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1.At times有时,偶尔

2.Be worth sth/doing sth.值得…的

3.Not only…but also…不仅…而且…

4.Far away=not …at all ;rather than 一点都不

5. A couple of=two=a small number of 两个;一些;几个

6.Get/have/obtain access to. 有享用权

7.Participate in=take part In. 参加

8.Keep up with=keep the same speed as. 赶上不落后

9.Feel like sth./doing sth. 想要想做

10.Give up 停止放弃

11.Think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨

e across 偶然遇到;偶然发现

13.Reap the benefit(s) 得到益处,得到好处

14.Trade for=exchange for 用..换

15.Give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解

16.Now that 既然,由于

17.Instead of 而不是,代替

18.Reach out to 接触,联系

19.Play a role 起作用;扮演一个角色

20.be/become aware of 认识到;知道,察觉到

21.in addition 另外;加之

22.reflect on 深思,考虑

23.speak up 说出意见和看法;大声说

24.be finished with 做完,完成

25.allow for 为..留出余地;考虑到

26.on sb.’s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言

27.catch up (with) 赶上追上

28.remind sb. of sh. 使想起;提醒

29.along with=together with 一起;一道

30.turn off 关闭

31.burst into 闯入;突然开始

32.over and over 一再,反复

33.reach for 伸手去摸。伸手去取

34.turn up 调大;开大

35.turn down 调小;开小

36.as well as=addition to 除..之外;和

37.turn on 打开开关

38.as usual 像往常一样;照例

39.in peace and quiet 平静地

40.wake up (使)醒来

41.make one’s blood boil 使某人生气

42.get rid of 摆脱;除去,丢弃;扔掉

43.knots in one’s stomach 紧张不安

44.in any case 无论如何;不管怎样

45.talk 商议讨论

46.as a result 结果是

47.In turn 因此;转而,依次;轮流

48.Tap into了解

49.Get ahead 取得进步;成功

50.Look to 依赖;指望

51.Feel like=feel as if 感觉好像;似乎

52.The way,in the way that 以…方式,以..方法

53.Sound like 听起来;似乎

54.Rather than=instead of 而不是

55.Point of view 观点;意见

56.As opposed to 与…对照;而不是

57.Get across (被)理解;(被接受

58.Be concerned about 担心

59.Check in 打电话报平安;登记入住,办登机手续

60.Put sth. Away 吧某物收好或放好

61.Lose one’s cool 失去冷静

62.Awaken sb. to sth 使某人意识到某事

63.Lean on=depend on 依靠

64.Grow up 成长长大

65.Let on 泄露,透漏

66.Start out 出发

67.Make it 及时赶到;办到,做到

68.Even if 即使;虽然

69.On one’s way(to) 在路上

70.Even though 虽说;即使

71.Break out 突然发生;爆发

72.On leave 休假

73.See(to it ) that 务必做到

e to 苏醒;恢复知觉

75.Now and again/then=at times=sometimes 不时地;有时候

76.Call for 要求

77.Set out 出发

78.For awhile 一会儿;一段时间

79.Pay attention to 注意关注

80.Hold to 握住抓住;坚信;忠于

81.With that 接着;随即

82.Turn out 结果是;证明是

83.The minute=as soon as 一..就…

84.Find out 找出;查明;发现

85.In relate to 有关关于

86.Become acquainted with 与…相识,了解

87.Pick up 学会;得到

88.In part 在某程度上,部分地
