美国NASDAQ证券市场的上市条件和流程一、上市条件美国纳斯达克的上市要求分为以下3类:要求标准 1 标准 2 标准 3最低股价5美元5美元5美元股东( 100股以上)400 400 400做市商 3 3 4二、上市流程1、采取直接上市方式进行纳斯达克上市运作的流程申请立项:向中华人民共和国证券监督管理委员等相关部门申请到境外上市的立项。
1. NGSM 条件
NGSM 是拥有全球首次上市最高标准的市场板块,2006 年 7 月 3 日起正式中国的携程、网易、新浪、搜狐、TOM 在线、盛大、前 程无忧等 9 家公司入选这一最高标准的市场。该市场的上市条件是
(1) 关于财务和定性要求
3000 点
1999 年 12 月 29 日
4000 点
2000 年 3 月 9 日
5000 点
2000 年 3 月 10 日
创造 5048.62 点的最高记录
2002 年 10 月 10 日
创调整新低 1108 点
2007 年 10 月 31
创反弹高点 2861 点
日 2008 年 11 月 20
2. NGM 上市条件
要求 准
缴纳所得税之 前基于持续经营而 产生的收入(最近 一个会计年度或最 近三个会计年度中 的两年)
总资产和总收 益(最近一个会计 年度或最近三个会 计年度中的两年)
公众持股的股 票的市值
发行价 股东数(持有 100 股以上股份的
收入标 权益
(2)股东总数在 550 以上,
并且过去 12 个月里平均每月的
交易量在 110 万以上
公众持股的股份数 1250000
(1)公众持股股份 (1)公众持股股份 (1)公众持股股份的市场
的市场价值;或者, 的市场价值是 7000 万以 价值在 11000 万以上;或者,(2)
于等于 11000 万
•至少450名持有100股以上的股东市值满足以下之— :
如果发行ADRs, 则至少发行40万股
NASDAQ 资本市场上市条件(即原来的小额资本市场,公司在如下所述的三个标准中应至少满足一项) 条件 股权标准 上市股票市值标准 股东股权 500万美元 400万美元 公众持股市值 1500万美元 1500万美元 运营年限 2年 N/A 上市股票市值 N/A 5000万美元 持续经营所得净利润(最近 的财政年度或者最近3年之 N/A N/A 内的2个财政年度) 公众持股数 100万 100万 公众持股人 300 300 做市商 3 3 股价或收盘价 4美元或3美元 4美元或2美元
450 或2200 125万 450 或2200 或500及110万 125万
NASDAQ 全球精选市场上市条件(公司在如下所述的四个财务标准中应至少满足一项,并达到下述流动性要求)
现金流 市值 收入 总资产 股东权益 股价 流动性要求 批量股股东人数 或股东总数 或股东总数及前12个月平 均月交易量 公众持股 公众持股市值 或公众持股市值及股东权 益
市值标准 N/A N/A 7500万美元 N/A 110万 2000万美元 4美元 400 4 N/A
总资产/总收入标准 N/A N/A N/A 7500万美元和7500万美元 110万 2000万美元 4美元 400 4 N/A
三个标准中应至少满足一项) 净利润标准 400万美元 500万美元 N/A N/A 75万美元 100万 300 3 4美元或3美元
1.1亿美元 或1亿美元及1.1亿美元
NASDAQ 全球市场上市条件(公司在如下所述的四个标准中应至少满足一项) 条件 收入标准 权益标准 税前营业收入(在最近的财 务年度或最近3年中2年的财 100万美元 N/A 务年度内) 股东权益 1500万美元 3000万美元 已上市证券的市值 N/A N/A 总资产和总收入(在最近的 财务年度或最近3年中1年的 N/A N/A 财务年度内) 公众持股 110万 110万 公众持股市值 800万美元 1800万美元 股价 4美元 4美元 批量持股股东 400 400 做市商 3 3 运营年限 N/A 2年
NASDAQ上市方案一、背景介绍NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations,全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统)是美国最大的电子股票交易市场之一,也是全球最大的科技股票交易市场。
二、上市要求1. 财务要求:- 过去三个财政年度的净利润总额应达到一定金额(如500万美元)。
- 过去三个财政年度的净利润应保持稳定增长或保持盈利。
- 上市前一财政年度的净资产总额应达到一定金额(如2000万美元)。
- 上市前一财政年度的经营活动现金流量净额应为正数。
2. 股票要求:- 公司股票应为普通股,无限制流通。
- 公司股票应在上市申请前至少有一定数量的股东(如200名)。
- 公司股票应在上市申请前至少有一定数量的流通股份(如1000万股)。
3. 公司要求:- 公司应为美国法律下合法成立的公司,且具备一定的运营历史。
- 公司应有一定规模的业务和市场份额,具备一定的竞争力。
- 公司应有一定数量的独立董事,并建立有效的公司治理结构。
三、上市流程1. 寻找承销商:- 公司需寻找一家合适的承销商(underwriter),通常是投资银行或证券公司,负责协助公司上市并发行股票。
2. 准备招股书:- 公司与承销商合作,准备招股书(prospectus),包括公司的商业模式、财务状况、管理团队等信息,用于向投资者展示公司价值和投资机会。
3. 提交申请:- 公司与承销商一起提交上市申请(IPO application)给NASDAQ,包括招股书和相关文件。
4. 审核和反馈:- NASDAQ将对提交的申请进行审核,并提出问题和要求补充材料或修改。
- 公司需及时回应NASDAQ的反馈,并根据要求进行修改和补充。
5. 上市批准:- 经过一系列的审核和反馈过程后,如果公司符合上市要求,NASDAQ将批准公司上市。
表2? ?纳斯达克资本市场退市条件要求纳斯达克证券交易所的退市流程纳斯达克证券交易的退市程序采用聆讯制,上市公司在接到退市通知后45天内,如有异议,有权逐级提出上诉。
主要退市程序纳斯达克上市资格审查部(Listings Qualifications Department)负责确认不符合继续挂牌条件的上市公司;通知该公司不符合上市条件的原因;并且发布退市决定书和公开谴责信。
如果上市公司不接受退市决定,它可以向纳斯达克听证委员会(Hearing Panel)提请上诉。
消极条件有形资产净值在美金五百万元以上,或最近一年税前净利在美金七十五万元以上,或最近三年其中两年税前收入在美金七十五万元以上,或公司资本市值(MarketCapitalization) 在美金五千万元以上。
积极条件NASDR审查通过后,需有300人以上的公众持股(NON-IPO得在国外设立控股公司,原始股东并须超过300人)才能挂牌,所谓的公众持股依美国证管会手册(SEC Manual)指出,公众持股人之持有股数需要在整股以上,而美国的整股即为基本流通单位100股。
诚信原则纳斯达克流行一句俚语:「Any company can be listed, but time will tell the tale.」(任何公司都能上市,但时间会证明一切)。
纳斯达克上市的条件纳斯达克全球板(Global Market)上市条件及要求1.纳斯达克上市标准有三点:根据名品彩叶的公开资料,单从上市条件上来看,公司基本可以满足纳斯达克全国市场的上市条件,但是纳斯达克全国市场上市股票的首次发行的最低价格不得低于每股5美元,名品彩叶目前的股价为10元每股,PE为36倍,如果要达到首次发行的最低价格不低于每股5美元,PE将达到75倍,鉴于标普500的TTM PE大约为25倍左右,目前纳斯达克没有与名品彩叶同类型的上市公司,预计名品彩叶这种传统农林类公司无法支撑高估值去满足首发5美元的要求。
美国纳斯达克证券交易市场上市条件NYSE Nasdaq-NM Nasdaq-SC AMEC OTC.BBExchange 纽约证交所纳斯达克全国市场纳斯达克小资本市场美国证交所OTCBB 交易所最低有形资产净值6000 万美元1500 万美元500 万美元400 万美元否N/A税前净利润要求250 万美元( 三年650万美元)100 万美元或75 万美元75 万美元否N/A最低发行市值要求6000 万美元800 万美元500 万美元300 万美元否N/A最低发行股数要求110 万股110 万股100 万股100 万股否N/A最低股东人数要求2000( 外国公司五千人)400 人300 人400 人否N/AMarket Makers 4美金以上3美金以上3美金以上3美金以上 3 美金以上财务审计要求的年限三年财签二年财报三年财签二年财报三年财签二年财报三年财签二年财报一年财签二年财报注册后预估核准时间注册後4-10周注册後4-10周注册後4-10周注册後4-10周反向合并最快120 天(Marketplace Rules) 上市监督的相关法令R4350R4351R4350R4351R4420(a)R4310(c)R4350R4351R4350R43515-C211 企业为何要上市1.用最低成本,筹取最大资金银行贷款须有资产作抵押,筹得有限资金、须归还本金和利息、日后再筹款时须重新申请。
近年来,中国民营企业通过反向兼并(Reverse Merger)方式在美 国上市方兴未艾。反向兼并,也称Reverse Takeover(RTO),俗 称借壳上市,是一种简化快捷的上市方式,是指一家私人公司通过与 一家没有业务、资产和负债的上市公司合并,该私人公司反向并入该 上市公司,该上市公司成为一个全新的实体。该上市公司也称为壳公 司。私人公司并入上市公司后持有多数股权(通常是90%)。 与IPO相比,反向收购具有上市成本明显降低、所需时间少以及成功 率高等优势:一旦成为上市公司,公司的前景颇为可观;上市公司的 市场价值通常远远高于同等行业、同等结构的私人公司;上市公司更 易于筹集资金,因为其股票有市场价值而且可以交易;可以利用股票 收购,因为公开交易的股票通常视为购并的现金工具。 但是,反向兼并并非一蹴而就的获取资金的捷径,其只是募集资金的 间接途径。所以,这一方式仅适宜于那些对资金的需求并不是特别急 切,将要经历很长时间才能达到上市公司的规模和水平的公司,有助 于其实现融资的长期目标。
美国“纳斯达克”上市 的条件
中国公司在美上市指南 美国的证券市场概况
