
1.列尾主机的工作原理列尾主机内设有本机出厂ID 编号,安装于列车尾部车钩或提钩杆上,与列车尾部制动软管连接。
2.司机控制盒工作原理司机控制盒内设有本务机车的机车号码,有确认(即输号,黑键)、风压查询(绿键)、尾部排风(红键)、和列尾主机消号(黑键+绿键)等功能键;带有数码显示,待机状态时显示机车号码,查询时(或低风压告警时)显示列车的尾部风压,2秒钟后又显示机车号码;自带语音系统(即音频功放、扬声器)司机控制盒带有列尾装置运用数据记录(俗称,“黑匣子”),可滚动记录4 000 多条数据(即事件)。

• 备注:1.联系方式包括GSM-R手持终端号和公网手机号。 2.本表一式两份,由车辆乘务员提供,并与本务机车司机共同 填写后各持一份,回乘后交车间值班室管理,保存期一个月。
• (四)列车始发前、终到后及途中更换机车时,司机、车辆乘务员应 按规定建立、解除机车综合无线通信设备(下称CIR设备)与客车列 尾装置的通信连接关系。 • 1.旅客列车始发前或更换机车时,司机应根据客列尾ID信息联络卡, 在CIR设备上键入客车列尾装置主机的ID号码,建立CIR设备与客车 列尾装置主机的通信连接关系。连接成功后,客车列尾装置主机显示 与其连接的机车号。 • 联系用语如下: • 司机(呼叫):“XXXX次车辆乘务员,XXXXXX号列尾连接完毕, 确认机车号”。 • 车辆乘务员(应答):“XXXXXX号列尾,机车号XXXX”。 • 司机(应答):“XXXX次司机明白。”
• 2.旅客列车终到或中途换挂机车摘车时,司机应 在列车停妥后立即解除与客车列尾装置主机的通 信连接。 解除与客车列尾装置主机连接后,司机应主 动联系车辆乘务员进行确认。联系用语如下: • 司机(呼叫):XXXX车次车辆乘务员,列尾 已经解除,请确认; • 车辆乘务员在检查确认客车列尾装置主机不 再显示机车号时,应答:XXXX次司机,列尾已经 解除。
• •
• (二)KLW主机与机车不能建立连接情况。 • 1. KLW通信连接故障行车应急处置办法。 • (1)KLW与CIR建立连接后司机查询尾部风压不正常。 收到司机通知查询尾部风压不正常时,车辆乘务员应 到达尾部客车KLW主机处呼叫司机进行手动查询风压操作, 并核对此时KLW主机显示风压数值与尾部客车风表显示风 压数值是否一致,如一致则通知司机KLW主机作用正常。 若尾部列车风表显示压力符合规定,但KLW主机显示尾部 风压不足时,应为KLW主机故障,通知司机按客车列尾装 置故障办理,更换KLW主机。

LBJ 发 送 风 压 异 常 信 息
扬声器发出提示音 LED显示风压
XXXX机车注意 风压XXX
LBJ 发 送 风 压 异 常 信 息
扬声器发出提示音 LED显示
四、列尾故障后,司机每个区间应至少查询列尾2次, 如连续2次查询列尾正常,可视为列尾系统恢复正常工 作,通知车辆乘务员,并在《运行日志》上记录恢复正 常的时间和区间
我们的目标是:心系怀机、以段为家 服务旅客、争先创优
怀 化 运 用 车 间
按“确认”解除语音 提示,但LED正常显示
每1秒显示一次 报警公里标
Hale Waihona Puke 四、报警操作• 5、报警解除 接收到报警解除信息时:
XXX公里道口报警解除,注 意运行
XXX公里线路报警 解除,注意运行
收到报警信息,恢复为守候状 态
XXX次列车/(机车)报 警解除,
不入客技所检修, 在车站立折的旅客列车, 试风后再销号
在中间站立折的 旅客列车,机车 和列尾ID不变, 可不销号
XX列尾装置 销号成功
• 2、接收报警(列车防护)
LED 指示灯亮
未与列尾连接, 显示机车号

• 列车管压(即500/600KPa)自动识别;
• 特有信息显示视窗;
• (1)上电时,显示列尾主机ID编号、电池电压、电池容量、当前机车号码;
• (2)运行当中显示相应运用功能信息,如功能提示符号、数据等;
• (3)列检测量尾部风压显示;
• 列检测风功能,列车管压数码显示;
• 断电保存机车号码、程序置入设备出厂ID号等功能;
(九) WTSM-2(3)型司机控制盒检测仪
• 集手持电台、信令系统于一 体;
• 电池供电; • 对讲通话功能,可呼叫与之
相同频率的机车无线列调电 台; • 用于检测司机控制盒的确认 (即输号)、消号、查询风
• 设置司机控制盒机车号码; • 查看/设置司机控制盒时间。
(一) HBLT-Ⅱ(S)型列尾主机
• 高科技合成材料结构,模具成型,防锈蚀、耐受湿热及剧烈震动、坚固耐用;
• 挂钩采用不锈钢材料,防锈蚀。列车上安装方式:两种安装方式,可牢固的安 装在各种车钩上或提钩杆上(出厂前选择)。
• 深孔防盗锁具防撬防拨、钥匙防误操作设计;
和时钟进行手动校准; • 本机机车号码可手动设置,并可按确认键对列尾主机输入当前设置的
机车号码; • 有手动检测和自动检测两种工作模式,用户可根据实际需要进行列尾
主机的功能及电性能指标检测,并自动判定检测结果是否合格; • 可自动滚动存储2044条检测数据,始终保留最近检测的数据,并可
将所存储的数据上传到计算机中显示、检索和打印。即具有“黑匣子” 功能。 • 特有信息显示视窗,可清晰、直观地实时显示检测数据,并自动对合 格与不合格项进行标识; 第13页/共70页

