有机改性二氧化硅纳米胶囊化相变材料研究祝亚林;梁书恩;周元林;王慧;田春蓉;王建华【摘要】胶囊化相变材料(PCMs)在炸药件隔热防护、电子器件控温等具有潜在应用价值,但现有无机壁材胶囊化PCMs存在粒径大、易破裂及与有机聚合物相容性差等局限.本研究利用不同有机硅烷前驱体在细乳液中的界面水解-缩聚方法,合成了一系列有机改性二氧化硅包覆正十八烷相变纳米胶囊.分别采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、差示扫描量热(DSC)和水接触角(WCA)等手段对其化学结构、结晶结构、形貌、相变特性和壁材疏水性进行了表征.结果表明,通过改变有机硅烷前驱体的体积比,得到了球形和碗状两种形貌的相变纳米胶囊,尺寸为200~693 nm,熔融焓为93.2 ~107.5 J·g-1,胶囊壁材的水接触角为67°~155°,可实现亲水-疏水-超疏水性表面性质调控.并且有机改性二氧化硅纳米胶囊化PCMs在超声作用下不易破碎,显示力学性能得到了改善.【期刊名称】《含能材料》【年(卷),期】2016(024)006【总页数】6页(P576-581)【关键词】相变材料;纳米胶囊;有机改性二氧化硅;正十八烷【作者】祝亚林;梁书恩;周元林;王慧;田春蓉;王建华【作者单位】西南科技大学材料科学与工程学院,四川绵阳621010;中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621999;中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621999;西南科技大学材料科学与工程学院,四川绵阳621010;中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621999;中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621999;中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川绵阳621999【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TJ55;TQ3261 引言炸药件在贮存和运输过程中,可能会受到外界高低温环境的冲击,为确保其在贮存和运输过程中的安全性,通常需采用适当的隔热材料对其进行包装防护。
1 微胶囊的作用将芯材物质微胶囊化,是利用囊壁的封闭结构,给芯材物质一个物理屏障,避免在不适当的条件下与外界环境接触,防止其有效成分丧失,便于存储和运输。
1.1 隔离作用微胶囊最主要的功能就是在芯材物质与外部环境之间形成一道物理阻隔,最大程度的保护芯材物质不受外界环境影响而引起的活性物质损失、变性等不良后果。
1.2 控释或靶释在运输阶段尽可能保证芯材物质有效成分不损失,到特定时间或特定位置进行释放,成为控制释放或靶向释放[4],这也是微胶囊另一个重要的作用。
1.3 改善材料性质微胶囊的另一个作用就是能改善材料性质,便于材料的后续使用或处理。
2 微胶囊的壁材微胶囊的功能效果主要取决于由壁材的种类决定。
2.1 壳聚糖壳聚糖是一种典型的碳水化合物类囊壁材料,又称几丁聚糖,片状固体,呈微黄色或白色。
2.2 海藻酸钠海藻酸钠也是一种极其常见的微胶囊壁材,外观呈淡黄色或白色粉末,极易溶于水[8]。
2.3 明胶明胶可溶于热水,但不溶于冷水,是一种蛋白质混合物,呈淡黄色或白色的透明颗粒,来源广泛,大量存在于动物的结缔或表皮组织中。
化学推进剂与高分子材料 20 Chemical Propellants & Polymeric Materials 2010 年第 8 卷第 2 期微胶囊的制备技术及其国内应用进展蔡涛,王丹,宋志祥,佘万能(湖北省化学研究院,湖北武汉 430074) 摘 要: 综述了微胶囊的制备技术及其应用。
简要介绍了化学法( 原位聚合法、界面聚合法等) 、 物理化学法( 复合凝聚法、复合乳液法等) 、物理法( 空气悬浮法、喷雾干燥法等) 等制备微胶囊常用 方法。
针对不同的用途介绍了 6 种微胶囊及其目前国内研究进展,并展望了微胶囊技术的前景。
关键词: 微胶囊;微胶囊化;制备;应用 中图分类号: TQ316 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672-2191(2010)02-0020-07微胶囊是指由天然或人工合成的高分子材料 研制而成的具有聚合物壁壳的微型容器或包装 物。
其大小在几微米至几百微米范围内( 直径一 般在 5 ̄200μm),需要通过显微镜才能观察到 [ 1 ] 。
微胶囊技术是一种将成膜材料(常选用热塑性 高分子材料) 作为壳物质,用固体、液体或气体 为芯物质包覆成核壳形态结构的胶囊,壳的厚度 为 0 . 2  ̄ 1 0 μm 。
这种壳核结构使微胶囊具有保 护、阻隔性,使受外壳保护的芯物质既不会受到 外界环境的侵入影响,同时又具有不会向外界逸 出的阻隔性能 [ 2 ] 。
微胶囊的制备技术始于 20 世纪 30 年代,7 0 年代中期得到了迅猛发展。
微胶囊由芯材和壁材 构 成 。
芯 材 通 常 是 需 要 包 覆 的 物 质 ,如 有 机 溶 剂、增塑剂、生物材料、食品、农用化学剂、 泡涨剂、防锈剂等。
壁材通常是由天然或者合成 的高分子材料,用作壁材的物质应具有成膜性好 和无色的特点 [ 3 ] 。
微胶囊粒子的大小和形状与其制备工艺有 关 [ 4 ] 。
微 胶 囊 的 形 状 是 多 种 多 样 的 ,一 般 呈 球 形,有的呈谷粒或无定形等形状。
微胶囊化方法及常用壁材(总3页) --本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--微胶囊化方法及常用壁材一、微胶囊制备方法1、微胶囊的常规制备方法复凝聚法复凝聚法是利用两种带有相反电荷的高分子材料以离子间的作用相互交联,制成的复合型壁材的微胶囊一种带正电荷的胶体溶液与另一种带负电荷的胶体溶液相混,由于异种电荷之间的相互作用形成聚电解质复合物而发生分离,沉积在囊芯周围而得到微胶囊。
二氧化硅壁材微胶囊及其制备方法与应用(二)二氧化硅壁材微胶囊的应用及其制备方法1. 应用领域•建筑材料:二氧化硅壁材微胶囊可以用作墙面涂料,能有效改善室内空气质量,具有吸附甲醛等有害物质、去除异味的功能。
2. 制备方法制备二氧化硅壁材微胶囊的方法如下:1.获取原料:准备二氧化硅粉末、壁材(如聚合物)和溶剂。
3. 应用优势•环保安全:二氧化硅壁材微胶囊的制备过程中不产生有害物质,符合环保和安全要求。
4. 总结二氧化硅壁材微胶囊具有广泛的应用前景,在建筑材料、化妆品、医药领域和日用品中均有重要应用。