n 美国最大的全国性证券交易所当数纽约证券交易所(NYSE)。在纽约证券交易所交易中, 购买和出售的订单传达到中心,由中心的专业人士通过维护系统以使买卖的订单匹配,从 而实现交易。在场外交易市场,买卖是通过券商之间连接的计算机终端和报价单来完成的。 最著名的场外交易市场就是纳斯达克(NASDAQ),券商作为中介代理人匹配客户之间的 订单,或是直接以自己的名义介入证券交易。 纽约证券交易所是世界上最大的股票市场,其筹集的资金居股市之首。纽约证券交易所有 将近2800多个上市公司,在2003年,包括了来自51个国家的470个外国公司。2003年, 在纽约证交所上市的中国公司为15家,市值达到89亿美元;亚太地区共有82家公司,市 值达728亿美元。广泛的市场参与者,包括公司、个人投资人、机构投资人和成员公司, 构成了这一交易市场。在证券交易所上市的公司已经满足了最严格的上市标准,其范围包 括从最大、最著名的蓝筹公司到许多世界顶级的技术公司和年轻、成长迅猛及私有化的非 美国公司。 在美国,大概有35000个公司的股票在场外市场交易。纳斯达克是一个全国范围内的电子 询价系统,存储和提供每秒更新的来自全国联网券商的场外报价。有6000多个公司的证券 在该系统上询价,现有包括搜狐、新浪、网易三大中国门户网站在内的十几家中国公司在 纳斯达克上市。当今的纳斯达克市场已成为纽约证券交易所的竞争对手,许多符合纽约证 券交易所上市标准的大公司已选择了纳斯达克,如著名的微软、英特尔、苹果电脑和升阳 公司等。纳斯达克市场分为两个部分:纳斯达克全国市场和纳斯达克小型市场。在全国市 场的上市标准更严格,证券更具折现性。对于更小的公司而言,纳斯达克提供了一个“场 外交易电子版”,但其并不是纳斯达克市场的一部分,而只是为券商们提供的通过计算机 网络查询和估价的途径。最小的公司则可以列于“粉红单”上。
纽约证券交易所最低投资者数目5000名,每名持有100股或以上股份最低公众持股量 250万股(全球) 公众股份的总市值 1亿美元(全球) 最低招股价不适用市场庄家不适用营运历史不适用资产状况不适用税前盈利 1亿美元(过去三个财政年度累计计算) 公司管治需要纳斯达克全国市场准则一(市场规则4420(a))最低投资者数目 400名,每名持有者100股或以上股份最低公众持股量 110万股公众股份的总市值 800万美元最低招股价 5美元市场庄家 3名营运历史不适用资产状况股东权益达1500万美元税前盈利 100万美元公司管治需要准则二(市场规则4420(b))最低投资者数目 400名,每名持有者100股或以上股份最低公众持股量110万股公众股份的总市值1800万美元最低招股价5美元市场庄家 3名营运历史 2年资产状况股东权益达3000万美元税前盈利不适用公司管治需要准则三(市场规则4420(c))最低投资者数目 400名,每名持有者100股或以上股份最低公众持股量110万股公众股份的总市值2000万美元最低招股价5美元市场庄家 4名营运历史不适用资产状况不适用税前盈利 7500万美元(或总收入和总资产分别达到7500万美元) 公司管治需要美国证券交易所最低投资者数目800名,若公众持股数量超过100万股,则为400名最低公众持股量 50万股公众股份的总市值 300万美元最低招股价 3美元市场庄家不适用营运历史不适用资产状况股东权益达400万美元税前盈利 75万美元(最近1个财政年度或最近3个财政年度其中的两年) 公司管治需要纳斯达克小型资本市场最低投资者数目 300名,每名持有100股或以上股份最低公众持股量 100万股公众股份的总市值 500万美元最低招股价 4美元市场庄家 3名营运历史 1年;若少于1年,市值至少要达到5000万美元资产状况股东权益达500万美元;或上市股票市值达5000万美元;或持续经营的业务利润达75万美元(在最近1个财政年度或最近3个财政年度中的2年) 税前盈利参阅上文资产状况规定公司管治需要附注:上述规定适用于非美国公司在美国作首次上市。
同时要满足美国证监会的 10A-3 规则,独董要能阅读和理解基本的财 务报表。审计委员会至少由三名成员组成,且其中一人必须有金融行业
的丰富经验。 l 高管补贴:公司需要设立一个完全由独立董事构成的、两名成员以上
1 权益标准
2 已发行证券市 3 净收入标准
500 万美元
400 万美元
400 万美元
公 众 持 股 股 票 1500 万美元
1500 万美元
500 万美元
5000 万美元
75 万美元
入 (最近一个会
4 美元 400
3 -
4 美元 400
3 2年
4 美元 400
4 -
4 美元 400
4 -
三、 NASDAQ 资本市场(NCM)上市条件 在该层上市,公司的财务和流动性要求分为权益标准、已发行证券市值标准和净 收入标准三种,申请人只需满足三个标准中的任意一个。
Ø 财务和流动性标准:需满足以下三个标准其中之一:
成熟公司:目前 存在普通股或 类似交易的 1)持有 100 股以 上股份的股东数 量为 450 以上或 股东总数在 2200 以上
1)持有 100 股以 上股份的股东数 量为 450 以上或 股东总数在 2200 以上
或 者 , 2) 股 东 总 数 和 过 去 12 个月里平均每 月的交易量
纳斯达克 上市标准
`Listing Standards & Fees July 2010TABLE OF CONTENTSNASDAQ GLOBAL SELECT MARKET® (1)INITIAL LISTING (1)FINANCIAL AND QUALITATIVE REQUIREMENTS (1)LIQUIDITY REQUIREMENTS (3)NASDAQ® INTERMARKET TRANSFERS (4)CONTINUED LISTING (5)ENTRY FEES (5)ANNUAL FEES (6)FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIES (7)FORMS (7)NASDAQ GLOBAL MARKET® (8)INITIAL LISTING (8)CONTINUED LISTING (9)ENTRY FEES (9)ANNUAL FEES (10)FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIES (11)FORMS (11)NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKET® (12)INITIAL LISTING (12)CONTINUED LISTING (13)ENTRY FEES (13)ANNUAL FEES (14)FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIES (14)FORMS (15)DUAL LISTINGS (16)LISTING REQUIREMENTS (16)ENTRY FEES (16)ANNUAL FEES (16)LISTING OF ADDITIONAL SHARES FEES (16)FORMS (16)OTHER SECURITIES (17)LISTING REQUIREMENTS (17)FEES (18)FORMS (19)CLOSED-END FUNDS (20)LISTING REQUIREMENTS (20)ENTRY FEES (20)ANNUAL FEES (20)FORMS (21)CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS (22)OTHER LISTING REQUIREMENTS (26)LISTING OF ADDITIONAL SHARES (28)FEES (28)STOCK SPLITS, DIVIDENDS AND RIGHTS OFFERINGS (29)FEES (29)CHANGE IN COMPANY RECORD (30)SUBSTITUTION LISTING EVENTS (31)WRITTEN INTERPRETATION OF NASDAQ LISTING RULES (32)NASDAQ GLOBAL SELECT MARKETINITIAL LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the three financial standards and the applicable liquidity requirements below.FINANCIAL AND QUALITATIVE REQUIREMENTSNASDAQ Global Select Market Initial Listing Requirements11 These requirements apply to all companies, other than closed-end management investment companies. A closed end management investment company, including a business development company, is not required to meet the financial requirements of Rule 5315(f)(3). If the common stock of a company is included in The NASDAQ Global Select Market, any other security of that same company, such as other classes of common or preferred stock, which qualifies for listing on The NASDAQ Global Market shall also be included in The NASDAQ Global Select Market. A company whose business plan is to complete an initial public offering and engage in a merger or acquisition with one or more unidentified companies within a specific period of time, as described in IM-5101-2, is not eligible to list on The NADAQ Global Select Market.2 In calculating income from continuing operations before income taxes for purposes of Rule 