








1. 在餐厅点餐:A:你好,请问有什么需要帮助的吗?B:我们还没有看菜单,请问有什么特色菜吗?A:我们的特色菜包括烤鸭和鱼香肉丝,您有什么偏好?B:我想点一份烤鸭和一份鱼香肉丝,还有两碗米饭。




2. 在超市购物:A:你好,需要找什么吗?B:我想买些水果,这里有什么水果可以选择?A:我们这里有苹果、香蕉、橙子和葡萄,您有什么口味偏好?B:我喜欢吃甜的水果,可以帮我选几个吗?A:当然,我为您挑选一些新鲜又甜的水果。



3. 在机场接人:A:你是xx先生吗?欢迎来到xx市!B:是的,谢谢!我刚到这里,请问要怎么去市区?A:您可以乘坐出租车或者地铁,地铁有直达市区的线路。



在进行口语情景对话训练时,有几点需要注意:1. 大胆发言:不要害怕犯错误,不要担心自己的口音或用词不准确,只有通过实践才能进步。



英语口语技能训练练习题11. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us something about it? What do you like to do in your spare time?2. How do you usually spend your weekends?3. What kind of books do like best and why?4. What kind of music do you like best and why?5. Do you like watching English TV programs and why?6. Do you like traveling and why?7. What kind of movies do you like best and why?21. Do you think it is important for university students to do physical exercise regularly and why?2. What is your favorite way of keeping fit and why?3. Do you think going on a diet is (also) a good way to keeping fit?4. What kind of physical exercise do you think is most suitable for elderly people and why?31. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?2. What aspect of your study do you find most difficult?3. What do you usually do during your vacations?4. Can you say something about your classmates?5. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?6. Which course do you like most and why?7. How do you support your study financially?8. Can you say something about the entertainment available on your campus?41. How do you usually keep in touch with your friends?2. Which way of corresponding do you think will be most popular in the near future?3. Do you think letters will eventually be replaced by email or fax? Please give your reasons.4. What do you think is the most efficient way for people to keep in touch with each other and why do you think so?51. How do you like university life? Which aspect of university life do you find most interesting (stimulating /challenging /exciting /enjoyable)?2. How are you getting along with your classmates?3. You’ve already finished quite a number of courses in the university. Which course do you think is most interesting? Why?4. How do you like the food in the dining halls?5. What do you usually do on weekends?6. Can you tell us something about the activities organized by the Student Union in your university?7. Are you interested in participating in the work of the Student Union? Give your reasons.61. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? Give your reasons. What kind of accommodations would you like to have?2. Today, more and more students are entering university. How do you think the problem of accommodation can be solved?3. If you don’t like sharing a room with someone else, what can you do?4. If you have problems getting along with your roommates, what could you do?71. Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?2. Which programs do you like best? Why?3. What do you think of the English programs offered by CCTV?4. How do you like the programs offered by your local TV station?5. Do you like sports? What do you think of the sports programs on TV?6. What do you think the TV serials? Name one or two that you like most.7. Do you watch educational programs on TV? Name one or two. Why not?8. Can you recommend some TV programs that you think are worth watching?9. What’s your general impression of the TV programs offere d by CCTV?81. What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?2. What’s your most important consideration when looking for a job?3. Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or a small town?4. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?5. Some people would rather not work if they can’t find the ideal job. What’s your opinion of this?6. Why does our government encourage young people to leave home and work in less developed areas?7. Do you have any work experience? Would you tell us something about it? Why not?8. How would you prepare for a job interview?9. Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your parents live? Give your reasons, please.10. Suppose you fail to find the job you have in mind, what would you do then?91. How do you like campus life?2. In what way is college life different from that in high school?3. What do you think is the real challenge of studying at college?4. Where do you like to study, in the dormitory, in the library or in the classroom? Give your reasons, please.5. What do you think of your college library?6. What kind of activities do you take part in during your free time?7. What sort of entertainment are you most interested in?8. Are you a sports enthusiast? What kind of sports do you like best?9. Do you get along with your roommates?101. What is your favorite course? Name one or two courses you enjoy most and give your reasons.2. Which course or courses do you like the least? And why?3. How many classes do you have in a week? Should the number of courses be cut down or increased?4. What do you think of your English course?111. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at school, at primary school, at high school or now at university? Why?2. In your view, what makes a happier life, wealth or health?3. What in your life do you feel most proud of?4. What is the greatest challenge you’ve met since you entered university?5. Among the people you know, who do you admire most? Tell us why?6. As a university student, what contributions can you make to society?1. Some people don’t like making friends. Do you think they would be happy without friends? Why?2. Do you believe in “life-long” friendships? Why / Why not?3. Do you think that people of different age groups, for example, teenagers or adults, might have different reasons for making friends?4. If you had the chance to travel around the country, who would you prefer to travel with, your parents or your friends? Why?5. What would you prefer, having many friends or just a few close friends? Please explain briefly.131. