
目录•第一章:基本概念和方法•第二章:排列组合•第三章:图论•第四章:生成函数•第五章:递推关系•第六章:容斥原理第一章:基本概念和方法1.习题1:证明排列的总数为n! (阶乘)。
2.习题2:计算组合数C(n, m)的值。
第二章:排列组合1.习题1:计算排列数P(n, m)的值。

因为奇数+奇数= 偶数;偶数+偶数=偶数。
那么至少取出多少水果后能够保证已经拿出20个相同种类的水果证明:根据推论2.2.1,若将4*(20-1)+ 1 = 77个水果取出,必有20个相同种类的水果。

Richard组合数学第5版-第5章课后习题答案(英⽂版)Math475Text:Brualdi,Introductory Combinatorics5th Ed. Prof:Paul TerwilligerSelected solutions for Chapter51.For an integer k and a real number n,we shown k=n?1k?1+n?1k.First assume k≤?1.Then each side equals0.Next assume k=0.Then each side equals 1.Next assume k≥1.RecallP(n,k)=n(n?1)(n?2)···(n?k+1).We haven k=P(n,k)k!=nP(n?1,k?1)k!.n?1 k?1=P(n?1,k?1)(k?1)!=kP(n?1,k?1)k!.n?1k(n?k)P(n?1,k?1)k!.The result follows.2.Pascal’s triangle begins111121133114641151010511615201561172135352171182856705628811936841261268436911104512021025221012045101···13.Let Z denote the set of integers.For nonnegative n∈Z de?ne F(n)=k∈Zn?kk.The sum is well de?ned since?nitely many summands are nonzero.We have F(0)=1and F(1)=1.We show F(n)=F(n?1)+F(n?2)for n≥2.Let n be /doc/6215673729.htmling Pascal’s formula and a change of variables k=h+1,F(n)=k∈Zn?kk=k∈Zn?k?1k?1=k∈Zn?k?1k+h∈Zn?h?2h=F(n?1)+F(n?2).Thus F(n)is the n th Fibonacci number.4.We have(x+y)5=x5+5x4y+10x3y2+10x2y3+5xy4+y5and(x+y)6=x6+6x5y+15x4y2+20x3y3+15x2y4+6xy5+y6.5.We have(2x?y)7=7k=07k27?k(?1)k x7?k y k.6.The coe?cient of x5y13is35(?2)13 185.The coe?cient of x8y9is0since8+9=18./doc/6215673729.htmling the binomial theorem,3n=(1+2)n=nk=0nSimilarly,for any real number r,(1+r)n=nk=0nkr k./doc/6215673729.htmling the binomial theorem,2n=(3?1)n=nk=0(?1)knk3n?k.29.We haven k =0(?1)k nk 10k =(?1)n n k =0(?1)n ?k n k 10k =(?1)n (10?1)n =(?1)n 9n .The sum is 9n for n even and ?9n for n odd.10.Given integers 1≤k ≤n we showk n k =n n ?1k ?1.Let S denote the set of ordered pairs (x,y )such that x is a k -subset of {1,2,...,n }and yis an element of x .We compute |S |in two ways.(i)To obtain an element (x,y )of S there are n k choices for x ,and for each x there are k choices for y .Therefore |S |=k n k .(ii)Toobtain an element (x,y )of S there are n choices for y ,and for each y there are n ?1k ?1 choices for x .Therefore |S |=n n ?1k ?1.The result follows.11.Given integers n ≥3and 1≤k ≤n .We shown k ? n ?3k = n ?1k ?1 + n ?2k ?1 + n ?3k ?1.Let S denote the set of k -subsets of {1,2,...,n }.Let S 1consist of the elements in S thatcontain 1.Let S 2consist of the elements in S that contain 2but not 1.Let S 3consist of the elements in S that contain 3but not 1or 2.Let S 4consist of the elements in S that do|S |= n k ,|S 1|= n ?1k ?1 ,|S 2|= n ?2k ?1 ,|S 3|= n ?3k ?1 ,|S 4|= n ?3k .The result follows.12.We evaluate the sumnk =0(?1)k nk 2.First assume that n =2m +1is odd.Then for 0≤k ≤m the k -summand and the (n ?k )-summand are opposite.Therefore the sum equals 0.Next assume that n =2m is even.Toevaluate the sum in this case we compute in two ways the the coe?cient of x n in (1?x 2)n .(i)By the binomial theorem this coe?cient is (?1)m 2m m .(ii)Observe (1?x 2)=(1+x )(1?x ).We have(1+x )n =n k =0n k x k,(1?x )n =n k =0nk (?1)k x k .3By these comments the coe?cient of x n in(1?x2)n isn k=0nn?k(?1)knk=nk=0(?1)knk2.2=(?1)m2mm.13.We show that the given sum is equal ton+3k .The above binomial coe?cient is in row n+3of Pascal’s /doc/6215673729.htmling Pascal’s formula, write the above binomial coe?cient as a sum of two binomial coe?ents in row n+2of Pascal’s triangle.Write each of these as a sum of two binomial coe?ents in row n+1of Pascal’s triangle.Write each of these as a sum of two binomial coe?ents in row n of Pascal’s triangle.The resulting sum isn k+3nk?1+3nk?2+nk?3.14.Given a real number r and integer k such that r=k.We showr k=rr?kr?1k.First assume that k≤?1.Then each side is0.Next assume that k=0.Then each side is 1.Next assume that k≥1.ObserverP(r?1,k?1)k!,andr?1k=P(r?1,k)k!=(r?k)P(r?1,k?1)k!.The result follows.15.For a variable x consider(1?x)n=nk=0nk(?1)k x k.4Take the derivative with respect to x and obtain n(1x)n1=nk=0nk(?1)k kx k?1.Now set x=1to get(?1)k k.The result follows.16.For a variable x consider(1+x)n=nk=0nkx k.Integrate with respect to x and obtain(1+x)n+1 n+1=nk=0nkx k+1k+1+Cfor a constant C.Set x=0to?nd C=1/(n+1).Thus (1+x)n+1?1n+1=nk=0nkx k+1k+1.Now set x=1to get2n+1?1 n+1=k+1.17.Routine.18.For a variable x consider(x?1)n=nk=0nk(?1)n?k x k.Integrate with respect to x and obtain(x?1)n+1 n+1=nk=0nk(?1)n?kx k+1k+1+Cfor a constant C.Set x=0to?nd C=(?1)n+1/(n+1).Thus (x?1)n+1?(?1)n+1n+1=nk=0nk(?1)n?kx k+1k+1Now set x =1to get(?1)n n +1=n k =0n k(?1)n ?k 1k +1.Therefore1n +1=n k =0 n k (?1)k 1k +1 .19.One readily checks2 m 2 + m 1=m (m ?1)+m =m 2.Therefore n k =1k 2=nk =0k 2=2nk =0 k 2 +n k =0k1=2 n +13 +n +12 =(n +1)n (2n +1)6.20.One readily checksm 3=6 m 3 +6 m 2 + m1.Thereforen k =1k3=n=6nk =0 k3+6n k =0 k2 +n k =0k1 =6 n +14 +6 n +13 +n +12 =(n +1)2n 24= n +12 2.621.Given a real number r and an integer k .We showrk=(?1)kr +k ?1k .First assume that k <0.Then each side is zero.Next assume that k ≥0.Observe r k =(r )(r 1)···(r k +1)k !