











求u, v, w, t各点的齐次坐标。

xyzOuvwt2.如图所示为具有三个旋转关节的3R 机械手,求末端机械手在基坐标系{x 0,y 0}下的运动学方程。



(一) 单选题1. 下图所示的机身和臂部的配置型式属于()。


(A)直角坐标型(B)圆柱坐标型(C)极坐标型(D)多关节型参考答案:(B)3. ASIMO是什么类型的机器人()。


(A)横梁式(B)立柱式(C)机座式(D)屈伸式参考答案:(C)5. 几个以上的自由度是冗余的()。

(A)4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7参考答案:(D)6. 下图所示的机身和臂部的配置型式属于()。

(A)横梁式(B)立柱式(C)机座式(D)屈伸式参考答案: (D)7. 下图所示的机器人有几个自由度()。

(A) 3(B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6参考答案:(C)8. 齐次变换矩阵的大小是()。

(A)(B)(C)(D)参考答案:(D)9. 对于如下的2自由度机械手,其可能的逆运动学求解有几组()。

(A)无解(B) 1组(C) 2组(D) 无穷多参考答案:(C)10.通常指()。

(A)美国(B) 日本(C) 德国(D) 中国参考答案:(B)11. PUMA是什么类型的机器人()。


(A)直角坐标型(B)圆柱坐标型(C)极坐标型(D)多关节型参考答案:(A)13. 已知机器人杆件的几何参数,给定机器人末端执行器相对于参考坐标系的期望位置和姿态(位姿),求取机器人使其末端执行器达到这个预期的位姿的关节变量。


(A)机器人正运动学(B)机器人逆运动学(C)机器人静力学(D)机器人动力学参考答案:(B)14. 第一个提出robot称谓的人是()。

(A)捷克作家KarelCapek(B) 美国科幻作家IsaacAsimov(C) 日本科学家加藤一郎(D) 挪威剧作家易卜生参考答案:(A)15.下图所示的机器人属于()。



1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.4. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.5. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would Arobot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.6. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.7. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.8. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.9. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.10. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.11. conflict with the First Law.12. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.13. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.14. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.15. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.16. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.17. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.18. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.19. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come toharm.20. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders wouldconflict with the First Law.21. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the Firstor Second Law.22.。



机器人学导论(克雷格)第二章作业答案本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March2.1 solution:According to the equation of pure transition transformation,the new point after transition is as follows:100235010358(,,)0014711000111transx y z old P Trans d d d P ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⨯==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦2.3 solution:According to the constraint equations:0;0;01n a n o a o n •=•=•==Thus,the matrix should be like this:00150015100310030102010200010001or --⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦2.4 Solution:X Y ZP P P ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭=cos 0sin 010sin 0cos θθθθ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭0n a P P P ⎛⎫⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭2.7 Solution:According to the equation of pure rotation transformation , the new coordinates are as follows:10022222(,45)03422720222newP rot x P ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎡⎤⎢⎢⎢⎥⎢⎢=⨯==⎢⎥⎢⎢⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦2.9 Solution:Acording to the equations for the combined transformations ,the new coordinates are as follows:B 01005100051100030010310 (,90)(5,3,6)(,90)0010601004900011000111 A BP Rot z Trans Rot x P-⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⨯⨯⨯==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦Transformations relative to the reference frameTransformations relative to the current frame2.10P=Trans(5,3,6)Rot(x,90)Rot(a,90) PA1 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 02 = 0 1 03 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 = -2 8 1 2.122.14a) For spherical coordinates we have (for posihon )1) r ·cos γ·sin β = 3.1375unitsunits2) r ·sin γ·sin β = 2.195 3) r ·cos β = 3.214I) Assuming sin β is posihve, from a and b → γ=35°from b and c → β=50° from c → r=5II) If sin β were negative. Then γ=35°β=50° r=5 Since orientation is not specified, no more information is available to check the results.b) For case I, substifate corresponding values of sin β , cos β, sin γ, cos γand r in sperical coordinates to get: 0.5265 -0.5735 0.6275 3.1375Tsph(r,β,γ)=Tsph(35,50,5)= 0.3687 0.819 0.439 2.195-0.766 0 0.6428 3.214 0 0 0 12.16 Solution:According to the equations given in the text book, we can get the Euler angles as follows:arctan 2(,)arctan 2(,)y x y x a a or a a Φ=-- Which lead to :21535or Φ=②arctan 2(,)0180x y x y n S n C o S o C or ψ=-Φ+Φ-Φ+Φ= ③arctan 2(,)5050x y z a C a S a or θ=Φ+Φ=- 2.18 Solution:①Since the hand will be placed on the object, we can obtain this:UU U R U R obj H R H R obj T T T T T T ===Thus:10015100101000001UU U H R objT T T --⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦②No,it can ’t.If so,the element at the position of the third row and the second column should be 0.However, it isn ’t. ③x=5,y=1,z=0According to the equations of the euler angles:arctan 2(,)arctan 2(,)0180y x y x a a or a a or Φ=--= arctan 2(,)27090x y x y n S n C o S o C or ψ=-Φ+Φ-Φ+Φ=arctan 2(,)27090x y z a C a S a or θ=Φ+Φ=2.21(a)(b) # θd aα 0-1 1θ 0 3d0 1-2 2θ 04d180 2-H 3θ5d(c)O UT =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡+1000100001000121d d 1A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-100001000013111311s d c s c d s c2A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--10001000024222422s d c s c d s c 3A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-100100000053333d c s s c (d)321A A A T T T T O U H O O U H U==2.22(a)(b)(c)O UT = ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡1000010*********l 1A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000001000001111s c c s2A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000010010000121l l 3A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-10001000001313c s s c 4A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡1000100001000013l (d)4321A A A A T T T T O U H O O U H U==2.23(a)(b)# θ d a α1 1θ0 0 902 2θ''6''150 4 3θ0 1 -904 4θ''180 905 5θ0 0 -906 6θ 5 0 0(c)1A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000001001000001 2A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000610061.100707.0707.061.100707.0707.0 3A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000001001001001 4A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-1000180********1 5A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--100000100707.00707.00707.00707.0 6A =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡1000510000100001(d)H R T =⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡----1000191006010414.1001。



