2011-10-11 经典英美文学作品欣赏

What is Poetry? – Poetry consists of the best words in the best order. 一首诗歌包含若干Stanza 诗节,每个Stanza 诗节分 为若干line行,每line行分为若干音步foot。音步 foot由重读音节和非重读音节按照一定规律排列 而成,由此产生诗的格律meter。诗歌讲究节奏 Rhythm与和声harmony。 Meter (=measure) 格律 --- the „beat‟ of a line of verse determined by the kind and number of poetic feet. Stanza 诗节--- An arrangement of a certain number of lines forming the divisions of a poem.
Common feet: 重音节的符号表示为 ′ ;非重音节的 符号表示为 ־或 ^ : Iamb 抑扬格 is composed of 1 unstressed and 1 stressed syllables 由1个非重音节和1个重音节 组成;即一个短或弱音节之后跟着一个长或强音节, 例如:dēféat, ālí rētúrn, cōmpósed ve, Trochee 扬抑格 is composed of 1 stressed and 1 unstressed syllables 由1个重音节和1个非重音 节组成 (= Trochee is a unit in poetry consisting of one strong or long beat 强或长 音节followed by one weak or short beat 弱或 短音节.) 例如:tróchēe,fáthēr, lí stēn, dóublē

William Shakespeare
• Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
• The first group (1126): to Mr. W. H.
• The second group (127-152): to a Dark Lady
iambic pentameter
• meter: the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines
in verse the pattern of syllables in a line of poetry a rhythm of accented and unaccented syllables
arranged into feet.
iambic: 抑扬格(轻读音节与重读音节交替出现) pentameter:五音步 (five feet) syllable: 音节,通常包含一个元音和若干辅音 vowel: 元音 consonant: 辅音
iambic pentameter
• Example: 1. if you would put the key inside the lock
Sonnet 18
• In the sonnet, the speaker compares his beloved to the summer season, and argues that his beloved is better. He also states that his beloved will live on forever through the words of the poem.
• The Canterbury Tales was written in the years between 1387 and 1400. It has a general prologue and twenty four tales that are connected by “links”.