Lincoln MAGNUM 250 LX SPOOL GUN 用户手册说明书

Operator’s ManualRegister your machine:/registerAuthorized Service and Distributor Locator: /locatorIM887| Issue D a te Apr- 14K Number:K2490-1Save for future referenceDate PurchasedCode: (ex: 10859)TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i-v TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 RECOMMENDED PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,4 UNPACKING THE SPOOL GUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 SPOOL GUN FAMILIARIZATION DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-8 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5‘SETUP PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 SELECTING ELECTRODE WIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 LOADING ELECTRODE WIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,6 DRIVE ROLL GROOVE SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 MAKING A WELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 PROCEDURE SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 SETTING GAS F LOW RATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 MAINTENANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,11 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST DIAGRAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P-202-Z SeriesMAGNUM 250 LX - General INFORMATIONUnpacking the Spool GunSafety Precautions–Read "Safety Precautions" in the Operating Manual before proceeding. Only personnel that have read and understood the Operating Manual should install and operate this equipment.– Power source must be turned "OFF" and power leads disconnected when installing this unit.Unpacking the Spool GunCarefully unpack your Magnum 250 LX Spool Gun and attach the Barrel Assembly, and make sure you have all of the parts shown below.CABLE ASSEMBLY 25’BARREL ASSEMBLYOPERATOR’SMANUALMAGNUM 250 LX - SPOOL GUNKP14AH-364Contact Tip 3/64th (1.2mm)IncludedKP14H-35Contact Tip .035 (0.9mm)Installed on Barrel AssemblyKP52FN Gas Diffuser Installed on Barrel AssemblyKP23-50Gas Nozzle Installed on Barrel AssemblyKP2518-2Drive Roll (.030 to .035 / 3/64th)InstalledCONTACT TIPELECTRODE WIRE SPOOL COVERPRESSURE ROLLERGAS NOZZLETRIGGERDRIVE ROLL RELEASE LEVERHANDLE7 PIN CONTROL PLUG FOR TRIGGER, WIRE SPEED MOTORWIRE SPEED CONTROLPOWER CABLEGAS HOSEGAS DIFFUSERCABLE ASSEMBLYDRIVE ROLLNECK+ POSITIVE CABLEAND STUDGAS HOSE AND 5/8FITTING7-PIN SPOOL GUN RECEPTACLECONNECTING TO POWER SOURCE:1. Power source must be “off” and power cord disconnected.2. Connect power cable to positive “+” stud.Connect work cable & clamp to “-” stud.3. Connect 7-Pin control cable plug to power source receptacle.4. Connect spool gun GAS hose to Gas solenoid fitting.5. Reconnect power and turn on machine.AB CD EGF"W" CLOCKED CONNECTOR(VIEWED FROM FRONT OF CONNECTOR)A B G D FE TORCH FUNCTIONS +-MOTOR TORCHC POTTORCH 1325K CWTORCH TRIGGERRED BLACK WHITE GREEN BLUE BROWNYELLOW/ORANGEMAGNUM 250 LX - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSLID(POSITION UP)CONTACT TIPSPOOL COVER KNOBSPOOL COVERTORCH BODYIDLER ROLLER PRES-SURE RELEASE LEVER(POSITION UP)• Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing• Insulate yourself from work and ground.• Always wear dry insulating gloves.ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Keep your head out of fumes.• Use ventilation or exhaust to remove fumes from breathing zone.ARC RAYS can burn.WARNING: Electric shock can kill. Fumes and gases can be dangerous to your health. Arc rays can injure eyes and burn skin. See additional warning information under "Arc Welding Safely Precautions" on inside of front cover of operating manual. When inching, (the electrode and drive mechanism are always electrically energized and remain energized several seconds after the gun trigger is released.Setup ProcedureSelecting Electrode WireSeveral alloy types of filler metals are available, and the best choice depends on the type of base metals and the desired characteristics of the weldment,such as ductility and strength, corrosion resistance, sustained service tempera-ture, and anodictreatment color matching. In addition, several wire sizes are available, and the choice here will depend upon several factors,including base metal thickness and the arc transfer process used.Consult your local dealer or appropriate AWS publication for help in selecting an appropriate alloy type and wire size. Also refer to, "Procedure Settings" later in this chapter, for wire sizes used with typical base metal thicknesses and procedure settings.Loading Electrode Wire:1. Unscrew gas nozzle and flip lid up on torch body then push idle roller [pressure release lever up.2. Unscrew and remove contact tip.3. Unscrew spool cover knob and remove spool cover.4. Select wire of size and type needed. Wire must be straight, with no kinks or bends. Check drive roller for the correct groove positioning for the size wire selected. See "Drive Roll Groove Selection", for details.5. Put wire spool on shaft. After spool wire is in place, make sure the Spool Brake Lever is riding on outer flange of wire spool and, the Roller Arm is underneath of spool riding on wire.6. Unspool and straighten about 6 inches of wire, then route into plastic tube.7. Push wire until end of wire exits back tube and enters front tube, passing between drive roll & pressure idler roll.8. Push wire until wire end extends approximately 6" (150 mm) past end of gas diffuser. Re-engage idle roll pressure by pushing release lever down as shown above, then close lid.9. Screw spool cover knob onto spool gun cover (making sure all keyways line up).10. Obtain contact tip size to match wire selected. Slip contact tip over wire and screw into diffuser. Tighten securely.11. Cut off wire close to contact tip, then screw gas nozzle over the diffuserSPOOL BRAKE LEVERROLLER ARMSPOOL BRAKE LEVERROLLER ARMPLASTIC TUBEWIRE SPOOLPRESSURE IDLER ROLLLIDBACK TUBEDRIVE ROLL PRESSURE LEVERFRONT TUBESPOOL COVER KNOBSPOOL COVERCONTACT TIPDIFFUSERGAS NOZZLECORRECTINCORRECTLIDRELEASE LEVERSHAFTDRIVE ROLLLiner Installation:DIFFUSER SET SCREW NECK LINER2. Take wrench (10mm) and loosen drive roll in a clock-wise direction while holding shaft with flat head screw driver. Flip drive roll and tighten in a counter-clock-wise direction.Making A Weld1. Check that the spool gun power, control, and gas connections are correct for the power source being used. Check that the gas supply is turned on. Check wire spool for an adequate supply of wire.2. See "Procedure Settings", below for wire feed speed and voltage settings.Set these controls depending on the welding wire and base metal thickness being used.3. Connect work clamp to metal being welded. Work clamp must make good electrical contact to the workpiece. The workpiece must also be grounded as stated in "Arc Welding Safety Precautions".4. Connect power to welder and turn "ON".5. Prepare to purge gas line by first releasing wire drive. Push wire drive release lever to the UP position, to avoid feeding wire.WARNING:Gun body and contact tip become electrically energizedwhen gun trigger is pressed and remain so for several seconds after trigger is released.6. Press and hold gun trigger for about 5 seconds to purge gas line. If adjustable regulator or metering valve is installed, adjust gas flow per, "Setting Gas Flow Rate".7. Re-engage wire drive by pushing release lever to down position to feed wire.8. Momentarily squeeze trigger and verify that wire feeds properly. Trim wire to approximately 1/4" (6 mm) from end of contact tip.9. Position gun over joint at 10° pushing angle. End of wire may be lightly touch-ing the work.10. Lower welding helmet, close gun trigger, and begin welding. Hold the gun so that the contact tip to work distance is about 1/2 inch (13 mm).11. To stop welding, release the gun trigger and then pull the gun away from the work after the arc goes out.12. When no more welding is to be done, close valve on gas cylinder, momentarily operate trigger to release gas pressure in line and turn off power source.13. Note that clogged tips can often be salvaged by peeling away melted wire.Procedure SettingsThe following procedure settings for 4043 aluminum wire and argon gas can be used as starting points for developing specific welding procedures:Wire Metal Wire Amps Size ThicknessSpeed DC in. (mm)ga. in. (mm)Arc Volts ipm (mpm)(+}.030 (0.8)22.030 (0.8)13-14(1)200 (5.1)4020.036 (1.0)13-14(1)240 (6.1)4018.048 (1.2)14-15(1)290 (7.4)5016.060 (1.6)15-16(1)340 (8.6)6014.075 (2.0)16-17(1)370 (9.4)7012.105 (2.5)16-18(1)430 (10.9)9010.135 (3.5)24-26460 (11.7)1103/16(5.0)24-26500 (12.7)1501/4(6.0)28-29560 (14.2)1803/8(10.0)28-30600 (15.2)200.035 (0.9)22.030 (0.8)13-14(1)150 (3.8)4020.036 (1.0)13-14(1)175 (4.4)4018.048 (1.2)13-14(1)215 (5.5)5016.060 (1.6)14-16(1)250 (6.4)6014.075 (2.0)14-16(1)270 (6.9)7012.105 (2.5)16-18(1)320 (8.1)9010.135 (3.5)24-26410 (10.4)1103/16(5.0)24-26450 (11.4)1501/4(6.0)26-28530 (13.5)1803/8(10.0)26-29560 (14.2)2001/2(12.0)26-30600 (15.2)2203/64(1.2)10.135 (3.5)20-21(1)180 (4.6)1103/16(5.0)20-21(1)220 (5.6)1501/4(6.0)27-28250 (6.4)1803/8(10.0)25-30260 (6.6)2001/2(12.0)25-31270 (6.9)2203/4(20.0)25-31290 (7.4)250Setting Gas Flow RateGas handling systems having adjustable flow valves should be set for the follow-ing argon flow rates, depending on base metal thickness and welding position.ARGON SHIELDING GAS FLOW RATESMaterial Thickness Flow Rates In Inches and (mm)Welding PositionIn cf/hr (l/mln)1/16 (1.6 mm)Flat30(11.8)3/32 to 3/16Flat, Vertical,35(2.4 to 4.8 mm)Horizontal, Overhead (14)1/4 to 3/8Flat, Vertical,35 (14)(6.3 to 9.5 mm)Flat Vertical,35 (16.5)Horizontal, Overhead 40 (18.9)3/4 (19 mm)Flat, Vertical 35 (16.5)Horizontal, Overhead40 (18.9)MAGNUM 250 LX ACCESSORIES/MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCEinstall, use or service this machine.ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.When finished welding, be sure to turn power source off and close valve on gas cylinder.• Working with flying or falling objects can cause serious eye injuries.• Protective eyeware such as safety specticals with side shields or goggles must be worn at all times.Routine MaintenancePeriodically blow out or vacum any metal wire shavings from Drive Roll area.Inspect and replace any worn wire on inlet guide or barrel liner.NOTE:Oil and spray cleaners can contaminate electrode wire and cause bad welds. They could also make wire drive rollers slip. Be careful when using any of these liquids on spool gun.Carefully clean gun with a cleaner that is safe for plastic. Apply cleaner to rag and wipe gun. Do NOT spray cleaner on gun. Keep cable dean. Oil, grease gasoline,paint, and solvents degrade cable insulation.Routine maintenance for consumable spare parts will depend on Duty Cycle and particular application.ACCESSORIESThe following accessories are available for the Magnum 250 LX spool gun.25 Foot Control Cable Extension25 foot control lead with 7 pin male connector on machine side and 7 pin female connector on gun side. Allows the length of the spool gun to be extend-ed an additional 25 feet. (Note: Customer supplied power cable and gas hose extension are also required) Order K2519-1.025 / .035 Steel Drive RollFeatures two grooves for feeding steel wire. The smaller groove feeds .025 to.030 wire. The larger groove feeds 3/64 wire. Order KP2518-1.030 - .035 / 3/64th Aluminum Drive RollFeatures two grooves for feeding aluminum wire. The smaller groove feeds .030 to .035 wire. The larger groove feeds 3/64th wire. Order KP2518-2Barrel LinerLiner for feeding up to 3/64th wire. Order KP2521-1Gas DiffuserDiffuser designed to accept thread on gas nozzles Order KP52FNGas Nozzle.38 Thread on Nozzle (Tip Recessed)Order KP23-37.50 Thread on Nozzle (Tip Recessed)Order KP23-50.62 Thread on Nozzle (Tip Recessed)Order KP23-62.75 Thread on Nozzle (Tip Recessed)Order KP23-75Contact TipsBoth standard duty and heavy duty contact tips are available in a variety of sizes:Standard Duty .025 SteelOrder KP14-23.030 Steel or Aluminum Order KP14-303/64th Aluminum Order KP14A-364Heavy Duty.035 Steel or Aluminum Order KP14H-353/64th AluminumOrder KP14AH-364。
维尔乐 Pioneer Summit 挂载装置(SUBKT2B)自动车顶灯装修指南说明书

