



关于隧道监控量测测的外文文献Title: Tunnel Monitoring and Measurement of Surveillance Introduction:隧道监控量测是现代交通运输中至关重要的一环。



1. 传感器技术传感器是隧道监控量测的核心技术之一。





2. 数据采集与传输隧道监控量测需要对传感器采集到的数据进行实时或定期的采集与传输。




3. 数据处理与分析采集到的数据需要进行处理与分析,以提取有价值的信息。



4. 隧道监控系统隧道监控量测需要建立完善的监控系统,包括传感器布置、数据采集与传输、数据处理与分析以及监控中心等组成部分。







Design of the Data Acquisition System Based on STM32ABSTRACTEarly detect ion of failures in machi nery equipments is one of the most important concerns to industry. In order to monitor effective of rotating machinery, we devel opment a micro-c on trolleruC/OS-II system of sig nal acquisiti on system based on STM32 in this paper, we have give n the whole desig n scheme of system and the multi-cha nnel vibrati on sig nal in axis X, Y and Z of the rotary shaft can be acquired rap idly and dis play in real-time. Our system has the character of sim pie structure,low po wer consump ti on, mi niaturizatio n.Keywords: STM32; data acquisition; embedded system;uC/OS-ll;1.1.IntroductionThe real-time acquisition of vibration in rotating machinery can effectively p redict, assessa nd diag nose equipment op erati on state, the in dustry gets vibratio n data acquisiti on Rap idly and an alysis in real-time can mon itor the rotati ng mach inery state and guara ntee the safe running of the equipmen t. I n order to p reve nt failure, reduce maintenance time, improve the econo mic efficie ncy, The purpose of fault diag no sis system can detect these devices through the vibratio n sig nal acquisiti on of rotating machinery, and process the data acquisition, then it will make timely judgme nt of running state of equipment .While the data acquisiti on module is the core part of the fault diag no sis system [1-4].The p ractical app licati on in the in dustrial field, is the equipment operating parameters willbe acquired to monitor equipment op erati ng state. In traditi onal data acquisiti on systems, the data from acquisiti on card are gen erally send into the compu ter, and sp ecific software will be devel oped for the data acquisition. The main contribution of this paper has designed the STM32 p latform with ARM tech no logy, that has become a traditi onal main stream tech no logy in embedded systems, and thecollect ing data toward the directi on of high real-time, multi-parameter, high-precision, while data storage become large capacity, more mini aturizati on and p ortable, and the devel opment of multicom muni cati on mode and Iong-distanee for data transmission. So as to meet the actual acquisition system multitask ing requireme nts, this article has desig ned based on STM32 micro-co ntroller uC/OS-ll system of sig nal acquisiti on system. Therefore, in order to meet the actual acquisiti on system multitask requireme nts, this no velty of this article has desig ned a sig nal acquisiti on system in micro-c on troller uC/OS-II based on STM32.2・Architecture of data acquisition systemData acquisiti on as key tech no logy for mon itori ng equipmen t, rece ntly a lot of work has been done on it. An embedded parallel data acquisition system based onFPGA is Optimized designed which will make it reasonableto divide and allocate high-s peed and low-s peed A/D [5]. I nstead, it has use a high-s peed A/Dcon verier and Stratix II series of FPGA for data collecti on and p rocess ing, in which the main contribution is used of the Compact Peripheral ComponentIn terc onn ect, the system has the characters of modularizati on, sturd in ess and scalability [6].But remote control will be needed in Special Conditions, this paper introduce the embedded operating system platform based on Windows CE and uC/OS-II to desig n a remote acquisiti on and con trol system with theGPRS wireless tech no logy [7-8]」n order to achieve the data shari ng of multi-user, it has build the embedded dyn amic website for data acquisiti on man ageme nt and dissem in ati on with the ARM9 and Linux operation system [9].A data collection terminal devices is designed based on ARM7 microprocessor LPC2290and embedded real-time op erati ng system uC/OS-II to solve the real-time acquisiti on of multicha nnel small sig nal and multi-cha nnel tran smissi on[ 10].O n the other han ds, two p arallelDSP-based system dedicated to the data acquisiti on on rotati ng machi nes, and the inner sig nal conditi oner is used to ada pt the sen sor out put to the input range of the acquisiti on, and the n sig nal p ost -p rocess in gby the desig n software, while the most frequently structure is to use DAS and FPGA-based, and such programs are also dependent on the DAS cost.In order to meet market requireme nts of low po wer consump ti on, low cost, and mobility, Fig.1 in this paper presents the design overall structure diagram of data acquisiti on system. Through SPI in terface, the system gets the data collectio n withthree axis acceleration sensor into the STM32 controller of inner A/D conversion module with 12-bit, this p rocess is non-i nterferi ng p arallel acquisiti on. Our system uses 240x400 LCD and touch scree n module real-time to dis play the collected data in real time.Fig J Headway Framework of System2.1.STM32 micro-controllerA 32 bit RISC STM32F103VET6, used as the processor in our system, com pared with similar p roducts, the STM32F103VET6 work at 72MHZ, with characters of stro ng p erforma nee and low po wer consump tio n, real-time and low-cost.The processor in cludes: 512K FLASH, 64K SRAM, and it will com mun icate by using five serial p ortswhich con tai n a CAN bus, a USB2.0 SLA VE mode and a Ethernet in terface, what s more two RS232 p orts are also in cluded. The system in our paper exte nd the SST25VF016B serial memory through the SPI bus in terface, that will regard as the temporary storage whe n collect large nu mber of data, furthermore, we have the A/D con verier with 12 bits resoluti on, and the fastest con versi on up to 1us, with 3.6 Vfull-scale of the system .In additi on to desig n of the system po wer supply circuit, the reset circuit, RTC circuit and GPIO port to assura ncesystem n eeds and no rmal op erati on.2.2.Data acquisitionThe machi ne state is no rmal or not is mai niy depen ded on the vibrati on sig nal.In this paper, to acquire the vibratio n data of rotati ng machi nery rotor, we have used vibrati on accelerati on tran sducers MMA7455L which could collect the data from axis x, y, and z of the company of Free-scale. The kind of vibration acceleration transducers has advantage of low cost and small size, high sensitivity and large dynamic range with small interferenee. MMA7455L is mainIy consists of gravity sensing unit and sig nal con diti oning circuit comp ositi on, and this sen sor will amp lify the tiny data before sig nal prep rocess ing. In data acquisiti on p rocess of our system, the error of samp li ng stage is mainly caused by qua ntified, and the error is depen ded on the bits of the A/D conv erter ,whe n we regard the maximum voltage as V max , theAD converter bits is n, and the quantization Q = V max/2n, then, the quantization error is obeyed uniform distributi on in [- q / 2, q / 2] [13].丘=1 ep(e)de = 0=匚仗一已)血F)尿M *血M告£ =卩I呼=血呼=口(S皿)=]z 垃/ b- 孑- z Se is aveiase enoi\ is enor variance . and —is SKR.