农林英语 翻译

现代农林英语课后翻译Unit 1 Urban AgricultureUrban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.城市林业是把林业由野外、农村引进人口稠密的经济文化与工商业集中的城市的林业活动。

关于farm的单词1. 定义与释义- 单词:farm1.1词性:名词、动词1.2中文释义:作名词时为农场,是从事农业生产的地方;作动词时表示耕种、养殖等农事活动。
1.3英文释义:As a noun, "a piece of land and its buildings, used for growing crops and/or raising animals"; as a verb, "to use land for growing crops and/or raising animals".1.4相关词汇:同义词有ranch(尤指美国的大型牧场)、plantation(种植园);派生词有farmer(农民)、farming(农事,农业)。
2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“farm”源于古英语“feorm”,最初表示“食物,供应品”,后来逐渐演变为表示生产食物的地方。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- farm work:农活。
例句:The children helped with the farm work during the holidays. 翻译:孩子们在假期帮忙做农活。
- farm animals:农场动物。
例句:There are many kinds of farm animals on this large farm. 翻译:这个大农场里有很多种农场动物。
- dairy farm:奶牛场。
例句:My uncle runs a dairy farm and has hundreds of cows. 翻译:我叔叔经营一个奶牛场,有数百头牛。
- pig farm:养猪场。

Urban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.B.英译汉B. 社区的物质框架结构被称为它的基础设施。

agriculture例句agriculture中文释义为“农业;农艺;农学”,例句及翻译如下:1、Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。
2、The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。
3、A proportion of the land is used for agriculture.一部分土地作农用。
4、European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies.欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局。
5、This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由此而危及人的健康。
6、The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture.这些条件不利于农业。
7、Agriculture was based in the past on the familyas a unit.过去的农业是以家庭为单位的。
8、Much of the plan runs counter to European agriculture and environmental policy该计划的很多内容与欧洲农业及环境方面的政策相冲突。
9、The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture.乌克兰的工业和农业都很发达。

以下是一些与cul词根相关的常用词缀和单词:1. agriculture(农业)- 由agri-(地、农田)和cul(耕种、栽培)组成,表示耕种和养殖。
例句:Agriculture plays a vital role in feeding the world's population.2. cultivate(耕种、栽培)- 由cult-(耕种、栽培)和-ivate (使…)组成,表示培养或改进植物的生长。
例句:Farmers cultivate crops such as wheat, corn, and rice.3. horticulture(园艺)- 由horti-(花园)和cul(耕种、栽培)组成,表示栽培和培育花卉、蔬菜等。
例句:She has a degree in horticulture and loves working in her garden.4. agriculture(农民)- 由agri-(地、农田)和-culturist(从事…的人)组成,表示从事耕种和养殖的人。
例句:The agriculturist was recognized for his contribution to sustainable farming practices.5. culture(文化)- 由cul-(耕种、栽培)和-ure(结果、过程)组成,表示生活方式、艺术、习俗等的整体。
例句:Different countries have unique cultures and customs.6. cultivate(培养、提升)- 由cult-(耕种、栽培)和-ivate (使…)组成,表示培养、发展或提升。
例句:Parents play a vital role in cultivating their children's values and beliefs.7. acculturation(文化交融)- 由ad-(朝向、加强)和culturation(文化)组成,表示不同文化之间的交流和融合。

一、农业生产相关词汇1. 农业(agriculture):指以种植、畜牧、渔业等方式,进行农作物和动物的生产活动。
2. 农田(farmland):专门用于耕种农作物的土地。
3. 农村(rural area):以农业生产为主的地区,与城市相对。
4. 农民(farmer):从事农业生产的个体或集体。
5. 农产品(agricultural product):农业生产的成品,包括粮食、蔬菜、水果、畜禽产品等。
6. 农业机械(agricultural machinery):用于农业生产的机械设备,如拖拉机、收割机等。
7. 农药(pesticide):用于防治农作物病虫害的化学品。
8. 农田水利(agricultural irrigation):利用灌溉设施,为农作物提供水源的工程。
9. 农作物(crop):农业生产中种植的植物,如小麦、水稻等。
10. 农业科学(agricultural science):研究农业生产方法、农作物种植和动物饲养等的科学领域。
二、一些常见的农作物名称及相关词汇1. 小麦(wheat):一种重要的粮食作物,广泛种植于全球各地。
2. 玉米(corn):一种主要用于食品、饲料和工业原料的作物。
3. 大豆(soybean):一种既可以作为粮食作物,又可以提取食用油、豆粕等副产品的作物。
4. 水稻(rice):主要用于食品的作物,是世界上最重要的粮食之一。
5. 麦片(oat):含有丰富蛋白质和纤维的谷物。
6. 西瓜(watermelon):夏季常见的水果,含有丰富的水分和维生素。

