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VII. (A) 多亏了建筑者们的辛勤付出,自今年四月份以来长春南湖大桥的水幕瀑布成为了我们城市的又一道绚丽的新风景。下面是林立写给美国笔友Mike的邮件,请你将其补充完整,每空一词。(5分)

(B) 在日常生活中,总有些事情影响着你的自身发展。请写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,


7! April 72. thanks 73. listen 74. although/though 75. with

One possibl e version:

0ne day,I didn’t get good grad es in the English exam. I was afraid to tell my mother about my grad es. When I got home,I hid my English paper somewhere. I tol d my mother I got good grad es but I l ost my English paper. Unluckily,mymotherfounditlaterbyaccid ent. She realized that I had told lies and was angry with me. She said that honesty was more important than grad es. She wanted me to be an honest person. From then on,I never told lies.



VII. (A) 2017年5月21日,国际马拉松赛首次在长春举行,并获得圆满成功。来自不同国家的参赛选手多达三万,现场观众十万余人。下面是某英语社团小记者编辑的一篇相关报道,请你将其补充完整,每空一词。(5分)



73.watch,考查动词,根据语境"现场观众十万余人",可知很多观众在"观看"比赛,看比赛用watch,结合题干中come to,可知此处是动词原形,故答案为watch.


75.old,考查形容词,根据an(75)couple who have been married for 50years.一对已经结婚50年的…的夫妻,由此可知结婚50年应该是老夫妻了,结合前面的冠词an,推出此处是形容词old,故答案为old.


(B) 校园生活,青春绽放,初中三年,总有一些校园活动给你启发,令你回味。学校英语网站就“在活动中成长”这一主题向应届毕业生征稿。请写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,叙述你的一次活动经历,并谈谈你在其中的感悟或收获。(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)(15分)


From then on,I worked harder and harder.从那时起,我学习越来越努力.

from then on从那时起;harder and harder越来越努力,比较级and 比较级表示越来越…【高分句型二】

Everything you meet in your life is an experience,whether it succeeds or not.生活中遇到的每件事都是一种经历,不论成功与否.

you meet 是定语从句;whether…or not无论与否

【解答】I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school.The teachers are great.They always try to make their lessons lively and interesting.The classmates are lovely and friendly.The school life is rich and colorful.They make me happy every day.(丰富的校园生活)

In the past three years,I was hard-working and made great progress.I did well in the exams.I was good at communicating and I liked to make friends with others.(三年的努力)

However,there was a thing that I can't forget.Last year,I failed in an English speech.I was sad and upset during that term.My English teacher knew that and gave me warmth and comfort.Her help cheered me up again and I also realized my problems.From then on,I worked harder and harder.【高分句型一】Now I have been an excellent graduate.(一次活动经历)Everything you meet in your life is an experience,whether it succeeds or not.【高分句型二】It can make us grow.(感悟和收获)

Thank you---my teachers and classmates.The best wishes to you!(祝福)