「并NThe desig ned STM32 could built at most three 12-bit parallel ADC in this paper , whichtheoretical in dex is 72dB and the actual dyn amic range is betwee n 54 to 60dB while 2 or 3 bits is imp acted by no ise, the dyn amic range of measureme nt can up to 1000 times with 60dB. For the vast majority of the vibratio n sig nal, the maximum samp li ng rate of 10kHZ can meet actual dema nd, and the higher freque ncy of collecti on is gen erally used in the 8-12 bits AD, therefore one of con tributi on of thiswork is to choose a built-in 12-bit A/D to meet the accuracy of vibration signal acquisiti on and lower cost in this exp erime nt.3・Software design3.1. Trans plantation of C/OSIn order to ensure real-time and safety data collection requirements, in thissystem, a kind of RTOS whose source code is open and small is prop osed. It also canbe easily to be cut dow n, repo tted and solidified, and its basic functions in clud ing task management and resource management, storage management and systemmanagement. The RTOS embedded systemcould support 64 tasks, with at most 56user tasks, and four tasks of the highest and the lowest p riorities will be reta ined insystem. The uC/OS-II assig ns p riorities of the tasks accordi ng to their imp orta nee, theoperation system executive the task from the priority sequenceand each task haveindependent p riority. The op erati ng system kernel is streamli ned, and multi-task ingfun cti on is well comp ared with others, it can be transplan ted to p rocessors that from8-bit to 64-bit.The transplant in the system are to modify the three file systemstructure: OS_CPU_C.H OS_CPU.C, OS_CPU_A.ASM. Main transplan tati on p rocedure is as follows:A. OS_C PU_C.HIt has defi ned the data typ es, the len gth and growth direct ion of stack in theprocessor. Because different microprocessors have different word length , so the uC/OS-II transplan tati on in clude a series of type defi niti on to en sure its p ortability,and the revised code as follows:typ edef un sig ned char BOOLEAN;typ edef un sig ned char INT8U;typ edef sig ned char INT8S;typ edef un sig ned short INT16U;typ edef sig ned short INT16U;typ edef un sig ned int INT32U;typ edef signed int INT32S;typ edef float FP32;typ edef double FP64;typ edef un sig ned int OS_STK;typ edef un sig ned int OS_C PU_SR;Cortex-M3 p rocessor defi nes the OS_ENTER_CRITICAL () andOS_EXIT_CRITICAL () as opening and closi ng in terru pt, and they must set to 32 bit of the stack OS_STK and CPU register len gth. In additi on, that has defi ned the stack poin ter OS_STK_GROWTH stack growth direct ion from high address to lower address.B. OS_C PU.CTo modify the function OSTaskStklnit() according to the processor, the nine rema ining user in terface fun cti ons and hook fun cti ons can be n ull without sp ecial requirements, they will produce code for these functions only when theOS_C PU_HOOKS_EN is set to 1 in the file of OS_CFG.H. The stack ini tialization fun cti on OSTaskStk Init () retu rn to the new top of the stack poin ter.OS_C PU_A.ASMMost of the transplant work are comp leted in these docume nts, and modify the followi ng functions.OsStartHighRdy() is used for running the most priority ready task, it will be respon sible for stack poin ter SP from the highest p riority task of TCB con trol block, and restore the CPU, the n the task p rocess created by the user start to con trol the p rocess.OSCtxSw () is for task switch ing, When the curre nt task ready queue have a higher p riority task, the CPU will start OSCtxSw () task switchi ng to run the higher p riority task and the curre nt task stored in task stack.OSIntCtxSw () has the similar function with OSIntSw (), in order to ensure real-time p erforma nee of the system, it will run the higher p riority task directly whe n the in terr upt come, and will not store the curre nt task.OSTickISR () is use to han dle the clock in terr upt, which n eeds in terru pt to schedule its impi eme ntati on whe n a higher p riority task is wait ing for the clock sig nal.OS_CPU_SR_Save () and OS_CPU_SR_Restore () is completed to switch in terr upt while en teri ng and leav ing the critical code both functions imp leme nt by the critical p rotectio n fun ctio n OS_ENTER_CRITICAL () and OS_EXIT_CRITICAL ().After the completion ofthe above work, uC/OS-II can run on the processors.3.2.Software architectureFig.2 shows the system software architecture, so as to dis play the data visualized,uC/GUI3.90 anduC/OS-ll is transplan ted in the system, our system contains six tasks such data acquisiti on, data tran smissi on, LCD dis play, touch scree n driver, key-press management and uC/GUI interface.First of all, we should set the task priority and the task scheduling based on the priority. It needs compiete the required driver design before the data acquisition, such as A/D driver, touch panel driver and system initialization, while the initializations include: hardware platform in itializati on, system clock in itializati on, in terr upt source con figurati on, GPIO port configuration, serial port initialization and parameter configuration, and LCD in itializati on. The p rocess is that the cha nnel module sent samp li ng comma nd to theAD channel, then to inform the receiver module it has been sent the sample start comma nd, the receiver module is ready to receive and large data will store in the storage module, after the comp leti on of the first samp li ng, cha nnel module will send the compi ete comma nd of samp li ng to the receiver module, the receiver sends an in terr upt request to the storage module to sto p the data stori ng, the n the data will dis play on the LCD touch scree n. The data acquisiti on p rocess show n in Fig.3Htii-fti Zhang ami Kang /Pfticedia Cortipitier Sciifice 222 - 22Sin-pw fCOT_U>11Liil EibnsFig,2 Software Architecture ofSyMem rig J Dnia Acquisition of Flow Chart 4・Ex perimentsThe exp erime nt of the embedded system has bee n done and data acquisiti on comes from the accelerati on of MMA7455L, which is in stalled on the bench of rotat ing mach ine. The data acquisiti on have dis played as show n in Fig.4 and Fig.5, the system can select three cha nn els to collect the vibrati on sig nal from the three directi ons of X, Y and Z-axis , and in this paper the samp li ng freque ncy is 5KHZ and we have collect the vibratio n sig nal from no rmal state of un bala need state at the same cha nn el. The result shows that our system can dis play real-time data acquisiti on andp redict the p relimi nary diag no sis rapi dly.Fig 4 Nonnal Dnta AcqiiisittonFig,5 Unbalance Data AcqmsLtion5・ConclusionThis paper has designed an embeddedsignal acquisition system for real time according to the mechanical failure occurred with high frequency of in the rotating machines. The system is based on a low cost microcontroller, Vibration signals is pi cked by the three axis acceleratio n sen sor which has the p erforma nee of low cost and high sen sitivity, and the acquisiti on data from axis x, y, and z. We have desig ned the system hardware structure, and an alyses the work ing principle of data acquisiti on module. The proposed system of uC/OS-ll realize the data task management and scheduli ng, and it is comp acted with structure and low cost, what's more the system collects the vibrati on sig nal and an alysis in real-time of the rotati ng mach in es, and then quickly gives diag no stic results.AcknowledgementsThis work was supp orted by The Nati onal Natural Scie nee Foun dati on of China(51175169); Chi na Natio nal Key Tech no logy R&D P rogram(2012BAF02B01);Planned Scie nee and Tech no logy P roject of Hunan Provin ce(2009FJ4055);Scie ntificResearch Fu nd of Hu nan P rovi ncial Education Dep artme nt(10K023).REFERENCES[1] Cheng, L., Yu, H., Research on intelligent maintenance unit of rotarymachine, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, vol. 10, Issue: 10, page1196-1198, 2004.[2] Yu, C., Zhong, Ou., Zhen, D., Wei, F., .Design and ImpIementation ofMon itori ng and Man ageme nt PI atform in Embedded Fault Diag no sis System,Comp uter En gi neeri ng, vol. 34 , Issue: 8, p age 264-266, 2008.[3]Bi, D., Gui, T., Jun, S., Dynam . 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关键词英语词汇;英语词汇分析工具;数据采集中图分类号:H319.3 文献标识码:B文章编号:1671-489X(2017)08-0027-04Abstract Recently there has been a fairly great rapid development inthe data analysis for the English vocabulary. The data collection serves as the basis for the vocabulary data analysis. The present paperwill give an introduction to the collection of vocabulary data, inclu-ding the collection scope, the data kinds and the relative correspon-ding qualities by using the special software An Analysis Tool for the English Vocabulary.Key words English vocabulary; an analysis tool for the English vocabulary; data collection1 引言英语语言研究中词汇研究占有重要位置。

