IPHONE 6 发布会全程(英文文本)




讱桌3张、红色绒布、鲜花、麦兊6 个 纸张若干
会议厅门口右侧,领导嘉宾不会人 员签到

需签到本4本、签到笔 8支
时间 14:45-15:00 14:50-15:00 15:00-15:05 发 布 会 进 行 中 15:05-15:10 15:10-15:25 15:25-15:30 15:30-15:45 15:45-15:50 15:50-16:00
1、易拉宝在主席台两侧各一个,会 议厅门口2侧各一个、酒店大厅2个 以上 2、会场两侧展示海报若干(根据会 场大小而定) 3、背景展板 领导嘉宾席人名桌牌、审传册鲜花、 矿泉水、纪念品,普通坐席矿泉水、 审传册 确保音响、灯光、多媒体、摄像、 摄影设备正常使用
易拉宝、背景展板由 个展演代表提供背景 展板规格丌小于 2.5M*6M 背景展板内容有总部 统一策划 客内海报整齐 桌面物品摆放整齐, 相对位置一致
Hale Waihona Puke 工作进度确定方案,明确分工,落实责任,确定会场,召开会议。 基本完成邀请参会人员,完成领导发布稿起草。 领导发布稿実定、翻译。 各邀请单位落实来宾、记者邀请工作; 商定会场布置、完成礼品、审传品和资料袋的准备。 各参会代表抵达,并将有关介绍材料送抵开会现场报到处, 统一陈列。

中英文会标 场地规模 设备,配同声翻译和投影仪(一般由会场提供) 提供资料陈列、发送场地 会场供应饮料

新闻发布会由设计机构牵头,组成以设计机构参加的工作 班子。 人员邀请负责部门。 发布稿负责部门 翻译负责部门 来宾接待负责部门 请柬、礼品等准备负责部门 会场落实布置和接待工作负责部门 相关食宿安排负责部门







但中文的“大”字如果单用,则完全没有第一个big 的意思那么一目了然,而且两个“大”字连用不仅拗口,更是完全不知所云,像是语文不及格的小学生写出来的句子。






)Larger,yetdramaticallythinner.morepowerful,butremarkablypowerefficient .withasmoothmetalsurfacethatseamlesslymeetsthenewRetinaHddisplay.大陆:它尺寸更大,却纤薄得不可思议;性能更强,却效能非凡。

(英文)S6 edge发布演讲稿

(英文)S6 edge发布演讲稿

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Samsung unpacked 2015! Thank you all for joining us! This is an exciting day! Today we unveil what’s next! This phone is a result of simple philosophy, a philosophy that makes Samsung the leading smartphone company in the world. It comes down to our relentless innovation. We got here because we are passionate about technology, we listened to our customers and pushed forward now ideas, which come out as our new technologies. We introduced new products first: the AMOLED screens, the LTE technology, the note, and the gear. In the crowded smartphone market, some companies make phones with an attractive design, the others tried their best to make their products more practical. But, people want them both. In fact, Samsung did it. Our goal, which is very simple, is to make the most beautiful phone in the Samsung history, and the most powerful and practical phone in the world. That’s what comes next. (我们需要一段S6e的宣传视频)(拿出手机)Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge!This is the most powerful smartphone in the world, with the capabilities (that) no other phone can match! But that’s not all, to use a technical engineering term, it also looks pretty cool (微笑).The best display, the fastest processor, the best cameras in any conditions, the wireless charging, and the all-new design. Stop me if you think I’m talking too much(笑两声), this will be the best phone you can ever get in the world!Well, (放下手机)let me close by saying this. I’m very proud of this company, and the team behind it. I believe that Samsung has an important role to play in the advancing technology in our daily lives. We push ourselves hard, we take a step forward and another. And, if you get there first, others will follow. That’s how we make the phone society better. That’s how we make life easier, simpler and more productive. That’s what relentless innovation means offering what next now. So I proudly unveil Galaxy S6 edge to all of you today. We set out to deliever something better than any other thing we’ve built before. And I think we did it.Next is now!Thank you all so much!。

苹果WWDC 2011发布会(中英对照)