©2017 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14B34 (111517)A u t o m o t i v e : Installation Guide:Pioneer™ Summit Mounting BracketModel SUBKT2BFor warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyWarnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Installation / Center Bracket:1.Insert the 1/4 - 20 X 3/4” HEX HEAD MACHINE SCREWS into the track in the back of light, loosely secure the support bracket then slide the bracket to the center of the light and tighten the hardware (Fig. 1).2.Secure the center mount bracket to the support bracket and tighten hardware (Fig.2). NOTE: The next steps in the center bracket installation will be done after both bail brackets have been mounted and the light has been mounted to the vehicle.3.After mounting the light to the vehicle, adjust thecenter bracket so it is sitting against the mounting surface in its exact mounting location. Mark the three center bracket mounting hole locations onto the mounting surface.4.Remove the light from the vehicle. Following the mounting hole specifications shown, drill 3 holes in the location you marked in step 3and mount the riv nuts (Fig. 3).5.Re-mount the light to the vehicle and secure the center bracket to the riv nuts using the supplied mounting hardware (Fig. 3)Installation / Bail Bracket:NOTE: This light can be mounted in a horizontal or vertical position using the same bail strap mount and hardware. The mounting holes in the bail bracket mount determine which application you use (Fig. 2).1.Insert the 10-24 X 3/4” HEX HEAD MACHINE SCREWS Into the track on the back of light body and secure the Mounting Bracket to light body using the supplied hardware (Fig. 1). Repeat for other side of the light.2.Mount the Bail Mount Bracket to the Mounting Bracket using the supplied hardware (Fig. 2). Repeat for other side of the light.3.Position the light onto the mounting surface in its exact mounting position and mark the 4 mounting hole locations onto the mounting surface following the mounting hole specifications shown.4.Remove the light, drill the mounting holes following the mounting hole specifications and install the supplied riv nuts.5.Mount the light using the supplied mounting hardware (Fig. 3).。
RailWorks Mk1 Coach Pack Volume 1用户说明书

Mk1 Coach PackVolume 1ContentsHow to Install (2)Variants (3)Liveries (9)Features (17)Bogie Variants (17)Advanced Slam-door Functionality (18)Tread Brake Simulation (18)Passenger Views (19)How to Use in the Scenario Editor (20)Numbering (20)Credits (21)How to Install1)Locate where you have downloaded this pack and unzip it. Information onhow to do this can be found here.2)Go to the location where you have extracted the files from the .zip file.3)Now find the .exe file called ‘Mk1 Coach Pack Vol 1’. Double-click this file.4)Follow the steps and by the end of the process, this pack will have installed.VariantsBCK (Brake Composite Corridor)BFK (Brake First Corridor)BG (Brake Gangwayed)BSK (Brake Second Corridor)CK (Composite Corridor)FK (First Corridor)FO (First Open)RBR (Restaurant Buffet)RK (Restaurant Kitchen)RMB (Restaurant Miniature Buffet)SK (Second Corridor)SO & TSO (Second Open & Tourist Second Open)LiveriesBlood & Custard:As-built - B&CModern - B&C 2Saphos Trains - STMaroon:As-built - MaroonWith yellow stripe on first class vehicles - Maroon 2Chocolate & Cream:As-built - C&CModern - C&C 2Green:As-built - GreenModern - Green 2BR Blue/GreyInterCity - InterCityInterCity (White Roof) - InterCity (W)Network SouthEast - NSE1Network SouthEast Revised - NSE2Provincial:With Trans-Pennine logo - TPWith Regional Railways logo - RRWest Coast Railway Company - WCRCBR BlueParcelsRoyal Mail - RMRail Express Systems - RESFeaturesBogie VariantsThe three main types of bogie carried by this coach have been modelled. As well as being visually different, coaches using the ‘B4’ bogie have different ‘run’ sounds to those who using the ‘BR1’ or ‘Commonwealth’.BR1CommonwealthB4The bogie shown is controlled via the vehicle number. Please see the ‘Numbering’ section of this manual for more information.Advanced Slam-door FunctionalityEach door is individually scripted and opens/closes at random. This means that very rarely will all doors be open at once, just like reality. Also, whether the droplight windows are raised or not, is controlled by season so in the winter, they are much more likely to be raised than in the summer.Tread Brake SimulationThis pack is setup to provide full tread brake simulation with any of our locomotives advertised as offering this feature.Passenger ViewsTwo passenger views are provided in this pack. The first is a second class compartment within the BCK, BSK, CK or SK. The second is a ‘head out’ view from most other variants. To cycle through passenger views on your train, press Ctrl+Left Arrow or Ctrl+Right Arrow.BCK/BSK/CK/SKHead outHow to Use in the Scenario EditorHow to placeTo place a mk1 coach in the scenario editor, please follow the instructions below:1)In the left-hand rolling stock fly-out, click the objectset filter which looks like a blue box with an orangearrow to the right of it.2)Go to the right-hand fly-out which should have appeared. Select ‘AP’ from thedrop-down menu.3)Tick the second & third box beside ‘BRMk1Pack01’.4)The mk1 coach liveries should now be visible in the left-hand rolling stock fly-out.NumberingWhen placing a mk1 coach in the scenario editor, you are able to control a number of visual differences via the number of the coach. Please see the table below for information on what you can do on each livery:BogieBy default, the ‘BR1’ bogie is used. To use the Commonwealth bogie, add ;B=2 to the coach number. To use the B4 bogie, add ;B=4 to the coach number.Tail lightAutomatically, a tail light will appear at the rear of any mk1 consist in the game. If you would like this not to appear, add ;TL=0 to the coach number.Region letterFor liveries which show a region letter next to the number, ‘M’ (Midland) is the default. If you would like to change this, add the following to the coach number:;R=E for Eastern, ;R=W for Western, ;R=SC for Scottish, ;R=S for Southern or ;R=Z for no region.Page 21 LogosWhere logoless/unbranded versions of liveries have existed in reality, you can add ;L=0 to the coach number, to remove the relevant logos from that livery. Further variations are also possible on the following liveries:BR Blue & BR Blue/GreyAdd ;L=2 for Network SouthEast logoAdd ;L=3 for Express Parcels logoAdd ;L=4 for Rail Express Parcels logoAdd ;L=5 for ScotRail logoAdd ;L=6 for Newspapers logoAdd ;L=7 for BR logoPlease note that these logos have only been applied to the relevant variants.InterCity & InterCity (White Roof)Add ;L=2 for InterCity Swallow logoExample numbers81553;B=4;TL=0;R=E ;L=0Key:81553 - Coach number;B=4 - B4 bogie;TL=0 - Tail light removed;R=E - Eastern region letter next to coach number;L=0 = Logo removedCreditsMaster Key Simulations - Modelling & texturingNicolas Schichan - Scripting。