第 12 卷第 12 期2023 年 12 月Vol.12 No.12Dec. 2023储能科学与技术Energy Storage Science and Technology三元硝酸盐@二氧化硅微胶囊相变材料的制备及其性能研究水潭,吴玉庭,李传,李琦(北京工业大学环境与生命学部,传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室及传热与能源利用北京市重点实验室,北京100124)摘 要:针对当前无机熔盐相变材料在中低温储热领域研究的不足,本工作开发制备出一种相变温度为150~220 ℃的多元熔盐相变微胶囊复合材料,并对其微结构和热物性进行观察表征。
本工作首先进行三元混合硝酸盐的制备,STA测试结果表明纯三元盐的熔融点为156.04 ℃,相变潜热为95.5 kJ/kg,分解温度达到626.3 ℃;之后在其基础上利用凝胶-溶胶法进行熔盐胶囊化封装,采用SEM-EDS、FT-IR、XRD和DSC等手段对微胶囊复合材料的微观结构、化学成分、晶体结构、物理化学兼容性和相变特性进行测试分析。
结果显示三元硝酸盐可被有效地包覆在二氧化硅壳体中,所形成的微胶囊材料粒径范围为10~40 µm,最高包覆率可达90.9%,微胶囊化后的熔融焓为86.81 kJ/kg,储热利用效率达78.36%,研究结果证明三元硝酸盐@二氧化硅微胶囊在中低温热能储存方面具有较高的应用潜力。
关键词:储能;相变材料;多元硝酸盐;微胶囊;中低温温区doi: 10.19799/ki.2095-4239.2023.0621中图分类号:TK 519 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4239(2023)12-3595-10 Preparation and properties of ternary nitrate-@silica microencapsulated phase change materialsSHUI Tan, WU Yuting, LI Chuan, LI Qi(MOE Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Beijing Key Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)Abstract:This study focuses on the development of a ternary salt-based microencapsulation phase change composite by the sol-gel approach. This composite exhibited a melting temperature range of 150-220 ℃and could be effectively used for thermal energy storage.The thermophysical properties of the pure ternary nitrate salt were first evaluated. The salt exhibited a melting point of 156.04 ℃, latent heat of 95.5 kJ/kg, and decomposition temperature of 626.3 ℃. Then, the microencapsulated composite was fabricated and investigated based on the results of the pure ternary salt. Various characteristic methods, including scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry, were employed to evaluate the thermal energy storage performance of the microencapsulated composite. The results indicated that the nitrate salt could be efficiently encapsulated by SiO2.收稿日期:2023-09-11;修改稿日期:2023-09-29。
二氧化硅壁材微胶囊相变储能材料制 备与性能研究
随着全球经济的繁荣快速增长,能源供需矛盾日趋凸显,节约能 源势在必行。近年来,我国建筑能耗呈现急剧上升趋势,归根到 底是经济繁荣发展提高了人们生活水平,人们对室内热舒适度的 要求越来越高,频繁地使用各种可以维持室内环境舒适的设备, 从而增加了电能的消耗。
相变储能技术作为最有潜力的节能技术已受到世界各国学者们 的热切关注,而相变材料微胶囊化为相变储能技术更好地应用于 建筑节能提供了新方法和新思路。考虑到以无机材料为壁材的 微胶囊相变储能材料对相变材料在热能储存领域的应用具有重 要的推动作用,广大学者纷纷合成出各种新型的无机壁材微胶囊 相变储能材料,尤其是以二氧化硅为壁材的微胶囊研究得最为广 泛。
在化学沉淀法中,实验得出的最佳工艺条件是复合乳化剂OP10/CTAB摩尔配比为1:1.5,CTAB用量为1.5g,反应温度为45℃,盐 酸浓度为1.0mol/L,芯材与硅源投料质量比为1:1。所制备得到 的微胶囊呈球形,表面致密,有明显的核壳结构,实现了对芯材石 蜡的有效包封,熔点为26.92℃,熔化焓为118.5J/g,凝固点为 23.44℃,凝固焓为117.8 J/g,相变温度合适,符合人体舒适的温 度范围。
但是大多数的文献都以正硅酸四乙酯(TEOS)作为硅源来制备二 氧化硅,而TEOS价格相对昂贵,毒性较大,作为硅源工业化生产微 胶囊相变储能材料是不经济的。此外,制备方法多为溶胶-凝胶 法,产物大多团聚严重,且制备过程耗时较长,进一步增加了制备 成本。
二氧化硅的制备和表征含微胶囊丁基硬脂酸通过溶胶 - 凝胶法
Preparation and characterization of silica microcapsules containingbutyl-stearate via sol-gel methodMIAO Chun-yan(缪春燕)1, 2, YAO You-wei(姚有为)1, TANG Guo-yi(唐国翌)1,WENG Duan(翁端)21. Graduated School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China;2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100086, ChinaReceived 15 July 2007; accepted 10 September 2007Abstract: For thermal energy storage application in energy-saving building materials, silica microcapsules containing phase change material were prepared