



写杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县英语作文(中英文版)Title: Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous CountyDu尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County is located in the western part of Heilongjiang Province, China.It is under the administration of the city of Daqing.Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County has a long history and rich cultural heritage, with a unique Mongolian culture.The geography of Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County is characterized by vast plains and grasslands.The climate here is cold and dry, with long winters and short summers.The natural resources of the county are abundant, including fertile land, rich mineral resources, and abundant animal husbandry resources.The people here rely mainly on agriculture and animal husbandry for their living.The Mongolian people in Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County have a long history of animal husbandry, and their products such as sheep"s milk, mutton, and wool are of high quality.The Mongolian culture in Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County is unique and rich, including Mongolian traditional art, literature, music, and dance.The annual Naadam Festival is a traditional Mongolian festival, during which people compete in horse racing, archery, and wrestling.In recent years, Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County has been developing rapidly, especially in the fields of education, health, andculture.The government of the county has attached great importance to the protection and inheritance of Mongolian culture, and has taken various measures to promote the development of Mongolian education, health, and culture.In conclusion, Du尔伯特Mongolian Autonomous County is a beautiful place with rich natural resources and unique Mongolian culture.The people here are friendly and hospitable, and the development of the county is promising.。

史上最全 老挝 中英双语介绍

史上最全 老挝 中英双语介绍

史上最全老挝中英双语介绍HistoryThe early history of Laos was dominated by the wider Nanzhao kingdom, which was succeeded in the 14th century by the local kingdom of Lan Xang that lasted until its decline in the 18th century, after which Thailand assumed control of the separate principalities that remained. These then came under French influence during the 19th century and were incorporated into French Indochina in 1893. Following a Japanese occupation during World War II, the country became independent in 1949 as the Kingdom of Laos under the leadership of King Sisavang V ong.Political unrest in neighboring Vietnam dragged Laos into the greater Second Indochina War which was a destabilizing factor that contributed to civil war and several coups d"état. In 1975 the communist Pathet Lao backed by the Soviets and communist Vietnamese overthrew the royalist government of King Savang Vatthana who were backed by the US and France. After taking control of the country, they promptly renamed it the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.历史在早期历史中,老挝被广阔的南召(Nanzhao )王国所统治。



中国文化(中英文对照)中国文化(中英文对照)1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival2. 刺绣:embroidery3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting6. 书法:Calligraphy7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle11. 战国:Warring States12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department15. 集体舞:Group Dance16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture21. 附属学校:Affiliated school22. 古装片:Costume Drama23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems26. 火锅:Hot Pot27. 四人帮:Gang of Four28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival34. 针灸:Acupuncture35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the T ang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics37. 偏旁:radical38. 孟子:Mencius39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises41. 火药:gunpowder42. 农历:Lunar Calendar43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera47. 太极拳:Tai Chi48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand51. 红双喜:Double Happiness52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)54. 莲藕:Lotus Root55. 追星族:Star Struck56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):"The Four Treasure of the Study" "Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone"71. 兵马俑:cotta Warriors/ Terracotta Army72. 旗袍:cheongsam。



中国社会各种“族群”中英对译大汇总奔奔族 rushing clan奔奔族是生于75-85 这10 年间的一代人,也是目前中国社会压力最大、最热爱玩乐却最玩命工作的族群。

奔奔族被称为“当前中国社会中最重要的青春力量”,他们一路嚎叫地奔跑在事业的道路上;同时他们又是中国社会压力最大的族群,身处于房价高、车价高、医疗费用高的“三高时代”,时刻承受着压力,爱自我宣泄表达对现实抗争!蚁族 ant tribe是“80 后”甚至“90”后一个鲜为人知的庞大群体——“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”,指的是毕业后无法找到工作或工作收入很低而聚居在城乡结合部的大学生。