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities at your college (university)?2. What kind of after-class activities are you interested in?3. Do you often take part in after-class activities? (If yes) What are they? (If not) Why not?4. Is it difficult for you to pay your tuition and fees at college (university)? (If yes) How do you overcome the difficulty?5. What do you think of students taking a part-time job while in school?6. What entertainment does your college (university) offer during the weekend?141. Are there many students in your class who have part-time jobs? (If yes) What kind of jobs do they do? (If no) Why not?2. What is your first consideration in choosing a part-time job?3. In what way dose your college encourage students to have part-time jobs?4. Does your family encourage you to get a part-time job?5. What do you think colleges (university) should do to help students finance their education?151. How do you usually spend your holiday/2. How did you spend the Spring Festival/May Day?3. What do you think is the best way to spend your holidays? And why?4. How did you spend the Spring Festival when you were a child?5. How do you prefer to spend your holidays, with your parents or with your friends? Why?6. Do you think we have too many f=holidays> Why do you think so?1. What do you think of students who sleep away the whole day in their dormitories during holydays?2, Do you think that frequent holidays will make people lazy/ Why/Why not?3. What do you think of our government’s decision to lengthen certain holidays?4. Do you think wee-long holydays will increase pressure on transportation? Why/Why not?5. Do you think long holidays will encourage spending? Why/Why not?171. How do you like campus life? (Why do you think so?)2. What do you think is the most attractive aspect of campus life?3. Do you find it easy to get along with your classmates? (Why or why not)4. Can you say something about the living conditions on campus?5. Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reasons.6. What should the university do to make campus life more colorful?7. What do you think of your teachers and professors? (Please give your reasons)181. Can you say something about your own hobby or hobbies?2. What’s the most popular hobby of your classmates?3. Some people spend a lot of money on hobbies. Do you think it worthwhile?4. Do you think having a hobby will affect your studies? Please give your reasons.5. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it’s a problem?191. What changes will the wide use of the Internet in China bring about?2. What, in your opinion, is the biggest change that has taken place in China today?3. Please tell us something about the changes in higher education in recent years.1. Where do you usually get the latest news? From newspapers, the radio, TV or the Internet?2. What newspapers are available on campus?3. How often do you watch TV? What programs do you like best? (Please give your reasons)4. Do you have access to the Internet on campus? Which sites do you often visit and why?5. How dose the mass media affect our lives?6. What would life be like without the mass media?211. Which newspaper do college students like most? And why?2. Which kind of mass media do you think is most influent, TV, newspaper, the radio or the Internet? (Please give your reasons)3. Do you think newspapers will be replaced by the Internet in the future? Why or why not?4. Do you think it is necessary to read newspapers when you can get the news on TV?221. Which do you think is more important for university students, practical skills or theoretical knowledge? Give your reasons.2. Today university students have to pay tuition and fees. Do you think this is reasonable? Why?3. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?4. Apart from your major, what other subjects do you think are very important for you? Please explain briefly.5. Would you like to be a teacher after you graduate? Give your reasons.231. Could you say something about the way your English class is conducted? How do you like it?2. How did you learn to speak English?3. What are you going to do to further improve your English?4. What’s your idea of a good English teacher?5. In some universities, multimedia is used in teaching English. What do you think of this form of teaching?1. Which course do you think has benefited you most at university?2. Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation? (Please give your reasons)3. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? (Please give your reasons)4. Do you think a university education is essential to finding a good job? (Why?)5. Is it important to develop higher education? (Why?)251. Do you think it’s good for young children to study abroad? (Why?)2. Do you think it’s essential to study abroad in order to get a good job? (Why/why not)3. Now some universities are inviting foreign teachers to teach. Do you think it’s a good idea? (Why?)4. Why do you think more and more graduates from universities abroad are coming back to China?261. Are you satisfied with the environment you are living in?2. Has your university done anything to protect the campus environment? (If yes, what has it done? /if not, why not?)3. Why is environmental protection important?4. Is environmental pollution a local or global problem?5. Which do you think is more important, environmental protection or economic development? (Please explain.)271. Is there such a thing as the generation gap? (Please elaborate.)2. Do young people usually see things the same way as the elderly? Give an example.3. Would you like to live together with your parents after you graduate? (Why/why not?)4. Do young people like to chat with elderly people? (Why/why not?)5. Who do you prefer, young teachers or elderly professors? Why?6. Do you think elderly people are always conservative? Please explain.281. Do you think it’s necessary to narro w the generation gap? (Why/why not?)2. Is there anything young people can learn from the elderly? (Why/why not?)3. Is there anything the elderly people can learn from young people? (Why/why not?)4. If you sometimes differ with your parents on certain things, how would you deal with the situation?291. Do you think information technology is important? (Why/why not?)2. What role do you think new technology can play in education?3. Should university students know about the latest advances in science and technology? (Why?)4. Is knowing a foreign language important for scientists and engineers? (Please give your reasons.)301. What rules and regulations are there in your university? Name one or two.2. Do you think rules and regulations in the university are stricter than those in high school? (In what way?)3. Which is more important to good conduct, regulations or self-discipline?4. What do you think of the rules and regulations in your university?311. Are all the rules and regulation in your university reasonable?(Give one or two examples.)2. If any of your classmates did not observe the university rules and regulations, what would you do?3. As adults, should university students be responsible for their own behavior? Why?4. Do you think the Student s’ Union should be involved in establishing university rules and regulations? (Please explain.)321. People say the climate is becoming warmer. Do you agree? (Why do you think so?)2. What do you think we can do to prevent the climate from becoming worse?3. Is the climate an important consideration when you look for a place to live and work?。











