
Flo-Tech, PFM6 流量压力检测仪使用说明书流量压力检测仪的使用要领1. 检测仪各部名称(图1)涡轮流量计各部名称(图2)2. Flo-tech检测仪参数* 为现用检测仪(1) 检测仪使用要点本检测仪操作简单,不需要特殊练习,就可以立刻使用。
Omega 流量监测仪产品文档说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:Shop online atSeries FTB–1400-MD-LP FTB–1400-SD-LP FTB–1400-RD-LPFlow Monitor - Simplified VersionServicing North America:Servicing Europe:U.S.A.:Omega Engineering, Inc., One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec), Canada H7L 5A1Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342TEL: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************For immediate technical or application assistance:U.S.A. and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342/1-800-TC-OMEGA ®Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378/1-800-622-BEST ®Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436/1-800-USA-WHEN ®Mexico:En Español: 001 (203) 359-7803FAX: (001) 203-359-7807**************.mxe-mail:*****************Benelux:Managed by the United Kingdom Office Toll-Free: 0800 099 3344TEL: +31 20 347 21 21FAX: +31 20 643 46 43e-mail:**************Czech Republic:Frystatska 184733 01 Karviná, Czech RepublicToll-Free: 0800-1-66342TEL: +420-59-6311899FAX: +420-59-6311114e-mail:*****************France:Managed by the United Kingdom OfficeToll-Free: 0800 466 342TEL: +33 (0) 161 37 29 00FAX: +33 (0) 130 57 54 27e-mail:**************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyToll-Free************TEL: +49 (0) 7059 9398-0FAX: +49 (0) 7056 9398-29e-mail:*************United Kingdom:OMEGA Engineering Ltd.ISO 9001 Certified One Omega Drive, River Bend Technology Centre, NorthbankIrlam, Manchester M44 5BD EnglandToll-Free: 0800-488-488TEL: +44 (0)161 777-6611FAX: +44 (0)161 777-6622e-mail:**************.uk OMEGAnet ® Online Service Internet e-mail **************It is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.CONTENTSINTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 OPERATING THE MONITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 BASIC PROGRAMMING MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 FTB–1400 Simplified 4-20 mA Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ADDITIONAL INPUT OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 DEFAULT K-FACTOR VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 PART NUMBERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 REPLACEMENT PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183INTRODUCTIONThe FTB–1400 Flow Monitor is a state-of-the-art, digital signal processing flow monitor, designed to provide the user with exceptional flexibility at a very affordable price . Though designed for use with Omega FTB–1400 flow meters, this display can be used with almost any flow meter producing a low amplitude AC output or contact closure signal(s) .This flow monitor is capable of accepting a low-level frequency input for calculating flow rate and total . These calculations can then be displayed in the desired units of measurement . All FTB–1400 flow monitors come pre-calibrated, from the factory, if ordered with an Omega FTB–1400 Flow Meter . If required, however, it can easily be re-configured in the field . The monitor’s large 8 digit by .75" numeric liquid crystal display makes extend-ed range viewing practical . The second 8 digit by .38" alphanumeric display provides for selectable units viewing in run mode and prompts for