






I prefer my coffee black. 我喜欢喝不加奶的咖啡。

I prefer the chair in its old place. 我觉得这把椅子还是放在老地方好。

We preferred the house painted white 我们倒喜欢那座漆成白色的房子。

Their father prefers them to be home early. 他们的父亲希望他们早点儿回家。



I prefer walking alone. 我喜欢一个人溜达。

A:Can I give you a lift? 你顺便坐我的车走吗?

B:No, thanks. I prefer to walk. 不用了,谢谢,我喜欢步行。


正:We would prefer to do it later. 我们宁愿以后做它。

误:We would prefer doing it later.

另外注意,当would prefer后接不定式被省略时,要注意保留其中的to,如:A:Would you prefer to wait? 你愿意等吗?

B:Yes, I’d prefer to. 是的,愿意等。



He preferred that such comments should cease. 他希望停止这种议论。

I would prefer it if you didn’t smoke in here. 我希望你不要在这里面吸烟。


表示“宁愿……而不愿……”“喜欢……而不喜欢……”“与……相比,更喜欢……”等,其基本句型是prefer…to…和prefer…rather than…,其搭配习惯如下:

(1) 用于prefer…to…时,主要用于比较两个名词或动名词。如:

I prefer the seaside to the mountains. 我喜欢海边,不喜欢山区。

Tom prefers reading to talking. 汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。

这类结构的prefer前有时也可用would, should等。如:

We’d prefer playing outdoors to watching television. 我们宁愿在外面玩而不愿看电视。

(2) 用于prefer…rather than…时,主要用于比较两个不定式(后面的不定式通常省略to,但前面的不定式必须带to)。如:

He prefers to read rather than watch television. 他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。

She preferred to stay at home rather than (to) go out. 和出门比起来,她比较喜欢待在家里。


I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than driving all the way to your mother’s. 我觉得与其开车跑那么远到你母亲那里去度周末,倒不如在家过更好些。

在现代英语中,prefer…rather than…也可用于连接两个名词或动名词,此时的rather than也可换成介词to。如:

I should prefer beef rather than mutton. 我宁愿吃牛肉而不愿吃羊肉。

I prefer swimming rather than cycling. 比起骑自行车来我还是喜欢游泳。


加强语气,可在其前使用much, very much, far等修饰语。如:

I far prefer swimming to cycling. 我喜欢游泳远胜于骑自行车。

We much prefer the country to the town. 我们喜欢乡下,不怎么喜欢城里。


其后不能直接跟if引导的从句,遇此情况需借助it,即说成I’d prefer it if…(我希望……)。如:

I would prefer it if you didn’t tell anyone. 我希望你别告诉任何人。

I would prefer that you did not mention my name. 我倒希望你不要提及我的名字。



正:I should prefer that you did not go there alone.

正:I should prefer it if you did not go there alone.

正:I should prefer you not to go there alone.


1. I would prefer him to be with us next season.


2. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.


3. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.


4. I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV.


5. They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.


6. Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.


7. Allow an extra 10-15 min if you prefer lamb well done.


8. Other things being equal, most tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.


9. Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.


10. Most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms.


11. Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.


12. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.


13. I am not a country person at all. I prefer the cities.


14. If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave out the chilli.


15. The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.


there being的用法

there being与there to be用法区别 1. "There being" 的用法及意义: 1). "There being"可以用作一个介词的复合宾语,跟 "There to be"不同的是:"There to be"往往表 示目前"没有存在"的事物;而"There being"则通常表示"已经存在"的事情。请看: (1). The Chinese are proud of there being the Great Wall in North China. 中国人以在中国北部有个长城而自豪。 注意: there being 还可以作主语: (2)There being a shop here is a great advantage. 这儿有个商店,真是方便极了。 2). "There being" 还可以用作副词, 在语法上叫"独立结构"。如: There being no teacher in the classroom, the pupils began to talk freely. 由于教室里没有教师,学生们开始自由交谈。 3). 作介词的宾语一般用There being句式,但如果是for时,一般用there to be句式。 (1 ) This depended on there being a sudden change. 这需要有一个突然的改变。 (2) The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老师在等着大家都安静下来。 2. "There to be"的用法及意义: 1). "There to be" 可以用作一个动词的宾语,我们通常称之为复合宾语,其意义常表示对将来 的一种意愿或希望,但目前还没"存在"。例: She doesn't hope there to be any quarrel between me and her. 她不希望我们之间有什么争吵。(对将来的一种希望) 2). "There to be"也可以用在句型 "It be + adj. for..."中。例: It is important for there to be a free school for the poor children. 给贫困的孩子建一所免费学校太重要了。


