罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第14章 有效资本市场和行为挑战)【圣才出品】





[中央财经大学2019研] A.销售的增长B.销售净利率C.股利支付率D.负债利率【答案】A【解析】外部融资是指企业向其外部筹集资金,如发行股票、债券,向银行申请贷款等,它一般都要发生筹资费用。






2.一家公司有负的净营运资本(net working capital),那么这家公司()。







罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第12章 看待风险与收益的另一种观点:套利定价理论)【圣才出品

罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第12章 看待风险与收益的另一种观点:套利定价理论)【圣才出品

第12章看待风险与收益的另一种观点:套利定价理论一、选择题下列哪个不是CAPM 的假设?()A.投资者风险厌恶,且其投资行为是使其终期财富的期望效用最大B.投资者是价格承受者,即投资者的投资行为不会影响市场上资产的价格运动C.资产收益率满足多因子模型D.资本市场上存在无风险资产,且投资者可以无风险利率无限借贷【答案】C【解析】套利定价理论(APT)假设资产收益率满足多因子模型。


根据套利定价的多因素模型,收益与风险的关系可以表示为:()()()()123123K F F F F F KR R R R βR R βR R βR R β=+-+-+-++- 式中,β1代表关于第一个因素的贝塔系数,β2代表关于第二个因素的贝塔系数,依此类推。
























罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第16章 资本结构:基本概念)【圣才出品】

罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第16章 资本结构:基本概念)【圣才出品】















































罗斯《公司理财》(第11版) 笔记和课后习题详解
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
经典 书
习题 复习
本书是罗斯的《公司理财》(第11版)(机械工业出版社)的学习辅导电子书。本书遵循该教材的章目编排, 包括8篇,共分31章,每章由两部分组成:第一部分为复习笔记;第二部分为课(章)后习题详解。本书具有以 下几个方面的特点:(1)浓缩内容精华,整理名校笔记。本书每章的复习笔记对本章的重难点进行了整理,并参 考了国内名校名师讲授罗斯的《公司理财》的课堂笔记,因此,本书的内容几乎浓缩了经典教材的知识精华。(2) 选编考研真题,强化知识考点。部分考研涉及到的重点章节,选编经典真题,并对相关重要知识点进行了延伸和 归纳。(3)解析课后习题,提供详尽答案。国内外教材一般没有提供课(章)后习题答案或者答案很简单,本书 参考国外教材的英文答案和相关资料对每章的习题进行了详细的分析。(4)补充相关要点,强化专业知识。一般 来说,国外英文教材的中译本不太符合中国学生的思维习惯,有些语言的表述不清或条理性不强而给学习带来了 不便,因此,对每章复习笔记的一些重要知识点和一些习题的解答,我们在不违背原书原意的基础上结合其他相 关经典教材进行了必要的整理和分析。
12.1复习笔记 12.2课后习题详解
13.1复习笔记 13.2课后习题详解



