5315(f)(3)(A), NASDAQ will rely on a company’s annual financial information as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the company’s most recent periodic report and/or registration statement. If a company does not have three years of publicly reported financial data, it may qualify under Rule 5315(f)(3)(A) if it has: (i) reported aggregate income from continuing operations before income taxes of at least $11 million and (ii) positive income from continuing operations before income taxes in each of the reported fiscal years. A period of less than three months shall not be considered a fiscal year, even if reported as a sub period in the company’s publicly reported financial statements.3 In calculating cash flows for purposes of Rule 5315(f)(3)(B), NASDAQ will rely on the net cash provided by operating activities reported in the statements of cash flows, as filed with the SEC in the company’s most recent periodic report and/or registration statement, excluding changes in working capital or in operating assets and liabilities. A period of less than three months shall not be considered a fiscal year, even if reported as a stub period in the company’s publicly reported financial statements.4 In the case of a company listing in connection with its initial public offering, compliance with the market capitalization requirements of Rules 5315(f)(3)(B) and 5315(f)(3)(C) will be based on the company’s market capitalization at the time of listing.5 The bid price requirement is not applicable to a company listed on The NASDAQ Global Market that transfers its listing to The NASDAQ Global Select Market.6 A company that also satisfies the requirements of Rule 5405(b)(1) or 5405(b)(2) is required to have three market makers. Otherwise, the company is required to have four market makers. An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considereda market maker for the purpose of these rules.7 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.LIQUIDITY REQUIREMENTSCompanies must meet all of the criteria in their specific category. The charts below are presented in two separate groups: (i) new company listings and (ii) closed-end management investment companies.NASDAQ Global Select Market Initial Listing Requirements1 Companies affiliated with another company listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market. For purposes of Rule 5315, a company is affiliated with another company if that other company, directly or indirectly though one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control of the company. For purposes of these rules, control means having the ability to exercise significant influence. Ability to exercise significant influence will be presumed to exist where the parent or affiliated company directly or indirectly owns 20% or more of the other company’s voting securities, and also can be indicated by representation on the board of directors, participation in policy making processes, material intercompany transactions, interchange of managerial personnel, or technological dependency.2 Round lot and total shareholders include both beneficial holders and holders of record.3 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.1 As defined by the Investment Company Act of 19402 Round lot and total shareholders include both holders of beneficial interest and holders of record.3 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.NASDAQ INTERMARKET TRANSFERSEach October, NASDAQ will review the qualifications of all securities listed on The NASDAQ Global Market that are not included in The NASDAQ Global Select Market. Any security that meets the requirements for initial listing on The NASDAQ Global Select Market contained in Rule at the time of this review will be transferred to the Global Select Market the following January, provided it meets 5315 the continued listing criteria at that time. An issuer will not owe any application or entry fees in connection with such a transfer.At any time, an issuer may apply to transfer a security listed on The NASDAQ Global Market to The NASDAQ Global Select Market. Such an application will be approved and effected as soon as practicable if the security meets the requirements for initial listing contained in Rule 5315. An issuer will not owe any application or entry fees in connection with such a transfer.At any time, an issuer may apply to transfer a security listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market to The NASDAQ Global Select Market. Such an application will be approved and effected as soon as