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铁 道 工 程 学 报
O ct 2010
NO.10(Ser .145)
X 收稿日期:2010-08-01
梅 熙
(中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都610031)
摘要:研究目的:我国高速铁路工程测量平面坐标系采用工程独立坐标系统,投影方式为高斯投影。通常把高速铁路平面坐标系划分为若干个投影分带,以满足投影长度的变形值不大于10mm /km 的要求。大家普遍认为高斯投影后角度不变,但在高速铁路线路设计中却发现高斯投影可引起相邻投影带间的角度变形。需要研究此问题对高速铁路线路设计的影响,并提出相应的解决办法和建议。
研究结论:高斯投影在不同中央子午线的坐标投影带间会产生角度变形,对高速铁路线路设计产生不利影响,特别是高速铁路直线边较长,此影响不能忽视;可以通过优化工程独立坐标投影分带的位置、控制相邻投影带间中央子午线的跨度及角度变形值的大小等办法来减小对高速铁路线路设计的影响;应积极开展工程测量投影模型和计算方法研究,最终实现一个项目不换带或少换带的目的。关键词:高斯投影;角度变形;线路设计;影响中图分类号:U 212.24 文献标识码:A
Defor m ation Effect Caused by Gauss Projection on Track Desi gn of H i gh -speed Rail w ay
(Ch i n a Rail w ay E ryuan Eng i n eer i n g G roup Co .Ltd ,Chengdu ,Sichuan 610031,Ch i n a)
Abst ract :R esearch purposes :The eng i n eering survey p lane coord i n ate syste m for h i g h -speed rail w ay adopts eng ineeri n g i n dependent coord i n ate syste m and the pro jecti v e w ay is gauss pr o jecti o n in Ch i n a .N or m a ll y ,t h e p l a ne coordinate syste m for high-speed ra il w ay i s div i d ed i n to so m e subd i v isi o ns of pro jecti o n ,so that the defor m ati o n value of the pro j e cted si d e leng t h is not mo re than 10mm /km.It is kno w n t h at the ang le w ill be i n decli n able after conducting t h e gauss pr o jecti o n ,but it w as found that the ang le o f the ad jacent projection division w ou l d be ana mo r ph ic after conducti n g gauss pro jecti o n in the track design o f h i g h-speed rail w ay .So it is necessary to research the effect o f t h is proble m on the track design o f h i g h-speed ra il w ay to g ive t h e correspond i n g so lutions and suggestions to this prob le m.R esearch conclusions :The angle de for m ati o n w ill appear when gauss pro jecti o n is used i n coo r d i n ate pr o jection div i s ion of the d ifferent centralm eridians ,wh ich has a negati v e i m pact on the tack design of h i g h-speed rail w ay .Especially w hen the rectilineal si d e of high-speed ra il w ay is very l o ng ,this negati v e i m pact can not be i g nored .Th is i m pact on t h e track design of h i g h -speed rail w ay should be reduced by so m e w ays ,such as opti m izing the position o f the subdiv ision of pro jecti o n of eng i n eeri n g i n dependent coo r d i n ate and con tro lling the defor m ati o n sizes o f the centra l m eridian span and ang le of ad j a cent gauss pro jecti o n d ivisions .A nd also it is necessary to research the pro j e ction m ode l and ca lculation m ethod for the eng ineeri n g sur vey to ach ieve the goa l that on l y one pro j e ction division is used in a eng ineeri n g pro ject o r fe w er d ivisions are used i n one eng i n eer i n g pro jec.t K ey w ords :Gauss pr o jecti o n ;ang le defor m ati o n ;track desi g n ;effect