

影响咬入的因素由咬入条件a <)3可看出,凡影响到咬入角和摩擦角变化的因素均对轧件的咬入有影响。
轧辊直径和压下量对咬入的影响由式(1-1o)a可知,咬入角的大小与轧辊直径和压下量的关系:压下量A// —定时,轧辊直径D越大,则咬入角a越小,越容易咬入。
由式(1-9)A# = Z?(1 -cosa)和咬入条件可知当咬入角等于摩擦角时,所对应的压下量为最大压下量。
根据摩擦系数M = tan/3及三角公式cosp = 可得最大压下量与轧辊直径和摩擦系\/l + tan P数的关系:生产中要保证正常咬入,分配压下时注意压下量一定不能超过最大压下M A//_。
1.3 轧制速度轧制时,降低轧制速度可使摩擦系数增加,即摩擦角增加,从而使咬入条件a <卢更加容易满足。

1 相关因素介绍1.1 主要设备(1)轧冷轧:1110mm可逆式;轧制力,4000kN;轧制速度,0-150-420m/min;卷取张力,0.75MPa(最大);主电机,900kW;压下速度,5.5mm/min (一般),26.6mm/min(快速)。

世界有色金属 2020年 7月上52机械加工与制造M achining and manufacturing冷轧轧机支承辊辊面剥落原因与应对策略龙再祥(西南铝业集团有限责任公司冷轧厂,重庆 400000)摘 要:本文对我厂1#轧机支承辊剥落原因进行了分析,结果表明,疲劳是导致支承辊剥落的主要原因。
关键词:冷轧;支承辊剥落;疲劳裂纹中图分类号:TG333.17 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2020)13-0052-2Spalling Failure Analysis and Countermeasure of Back-up Roll for Cold MillLONG Zai-xiang(Cold rolling mill of Southwest Aluminum Group Co. LTD,Chongqing 400000,China)Abstract: Spalling failure had taken place on back up roll for no.1 mill in our factory.Through spalling fracture analysis,it was proved that main causes for roll’s spalling were contact fatigue.The spalling fracture of the back-up roll is caused by the fatigue crack in the surface layer due to the stress concentration at the contact point.Keywords: Cold mill; Spalling of back-up roll; Fatigue crack1 背景西南铝业集团高精板带事业部冷轧板带生产线,有两台1850mm 进口冷轧高速轧机,轧制过程中支承辊除了要承受巨大的轧制力,还要承受由于高速轧制下的转矩,AGC 辊缝调节,弯辊调节,厚差波动,断带挤料,辊型变化等因素均会造成支承辊辊面局部应力集中、与工作辊不同支承辊不具备频繁更换的条件,更换周期可长达一至两个月,易造成辊面疲劳和裂纹导致脱落,严重的情况下无法修复最终造成报废。

印伤轧辊;轧辊长期使用疲劳松动;轧辊互相撞击或打滑等原因。铝 箔轧机的轧辊表面上光洁度很高,轻微的光泽不均就会影响铝箔的表 面状态。对于这种情况就要定期对轧机进行清洁,维护,保持轧机的 清洁和保证轧辊的正常工作,定期更换轧辊,对有问题的轧辊进行维
产生机理同透亮辊印,但异物的种类一般是形状不规则的非金属, 而且压陷的深度有限,而且不均匀,当压陷出通过金属变形区时,铝箔 没有完全被撕裂,只是在该区域形成几处小的局部裂口。
工作辊表面被很硬物品(如吹风管)的尖角划伤,轧制时痕迹印在 铝箔上,肉眼观察铝箔该处为黑色线条。
现象。Leabharlann 铝箔轧制辊面光洁度很高,轻微的光泽不均匀也会影响其表面状态。 定期的清理轧机,保持轧机的清洁,保证清辊器的正常工作,定期换 辊,合理的进行轧辊磨削,均是保证铝箔轧后表面均匀一致的基本条件。
• 1、提高来料的质量:表面粗糙度均匀一致、无明显明暗条纹。 • 2、提高轧辊的研磨质量 选择质量较高的砂轮,避免不合格的大砂粒存在。 选择更软的砂轮,便于钝砂粒的脱落。 改变轧辊的研磨工艺,缩短刻痕的长度和深度。
• 3、控制好板型:分配好道次压下量。 • 4、改变中间退火工艺,提高中间退火后铝箔的均匀性。
质 量 管 理 部
主 讲:杨 勇
辊印是铝箔轧制时出现呈周期性排列的印痕;辊眼是铝箱表面出现的透光 的呈周期性排列的小孔,有的全部透光,有的呈网状,其尺寸一般大于针孔。 这两种缺陷最显著的特点是周期出现。 造成这两种缺陷的主要原因是:不正确的轧辊磨削;外来物损伤轧辊;来料 缺陷印伤轧辊;轧辊疲劳;辊间撞击、打滑等。所有可以造成轧辊表面损伤的 因素,均可对铝箔轧制形成危害。

1 相关因素1.1 设备介绍(1)轧冷轧采用了可逆式长度为1110mm;设备采用4000KN的轧制力;轧制速度最高可以达到420m/min;最大卷取张力可以达到0.75MPa,而主电机的功率为900KW;正常压下速度可以达到5.5mm/min,最快可达到26.6mm。
(2)轧辊的支承采用了Ф610mm×1100mm 规格;而工作辊采用了国产部件,规格为Ф255mm×1150mm。
1.2 粘铝现象根据现场的换辊通知以及相关记录进行分析,对现场的相关资料进行排列和统计。