第十四章:有效资本市场和行为学挑战1. To create value, firms should accept financing proposals with positive net present values. Firms can create valuable financing opportunities in three ways: 1) Fool investors. A firm can issue a complex security to receive more than the fair market value. Financial managers attempt to package securities to receive the greatest value. 2) Reduce costs or increase subsidies. A firm can package securities to reduce taxes. Such a security will increase the value of the firm. In addition, financing techniques involve many costs, such as accountants, lawyers, and investment bankers. Packaging securities in a way to reduce these costs will also increase the value of the firm. 3) Create a new security. A previously unsatisfied investor may pay extra for a specialized security catering to his or her needs. Corporations gain from developing unique securities by issuing these securities at premium prices.2. The three forms of the efficient markets hypothesis are: 1) Weak form. Market prices reflect information contained in historical prices. Investors are unable to earn abnormal returns using historical prices to predict future price movements. 2) Semi-strong form. In addition to historical data, market prices reflect all publicly-available information. Investors with insider, or private information, are able to earn abnormal returns. 3) Strong form. Market prices reflect all information, public or private. Investors are unable to earn abnormal returns using insider information or historical prices to predict future price movements.3. a. False. Market efficiency implies that prices reflect all available information, but it does not imply certain knowledge. Many pieces of information that are available and reflected in prices are fairly uncertain. Efficiency of markets does not eliminate that uncertainty and therefore does not imply perfect forecasting ability.b. True. Market efficiency exists when prices reflect all available information. To be efficient in the weak form, the market must incorporate all historical data into prices. Under thesemi-strong form of the hypothesis, the market incorporates all publicly-available information in addition to the historical data. In strong form efficient markets, prices reflect all publicly and privately available information.c. False. Market efficiency implies that market participants are rational. Rational people will immediately act upon new information and will bid prices up or down to reflect that information.d. False. In efficient markets, prices reflect all available information. Thus, prices will fluctuate whenever new information becomes available.e. True. Competition among investors results in the rapid transmission of new market information. In efficient markets, prices immediately reflect new information as investors bid the stock price up or down.4. On average, the only return that is earned is the required return—investors buy assets with returns in excess of the required return (positive NPV), bidding up the price and thus causing the return to fall to the required return (zero NPV); investors sell assets with returns less than the required return (negative NPV), driving the price lower and thus causing the return to rise to the required return (zero NPV).5. The market is not weak form efficient.6. Yes, historical information is also public information; weak form efficiency is a subset of semi-strong form efficiency.7. Ignoring trading costs, on average, such investors merely earn what the market offers; thetrades all have zero NPV. If trading costs exist, then these investors lose by the amount of the costs.8. Unlike gambling, the stock market is a positive sum game; everybody can win. Also, speculators provide liquidity to markets and thus help to promote efficiency.9. The EMH only says, within the bounds of increasingly strong assumptions about the information processing of investors, that assets are fairly priced. An implication of this is that, on average, the typical market participant cannot earn excessive profits from a particular trading strategy. However, that does not mean that a few particular investors cannot outperform the market over a particular investment horizon. Certain investors who do well for a period of time get a lot of attention from the financial press, but the scores of investors who do not do well over the same period of time generally get considerably less attention from the financial press.10. a. If the market is not weak form efficient, then this information could be acted on and a profit earned from following the price trend. Under (2), (3), and (4), this information is fully impounded in the current price and no abnormal profit opportunity exists.b. Under (2), if the market is not semi-strong form efficient, then this information could be used to buy the stock ―cheap‖before the rest of the market discovers the financial statement anomaly. Since (2) is stronger than (1), both imply that a profit opportunity exists; under (3) and (4), this information is fully impounded in the current price and no profit opportunity exists.c. Under (3), if the market is not strong form efficient, then this information could be used as a profitable trading strategy, by noting the buying activity of the insiders as a signal that the stock is underpriced or that good news is imminent. Since (1) and (2) are weaker than (3), all three imply that a profit opportunity exists. Note that this assumes the individual who sees the insider trading is the only one who sees the trading. If the information about the trades made by company management is public information, it will be discounted in the stock price and no profit opportunity exists. Under (4), this information does not signal any profit opportunity for traders; any pertinent information the manager-insiders may have is fully reflected in the current share price.11. A technical analyst would argue that the market is not efficient. Since a technical analyst examines past prices, the market cannot be weak form efficient for technical analysis to work. If the market is not weak form efficient, it cannot be efficient under stronger assumptions about the information available.12. Investor sentiment captures the mood of the investing public. If investors are bearish in general, it may be that the market is headed down in the future since investors are less likely to invest. If the sentiment is bullish, it would be taken as a positive signal to the market. To use investor sentiment in technical analysis, you would probably want to construct a ratio such as a bulls/bears ratio. To use the ratio, simply compare the historical ratio to the market to determine if a certain level on the ratio indicates a market upturn or downturn. Of course, there is a group of investors called contrarians who view the market