网络水军 online “water army”网络水军即受雇于网络公关公司,为他人发帖回帖造势的网络人员。




网络外向派 webtrovert网络的盛行给了很多内向的人表达自己的机会,既然不用面对面交流,那么也就少了很多束缚。


这类人在外国被称作w ebtrovert,也就是“网络外向派”。

“悔丁族” DINK exit clan是指当初的丁克族在大龄时又想怀孕,不得不踏上了尴尬又艰辛的备孕生活。

“茶杯型”人士 Teacups茶杯型人士,是指心理极其脆弱,不堪一击的网络一代。

向日葵族 sunflower clan向日葵族会善于发现微小幸福,在“向日葵”族的概念里,敏感与细腻不完全代表着多愁善感,对微小快乐的敏感其实是幸福的来源之一。





阿萨基亚{Arsakia}阿波里纳{Apollinaris}阿迪乌{Adiutrix}阿尔塔沙特{Artaxarta}阿非利加{Africa}阿非利加{Africarum}阿该亚{Achaea}阿格里玻那{Colonia_Agrippina}阿奎塔尼{Aquitania}阿昆克{Aquincum}阿拉伯{Arabica}阿莱西亚{Arles}阿兰尼{Campus_Alanni}阿兰尼{Tribus_Alanni}阿勒曼尼{Tribus_Alemanni}阿勒曼尼{Vicus_Alemanni}阿特洛帕特内{Atropatene}埃波拉克{Eburacum}埃及{Aegyptus}埃米里亚雷古利亚{Aemilia_et_Liguria} 埃萨乌拉{Isaura}安卡拉{Ancyra}安条克{Antioch}奥古斯塔{Augusta}巴巴利科伦{Barbaricorum}巴巴利库{Campus_Barbaricum} 巴巴利库{Locus_Barbaricum}巴比伦尼亚{Babylonia}贝尔吉卡{Belgica}贝提卡{Baetica}本都{Pontica}本都比提尼亚{Pontus_et_Bithynia}勃艮底{Campus_Burgundii}勃艮底{Tribus_Burgundii}布尔第加拉{Burdigala}布列塔尼亚{Britannica}达尔瑞达{Dal_Raida}达西亚{Colonia_Dacia}达西亚{Dacia}大列普提斯{Lepcis_Magna}大特瑞维累{Augusta_Treverorum} 大文得里西{Augusta_Vindelicorum} 丹吉尔{Tingi}的黎波里塔尼亚{Tripolitania}底米迪{Dimmidi}东萨尔马提亚{Locus_Sarmatae}杜马萨{Dumatha}法兰克{Tribus_Franki}法兰克{Vicus_Franki}菲利克斯{Flavia_Felix}腓尼基{Phoenicia}费尔马{Flavia_Firma}费拉德尔非亚{Philadelphaea}费拉塔{Ferrata}弗拉斯帕{Phraaspa}弗里西{Campus_Frisii}弗里西{Tribus_Frisii}福米纳塔{Fulminata}格米纳{Gemina}哈特拉{Hatra}加拉太{Galatia}加拉太{Galatiae}加利卡纳{Flavia_Gallicana}加利卡纳{Gallicana} 加利西亚{Gallicia}迦太基{Carthage}迦太吉尼恩{Carthaginiensis}君士坦丁堡{Constantinople}卡狄{Campus_Chattii}卡狄{Tribus_Chattii}卡尔农图{Carnuntum}卡拉里斯{Caralis}卡莱多尼亚{Caledonia}卡莱多尼亚{Caledonica}卡帕多西亚{Cappadocia}凯撒里亚{Caesarea}科多尼亚{Kydonia}科尔多巴{Corduba}科尔基斯{Colchis}科罗叙利亚{Syria_Coele}克劳迪亚费达利斯{Claudia_Pia_Fidelis}克里特{Cretae}克里特岛{Creta}库尔第{Campus_Quaddi}库尔第{Tribus_Quaddi}库塔伊西{Kotais}拉韦纳{Ravenna}里提亚{Raetia}隆迪尼恩{Londinium}卢格杜南西斯{Lugdinensis}卢格敦{Lugdunum}卢西塔尼亚{Lusitania}伦巴第{Campus_Lombardi}伦巴第{Tribus_Lombardi}罗科索拉尼{Campus_Roxolani}罗科索拉尼{Tribus_Roxolani}罗马{Rome}马蒂斯{Flavia_Martis}马科曼尼{Campus_Marcomanni}马科曼尼{Tribus_Marcomanni}马其顿{Macedonia}马其顿{Macedonica}马西利亚{Massilia}迈纳维亚{Minervia}毛里塔尼亚{Mauretania}毛里塔尼亚{Mauretanica}米迪奥拉努姆{Mediolanium}米底亚{Media}默西亚{Moesia}那尔傍高卢{Narbonensis}纳巴泰{Nabatae}纳巴泰{Nabataea}诺里库姆{Noricum}帕提亚{Parthica}潘诺尼亚{Pannonia}佩特拉{Petra}普莱米吉尼亚{Primigenia}撒丁岛{Sardinia}撒丁尼亚{Sardinica}撒哈拉{Sahara}撒克逊{Tribus_Saxones}撒克逊{Vicus_Saxones}萨尔马特{Campus_Sarmatae}萨尔马提亚{Vicus_Sarmatae}萨拉曼提卡{Salamantica}萨拉米斯{Salamis}萨鲁提斯{Flavia_Salutis}萨罗纳{Salona}萨马罗布里瓦{Samarobriva}塞克{Campus_Sakae}塞克{Tribus_Sakae}塞浦路斯{Cyprica}塞浦路斯岛{Cyprus}塞萨洛尼卡{Thessalonica}塞西卡{Scythica}色雷斯{Thracia}上阿拉伯{Arabia_Superior}舍米安{Sirmium}塔尔苏斯{Tarsus}塔拉{Tara}塔拉哥{Tarraco}塔伦图姆{Tarentum}泰西封{Ctesiphon}特拉亚纳{Traiana}汪达尔{Tribus_Vandali}汪达尔{Vicus_Vandali}威尼托{Venetia}维克托里克斯{Victrix}西班牙{Hispana}西顿{Sidon}西里西亚吕西亚{Cilicia_et_Lycia}西萨尔马提亚{Sarmatia}西西里{Siciliae}西西里岛{Sicilia}希伯尼亚{Hibernia}希伯尼亚{Hibernica}昔兰尼{Cyrene}昔兰尼加{Cyrenaica}锡诺普{Sinope}新迦太基{Carthago_Nova}叙拉古{Syracuse}雅典{Athens}雅斯基{Campus_Iazyges}雅斯基{Tribus_Iazyges}亚历山大{Alexandria}亚美尼亚{Armenia}亚美尼亚{Armeniaca}亚述{Assyria}耶路撒冷{Jerusalem}伊利里古达马太{Illyricum_et_Dalmatia}伊利里亚{Illyricorum}以弗所{Ephesus}意大利{Concors_Italica}意大利{Italica}意大利{Pia_Italica}。



五十六个民族介绍作文英语Title: Introduction to the Fifty-six Ethnic Groups of China。

China is a land of diverse cultures, traditions, and ethnicities, home to fifty-six recognized ethnic groups. Each group contributes to the rich tapestry of Chinese society, with its unique customs, languages, and ways of life. In this essay, we will explore these fifty-six ethnic groups, highlighting their distinct characteristics and contributions to the cultural mosaic of China.1. Han (汉族): The Han Chinese constitute the majority ethnic group in China, accounting for over 90% of the population. They have a rich history spanning thousands of years and have significantly influenced Chinese culture, language, and traditions.2. Zhuang (壮族): The Zhuang people are the largest ethnic minority in China, primarily inhabiting the GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region. They have a unique language and vibrant cultural heritage, known for their traditional festivals and colorful attire.3. Hui (回族): The Hui people are predominantly Muslim and are scattered throughout China, with significant populations in Ningxia, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces. They have preserved their Islamic traditions while adopting aspects of Chinese culture.4. Uyghur (维吾尔族): The Uyghur people primarily inhabit the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China. They have a Turkic ethnic background and practice Islam, with a rich cultural heritage expressed through music, dance, and cuisine.5. Miao (苗族): The Miao ethnic group, also known as the Hmong, primarily reside in southwestern China,including Guizhou, Hunan, and Yunnan provinces. They are known for their intricate embroidery, silver ornaments, and traditional festivals like the Lusheng Festival.6. Yi (彝族): The