2.ABriefIntroduction to thePrinciple ofEquivalence
美国著名的翻译理论家Eugene A·Nida的“功能对等(functional equivalence)”或“动态对等(dynamic equivalence)”。在现代翻译理论中 ,等效原则为越来越多的翻译者所知晓、接受和运用。在等效原则下对原文的表达形式 ,从不同的切入点 ,作适当调整 ,使译文提供给接受者的信息与原文的接受者所接受的信息等效或基本等效。对于汽车品牌名的研究,国内外研究的人还不
3.TheIntroduction ofAutomobile Brand-name
3.1The Definition ofBrand
4The Translation ofAutomobileBrandNamesUnder the Principle of Equivalence
2.1The Definition of Equivalence
MTI毕业论文的论文提纲撰写技巧为了完成MTI(Master of Translation and Interpretation,翻译硕士)的毕业论文,撰写一个清晰、有条理的论文提纲是非常重要的。
1. 清晰明确的研究目标和问题陈述论文提纲的第一部分应该明确罗列你的研究目标和问题陈述。
2. 确定适当的论文结构论文提纲的第二部分应该包括你计划使用的论文结构。
3. 详细描述每个部分的内容和目标论文提纲的第三部分应该详细描述每个论文部分的内容和目标。
4. 确保合理的逻辑关系和过渡论文提纲的第四部分应该确保各个部分之间有合理的逻辑关系和过渡。
5. 考虑阅读者的需求和背景知识论文提纲的最后部分应该考虑到阅读者的需求和背景知识。
英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇The outline model of English graduation thesis编订:JinTai College英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。
下面内容由小泰为大家分享英语毕业论文的提纲范文,一起来看看吧!Introduction0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children0.2 Literature Review0.3 Significance of the ThesisChapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children1.1 Carnival Language1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor1.2.2 The Use of Satire1.2.3 The Use of Pun1.3 Sum-upChapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts2.1.1 Widow2.1.2 Witch2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior2.2.2 Turning into Clown2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning2.3 Sum-upChapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text3.1.1 National Allegory3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text3.3.1 Palimpsest3.3.2 Polyphony3.4 Sum-upConclusionThis conclusionFocusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。
摘要:近年来,随着 ___的不断发展,旅游事业的发展也是如火如荼.越来越多的外国游客纷纷涌入国内.语言上的障碍就很自然的凸显了出来.为了确保沟通顺畅,旅游英语翻译技巧的重要性就不言而喻了.本文从语言学角度和文化差异方面分析了旅游英语的翻译技巧,以便更好的促进与外国游客的交流,从而达到弘扬中国文化的目的.关键词:旅游英语文化差异翻译技巧一、引言随着我国旅游事业的迅猛发展,外国游客已经占有总游客量中相当大的一份比重.能体现我国文化特色的旅游英语翻译一直是困扰着导游的难题,由于翻译的不恰当而困扰游客的理解甚至闹出笑话的例子不胜枚举.旅游英语翻译在介绍旅游景点、传播我国悠久的历史文化方面有着至关重要的作用,意义非凡.旅游英语是为旅游活动、旅游专业、旅 ___业所进行的翻译实践,属于专业翻译的范畴,是一种跨语言、跨社会、跨文化、跨心理的交际活动.其中,旅游英语翻译在跨文化、跨心理交际特点上表现的最为突出.二、旅游英语翻译的原则1.以译出语或者译出语文化为取向.其目的是尽可能的保留原有的特色.2.以译入语或者译入语文化为取向.其目的是让游客能一看即懂,产生如原来所具有的吸引力.3.以 ___为取向.主要用于名人名家的翻译诗歌、散文、游记等.其目的是保留原作的特点和 ___的权威性.4.以旅游者为取向.这种标准在所有旅游英语翻译标准中,应作为首要选择或者主要选择.其目的是便于游客理解.5.以美学为取向.这种标准主要是在观光、访问、考察时或者在宣传、 ___中国的山水文化时,用来翻译诗词、碑文、名胜古迹、风味小吃等,使用一切翻译策略.目的是尽可能的实现原文的美学价值.三、旅游英语翻译技巧1.音译游客们往往最先接触的就是景点名称,这是他们对景点本身的第一印象.好的译名能直接吸引游客的注意力,提高他们的游览兴致.在英语翻译中,音译就是直接用汉语拼音标注,不仅能让游客 ___到其中原汁原味的中国发音,还有助于他们明白字面意思和文化内涵.旅游英语翻译技巧参考属性评定有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英语翻译的论文范文资料大学生适用: 大学、专升本毕业论文相关下载数量: 12 写作解决问题: 毕业论文怎么写毕业论文: 、论文总结职称论文适用: 期刊发表、职称评中级所属大学生专业类别: 毕业论文怎么写论文题目推荐度: 选题2.增译增译是指原文中带有文化色彩和历史背景的重要信息,在译文中适当阐释.由于地域、历史文化背景及风俗习惯的不同,对同一事物的理解自然也不尽相同.可能在我们国家有些内容人尽皆知,但在国外却一无所知.因此,在原文中凡是带有我国历史文化背景的重要信息,就应当增添解释性翻译,把我国历史文化背景知识加以补充,在不改变文化内涵的前提下,给游客一种提示作用,避免产&误解甚至不解,这样外国游客理解中国风俗文化就会更深刻全面.3.省译省译是指在译文中省略根据译语的表达习惯,其理论根据是两种语言在表达习惯和修辞方式方面的差异.例如我国在介绍美景时习惯性使用优美的词汇及各种修辞,甚至连续运用几个表示类似意思的词,而在英语口语中,不适合用如此优美词汇,而且意思相似的词连用给人有累赘感,所以翻译时可做适当的删减,只要让客人 ___到我国的美好风景就可以了.而不是按原文逐字翻译,那样会显得冗长多余,简单而不重复的词语同样可以再现原文的美感功能.4.改译改译是指为了达到预期的翻译效果,在翻译的过程中对原文的内容做一定程度的改变或者对形式做一些调整.在旅游翻译中,关于历史古迹的资料,经常会出现古代纪年、古地名、古官职,翻译时应改写为公历、现地名、现职务,否则会令外国游客迷惑不解.如果直译,恐怕极少外国游客能够理解其意思.此时可以考虑改变说法,改用公元纪年和现地名,外国游客自然一目了然.模板,内容仅供参考。
专业论文:英语专业毕业论文提纲一、摘要(此处留空)二、引言1. 研究背景(此处留空)2. 研究目的与意义(此处留空)3. 研究方法(此处留空)4. 论文结构安排(此处留空)三、文献综述1. 国内外研究现状(此处留空)2. 研究空白与不足(此处留空)3. 研究内容与目标(此处留空)四、研究方法与数据来源1. 研究方法(此处留空)2. 数据来源(此处留空)3. 数据处理与分析方法(此处留空)五、实证研究1. 研究对象与样本选择(此处留空)2. 研究结果与分析(此处留空)3. 研究结论(此处留空)六、讨论与启示1. 研究结论的讨论(此处留空)2. 对英语专业教学的启示(此处留空)3. 对英语专业人才培养的启示(此处留空)七、结论(此处留空)2. 研究局限与展望(此处留空)(此处留空)九、附录(此处留空)一、摘要二、引言1. 研究背景近年来,我国英语教育取得了显著成果,英语专业毕业生人数逐年增加。