signals as reversed. That is, if the number of bearish investors reaches a certain level, the market will head up. For a contrarian, these signals are reversed.13. Taken at face value, this fact suggests that markets have become more efficient. The increasing ease with which information is available over the Internet lends strength to thisconclusion. On the other hand, during this particular period, large-capitalization growth stocks were the top performers. Value-weighted indexes such as the S&P 500 are naturally concentrated in such stocks, thus making them especially hard to beat during this period. So, it may be that the dismal record compiled by the pros is just a matter of bad luck or benchmark error.14. It is likely the market has a better estimate of the stock price, assuming it is semistrong form efficient. However, semistrong form efficiency only states that you cannot easily profit from publicly available information. If financial statements are not available, the market can still price stocks based upon the available public information, limited though it may be. Therefore, it may have been as difficult to examine the limited public information and make an extra return.15. a. Aerotech‘s stock price should rise immediately after the announcement of the positive news.b. Only scenario (ii) indicates market efficiency. In that case, the price of the stock rises immediately to the level that reflects the new information, eliminating all possibility of abnormal returns. In the other two scenarios, there are periods of time during which an investor could trade on the information and earn abnormal returns.16. False. The stock price would have adjusted before the founder‘s death only if investors had perfect forecasting ability. The 12.5 percent increase in the stock price aft er the founder‘s death indicates that either the market did not anticipate the death or that the market had anticipated it imperfectly. However, the market reacted immediately to the new information, implying efficiency. It is interesting that the stock price rose after the announcement of the founder‘s death. This price behavior indicates that the market felt he was a liability to the firm.17. The announcement should not deter investors from buying UPC‘s stock. If the market is semi-strong form efficient, the stock price will have already reflected the present value of the payments that UPC must make. The expected return after the announcement should still be equal to the expected return before the announcement. UPC‘s current stockholders bear the burden of the loss, since the stock price falls on the announcement. After the announcement, the expected return moves back to its original level.18. The market is often considered to be relatively efficient up to the semi-strong form. If so, no systematic profit can be made by trading on publicly-available information. Although illegal, the lead engineer of the device can profit from purchasing the firm‘s stock before the news release on the implementation of the new technology. The price should immediately and fully adjust to the new information in the article. Thus, no abnormal return can be expected from purchasing after the publication of the article.19. Under the semi-strong form of market efficiency, the stock price should stay the same. The accounting system changes are publicly available information. Investors would identify no changes in either the firm‘s current or its future cash flows. Thus, the stock price will not change after the announcement of increased earnings.20. Because the number of subscribers has increased dramatically, the time it takes for information in the newsletter to be reflected in prices has shortened. With shorter adjustment periods, it becomes impossible to earn abnormal returns with the information provided by Durkin. If Durkin is using only publicly-available information in its newsletter, its ability topick stocks is inconsistent with the efficient markets hypothesis. Under the semi-strong form of market efficiency, all publicly-available information should be reflected in stock prices. The use of private information for trading purposes is illegal.21. You should not agree with your broker. The performance ratings of the small manufacturing firms were published and became public information. Prices should adjust immediately to the information, thus preventing future abnormal returns.22. Stock prices should immediately and fully rise to reflect the announcement. Thus, one cannot expect abnormal returns following the announcement.23. a. No. Earnings information is in the public domain and reflected in the current stock price.b. Possibly. If the rumors were publicly disseminated, the prices would have already adjusted for the possibility of a merger. If the rumor is information that you received from an insider, you could earn excess returns, although trading on that information is illegal.c. No. The information is already public, and thus, already reflected in the stock price.24. Serial correlation occurs when the current value of a variable is related to the future value of the variable. If the market is efficient, the information about the serial correlation in the macroeconomic variable and its relationship to net earnings should already be reflected in the stock price. In other words, although there is serial correlation in the variable, there will not be serial correlation in stock returns. Therefore, knowledge of the correlation in the macroeconomic variable will not lead to abnormal returns for investors.25. The statement is false because every investor has a different risk preference. Although the expected return from every well-diversified portfolio is the same after adjusting for risk, investors still need to choose funds that are consistent with their particular risk level.26. The share price will decrease immediately to reflect the new information. At the time of the announcement, the price of the stock should immediately decrease to reflect the negative information.27. In an efficient market, the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) for Prospectors would rise substantially at the announcement of a new discovery. The CAR falls slightly on any day when no discovery is announced. There is a small positive probability that there will be a discovery on any given day. If there is no discovery on a particular day, the price should fall slightly because the good event did not occur. The substantial price increases on the rare days of discovery should balance the small declines on the other days, leaving CARs that are horizontal over time.28. Behavioral finance attempts to explain both the 1987 stock market crash and the Internet bubble by changes in investor sentiment and psychology. These changes can lead to non-random price behavior.。