科德工作辊服务集团的镀铬层硬度通过其技术的创新可以达到900-1100VICKERS PN。
分切常见缺陷及调整措施工艺参数与铝箔质量产量的关系COMALCOFOIL DIVISIONDEFECT CATALOGUEDanyang Training VisitMay 1992Comalco Aluminium Ltd SMP 7479.00Yennora Words Page 1 of xxxFoil Division Date 9.9.91Standard Metallurgical Practices Prepared by: C. Cleary Foil Division Defect CatalogueScopeThis S.M.P. is for all foil personnel and covers the description and classification of various defects found in the Foil Division. It describes defects which occur during rolling, slitting and annealing.This catalogue describes the defect, why it occurs and when possible, tells you how to eliminate it.The numbering system follows the Comalco Claim System used site wide for categorizing claims from external customers (see page 2 and 3 for a full listing).This S.M.P. covers the following defects:0.1 Stickiness0.1.1 Orange Peel0.1.2 Exploded Areas0.2 Wettability1.6.1 Hot Spots1.9 Tension Cuts2.1 Water Stain2.2.1 Herringbone2.2.2 Line of Holes2.2.3 Roll Holes2.2.4 Chatter2.2.5 Mill Lines2.2.6 Bruised coil2.2.7 Indents2.2.8 Splits2.5.1 Dross2.5.2 Staining2.6.1 Chicken Tracks2.7 Broken Matte2.7.1 Streaky Matte6.3 Step Outs6.4 Telescoping6.5 Out of Round6.7.1 Edge Cracks6.7.2 Laminations6.10 BridgingFULL LISTING OF SITE WIDE DEFECTS0.0 Annealing 0.1 Stickiness 0.1.1 Orange Peel 0.1.2 Exploded Areas 0.2 Wettability1.0 Dimensional 1.1 Gauge1.2 Width1.3 Lateral Bow1.4 Length1.6 Flatness 1.6.1 Hot Spots1.6.2 Creasing1.7 Edge Burr1.8 Mass1.9 Tension Crease2.0 Surface 2.1 Water Stain2.2 Metal Surface 2.2.1 Herringbone2.2.2 Line of Holes2.2.3 Roll Holes2.2.4 Chatter2.2.5 Mill Lines2.2.6 Bruised Coil2.2.7 Indents2.2.8 Splits2.3 Surface Condition2.4 Applied Coating2.5 Surface Contamination 2.5.1 Dross2.5.2 Staining2.6 Blade Marks 2.6.1 Chicken Tracking 2.7 Broken Matte 2.7.1 Streaky Matt3.0 Metallurgy 3.1 Alloy3.2 Mechanical Properties3.3 Earing3.4 Inclusion3.5 Failure To Form Cans4.0 Document 4.1 Specification4.2 Planning4.3 Sales5.0 Packaging 5.15.2 Identification6.0 Coil Cond n 6.1 Loose Wraps6.2 Broken Welds6.3 Step Outs6.4 Telescope6.5 Out of Round6.6 Coil Size6.7 Broken Edge 6.7.1 Edge Cracks 6.7.2 Laminations 6.8 Edge Damage6.9 Handling Damage6.10 Bridging7.0 Transport 7.1 Seafreight7.2 Road/Rail8.0 Acc Reject9.0 No Defect 9.1 BU/CP Wrecks0.1 StickinessWhat is stickiness?Stickiness is a measure of how difficult it is to pull a single layer of foil from the coil. This defect can cause problems, especially when it occurs in light gauge foils such as insulation and flexible packaging metal.When does stickiness occur?When the annealing process is out of specification or the wrong annealing cycle has been used for a particular product if the metal is kept at the incorrect temperature.Why does stickiness occur?* incorrect conditions in the annealing furnace:-any residual rolling oil left from the rolling process can polymerise and form weak bonds with the meta.What can you do about it?* monitor the annealing cycle closely and watch the:-heat up rate-soak time-temperature-cool down rate;* report any furnace problems-e.g. burner failure;* keep excess coolant carryover to a minimum.STICKY COILIT REQUIRES FORCE TO PULL THESINGLE SHEET FROM THE COIL FREE UNWIND COILTHE METAL SHEET EASILY FALLS AWAYFROM THE COIL UNDER ITS OWN WEIGHT0.1.1 Orange Peel EffectWhat is orange peel effect?Orange peel effect is a change in the surface of the metal. It becomes mottled, like the surface of an orange peel. This defect is always associated with high stickiness levels (see 0.1).When does orange peel effect occur?This defect mainly occurs on medium gauge coils (30 to 70 microns) and of a soft alloy and O Temper.Why does orange peel effect occur?* too much coolant left on the coil:-during annealing, the excess coolant between the foil layers forms a vapour.-the pressure from the vapour deforms the foil in localized pockets.What can you do about it?Minimize the amount of coolant left on the coil:* always use the splash guard when rolling the final. pass on No. 1 foil mill; * make sure the air wiper system is working properly;* check the amount of residual coolant on the metal when it is on the slitter -if the level is high, make a note of this on the lot ticket.0.1.2 Exploded AreasWhat are exploded areas?Exploded areas are small blister-like bubbles that occur between layers of light gauge foil after it has been annealed. You will find this defect mainly on annealed household foil coil.When do exploded areas occur?When light gauge foil is annealed.Why do exploded areas occur?* too much coolant left on the coil:-as the foil is annealed, the excess coolant between the foil layers forms a vapour-the foil is deformed by pressure from the vapour in localized pockets, this causes an exploded blistered effect.* incorrect anneal practice-too high an annealing temperature will also cause exploded areas.What can you do about them?* keep the amount of the coolant left on the coil to a minimum: -make sure the mill air wiper system is working properly,-check the amount of residual coolant on the metal when it is on the slitter.Make a note on the lot ticket if the level is high.* make sure the metal is annealed correctly and check:-heat up rate-soak time-temperature-cool down rate0.2 WettabilityWhat is wettability?Wettability is a measure of the amount of rolling lubricant left on the foil strip after annealing. If there is too much, it can interfere when plastics and inks are applied to the metal at the customers plant.When does wettability occur?When there is too much rolling lubricant left on the metal after it has been anneal.Why does wettability occur?* excess coolant carryover on the mill;* incorrect conditions in the annealing furnace.Why can you do about it?* monitor the annealing cycle closely and watch the:-heat up rate-soak time-temperature-cool down rate;* report any furnace problems-e.g. burner failure;* keep excess coolant carryover to a minimum.A GRADE WETTABILITYWHEN WATER IS APPLIED TO A SHEET OF FOILIT STAYS ON THE FOIL e.g. IT WETS THE SURFACEB BRADE WETTABILITYWHEN WATER IS APPLIED TO A SHEET OF FOILIT DOES NOT STAY ON THE FOIL SURFACE1.6.1 Hot SpotsWhat are hot spots?Hot spots are a continuous buckle (or belly) anywhere on the width of the exit strip. Provided the exit tension is not too high, hot spots are very easy to see when you are rolling. The buckled area is a lower gauge and longer than the rest of the strip. As a result it ‘puckers’.When do hot spots occur?When excess heat builds up in a section of a work roll or backup roll, the roll expands more in this area. The metal which comes into contact with this area is rolled to a lower gauge than the rest of the strip.Why do hot spots occur?Excess heat in a localized section of a work roll or backup roll is caused by: * foreign objects rubbing against the roll;* too mach wiper pressure in one area of the roll;* a blocked coolant spray;* coolant sprays which are not correctly aligned;* too much thermal crown;* local hard or soft spots on the roll;* disturbed oxide layer in the area of the buckle.What can you do about them?* check for foreign objects and remove any you find;* check the pressure on the wiper and alter it if uneven or too high;* unblocked any blocked coolant sprays;* make sure the coolant sprays are correctly aligned;* check the coolant pressure and increase it if necessary;* change the work rolls.Hot Spot \ Shape Defect Description1.9 Tension CutsWhat are tension cuts?Tension cuts are stretched bands of broken metal on the edges of the strip. They point towards the centre of the strip and spread out as they reach the edges. This defect is very easy to identify during rolling.When do tension cuts occur?When the strip wrinkles or folds over as it enters the mill bite.Why do tension cuts occur?* if the unwind tension is too low to hold the strip flat as it enters the work roll bite, the strip edges can wavy and wrinkle;* if the bridle is uneven or out of alignment, it may not hold the strip flat.What can you do about them?* increase the unwind tension until you can’t see any more fractures;* make sure the bridle is correctly aligned and the strip is flat as it enters the mill bite.2.1 Water stainsWhat are water stains?Water stains are a white or grey discolouration on the surface of the metal. Water reacts with the metal, causing surface oxidation and the formation of a metal oxide. This oxide stain is harder than the rest of the strip. When it passes through the mill bite, it can cause the strip to break.When do water stains occur?When the metal comes into contact with water.Why do water stains occur?* direct exposure to water;* condensation caused by rapid temperature changes in the metal:* when water is trapped between two closely packed metal surfaces there is no air circulating and the metal surface reacts with the water, this is known as surface oxidation.What can you do about them?* keep water away from the aluminium at all time- store away from roof leaks or keep the metal covered- keep the metal off the floor;* make the wooden boxes have low moisture content when you pack coils in them; * make sure the coils are cool before you pack them;* cover coils when transporting them from No. 1 to No. 2 mill on an overcast day.How to determine where the water staining occurredUsing a Scanning Electron Microscope, a good understanding of where the staining occurred can be achieved. With this type of microscope the stain can be studied, and other elements other than Aluminium can be detected. These will give you a rough estimate of the nature of the stain.* If Sodium or Chlorine are detected, then the stain is probably from sea water. * If Sulphur is detected, then the stain could be caused by acid rain.* If Calcium or Iron is detected, then the water source could possibly be unclean tap water.These generalizations can only be used as a rough guide when determining where the water staining has occurred..01 5.12 KeV Typical SEM Trace for a salt water caused “Waterstain”.2.2.1 HerringboneWhat is Herringbone?Herringbone is a surface marking along the strip which resembles a string of corpo ral’s stripes or the backbone of a fish.When does herringbone occur?There are a number of possible reasons:* the coolant may not be lubricating the strip well enough under the extreme pressure of the mill bite;* the strip may have a poor shape either from a previous pass or the present one; * the gauge reduction may be too great;* an earlier annealing treatment may have been missed* work roll finish may be incorrectly ground.What can you do about it?Herringbone is probably not the fault of your rolling technique, so you should follow or report on these matters:* check the composition of the coolant to ensure it has the correct levels of additives to give lubrication. The Rolling Superintendent or Foil Metallurgist keeps records of coolant additive levels;* check the previous rolling and annealing history of the coil from the Lot Ticket - report any ways in which this differs from the process schedule;* check the Roll Grind Requisition form, ensuring that the rolls have had the correct grinding performed on them.2.2.2 Lines of HolesWhat is lines of holes?Lines of holes are a continuous line of little holes in the metal. It varies in severity and can sometimes occur consistently throughout a coil. Lines of holes often cause strip break during the last single and the final doubling passes.When does lines of holes occur?This defect occurs when the metal has been scratched at any stage of processing or when a source of pick-up is introduced to the roll bite.Why do lines of holes occur?When the surface of the strip has been broken, by:* mechanical failure, for example- pulling the strip over a seized roll- a scratch on the work roll surface;* careless handling of the metal;* the work rolls have been ground with no relief on the ends. This results in small pieces of work roll surface breaking off and being forced through the bite.What can you do about it?Try to protect the metal throughout the process:* check and maintain a high level of cleanliness on the mill regularly;* when you detect lines of holes, the coil should be isolated and put on hold. The coil should not be processed any further;* check the work rolls for signs of spoiling.2.2.3 Roll HolesWhat are roll holes?Roll holes are small marks or holes that repeat at a regular interval along the metal strip. This defect is very difficult to see during rolling.When do roll holes occur?When a roll work become damaged and the damaged portion imprints a mark onto the metal surface.Why do roll holes occur?The work rolls can be damaged by a number of things:* grit;* dirt;* dust;* an inclusion in the strip.What can you do about them?