Yi people are one of the largest ethnic minorities in China, mainly living in the mountainous regions of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces. They have their own language and are known for their colorful dress and vibrant festivals.7. Tibetan (藏族): The Tibetan people inhabit the Tibetan Plateau, including the Tibet Autonomous Region and other surrounding areas. They practice Tibetan Buddhism and have a unique culture characterized by prayer flags, monasteries, and traditional Tibetan opera.8. Mongolian (蒙古族): The Mongolian ethnic group primarily resides in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with smaller populations in other regions of China. They have a nomadic heritage, known for their horsemanship, throat singing, and traditional dwellings known as yurts.9. Buyei (布依族): The Buyei people mainly inhabit Guizhou, Guangxi, and Yunnan provinces. They have their own language and are known for their traditional crafts, including batik dyeing and silver jewelry-making.10. Korean (朝鲜族): The Korean ethnic group primarily resides in the northeastern provinces of China, such as Jilin and Liaoning. They have preserved their Korean language, cuisine, and customs, contributing to the multicultural fabric of China.11. Dong (侗族): The Dong people primarily inhabit Guizhou, Hunan, and Guangxi provinces. They are known for their unique wooden architecture, lusheng music, andfestive traditions such as the Dong Drum Tower Festival.12. Yao (瑶族): The Yao ethnic group is found in mountainous regions of southern China, including Guangxi, Hunan, and Guangdong provinces. They have their own language and are known for their vibrant costumes, silver ornaments, and traditional medicine practices.13. Bai (白族): The Bai people primarily reside in Yunnan province, particularly around Dali and Lijiang. They have a rich cultural heritage, known for their distinctive architecture, intricate marble carvings, and traditionalfestivals like the March Street Festival.14. Hani (哈尼族): The Hani ethnic group mainlyinhabits the mountainous regions of Yunnan province. They are known for their terraced rice fields, wooden houses, and unique customs such as the Hani Long Table Banquet.15. Kazakh (哈萨克族): The Kazakh ethnic groupprimarily resides in Xinjiang and other western regions of China. They have a nomadic heritage and are known for their hospitality, traditional yurts, and equestrian skills.16. Li (黎族): The Li people primarily inhabit Hainan province, China's southernmost island. They have their own language and are known for their fishing culture,traditional weaving, and unique festivals such as the Sanyuesan Festival.17. Dai (傣族): The Dai ethnic group mainly resides in Yunnan province, particularly in the Xishuangbanna region. They have a rich Buddhist heritage, known for their elaborate temple fairs, water splashing festival, andintricate weaving techniques.18. She (畲族): The She people primarily inhabit Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Guangdong provinces. They have their own language and are known for their unique architecture, traditional embroidery, and festive celebrations like the She Dragon Boat Festival.19. Lisu (傈僳族): The Lisu ethnic group mainly resides in Yunnan, Sichuan, and Myanmar. They have a rich oral tradition, known for their folk songs, vibrant costumes,and unique customs such as the Knife-Pole Festival.20. Gelao (仡佬族): The Gelao people primarily inhabit Guizhou province. They have their own language and are known for their traditional handicrafts, including weaving, embroidery, and batik dyeing.21. Lahu (拉祜族): The Lahu ethnic group mainly resides in Yunnan province. They have a rich musical heritage, known for their polyphonic singing, wooden drums, and traditional festivals like the Lahu Ox-Cart Festival.22. Dongxiang (东乡族): The Dongxiang people primarily reside in Gansu and Xinjiang provinces. They have a mixed Han and Hui ethnic background and practice Islam, with a unique blend of Chinese and Central Asian cultural elements.23. Va (佤族): The Va people mainly inhabit Yunnan and Myanmar. They have their own language and are known fortheir slash-and-burn agriculture, vibrant costumes, and traditional festivals such as the Water Splashing Festival.24. Sui (水族): The Sui people primarily reside in Guizhou, Guangxi, and Hunan provinces. They have their own language and are known for their unique customs, including the Lusheng Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.25. Nakhi (纳西族): The Nakhi people primarily inhabit Yunnan province, particularly around Lijiang. They have a rich cultural heritage, known for their Nakhi music, Dongba script, and traditional architecture.26. Qiang (羌族): The Qiang ethnic group mainly residesin Sichuan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces. They have a unique architectural style, known for their stone towers, as。