利用维普期刊资源整合服务平台[1]对国内1989—2016年期刊发表的文献进行关键词检索,英语研究类文献中词汇研究文献多达22 600篇。


数据采集 英文文献

数据采集 英文文献
Developing conversational interfaces is a classic chicken and egg problem. In order to develop the system capabilities, one needs to have a large corpus of data for system development, training and evaluation. In order to collect data that reflect actual usage, one needs to have a system that users can speak to. Figure 1 illustrates a typical cycle of system development. For a new domain or language, one must first develop some limited natural language capabilities, thus enabling an “experimenter-in-the-loop,” or wizard-of-oz, data collection paradigm, in which an experimenter types the spoken sentences to the system, after removing spontaneous speech artifacts. This process has the advantage of eliminating potential recognition errors. The resulting data are then used for the development and training of the speech recognition and natural language components. As these components begin to mature, it becomes feasible to collect more data using the “system-in-the-loop,” or wizardless, paradigm, which is both more realistic and more cost effective. Performance evaluation using newly collected data will facilitate system refinement.





1."Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web"作者:Ryan Mitchell简介:本书详细介绍了如何使用Python进行网页爬取,从基础概念到实战案例,涵盖了许多常用的爬虫技术和工具。


2."Scraping the Web: Strategies and Techniques for Data Mining"作者:Dmitry Zinoviev简介:本书讨论了多种爬虫策略和技术,包括分布式爬虫、增量式爬虫等。


3."Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and More"作者:Matthew A.Russell简介:本书主要关注如何从社交媒体平台(如Facebook、Twitter 等)中采集数据。


4."Crawling the Web: An Introduction to Web Scraping and Data Mining"作者:Michael H.Goldwasser, David Letscher简介:这本书为初学者提供了一个关于爬虫技术和数据挖掘的入门指南。



















翻译文献1标题: The Application of Data Analysis in Business Decision-making The Application of Data Analysis in Business Decision-making文献2标题: The Application of Machine Learning in Data Analysis The Application of Machine Learning in Data Analysis文献3标题: The Application of Data Visualization in Data Analysis The Application of Data Visualization in Data Analysis翻译摘要:本文献研究了数据分析在企业决策中的应用,以及机器研究和数据可视化在数据分析中的作用。



数据采集外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Txomin Nieva. DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS [J]. Computers in Industry, 2013, 4(2):215-237.英文原文DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMSTxomin NievaData acquisition systems, as the name implies, are products and/or processes used to collect information to document or analyze some phenomenon. In the simplest form, a technician logging the temperature of an oven on a piece of paper is performing data acquisition. As technology has progressed, this type of process has been simplified and made more accurate, versatile, and reliable through electronic equipment. Equipment ranges from simple recorders to sophisticated computer systems. Data acquisition products serve as a focal point in a system, tying together a wide variety of products, such as sensors that indicate temperature, flow, level, or pressure. Some common data acquisition terms are shown below.Data collection technology has made great progress in the past 30 to 40 years. For example, 40 years ago, in a well-known college laboratory, the device used to track temperature rises in bronze made of helium was composed of thermocouples, relays, interrogators, a bundle of papers, anda pencil.Today's university students are likely to automatically process and analyze data on PCs. There are many ways you can choose to collect data. The choice of which method to use depends on many factors, including the complexity of the task, the speed and accuracy you need, the evidence you want, and more. Whether simple or complex, the data acquisition system can operate and play its role.The old way of using pencils and papers is still feasible for some situations, and it is cheap, easy to obtain, quick and easy to start. All you need is to capture multiple channels of digital information (DMM) and start recording data by hand.Unfortunately, this method is prone to errors, slower acquisition of data, and requires too much human analysis. In addition, it can only collect data in a single channel; but when you use a multi-channel DMM, the system will soon become very bulky and clumsy. Accuracy depends on the level of the writer, and you may need to scale it yourself. For example, if the DMM is not equipped with a sensor that handles temperature, the old one needs to start looking for a proportion. Given these limitations, it is an acceptable method only if you need to implement a rapid experiment.Modern versions of the strip chart recorder allow you to retrieve data from multiple inputs. They provide long-term paper records of databecause the data is in graphic format and they are easy to collect data on site. Once a bar chart recorder has been set up, most recorders have enough internal intelligence to operate without an operator or computer. The disadvantages are the lack of flexibility and the relative low precision, often limited to a percentage point. You can clearly feel that there is only a small change with the pen. In the long-term monitoring of the multi-channel, the recorders can play a very good role, in addition, their value is limited. For example, they cannot interact with other devices. Other concerns are the maintenance of pens and paper, the supply of paper and the storage of data. The most important is the abuse and waste of paper. However, recorders are fairly easy to set up and operate, providing a permanent record of data for quick and easy analysis.Some benchtop DMMs offer selectable scanning capabilities. The back of the instrument has a slot to receive a scanner card that can be multiplexed for more inputs, typically 8 to 10 channels of mux. This is inherently limited in the front panel of the instrument. Its flexibility is also limited because it cannot exceed the number of available channels. External PCs usually handle data acquisition and analysis.The PC plug-in card is a single-board measurement system that uses the ISA or PCI bus to expand the slot in the PC. They often have a reading rate of up to 1000 per second. 8 to 16 channels are common, and the collected data is stored directly in the computer and then analyzed.Because the card is essentially a part of the computer, it is easy to establish the test. PC-cards are also relatively inexpensive, partly because they have since been hosted by PCs to provide energy, mechanical accessories, and user interfaces. Data collection optionsOn the downside, the PC plug-in cards often have a 12-word capacity, so you can't detect small changes in the input signal. In addition, the electronic environment within the PC is often susceptible to noise, high clock rates, and bus noise. The electronic contacts limit the accuracy of the PC card. These plug-in cards also measure a range of voltages. To measure other input signals, such as voltage, temperature, and resistance, you may need some external signal monitoring devices. Other considerations include complex calibrations and overall system costs, especially if you need to purchase additional signal monitoring devices or adapt the PC card to the card. Take this into account. If your needs change within the capabilities and limitations of the card, the PC plug-in card provides an attractive method for data collection.Data electronic recorders are typical stand-alone instruments that, once equipped with them, enable the measurement, recording, and display of data without the involvement of an operator or computer. They can handle multiple signal inputs, sometimes up to 120 channels. Accuracy rivals unrivalled desktop DMMs because it operates within a 22 word, 0.004 percent accuracy range. Some data electronic automatic recordershave the ability to measure proportionally, the inspection result is not limited by the user's definition, and the output is a control signal.One of the advantages of using data electronic loggers is their internal monitoring signals. Most can directly measure several different input signals without the need for additional signal monitoring devices. One channel can monitor thermocouples, RTDs, and voltages.Thermocouples provide valuable compensation for accurate temperature measurements. They are typically equipped with multi-channel cards. Built-in intelligent electronic data recorder helps you set the measurement period and specify the parameters for each channel. Once you set it all up, the data electronic recorder will behave like an unbeatable device. The data they store is distributed in memory and can hold 500,000 or more readings.Connecting to a PC makes it easy to transfer data to a computer for further analysis. Most data electronic recorders can be designed to be flexible and simple to configure and operate, and most provide remote location operation options via battery packs or other methods. Thanks to the A/D conversion technology, certain data electronic recorders have a lower reading rate, especially when compared with PC plug-in cards. However, a reading rate of 250 per second is relatively rare. Keep in mind that many of the phenomena that are being measured are physical in nature, such as temperature, pressure, and flow, and there are generallyfewer changes. In addition, because of the monitoring accuracy of the data electron loggers, a large amount of average reading is not necessary, just as they are often stuck on PC plug-in cards.Front-end data acquisition is often done as a module and is typically connected to a PC or controller. They are used in automated tests to collect data, control and cycle detection signals for other test equipment. Send signal test equipment spare parts. The efficiency of the front-end operation is very high, and can match the speed and accuracy with the best stand-alone instrument. Front-end data acquisition works in many models, including VXI versions such as the Agilent E1419A multi-function measurement and VXI control model, as well as a proprietary card elevator. Although the cost of front-end units has been reduced, these systems can be very expensive unless you need to provide high levels of operation, and finding their prices is prohibited. On the other hand, they do provide considerable flexibility and measurement capabilities.Good, low-cost electronic data loggers have the right number of channels (20-60 channels) and scan rates are relatively low but are common enough for most engineers. Some of the key applications include:•product features•Hot die cutting of electronic products•Test of the environmentEnvironmental monitoring•Composition characteristics•Battery testBuilding and computer capacity monitoringA new system designThe conceptual model of a universal system can be applied to the analysis phase of a specific system to better understand the problem and to specify the best solution more easily based on the specific requirements of a particular system. The conceptual model of a universal system can also be used as a starting point for designing a specific system. Therefore, using a general-purpose conceptual model will save time and reduce the cost of specific system development. To test this hypothesis, we developed DAS for railway equipment based on our generic DAS concept model. In this section, we summarize the main results and conclusions of this DAS development.We analyzed the device model package. The result of this analysis is a partial conceptual model of a system consisting of a three-tier device model. We analyzed the equipment project package in the equipment environment. Based on this analysis, we have listed a three-level item hierarchy in the conceptual model of the system. Equipment projects are specialized for individual equipment projects.We analyzed the equipment model monitoring standard package in the equipment context. One of the requirements of this system is the ability to use a predefined set of data to record specific status monitoring reports. We analyzed the equipment project monitoring standard package in the equipment environment. The requirements of the system are: (i) the ability to record condition monitoring reports and event monitoring reports corresponding to the items, which can be triggered by time triggering conditions or event triggering conditions; (ii) the definition of private and public monitoring standards; (iii) Ability to define custom and predefined train data sets. Therefore, we have introduced the "monitoring standards for equipment projects", "public standards", "special standards", "equipment monitoring standards", "equipment condition monitoring standards", "equipment project status monitoring standards and equipment project event monitoring standards, respectively Training item triggering conditions, training item time triggering conditions and training item event triggering conditions are device equipment trigger conditions, equipment item time trigger conditions and device project event trigger condition specialization; and training item data sets, training custom data Sets and trains predefined data sets, which are device project data sets, custom data sets, and specialized sets of predefined data sets.Finally, we analyzed the observations and monitoring reports in the equipment environment. The system's requirement is to recordmeasurements and category observations. In addition, status and incident monitoring reports can be recorded. Therefore, we introduce the concept of observation, measurement, classification observation and monitoring report into the conceptual model of the system.Our generic DAS concept model plays an important role in the design of DAS equipment. We use this model to better organize the data that will be used by system components. Conceptual models also make it easier to design certain components in the system. Therefore, we have an implementation in which a large number of design classes represent the concepts specified in our generic DAS conceptual model. Through an industrial example, the development of this particular DAS demonstrates the usefulness of a generic system conceptual model for developing a particular system.中文译文数据采集系统Txomin Nieva数据采集系统, 正如名字所暗示的, 是一种用来采集信息成文件或分析一些现象的产品或过程。