苹果WWDC 2011发布会(中英对照)

12:17PM So, any guesses as to what's on deck? New iOS notification system? iCloud integrated into the core of Lion? A unicorn-embossed iPod nano (with camera)?12:17PM 那么,谁来猜猜接下来将会有什么?新的 iOS 通知系统?iCloud 被整合进 Lion的核心?一体式的带有摄像头的 iPod Nano?12:42PM And we're in our seats! "Rescue Me" is playing over the speakers. A littleAretha to get the crowd warmed up.12:42PM 我们已经到达座位上,现场在播放歌曲"Rescue Me",拥挤的现场使气氛开始热烈起来。

12:43PM A teaser for some data recovery software to come? Probably not.12:43PM 会发布对那些数据恢复软件嘲讽的东西?可能不是。

12:48PM Just to be extremely, super clear: Apple will not allow *anyone* to livestreamthe actual keynote. We'll be livestreaming a post-show afterwards -- you'll find theliveblog here.12:48PM 目前已经肯定,苹果不允许任何人实时视频直播主题演讲,我们会进行图文直接,欢迎关注。

12:50PM Crowd's filling in -- feels like four million people in here. Maybe five. Maybe more.12:50PM 大家都涌进来了——感觉就像有400万人在这。





iPhone6英文简介(一)The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are iOS smartphones designed and manufactured by Apple Inc. Unveiled on September 9, 2014, the devices jointly serve as a successor to the iPhone 5S. The iPhone 6 series includes a number of major changes over its predecessor, including a streamlined design, models with larger 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch displays, a faster processor, upgraded cameras, improved LTE and Wi-Ficonnectivity, and support for a near-field communications-based mobile payments offering.iPhone6英文简介(二)All geared for iPhone6 launchBY EDWIN KEE - 3 NOVEMBER 2014 @ 8:02 AMIT goes without saying that the right kind of marketing,backed up with quality hardware and service,is a winning formula not to be trifled with.However,Apple has lost some of its sheen in recent times where the advancement of the smartphone industry is concerned; other manufacturers such as Samsung,HTC,Nokia and LG have taken the phablet route sometime back to resounding success.Basically,a larger display is always welcome by consumers,since they can see more and do more with their handset compared to Apple’s relucta nce to go beyond the 4-inch display boundary.iPhone6英文简介(三)There has been plenty of back and forth regarding display size and other design elements that we can expect to see in Apple’s upcoming iPhone 6. While nothing is set in stone until Apple makes its highly anticipated announcements, obviously, several sources that have been reliable in the past have each painted a fairly similar picture. From the looks of things, we can expect two new iPhone models in 2014, an iPhone 6 and a new larger iPhone with a display that climbs into phablet territory. The exact size of each display had been debated by plugged-in industry watchers as Apple toyed with different designs, but a new report claims that the iPhone 6 design has now been finalized. We have heard from a number of different sources in recent months who have claimed to have inside knowledge of what size display Apple intends to use in the iPhone 6. DisplaySearch said it will measure 4.7 inches diagonally with a 1,600 x 900-pixel resolution while well-respected Apple analyst Peter Misek said it will measure 4.8 inches. KGI Securities analyst Ming-chi Kuo, who has the best track record in the business when it comes to Apple’s device plans, would only say that the iPhone 6′s screen will measure between 4.5 an d 5 inches diagonally. Much of the mystery was attributed to the fact that Apple was testing iPhone 6 designs with a few different screen sizes, but now Cowen and Company analyst Timothy Arcuri says all that testing has been completed. In a note to clients on Wednesday picked up by AppleInsider, Arcuri stated that the iPhone 6′s design has been “locked down” and the phone will feature a 4.8-inch display. The analyst also says that Apple’s new iPhone will support faster 802.11ac Wi-Fi connectivity, and that Apple is planning ”key software innovations” in iOS 8 that will be a big focus on the new iPhone. That would certainly be fantastic news,considering iOS 7 was all about renovation rather than innovation. Apple is widely expected to launch the iPhone 6 this fall, though one recent report claimed that it will debut this summer at Apple’s annual WWDC conference instead。