Unit 1 Urban Agriculture
Urban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.

agriculture (farming) 农业 agricultural 农业的 land (soil) 土壤;土地 soil conservation土壤保护 soil erosion 泥土流失 silt 粉砂,泥沙 clay 黏土,湿土 clod 土块 agrarian 土地的,农业的 pilot(experimental ) 试验性的 harrow( rake) 耙,耙土 ridge 田埂 furrow 犁沟 plot (patch)小块地ranch农场,牧场 plantation 种植园 orchard 果园 nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床 sickle 镰刀 spade 铲,锹 shovel (平头) 铲 pick 稿 tractor 拖拉机 cultivate(till) 耕作 sow(seed) 播种 harvest 收割 weed 除草 irrigate 灌溉 manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药) insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂 pest 害虫 rust 锈病 grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓 mill 碾,磨 wheat 小麦 corn 玉米 rice 大米 barley 大麦 sorghum 高粱oats燕麦 rye 黑麦 millet 粟,小米 vegetable 蔬菜 horticulture 园艺学 hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室 cabbage 洋白菜 lettuce 生菜 mustard 芥菜 spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜 cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子 pepper 辣椒 pumpkin 南瓜 tomato 西红柿 beet甜菜carrot 胡萝卜 radish 小红萝卜 pea 豌豆 soybean 大豆 celery 芹菜 garlic 大蒜 leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆 peanut 花生 sesame 芝麻 cotton 棉花 husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture牧场 livestock 家畜 fowl (poultry) 家禽 cattle 牛,家畜 buffalo 野牛 dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场 hay (作饲料用)干草 haystack 干草堆 fodder (feed) 饲料 trough 饲料槽barn(shed)牲口槽 stable 厩,马厩 cowshed 牛棚 pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈 sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍 fish farm 养鱼场 aquaculture 水产养殖。

agriculture名词agriculture 英[ˈæɡrikʌltʃə] 美[ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃɚ]n.1.农业2.农学, 农艺名词n.1.农业Problems also exist in agriculture.农业也存在着一些问题。
2.农学, 农艺Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.我们对农业学的知识至今只限于书本上所说的。
agriculture:读音为英[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)] 、美[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər] 。
farming短语搭配dairy farming酪农业; 乳品业; 乳牛业; 乳牛畜牧业Natural Farming自然农业mechanized farming[农学]机械化栽培; 机械化耕耘agriculturen.[U]1. 农业,农耕2. 农艺,农学词形变化:形容词:agricultural 副词:agriculturally 名词:agriculturist例句与用法:1. I know nothing about agriculture.我对农业一窍不通。
2. Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside.现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。
3. Agriculture in this country has developed greatly after liberation.解放后这个国家的农业得到了巨大的发展。

Urban forestry involves (refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.B.英译汉B. 社区的物质框架结构被称为它的基础设施。

agri = field 田地,农田
17. agriculture 〔 agri 田地,农田, cult耕作,-ure 名词后缀〕农业,农艺
18. agricultural 〔见上,-al 形容词后缀,的〕农业的,农艺的.
19. agriculturist 〔见上,-ist 表示人〕农学家
20. agricorporation 〔 agri 农田农业, corporation 公司〕农业综合公司
21. agrimotor 〔 agri 农田农业, motor 机器〕农用拖拉机
22. agronomy 〔 agro 农田农业, nomy 学〕农学,农艺学,作物学
23. agronomic〔见上,-ic 形容词后缀,的〕农学的,农艺学的
24. agronomist〔见上,-ist 表示人〕农学家
25. agrology〔 agro 田地,-logy 学〕农业土壤学
26. agrobiology〔 agro 田地农业, biology 生物学〕农业生物学
27. agrotechnique〔 agro 田地农业, technique 技术〕农业技术
28. agro-town〔 agro 农田农村, town 城镇〕建在农村地区的城镇
29. agrochemicals〔 agro 农田, chemicals 化学药品〕农药