using sol-gel method in O/W emulsion system. In the system droplets in microns are formed by emulsifying an organic phase consisting of butyl-stearate as core material. The silica shell was formed via hydrolysis and condensation from tetraethyl silicate with acetate as catalyst. The SEM photographs show the particles possess spherical morphology and core-shell structure. The as-prepared silica microcapsules mainly consist of microsphere in the diameter of 3−7 µm and the median diameter of these microcapsules equals to 5.2 µm. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves indicate that the latent heat and the melting point of microcapsules are 86 J/g and 22.6 ℃, respectively. The results of DSC and TG further testify the microcapsules with core-shell structure.Key words: silica microcapsules; sol-gel; butyl-stearate; phase change materials1 IntroductionIncreasing energy cost and associated environmental problems have intensified efforts towards the energy storage and sustainable energy technologies. Over the past decade, the integration of phase change materials (PCMs) into building fabrics have been investigated as a potential technology for minimizing energy consumptions in buildings because PCMs allow large amounts of heat to be stored during their melting process and to be released during their solidifying process[1−6]. Butyl-stearate (BS) as a kind of PCMs with moderate energy-storing density, proper melting point and economic price has been studied in buildings.A laboratory scale energy-storing gypsum wallboard was produced by the direct incorporation of 21%−22%(mass fraction) commercial grades BS at the mixing stage of conventional gypsum board production. Compared with gypsum wallboard alone, the energy-storing capability of this PCM wallboard has a tenfold increase in capacity for the storage and release of heat[7]. ZHANG et al[8−10] produced the PCMs clay which contained BS as PCM and expanded perlite as matrix via penetrating method. In recent years, microencapsulation of PCM has been studied and applied in thermal energy fields due to its advantages, such as protection of the core materials, increasing the heat transfer area, and permitting the core material to withstand frequent changes in volume when the PCMs change their state from solid to liquid or vice versa. Many microencapsulation methods have been developed for paraffin[11−13], such as interfacial polymerization, polymerization in situ, and sol-gel, but micro- encapsulation of BS has not been reported. Microcapsules with silica as shell materials possess hydrophilic surface and anti-oxidization property compared with organic polymer microcapsules, and silica microcapsules with paraffin as PCM have been prepared via sol-gel method from O/W emulsion[14−15].In this study, spherical microcapsules with silica as shell materials and BS as core materials are successfully prepared from an O/W emulsion in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol (PV A) as stabilizer, and