2. 研究目的与意义本研究旨在:(1)分析英语专业毕业生的就业现状,了解其就业领域、行业分布及薪资水平等。
3. 研究方法本研究采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、统计分析法等方法,对英语专业毕业生的就业现状进行分析。
4. 论文结构安排三、文献综述1. 国内外研究现状(1)英语专业毕业生的就业现状分析。
2. 研究空白与不足(1)研究视角较为单一,缺乏对就业现状的全面分析。
3. 研究内容与目标(1)分析英语专业毕业生的就业现状。
关于英语翻译方向的论文范文(2)英语翻译的论文篇3浅谈职业教育商务英语翻译人才的培养模式0 前言目前对商务英语的培养我们主要是以相关的课程辅导为主,比如说“商务英语翻译”主要阐述的是一些国家的基本的商务模式,以及语言习惯问题,主要是提高人才的商务能力和翻译能力,保障商务英语专业人才能够正确传达客户之间的交流信息,保障双方的利益。
1 商务英语人才在培养过程中常见的一些问题以及解决方法就目前而言主要有下列一些问题:人才在培养的过程中教学知识太过于宽泛,缺乏职业的明确性,没有很强的职业观念。
1.1 人才培养模式的构建人才的培养最终是服务社会的,所以说在人才培养模式的构建过程中我们需要时刻关注社会的动态与走向,以便培养出来的人才能够更好地服务于社会。
英语专业毕业论文提纲1Acknowledgements 4-6Contents 6-10List of Figures 10-12List of Tables 12-20Abstract 20-22摘要23-25Chapter 1 Introduction 25-321.1 Purpose of the study and research questions 28-291.2 Significance of the study 29-301.3 Organization of the study 30-311.4 A note on terminology 31-32Chapter 2 Literature review 32-512.1 T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-352.1.1 Defining coherence 32-332.1.2 T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-352.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-422.2.1 T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-372.2.2 T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-422.3 T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-442.4 The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-472.5 Training in T/TP 47-492.6 Summary 49-51Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-703.1 Systemic Functional Grammar 51-553.1.1 Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-533.1.2 Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-543.1.3 Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-553.2 Theme and thematic progression 55-703.2.1 Theme 56-623.2.2 Thematic progression 62-70Chapter 4 Research Design 70-884.1 The participants and the educational context 70-734.1.1 Background of the participants and the participating school 704.1.2 The allocation of participants to the training 70-714.1.3 The sample sizes 71-724.1.4 The pilot study 72-734.2 The interventional procedures 73-744.3 The questionnaire 74-754.4 The training 75-804.4.1 Considerations behind the training 75-764.4.2 The training material 76-794.4.3 The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-804.5 Data analysis 80-864.5.1 Analysis of the writing 80-864.5.2 Analysis of the questionnaire 864.6 Ethical considerations 86-884.6.1 Informed consent 86-874.6.2 Anonymity 874.6.3 Harm 87-88Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-1155.1 Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-1025.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-915.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-955.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-1005.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 100-1025.2 Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-1105.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-1075.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 107-1105.3 Summary 110-115Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-1376.1 Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-1296.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-1176.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-1216.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-1266.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 126-1296.2 Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-1326.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-1316.