漫威出品异人族第一季第七集阿提兰城月球漫威《异人族》前情回顾Previously on "Marvel's Inhumans"...找到黑蝠王和其他王室成员find Black Bolt and the rest of the Royal Family,完成你的任务and finish your mission.你可能无法一直这么再生下去You may not be able to regenerate yourself forever. 有一天你会死的再也活不过来了One day, you'll die, and that's it.我以为来地球会很可怕I thought being on Earth would be horrible,-但其实... -很棒吗- but it's... - Great?是啊Yeah.你怎么认识马克西姆斯的How do you know Maximus?这些研究就是他资助的He paid for all this research.-他要拉我们陪葬 -不- He'll kill us all! - No!他死了戈尔工死了He's gone. Gorgon's dead.他们还在追我们They're still coming after us!快跑别停下来Go! Go! We're not giving up!我们跟这事毫无关系We had nothing to do with this!继续跑否则我现在就杀了你Keep running, or I'll kill you right now!-他们要去马路上 -没错- They're headed for the road! - Exactly!我们去截住他们That's where we'll cut them off.芙洛拉往右边Flora, to the right!快跑Go!快跑他快追上我们了Move, or he's gonna catch us!黑蝠王你去左边我们把他们赶过去Bolt, to the left! We'll bring them to you.快继续跑Come on! We got to keep moving!等等等等Wait, wait, wait!我建议你们站住I suggest you stop,否则你们就得应付我丈夫了unless you want to deal with my husband.我只是个科学家不是士兵I'm a scientist. I-I'm not a soldier.你是那些You're a collaborator --害死我表哥的人的同谋with the people responsible for my cousin's death.同谋是你解救了我记得吗Collaborator? Y-You freed me, remember?!那女人杀了我助手That woman, she -- she murdered my assistant!你跟马克西姆斯是什么关系What were you doing with Maximus?-他为什么这么感兴趣 -我们连面都没见过- Why is he so interested? - W-We've never even met. 他只是赞助我的研究He's funding my research研究地球上的人类是如何变异的for how people on Earth are transforming,变异的过程the -- the -- the process behind it,如何复♥制♥这种变异how it can be replicated.听着我的研究结果全在...Look, I've got all my research. It's in my --在我公文箱里但...It's in my briefcase, but --这就是马克西姆斯发起政♥变♥的原因This is why Maximus led the coup against us.他想要再经历一次泰瑞根变异He wants to go through Terrigenesis again,并且知道我们会阻止他and he knew we would stop him.基因理事会不会允许这种事发生的The Genetic Council wouldn't allow something like this,不管我们在不在even if we weren't there.除非他们已经被杀了Unless they've already been murdered.还有多少人要牺牲How many more have to die?你现在打算怎么办What do you want to do now?你想对马克西姆斯传达什么讯息What kind of message do you want to send to Maximus?这是你自找的You brought this on yourself.别No. No!为什么Why?她会复活的她总能She'll come back. She always does.但愿不要Let's hope not.把她尸体送去会引起马克西姆斯的重视Sending her body will get Maximus' attention.如果他继续这样死伤只会更多The losses will be severe if he continues.不能再这样了This has to stop!我们不能这样随便杀人We cannot go around killing everyone.记住你代表的是什么Remember what you represent.你要是杀了自己的弟弟就成了什么样的国王What kind of king would you be if you killed your own brother?如果你堕落到那一步What kind of kingdom would Attilan be阿提兰又成了什么样的王国if you descended to that level?如果我们不作为王国必将颠覆There will be no kingdom unless we act!行为是有后果的Actions have consequences.这也是马克西姆斯将得到的教训That's a lesson Maximus is about to learn.傻瓜才会以为泰伯和他的团伙I'd have to be a fool to think that Tibor and his group是此次叛乱唯一的参与者were the only ones who were part of the rebel uprising. 去搜查Begin a search.不许动Don't move!想都别想Don't even try.我会把枪烤焦在你们手里I'll fry those guns right out of your hands.看来地球之旅让你胆子大起来了啊Seems your time on Earth has emboldened you.你的国王让我带个话给你I have a message from your king.黑蝠王决定使用要求谈判的权利Black Bolt asserts the right to call for parley.依照我们的人♥民♥所延续的规则Under the rules preserved by our people,你必须遵从you must abide.我们把你的人送回来了以示诚意We return your team as an act of good faith.为什么是现在Why now?戈尔工死了Gorgon is dead.那至少我理解了At least I understand.你们承受的够多了You have had enough.同意请求Request granted.我们正午见面We'll meet at midday.-我们刚刚可以拿下她的 -不- We could've taken her. - No.更何况...Besides...我要得偿所愿了I'm getting what I want.我人生中第一次我的家人来找我了For the first time in my life, my family has come to me, 等他们都聚到一起我就占上风了and I'll have the advantage once they're all together. 正午Midday.处决他的完美时间Perfect time for his execution.卡尔耐克我们不能那么做Karnak, that can't be our intent.谈判是外交手段A parley is diplomacy.是为了避免更多流血事件It's to avoid more bloodshed.顶多算是拖延策略A stalling tactic, at best.他觉得我们很软弱精疲力尽He thinks we're weak, exhausted,他想利用这一点and he wants to take advantage of that.如果我们的确是呢And what if we are?不是软弱但的确很累Not weak, but tired.这个家庭已经失去了太多了This family has been marked by so much loss.我能感觉到我们因此四分五裂I can feel this tearing us apart.生存Survive?我要的不止是生存I want to do more than survive.这就是你想要的生活吗Is this the life that you wanted?我明白你必须面对现实问题I understand that you have to deal with reality,我也知道马克西姆斯派了杀手来and I know that Maximus sent assassins.但冤冤相报何时了But where does this end?万一谈判没有用怎么办And what if the parley doesn't work?我最清楚马克西姆斯能做出什么事来了I understand more than most what Maximus is capable of. 我也知道他该为自己的所作所为付出代价And I know he has to pay for his actions, but...拜托please...求你please...再去一个地方One more place to go.大家都去All of us.等等Wait.崔坦Triton!我们以为你死了We thought you were dead.我在袭击中受了伤I was wounded in the attack,但我们事先定了一个会面点but we set a meeting place in advance,以防不测should anything go wrong.陛下觉得上策是让马克西姆斯相信Our king felt it best that Maximus believe他的计划成功了that his plan was working.为什么把我们蒙在鼓里Why were we kept in the dark?我相信他有他的理由I'm sure he had his reasons.好吧Yes, well...戈尔工呢Where's Gorgon?过来Come here.他死了He's dead.他是真的死了不是什么计划的一部分And his death is real. It was not part of some plan... 也不是什么秘密secret or otherwise.去哪Where?回家Home.去王室地堡To the Royal Bunker.这是我们的地堡So, this is our bunker?我为什么从没见过Why have I never seen this before?我们为什么有这个Why do we have this?就是为这种情况准备的In preparation for moments like this.我们离王宫多远How far away are we from the palace?不好意思我们在哪Excuse me. Where are we?阿提兰我们现在在月球上Attilan. We're on the Moon now.拜托Come on.真的假的Please.鱼人男瞬移狗Okay, fish guy, teleporting dog, yeah.好的吧Okay, maybe.你还能承受得住吗Are you having trouble keeping up?是啊Yeah.我也是Yeah, me, too.崔坦还活着Triton is alive.我们有个秘密地堡We have a secret bunker还有个早就制定好的战略and a strategy that has been long in the works.也许戈尔工的死也许这个Maybe Gorgon's death, maybe this --这都是你计划的一部分this was all a part of your plan?作为一个结过婚的人那一幕真是熟悉As someone who was once married, that looks very familiar. 也许你现在保持沉默It might be wise at this moment是最明智的选择for you to take a vow of silence.你让我们为崔坦的死而哀恸You allowed us all to mourn Triton's death.你的谎言羞辱了我们的尊严You deny us our dignity when you lie.但是你作为我的丈夫But it is your duty as my husband你应该对我坦诚to be honest to me in all things,让我和你并肩战斗to make me your partner.当你做出这种决定When you make a decision like this,将我撇在一边真是太侮辱人了when you sideline me, it is insulting.这段时间在地球上...This time away, on Earth, it...让我能够退一步好好审视一下it allowed me to step back and take a look at things,人们都是怎么看待我看待我们的to see how people perceived me -- us.我爱你这一点从没变过And I love you, and that has never changed.但我不要再只当你的翻译了But I am not going to just be your interpreter.我想在那些I need to have a say影响我们人♥民♥ 我们人生的事上也有话语权in -- in the things that affect our people, our lives.我是王后I am the queen,我们共进退and we move together or not at all.告诉我计划是什么Now, tell me, what is the plan?准备开战Preparing for war.他要去哪里Where's he going?给一个伪王捣乱To undermine an imposter.你醒来了There you are.我还在想我还得等多久呢I was beginning to wonder how long I'd have to wait.他们把我送了回来They sent me back.他们想要谈条件They're looking to bargain.他们没有其他选择了They've run out of choices.戈尔工的死肯定I'm certain Gorgon's death是黑蝠王提出谈判的原因is what motivated Black Bolt's offer of parley.我们都失去了很多We have all suffered losses.是的Indeed.所以我一定要承认这一点And that's why it's important for me to acknowledge that,即使他是个叛徒even though he was a traitor.