=(?1)kr (r +1)···(r +k ?1)k !=(?1)kr +k ?1k.22.Given a real number r and integers k,m .We showr m m k = r k r ?km ?k.First assume that mObserver m m k =r (r ?1)···(r ?m +1)m !m !k !(m ?k )!=r (r ?1)···(r ?k +1)k !(r ?k )(r ?k ?1)···(r ?m +1)(m ?k )!= r k r ?k m ?k .23.(a) 2410.(b) 94 156.(c) 949363.(d)94156949363.24.The number of walks of length 45is equal to the number of words of length 45involving10x ’s,15y ’s,and 20z ’s.This number is45!10!×15!×20!.725.Given integers m 1,m 2,n ≥0.Shown k =0m 1k m 2n ?k = m 1+m 2n .Let A denote a set with cardinality m 1+m 2.Partition A into subsets A 1,A 2with cardinalitiesm 1and m 2respectively.Let S denote the set of n -subsets of A .We compute |S |in two ways.(i)By construction|S |= m 1+m 2n .(ii)For 0≤k ≤n let the set S k consist of the elements in S whose intersection with A 1has cardinality k .The sets {S k }n k =0partition S ,so |S |= nk =0|S k |.For 0≤k ≤n we now compute |S k |.To do this we construct an element x ∈S k via the following 2-stage procedure: stage to do #choices 1pick x ∩A 1 m 1k2The number |S k |is the product of the entries in the right-most column above,which comes to m 1k m 2n ?k .By these comments |S |=n k =0m 1k m 2n ?k .The result follows.26.For an integer n ≥1shown k =1 n k n k ?1 =12 2n +2n +1 ? 2n n .Using Problem 25,n k =1 n k nk ?1 =n k =0n k n k ?1 =n k =0n k nn +1?k =2n n +1 =12 2n n ?1 +12 2n n +1.8It remains to show12 2nn ?1 +12 2n n +1 =12 2n +2n +1 ? 2n n.This holds since2n n ?1 +2 2n n + 2n n +1 = 2n +1n +2n +1n +1= 2n +2n +1.27.Given an integer n ≥1.We shown (n +1)2n ?2=nk =1Let S denote the set of 3-tuples (s,x,y )such that s is a nonempty subset of {1,2,...,n }and x,y are elements (not necessarily distinct)in s .We compute |S |in two ways.(i)Call an element (s,x,y )of S degenerate whenever x =y .Partition S into subsets S +,S ?with S +(resp.S ?)consisting of the degenerate (resp.nondegenerate)elements of S .So |S |=|S +|+|S ?|.We compute |S +|.To obtain an element (s,x,x )of S +there are n choices for x ,and given x there are 2n ?1choices for s .Therefore |S +|=n 2n ?1.We compute |S ?|.To obtain an element (s,x,y )of S ?there are n choices for x,and given x there are n ?1choices for y ,and given x,y there are 2n ?2choices for s .Therefore |S ?|=n (n ?1)2n ?2.By these comments|S |=n 2n ?1+n (n ?1)2n ?2=n (n +1)2n ?2.(ii)For 1≤k ≤n let S k denote the set of elements (s,x,y )in S such that |s |=k .Thesets {S k }nk =1give a partition of S ,so |S |= n k =1|S k |.For 1≤k ≤n we compute |S k |.To obtain an element (s,x,y )of S k there are n k choices for s ,and given s there are k 2ways to choose the pair x,y .Therefore |S k |=k 2 nk .By these comments|S |=n k =1k 2 n k .The result follows.28.Given an integer n ≥1.We shown k =1k n k 2=n 2n ?1n ?1 .Let S denote the set of ordered pairs (s,x )such that s is a subset of {±1,±2,...,±n }andx is a positive element of s .We compute |S |in two ways.(i)To obtain an element (s,x )of S There are n choices for x ,and given x there are 2n ?1n ?1 choices for s .Therefore|S |=n 2n ?1n ?1.9(ii)For1≤k≤n let S k denote the set of elements(s,x)in S such that s contains exactlyk positive elements.The sets{S k}nk=1partition S,so|S|=nk=1|S k|.For1≤k≤nwe compute|S k|.To obtain an element(s,x)of S k there are nkways to pick the positiveelements of s and nn?kways to pick the negative elements of s.Given s there are kways to pick x.Therefore|S k|=k nk2.By these comments |S|=nk=1knk2.The result follows.29.The given sum is equal tom2+m2+m3n .To see this,compute the coe?cient of x n in each side of(1+x)m1(1+x)m2(1+x)m3=(1+x)m1+m2+m3.In this computation use the binomial theorem.30,31,32.We refer to the proof of Theorem5.3.3in the text.Let A denote an antichain such that|A|=nn/2.For0≤k≤n letαk denote the number of elements in A that have size k.Sonk=0αk=|A|=nn/2.As shown in the proof of Theorem5.3.3,≤1,with equality if and only if each maximal chain contains an element of A.By the above commentsnk=0αknn/2nknk≤0,with equality if and only if each maximal chain contains an element of A.The above sum is nonpositive but each summand is nonnegative.Therefore each summand is zero and the sum is zero.Consequently(a)each maximal chain contains an element of A;(b)for0≤k≤n eitherαk is zero or its coe?cient is zero.We now consider two cases.10Case:n is even.We show that for0≤k≤n,αk=0if k=n/2.Observe that for0≤k≤n, if k=n/2then the coe?cient ofαk isnonzero,soαk=0.Case:n is odd.We show that for0≤k≤n,eitherαk=0if k=(n?1)/2orαk=0 if k=(n+1)/2.Observe that for0≤k≤n,if k=(n±1)/2then the coe?cient ofαk is nonzero,soαk=0.We now show thatαk=0for k=(n?1)/2or k=(n+1)/2. To do this,we assume thatαk=0for both k=(n±1)/2and get a contradiction.By assumption A contains an