
高中英语哭和笑的不同表达法不同的哭:不同的笑:Mr. Littleton teaches third grades. One day, he had to go to the office for an important call. As soon as he left the classroom, his students looked at each other and started to 1____________. There wasn’t a sound in the room, but everyone knew something funny was going to happen!Everybody looked expectantly at Tom, the class clown. He quickly got up and wrote on the blackboard, “No more school!”The minute he did this, the students started to quietly laughing. They began to 2___________. They tried to stop, but it wasn’t long before the room was filled with laughter. The students really 3_____________when a few of them made paper airplanes and sent them flying across the room.Fifteen minutes later, when the teacher came back into the room, the whole class was 4____________. The teacher yelled, “Stop it! Stop it right away!”The class suddenly got quiet, but most of the students couldn’t help 5__________ a little bit. Then, the teacher said he would make the whole class stay 15 minutes after school because of all the noise. Nobody felt like 6________ about the bad news.7. The children in the school were not well-prepared. When they forgot their lines, the audience _____________ with embarrassment.(beamed, roared with laughter, tittered)8. The bank robber wasn’t afraid of anything. When the police officer told him he would probably have to go to jail for ten years, the robber didn’t make a sound. He just ___________ at the police officer. He knew that his friends would help him escape. (giggled, grinned, smirked)9. The politician stood in front of the crowd, saying he had never told a lie. He tried to sound as sincere as possible only to hear the crowd quietly ____________. (grinning, laughing their heads off, sneering)10. The children in the audience loved the circus clown. They __________ with laughter every time he tried to climb up the back of the elephant.(grinned, shrieked, tittered)。

1英语中表示“哭”的动词1.1 blubber:cry noisily,especially in a way thatannoys people号哭Stop blubbering,for heaven’s sake!天哪,别再哇哇地哭个不停!1.2howl:makealongloudcrybecauseofunhappiness,pain,oranger.(因悲伤、疼痛、愤怒而)不停地嚎哭;咆哮He bowled when he fell down.他摔倒时疼痛地嚎叫。
1.3 moan:make a long low sound expressing pain,unhappiness,or sexual pleasure呻吟,呜咽,哼哼。
The old man moaned in pain when he received anoperation.老人接受手术时痛苦地呻吟着。
1.4 scream:make a loud high noise with your voicebecause you are hurt,frightened,excited etc(因疼痛、惊恐、兴奋等)尖声大叫,哭叫Shots rang out,and people started screaming.突然响起枪声,人们大声哭叫起来。
1.5screech:makeaveryunpleasant,highnoisewithyour voice,especially because you are angry(因生气等)尖叫,尖声喊叫She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes.她尖声叫喊叫我脱掉粘满污泥的鞋子。

2024届新高考英语读后续写微技能之哭泣篇高级词块:1.tears streaming down 泪水流淌2.sobbing uncontrollably 无法控制地抽泣3.a river of tears 泪流成河4.weeping bitterly 痛哭流涕5.heartbroken tears 伤心的泪水6.tears of joy 喜悦的泪水7.silent tears 默默的泪水8.burst into tears 突然哭起来9.wipe away tears 擦去泪水10.a tearful goodbye 含泪道别11.tears welling up 泪水涌上12.with tears in one's eyes 眼中含着泪水13.shedding tears 流泪14.tears streaming down one's face 泪水顺着脸流淌15.a moment of tears 流泪的时刻16.hidden tears 隐藏的泪水17.tears of frustration 挫折的泪水18.a flood of tears 泪如泉涌19.bitter tears 苦涩的泪水20.tears of gratitude 感激的泪水必备金句:1.Tears are the silent language of a broken heart. 眼泪是破碎心灵的无声语言。
2.Sometimes, the only way to express the pain is through tears. 有时候,表达痛苦的唯一方式是通过眼泪。
3.Tears are the windows to our souls. 眼泪是我们灵魂的窗户。
4.A single tear can speak volumes. 一滴眼泪可以诉说千言万语。
5.Tears of happiness are just as powerful as tears of sadness. 快乐的眼泪和悲伤的眼泪同样强大。

1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。
2. have tears in one’s eyes眼里含着泪水Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感而)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.她的手在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗一点也没有意识到这一切。