vari-ables in program mode . Finally, the user can choose between displaying rate, total, or alternating between both rate and total .Figure 1: Flow Monitor Face4FEATURES• Displays Rate and/or Total• Large 0 .75 Inch, 8 Digit Display for Easy Viewing• Simple, Front Panel Programming• Various Mounting Styles Available• NEMA 4X Suitable for Outdoor Mounting• Intrinsically Safe• Microprocessor Based, Low Power Components• 4-20 mA Loop Powered• Automatic Decimal Point Locating• Lead Zero Blinking• Surface Mount Technology Use Throughout5SPECIFICATIONSPower Supply:4-20 mA loop powerPower Consumption:25 mA (maximum)Alphanumeric Rate and Total Display:8 digit, .75" high numeric display8 character, .38" high alphanumeric displayFixed or toggle modes of operation for flow rate and totalizer display Pulsed Output Signal:Outputs one pulse for each increment of the least significanttotalizer digitMax . Voltage: 30 VdcPulse Type: Opto-Isolated open collector transistorPulseWidthONState:***************************** Magnetic Pick-up Inputs:Frequency Range: 0 to 3500 HzTrigger Sensitivity: 30 mV p-pOver Voltage Protected: ±30 VDCFrequency Measurement Accuracy: ±0 .1%Temperature Drift: 50 ppm / ºC (max)Transient Overvoltages: Category 3, in accordance with IEC664 Pollution Degree: 2, in accordance with IEC664Mounting Classification:Meter Mount: NEMA 4X EnclosureRemote Mount: NEMA 4X EnclosureSwivel Mount: NEMA 4X EnclosureEnvironmental:Operating Temperature: -22 ºF to +158 ºF (-30 ºC to +70 ºC)Humidity: 0-90% Non-condensingUnits of Measure:Gallons, Oil Barrels, Liters, Cubic Meters, MGal, Cubic FT, MCF, MMCF Megltrs, Acre FT, Liq . Barrels, LBS, KGSTime Intervals: Day, Hour, Minute, Second6OPERATING THE MONITORThe monitor has two modes of operation referred to as the RUN mode and the PROGRAM mode . Both the run mode and the program mode display screen enunciators confirming the state of the monitor . A quick glance at the lower left hand corner of the LCD screen will confirm operating status . Normal operation will be in the RUN mode . To access the program mode, press the MENU button until the first programming screen is displayed . After programming the display with the necessary information, a lock out feature can be turned on to prevent unauthorized access or changing the meter’s setup parameters .BASIC PROGRAMMING MODEKeys:MENU – Switch between RUN and PROGRAM modesUP Arrow – Scrolls through programming sub-menus in forwarddirection and increments numeric variablesRIGHT Arrow – Scrolls through programming sub-menus in reverse direction and moves the active digit to the rightENTER – Used to enter sub-menus, save programming informationand in the reset processIf your monitor was ordered with an Omega flow meter, the two compo-nents ship from the factory calibrated as a set . If the monitor is a replace-ment, the turbine’s K-factor has changed, or the monitor is being used with some other pulse generating device, programming will be necessary . PROGRAMMINGEach turbine flow meter is shipped with either a K-factor value or frequency data . If frequency data is provided, the data must be converted to a K-factor before programming . K-factor information, when supplied, can usually be found on the neck of the flow meter or stamped on the body . The K-factor represents the number of pulses per unit of volume . The K-factor will be needed to program the