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 131-1326.3 Summary 132-137Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-1557.1 Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-1477.1.1 Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-1397.1.2 Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-1427.1.3 Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-1457.1.4 Interpersonal Themes 145-1477.2 Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-1507.2.1 Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-1497.2.2 Back,contextual and new Themes 149-1507.3 Summary 150-155Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-1658.1 Findings from closed questions 155-1608.1.1 EEL participants general attitude to training on T/TP 155-1578.1.2 EEL participants perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-1588.1.3 EEL participants perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-1598.1.4 EEL participants perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-1608.2 Findings from open questions 160-1648.2.1 The changes that occurred 161-1628.2.2 The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-1638.2.3 The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 1638.2.4 EEL participants suggestions for future training 163-1648.3 Summary 164-165Chapter 9 Discussion 165-1959.1 Findings with regard to research questions 165-1879.1.1 Chinese college students use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-1729.1.2 Chinese college students use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-1819.1.3 Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students English writing 181-187 9.2 Positioning the study within the literature 187-1909.2.1 T/TP in Chinese college students English writing 187-1899.2.2 Effects of training on Chinese college students use of T/TP 189-1909.3 Implications 190-1949.3.1 Pedagogical implication 190-1939.3.2 Methodological implication 193-1949.4 Limitations 194-195Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-20010.1 Summary 195-19710.2 Putting everything together 197-19910.3 Suggestions for future work 199-200Notes 200-202References 202-214Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217Appendix 3: Training material 217-229Appendix 4: Teachers guide to the training 229-237Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239英语专业毕业论文提纲2中文摘要3-4ABSTRACT 4Chapter One Introduction 7-101.1 Motivation of the present study 7-81.2 Significance of this study 81.3 Composition of this thesis 8-10Chapter Two Literature Review 10-192.1 Language production 10-142.1.1 L1 Production 10-112.1.2 L2 Production 11-122.1.3 Dimensions of language production 12-142.2 Theories on oral output 14-152.2.1 Skehans dual-model system 142.2.2 Swains Output Hypothesis 14-152.3 Task Repetition 15-172.3.1 Task 15-162.3.2 Task repetition 16-172.4 Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19 CHARPTER THREE THE CURRENT STUDY 19-253.1 Research justification and questions 193.2 Hypothesis 19-203.3 Methods 20-253.3.1 Participants 20-213.3.2 Material 213.3.3 Research design 21-233.3.4 Measures 23-25Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-414.1 Results and Analysis 25-344.1.1 Quantitative analysis 25-274.1.2 Qualitative analysis 27-344.2 Discussion 34-414.2.1 Fluency 34-364.2.2 Complexity 36-384.2.3 Accuracy 38-394.2.4 interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41Chapter Five Conclusions 41-445.1 Conclusion and implication 41-435.2 Limitations and recommendations 43-44Acknowledgements 44-45References 45-49Appendixes 49-54A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50B. The same-content task 50-51C. The different-content task 51-52D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54F. Sample of writing repetition task 54。