sorbitan monooleate (Span80) and polyoxyethylene(20) sorbitan monooleate (Tween80) as emulsifiers.Foundation item: Project(50572045) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; project supported by Innovation Fund from the PetroChina Company LimitedCorresponding author: TANG Guo-yi; Tel: +86-755-26036752; E-mail: Tanggy@MIAO Chun-yan, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 17(2007) s10192 ExperimentalThe particle size and surface morphology of silica microcapsules were examined using a scanning electron microscope (S-4700). The particle size distribution was measured adapting particle size analyzer (Rise-2008). Thermogravimetry (TG) analysis was carried out on TA-2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves were evaluated using DSC (Mettler Toledo, DSC823e) between the scales of 0−50 ℃ at a heating or cooling rate of 5 ℃/min and under nitrogen atmosphere.A typical microencapsulation procedure was carried out as follows: 1) 1.0 g of PV A was dissolved in 49.0 mL of distilled water; 2) an organic solution of 8 mL of BS and 1.5 g of mixed emulsifiers (45.0% Span 80 and 55.0% Tween 80) was prepared, then the organic solution was heated to 80 ℃; 3) maintaining the temperature of reaction system between 85 ℃ and 90 ℃, 10 g of PV A aqueous solution was added to the organic solution, and the mixture was emulsified mechanically at stirring rate of 300 r/min for 10 min, then the remains of PV A aqueous was added to the mixture and the mixture was emulsified at 600 r/min to form an O/W emulsion; 4) while stirring, 1.0 g of sodium chloride solution (2.5 mol/L) was added into the emulsion; 5) after stirring for 30 min, 8 mL of tetraethyl silicate (TEOS) and 0.2 g of acetate acid solution (10.0%) were slowly added into the emulsion system to start the hydrolysis and condensation of TEOS; 6) after the addition, the reaction mixture was cooled to 55.0 ℃for 3 h. The resultant microcapsules were centrifuged, washed with distilled water and dried at 55.0 ℃in oven for 24 h.3 Results and discussion3.1 Morphology of microcapsulesThe SEM photographs of silica microcapsules are shown in Fig.1. From Fig.1 (a), it is clear that the as-prepared silica microcapsules mainly consist of microsphere in diameter of 3−7 µm. The SEM photograph of the fractured microcapsules in Fig.1(b) illustrates the core/shell structure of microcapsules. According to the particle size distribution of silica microcapsules containing BS (shown in Fig.2), the median diameter of silica microcapsules is 5.2 µm and the diameter of 95% silica microcapsules is not more than 13 µm.3.2 TG analysisThe thermal gravimetry (TG) curves of BS and microcapsules are shown in Fig.3. The temperature of initial mass loss (5%) of BS is 170 ℃ and the mass loss ends at 235 ℃, while the initial mass loss of micro-Fig.1 SEM micrographs of silica microcapsules containing BSFig.2 Particle size distribution of silica microcapsules containing BSFig.3 TG curves of BS and microcapsules containing