monitor .ENTER PRO GRAM MO DE – Change to program mode by press-ing the MENU button once . The mode indicator will change from RUN to PROGRAM .78ton once . The current meter size number will begin to flash . Using the arrow keys, scroll through the size choices until you find the bore size ofyour meter . Press ENTER once to save the meter size choice .Rate / Total DisplayAndProgrammingKeys Mode IndicatorAndProgramming ChoicesFigure 2: Flow Monitor ControlsENTER THE METER’S K-FACTOR UNIT – Directly after the METER size is selected, the display’s K-factor unit must be chosen . Use the UP arrow key to select your K-factor unit . For meters calibrated in gallons, use PUL/GAL (pulses per gallon); for meters calibrated in cubic meters, use PUL/M3 (pulses per cubic meter), etc . Press ENTER to save the K-factorunit and advance to the next parameter .SELECT THE RATE/TOTAL UNITS OF MEASURE – The monitor allows the choice of five common rate/total units . The monitor shows the rate/ total unit that the display is currently set for . If the current selection is correct, press the ENTER key once to advance to the next parameter . To change to an alternate unit, use the arrow keys to scroll to the desiredrate unit and press ENTER to save the choice .SELECT THE DISPLAY FUNCTION – The monitor can display RATE or TOTAL or alternate between BOTH rate and total . At the DISPLAY prompt, press the ENTER key once . The monitor now shows the display mode currently in effect . If the current selection is correct, press the ENTER key to advance to the next parameter . To change to an alternate display mode, use the ar-row keys to scroll to the desired display mode and press ENTER to save the choice .A TEST function is also available in the Display Function sub-menu . With the test function selected, the display acts like a frequency counter and displays the raw input frequency being supplied to the frequency input terminals . This is very useful when troubleshooting flow problems .9TOTALIZER PULSE OUTPUT – The pulse output parameter can be either enabled or disabled . When enabled this output generates 20 mS duration pulse for every time the least significant digit of the totalizer increments . The amplitude of the pulse is dependent on the voltage level of the supply connected to the pulse output and is limited to a maximum 30 VDC . FTB–1400 SIMPLIFIED 4-20 MA PROGRAMMINGFLOW 4mA SETTING – When the loop powered option is ordered, the flow rate that corresponds to 4mA must be set . Zero is default flow rate for this setting . If the current selection is correct, press the ENTER key once to advance to the next parameter . If adjustment is required, use the RIGHT arrow key to select the position of the number you wish to change . Then use the UP arrow key to increment the number . Once you have completed this step, press the ENTER key to advance to the next parameter .FLOW 20mA SETTING – The flow rate that corresponds to 20mA must be set next . The turbine meter’s maximum flow rate is the default value .If the current selection is correct, press the ENTER key once to advance to the next parameter . If adjustment is required, use the RIGHT arrow key to select the position of the number you wish to change . Then use the UP arrow key to increment the number . Once you have completed this step, press the ENTER key to advance to the next parameter .4-20mA