英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇The outline model of English graduation thesis编订:JinTai College英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。
下面内容由小泰为大家分享英语毕业论文的提纲范文,一起来看看吧!Introduction0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children0.2 Literature Review0.3 Significance of the ThesisChapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children1.1 Carnival Language1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor1.2.2 The Use of Satire1.2.3 The Use of Pun1.3 Sum-upChapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts2.1.1 Widow2.1.2 Witch2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior2.2.2 Turning into Clown2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning2.3 Sum-upChapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text3.1.1 National Allegory3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text3.3.1 Palimpsest3.3.2 Polyphony3.4 Sum-upConclusionThis conclusionFocusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。
英语专业论文提纲范文Basic Knowledge for Thesis WritingWhy should we write the thesis?To write a thesis before graduation is a must for every university graduate.By writing a thesis, we may get some experience and some basic methods for further theoretical study and research and the ability to solve problems.It is the reflection of a student’s study in college.Whether a student has such an ability to write a thesis or to solve problems in his/her field is one basis for a unit to aept him/her or not.How long should we prepare for writing a thesis?One year or soWhat do we need when we write a thesis?Firstly, for English major, most important of all, itis English knowledge and ability that based on your language skills, especially writing skill and grammar knowledge.Secondly, the way of writing is also important.A good title, some good ideas to support thesis statement, right language and standard format are what we need.The language style is something that we should pay much attention to, for example:Wording: we prefer big word to small one;Sentence: Long sentences are quite expectable.How do we write a thesis? How many steps should we follow?Generally speaking, when we write a thesis, we follow 10 steps:1. Choose a subject: that is, what you are going to write about. For English major, we may apply:2. Choose a title/Title a paper;3. Collect materials for reference in writing;4. Analyze the collected materials;5. Sort out the data and arguments;6. List references;7. Make up an outline;8. 1—3 drafts;9. Proofread;10. The last version.What subjects may we choose to write?English and American LiteratureThe Practice and Theory of TranslationEnglish LanguageEnglish LinguisticsEnglish GrammarEnglish PhoicsEnglish LexicologyEnglish RhetoricLanguage and CultureELT MethodologyTeaching English in Middle SchoolEnglish Teaching Research and SurveyThe History of… (All mentioned abo ve)Subject and TitleHow to Choose a Suitable SubjectWhenever you plan and write a paper, you should keep these questions in mind:What is my subject and what do I know about it?Choose a subject that you care about and know about (or can find out about).Who is my audience?What you say about your subject depends greatly on who reads it. You must choose a subject that will interest your audience and try to present it interestingly.What is my purpose?You always municate for a purpose—either to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.What must You Write in a Thesis?In the limited space of a