英国:The Canterbury Tales:It is a masterpiece by Geoffrey Chaucer.It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. The pilgrims cover a wide range of characters in the England of the time, from noblemen to peasants. They represent the whole range of 14th century society except the very top and the very bottom.This kind of a collection of tales put together was not rare in history. However, in The Canterbury Tales, stories are cleverly woven together by links between the stories. Most of the stories are related to the personalities of the tellers. The personality of each character, his private life and habits, his mood and social status are revealed in the prologue and in the story he tells, as well as by his behavior along the road and his remarks on the way. The links between the tales are of great interest. Most important is the part played by the host. He draws the shy ones out , smoothes over the differences, and keep the company generally in good spirits.The Faerie Queen:It is Edmund Sensor’s masterpiece. It was a long poem planned in 12 books, of which only 6 were finished. The book was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.The plan of the whole poem is this: The faerie queen(signifying Queen Elizabeth I) holds a feast of 12 days, and on each day a stranger in distress(不幸)appears, claiming help against a dragon or giant or tyrant. A knight was assigned to each guest, and the 12 books were to describe 12 adventures. Moreover, each knight represents a virtue, as Holiness, Temperance(温和), Chastity(纯洁), Friendship, Justice and Courtesy; and his warfare(战争)represents the strife(冲突)against a contrary vice, as pride or Despair. So the long poem is a continued allegory(寓言). The knights represent England and the devil figures stand for her enemies.Tamburlaine:It is a play by Christopher Marlowe. It is about an ambitious and pitiless(冷酷无情的)Tartar conqueror in the 14th century who rose from a shepherd(牧羊人)to an overpowering king. By flouting(嘲笑)the given order and trampling(践踏)on despairing princes, Tamburlaine displayed a high-aspiring mind that was self-created and carried by love and dreams beyond the limits of moral existence. His victories were a triumph(胜利)of immense natural energy and of ruthlessness over equally cruel but weak and decadent civilizations. By depicting a great hero with high ambition and sheer brutal force in conquering one enemy after another, Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.Being a cruel conqueror, he finds consummate(至上的)happiness in subduing(征服)other Kingdoms.Hamlet:Hamlet is the most popular and the most discussed of Shakespeare’s tragedies. It bears strong resemblance to a lost earlier Hamlet and to The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd.The greatness of the play lies in the fact that in it Shakespeare expressed his praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived. Hamlet’s revenge is not only a personal matter. What troubles him most is the injustice, conspiracy(阴谋), and the betrayal in the society. His father is murdered by his uncle and his mother is married to his uncle right after his father’s death.The marriage of his mother is the first blow(打击)to him as he had regarded her as a virtuous woman. Then, his former friends are dispatched by the king to spy on him. This is a second blow, for as a humanist he sets great store by friendship(以友谊为重). Then his girlfriend Ophelia is sent as a tool to find out whether or not he is really mad. This is something he can no longer endure.One incident after another seems to reveal to him that the time is “out of joint” and man is not so good as he had imagined. Hamlet would have been a tragedy of “blood and thunder”(充满凶杀情节)if Shakespeare had not imbued(使渗透)the play with the sort of philosophical thinking, this humanistic search for the value of man and the disappointment of such ideals.Of Studies:It is the most popular of Francis Bacon’s 58 essays. It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character. Being forceful and persuasive, compact(紧凑的)and precise, it reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.Paradise Lost:Milton’s masterpiece, it is a long epic divided into 12 books. It is about Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. The original story is taken from Genesis3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fall of Man”, i.e. man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause——Satan.The poet, through depicting incurrence(遭受)of character in the poem, implied that the British Bourgeois Revolution is doomed to end in failure.The Pilgrim’s Progress:The Pilgrim’s Progress, written by John Bunyan,is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also bears much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor——life is a journey——is simple and familiar.There are some main themes. First, knowledge gained through travel: The Pilgrim’s Progress demonstrates that knowledge is gained through travel by portrayingChristian and his companions learning from their mistakes on their journey. The pilgrims must advance spiritually as he or she advances geographically. Second, the importance of reading: The importance of reading is emphasized throughout the book because the pilgrims reach salvation and happiness by understanding the Bible. Third, the value of community.Moll Flanders:It was written by Daniel Defoe. It is written in an autobiographical form called memoirs.In Moll Flanders, Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature. And it anticipates many later novels that take women as the center of attention in order to expose how the social system has victimized those like Moll. At Defoe’ s time, there are many popular novels and stories about the lives of villains or rogues(流氓). However, Moll’s life story is a departure from those, because those novels indulge in dramatizing(使戏剧化)the tricks and immortal schemes the anti-hero or anti-heroine adopts in order to achieve his or her purposes. Therefore, those works remain at the level of mere entertainment literature. Moll Flanders, on the other hand, has entered serious literature with a grave social theme.Tom Jones:Tom Jones is a masterpiece of Henry Fielding on the subject of human nature. There are 18 books divided into 3 parts with 6 in each. The first part describes Tom’s childhood in Mr. Allworthy’ s home; the middle one contains adventures on the road to London; and the last tells what happens in London to Tom and Sophia.To Fielding, the countryside represents the basic goodness of human race, whereas the city stands for evil and sin. Therefore, Tom, growing in the countryside under the care of good Mr. Allworthy, is basically an upright young fellow, brave and honest and full of sympathy for the poor and weak. The farther he proceeds to London, the worse he becomes morally, spiritually, and even physically. In London, he degenerates into a kept man of a rich woman, ends up in prison, and is shocked by his alleged (声称的)incestuous crime(乱伦罪).The School for Scandal:It is Sheridan’ s masterpiece. It is written in the tradition of Comedy of Manners.It is a story about two brothers: Joseph Surface and Charles Surface. Charles falls in love with a rich heiress Maria and his love is returned. Joseph, his elder brother is also counting Maria for her fortunes. The play ends with the union of Charles and Maria and the exposure of Joseph’s hypocrisy.It is a sharp satire on the moral degeneracy(堕落)of the aristocratic-bourgeois(贵族资产阶级) society in the 18th century of England.Sons of Innocence:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.The poems collected in Songs of Innocence express the poet’ s delight in life, even in the face of sorrow and suffering. The world is seen through the eyes of a child’s imagination. Blake’ s vision of innocence is not that of a child’s only. It is a world that can be attained by the adults if they cast away(丢掉) the follies(罪恶) and deceits(欺骗) of the hostile world and seek a visionary world through their imagination. In this collection we can have the first glimpse of Blake’ s mysticism(神秘主义), which will develop in his later poems.Songs of Experience:William Blake’ s most well known poems are collected in two collections. They are Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.Songs of Innocence is a collection of poems and songs in which the atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy. Evil is found everywhere in this world. Through the loss of imagination, man has become a slave to the falsehood(谎话) and hypocrisy of religion and society, and thus has lost the Heaven of Innocence and gained the Hell of Experience.