Would 用法归纳

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Would 用法归纳

1 . would用在陈述语气中,表示过去将来时,表示有意识的行动或意志,常用于间接引语中,译为“要;偏要;愿”。例如: I said I would do my best.我表示过要尽最大努力。 He said he would do me a favor.他说他愿意帮助我。

2. would 用在陈述语气中,表示过去将来时,表示无意识的行动或单纯将来发生的事或动作,指实际情况,译为“将,会”。例如:

He told me he would he free tonight.他告诉我他今晚有空。

He said he would turn up on time.他说他会准时出席。

3. would 用于表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作。译为“总会,总是”。

例如: Sometimes I would come home late.有时我总是迟回家。 He would read in the sun.他过去常在阳光下读书。

4. would 用于过去的否定句中,表示拒绝,或无此习惯或不可能,译为“不肯,总是不”。

He wouldn't give the names of his partners.他拒绝讲出他的伙伴们的名字。

5. 用于对过去事情的推测,译为“大概”。例如:

That would be in spring 1964.那大概是1964年春天的事情。

6. Would

例如:——Of course, he broke the glass.当然是他把杯子打破了。——Oh, he would .哦,还会是谁呢。

7. would = could 译为“能,能够”。例如: The room would seat 50 persons这房间能穿纳50人


If I were your, I would quit smoking.如果我是你,我就戒烟。 If you were a bird, you would fly.

9。Would (that) I were a superman.我要是超人那该多好啊。

10、表示要求、邀请、希望或询问,其后常接like, love, prefer, mind 等动词。

Would you please show me the way? 请你指点指点路线好吗? Would you like to go shopping with me? 愿和我一起去购物吗

6. would better (美)最好...

7. would rather 宁愿(表选择)

例:—Which would you rather do, go to the cinema or stay at home? 你要看电影,还是呆在家里?

—I'd rather not say what I think. 我还是不说的好。

8. would that (罕)要是...该多好

例:Would that we had seen her before she died. 要是她去世之前,能见到她一面该多好。

will, be going to 和would的用法区别

will, be going to 和would都有将要或将会干什么的意思,但是在用法上有很大的区别。


比如:I will be 30 next month.

It will rain tomorrow

I will donate $1000 to my alma mater

be going to通常表示即将要做或发生的事,主观愿望或判断很强烈,中文里相当于“打算”。美语口语常说成gonna.

I am going to play soccer this afternoon. It's gonna be raining (我的断).

I am not gonna buy that car right now, but I'll do it after I get a job. (感受一下going to 和 will的差别)


He told me he would not eat my mom's pancake.

would的第二层用法是最常见的和like或love联用,表示很想或很愿意做一件事,love则比like更为强烈。有些朋友想学一些最基本实用有趣的东西,这里我就引用一个美国朋友给我发的email中的一段,他恰好like和love都用了。We would like you to join our family for a traditional Christmas dinn er on 25 December. We would love to have you come to Estes Park a nd enjoy a meal at our table and see some of our winter beauty. would的第三层用法在于,表示客气,猜测或不确定等软化的语气。我们知道,英文里很多情愿动词

都有这个用法,比如may-might, can-could (将另文介绍)。客气:Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Would you give me a h and? Would you shut up?

猜测或不确定:Jim would not stay there for a long time. 如果这里用will或is going to 来取代,则表示说话的人有足够的理由或证据做这个判断,Jim计划中不会呆太久,或他这次没打算呆太久。