机工英语考试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共40分)1. The machine is designed to operate at a speed of ________.A. 1000 rpmB. 1500 rpmC. 2000 rpmD. 2500 rpm答案:B2. The ________ of the engine is crucial for its performance.A. efficiencyB. capacityC. powerD. torque答案:A3. The ________ system is responsible for cooling the engine.A. lubricationB. exhaustC. coolingD. fuel答案:C4. The ________ is used to measure the temperature of the machine.A. thermometerB. ammeterC. voltmeterD. tachometer答案:A5. The ________ is a key component in the transmission system.A. clutchB. brakeC. gearD. belt答案:C6. The ________ is used to control the speed of the machine.A. governorB. regulatorC. controllerD. actuator答案:A7. The ________ is responsible for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.A. generatorB. motorC. alternatorD. transformer答案:A8. The ________ is used to reduce the speed of the machine.A. pulleyB. leverC. gearD. belt答案:C9. The ________ is used to measure the pressure of the machine.A. manometerB. barometerC. voltmeterD. ammeter答案:A10. The ________ is a type of bearing that allows for rotation.A. ball bearingB. roller bearingC. plain bearingD. thrust bearing答案:A11. The ________ is used to control the flow of fuel into the engine.A. carburetorB. injectorC. pumpD. filter答案:B12. The ________ is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids.A. gate valveB. check valveC. globe valveD. butterfly valve答案:A13. The ________ is used to measure the electrical current in a circuit.A. voltmeterB. ammeterC. ohmmeterD. wattmeter答案:B14. The ________ is a type of joint that allows for limited movement.A. riveted jointB. welded jointC. bolted jointD. pinned joint答案:C15. The ________ is used to measure the electrical resistance in a circuit.A. voltmeterB. ammeterC. ohmmeterD. wattmeter答案:C16. The ________ is a type of bearing that operates on a sliding surface.A. ball bearingB. roller bearingC. plain bearingD. thrust bearing答案:C17. The ________ is used to measure the electrical power in a circuit.A. voltmeterB. ammeterC. ohmmeterD. wattmeter答案:D18. The ________ is a type of bearing that supports a rotating shaft.A. ball bearingB. roller bearingC. plain bearingD. thrust bearing答案:A19. The ________ is used to control the temperature of the machine.A. thermostatB. regulatorC. controllerD. actuator答案:A20. The ________ is a type of valve that prevents backflow of fluids.A. gate valveB. check valveC. globe valveD. butterfly valve答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)21. The ________ is a type of bearing that supports a rotating shaft and reduces friction.答案:ball bearing22. The ________ is used to convert the linear motion of a piston into the rotational motion of a crankshaft.答案:crankshaft23. The ________ is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids by rotating a disc.答案:butterfly valve24. The ________ is used to measure the electrical voltage in a circuit.答案:voltmeter25. The ________ is a type of bearing that operates on a rolling element.答案:roller bearing26. The ________ is used to convert the rotational motion of a crankshaft into linear motion.答案:piston27. The ________ is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids by sliding a gate.答案:gate valve28. The ________ is used to measure the electrical current in a circuit.答案:ammeter29. The ________ is a type of bearing that operates on a sliding surface and reduces friction.答案:plain bearing30. The ________ is used to measure the electrical resistance in a circuit.答案:ohmmeter三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)31. The governor is used to control the speed of the machine. (对/错)答案:对32. The clutch is a key component in the transmission system. (对/错)答案:对33. The pulley is used to increase the speed of the machine. (对/错)答案:错34. The ammeter is used to measure the electrical current in a circuit. (对/错)答案:对35. The generator is responsible for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. (对/错)36. The carburetor is used to control the flow of fuel into the engine. (对/错)答案:对37. The thrust bearing is used to support a rotating shaft. (对/错)答案:错38. The voltmeter is used to measure the electrical voltage in a circuit. (对/错)答案:对39. The gate valve is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids by rotating a disc. (对/错)答案:错40. The ohmmeter is used to measure the electrical resistance in a circuit. (对/错)四、简答题(每题10分,共20分)41. Explain the function of a thermostat in a machine.答案:A thermostat is a temperature control device that regulates the temperature of a machine by controlling the flow of coolant. It maintains the engine at an optimal operating temperature by opening or closing the cooling system's flow path as needed.42. Describe the purpose of a regulator in an electrical circuit.答案:A regulator in an electrical circuit is a device that maintains a constant voltage level by adjusting the output voltage to compensate for changes in load or input voltage. It ensures that the voltage supplied to the circuit remains stable and within the desired range, preventing damage to sensitive electronic components.。



机器人学导论作业答案作业一一、问答题1.答:机器人的主要应用场合有:(1) 恶劣的工作环境和危险工作;(2) 在特殊作业场合进行极限作业;(3) 自动化生产领域;(4) 农业生产;(5) 军事应用。

2.答:工业机器人(英语:industrial robot。






3.答:科幻作家阿西莫夫机器人三原则:(1) 不伤害人类;(2) 在原则下服从人给出的命令;(3) 在与上两个原则不矛盾的前提下保护自身。


4.答:机器人研究的基础内容有以下几方面:(1) 空间机构学;(2) 机器人运动学;(3) 机器人静力学;(4) 机器人动力学;(5) 机器人控制技术;(6) 机器人传感器;(7) 机器人语言。

5.答:按几何结构分:(1) 直角坐标式机器人;(2) 圆柱坐标式机器人;(3) 球面坐标式机器人;(4) 关节式球面坐标机器人。









Position controlJoint space control structureCartesian space control structurePUMA robot servo control structureSingle-joint position controller and multi-joint position controller机器人三定律(Three Laws of Robotics) ”:First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.Second Law: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.齐次变换机器人的应用1.Robots for Service 服务机器人Medical robots applied to the following aspects:(1)Diagnosis Robot(2)Nursing Robot(3)Disability and Paralysis Rehabilitation Robot(4)Household Robot(5)Entertainment Robot(6)Medical and surgical robot2.Robots for Military 军事机器人Ground military robotsintelligent robot, including independent and semi-autonomous vehicles remote-controlled robot, namely, Various remote unmanned vehiclesAerial military robotsMarine military robots3.Robots for Material Handling (材料搬运Functions of CONSIGHT system :Determining positions and directions of various mechanical parts (including complex curve objects).It is easy to compile programs on the system by inserting the new parts. Structure light subsystem, prevent need of high scene contrast.Processing image data effectively, which contains video noise, in many typical environment of factory.4.Welding Robots 焊接机器人The system is composed of two-level control system:First level based on microcomputer system. The first level chooses microcomputer IBM - PC/XT, with the functions: management, fault diagnosis and machine language editing, compiler and etc.Second level based on single board computer system. Choosing TP - 86 single board computer as the second control circuit, realize servo position control for 5 joints.5.Painting Robots 喷漆机器人Control software consists of two modules:Teaching moduleReplay module.Structure of these two module are similar.Teaching program consists of three tasks:Task A completes initialization and create new task.Task B consists of reading the collected data in memory buffer and writing them into the disk.Task C contains monitoring operation on panel buttons.C hapter 11W orkspace: the existence and nonexistence of a kinematics defines the workspace of a given manipulator.T rajectory: the curve path of an object’s motion.2P osition control: is to control the position of the manipulator34N onlinear control: a system that is nonlinear, time-variant, or both.C hapter 21.C hapter 42T he algebraic solution is to use the kinematic equation to solve the problem while the geometric solution is to decompose the spatial geometry of the arm into several plane-geometry problems.4.Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters 4 D-H parameters ()3 fixed link parameters 1 joint variable αi and ai : describe the Link i di and θi : describe the Link’s connection5. Said the operation of the mechanical arm speed linear mapping relations between space and joint space6.C hapter 5123.Newton-Euler dynamic formulationNewton's equation along with its rotational analog, Euler's equation, describe how forces, inertias,and accelerations relate for rigid bodies, is a "force balance" approach to dy grangian dynamic formulationLagrangian formulation is an "energy-based" approach to dynamics.45 close form 封闭形式and iterative form 迭代形式equation方程od manipulator dynamics机械臂动力学.:67 joint spaceEasy to go through via points(Solve inverse kinematics at all path points)No problems with singularitiesLess calculationsCan not follow straight lineCartesian spaceWe can track a shape(for orientation : equivalent axes, Euler angles,…)More expensive at run time(after the path is calculated need joint angles in a lot of points) Discontinuity problems8 Some possible interpolation functions:Cubic polynomialsCubic polynomials for a path with via pointsHigher-order polynomialsLinear function with parabolic blendsLinear function with parabolic blends for a path with via points99. I n a sentence or two, define Cartesian-space schemeCartesian schemes are more computationally expensive to execute since at run time, inverse kinematics must be solved at the path update rate.10.I n a sentence or two, defi ne Position Control of robots Position control Joint space control structure Cartesian space control structure PUMA robot servo control structureSingle-joint position controller and multi-joint position controller11. I n a sentence or two, defi ne Hybrid Control of Force/Position of robotsHybrid Force / Position ControlActive stiffness controlR-C ControlSynthesis problem of Hybrid control system。