实用英语口语:“哭”的十种表达法1. Mary almost cried her eyes out.玛丽痛哭地不行。
Cry one’s eyes out 是痛哭的意思。
同样能表达这个意思的词组还有:cry one’s heart out。
2. I sat down, and cried most vehemently.我坐下来,非常激动地哭起来。
Vehement 是激烈、猛烈的意思,常用来形容情感。
3. I broke out crying and sobbing.我不由得呜呜咽咽地哭起来。
Sob 是呜咽、抽泣的意思,还能够表示一边哭一边说。
4. He took his way through the great wood, weeping sorely.他伤心地哭着穿过大树林。
Weep 的意思是,通过流泪表达出悲伤,哀痛。
Sorely 表示水准,意思同painfully和 grievously5. The little girl wept herself to sleep.小女孩哭着哭着入睡了。
Wept 是weep的过去式和过去分词。
Weep to sleep这里是指哭着睡着了。
6. The little boy, still in tears, sniffed monotonously.那个男孩还在哭,发出单调的抽泣声。
In tears 也是常用的一种表示流泪的词组的说法。
7. She burst into tears as she spoke.她说着说着突然哭起来。
Burst into 是指突然进入某种状态。
其他常用的搭配还有burst into flame突然着火, burst into laughter突然大笑。
8. She cried with grief when she heard news of herfriend's death.听到朋友死亡的消息,她难过地哭了Cry with grief就等于cry grievously。

1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。
2. have tears in one’s eyes眼里含着泪水Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水Bill fough t back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感而)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.她的手在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗一点也没有意识到这一切。
美国习惯用语92:猫哭耗子假慈悲 -(韦博分享)

英文里有一个说法,叫做:crocodile tears。
Crocodile tears和中国人常说的"猫哭老鼠假慈悲"是一样的意思。
Crocodile tears这个俗语来自一个古老的神话,说是鳄鱼往往发出一种哭的声音来引诱那些它们要吃的动物,然后一面吃一面流眼泪。
下面我们来举个例子:例句-1: The truth is that Pete never liked his rich Uncle John. But you should have seen his crocodile tears when the old man died and left him a million dollars!这句话是说:皮特从来都不喜欢他那个有钱的叔叔约翰,这是事实。
下面这个例子说的是一位政客:例句-2: In his speeches the mayor always puts on a big show of crocodile tears for poor and homeless people. But I don't see him doing anything to help them.这是说:这位市长在讲话的时候总是装得好像他对穷人和无家可归的人非常同情。
******我们要讲的另一个和"哭"有关的俗语是:sob story。
Sob story的意思就是某人编造一个令人伤心的故事来赢得别人的同情,甚至于让别人给钱来帮助他。

高中英语痛哭落泪的N种表达方式和口语学习的11条黄金法则英语日常积累:痛哭流泪的N个英文表达方式1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面例:Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。
2. have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水例:Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来例:Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来例:He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水例:Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感而)流泪。
例:The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了例:Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.她的手在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗一点也没有意识到这一切。

1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。
2. have tears in one’s eyes眼里含着泪水Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s ey es (因伤感而)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.她的手在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗一点也没有意识到这一切。

英语里的各种说法【各种哭】cry 哭泣:1.轻声的哭泣:weep 无声地流泪;sob 呜咽、抽泣;whimper 啜泣、呜咽;lament 恸哭哀悼;mewl 低声啜泣;snivel 哭诉、抽鼻子哭;whine 哀鸣、发出呜呜声;2.大声的哭泣:squall 嚎啕大哭;wail 哀嚎、恸哭流涕;yowl 大哭大叫;blubber 放声大哭、又哭又闹【天冷了怎么说】1. It's freezing/chilly out there! 外面冷死了! 2. There is a real nip in the air today。
3. The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind is bone-chilling。
4. I can't stop shivering from the cold。
【各种睡不着】1. I couldn't fall asleep last night. 我昨晚睡不着。
2. I passed a wakeful night. 我彻夜未眠。
3. I was up all night. 我一整晚都没睡。
4. I was counting sheep all night. 我一整晚都在数羊。
5. I've been suffering from insomnia. 我近来饱受失眠之苦。
【各种吃】零食snack food;巧克力chocolate;葡萄干raisin;瓜子seeds;棒棒糖lollipop;葵花籽sunflower seeds;薯片crisps;什锦坚果mixed nuts;爆米花popcorn;冰淇淋ice cream;棉花糖marshmallow;果冻jelly;开心果pistachio nut;奶油夹心饼twinkie【“拖延症”英语怎么说?】1. 拖延症:Procrastination,例如:How to overcome procrastination? 怎么克服拖延症? 2. 描述某人很能拖延:Terry procrastinates way too much. Terry太能拖延了。

1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满⾯ Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story. 他讲完故事时,我们⼤多数⼈都已泪流满⾯。
2. have tears in one’s eyes 眼⾥含着泪⽔ Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her. 简眼⾥含着泪⽔转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声⼤哭,突然哭起来 Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room. 劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房⼦⾥跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪⽔顺着脸颊淌下来 He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played. ⾳乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪⽔顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪⽔ Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother. ⽐尔抑制住泪⽔,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感⽽)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes. 那⾸⽼歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了 Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that. 她的⼿在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗⼀点也没有意识到这⼀切。
常用英语口语8000句:悲伤时:断念、绝望 -(韦博分享)