BSMIAO Chun-yan, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 17(2007) s1020capsules is different from that of the BS. In the temperature range of 100−170 ℃, the obvious mass loss (about 9%) of microcapsules appears, which is due to the water absorbed by silica gel, and the maximum mass loss of microcapsules is 78% at 250 ℃. This result, together with the SEM observation, verifies the formation of microcapsules with core-shell structure and the average content of core materials is about 69%(mass fraction).3.3 DSC curves of microcapsulesFig.4 shows the typical melting and solidifying curves of DSC for BS alone and silica microcapsules containing BS. As shown in Fig.4, BS and silica microcapsules exhibit similar thermal properties; the ∆H f of BS and silica microcapsules are determined to be 132 J/g and 86 J/g, and the melting points of BS and microcapsules are 22.6 and 23.0 ℃, respectively.Fig.4 DSC curves of BS and microcapsules containing BS The average content of BS in a silica microcapsule can be estimated by dividing the ∆H f of microcapsules by the ∆H f of BS alone, assuming that the energy of core materials does not change before and after microencapsulation. Accordingly, the average content of BS in microcapsules is 65%, which is basically in accordance with TG analysis.It remains to identify the micro-shell formation mechanism. In this study, nonionic surfactant is enriched at the oil-water interface and contributes to the stabilization of this emulsion; sodium chloride is added into the emulsion and the Na+ ions interact with the oxygen atom of the ethylene oxide group of the nonionic surfactant to form the complex Span80-Na+ and Tween80-Na+[16], which increases the volume of terminal hydrophilic group of the surfactants, brings the hydrophilic group of surfactants a spot of positive charge and contributes to the oil in water emulsion more stable. With acetic acid as a catalyst, on the one hand, microcapsules possess the lowest porosity among catalyst (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, HF, NH3, HAc )[17], on the other hand, in acid condition, atomic group such as —OH, —OSi≡ can instabilize the positive charge around Si nucleus or increase the steric hindrance, which reduces the hydrolysis rate[18]. Under these conditions, the hydrolysis rate is smaller than the condensation rate. The oligomer of TEOS exists in the system primarily with the form of Si(OR)2(OH)2 or Si(OR)3OH that are both lipophilic and hydrophilic, and they are apt to gather around the oil droplets in emulsion. Thus, silica micro-shell formation is expected.4 Conclusions1) Silica microcapsules encapsulating BS as PCM are prepared via a combination of O/W emulsion technique with a sol-gel method.2) Micron size (3−7 µm) spherical silica capsules containing BS can be prepared from weak acidic solution by using nonionic surfactant as the emulsifiers, PV A as stabilizer and TEOS as silica resource.3) The microcapsule has a relatively higher energy-storing density of 86 J/g and proper melting point of 22.6 ℃.References[1] KHUDHAIR A M, FARID M M. A review on energy conservation inbuilding applications with thermal storage by latent heat using phasechange materials[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2004, 45:263−275.