人♥民♥需要看到我缅怀死去的家人The people need to see me honor the death of a family member. 我会采取高姿态这是国王该做的事I'll take the high road, as a king must.怎么了Is something wrong?你想成为异人You want to become Inhuman.这是你反叛的真实动机That's your motivation behind this revolt.如果你能得到你想要的Why do you care about my motivation何必在乎我的动机if it gets you what you want?因为我跟随你是因为我...Because the reason I followed you is because I...看到一个人虽然只是一名普通人类saw someone who, even though he was simply human,却克服阻碍成为了国王overcame that and became king.那才是我崇敬的人That was someone I could admire.也就是说我作为人类So I'm really good...很不错了for a human.你爱上的是那样的故事吗Is that the story you fell in love with?-那不是 -但就是这样- That wasn't -- - But it is.你瞧You see...不管我去哪不管我做什么everywhere I go, no matter what I do,都会变成这样that'll always be the story."就凭他能做到这样已经很不错了""He did so well, given what he is."总是个低劣需要怜悯的人Something less than, something to be pitied.但以后不会了But not anymore.我已经得到了几乎所有I've almost got everything that I need能让我成为最强大异人的东西to become the most powerful Inhuman ever. 等我再次经历泰瑞根变异And once I've been through Terrigenesis again, 我将带领阿提兰走入新纪♥元♥ I'm going to lead Attilan to a new era.人们需要看到我所代表的是什么The people need to see what I represent,他们能从最卑微成为最强大that they can go from the least to the greatest. 这是马克西姆斯的新篇章That's the new story of Maximus,也可以是他们的新篇章and it can be their story, as well.我们能前往地球One that takes us to Earth过上他们从来没想象过的and to a life far larger than...恢弘人生they ever imagined.这些研究很有争议性So, the, um, the research is controversial,可以这么说吧很复杂to say the least, and complex, you know.真的我尽量和你说得简单点Really, I should just simplify it for you.我会尽量去理解I'll try my best to follow.好吧马克西姆斯想把这些样本Okay. So, Maximus wants to splice his DNA嫁接到自己的DNA上with these samples,然后他答应会让我见识and then he promised to show me a process一种能制♥造♥变异的过程that would create some kind of transformation.是泰瑞根变异It's called Terrigenesis.好吧Okay.那...So...所以才带我来吗is that why I'm here?因为我对战争帮不上什么忙'Cause I don't really have anything to contribute to a war. 如果黑蝠王带你来If Black Bolt brought you,那你肯定就有价值then you have some value.好吧但是...Okay, but...我在这里会很安全是吗I'll be safe here, right?在这个地堡里In this bunker?我们都不安全None of us are safe.阿提兰的人♥民♥People of Attilan...朋友们friends...我们在此缅怀前王室卫队队长we are here to honor the former captain of Royal Guard, 我挚爱的堂弟戈尔工my beloved cousin Gorgon.这是复杂的时期These are complicated times.而家人的死亡让我十分悲痛And the death of a family member can only bring me grief. 我感到心痛My heart aches...因为戈尔工和我永远无法because Gorgon and I can never find a way弥合分歧to bridge our differences.我们从小一起长大We spent a childhood together.我们并肩茁壮成长但我们之间We grew strong together, side by side, and yet... 总有距离there was always a distance.我已尽力I did my best.他要是也同样努力就好了I only wish he'd put forth the same effort.我们之间有巨大的鸿沟There it was, a chasm.他总是看不到真正的我He could never see me for who I truly am.我所有家人不幸都是如此That seems to be the tragedy of my entire family -- 他们的盲目毒害了一切a blindness that poisons everything.他们看不到我They couldn't see me.他们看不到你They couldn't see you.而现在And now...我们都付出了代价...we are all paying the price.我们即将入场谈判We are about to enter into the field for parley,我衷心希望and my deepest wish我们能够暂时搁置分歧is for us to set aside our differences避免更多伤亡and to avoid any more loss.希望戈尔工之后再无伤亡May our dear Gorgon be the last to fall.你会在场地中♥央♥会见黑蝠王You'll meet Black Bolt at the center.不能带武器只能谈判No weapons, only discussion.他会提出他的条件He is to make his offer,由你决定是否接受and then it is up to you to accept or deny.不能见血No blood is to be shed --好了知道了Right. Yes.他来了There he is.还抓了我的科学家And he has my scientist.我恨他I hate him.感觉像是我们来巴结他的And it looks like we've come crawling.我想象的重聚可不是这样哥哥Not the reunion I hoped for, brother.我们本可以私下谈We could've done this privately.那有什么意思Where's the fun in that?你是我们的家人You are family,正因如此我们才来施恩and because of that, we're here to extend grace. 你坚持要再经历一次泰瑞根变异You insist on a second Terrigenesis,所以我们会准许你的请求so we are going to grant you that request.我们愿意交还你的人类科学家We're willing to turn over your human scientist 让你进行变异so that you can proceed.但作为交换我们要重回王位But in return, we reclaim our throne,那本就是我们的which is rightfully ours.我们将赦免对你的惩罚We will set aside any punishment好还阿提兰一片和平so that Attilan can return to peace.你想成为我们的一员You want to become one of us?我们也希望如此We want that, too.我接受I accept.黑蝠王这样对吗Black Bolt, is this right?为了我们的利益交出一个人类Exchanging a human for our benefit? 家庭中出现异议Dissension in the family.可别啊Say it isn't so.但也不出意料But not entirely unexpected.因为现在你什么都没有了'Cause now you have nothing.一切都是我的It's all mine,而你讨厌这样是吧and you hate that, don't you?-马克西姆斯我警告... -警告我- Maximus, I am warning - Warn me? 你无权做任何事You are in no position to do anything. 施恩成为你们的一员Extend grace? Become one of you?我一直都是你们的一员I have always been one of you,现在我是国王了and now I am king!这点不会变的And will remain so.你接受了You accepted.我营救了一个被你们俘获的人I rescued someone you took prisoner. 他是我的朋友He is a friend of mine,我为朋友会不惜一切and I would do anything for my friends.我拒绝你的提议I decline your offer.别忘了哥哥Don't forget, brother,这是谈判this is a parley.如果你借此机会伤人The people of Attilan would be truly appalled阿提兰人♥民♥会感到惊骇的if you were to use it as an opportunity to inflict harm. 下次我看到你时弟弟The next time I see you, brother...我会杀了你...I am going to kill you.你所做的事真是了不起What you've done here is incredible.在月球上建立一座城市Terraforming an entire city on the Moon,真是令人赞叹it's -- it's mind-boggling.是啊Yes, yes.我希望你可以给我展示下你的工作I was hoping you could show me your work.好的Oh, yes. Um...好Yes, uh...这些DNA样本都来自Each of these DNA samples came from human beings 最近经历了你们所谓的who have recently undergone the transformation泰瑞根变异的人类that you call... Terrigenesis.你有他们所得到能力的清单And you have a list of all the powers generated?是的Yes.我要清单我要进行选择I want the list, and I'm going to choose.选择Choose?我想要什么样的能力Which powers I want.然后再进行基因嫁接And then we'll do the gene splice, and --没那么简单Yeah, just... it's not that easy.在阿提兰就这么简单Here on Attilan, it is.抱歉I'm sorry.你得给我点时间You're gonna have to give me a moment. Um... 我有些担忧...I mean, I've got some -- some concerns --我不管And I don't care.你要我做的事What you're asking me to do --我都不确定这安不安全I don't even know if it's safe.光是基因片段就该I mean, just the genetic piece requires在可控环境里进行测试testing in a controlled environment.你想绕过那一切那可能会要你的命You want to bypass all that? That could kill you. 更别提Not to mention that我都不知道泰瑞根变异是什么I don't even know what Terrigenesis is.泰瑞根变异是凝聚我们的东西Terrigenesis is what binds us together它决定了我们异人的身份and defines us as Inhumans.它跨越了年龄和阶级将我们联合在一起It unites us across generations and class,让我们与血脉和历史紧密相连ties us to our heritage and history.被它忽略To be ignored by it...是一种侮辱It's an insult.是的Indeed.但这一点可以被修正But one that can be corrected.你现在处于一项巨大进步的边缘You are standing on the edge of a great leap forward对于我的人♥民♥和你的人♥民♥来说都是如此for both my people and your own.你将参与到一件从未发生的事中You will be part of something that has never occurred.第二次可控的泰瑞根变异A second, manipulated Terrigenesis将改变我们两族人的历史will change the course of our combined histories,而你的名字将永远与这伟大的时刻联♥系♥在一起and your name will forever be linked to that great moment.失陪一下Please excuse me.地下的水电We're having some mechanical issues都出现了机械故障with both water and power in the underground sectors.维修人员呢Where are the maintenance crews?被编入了护卫这是你的指示Conscripted into the Guard, at your request.