公司理财习题答案第十四章Chapter 14: Long-Term Financing: An Introduction14.1 a. C om m on Stock A ccountPar V alue$135,430$267,715 shares ==b. Net capital from the sale of shares = Common Stock + Capital SurplusNet capital = $135,430 + $203,145 = $338,575Therefore, the average price is $338,575 / 67,715 = $5 per shareAlternate solution:Average price = Par value + Average capital surplus= $2 + $203,145 / 67,715= $5 per sharec. Book value = Assets - Liabilities = Equity= Common stock + Capital surplus + Retained earnings= $2,708,600Therefore, book value per share is $2,708,600 / 67,715= $40.14.2 a. Common stock = (Shares outstanding ) x (Par value)= 500 x $1= $500Total = $150,500b.Common stock (1500 shares outstanding, $1 par) $1,500Capital surplus* 79,000Retained earnings 100,000Total $180,500* Capital Surplus = Old surplus + Surplus on sale= $50,000 + ($30 - $1) x 1,000=$79,00014.3 a. Shareholders’ equityCommon stock ($5 par value; authorized 500,000shares; issued and outstanding 325,000 shares)$1,625,000 Capital in excess of par* 195,000Retained earnings** 3,794,600Total $5,614,600*Capital surplus = 12% of Common Stock= (0.12) ($1,625,000)= $195,000**Retained earnings = Old retained earnings + Net income - Dividends= $3,545,000 + $260,000 - ($260,000)(0.04)= 3,794,600b. Shareholders’ equity$1,750,000Common stock ($5 par value; authorized 500,000shares; issued and outstanding 350,000 shares)Capital in excess of par* 170,000Retained earnings 3,794,600Total $5,714,600*Capital surplus is reduced by the below par sale, i.e. $195,000 - ($1)(25,000) =$170,00014.4 a. Under straight voting, one share equals one vote. Thus, to ensure the election of onedirector you must hold a majority of the shares. Since two million shares areoutstanding, you must hold more than 1,000,000 shares to have a majority of votes.b. Cumulative voting is often more easily understood through a story. Remember thatyour goal is to elect one board member of the seven who will be chosen today.Suppose the firm has 28 shares outstanding. You own 4 of the shares and one otherperson owns the remaining 24 shares. Under cumulative voting, the total number ofvotes equals the number of shares times the number of directors being elected,(28)(7) = 196. Therefore, you have 28 votes and the other stockholder has 168 votes.Also, suppose the other shareholder does not wish to have your favorite candidateon the board. If that is true, the best you can do to try to ensure electing onemember is to place all of your votes on your favorite candidate. To keep yourcandidate off the board, the other shareholder must have enough votes to elect allseven members who will be chosen. If the other shareholder splits her votes evenlyacross her seven favorite candidates, then eight people, your one favorite and herseven favorites, will all have the same number of votes. There will be a tie! If shedoes not split her votes evenly (for example 29 28 28 28 28 28 27) then yourcandidate will win a seat. To avoid a tie and assure your candidate of victory, youmust have 29 votes which means you must own more than 4 shares.Notice what happened. If seven board members will be elected and you want to becertain that one of your favorite candidates will win, you must have more than one-eighth of the shares. That is, the percentage of the shares you must have to win ismore than1.(The num ber of m em bers being elected The num ber you w ant to select)Also notice that the number of shares you need does not change if more than oneperson owns the remaining shares. If several people owned the remaining 168shares they could form a coalition and vote together.Thus, in the Unicorn election, you will need more than 1/(7+1) = 12.5% of theshares to elect one board member. You will need more than (2,000,000) (0.125) =250,000 shares.Cumulative voting can be viewed more rigorously. Use the facts from the Unicornelection. Under cumulative voting, the total number of votes equals the number of公司理财习题答案第十四章shares times the number of directors being elected, 2,000,000 x 7 = 14,000,000. Let x be the number of shares you need. The number of shares necessary is7x14,000,0007x7x250,000.>-==>> You will need more than 250,000 shares.14.5 She can be certain to have one of her candidate friends be elected under the cumulativevoting rule. The lowest percentage of shares she needs to own to elect at least one out of 6candidates is higher than 1/7 = 14.3%. Her current ownership of 17.3% is more thanenough to ensure one seat. If the voting rule is staggered as described in the question, shewould need to own more than 1/4=25% of the shares to elect one out of the three candidatesfor certain. In this case, she will not have enough shares.14.6 a. You currently own 120 shares or 28.57% of the outstanding shares. You need to control 1/3 of the votes, which requires 140 shares. You need just over 20 additionalshares to elect yourself to the board.b. You need just over 25% of the shares, which is 250,000 shares. At $5 a share it willcost you $2,500,000 to guarantee yourself a seat on the board.14.7 The differences between preferred stock and debt are:a. The dividends of preferred stock cannot be deducted as interest expenses whendetermining taxable corporate income. From the individual investor’s point of view,preferred dividends are ordinary income for tax purposes. From corporate investors,80% of the amount they receive as dividends from preferred stock are exempt fromincome taxes.b. In liquidation, the seniority of preferred stock follows that of the debt and leads thatof the common stock.c. There is no legal obligation for firms to pay out preferred dividends as opposed tothe obligated payment of interest on bonds. Therefore, firms cannot be forced intodefault if a preferred stock dividend is not paid in a given year. Preferred dividendscan be cumulative or non-cumulative, and they can also be deferred indefinitely.14.8 Some firms can benefit from issuing preferred stock. The reasons can be:a. Public utilities can pass the tax disadvantage of issuing preferred stock on to theircustomers, so there is substantial amount of straight preferred stock issued byutilities.b. Firms reporting losses to the IRS already don’t have positive income for taxdeduction, so they are not affected by the tax disadvantage of dividend vs. interestpayment. They may be willing to issue preferred stock.c. Firms that issue preferred stock can avoid the threat of bankruptcy that exists withdebt financing because preferred dividends are not legal obligation as interestpayment on corporate debt.14.9 a. The return on non-convertible preferred stock is lower than the return on corporatebond for two reasons:i. Corporate investors receive 80% tax deductibility on dividends if they hold thestock. Therefore, they are willing to pay more for the stock; that lowers its return.ii. Issuing corporations are willing and able to offer higher returns on debt since theinterest on the debt reduces their tax liabilities. Preferred dividends are paid outof net income, hence they provide no tax shield.b. Corporate investors are the primary holders of preferred stock since, unlikeindividual investors, they can deduct 80% of the dividend when computing their taxliability. Therefore, they are willing to accept the lower return which the stockgenerates.14.10 The following table summarizes the main difference between debt and equity.Debt EquityRepayment is an obligation of the firm Yes NoGrants ownership of the firm No YesProvides a tax shield Yes NoLiquidation will result if not paid Yes NoCompanies often issue hybrid securities because of the potential tax shield and thebankruptcy advantage. If the IRS accepts the security as debt, the firm can use it as a tax shield. If the security maintains the bankruptcy and ownership advantages of equity, the firm has the best of both worlds.14.11 The trends in long-term financing in the United States were presented in the text. If CableCompany follows the trends, it will probably use 80% internal financing, net income of the project plus depreciation less dividends, and 20% external financing, long term debt and equity.。




