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage:《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》It is a lengthy narrative poem by George Gorgon Bryon.It tells a story of a pilgrim’s journey in Europe. The hero was called Childe Harold. He got tired of the meaningless and empty life of pleasure and escaped to seek a spiritual rebirth.Byron reflected the historical events and lamented on the sufferings of people, by which he showed his political and philosophical views.In the poem, Childe Harold was the poet himself; they both lamented over the corrupted reality and wanted to make a change; they loved freedom and were eager to build a marvelous career.The poem is an imaginative and romantic presentation of the poet’s disturbed emotions and eagerness for freedom. It also emphasizes individualism. This marvelous work exhibits Byron’s creative power and prepares him for a more powerful literary breakthrough.Don Juan:It is Byron’ s masterpiece. The poem reveals the poet’s attacks on social injustice and political intrigue, on moral degeneracy and personal vices(恶习), as well as his philosophical reflections on his own life and on abstractions.Byron puts into Don Juan his rich knowledge of the world and the wisdom gained from experiences. It presents brilliant depictions of life in his various stages of love, joy, suffering, hatred and fear. The unifying theme in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality. And the diverse materials and the clash(冲突) of emotions gathered in the poem are harmonized by Byron’ s insight into the difference between life’s appearance and its actuality. All these constitute the poet’s unique style. Ode to the West Wind:This poem is most representative of Shelley’ s feelings and thoughts at the time.It is a mixture of death and rebirth. Shelley is concerned with the regeneration of himself spiritually and poetically and of Europe politically. He is appealing to the west wind to effect this regeneration. In this poem, Shelley considers wind as “ destroyer and preserver”. It will destroy the old world and herald(通报,预示来临) in a new one.He abhorred(痛恨) the unjust and decayed society and conveyed his hope to build a bright world after wrecking(破坏) the old one through the power of the west wind. He would like to live in a harmonious society. Shelley showed his belief that the wind can destroy the old world and build a new one. He looked forward to the coming of Spring and had an optimistic feeling.On First Looking into Chapman’s HomerIt is the most important of Keats’ early sonnets, where with his inimitable(独特的) poetic imagery and concise but rich language Keats first found his ideal world in poetry and art, by exulting over the great epic poetry of the ancient Greek poet Homer. He appreciated Homer’s rich imagination and passion very much.Tess of D’ UrbervillesIt is Hardy’ s masterpiece.It is the most pastoral(田园生活的)of Hardy’ s novels. Its plot centers on the tragic occurrences of its heroine Tess’ s life.It is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and the destruction of English.peasantry towards the end of the 19th century.Dr Faustus:Dr Faustus is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the Faustus’s story, in which a man sells his soul to the devil in return for power and knowledge. It is adapted by a popular old German legend.The play’s dominant moral is human rather than religious.It celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness; it also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspirations in a hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man’s condition.The play ends with Faustus’ forced surrender(交出)of his soul to the devil after a lapse(消逝)of 24 years. Though the tragic ending suggests that the writer conforms with the orthodox teachings(正统的说教)of the church, the towering figure of Faustus is eloquent(雄辩的)evidence that the author has a will to search the infinite knowledge of life and to express his atheism(无神论) and patriotism.Julius Caesar:Julius Caesar is a historical play written by William Shakespeare.The play is a great one because it is concerned with several themes.One of them is whether one’s life is determined by his fate or by his free will. InCaesar’s case, he recognizes that some things like death are beyond human control, but to live passively(顺从的)is not a hero’s choice. The best course for him is to face death head-on, to die bravely and honorably.Another theme is inflexibility(不屈性)versus comprise. To gain one’s goal, sometimes one need to make some concessions and compromises. If one is as stubborn and inflexible as Caesar and Brutus, one has to pay a heavy price. On the contrary, if one is like Antony who can act according to the circumstances, he would win in the end. On the whole, the play is very enlightening because it provides multiple interpretations.A Modest Proposal:A Modest Proposal is a famous satire written by Jonathan Swift. Assuming the cool tone of an impartial outsider, the author suggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one years old as food for the English nobles. Written with much conciseness and terseness, the “proposal”is by far the most consummate(完美的)artistic expression of Swift’s indignation(愤怒)toward the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the English ruling class.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud:It is written by William Wordsworth.This poem is about nature. With his pure and poetic language, Wordsworth brings us into a beautiful world where there are daffodils(水仙花),trees and breeze. We follow the poet at every turn of his feelings. We share his melancholy(忧郁的) and his delight. We come to realize the great power of nature that may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poem.The poem’s main brilliance lies in the reverse personification of its early stanzas. The speaker is compared to a natural object, a cloud——“I wandered as lonely as a cloud”, and the daffodils are personified as human beings.This technique implies an inherent unity between man and nature, making it one of Wordsworth’s most basic and effective methods for instilling(逐渐灌输) in the reader the feeling the poet so often describes himself as experiencing.Ivanhoe:Ivanhoe is one of the best known historical fictions of Walter Scott.The background of Ivanhoe was set in the 12th century England. Since England was conquered by French Norman conqueror William, Anglo-Saxons lived a hard life under the rule of Normans. Richard, the protagonist, was portrayed as a knight. John, Richard’ s brother, planned to seize the throne from Richard. Ivanhoe helped Richard to defeat John and restore Richard’ s Kingship.The plot here is well constructed, and in the clever interweaving of complex events involving numerous characters we see Scott’ s masterly skills in narrative art which has made this novel extremely engrossing(引人入胜的).In a whole, it is a great work of art for here we find the novelist’s truthful representation of the cruelty and inhumanity of feudalism and his sympathy for the people as well as his skills inpresenting vivid portraits of characters and ingenious(独创的) arrangement of plots. Bleak House:It is one of Charles Dickens’ representative works.Bleak House is chiefly aimed at the abuse of the Chancery courts with its interminable(无止尽的) delays and huge costs. The novel is not merely a attack on the Chancery courts, but also fierce satiric thrusts(刺) at the whole political system in England, particularly at the parliamentary system. The author shows that the legal procedure is the source of profit for the few and the cause of misfortune for the many. Asides from such satires on the law courts and on the parliamentary system, the novel contains an intricate(复杂的) story of an aristocratic woman Lady Dedlock. And through the story the terrible inside of this aristocratic family is also exposed to view, which constitutes a penetrating satire on the aristocratic families whose parasitic (寄生的)existence is described with much contempt by the author,So in the novel there is a distinct note of bitterness and the novel shows the author’s loss of hope for the English society of his age.V anity Fair:It is William Makepeace Thackeray’ s masterpiece. The title Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, in which the protagonist Christian passes a Vanity Fair, where are sold all sorts of vanity. The writer’s attention is not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.My Last Duchess:It is one of the most representative of Robert Browning’ s dramatic monologues. The poem is based on the true history. The poem is a monologue of the Duke. It comprises rhyming pentameter lines.The nonchalance(冷淡) in the Duke’s tone fully reveals the arrogance and cruelty of an Italian tyrant in the age of the Renaissance.Wuthering Heights:Wuthering Heights is a poem by Emily Bronte.It can be interpreted into a criticism on the bourgeois matrimonial(婚姻的) system. It tells the tale of the passionate, yet thwarted(挫败的) love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them.It is generally considered one of the most original works. In many aspects, it is unique and has no counterparts in mode as well as in manner of writing. For example, the novel contains many Gothic and supernatural elements, which adds its uniqueness. Wuthering Heights is characterized for its poetic language, exaggerated plots and the simple, naked statement of violent emotions. It is like a musical or poetic transcription(抄本) of the violent spirit of Emily Bronte herself.The story is also characterized by its structure. It is told in a paired point of view——the third person and the first person. In this way, everything seems more truth-like. Heart of Darkness:The novel , written by Joseph Conrad, is based on his trip in Africa up to the Congo River in 1980. The story begins with Marlow telling his story to the other passengers while the ship is lying in anchor(抛锚) at the mouth of the Thames River.Major Barbara:Major Barbara is an important play by George Bernard Shaw.It touches on the fundamental issues of capitalism. Major Barbara is a play about two conflicting ideas. Major Barbara is the daughter of a millionaire named Andrew Undershaft, who was a foundling and a poor boy when young but has become a munition(军需品)magnate(富豪). Barbara wants to save the soul of the poor, and she has joined the Salvation Army(救世军),a kind of religious faction, which is organized like the army.In the character of Undershaft are exposed the essential characteristics of monopoly capitalists with bitter satire. This is Shaw’s chief contribution in his play. But beyond the satire there is nothing. In spite of the satire on capitalism, Shaw suggests no way out and seems to get confused about what to do next. As a conclusion, he suggests a certain kind of compromiseUlysses:Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce.The title parallels and alludes to Odysseus, the hero of Homer’s Odyssey. The useof stream of consciousness, careful structuring, puns, allusions, as well as its rich characteristics and broad humor, made the book a highly regarded novel in the modernist pantheon.