element x of size(n+1)/2and an element y of size(n?1)/2. De? ne s=|x∩y|.Choose x,y such that s is maximal.By construction0≤s≤(n?1)/2. Suppose s=(n?1)/2.Then y=x∩y?x,contradicting the fact that x,y are incomparable. So s≤(n?3)/2.Let y denote a subset of x that contains x∩y and has size(n?1)/2. Let x denote a subset of y ∪y that contains y and has size(n+1)/2.By construction |x ∩y|=s+1.Observe y is not in A since x,y are comparable.Also x is not in A by the maximality of s.By construction x covers y so they are together contained in a maximal chain.This chain does not contain an element of A,for a contradiction.33.De?ne a poset(X,≤)as follows.The set X consists of the subsets of{1,2,...,n}. For x,y∈X de?ne x≤y whenever x?y.Forn=3,4,5we display a symmetric chain decomposition of this poset.We use the inductive procedure from the text.For n=3,,1,12,1232,233,13.For n=4,,1,12,123,12344,14,1242,23,23424,For n=5,,1,12,123,1234,123455,15,125,12354,14,124,124545,1452,23,234,234525,23524,2453,13,134,134535,13534,345.1134.For 0≤k ≤ n/2 there are exactlyn kn k ?1symmetric chains of length n ?2k +1.35.Let S denote the set of 10jokes.Each night the talk show host picks a subset of S for his repertoire.It is required that these subsets form an antichain.By Corollary 5.3.2each antichain has size at most 105 ,which is equal to 252.Therefore the talk show host can continue for 252nights./doc/6215673729.htmlpute the coe?cient of x n in either side of(1+x )m 1(1+x )m 2=(1+x )m 1+m 2,In this computation use the binomial theorem.37.In the multinomial theorem (Theorem 5.4.1)set x i =1for 1≤i ≤t .38.(x 1+x 2+x 3)4is equal tox 41+x 42+x 43+4(x 31x 2+x 31x 3+x 1x 32+x 32x 3+x 1x 33+x 2x 33)+6(x 21x 22+x 21x 23+x 22x 23)+12(x 21x 2x 3+x 1x 22x 3+x 1x 2x 23).39.The coe?cient is10!3!×1!×4!×0!×2!which comes to 12600.40.The coe?cient is9!3!×3!×1!×2!41.One routinely obtains the multinomial theorem (Theorem 5.4.1)with t =3.42.Given an integer t ≥2and positive integers n 1,n 2,...,n t .De?ne n = ti =1n i .We shownn 1n 2···n t=t k =1n ?1n 1···n k ?1n k ?1n k +1···n t.Consider the multiset{n 1·x 1,n 2·x 2,...,n t ·x t }.Let P denote the set of permutations of this multiset.We compute |P |in two ways.(i)We saw earlier that |P |=n !n 1!×n 2!×···×n t != n n 1n 2···n t.12(ii)For1≤k≤t let P k denote the set of elements in P that have?rst coordinate x k.Thesets{P k}tk=1partition P,so|P|=tk=1|P k|.For1≤k≤t we compute|P k|.Observe that|P k|is the number of permutations of the multiset{n1·x1,...,n k?1·x k?1,(n k?1)·x k,n k+1·x k+1,...,n t·x t}. Therefore|P k|=n?1n1···n k?1n k?1n k+1···n t.By these comments|P|=tn1···n k?1n k?1n k+1···n t.The result follows.43.Given an integer n≥1.Show by induction on n that1 (1?z)n =∞k=0n+k?1kz k,|z|<1.The base case n=1is assumed to hold.We show that the above identity holds with n replaced by n+1,provided that it holds for n.Thus we show1(1?z)n+1=∞=0n+z ,|z|<1.Observe1(1?z)n+1=1(1?z)n11?z=∞k=0n+k?1kz k∞h=0z h=0c zwherec =n?1+n1+n+12+···+n+ ?1=n+.The result follows.1344.(Problem statement contains typo)The given sum is equal to (?3)n .Observe (?3)n =(?1?1?1)n=n 1+n 2+n 3=nnn 1n 2n 3(?1)n 1+n 2+n 3=n 1+n 2+n 3=nnn 1+n 2+n 3=nnn 1n 2n 3(?1)n 2.45.(Problem statement contains typo)The given sum is equal to (?4)n .Observe (?4)n =(?1?1?1?1)n=n 1+n 2+n 3+n 4=nnn 1n 2n 3n 4(?1)n 1+n 2+n 3+n 4=n 1+n 2+n 3+n 4=nnn 1n 2n 3n 4(?1)n 1?n 2+n 3?n 4.Also0=(1?1+1?1)n= n 1+n 2+n 3+n 4=nnn 1n 2n 3n 4(?1)n 2+n 4.46.Observe√30=5=5∞ k =01/2k z k.For n =0,1,2,...the n th approximation to √30isa n =5n k =0 1/2k 5?k.We have14n a n051 5.52 5.4753 5.47754 5.47718755 5.477231256 5.4772246887 5.4772257198 5.4772255519 5.477225579 47.Observe101/3=21081/3=2(1+z)1/3z=1/4,=2∞k=01/3kz k.For n=0,1,2,...the n th approximation to101/3isnk=01/3k4?k.We haven a n021 2.1666666672 2.1527777783 2.1547067904 2.1543852885 2.1544442306 2.1544327697 2.1544350898 2.1544346059 2.15443470848.We show that a poset with mn+1elements has a chain of size m+1or an antichain of size n+1.Our strategy is to assume the result is false,and get a contradiction.By assumption each chain has size at most m and each antichain has size at most n.Let r denote the size of the longest chain.So r≤m.By Theorem5.6.1the elements of the posetcan be partitioned into r antichains{A i}ri=1.We have|A i|≤n for1≤i≤r.Thereforemn+1=ri=1|A i|≤rn≤mn, 15for a contradiction.Therefore,the poset has a chain of size m+1or an antichain of size n+1.49.We are given a sequence of mn+1real numbers,denoted{a i}mni=0.Let X denote the setof ordered pairs{(i,a i)|0≤i≤mn}.Observe|X|=mn+1.De?ne a partial order≤on X as follows:for distinct x=(i,a i)and y=(j,a j)in X,declare xof{a i}mni=0,and the antichains correspond to the(strictly)decreasing subsequences of{a i}mni=0sequence{a i}mni=0has a(weakly)increasing subsequence of size m+1or a(strictly)decreasingsubsequence of size n+1.50.(i)Here is a chain of size four:1,2,4,8.Here is a partition of X into four antichains:8,124,6,9,102,3,5,7,111Therefore four is both the largest size of a chain,and the smallest number of antichains that partition X. (ii)Here is an antichain of size six:7,8,9,10,11,12.Here is a partition of X into six chains:1,2,4,83,6,1295,10711Therefore six is both the largest size of an antichain,and the smallest number of chains that partition X.51.There exists a chain x116。