我担心这可能是先王忠党搞的鬼I fear this may be the work of loyalists甚至可能是王室家族成员亲自做的or even members of the Royal Family themselves.他们不可能还在这儿There's no way they've remained here.他们已经瞬移回到地球上安全的地方了They've teleported back to the safety of Earth.或许吧Perhaps.可能是同情者It could be sympathizers.找到曾负责维修的护卫让他们去看看Find the guards who used to be on those crews and investigate, 叫他们在那里待命and tell them to remain there on repair duty等待进一步通知until further notice.迪克兰Declan.带上你的箱子跟我来Please, bring your case.谈判值得一试The parley was worth a try.我知道它证实了你最深的担忧And I know that it confirmed your worst fears.你记得我第一次去静默室的情景吗Do you remember the first time that I came into the Quiet Room? 我去是因为我听说了你对你父母做的事I came because I had heard what you had done to your parents, 我本想去幸灾乐祸and I wanted to gloat.因为他们给我带来的伤痛After the hurt that they had caused me...我觉得这样的转折真是奇妙I thought it was a wonderful turn of events现在换你如此痛苦that now you were suffering.我想看到你痛苦的样子I wanted to see you in pain.我以为你无可挽回了I thought that you were irredeemable.但你看着我Okay, but then you looked at me,我从你的脸上看出and I saw it in your face.我们是一样的I saw that we were the same person.只是具体的情况不同We just had different circumstances.我们都卷入了We were both caught up in something that --我们无法控制的事中that we couldn't control,这对我们的伤害很深and -- and it hurt us deeply.那痛苦让我们成了朋友And that pain allowed us to be friends.我今天所看到的十分类似What I saw today was very familiar.就是两个人拥有同样的痛苦It was two people with the same pain.没什么是不可挽回的Nothing is irredeemable.这故事很美It's a lovely story.但这无视了更重要的事实But it ignores a larger truth.具体情况A context.好吧Well...很抱歉你这么认为卡尔耐克I'm sorry that you feel this way, Karnak.我们对发生的一切是要承担一定责任的We bear some responsibility for everything that's happened. 我们可以做出正确选择We can choose rightly,我希望等时候到来我们会做出正确选择and I hope that we do when the time comes.王后The queen...王后抱有希望The queen has her hopes.我也有And so do I.如果我们想赢就需要我们的队长If we are to win, we need our captain.我查看了迪克兰的研究I reviewed Declan's research,其中当然有缺陷and there's a flaw in it, of course.就让马克西姆斯自己去发现吧Let's let Maximus figure that out on his own.但我可以补救我想利用它But I have a fix, and I want to use it通过第二次泰瑞根变异复活戈尔工to bring Gorgon back through a second Terrigenesis.这很危险我也不确定能成功It's dangerous, and I can't be sure it'll work.-但如果... -这不像我所认识的卡尔耐克- But what if - This is not the Karnak I know,那个除非确定能赢the one who wouldn't dare make a move万万不敢妄动的卡尔耐克unless he was certain that he would win.我不想为了等待确定I don't want my hope to wither让希望破灭while I wait on certainty.我得马上行动了I need to go -- now.抱歉但你知道这是禁忌I'm sorry, but you know it's forbidden.第二次泰瑞根变异A second Terrigenesis --可能导致失心疯上瘾甚至死亡it can produce madness, addiction, even death.那都是先辈传下来的童话Those are fairy tales, passed down for generations.没人真的确定No one actually knows.不是有维修人员会来这儿跟我们碰面吗I thought we had a maintenance crew meeting us here.我们得查清电力网出了什么问题We need to figure out what is going on with the power grid. 别Don't!这事还挺重要This is kind of important.可得做对了Let's get this right.得做对了Let's get it right.我们得查清电力网出了什么问题We need to figure out what is going on with the power grid. 别Don't!我不会让你再杀我一次了I'm not gonna let you kill me again.-我是来帮你的 -谁说我需要帮助了- I'm here to help you. - Who said I need help?你清楚我的能力You know my power.我能看到一切的缺陷I see the flaw in everything.并加以利用And exploit it.我看到了你的缺陷I see the flaw in you.我想帮你克服And I want to help you overcome it.我今天看到院子那头的你了I saw you across the courtyard today.自从在地球上我就一直在观察你I've been watching you closely since Earth.你支持错了人You backed the wrong man...你也清楚and you know it.我知道你为戈尔工的死感到后悔I know you feel regret for Gorgon's death.他的牺牲救了你一命His sacrifice saved your life.那并非他的意图That wasn't his intention.如果是呢What if it was?他总能在He could always be counted on合适的时间做正确的事to do the right thing at the right time,他也训练你这么做and he trained you to be the same.但你还没达到那个境界呢是吧But you are not there yet, are you?我也是Neither am I.伟大的卡尔耐克The great Karnak...会承认有弱点admitting to weakness?我在地球上的经历改变了我My time on Earth changed me.或许吧Maybe.有那么一点A little.我不知道我怎么能帮你I don't understand how I can help.我需要一点你的DNAI'm gonna need a bit of your DNA.你怎么样了How are you doing?很糟Horrible.怎么了告诉我What is it? Tell me.戴夫我都没道别就丢下了他Dave. I just left him without even hardly saying goodbye. 你真的很在乎他是吧You really care about him, don't you?是吧Kind of.可能吧I guess.尽管他是个人类Even though he's human?我知道I know.感觉好怪It's so strange.我从小以为他们很糟糕呢I grew up thinking they were so awful.但事实上But the truth is...他们也不都很糟是吧they're not all bad, are they?我只知道我真的很想再见到他All I know is, I really want to see him again.嗯Yeah.我理解好吗I understand, okay?你在这里没多少朋友You don't have a lot of friends up here.我在地球上时我留心观察When I was on Earth, I would look out,知道我看到了什么吗and you know what I saw?普通人过着普通的生活Just normal people, living normal lives.没有异能没有宫殿只有No powers, no palaces -- just...生活lives.我觉得那是我想要的I think that's what I want.跟戴夫在一起With Dave?我想至少有那个选择I want to have that choice, at least.我不想将就I won't settle.你的家人在城里搞破坏呢Your cousins are sabotaging the city.谁说的Who's to say?或许马克西姆斯低估了Maybe Maximus just underestimated维持一个王国正常运转都需要什么what it takes to keep a kingdom running smoothly.或许我眼前的人And maybe I'm talking to the one知道这个王国基建的每一条裂缝who might know every crack in that kingdom's infrastructure. 或许吧That's possible.该你了Now comes your part.开玩笑吧You're kidding.堂堂王室卫队队长怕针Captain of the Royal Guard's afraid of needles.我以为这就是你说的弱点呢I thought that was the weakness you were talking about.你的再生异能Your regeneration powers将通过纳米基因科技附加在变异过程中will adhere through the transfer process using nanogene technology. 有件事你该知道There's something you should know.我的异能可能已经不如从前了My powers -- they may not be so strong anymore.什么意思How do you mean?是迪克兰说的Something Declan said.其实应该说是警告Well, it was really more of a warning,我并不确定他是否说得对and I don't know if it's true or not.但我特有的能力可能已经不如从前了But whatever makes me me may not work the way it used to.我理解I understand.我自己也遇到了些困难I've had some -- some difficulties of my own...这让我不得不开始重新考虑which has forced me to rethink.或许这样更好For the better, maybe.希望如此Let's hope so.你真的认为这能成功You really think this will work?我需要它成功I -- I need it to.我只知道这么多That's all I know.戈尔工Gorgon?拜托拜托Please. Please...千万要成功This has to.等一下的Give it a second.别忘了这需要时间Remember, it takes time.没成功It didn't.或许死亡是有目的的Maybe death has a purpose.或许我们该接受它Maybe we're meant to come to terms with that 而不是想instead of trying to...逃避它avoid it.听上去有不少人Sounds like a lot of people.我们战斗还是逃跑We fight or flee.逃跑但我不会跟你一起逃Flee, but I'm not fleeing with you.这个This?就是这个吗This is it?像个电♥话♥亭Looks like a phone booth.没那么简单It's far more than that.这是决定我们身份的关键This is the key to who we are.我们得赶紧开始了And we need to get to it.好Right.好吧Okay.我们已将DNA注入了你体内We've, um -- We've already inserted the, uh, DNA in you,我们也确认了转移效力and we're sure about the translational efficiency.现在我们要进行最后一步了So now we're just on to the final phase.那就进亭子了Into the booth, then.好Right.泰瑞根水晶A Terrigen crystal.这就是缺失的环节The missing piece?它的成分是什么Oh. What's it made of?你回头会有足够时间了解这些水晶的You'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with the crystals later. 现在Now...这跟我想象的不一样This isn't how I imagined it.什么Sorry?之前Well, before, when...我们第一次穿过迷雾时when we went through the first time...我的家人都在my family was here.我母亲父亲My mother and my father还有我哥哥and my...brother.我们身边环绕着爱我们的人We were surrounded by people who loved us.那似乎是很久很久以前了That feels like a very, very long time ago.。


