential type. And then, since gas response speed is fairly fast, it is in compliance with most of world-widely industrial standards, and it is also applicable for wider fields.・ CharacteristicsFig. Shape and dimensionFig. Structure of NE-COFig. Recommended circuit diagram( Body color : Light green ) Items CharacteristicsDetected gas conc. CO0~2000ppmOutput current 70±15nA/ppm of CORepeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 30sec.Zero offset drift Less than 10ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RHNE-CO-P is an industrial CO gas sensor like NE-CO, since the shape is flat as the same as domestic NAP-505, and it can be directly soldered on the PCB. However the various resistivity and features are almost the same as NE-CO. It is also in compliance with world-wide standards, and available for a lot of applications.・Characteristics and ratingsItems Characteristics,ratings Detected gas conc. CO0~1000ppmOutput current 40±10nA/ppm of CO Repeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 30sec.Zero offset drift Less than 10ppm(-20-50℃) Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RHPressure range 0.9 – 1.1atmGuaranteed life time 2 yearsStorage conditions 0 – 20℃ is recommended Zero offset drift Less than 5ppm・Typical applicationWearable, handheld or portable CO gas alarm( Body color : Light green )NE-H2S is a hydrogen sulfide gas sensor for industrial applications, and 3 types except standard type (H2S-100, H2S-200 and H2S-500) are also available as described in the next page. The most suitable type can be easily selected according to the applications. Output current is fairly large, it means that it can detect fairly low concentration of hydrogen sulfide, and additionally, since it has excellent selectivity, resistivity and responsibility, it is applicable in wide applications.・CharacteristicsItems FeaturesDetected gas conc. H 2S 0~100ppm Output current 500±100nA/ppm of H2S Repeatability Less than ±2% Response time T90 : less than 30sec. Zero offset drift Less than 1ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃ Humidity15~90%RHFig. Structure of NE-H2SFig. Structure of NE-H2S Fig. Gas sensitivity characteristics of NE-H2S ( Body color : Yellow )NE-H2S-100, 200, 500Structure, shape, and body color of them are completely the same as NE-H2S standardtype, then sensitivity characteristics of them are shown as below.・NE-H2S-100Items Features Detected gas concentration H2S0~100ppmOutput current 700±150nA/ppmRepeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 30sec.Zero offset drift Less than 1ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RH・NE-H2S-200Items Features Detected gas concentration H2S0~200ppmOutput current 500±100nA/ppmRepeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 30sec.Zero offset drift Less than 1ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RH・NE-H2S-500Items Features Detected gas concentration H2S0~500ppmOutput current 200±50nA/ppm of H2SRepeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 20sec.Zero offset drift Less than 3ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RH深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司NE-H2S-PNE-H2S-P is an industrial H2S gas sensor like NE-H2S, since the shape is flat as the same as domestic NAP-505, it can be directly soldered on PCB. However the various resistivity and features are almost the same as NE-H2S. It is also in compliance with world-wide standards, and available for a lot of applications.・Characteristics and ratingsItems Characteristics, ratingsDetected gas conc. H2S 0~100ppm Output current 120±20nA /ppm of H2S Repeatability Less than ±2% Response time T90 : less than 20sec. Zero offset drift Less than 2ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃ Humidity 15~90%RH Pressure range 0.9 – 1.1atmGuaranteed life time 2 yearsStorage conditions 0 – 20℃ is recommended Zero offset driftLess than 1ppm・Typical applicationWearable, Handheld or portable H2S gas alarm( Body color : Yellow )NE-NH3NE-NH3 is a newly developed ammonia gas sensor for industrial application. 2 more types except standard are also available for higher concentration in the next page. It is very stable in normal circumstance for more than 6 months, and can detect ammonia with excellent accuracy without reduction of sensitivity. Additionally, since it is applicable in exceedingly low temperature, it is available for many applications.・CharacteristicsItems FeaturesDetected gas conc. NH 3 0~100ppm Output current 40±12nA /ppm Repeatability Less than ±10% Response speed T90 : less than 90sec. Zero offset drift Less than 15ppm(-30-50℃)Temperature -40~+50℃ Humidity15~90%RHFig. Structure of NE-NH3Fig. Recommended circuit diagram Fig. Gas concentration characteristics ( Body color : Violet )NE-NH3-1000, 5000Structure, shape, and body color of them are completely the same as NE-NH3 standardtype, then sensitivity characteristics of them are shown as below.・NE-NH3-1000Items Features Detected gas concentration NH30~1,000ppmOutput current 8±4nA/ppmRepeatability Less than ±10%Response speed T90 : less than 120sec.Zero offset drift Less than 75ppm(-30-50℃)Temperature -40~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RH・NE-NH3-5000Items Features Detected gas concentration NH30~5,000ppmOutput current 4±2nA/ppmRepeatability Less than ±10%Response speed T90 : less than 150sec.Zero offset drift Less than 150ppm(-30-50℃)Temperature -40~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RHNT-NO2NE-NO2 is a newly developed NO2 gas sensor. Since the output current is fairly large, it can detect the low concentration of NO2 with good accuracy. Additionally, as it has very excellent repeatability, long term stability, selectivity and resistivity, it is useful in many applications.