发文稿纸铁道部信息公开形式秘密等级紧急程度编号39 ‟2012… 铁运□主动公开□不予公开□绝密□机密□特急号□依申请公开□秘密□急件签:会发:签科技司计划司财务司劳卫司----------------------安监司局内机务部车辆部装---------------------电务部合法性审查:办公厅文书处核稿办公厅审核:订---------------------拟稿人拟稿单位拟稿单位拟稿单位拟稿单位拟稿单位姓徐建光主办处室审核综合处核稿分管负责人核签主要负责人核签名线电41682运输局---------------------话标题:关于印发《货物列车尾部安全防护装置管理、使用及维修办法》的通知附件:主送:各铁路局。
-2012TG/CW217 号为:各地方铁路可参照执行。
TG/CW 217-2012货物列车尾部安全防护装置管理、使用及维修办法则总货物列车尾部安全防护装置(简称货车列尾装置,条1第下同)是保证货物列车运行安全的重要行车设备。
洛雷克 LW2700 LW2900 系列摄像头快速启动指南说明书

B. LCD Receiver Setup
The LCD Receiver can be setup for use on a tabletop, or mounted to a wall or underneath a counter or cupboard. See Receiver Mounting Options section below for more details.
Insert the included SD card into the SD Card slot on the LCD receiver until you hear a “click.” The card will not be flush when completely inserted.
NOTE: The receiver is compatible with most major brands of SD card up to 16 GB.
NOTE: Wireless cameras require a power source to operate.
NOTE: When adding cameras that were not included in the original box, you will need to pair up the camera with the receiver. Please refer to the Camera Pairing Section of the User Manual.
Connect oInnteermeedniatde of the cameadrvaanced Power Adapter to the camera and

设备构成如图1所示:图1 KLW设备构成图3.主要功能a)具有列车尾部风压检测和数据上传功能。
b)建立列尾连接关系KLW开机后自动进入待机状态(不主动发送任何信息),显示本机的KLW ID,显示格式为ID.XXXXXX。
司机在LBJ控制盒上输入KLW ID,按确认键后发送包含机车号和KLW ID的输号命令信息,KLW对输号命令信息包含的KLW ID进行判断,如与本机一致则存储并显示机车号,同时向LBJ发送包含机车号和KLW ID的输号应答信息,双方建立连接关系,LBJ发出声光提示。
LBJ和KLW之间以KLW ID 作为基础进行一对一通信。
c)查询风压司机按下风压查询按键,LBJ向KLW发送手动风压查询命令信息,KLW收到后对风压查询信息中包含的KLW ID和机车号进行判断,如与本机KLW ID和机车号一致则向LBJ返回风压信息,LBJ发出声光提示。
RLM W6用户手册说明书