一、名词解释: 1.自由度 2.机器人工作载荷 3.柔性手 4.制动器失效抱闸 5.机器人运动学 6.机器人动力学 7.虚功原理 8.PWM 驱动 9.电机无自转 10.直流伺服电机的调节特性 11.直流伺服电机的调速精度 12.PID 控制 13.压电元件 14.图像锐化 15.隶属函数 16.BP 网络 17.脱机编程 18.AUV 二、简答题: 1.机器人学主要包含哪些研究内容? 2.机器人常用的机身和臂部的配置型式有哪些? 3.拉格朗日运动方程式的一般表示形式与各变量含义? 4.机器人控制系统的基本单元有哪些? 5.直流电机的额定值有哪些? 6.常见的机器人外部传感器有哪些? 7.简述脉冲回波式超声波传感器的工作原理。 8.机器人视觉的硬件系统由哪些部分组成? 9.为什么要做图像的预处理?机器视觉常用的预处理步骤有哪些? 10.请简述模糊控制器的组成及各组成部分的用途。 11.从描述操作命令的角度看,机器人编程语言可分为哪几类? 12.仿人机器人的关键技术有哪些? 三、论述题: 1.试论述机器人技术的发展趋势。 2.试论述精度、重复精度与分辨率之间的关系。 3.试论述轮式行走机构和足式行走机构的特点和各自适用的场合。 4.试论述机器人静力学、动力学、运动学的关系。 5.机器人单关节伺服控制中,位置反馈增益和速度反馈增益是如何确定的? 6.试论述工业机器人的应用准则。 四、计算题: (需写出计算步骤,无计算步骤不能得分) : T 1.已知点 u 的坐标为[7,3,2] ,对点 u 依次进行如下的变换: (1)绕 z 轴旋转 90°得到点 v; (2)绕 y 轴旋转 90°得到点 w; (3)沿 x 轴平移 4 个单位,再沿 y 轴平移-3 个单位,最后沿 z 轴平移 7 个单位 得到点 t。求 u, v, w, t 各点的齐次坐标。



机器人导论考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 机器人的三大核心组成部分不包括以下哪一项?A. 传感器B. 执行器C. 控制器D. 能源系统答案:D2. 以下哪个不是机器人的自由度?A. 线性运动B. 旋转运动C. 振动运动D. 平面运动答案:C3. 机器人的坐标系统通常采用哪种类型?A. 笛卡尔坐标系B. 极坐标系C. 球坐标系D. 柱坐标系答案:A4. 机器人的路径规划通常不包括以下哪一项?A. 避障B. 路径优化C. 速度控制D. 颜色识别答案:D5. 以下哪个传感器不是用于机器人视觉系统的?A. 红外传感器B. 摄像头C. 激光雷达D. 超声波传感器答案:D6. 机器人的伺服电机通常采用哪种控制方式?A. 开环控制B. 闭环控制C. 半闭环控制D. 无反馈控制答案:B7. 机器人的关节驱动方式不包括以下哪一项?A. 电动B. 气动C. 液压D. 磁力答案:D8. 以下哪个不是机器人编程语言的特点?A. 高级语言B. 易于学习C. 难以理解D. 可移植性答案:C9. 机器人的安全性设计中不包括以下哪一项?A. 急停按钮B. 限位开关C. 过载保护D. 颜色搭配答案:D10. 以下哪个不是机器人操作系统(ROS)的功能?A. 硬件抽象B. 底层设备控制C. 进程间消息传递D. 网络服务答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 机器人的传感器系统包括以下哪些?A. 力觉传感器B. 触觉传感器C. 视觉传感器D. 温度传感器答案:ABCD2. 机器人的运动学分析包括以下哪些?A. 正向运动学B. 逆向运动学C. 动力学分析D. 静态平衡分析答案:AB3. 机器人的控制策略包括以下哪些?A. PID控制B. 模糊控制C. 神经网络控制D. 遗传算法控制答案:ABCD4. 机器人的人工智能技术包括以下哪些?A. 机器学习B. 自然语言处理C. 计算机视觉D. 专家系统答案:ABCD5. 机器人的机械结构设计需要考虑以下哪些因素?A. 材料选择B. 强度和刚度C. 重量和尺寸D. 制造成本答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述机器人的发展历程。



研究生试卷2014年— 2015 年度第一学期课程名称:机器人学导论评分:专业:机械工程年级:201xx级研究生姓名: xxxxxxx 学号:xxxxxxxxxx 任课教师姓名: xxxxxxxx注意事项1.答题必须写清题号;2.字迹要清楚,保持卷面清洁;3.试题随试卷交回;4.考试课按百分制评分,考查课按5级分制评分;5.阅完卷后,一周内将试卷、试题、成绩单由任课教师签名后,送有关部门。

2014-2015学年第一学期硕士研究生《机器人学导论》考试题1. A vector is rotated about A Z by θ degrees and is subsequently rotated about A X by φ degrees. Give the rotation matrix that accomplishes these rotations in the given order.2. A Velocity vector is given by BV⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. GivenA B T =0.8660.5000.00011.00.5000.8660.000 3.00.0000.000 1.0009.00001-⎡⎤⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦. Compute A V .3. A two-link manipulator with rotational joints is shown in Fig.1. Calculate thevelocity of the tip of the arm as a function of joint rates. Give the answer in two form s : in terms of frames {3} and also in terms of frame {0}.Fig.14. Solve for the coefficients of two cubics that are connected in a two-segment spline with continuous acceleration at the intermediate via point. The initial angle is0θ, the via point is v θ, and the goal point is g θ.5. The trajectory of a particular joint is specified as follows: Path points in degrees: 10, 35, 25, 10. The duration of these three segments should be 2, 1, 3seconds, respectively. The magnitude of the default acceleration to use at all blend points is 50 degrees/second 2. Calculate all segment velocities, blend times, and linear times.6. The two-link manipulator of examination 3 is applying a force Vector 3Fwith its end-effector.(Consider this force to be acting at the origin of {3}). Find the required joint torques as a function of configuration and of the applied force (See Fig. 2)Fig.27. Compute the closed-form dynamic equations for the two-link planar manipulator shown in Fig.3. For simplicity, we assume that the mass distribution is extremely simple: All mass exists as a point mass at the distal end of each link. These masses are 1m and 2m .Fig.38. Convert the transcendental equationacosθ + bsinθ= cinto a polynomial in the tangent of the half angle and solve for θ.9. Derive the Cartesian space form of the dynamics for the two-link planar arm of examination 3. Write the dynamics in terms of a frame attached to the end of the second link.10. Given0.8660.5000.00010.00.5000.8660.0000.00.0000.000 1.000 5.00001A B T -⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,If the force-torque vector at the origin of {A} is0. ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦,Find the 6×1 force-torque vector with reference point at the origin of {B}.11. Given⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=10000.5000.1000.0000.00.0000.0866.0500.00.10000.0500.0866.0T A B If the velocity vector at the origin of {A} is0. ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥-=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦Find the 6×1 velocity vector with reference point at the origin of {B}.12. 完成《机械臂运动路径设计问题》,要求有解题分析、解题的数学模型、求解算法及其MATLAB 程序和解题结果的分析讨论。