thesis, you can’t say everything, so you must settle on the most important, most relevant, and most interesting.Factors Influencing the Choice:There are several factors which will influence your decision on which subject you are going to write about: Interest/Experience/Science value/Ability /Scope of knowledge/Purpose…How to Get a Title?We have two ways to get a title:Given by teachersDesigned by yourselfThey both have their advantages. For the former, you will have a definite direction to guide you to the end, while, for the latter, it can be more flexible for you and everything depends on yourself.What Is a Good Title?A good title, usually created after some paragraphs ora theme is written, does two things:1. It suggests what the subject of the thesis will be;2. It sparks the reader’s interestSome Basic Kinds of TitlesNo-nonsense descriptive title: E.g.:Advantages and Disadvantages of Multimedia TeachingTwo-part titles E.g.:Sugar: The Hidden DrugRhetorical question. Then answer the question in your theme. E.g.:What can be done about CET-4?Some Basic Kinds of TitlesRelate the title to the method of development used :Descriptive: Portrait of a TeacherIllustration: Three Roles I PlayComparison: Crazy English: The New All Physical Response ApproachContrast: Pleasures and Problems of Owning a ComputerDefinition: A Definition of CLTPersuasion: The Need for Discipline in UniversityClassification: Three Types of EducationProcess: How to Teach Young Children EnglishHow long should a title usually be?A title is usually four to five words long and israrely an entire sentence. (1—10 words is more practical.) Notice:We can’t write anything with the title “On…”, because this small “on” is too big for us.Notice:The title is centered on the page above the body of the thesis and separated from it by one inch.A puzzleWhat is “make a fuss over a trifle”?That is a principle for us when we write a thesis:Write as much as possible on a small title. When we write a thesis, we must make a full consideration of whether thep ossibility to choose a “big” or a “small” topic paratively.Disadvantages for a “Big” TopicA big topic needs collecting more materials. So it is more difficult for beginners.Hard to control. If there are too many sides in a thesis for us to make clear, the chance to be suessful is very slim.Hard to make clear about the statement within limited words (about 6000 words). Everything will stay on the surface.Time problem (2-3months)NoticeRemember: to see a student’s standard of writin g isn’t by how “big” his or her topic is, but by his or her ability to find problems, analyze problems and solve problems.TitlingCommonly, we can divide titling into four levels, for example:Subject: ELT MethodologyLimited subject: Modern English Teaching MethodsInitial topic: CLT : A Modern Teaching MethodTopic: CLT in Grammar TeachingAssignmentChoose a subject that you would be likely to write about and try to title your paper.Consideration:When we make a title of a thesis, what factors should we consider?。
英语专业的论文提纲Chapter One Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Paper1.2 Theoretical Framework1.3 Methodology and Data Collection1.4 Significance of the Paper1.5 Outline of the PaperChapter Two Literature Review2.0 Introduction2.1 Chinese Sentence Components and English Predicate 2.2 On the Translation of Chinese Finite Verbs2.3 On the Two English Versions of HLM.2.3.1 The Reference Versions of HLM2.3.2 Acceptability2.4 SummaryChapter Three An Operational Norm on the Selection of English Predicates in CE Translation3.0 Introduction3.1 Chinese Predicates as the Sources3.1.1 Chinese Oneverb Sentences3.1.2 