・CharacteristicsItems Features Detected gas conc.NO 2 0~20ppm Output current 600±150nA /ppm(Contrary signal to other models) Repeatability Less than ±2% Response time T90 : less than 25sec. Zero offset drift Less than 0.2ppm(-20-50℃)Temperature -20~+50℃ Humidity15~90%RHFig. Structure of NE-NO2NE-NO2-PNE-NO2-P is an industrial NO2 gas sensor like NE-NO2, since the shape is flat as the same as domestic NAP-505, it can be directly soldered on PCB. However the various resistivity and features are almost the same as NE-NO2. It is also in compliance with world-wide standards, and available for a lot of applications.・Characteristics and ratingsItems Characteristics,ratings Detected gas conc. NO20~20ppmOutput current 150±30nA/ppm of NO2 Repeatability Less than ±2%Response time T90 : less than 25sec.Zero offset drift Less than 0.5ppm (-20-50℃) Temperature -20~+50℃Humidity 15~90%RHPressure range 0.9 – 1.1atmGuaranteed life time 2 yearsStorage conditions 0 – 20℃ is recommended Zero offset drift Less than 0.5ppm Notice)Output signal is generated to contrary side toNC-170NC-170 gas sensor is a matched pair type for industrial use, and it has been already available in many customers for fixed applications. Since this type does not meet the structure of explosion proof by itself, it has to be installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Standard sensitivity and zero offset in air13 – 18mV/10%LEL of methane, -25 to +25mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 90 12CO 12.50 1153 n-Butane 1.80 80 13Acetone 2.60 754 n-Pentane 1.40 80 14MEK 1.90 555 n-Hexane 1.20 80 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 65 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 757 n-Octane 0.95 60 17Hydrogen 4.00 1308 Methanol 6.70 125 18Ammonia 15.00 140809 Ethanol 3.30 85 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 75 20Ethylene 2.70 95* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.NC-300 gas sensor is a matched pair type for industrial use like NC-170, and it hasbeen already available in many customers for fixed applications. Since this type doesnot meet the structure of explosion proof by itself, it has to be installed in the approvedbody by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, shape, dimensions11 – 16mV/10%LEL of methane, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityR.S.Gases LELR.S. Gases LEL1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 75 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 70 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 70 14MEK 1.90 455 n-Hexane 1.20 65 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 55 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 607 n-Octane 0.95 50 17Hydrogen 4.00 1108 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00 130659 Ethanol 3.30 70 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 60 20Ethylene 2.70 85* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.available in many customers for fixed applications. This type has a simplified explosionproof structure, however it is recommended that it is installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, shape, dimensions27– 37mV/10%LEL of methane, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityR.S.R.S. Gases LEL Gases LEL1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 90 12CO 12.50 1153 n-Butane 1.80 80 13Acetone 2.60 754 n-Pentane 1.40 80 14MEK 1.90 555 n-Hexane 1.20 80 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 65 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 757 n-Octane 0.95 60 17Hydrogen 4.00 1308 Methanol 6.70 125 18Ammonia 15.00 140809 Ethanol 3.30 85 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 75 20Ethylene 2.70 95* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.been already available in many customers for fixed applications. This type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that it is installed inthe approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, shape, dimensions23– 33mV/10%LEL of methane, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityR.S.R.S. Gases LEL Gases LEL1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 75 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 70 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 70 14MEK 1.90 455 n-Hexane 1.20 65 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 55 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 607 n-Octane 0.95 50 17Hydrogen 4.00 1108 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00 130659 Ethanol 3.30 70 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 60 20Ethylene 2.70 85* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.NC-180 gas sensor is a matched pair type for industrial use, and it has been already available also in many customers for fixed applications. Since this type does not meetthe structure of explosion proof by itself, it has to be installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 75 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 70 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 70 14MEK 1.90 505 n-Hexane 1.20 70 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 60 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 607 n-Octane 0.95 55 17Hydrogen 4.00 1108 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00 135609 Ethanol 3.30 70 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 60 20Ethylene 2.70 90* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.NC-180S gas sensor is a single header type for industrial use like NC-170S, and it hasbeen already available in many customers for fixed applications. This type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that it is installed inthe approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc. .