practicable if the security meets the requirements for initial listing contained in Rule 5315. An issuer transferring from The NASDAQ Capital Market to The NASDAQ Global Select Market generally will not owe any applicable or entry fees in connection with such transfer.CONTINUED LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the three standards below.NASDAQ Global Select Market Continued Listing Requirements11 Companies must meet the bid price and total shareholders requirements as set forth in Rule 5450(a) and at least one of the Standards in Rule 5450(b).2 The term, “listed securities”, is defined as “securities listed on NASDAQ or another national securities exchange.”3 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.4 Total shareholders include both holders of beneficial interest and holders of record.5 An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.6 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.ENTRY FEES• Entry fees are based upon the aggregate number of shares to be listed at the time of initial listing, regardless of class.• Fees are assessed on the date of entry in The NASDAQ Global Select Market, except for $25,000, which represents a non-refundable application fee. This fee must be submitted with the company’s application.• For non-U.S. issuers, entry fees are levied only on those shares or American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) issued and outstanding in the United States.• Entry fees paid by a company for all classes of securities listed on the Global Select Market, including entry fees previously paid by the company to list securities at an earlier date, shall not exceed $225,000. However, notwithstanding this fee cap, applications are subject to the $25,000 non-refundable fee.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for any company transferring from The NASDAQ Global Market to The NASDAQ Global Select Market.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for a company that transfers its listing from The NASDAQ Capital Market to The NASDAQ Global Select Market provided that the company listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market prior to January 1, 2007 or the company listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market on or after January 1, 2007 and did not qualify for The NASDAQ Global Select Market at the time of its initial listing on The NASDAQ Capital Market. Any other issuer must pay the entry fees for the Global Select Market, less the entry fees (but not the application fee) the company previously paid in connection with its listing on the Capital Market. The company is not required to pay the application fee in connection with the application to transfer its listing.• A company that submits an application to list on The NASDAQ Capital Market, but prior to listing, revises its application to seek listing on The NASDAQ Global Select Market, is not required to pay an additional application fee in connection with its revised application.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for any securities that are transferred from a national securities exchange to list exclusively on The NASDAQ Stock Market®.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is listed on another securities exchange but not listed on NASDAQ, if the issuer of such securities is acquired by an unlistedcompany and, in connection with the acquisition, the unlisted company lists exclusively on The NASDAQ Global Select Market.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange and The NASDAQ Stock Market. Companies that dually list on other securities exchanges are subject to the applicable fees described in this section. (Please see Dual Listings on page 16.)NASDAQ Global Select Market Entry FeesANNUAL FEES• Annual fees are based on the company’s Total Shares Outstanding (TSO) for all classes of stock listed on the Global Select Market as of December 31st. NASDAQ uses the TSO reported in the company’s latest filing at the time of billing. For non-U.S. issues, TSO includes only those shares issued and outstanding in the United States.• In the first year of listing, the company’s annual fee will be prorated based on the date of listing and based on the TSO as reported in the company’s latest filing on record with NASDAQ as of the date of listing.• For a company transferring to The NASDAQ Global Select Market from The NASDAQ Capital Market, NASDAQ will apply a credit toward the balance of the company’s new annual fee based on the annual fee already paid.