Chinese Multiverbal Sentence3.1.2.1 Pivot Constructions3.1.2.2 Serial Verbal Constructions3.1.2.3 Constructions with Subjectpredicate Phrases 3.2 Empty Categories as the Sources3.3 Chinese Adverbials as the Sources3.4 SummaryChapter Four The Textuallinguistic Norm on the Translation of Chinese Verbs in CE Translation4.0 Introduction4.1 Similarities between the Yangs Version and Hawkes,Version in English Counterparts of Chinese Verbs in CE Translation4.1.1 Verb 〔Verbal Phrase〕4.1.2 Empty Categories4.1.3 Nonfinite Verb 〔Verbal Phrase〕 Participle4.1.3.2 Infinitive 〔Phrase〕4.1.4 Preposition 〔Prepositional Phrase〕4.1.5 Noun4.1.6 Adverb4.1.7 Adjective4.1.8 Auxiliary4.2 Discrepancies between the Yangs Version and HawkesVersion in English Counterparts of Chinese Verbs4.2.1 Verb4.2.2 Preposition4.2.3 Noun4.2.4 Adjectives4.2.5 Empty Categories4.2.5.1 Empty Categories in the Yangs,Version4.2.5.2 Addition in Hawkess Version4.3 SummaryChapter Five Constraints on the Selection of English Predicate in CE Translation5.0 Introduction5.1 Constraints from the Initial Norm5.2 Constrains from the Preliminary Norms5.3 Constrains from the Textuallinguistic Norms5.3.1 From the Perspective of Discourse Theme5.3.2 From the Perspective of Syntax5.3.2.1 Chinese Sentence with Overt Subject5. Same Subject between the Two English Versions of HLM655. Different Subjects between the Two English Versions of HLM. 665.3.2.2 Chinese Sentence with Covert Subject5. Same Subject between the Two English Versions of HLM5. Different Subjects between the Two English Versions of HLM.685.3.3 From the Perspective of Word5.3.3.1 Motion + Path5.3.3.2 Motion + Coevent5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusions6.1 Findings6.2 Limitations and SuggestionsThis conclusionBased on the third chapter of HLMmd its two English versions, this thesis explores howto select English predicates in CE translation through the comparison between the originaltext, the Yangs5 version and Hawkes,version with Toxirys threephase methodology. Thisstudy finds out that, on the selection of English predicates, the translators have adopted thefollowing three norms. The initial norm is to subject to the target culture: previous studieshave proved that compared with the Yangs, Hawkess version, complying with thisnorm,ismore popular among TRs. The preliminary norm is to subject themselves to the translationpolicy in their own translational context. Though the two translators have chosen the same ST,they are in different translational contexts and have different translation purposes: Hawkes,considering the contradiction between the westerners curiosity about China and Chineseliterature and the deficiency of translated Chinese literature in the Western World, determinesto fill up this blank and provide a window for the TRs to get a glimpse of China; whereas, theYangs are appointed by the Foreign Language Press to fulfill the mission of spreading theChinese literature to the west. Different translation purposes cause different translationstrategies, which,in turn, lead to discrepancies in the acceptability of the TT. In China, theYangs version is unsurpassable, but at abroad, the Hawkess version is in the toprankingamong the English versions of HLM. As for the operational norm, it has been concluded thatthe higher syntactic status the English predicate occupies, the higher information value itconveys, which determines that normally the selected English predicate will be incorrespondence with the original syntactic component which also enjoys a higher syntacticstatus as well as possesses a higher information valueand that finding is also reflected in