●Ratings, shape, dimensions28– 40mV/10%LEL of methane, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 75 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 70 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 70 14MEK 1.90 505 n-Hexane 1.20 70 15Toluene 1.20 606 n-Heptane 1.05 60 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 607 n-Octane 0.95 55 17Hydrogen 4.00 1108 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00 135609 Ethanol 3.30 70 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 65 20Ethylene 2.70 90* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.application, and it has been already available in many customers for fixed applications.This type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that itis installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, shape, dimensions35– 50mV/10%LEL of hydrogen, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 0 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 0 12CO 12.50 1153 n-Butane 1.80 0 13Acetone 2.60 454 n-Pentane 1.405 14MEK 1.90 455 n-Hexane 1.20 10 15Toluene 1.20 706 n-Heptane 1.05 30 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 101007 n-Octane 0.95 20 17Hydrogen 4.008 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00 120109 Ethanol 3.30 40 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 45 20Ethylene 2.70 65* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to hydrogen is 100.application, and it has been already available in many customers for fixed applications.This type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that itis installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, shape, dimensions●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 0 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 20 12CO 12.50 203 n-Butane 1.80 30 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 40 14MEK 1.90 505 n-Hexane 1.20 45 15Toluene 1.20 506 n-Heptane 1.05 40 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 507 n-Octane 0.95 35 17Hydrogen 4.00 75100 8 Methanol 6.70 80 18Ammonia 15.00359 Ethanol 3.30 55 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 50 20Ethylene 2.70 60* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to ammonia is 100.application, and it has been already available also in many customers for fixed applications. Since this type does not meet the structure of explosion proof by itself, ithas to be installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape10 – 20mV/10%LEL of hydrogen, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 0 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 0 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 0 13Acetone 2.60 404 n-Pentane 1.405 14MEK 1.90 405 n-Hexane 1.20 10 15Toluene 1.20 556 n-Heptane 1.05 25 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 101007 n-Octane 0.95 15 17Hydrogen 4.008 Methanol 6.70 95 18Ammonia 15.00 115159 Ethanol 3.30 35 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 40 20Ethylene 2.70 65* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to hydrogen is 100.it has been already available also in many customers for fixed applications. Since thistype does not meet the structure of explosion proof by itself, it has to be installed in theapproved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1001 Methane 5.00% 0 11Acetylene 2.502 Propane 2.20 25 12CO 12.50 1103 n-Butane 1.80 35 13Acetone 2.60 854 n-Pentane 1.40 55 14MEK 1.90 755 n-Hexane 1.20 65 15Toluene 1.20 706 n-Heptane 1.05 60 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 707 n-Octane 0.95 55 17Hydrogen 4.00 1308 Methanol 6.70 130 18Ammonia 15.00 165659 Ethanol 3.30 90 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 80 20Ethylene 2.70 95* : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to acetylene is 100.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司and it has been already available also in many customers for fixed applications. Sincethis type does not meet the structure of explosion proof by itself, it has to be installed inthe approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Standard sensitivity and zero offset in air15 – 25mV/10%LEL of ammonia, -30 to +30mV in zero offset in air●Relative sensitivityGases LEL R. S. Gases LEL R. S.1 Methane 5.00% 10 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 20 12CO 12.50 853 n-Butane 1.80 40 13Acetone 2.60 604 n-Pentane 1.40 55 14MEK 1.90 455 n-Hexane 1.20 60 15Toluene 1.20 406 n-Heptane 1.05 50 16Ethyl acetate 2.20 607 n-Octane 0.95 45 17Hydrogen 4.00 110100 8 Methanol 6.70 100 18Ammonia 15.00509 Ethanol 3.30 70 19Gasoline Pb free 1.2010 IPA 2.20 60 20Ethylene 2.70 70* : 「-」means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to ammonia is 100.already available also in many customers for handheld, wearable or portable applications. Since this type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that it is installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Standard sensitivity and zero offset in air 60 – 110mV/10%LEL of methane-20 to +20mV in zero offset in air (Zero offset compensated resister is required.) ●Relative sensitivityGasesLEL R. S. Gases LELR. S. 1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 90 12CO 12.50 1603 n-Butane 1.80 90 13Acetone 2.60 1104 n-Pentane 1.40 85 14MEK 1.90 90 5 n-Hexane 1.20 80 15Toluene 1.20 90 6n-Heptane1.05 7516Ethyl acetate 2.20 90 7 n-Octane 0.95 70 17Hydrogen 4.00 150 8 Methanol 6.70 160 18Ammonia15.00 130 9 Ethanol 3.30 120 19Gasoline Pb free1.20 7010 IPA2.20110 20Ethylene2.70130* : 「-」 means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.already available also in many customers for handheld, wearable or portable applications. Since this type has a simplified explosion proof structure, however it is recommended that it is installed in the approved body by ATEX, CSA or etc.