一、FiF口语训练系统的运用本课采取了自上而下的PWP 交际教学模式。







践意义的语 言 训 练任务包 。有针对性地 建设 “ 职场 口语 ”模 块 ,“I |
常生活 口语 ”模块 ,“ 专业相关 口语 ”模块 。 口语课 程建设突 出经管 类学生的学科特 点,体 现 “ 以就业 为导 向” ,突 出实用性 ,注重 培养 学生的应用能力和综合素质 ,发挥学生 学习的主动性 ,培养学 生 自主 学习的能力。只有尽快改进传统的教学方式 ,才能真正挽救遭遇 尴尬 的 英 语课 堂 。 4 .加强师资培训 教育改革的核 心在于提高教学质量 ,而教学质 量能否提高依 赖于 师资队伍素质的高低 。由于大班 自身 的局限性 ,决定了大学英语 大班 教学较之标准班级在教学 和管理方 面的难度 更大 ,对教师 素质的要求 更高。我们应鼓励 专 教师进修和培 训,加 强与高水平学校 教师的 交流 ,提高外语水平和教学水平 。有条件 的高校应组织相关教 师到英 语母语 国家去进行短期进修,这样 既可以了解 国外学科 动态 ,又可 以 学 习到先进的教学方法 ,更可 以提高英 语水平。建立有效合理 的激励 和约束机制 ,建立由专家听课 、 学生评 教 、资料评审三部分组 成 的评 价体系 ,形成相应的奖惩机制。对于教学效果 良好 、并通 过学校各项 考核 的教师 ,学校给予物质和精神奖 励 ,以多种途径提高 教师的综合 素质 。
职 教 单 台
经 管 类大 学 英 语 口语技 能训 练 内容 研 究 与 实践
娄 )
摘 要 :经济全球 化和高等教 育国际化促使我 国与世 界各地 的交往愈 加频繁 ,外语教 学尤其是 口语教 学的重要 性 日益 明显 。分析 了经管类 学科 学生口语教学现状和教学过程中存在 的主要 问题 ,在此基础上探 索经管类本科专业 学生进行 口语教学的有效途径和方法 。






二、课程设计第一单元:问候和介绍主题:问好和介绍对话:A: Hello, my name is Lisa. What’s your name?B: Hi, I’m Jack. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too.练习:1.两人进行问候和介绍2.听录音,跟读对话拓展:1.掌握如何礼貌地进行问候和介绍2.学习基本的打招呼用语第二单元:家庭和职业主题:家庭和职业对话:A: What do you do?B: I’m a teacher.A: Do you have a family?B: Yes, I have a wife and two children. 练习:1.练习如何询问职业和家庭状况2.练习如何进行简单的自我介绍拓展:1.学习如何询问他人的工作、家庭状况2.学习如何使用一些常见的职业词汇第三单元:找房子主题:房屋租赁对话:A: I’m looking for an apartment.B: How many rooms do you need?A: Just one bedroom.B: OK, we have a few options avlable. Would you like to take a look at them?练习:1.练习如何询问房屋的细节信息2.练习如何表达自己对某个房屋的意见拓展:1.学习如何租赁房屋的相关词汇2.学习房屋出租的一些常用语句第四单元:饮食文化主题:餐厅用餐对话:A: Table for two, please.B: Right this way, please. Here’s your menu.A: Thank you.练习:1.练习在餐厅里用餐的相关英语口语2.练习如何点菜和表达自己的口味要求拓展:1.学习餐厅里的一些礼仪和常用语句2.学习如何用英语描述不同种类的美食三、课程教学方法本教程主要采用互动式教学法。