当此类推当|a-b|=2,序列有48*2=96对,当|a-b|=3时,序列有47*2=94对,当|a-b|=4时,序列有46*2=92对,当|a-b|=0时有50对所以总的序列数=90+98+96+94+92+50=5201.2题 5个女生,7个男生进行排列,(a) 若女生在一起有多少种不同的排列?(b) 女生两两不相邻有多少种不同的排列?(c) 两男生a和b之间正好有3个女生的排列是多少?所以总的排列数为上述6种情况之和。
1.3题 m个男生,n个女生,排成一行,其中m,n都是正整数,若(a)男生不相邻(m?n?1); (b)n个女生形成一个整体;(c)男生a和女生b排在一起;分别讨论有多少种方案。
解:(a) 可以考虑插空的方法。
则男生不相邻的排列个数为ppnnn?1m(b) n个女生形成一个整体有n!种可能,把它看作一个整体和m个男生排在一起,则排列数有(m+1)!种可能。
(c)男生a和女生b排在一起,因为男生和女生可以交换位置,因此有2!种可能,a、b组合在一起和剩下的学生组成排列有(m+n-1)! (这里实际上是m+n-2个学生和ab的组合形成的)种可能。

第一章答案1.(a) 45 ( {1,6},{2,7},{3,8},…,{45,50} )(b) 45⨯5+(4+3+2+1) = 235( 1→2~6, 2→3~7, 3→4~8, …,45→46~50, 46→47~50, 47→48~50, 49→50 ) 2.(a) 5!8!(b) 7! P(8,5) (c) 2 P(5,3) 8! 3. (a) n!P(n+1, m) (b) n!(m+1)!(c) 2!((m+n-2)+1)! 4. 2 P(24,5) 20!5. 2⨯5⨯P(8,2)+3⨯4⨯P(8,2)6. (n+1)!-17. 用数学归纳法易证。
8. 41⨯319. 设 n=p 1n 1p 2n 2…p kn k , 则n 2的除数个数为 ( 2p 1+1) (2p 2+1) …(2p k+1).10.1)用数学归纳法可证n 能表示成题中表达式的形式;2)如果某n 可以表示成题中表达式的形式,则等式两端除以2取余数,可以确定a 1;再对等式两端的商除以3取余数,又可得a 2;对等式两端的商除以4取余数,又可得a 3;…;这说明表达式是唯一的。
组合意义:右:从n 个不同元素中任取r+1个出来,再从这r+1个中取一个的全体组合的个数;左:上述组合中,先从n 个不同元素中任取1个出来,每一个相同的组合要生复 C(n-1,r) 次。
12.考虑,)1(,)1(101-=-=+=+=∑∑n nk k k n nnk kknx n x kC x x C 求导数后有令x=1, 即知.210-==∑n nk kn n kC13. 设此n 个不同的数由小到大排列后为a 1, a 2, …, a n 。
当第二组最大数为a k 时,第二组共有2k-1种不同的可能,第一组有2n-k -1种不同的可能。
故符合要求的不同分组共有12)2()12(21111+-=-----=∑n k n k n k n 种。

组合数学课后习题答案问题1求解以下组合数:(a)C(5, 2)(b)C(7, 3)(c)C(10, 5)解答:(a)C(5, 2) 表示从5个不同元素中选取2个的组合数。
根据组合数的定义,我们可以使用公式 C(n, k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!) 来计算组合数。
计算 C(5, 2): C(5, 2) = 5! / (2! * (5-2)!) = 5! / (2! * 3!) = (5 * 4 * 3!) / (2! * 3!) = (5 * 4) / 2 = 10所以 C(5, 2) = 10。
(b)C(7, 3) 表示从7个不同元素中选取3个的组合数。
计算 C(7, 3): C(7, 3) = 7! / (3! * (7-3)!) = 7! / (3! * 4!) = (7 * 6 * 5 * 4!) / (3! * 4!) = (7 * 6 * 5) / 3 = 35 * 2 = 70所以 C(7, 3) = 70。
(c)C(10, 5) 表示从10个不同元素中选取5个的组合数。
计算 C(10, 5): C(10, 5) = 10! / (5! * (10-5)!) = 10! / (5! * 5!) = (10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5!) / (5! * 5!) = (10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6) / (5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) = 252所以 C(10, 5) = 252。
问题2在一个集合 {a, b, c, d, e} 中,求解以下问题:(a)有多少种不同的3个元素的子集?(b)有多少种不同的4个元素的子集?(c)有多少种不同的空集合?(a)在一个集合 {a, b, c, d, e} 中选取3个元素的子集。
利用组合数的公式 C(n, k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!),我们可以计算组合数。

第1章 排列与组合1.1 从{1,2,…,50}中找一双数{a,b},使其满足:()5;() 5.a ab b a b -=-≤[解] (a) 5=-b a将上式分解,得到55a b a b -=+⎧⎨-=-⎩a =b –5,a=1,2,…,45时,b =6,7,…,50。
满足a=b-5的点共50-5=45个点. a = b+5,a=5,6,…,50时,b =0,1,2,…,45。
满足a=b+5的点共45个点. 所以,共计2×45=90个点. (b) 5≤-b a(610)511(454)1651141531+⨯+⨯-=⨯+⨯=个点。
1.2 5个女生,7个男生进行排列,(a) 若女生在一起有多少种不同的排列? (b) 女生两两不相邻有多少种不同的排列?(c) 两男生A 和B 之间正好有3个女生的排列是多少?[解] (a) 女生在一起当作一个人,先排列,然后将女生重新排列。
(7+1)!×5!=8!×5!=40320×120=4838400(b) 先将男生排列有7!种方案,共有8个空隙,将5个女生插入,故需从8个空中选5个空隙,有58C 种选择。
故按乘法原理,有:7!×58C ×5!=33868800(种)方案。
(c) 先从5个女生中选3个女生放入A ,B 之间,有35C 种方案,在让3个女生排列,有3!种排列,将这5个人看作一个人,再与其余7个人一块排列,有(7+1)! = 8!由于A ,B 可交换,如图**A***B** 或 **B***A**故按乘法原理,有:2×35C ×3!×8!=4838400(种)1.3 m 个男生,n 个女生,排成一行,其中m ,n 都是正整数,若(a) 男生不相邻(m ≤n+1); (b) n 个女生形成一个整体; (c) 男生A 和女生B 排在一起; 分别讨论有多少种方案.[解] (a) 先将n 个女生排列,有n!种方法,共有n+1个空隙,选出m 个空隙,共有mn C 1+种方法,再插入男生,有m!种方法,按乘法原理,有:n!×mn C 1+×m!=n!×)!1(!)!1(m n m n -++×m!=)!1()!1(!m n n n -++种方案。

evaluate the sum in this case we compute in two ways the the coefficient of xn in (1−x2)n. (i)
By the binomial theorem this coefficient is (−1)m
2m m
(ii) Observe (1 − x2) = (1 + x)(1 − x).
Now set x = 1 to get Therefore
(−1)n n =
n (−1)n−k 1 .
n (−1)k 1 .
19. One readily checks
m 2
= m(m − 1) + m = m2.
k2 =
not contain 1 or 2 or 3. Note that {Si}4i=1 partition S so |S| =
4 i=1
|S| =
, k
|S1| =
, k−1
|S2| =
, k−1
|S3| =
, k−1
|S4| =
. k
The result follows.
We have
n P (n, k) nP (n − 1, k − 1)