CALIBRATIO N – When ordered with a 4-20mA option, this menu item allows the fine adjustment of the 4-20mA output . The 4mA setting is typically between 35 and 50 . To set the 4mA value, connect an ammeter in series with the loop power supply . At the 4mA OUT prompt, adjust the 4mA value to obtain a 4mA reading on the amme-ter . The UP arrow key increments the value and the RIGHT arrow key decrements the value . When a steady 4mA reading is obtained on the ammeter, press the ENTER key to lock in this value and move to the 20mA adjustment . The 20mA adjustment is performed using the same procedure as the 4mA adjustment .4-20mA TEST – The monitor contains a diagnostic routine that allows the simulation of mA values between 4 and 20 to check output track-ing . At the 4-20TEST prompt the arrow keys change the simulated mA output in increments of 1mA . The ammeter should track the simulated mA output . If a 4-20mA test in not necessary, pressing the ENTER key once will escape the testing at any time .1011Figure 3: Typical Ammeter ConnectionPASSWO RD – Password protection prevents unauthorized users fromchanging programming information . Initially, the password is set to all ze-ros . To change the password, simply enter any 4 digit code using the arrow keys as previously described to enter the password value . Pressing ENTER once will store the password and take you back to the RST PSWD screen .RST PSWD – The reset password screen allows the operator to enter any 4 digit code for the manual reset totals function .RESET TOTAL – To reset the monitor total display, in RUN mode press the MENU and ENTER simultaneously until TOTAL RST starts to flash . The TOTAL RST will stop flashing and the display will return to the RUN mode at the conclusion of the reset procedure .STORE TOTAL – The current total can be manually stored in the monitor’s flash memory . Press and hold the ENTER key for 2 seconds . The display will respond with a flashing TOTALSVD and then return to the RUN mode .AUTOMATIC STORE TOTAL – The monitor is equipped with a store total feature that works automatically, saving the current total to flash memory . The frequency of saves depends on the power supply option chosen .Loop Powered: Once every ten minutes . ADDITIONAL INPUT OPTIONSThe FTB–1400 Flow Monitor is capable of receiving magnetic pick-up input (small signal sine wave) or a contact closure input (pulse) . Since Omega FTB–1400 Flow Meters utilize a magnetic pick-up, the monitor is shipped configured for magnetic pick-up input . To change to a contact closure in-put, remove JP2 from the top two pins and jumper them to the bottom two pins . See Figure 4 .+10 - 30 VDC+1 - 5 VDCFigure 4: Wiring Diagram12Figure 5: Basic Programming Menu13REMOTE DISPLAY14151SWIVEL MOUNTFigure 6: MOUNTING OPTIONSFigure 7: Installation Drawing 16TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEDEFAULT K-FACTOR VALUES17PART NUMBERINGFTB–1400–X D–LPMounting StyleM -Meter MountR -Remote MountS -Swivel MountREPLACEMENT PARTS18Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesRecorders, Controllers & Process Monitors Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCETransducers & Strain Gages Load Cells & Pressure Gages Displacement Transducers Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers Air Velocity IndicatorsTurbine/Paddlewheel Systems Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories Benchtop/Laboratory MetersControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONData Acquisition & Engineering Software Communications-Based Acquisition Systems Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles Datalogging System sRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSHeating CableCartridge & Strip Heaters Immersion & Band Heaters Flexible Heaters Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLMetering & Control Instrumentation Refractometers Pumps & TubingAir, Soil & Water MonitorsIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM-5299/0613☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑。

产品型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
参数模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 选用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 参数组 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 基本操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
tinb07c1-c 2007-11
1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3
1.2 1.2.1
1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3
有效性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 件号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 固件版号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 型号标签 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

安全操作规程1. 安装前的准备在安装伺服阀之前,需要进行以下安全操作:•仔细阅读产品说明书和操作手册;•确定伺服阀的安装位置,确保其周围环境干燥、通风良好;•检查设备的电源及用电电源线路,确保其符合系统的要求;•确保设备的接地情况良好。
2. 安全使用在伺服阀的使用过程中,需要注意以下安全操作:•严禁在运行时随意拆卸伺服阀或更换配件;•在使用伺服阀之前,需要先检查其是否正常运转,如果伺服阀有异常情况,应立即停止使用;•严禁使用不符合规格的电源;•需要使用专门的工具来调节和控制伺服阀;•避免外界物体或液体进入伺服阀内部。
3. 应急处理在出现设备故障或意外事故时,需要立即采取以下措施:•立即停止使用伺服阀;•断开电源,并确认设备是否断电;•确认是否有异常情况,以及异常情况的具体原因;•寻求专业人士的帮助进行维修。
保养规程1. 保养周期为了确保伺服阀的正常运转,需要根据以下建议周期进行保养:•每天检查一次;•每周检查一次;•每月检查一次;•每季度检查一次。
2. 保养内容在保养伺服阀时需要注意以下内容:•清洁伺服阀的表面,确保其表面无尘、无油污;•检查各个配件是否松动或磨损,如果有异常情况需要及时更换;•检查伺服阀主要零部件是否正常,如果有异常情况需要及时更换;•定期清洁内部电路板筛选器和电子元器件的表面。
3. 保养注意事项在保养伺服阀时,需要注意以下事项:•在更换伺服阀配件时,需要使用符合规格的配件;•在维护伺服阀时,需要断开电源并确认其是否断电;•在维护伺服阀时,需要避免使用阳极反馈电视,以免损坏伺服阀;•避免涉及到硬件、软件修改以及伺服阀工程项目的操作;•使用专业人员进行保养和维修。

Omega PCL120 精密循环测试仪说明书

D-99Ordering Examples: PCL120, precision loop calibrator.OCW-1 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-year warranty to a total of 2 years.With an accuracy of 0.015% of reading and 0.001 mA resolution, the PCL120 has the highest precision in its class. Other features that make the PCL120 stand out include a “% error” function, which eliminates manual error calculation and allows the display of actual versus ideal error at any calibration point. The PCL120 can simulate, power, and measure 2-wire transmitters. Its’ automatic step and ramp functions enable remote calibration of 4 to 20 mA devices.The PCL120 has many innovative, powerful features that make calibration easy. A few clearly marked keys give the user access to the full functionality of the unit. The STEP and RAMP output modes automate either a discrete 4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 mA stair step output or 2 speeds of a linear 4-20-4 mA ramp output. Pressing the AUTO key (1) activates this time-saving function. To further aid remote calibration, the PCL120 features a minimum/maximum value recall function. In the measure mode, holding the AUTO(/MAX) key (1) gives a direct readout of the maximum value, while holding the 25%(/MIN) key (4) gives a direct readout of the minimum value. Holding the % ERROR key (2) while