thefollowing way: the element loaded with the information about the result of an event in the ST,for example, the Chinese verb indicating the result of an event, is normally rendered into anelement with a higher syntactic status in the TT, such as, the English mainclause predicateverbs. Apart from that, the selection of English predicates will also be constrained by thediscourse theme of ST, English subjects and different lexicalization levels between Chineseand English.All in all, this research attempts to shed light on the study of translation process andbring about inspiration to translation teaching and practice.。
关键词:中小企业人才流失原因对策中小企业人才流失的原因1.1 社会因素1.1.1 社会整体观念和价值观会影响人才流失。
1.1.2 劳动力市场的供求状况会影响人才的流失。
1.1.3 社会信用机制的缺失导致人才流失。
• 7、翻译与美学。 • 从美学角度阐释一些翻译现象,例如庞德对 汉诗的英译 • 浅议翻译美学与文化交流 • 英文电影片名的翻译与美学 • 论接受美学与旅游外宣广告翻译中的读者关 照
• 8.其他 • .口译中口语因素与技能的研究 A research on oral-related factors and skills involved in interpretation
三、选题中要注意的问题: (一)知己知被,量力而行 所谓“知己”,首先,要充分估计到自已的知识储备情况和 分析问题的能力。因为知识和能力的积累是一个较长的过 程,不可能靠一次毕业论文的写作就来个突飞猛进。所以 选题时要量力而行,客观地分桥和估计自己的能力。如果 理论基础比较好,又有较强的分析概括能力,那就可以选 择难度大一些、内容复杂一些的题目,对自己定下的标准 高一些,这样有利于锻炼自己,增长才干;如果自己觉得 综合分析一个大问题比较吃力,那么题目就应定得小一些, 便于集中力量抓住重点,把某一问题说深说透。其次,要 充分考虑自己的特长和兴趣。应当看到,大学生的学识水 平是有差距的。有的可能在面上广博些,有的可能在某一 方面有较深的钻研,有的可能在这一方面高人一筹,而在 另一方面则较为逊色。在选题时,要尽可能选择那些能发 挥自己的专长,学有所得、学有所感的题材。同时还要考 虑到自己的兴趣和爱好。兴趣深厚,研究的欲望就强烈, 内在的动力和写作情绪就高,成功的可能性也就越大。
其次,题目的大小要适度。一般来说宜小不宜大, 宜窄不宜宽。题目太大把握不住,考虑难以深入 细致,容易泛泛而论。因为大题目需要掌握大量 的材料,不仅要有局部的,还要有全局性的,不 仅要有某一方面的,还要有综合性的。而写作毕 业论文的时间有限,业余学习的学员还要受到工 作、家务等牵累,要在短时间内完成大量的资料 收集工作是比较困难的。另外,大学的几年学习, 对学生来讲还只是掌握了一些基本理论,而要独 立地研究和分析一些大问题,还显得理论准备不 足。再加上缺乏写作经验,对大量的材料的处理 也往往驾驭不了,容易造成材料堆积或过于散乱, 写得一般化。选定小题目,有两种方式,一是直 接选个小题目,二是在大题目中选定小的论证角 度。
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3.1The Definition ofBrand
4The Translation ofAutomobileBrandNamesUnder the Principle of Equivalence
[2]Nida,Eugene A.Towards a Science of Translation[M ].Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964.
[3]Nida,Eugene A.The Theory and Practice of Translation[M ]. Leiden: E. J. Brill,1969.
专业:_______ ___________________
[4]Newmark,Peter.ATextbook of Translation[M]. Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.1988.
[5]Newmark,Peter.Approaches to Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press.2001.
4.1TheTranslationPrinciple ofAutomobileBrandName
4.1.1TheContent andDevelopment of thePrinciple ofEquivalence
4.1.2TheInfluence of thePrinciple ofEquivalence toTranslation
[6]Nida,Eugene A.A Functional Approach to Problems of Translating[M]. Beijing:
Foreign Studies University Press. 1986.
[7]Tytler, A .F.Essay onThePrinciples ofTranslation[M]. Dent:London. 1912.
[12]胡开宝 et al. 商品名称的美学特征与英语商品名称的翻译[J].中国翻译,2000,(5):53。
论文题目:The Principle of Equivalence Used in the Translation of Automobile Brand-names
美国著名的翻译理论家Eugene A·Nida的“功能对等(functional equivalence)”或“动态对等(dynamic equivalence)”。在现代翻译理论中 ,等效原则为越来越多的翻译者所知晓、接受和运用。在等效原则下对原文的表达形式 ,从不同的切入点 ,作适当调整 ,使译文提供给接受者的信息与原文的接受者所接受的信息等效或基本等效。对于汽车品牌名的研究,国内外研究的人还不
4.2.4TransliterationCombined withLiteralTranslation
[1]Nida,Eugene nguage,Culture and Translation[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education press, 1993.
专家组(教研室)负责人签字:___ 年 月 日
院系所负责人签字:___ 院系所盖章: 年 月 日
4.1.3TheSignificance of thePrincipleofEquivalenceto theTranslation ofAutomobileBrandNames
4.2TheTranslationStrategies ofAutomobileBrandNamesGuiding by the Principleof Equivalence
1.Intrቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱduction
2.ABriefIntroduction to thePrinciple ofEquivalence
2.1The Definition of Equivalence
2.2The Characteristic of Equivalence
2.3The Classification of Equivalence
2.3.1Words Equivalence
2.3.2Culture Equivalence