☆形容词的比较级☆ 当我们需要对事物作出比较时,需要用到比较级。 比较级的句子结构通常是: 什么 + 动词be (am , is , are ) + 形容词比较级 + than(比)+ 什么 ,如: I’m taller and heavier than you. (我比你更高和更重。) An elephant is bigger than a tiger.(一只大象比一只老虎更大。)形容词的比较级是在形容词的基础上变化而来的,它的变化规则是: ①一般的直接在词尾加er ,如 tall - taller , strong - stronger , ②以e结尾的,直接加r ,如 fine – finer , ③以辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i再加er,如funny - funnier ④双写最后的字母再加er,如big – bigger, thin – thinner , hot – hotter 除此之外,还有几个特殊的单词,它的比较级和最高级都是不规则的,如:many / much(原形)– more(比较级)– most(最高级) little / few(原形)– less (比较级)– least(最高级) good(原形)– better(比较级)– best(最高级) bad (原形)– worse(比较级)– worst(最高级) far (原形)– further– furthest 附加:形容词的最高级变化类似于比较级,只是把词尾的er改成est,如: tall (原形)- taller (比较级)- tallest (最高级) long(原形)- longer(比较级)- longest(最高级) big (原形)- bigger(比较级)- biggest(最高级) ☆注意☆比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西。


ever做副词,前四条用法在高中英语知识内常见。 1.(用于否定句和疑问句)在任何时候,从来(指过去的所有时间或者将来的所有时间) (指将来的所有时间,可以翻译成:以后) I'm not sure I'll ever trust people again... 我不确定自己是否还会再相信任何人。 I forbid you ever to use that word!... 我不准你再用那个词! You won't hear from Gaston ever again. 你再也不会收到加斯顿的来信了。 Neither of us had ever skied... 我们两个都从未滑过雪。(指过去的所有时间,和否定意义的词连用时可以翻译成:从未) I don't know if you ever read any of his books... 我不知道你是否读过他写的书。(指过去的所有时间,可以译成:曾经,以前,过去) (疑问句中,常用在has sb ever? did sb ever? 两个句式;指过去的所有时间,可以译成:可曾,曾否) Have you ever experienced failure?... 你曾经历过失败吗? Did you ever hear anyone sound so peculiar? 你可曾听过谁的声音如此奇特? 2. (用于以why,when,who等开头的疑问句中表示强调惊讶或震惊)究竟,到底 Why ever didn't you tell me?... 你究竟为什么不告诉我? When ever am I going to see you again?... 我到底什么时候再见到你? Who ever heard of a thing like that? 究竟是谁听说了那种事? 3. ever 短语 ever since (1)ever since做连词:自从;打…以后一直 He's been there ever since you left!... 自从你离开后他就一直在那里! Ever since we moved last year, I worry a lot about whether I can handle this new job... 自从去年我们搬家,我就一直非常担心能否做好这份新工作。 'Have you been chatting for long?' —'Ever since you left.' “你们聊了很久了吗?”——“打你离开后一直在聊。” (2)ever since做副词:后来,此后 I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since... 我居然向他让步了,后来我一直为此后悔不已。 In 1985 her first collection received rave reviews from Women's Wear Daily. Ever since, applause has never ceased. 1985年她的首款系列时装得到《女性时装日报》的高度评价。从那时起,赞赏之声就一直不绝于耳。 注释:since副词(表示过去某事或某情况发生后不久又发生了另一件事)此后,后来 About six thousand people were arrested, several hundred of whom have since been released... 约6,000 人被捕,后来其中的几百人又被释放了。 His style of leadership has attracted increasing criticism among his supporters, many of whom have since left Central Office. 他的领导风格已经在他的拥趸中引起了越来越多的批评,很多人后来离开了总局。