turning the large knob provides instant feedback on the difference between the ideal and actual current values required for a given device response. This tells the user whether the device is within its accuracy range. No further calculations are necessary. A LOOP POWER key (3) provides instant 24 Vdc loop power output. The 25% (4) key provides instant outputs of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 mA loop current, with increments occurring each time the key is pushed.PCL120, shown smaller than actual size.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.PreciSion LooP caLibrator very high accuracyU ±0.015% ReadingAccuracy U 0.001 mA Very HighResolution U % Error Function—Eliminates Manual Error CalculationU E xtended AdjustmentRange—Digital Knob and User-Selectable Decade Output Allow Large and Incremental (0.001 mA Step) Output ChangesU R eads 0 to 28 VdcU B uilt-In 250 Ω ResistorFacilitates Calibration of Hart ® DevicesU R emote CalibrationThrough Automatic Step and Ramp FunctionsU L oop PowerMeasurement Capability U S imulates, Powers,and Measures 2-Wire TransmittersU 5-Preset Outputs(4, 8, 12, 16, 20 mA)U F useless Input ProtectionUp to 250 Vac U P rotected by FullRubber Boot SPECIFICATIOnS (@ 25°C)Input Current Range: 0 to 24 mA; -25 to 125%Voltage (Reading): 0 to 28 Vdc Input Protection: Fuseless up to 250 Vac Output Source/Simulate Range: 0 to 24 mA; -25 to 125%Drive Capability: Without Hart: 1200 Ω With Hart: 950 ΩLoop Supply Voltage: 24 Vdc Range Select: Decade; incremental in 0.001 mA steps Resolution: 1 µA Accuracy: ±0.015% of reading ±2 µA Environmental Operating Temperature: -10 to 55°C (14 to 131ºF)Storage Temperature: -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158ºF)Power: 9 Vdc; battery included Mechanical Dimensions (Without Boot): 144.7 H x 80 W x 3.63 mm D (5.7 x 3.15 x 1.43")Weight: 340 g (12 oz)。

伺服阀的特性及性能参数(精)第三节 伺服阀的特性及性能参数一.伺服阀规格的标称电波伺服阀的规格用额定电流I n 额定压力np 和额定流量nQ 来标称。
额定流量有两种定义方法:1) 以额定空载流量0Q 作为额定流量,即以额定电流、额定压力下,负载压力为零时的空载流量来标称额定流量ρρs n xi d s vm d p I WK C p Wx C Q 220==式中 ρ2xi d WK C K = xi K -----以I 为输入、v x 为输出的伺服阀增益,m/A 。
2) 以规定负载压下的负载流量LQ 作为额定流量,即以额定电流、额定压力和规定阀上压降v p 下的负载流量来标称额定流量v n L s n L s vmd L p KI p p KI p p Wx C Q =-=-=)()(2ρ式中 L s v p p p -=…………阀上总压降,Pa 。
为了得到最低的输出功率,常取32s L p p =。
由于高压伺服阀多为21=s p Mpa ,中压伺服阀为6=s p MPa (或6.3 MPa ),于是7=v p 或2 MPa 。
所以许多伺服阀常以v p 为7或2MPa 时的负载流量来标称额定流量。
对于四通阀来说,单个阀口的压降p∆为阀上压降的一半,因此也有一些中压伺服阀以规定阀口压降p ∆=1MPa 时的负载流量来标称额定流量。
〔实例〕某引进设备的钢带自动跑偏控制系统,实际油源压力 4.5MPa ,采用阀口引进p ∆=1MPa 时负载流量L Q =20L/min 的伺服阀。
现要改用额定压力3.6=s p MPa 的国产伺服阀,问代用阀的额定控制流量应多大?注意,系统实际油源压力为4.5 MPa ,因为伺服阀的实际使用压力可以等于,也可以低于其额定压力。


版本号:A东方汽轮机厂电液伺服阀控制器说明书编号M902-030000ASM第全册2002年11月编号M902-030000ASM编制校对审核会签审定批准修改记录表目录序号章-节名称页数备注1 0-1 前言 12 0-2 系统简介 33 0-3 硬件简介 14 0-4 工作原理及使用方法 35 0-5 性能与参数 16 0-6 外部接口 27 0-7 使用注意事项 10-1 前言本伺服阀控制器是为驱动汽轮机伺服阀而配套设计的专用装置。
所有进出线均通过背板上的德国PHOENIX 快速连接端子与外设、DEH控制线连接。
0-2 系统简介电液伺服阀控制器由以下模块组合构成:(外形及开孔尺寸见图0-2-1,卡件实际安装位置见所供电液伺服阀控制器图)系统配置原理见图0-2-2、图0-2-3。
0-3 硬件简介电液伺服阀控制器的硬件主要包括伺服卡和机箱组件。

将适配电缆与 检测仪连接起 来,把PLC出 来的插头与相 配插头连接, 同时把另一插 头连接到阀的 插座上。
伺服阀 控制器
伺服阀 控制器
PLANT模式 检测仪传送主控制器的信号并 接受阀内传感器的输出信号, 在检测仪上有相应的检测点以 对信号进行测量。
伺服阀 控制器
CHECK模式 检测仪中断主控制器的信号, 指令信号由检测仪发出。检测 仪接受阀内传感器的输出信号, 在检测仪上有相应的检测点以 对信号进行测量。
Thank you!
输入信号控制 旋转钮 输入信号选择 按钮
阀芯输出 信号选择 按钮
工厂模式和检 测模式切换钮 24V输入电源
用电阻表检 测输入信号
将表棒分别 插入图示的 插孔
将表棒分别 插入图示的 插孔
注:接地端与输入信号测试相同, 另一端测量蓝色插孔

1 结构特点伺服阀是一个由力矩马达、两级液压放大及机械反馈所组成的系统。