* make sure the mill is cleaned thoroughly- after a PM- after a strip break;* make sure the metal stays off the ground;* wear clean gloves when you handle the metal;* remove one wrap from the feed coil if it has been standing for a long time; * if the holes are repeating at an interval of about 1 metre when you measure them along the length of the strip, then the mark is caused by your work rolls - change the rolls;* if the holes are about 2 metres apart, they were caused before you received the coil- there is nothing you can do about them.2.2.4 ChatterWhat is chatter?Chatter is evenly spaced, two tone lines which run across the width of the strip. If you could see the edge of the strip magnified, it would look similar to the edge of a piece of corrugated iron. You will hear chatter occurring before see it.When does chatter occur?Chatter often occurs during mill acceleration and deceleration, for short periods only. Only when this occurs at longer periods of times does the defect become a problem.Why does it occur?Chatter is caused by machine resonance. Machine resonance can occur under the following condition:* the coolant is out of specification;* the feed strip is a hard alloy;* the pass line is incorrect;* the drive transfer box is worn;* the drive couplings are worn.What can you do about it?* if you want to finish the coil, try altering the mill speed and unwind tension,then stop rolling and look for the problem;* make sure the coolant is within specification at all times - if it is not, stop the mill until you can correct it;* change the product or program until someone alters the mill; * if the pass line is wrong, check the mill shims;* change the work rolls.THE LINES ON THE STRIP IF MAGNIFIEDWOULD SHOW VARIATIONS OF GAUGE WHICH WOULD GIVETHE CROSS SECTION A CORRUGATED EFFECT AS SHOWN ABOVE 2.2.5 Mill LinesWhat are mill lines?Mill lines are very narrow stripes which run along the strip in the rolling direction. To see them clearly, you need to straight down onto the strip.When do mill lines occur?When the work rolls or backup rolls are damaged.Why do mill lines occur?There are a number of reasons:* there is a scratch on the work roll;* the oxide layer on the work roll is uneven;* there are lines on the work roll caused by the damaged backup roll - the backup roll can be damaged by a worn wiper.What can you do about them?* if the defect is present in the following products, you must do a roll change - R No. 62715 Leigh Mardon .040mm x 592mm- R No. 62780 Leigh Mardon .040mm x 674mm- R No. 62576 Leigh Mardon .050mm x 675mm- R No. 62303 Leigh Mardon .040mm x 643mm* if there are lines on the backup roll, there is no point in changing the work rolls because the damaged backup roll will mark the new rolls- remove the mark from the backup roll with emery paper or a fine grinding wheel - if you can not remove the lines, change the backup roll;* if only the work roll is damaged, change the work rolls.2.2.6 Bruised CoilWhat is a bruised coil?A bruised coil is an area of discolouration which repeats along the metal strip at regular interval.When does a bruised coil occur?When a work roll has an impact placed upon it. The bruise can occur at any upstream process and can manifest itself upon further reductions as a discolouration on the metal or shape problems with the coil.Why does a bruised coil occur?* when the tail of a coil passes through the roll bite and damages the work rolls. This mark is then transferred onto the strip.- this occurs most often on heavier gauges and when you roll hard alloys (e.g.3003 and 3004 alloys).What can you do about it?* when you are rolling a breakdown pass, stop the mill before the tail of the strip passes through the mill bite;* cut the tail in an arc, reduce the load and pull the tail through;* when programming semi-rigid container metal on No. 1 Mill, always programme 8001 and other soft alloys before 3003 and 3004 alloys. The 3003 and 3004 alloys are harder than the 8001 alloy and are therefore less susceptible to the effect of bruising the work rolls.2.2.7 IndentsWhat are indents?Indents are small depressions that appear on the surface of the metal as the coil unwinds.When do indents occur?This defect mainly occurs on medium gauge coils (30 to 70 microns). It is most obvious on O-Temper metal.Why do indents occur?* small particles of dust, dirt and grit get trapped between the metal layers as the coil is slit- the problem gets worse when the metal is annealed because the metal is softer and more prone to mark.What can you do about them?* clean the slitter thoroughly before you use it- this is especially important if the slitter has not been used for a while; * keep the metal off the floor;* handle the metal with clean gloves;* when slitting metal on the 755 slitter always use rotary blades, as razer blades tend to produce a larger amount of swarf which then deposits on the metal strip.2.2.8 SplitsWhat are splits?Splits are very thin creases which have been rolled into the metal. These creases weaken the metal and will easily break apart during rolling. When you are rolling, a split looks like a continuous black line, usually on the centre of the rewinding coil, but sometimes on other side. Take care you don’t confuse this defect with mill lines which look very similar.When do splits occur?When you roll a fold or crease into the strip.Why do splits occur?There are a number of reasons:* incorrect pass line- if the pass line is wrong, the strip will not be level when it enters the mill bite;* the unwind tension is too high, cause a crease in the unwinding strip - this occurs mainly in light gauge strips;* the entry bridle is not correctly aligned.* the backup roll has recently been changed and the work roll camber has not been change to accommodate this change.* the work roll finish may be incorrectly ground.What can you do about them?* carry out a pass line check whenever you change the top backup roll;* make sure the pass line is correct;* make sure the unwind tension is correct;* make sure the correct shims are inserted at every work roll change;* check that the entry bridle is correctly aligned.* ensure that the correct work roll camber is used after the backup rolls have been change.2.5.1 DrossWhat is dross?Dross is a mark or hole in the strip. In very severe cases, it ban lead to web break.When does dross occur?True dross is very rare. It occurs when the metal has not been sufficiently drossed off during casting. Many other defects are mistakenly reported as dross.Why does dross occur?* oxidational impurities form in the metal during casting and hard oxide particlesbecome embedded in the aluminium;* during rolling the oxide particles do not deform as readily as the aluminium and can damage the work rolls;* this leads to marks and holes in the strip and finer gauge strips may disintegrate.What can you do about it?* there is nothing you can do about true dross because the defect is already in the metal before you receive it;* by keeping the metal clean, you can avoid defects which show similar characteristics, but are not in reality dross.2.5.2 StainingWhat is staining?Staining is a black or brown mark which appears or the coil after annealing.When does staining occur?When there are organic compounds left on the strip during annealing, they burn on and cause staining.Why does staining occur?Staining can occur on different parts of the coil:* on the side- if the staining compound was deposited during rolling;* on the side, but only near a join- if the compound was left when the coil was being joined or welded;* on the outside wraps- if the compound came into contact with the metal inside the furnace;* if there is ‘wet lube’ on the furna ce tree when it enters the furnace, the lube evaporates, concentrates and burns on the coil- this could come from a side arm tree that has had container coils on it.What can you do about it?* make sure the coils do not have excess coolant left on them- use the splash guards during the final pass on No. 1 foil mill;* make sure the side arm trees do not have any wet lube on them before you place a coil on them for annealing;* make sure the mill air wiper system is working properly;* check that there is no tape or other foreign matter on the coil before you anneal it.* always ensure that furnace exhaust vents are working properly.2.6.1 Chicken trackingWhat is chicken tracking?Chicken tracking is a slit defect that looks like lines on the edge of a slit coil which radiate from the centre to the outside.When does chicken tracking occur?This defect is a result of slitter blade flutter.Why does chicken tracking occur?Slitter blade flutter can be caused by following:* a damaged female knife roll:* a loose knife;* badly shaped feed metal.What can you do about it?* make sure the knives are firm;* make sure the female knife roll is in good condition.2.7 Broken MatteWhat is broken matte?Broken matte are shiny spots scattered over the dull, matte side of the metal.When does broken matte occur?Broken matte occurs when you are doubling strips and the two strips weld together in spots. As the strips are separated, the welded areas break leaving shiny spots.Why does broken matte occur?There are a number of possible reasons:* not enough inter lap solvent used;* too much speed when rolling;* uneven roll grind;* the two entry strips have different surface textures;* in some alloys, broken matte can occur if the inter lap solvent has a higher lubrication capability than the coolant (e.g. alloy 1145).What can you about it?* make sure you use enough inter lap solvent;* make sure the mill speed is correct;* change the work rolls if you suspect the roll grind is mismatched.2.7.1 Streaky MatteWhat is streaky matte?Streaky matte is also known as no matte and is exactly as the name suggests, a section of the metal strip on the matte surface where there is no matte.When does streaky matte occur?When you are doubling two strips and the solvent application is not consistent you get varied lubrication characteristics in different areas of the strip.Why does streaky matte occur?* there is not adequate inter lap solvent being deposited across the whole strip of foil.What can you do about it?* use plenty of inter lap solvent;* ensure that none of the inter lap sprays have become blocked;* if you increase the mill speed during doubling, then ensure that the inter lap sprays are accordingly adjusted to a greater outflow.6.3 Step OutsWhat are step outs?Step outs are uneven wraps in the coil that have deviated from the normally smooth end face of the coil.When do step outs occur?When you alter variables such as steering or tension during rolling or slitting.Why do step outs occur?* when you alter variables such as steering or tension during rolling or slitting. What can you do about them?* if you need to change any variables when the metal is either being slit or rolled, then do so gradually and smoothly. Any quick changes could result in step outs.6.4 TelescopingWhat is telescoping?The wraps of the coil slip out sideways and result in a telescoped effect.When does telescoping occur?Telescoping generally occurs when there are steerage problems on the slitter or mill.Why does telescoping occur?* incorrect steerage on the slitter- because of badly shaped feed metal;* insufficient tension during rolling/slitting can result in a loose coil, that may slip to one side during coil handling.What can you do about it?* increase the ironing roll pressure on the side of the coil that the telescoping is steering away from;* increase the unwind tension on the side of the coil that the telescoping is steering towards.LATERAL MOVEMENT OF FOIL LAYERS RELATIVE TOEACH OTHER HAS CAUSED THE COIL TO GELESCOPE6.5 Out of RoundWhat is out of round?This term describes a coil which is not perfectly round. To measure the extent of the defect, find the maximum distance between the core and the outside diameter (shown by the bottom arrow in the diagram) and from this, take the minimum distance (shown by the top arrow in the diagram).maximum distance – minimum distance = extent of defectNote: this diagram has been exaggeratedNORMAL SLIT COILTELESCOPING OF SLIT COILWhen does out of round occur?Out of round generally occurs on insulation coils and wide flexible packaging coils.Why does out of round occur?* the bulk of the metal sags to the bottom of the coil during annealing - the cool down rate is particularly important, if the cooldown rate is too high it creates a thermal gradient in the coil. This defect is minised by using 152mm cores.What can you do about it?* make sure the cool down rate is within specification.6.7.1 Edge CracksWhat are edge cracks?Edge cracks are cracks or small splits along the edge of the strip. They are generally 0.2 to 0.3 mm long. Edge cracks are particularly a problem in hard alloys and can make it difficult, Sometimes impossible to roll the final pass.When do edge cracks occur?When the coolant composition, the pass schedule or the condition of the strip are out of specification.Why do edge cracks occur?There are a number of reasons:* too much friction during rolling;* the gauge reduction may be too great;* the edges of the strip may be shorter than the body of the strip, putting more tension on the edges.What can you do about them?* bend the edges of the coil, to do this:- turn positive bending off- increase negative bending to -2- increase the load;。