• Annual fees for American Depository Receipts listed on The NASDAQ Global Select Market are based on the number of ADRs listed. NASDAQ will apply fees based on ADRs, as reported in the issuer’s mostrecent periodic report required to be filed with the i ssuer’s appropriate regulatory authority or in morerecent information held by NASDAQ as of December 31st.NASDAQ Global Select Market Annual Fees**For issuers except ADRs, “other securities”, portfolio depository receipts, trust issued receipts, index fund shares and closed-end funds. For dually listed securities, please see Dual Listings on page 16. For a complete listing of the Global Select Market fees, refer to the NASDAQ Listing Rule 5900 Series.FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIESCompanies listed on NASDAQ must complete an application to list a new class of securities that is not currently listed on NASDAQ. When a current NASDAQ-listed company lists a new class of securities on The NASDAQ Global Select Market, it is assessed a variable fee based on the total number of shares outstanding of the newclass of securities at the time of initial listing. Entry fees paid by a company for all classes of securities listed on the Global Select Market, including entry fees previously paid by the company to list securities at an earlier date, shall not exceed $225,000.Fees are assessed on the date of entry in The NASDAQ Global Select Market, except for $25,000, which represents a non-refundable application fee. This fee must be submitted with the company’s application. The company will also be assessed a pro-rated annual fee.FORMSApplications, listing agreements and payment forms are located at /about/listing_information.stm.NASDAQ GLOBAL MARKETINITIAL LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the four standards below.NASDAQ Global Market Initial Listing Requirements11 Companies must meet the bid price, publicly held shares, and round lot holders requirements as set forth in Rule 5405(a) and at least one of the Standards in Rule 5405(b).2 Seasoned companies (those companies already listed or quoted on another marketplace) qualifying only under the Market Value Standard must meet the market value of listed securities and the bid price requirements for 90 consecutive trading days prior to applying for listing.3 The term, “listed securities”, is defined as “securities listed on NASDAQ or another national securities exchange.”4 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.5 Round lot holders are shareholders of 100 shares or more. The number of beneficial holders is considered in addition to holders of record.6 An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.7 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.CONTINUED LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the three standards below.NASDAQ Global Market Continued Listing Requirements11 Companies must meet the bid price and total shareholders requirements as set forth in Rule 5450(a) and at least one of the Standards in Rule 5450(b).2 The term, “listed securities”, is defined as “securities listed on NASDAQ or another national securities exchange.”3 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.4 Total shareholders include both holders of beneficial interest and holders of record.5 An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.6 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.ENTRY FEES• Entry fees are based upon the aggregate number of shares to be listed at the time of initial listing, regardless of class.• Fees are assessed on the date of entry in The NASDAQ Global Market, except for $25,000, which represents a non-refundable application fee. This fee must be submitted with the company’s application.• For non-U.S. issuers, entry fees are levied only on those shares or American Depositary Receipts issued and outstanding in the United States.• Entry fees paid by a company for all classes of securities listed on the Global Market, including entry fees previously paid by the company to list securities at an earlier date, shall not exceed $225,000. However, notwithstanding this fee cap, applications are subject to the $25,000 non-refundable fee.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for a company that transfers its listing from The NASDAQ Capital Market to The NASDAQ Global Market provided that the company listed on The NASDAQ CapitalMarket prior to January 1, 2007 or the company listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market on or after January 1, 2007 and did not qualify for The NASDAQ Global Market at the time of its initial listing on The NASDAQ Capital Market. Any other issuer must pay the entry fees for the Global Market, less the entry fees (but not theapplication fee) the company previously paid in connection with its listing on the Capital Market. The company is not required to pay the application fee in connection with the application to transfer its listing.