图11.1 力矩马达:一种电气—机械转换器,可产生与电指令信号成比例的旋转运动,用在伺服阀的输入级。
1.2 先导级:挡板从弹簧管中间伸出,置于两个喷嘴端面之间,形成左、右两个可变节流孔。
1.3 功率放大级:由一滑阀系统控制输出流量。
1.4 特点:●衔铁及挡板均工作在中立位置附近,线性好●喷嘴挡板级输出驱动力大●阀芯基本处于浮动状态,不易卡住●阀的性能不受伺服阀中间参数的影响,阀的性能稳定,抗干扰能力强,零点漂移小2 工作原理:当力矩马达没有电信号输入时,衔铁位于极靴气隙中间,平衡永久磁铁的磁性力。

第一章:伺服阀简介1.1 产品概述伺服阀是一种利用电动装置控制流体流向和压力的设备。
1.2 产品特点- 高精度控制:伺服阀采用先进的控制技术,能够实现对液体流量的高精度控制,满足不同应用需求。
- 快速响应:伺服阀具有快速的响应速度,能够在瞬间调整流量,提高生产效率。
- 节能环保:伺服阀能够根据实际需要调整流量,避免能源浪费,降低运行成本。
- 高可靠性:伺服阀采用高质量的材料和先进的制造工艺,具有良好的耐久性和稳定性,可靠性高。
第二章:安装方法2.1 安装准备在安装伺服阀之前,请确保已经完成以下准备工作:- 检查伺服阀是否与工作环境要求相符,包括压力范围、温度范围等。
- 检查伺服阀是否有损坏或缺陷,如有请及时更换。
- 准备安装所需的工具和材料。
2.2 安装步骤1. 将伺服阀安置在合适的位置,并确保与液体管路连接紧密。
2. 使用工具固定伺服阀,确保其稳定性和安全性。
3. 检查连接是否密封,如有漏气现象,请重新安装密封垫片或调整连接方式。
4. 连接电源线和传感器线,并确保接线可靠。
第三章:调试步骤3.1 参数设置在进行伺服阀的调试之前,请先进行以下参数设置:1. 设定工作压力范围及流量要求。
2. 设定伺服阀的控制模式和工作模式。
3. 设定伺服阀的响应时间和灵敏度。
3.2 调试方法1. 开启电源,启动伺服阀。
2. 根据工作需要,调整伺服阀的控制模式和工作模式。
3. 使用调试仪器监测伺服阀的工作状态,如压力、流量等。
4. 逐步调整伺服阀的参数,直到达到所需的工作效果。
第四章:维护保养4.1 日常保养日常保养是保证伺服阀正常运行和延长使用寿命的关键。


APPLICATION NOTES VALVE CHECKERG040-123伺服阀检测仪说明书型号G040-123翻译:许国超本文件供参考2010年6月CONTENTS 目录Chapter Title Page 扉页1. Description 3产品描述 3 2. Specification 7规格说明3. Quick Start 9快开4. Connecting to valve and plant 11阀的设备连接5. Plant mode operation (in line) 12工作模式操作〔在线〕6. Checker mode operation (stand alone) 15检测模式操作〔离线独立〕7. External 24V supply 17外部供电24V8. Valve performance checks 18阀性能检测9. Block diagram 20流程图DESCRIPTION 产品描述1.1 The Moog G040-123 Valve Checker is an instrument capable of checking theflow control function of nearly the complete range of Moog electrical feedback(efb) proportional and servo valves. Mechanical feedback (mfb) and pressurecontrol valves are not catered for by the G040-123.穆格G040-123型伺服阀监测仪是一种能对穆格阀就近能对阀的流量控制,比例阀和伺服阀电气信号反应检测的仪器。
The feature that makes it so versatile is the way it can test a valve while thevalve is still installed in its normal operating plant. This is done at two levels,“in line〞and “stand alone〞.这种仪器特点能对安装在阀台上正常工作的阀门进展多方面的检测和操作。

3、Enable区域处于master off状态
7、反馈信号Spool区域,选择4-20 mA档,checker load 处于on位(手柄向上倾斜)。
3、Enable区域处于master on状态
7、反馈信号Spool区域,选择4-20 mA档,checker load 处于on位(手柄向上倾斜)。
1、及时将Enable区域处于master on状态选为off状态。
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APPLICATION NOTES VALVE CHECKERG040-123伺服阀检测仪说明书型号G040-123翻译:许国超本文件供参考2010年6月CONTENTS 目录Chapter Title Page 扉页1. Description 3产品描述 32. Specification 7规格说明3. Quick Start 9快开4. Connecting to valve and plant 11阀的设备连接5. Plant mode operation (in line) 12工作模式操作(在线)6. Checker mode operation (stand alone) 15检测模式操作(离线独立)7. External 24V supply 17外部供电24V8. Valve performance checks 18阀性能检测9. Block diagram 20流程图DESCRIPTION 产品描述1.1 The Moog G040-123 Valve Checker is an instrument capable of checking the flow control function of nearly the complete range of Moog electrical feedback (efb) proportional and servo valves. Mechanical feedback (mfb) and pressure control valves are not catered for by the G040-123.穆格G040-123型伺服阀监测仪是一种能对穆格阀就近能对阀的流量控制,比例阀和伺服阀电气信号反馈检测的仪器。
The feature that makes it so versatile is the way it can test a valve while the valve is still installed in its normal operating plant. This is done at two levels,“in line” and “stand alone”.这种仪器特点能对安装在阀台上正常工作的阀门进行多方面的检测和操作。