农业的托福词汇积累2017年关于农业的托福词汇积累词汇是学习任何语言的基础知识,只要掌握足够的.词汇量,才能学好一种语言,下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年关于农业的托福词汇积累,希望能给大家带来帮助!AGRICULTURE 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖。
agriculture 的读法、释义和用法

agriculture 的读法、释义和用法
注意将重音放在第一个音节“agri”上,并保持元音“a”和“u”的清晰发音,同时“culture”部分发音为/ˈkʌlt ʃər/或/ˈkʌltʃɝ/。
例如,“Agriculture is an important part of our economy.”(农业是我们经济的重要组成部分。

farm是什么意思farm既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道farm做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面店铺为大家带来farm的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!farm的英语音标英 [fɑ:m]美 [fɑrm]farm的时态过去分词: farmed过去式: farmed现在分词: farmingfarm的意思vi. 种田,务农;经营农场vt. 养殖;耕种;佃出(土地)n. 农场;农家;畜牧场farm的近义词grangefarm的词汇搭配farm products 农产品farm produce 农产品wind farm 有许多风车的农场on a farm 在农场;在农场里,在农场上farm machinery 农业机械farm work 农活;农务tank farm 油库;油罐区pig farm 养猪场farm land 农业土地dairy farm n. 乳牛场farm worker 农场工人chicken farm n. 养鸡场family farm 家庭农场livestock farm 畜牧场;禽畜饲养场;牧场farm animal 家畜;耕畜cattle farm 养牛场,奶牛场poultry farm n. 家禽饲养所farm crops 农作物(farm crop的复数)tree farm 林场fish farm 养鱼场farm的英语例句1. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm.不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静地度过。
2. I came to live at the farm by happenstance.我来到该农场住下纯属偶然。
3. You lived on the farm until you came back to America?你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗?4. In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares.1970年,法国农场的平均规模为19公顷。