[2] DARKWA K. 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以负载缓蚀剂的二氧化硅微胶囊制备水性智能防腐涂料及其涂层性能研究陈中华;梁家妮【摘要】将缓蚀剂苯并三氮唑(BTA)溶解在水中,利用正硅酸乙酯在水存在的条件下会发生缩合反应的特点,在反相体系中生成二氧化硅(SiO2)微球,以其作为载体包覆BTA,制备成负载缓蚀剂的微胶囊(SiO2/BTA),然后用六甲基二硅胺烷对其进行改性以提高其疏水性,并通过扫描电镜和红外光谱仪进行了表征.将微胶囊与苯丙乳液制备成水性防腐涂料,考察了涂层的耐蚀性和力学性能,并与不含SiO2和BTA或含其中之一的涂料所制涂层的性能进行对比.缓蚀剂的缓慢释放能延缓涂料缺陷引起的腐蚀,显著提高涂层的耐蚀性.当微胶囊的含量为1.5%时,涂层的综合性能最佳.%Microcapsules loaded with benzotriazole (BTA, a corrosion inhibitor), coded as SiO2/BTA, were prepared in an aqueous BTA-containing solution based on a condensation reaction of tetraethoxysilane in presence of water forming SiO2 microspheres in phase inversion, which act as carriers to encapsulate BTA. The SiO2/BTA microcapsules were modified by hexamethyldisilazane to improve their hydrophobicity and then characterized by scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy.A water-based anticorrosive coating material was obtained based on styrene-acrylate emulsion with the SiO2/BTA microcapsules. The corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of the coating obtained therefrom were examined and compared with those of the coatings prepared without SiO2and/or BTA. The slow release of corrosion inhibitor retards the corrosion caused by coating defects, improving the corrosion resistance ofcoating greatly. The coating containing 1.5% of SiO2/BTA microcapsules has the optimal comprehensive performance.【期刊名称】《电镀与涂饰》【年(卷),期】2018(037)006【总页数】5页(P231-235)【关键词】苯丙乳液;苯并三氮唑;二氧化硅;微胶囊;负载;疏水改性;智能防腐涂层【作者】陈中华;梁家妮【作者单位】华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东广州 510640;广州集泰化工股份有限公司,广东广州 510700;华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东广州510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ630.7水性涂料以水为主要溶剂,具有环保、施工方便、安全性好等特点,是现代涂料的重要发展方向,但其在金属防腐方面的应用还有一定的限制。
当纳米SiO2添加量为3%时,茶油微胶囊的综合性能最佳,平均粒径为(30.55±0.36) μm,包埋率为92.58%,熔融温度171.05 ℃,平均粒径比未添加纳米SiO2的茶油微胶囊(空白样)减少了7.37%,包埋率和熔融温度分别比空白样增加了4.80%和17.83%。
二、制备过程1. 选择硅油硅油作为微胶囊乳液的核心成分,具有良好的保湿和渗透性能,是制备高品质乳液的重要原料。
2. 制备二氧化硅壳层利用溶胶-凝胶法或乳化法制备二氧化硅壳层,确保其具有良好的稳定性和抗氧化性能。
3. 封装硅油将硅油封装在二氧化硅壳层内部,形成微胶囊,以提高其稳定性和使用寿命。
三、应用研究1. 保湿护肤硅油微胶囊乳液在保湿护肤品中的应用,能够有效锁水、滋润肌肤,改善干燥、粗糙等问题。
2. 美白祛斑二氧化硅壳层的硅油微胶囊乳液具有良好的抗氧化性能,可用于美白、祛斑等护肤产品中,有效改善肤色不均、色素沉积等问题。
3. 抗皱紧致硅油微胶囊乳液具有良好的渗透性能,能够促进胶原蛋白的合成,有助于紧致肌肤,减少皱纹。
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1. 溶剂挥发法:将含有二氧化硅前驱体的溶液滴加到有机溶剂中,通过溶剂挥发使得二氧化硅形成微胶囊。
2. 水热法:将二氧化硅前驱体溶液加入到高温水中进行水热反应,形成二氧化硅微胶囊。
3. 模板法:使用模板材料作为二氧化硅的模板,将二氧化硅前驱体溶液浸渍到模板上,经过煅烧去除模板后形成二氧化硅微胶囊。
1. 药物缓释系统:将药物包裹在二氧化硅微胶囊中,通过控制二氧化硅的孔径和壁厚,实现药物的缓慢释放,延长药物的作用时间。
2. 催化剂载体:将催化剂包裹在二氧化硅微胶囊中,提高催化剂的稳定性和活性,增加反应效率。
3. 生物传感器:将生物传感器反应物固定在二氧化硅微胶囊表面,通过传感器与生物分子的特异性相互作用,实现生物分子的检测与分析。
4. 化妆品领域:利用二氧化硅微胶囊的多孔结构和大比表面积,可以将活性成分包裹在微胶囊中,起到渗透调理、保湿、滋养皮肤的效果。
5. 传统建筑材料改性:将二氧化硅微胶囊添加到传统建筑材料中,可以提高材料的耐久性、耐磨性和抗污染性。