第七章铝箔轧制缺陷产生的原因和解决措施主讲人:马文宏1、夹渣产生的原因• 铝熔体铸造前过滤、除气除渣不彻底,Al2O3 、炉渣等夹渣物被带入铝熔体中,最终带入坯料中。
• 更换过滤片时Al2O3 、炉渣等夹渣物被带入铝熔体中。
• 铝熔体纯净度太差,非金属异物太多,除气除渣无法彻底。
解决措施• 采取更有效的过滤、除渣方式(如Ar+Cl2两级精练, 高吸附能力的泡沫陶瓷双级过滤)。
• 改变过滤片的更换方式。
• 选择良好的原铝和废料。
2、气道产生的原因• 铝溶体氢气含量高,铸轧嘴前沿结渣,铝溶体向前流动时受阻,在结渣处的后面形成负压,铝溶体中的氢气析出,在铸轧板中形成通长的气孔叫气道,当铝箔轧制到比较薄时,由于此处的铝是两层的,延伸性能差,被轧裂。
解决措施• 加强精练,降低氢气含量和渣含量,氢含量应控制在0.15ml/100gAl以下。
3、氧化产生的原因• 铝和水发生化学反应生成Al2O3(开始颜色发白,随着时间的延长逐渐变黑)。
• 水的来源:— 轧制油含有游离水。
— 蚊虫带入轧辊。
— 候湿热、坯料、铝箔放置时间太长。
2Al+3H2O ═ Al2O3+3H2↑解决措施• 轧制油含水量应小于150PPm。
• 灭蚊虫。
• 铝产品应放置在通风干燥的区域,如果放置在密闭区间,应有足量的干燥剂。
• 放置时间越短越好。
产生原因• 环境卫生差,空气中灰尘多。
• 生产设备、使用的吊具等工具脏。
• 过滤纸克重小或厚度不均,造成过滤土泄漏,再通过油喷嘴喷入轧制变形区。
• 轧制油过滤精度不够,轧制油中有非金属颗粒。
解决措施• 加强5S管理,改善环境清洁度。
• 控制好轧制油的过滤质量。