●Ratings, dimensions, shape●Standard sensitivity and zero offset in air 50 – 80mV/10%LEL of methane-20 to +20mV in zero offset in air (Zero offset compensated resister is required.) ●Relative sensitivityGasesLEL R. S. Gases LELR. S. 1 Methane 5.00% 100 11Acetylene 2.50 -2 Propane 2.20 80 12CO 12.50 1603 n-Butane 1.80 75 13Acetone 2.60 954 n-Pentane 1.40 70 14MEK 1.90 705 n-Hexane 1.20 70 15Toluene 1.20 80 6n-Heptane1.05 6516Ethyl acetate 2.20 80 7 n-Octane 0.95 60 17Hydrogen 4.00 140 8 Methanol 6.70 150 18Ammonia15.00 150 9 Ethanol 3.30 100 19Gasoline Pb free1.20 7510 IPA2.2090 20Ethylene2.70110* : 「-」 means that it is not a detected gas.** : R.S. (relative sensitivity) is described in case that sensitivity to methane is 100.。
硫化氢气体传感器(型号:ME4-H2S)使用说明书版本号:1.2实施日期:2014-05-01郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd声明本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音等任何手段进行传播。
郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司ME4-H2S 硫化氢传感器产品描述ME4-H2S硫化氢传感器是定电位电解型传感器,硫化氢和氧气在工作电极和对电极发生相应的氧化还原反应并释放电荷形成电流,电流大小与硫化氢浓度成正比,通过测试电流大小即可判定硫化氢浓度的高低。
技术指标表1项目参数检测气体硫化氢(H2S)量程0~100ppm最大测量限500ppm灵敏度(0.8±0.15)µA/ppm分辨率0.1ppm响应时间(T90)<30S偏压0mV负载电阻(推荐)10Ω重复性<2﹪输出值稳定性(/月)<2﹪输出线性度线性零点漂移(-20℃~40℃)≤0.2ppm温度范围-20℃~50℃湿度范围15﹪~90﹪RH压力范围标准大气压±10﹪使用寿命2年(空气中)基本电路图2: ME4-H 2S 测试电路图3:传感器的灵敏度、响应恢复情况 图4:传感器线性曲线图5: 不同温度下传感器的输出情况 图6:传感器在不同温度条件下的零点输出 051015202530354045500100200300输出信号/μA时间/s 0%20%40%60%80%100%120%-40-200204060输出信号/20℃%温度/℃-输出信号/p p m 温度/℃10203040506070020406080100120输出信号/μA浓度/ppm交叉干扰特性ME4-H2S传感器对除目标气体外的其它气体也产生响应。
硫化氢电化学传感器精选 课件
![硫化氢电化学传感器精选 课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0b823e7fb52acfc789ebc9c0.png)
基本性能 测试
������2S 气体传感器在 不同体积分数下的
电流转换成电压输 出
输出电压与气体体 积分数是线性相关
• 先判断数据是否服从正态分布, 按照“统计 →基本统计量 → 正态性检验”来操 作, 从绘制出的概率图中可以获得一个 P 值, 若 P > 0.05, 则数据服从正态分布.
体信号,通过I/V转换,而后经过放大电路放大,输入给A/D (模拟数字转换器),经A/D转换后再进行处理。
对电极为 8H++2O2+8e−=4H2O;
H2S 是一种无色、 易燃、 有臭鸡蛋味的气体, 作为一种剧毒性物质, 对人体具有 一定的危害性, 因此监测 H2S 的浓度对人体健康有着重要意义.
选用统一的检测工具对传感器进行评估意义重大. 六西格玛统计工具能够运用界 定、 测量、 分析、 改进和控制模式, 对传感器性能进行有效评估, 使传感器的评 估过程更标准化和流程化, 并能结合相关资源提高企业的盈利水平及竞争能力。
六西格玛(Six Sigma,6 Sigma)是一种管理策略,它是由摩托罗拉提出的。这 种策略主要强调制定极高的目标、收集数据以及分析结果,通过这些来减少产品 和服务的缺陷。六西格玛背后的原理就是如果你检测到你的项目中有多少缺陷, 你就可以找出如何系统地减少缺陷,使你的项目尽量完美的方法。
测量范围:0~50、100ppm、500ppm、1000 ppm 、2000ppm
分辨率:0.001ppm(0~10 ppm);0.01ppm(0~100 ppm);0.1ppm(0~1000 ppm);1ppm (0~2000 ppm)
输出方式:4~20mA ,40~200mV,RS485
湿度范围:0 ~95%(RH)无冷凝
NE-HCHO-S 日本NEMOTO根本株式会社最新甲醛气体传感器 0-10PPM 0.01PPM分辨率
![NE-HCHO-S 日本NEMOTO根本株式会社最新甲醛气体传感器 0-10PPM 0.01PPM分辨率](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b332ae8c51e79b896802265c.png)
Technical InformationElectrochemical Formaldehyde Sensor NE-HCHO-S ~ Industrial Use~(1) Design FeaturesHigh Sensitivity Stability High Reliability Linearity Low Power Consumption for Battery Operation(2) Specifications[Sensitivity Characteristics] Detection Gas Detection Range Maximum Overload Output Signal Repeatability Typical Baseline Range (pure air) Typical Response Time (t90) Baseline Shift (0 ∼ 40oC) Expected Life Time Formaldehyde 0 ∼ 10 ppm 50 ppm 500 ± 150 nA/ppm ±5% < ± 0.05 ppm < 120 sec. (HCHO : 1 ppm) < 0.2 ppm Over 2 years[Operating Conditions] Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Operating Pressure Range Recommended Load Resistor Bias Voltage Position Sensitivity Recommended Storage Temp. Storage Life -20 ∼ 50oC 15 ∼90 % RH 1atm± 10 % 10 Ω Not required None 0 ∼ 20oC Less than 6 months1[Physical Characteristics] Case Material Cap Color Weight PPO Black 5 g (approx.)[Appearance and Dimensions]Fig.1 : Appearance and Dimensions of NE-HCHO-S2(3) Characteristics(3-1) Cross Sensitivity Table 1 : Cross Sensitivity of NE-HCHO-S Gas Formaldehyde Hydrogen Sulfide Carbon-monoxide Carbon-dioxide Hydrogen Sulfur-dioxide Chlorine Methane Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Dioxide Ammonia Acetaldehyde Toluene Xylene Concentration (ppm) 10 1 100 5,000 1000 10 10 5,000 10 10 100 100 100 100 Typical Formaldehyde Concentration(ppm)Equivalent 10 4 <6 0 <10 <8 <-8 0 <0.5 -7 0 <2 0 0(3-2) Temperature DependencyTypical CharacteristicsFig. 2 : Typical Temperature Coefficient of NE-HCHO-S3(4) Basic Test Circuit0.1μF -Vcc 0.1μFNE-HCHO-SC R10kΩ2 6 3OP97WTH0.1μF 56kΩ +Vcc non. 10μF -Vcc 0.1μF10Ω2 6 3Output VoltageOP9710Ω0.1μF+VccTH : NTC Thermistor R 25 = 10kΩ B = 3435k 103AT(Ishizuka Electronic Corp.)Fig. 3 : Basic Test Circuit for NE-HCHO-S・Circuit is test use only. ・Remove the short-pin before sensor is connected to the circuit. ・Applied voltage of the +Vcc and the –Vcc at the same time.4[Notes] ・Use only within specified conditions. ・Sensor characteristics must be measured in clean air. ・Electrode pins must be correctly connected. Wrong connection does not allow correct functions. ・Do not apply voltage directly to electrode pins. ・Do not bend pins. ・Do not put excess vibration or shocks. ・If sensor housing is damaged or scratched, do not use. ・Do not blow organic solvents, paints, chemical agents, oils, or high concentration gases directly onto sensors. ・Do not solder to pins of sensor directly. Use exclusive sockets. ・Do not use contact grease when sensor is connected to the sockets. ・Do not disassemble or change any parts. ・If sensor is used under irregular atmosphere, contact us.NEMOTO SENSOR ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. 4-10-9 Takaido-Higashi Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0072 Japan TEL 81-03-3333-2760 FAX 81-03-3333-2712Tech.Inf.No.NE-HCHO-S –1507085。