农业专业英语词汇(FG)一、作物种植类1. Agriculture(FG):农业2. Crop(FG):作物3. Planting(FG):种植4. Harvest(FG):收获5. Irrigation(FG):灌溉6. Fertilizer(FG):肥料7. Pesticide(FG):农药8. Seedling(FG):幼苗9. Germination(FG):发芽10. Cultivation(FG):耕作二、土壤与肥料类1. Soil(FG):土壤2. Fertility(FG):肥力3. Humus(FG):腐殖质4. Loam(FG):壤土5. Sandy soil(FG):沙土6. Clay soil(FG):黏土7. Organic matter(FG):有机物8. Compost(FG):堆肥9. Manure(FG):粪肥10. Nitrogen(FG):氮11. Phosphorus(FG):磷12. Potassium(FG):钾三、农业技术类1. Agricultural technology(FG):农业技术2. Biotechnology(FG):生物技术3. Genetic engineering(FG):基因工程4. Plant breeding(FG):植物育种5. Transgenic(FG):转基因6. photosynthesis(FG):光合作用7. Respiration(FG):呼吸作用8. Growth regulator(FG):生长调节剂9. Integrated pest management(FG):病虫害综合治理10. Precision agriculture(FG):精准农业四、农业机械设备类1. Tractor(FG):拖拉机2. Plow(FG):犁3. Harrow(FG):耙4. Seeder(FG):播种机5. Sprayer(FG):喷雾器6. Reaper(FG):收割机7. Thresher(FG):脱粒机8. Grain dryer(FG):粮食烘干机9. Silo(FG):粮仓10. Irrigation system(FG):灌溉系统五、农产品加工类1. Processing(FG):加工2. Milling(FG):磨粉3. Pressing(FG):榨取4. Fermentation(FG):发酵5. Drying(FG):干燥6. Canning(FG):罐装7. Freezing(FG):冷冻8. Preservation(FG):保鲜9. Packaging(FG):包装10. Quality control(FG):质量控制六、农业经济与管理类1. Agricultural economics(FG):农业经济学2. Farm management(FG):农场管理3. Marketing(FG):市场营销4. Supply chain(FG):供应链5. Cooperative(FG):合作社6. Subsidy(FG):补贴7. Policy(FG):政策8. Sustainable development(FG):可持续发展9. Rural development(FG):农村发展10. Food security(FG):粮食安全七、农业生态与环境类1. Agroecology(FG):农业生态学2. Biodiversity(FG):生物多样性3. Ecosystem(FG):生态系统4. Conservation(FG):保护5. Sustainable agriculture(FG):可持续农业6. Organic farming(FG):有机农业7. Environmental impact(FG):环境影响8. Climate change(FG):气候变化9. Soil erosion(FG):土壤侵蚀10. Water management(FG):水资源管理八、畜牧业相关词汇1. Animal husbandry(FG):畜牧业2. Livestock(FG):牲畜3. Pasture(FG):牧场4. Grazing(FG):放牧5. Breeding(FG):繁殖6. Milking(FG):挤奶7. Vaccination(FG):疫苗接种8. Feed(FG):饲料9. Manure management(FG):粪便管理10. Meat processing(FG):肉类加工九、渔业与水产养殖类1. Fisheries(FG):渔业2. Aquaculture(FG):水产养殖3. Fish farming(FG):养鱼4. Pond(FG):池塘5. Fish feed(FG):鱼饲料6. Harvesting(FG):捕捞7. Fish processing(FG):鱼类加工8. Marine conservation(FG):海洋保护9. Freshwater ecosystem(FG):淡水生态系统10. Aquatic biodiversity(FG):水生生物多样性十、农业教育与培训类1. Agricultural education(FG):农业教育2. Vocational training(FG):职业培训3. Extension service(FG):推广服务4. Farmer field school(FG):农民田间学校5. Demonstration plot(FG):示范田6. Capacity building(FG):能力建设7. Knowledge transfer(FG):知识转移8. Scholarships(FG):奖学金9. Internship(FG):实习10. Continuing education(FG):继续教育十一、农业法律法规与政策类1. Agricultural law(FG):农业法2. Land tenure(FG):土地所有权3. Intellectual property rights(FG):知识产权4. Food safety regulations(FG):食品安全法规5. Environmental regulations(FG):环境法规7. Export subsidy(FG):出口补贴8. Import quota(FG):进口配额9. Tariff(FG):关税10. Agricultural policy(FG):农业政策十二、农业研究与开发类1. Research and development(FG):研究与开发2. Experimental station(FG):试验站3. Laboratory(FG):实验室4. Innovation(FG):创新5. Grant(FG):资助6. Patent(FG):专利7. Technical paper(FG):技术论文8. Peer review(FG):同行评审9. Research project(FG):研究项目10. Technology transfer(FG):技术转移十三、农业市场营销与贸易类1. Market analysis(FG):市场分析2. Consumer behavior(FG):消费者行为3. Branding(FG):品牌化4. Distribution channel(FG):分销渠道6. Export(FG):出口7. Import(FG):进口8. Commodity market(FG):商品市场10. International trade(FG):国际贸易十四、农业灾害与风险管理类1. Drought(FG):干旱2. Flood(FG):洪水3. Pest(FG):害虫4. Disease(FG):病害5. Disaster management(FG):灾害管理6. Risk assessment(FG):风险评估7. Insurance(FG):保险8. Crop loss(FG):作物损失9. Early warning system(FG):预警系统10. Emergency response(FG):紧急响应。