4、宽窄印 起 因:1、热轧 2、冷轧。 定 义:轧制宽度由窄变宽时,宽卷发生与轧制平行的光泽差。 特 征:光泽差异发生在铝板、铝卷的全长及上下两面。 发生原因及防止对策: 1、铝卷的宽出部分将工辊的被覆物转印在上面。 2、轧制时应先宽后窄进行。 3、换辊。
5、边部粘铝 缺陷名称:边部粘铝。 起 因:热轧。 定 义:物料间棱与面,或面与面接触后发生的相对滑动或润滑不足在材料表面造成的成束(或)组 分布的伤痕。 特 征:辊道粘铝或润滑不足产生的粘铝在板材边部,从在板材边部形成贯穿性的白条。 发生原因及防止对策: 1、减小该道次的压下量。 2、定期打磨辊道,使辊道光洁。 3、调整乳液的喷射角度及喷射量。 4、提高乳液浓度、润滑脂,增加乳液的润滑性。
7、黑皮残留 起 因:1、铸造。2、热轧。 定 义:锭坯两侧的铸造面(小面),在轧制板宽的两侧残留痕迹。 特 征:板宽两侧数十毫米(mm)的宽度,与轧制方向平行的痕迹。黑皮的宽度随铸锭侧面的断面形状而 改变,若断面的侧面曲率半径较小的话,黑皮宽度变宽。 发生原因及防止对策: 1、锭坯侧表面铣面; 2、控制立辊滚边量; 3、控制粗轧跑偏。
6、啃辊印 起 因:1、热轧;2、冷轧。 定 义:由于轧辊在抽出或抽入时啃伤,导致轧制后板材表面产生横向的印痕。 特 征:在卷材表面上,出现周期性横向条痕,后续轧制难以去除。 发生原因及防止对策: 1、换辊时应先将支承辊升降到位,后进行出入工作辊。 2、轧机液压保持稳定,保证工作辊与支承辊不发生相对位移。
2、乳液痕 起 因:热轧工序。 定 义:铝板、铝卷的表面有脏的乳液等异物附著,或再经轧制而产生的瑕疵。 特 征:呈现黑色或灰色,出现在与轧制平行方向的细长形,可以用布擦去,但通常在表层内。 阳极处理后会明显化,碱洗或抛光会消失,若是铝卷卷取时有乳液卷入,则铝卷表面及反面会有同一形 状的缺陷出现。