2002/12/12NAP-505 传 感器 (电 化学式 CO 传感器) 使用说明书深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com(1)NEMOTO的化学传 感器 (1.1)根本特殊化学株式会社的历 史 (1.2)化学传感事业 方向的组合 (1.3)制品的介绍 ・接触燃烧式气体传感器 ・工业用接触燃烧式气体传感器 ・电化学式气体传感器 ・湿度传感器/湿度传感器组合品 (2)电化学式传感器的概念 (2.1)基本动作原理 (2.2)基本构成 (2.3)特征 (3)NAP-505 (3.1)特征 (3.2)用途 (3.3)特性 (3.3.1)基本规 格 (3.3.2)气体灵敏度 (3.3.3)应答性 (3.3.4)选择性 (3.3.5)温度依存性 (3.3.6)信頼性 (3.3.7)和其它公司制品的比较 (3.3.8)用语的说明 (3.4)电路设计的指导 (3.4.1)基本动作电路 (3.4.2)低功耗电路的设计 (3.4.3)单电源的动作方法 (3.5)使用上的注意 (3.5.1)气体灵敏度的长期漂移 (3.5.2)气体感度的季节变动 (3.5.3)关于传感器的保管 (3.5.4)传感器实际安装上的留意事项 (3.5.5)气体报警器、气体浓度计的设计、使用上的留意事项 (3.5.6)一般注意事项深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com(1) NEMOTO的化学传 感器(1.1)根本特殊化学株式会社的历史根本特殊化学株式会社从1941年创业以来经过半世紀以上的飞速发展,主要在安全、防卫、 保健分野,以独创的开发技术为社会做出了卓著贡献。
日本根本NEMOTO特殊化学株式会社可燃气体传感器NAP-56A 选择温度范围广
![日本根本NEMOTO特殊化学株式会社可燃气体传感器NAP-56A 选择温度范围广](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/627ca4dc240c844769eaee2c.png)
7. Supply voltage dependence
Gas sensitivity to 4000ppm of
30 25
methane (mV)
Max. Averag Min.
20 15 10 5 0 2 2.2
2.4 2.6 2.8 Supply volatge to sensor (V)
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Ambient temperature (degree C) Relative humidity :
Max. Min.
Fig 5
Temperature dependence of relative sensitivity of methane
9. Humidity dependence
Zero offset drift (mV) (Drift from 50%RH)
1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -1 -1.5 -2 Relative humidity (%) 20 40 60 80 100 Min. Temperature: 25 degree C Max.
10. 経時特性
Zero offset drift (mV)
(n=8) 4 2 0 0 -2 Elapsed time (days) 500 1000 1500 Max. Average Min. 2000
Relative sensitivity to methane
Long term stability of zero offset
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
深圳市圣凯安科技有限公司 NE Sensor硫化氢H2S气体报警器产品描述硫化氢H2S气体报警器适用于各种工业环境和特殊环境中的硫化氢H2S浓度连续在线检测,仪器采用进口电化学传感器和微控制器技术,具有信号稳定,精度高、重复性好等优点,防爆接线方式适用于各种危险场所。
特点•现场气体浓度液晶显示;•高精度、长寿命的电化学、红外进口传感器;•强大的软件设置支持,满足客户1.0000-99999之间的任意量程和所有气体检测需求;•可通过控制器或遥控器,免开盖对探测器进行报警点调整、零点调整和目标点标定;•适用于几十种气体检测,可选择显示几十种常见气体名称;•气体单位名称PPM、%LEL、%VOL,可任意设定;•程序运算采用了三位浮点数技术,保证了运算的精度;•在全量程范围内任意设置上、下限报警点;•RS485总线通讯,布线简单方便;•4~20mA电流输出信号,可校正、全隔离,产品抗干扰能力强;•2组常开无源触点输出,用于控制风机或电磁阀的交流接触器;•精巧的电源设计、精湛的防雷设计、纯SMT元件贴片工艺,使得产品性能稳定;•巧妙的结构设计,探测器接线免上螺丝,安装极为简便;产品名称硫化氢H2S报警器H2S/NE-301检测气体硫化氢H2S检测原理电化学原理检测范围0-50ppm、0-100ppm、0-200ppm、0-500ppm、0-1000ppm、0-2000ppm、0-5000ppm分辨率0.05ppm、0.05ppm、0.1ppm、0.2ppm、1ppm、2ppm、5ppm 检测方式扩散式、泵吸式可选显示方式液晶显示输出信号用户可根据实际要求而定,最远可传输2000米(单芯1mm²屏蔽电缆)①两线制4-20mA电流信号输出(三线制可选)②RS-485数字信号输出,配合RS232转接卡可在电脑上存储数据(选配)③2组继电器输出:无源触电容量220VAC3A,24VDC3A(选配)④报警信号输出:现场声光报警,报警声音:<90分贝(选配)检测精度≤±2%(F.S)重复性≤±1%零点漂移≤±1%(F.S/年)报警方式声、光报警响应时间小于20S恢复时间小于20S防爆类型本质安全型防爆标志Ex ibdIICT4防护等级IP65直接读数PPM、%LEL、%VOL任意设定传感器寿命24个月使用环境温度-20℃~+70℃;相对湿度≤95%RH(非凝露)工作电源24VDC(正常工作电压范围:10~30VDC)外型尺寸(含探枪长度)170×140×80mm重量 1.5Kg壳体材料不锈钢/铝合金。
电化学传感器ME2-C0 一氧化碳CO 0-1000ppmME3-CO 一氧化碳CO 0-500ppm,0-1000ppm,0-2000ppm ME4-CO 一氧化碳CO 0-500ppm,0-1000ppm,0-2000ppm ME3-H2S 硫化氢H2S 0-200ppmME4-H2S 硫化氢H2S 0-200ppmME3-H2 氢气H2 0-200ppmME4-H2 氢气H2 0-1000ppmME3-NH3 氨气NH3 0-1000ppmME4-NH3 氨气NH3 0-50ppmME3-CL2 氯气CL2 0-50ppmME4-CL2 氯气CL2 0-20ppmME3-PH3 磷化氢PH3 0-20ppmME4-PH3 磷化氢PH3 0-20ppmME3-O2 氧气O2 0-25% max:30%ME2-O2 氧气O2 0-25% max;30%ME3-C2H5OH 酒精C2H5OH 0-1000ppmME4-C2H5OH 酒精C2H5OH 0-1000ppm催化燃烧式可燃气体MC101 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC102 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC105 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC106 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC108 氢气、可燃气体 0-100%LELMC112 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC112D 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC113 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC114 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MJC4/3.OL 甲烷、瓦斯 0-4%VOLMJC4/3.OJ 甲烷、瓦斯 0-4%VOLMJC4/2.8J 甲烷、瓦斯 0-4%VOLMJC4/2.5L 甲烷、瓦斯 0-4%VOLMC201 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC115 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC116 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC117 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC118 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL MC202 甲烷、液化气、丙烷等可燃性气体 0-100%LEL半导体式传感器MQ-2 可燃气体、烟雾 300 to 10000ppmMQ-4 天然气、甲烷 300 to 10000ppmMQ-5 液化气、甲烷、煤制气 300 to 5000ppmMQ-6 液化气、异丁烷、丙烷 100 to 10000ppmMQ-8 氢气、煤制气 50 to 10000ppmMQ306A 液化气、甲烷、煤制气 300 to 5000ppmMQ214 甲烷 300 to 5000ppmMQ216 液化气、甲烷、煤制气 100 to 10000ppmMQ-7 一氧化碳CO 10 to 1000ppmMQ307A 一氧化碳CO 10 to 500ppmMQ217 一氧化碳CO 10-1000ppmMQ-9 一氧化碳、可燃气体 10 to 1000ppm CO、100 to 10000ppm可燃气体MQ309A 一氧化碳、可燃气体 10 to 500ppm CO、300 to 5000ppm可燃气体臭氧O3 0.01-2ppmO3/10-500ppmO3氨气、苯、酒精、烟雾 10-300ppmNH3、10-1000ppm苯、10-600ppm酒精、1%/-10%/m3烟雾MQ136 硫化氢 1-200ppmMQ137 氨气 10-300ppmMQ138 醇类、苯类、醛类、酮类、酯类等有机挥发物 5-5000ppm酒精(乙醇) 10 to 1000ppmMQ303A 酒精(乙醇) 20 to 1000ppmMQ213 酒精 10-1000ppmMP-4 天然气 300 to 10000ppmMP-6 液化气 300 to 5000ppmMP-7 一氧化碳 10 to 1000ppmMP-8 氢气 50 to 10000ppmMP135 氢气、酒精、CO一氧化碳 10-100ppmH2、10-500ppm CO、10-1000ppm酒精离子烟雾传感器 HIS-07二氧化碳气体敏感元件 MG811 0 to 10000ppm热传导气体敏感元件 MD61 天然气、液化气、煤气、烷类等可燃气体及汽油、醇、酮、苯、四氟化碳、氟里昂 0-100%VOL热传导气体敏感元件 MD62 二氧化碳CO2 0-100%VOL热线型酒精气体敏感元件 MR513 酒精(乙醇) 0 to 1000ppm热线型可燃气体敏感元件 MR511 甲烷、丁烷 0 to 10000ppmQMZC型系列载体催化元件专用于检测甲烷、丁烷、氢气的传感元件MQ-KY型半导体气敏元件用于液石油气、气体浓度的检测、检漏、临控等设备中NQ--KR型半导体气敏元件用于天然气(甲烷)气体浓度的的检测检漏、监控等NQ--KR型半导体气敏元件用于天然气(甲烷)气体浓度的的检测检漏、监控等MQ-KT型半导体气敏元件用于天然气(甲烷)气体浓度的的检测检漏、监控等MQ-J1型半导体气敏元件用于对乙醇气体检漏、监控等MQ-K1型半导体气敏元件可燃性气体及可燃性液体蒸汽的检测NQ-Y型一氧化碳气敏元件是对一氧化碳气体具有较好选择性的气-电转CO 气体检测、报警检漏等设备MQ-KC型低功耗气敏元件用于天然气、煤气、液化石油气、烟雾等检漏、监控、报警装置TP-3A常温型酒敏传感器测量气体:酒精TP-3B常温型酒敏传感器测量气体:酒精TP-2常温低功耗CO传感器 COTP-5催化甲烷传感器甲烷紫外线传感器 UV-A/UV-BTP-3D口气传感器传感器对空气中的低浓度口气有极高的灵敏度TP-1.1A 非加热低功耗甲烷气体传感器TP-3C直热式酒敏传感器酒精TP-4空气污染物传感器混合气体GHS-20 湿敏电阻HU-10S 温湿度传感器模块HSM-40 温湿度传感器模块HM1500 / HM1520 高精度湿度传感器TH485 网络型温湿度变送器DS-10 凝露传感器UV-A S10 紫外线传感器。