1. 自由度:指描述物体运动所需要的独立坐标数。

2. 机器人工作载荷:机器人在规定的性能范围内,机械接口处能承受的最大负载量(包括手部)。

3. 柔性手:可对不同外形物体实施抓取,并使物体表面受力比较均匀的机器人手部结构。

4. 制动器失效抱闸:指要放松制动器就必须接通电源,否则,各关节不能产生相对运动。

5. 机器人运动学:从几何学的观点来处理手指位置与关节变量的关系称为运动学。


7. 虚功原理:约束力不作功的力学系统实现平衡的必要且充分条件是对结构上允许的任意位移(虚位移)施力所作功之和为零。

8. PWM 驱动:脉冲宽度调制驱动。

9. 电机无自转:控制电压降到零时,伺服电动机能立即自行停转。

10. 直流伺服电机的调节特性:是指转矩恒定时,电动机的转速随控制电压变化的关系。

11. 直流伺服电机的调速精度:指调速装置或系统的给定角速度与带额定负载时的实际角速度之差,与给定转速之比。

12. PID 控制:指按照偏差的比例、积分、微分进行控制。

13. 压电元件:指某种物质上施加压力就会产生电信号,即产生压电现象的元件。

14. 图像锐化:突出图像中的高频成分,使轮廓增强。

15. 隶属函数:表示论域U 中的元素u 属于模糊子集A 的程度,在[0, 1]闭区间内可连续取值。

16. 脱机编程:指用机器人程序语言预先进行程序设计,而不是用示教的方法编程。

17. AUV :无缆自治水下机器人,或自动海底车。

二、简答题:1.机器人学主要包含哪些研究内容?2.机器人常用的机身和臂部的配置型式有哪些? 4.机器人控制系统的基本单元有哪些? 5.直流电机的额定值有哪些?6.常见的机器人外部传感器有哪些?7.简述脉冲回波式超声波传感器的工作原理。

8.机器人视觉的硬件系统由哪些部分组成?9.为什么要做图像的预处理?机器视觉常用的预处理步骤有哪些? 10.请简述模糊控制器的组成及各组成部分的用途。



中南大学网络教育课程考试复习题及参考答案机器人学导论一、名词解释题: 二、简答题:1.机器人学主要包含哪些研究内容?2.机器人常用的机身和臂部的配置型式有哪些?3.拉格朗日运动方程式的一般表示形式与各变量含义?4.机器人控制系统的基本单元有哪些? 三、论述题:1.试论述机器人技术的发展趋势。



四、计算题:(需写出计算步骤,无计算步骤不能得分):1.已知点u 的坐标为[7,3,2]T ,对点u 依次进行如下的变换:(1)绕z 轴旋转90°得到点v ;(2)绕y 轴旋转90°得到点w ;(3)沿x 轴平移4个单位,再沿y 轴平移-3个单位,最后沿z 轴平移7个单位得到点t 。

求u , v , w , t 各点的齐次坐标。

xyzOuvwt2.如图所示为具有三个旋转关节的3R 机械手,求末端机械手在基坐标系{x 0,y 0}下的运动学方程。

θ1θ2θ3L 2L 1L 3x 0y 0O3.如图所示为平面内的两旋转关节机械手,已知机器人末端的坐标值{x ,y },试求其关节旋转变量θ1和θ2.θ1θ2L 2L 1xyP4.如图所示两自由度机械手在如图位置时(θ1= 0 , θ2=π/2),生成手爪力 F A = [ f x 0 ]T 或F B = [ 0 f y ]T 。

求对应的驱动力 τA 和τB 。

τ1L 2xyP L 1τ2F A F B 0y f ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦0x f ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦5.如图所示的两自由度机械手,手部沿固定坐标系在手上X 0轴正向以 1.0m/s 的速度移动,杆长l 1=l 2=0.5m 。


已知两自由度机械手速度雅可比矩阵为1121221211212212l s l s l s l c l c l c θθ---⎡⎤=⎢⎥+⎣⎦J θ1-θ2l 2l 1x 0y 0Ox 3y 3v 36.如图所示的三自由度机械手(两个旋转关节加一个平移关节,简称RPR 机械手),求末端机械手的运动学方程。

机器人学 导论(基础)

机器人学 导论(基础)