t e b sso tn g t・ h u tp a ih ‘。
下是笔者几年来担任英语 口语 考试指导教学 对加强学 生英语 听说能力的培养的做 法。主要分为三大类型 :
模拟性操练 ( ) 一 模拟 CayE g s rz nlh的做法 , i 使学生建立说的信 心, 培养学生张 口大胆说英语 的习惯
的总 目标是发展 自主学 习和合作学 习的能力 ,形成有 效英语 学习策 略, 培养学生综合运用语言 的能力 。因此 必须加强学生 听、 说技能的训练。为了满 足学生未来生 存发展 的需要 , 如何有效加 强英语 听说技能 的培养?以

( ) 一 接故事游戏 教 师发给每位学生 日常 的生活用品 ,让学 生围成
生 能深 入理 解其 中的文 化 内涵及 作者 的思维 表 达方

( ) 一 阅读《 英语周 报》 里面 的文章 , 培养语感 , 增加 语言输入 量 , 特别是 富有时代气息 的最新词汇 《 英语周报》 这份 报纸上的很多阅读材料 都具有生 活化 、 时代感和社会化 的特点 。通过经常 阅读 , 学生拓
ti k o t h n fi?
( ) e rt ddntosehrw i pe hr ey 2 H e n e o t e e, h hu st e vr p e c
mu h c.
教师要求学生模 仿录音 , 注意语音语调 , 然后分 组 或个人 比赛 , 看谁模仿最准 , 发音最到位 , 最流利 。学 生

soe . tln
每一位 同学都有很强 的表达欲望 , 争着发 言。学生

大 胆进练 。 ( ) 相 片 提 问或 描 述 二 看
下面是摘 自《 阳 5 李 分钟突破英语 口语 》 :







二、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,使他们在日常生活、工作和研究中能够熟练运用英语进行沟通。

2. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使他们能够更好地理解和适应不同文化背景的人。

3. 强化学生的道德观念和社会责任感,引导他们树立正确的价值观和人生观。

4. 拓宽学生的国际视野,使他们具备较强的国际合作意识和参与国际事务的能力。

三、教学方法和策略1. 情景教学法:通过设定各种真实的场景,让学生在实际语境中练英语口语,提高他们的语言应用能力。

2. 任务型教学法:将学生分成小组,完成各种设定任务,培养他们的团队合作精神和解决问题的能力。

3. 讨论教学法:组织学生就热点话题进行讨论,提高他们的思辨能力和跨文化交际能力。

4. 融入思政教育:通过讲解典型案例、分享优秀事迹等方式,引导学生树立正确的价值观和人生观。

四、教学内容1. 英语口语基础技能训练:包括发音、语调、词汇、语法等方面,提高学生的语言表达能力。

2. 跨文化交际能力培养:介绍不同文化背景下的交际惯和礼仪,培养学生具备跨文化交际能力。

3. 思政教育融入:通过讲解典型案例、分享优秀事迹等方式,引导学生树立正确的价值观和人生观。

4. 英语口语实战演练:组织学生参加各种英语角、辩论赛等活动,提高他们的实际应用能力。

五、教学评价1. 过程性评价:关注学生在课堂活动中的参与程度、合作意识和口语表达能力,及时给予指导和反馈。




问题1:Computer is becoming more and more important,what do you think of it ?问题2:When you are helped by a stranger ,what do you want to say ?二:朗读短文、回答问题(共15分)1:朗读短文(10分)朗读短文,发音标准准确,语言流畅,富有情感,讲究语调准确。

Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of cooling yin and hot yang to be healthy .For example ,are you quiet and often tired ?It might be because you have too much yin . You should eat hot yang food ,like beef or lamb, to give you more energy .Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this .On the other hand people who are stressed out and angry might have too much yang in their lives . Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods ,like tofu ,or bean sp routs .It’s easy to stay healthy ,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet .2:回答问题(5分)根据短文内容,回答2个问题:问题1:How do we feel healthy ?问题2:To stay healthy ,what’s it important ?中考英语口语测试题第二套考试题型及分值一:交际会话(5分)卡片上有2个问题,考生根据问句回答主考老师的相关问题。






一、英语口语书籍1.《English Pronunciation in Use》《English Pronunciation in Use》是一本针对初学英语者的发音教材,其中包含了大量的发音练习和实用口语对话,能够帮助学习者纠正发音错误,提升口语表达准确性。

2. 《Speak English Like an American》《Speak English Like an American》是一本以美国英语为基础的口语学习书籍,通过有趣的故事和例句,教授一些地道的美国口语表达方式,帮助学习者更好地融入英语国家的语言环境。