Math475Text:Brualdi,Introductory Combinatorics5th Ed. Prof:Paul TerwilligerSelected solutions for Chapter31.For1≤k≤22we show that there exists a succession of consecutive days during which the grandmaster plays exactly k games.For1≤i≤77let b i denote the number of gamesplayed on day i.Consider the numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+k}76i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}77j=1.There are154numbers in the list,all among1,2,...,153.Therefore the numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+k}76i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}77j=1.are not distinct.Therefore there exist integers i,j(0≤i<j≤77)such that b i+1+···+b j=k.During the days i+1,...,j the grandmaster plays exactly k games.2.Let S denote a set of100integers chosen from1,2,...,200such that i does not divide j for all distinct i,j∈S.We show that i∈S for1≤i≤15.Certainly1∈S since 1divides every integer.By construction the odd parts of the elements in S are mutually distinct and at most199.There are100numbers in the list1,3,5,...,199.Therefore each of 1,3,5,...,199is the odd part of an element of S.We have3×5×13=195∈S.Therefore none of3,5,13,15are in S.We have33×7=189∈S.Therefore neither of7,9is in S.We have11×17=187∈S.Therefore11∈S.We have shown that none of1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 is in S.We show neither of6,14is in S.Recall33×7=189∈S.Therefore32×7=63∈S. Therefore2×32×7=126∈S.Therefore2×3=6∈S and2×7=14∈S.We show10∈S. Recall3×5×13=195∈S.Therefore5×13=65∈S.Therefore2×5×13=130∈S. Therefore2×5=10∈S.We now show that none of2,4,8,12are in S.Below we list the integers of the form2r3s that are at most200:1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,9,18,36,72,144,27,54,108,81,162.In the above array each element divides everything that lies to the southeast.Also,each row contains exactly one element of S.For1≤i≤5let r i denote the element of row i that is contained in S,and let c i denote the number of the column that contains r i.We must have c i<c i−1for2≤i≤5.Therefore c i≥6−i for1≤i≤5.In particular c1≥5so r1≥16,and c2≥4so r2≥24.We have shown that none of2,4,8,12is in S.By the above comments i∈S for1≤i≤15.3.See the course notes.4,5,6.Given integers n≥1and k≥2suppose that n+1distinct elements are chosen from{1,2,...,kn}.We show that there exist two that differ by less than k.Partition{1,2,...,nk}=∪ni=1S i where S i={ki,ki−1,ki−2,...,ki−k+1}.Among our n+1chosen elements,there exist two in the same S i.These two differ by less than k.17.Partition the set{0,1,...,99}=∪50i=0S i where S0={0},S i={i,100−i}for1≤i≤49,S50={50}.For each of the given52integers,divide by100and consider the remainder. The remainder is contained in S i for a unique i.By the pigeonhole principle,there exist two of the52integers for which these remainders lie in the same S i.For these two integers the sum or difference is divisible by100.8.For positive integers m,n we consider the rational number m/n.For0≤i≤n divide the integer10i m by n,and call the remainder r i.By construction0≤r i≤n−1.By the pigeonhole principle there exist integers i,j(0≤i<j≤n)such that r i=r j.The integer n divides10j m−10i m.For notational convenience define =j−i.Then there exists a positive integer q such that nq=10i(10 −1)m.Divide q by10 −1and call the remainder r. So0≤r≤10 −2.By construction there exists an integer b≥0such that q=(10 −1)b+r. Writingθ=m/n we have10iθ=b+r 10 −1=b+r10+r102+r103+···Since the integer r is in the range0≤r≤10 −2this yields a repeating decimal expansion forθ.9.Consider the set of10people.The number of subsets is210=1024.For each subset consider the sum of the ages of its members.This sum is among0,1,...,600.By the pigeonhole principle the1024sums are not distinct.The result follows.Now suppose we consider at set of9people.Then the number of subsets is29=512<600.Therefore we cannot invoke the pigeonhole principle.10.For1≤i≤49let b i denote the number of hours the child watches TV on day i.Consider the numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+20}48i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}49j=1.There are98numbers in the list,all among1,2,...,96.By the pigeonhole principle the numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+20}48i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}49j=1.are not distinct.Therefore there existintegers i,j(0≤i<j≤49)such that b i+1+···+b j=20.During the days i+1,...,j the child watches TV for exactly20hours.11.For1≤i≤37let b i denote the number of hours the student studies on day i.Considerthe numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+13}36i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}37j=1.There are74numbers in the list,all among1,2,...,72.By the pigeonhole principle the numbers{b1+b2+···+b i+13}36i=0∪{b1+b2+···+b j}37j=1are not distinct.Therefore there exist integers i,j(0≤i<j≤37)such that b i+1+···+b j=13.During the days i+1,...,j the student will have studied exactly13hours.12.Take m=4and n=6.Pick a among0,1,2,3and b among0,1,2,3,4,5such that a+b is odd.Suppose that there exists a positive integer x that yields a remainder of a(resp.b) when divided by4(resp.by6).Then there exist integers r,s such that x=4r+a and x=6s+bining these equations we obtain2x−4r−6s=a+b.In this equation the2left-hand side is even and the right-hand side is odd,for a contradiction.Therefore x does not exist.13.Since r (3,3)=6there exists a K 3subgraph of K 6that is red or blue.We assume that this K 3subgraph is unique,and get a contradiction.Without loss we may assume that the above K 3subgraph is red.Let