(名流群)The novel tells of the wanderings and “adventures” of Leopold Bloom, a modern Ulysses, during 24 hours of a single day.The whole novel is divided into 18 episodes in correspondence with the 18 hours of the day. With great many varieties and minute details, Ulysses embodies a symbolic picture of all human history, which simultaneously tragic and comic, heroic and trivial, magnificent(华丽的) and dreary.Look Back in Anger:It is a play by John Osborne. The play spawned(造成) the term “ angry young men” to describe Osborne and those of his generation who employed harshness(严肃) and realism in the theater in contrast to the more escapist fare previously seen. Waiting for Godot:It is Samuel Beckett’s masterpiece.In the play Beckett is discussing the absurdity of human life. He is exploring an answer to such question as “Who am I?”, or “What am I living for?” but in this world of absurdity he cannot find the answer.The play told that two tramps waited for Godot. Godot’s absence, as well as numerous other aspects of the play, has led to many different interpretations since the plays premiere.What is the meaning of the play? Who is Godot? Why are they waiting? All these questions puzzle the reader.The message of the play may be like this. At the bottom, life is cynical. It is spiraling(盘旋的) downward. In either case life seems repetitious(重复的), empty, boring, with no meaning in the sense of “purpose” or “progress”.Lord of the Flies:It is a novel by William Golding, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.It tells the story about the fate of a group of English schoolboys who are marooned(放逐) and become isolated on an island, which is an allegory about the tragedy of human nature.The Picture of Dorain Gray:It is Oscar Wilde ‘s masterpiece.This is the representative work which reflects his artistic view, especially the principle of “art for art’s sake”. It touches upon a typical Victorian subject——the divided self(自我分裂) . The symbolic significance of the story is self-evident.美国:The Autobiography:It could be seen as the representative work of Franklin,which has great impact on American literature.From the content, it is probably the first kind of autobiography in the history of American literature.It records the author’s rising from poverty or humble beginnings to success, including his studying in his young age and his experiences of work. And his achievement in politics, science and economy are also mentioned in this book. It is an early example of American dream. And from then on, people can think that they may write a book about his own life and make it useful to others.The whole book is filled with the style of Puritanism. The moralities of hard-will, self-education, self-retrospect, self-analysis and self- reliance are clearly seen from The Autobiography. And all these are the characteristics of Puritans. It teaches people how to be self-cultivated, how to be self-reliant and how to serve the God well.The Wild Honey Suckle:It is one of Philip Freneau’s most important works.This poem gives the reader of a simple and ordinary image——the wild honey suckle.It grows in the remote place and nobody even notices it.The poet is sorry for the short life of the honey suckle which even can not be traceable when it dies.The diction used in the poem is simple and direct. The imagery is sensuous.This poem celebrated the beauty of the countryside of the new continent by appreciating the common flower which grew up in America, contrasting the usual flower images in the Britain literature ever before.From then on, many writers found some useful materials in the American history and their eyes did not always focus on the Britain and European continent.The Raven:The Raven is a narrative poem by American writer Edgar Allan Poe.This poem depicts the scene that the speaker talks to a raven. The raven can speak a word “nevermore” which interests the speaker.The speaker’s mind wanders back to his lover. All of the questions he intended to ask the raven indicated the speaker’s loss. And at last the speaker’s nerve can not handle grieve of the loss of his lover and breaks down. From the poem we can feel that the speaker’s anxiety and the trend of suddenly going to outbreak.The poem is pervaded with the atmosphere of the speaker’s dreamy imagination. It is more likely that the speaker is talking to the raven in his semi-stupor mental state (半昏迷状态)than in his sober mental state(清醒状态).The poem makes use of a number of folk, mythological(神话的), religious, and classical references.Poe claimed to have written the poem very logically and methodically(有方法的), intending to create a poem that would appeal to both critical and popular tastes.The American Scholar:The American Scholar was a speech given by Ralph Waldo Emerson in Cambridge, Massachusetts.He was invited to speak in recognition of his work Nature, in which he established a new way for America's fledgling(羽翼未丰的)society to regard the world. Sixty years after declaring independence, American culture was still heavily influenced by Europe, and Emerson, for possibly the first time in the country's history, provided a visionary philosophical framework for building a new, distinctly American cultural identity.Emerson uses Transcendentalist and Romantic views to get his points across by explaining a true American scholar's relationship to nature.In The American Scholar, Emerson is trying to say that “we Americans should stop imitating other countries in literature and we ought to create a way of our own”. It is a sign that American is trying to be away from the British or Europe influence and at the same time makes their own literature style——to be more specific——and set up their own American national characteristics.The Scarlet Letter:It is the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which established him as the leading American native novelist of the 19th century.The letter A initially is a sign of adultery(通奸)and penitence(赎罪), as the community sees the letter as a mark of just punishment and a symbol to deter(阻止)others from sin. Hester is a fallen woman with a symbol of her guilt. Later, when she becomes a frequent visitor in homes of pain and sorrow, the A is seen to represent “Able” or “Angel”. It has rejuvenated Hester.Its immortal enchantment(魅力)lies in not only its condemnation of the negative impact of Puritan society on people’s spirit, but also its affirmation of goodness. The novel aims at criticizing severely Puritanical asceticism(苦行主义), suggestingHawthorne’s further thinking over the “original sin”“good and evil”“soul salvation”“total depravity”by analyzing the four main characters in the novel. The novel concerns the consequence caused by the sin and people’s attitude towards sin rather than the sin itself. He believes man can do good deeds to get rid of evil in his heart. Hester Prynne: The writer gives her some symbolic meanings by giving her this name. Hester sounds like Hestier, Zeu’s sister in Greek Mythology, who is a very beautiful goddess. This gives us a sense that Hester is a passionate beautiful woman. In this novel, she is the symbol of the truth, the goodness and the beauty.Arthur Dimmesdale: He is a well-regarded young minister, who initials are AD, which also stands for adultery. The author obviously tells us Arthur Dimmesdale is the pratner in sin of Hester Prynne by giving him this name. The word Dimmesdale also has symbolic meanings. Dim means dark and weak, and dale means valley, so the dimdale here is actually a symbol of the dim-interior of the lergyman. He loves Hester deeply, and he is the father of Pearl, but he can only show his passion for her in the forest or in darkness. His response to the sin is to die.A Psalm of Life:It is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s most famous poem that encourages people to persevere(坚持)despite tragedy , to affirm life, to pick up courage from losses and to push ahead for all momentary defeats. It is a poem in which a young man entreats(恳求)a psalmist(and readers) not to be optimistic, but to muster courage in adversity (逆境).Walden:It is Henry David Thoreau’s masterpiece, which is a great Transcendentalist work .The book is full of people waking up: as a matter of fact, he wakes up several times himself in the book. He records how he tries to minimize his own needs on Walden Pond.Thoreau was never tired of staying alone in nature. Walden is a faithful record of his reflections when he was in solitary communion with nature, an eloquent(雄辩的) indication that he not only embraced Emerson’s Transcendentalist philosophy but went even further to illustrate the pantheistic(泛神论的) quality of nature.Walden is a book about man, what he is , and what he should be and must be. Thoreau has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man. He holds that the most important thing for men to do with their lives is to be self-sufficient and strive to achieve personal spiritual perfection. The fact that he moved into his shabby cabin illustrates his desire to be independent and find truth for himself.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a fiction by Mark Twain. The books relates the escape of Jim from slavery and more important, how Huck Finnm floating along with him and helping him, changes his mind, his prejudice about Black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well.Mark Twain starts the tradition of writing in colloquial way and using the dialect. He prefers simple language and sometimes there are even ungrammatical errors in the。