1. 题名:机器人学导论分析、系统及应用•其它题名: Introduction to robotics analysis, systems, applications•作者/编者: 尼库(Niku, Saeed B.)•其他作者/编者: 孙富春; 朱纪洪; 刘国栋(自动化)•主题: 机器人学-- 教材•出版者: 电子工业出版社出版时间: 2004在美国2001出版•丛书名/收录于: 国外计算机科学教材系列2.题名:机器人无标定手眼协调•作者/编者: 苏剑波•主题: 机器人控制-- 研究•出版者: 电子工业出版社•出版时间: 20103.题名:平面五杆并联机器人运动学导论•其它题名: Introduction to kinematics of planar five-bar parallel robot•作者/编者: 辛洪兵; 余跃庆•主题: 机器人-- 运动学•出版者: 国防工业出版社出版时间: 20074.题名:并联机器人建模、控制优化与应用其它题名: Parallel robots modeling, control optimization and applications; 建模控制优化与应用•作者/编者: 丛爽; 尚伟伟•主题: 机器人控制•出版者: 电子工业出版社出版时间: 20105.题名:机器人学运动学、动力学与控制•其它题名: 运动学、动力学与控制•作者/编者:宋伟刚•主题:机器人学-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2007•丛书名/收录于: 中国科学院机械工程系列规划教材6.题名:机器人足球竞赛与设计技术•作者/编者:杨林权•主题:足球运动-- 机器人-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 华中科技大学出版社出版时间: 2009•简7.题名:智能足球机器人系统•作者/编者:陈万米; 张冰; 朱明•主题:足球运动-- 智能机器人-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 高等院校信息技术规划教材•题名:机器人技术及其应用•作者/编者:谢存禧, 1940- ; 张铁•主题:机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 机械工业出版社出版时间: 2005•丛书名/收录于: 高等学校机械电子工程规划教材•题名:机器人技术基础= Fundamentals of robotics •其它题名: Fundamentals of robotics•作者/编者:孟庆鑫; 王晓东(自动化)•主题:机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社出版时间: 2006•丛书名/收录于: 机械设计制造及其自动化系列•题名:工业机器人•作者/编者:蒋刚; 龚迪琛; 蔡勇•主题:工业机器人-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 西南交通大学出版社出版时间: 2011•丛书名/收录于: 普通高等院校机械类“十二五”规划系列教材题名:仿人机器人= Humanoid robots•其它题名: Humanoid robots•作者/编者:梶田秀司•其他作者/编者:管贻生•主题:智能机器人•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2007•题名:工业机器人技术•其它题名: Technology of Industry Robots•作者/编者:郭洪红•主题:工业机器人-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 西安电子科技大学出版社出版时间: 2005•丛书名/收录于: 面向21世纪高等学校系列教材•题名:工业机器人操作与应用实践教程•作者/编者:张培艳•主题:工业机器人-- 教材•出版者: 上海交通大学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 21世纪国家级工程训练中心创新实践规划教材•题名:全方位移动机器人导论•作者/编者:赵冬斌; 易建强•主题:移动式机器人-- 研究•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2010题名:并联式仿生机械腿运动学及结构设计研究•作者/编者:程刚; 罗勇•主题:仿生机器人-- 研究•出版者: 中国矿业大学出版社出版时间: 2009题名:多足步行机器人运动规划与控制•其它题名: Motion Planning and Control of Multilegged Walking Robots•作者/编者:陈学东; 孙翊; 贾文川•主题:特种机器人-- 运动控制•出版者: 华中理工大学出版社出版时间: 2006•题名:机器人技术与应用•其它题名: Robot technology and application•作者/编者:陈恳, 1954- ; 杨向东; 刘莉•主题:机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2006•丛书名/收录于: 清华大学机械工程及其自动化系列教材•题名:工业机器人•作者/编者:韩建海•主题:工业机器人-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 华中科技大学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 普通高等院校机械类精品教材题名:机械系统多体动力学分析、控制与仿真•作者/编者:韩清凯, 1969- ; 罗忠, 1978-•主题:机械工程-- 系统动力学-- 分析; 机械工程-- 系统动力学-- 控制; 机械工程-- 系统动力学-- 仿真•出版者: 科学出版社•出版时间: 2010•题名:机器人机构自由度分析理论= Analytical theory of degrees of freedom for robot mechanisms•其它题名: Analytical theory of degrees of freedom for robot mechanisms•作者/编者:赵景山; 冯之敬; 褚福磊•主题:机器人-- 机构运动分析•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2009题名:移动机器人学科学方法智能体行为的量化分析•其它题名: Scientific methods in mobile robotics; 智能体行为的量化分析•作者/编者:内姆佐夫(Nehmzow, Ulrich), 1961-•其他作者/编者:张文增•主题:移动式机器人-- 行为分析-- 量化分析•出版者: 机械工业出版社出版时间: 2010•丛书名/收录于: 国际机械工程先进技术译丛•题名:拟人双臂机器人技术•作者/编者:丁希仑•主题:双臂机器人•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2011•丛书名/收录于: 21世纪先进制造技术丛书题名:轻轻松松制作机器人•作者/编者: 城井田胜仁•其他作者/编者: 崔素莲•主题: 机器人-- 制作•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2010•丛书名/收录于: 机器人DIY系列题名:排爆机器人的研究与开发•作者/编者: 富巍; 刘美俊•主题: 防爆机器人-- 研究•出版者: 电子工业出版社出版时间: 2010题名:发明的起源新机器诞生时代历史的回声•统一题名: How invention begins : Echoes of old voices in the rise of new machines •其它题名: 新机器诞生时代历史的回声•作者/编者:林哈德(Lienhard, John H.), 1930-•其他作者/编者:刘淑华; 郭威•主题:创造发明-- 技术史-- 世界•出版者: 上海科学技术文献出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 科学新文献题名:机器人学的几何基础•统一题名: Geometric fundamentals of robotics•作者/编者:塞利格(Selig, J. M.)•其他作者/编者:杨向东•主题:机器人学-- 几何学•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2008•题名:仿人机器人理论与技术•作者/编者:陈恳; 付成龙•主题:智能机器人-- 研究•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2010•丛书名/收录于: 清华大学学术专著•题名:机器人设计与实现•其它题名: Robot builder's bonanza•作者/编者:麦库姆(McComb, Gordon) ; 普雷德科(Predko, Myke)•其他作者/编者:庞明; 任宗伟; 王晓宇•主题:机器人-- 设计•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2008•题名:汽车机器人焊接工程•作者/编者:卢本, 1942- ; 卢立楷•主题:汽车-- 制造-- 焊接机器人•出版者: 机械工业出版社出版时间: 2006•题名:精密机械运动控制系统•作者/编者:王兴松•主题:机电一体化-- 控制系统-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2009•题名:机械原理•作者/编者:朱理•主题:机构学-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 高等教育出版社出版时间: 2010•版本: 2版•丛书名/收录于: 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材题名:电动机控制电路及应用•作者/编者:黄海平; 黄鑫•主题:电动机-- 控制电路•出版者: 科学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 电动机控制电路应用技术丛书题名:机器人制作入门篇•其它题名: Robot building for beginners•作者/编者:库克(Cook, David)•其他作者/编者:崔维娜; 王巍; 高玉苹•主题:机器人-- 制作•出版者: 北京航空航天大学出版社出版时间: 2005题名:人机工程学•其它题名: Human engineering•作者/编者:吕杰锋; 陈建新; 徐进波•主题:工效学-- 高等职业教育-- 教材•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 高等学校工业设计丛书题名:交互式系统原理与设计•其它题名: Physical computing•作者/编者:奥沙利文(O'Sullivan, Dan) ; 艾戈(Igoe, Tom)•其他作者/编者:张瑞萍(计算机)•主题:人-机系统-- 理论-- 教材; 人-机系统-- 系统设计-- 教材; 交互设计•出版者: 清华大学出版社出版时间: 2006•丛书名/收录于: 国外计算机科学经典教材•题名:机器人动力学与控制•其它题名: Robot dynamics and control•作者/编者:霍伟•主题:机器人-- 动力学-- 研究生教育-- 教材; 机器人控制-- 研究生教育-- 教材•出版者: 高等教育出版社出版时间: 2005•丛书名/收录于: 研究生教学用书•机电传动控制•题名:•作者/编者:邓星钟•主题:电力传动控制设备-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 华中科技大学出版社出版时间: 2007•版本: 第4版题名:电机与电力拖动•作者/编者:赵影•主题:电机-- 高等学校-- 教材; 电力传动-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 国防工业出版社出版时间: 2010•版本: 第3版••题名:机械设计课程设计手册•作者/编者:张龙(机械工程)•主题:机械设计-- 课程设计-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 国防工业出版社出版时间: 2006•丛书名/收录于: 面向21世纪高等院校机械类专业规划教材•题名:单片机外围接口电路与工程实践•作者/编者:刘同法•主题:单片微型计算机-- 外部设备-- 接口电路•出版者: 北京航空航天大学出版社出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 增强型80C51单片机初学之路, 动手系列••题名:机械基础与液压传动•作者/编者:沈卓; 殷立君•主题:机械学-- 高等学校-- 教材; 液压传动-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 北京理工大学出版社出版时间: 2010•题名:高等空间机构学•其它题名: Advanced Spatical Mechanism•作者/编者:黄真(机构学) ; 赵永生; 赵铁石•主题:空间机构-- 研究生教育-- 教材•出版者: 高等教育出版社出版时间: 2006•题名:光与光学•统一题名: Light and optics•作者/编者:柯克兰(Kirkland, Kyle)•其他作者/编者:文清; 元旭津; 蒲实•主题:光-- 普及读物; 光学-- 普及读物•出版者: 上海科学技术文献出版社出版时间: 2011•丛书名/收录于: 科学图书馆, 我们世界中的物理••题名:机械电子工程原理•作者/编者:王孙安•主题:机电一体化-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 机械工业出版社出版时间: 2010•题名:直线电机轮轨交通牵引传动系统•其它题名: Traction and Drive System for Linear Motor Rail Transit •作者/编者:郑琼林; 赵佳; 樊嘉峰•主题:直流电机-- 电力机车-- 铁路运输-- 电力牵引-- 控制系统•出版者: 中国科学技术出版社出版时间: 2010•题名:精密机械设计•作者/编者:田明; 冯进良; 白素平•主题:机械设计-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 北京大学出版社出版时间: 2010•题名:智能控制系统•其它题名: Intelligent control system•作者/编者:王耀南, 1957-•主题:智能控制-- 控制系统•出版者: 湖南大学出版社出版时间: 2006•版本: 第2版•题名:三菱PLC基础与系统设计•作者/编者:刘艳梅•主题:可编程序控制器-- 系统设计•出版者: 机械工业出版社出版时间: 2009•题名:慧鱼创意机器人设计与实践教程•作者/编者:曲凌•主题:机器人-- 设计-- 教材•丛书名/收录于: 21世纪国家级工程训练中心创新实践规划教材题名:双足步行机器人制作入门•作者/编者:浅草ギ研•其他作者/编者:崔素莲•主题:步行-- 机器人-- 制作•出版者: 科学出版社•出版时间: 2011•题名:双足步行机器人DIY•作者/编者:坂本范行•其他作者/编者:崔素莲•主题:机器人-- 研究•出版者: 科学出版社•出版时间: 2010•题名:创意之星模块化机器人创新设计与竞赛•其它题名: 模块化机器人创新设计与竞赛•作者/编者:姚宪华; 梁建宏•其他作者/编者:李卫国•主题:机器人-- 设计•出版者: 北京航空航天大学出版社•出版时间: 2010•题名:工程创新设计与实践教程创新设计及机器人实践•其它题名: 创新设计及机器人实践•作者/编者:吴波; 陈琪•主题:工业产品-- 设计-- 高等学校-- 教材; 机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 电子工业出版社•出版时间: 2009•题名:机器人技术•其它题名: Robotics technology•作者/编者:张玫; 邱钊鹏; 诸刚•主题:机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 机械工业出版社•出版时间: 2011•题名:机器人太空飞船•统一题名: Robot spacecraft•作者/编者:安杰洛(Angelo, Joseph A.)•其他作者/编者:王丹邱; 杜志强(职业教育)•主题:宇宙飞船-- 普及读物•出版者: 上海科学技术文献出版社•出版时间: 2009•丛书名/收录于: 科学图书馆, 太空先锋•题名:生物生产系统机器人•作者/编者:徐丽明•主题:机器人-- 应用-- 农业生产•出版者: 中国农业大学出版社•出版时间: 2009•题名:机器人概论•其它题名: Introduction to robot•作者/编者:李云江•主题:机器人技术-- 高等学校-- 教材•出版者: 机械工业出版社•出版时间: 2011•丛书名/收录于: 普通高等教育机电类专业教材••题名:农业机器人= 農業ロボット•统一题名: 農業ロボット•其它题名: 基础与理论; 机构与实例•作者/编者:近藤直; 门田充司; 野口伸•其他作者/编者:乔军; 陈兵旗; 孙明; 李民赞•主题:农业-- 机器人•出版者: 中国农业大学出版社•出版时间: 2009。