I give up.Let's play another game. (我们再玩另一个游戏吧。
)You're too good for me. I give up. (你也玩得太好了,我不玩了。
I fold. *用于玩扑克时。
I raise you $20. ([玩牌时的赌博]再加20美元。
)I fold. (我不玩了。
)I give in.没法子。
I can't help it. *当带有can时,help表示“避开”、“抑制”、“控制”,所以I can't help it 表示“不得不这样做”、“无法回避”。
You should stop smoking. (你该戒烟了。
)I can't help it. (戒不了啊。
)There's nothing I can do about it.没戏。
Not a chance! *用于没有可能性时。
Would you lend me ¥5,000? (你能借给我5000日元吗?))Not a chance! (没戏。
)No chance at all.Fat chance.No way. (根本不可能。
That's the way it goes.The game is canceled because of the rain. (因为下雨所以比赛取消了。
)That's the way it goes. (没办法呀。
I have no clue. *clue 表示“线索”、“头绪”。
Do you know who stole it? (你知道是谁偷的吗?)I have no clue. (毫无线索。
高考续写作文素材4 各种哭

素材4 各种“哭”(一)单个形容词/动词1.mistyadj. 充满泪水的,泪眼模糊的.He paused, his eyes growing misty.他停顿了一下,眼中涌起泪水。
.Whenever Maria sees a picture of her mother, she gets misty-eyed.玛丽亚每次看到她母亲的照片都会泪眼模糊。
2.watery adj. 充满泪水的·Her eyes were red and watery from crying.她的眼睛哭得红红的,噙满泪水。
3.tearful/teary adj.哭泣的;含泪的;快要哭的·Dennis screamed to his tearful wife as she sat in the front of the garden.丹尼斯冲妻子尖叫着,她正坐在花园前面,泪流满面。
4.sob vi. 啜泣,呜咽;(风等)发出呜咽声vt.哭诉,啜泣n. 啜泣,呜咽·She began to sob again, burying her face in the pillow.她又开始抽噎把脸埋枕头里。
She lifted her hands to her face, and he saw her thin shoulders shaken by a sob.她抬起双手捂到脸上,他发现她那瘦削的双肩因啜泣在颤抖。
5.weep v.哭泣,流泪·An hour later, when she had returned to her room, she wept.一个钟头过后,她回到了自己的屋子里,她哭出来了。
6.brim v.(眼里)含满泪水;(泪水)充盈Her tears brimmed over again as she started to speak.她说话泪水再次夺眶而出。
(二)与tears 相关的1. with tears in one's eyes 眼里含着泪水·Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转向我,恳求我帮帮她。

1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面Most of us were in tears by the time he’d finished his story.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已泪流满面。
2. have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然哭了起来,然后从房子里跑了出去。
4. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.音乐声响起时,他静静地站着,泪水顺着脸颊淌下来。
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.比尔抑制住泪水,并试图安慰桑拉的母亲。
6. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因伤感而)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes.那首老歌总是让我伤感得流泪。
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.她的手在颤抖,她快要哭出来了,但保罗一点也没有意识到这一切。
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1. be in tears 含泪,泪流满面
Most of us were in tears by the time he'd finished his story.
2. have tears in one's eyes 眼里含着泪水
Jane turned to me with tears in her eyes, and Begged me to help her.
简眼里含着泪水转我, 恳求我帮帮她。
3. burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来
Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.
4. tears roll/run down one's cheeks 泪水顺着脸颊淌下来
He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played.
5. fight back tears 抑制住泪水
Bill fought back his tears and tried to comfort Sarah’s mother.
6. bring tears to somebody's eyes (因伤感而)流泪。
The old song always brought tears to my eyes.
7. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了
Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears but Paul didn’t realize that.
8. reduce somebody to tears 使某人不禁流泪
He nagged and complained, and reduced Louise to tears.
9. somebody's eyes water(风、烟雾等) 使眼睛淌眼泪
Joe’s eyes were watering from the smoke that filled the room.
10. cry one's eyes out(口语)痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心
Cecil came round later, crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him.
11. make somebody cry 让某人哭,惹某人哭
David often teases his little sister and makes her cry.
12. break down(因情绪失去控制而)痛哭,大哭
I left quickly,not wanting to break down in front of the children.
13. have a lump in one's throat(因感动、悲伤而)哽咽,喉咙哽住
There was a lump in my throat and I didn’t speak because I knew I would cry.
14. turn on the water works(口语)(撒娇)哭出来,(故意)哭起来
It’s no good turning on the water works. You can’t stay home from school.