英国文学作品赏析The features of Charles Dickens1. His critical realism: While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the 18th-century realist novel, he carried the duty to the criticism of the society and the defense of the mass.2. He is a mas ter storyteller. With his first sentence, he engages the reader’s attention and holds it to the end.3. What he writes is mainly the middle and lower-middle class life in London.4. He is a master of language with a large vocabulary and an adeptness with the vernacular.5. He is a great humorist as well as a great painter of pathos. He always mingles the two to make his fictional world realistic.6. His characters are not only true to life but also large than life. There are both individual characters and type characters.II. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre1. Theme: The novel sharply criticizes the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions like Lowood School, where girls are trained to be humble slaves. It rebukes the social discrimination and false convention about love and marriage. Besides, the novel is a moral fable. It tells us that people have to go through all kinds of physical or moral tests to obtain their final happiness.2. The character analysis of Jane Eyre: Jane Eyre is an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved. She is poor and plain, but she dares to love her master, a man superior to her in many ways, as a little governess. She is brave enough to declare to the man her love for him. She cuts a completely new women image. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. III. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Height1. The novel is an extraordinary moving love story: the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine is the most intense, beautiful, and the most horrible passions ever found among human beings.2. It is also a work of critical realism. Heathcliff is abused, rejected and distorted by the society only because he is a poor orphan of obscure parents. He suffers all kinds of inhuman treatment after the death of his benefactor. He loves Catherine dearly but forced to be separated from her. So, Heathcliff’s cruel revenge upon his enemies is justified in a way.3. The author makes clear that it is wrong to discriminate on the basis of social status, and it is cruel and destructive to break genuine, natural human passions. Although Catherine and Edgar’s marriage is ideal in the eyes of the whole neighborhood, her love for Heathcliff is hard and everlasting.I. The features of Shaw’s plays:1. Problem plays: He took the modern social issues as his subject with the aim of directing social reforms. Most of his plays are concerned with political, economic, or religious problems.2. In his characterization, he makes the tricks of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. His characters are the representatives of ideas, which shift and alter during the play.3. The strong sense of comedy in his play are achieved through his witty dialogues, sharp satires, and vivid portrayal of characters.II. The theme of Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s profession1. The play is not only moral, but also has a strong realistic theme. The guilt for prostitution lies more upon the social system than immoral woman. He shows all human sufferings are consequences of the economic exploitation.2. The play is a spiritual triumph for Vivie who experiences a journey from illusion to reality. At first, she is ignorant of the evil, and through a series of temptations, she understands the capitalist world better.D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers1. Theme: Sociologically, it is a novel about modern civilization, the “sickness of a whole civilization”. Psychologically, it is a case study of the Oedipus complex theory, for it deals with a son who loves the mother too dearly and hates the father too despisingly. The psychic conflict (between dark self and white self) in human relationships is the central theme of the novel.2. The character analysis of Paul Morel:He is a light, quick, slender boy. From his childhood, he is especially sensitive, artistic and imaginative, and he becomes extraordinarily dependent on his mother. When he gets older, his distorted relationship with his mother prevents him from loving girls as fully as he feels he should. Besides, Paul is also an artist, and a likeable young man adored by many girls.The features of stream of consciousness1. The unspoken thoughts and feelings of their characters are described without resorting to objective description or conventional dialogue.2. The flux of a character’s thoughts, impressions, emotions are often shown without logical sequence or syntax.Wordsworth’ poemWilliam Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets of the ages, who excelled in vivid descriptions of nature and the joy that could be derived from the beauties of nature. For much of his life he lived in the Lake District, near Grasmere Lake in "Dove Cottage".He established his reputation as a poet of great lyricism with his "Poems in Two V olumes" published in 1807; these included his famous "Daffodils" and "Ode: On the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood". In 1843 he was appointed Poet Laureate. Features of his writings1. Chaacteristic of features of Romantic poetry;2. Nature and ordinary people are normally the subjects of his poems;3. Melodic in rythem;4. Full of passion;5. Lyricism in wording.I. The features of Shaw’s plays:1. Problem plays: He took the modern social issues as his subject with the aim of directing social reforms. Most of his plays are concerned with political, economic, or religious problems.2. In his characterization, he makes the tricks of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. His characters are the representatives of ideas, which shift and alter during the play.3. The strong sense of comedy in his play are achieved through his witty dialogues, sharp satires, and vivid portrayal of characters.II. The theme of Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s profession1. The play is not only moral, but also has a strong realistic theme. The guilt for prostitution lies more upon the social system than immoral woman. He shows all human sufferings areconsequences of the economic exploitation.2. The play is a spiritual triumph for Vivie who experiences a journey from illusion to reality. At first, she is ignorant of the evil, and through a series of temptations, she understands the capitalist world better.The Thackeray’s styleHe held the idea that the mission of art was to disclose the regime class, what’s more, he was especially good at rearing the masks wore by the aristocrat and bourgeois. His magnum opus Vanity Fair is a vivid show of an adventuress in the early 19th capital society. The way of narrating stories and cynicism formed an inimitable style.in Vanity Fair, the author makes the narration in the tone of a story-teller. The tone is friendly and casual because he acts as a character in the Vanity Fair to recount what he knows well, and it is also quite natural to insert some comments into the narration. Thackeray was such a good narrator that the narration was vivid, interesting the full of humor. The dialogues are vivid and match the characters’ identities well.Vanity Fair reveals the truth of the politics and society of the capitalist world, that is, the ugliness of the society. To depict the reality, as Thackeray said, is necessarily to expose marry unpleasant truths. He felt that the society was full of those faithless, hopeless and merciless men who were either swindlers or fools with much popularity. Novelists should make people laugh by exposing and making fun of them. Therefore, the novel Vanity Fair aims to reveal all the evils without mercy.Thackeray also pointed out selfless love could turn the coward into brave, the self-conscious into self-confident, the lazy into diligent. He said his aim of writing this gloomy story was to disclose people’s imbecility and awake them by appealingThackeray tended to probe into those characters’ minds when he was describi ng them. His constant acute observation and self analysis enabled him to perceive the moods and emotion of the characters well. He also purposefully portrayed condition that could change a person’s way of life.A good man will not necessarily succeed or do well, while successful men are often regarded as good man in the society. A man will become virtuous once he was money. So what he portrays is not a story of a man, but a panorama of a society.ThemesThe world is shown as full of all kinds of vanity, esp. snobbery, duplicity of social-climbers, and the weakness of human nature.The realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism of the author make it a masterpiece of social criticism.Special FeaturesHe criticizes the social moral that makes up the societyHis criticism embraces people of all social strata; his social-climbers and snobs and money-grabbers can be found in any class.He always speaks in an ironical, sarcastic and cynical tone of an on-looker.He proves a conscious artist. His works are known for their fine language, careful overall planning, mastery of detail, vast scope of view and a faithfulness to the historyOde to the West Wind" is one of Shelley's best known lyrics. The poet describes vividly the activities of the west wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea, and then expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind, and his wish to be free like the wind andto scatter his words among mankind. The ode is a lyric poem of some length, dealing with a lofty theme in a dignified manner and originally intended to be sung. The English odes are generally of three types: (1) the Pindaric ode, following the pattern originated by the ancient Greek poet Pindar,(2) the Cowley-style ode, named after Abraham Cowley, an English poet of the 17th century, and(3) the Horatian ode, named after the ancient Roman poet Horace. Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is of the Horatian type, i.e., with stanzas of uniform length and arrangement. Here Shelley employed the "terza rima," an Italian measure first used by Dante in his well-known poem La Divina Commedia. Here we find a variant of the original Italian pattern: five 14-lined stanzas of iambic pentameter, each ofthe stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet. The rime scheme is aba, bcb, cdc, ded, ee.。