求u, v, w, t各点的齐次坐标。

2.如图所示为具有三个旋转关节的3R 机械手,求末端机械手在基坐标系{x 0,y 0}下的运动学方程。

3.如图所示为平面内的两旋转关节机械手,已知机器人末端的坐标值{x ,y },试求其关节旋转变量θ1和θ2.P4.如图所示两自由度机械手在如图位置时(θ1= 0 , θ2=π/2),生成手爪力 F A = [ f x 0 ]T 或F B = [ 0 f y ]T 。

机器人学导论复习题及参考 答案

机器人学导论复习题及参考 答案









求u, v, w, t各点的齐次坐标。

xyzOuvwt2.如图所示为具有三个旋转关节的3R 机械手,求末端机械手在基坐标系{x 0,y 0}下的运动学方程。



S OLUTIONS M ANUALI NTRODUCTION TOR OBOTICSM ECHANICS AND C ONTROLT HIRD E DITIONJ OHN J.C RAIGUpper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458Associate Editor: Alice DworkinExecutive Managing Editor: Vince O'BrienManaging Editor: David A. GeorgeProduction Editor: Craig LittleSupplement Cover Manager: Daniel SandinManufacturing Buyer: Ilene Kahn©2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.Pearson Prentice HallPearson Education, Inc.Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author and pub-lisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.Pearson Prentice Hall®is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc.This work is protected by United States copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (including on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work and materials from it should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accompanying text in their classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials.Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1ISBN 0201-54362-1Pearson Education Ltd., LondonPearson Education Australia Pty. Ltd., SydneyPearson Education Singapore, Pte. Ltd.Pearson Education North Asia Ltd., Hong KongPearson Education Canada, Inc., TorontoPearson Educación de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Pearson Education—Japan,TokyoPearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd.Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey。