防爆等级:Exd II CT6连接电缆:三芯电缆(单根线径≧1.5mm);建议选用屏蔽电缆。
连接距离:≦1000m.防护等级:IP65.外形尺寸:183X143X107mm.重量:1.5Kg.检测气体:空气中的硫化氢H2S检测范围:0-100ppm、500ppm、1000ppm、5000ppm、0-100%LEL分辨率:0.1ppm、0.1%LEL显示方式:液晶显示温湿度:选配件,温度检测范围:-40~120℃,湿度检测范围:0-100%RH检测方式:扩散式、流通式、泵吸式可选安装方式:壁挂式、管道式检测精度:≤±3%线性误差:≤±1%响应时间:≤20秒(T90)零点漂移:≤±1%(F.S/年)恢复时间:≤20秒重复性:≤±1%信号输出:①4-20mA信号:标准的16位精度4-20mA输出芯片,传输距离1Km②RS485信号:采用标准MODBUS RTU协议,传输距离2Km③电压信号:0-5V、0-10V输出,可自行设置④脉冲信号:又称频率信号,频率范围可调(选配)⑤开关量信号:标配2组继电器,可选第三组继电器,继电器无源触点,容量220VAC3A/24VDC3A传输方式:①电缆传输:3芯、4芯电缆线,远距离传输(1-2公里)②GPRS传输:可内置GPRS模块,实时远程传输数据,不受距离限制(选配)接收设备:用户电脑、控制报警器、PLC、DCS、等报警方式:现场声光报警、外置报警器、远程控制器报警、电脑数据采集软件报警等报警设置:标准配置两级报警,可选三级报警;可设置报警方式:常规高低报警、区间控制报警电器接口:3/4″NPT内螺纹、1/2″NPT内螺纹,同时支持2种电器连接方式防爆标志:ExdII CT6(隔爆型)壳体材料:压铸铝+喷砂氧化/氟碳漆,防爆防腐蚀防护等级:IP66工作温度:-30~60℃工作电源:24VDC(12~30VDC)工作湿度:≤95%RH,无冷凝尺寸重量:183×143×107mm(L×W×H)1.5Kg(仪器净重)工作压力:0~100Kpa标准配件:说明书、合格证质保期:一年硫化氢H2S传感器简单介绍:硫化氢H2S传感器●自动温度补偿,零点,满量程漂移补偿●防高浓度气体冲击的自动保护功能●全软件校准功能,用户也可自行校准,用3个按键实现,操作简单●二线制4-20mA输出硫化氢H2S传感器应用场所医药科研、制药生产车间、烟草公司、环境监测、学校科研、楼宇建设、消防报警、污水处理、工业气体过程控制石油石化、化工厂、冶炼厂、钢铁厂、煤炭厂、热电厂、、锅炉房、垃圾处理厂、隧道施工、输油管道、加气站、地下燃气管道检修、室内空气质量检测、危险场所安全防护、航空航天、军用设备监测等。
日本NEMOTO乙炔气体检测传感器NC-180-A 测0-100%LEL可燃气体泄漏探测器
![日本NEMOTO乙炔气体检测传感器NC-180-A 测0-100%LEL可燃气体泄漏探测器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d1f895f3700abb68a882fb0f.png)
Output(+) Output(-)
VR1 R2
Fig. 2 : Recommended circuit diagram (R1, 2 : 200ohm, VR1 : 3Kohm)
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
Technical Information
(Catalytic Type Acetylene Gas Sensor)
(Matched Pair Type) For Industrial Application
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
1. General Catalytic type gas sensor NC series were developed for industrial applications, and NC-180-A is a matched pair type gas sensor for acetylene. Shape is similar to NC-180, however the supply voltage and current is different from it. Features and typical applications are as follows. 2. Features and applications 1) Features ・Good stability ・Excellent repeatability and detection accuracy ・Good linearity against gas concentration ・Quick response ・Down-sizing for design flexibility of gas alarm or detector 2) Applications ・Fixed type gas alarm or detector for acetylene gas ・Acetylene gas densitometer 3. Ratings 1) Supply voltage to sensor 2) 3)
热 传
二氧化碳 导 式
电 CO 化 学 NO2 式
高 分 子 相对湿度 膜 型
离 子 一般烟雾 式
NAP-21A 2 - 100%
NAP-505 NAP-508 NAP-550 NAP-780 NHS-12 NHS-20
10 1,000ppm
0 - 30ppm 0 - 30% 10-90%RH 20-95%RH
*不完全燃烧气体 一氧化碳、氢气、碳氢化合物等部分氧化物
*惰性气体 二氧化碳、氟利昂等
注意)除上述检测方式以外,还有半导体式。因其测定精准度较低,我们不做推荐。另外,此产 品为民用级产品,请在该产品的使用范围内使用。
催化燃烧式气体传感器 产品主要应用在气体报警器和仪器仪表类。不易受环境的干扰,因此,稳定性更强。能得到的
• 和半导体式不同,不需要长期老化。
• 如安装在气体报警器中,特性几乎不产生变化,因此不需要校准。
• 抗杂气能力强,几乎不会产生误报。
• 功耗低,可电池驱动。
• 不完全燃烧报警器、CO 报警器、毒性气体报警器。
• 各种燃烧机器的控制燃烧专用、室内监视器专用。
• 各种气体浓度仪等。
北京芯联科泰电子有限公司 制作
2.耐久性、长期性能 • 在 60℃高温以下,可以长期使用。 • 高温高湿(50℃、95%RH)环境下,可以长期使用。 • 高温高湿(50℃、95%RH)环境下长期保管后,基本特性不会变化。 • 能耐一般性的振动及冲击。 • 对硫化氢等毒性气体显示卓越的抗干扰性。 • 对硅气体(HMDS)比其他公司产品,显示优秀的耐久性。 • 根据各种加速测验数据,预测寿命 5 年以上。
日本根本NEMOTO进口电化学技术原理二氧化氮气体传感器NE-NO2 0-50PPM 0-100PPM 0-200PPM
![日本根本NEMOTO进口电化学技术原理二氧化氮气体传感器NE-NO2 0-50PPM 0-100PPM 0-200PPM](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9affdcf4770bf78a652954ef.png)
Technical InformationElectrochemical Nitrogen Dioxide Gas SensorNE-NO2For Industrial Application深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司1. GeneralNemoto NE series sensors were developed for industrial applications, and NE-NO2 is a electrochemical nitrogen dioxide gas sensor. Shape and pin positions are compatible with others, but the stability, repeatability, durability and reliability are superior to others, however the price is competitive with others. Features and applications are as follows.2. Detection principleElectrochemical sensor consists of working electrode on which oxidization or reduction takes place, counter electrode on which reduction or oxidization takes place, and reference electrode which can monitor and keep the voltage at constant. Structure of electrochemical sensor is shown in the following figure, nitrogen dioxide gas diffuses through membrane into working electrode, and is reduced to nitrogen monoxide at working electrode. Consequently generated oxygen ion at working electrode reacts with proton, and then, water is generated at this oxidization reaction. Water molecule proceeds to counter electrode, and is reduced at counter electrode by generated current of this serial reaction. Total reaction is in the below described. NO2 gas concentration is proportional to the currentthat is generated by this serial reaction.3. Features・Quick response ・Excellent selectivity・Good linearity and stability ・High reliability ・Excellent durability against high temperature and humidity 4. Detected gas Nitrogen dioxide5. Application・NO2 gas densitometer for industrial application・NO2 gas alarm for industrial equipment like for car parking area ・Environmental monitoring equipment深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司6. Dimensions and appearanceFig.1 : Appearance and dimensions of NE-NO27. Ratings1) Ambient temperature and Temperature : -20 - +50 degree C humidity in operation Humidity : 15 – 90%RH 2) Recommended ambient temperature Temperature : 0 – 20 degree C and humidity in storage Humidity : 15 – 90%RH3) Operating pressure range 0.9 – 1.1 atmCase Material PPO Cap Color Orchid Weight 5 g (approx.)