英美文学赏析课程简介课程目标1. 使学生能够欣赏比较简单的各类文学作品,提高英语阅读欣赏水平和英语写作技巧。
课程内容在选择中紧扣“英语文学欣赏入门”的课题,所选材料难度适中,考虑学生兴趣,语言水平,相关文化等因素,并与北师大版新教材的“Literature Spot”部分有机结合,充分利用好教材。
结构框架诗歌))Unit One Poems (诗歌Unit Two Essays (散文)Unit Three Novels (小说) Unit Four Dramas (戏剧)Unit Five Speeches (演说辞)重点难点本课程的教学重点是对所选作家作品的了解与欣赏,难点是理解文章中文化意识,运用写作技巧与整体意义的升华。
课时数72学时(高一,高二)选课建议鼓欢迎每一个喜爱英语阅读,英语文学,希望提高英语阅读及写作水平的同学选课!这里将是一个新的天地!Thank You!。

英美文学赏析Reading and Writing about LiteratureCompiled byWang LanglangXiamen University2007Revised and adapted fromAho, William, ed. Reading and Writing about Short Stories. Unpublished manuscript, 2003.Wang Shouren and Zhao Yu, eds. British and American Fiction. Nanjing: Nanjing Unversity Press, 1994.Yuan Xianjun and Qian Kunqiang eds.Approaching Fiction. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2004Foote, David W., et al. Contemporary Short Stories. New York: McDougal, Littell and Company, 1996.Short stories and poems texts taken from various Internet libraries.Part IReading and Writing about Short StoriesIntroductionEveryone has a story of some kind to tell. In ancient times, before TV and the printing press, story telling was the chief amusement—nearly the only entertainment in town. Music and stories whiled away long nights, and the yarn-spinners that most cleverly embellished their tales were usually honored guests at campfires and tables. Polished and honed stories of valor and conquest also became the primary means of transferring cultural values to the next generation. A clever hero inspired emulation;a despised villain invoked ridicule.The value of a good story, taken as a whole, considers both the literal and the implied meaning, and thus is always greater than the sum of these two parts. There are nebulous aspects of tone and style in literature that affect emotions, and are often difficult to pinpoint. Attempts to explain the unexplainable impact of literature on the human mind and soul has kept critics occupied since PlatoReaders of fiction are awakened to the common denominations of human nature. Although times, places, and peoples change, the human struggle repeats itself with different names. Inhabitants of this planet past and present, represent one people and literature recreates this common ground. Daily life, romance, hope, despair, fear, love, hate, good and evil are the matter of life in every age and every culture from Homer, to Shakespeare, to Hemingway. By studying literature we realize we are not so different as we may have thought.Good stories survive because of the fresh and startling ideas and insights they offer. Ideas and insight have the power to liberate our minds and our imaginations and to cause us to reflect critically about our own values, beliefs, and assumptions.The short stories in this text are carefully chosen for two purposes: to delight the reader, and to serve as illustrations of rhetorical techniques that turn reporting into literature. Getting a grip on these techniques is the key to the enjoyment and analysis of the art of literary communication.Literary VocabularyIrony. Irony is a contrast between appearance and actuality.Situation irony is the contrast between what a reader or character expects and what actually exists or happens.Dramatic irony is the contrast between what a character in astory knows about events and what the reader knows.Theme. Theme is the central idea, or message, in a work of literature. It is the writer‘s perception about life or humanity that is shared with the reader.Mood. Mood is the feeling, or atmosphere, that a writer creates for the reader. The mood of a work could be described as sinister, cheerful, exciting, dreamlike, or sentimental.Setting. Setting is the time and place of the action of a story.Symbol. A symbol is a person, place, activity, or object that represents something beyond itself.Characterization. Characterization refers to the techniques a writer uses to develop characters. There are four basic methods of characterizations: (1) through physical description; (2) through a character‘s speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions; (3) through the speech, thoughts, feelings, or actions of other characters; and (4) through the narrator‘s direct comments about a character.Point of View. Point of view refers to the narrative method, or the kind of narrator, used in a literary work. Many stories use third-person point of view: the story is told by a narrative voice outside the action. Other stories, however, used first-person point of view: the narrator is a character in the story who tells everything in his or her own words.Plot Structure. Plot refers to the actions and events in a literary work. In a traditional narrative, plot structure consists if the exposition, the rising action, the climax, and the falling action.Style. Style is the way in which piece of literature is written. Style refers not to what is said but to how it is said. Elements such as word choice, length of sentence, comparisons, tone, mood, and use of dialogue contribute to a writer‘s personal style. (Earnest Hemmingway‘s style might be described as restrainedin its use of short sentences and minimal description.) Figurative Language. Figurative language is language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meanings of the words. Two common forms of figurativelanguage are simile and metaphor. Similes and metaphors make comparisons between two things that are actually unlike yet have something in common. A simile usually contains the word like or as.Conflict. The plot of a story almost involves some sort of conflict, or struggle between opposing forces. A conflict may be external, involving a character pitted against an outside force—another character, physical obstacle, nature, or society. A conflict may also be internal, occurring within a character.Flash back. A flashback is a conversation, an episode, or an event that happened before the beginning of a story. Often a flashback interrupts the chronological flow of a story to give the reader information helpful in understanding a character‘s present situation.Tone. Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward a subject. Style and description in a work of literature help create tone, which might be formal, informal, ironic, angry, serious, or playful.Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is a writer‘s use of hints or clues to point to events that will occur later in the plot of a story. Use of this technique creates suspense while preparing the reader for what is to come.Imagery. Imagery refers to words and phrases that re-create sensory experiences for a reader. Images can appeal to any of the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. The majority of images are visual, stimulating pictures in the reader‘s mind.How to Read Fiction?Here are some questions you might ask when you are faced with the task of reading or writing about fiction. Your answers to these questions will help you begin brainstorming, to overcome the awful whiteness of the empty page.1.From what point of view is the story told?Can you speculate on the appropriateness of that point of view? If a story is told from the point of view of a first-person narrator who participates in the action, what significant changes would occur if it were told from the point of view of an omniscient author? And, of course, vice versa. Keep in mind that first-person narrators do not know what other characters think. On the other hand, omniscient narrators know everything about the lives of the characters. How would the story you are writing about be changed if the viewpoint were changed?2.Who are the principal characters in the story?(There will rarely be more than three in a short story; the other characters will often be portrayed sketchily; sometimes they are even stereotypes.) What functions do the minor characters serve? Do any of the characters change during the course of the story? How, and why?3.What is the plot of the story?Do the events that constitute the plot emerge logically from the nature of the characters and circumstances, or are the plot elements coincidental and arbitrary?4.What is the setting of the story?Does the setting play an important role in the story, or is it simply the place where things happen? What might the consequences of some other setting be for the effectiveness of the story?5.What is the tone of the story?Read the first several paragraphs of the story to see how the tone is established. Does the tone change with events, or remain fixed? How does the tone contribute to the effect of the story?6.Do you find ambiguities in the story?That is, can you interpret some element of the story in more than one way? Does that ambiguity result in confusion, or does it add to the complexity of the story?7.What is the theme of the story?This, finally, is often the most significant question to answer. All the elements of fiction, tone, setting, plot, theme, characterization, and point of view have been marshaled to project a theme — the moral proposition the author wishes to advance. When you write about a work, resist the tendency to do the easiest thing — retell the plot, incident by incident. You must work instead to understand the devices the author uses to convey his or her theme, and, in your essay, reveal that understanding.Early AutumnLangston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes, 1902-1967)美国黑人诗人、剧作家、小说家,20年代“哈莱姆文艺复兴”重要作家之一。