• A company that submits an application to list on The NASDAQ Capital Market, but prior to listing, revises its application to seek listing on The NASDAQ Global Market, is not required to pay the application fee inconnection with its revised application.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for any securities that are transferred from a national securities exchange to list exclusively on The NASDAQ Stock Market.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is listed on another securities exchange but not listed on NASDAQ, if the issuer of such securities is acquired by an unlistedcompany and, in connection with the acquisition, the unlisted company lists exclusively on The NASDAQ Global Market.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange and The NASDAQ Stock Market. Companies that dually list on other securities exchanges are subject to the applicable fees described in this section. (Please see Dual Listings on page 16.)NASDAQ Global Market Entry FeesANNUAL FEES• Annual fees are based on the company’s Total Shares Outstanding (TSO) for all classes of stock listed on the Global Market as of December 31st. NASDAQ uses the TSO reported in the company’s latest filing at the time of billing. For non-U.S. issuers, TSO includes only those shares issued and outstanding in the United States.• In the first year of listing, the company’s annual fee will be prorated based on the date of listing and based on the TSO as reported .in the company’s latest filing on record with NASDAQ as of the date of listing.• For a company transferring to The NASDAQ Global Market from The NASDAQ Capital Market, NASDAQ will apply a credit toward the balance of the company’s new annual fee based on the annual fee already paid.• Annual fees for American Depository Receipts listed on The NASDAQ Global Market are based on the number of ADRs listed. NASDAQ will apply fees based on ADRs, as reported in the issuer’s most recent periodic report required to be filed with the issuer’s appropriate regulatory authority or in more recent information held by NASDAQ as of December 31st.NASDAQ Global Market Annual Fees** For issuers except ADRs, “other securities”, portfolio depository receipts, trust issued receipts, index fund shares and closed-end funds. For dually listed securities, please see Dual Listings on page 16. For a complete listing of the Global Market fees, refer to the NASDAQ Listing Rule 5900 Series.FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIESCompanies listed on NASDAQ must complete an application to list a new class of securities that is not currently listed on NASDAQ. When a current NASDAQ-listed company lists a new class of securities on The NASDAQ Global Market, it is assessed a variable fee based on the total number of shares outstanding of the new class of securities at the time of initial listing. Entry fees paid by a company for all classes of securities listed on the Global Market, including entry fees previously paid by the company to list securities at an earlier date, shall not exceed $225,000.Fees are assessed on the date of entry in The NASDAQ Global Market, except for $25,000, which represents anon-refundable application fee. This fee must be submitted with the company’s application. The company will also be assessed a pro-rated annual fee.FORMSApplications, listing agreements and payment forms are located at /about/listing_information.stm.NASDAQ CAPITAL MARKETINITIAL LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the three standards below.NASDAQ Capital Market Initial Listing Requirements11 Companies must meet the bid price, publicly held shares, round lot holders, and market makers requirements as set forth in Rule 5505(a) and at least one of the Standards in Rule 5505(b).2 Seasoned companies (those companies already listed or quoted on another marketplace) qualifying only under the Market Value of Listed Securities Standard must meet the market value of listed securities and the bid price requirements for 90 consecutive trading days prior to applying for listing.3 The term, “listed securities”, is defined as “securities listed on NASDAQ or another national securities exchange.”4 