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司4)Detection range 0 – 20ppm5)Maximum overload 150ppm6)Recommended load resistor 10 ohm8.Specifications1)Output signal 600 +/-150nA/ppm of NO2(Contrary signal to other models)2)Response time (T90) Less than 25sec.3)Repeatability in the same day Less than +/- 2%4)Annual zero offset drift Less than 0.2ppm of NO25)Zero offset temperature dependence Less than 1ppm of NO2(-20 ~ +50 degree C)6)Minimum detection range 0.1ppm7)Sensitivity reduction in long term Less than 2%/month8)Lifetime warranty 24 months9)Recommended storage time Less than 6 months9.Electrical properties9-1.Typical Gas SensitivityFig.2 : Gas Sensitivity of NE-NO2深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司9-2. Cross SensitivityTable 1 : Cross Sensitivity of NE-NO2Detected gases Relative sensitivity (Sensitivity to NO2 is 100.)Nitrogen dioxide 100Carbon monoxide 0 Carbon dioxide 0 Hydrogen 0 Chlorine 0 Sulfur-dioxide -2 Nitrogen monoxide 0 Hydrogen sulfide -120 Ammonia 0 Ethyl acetate Less than 0.5Chlorine Less than 100 Ethanol 0 TolueneLess than 3Ethylene 09-3. Temperature dependenceFig. 3 : Typical temperature coefficient of NE-NO2(100 at 20 degree C)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司9-4. Response and recovery characteristicsFig.4 : Response and recovery characteristics of NE-NO2(at 20 degree C)9-6. Long term stabilityIt is quite stable in normal circumstance.Fig.5 : Long term stability of NE-NO2 in normal circumstance10.DurabilityNE-NO2 is much durable in strict environment such as high temperature and high humidity, or in high temperature with dry. Features are as follows.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司10-1. Durability in high temperature and high humidityFig. 6 : Durability in high temperature (50 degree C) and high humidity (90%RH).10-2. Durability in high temperatureFig. 7 : Durability in high temperature (50 degree C) with dry circumstance.10-3. Low temperature durabilityFig.8 : Durability in low temperature (-20 degree C)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司10-4. Exposure test in high concentration of nitrogen dioxide.Test conditions NO2 gas concentration : 150ppmExposure time : 12hrs. continuousTemperature and humidity : 25+/-1 degree C, 50+/-10%RHTable 2. Exposure test in high concentration of nitrogen dioxide gasBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.07-0.07-0.08-0.05-0.05-6.10-6.48-6.48-6.26-6.47-0.19-0.17-0.21-0.15-0.28-6.32-6.60-6.18-6.34-6.55104.0101.995.4101.3101.210-5. Thermal shock testTest conditionsSensor is stored in -20 degree C for 30min. and in +50 degree C for 30 min. respectively, and this cycle were repeated for 10 times.Table 3. Thermal shock testBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 0.00-0.02-0.05-0.02-0.03-6.07-5.97-5.64-5.98-5.650. Drop testTest conditionsSensor is dropped to concrete floor from the height of 1m with free fall for 5 times.Table 4. Drop testBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.01-0.030.00-0.01-0.02-6.24-6.09-5.89-5.92-5.98-0.05-0.06-0.02-0.06-0.05-6.31-5.96-5.71-5.95-6.00101.297.996.9100.5100.3A.Exposure in SO2 gasTest conditionsSensor is exposed in 50ppm of sulfur dioxide for 2hrs. at normal temperature and humidity.Table 5. Exposure in SO2Before test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.15-0.15-0.16-0.14-0.12-6.40-6.54-6.75-6.80-6.83-0.11-0.10-0.12-0.12-0.13-6.14-6.80-6.86-6.68-6.8395.9104.0101.698.2100.0B.Exposure in ammonia gasTest conditionsSensor is exposed in 200ppm of ammonia for 2hrs. at normal temperature and humidity.Table 6. Exposure in ammoniaBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.03-0.03-0.02-0.03-0.02-6.55-6.43-6.08-6.36-6.39-0.03-0.03-0.02-0.03-0.01-6.39-6.24-5.98-6.26-6.1197.697.098.498.495.6C.Exposure in ethanol gasTest conditionsSensor is exposed in 200ppm of ethanol for 2hrs. in normal temperature and humidity.Table 7. Exposure in ethanolBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.01-0.02-0.01-0.02-0.01-6.36-6.19-5.99-6.26-6.14-0.02-0.03-0.01-0.01-0.21-6.17-6.16-5.87-6.05-5.8497.099.598.096.695.1Test conditionsSensor is exposed in 100ppm of toluene for 2hrs. at normal temperature and humidity.Table 8. Exposure in tolueneBefore test (micro A) After test (micro A)No. Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Zero offset in air Sensitivity to10ppm of NO2Sensitivityvariation ratio(%)1 2 3 4 5 -0.15-0.12-0.17-0.13-0.18-6.00-6.12-6.36-6.37-6.59-0.15-0.13-0.16-0.13-0.16-5.90-5.95-6.22-6.09-6.4998.397.297.895.698.411.Recommended circuit diagramRecommended circuit diagram for evaluation of NE-NO2 is shown in figure 11. In this circuit12. Notice on handling12-1. Seasonal variation of sensitivityHighly hygroscopic electrolyte is normally employed for electrochemical sensor, and then the sensitivity varies according to change of temperature and humidity, i.e. sensitivity is little lower in low humidity than in high humidity. Since it is because of amount of electrolyte, this seasonal variation of sensitivity should be taken into account in case that precise measurement is necessary.However, this variation is reversible phenomenon.12-2. Design of gas alarm or gas densitometera.Calibration of gas alarm or gas densitometer is to be carried out in clean air after the outputwas stabilized.b.Gas sensitivity reduction ratio of 2% per month is to be taken into account at designing ofgas alarm as recommendation. In case that precise detection is required, periodicalcalibration.c.In case that water drop or oil is on the pre-filter, accurate measurement may not be availablebecause of low diffusion of detected gas to sensor. If such accident may be conceived,design of prevention from such one is to be considered.d.Warranty time is 2 years in case of being used in normal circumstance.12-3. Storage of sensorIt is recommended that electrochemical sensor should be stored in normal temperature and humidity, possibly 0-20 degree C, of clean air.Recommended storage time after delivery is less than 6 months. If the storage time is extended, the warranty term is to be shortened. It is because the lifetime of electrochemical sensor is not dependent on being electrified or not like semi-conductive type or catalytic type, and then this matter is to be correctly comprehensive in order to keep quality.12-4. General notice・ Use only within specified conditions.