机器人学导论(英) 第一讲

机器人学导论(英) 第一讲

Introduction to Robotics(机器人学导论)School of Electrical Engineering and AutomationTianjin UniversityFall Semester, 2010•Time: Monday Night(Room 115, Section A,Building No. 26)Week 1st to Week 8th•Instructor: Dr. Xian, Bin (鲜斌)•Office: Room 525, Section E, Building No.26•Office Hours: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Wednesday •E-mail : xbin@•Text Book and Reference Books1.John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics AndControl, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.约翰J. 克拉格,机器人学导论,机械工业出版社,2006.¥49$732.Saeed B. Niku, 机器人学导论-分析、系统及应用,孙富春等翻译,电子工业出版社,2004.3. Mark W. Spong, M. Vidyasagar, Robotics and Control, John Wiley& Sons, 2004.•Grading: Homework 20%Final exam 80%•Course Outline1.Background and Introduction2.Rigid Motion and Homogeneous Transformation3.Forward Manipulator Kinematics4.Inverse Manipulator Kinematics5.Velocity Kinematics6.Manipulator Dynamics7. Control of ManipulatorsChapter 1 IntroductionHollywood’s RobotsR2-D2T800Ch1.1Background1. What is a robot?By general agreement, a robot is:A programmable machine that imitates the actions orappearance of an intelligent creature–usually a human.A robot (industrial robot) is a reprogrammable,multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices, through variable programmedmotions for the performance of a variety of tasks.(definition from Robotics Institute of American)¾ A Robot is controlled by a computer or similar device.¾ A Robot can be easily re-programmed.2.JIRA Standards for Robot¾Human-Controlled System¾Fixed Sequence Robot¾Alterable Sequence Robot¾Playback RobotRIA ¾Numerical Controlled Robot¾Intelligent Robot•Type of robots¾Robot Manipulator¾Ground Mobile Robot¾Under Water Robot¾Humanoid Robot3.What is Robotics?¾Robotics is the technology and knowledge that are used for design and application of robots.4.Robotics is a interdisciplinary research area:¾Mechanical Engineering: methodologies for the study of machine in static and dynamic situation …¾Electrical Engineering: design of sensor, actuator, interface, control algorithms, ….¾Computer Sciences: software, vision, intelligence….¾Mathematics¾BiologyCh1.2History of Robotics1.1922, Karel Capkef’s novel “Rossum’s Universal Robots”,--Rabota2.1952, First Numerical Control Machine Tool by MIT3.1954, First Re-programmable Robot by George Devol4.1955, Homogeneous Transformation by Denavit &Hartenberg5.1962, First Industry Robot by Unimation6.1968, First Intelligent Robot (Shakey)by SRI7.1972, Cartesian Space Robot by IBM (to IBM7565 Robot)8.1973, T3 Robot by Cincinnati Mialcron9.1978, PUMA Robot by Unimation10.1983, Robotics course were provided in many universitiesStanford Research Institute ---ShakeyUnimation-Puma RobotCh1.3Components of Robot •What a robot will contain?1.Manipulator or Mobile Vehicle2.End-effector3.Actuator: Servo Motor, Stepper Motor, HydraulicCylinder…4.Sensor: Resolvers/Potentiometers, Tachometer, StrainGauge, Encoder…5.Controller6.Processor7.Software: OS, Robot Software, Application Routines …Ch1.4Architecture of RobotEnvironmental sensors Motionplanner ControllerMechanicalStructureConfigurationsensorProcessorPower Supply CommunicationUser InterfaceCh1.5DOF of Robot•The Number of degree of freedom: the number of independent position variables that would have to bespecified in order to locate all the parts of the mechanism.•How to determine the location of a point in three dimension space?•How to determine the location of a rigid objective in three dimension space?Both position and orientation of the objective are needed!•For the robot with DOF greater than 6, there is no identical solution for the system.•What is the number of DOF for human’s arm?•Due to the structure of actuator, there is limited DOF, i.e,0.5 DOF.A B•Number of DOF for robot is determined by its application,i.e, robot for PCB assembly often has 3.5 DOFCh1.5Robot Joints•Main types: Rotary Joint, Prismatic Joint, and Ball Joint•It is customary to classify robots of kinematically simple class according to the design of their joints(the positioningstructure).•P: Prismatic JointR: Rotary JointS: Ball Jointi.e, 3P3R, 2RSCartesian (3P)Cylindrical (R2P)Spherical(2RP)Articulated (3R)SCARA: Selectively Compliant Assembly Robot ArmAdept Cobra s350 (2RP)Ch1.7Performance of Robot •Load Capacity: depends upon the size of its structural members, power-transmission systems and actuator. Example: Adept S1700 6 Axis Robot, Wight 280kg, payload 10kg(rate)/20kg(maximum)•Workspace: The maximum distance that the robot can reached within its working area.•Speed: be determined by robot’s application.•Accuracy: how accurately a robot can reach its destination, some industry robots can meet 0.001 inch ( or 0.0254mm) or higher accuracy.•Repeatability: the accuracy for a robot to reach the same destination for given times, most industry robots can reach0.001 inch or higher level.Ch1.8Application of Robot •Installed Industry Robots•Industry¾Welding¾Painting¾Assembly¾Pick and Place¾Diagnosis•Biotechnology¾Micro/Nano Manipulation¾Sample Handling¾Automated Analysis•MedicalSurgery, Rehabilitation ….•Military Application ¾Reconnaissance¾Battle field fighting¾Search¾Rescue•Space ExplorationMars Exploration Rovers: twin robot geologist, landed on Mars on Jan 3and 4, 2004Chinese Lunar Rovers: test inthe desert•EntertainmentSony QrioSony I-sobot RobotHonda ASIMOSony Qrio ---Fan DanceCh1.9Robot Coordinate System •Global Reference Coordinate System (frame)XY Z•Joint Reference Coordinate System (frame)XYZ(base)1θ2θ3θ•Tool Reference Coordinate System (frame)XYZ(base)X1Y1Z1Ch1.10Forward Kinematics •Kinematics: the science of motion that treats motion without regard to the forces which cause it.•Within the sciences of kinematics, we study position, velocity, acceleration and all higher derivative of theposition variables.•Kinematics refers to all the geometrical and time-based properties of the motion.•Forward kinematics: static geometrical problem of computing the position and orientation of the end-effector of the manipulator.•Given a set of joint angles, how to compute the position an orientation of the tool frame relative to the base frame.XYZ(base)X1Y1Z11θ2θ3θ•Inverse Kinematics: given the position and orientation of the end-effector, calculate all possible set of joint angles that could be used to attain this specified position and orientation.XYZ(base)X1Y1Z11θ2θ3θCh1.11Inverse Kinematics•This problem can be considered as a mapping of locations in external 3-D Cartesian space to locations in the robot’sinternal joint space.•The inverse kinematics problem is more complicate than the forward kinematics¾The kinematic equations are nonlinear, the solutionprocedure is not always easy.¾Existence of the solution? and multiple solution?Ch1.12Velocity Kinematics •Velocity Kinematics: derive the velocity relationship, relating the linear and angular velocities of the end-effector (or any other point on the robot) to the joint velocitiesXYZ(base)vw3θ2θ1θ•Jacobian Matrix: specifies a mapping from velocities in the joint space to velocities in the Cartesian space.•The nature of this mapping changes as the configuration of the robot varies.•Singularities: at certain points, the mapping is not invertible.Ch1.13Robot Dynamics •Dynamics: study devoted to study the force required to cause motion.XYZ(base)AV 1τ2τ3τ•The exact form of the required actuator torquedepends on mass properties of the robotlink/payload, the attributes of the path taken by the end-effector.•Robot dynamic mode can be utilized in¾calculating the desired actuator torque functionto drive the robot to follow desired trajectory¾simulationCh1.14Robot Control•Why need to consider robot control problem?¾The vast majority of manipulator are driven byactuators that supply a force or a torque to cause themotion of robot.¾An algorithm is needed to compute torque/force thatwill caused the desire motion.•Linear position control: control algorithm design based on linear approximations to the dynamics of a robot.•Nonlinear position control: control algorithm design based on the nonlinear dynamics of a robot.Ch1.15Summary •Definition and classification of robot •History of robot•Structure of robot•Application of robot•Basic concepts of robotics•Research on open problem¾Manipulation, Locomotion¾Navigation, Control¾Learning an Adaptation (AI)¾Human-Robot Interaction¾Biologically inspired robotThank You!。