本钢技术 2016年第3期34轧辊轴颈损伤分析及解决对策李军(本钢第三冷轧厂,辽宁本溪117000)摘要:轧辊是冷轧机的重要部件,轧钢生产时工作辊辊身直接作用在带钢表面,辊身表面磨削精度如何决定轧制后带钢外观的表面质量。
关键词:轧辊轴颈;松配合;间隙调整中图分类号:TG333 文献标识码:BAnalysis and Solution of Roll Neck Surface DamageLI Jun(The Third Cold Rolling Mill of BX STEEL, Benxi, Liaoning, 11700)Abstract:T he rolls are very important parts of Cold Tandem Mill, the work roll surface contact on the stripsurface directly when it is rolling, the grinding quality and accuracy of the roll have big influence on the stripsurface quality. The grinders take the roll neck as the base point for the positioning, so the roll neck shape alsohas impact on the grinding accuracy. Improve the maintenance of the roll neck, and avoid the damage, so thestrip surface quality would be great.Key words:roll neck, loose fit-up, clearance adjustment.1 轴承内圈与轧辊颈的配合形式依照轧机的转速和负荷情况,轧辊颈轴承通常使用两种安装方式,即内圈松配合安装和内圈紧式安装。

要: 文章针对 铝箔轧机调试过程 中出现的 问题 , 结合 生产 实际 , 分析 了轧辊 啃伤 和辊面裂 纹产生 的原 因 , 并 提 出了
解 决方案 , 为铝箔 轧机调试过程提供参考 。 关键词 : 轧辊 ; 啃伤 ; 裂纹 中图分类号 : T G 3 3 3 . 1 7 文献标 识码 : B 文章编号 : 1 6 7 1 —6 7 9 5 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 3— 0 0 4 1— 0 3
2 . 1 啃伤 部位 裂纹 检查 根 据 出厂检 验 报告 , 轧 辊 出 厂 时表 面 硬 度检 测 为
从 图 1可 知 , 上支 承 辊 啃伤 发 生在 轧 辊 的 整个 圆 周 方 向上 , 宽度 约 1 0~1 3 m m, 啃 伤深度 约 0 . 5 mm。多 数 啃伤现 象 是 在 轧 制 结 束 后 对 轧 辊 进 行 检 查 时 发 现 的, 但 有 时在 更 换 完 新 辊 , 轧 机 热 辊 结 束 后 对 轧 辊 进
在 啃伤后 的磨 削 过 程 中发 现 一 条 长 度 为 4 0 mm 的裂 纹 。频 繁 的轧辊研 伤 , 给生 产 运 行 和轧 辊 使 用 均造 成
了极 大 浪费 。为 找到 轧 辊 啃伤 的原 因 , 对 轧 机 运行 状
况进 行 了分 析 。
1 轧机基本情况及 轧辊 主要参数
 ̄ 2 6 0 mm; 支承 辊 为 被 动 辊 , 直径  ̄ 9 8 0 m m; 通 过 机 架 下方 的压 上缸来 调 整 辊 缝 ; ” E ” 型 液 压 块 固定在 机 架
上提供 弯 辊 力 。工 作 辊 传 动侧 和 主 齿 轮 箱 之 间安 装
万向联轴节用以传递扭矩 , 万 向联轴节在轧辊侧通过 轴套在辊颈上移动进行长度 补偿 。轧机 主传动采用 直流传动 , 控制部分使用 A B B的 A C S 8 0 0 控制器。