Chapter 14Efficient Capital Markets and Behavioral Challenges Multiple Choice Questions1. An efficient capital market is one in which:A. brokerage commissions are zero.B. taxes are irrelevant.C. securities always offer a positive rate of return to investors.D. security prices are guaranteed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to be fair.E. security prices reflect available information.2. The notion that actual capital markets, such as the NYSE, are fairly priced is called the:A. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH).B. Law of One Price.C. Open Markets Theorem.D. Laissez-Faire Axiom.E. Monopoly Pricing Theorem.3. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all available information of every kind is called_____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stable4. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all publicly available information is called _____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stable5. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all historical information is called _____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stable6. In an efficient market, the price of a security will:A. always rise immediately upon the release of new information with no further price adjustments related to that information.B. react to new information over a two-day period after which time no further price adjustments related to that information will occur.C. rise sharply when new information is first released and then decline to a new stable level by the following day.D. react immediately to new information with no further price adjustments related to that information.E. be slow to react for the first few hours after new information is released allowing time for that information to be reviewed and analyzed.7. If the financial markets are efficient, then investors should expect their investments in those markets to:A. earn extraordinary returns on a routine basis.B. generally have positive net present values.C. generally have zero net present values.D. produce arbitrage opportunities on a routine basis.E. produce negative returns on a routine basis.8. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning market efficiency?A. Real asset markets are more efficient than financial markets.B. If a market is efficient, arbitrage opportunities should be common.C. In an efficient market, some market participants will have an advantage over others.D. A firm will generally receive a fair price when it sells shares of stock.E. New information will gradually be reflected in a stock's price to avoid any sudden change in the price of the stock.9. According to the efficient market hypothesis, financial markets fluctuate daily because they:A. are inefficient.B. slowly react to new information.C. are continually reacting to new information.D. offer tremendous arbitrage opportunities.E. only reflect historical information.10. Insider trading does not offer any advantages if the financial markets are:A. weak form efficient.B. semiweak form efficient.C. semistrong form efficient.D. strong form efficient.E. inefficient.11. According to theory, studying historical prices in order to identify mispriced stocks will not work in markets that are _____ efficient.I. weak formII. semistrong formIII. strong formA. I onlyB. II onlyC. I and II onlyD. II and III onlyE. I, II, and III12. Which of the following tend to reinforce the argument that the financial markets are efficient?I. Information spreads rapidly in today's world.II. There is tremendous competition in the financial markets.III. Market prices continually fluctuate.IV. Market prices react suddenly to unexpected news announcements.A. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I, II, and III onlyD. II, III, and IV onlyE. I, II, III, and IV13. If you excel in analyzing the future outlook of firms, you would prefer that the financial markets be ____ form efficient so that you can have an advantage in the marketplace.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfect14. Your best friend works in the finance office of the Delta Corporation. You are aware that this friend trades Delta stock based on information he overhears in the office. You know that this information is not known to the general public. Your friend continually brags to you about the profits he earns trading Delta stock. Based on this information, you would tend to argue that the financial markets are at best _____ form efficient.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfect15. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission periodically charges individuals for insider trading and claims those individuals have made unfair profits. Based on this fact, you would tend to argue that the financial markets are at best _____ form efficient.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfect16. Individuals that continually monitor the financial markets seeking mispriced securities:A. tend to make substantial profits on a daily basis.B. tend to make the markets more efficient.C. are never able to find a security that is temporarily mispriced.D. are always quite successful using only well-known public information as their basis of evaluation.E. are always quite successful using only historical price information as their basis of evaluation.17. Efficient capital markets are financial markets:A. in which current market prices reflect available information.B. in which current market prices reflect the present value of securities.C. in which there is no excess profit from using available information.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.18. If the efficient market hypothesis holds, investors should expect:A. to earn only a normal return.B. to receive a fair price for their securities.C. to always be able to pick stocks that will outperform the market averages.D. Both A and B.E. Both B and C.19. Financial managers can create value through financing decisions that:A. reduce costs or increase subsidies.B. increase the product prices.C. create a new security.D. Both A and B.E. Both A and C.20. In an efficient market when a firm makes an announcement of a new product or product enhancement with superior technology providing positive NPV, the price of the stock will:A. rise gradually over the next few days.B. decline gradually over the next few days.C. rise on the same day to the new price.D. stay at the same price, with no net effect.E. drop on the same day to the new price.21. An investor discovers that for a certain group of stocks, large positive price changes are always followed by large negative price changes. This finding is a violation of the:A. moderate form of the efficient market hypothesis.B. semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.C. strong form of the efficient market hypothesis.D. weak form of the efficient market hypothesis.E. None of the above.22. Which of the following would be indicative of inefficient markets?A. Overreaction and reversionB. Delayed responseC. Immediate and accurate responseD. Both A and B.E. Both A and C.23. When the stock price follows a random walk, the price today is said to be equal to the prior period price plus the expected return for the period with any remaining difference to the actual return due to:A. a predictable amount based on the past prices.B. a component based on new information unrelated to past prices.C. the security's risk.D. the risk free rate.E. None of the above.24. Which form of the efficient market hypothesis implies that security prices reflect only information contained in past prices?A. Weak formB. Semistrong formC. Strong formD. Hard formE. Past form25. If the weak form of efficient markets holds, then:A. technical analysis is useless.B. stock prices reflect all information contained in past prices.C. stock prices follow a random walk.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.26. Under the concept of an efficient market, a random walk in stock prices means that:A. there is no driving force behind price changes.B. technical analysts can predict future price movements to earn excess returns.C. the unexplained portion of price change in one period is unrelated to the unexplained portion of price change in any other period.D. the unexplained portion of price change in one period that can not be explained by expected return can only be explained by the unexplained portion of price change in a prior period.E. None of the above.27. A semistrong form efficient market is distinct from a weak form efficient market by:A. incorporating only random movements in the price.B. incorporating all publicly available information in the price.C. incorporating inside information in the price.