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Isolation and staining of mouse meiotic metaphase chromosomes 小鼠睾丸生殖细胞标本制作及减数分裂期染色体观察

xx 2011级生科四班201100140120 同组者:xx


1、learn to isolate mouse testes cells and stain with Giemsa.


2、Observe the number and morphology of mouse chromosomes




秋水仙素colchicine solution

吉姆萨染液Giemsa stains solution

生理盐水physiological saline

氯化钾溶液KCl solution

固定液fixation solution

【Tools and equipments】

Dissecting tray,beaker,centrifuge tube,microscope,glass slide,pipette,scissors,forceps,copper mesh.



meiosis is a process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half. In animals, meiosis always results in the

formation of gametes, while in other organisms it can give rise to spores. 减数分裂是细胞分裂染色体数减半的过程,在动物中,减数分裂的结果总是在形成配子,而在其他生物可以产生孢子。

Testosterone is the place where the male germ cell develop and mature,it is the organ that produce sperm. After sexual maturation, sex cells of mammals in the testis is always mature partially. Therefore,have an appropriate treatment to testis enables us to get a variety of chromosomes of different process.


Inject an amount of colchicine solution into the abdomen cavity can prevent the formation of the spindle fiber, so that a large amount of cells in the process of meiotic metaphase can be accumulated. By the normal way of making specimen,we can observe the chromosomes of mouse testosterone


Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s nucleus—not even under a microscope—when the cell is not dividing. However, the DNA that makes up chromosomes becomes more tightly packed during cell division and is then visible under a microscope. Most of what researchers know about chromosomes was learned by observing chromosomes during cell division.



Each chromosome has a constriction point called the centromere, which divides the chromosome into two sections, or “arms.” The short arm of the chromosome is labeled the “p arm.” The long arm of the chromosome is labeled the “q arm.” The location of the centromere on each chromosome gives the chromosome its characteristic shape, and can be used to help describe the location of specific genes.



1、inject colchicine solution 14~16 hours before experiment.