1.1.1 Plant (In Line) 工厂工作(在线检测)As in fig a) the plant and valve operate normally. In fig b) the Valve Checker is connected between the plant electronics and the valve such that all the plant electronics’ signals, to and from the valve, are connected as normal. The Valve Checker monitors the plant electronics’ signals and the signals back from the valve, enabling a check of the valve’s performance.图a为电气线路与控制阀通常连接方式;图b为伺服阀检测仪串联在电气线路和控制阀总电气线路之间,保证阀输出输入线路在正常状态。
1.1.2 Checker (Stand Alone) 检测模式(独立检测)In this mode the plant command is switched out while the Valve Checker generates the command to the valve and monitors the signals back from it. The valve remains installed in the plant but the plant command signals are disconnected. Checking while still installed in the plant provides the added benefit of checking the valve by observing the reaction of the plant to the Valve Checker’s commands.在这个模式下操作,工厂工作指令被断开,检测仪的控制信号输给阀,阀的反馈信号在回到检测仪。
1.2 The Valve Checker is powered by the plant electronics which also continue to supply the valve in both plant and checker modes of operation. As well, thereis a +24V DC power connector on the front panel for 24V DC and ± 15V DCpowered valves, without connection to the plant electronics’ power.1.2检测仪的供电源由原电路供给,同时能继续提供给被检测的阀在“工作”和“检测”模式操作提供电源。
同样这里的24V直流电源可以提供阀电子元件所需的24V 直流电源或± 15V 直流电源。
1.3 Two cables connect the Valve Checker to the plant electronics and valve. Each of the Valve Checker models is dedicated to a power supply voltage and connector type. It is necessary to select the model type that has the correct connector and supply voltage. The table below shows the model numbers and their supply/connector types.1.3连接在检测仪的两条电气线一条接供给的电线,另一条接被检测阀的上。
下表提供的是型号和电源电压参数Model dash number table:零件模块参数表Model dash 型号—connector 接头、插接件supply 供给1.4 There are six functional blocks on the front panel.在面板上有六个的功能模块1. Q Command 电流指令 4. Control 控制2. Spool 滑阀 5. Enable 开启,允许3. Power 电源 6. Valve Connector 阀连接接口1.4.1 Q Command 电流指令This block is active only when checker mode is selected. The rotary pot adjusts the Q command level.只有在选在“检测模式”下这部分模块才能投入使用,旋转钮是调整电流的大小量的。
The grey test point gives a 0 to ±10V signal proportional to the actual voltage or current being delivered to the valve. The rotary selector switch selects thesignal type that is connected to the valve.这个灰色的测电位点提供0V~±10V成比例的输出真是电信号,信号主动传递给被检测的阀件,旋转的扶手开关选着输给阀信号的类型The +/- switch connects the valve Q command signal to the non-inverting (+ve gives P→ A) and inverting (+ve gives P→ B) inputs.这个“+/-”开关是连接阀的Q指令开关,开关在“+”位置(阀给油P→ A)输入,在“-”位置(阀给油P→ B)输入。
1.4.2 Spool滑阀The spool position signal from the valve is always available at the green spool test point and passed on to the plant electronics regardless of the mode ofoperation. The green spool test point gives a 0 to ±10V signal proportional tothe spool signal from the valve. The LED display to the left of the test point provides a rudimentary indication of the signal. The centre blue null LED willbe illuminated when the spool signal is less than ± 10%.不论哪种控制模式下,从阀来的阀芯位置信号总是在测试点上呈绿色,这些绿色测试点上的电信号与提供的0 ~ ±10V电信号成正比例。
An understanding of the checker load switch is important for successful use of the Checker, when the spool signal is a current (± 10mA or 4-20mA). When the valve has a current output there must be a path through which the current can flow, for the Checker to be able to measure the current. When the plant lectronics do no provide this load, or the Checker is not connected to the plant electronics, the Checker load switch connects a 100 Ohm load to ground (0V) on the spool signal, enabling a current to flow.检查员了解负荷开关,并成功运用的检查是很重要的。