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.28. If a market is strong form efficient, it also implies that:A. semistrong form efficiency holds.B. weak form efficiency holds.C. one cannot earn abnormal returns with inside information.D. Both A and C.E. A, B and C.29. An investor discovers that predictions about weather patterns published years in advance and found in the Farmer's Almanac are amazingly accurate. In fact, these predictions enable the investor to predict the health of the farm economy and therefore certain security prices. This finding is a violation of the:A. moderate form of the efficient market hypothesis.B. semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.C. strong form of the efficient market hypothesis.D. weak form of the efficient market hypothesis.E. None of the above.30. A lawyer works for a firm that advises corporate firms planning to sue other corporations for antitrust damages. He finds that he can "beat the market" by short-selling the stock of the firm that will be sued. This finding is a violation of the:A. moderate form of the efficient market hypothesis.B. semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.C. strong form of the efficient market hypothesis.D. weak form of the efficient market hypothesis.E. None of the above.31. An investor discovers that stock prices change drastically as a result of certain events. This finding is a violation of the:A. moderate form of the efficient market hypothesis.B. semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.C. strong form of the efficient market hypothesis.D. weak form of the efficient market hypothesis.E. None of the above.32. The semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis states that:A. all information is reflected in the price of securities.B. security prices reflect all publicly available information.C. future prices are predictable.D. Both A and C.E. None of the above.33. The market price of a stock moves or fluctuates daily. This fluctuation is:A. inconsistent with the semistrong efficient market hypothesis because prices should be stable.B. inconsistent with the weak form efficient market hypothesis because all past information should be priced in.C. consistent with the semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis because as new information arrives daily prices will adjust to it.D. consistent with the strong form because prices are controlled by insiders.E. None of the above.34. An investor who picks a portfolio by throwing darts at the financial pages:A. believes that efficient markets will protect the portfolio from harm as all information is priced.B. believes that riskier portfolios earn the same as less risky portfolios.C. does so because stock prices do not matter; only cash flow generated matters.D. Both A and C.E. Both B and C.35. Suppose that firms with unexpectedly high earnings earn abnormally high returns for several months after the announcement. This would be evidence of:A. efficient markets in the weak form.B. inefficient markets in the weak form.C. efficient markets in the semistrong form.D. inefficient markets in the semistrong form.E. inefficient markets in the strong form.36. Which of the following is not true about serial correlation?A. It measures the correlation between the current return on a security and the current return on another security.B. It involves only one security.C. Positive serial correlation indicates a tendency for continuation.D. Negative serial correlation indicates a tendency toward reversal.E. Significant positive or negative serial correlation coefficients are indicative of market inefficiency in the weak form.37. Which of the following is true?A. A random walk for stock price changes is inconsistent with observed patterns in price changes.B. If the stock market follows a random walk, price changes should be highly correlated.C. If the stock market is weak form efficient, then stock prices follow a random walk.D. All of the above.E. Both B and C.38. Event studies attempt to measure:A. the influence of information released to the market on returns in days surrounding its announcement.B. if the market is at least semistrong form efficient.C. whether there is a significant reaction to public announcements.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.39. The abnormal return in an event study is described as:A. the return earned on the day of announcement for the stock.B. the excess return earned on the day of announcement for the stock.C. the total return earned for the investment holding period.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.40. Evidence on stock prices finds that the sudden death of a chief executive officer causes stock prices to fall and the sudden death of an active founding chief executive officer causes stock price to rise. This contrary evidence happens because:A. markets are inefficient and unsure of the real value of the events.B. death is inevitable and market prices are random.C. things simply happen.D. the value of the founding executive was a negative to the firm.E. None of the above.41. Studies of the performance of professionally managed mutual funds find that these funds:A. do not outperform a market index. Assuming mutual fund managers rely primarily on public information, this finding refutes the semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.B. do not outperform a market index. Assuming mutual fund managers rely primarily on public information, this finding supports the semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.C. outperform a market index. Assuming mutual fund managers rely primarily on public information, this finding refutes the semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.D. outperform a market index. Assuming mutual fund managers rely primarily on public information, this finding supports the semistrong form of the efficient market hypothesis.E. Both C and D.42. Which of the following statements is true?A. In efficient markets, a stock's price should change with the arrival of new information.B. Average stock returns are higher in January than other months.C. Studies by Fama and French and others find that returns of high book to market stocks are much higher than low book to market value stocks to be consistent with the efficient market hypothesis.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.43. Which of the following is true?A. Most empirical evidence is consistent with strong form efficiency.B. Most empirical evidence is inconsistent with weak form efficiency.C. Strong form market efficiency is not supported by the empirical evidence.D. Both A and C.E. Both B and C.44. In examining the issue of whether the choice of accounting methods affects stock prices, studies have found that:A. accounting depreciation methods can significantly affect stock prices.B. switching depreciation methods can significantly affect stock prices.C. accounting changes that increase accounting earnings also increases stock prices.D. accounting changes can affect stock prices if the company were either to withhold information or provide incorrect information.E. All of the above.45. Market efficiency says:A. prices may not reflect underlying value.B. a good financial manager can time stock sales.C. managers may profitablly speculate in foreign currency.D. managers cannot boost stock prices through creative accounting.E. None of the above.46. The abnormal returns for initial public offerings over longer time periods seem to call market efficiency into question because:A. the average returns at announcement are large and positive while the long-term results are much lower than the returns for seasoned equity offerings.B. the average returns at announcement are small and negative while the long-term results are much lower than the returns for seasoned equity offerings.C. the average returns at announcement are zero while the long-term results are much higher than the returns for seasoned equity offerings.D. the average returns at announcement are large and positive while the long-term results are much higher than the returns for seasoned equity offerings.E. the average returns at announcement are insignificant while the long-term results are much lower than the returns for seasoned equity offerings.47. An example of financially irrational behavior is:A. gambling in Las Vegas.B. when a firm announces an increase in earnings and the stock price enjoys three days of large abnormal returns.C. when a firm announces an increase in earnings and the stock price enjoys an immediate surge in value which is captured in one day.D. Both A and B.E. Both A and C.48. Ritter's study of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) showed that the post offering stock performance was:A. less than the control group by about 2% in the five years following the IPO.B. incorrectly priced at issuance because over the next five years the abnormal returns were greater than zero on average.C. immaterial to the pricing of the IPO because future market performance is unknown at issuance.D. equal across IPOs, irrespective of risk or which year they were issued.E. All of the above.49. If the securities market is efficient, an investor need only throw darts at the stock pages to pick securities and be just as well off.A. This is true because there are no differences in risk and return.B. This is true because in an efficient stock market prices do not fluctuate.C. This is false because professional portfolio managers prefer to generate commissions by active trading.D. This is false because investors may not hold a desirable risk-return combination in their portfolio.E. This is false because the markets are controlled by the institutional investors.50. Financial managers must be cognizant of market efficiency because:A. manipulating earnings by accounting changes does not fool the market.B. timing security sales is futile because without private information the current price reflects all known information.C. there is limited price pressure from any large sale of stock depressing prices only momentarily before recovering to prior levels.