Authigenic Quartz


拳头产品 competitive products; knockout products; blockbuster
三角恋爱 love triangle
三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation
"扫黄打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications
折客族:coupon freak(s)。freak的意思是“对……着魔的人”,coupon freak就是优惠券用上瘾的人。
麦兜族:grassroots post-80s“麦兜族”指大城市中的80后奋斗群体
公平、公开 just, fair and open
好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster
中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student
中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone
专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store
自我保护意识 self-protection awareness
运球 dribble
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
早恋 puppy love
招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office
证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange
知识产权 intellectual property rights
综合国力 comprehensive national strength
综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)




Each year universities and colleges across the country are seeing more students arriving for the new school year along with their own private cars.每年新学期伊始,全国各大高校里,随处可见开私家车上学的学生,该群体人数可谓与日俱增。

Students driving to school is common and well accepted in some foreign countries, but the growing trend in China is causing controversy.在国外,学生开车上学这是很平常的事,不过在中国,人们对于“校园有车族”人数激增的现象颇有争议。

The contrast in expenses for those students who drive and those who don`t is striking.校园中,有车族与无车族在花销上也存在天壤之别。

Li Chaoran, 21, an English major at Beijing Foreign Studies University has driven his car to school since the start of term. He said that he spends about 2,000 yuan ($301) per month on his car, including petrol, cleaning and parking costs.21岁的李超然(音译)是北京外国语大学英语系大一新生,自开学时起他就开车上学。



描述种族的英语单词合集01. 民族 nation[ˈneɪʃn]02. 种族 race [reɪs]03. 宗教 religion [rɪˈlɪdʒən]04. 文化 culture [ˈkʌltʃər]05. 信仰 faith [feɪθ]06. 皮肤 skin [skɪn]07. 有色人种 colour [ˈkʌlər]08. 黑种人 black people [blæk ˈpiːpl]09. 黄种人 Asian [ˈeɪʒn]10. 白种人 white people [waɪt ˈpiːpl]11. 亚裔美国人 Asian American [ˈeɪʒn əˈmɛrɪkən]12. 非裔美国人 African American[ˈæfrɪkən əˈmɛrɪkən]13. 美籍华人 Chinese American[ˌtʃaɪˈniːz əˈmɛrɪkən]14. 原住民 native [ˈneɪtɪv]15. 外来移民 immigrant [ˈɪmɪɡrənt]16. 种族歧视 racism [ˈreɪsɪzəm]17. 歧视 discrimination [dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn]18. 偏见 prejudice [ˈprɛdʒudɪs]19. 肤色 skin color [skɪn ˈkʌlər]20. 白皙的 fair [fɛr]21. 苍白的 pale [peɪl]22. 美白 skin whitening [skɪn ˈwaɪtnɪŋ]23. 黑皮 dark skin [dɑːrk skɪn]24. 晒黑 tan [tæn]25. 晒伤 sunburn [ˈsʌnbɜːrn]26. 防晒霜 sun block [sʌn blɑːk]27. 防晒霜 sun cream [sʌn kriːm]28. 刻板印象 stereotype [ˈstɛriətaɪp]29. 尊重 respect [rɪˈspɛkt]30. 平等的 equal[ˈiːkwəl]称呼黑人的正确方式black 黑人√black people 黑人√African American 非裔√coloured people 有色人种×Negro 黑鬼×nigger 黑鬼×华裔、华侨、华人傻傻分不清overseas Chinese华侨(指有中国国籍但在国外定居的中国人)ethnic Chinese华裔(指有中国血统的华侨,在国外所生并且取得外国国籍的子女)ethnic Chinese华人(指出生地为中国,后加入外国国籍的人)Chinese American美籍华人。




According to the above excerpts, the reasons why NEET (not currently engaged in employment, education or training)takes shape can be summarized as follows.第一个原因是父母过于溺爱他们的孩子,年轻人很容易受到社会强加给他们的考验。

The first reason is that parents dote on their children awfully and the young people are vulnerable to the trials society imposes on them.另一个原因是啃老族是社会发展的副产品。

Another reason is that NEET is a byproduct of social development.在我看来,当越来越多的年轻人加入啃老族时,我们的社会应该重视孩子的教育。

As far as I am concerned, our society should put a premium on the children's education when a growing number of young people join NEET.一方面,父母必须反省,找到自己的方向来抚养孩子。

On the one hand, parents have to introspect and find their bearings to rear their children.父母作为孩子的启蒙老师,潜移默化地影响着孩子的成长。

As the initial teachers of children, parents will influence children's growth imperceptibly.但如今,许多父母倾向于优先考虑孩子的学习成绩,而忽略了帮助他们发展生活技能。

彝族 民族风俗特色 中英双语

彝族 民族风俗特色 中英双语
Yi Zu
彝族是中国具有悠久历史和古老文化 的民族之一,主要分布在云南、四川、 贵州三省和广西壮族自治区的西北部。 彝族历史悠久,文化丰富多彩,古时 候就对历法和宗教信仰有着深刻的研 究,在常年的发展中形成了自己的饮 食和服装文化,经济也得到了发展。 • One of China’s longest historical, most colorful ancient cultures. • Mainly located in the northwest of China in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Independent Region. • They have formed their own food and clothing culture in the years to improve economic development.
彝族宗教具有浓厚的 原始宗教色彩,崇奉 多神, 主要是万物有灵的自 然崇拜和祖先崇拜。
自然崇拜中,最主要 是对精灵和鬼魂的信 仰。
Yi has a strong early developed religion. They worship many gods, mainly animism and ancestor worship. Animism worship is the most important which is the belief that natural objects possess their own sal
"火把节"一般在农历六月二十 四至二十六晚上举行,是彝族 盛大的节日
Torch Festival - Yi Mardi Gras:



-以战争为主要载体 的互动
三皇:伏羲 神农 燧人 伏羲画八卦,文王演周易.神农氏勇尝百草,燧人 氏钻木取火. 五帝: 炎帝 颛顼 帝喾 唐尧 虞舜(史记.五 帝本纪) “昔少典娶于有乔氏,生黄帝,炎帝.黄帝以姬水 成,炎帝以姜水成.成而异德,二帝用师以相济 也,异德之故也.” <<国语 晋语四>>
起因:自两汉以来,蛮6年,因王位分 封问题而引起的政治权力争夺直接 导致中国历史上著名的”八王之 乱”.西晋王室进一步衰落.
304年,匈奴贵族刘渊起兵反晋,自称 汉王.306年晋惠帝驾崩,司马炽继位, 是为晋怀帝,改元”永嘉”.311年,匈 奴兵攻陷洛阳,杀王公子民三万余人, 史称”永嘉之乱”.自此,中原腹地开 始了长达130余年的”五胡乱华”时 期,即东晋十六国(晋王室南迁,蛮族 在西晋故土上建立了十六个小政权). 420年刘裕取代晋室,废晋恭帝司马德 文,建立宋朝,是为南北朝之始,结束了 五胡乱华.