being的用法小结 句子中的being是不能随便去掉的,在句子中出现being的情况大致分为以下几种: 一,being用作现在分词用法。 (1)一种用作现在分词,是强调正在进行,尤其是在被动语态中的使用,这个时候,being只是一个描述进行时态的符号,如,The trees are being planted,这种用法比较简单,我们也很好分辨。 (2)用作现在分词的时候.being用于作定语中,一般和过去分词连用,放在被说明名词后,表示进行时被动意义:(1)The house being built will be our new laboratory. (2)any text being(作定语,和过去分词translated连用,放在被说明名词any text之后) translated can also be read aloud by GT(google translateor) voice engine。任何被翻译后的文字也都可以被google语音大声的读出来。 (3)being用于状语,一般有逗号,翻译时常加表示状语的词汇,如“由于……”、“……时”等:Being very tiny, ants cannot often be seen by us. (4)还有一种现在分词的用法,是用作独立分词结构,含蓄的表示各种状态:1.There are a large number of different shapes of files, each being made for some particular kind of work.(伴随情况)各种锉刀的形状大不相同,每一种都是为特殊的一类加工而制作的。 (5)being用于介词后“主谓”结构中,即“介词+名词或代词+being+…”。这时介词宾语是一种复合宾语。其中being为现在分词。例如: 1.The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with temperature being constant.在温度不变条件下,气体压力是和其体积成反比的。 二,being用作动名词时,“being+过去分词”作介词宾语或动词宾语的用法 1.Water has the property of dissolving sugar, sugar (has)the property of being dissolved by water.(介词宾语)水具有溶解糖的特性,糖则具有被水溶解的特性。


比较级的用法知识点总结 1.可以修饰比较级的词,much,a lot,far,…的多a little, a bit,…一点儿 even甚至,still仍然 例如,Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two.第一课比第二课容易得多。 She drives still more carefully than her husband.她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真。 2.比较级常用的句型结构 (1)“甲+be+(倍数)+形容词比较级+than+乙”表示“甲比乙…”或“甲比乙…几倍” 例如,Tom is taller than Kate.汤姆比凯特高。 “甲+实意动词+(倍数)+副词比较级+than+乙”表示“甲比乙…”或“甲比乙…几倍” 例如,I got up earlier than my mother this morning.我今天早晨起床比我妈妈还早。 (2)“甲+be+形容词比较级+than+any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“甲比同一范围的任何一个人/物都……”,含义是“甲最……”。 例如,The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China. =The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China.长江比中国的任何一条其他的河都长。

=The Yangtze River is longer than the other rivers in China.长江比中国的其他所有的河都长。 =The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流。 注意:The Yangtze River is longer than any river in Japan.长江比日本的任何一条河都长。 “甲+实意动词+副词比较级+than+anyother+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“甲比同一范围的任何一个人/物都……”,含义是“甲最……”。 例如,Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class. = Mike gets to school earlier than any of the other students in his class.迈克比他们班上任何一个其他的同学到校都早。 = Mike gets to school earlier than the other students in his class.迈克比他们班上其他的同学到校都早。 = Mike gets to school earliest in his class.迈克在他们班 到校最早。 注意:Mike gets to school earlier than any student in Tom’s class.迈克比汤姆班上任何一个学生到校都早。(迈克和汤姆不是同一个班) (3)“甲+be+the+形容词比较级+of the two+……”表示“甲是两者中较……的”。