我想说说APP应用商店, 里边有让我们大家觉得新奇的事物。在我开始 介绍应用商店之前,我想把一些事情说清楚,那就是苹果手机可以支持 两种平台,是的,两种。第一种平台是HTML5. HTML5是一个完全开放, 完全由开发者社区主导的平台,由行业中被广泛接受的标准构成。
Apple is a member of some of these standard bodies along with lots of other companies. And we fully support HTML5. One of the technologies is coming from Apple.
我们支持的第二种平台,是应用商店平台。它是一个非 常复杂的平台,目前涵有超过225000个应用程序。它也 是全球最活跃的应用程序社区。除了这里,你再也找不 到拥有225000个ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ用程序的地方了,更别说其中那些非 常精彩的应用了。这就是我们的手机支持的两种平台。
The second platform we support is the Appstore. The Appstore is a curated platform with over now 225,000 apps. And it's the most vibrant app community on the planet. There is nowhere else you can go and find 225000 apps, and some of them are just terrific apps. So we have these two platforms that we support.
而苹果的浏览器在支持HTML5平台这方面处于领先地位,我们是 100%支持这个平台的,它完全开放,任何人都可以编写 HTML5程序, 并应用在iPad,iPhone,iPod touch,当然,还有Mac。



iphone发布会演讲稿(精选18篇)iphone发布会篇1尊敬的各位领导,各位嘉宾,各位媒体朋友们:大家下午好!很荣幸今天能够邀请到各位来参加秋冬新品发布会,在此我谨代表LIZZY向各界朋友的到来表示热烈的欢迎和真诚的感谢!感谢你们多年来对LIZZY的支持与厚爱!LIZZY是一个有着20xx年成长历史的女装设计师品牌,这20xx 年来,市场见证着LIZZY的点滴成长,从默默无闻到拥有自己独有的垂青者,这份成长值得我们每一个人去珍惜,去呵护,因为它凝结着LIZZY对于诠释时尚、传播时尚、引领时尚的一份执著梦想。












iPhone6 介绍英文原文 全网唯一 听写完美版本 Lawrence 老师

iPhone6 介绍英文原文 全网唯一 听写完美版本   Lawrence 老师

iPhone6 iPhoneDESIGNING LINESThe truly great product is ultimately defined by the integration of its software and software.Developing an iPhone with a larger and more advanced display launched one of the significant designs and engineering efforts since we introduced the original product. With a 47 inch display, iPhone 6 becomes taller and wider we made the design dramatically thinner while developinga smooth and continuous surface that is comfortable to both hold and use. We are also introducing 6 plus with a larger 5’5 inch display and with same continuous surfaces, and seamless material transitions as iPhone 6, it’s very thin. By creating iPhone6 and ios8 together, we’ve optimized the physical design to enhance software features; the colored glass extends beyond the top surface to seamlessly join the aluminum uni-body. The result is the software and hardware are defining a truly singular experience.ENGINEERING LINESThe way people display their iPhone has always started with their display, so we wouldn’t introduce you a larger display until we could make one that was great.The retina HD display is the most advanced iPhone display w e’ve ever designed. On this high resolution screen you can see deeper blacks and shaper text with new dual domain pixels, you see more accurate color at wider viewing angles. To deliver these qualities we implemented an advanced process called photo-alignment. Better aligned pixels delivery a superior viewing experience.The new chip is smaller yet it’s faster.It’s got better graphics t for also being more energy efficient.So you can do more for more periods of time without compromising performance or battery life.We’ve added an M8 motion co-processor which works on low power mode to efficiently measure your physical activity throughout the day in with the additional barometer, it can even track the evaluation you gain while you are doing things like climbing the stairsMARKETING LINESiPhone is the world’s most popular camera we feel the responsible to continue improving the experience of taking photos and making videos with iPhone 6 . The 8 mega pixel iSight camera has a new sensor featuring focused pixels which provide a better faster focus. A new exposure control in ios8 lets you adjust shots before you take them from improved color and detail.iPhone6 plus features optical image stabilization .This uses a gyroscope to compensate from the move of your hand. Software that intelligently fuses short and long exposures to create sharper images.With more people relying on the iPhone for taking video we’ve added more advanced video capability to iPhone6The camera shoots beautiful 1080p HD video at 60 frames per second, continues all the focus (that) provide constant focus as you capture your video. Cinematic video stabilization helps your shot remain steady.You can capture amazing super slow motion video at 240 frames per second and the all new time lapse mode allows you to create videos with simple one touch. You can shoot HD video and then watch your stunning results on the retina HD display. With iPhone6 we are introducing apple pay a fast easy secure mobile payment system. It’s much better than carrying around your cash or credits you simply pay by placing your finger on the touch ID. There’s no need to open a special app or even wake your iPhone. You can also make one touch purchases without having to enter your credit card or shipping informationwith iPhone 6, everything is faster and that includes some great advancement we’ve made in wireless performanceFaster LTE enables much faster download speeds, add up to 150 mega bits per second there are 20 LTE bands,significantly more than any other smart phone so you can connect in more places around the world while roamingCLOSING WORDSWith the iPhone6 and iPhone6 plus,we’ve taken the time to do the deep engineering to design and develop 2 entirely new iPhones, more significant than just bigger and better displays. The design has never been so compelling, undoubtedly making this the biggest advance in the iPhone since we launched the original The new state of the art,apple designed A8 chip continues our legacy of designing powerful and power-efficient chips,features second generation 64bit desktop class architecture.。