・ Sensor characteristics must be measured in clean air.・ Electrode pins must be correctly connected. Wrong connection does not allow correct functions.・ Do not apply voltage directly to electrode pins.・ Do not bend pins.・ Do not put excess vibration or shocks.・ If sensor housing is damaged or scratched, do not use.・ Do not blow organic solvents, paints, chemical agents, oils, or high concentration gases directly onto sensors.・ Do not solder pins of sensor directly. Use exclusive sockets.・ Do not disassemble or change any parts.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com・ In case that sensor is stored by detachment from circuit board, it is recommended that working electrode pin should be short-circuited with reference electrode pin in order toshorten the initial stabilization time.・ If sensor is used under irregular atmosphere, contact us.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com。
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技术资料电气化学式硫化氢气体传感器NE-H2S系列(NE-H2S, NE-H2S-100, NE-H2S-200, NE-H2S-500) 工业用途深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1. 概述 Nemoto NE 系 列 传 感 器 是 用 于 工 业 用 途 的 传 感 器 .NE-H2S, NE-H2S-100, NE-H2S-200 和 NE-H2S-500 是 用 于 检 测 硫 化 氢 的 气 体 传 感 器 . 外 形 , 脚 位 和 基 本 特 性 与 其 他 型 号 兼 容,尤其是 NE-H2S-100 在基本特性等方面的兼容度非常高。
另外,这些传感器与其他 传感器相比具有更好的稳定性,重复再现性,耐用性和可靠性,而价格具有竞争力。
2. 检测原理 电化学式气体传感器由根据发生氧化反应的检知电极,与此同时发生还原反应的对向电极和用 来监视和平衡持续电压的参照电极组成。
下图是电化学式传感器NE-H2S的结构, 硫化氢气体通 过传感器的隔膜扩散进入工作电极,在工作电极端产生氧化。
因此反应产生的质子进入对向电 极,在电解液中与溶解氧发生反应变成水。
硫化氢气体浓度与通过连续反 应成产生的电流成比率关系。
3. 特性 快速反应 良好选择性和重复性 良好线性输出和稳定性 高可靠性和使用寿命 高温高湿环境下良好的耐用性 4. 检测气体 硫化氢 5. 用途 工业H2S气体浓度显示计 用于工业设备的H2S气体报警器 手持式H2S气体泄露检测仪 环境监测设备 6. 尺寸和外观深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com外壳材枓 壳体颜色 重量PPO 黄色 约5克 图1 NE-H2S的外观和尺寸 (其他H2S系列与上面相同)7. 额定值 1) 使用时周围温湿度 2) 贮存时推荐的周围温湿度 3) 使用时压力范围 4) 检测范围 型号 温度 : -20 - +50 攝氏度 湿度 : 15 – 90%RH 温度 : 0 – 20 攝氏度 湿度 : 15 – 90%RH 0.9 – 1.1 atm 检测范围 最大负荷深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comNE-H2S NE-H2S-100 NE-H2S-200 NE-H2S-500 5) 推荐的载荷电阻0 – 100ppm 0 – 100ppm 0 – 200ppm 0 – 500ppm500ppm 500ppm 1,000ppm 2,000ppm 10 ohm8. 规格参数 1) 输出信号(20 攝氏度时) NE-H2S NE-H2S-100(标准型号) NE-H2S-200 NE-H2S-500 2) 反应时间(T90) 3) 同一天的重复再现性 4) 年零点偏移值 NE-H2S, 100 和 200 NE-H2S-500 500 +/- 100nA/ppm.H2S 700 +/- 150nA/ppm.H2S 500 +/- 100nA/ppm.H2S 200 +/- 50nA/ppm.H2S 小于30秒. 小于+/- 2% 小于1ppm硫化氢 小于2ppm硫化氢 小于1ppm硫化氢 小于3ppm硫化氢 小于10%/年 24个月 小于6个月5) 零点偏移的温度依赖性 NE-H2S, 100 和 200 NE-H2S-500 6) 长期灵敏度衰减性 7) 保证寿命 8) 建议贮存时间 9. 电气特性 9-1. 典型气体灵敏度9-2. 交叉灵敏度图2 : NE-H2S系列的气体灵敏度 表格1 : NE-H2S系列的交叉灵敏度深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com检测气体 硫化氢 一氧化碳 二氧化碳 氢气 氯气 二氧化硫 氧化在氮 甲烷 氨气 二氧化氮 乙烯 *曝光时间 *相应灵敏度 (H2S是100的相应灵敏度) NE-H2S, NE-H2S-200 100 小于2 0 小于1 0 小于13 小于5 0 0 -20 约0 30 秒 NE-H2S-100 100 小于3 0 小于1 0 小于20 小于4 0 0 -30 约0 NE-H2S-500 100 小于5 0 小于2 0 小于23 小于3 0 0 -30 约09-3. 温度依赖性图3 : NE-H2S的的典型温度系数 (100 在20 攝氏度时)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comTypical图4 : NE-H2S-100, NE-H2S-200的温度依赖性Typical图5 : NE-H2S-500的温度依赖性 9-4. 反应和回复特性图g.6 : NE-H2S的反应和回复特性 (20攝氏度时)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com9-6. 长期稳定性 常规环境下3年时间内都非常稳定.图7 : 常规环境NE-H2S的长期稳定性 10. 耐用性 NE-H2S在如高温高湿或高温干燥等严格环境下非常耐用. 特性描述如下. 10-1. 高温耐用性图8 : 高温干燥环境下的耐用性(80攝氏度) 10-2. 高温高湿耐用性图9 : 高温高湿环境下的耐用性(60攝氏度 90%RH)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com10-3. 低温耐用性图10 : 低温耐用性(-20攝氏度) 10-4. 热冲击实验 测试条件 传感器分別在零下-20攝氏度的环境下和50攝氏度的环境下贮存30分钟, 重复循环10次. 表格3. 热冲击实验 测试后(micro A)空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度测试前(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5空气中零点漂移灵敏度变化比率100ppm H2S的灵敏度(%) 100.0 99.8 99.8 99.6 100.20.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0156.2 54.1 56.9 54.3 55.80.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.0256.2 54.0 56.8 54.1 55.910-5. 落地实验 测试条件 传感器从1米高处自由落体跌落至混凝土地板5次. 表格4. 落地实验 测试后(micro A)空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度测试前(micro A) No. 1 2 3空气中零点漂移灵敏度变化比率100ppm H2S的灵敏度(%) 100.2 99.8 100.40.03 0.03 0.0255.4 56.5 54.70.03 0.03 0.0455.5 56.4 54.910-6. 干扰气体下的暴露实验 A. SO2气体暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在500ppm的二氧化硫下传感器暴露2小时。
深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com表格5. SO2气体暴露实验 测试前(micro A) 测试后(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度灵敏度变化比率空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度(%) 100.0 100.2 100.9 100.9 99.80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0055.4 56.1 54.1 58.1 54.10.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.0355.4 56.2 54.6 58.6 54.0B. 氨气暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在200ppm的氨气下传感器暴露2小时。
表格6. 氨气暴露实验 测试后(micro A)空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度测试前(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5空气中零点漂移灵敏度变化比率100ppm H2S的灵敏度(%) 98.8 98.4 98.0 98.5 98.40.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.0256.1 57.0 55.2 59.0 55.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0055.4 56.1 54.1 58.1 54.1C. NO2气体暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在50ppm的二氧化氮气体下传感器暴露2小时。
表格7. NO2气体暴露实验 测试前(micro A) 测试后(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度灵敏度变化比率空气中零点漂移100ppm H2S的灵敏度(%) 100.4 101.3 100.9 99.6 101.50.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.0054.8 55.8 53.5 58.2 53.7-0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.0055.0 56.5 54.0 58.0 54.5D. 氢气暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在500ppm的氢气下传感器暴露10小时。