华夏族和四夷是中华民族的祖先.华 族和夏族是汉族的前身. “夏,中国之人也.”---<<说文>> “中国”即指中原.自西周始以“夏” 为中原人的族称,春秋以“华”为 中原人的族称。“华夏”并用是汉 代以后才出现的。
东夷:太暤,少暤(音浩)的后裔。 南蛮:A、楚,祖先姓芈(音米), 是颛顼的后代。 “鬻熊居丹阳,为周文王火师,受封为 楚子。” B、百濮,起于长江和 汉水之间,今湖北西部和巴蜀一带。 C、百越,东南沿海一带,包 括苏南和浙北,该族有纹身断发之俗。 夏王少康的后代在浙江建立越国,周 朝的太伯在江苏建立吴国。史称吴越 之地。

西戎:炎帝的后代--羌 北狄:土方和鬼方。 华夏与四夷的战争是民族 融合的摧化剂,不易见于 日常交流和相互汲取才是 民族融合的最深邃、最基 本的推动力量。



日本、港台、东ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ亚的官方称谓:
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历史上朝鲜族信仰多种宗教,既有原始高丽时代 佛教文化的万物有灵论的多神信仰,又有佛教、基督 教等世界性宗教信仰,也有近代产生的民族宗教信仰, 如天道教、侍天教、济愚教、青林教、元倧教、檀君 教、大倧教等。此外,也有人信仰佛教、儒教等。



56个民族英文翻译方法56个民族:56 ethnic groups具体各族英文名称请参考:Han (汉族)Zhuang (壮族)Manchu (满族)Hui (回族)Miao (苗族) (Hmong)Uighur (维吾尔族)Yi (彝族)Tujia (土家族)Mongol (蒙古族)Tibetan (藏族)Buyi (布依族)Dong (侗族)Yao (瑶族)Korean (朝鲜族)Bai (白族)Hani (哈尼族)Li (黎族)Kazakh (哈萨克族)Dai (傣族, also called Dai Lue, one of the Thai ethnic groups) She (畲族)Lisu (僳僳族)Gelao (仡佬族)Lahu (拉祜族)Dongxiang (东乡族)Wa (佤族) (Va)Shui (水族)Naxi (纳西族) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭)) Qiang (羌族)Du (土族)Xibe (锡伯族)Mulam (仫佬族)Kirghiz (柯尔克孜族)Daur (达斡尔族)Jingpo (景颇族)Salar (撒拉族)Blang (布朗族Bulang)Maonan (毛南族)Tajik (塔吉克族)Pumi (普米族)Achang (阿昌族)Nu (怒族)Evenki (鄂温克族)Gin (京族Jing1)Jino (基诺族)De'ang (德昂族)Uzbek (乌孜别克族)Russian (俄罗斯族)Yugur (裕固族)Bonan (保安族)Menba (门巴族)Oroqin (鄂伦春族)Drung (独龙族)Tatar (塔塔尔族)Hezhen (赫哲族)Lhoba (珞巴族)Gaoshan (高山族) (Taiwanese aborigine)。



请写一篇关于如何解决低头族问题的英语作文(中英文版)Title: Solutions to the Problem of "Phubbing"The term "phubbing" has gained prominence in recent years, referring to the act of ignoring people in favor of our phones.This issue has become increasingly prevalent in our society, leading to social isolation, reduced face-to-face interactions, and even negative impacts on mental health.T o address this growing problem, it is crucial to implement effective strategies that encourage individuals to disconnect from their devices and engage in meaningful human interactions.Firstly, it is essential to raise awareness about the consequences of phubbing.Many people are not fully aware of how their phone usage affects their relationships and social cating individuals about the negative impacts of phubbing can encourage them to be more mindful of their phone habits and prioritize real-life connections over virtual ones.Secondly, creating phone-free zones can help reduce phubbing.Designating certain areas, such as restaurants, movie theaters, or even public spaces, where phone usage is prohibited can promote uninterrupted face-to-face communication.This initiative can help establish a culture that values human interactions over digital distractions.Furthermore, encouraging individuals to engage in activities thatpromote social interaction can help combat anizing events, such as community gatherings, game nights, or outdoor activities, can provide opportunities for people to connect with one another without the presence of smartphones.Encouraging such activities can foster a sense of belonging and reduce the temptation to engage in phubbing.Moreover, technology itself can play a significant role in addressing the issue of phubbing.Developers can create apps that track phone usage patterns and alert users when they have been on their phones for an extended period.These apps can help individuals become more aware of their phone habits and encourage them to limit their screen time.Lastly, it is crucial to promote digital etiquette and encourage respectful phone usage.Teaching individuals about appropriate phone behavior in different social settings can help prevent rudeness and disrespect resulting from phubbing.By fostering a culture of respect and mindfulness, we can promote healthier communication patterns and reduce the negative impacts of phubbing.In conclusion, the issue of phubbing poses significant challenges to our social interactions and relationships.By implementing the strategies mentioned above, we can raise awareness, create phone-free zones, encourage social activities, leverage technology, and promote digital etiquette.Together, these solutions can help mitigate the problem of phubbing and foster a society that values meaningful human connectionsover digital distractions.。

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啃老族the NEET group
“啃老族”又称“尼特族”,“尼特族”是NEET的音译,全称是(Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training),最早在英国使用,之后渐渐流传到其它国家;它是指一些不升学、不就业、不进修或参加就业辅导,终日无所事事的族群。


闪居族flash cohabitants

在英语中,已经有一个词"cohabit"表示“同居”,那么“同居族”即为"cohabiters",而“闪居族”就可译为"lightening cohabiters"。

穷忙族the working poor
穷忙族来自英文单词"working poor",原意是指那些薪水不多,整日奔波劳动,却始终无法摆脱贫穷的人。





走班族walking commuters


按照“走班族”所含的“本来可以坐车上下班,却选择步行的人”的含义,该词可译为"walking commuters"。

慢活族slow walkers
“慢活族”的准确译文应该是"persons with slow-pace life",但这种译法却使译文失去了词汇术语的特点。

鉴于该词在英语中没有现成的词汇可以对译,我们不妨以象征的手法将该词译为"slow walkers"(行走步伐缓慢的人),意为“追求生活慢节奏的人”。

飞鱼族the flying fish
“飞鱼族”一词所表示的特定意义在英语中并未有现成的词汇与其对应,其它意译的方式也无法转达出该词的特定内涵,故将该词直译为"the flying fish"。



酷抠族cool carls

对于金钱和待人处事,他们并非真正意义上的“抠门”,故不宜将其直译为"cool miser"。

根据该词的内涵,不妨将此词译为"cool carl"。


月光族moonlight clan




闪婚族flash marriage group




BoBos一词源于美国编辑David Brooks根据其观察所得而写成的书《BoBos in Paradise》,是Bourgeois及Bohemian两词合并而成。

年清族:year-end paupers

基于此意,该词可译为“year-end paupers”,含有“一到年末就变成穷光蛋”的意思。






铁漂:weekend-train commuter

因此,根据“铁漂”的内在含义,可将其译为“weekend-train commuter”。



穷游族:economical travelers

虽然英语中已经有“budget travel”一词,意为“自己做出预算的旅游”,但“预算”的意思是“事先做到花钱心中有数”,并未体现出“花钱少”的意蕴。

基于以上考虑,“穷游族”一词不宜按照英语中“budget travel”的说法译为“budget travelers”,而应译为“economical travelers”,意为“花钱节省的旅游者”。