Farm 的名词形式有以下几种:
1. Farming:农业、耕作,强调农业生产的过程和方式。
2. Farms:农场、农庄,指用于农业生产的土地、建筑物和设备。
3. Farmer:农民、农场主,指从事农业生产和经营的人。
4. Farming industry:农业产业,指整个农业生产、加工和销售的产业体系。
5. Agricultural land:农田、耕地,指用于农业生产的土地。
6. Farm products:农产品,指在农场或农业生产中获得的物品,如谷物、蔬菜、水果、牲畜等。
7. Farm machinery:农具、农业机械,指用于农业生产的各种机械设备。
8. Farm animals:农场动物、家畜,指在农场中饲养的各种动物,如牛、羊、猪、鸡等。
9. Farm work:农活、农场工作,指在农场中进行的各种劳动和工作。
10. Farmhouse:农舍、农场住宅,指农场上供农民居住的房屋。
这些名词形式与 Farm 相关,涵盖了农业生产、土地、农民、农产品等方面。
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Urban forestry involves(refers to / is concerned with) forestry activities introduced from wildness and countryside to populous cities where economy, culture, industry and business (commerce) are aggregated (clustered). Most metropolitan cities are currently prosperous but noisy (clamorous) with deteriorating ecological environment. People living in such a crowded and narrow space suffer from a worsening physical quality. To develop urban forestry can beautify living places, purify air, reduce noise and adjust local climate (microclimate), so that the living quality of urban people can be improved. Generally, urban forestry has provided a new approach to the urban environmental problems.2、随着人类社会的经济发展与文明进步,人们对森林的认识有了重大转变,社会对林业的需求也发生了很大的变化,森林维护与改善生态环境的功能在世界范围内得到了广泛的重视和关注。
With the development of both economy and civilization in human society, people have greatly improved their knowledge and understanding about forests. They therefore have also dramatically changed their social demands for forestry. As a result, more world attention has been widely paid to the function that forests play to maintain and improve environment. In 1992, UN Conference on Environment and Development bestowed priority on forestry and it became a political promise of the highest rank. In addition, it was particularly emphasized in the meeting that nothing has been more important than forestry among the problems that the world summit conferences will deal with. It is a distinct milestone in world civilization history to place forestry issues at such a high position.3、中国是世界上生物多样性最为丰富的国家之一,也是最早加入《生物多样性公约》的国家。
China is one of the countries boasting the richest biodiversity and also one of the earliest adopting the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Chinese Government has highly valued the work of biodiversity conservation by formulating and enforcing a series of related laws and regulations,so that a legal system on the conservation and biodiversity has fundamentally formed. In addition, it has established and consolidated the coordination mechanism on the implementation of the Convention onBiological Diversity as well as the scheme of Inter-ministerial Joint Meeting on biological species resources, laid down and issued the National Action Plan on the Conservation of Biodiversity of China and other related plans in this regard, based on which various relevant sectors have mapped out and executed their own action plans. 5、尽管面临着气候变化的严峻挑战,农业仍然肩负着养活全世界的责任。
Agriculture still has the responsibility to feed the world in spite of the serious challenge of climate change. Agriculture needs to produce more food, waste less, and make it easier for farmers to get their produce to consumers. Besides, agriculture has to find ways/approaches/methods to reduce negative impacts resulted from environmental change-including lowering greenhouse gas emissions,planning/managing food security and rural development as a whole, etc. Only through the development of agricultural high technology can the above be realized/All these are only possible through the development of agricultural high technology.6、中国农业必须走资源节约型、生产清洁型、环境友好型、质量效益型的低碳农业发展道路。
Chinese agriculture has to undergo a low-carbon development with characteristics of being resources-saving, production-clean, environment-friendly and quality-efficiency-oriented. Therefore, in terms of technology, great efforts must be made to develop a series of key technologies and promote/polarize/generalize/spread their practical application. For example, resources-saving technology including energy-saving, soil-saving, water-saving, fertilizer-saving, insecticides-saving, seeds-saving, materials-saving and labor-saving techniques, and so on, technology of reducing the use of agricultural chemicals and developing their substitutes, technology of cultivating new plant species with a high light absorption and carbon sequestration, technology of sequestratrating soil carbon, technology of developing clean energies, clean environment-friendly production technology, technology of nuisance-free proposal/dispose and reclamation of wastes, and so on.7、1989年城市规划法的颁布实施,是中国在城市规划体系重构和正规化的一个里程碑,但是,在处理日益变化的社会经济环境时,城市规划系统仍然存在很多缺漏,其中的一些可以追溯到过去计划经济时代,而另一些是城市规划法本身存在的问题。