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【摘要】 目的 通过难治性抑郁症与非难治性抑郁症患者甲状腺激素水平的检测与比较,探讨甲状腺激素治疗难治性抑郁症的依据。方法 选取难治性抑郁症患者和非难治性抑郁症患者各32例,采用放射免疫法测定两组血清T SH,T3,FT3,T4,F T4水平。结果 难治性抑郁症组异常者18例,占56.25%,非难治性抑郁症组异常者5例,占15.63%。两组比较有统计学意义( 2= 11.47,P<0.005),难治性抑郁症患者组甲状腺激素水平异常率明显高于非难治性抑郁症组,表现为T SH上升( 2=5.13,P< 0.05),T3下降( 2=5.14,P<0.05),FT4下降( 2=5.14,P<0.05)。结论 难治性抑郁症患者中有56.25%可考虑亚临床型甲状腺功能减退,甲状腺激素合并抗抑郁药治疗难治性抑郁症是有价值的可选方案。

【关键词】 难治性抑郁症;非难治性抑郁症;甲状腺激素:甲状腺功能;抗抑郁药

Comparison on the Serum Level of Thyroid Hormone in Patients with Refractory Depression and Single Depression.L i A isha. T he Fir st Peop le's H osp ital of N eij iang City,N eij iang,S ichuan641000,P.R.China

【Abstract】 Obj ective T o investig ate fo undatio n that patients w ith r efr act or y depr ession w er e treat ed w it h t hyr oid hor mone by the detectio n and compar ison of thyr oid hor mones level of the pat ients w it h r efracto ry depressio n and sing le depr ession. Methods A t otal o f32pationts w ith refr actor y depressio n wer e measur ed fo r serum thy ro nine stimulating hor mone(T SH), to tal tr iio do thyr onine(T3),to tal thyr o xine(T4),fr ee tr iiodothy ro nine(FT3)and fr ee thy ro xine(FT4)by R adio-immunnity befor e tr eatment.Simulaneously,32single depr ession matched in sex and ag e w ere recruited as co ntro ls.Results T her e w ere 18(56.25%)patio nts with refr actor y depressio n w hose serum thy ro id hor mones lev el w as abno rmal w hich r epresented as T SH up r egulatio n( 2=5.13,P<0.05),T3( 2=5.14,P<0.05)and F T4( 2=5.14,P<0.05)dow n reg ulation,and t her e w ere only 5(15.63%)abno rma l in the co ntro ls.T here w ere sig nificant differences betw een t he t wo g r oups( 2=11.47,P<0.05). Conclusion T here is sub-clinnical thyr oid function impairment in56.25%pat ionts with r efr act or y depressio n.T hat thyr oid hor mones combined w ith ant idepr essants drugs pro vide v aluable t reat ment o ptio ns fo r the ther apy of the pat ionts w ith refr acto ry depressio n.

【Key words】 R efracto ry depressio n;Sing le depr ession;T hyr oid ho rmo ne;T hy ro id functio n;A ntidepr essant s dr ug s


1 对象与方法

1.1 对象 难治性抑郁症组和非难治性抑郁症组皆为2008年5月-2010年5月就诊的门诊病人,各32例。入组患者年龄为19~69岁。

1.2 纳入与排除标准

1.2.1 非难治性抑郁症病人组 纳入标准: 符合CCM D-3抑郁发作诊断标准,未经抗抑郁药物治疗或曾经使用过一种抗抑郁药治疗有效,目前仍符合抑郁发作诊断标准; 汉密尔顿抑郁量表17项评分≥18分; 自愿签署知情同意书。排除标准: 合并严重躯体疾病的患者; 既往有过躁狂发作者; 入组前一月内接受过非选择性单胺氧化酶抑制剂(M A O I)治疗的患者; 入组前2个月内接受过长效神经阻滞剂治疗的患者; 入组前2个月内接受过甲状腺素治疗的


4 参考文献



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