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Lesson One

The Time Messages

Message n. 消息,要旨,要点

Take a message to sb. 给某人捎个口信

Short message 短信

The time messages

At the beginning of 在。。。的开始

Semester n. term n. 学期

At the beginning of a semester

I visited my uncle at the beginning of this year.

Cover v. 处理

Duty n. 任务

You don’t have enough time to cover all your duties.

Seriously adv. 真心地,当真地,严肃地,

Put sth. Into practice 把。。。付诸实施

Get most out of sth. 充分利用

If you seriously wish to get most out of the college, you must put the time message into the practice.

Once conj. 一旦。。。(就。。。)

Follow v. 遵照,沿着

Pattern n. 模式,图案,样品

Prepared vt. 准备,起草

Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes Once you get out of the gate, don’t come back again.

Weekly adj.

Yearly adj.

Daily adj.

The nurse attended the patient daily.

Realistic adj. 现实可行的

Be realistic, allow for unexpected things.

Essay n. 作文,短文

Quiz n. 考查,测验

Often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay, to study for a quiz

Upset v. 打乱,打翻adj. 伤心,(同义词sad)

Otherwise adv. 否则

Otherwise your entire plan may be upset

Ability n. 能力,才智

Grade n. 分数

Achieve v. 获得

How much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on four things:(1) your ability,(2) the difficulty of the class, (3) the grades you hope to achieve, and (4) how well you use your study time.

Flexible adj. 灵活的

Keep your plan flexible

On the basis of 在。。。基础上

I succeed on the basis of hard working.

On the basis of hard working I have passed my exam.

Be based on his success is based on his hard working.

Solid adj. 扎实的

Some solid work each day is better than many study hours one day and nothing the next.

Schedule n. 计划表

Work out 解决,制定

When you work out your schedule

Alive adj. 活着的,起作用的

Keep up to date 赶上潮流,赶上进度

Not only…but also 不仅而且

This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments.

Activity n. 活动

Social adj. 社会的,social problem

Society n. 社会,社团

Many students choose Saturday for sports of social activities

Seem 系动词好像

It seems that he is ill.

He seems to be ill.

He seems to be sun-burned.

It seems that he is sun-burned.

It seems that you don’t enjoy our trip to Canada.

We seem to be enemy to each other.

Back adj. 以前的,过去的