x denote one of the vertices of this K 3subgraph,and let {x i }5i =1denote the remaining five vertices of K 6.Consider the K 5subgraph with vertices{x i }5i =1.By assumption this subgraph has no K 3subgraph that is red or blue.The only edge coloring of K 5with this feature is shown in figure 3.2of the text.Therefore we may assume that the vertices {x i }5i =1are labelled such that for distinct i,j (1≤i,j ≤5)the edge connecting x i ,x j is red (resp.blue)if i −j =±1modulo 5(resp.i −j =±2modulo5).By construction and without loss of generality,we may assume that each of x 1,x 2is connected to x by a red edge.Thus the vertices x,x 1,x 2give a red K 3subgraph.Now the edge connecting x and x 3is blue;otherwise the vertices x,x 2,x 3give a second red K 3subgraph.Similarly the edge connecting x and x 5is blue;otherwise the vertices x,x 1,x 5give a second red K 3subgraph.Now the vertices x,x 3,x 5give a blue K 3subgraph.14.After n minutes we have removed n pieces of fruit from the bag.Suppose that among the removed fruit there are at most 11pieces for each of the four kinds.Then our total n must be at most 4×11=44.After n =45minutes we will have picked at least a dozen pieces of fruit of the same kind.15.For 1≤i ≤n +1divide a i by n and call the reminder r i .By construction 0≤r i ≤n −1.By the pigeonhole principle there exist distinct integers i,j among 1,2,...,n +1such that r i =r j .Now n divides a i −a j .bel the people 1,2,...,n .For 1≤i ≤n let a i denote the number of people aquainted with person i .By construction 0≤a i ≤n −1.Suppose the numbers {a i }n i =1are mutually distinct.Then for 0≤j ≤n −1there exists a unique integer i (1≤i ≤n )such that a i =j .Taking j =0and j =n −1,we see that there exists a person aquainted with nobody else,and a person aquainted with everybody else.These people are distinct since n ≥2.These two people know each other and do not know each other,for a contradiction.Therefore the numbers {a i }n i =1are not mutually distinct.17.We assume that the conclusion is false and get a bel the people 1,2,...,100.For 1≤i ≤100let a i denote the number of people aquainted with person i .By construction 0≤a i ≤99.By assumption a i is even.Therefore a i is among 0,2,4,...,98.In this list there are 50numbers.Now by our initial assumption,for each even integer j (0≤j ≤98)there exists a unique pair of integers (r,s )(1≤r <s ≤100)such that a r =j and a s =j .Taking j =0and j =98,we see that there exist two people who know nobody else,and two people who know everybody else except one.This is a contradiction.18.Divide the 2×2square into four 1×1squares.By the pigeonhole principle there exists a 1×1square that contains at least two of the five points.For these two points the distance apart is at most √2.319.Divide the equilateral triangle into a grid,with each piece an equilateral triangle of side length1/n.In this grid there are1+3+5+···+2n−1=n2pieces.Suppose we place m n=n2+1points within the equilateral triangle.Then by the pigeonhole principle there exists a piece that contains two or more points.For these two points the distance apart is at most1/n.20.Color the edges of K17red or blue or green.We show that there exists a K3subgraph of K17that is red or blue or green.Pick a vertex x of K17.In K17there are16edges that contain x.By the pigeonhole principle,at least6of these are the same color(let us say red).Pick distinct vertices{x i}6i=1of K17that are connected to x via a red edge.Consider theK6subgraph with vertices{x i}6i=1.If this K6subgraph contains a red edge,then the twovertices involved together with x form the vertex set of a red K3subgraph.On the other hand,if the K6subgraph does not contain a red edge,then since r(3,3)=6,it contains a K3subgraph that is blue or green.We have shown that K17has a K3subgraph that is red or blue or green.21.Let X denote the set of sequences(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)such that a i∈{1,−1}for1≤i≤5 and a1a2a3a4a5=1.Note that|X|=16.Consider the complete graph K16with vertex set X.We display an edge coloring of K16with colors red,blue,green such that no K3 subgraph is red or blue or green.For distinct x,y in X consider the edge connecting x and y.Color this edge red(resp.blue)(resp.green)whenever the sequences x,y differ in exactly 4coordinates(resp.differ in exactly2coordinates i,j with i−j=±1modulo5)(resp. differ in exactly2coordinates i,j with i−j=±2modulo5).Each edge of K16is now colored red or blue or green.For this edge coloring of K16there is no K3subgraph that is red or blue or green.22.For an integer k≥2abbreviate r k=r(3,3,...,3)(k3’s).We show that r k+1≤(k+1)(r k−1)+2.Define n=r k and m=(k+1)(n−1)+2.Color the edges of K m with k+1colors C1,C2,...,C k+1.We show that there exists a K3subgraph with all edges the same color.Pick a vertex x of K m.In K m there are m−1edges that contain x.By the pigeonhole principle,at