粤教版(2019)高中信息技术必修1 数据与计算 第二单元《知识与数字化学习》课时练习(解析版)

粤教版(2019)高中信息技术必修1 数据与计算 第二单元《知识与数字化学习》课时练习(解析版)
【详解】本题考查网络特点 相关知识点
19.传感器的主要作用是( )



中文1950字附录附录A外文资料Data CollectionAt present,the management of China’s colleges and universities’apartments are developing toward standardization and market development,accidents have occurred in electricity,while some colleges and universities have installed apart ment energy metering control system,however,these systems monitor the prevale nce of low level,billing accuracy is low,electricity-sharing,the network number o f the drawbacks of low extent.Therefore,improving the Energy Measurement m onitoring device has become more urgent.The issue of student hostels in colle ges and universities to monitor energy metering system to study,design the st udent hostels in colleges and universities of the electricity data collector apartm ent.Data acquisition, also known as data acquisition, is the use of a device th at collect data from outside the system and enter into an interface within the s ystem.Data acquisition technology is widely cited in the various fields.Such as camera, microphone, all data collection tools.Data is being collected has been c onverted to electrical signals of various physical quantities such as temperature, water level, wind speed, pressure, etc., can be analog, it can be digital.Sampl e collection generally means that a certain time interval (called the sampling p eriod) to repeat the same point of data collection.The data collected are mostly instantaneous value, but also a feature within a certain period of time value.A ccurate data measurement is the basis for data collection.Data measurement met hod of contact and non-contact detection elements varied.Regardless of which method and components are measured object does not affect the status and me asurement environment as a precondition to ensure the accuracy of the data.Ver y broad meaning of data collection, including continuous physical hold the collection across the state.In computer-aided mapping, surveying and mapping, desi gn, digital graphics or image data acquisition process may also be called, this time to be collected is the geometric volume (or include physical quantities, su ch as gray)data.[1] In today's fast-growing Internet industry, data collection has been widely used in the field of Internet and distributed data acquisition field has undergone important changes.First, the distributed control applications in i ntelligent data acquisition system at home and abroad have made great progres s.Second, the bus-compatible data acquisition plug-in number is increasing, and personal computer-compatible data acquisition system the number is increasing. Various domestic and international data collection machine has come out, the d ata acquisition into a new era.Digital signal processor (DSP) to the high-speed data processing ability an d strong peripherals interface, more and more widely used in power quality an alysis field, in order to improve the real-time and reliability.The DSP and micr ocomputer as the center of the system, realize the power system signal collecti on and analysis. This paper based on the FFT algorithm with window interpola tion electric system harmonic analysis, improves the accuracy of the power qua lity parameters. In electricity parameter acquisition circuit, by highaccuracy tran sformer and improve software synchronous communication sampling method to conduct electricity parameters of the acquisition.The system consists of two main components, mainly complete data acquis ition and logic control.To synchronous sampling and A/D converter circuit pri ority . The DSP development board(SY-5402EVM),complete data processing. T HE signal after transformer, op-amp into A/D converter, using DSP multi-chann el buffer (McBSP) and serial port (A/D connected, data collection and operatio ns. At the same time, adopt PLL circuit implementation synchronous sampling, can prevent well due to sampling synchronization and cause the measuring err or. The overall system diagram of the A/D converter chooses the Analog to pr oduce stats redetect (AD) company AD73360. The chip has six analogue input channel, each channel can output 16 the digital quantity. Six channel simultan eous sampling, and conversion, timeshare transmission, effectively reduce gener ated due to the sampling time different phase error. SY - 5402EVM on-board DSP chip is TI company's 16 fixed-point digital signal processor TMS320VC54 02. It has high costperformance and provide high-speed, bidirectional, multi-channel belt cushion, be used to serial port with system of other serial devices di rectly interface.The realization method of ac sample:In the field of power quality analysi s,The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm analysis of electric system harmon ic is commonly used.and the FFT algorithm to signal a strict requirements syn chronous sampling. The synchronous sampling influence: it's difficult to accomp lish synchronous sampling and integer a period truncation in the actual measur ement, so there was a affect the measurement accuracy of the frequency spectr um leakage problem. The signal has to deal with through sampling and A/D c onversion get limited long digital sequence,the original signal multiplied by A r ectangular window to truncated. Time-domain truncation will cause the detuning frequency domain, spectrum leakage occurs. In the synchronous sampling, bec ause the actual signal every harmonic component can't exactly landed in freque ncy resolution point in, but fall between the frequency resolution points. But F FT spectrum is discrete, only in all sampling points, while in other places of s pectrum is not. Such through FFT and cannot directly get every harmonic com ponent, but only the accurate value in neighboring frequency resolution point v alue to approximate instead of, can cause the fence effect error.The realization method of synchronous sampling signal:According to provide different ways of sampling signal, synchronous sampling method and divided into software sync hronous sampling method and hardware synchronous sampling method is two k inds. Software is synchronous sampling method by micro controller (MCU) or DSP provide synchronized sampling pulse, first measured the measured signal, the sa mpling interval period T Δ T = T/N (N for week of sampling points), T hus the count value determined timer,Use timing interrupt way realization sync hronous sampling. The advantage of this method is no hardware synchronous c ircuit, simple structure .This topic will be the eventual realization of access to embedded systems,the realization of the power measurement and monitoring,m onitoring system to meet the electricity network,intelligence requirement,it prom ote the development of remote monitoring services,bringing a certain degree of socio.economic effectiveness.On the fundamental reactive current and harmonic current detection, there are mainly 2 ways: First, the instantaneous reactive power theory based method, the second is based on adaptive cancellation techniques.In addition, there areother non-mainstream approach, such as fast Fourier transform method, wavelet transform.Instantaneous power theory based on the method of offensive principles ar e: a three-phase current detection and load phase voltage A, the coordinate tra nsformation, two-phase stationary coordinate system the current value, calculate the instantaneous active and instantaneous reactive power ip iq,then after coor dinate transformation, three-phase fundamental active current, with the final loa d current minus the fundamental current, active power and harmonic currents a re fundamental iah, ibhi, ich.From:Principles of Data Acquisitio数据采集目前,我国高校公寓管理正在向着正规化、市场化发展,在不断提高学生方便用电的同时,用电事故频有发生,虽然部分高校公寓已经安装了电能计量监控系统,但这些系统普遍存在着监控程度低、计费精度不高、电费均分、网络程度低等诸多端。



Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-12
Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-8
Inferential Statistics 推断统计
Estimation 估计 e.g., Estimate the population mean weight using the sample mean weight 例如:利用采样的平均重量估计人口的平均体 重 Hypothesis testing 假设检验 e.g., Test the claim that the population mean weight is 120 pounds 例如:根据测试的要求,人口平均体重是120 磅
英文翻译乃自己所做, 英文翻译乃自己所做,有错误 之处请自行查证。 之处请自行查证。
Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-1
Business Statistics, A First Course
Defined descriptive vs. inferential statistics 描述性统计和推理统计 Reviewed data types 回顾数据类型
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Categorical vs. Numerical data 绝对的和数值的数据 Discrete vs. Continuous data 离散的和连续的数据