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.51. Event studies have been used to examine:A. IPOs, SEOs, and other equity issuances.B. changes in earnings.C. mergers and acquisitions.D. most financial events.E. All of the above.52. If the market is weak form efficient:A. semistrong form efficiency holds.B. strong form efficiency must hold.C. semistrong form efficiency may hold.D. markets are not weak form efficient.E. None of the above.53. In order to create value from capital budgeting decisions, the firm is likely to:A. locate an unsatisfied demand for a particular product or service.B. create a barrier to make it more difficult for other firms to compete.C. produce products or services at a lower cost than the competition.D. A and C.E. A, B, and C.54. Valuable financing opportunities can be created by:A. fooling investors.B. reducing costs or increasing subsidies.C. the creation of a new security.D. A and B.E. A, B, and C.55. The following time period(s) is/are consistent with the bubble theory:A. the stock market crash of 1929.B. the stock market crash of 1972.C. the stock market crash of 1987.D. A and C.E. A, B, and C.56. In the five years after the offering, ___ underperform matched control groups.A. initial public offeringsB. seasoned equity offeringsC. bond offeringsD. A and BE. A, B, and C57. In the three years prior to a forced departure of management, stock prices, adjusted for market performance, on average will:A. decline about 20%.B. decline about 40%.C. decline about 60%.D. remain stable.E. increase about 20%.Essay Questions58. Define the three forms of market efficiency.59. Explain why it is that in an efficient market, investments have an expected NPV of zero.60. Do you think the lessons from capital market history will hold for each year in the future? That is, as an example, if you buy small stocks will your investment always outperformU.S. Treasury bonds?61. Suppose your cousin invests in the stock market and doubles her money in a single year while the market, on average, earned a return of only about 15%. Is your cousin's performance a violation of market efficiency?62. Why should a financial decision maker such as a corporate treasurer or CFO be concerned with market efficiency?Chapter 14 Efficient Capital Markets and Behavioral Challenges Answer KeyMultiple Choice Questions1. An efficient capital market is one in which:A. brokerage commissions are zero.B. taxes are irrelevant.C. securities always offer a positive rate of return to investors.D. security prices are guaranteed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to be fair.E. security prices reflect available information.Difficulty level: EasyTopic: EFFICIENT CAPITAL MARKETType: DEFINITIONS2. The notion that actual capital markets, such as the NYSE, are fairly priced is called the:A. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH).B. Law of One Price.C. Open Markets Theorem.D. Laissez-Faire Axiom.E. Monopoly Pricing Theorem.Difficulty level: EasyTopic: EFFICIENT MARKETS HYPOTHESISType: DEFINITIONS3. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all available information of every kind is called _____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stableDifficulty level: EasyTopic: STRONG FORM EFFICIENCYType: DEFINITIONS4. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all publicly available information is called _____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stableDifficulty level: EasyTopic: SEMI STRONG FORM EFFICIENCYType: DEFINITIONS5. The hypothesis that market prices reflect all historical information is called _____ form efficiency.A. openB. strongC. semistrongD. weakE. stableDifficulty level: EasyTopic: WEAK FORM EFFICIENCYType: DEFINITIONS6. In an efficient market, the price of a security will:A. always rise immediately upon the release of new information with no further price adjustments related to that information.B. react to new information over a two-day period after which time no further price adjustments related to that information will occur.C. rise sharply when new information is first released and then decline to a new stable level by the following day.D. react immediately to new information with no further price adjustments related to that information.E. be slow to react for the first few hours after new information is released allowing time for that information to be reviewed and analyzed.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS7. If the financial markets are efficient, then investors should expect their investments in those markets to:A. earn extraordinary returns on a routine basis.B. generally have positive net present values.C. generally have zero net present values.D. produce arbitrage opportunities on a routine basis.E. produce negative returns on a routine basis.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS8. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning market efficiency?A. Real asset markets are more efficient than financial markets.B. If a market is efficient, arbitrage opportunities should be common.C. In an efficient market, some market participants will have an advantage over others.D. A firm will generally receive a fair price when it sells shares of stock.E. New information will gradually be reflected in a stock's price to avoid any sudden change in the price of the stock.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS9. According to the efficient market hypothesis, financial markets fluctuate daily because they:A. are inefficient.B. slowly react to new information.C. are continually reacting to new information.D. offer tremendous arbitrage opportunities.E. only reflect historical information.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS10. Insider trading does not offer any advantages if the financial markets are:A. weak form efficient.B. semiweak form efficient.C. semistrong form efficient.D. strong form efficient.E. inefficient.Difficulty level: EasyTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS11. According to theory, studying historical prices in order to identify mispriced stocks will not work in markets that are _____ efficient.I. weak formII. semistrong formIII. strong formA. I onlyB. II onlyC. I and II onlyD. II and III onlyE. I, II, and IIIDifficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS12. Which of the following tend to reinforce the argument that the financial markets are efficient?I. Information spreads rapidly in today's world.II. There is tremendous competition in the financial markets.III. Market prices continually fluctuate.IV. Market prices react suddenly to unexpected news announcements.A. I and III onlyB. II and IV onlyC. I, II, and III onlyD. II, III, and IV onlyE. I, II, III, and IVDifficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS13. If you excel in analyzing the future outlook of firms, you would prefer that the financial markets be ____ form efficient so that you can have an advantage in the marketplace.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfectDifficulty level: EasyTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS14. Your best friend works in the finance office of the Delta Corporation. You are aware that this friend trades Delta stock based on information he overhears in the office. You know that this information is not known to the general public. Your friend continually brags to you about the profits he earns trading Delta stock. Based on this information, you would tend to argue that the financial markets are at best _____ form efficient.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfectDifficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS15. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission periodically charges individuals for insider trading and claims those individuals have made unfair profits. Based on this fact, you would tend to argue that the financial markets are at best _____ form efficient.A. weakB. semiweakC. semistrongD. strongE. perfectDifficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS16. Individuals that continually monitor the financial markets seeking mispriced securities:A. tend to make substantial profits on a daily basis.B. tend to make the markets more efficient.C. are never able to find a security that is temporarily mispriced.D. are always quite successful using only well-known public information as their basis of evaluation.E. are always quite successful using only historical price information as their basis of evaluation.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: MARKET EFFICIENCYType: CONCEPTS。

罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第13章 风险、资本成本和估值)【圣才出品】

罗斯《公司理财》(第11版)章节题库(第13章 风险、资本成本和估值)【圣才出品】




















无负债的公司资产的β:1.9负债和股票价值比:0.4国库券利率:4%市场风险溢价:9%债券到期收益率:6%公司所得税税率:25%答:(1)将无负债的β值转换为有负债的股东权益β值:β权益=β资产[1+(1-t C )B/S]=1.9×[1+(1-25%)×0.4]=2.47公司的权益成本为:R S =R F +β权益×(R M -R F )=4%+2.47×9%=26.23%(2)权益成本R S 为26.23%,因此加权平均成本为:()()10.4126.23%6%125%20%10.410.4WACC S B C S B R R R t S B S B ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯+⨯⨯-=⨯+⨯⨯-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪++++⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭2.假设某公司债务资本成本为9%,所得税率为33%,权益成本为15%。


案:公司估计提高某种产品安全性的成本是 30 美元万。然而,该公司认为提高产品的安全
性只会节省 20 美元万。请问公司应该怎么做呢?”
可以提高应收帐款回收率,同样可以降低存货需求。一般来说,任何导致期末的 NWC 相



第14章期权与公司理财◆本章复习与自测题14.1 看涨期权的价值Nantucket公司的股票目前以每股25美元的价格出售。



执行价格为20美元的看涨期权的价值是多少?执行价格为26美元的呢?14.2 可转换债券Old Cycle公司(OCC)是《古代钢铁》(Ancient Iron)杂志出版商,它发行的可转换债券目前在市场上的售价为950美元。






债券的转换比率是多少?转换价格呢?转换溢价呢?债券的底线价值是多少?它的期权价值是多少?◆本章复习与自测题解答14.1 执行价格为20美元时,期权不可能出现虚值(如果股票价格为20美元,它将实现实值)。


购买国库券将花费20美元/1.1 = 18.18美元。


如果股票最终的价格为30美元,国库券仍然能偿付20美元,而期权的价值将为30美元-20美元= 10美元,所以组合的价值将为30美元。


利用本章中的符号,我们可以这样计算看涨期权的价值:S 0= C+ E/(1 + Rf)25美元= C+ 18.18美元C= 6.82美元当执行价格为26美元时,我们从按较低的股票价格的现值投资于国库券着手。


如果股票价格是30美元,那么期权的价值为30美元-26美元= 4美元。























第14章有效资本市场和行为学挑战14.1 本章要点股票市场上的价格是否反映了公司股票的内在价值或真实价值?这是进行金融活动不可回避的基本问题,与此相关的理论即为有效市场理论。









例如,VA Linux的股票在首日交易中上涨了698%。































第12章看待风险与收益的另一种观点:套利定价理论12.1 复习笔记美国金融经济学家罗斯于1976年首先提出套利定价理论(Arbitrage Pricing Theory,APT),APT建立在比资本资产定价模型更少且更合理的假设之上,而其导出的均衡模型与资本资产定价模型有很多相似之处。











股票收益的定义式是:=+=++R R U R mε其中,R是下个月的实际总收益;R_是实际总收益中期望收益部分;U表示实际总收益中的非期望收益部分;m 表示收益的系统性风险,有时又称作“市场风险”,在不同程度上m 影响着市场上所有资产的价格;ε表示收益的非系统性风险。





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