least n of these are the same color(which we may assume is C1).Pick distinct vertices{x i}ni=1of K m that are connected to x by an edge colored C1.Considerthe K n subgraph with vertices{x i}ni=1.If this K n subgraph contains an edge colored C1,then the two vertices involved together with x give a K3subgraph that is colored C1.On the other hand,if the K n subgraph does not contain an edge colored C1,then since r k=n, it contains a K3subgraph that is colored C i for some i(2≤i≤k+1).In all cases K m hasa K3subgraph that is colored C i for some i(1≤i≤k+1).Therefore r k≤m.23.We proved earlier thatr(m,n)≤m+n−2n−1.Applying this result with m=3and n=4we obtain r(3,4)≤10.24.We show that r t(t,t,q3)=q3.By construction r t(t,t,q3)≥q3.To show the reverse inequality,consider the complete graph with q3vertices.Let X denote the vertex set of this4graph.Color the t -element subsets of X red or blue or green.Then either (i)there exists a t -element subset of X that is red,or (ii)there exists a t -element subset of X that is blue,or (iii)every t -element subset of X is green.Therefore r t (t,t,q 3)≤q 3so r t (t,t,q 3)=q 3.25.Abbreviate N =r t (m,m,...,m )(k m ’s).We show r t (q 1,q 2,...,q k )≤N .Consider the complete graph K N with vertex set X .Color each t -element subset of X with k colors C 1,C 2,...,C k .By definition there exists a K m subgraph all of whose t -element subsets are colored C i for some i (1≤i ≤k ).Since q i ≤m there exists a subgraph of that K m with q i vertices.For this subgraph every t -element subset is colored C i .26.In the m ×n array assume the rows (resp.columns)are indexed in increasing order from front to back (resp.left to right).Consider two adjacent columns j −1and j .A person in column j −1and a person in column j are called matched if they occupy the same row of the original formation.Thus a person in column j is taller than their match in column j −1.Now consider the adjusted formation.Let L and R denote adjacent people in some row i ,with L in column j −1and R in column j .We show that R is taller than L.We assume that L is at least as tall as R,and get a contradiction.In column j −1,the people in rows i,i +1,...,m are at least as tall as L.In column j ,the people in rows 1,2,...,i are at most as tall as R.Therefore everyone in rows i,i +1,...,m of column j −1is at least as tall as anyone in rows 1,2,...,i of column j .Now for the people in rows 1,2,...,i of column j their match stands among rows 1,2,...,i −1of column j −1.This contradicts the pigeonhole principle,so L is shorter than R.27.Let s 1,s 2,...,s k denote the subsets in the collection.By assumption these subsets are mutually distinct.Consider their complements s 1,s 2,...,s k .These complements are mutu-ally distinct.Also,none of these complements are in the collection.Therefore s 1,s 2,...,s k ,s 1,s 2,...,s k are mutually distinct.Therefore 2k ≤2n so k ≤2n −1.There are at most 2n −1subsets in the collection.28.The answer is 1620.Note that 1620=81×20.First assume that 100i =1a i <1620.We show that no matter how the dance lists are selected,there exists a group of 20men that cannot be paired with the 20women.Let the dance lists be bel the women 1,2,...,20.For 1≤j ≤20let b j denote the number of men among the 100that listed woman j .Note that 20j =1b j = 100i =1a i so ( 20j =1b j )/20<81.By the pigeonhole principle there exists an integer j (1≤j ≤20)such that b j ≤80.We have 100−b j ≥20.Therefore there exist at least 20men that did not list woman j .This group of 20men cannot be paired with the 20women.Consider the following selection of dance lists.For 1≤i ≤20man i lists woman i and no one else.For 21≤i ≤100man i lists all 20women.Thus a i =1for 1≤i ≤20and a i =20for 21≤i ≤100.Note that 100i =1a i =20+80×20=1620.Note also that every group of 20men can be paired with the 20women.29.Without loss we may assume |B 1|≤|B 2|≤···≤|B n |and |B ∗1|≤|B ∗2|≤···≤|B ∗n +1|.By assumption |B ∗1|is positive.Let N denote the total number of objects.Thus N = n i =1|B i |and N = n +1i =1|B ∗i |.For 0≤i ≤n define∆i =|B ∗1|+|B ∗2|+···+|B ∗i +1|−|B 1|−|B 2|−···−|B i |.5We have∆0=|B∗1|>0and∆n=N−N=0.Therefore there exists an integer r(1≤r≤n)such that∆r−1>0and∆r≤0.Now0<∆r−1−∆r=|B r|−|B∗r+1|so|B∗r+1|<|B r|.So far we have|B∗1|≤|B∗2|≤···≤|B∗r+1|<|B r|≤|B r+1|≤···≤|B n|.Thus|B∗i|<|B j|for1≤i≤r+1and r≤j≤n.Defineθ=|(B∗1∪B∗2∪···∪B∗r+1)∩(B r∪B r+1∪···∪B n)|.We showθ≥ing∆r−1>0we have|B∗1|+|B∗2|+···+|B∗r|>|B1|+|B2|+···+|B r−1|=|B1∪B2∪···∪B r−1|≥|(B1∪B2∪···∪B r−1)∩(B∗1∪B∗2∪···∪B∗r+1)|=|B∗1∪B∗2∪···∪B∗r+1|−θ=|B∗1|+|B∗2|+···+|B∗r+1|−θ≥|B∗1|+|B∗2|+···+|B∗r|+1−θ.Thereforeθ>1soθ≥2.6。

5. Consider the Fibonacci sequence f0, f1, . . .0
5 5 −2
7 13 −1
8 21
9 34 −1
The table shows that modulo 7 the Fibonacci sequence will repeat with period 16. The pattern of zero/nonzero entries shows that fn is divisible by 7 if and only if n is divisible by 8.