多路数据采集与分析系统的设计及应用 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

多路数据采集与分析系统的设计及应用 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

附录五中英文资料Multi-channel data collection and analysisof the design and applicationAbstract:The Paper mainly introduces a multichannel data acquisition and analysis system composed of one PC and one measuring instrument. The system can test eight products parallelly. It reduces the test cost and improves work efficiency. The paper also gives the hardware structure and software flow diagr am of the system. The application in the gyro test is also introduced briefly.Key words:communication prot;data acquisition; gyro; testWith the development of computer technology and the digital measuring instrument, usually by computer and measuring instruments to communicate with each other in real-time data collection and use of computer powerful computing capability to conduct the analysis of the data processing. Particularly in the large volume of data, measuring the length of time occasions, such as the Gyro-tilt test, using computer for automatic control of measuring instruments, automatic data acquisition and analysis it is particularly important, can save a lot of manpower and material resources to improve work efficiency, reduce costs , The conventional method of testing is usually a measuring instrument at the same time can only test a product, namely a computer and a measuring instrument test system can only be composed of serial testing. To test multiple products at the same time, they need multiple systems, testing products in large volume, low efficiency, such as the composition of several sets of test system, an increase of cost. First on a machine with a PC and a measuring instrument consisting of 8-way data collection and analysissystem, which can carry out multiple sets of product testing, at no additional cost on the basis of a computer give full play to the advantages of automatic test, Improve work efficiency.1 PrincipleThe system hardware and software system. A PC through a RS232 port and a measuring instrument connected, PC-parallel port (LPT) and an 8-way channel selector attached to a 8-way connector will channel selector were connected with a number of test products.The working principle as shown in Figure 1. The course of testing, computer through the parallel port 8-way control channel selection, were open different channels, each channel for data transmission by choosing to measuring instruments, measuring instruments through the RS232 port to the computer data sent to save, A complete cycle of all channels of data collection, and this has also tested a number of product features.Figure 1 system block diagram of workThroughout the course of testing, all the control operations have completed the software automatically, without human intervention.2 hardware designThe system is mainly to use the computer onboard RS232 communication ports and digital measuring instrument of communication port connecting communications, re-use LPT parallel port on a 8-way channel selector for access control. 8-way channel of choice for an 8-elected one of analog switches and related circuit, the control signals from the computer's parallel port to provide and meet shown in table 1.Table1 The relation between channel selection and port output Communications port output Binary code Channel selection selectchannel0 000 11 001 22 010 33 011 44 100 55 101 66 110 77 111 88-way channel selector industry can use the SCM, subject to additional controls, select RS232 serial port as data transmission, because the RS232 port is the computer and measuring instruments on the standard configuration, communicate with each other without additional hardware , Easy to use. In addition, a serial communication-only a bit, with only a standard data-voltage potential, hence more difficult in data errors. In a parallel port to transfer data 8-bit, data transmission speed, but the data vulnerable to interference. Transmission distance in a shorter amount of data transmission larger circumstances, may be parallel port (such as GPIB, LPT, etc.) to communicate. In addition, since LPT parallel port may signal transmission, channel selection is suitable for the control port.System in the course of work, good access control modules and data acquisition module synchronization is particularly important because different channels of datastorage needs of the corresponding data buffer pool, which is controlled by software.3 software designThe whole system software design is the most important part. Software system from the bottom of the communication protocol can be divided into functional three-tier module and user interface. Software design in the use of multi-threaded Windows technology, the technology for data collection procedures can effectively accelerate the reaction time and increase the efficiency of implementation. The procedures used in a separate thread for data collection, so the guaranteed maximum energy collection of real-time; using another thread at the same time data processing, such procedures to avoid a single-threaded the same time only the implementation of a functional deficiencies. Especially when the amount of data collection, data processing task, using multi-threaded technology will greatly improve the efficiency of the system as a whole.3.1 Data Acquisition ModuleData acquisition modules to eight channels of data in a cycle of all the acquisition to the computer, and save the channel, and the corresponding data in the buffer. Its procedures diagram shown in Figure 2.Fig 2 Flow diagram of data acquisitionAt the beginning of procedures, with the choice of control and store data buffer at the same time to switch to the same channel, 8-way data collection cycle and command judgement, in the end not received orders, has recycling collection to do.Multi-channel data acquisition process the data vulnerable to interference, especially in the fast-channel switching, the data vulnerable to fluctuations, as shown in Figure 3. At this time if the data collection, will be collecting the wrong data, the need to add some software algorithms to prevent this from happening. If we develop the automated data tracking algorithm to automatically track each channel data to determine whether the channel in a stable state, and only the stability of dataacquisition, the volatility of other data. In addition, the software can also add some filtering algorithm (such as limiting filter, etc.) to filter out man-made interference or other factors caused by the mutation data. Limiting filter for(1)Figure 3 channel switching, the data volatilityWhen the new collected data and the data before a difference to the absolute value of more than one set of values that the data is invalid, and the previous data from the current data.3.2 Data Analysis ModuleIn the data analysis module can be added if the algorithm analysis, graphics display and print output, and other useful features, such as gyroscopes and stability in the standard deviation algorithm can function in the course of testing real-time calculation of zero stability, and through chart shows. Zero stability calculation formula as follows:(2)According to first-(2) to prepare an algorithm function, and then call in the analysis module. Analysis module diagram of the procedure shown in Figure 4.Figure 4 data analysis process flow chartBecause the system uses multi-threaded technology, in the cycle of operation and will not affect the acquisition module's operation. The module also in its algorithm in the function of any expansion, forming a algorithm to adapt to different procedures for data analysis.In addition, software design, a friendly user interface is necessary in the process of the functions from the package, through a unified interface to users, to reduce operating difficulties and enhance efficiency.4 system test resultsFigure 5 to 8 in the analysis of data acquisition systems, at the same time two three-axis gyro and a single axis gyroscope total of seven road test data of the situation. Its precise data collection, data analysis can be conducted at the same time, and through real-time charts, user-friendly, easy to operate.Figure 5 8 Data Collection and Analysis System5 ConclusionMulti-channel data acquisition and analysis system for the hardware requirements simple, easy to set up, can be applied to various tests occasions, it can also test multiple products, thereby reducing the cost and enhance efficiency. As a result of a multi-threaded technology, the speed of data acquisition systems and hardware only (instrument) and the response speed of the speed of Communication. With the collection and analysis software algorithm has nothing to do.PAD programming tools can be used to develop a data collection, data analysis, graphics display and print output, and other powerful features and friendly user interface of our software. Software modular design and easy to carry out expansion, according to different algorithm for data analysis at the request of upgrades, and hardware can remain the same. The system give full play to the use of computers and measuring instruments of mutual communication, automation and test advantage.多路数据采集与分析系统的设计及应用摘要:介绍了用一台PC机和一台测量仪表组成的8路数据采集与分析系统。









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traditional mainstream technology in embedded systems, and the collecting data toward the direction of high real-time, multi-parameter, high-precision, while data storage become large capacity, more miniaturization and portable, and the development of multicommunication mode and long-distance for data transmission. So as to meet the actual acquisition system multitasking requirements, this article has designed based on STM32 micro-controller uC/OS-II system of signal acquisition system. Therefore, in order to meet the actual acquisition system multitask requirements, this novelty of this article has designed a signal acquisition system in micro-controller uC/OS-II based on STM32.
基于 STM32的数据采集系统英文 文献
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Design of the Data Acquisition System Based on STM32




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3. 吕七, 刘八, & 陈九. (2017). 自然语言处理技术的最新进展. 人工智能, 25(3), 28-35.
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物联网中英文对照外文翻译文献一、引言物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)作为当今信息技术领域的热门话题,正在深刻地改变着我们的生活和工作方式。