产品发布会演讲稿英文篇一:Iphone4发布会的中英文演讲稿10:02AM "We have a great conference for you this week. Over 5200 attendees, 57 countries, and we sold out in eight days."10:02AM “我们在本周给各位准备了一个很棒的会议。


10:02AM "We apologize to folks who couldn't be here... this is the biggest place we can get, so... anyway." Laughs!10:02AM “我们向那些无法与会的朋友们道歉,但这已经是我们可以安排的最大的会场了,笑~"10:03AM "We're excited about this year's conference and thrilled to have you here."10:03AM "今年的大会让我们感到很兴奋,我们也很高兴大家聚在这里”10:03AM "I want to give you some updates, and I want to start with the iPad. It's changing the way we experience the web, email, photos, maps, video, you name it. It's a whole new way to interact with the internet, apps, content and media."10:03AM “我来分享一些最新的消息,先从iPad开始说起。



原文:Design iphone at its largest .And thinnestIn creating iPhone 6, we scrutinized every element and material. That’s how we arrived at a smooth, continuous form. A thinner profile made possible by our thinnest display yet. And intuitively placed buttons. All made with beautiful anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and glass. It’s a thousand tiny details that add up to something big. Or in this case, two big things: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.译文:最大的iphone,最薄呈现。

在打造iPhone 6 时,我们反复斟酌了各种材料和元素。




或者是说造就了这次的两大突破:iPhone 6 和iPhone 6 Plus。






第一句翻译为“在打造iPhone 6 时,我们反复斟酌了各种材料和元素”。



iphone发布会演讲稿iphone发布会演讲稿篇一乔布斯在WWDC发布会上介绍iphone4的中英文对照2021年乔布斯在WWDC发布会上介绍iphone4的中英文对照(删节)"So let's get back to iPhone. In 2021 iPhone reinvented彻底改造 what we thought of as a smartphone. It's hard to remember what it was like. It was really different before the iPhone."言归正传,让我们回到最为开始的iphone,2021年iphone的诞生彻底改变了智能手机的时代,是一个新时代的开始,iphone缔造了智能多点触摸手机的神话,这一切是真的只有iphone做到了!"It started to change things. In 2021 we added 3G and the App Store, in 2021 the 3GS was twice as fast, and we added some other cool features like video... in 2021 we're going to take the biggest leap飞跃 since the original iPhone. We're introducing iPhone 4."当然,我们也在进步,在改变,2021年二代iphone的应运而生和应用程序横空出世商店的成熟,接着是2021年三代iphone的问世次次都在引领着电子时代几乎的发展和潮流,而如今,2021年,我们将在4代iphone上时融入更多的心血,拥有更大的质的飞跃。