1 相关因素介绍1.1 主要设备(1)轧冷轧:1110mm可逆式;轧制力,4000kN;轧制速度,0-150-420m/min;卷取张力,0.75MPa(最大);主电机,900kW;压下速度,5.5mm/min (一般),26.6mm/min(快速)。

一、轧辊表面损伤的检测技术1. 目视检测:目视检测是最简单直接的方法,通过直接观察轧辊表面的损伤情况,如磨损痕迹和裂纹等。
2. 无损检测技术:无损检测技术是一种非侵入性的方法,可以检测轧辊表面及其内部的缺陷和损伤。
3. 数字图像处理技术:数字图像处理技术是一种利用计算机对采集到的轧辊表面图像进行处理和分析的方法。
二、轧辊表面损伤的修复技术1. 焊接修复技术:轧辊表面磨损和裂纹等损伤可以通过焊接修复技术进行修复。


出坯区辊道辊面损伤原因分析与改善措施史学亮;周士凯;贺琪;李鹏;马莉莉【摘要】F钢厂不锈钢板坯连铸机热试投产后,出坯区切割后辊道的辊面出现了分布不均的损伤,通过对现场实际生产过程的跟踪观察,分析发现,辊面产生损伤主要是由于铸坯切割后外弧侧毛刺与辊面之间产生碰撞和滑动摩擦造成的,二冷区铸坯内外弧冷却强度不均匀导致铸坯切后产生翘曲变形,以及电机抱闸在制动状态下辊子不能自由转动,加剧了切割毛刺对辊面产生损伤,通过优化二冷区冷却参数、切割后辊道电机的电气控制程序、火切机的切割参数,改善了出坯区辊道辊面的非正常损伤状况,提高了设备使用寿命.【期刊名称】《重型机械》【年(卷),期】2019(000)004【总页数】4页(P82-85)【关键词】不锈钢;板坯连铸机;出坯区辊道;辊面损伤;冷却不均【作者】史学亮;周士凯;贺琪;李鹏;马莉莉【作者单位】中国重型机械研究院股份公司,陕西西安710032;中国重型机械研究院股份公司,陕西西安710032;中国重型机械研究院股份公司,陕西西安710032;中国重型机械研究院股份公司,陕西西安710032;中国重型机械研究院股份公司,陕西西安710032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF7770 前言F钢厂的一台双流不锈钢板坯连铸机生产的铸坯断面为150/180 mm ×(500~850) mm,主要浇注300系列、409、430不锈钢板坯。
1 辊面损伤的原因分析连铸机主要参数如表1所示。
出坯区辊道辊身直径为Φ300 mm,辊身长为930 mm,辊道速度为30 m/min,辊子材质为35钢结构用无缝钢管,不经过调质处理,采用空心光辊结构,内部通水冷却,干油集中润滑,出坯区辊道部分参数见表2。

铝箔轧制缺陷产生的原因和解决措施1、夹渣产生的原因• 铝熔体铸造前过滤、除气除渣不彻底,Al2O3 、炉渣等夹渣物被带入铝熔体中,最终带入坯料中。
• 更换过滤片时Al2O3 、炉渣等夹渣物被带入铝熔体中。
• 铝熔体纯净度太差,非金属异物太多,除气除渣无法彻底。
解决措施• 采取更有效的过滤、除渣方式(如Ar+Cl2两级精练, 高吸附能力的泡沫陶瓷双级过滤)。
• 改变过滤片的更换方式。
• 选择良好的原铝和废料。
2、气道产生的原因• 铝溶体氢气含量高,铸轧嘴前沿结渣,铝溶体向前流动时受阻,在结渣处的后面形成负压,铝溶体中的氢气析出,在铸轧板中形成通长的气孔叫气道,当铝箔轧制到比较薄时,由于此处的铝是两层的,延伸性能差,被轧裂。
解决措施• 加强精练,降低氢气含量和渣含量,氢含量应控制在0.15ml/100gAl以下。
3、氧化产生的原因• 铝和水发生化学反应生成Al2O3(开始颜色发白,随着时间的延长逐渐变黑)。
• 水的来源:— 轧制油含有游离水。
— 蚊虫带入轧辊。
— 候湿热、坯料、铝箔放置时间太长。
2Al+3H2O ═ Al2O3+3H2↑解决措施• 轧制油含水量应小于150PPm。
• 灭蚊虫。
• 铝产品应放置在通风干燥的区域,如果放置在密闭区间,应有足量的干燥剂。
• 放置时间越短越好。
产生原因• 环境卫生差,空气中灰尘多。
• 生产设备、使用的吊具等工具脏。
• 过滤纸克重小或厚度不均,造成过滤土泄漏,再通过油喷嘴喷入轧制变形区。
• 轧制油过滤精度不够,轧制油中有非金属颗粒。
解决措施• 加强5S管理,改善环境清洁度。
• 控制好轧制油的过滤质量。