英国文学史资料British Writers and Works一.A nglo-Saxon period<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. (主题严肃,语言庄重)e.g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliteration(押头韵)(该文最大修辞特点,每行第一个词辅音韵)Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in asentence begin with the same consonant sound(辅音)ing metaphor(暗喻,隐喻)and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlledway Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express theirideas二.The Middle Ages (Medieval Ages)Geoffery Chaucer杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”The father of English poetry.first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(英雄双韵体) by middle English代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》《The Canterbury tales》。

What is the literature? Fiction Poetry Drama
Non-fiction (or nonfiction) is the form of any narrative, account, or other communicative work whose assertions and descriptions are understood to be factual.
In a narrower sense, however, fiction denotes only narratives that are written in prose (the novel and short story), and sometimes is used simply as a synonym for the novel.
reading, “literacy.”
The definition of 18th century:
Practice and profession of writing.

王莎士比亚的灿烂王冠上 面的一颗最光辉的钻石。
——俄国著名文学批评家 别林斯基
List of Characters
• Hamlet---Prince of Denmark
son of dead King and nephew the present ruler of Denmark to
• Henry VIII
One of The Oscar Best Movie Posters
• Best Picture of the Year • Performance by an actor in a leading role • Performance by an actress in a leading role • Performance by an actor/actress in a supporting role • Achievement in directing • Best foreign language film of the year
• • • • • Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V Scene 1~5 Scene 1~2 Scene 1~4 Scentio and two others are on watch at the castle of Elsinore. They see a ghost resembling the late King of Denmark. The specter cannot be persuaded to speak. It vanishes at cockcrow. Claudius thanks his subjects for assistance in the ceremonies at his brother’s funeral and his own marriage. He also sends ambassadors to curb Fortinbras’ threatening invasion. Hamlet grieves over his mother’s speedy re-marriage. He is told of the ghost. Laertes warns Ophelia of Hamlet’s attentions. Polonius orders Ophelia to reject Hamlet. The ghost leads Hamlet away, tells him how he was murdered, and asks him to revenge.

1墓园挽歌:托马斯·格雷(Thomas Gray,1716-1771)是感伤主义诗歌的代表诗人。
他最著名的诗歌是便是《墓园挽歌》,并因此同写过《夜吟死亡》(Nitht-Piece on Death,1721)的托马斯·帕达尔(Thomas Parnell, 1679-1718),写过《坟墓》(The Grave, 1743)的罗伯特·布莱尔(Robert Blair,1699-1746)和写过《夜思》(Night Thoughts,1742)的爱德华·杨格(Edward Yong,1683-1765)等人一道被称为“墓园派诗人”。
这首诗共32 节,每节有四行五步抑扬格组成,以abab 押韵。
(The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.)开头一段描写了天黑时分牧人赶着牛群徐徐入村,农人们经历了一天的劳累拖着疲惫的步伐回家的景象,把恬静的乡村生活如风景画般的呈现在了我们面前。

1843年被封为英国“桂冠诗人”.威廉.布雷克To see a world in a grain of sand, 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,And a heaven in a wild flower, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 把握在你手心里的就是无限,And eternity in an hour. 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。

他本来 是想 成 为一 名药剂 师的 ,但是 由
于 他的 妻子 艾达 的 劝说 ,他 才开 了这 家
自我 实现 的失 败 者
在现 实世 界中 ,莫里斯是一 个不 铺子。莫里斯没有忠于 自己的本性,在 折不扣的卑微的小人物,是一个非常失 人生的道路之 中误入 了歧途,他对 自己
败 的小 杂货 店的 老板 。他 只知 道要 生活 的 比较 好 ,但 是这 么 多年来 ,他还 没学 的潜 力 认识 不清 , 而让 自己与心 目中 从
有安 全感 。 莫里斯 总是 担心 会破 产 , 他 “ 动 迟缓 ,喘 着粗 气 ,“ 像 香 蕉 那样 结 就
三 、对 传 统 道 德 的 坚 守
得 人 应该 穿衣 服 , 他也 没 有找 到 新 的款 式 , 以就莫 里斯 的这 套 旧衣 服 , 里斯 所 莫 的 形象 不 可能 在 世 界上 重 建秩 序 , 他太 软弱了, 可是 他 的 那份 坚 守 的 力量是 让
里 ,感 觉 到 一 种 密 不 透 风 的 压 抑 和 窒 息 。
莫 里 斯 的 贫 穷 是 让 人 伤 感 的 , 他 “ 是 越 过 越 穷 。 他 越 卖 力 干 ,似 乎 老 到 手得越 少 。他 的操 劳 只是一 种 以时 间
打 发 时 间的 办法 。 ”而 且 他经 常 是 伤 感
们 的 个 体 生 存 造 成 挤 压 与 摧 残 , 将
他 们 推 入 到 一 种 无 可 奈 何 的 生 存 绝 宁静 。一 个 人能 够 成 为什 么 , 就 必须 他 境 ,可 是 他 们 并 没 有 屈 服 , 他 们 用 可 成 为 什 么 , 必 须 忠 于 他 自 己的 本 性 。 他 贵 的 坚 强 的 力 量 , 坚 守 着 内 心 的 信 这 一需 要就 可 以称 为 自我 实现 的需 要 。 ” 仰 , “ 个 犹 太 人 , 就 得 有 副 好 心 莫 里 斯 并 不想 成 为 一 个杂 货 铺 的老 板 , 做 肠 ” “ 人 老 实 , 觉 才 睡 得 安 稳 。 ; 做 ”