3. 《Practical Everyday English: Advanced Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms and Expressions》该书通过丰富的词汇、短语动词、习语和表达方式的介绍,帮助学习者提高口语表达的丰富性和准确性。





2.《The Big Bang Theory》《The Big Bang Theory》是一部美国情景喜剧,讲述了一群科学家和他们的邻居们之间发生的故事。




《英语学习技巧》教学大纲(汉)一、 课程名称《英语学习技巧》二、课程性质《英语学习技巧》是英语专业的低年级一门专业任选课,是培养学生学习英语的有效方法和技巧,提高学习质量的一门课程。


本课程应达到以下目标:1)使学生了解学习策略的概念和相关研究;2)使学生掌握英语学习中语音, 词汇和语法的学习方法; 3)使学生掌握语言技能,包括听力, 口语, 阅读和写作学习方法。



五、 课程时间及学分:本课程开设时间为第1学期,总学时为10,学分1。


内容包括向学生讲解英语专业课程的设置思路; 帮助学生认识英语学习中语音, 词汇和语法的学习方法和语言技能听力, 口语, 阅读和写作的练习的方法, 以及两者之间的关系; 讲解中学与大学英语专业学习过程中学习和教学的异同; 解答相关英语学习的困惑和问题等。

具体的学时和内容安排如下:第一讲 概论和语言学习策略的定义和分类 (2课时)一、学习策略研究的背景1.学习策略研究的理论背景2.学习策略研究的社会背景3.一般学习策略与英语学习策略二、早期的语言学习策略研究1.Rubin研究2.Naiman等人的研究3.Wong-Fillmore的研究三、语言学习策略研究的发展1.20世纪80年代的语言学习策略研究2.20世纪90年代的语言学习策略研究四、需要说明的几个概念问题1.“外语学习策略”及其他术语2.“学习策略”与“学习者策略”3. 学习策略与学习方法五、语言学习策略的定义1.什么叫语言学习策略?2.学习策略与学习方法六、语言学习策略的分类1.O’Malley和Chamot的学习策略分类框架2.Oxford的学习策略分类框架3.Cohen的语言学习策略分类框架4.文秋芳的英语学习策略系统5.认知策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略第二讲 影响语言学习策略的因素和英语词汇学习策略 (2课时)一、影响语言学习策略的因素1.年龄对学习策略的影响2.智力对学习策略的影响3.个性对学习策略的影响4.认识风格对学习策略的影响5.教师对学习策略的影响6.其他因素对学习策略的影响二、关于词汇学习的认识1. 为什么要学习词汇2.应该学习那些词汇3.词汇需要学到什么程度三、英语词汇学习策略1. 在语境中学单词2.利用联想增强对同类词的学习效果3.利用图象或想象加深对词汇的理解和记忆4.通过分类加深对词汇的理解和记忆5.利用同义词和反义词进行对比复习6.根据构词法学习,复习,记忆英语单词第三讲 英语语法和听的学习策略 (2课时 )一、关于英语语法学习的认识1.语法应该学习,英语教学应该包括对英语语法的教学2.学习语法的目的是促进理解、监控输出3.语法学习应当以实用语法为主二、英语语法学习策略1.在理解的基础上学习2.积极主动归纳总结语法规则3.要善于从错误中学习4.不要被语法术语捆扰5.注意语法在交际中的使用6.要始终记住语法是工具,不是最终目的三、关于听力理解的一些认识1.造成听力理解困难的因素2.有助于听力理解的积极因素3.听力理解练习中的一些误区四、英语学习中听的策略1.如何克服听力理解中“听不懂”问题2.如何克服听力理解中“记忆”问题3.采用多种练习活动形式,扩展听的内容能和渠道第四讲 英语学习中口语、阅读和写作的策略 (2课时)一、关于英语口语学习的一些认识1.关于“开口”的问题2.如何创造语言环境二、发展口语能力的策略1.听说结合,以听带说2.采用多种口语练习活动3.有效的使用交际策略三、关于英语阅读理解过程的一些认识1.阅读的三个模式和图式理论2.默读与朗读四、阅读策略1.形成有效的阅读策略1) 略读2) 寻读3) 预测4) 猜测生词意思5) 识别指代关系2.克服不良的阅读习惯3.根据不同的阅读目的和不同阅读材料调整阅读策略五、关于写作过程的一些认识1.影响写作能力的因素2.书面交际与口头交际3.提高写作水平的途径六、写作策略1.构思的策略2.语篇衔接的策略3.其他写作策略第五讲 语言学习策略训练和研究方法 (2课时)一、语言学习策略训练的意义二、诊断语言学习策略三、选择语言学习策略四、确定语言学习策略训练方案1.讲座式2.研讨式3.教材的渗透式4.教学活动的渗透式5.选择语言学习策略训练模式时应注意的几个问题五、实施语言学习策略训练1.O’ Malley 和 Chamot的语言学习策略训练方法2.Oxford等人的语言学习策略训练方法3.语言学习策略训练中应该注意的问题六、学习策略研究的类型1.自然调查2.对比研究3.相关性研究4.发展研究5.策略训练研究七、数据采集方法1.观察法2.问卷调查法3.访谈4.日记5.口头报告七、 课程的实践教学环节要求本课程要求学生写一篇关于如何运用适当的学习策略和技巧提高自己英语学习的学期小论文。