USER’S GUIDEUser’s GuidePlease read this manual before using this projectorRLM W6ContentsWarning, Notices and Safety Instructions NoticeDescription pertaining to FCC Rules Part 15 Warning and Safety InstructionsUsing the remote control OSD Menu TreeNoticePlease write down your projector model number and serial number and keep the information for maintenance purposes in the future. Should the equipment be lost or stolen, the information could also be used for the police report.Warning, Notices and Safety Instructions1HgWarning and Safety Instructions1Warning, Notices and Safety InstructionsDo not overload wall outlets/extension cordsPay attention to the current load of the outlet you are using, be it wall outlet or extension cord outlet to prevent fire or electric shock.CleaningShould you encounter any of the following situation, please unplug your projector from the wall outlet and contact a qualified service personnel for assistance:• Damaged power cord or power plug.• I f a foreign object has fallen into the projector or if you have spilled water or other liquid into the projector.• If the projector has been dropped accidentally or damaged.1Warning, Notices and Safety Instructionscleaned routinely to prolong the projector's lifecycle.be performed by qualified service personnel dispatched by your local dealer and you should not attempt to clean the inside of the projector by yourself.If other light source is directly projected onto the projector screen, the color of the image from the projector will appear to be pale and the image quality will be lower. In addition, your eyes would be more prone to fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended that the projector be installed in places without direct exposure to sunlight or other sources of intense light.Name and quantity of toxic/hazardous substances/elements contained in the product2Projector parts and functionsFront viewAdjustable footAdjust the height and angleIR ext.Receives input signal from compatible Niles or Xantech IR repeater systems.12V TRIGGER2Projector parts and functionsBottom viewRange of effective remote control signal receptionThe diagram below illustrates the range of effective remote control signal reception.3Quick installation of the projectorQuick installation of the projector.1. Orient the projector towards the screen5. Adjusting the projector's anglea.and horizontal lens shift Control; then use the ▼▲ buttons to adjust the lens' focus (clarity).3Quick installation of the projectorb.Original image size Zoom out Zoom in7. Correcting keystoning caused by projection anglea. T o adjust horizontal keystoning, press the MENU button on the remote control andchoose ALIGNMENT → Keystone → Horizontal Keystone and use the buttons to ▲▼adjust the image.To adjust vertical keystoning,press the MENU button on the remote control andchoose ALIGNMENT → Keystone Verticall Keystone and use theadjust the image.8. Turning off the projectorPress the STBY button on the projector or the button on the remote control to turn off the projector. When the projector has been turned off, the cooling fan will remain in operation for approximately 90 seconds.Throw distanceThrow Distance (TD) = Screen Width (W) x Throw Ratio (TR)4Installing the projectorFrontal projection - ceiling mode Advantage:Horizontal and vertical lens shiftIn addition to using the adjustable feet to adjust projection angle, you can also use the Lens Shift function to adjust the projected image.Connecting the projector to other devicesHDMI / DVI connectionSignals from image source offer the best projection image quality when sent through HDMI. Therefore, try to use input devices with HDMI output as the source of image.Installing the projector4RGB connectionConnect your PC or other devices with RGB output to the RGB input connectors on the projector to be used as the source of image input.4Installing the projectorRGBs connectionIf the source equipment uses composite image synchronized connectors to outputRGB, please connect the green, blue and red connectors to the Y, Pb, Pr jacks at the COMPONENT1/SCART inputs and the synchronized output to the VIDEO jack.SCART RGBSDVD player or other SCARTRGBS input sourcesS-Video/Video connectionIf the image input device offers both S-Video and Video connection, it is recommended that you choose S-Video to obtain better image quality.If both the S-Video and Video inputs are connected to the projector, the projector will prioritize S-Video signal input and image from4Installing the projectorTurning on the projectorRefer to the instructions covered in Chapter III on "Quick installation of the projector".Language and choose the language you prefer for the OSD.Adjusting screen orientationBy default, the projector is configured for "frontal projection - desktop installation". If you choose to install your projector in other setups, be sure to adjust the screen orientation to achieve the correct projection mode.canoec a n o ec a n o eRear projection - desktop installaionPress now configured for "rear projection - desktop installation".canoeCorrect Picturec a n o eca no e Rear projection - ceiling modec a n o ecanoeca n o e 4Installing the projector1 35Using the remote controlOSD Menu Tree Tree6OSD Menu descriptionOSD Description1. Press the MENU button on the remote control or on the back of the projector to2. You will see seven functional menus (Input, Image, Layout, Lamp, Alignment,frequency in order to achieve optimal image output. If the frequency of the input signal falls between 24~31Hz, the projector will automatically double the vertical refresh frequency.If the frequency of the input signal falls between 31~48Hz or exceeds 62Hz, the projector will automatically set the frequency to 60Hz.• 50HzChoose this option to set image output frequency at 50Hz.• 60HzAuto Image AdjustYou can configure the Auto Image Adjust function to one of the following three modes:• Off• Auto• Alwaysto adjust the contrast of the projected image.You can connect the projector to anBrightnessUseexternal image source to display an image resembling the one shown (PLUGE, Picture Line-Up Generation Equipment) for adjustment. Although there are numerous versions of PLUGE image, they are typically comprised of blocks of black, white and gray on top of a black background.SaturationUse ♦◆ to adjust the saturation of the projected image.If the color of the projected image seems to be overly bright and vivid, decrease color saturation; if the color seems white and washed out, increase color saturation.Original image♦ Reduced saturation Enhanced saturation ◆TintUseLowering the value will make the image appear redder; increasing the value will make the image appear greener.♦ Reduced tintSharpnessThe adjustment of sharpness primarily changes the value of high frequency detail. You can connect the projector to an external image source to display an image resembling the one shown below to adjust the image sharpness.The following image illustrates the results of direct sharpness adjustment using a random image:♦ Reduced sharpness Original imageNoise ReductionUseelimination of image noise from interleaving SD input.Generally speaking, reducing image noise will lower the value of high frequency detail and make the image appear more mellow. Color TemperatureYou can choose from 3200K, 5400K, 6500K, 9300K and Native.Color temperature refers to the change in light color under different energies that is perceived by the naked eye.The change of color temperature from low to high for visible light goes from orange red → white → blueThe projector's default color temperature is set at 6500K and it is suitable for most situations. As color temperature rises, the image will appear to be more blue; as it decreases, the image will appear redder.When you choose "Native", the projector will disable the white adjustment function of the input device.GainThis refers to the control of color imbalance in the brighter areas of the projected image.It is recommended that you use an external test image with many areas of white (i.e. an image of 80IRE-window). If you notice minimal amount of red, green or blue in the gray areas, lower the gain of the corresponding color accordingly.This function is used to increase or decrease the range of color input for the entire image.Native input4:3The following image is an example of test image from an external signal source: changing the value of horizontal*In order to adjust timings the pattern should be used is pixel (on/off)*• H StartUseIf the projected image is not at the center of the screen (i.e. shifted to right or left) and ends up being cropped, use this function to adjust the image's horizontal position.The following image is an example of test image from an external signal source: Native picture Skewed left Skewed rightH PhaseUse ♦◆ to adjust the projected image's phase.se this function to adjust the phase of pixel sampling clock (relative to input signal).Should the image still flicker or show noise (i.e. edges on texts) after optimization, adjust phase accordingly.V StartUse ♦◆ to adjust the projected image's vertical position.f the projected image is not at the center of the screen (i.e. shifted up or down) and endsup being cropped, use this function to adjust the image's vertical position.The following image is an example of test image from an external signal source:Native picture Skewed downLAYOUTPIP SelectUse this function to select the source for the sub window.You can choose from HDMI1, HDMI2, RGB D-15(RGB-HV/SOG), YUV1,thePIPIf you wish to display PIP image, you can make the configuration here.By choosing "ON", you will see two windows on the projected image; the larger one is the primary image and the smaller one is the sub image.By choosing "OFF", the PIP function will be disabled and you will only see a single image window.*please refer to the following main and PIP source matrix for a valid main and PIP source selection when PIP is ON.*HDMI2 RGB YUV1 RGBHV/ Composite S-Video RGB-SD-15YUV2VideoO O O O O O O O O O O O – – O O O – – O O – – – O O –Main SelectBottom RightBottom Left Top RightTop Left6OSD Menu descriptionLAMPThis chapter covers information on the projector lamp.High Altitude ModeUse this function to control the projector's cooling fan. You can set it to Off or On. The default setting is Off.Under normal circumstances, the projector will operate normally with this function set to Off. By default, the projector will detect the temperature of the surrounding environment to6OSD Menu description ALIGNMENTDynamic ContrastUse this function to configure the projector to automatically adjust image contrast from the source upon start up or shut down. When activated, the projector will dynamically adjust the image contrast from the beginning of the projection until the content has ended. Gamma6OSD Menu descriptionControlIR AddressUse this function to configure the projector's IR code receive commands from the remote control. The default value is 1.If you have other equipment in your home that could pick up the command from the projector's remote control, it is recommended that you set the remote control code to 2.NetworkTo control the projector via network, after connecting the network cables for a PC and the projector, you can use this OSD function to view the relevant network information (such as IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DHCP) of the projector. Please configure the PC to be connected to the projector with a proper IP address with the same subnet mask, gateway as the projector. The default IP address of the projector is The network settings6OSD Menu descriptionTrigger1 ~2The projector comes with two sets of Trigger output. You can configure two different devices connected to the projector via the trigger ports to be automatically turned on when theprojector is on. There will be a 2-3 second delay prior to activation to prevent operation of this function when the user is choosing the desired aspect ratio.Service BARCO7Lamp and filter maintenance Lamp replacementThe lifecycle of ordinary projection lamptypically lasts for 1500-2000 hours before requiring replacement (different lamp。
MK-1996 基本操作说明书