To his loveThis poem begins on a quiet note, remembering times of his past which were happy times, at home with his friend, who is now lying dead.The sight of the friends mangled body is expressed by a note of rising hysteria as he tries to blot out the sight and memory of his dead friend.Gurney mentions the River Severn and Gloucestershire, which together with his friend give two themes to this poem.During 1917 Gurney published a collection of poems ' Severn and Somme ' a tribute to his beloved Gloucestershire and a direct comparison to the WW1 on the Somme. By 1918 it was clear that his horrific experiences hadThe contrast in the beautiful imagery of the countryside and the horrific imagery of death gives the poem the dramatic feel that Gurney is not only trying to express but going through himself. The fact that the poem explains a real situation makes the reader greive with the narrator of the lost friend.affected his already fragile mental state.Annabel Lee"Annabel Lee" is the last complete poem[1] composed by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman.[2] The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are jealous. He retains his love for her even after her death. There has been debate over whom, if anyone, was the inspiration for "Annabel Lee"."Annabel Lee" consists of six stanzas, three with six lines, one with seven, and two with eight, with the rhyme pattern differing slightly in each one.[2] Though it is not technically a ballad, Poe referred to it as one.[8] Like a ballad, the poem utilizes repetition of words and phrases purposely to create its mournful effect.[2] The name Annabel Lee emphasizes the letter "L", a frequent device in Poe's female characters such as "Eulalie", "Lenore", and "Ulalume".[9]There is debate on the last line of the poem. The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, Maryland has identified 11 different versions of the poem that were published between 1849 and 1850.[10] However, the biggest variation is in the final line:The Chimney Sweeper"The Chimney Sweeper" is the title of two poems by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of Experience in 1794.[1] The poem "The Chimney Sweeper" is set against the dark background of child labor that was well known in England in the late 18th and 19th century. At the age of four and five, boys were sold to clean chimneys, due to their small size. These children were oppressed,and had a diminutive existence that was socially acceptable at the time. In the earlier poem, a young chimney sweeper recounts a dream had by one of his fellows, in which an angel rescues the boys from coffins and takes them to a sunny meadow; in the later poem, an apparently adult speaker encounters a child chimney sweeper abandoned in the snow while his parents are at church or possibly even suffered death where church is referring to being with God.The road not taken"The Road Not Taken" is an ironic commentary on the autonomy of choice in a world governed by instincts, unpredictable contingencies, and limited possibilities. It parodies and demurs from the biblical idea that God is the "way" that can and should be followed and the American idea that nature provides the path to spiritual enlightenment. The title refers doubly to bravado for choosing a road less traveled but also to regret for a road of lost possibility and the eliminations and changes produced by choice. "The Road Not Taken " reminds us of the consequences of the principle of selection in al1 aspects of life, namely that al1 choices in knowledge or in action exclude many others and lead to an ironic recognitions of our achievements. At the heart of the poem is the romantic mythology of flight from a fixed world of limited possibility into a wilderness of many possibilities combined with trials and choices through which the pilgrim progresses to divine perfection. I agree with Frank Lentricchia's view that the poem draws on "the culturally ancient and pervasive idea of nature as allegorical book, out of which to draw explicit lessons for the conduct of life (nature as self-help text)." I would argue that what it is subverting is something more profound than the sentimental expectations of genteel readers of fireside poetry. . . .I Wandered Lonely as a CloudThe poem is 24 lines long, consisting of four six-line stanzas. Each stanza is formed by a quatrain, then a couplet, to form a sestet and a ABABCC rhyme scheme.[1] The fourth- and third-last lines were not composed by Wordsworth, but by his wife, Mary. Wordsworth considered them the best lines of the whole poem.[1][12] Like most works by Wordsworth, it is romantic in nature;[13] the beauty of nature, unkempt by humanity, and a reconciliation of man with his environment, are two of the fundamental principles of the romantic movement within poetry. The poem is littered with emotionally strong words, such as "golden", "dancing" and "bliss".The plot of the poem is simple. Wordsworth believed it "an elementary feeling and simple impression".[14] The speaker is wandering as if among the clouds, viewing a belt of daffodils, next to a lake whose beauty is overshadowed:[15]The reversal of usual syntax in phrases, particularly "Ten thousand saw I at a glance" is used as part of foregrounding (for emphasis).[16] Loneliness, it seems, is only a human emotion, unlike the mere solitariness of the cloud.[17] In the second and third verses, the memory of the daffodils is given permanence (particularly through comparison the stars); this is in contrast to the transitory nature of life examined in other works:[18]In the last stanza, it is revealed that this scene is only a memory of the pensive speaker.[12] This is marked by a change from a narrative past tense to the present tense. as a conclusion to a sense of movement within the poem: passive to active motion; from sadness to blissfulness.[16] The scene of the last verse mirrors the readers' situation as they take in the poem:[。

詹姆斯一世(1603-1625) 查理一世(1625-1649) 查理二世(1660-1685) 詹姆斯二世(1685-1688) 威廉三世(1688-1702) 玛丽二世(1688-1694) 安妮(1702-1714)
Historical Context
During Elizabeth’s reign, the monarch and the parliament were getting along with each other. During the reign of James I & Charles I, the conflict between the king and the parliament became acute. English Revolution broke out in 1642.
English Revolution & Restoration 2
Charles II carried on reprisals on the revolutionaries and persecuted the puritans. In 1685, James II succeeded to the throne and proclaimed Catholicism the national religion. The two party system (the Tories and the Whigs) came into being. The Tories supported the king while the Whigs opposed to the king.
Rise & Fall of Metaphysical Poetry

• 1. Brief Introduction • William Shakespeare was the greatest writer of plays who ever lived. • His friend & fellow playwright Ben Jonson said that Shakespeare was "not of an age but for all time." • The 18th-century English essayist Samuel Johnson described his work as "the mirror of life." • The 19th-century English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge spoke of "myriad-minded Shakespeare.‖ • The 20th-century English dramatist George Bernard Shaw stressed his "enormous power over language."
William Shakespeare
• C. Shakespeare lived in such a period and also such a period made him the most famous and most important English writer.
William Shakespeare
On the whole, however, Shakespeare’s contribution has been to the language & spirit of later writing rather than to its form. References & parallels to Shakespeare’s phraseology (diction) have occurred in literature since the 16th century. Perhaps the greatest inspiration to subsequent authors has been Shakespeare’s capacity to depict (describe) life in all its complexity & to illuminate (clarify) man’s character & destiny.