n fn
7 13
8 21
9 34
2 × 17
10 55
5 × 11
11 89
12 144
24 × 32
13 233
14 377
13 × 29
15 610
2 × 5 × 61
16 987
3 × 7 × 47
17 1597
fn = 5fn−4 + 3fn−5.
Therefore fn = 3fn−5 (mod 5). Consequently fn = 0 (mod 5) if and only if fn−5 = 0 (mod 5). This together with the initial conditions f0 = 0, f1 = 1, f2 = 1, f3 = 2, f4 = 3 shows that fn = 0 (mod 5) if and only if n is divisible by 5.

现有100件产品,其中有两件是次品. 如果从中任意抽出5件,抽出的产品中至多有一件次品的概率是多少
设S = {n1·a1, n2·a2,…,nk·ak},其中n1 = 1,n2 + n3 +…+ nk = n,证明S的圆排列的个数等于:
用二项式定理展开(4x - 3y)8.
第一章 排列组合

9 34
The sequence repeats with period 3 (resp. 8) (resp. 6) if m = 2 (resp. m = 3) (resp. m = 4). The result follows.
4. For an integer n ≥ 5 we have
8. By construction h0 = 1 and h1 = 2. We now find hn for n ≥ 2. Consider a coloring of the 1 × n chessboard. The first square is colored red or blue. If it is blue, then there are hn−1 ways to color the remaining n − 1 squares. If it is red, then the second square is blue, and there are hn−2 ways to color the remaining n − 2 squares. Therefore hn = hn−1 + hn−2. Comparing the above data with the Fibonacci sequence we find hn = fn+2.
m = qn + r
1 ≤ r ≤ n − 1.
Observe that
GCD(n, r) = GCD(m, n) = d.
By induction and since r ≤ n − 1,

7365 412
8. (a) For a permutation of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} the corresponding inversion sequence
(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) satisfies 0 ≤ bi ≤ 6 − i for 1 ≤ i ≤ 6. The total number of inversions is
←− ←− ←− ←− ←− 12534 ←− ←− →− ←− ←− 12543 ←− ←− ←− ←− ←− 14523 ←−4 ←−1 →−5 ←−2 ←−3 →−4 ←−1 ←−5 ←−3 ←−2 ←−1 →−4 →−5 ←−3 ←−2 ←− ←− ←− →− ←− 13542 ←− ←− →− ←− →− 13524 ←− ←− ←− ←− ←− 31524 ←−3 ←−1 →−5 ←−4 ←−2
(c) The set {x6} corresponds to coordinate 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 entry 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Let A be the set of xi is nonnegative integer and xi 0 (i 1 ,2 ,3 and 4) ,
14 4 1 17
Let Ai be the set of xi is nonnegative integer and xi 8 (i 1,2,3 or 4) ,
|������| = 3
9 42
|������1| = 4
7 2
= 105
|������2| = 3
6 2
= 60
|������3| = 4
8 3
= 280
We can also get that
|������1 ∩ ������2| = *'aaa' , 'bbbb' , 2∙c, 1∙d+ |������1 ∩ ������3| = *'aaa' , 4∙b, 'cc' , 1∙d+ |������2 ∩ ������3| = *3∙a, 'bbbb' , 'cc' , 1∙d+
������3 = *3∙a, 4∙b, 'cc' , 1∙d+ ������1 is the set that consisting all the permutations of S which three a is consecutively.������2is the set that consisting the all the permutations of S which four b is consecutively. ������3 is the set that consisting all the permutations of S which two c is consecutively.

2. Prove that for any n+1 integers a1, a2, …, an+1 there exist two of the integers ai and aj with i ≠ j such that ai - aj is divisible by n.
Proof: Suppose that we divide all the integers by n, the remainders are {0, 1, …, n-1}.不是 1 到 n-1. According to Pigeonhole Principal, for n+1 integers, there exit two integers have the same remainders when divided by n. Assume that they are ai and aj, it is obvious that ai - aj is divisible by n, because they have the same remainder.
第一次作业 第二章 鸽巢原理
1. Show that if n+1 integers are chosen from the set {1, 2, …, 3n}, then there are always two which differ by 1 or 2.
Proof: Suppose that we partition set {1, 2, …, 3n} into {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, …, {3n-2, 3n-1, 3n} and choose n+1 integers from the n sets. According to the Pigeonhole Principal, there are at least two integers from the same set. And elements in the same set differ by 1 or 2. Therefore, we concluded t hat if n+1 integers are chosen from the set {1, 2, …, 3n}, there are always two which differ by 1 or 2.
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