MK-1996 Basic Operation 03-02-101. General Specification- Power On/Off Key : Top- PTT Key : Side [ Tact SW ]- Monitor Key : Side [ Tact SW ]- UP Key : Top- Down Key : Top- SCAN Key : Top- CALL Key : Top- Menu Key : Top- EXT Mic/Speaker Jack[ 3.5ö ]2. Function Flow ChartF CTCSS PWR Hi/Low DW VOX BEEP Tone Ringer Tone(CALL) F3. LCD Display1 of 81o f 72o f 71.6W TX power3o f 84o f 85o f 86o f 8FCC InformationTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS :(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDERSIRED OPERATION. Safety Information For GMRS UNIT“Important: FCC RF Exposure Requirements:- Operation must not exceed a maximum transmitting duty factor of 50% for satisfying RF exposure compliance.- For body-worn operation, this radio has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with GENEX accessories supplied or designated for this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. Use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations. “Normal Position:Hold the transmitter approximately 1”from your face and speak in a normal voice, with the antenna pointed up and away.GMRS Licensing requirements:The Code of Federal Regulations requires theowner/operator of this equipment to hold a FCC license when operating in the GMRS mode. Operation on the GMRS frequencies is subject to additional rules as specified in 47 CFR Part 95. GMRS / FRS Frequency ChartChannel Frequency(MHz) Use Power Channel Frequency(MHz)Use Power1 462.5625 FRS/GMRS High/low 12 467.6625 FRS/GMRS Low2 462.5875 FRS/GMRS High/low 13 467.6875 FRS/GMRS Low3 462.6125 FRS/GMRS High/low 14 467.7125 FRS/GMRS Low4 462.6375 FRS/GMRS High/low 15 462.5500 GMRS High/low5 462.6625 FRS/GMRS High/low 16 462.5750 GMRS High/low6 462.6875 FRS/GMRS High/low 17 462.6000 GMRS High/low7 462.7125 FRS/GMRS High/low 18 462.6250 GMRS High/low8 467.5625 FRS/GMRS Low 19 462.6500 GMRS High/low9 467.5875 FRS/GMRS Low 20 462.6750 GMRS High/low10 467.6125 FRS/GMRS Low 21 462.7000 GMRS High/low11 467.6375 FRS/GMRS Low 22 462.7250 GMRS High/low Note: Channels 1 through 14 are shared with FRS radio service. Operations in the FRS band without a FCC license is restricted to low power transmit (0.5 watts). The GMRS radios require the user to place the unit in low power mode for FRS operation. The GMRS unit will automatically select low transmit power (0.5 watts) when FRS channels 8-14 are selected.7o f 88 of 8。
KwikRail 螺纹轨道系统-直角段和配件说明书

Straight Sections see pages KR-1 – KR-3Accessoriessee pages KR-4 – KR15Coverssee page KR-10KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - Straight Sections & AccessoriesK w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a yKwikRail cable tray system advantagesThe KwikRail straight sections are available with welded rungs or bolted rungs to allow installers to add or remove rungs * in the field.The straight sections and fittings feature perforations along the side rail to allow you to quickly and easily alter the system.Plus, add-rung-kits allow you to add rung at any location along the length of the tray making cable support and adding accessories simple to achieve.• I -beam rungs provide high strength to weight ratio • V ibration tested • P atented fastener holes provide maximum grip for fastener threads • I nnovative time saving accessories • F ast, easy to modify tray in the fieldPatent InformationU .S. Patent D361982; 5,580,014Canada 2,137,879 UK Patent 2,285,343Fittingssee pages KR16 – KR-20Specificationssee pages KR-21 – KR-22* I f your application requires removal of more than one (1) rung from a KwikRail straight section, please contact the B-Line series technical team. We do not recommend removing rungs from the welded system. Please contact us if you have any questions.One pair of standard splice plates included with straight sections.Ladder Type (Specify Rung Spacing)Solid Bottom6" Rung Spacing KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - Straight SectionsKRA4A, KRB4A and KRB6A Straight Section Technical DataKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - Straight SectionsKwikRail Cable TrayWhen cable trays are used in continuous spans, the deflection of the cable tray is reduced by as much as 50%.Design factors: Ix = Moment of Inertia, Sx = Section Modulus.Values are based on simple beam tests per NEMA VE-1 on 36" wide cable tray with rungs spaced on 12" centers. The published load safety factor is 1.5. To convert 1.5 safety factor to 2.0, multiply the published load by 0.75. To obtain mid-span deflection, multiply a load by the deflection multiplier. Cable tray must be supported on spans shorter than or equal to the length of the tray.Conduit-to-Tray Adaptors• F or easy attachment of conduit terminating at a cable tray.• U se on aluminum or steel cable trays.Bonding Jumper• S old individually with ¼” hardware.• U L Classified as equipment grounding conductor.• L ength: 141/2" (368mm)Guide-Rite ™ Conduit-to-Tray Adaptor• A ssemblies support 1/2", 3/4", & 1" conduit.• A ttaches to top or bottom of I-Beam side rail flange.Patent #4958792Grounding Clamp• A ccepts #6 AWG to 250 MCM.• U L Classified, suitable as equipment grounding conductor.Conduit SizeCatalog No. 1, 11/4 (25, 32) 9G-1158-1 & 11/4 11/2, 2 (40, 50) 9G-1158-11/2 & 21150 Lbs.Static Load KwikRail Cable TraySide Rail Drop-OutCatalog No. Lengthslots to eliminate field drilling • H ardware is shipped in sealed plast back and boxed with pre-cut strut.• D esign for use with 1/2" all threaded rod (sold separately).• S afety factor of 3.0 on all loads.28Cantilever BracketCantilever Bracket• F inishes available: ZN, GRN, HDG, SS4 or SS6.• S afety Load Factor 2.5.• F inishes available: ZN, GRN, HDG, or SS4.• S afety Load Factor 2.5.CatalogUniform LoadTray Width‘A’CatalogUniform LoadTray Width‘A’B297-18 1100 (4.89) 12 (305) 18 (457) B297-24 835 (3.71) 18 (457) 24 (610) B297-30 665 (2.95) 24 (610) 30 (762) B297-36 550 (2.44) 30 (762) 36 (914) B297-42465 (2.06) 36 (914) 42 (1067)K w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a yB494-30 1600 (7.11) 24 (610) 30 (762) 11/ (286) B494-36 1100 (4.89) 30 (762) 36 (914) 111/4 (286) B494-42980 (4.36) 36 (914) 42 (1067) 16 (406)For more dimensional data, see B-Line series Strut Systems catalog.For more dimensional data, see B-Line series Strut Systems catalog.For more dimensional data, see B-Line series Strut Systems catalog.Underfloor Support (U-Bolts not included)• F inishes available: ZN.Stud Catalog No.Length2 BAX-4-16-32 2 (51)BAX-4-16-483 (76)Catalog No. Uniform LoadTray Width‘A’DURA-BLOK ™ Support Bases with B22 ChannelCatalog No.Height x Width x LengthDB10-36 5/8 x 6 x 36 (143 x 152 x 914) DB10-42 55/8 x 6 x 42 (143 x 152 x 1067) DB10-50 55/ x 6 x 50 (143 x 152 x 1270)• D esigned as a superior rooftop support for cable tray, UV resistant and approved for most roofing material or other flat surfaces.• C an be used with any of our cable tray clamps and guides.• U ltimate Uniform Load Capacity: 1,000 lbs. (4.45kN).LEEDS credit available, base made from 100% recycled material.General Note: Consult roofing manufacturer or engineer for roof load capacity. The weakest point may be the insulation board beneath the rubber membrane.KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - AccessoriesKwikRail Cable Tray• S • W ing nut included.• V arious 1/4"-• SAluminum Cover Part Numbering80 7 A - 24 - 144Tray Width Item Description06 = 6" For Straight Section Cover:09 = 9" 144 = 12 ft. (3.66 m)12 = 12" 120 = 10 ft. (3.05 m)18 = 18" 72 = 6 ft. (1.83 m)24 = 24" 60 = 5 ft. (1.52 m)30 = 30" For fitting covers: Insert suffix of 36 = 36" fitting to be covered.See example below.Examples of Catalog Numbers for Fitting Covers:A full range of covers are available for straight sections and fittings.should be used when maximum enclosure of the cable is desired and no accumulation of heat is expected. provide cable protection, while allowing heat to escape.in. (13 mm) flange. Cover clamps are not included with the cover and must be ordered separately.We recommend that covers be placed on vertical cable tray runs to a height of 6 ft. (1.83 m) to 8 ft. (2.44 m) above the floor Ventilated Flanged Peaked FlangedVertical Bend CoverPrefix Suffix80 7 A - 24 - 90 VO 24 - 4*Side Rail * Height Radius Fitting Angle Width Material DetailCover TypeSolid Non-Flanged Horizontal Bend CoverPrefix Suffix 80 7 A - 18 - 90 HB 24Radius Fitting Angle Width Material DetailCover Type* Required for VO fittings onlyKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - Accessories))KwikRail Cable TrayKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - AccessoriesStraight Section Barrier Strip• F urnished with four (4) barrier strip clips, mounting hardware and splice.• S tandard lengths are 144" or 12 ft (3.7m) & 120" or 10 ft (3.0m).• O rder catalog number based on loading depth ‘H’.TrayHKRB6A KR6A-DSL-Length5 (127)TrayHKRB6AKR6A-DHB5 (127)Horizontal Bend Barrier Strip• F urnished with three (3) barrier strip clips, mounting hardware and splice.• S tandard length is 72" or 6 ft (1.8m).• F• O Vertical Bend Barrier Strip• F urnished with three (3) barrier strip clips, mounting hardware and splice.HTray Catalog No.HKRB6A KR6A-DVI-(**)R(†) KR6A-DVO-(**)R(†)5 (127)(**) Insert 45°, 90° for angles (†) Insert 12, 24 for radiusKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - AccessoriesKwikRail Cable TrayHCut Length from Rail End For8848KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - AccessoriesExample: For a 12" (305mm) wide 90° bend, the cuts must be made 125/8" (320.7mm) from the end.KRA5A09-12-144 Straight Section shown with required side rail removed to form 90° fitting.How to miter cut KwikRail cable tray for use with Horizontal Adjustable splice plates.• M ark desired hole/cut locations per chart.• R emove any rungs (if necessary) affected by cuts.• C ut side rails through center of required holes per chart.• M ount outside Horizontal Adjustable splice plate with provided hardware and bend KwikRail sections to desired angle.• F orm inside Horizontal Adjustable splice plate to fit contour of inner rails and bolt into place.• R einstall (if necessary) appropriate rungs. Torque to 18 ft•lbs.• I f Splice Rung Kit (see below) is required, order separately.• R ecommend adding one to the value in the chart if the first hole is less than 3/8" (9.5mm) from the end of tray.K w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a y• O nce the Flex-Mount splices are installed in the cable tray sys-tem, the distance between the splice mounting surfaces shouldbe measured. Cut support rung to the measured distance and install using the hardware included. Torque to 18 ft•lbs.The National Electrical Code allows for 50% fill of ventilated cable tray for control or signal wiring (Article 392-9(b)). This rule requires that all the individual cable cross-sectional areas added up may not exceed one half the cable tray area.The cable tray area is equal to the width times the load depth.In actual practice with data cables, however, the cable tray becomes completely full in reaching the “50% cable fill”. The tray is completely full, but the sum of the cable areas is only 50% of the tray area, due to the empty spaces between the cables.This chart was based on 50% fill of 4 UTP Category 5, 5e, or 6 cables (O.D. = .21" .026 lbs/ft). In the above loading grid, the weight of the cables is not the issue. The volume capacity of the tray governs. For example, the worst case (6" load depth, 36" wide) has a total cable weight of 81 lbs/ft.Data CablesData Cable Fill and Weight ChartNumber of Category 5/5e/6 Cables and Calculated Cable Weight in Lbs/FtKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - AccessoriesKwikRail Cable TrayFor ventilated or solid bottom, add 04 or SB as shown below: Available 6" thru 36"Prefix PrefixKR6A04 - 24 - 90HB24 KR6ASB - 24 - 90HB244" Rung Spacing BottomSolid BottomFittings engineered with 3" tangents for splicing integrity.KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - FittingsK w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a yNote: All fittings are only offered in welded assembly90˚ Horizontal Bend CCCR3" (76)RB45˚ Horizontal BendBBottoms manufactured:Ladder = 9" Rung Spacing 04 = 4" Rung SpacingSB = Flat sheet over 9" Rung Spacing1 pair splice plates with hardware included.Horizontal Bend 90° 45° (HB)(Pre) = prefix. See page KR-16 for catalog number prefix.Width dimensions are to inside wall. For aluminum fittings add 1.5 inches for total outside width.Manufacturing tolerances apply to all dimensions.A3" (76)ACABRARB2 pair splice plates with hardware included.3 pair splice plates with hardware included.3" (76)3" (76)(Prefix) See page KR-16 for catalog number prefix.Width dimensions are to inside wall. For aluminum fittings add 1.5 inches for total outside width.Manufacturing tolerances apply to all dimensions.Horizontal Tee (HT)Horizontal Cross (HX)WWKwikRail Cable Tray90˚ Vertical Inside90˚ Vertical OutsideBACC3" (76)R BACC3" (76)R(Prefix) See page KR-16 for catalog number prefix.Manufacturing tolerances apply to all dimensions.K w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a yVertical Bend 90˚ (VO, VI )1 pair splice plates with hardware included.45˚ Vertical Inside45˚ Vertical Outside Vertical Bend 45˚ (VO, VI)1 pair splice plates with hardware included.BACC3" (76)RBACC3" (76)R(Prefix) See page KR-16 for catalog number prefix.Manufacturing tolerances apply to all dimensions.K w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a ySection 161xx - KwikRail Cable Tray(continued on page KR-22)KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - SpecificationsK w i k R a i l C a b l e T r a yKwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray - Specifications (continued from page KRA-21)KwikRail Cable Tray。