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company. In the case of ADRs, at least 400,000 shall be issued.5 Round lot holders are shareholders of 100 shares or more. The number of beneficial holders is considered in addition to holders of record.6 An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.7 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.CONTINUED LISTINGCompanies must meet all of the criteria under at least one of the three standards below.NASDAQ Capital Market Continued Listing Requirements11 Companies must meet the bid price, publicly held shares, market value of publicly held shares, public holders, and market makers requirements as set forth in Rule 5550(a) and at least one of the Standards in Rule 5550(b).2 The term, “listed securities”, is defined as “securities listed on NASDAQ or another national securities exchange.”3 Publicly held shares is defined as total shares outstanding, less any shares held directly or indirectly by officers, directors or any person who is the beneficial owner of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding of the company.4 Public holders of a security include both beneficial holders and holders of record, but does not include any holder who is directly or indirectly an executive officer, director, or the beneficial holder of more than 10% of the total shares outstanding.5 An electronic communications network (ECN) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.6 In addition to the above quantitative requirements, companies must comply with all corporate governance requirements as set forth in the Rule 5600 Series.ENTRY FEES• Entry fees are based upon the aggregate number of shares to be listed at the time of initial listing, regardless of class.• Fees are assessed on the date of entry in The NASDAQ Capital Market, except for $5,000, which represents a non-refundable application fee. This fee must be submitted with the company’s application.• For non-U.S. issuers, entry fees are levied only on those shares or American Depositary Receipts issued and outstanding in the United States.• Entry fees paid by a company for all classes of securities listed on the Capital Market, including entry fees previously paid by the company to list securities at an earlier date, shall not exceed $75,000. However, notwithstanding this fee cap, applications are subject to the $5,000 non-refundable fee.• A company that submits an application to list on The NASDAQ Global Select Market or The NASDAQ Global Market, but prior to listing, revises its application to seek listing on The NASDAQ Capital Market, is not required to pay the application fee in connection with its revised application.• NASDAQ does not charge application or entry fees for any securities that are transferred from a national securities exchange to list exclusively on The NASDAQ Stock Market.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is listed on another securities exchange but not listed on NASDAQ, if the issuer of such securities is acquired by an unlistedcompany and, in connection with the acquisition, the unlisted company lists exclusively on The NASDAQ Capital Market.• NASDAQ does not charge entry or application fees for the securities of a company that is dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange and The NASDAQ Stock Market. Companies that dually list on other securities exchanges are subject to the applicable fees described in this section. (Please see Dual Listings on page 16.)NASDAQ Capital Market Entry FeesANNUAL FEES• Annual fees are based on the company’s Total Shares Outstanding (TSO) for all classes of stock listed on the Capital Market as of December 31st. NASDAQ uses the TSO reported in the company’s latest filing at the time of billing. For non-U.S. issuers, TSO includes only those shares issued and outstanding in the United States.• In the first year of listing, the company’s annual fee will be prorated based on the date of listing and based on the TSO as reported in the company’s latest filing on record with NASDAQ as of the date of listing.• For a company transferring to The NASDAQ Capital Market from The NASDAQ Global Select Market or Global Market, NASDAQ will apply a credit toward the balance of the company’s new annual fee based on the annual fee already paid.