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1. 根据市场需求, 机械臂制造厂打算为他们的产品研发一个软件系统, 能够直接将用户的运动命令自动转换成机器指令序列。即为这类机器人设 计一个通用的算法,用来计算执行下面指定动作所要求的指令序列,并要 求对你们算法的适用范围、计算效率以及你们的近似算法所造成的误差和 增量 i 离散取值所造成的误差大小进行讨论(不考虑其他原因造成的误 差): ①.已知初始姿态 Φ0 和一个可达目标点的空间位置(Ox, Oy, Oz), 计算指尖到达目标点的指令序列。 ②.要求指尖沿着预先指定的一条空间曲线 x = x(s), y = y(s), z = z(s), a ≦ s ≦b 移动,计算满足要求的指令序列。 ③.在第①个问题中,假设在初始位置与目标位置之间的区域中有若 干个已知大小、形状、方向和位置的障碍物,要求机械臂在运动中始终不 能与障碍物相碰,否则会损坏机器。这个问题称机械臂避碰问题,要求机 械臂末端在误差范围内到达目标点并且整个机械臂不碰到障碍物(机械臂 连杆的粗细自己设定)。 2. 应用你的算法就下面具体的数据给出计算结果,并将计算结果以三 组六维的指令序列(每行 6 个数据)形式存放在 Excel 文件里,文件名定 为 answer1.xls,answer2.xls 和 answer3.xls。 假设在机械臂的旁边有一个待加工的中空圆台形工件,上部开口。工件高 180mm,下底外半径 168mm,上底外半径 96mm,壁厚 8mm 。竖立地固定在 xy -平面的操作台上,底部的中心在 (210, 0, 0)。 ①.要求机械臂(指尖)从初始位置移动到工具箱所在位置的 (20,- 200, 120) 处,以夹取要用的工具。 ②.如果圆台形工件外表面与平面 x = 2 z 的交线是一条裂纹需要
Fig.3 8. Convert the transcendental equation acosθ + bsinθ= c into a polynomial in the tangent of the half angle and solve for θ. 9. Derive the Cartesian space form of the dynamics for the two- link planar arm of examination 3. Write the dynamics in terms of a frame attached to the end of the second link. 10. Given
2014-2015 学年第一学期硕士研究生
1. A vector is rotated about about
Z by degrees and is subsequently rotated
X by degrees. Give the rotation matrix that accomplishes these rotations
机器人通常分为关节式机器人(或称机械臂、机械手、机器人操作臂、 工业机器人等)和移动式机器人。一般来说,前者具有更多的自由度,而 后者的作业范围则更大一些。 以某型号机器人为例,其示意图见图 4:这种机器人一共有 6 个自由 度,分别由六个旋转轴(关节)实现,使机器人的末端可以灵活地在三维 空间中运动。为了便于分析和计算,我们对机器人结构进行简化,简化后 的数据见图 5 和参数表 1。这里用七条直线段表示机器人的七个连杆,连杆
6. The two- link manipulator of examination 3 is applying a force Vector
with its end-effector.(Consider this force to be acting at the origin of {3}). Find the required joint torques as a function of configuration and of the applied force (See Fig. 2)
动方向,后者如摇柄的转动方向。每一个关节对应一个角度 i ,这个角度 表示前一个连杆方向到后一个连杆方向转角(对于 B,C,D),连杆方向 为 AB、BC、CD、DE,或者相对于初始位置的转角(对于 F,G ,H ),假 设机器人的初始位置是在一个平面上的(y-z 平面)。为了使机器人运动得 更加灵活允许关节的转角超过 360°的。 机器人关于六个自由度的每一个组 合 (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ) ,表示机械臂的一个姿态,显然每个姿态确定顶 端指尖的空间位置 X: f () X 。假定机器人控制系统只能够接收改变各 个关节的姿态的关于连杆角度的增量指令(机器指令)
12 . 完成《机械臂运动路径设计问题》 ,要求有解题分析、解题的数学模型、 求解算法及其 MATLAB 程序和解题结果的分析讨论。
自 1959 年美国的英格伯格和德沃尔制造出世界上第一台工业机器人 “尤尼梅特”开始,近半个世纪以来,机器人的研制和应用以惊人的速度 发展并取得长足的进步。当今世界,机器人的应用领域已十分广泛,包括 工业生产、海空探索、医疗康复和军事活动等,此外,机器人已逐渐在医 院、家庭和一些服务行业获得应用。从生产车间中的焊接机械手,到水下 自治式机器人,从娱乐性的拳击机器人,到伊拉克战场上的无人驾驶机, 机器人已经与我们的日常生活息息相关。
Fig.2 7. Compute the closed- form dynamic equations for the two- link planar manipulator shown in Fig.3. For simplicity, we assume that the mass distribution is extremely simple: All mass exists as a point mass at the d istal end of each link. These masses are m1 and m2 .
-1.8, ┅, 1.8, 1.9, 2 这 41 个离散值 (即精度为 0.1°, 绝对值不超过 2°) 。 通过一系列的指令序列
P 1, P 2,P 3 , , P n
可以将指尖依次到达位置 X0, X 为从指尖初始位置 X0 到达目标位置 Xn 的一条路 径(运动轨迹)。根据具体的目标和约束条件计算出合理、便捷、有效的 指令序列是机器人控制中的一个重要问题。我们约定直角坐标系的原点设 在图 5 的 A 点,z 轴取为 AB 方向,x 轴垂直纸面而 y 轴则在基座所固定的 水平台面上。
P (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ) ,使得指尖(指尖———图 5 中的 E
图 5:机器人的尺寸图
点,具有夹工具、焊接、拧螺丝等多种功能,不过在这里不要求考虑这方 面的控制细节)移动到空间点 X′,其中各个增量
只能取到-2, -1.9,
in the given order. 2. A Velocity vector is given by
10.0 V 20.0 . 30.0
0.866 0.500 0.000 11.0 0.500 0.866 0.000 3.0 A . T B 0.000 0.000 1.000 9.0 0 0 1 0
-133.5 ~120度
第三个自由度± 138 度
± 125 度
± 270 度
± 270 度
± 180度
图 4 机器人结构图
之间用所谓的旋转关节连接,已知 AB=140mm,BC=255mm,CD=255mm, DE=65mm。根据旋转的方向分成两类关节,旋转轴分平行连杆的(如图 4 的自由度一、四、六,对应于图 5 中的 F,G,H)和垂直连杆的(如图 4 的自由度二、三、五,对应于图 5 中的 B,C,D)两种,前者如笔帽的转
Fig.1 4. Solve for the coefficients of two cubics that are connected in a two-segment spline with continuous acceleration at the intermediate via point. The initial angle is
0.866 0.500 0.000 10.0 0.500 0.866 0.000 0.0 A BT 0.000 0.000 1.000 5.0 0 0 1 0 If the velocity vector at the origin of {A} is 0.0 2.0 3.0 A V 1.414 1.414 0.0 Find the 6×1 velocity vector with reference point at the origin of {B}.
2014 年— 2015 年度第 一 学期
课 程 名 称:机器人学导论 专 业: 机械工程 xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
评分: 年级:201xx 级 学号:xxxxxxxxxx
研究生姓名 : 任课教师姓名:
注 意 事 项
1.答题必须写清题号; 2.字迹要清楚,保持卷面清洁; 3.试题随试卷交回; 4.考试课按百分制评分,考查课按 5 级分制评分; 5.阅完卷后,一周内将试卷、试题、成绩单由任课教师签名后, 送有关部门。
0.0 2.0 3.0 A F , 0.0 0.0 4.0 Find the 6× 1 force-torque vector with reference point at the origin of {B}.