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPILLAR LIGHT MOUNTAPPLICATION:2018-2019 Jeep Wrangler JLPART NUMBER:62-41085PROCEDURE1. Remove contents from box, verify if all parts listed are present and free from damage.Carefully read and understand all instructions before attempting installation.Failure to identify damage before installation could lead to a rejection of any claim. 2. Use the supplied Gaskets (5-10) to cover the back side of each Pillar Mount (1,2). See Figure 1.3. Remove the factory bolts for the window hinge and on the side of the cowl and insert the 10mm Spacers (11,12) as shownin Figure 2. Note: The supplied double -sided tape may be used to hold the spacers in place.4. Loosely install the Pillar Mount (1,2) to the vehicle using the supplied hardware. See Figures 3 & 4.Item 5Item 8Item 10Driver Side ShownFig 1Fig 2Passenger Side ShownSmaller end of the Slant -Cut Spacer on top.Remove factory bolt from this location.Fig 4Passenger Side ShownItem 18 (2 washers may be used if necessary)Items 19,17Use Special Hex Key (21) to accessFig 3Passenger Side ShownPassenger Side ShownFig 5LED lights and Cowl Mount sold separatelyFailure to follow these instructions could lead to death, personal injury, and / or property damage. Failure to follow these instructions could lead to death, personal injury, and / or property damage.。

2.2主要电性能指标1)供电电压:DC 12~15V2)最大工作电流:≤200mA2.3环境条件1)环境温度-10~55℃,2)相对湿度:95%(30℃)3设备接口3.1控制盒与列调电台的列调控制盒接口控制盒与列调控制盒之间采用有线连接方式,按照铁道部颁布的TB2973-2006的规定。