(三)无线通信技术包括 WiFi、蓝牙、Zigbee 等,为物联网设备之间的通信提供支持。










中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Data Acquisition SystemsData acquisition systems are used to acquire process operating data and store it on,secondary storage devices for later analysis. Many or the data acquisition systems acquire this data at very high speeds and very little computer time is left to carry out any necessary, or desirable, data manipulations or reduction. All the data are stored on secondary storage devices and manipulated subsequently to derive the variables ofin-terest. It is very often necessary to design special purpose data acquisition systems and interfaces to acquire the high speed process data. This special purpose design can be an expensive proposition.Powerful mini- and mainframe computers are used to combine the data acquisition with other functions such as comparisons between the actual output and the desirable output values, and to then decide on the control action which must be taken to ensure that the output variables lie within preset limits. The computing power required will depend upon the type of process control system implemented. Software requirements for carrying out proportional, ratio or three term control of process variables are relatively trivial, and microcomputers can be used to implement such process control systems. It would not be possible to use many of the currently available microcomputers for the implementation of high speed adaptive control systems which require the use of suitable process models and considerable online manipulation of data.Microcomputer based data loggers are used to carry out intermediate functions such as data acquisition at comparatively low speeds, simple mathematical manipulations of raw data and some forms of data reduction. The first generation of data loggers, without any programmable computing facilities, was used simply for slow speed data acquisition from up to one hundred channels. All the acquired data could be punched out on paper tape or printed for subsequent analysis. Such hardwired data loggers are being replaced by the new generation of data loggers which incorporate microcomputers and can be programmed by the user. They offer an extremely good method of collecting the process data, using standardized interfaces, and subsequently performing the necessary manipulations to provide the information of interest to the process operator. The data acquired can be analyzed to establish correlations, if any, between process variables and to develop mathematical models necessary for adaptive and optimal process control.The data acquisition function carried out by data loggers varies from one to 9 in system to another. Simple data logging systems acquire data from a few channels while complex systems can receive data from hundreds, or even thousands, of input channels distributed around one or more processes. The rudimentary data loggers scan the selected number of channels, connected to sensors or transducers, in a sequential manner and the data are recorded in a digital format. A data logger can be dedicated in the sense that it can only collect data from particular types of sensors and transducers. It is best to use a nondedicated data logger since any transducer or sensor can be connected to the channels via suitable interface circuitry. This facility requires the use of appropriate signal conditioning modules.Microcomputer controlled data acquisition facilitates the scanning of a large number of sensors. The scanning rate depends upon the signal dynamics which means that some channels must be scanned at very high speeds in order to avoid aliasing errors while there is very little loss of information by scanning other channels at slower speeds. In some data logging applications the faster channels require sampling at speeds of up to 100 times per second while slow channels can be sampled once every five minutes. The conventional hardwired, non-programmable data loggers sample all the channels in a sequential manner and the sampling frequency of all the channels must be the same. This procedure results in the accumulation of very large amounts of data, some of which is unnecessary, and also slows down the overall effective sampling frequency. Microcomputer based data loggers can be used to scan some fast channels at a higher frequency than other slow speed channels.The vast majority of the user programmable data loggers can be used to scan up to 1000 analog and 1000 digital input channels. A small number of data loggers, with a higher degree of sophistication, are suitable for acquiring data from up to 15, 000 analog and digital channels. The data from digital channels can be in the form of Transistor- Transistor Logic or contact closure signals. Analog data must be converted into digital format before it is recorded and requires the use of suitable analog to digital converters (ADC).The characteristics of the ADC will define the resolution that can be achieved and the rate at which the various channels can be sampled. An in-crease in the number of bits used in the ADC improves the resolution capability. Successive approximation ADC's arefaster than integrating ADC's. Many microcomputer controlled data loggers include a facility to program the channel scanning rates. Typical scanning rates vary from 2 channels per second to 10, 000 channels per second.Most data loggers have a resolution capability of ±0.01% or better, It is also pos-sible to achieve a resolution of 1 micro-volt. The resolution capability, in absolute terms, also depends upon the range of input signals, Standard input signal ranges are 0-10 volt, 0-50 volt and 0-100 volt. The lowest measurable signal varies form 1 t, volt to 50, volt. A higher degree of recording accuracy can be achieved by using modules which accept data in small, selectable ranges. An alternative is the auto ranging facil-ity available on some data loggers.The accuracy with which the data are acquired and logged-on the appropriate storage device is extremely important. It is therefore necessary that the data acquisi-tion module should be able to reject common mode noise and common mode voltage. Typical common mode noise rejection capabilities lie in the range 110 dB to 150 dB. A decibel (dB) is a tern which defines the ratio of the power levels of two signals. Thus if the reference and actual signals have power levels of N, and Na respectively, they will have a ratio of n decibels, wheren=10 Log10(Na /Nr)Protection against maximum common mode voltages of 200 to 500 volt is available on typical microcomputer based data loggers.The voltage input to an individual data logger channel is measured, scaled and linearised before any further data manipulations or comparisons are carried out.In many situations, it becomes necessary to alter the frequency at which particu-lar channels are sampled depending upon the values of data signals received from a particular input sensor. Thus a channel might normally be sampled once every 10 minutes. If, however, the sensor signals approach the alarm limit, then it is obviously desirable to sample that channel once every minute or even faster so that the operators can be informed, thereby avoiding any catastrophes. Microcomputer controlledintel-ligent data loggers may be programmed to alter the sampling frequencies depending upon the values of process signals. Other data loggers include self-scanning modules which can initiate sampling.The conventional hardwired data loggers, without any programming facilities, simply record the instantaneous values of transducer outputs at a regular samplingin-terval. This raw data often means very little to the typical user. To be meaningful, this data must be linearised and scaled, using a calibration curve, in order to determine the real value of the variable in appropriate engineering units. Prior to the availability of programmable data loggers, this function was usually carried out in the off-line mode on a mini- or mainframe computer. The raw data values had to be punched out on pa-per tape, in binary or octal code, to be input subsequently to the computer used for analysis purposes and converted to the engineering units. Paper tape punches are slow speed mechanical devices which reduce the speed at which channels can be scanned. An alternative was to print out the raw data values which further reduced the data scanning rate. It was not possible to carry out any limit comparisons or provide any alarm information. Every single value acquired by the data logger had to be recorded eventhough it might not serve any useful purpose during subsequent analysis; many data values only need recording when they lie outside the pre-set low and high limits.If the analog data must be transmitted over any distance, differences in ground potential between the signal source and final location can add noise in the interface design. In order to separate common-mode interference form the signal to be recorded or processed, devices designed for this purpose, such as instrumentation amplifiers, may be used. An instrumentation amplifier is characterized by good common-mode- rejection capability, a high input impedance, low drift, adjustable gain, and greater cost than operational amplifiers. They range from monolithic ICs to potted modules, and larger rack-mounted modules with manual scaling and null adjustments. When a very high common-mode voltage is present or the need for extremely-lowcom-mon-mode leakage current exists(as in many medical-electronics applications),an isolation amplifier is required. Isolation amplifiers may use optical or transformer isolation.Analog function circuits are special-purpose circuits that are used for a variety of signal conditioning operations on signals which are in analog form. When their accu-racy is adequate, they can relieve the microprocessor of time-consuming software and computations. Among the typical operations performed are multiplications, division, powers, roots, nonlinear functions such as for linearizing transducers, rimsmeasure-ments, computing vector sums, integration and differentiation, andcurrent-to-voltage or voltage- to-current conversion. Many of these operations can be purchased in available devices as multiplier/dividers, log/antilog amplifiers, and others.When data from a number of independent signal sources must be processed by the same microcomputer or communications channel, a multiplexer is used to channel the input signals into the A/D converter.Multiplexers are also used in reverse, as when a converter must distribute analog information to many different channels. The multiplexer is fed by a D/A converter which continually refreshes the output channels with new information.In many systems, the analog signal varies during the time that the converter takes to digitize an input signal. The changes in this signal level during the conversion process can result in errors since the conversion period can be completed some time after the conversion command. The final value never represents the data at the instant when the conversion command is transmitted. Sample-hold circuits are used to make an acquisition of the varying analog signal and to hold this signal for the duration of the conversion process. Sample-hold circuits are common in multichannel distribution systems where they allow each channel to receive and hold the signal level.In order to get the data in digital form as rapidly and as accurately as possible, we must use an analog/digital (A/D) converter, which might be a shaft encoder, a small module with digital outputs, or a high-resolution, high-speed panel instrument. These devices, which range form IC chips to rack-mounted instruments, convert ana-log input data, usually voltage, into an equivalent digital form. The characteristics of A/D converters include absolute and relative accuracy, linearity, monotonic, resolu-tion, conversion speed, and stability. A choice of input ranges, output codes, and other features are available. The successive-approximation technique is popular for a large number ofapplications, with the most popular alternatives being the counter-comparator types, and dual-ramp approaches. The dual-ramp has been widely-used in digital voltmeters.D/A converters convert a digital