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铝箔轧机支承辊面啃伤及处理措施张铭【摘要】In order to resoIve the probIems emerged in commissioning of aluminum foiI miI ,the paper analyzed the causes of the formation of roI -bite friction marks and surface cracks in combination with actual production and it put forward targeted soIutions,providing reference for future commissioning.%文章针对铝箔轧机调试过程中出现的问题,结合生产实际,分析了轧辊啃伤和辊面裂纹产生的原因,并提出了解决方案,为铝箔轧机调试过程提供参考。
【期刊名称】《有色金属加工》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P41-43,38)【关键词】轧辊;啃伤;裂纹【作者】张铭【作者单位】西北铝加工厂,甘肃陇西 748111【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG333.17我公司铝箔厂引进的4台铝箔轧机,在设备调试期间,均发生了轧辊啃伤现象。
轧辊啃伤现象主要发生在上支承辊,啃伤部位在传动侧距轧辊边部120~210mm 之间,在支承辊啃伤部位相对应的轴向位置,可见到工作辊表面有点状啃伤(图1)。
其化学成分为0.68%C,0.32%Si,0.77% Mn,0.0006%S,0.015%P,4.53% Cr,0.54% Mo。
2.1 啃伤部位裂纹检查根据出厂检验报告,轧辊出厂时表面硬度检测为Hs70-71,表面硬度差符合设计要求。
2.2 啃伤痕迹分析啃伤痕迹均是沿支承辊圆周方向布满,在对应的位置,工作辊表面上有点状啃伤痕迹。
2.3 辊身检查使用超声波探伤检查结合其它检查手段(表1),对所有上支承辊进行检测,发现只有编号为No.2的上支承辊辊面啃伤部位有一处裂纹,其它轧辊均没有发现裂纹。
2.4 使用工艺分析2.4.1 轧辊倒角的影响表1Tab.1方式操作方法结论超声波检查使用CTS-22探伤仪,探头为斜探头,超声波探伤裂纹深度。
2.4.2 轧辊使用过程中温度的影响轧辊表面产生裂纹的另一可能原因是在轧制生产过程中突发火情,此时轧辊温度较高,而轧机在灭火过程中释放低温CO2,轧辊表面受到骤冷骤热的温度变化,引起轧辊表面组织性能发生变化。
2.4.3 磨削过程影响磨削烧伤是引起轧辊表面裂纹的常见原因。
3 原因分析通过以上检测,我们可以得出两个基本结论:1)轧辊运行过程中受到了不正常的摩擦引起局部啃伤,由于没有及时对啃伤部位进行处理,在轧辊发生相对转动时,啃伤部位不断扩大并扩大至轧辊的整个圆周方向;2)局部产生的裂纹和辊身出现的软度可以判断,轧辊局部过热产生的材料组织性能发生变化。
3.1 轧机打开辊缝时的影响轧机主传动控制采用ABB 的ACS800控制器,当轧制力降下后,辊缝开始打开,此时主传动控制器输出的速度为零,但辊缝打开过程中,控制器突然输出一个速度信号,使工作辊在辊缝打开过程中突然发生转动。
3.2 轧机闭合辊缝的影响相同原理,轧辊在合辊缝时,由于两侧的合辊缝速度不一致,操作侧的速度更快一些,即操作侧工作辊和上支承辊先接触。
3.3 裂纹产生的原因轧机在生产过程中,因热辊、穿带、断带、清理机架等原因需经常进行辊缝闭合和打开的操作。
3.4 直流控制器的影响ACS800控制器在轧辊分离过程中突然发出一个不正常的速度信号,是引起轧辊啃伤的主要原因。
4 采取措施(1)消除DCS800控制器残余积分变量,避免打开辊缝过程中出现轧辊转动现象;(2)闭辊缝过程增加联锁条件,保证轧制力到达设定值时设备才能进行转动;(3)对液压回路进行修改,增加同步阀,使辊缝在打开或闭合过程中轧辊两侧的运动速度尽量保持同步;(4)热辊时轧制力由300t提高至400t,确保轧辊在转动过程中工作辊和支承辊之间不会发生打滑现象;(5)对产生裂纹的轧辊进行修复。
5 结束语轧辊发生啃伤辊面产生裂纹的原因很多,因此需要在设备调试时引起高度重视。
Causes and Preventive Measures for Backup Roll-Bite Friction Marks of Aluminum Foil MillZHANG Ming(CHINALCO Northwestern Aluminium Fabrication Plant, Longxi 748111, China)Abstract:In order to resolve the problems emerged in commissioning of aluminum foil mill, the paper analyzed the causes of the formation of roll-bite friction marks and surface cracks in combination with actual production and it put forward targeted solutions, providing reference for future commissioning.Keywords:roll; roll-bite friction mark; crack收稿日期:2015-02-15中图分类号:TG333.17文献标识码:B文章编号:1671-6795(2015)03-0041-03不正确的轧辊倒角会引起轧辊啃伤。