让我来引荐此片强大的iphone 4代吧。

"You gotta see this in person. This is beyond the doubt, the most precise thing, and one of the most beautiful we've ever made. Glass on the front and back, and steel钢制 aroundthe sides. It's like a beautiful old Leica camera." 新的iPhone正反面采用玻璃镜面制作,侧面使用和新款mac一样的材质制作,看起来就像一辆车漂亮的相机经典莱卡相机。





如果看过昨晚苹果的发布会,不难猜出这是iphone 6的广告词,英文原文是bigger thanbigger。

英文里虽然连续用了两个big,但并不会造成误解,稍懂英文的人都能明白,第二个big指的是尺寸,而第一个big则是在标榜iphone 6的革命性意义,这一句话大致的意思是说,iphone 6 变得比以前的iphone版本更大了,但是它不仅仅只是尺寸大,还有很多更加值得大书特书的特质。



还有介绍iphone 6的一段文字,简体中文翻译也充满业余错误,完败于台湾版。

iphone 6 isnt simply bigger — its better in every way.大陆:iphone 6 之大,不只是简简单单地放大,而是方方面面都大有提升。

台湾:iphone 6 不只外型變大,更在各方面都顯著提升。


) larger, yet dramatically thinner. more powerful, but remarkably power efficient.with a smooth metal surface that seamlessly meets the new retina hd display.大陆:它尺寸更大,却纤薄得不可思议;性能更强,却效能非凡。

光滑圆润的金属机身,与全新 retina hd 高清显示屏精准契合,浑然一体。

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GPU英文全称Graphic Processing Unit,中文翻译为“图形处理器”。

Ion-strengthened glass
Killing 3d games
Is a great graphic library
OpenGL Standard graphics library
With great penalty
Noise reduction for the blue skies without sacrificing sharpness
Survive the class
Wide-angel lens
The stitching is nearly seamless
Image signal processor
Try to help compensate for hands not holding the iphone steady
Prevent your photo from being blurry
Optical image stabilization
Gyroscope 螺旋仪
In low-light scenarios
Small-point shoot cameras
1080p 60fps frames per second
adjective [only before noun] (of photography) using a method in which a series of individual pictures of a process are shown together so that sth that really happens very slowly is shown as happening very quickly: a time-lapse sequence of a flower opening Mercury 水银
Arsenic 砒霜的
PVC 聚氯乙烯
much better in every single way
This is new in everywhere
Mainstream adoption
Imminent elusive
We simply like this problem, and this is what apple exactly does best. Synchronize the universal
15 miniumsecond
Health and fittness device
Take very deep thinking
a breakthrough in user interface is required
In the palm of your hand
Shrink the user interface and strap it on your wrist
Pinch to zoom
Extra functionalities into a mechanism
Crown - digital crown
Infraded LED
Rotary movement
Input navigation device
It zomms in and out
You can do all of this without blocking the screen
Material software and technology
Unparralled level technical innovation
The watch senses that you are rising your watch and then activates your display Navigation is fluid and vital
Magnify content on a small
Challenges associated to the product this small
It fluidly zooms into apps
It enables limbo, precise ajustment
You can use it without obstructing display
Glances let you slide through information efficiently
Subtle ways
Technology often inhibits rather than enables
Crystal sapphire
The second hardest trasparent material after diamond
Input tech.
Tiny electrons around the display recongnize the difference btw a tap and a press
This provides an instant access to a whole range of contexually specific control
You see, you hear and you feel
Linear eractruator
Tar and feather
Taptic engine combined with the audio feedback from some ultradistance speaker creat a discreet and nuance experience
Zincoid back
Detect your pulse rate
Allows us to establish and search us goals and rewards fitness milestones
With inductive charging
Cultural and historical significance of timekeeping
pesonalization extends way beyond interface
With refinement and precision
Sweat and chemical resistance
The leather loop
Elegance and simplicity
As simple and pure as they are functional
It’s like “WOW”What else can you expect?
You get diffrent feedback while using a navigation
Waving your hand and you unlock the door
Apple pay is really amazing
Nike challenge your friend for a run
加拿大乐队Wake up Life motto。