format into an equivalent analog representation. The basic converter consists of a circuit of weighted resistance values or ratios, each controlled by a particular level or weight of digital input data, which develops the output voltage or current in accordance with the digital input code. A special class of D/A converter exists which have the capability of handling variable reference sources. These devices are the multiplying DACs. Their output value is the product of the number represented by the digital input code and the analog reference voltage, which may vary form full scale to zero, and in some cases, to negative values.Component Selection CriteriaIn the past decade, data-acquisition hardware has changed radically due to ad-vances in semiconductors, and prices have come down too; what have not changed, however, are the fundamental system problems confronting the designer. Signals may be obscured by noise, rfi,ground loops, power-line pickup, and transients coupled into signal lines from machinery. Separating the signals from these effects becomes a matter for concern.Data-acquisition systems may be separated into two basic categories:(1)those suited to favorable environments like laboratories -and(2)those required for hostile environments such as factories, vehicles, and military installations. The latter group includes industrial process control systems where temperature information may be gathered by sensors on tanks, boilers, wats, or pipelines that may be spread over miles of facilities. That data may then be sent to a central processor to provide real-time process control. The digital control of steel mills, automated chemical production, and machine tools is carried out in this kind of hostile environment. The vulnerability of the data signals leads to the requirement for isolation and other techniques.At the other end of the spectrum-laboratory applications, such as test systems for gathering information on gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers, and other sophis-ticated instruments-the designer's problems are concerned with the performing of sen-sitive measurements under favorable conditions rather than with the problem ofpro-tecting the integrity of collected data under hostile conditions.Systems in hostile environments might require components for wide tempera-tures, shielding, common-mode noise reduction, conversion at an early stage, redun-dant circuits for critical measurements, and preprocessing of the digital data to test its reliability. Laboratory systems, on the other hand, will have narrower temperature ranges and less ambient noise. But the higher accuracies require sensitive devices, and a major effort may be necessary for the required signal /noise ratios.The choice of configuration and components in data-acquisition design depends on consideration of a number of factors:1. Resolution and accuracy required in final format.2. Number of analog sensors to be monitored.3. Sampling rate desired.4. Signal-conditioning requirement due to environment and accuracy.5. Cost trade-offs.Some of the choices for a basic data-acquisition configuration include:1 .Single-channel techniques.A. Direct conversion.B. Preamplification and direct conversion.C. Sample-hold and conversion.D. Preamplification, sample-hold, and conversion.E. Preamplification, signal-conditioning, and direct conversion.F. Preamplification, signal-conditioning, sample-hold, and conversion.2. Multichannel techniques.A. Multiplexing the outputs of single-channel converters.B. Multiplexing the outputs of sample-holds.C. Multiplexing the inputs of sample-holds.D. Multiplexing low-level data.E. More than one tier of multiplexers.Signal-conditioning may include:1. Radiometric conversion techniques.B. Range biasing.D. Logarithmic compression.A. Analog filtering.B. Integrating converters.C. Digital data processing.We shall consider these techniques later, but first we will examine some of the components used in these data-acquisition system configurations.MultiplexersWhen more than one channel requires analog-to-digital conversion, it is neces-sary to use time-division multiplexing in order to connect the analog inputs to a single converter, or to provide a converter for each input and then combine the converter outputs by digital multiplexing.Analog MultiplexersAnalog multiplexer circuits allow the timesharing of analog-to-digital converters between a numbers of analog information channels. An analog multiplexer consists of a group of switches arranged with inputs connected to the individual analog channels and outputs connected in common(as shown in Fig. 1).The switches may be ad-dressed by a digital input code.Many alternative analog switches are available in electromechanical and solid-state forms. Electromechanical switch types include relays, stepper switches,cross-bar switches, mercury-wetted switches, and dry-reed relay switches. The best switching speed is provided by reed relays(about 1 ms).The mechanical switches provide high do isolation resistance, low contact resistance, and the capacity to handle voltages up to 1 KV, and they are usually inexpensive. Multiplexers using mechanical switches are suited to low-speed applications as well as those having high resolution requirements. They interface well with the slower A/D converters, like the integrating dual-slope types. Mechanical switches have a finite life, however, usually expressed innumber of operations. A reed relay might have a life of 109 operations, which wouldallow a 3-year life at 10 operations/second.Solid-state switch devices are capable of operation at 30 ns, and they have a life which exceeds most equipment requirements. Field-effect transistors(FETs)are used in most multiplexers. They have superseded bipolar transistors which can introduce large voltage offsets when used as switches.FET devices have a leakage from drain to source in the off state and a leakage from gate or substrate to drain and source in both the on and off states. Gate leakage in MOS devices is small compared to other sources of leakage. When the device has a Zener-diode-protected gate, an additional leakage path exists between the gate and source.Enhancement-mode MOS-FETs have the advantage that the switch turns off when power is removed from the MUX. Junction-FET multiplexers always turn on with the power off.A more recent development, the CMOS-complementary MOS-switch has the advantage of being able to multiplex voltages up to and including the supply voltages. A±10-V signal can be handled with a ±10-V supply.Trade-off Considerations for the DesignerAnalog multiplexing has been the favored technique for achieving lowest system cost. The decreasing cost of A/D converters and the availability of low-cost, digital integrated circuits specifically designed for multiplexing provide an alternative with advantages for some applications. A decision on the technique to use for a givensys-tem will hinge on trade-offs between the following factors:1. Resolution. The cost of A/D converters rises steeply as the resolution increases due to the cost of precision elements. At the 8-bit level, the per-channel cost of an analog multiplexer may be a considerable proportion of the cost of a converter. At resolutions above 12 bits, the reverse is true, and analog multiplexing tends to be more economical.2. Number of channels. This controls the size of the multiplexer required and the amount of wiring and interconnections. Digital multiplexing onto a common data bus reduces wiring to a minimum in many cases. Analog multiplexing is suited for 8 to 256 channels; beyond this number, the technique is unwieldy and analog errors be-come difficult to minimize. Analog and digital multiplexing is often combined in very large systems.3. Speed of measurement, or throughput. High-speed A/D converters can add a considerable cost to the system. If analog multiplexing demands a high-speedcon-verter to achieve the desired sample rate, a slower converter for each channel with digital multiplexing can be less costly.4. Signal level and conditioning. Wide dynamic ranges between channels can be difficult with analog multiplexing. Signals less than 1V generally require differential low-level analog multiplexing which is expensive, with programmable-gain amplifiers after the MUX operation. The alternative of fixed-gain converters on each channel, with signal-conditioning designed for the channel requirement, with digital multi-plexing may be more efficient.5. Physical location of measurement points. Analog multiplexing is suitedfor making measurements at distances up to a few hundred feet from the converter, since analog lines may suffer from losses, transmission-line reflections, and interference. Lines may range from twisted wire pairs to multiconductor shielded cable, depending on signal levels, distance, and noise environments. Digital multiplexing is operable to thousands of miles, with the proper transmission equipment, for digital transmission systems can offer the powerful noise-rejection characteristics that are required for29 Data Acquisition Systems long-distance transmission.Digital MultiplexingFor systems with small numbers of channels, medium-scale integrated digital multiplexers are available in TTL and MOS logic families. The 74151 is a typical example. Eight of these integrated circuits can be used to multiplex eight A/D con-verters of 8-bit resolution onto a common data bus.This digital multiplexing example offers little advantages in wiring economy, but it is lowest in cost, and the high switching speed allows operation at sampling rates much faster than analog multiplexers. The A/D converters are required only to keep up with the channel sample rate, and not with the commutating rate. When large numbers of A/D converters are multiplexed, the data-bus technique reduces system interconnections. This alone may in many cases justify multiple A/D converters. Data can be bussed onto the lines in bit-parallel or bit-serial format, as many converters have both serial and parallel outputs. A variety of devices can be used to drive the bus, from open collector and tristate TTL gates to line drivers and optoelectronic isolators. Channel-selection decoders can be built from 1-of-16 decoders to the required size. This technique also allows additional reliability in that a failure of one A/D does not affect the other channels. An important requirement is that the multiplexer operate without introducing unacceptable errors at the sample-rate speed. For a digital MUX system, one can determine the speed from propagation delays and the time required to charge the bus capacitance.Analog multiplexers can be more difficult to characterize. Their speed is a func-tion not only of internal parameters but also external parameters such as channel, source impedance, stray capacitance and the number of channels, and the circuit lay-out. The user must be aware of the limiting parameters in the system to judge their ef-fect on performance.The nonideal transmission and open-circuit characteristics of analog multiplexers can introduce static and dynamic errors into the signal path. These errors include leakage through switches, coupling of control signals into the analog path, and inter-actions with sources and following amplifiers. Moreover, the circuit layout can com-pound these effects.Since analog multiplexers may be connected directly to sources which may have little overload capacity or poor settling after overloads, the switches should have a break-before-make action to prevent the possibility of shorting channels together. It may be necessary to avoid shorted channels when power is removed and a chan-nels-off with power-down characteristic is desirable. In addition to the chan-nel-addressing lines, which are normally binary-coded, it is useful to have inhibited or enable lines to turn all switches off regardless of the channel being addressed. This simplifies the external logic necessary to cascade multiplexers and can also be useful in certain modes of channeladdressing. Another requirement for both analog and digital multiplexers is the tolerance of line transients and overload conditions, and the ability to absorb the transient energy and recover without damage.数据采集系统数据采集系统是用来获取数据处理和存储在二级存储设备,为后来的分析。