客车列尾装置主机检测台使用手册中国铁道科学研究院通信信号研究所北京锐驰国铁智能运输系统工程技术有限公司二○一四年二月目录1.设备概述 (1)2.设备功能 (1)3.设备组成及特性 (1)3.1.设备组成 (1)3.2.特性 (2)3.3.设备接口说明 (3)3.4.按键说明 (5)4.操作说明 (6)4.1.上电及自检 (6)4.2.自动测试 (9)4.3.手动测试 (12)4.3.1.输号/消号 (12)4.3.2.加压 (13)4.3.3.减压 (14)4.3.4.风压查询 (15)4.3.5.电压切换 (15)4.3.6.排风 (16)4.3.7.时间校准 (16)4.3.8.风压校准 (17)4.3.9.排风量测试 (18)4.4.参数设置 (19)4.4.1.显示屏亮度调节 (20)4.4.2.扬声器音量调节 (20)4.4.3.设置检测台ID (20)4.4.4.检测台保压性能 (21)4.4.5.检测台时间校准 (21)4.4.6.电压表校准 (21)4.4.7.电流表校准 (22)4.4.8.标准排风量校准 (23)4.4.9.风压表校准 (24)4.5.按键测试 (26)4.6.本机测试 (26)4.6.1.气路系统测试 (27)4.6.2.串口测试 (28)4.6.3.风扇测试 (29)4.6.4.液晶屏测试 (29)4.6.5.工控机配置查询 (29)4.7.记录查询及数据导出 (29)4.7.1.自动测试记录查询及导出 (29)4.7.2.单步测试记录查询及导出 (30)4.7.3.检定记录查询及导出 (31)4.7.4.自检记录查询 (32)5.软件升级 (33)5.1.升级工控板程序 (34)5.2.升级登录的用户名密码 (34)5.3.升级配属单位名称 (36)6.检定 (37)7.故障处理 (38)7.1.加压异常 (38)7.2.减压异常 (38)7.3.电磁阀响 (38)7.4.液晶屏白屏或花屏 (38)7.5.控制板和信道机通信故障 (38)7.6.主机连接失败 (39)7.7.打印机不能打印 (39)7.8.取消打印机自动待机 (39)7.9.GPS无效 (40)8.注意事项 (41)客车列尾装置主机检测台使用手册1.设备概述KLW-JC-Ⅰ型客车列尾装置主机检测台(以下简称“检测台”)专用于对客车列尾装置(简称“KLW主机”)进行检测,可保障KLW 主机安全可靠运用,提高检测和维修作业效率。

• 自主研发了机车同步操控地面应用节点、车载通信单 元和管理维护设备,为实现多种编程方式2万吨重载 组合列车同步操控提供了可靠的网络条件;
• 采用同站址双基站和基站交织两种无线覆盖方式混合 组网,满足了不同地理环境的网络可靠性需求;
• 在机车同步操控系统通信平台的基础上进行系统功能 升级,自主研发了可控列尾主机和控制盒,从而节省 了机车使用数量,提高了经济效益。
• 关键词:GSM-R网络 LOCOTROL地面应用节点(AN)
LOCOTROL(机车无线遥控操纵)系统技术 简介
风电流、排风状态、闪光标志、天线辐射。 第14页/共20页
• (1)对列尾主机通电确认时,主机风管的风压必须低于460Kpa,否则列尾主机不发 送“等待确认”信号。
• (2)电池安装务必到位并锁牢,以防途中脱落。 • (3)将到达列车的主机取回后,应立即将电池取出,对列尾主机断电,取消“一对一”
可控列尾装置的系统 构成及工作原理
• 可控列尾装置由安装在机车司机驾驶室内的列尾控制盒、安装在列车尾部的列尾主机和用于列尾主机与控 制盒进行数据交换通信模块组成 。
• 通信系统采用GSM-R数字移动通信系统。
• GSM-R是一种专门为铁路设计的专业无线数字通信系统 • GSM-R可作为信号及列控系统的良好传输平台 • GSM-R通信系统主要由BSS(基站子系统)、NSS(交换子系统)、O
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设备构成如图1所示:图1 KLW设备构成图3.主要功能a)具有列车尾部风压检测和数据上传功能。
b)建立列尾连接关系KLW开机后自动进入待机状态(不主动发送任何信息),显示本机的KLW ID,显示格式为ID.XXXXXX。
司机在LBJ控制盒上输入KLW ID,按确认键后发送包含机车号和KLW ID的输号命令信息,KLW对输号命令信息包含的KLW ID进行判断,如与本机一致则存储并显示机车号,同时向LBJ发送包含机车号和KLW ID的输号应答信息,双方建立连接关系,LBJ发出声光提示。
LBJ和KLW之间以KLW ID 作为基础进行一对一通信。
c)查询风压司机按下风压查询按键,LBJ向KLW发送手动风压查询命令信息,KLW收到后对风压查询信息中包含的KLW ID和机车号进行判断,如与本机KLW ID和机车号一致则向LBJ返回风压信息,LBJ发出声光提示。
KLW处于待机状态时,如果接收到LBJ发送的风压查询命令信息、辅助排风制动信息或输号命令信息,KLW收到后对信息中包含的KLW ID进行判断,如与本机KLW ID一致则向LBJ返回相应的应答信息,恢复为连接状态。
e)辅助排风制动司机按下排风按键,LBJ向KLW连续发送5帧排风制动信息,KLW收到后对排风制动信息中包含的KLW ID和机车号进行判断,如与本机KLW ID和机车号一致则进行辅助排风制动并返回应答信息,LBJ发出声光提示。
司机按下确认按键,LBJ 向KLW发送应答信息,KLW收到后停止发送供电电压欠压报警信息。
KLW收到后对消号命令信息包含的KLW ID和机车号进行判断,如与本机一致则进入待机状态,删除存储的机车号并显示本机的KLW ID。
7.注意事项✧不得在风管延长管与主风管连接的情况下进行主机的挂车和摘取;✧主机风管接口一旦与风管延长管分离,应立即拧紧防尘盖;✧主机风管接口不得污损;✧插拔主机电源接口时应握紧插头,不得拉扯电线;✧列车出发前和到达后应做好主机检测,进行记录;✧司机在运用过程中发现的问题应及时汇报;✧主机挂车后,应及时与司机联系,告之主机编码(ID),司机在LBJ控制盒上输入KLW ID,按确认键后发送“输号”命令,以建立连接;✧冬运期间室内外温差较大,从室外拿到室内的主机不能立即进行测试检查,应等待其恢复到室温后再进行测试,以防室内水蒸汽进入机箱内结冰而影响其工作;✧凡是从室外取回主机,必须等其机体内结霜消失后,方可拿到室外运用;✧严禁在地上拖拽或以其他不当方式搬动主机;✧摘挂和回送过程中禁止对天线造成冲击或弯折;✧主机检测时应注意检查风管是否松动或老化龟裂,防止漏风;✧主机紧固件必须经常检查,如发现提把、天线或壳体上的螺丝松动,应及时紧固,螺丝松动主机不得挂车运用;8.主机的检测主机检测主要通过检测台完成,其基本检测流程如下:自动检测流程将检测台设置为自动检测模式;检测台与KLW建立连接关系;检查KLW时钟并校准;检查KLW500KPa风压反馈精度;检查KLW600KPa风压反馈精度;检测KLW风压报警功能;检测KLW电压报警功能;检测KLW排风功能并计算排风量;检测过程自动记录排风电流、静态电流、传输电流等技术参数。
9.主要技术指标风压检查: 500 KPa、600 KPa;电压报警:DC40V;风压报警门限:560 KPa;静态电流:不大于0.2A;传输电流:大于0.2A,小于0.4A;排风电流:大于0.2A,小于0.4A;时钟误差:±1分钟。
其中PTT 电平在无通信状态下应该为高电平,在主机发射状态下为低电平;SP引脚应在KLW接收状态下观察到清晰的正弦波形;MIC引脚应在KLW发射状态下观察到清晰的正弦波形。
c)排风故障排风故障可分为排风量不达标和不排风两中情况;北京市交大路通科技有限公司800M 旅客列车尾部安全防护装置使用手册11在检测台气路通畅的前提下,如果检测过程中,检测台提示“排风流量”超标(或不达标),说明气路发生堵塞情况,可连续进行排风测试,以清除气路内堵塞物,如果连续排风后情况仍无改善,可分别更换制动软管和电磁阀再次进行测试。