一、日常交流训练1. 角色扮演:让学生分成小组,每个小组给出一个特定的情境,比如在餐厅点餐、卖东西等。


2. 情景对话:创造各种情景,比如乘坐公交车、购物时询问价格等,让学生进行对话练习。


二、听力训练1. 听录音:提供一段录音,内容包括简单的对话或短文,让学生多次听取并回答相关问题。


2. 拼凑对话:给学生提供一段对话的片段,让他们根据听到的片段去拼凑完整的对话内容。


三、注重发音训练1. 模仿发音:播放标准的英语口语录音,要求学生模仿录音中的发音和语调。


2. 练习口型:给学生提供一些练习口型的句子,例如"Peter Piper picked a peckof pickled peppers",要求学生反复练习,以提高英语发音的准确性和流利度。

四、积极阅读和听英语材料1. 广播和音频资料:鼓励学生收听英语广播或使用英语学习音频资料,以提高他们的听力技巧。

2. 英语杂志和故事书:让学生阅读英语杂志、故事书等有趣的英语阅读材料。


五、参加英语角和口语比赛1. 参加英语角:鼓励学生主动参加学校或社区的英语角活动,与其他英语学习者交流,锻炼口语表达能力。


2. 参加口语比赛:鼓励学生参加学校或地区的口语比赛,这为他们提供了一个展示口语技巧的机会,并获得他人的反馈和建议。









【关键词】“一起作业”网站, 小学生, 英语口语, 学习, 重要性, 特点, 口语练习资源, 在线互动课堂, 口语表达能力, 自信心, 积极性, 练习, 提高口语水平, 积极影响, 提升口语水平, 口语表达能力, 效果1. 引言1.1 介绍“一起作业”网站“一起作业”网站是一个专门针对小学生英语学习的在线平台,旨在帮助小学生提高口语表达能力。






1.2 小学生英语口语学习的重要性小学生英语口语学习的重要性在当今社会变得越来越突出。





学技 能不扎 实 , 不能尽 快适 应教 学工 作 , 为此 学 院也做 了很 多 尝试 。以外 国语 学院为例 , 2 0 0 9年成 立 了“ 教 师职业 技能
训 练中心” , 目的是要 强化英语实践教学 , 拓 宽英语 专业职业 技能训练途径 , 构建教育 理论 与教 学实 践相 结合 , 课 上与课 下相结合 , 自主 学 习 与教 师 指 导 相结 合 的英 语 学 习 “ 大课
( 三) 研究过程

1 . 研究的课程依托 和团队支持
基金项 目: 2 0 1 1 年黑龙江省 高等教育教学改革重 点项 目《 英语 专业学生技 能训 练常态 化模式 探索》 成果 ( 黑教高 [ 2 0 1 1 ]
1 5 0号 )

作者简 介 : 张丽杰 ( 1 9 7 9 一) , 女, 黑龙江 明水人 , 讲师 , 从 事翻译理 论与实践 研究 ; 冯展极 ( 1 9 6 8一 ) , 女, 黑龙江伊 春人 , 教 授, 从事英语 教学论研究 。
2 0 1 3年 9月 第3 2卷第 9期
黑 龙江教 育学院学报
J o u na r l o f H e i l o n g j i a n g C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n
S e p . 2 0 1 3 V0 1 . 3 2 N o . 9
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 1— 7 8 3 6 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 9 . 0 1 5
职 前 英 语 教 师 口语 技 能训 练新 模 式 探 索
以大庆 师范学院外 国语 学院教 师职业技 能训练 中心实践为例










