文献收集法 英文

文献收集法 英文

文献收集法英文为:Literature collection method

The paper adopts methods of literature collection, comparison and analysis, interview and field investigation, in addition to induction and deductive method, making deep and systematic study to the operation and administration issues of tourism destination-type forest park.

This paper utilized methods of documentary analysis, data collection, averaging and comparative analysis.

The method of collecting and collating information include depth interviews, observation, literature, law and in-kind collection method.。



关于大数据的学术英文文献Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age.Introduction.In the contemporary digital era, the advent of big data has revolutionized various aspects of human society. Big data refers to vast and complex datasets generated at an unprecedented rate from diverse sources, including social media platforms, sensor networks, and scientific research. While big data holds immense potential for transformative insights, it also poses significant challenges and opportunities that require thoughtful consideration. This article aims to elucidate the key challenges and opportunities associated with big data, providing a comprehensive overview of its impact and future implications.Challenges of Big Data.1. Data Volume and Variety: Big data datasets are characterized by their enormous size and heterogeneity. Dealing with such immense volumes and diverse types of data requires specialized infrastructure, computational capabilities, and data management techniques.2. Data Velocity: The continuous influx of data from various sources necessitates real-time analysis and decision-making. The rapid pace at which data is generated poses challenges for data processing, storage, andefficient access.3. Data Veracity: The credibility and accuracy of big data can be a concern due to the potential for noise, biases, and inconsistencies in data sources. Ensuring data quality and reliability is crucial for meaningful analysis and decision-making.4. Data Privacy and Security: The vast amounts of data collected and processed raise concerns about privacy and security. Sensitive data must be protected fromunauthorized access, misuse, or breaches. Balancing data utility with privacy considerations is a key challenge.5. Skills Gap: The analysis and interpretation of big data require specialized skills and expertise in data science, statistics, and machine learning. There is a growing need for skilled professionals who can effectively harness big data for valuable insights.Opportunities of Big Data.1. Improved Decision-Making: Big data analytics enables organizations to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data-driven insights. Data analysis can reveal patterns, trends, and correlations that would be difficult to identify manually.2. Personalized Experiences: Big data allows companies to tailor products, services, and marketing strategies to individual customer needs. By understanding customer preferences and behaviors through data analysis, businesses can provide personalized experiences that enhancesatisfaction and loyalty.3. Scientific Discovery and Innovation: Big data enables advancements in various scientific fields,including medicine, genomics, and climate modeling. The vast datasets facilitate the identification of complex relationships, patterns, and anomalies that can lead to breakthroughs and new discoveries.4. Economic Growth and Productivity: Big data-driven insights can improve operational efficiency, optimize supply chains, and create new economic opportunities. By leveraging data to streamline processes, reduce costs, and identify growth areas, businesses can enhance their competitiveness and contribute to economic development.5. Societal Benefits: Big data has the potential to address societal challenges such as crime prevention, disease control, and disaster management. Data analysis can empower governments and organizations to make evidence-based decisions that benefit society.Conclusion.Big data presents both challenges and opportunities in the digital age. The challenges of data volume, velocity, veracity, privacy, and skills gap must be addressed to harness the full potential of big data. However, the opportunities for improved decision-making, personalized experiences, scientific discoveries, economic growth, and societal benefits are significant. By investing in infrastructure, developing expertise, and establishing robust data governance frameworks, organizations and individuals can effectively navigate the challenges and realize the transformative power of big data. As thedigital landscape continues to evolve, big data will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of human society and technological advancement.。





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Medical fusion framework using discrete fractional wavelets and non-subsampled directional filter banks[J]. IET Image Processing,2020,14(4).[90]Qian Liu,Bo Jiang,Jia-lei Zhang,Peng Gao,Zhi-jian Xia. Semi-supervised uncorrelated dictionary learning for colour face recognition[J]. IET Computer Vision,2020,14(3).[91]Yipo Huang,Leida Li,Yu Zhou,Bo Hu. No-reference quality assessment for live broadcasting videos in temporal and spatial domains[J]. IET Image Processing,2020,14(4).[92]Panetta Karen,Wan Qianwen,Agaian Sos,Rajeev Srijith,Kamath Shreyas,Rajendran Rahul,Rao Shishir Paramathma,Kaszowska Aleksandra,Taylor Holly A,Samani Arash,Yuan Xin. A Comprehensive Database for Benchmarking Imaging Systems.[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence,2020,42(3).[93]Rahnev Dobromir,Desender Kobe,Lee Alan L F,Adler William T,Aguilar-Lleyda David,Akdo?an Ba?ak,Arbuzova Polina,Atlas Lauren Y,Balc? 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Christina,Kvam Peter D,Kwok Sze Chai,Lebreton Ma?l,Lempert Karolina M,Ming Lo Chien,Luo Liang,Maniscalco Brian,Martin Antonio,Massoni Sébastien,Matthews Julian,Mazancieux Audrey,Merfeld Daniel M,O'Hora Denis,Palser Eleanor R,Paulewicz Borys?aw,Pereira Michael,Peters Caroline,Philiastides Marios G,Pfuhl Gerit,Prieto Fernanda,Rausch Manuel,Recht Samuel,Reyes Gabriel,Rouault Marion,Sackur Jér?me,Sadeghi Saeedeh,Samaha Jason,Seow Tricia X F,Shekhar Medha,Sherman Maxine T,Siedlecka Marta,Skóra Zuzanna,Song Chen,Soto David,Sun Sai,van Boxtel Jeroen J A,Wang Shuo,Weidemann Christoph T,Weindel Gabriel,WierzchońMicha?,Xu Xinming,Ye Qun,Yeon Jiwon,Zou Futing,Zylberberg Ariel. The Confidence Database.[J]. Nature human behaviour,2020,4(3).[94]Taipalus Toni. The Effects of Database Complexity on SQL Query Formulation[J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2020(prepublish).[95]. 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Data acquisitionData acquisition is the sampling of the real world to generate data that can be manipulated by a computer. Sometimes abbreviated DAQ or DAS, data acquisition typically involves acquisition of signals and waveforms and processing the signals to obtain desired information. The components of data acquisition systems include appropriate sensors that convert any measurement parameter to an electrical signal, then conditioning the electrical signal which can then be acquired by data acquisition hardware.Acquired data are displayed, analyzed, and stored on a computer, either using vendor supplied software, or custom displays and control can be developed using various general purpose programming languages such as BASIC, C, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Pascal. Specialized programming languages used for data acquisition include EPICS, used to build large scale dataacquisition systems, LabVIEW, which offers a graphical programming environment optimized for data acquisition, and MATLAB which provides a programming language, and also built-in graphical tools and libraries for data acquisition and analysis.How data is acquiredSourceData acquisition begins with the physical phenomenon or physical property of an object (under investigation) to be measured. This physical property or phenomenon could be the temperature or temperature change of a room, the intensity or intensity change of a light source, the pressure inside a chamber, the force applied to an object, or many other things. An effective data acquisition system can measure all of these different properties or phenomena.A transducer is a device that converts a physical property or phenomenon into a corresponding measurable electrical signal, such as voltage, current, change in resistance or capacitor values, etc. The ability of a data acquisition system to measure different phenomena depends on the transducers to convert the physical phenomena into signals measurable by the data acquisition hardware. Transducers are synonymous with sensors in DAQ systems. There are specific transducers for many different applications, such as measuring temperature, pressure, or fluid flow. DAQ also deploy various signal conditioning techniques to adequately modify various different electrical signals into voltage that can then be digitized using ADCs.SignalsSignals may be digital (also called logic signals sometimes) or analog depending on the transducer used.Signal conditioning may be necessary if the signal from the transducer is not suitable for the DAQ hardware to be used. The signal may be amplified, or may require filtering, or a lock-in amplifier is included to perform demodulation.Analog signals tolerate almost no cross talk and so are converted to digital data, before coming close to a PC or before traveling along long cables. For analog data to have a high signal to noise ratio, the signal needs to be very high, and sending +-10 Volts along a fast signal path with a 50 Ohm termination requires powerful drivers.DAQ hardwareDAQ hardware is what usually interfaces between the signal and a PC. Itcould be in the form of modules that can be connected to the computer's ports (parallel, serial, USB, etc...) or cards connected to slots (PCI, ISA, PCI-E, etc...) in the mother board. Usually the space on the back of a PCI card is too small for all the connections needed, so an external breakout box is required. The cable between this Box and the PC is expensive due to the many wires and the required shielding and because it is exotic.DAQ-cards often contain multiple components (multiplexer, ADC, DAC, TTL-IO, high speed timers, RAM). These are accessible via a bus by a micro controller, which can run small programs. The controller is more flexible than a hard wired logic, yet cheaper than a CPU so that it is alright to block it with simple polling loops. For example: Waiting for a trigger, starting the ADC, looking up the time, waiting for the ADC to finish, move value to RAM, switch multiplexer, get TTL input, let DAC proceed with voltage ramp. As 16 bit ADCs, DACs, OpAmps and sample and holds with equal precision as of 2007 only run at 1 MHz, even low cost digital controllers like the AVR32 have about 100 clock cycles for bookkeeping in between.Reconfigurable computing may deliver high speed for digital signals. Digital signal processors spend a lot of silicon on arithmetic and allow tight control loops or filters. The fixed connection with the PC allows for comfortable compilation and debugging. Using an external housing a modular design with slots in a bus can grow with the needs of the user. High speed binary data needs special purpose hardware called Time to digital converter and high speed 8 bit ADCs are called oscilloscope#Digital storage oscilloscope, which are typically not connected to DAQ hardware, but directly to the PC.Also notable is that not all DAQ hardware has to run permanently connected to a PC, for example intelligent stand-alone loggers and controllers, which can be operated from a PC, yet they can operate completely independent of the PC.DAQ softwareDAQ software is needed in order to the DAQ Hardware to work with a PC. This can come in at least three flavors: applications that register directly from the hardware, low-level software driver (usually packaged with the DAQ hardware) to allow developing higher level applications to register data coming from the hardware and off-the-shelf applicationsDriver software that usually comes with the DAQ hardware or from other vendors, allows the operating system to recognize the DAQ hardware and programs to access the signals being read by the DAQ hardware. A good driver offers high and low level access. So one would start out with the highlevel solutions offered and improves down to assembly instructions in time critical or exotic applications.Off-the-shelf applications include interface for programming means to log, analyze and display the acquired data. Examples of this kind of software are MATLAB and LabVIEW, both providing a high level graphical programming language.。