• Annual fees for American Depository Receipts listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market are based on the aggregate number of all classes of ADRs listed. NASDAQ will apply fees based on ADRs, as reported in the issuer’s most recent periodic report required to be filed with the issuer’s appropriate regulatory authority or in more recent information held by NASDAQ as December 31st.NASDAQ Capital Market Annual Fees** For dually listed securities, please see Dual Listings on page 16. For a complete listing of the Capital Market fees, refer to the NASDAQ Listing Rule 5900 Series.FEES FOR LISTING A NEW CLASS OF SECURITIESCompanies listed on NASDAQ must complete an application to list a new class of securities that is not currently listed on NASDAQ. When a current NASDAQ-listed company lists a new class of securities on The NASDAQ Capital Market, it is assessed a variable fee based on the total number of shares outstanding of the new class of。
二、上市基本要求1.公司类型和结构- 纳斯达克要求上市公司为股分制公司,股分可以在证券交易所自由流通。
- 公司应有明确的管理结构,包括董事会和高级管理人员。
2.财务要求- 公司需要具备一定的财务实力和稳定增长的财务业绩。
- 公司应符合纳斯达克发布的财务指标,如市值要求、收入要求、盈利能力要求等。
3.股本结构- 公司的股本结构要合规且稳定,不能存在明显的控股股东或者股权关系不清晰的情况。
- 上市公司的股本要达到一定的流通比例,以保证交易的公开与透明。
4.市值要求- 上市公司的市值要达到一定的规模,以保证流动性和市场影响力。
5.投资者保护- 上市公司需要履行信息披露义务,及时公开重要信息,维护投资者权益。
三、上市审批程序1.申请材料准备- 公司需要准备一系列的申请材料,如注册文件、财务报告、公司章程等。
2.交易商评估- 程序预审:纳斯达克将对申请公司的申请材料进行预审,确认是否满足上市条件。
- 程序能力审核:纳斯达克将评估申请公司的内部运营和管理能力,确保其有能力进行上市交易。
- 监管机构审核:纳斯达克将提交申请材料给相关监管机构进行审查。
3.上市程序- 公司需要与交易商签订上市合同,并支付相应的费用。
- 纳斯达克将进行信息披露,并安排公司上市仪式。
- 公司股票将正式上市交易,投资者可以进行交易与投资。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
二.流动性要求 公司在其所属的类别中必须符合对应的各项要求:
业务参考文件 2010-0001
初次公开发行股票 已挂牌公司: 及分拆上市公司 现交易中的普通股等
关联公司 1
整手股东数 或
总股东数 或
总股东数且 过去 12 个月平均交易量 2
450 或 2,200
450 或 2,200 或 550 且 110 万股
250 万美元
挂牌证券的总市值 2 可持续业务的净收入 (最近的两个财年或最近的 是三个财年中的两个)
公开流通股份 3 公开流通股份的总市值
交易股价 股东数 4 做市商 5 公司治理 6
50 万 100 万美元
1 美元 300 2个 是
3500 万美元
50 万 100 万美元
7500 万美元 不适用 110 万
7500 万美元 且
7500 万美元
110 万
800 万美元
1800 万美元
2000 万美元
2000 万美元
交易股价 股东数 (整手股东)5 做市商 6 经营历史 公司治理 7
4 美元
3个 不适用
4 美元
3个 2年 是
3. 此处挂牌证券是指在纳斯达克或其他任何一个全美交易市场中挂牌交易的证券。
4. 公开流通的股份=总发行股数-任何直接或间接由管理层及董事持有的股份-任何直接或
间接持有 10%以上股份的股东所持有的股份。
5. 整手股东是指持有 100 股或以上的股东。实益持有人是在注册持有人的基础上计数的。
6. 电子通讯网络(ECN)被判定是否满足该规则要求时,不被看做为一个做市商。
5405(a)&5405(b)(2)) 5405(a)&5405(b)(3)) 5405(a)&5405(b)(4))
1000 万美元
挂牌证券的总市值 2 总资产且总收入
(最近的两个财年或最近 的是三个财年中的两个)
公开流通股份 3 公开流通股份的总市值
交易股价 股东数 4 做市商 5 公司治理 6
7. 在该等规则之外,公司被要求满足上市规则 5600 系列中关于公司治理的一系列要求。
业务参考文件 2010-0001
纳斯达克全球市场持续挂牌交易要求 1
权益标准 (上市规则第
市值标准 (上市规则第
总资产及总收入标 (上市规则第
业务参考文件 2010-0001
一.财务及品质标准 纳斯达克全球精选市场初次挂牌标准 1
标准 1
标准 1
标准 1
标准 1
5315(e)&5315(f)(3)(A) 5315(e)&5315(f)(3)(B) 5315(e)&5315(f)(3)(C) 5315(e)&5315(f)(3)(D)
业务参考文件 2010-0001
公司必须符合以下四个标准中一个的所有要求:纳斯达克全球市场初次挂牌要求 1
利润标准 上市规则
权益标准 上市规则
市值标准 上市规则
总资产/总收入标准 上市规则
5405(a)&5405(b)(1) 5405(a)&5405(b)(2) 5405(a)&5405(b)(3)2 5405(a)&5405(b)(4)
间接持有 10%以上股份的股东所持有的股份。 4. 总股东数包括实益持有人和注册持有人。但不包括直接或间接由管理层或董事持有的股
份,也不包括任何直接或间接持有 10%以上股份的股东所持有的股份。 5. 电子通讯网络(ECN)被判定是否满足该规则要求时,不被看做为一个做市商。 6. 在该等规则之外,公司被要求满足上市规则 5600 系列中关于公司治理的一系列要求。
说明: 1. 任何在纳斯达克全球精选市场上挂牌的关联公司。按照上市规则 5315,一个公司与另一
公司由直接或通过一个或多个中间人间接,存在控制或被控制或被共同控制的关系,则 该公司与另一公司存在关联关系。在该规则中,控制指有能力对对方存在重大影响,通 常公司直接或间接拥有 20%以上的表决权或有权派出董事,参与决策制定,重大的公司 间交易,管理层交换及技术依赖等都可以被认为为存在重大影响。 2. 整手股东数和总股东数都包括了实益持有人和注册持有人。 3. 公开流通的股份=总发行股数-任何直接或间接由管理层及董事持有的股份-任何直接或 间接持有 10%以上股份的股东所持有的股份。
4 美元
4个 不适用
4 美元
4个 不适用
1. 公司必须符合上市规则 5405(a)的规定或上市规则 5405(b)其中任意一条的规定,以满
2. 已挂牌公司(指已在其他交易市场上挂牌或有报价的公司)如在市值标准下申请挂牌,
在申请前连续 90 个交易日需满足市值要求及股价交易要求。
(最近的两个财年或最 近的是三个财年中的两
100 万美元
不Байду номын сангаас用
1500 万美元
3000 万美元
挂牌证券的总市值 3
总资产 且 总收入 (最近的两个财年或最 近的是三个财年中的两
公开流通股份 4
不适用 不适用 110 万
不适用 不适用 110 万
450 或 2,200 或 550 且 110 万股
上市规则 5315(f)(1)
公开流通的股份 3
公开流通股份的总市值 或
公开流通股份的总市值且 股东权益
4500 万美元
1.1 亿美元 或
1 亿美元且 1.1 亿美元
4500 万美元 5315(f)(2)
五.初次挂牌要求 公司必须符合以下三个标准中一个的所有要求: 纳斯达克资本市场初次挂牌要求 1
业务参考文件 2010-0001
权益标准 上市规则 5505(a)&5505(b)(1)
挂牌证券总市值标准 上市规则
净收入标准 上市规则
500 万美元
400 万美元
400 万美元
市场流通股的总市值 经营历史
挂牌证券的总市值 3 可持续业务的净收入 (最近的两个财年或最近的 是三个财年中的两个)
交易股价 市场流通股 4
股东数 (整手股东)5
做市商 6 公司治理 7
1500 万美元 2年
4 美元 100 万
300 3个 是
在申请前连续 90 个交易日需满足市值要求及股价交易要求。 3. 此处挂牌证券是指在纳斯达克或其他任何一个全美交易市场中挂牌交易的证券。 4. 公开流通的股份=总发行股数-任何直接或间接由管理层及董事持有的股份-任何直接或
间接持有 10%以上股份的股东所持有的股份。 5. 整手股东是指持有 100 股或以上的股东。实益持有人是在注册持有人的基础上计数的。 6. 电子通讯网络(ECN)被判定是否满足该规则要求时,不被看做为一个做市商。 7. 在该等规则之外,公司被要求满足上市规则 5600 系列中关于公司治理的一系列要求。
等于 1100 万美元且
近两个财年年每年大于 税前利润 2
等于 220 万美元且
现金流 3
于 2750 万美元且 前三个财年年都为现金
市场性资本 4
上市前 12 个月平均大于 上市前 12 个月平均大于
1 美元 300 2个 是
50 万美元
50 万 100 万美元
1 美元 300 2个 是
说明: 1. 公司必须符合上市规则 5550(a)的规定或上市规则 5550(b)其中任意一条的规定,以满
足股价,市场流通股数,整手股东数及做市商上的要求。 2. 此处挂牌证券是指在纳斯达克或其他任何一个全美交易市场中挂牌交易的证券。 3. 公开流通的股份=总发行股数-任何直接或间接由管理层及董事持有的股份-任何直接或
六.持续挂牌交易要求 公司必须符合以下三个标准中一个的所有要求: 纳斯达克资本市场持续挂牌交易要求 1
业务参考文件 2010-0001
权益标准 上市规则 5550(a)&5550(b)(1)
挂牌证券总市值标准 上市规则
净收入标准 上市规则
3 个或 4 个
3 个或 4 个
公司治理 7
业务参考文件 2010-0001
说明: 1. 这些要求除对封闭管理投资公司外都适用。封闭管理投资公司包括商业发展公司,并不