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英语口语技能训练练习题11. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us something about it? What do you like to do in your spare time?2. How do you usually spend your weekends?3. What kind of books do like best and why?4. What kind of music do you like best and why?5. Do you like watching English TV programs and why?6. Do you like traveling and why?7. What kind of movies do you like best and why?21. Do you think it is important for university students to do physical exercise regularly and why?2. What is your favorite way of keeping fit and why?3. Do you think going on a diet is (also) a good way to keeping fit?4. What kind of physical exercise do you think is most suitable for elderly people and why?31. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?2. What aspect of your study do you find most difficult?3. What do you usually do during your vacations?4. Can you say something about your classmates?5. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?6. Which course do you like most and why?7. How do you support your study financially?8. Can you say something about the entertainment available on your campus?41. How do you usually keep in touch with your friends?2. Which way of corresponding do you think will be most popular in the near future?3. Do you think letters will eventually be replaced by email or fax? Please give your reasons.4. What do you think is the most efficient way for people to keep in touch with each other and why do you think so?51. How do you like university life? Which aspect of university life do you find most interesting (stimulating/challenging /exciting /enjoyable)?2. How are you getting along with your classmates?3. You’ve already finished quite a number of courses in the university. Which course do you think is most interesting? Why?4. How do you like the food in the dining halls?5. What do you usually do on weekends?6. Can you tell us something about the activities organized by the Student Union in your university?7. Are you interested in participating in the work of the Student Union? Give your reasons.61. Are you satisfied with your present accommodations? Give your reasons. What kind of accommodations would you like to have?2. Today, more and more students are entering university. How do you think the problem of accommodation can be solved?3. If you don’t like sharing a room with someone else, what can you do?4. If you have problems getting along with your roommates, what could you do?71. Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?2. Which programs do you like best? Why?3. What do you think of the English programs offered by CCTV?4. How do you like the programs offered by your local TV station?5. Do you like sports? What do you think of the sports programs on TV?6. What do you think the TV serials? Name one or two that you like most.7. Do you watch educational programs on TV? Name one or two. Why not?8. Can you recommend some TV programs that you think are worth watching?9. What’s your general impression of the TV programs offered by CCT V?81. What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?2. What’s your most important consideration when looking for a job?3. Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or a small town?4. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?5. Some people would rather not work if they can’t find the ideal job. What’s your opinion of this?6. Why does our government encourage young people to leave home and work in less developed areas?7. Do you have any work experience? Would you tell us something about it? Why not?8. How would you prepare for a job interview?9. Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your parents live? Give your reasons, please.10. Suppose you fail to find the job you have in mind, what would you do then?91. How do you like campus life?2. In what way is college life different from that in high school?3. What do you think is the real challenge of studying at college?4. Where do you like to study, in the dormitory, in the library or in the classroom? Give your reasons, please.5. What do you think of your college library?6. What kind of activities do you take part in during your free time?7. What sort of entertainment are you most interested in?8. Are you a sports enthusiast? What kind of sports do you like best?9. Do you get along with your roommates?101. What is your favorite course? Name one or two courses you enjoy most and give your reasons.2. Which course or courses do you like the least? And why?3. How many classes do you have in a week? Should the number of courses be cut down or increased?4. What do you think of your English course?111. What do you think was or is the happiest time for you at school, at primary school, at high school or now at university? Why?2. In your view, what makes a happier life, wealth or health?3. What in your life do you feel most proud of?4. What is the greatest challenge you’ve met since you entered university?5. Among the people you know, who do you admire most? Tell us why?6. As a university student, what contributions can you make to society?121. Some people don’t like making friends. Do you think they would be happy without friends? Why?2. Do you believe in “life-long” friendships? Why / Why not?3. Do you think that people of different age groups, for example, teenagers or adults, might have different reasons for making friends?4. If you had the chance to travel around the country, who would you prefer to travel with, your parents or your friends? Why?5. What would you prefer, having many friends or just a few close friends? Please explain briefly.131. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities at your college (university)?2. What kind of after-class activities are you interested in?3. Do you often take part in after-class activities? (If yes) What are they? (If not) Why not?4. Is it difficult for you to pay your tuition and fees at college (university)? (If yes) How do you overcome the difficulty?5. What do you think of students taking a part-time job while in school?6. What entertainment does your college (university) offer during the weekend?141. Are there many students in your class who have part-time jobs? (If yes) What kind of jobs do they do? (If no) Why not?2. What is your first consideration in choosing a part-time job?3. In what way dose your college encourage students to have part-time jobs?4. Does your family encourage you to get a part-time job?5. What do you think colleges (university) should do to help students finance their education?151. How do you usually spend your holiday/2. How did you spend the Spring Festival/May Day?3. What do you think is the best way to spend your holidays? And why?4. How did you spend the Spring Festival when you were a child?5. How do you prefer to spend your holidays, with your parents or with your friends? Why?6. Do you think we have too many f=holidays> Why do you think so?161. What do you think of students who sleep away the whole day in their dormitories during holydays?2, Do you think that frequent holidays will make people lazy/ Why/Why not?3. What do you think of our government’s decision to lengthen certain holidays?4. Do you think wee-long holydays will increase pressure on transportation? Why/Why not?5. Do you think long holidays will encourage spending? Why/Why not?171. How do you like campus life? (Why do you think so?)2. What do you think is the most attractive aspect of campus life?3. Do you find it easy to get along with your classmates? (Why or why not)4. Can you say something about the living conditions on campus?5. Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reasons.6. What should the university do to make campus life more colorful?7. What do you think of your teachers and professors? (Please give your reasons)181. Can you say something about your own hobby or hobbies?2. What’s the most popular hobby of your classmates?3. Some people spend a lot of money on hobbies. Do you think it worthwhile?4. Do you think having a hobby will affect your studies? Please give your reasons.5. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it’s a problem?191. What changes will the wide use of the Internet in China bring about?2. What, in your opinion, is the biggest change that has taken place in China today?3. Please tell us something about the changes in higher education in recent years.201. Where do you usually get the latest news? From newspapers, the radio, TV or the Internet?2. What newspapers are available on campus?3. How often do you watch TV? What programs do you like best? (Please give your reasons)4. Do you have access to the Internet on campus? Which sites do you often visit and why?5. How dose the mass media affect our lives?6. What would life be like without the mass media?211. Which newspaper do college students like most? And why?2. Which kind of mass media do you think is most influent, TV, newspaper, the radio or the Internet? (Please give your reasons)3. Do you think newspapers will be replaced by the Internet in the future? Why or why not?4. Do you think it is necessary to read newspapers when you can get the news on TV?221. Which do you think is more important for university students, practical skills or theoretical knowledge? Give your reasons.2. Today university students have to pay tuition and fees. Do you think this is reasonable? Why?3. What’s your major? Why did you choose it?4. Apart from your major, what other subjects do you think are very important for you? Please explain briefly.5. Would you like to be a teacher after you graduate? Give your reasons.231. Could you say something about the way your English class is conducted? How do you like it?2. How did you learn to speak English?3. What are you going to do to further improve your English?4. What’s your idea of a good English teacher?5. In some universities, multimedia is used in teaching English. What do you think of this form of teaching?241. Which course do you think has benefited you most at university?2. Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation? (Please give your reasons)3. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? (Please give your reasons)4. Do you think a university education is essential to finding a good job? (Why?)5. Is it important to develop higher education? (Why?)251. Do you think it’s good for young children to study abroad? (Why?)2. Do you think it’s essential to study abroad in order to get a good job? (Why/why not)3. Now some universities are inviting foreign teachers to teach. Do y ou think it’s a good idea? (Why?)4. Why do you think more and more graduates from universities abroad are coming back to China?261. Are you satisfied with the environment you are living in?2. Has your university done anything to protect the campus environment? (If yes, what has it done? /if not, why not?)3. Why is environmental protection important?4. Is environmental pollution a local or global problem?5. Which do you think is more important, environmental protection or economic development? (Please explain.)271. Is there such a thing as the generation gap? (Please elaborate.)2. Do young people usually see things the same way as the elderly? Give an example.3. Would you like to live together with your parents after you graduate? (Why/why not?)4. Do young people like to chat with elderly people? (Why/why not?)5. Who do you prefer, young teachers or elderly professors? Why?6. Do you think elderly people are always conservative? Please explain.281. Do you think it’s necessary to narrow the gener ation gap? (Why/why not?)2. Is there anything young people can learn from the elderly? (Why/why not?)3. Is there anything the elderly people can learn from young people? (Why/why not?)4. If you sometimes differ with your parents on certain things, how would you deal with the situation?291. Do you think information technology is important? (Why/why not?)2. What role do you think new technology can play in education?3. Should university students know about the latest advances in science and technology? (Why?)4. Is knowing a foreign language important for scientists and engineers? (Please give your reasons.)301. What rules and regulations are there in your university? Name one or two.2. Do you think rules and regulations in the university are stricter than those in high school? (In what way?)3. Which is more important to good conduct, regulations or self-discipline?4. What do you think of the rules and regulations in your university?5. Have any of your classmates ever broken university regulations?(Please give an example.)311. Are all the rules and regulation in your university reasonable?(Give one or two examples.)2. If any of your classmates did not observe the university rules and regulations, what would you do?3. As adults, should university students be responsible for their own behavior? Why?4. Do you think the Students’ Union should be involved in establishing university rules and regulations? (Please explain.)321. People say the climate is becoming warmer. Do you agree? (Why do you think so?)2. What do you think we can do to prevent the climate from becoming worse?3. Is the climate an important consideration when you look for a place to live and work?4. Do changes in weather affect human emotions?。