Well, I know she'll invite _________ her father wants. 这里选whoever最为合适,【比who好】 区别在于whoever是泛指,好比单词前面加不加the(the的特例除外)的问题一样的,这里表示,只要是她爸爸想的人,她就会邀请 这里泛指的whoever比特指的who要好,如果是who,那么就要圈定一类人,也就是【如果用who,应该怎么写?】 whoever=the people who 【Whoever】breaks the law will be punished. (泛指任何人) 【Who】robbed the bank is not clear(特指抢劫的那个人,虽然还不知道抢劫者身份,但特指就是他) 3.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 您什么时候想来,您想吃点什么,你就一定要来呀! (1)whenever, wherever, however 引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter when/where/how。 (2)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever 既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。 1. I'll take whoever wants to go there. 谁去我就带他去。(作主语) Take whatever you want. 你想要什么就拿什么吧。(作宾语) Eat whichever cake you like.你可以吃任何一块你想吃的蛋糕。 ? 2. Whatever happens,you mustn't lose heart. ?无论发生什么事情,你都不要丧失信心。(作主语) ?Whatever you do,do it well. ?无论你做什么事情都要把它做好。(作宾语) ?You have to go on whatever difficulties you meet. ?不管遇到什么困难你都得进行下去。(作定语) (4)however 的用法需要注意: ①用做连接副词,相当于no matter how,引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管怎样……;无论如何……”,具体结构为: however+形容词/副词+主语+谓语。例如: However rich people are, they always seem anxious to make more money. 无论人们有多富裕,他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。 ②however 还可作“然而”讲,是副词,不能引导从句,常用逗号隔开。 (1)(2008·辽宁)______ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread. A.Whatever B.Whenever C.Wherever D.However 解析:“however+adj.+主+谓”表示“无论多么……”。 答案:D (2)______team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. A.No matter what B.No matter which


认真将楼主的总结从头到尾看了一遍,总结起来,正确的being用法就是3种: 1、n.+be动词+being+done我们都知道being最典型的错误之一就是n.+being done,只要多加了一个be动词,这就成了合理的被动语态+进行时态,因此正确; 2、prep./固定接动名词的短语或动词+being,因为这是固定搭配,这里边就拿being当be动词的ing形式,自然很好理解; 3、n.+being done,实际上being done是being引导的短语作n.的后置定语。 我们知道,分词短语可以作后置定语,那么为什么不直接用doing做后置定语,而用being done呢?就是有的时候这个doing的动作和被修饰的n.之间是被动关系,所以用being done 来表示被动。 第9题即是如此:The computer software being designed for a project studying Native American access to higher education will not only meet the needs of that study, but also have the versatility and power to facilitate similar research endeavors. (D-P10-15) 这里的being done相当于是software的后置定语,但是design和software之间又不是主谓关系,而是动宾关系,需要用被动,所以就多加了一个being,将doing的后置定语改成了being done的形式 Over... 欢迎补充和指正! 我觉得三点当中,prep.+being和n+be动词+being+done. 做题目的时候,也发现几乎全是对的. (我做过的OG和prep笔记上,至少是这样的). 并且,我还总结了3点being必错的,也是看语法说看来的:(格式非常严格,要不然不能排除) 1. n+being+done(n 和being中间加上其他东西,就不一定了!!) 2. being+adj. (being后面不论是so adj,还是直接adj等等,必错!) 3. being+n. (也是直接排除,不用看being前面是什么) 4. there+being(这是there句型必错的4个之一. 其他3个好像是:there+be+n+done. / there+be+a/an+抽象名词/....还有一个忘记了,there be是表自然存在的,因此,there be 出现的选项很可能是错的,因为它不能表具体动作间的关系) 还有个就是,很多人说逗号后面直接加to do,选项错误率很高. 但是,根据做题经验,这是不一定的,要看清,前边的逗号是不是放了个插入语什么的. 总的来说,我觉得做语法题,最好的一个方法还是看逻辑意思. 小技巧只是用来加快速度,增强排除信息的. 祝大家考试都加油^-^....


英语比较级的用法 一忌使用双重比较级 即构成比较级时不能既加词尾-er,又在其前加more。如: 他的英语比我的英语好多了。 误:His English is more better than mine. 正:His English is much better than mine. 【注】虽不能说more better, most earliest 之类的,但可用“比较级+and+比较级”这样的形式: It’s getting warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。 I’m getting fatter and fatter. 我越来越胖了。 We’re going more and more slowly. 我们越走越慢了。 要想加强比较级的语气,可用much, far, even, still, rather等修饰。如: This is very much cheaper. 这个便宜得多。 This one is even more expensive. 这个更贵些。 The patient is much better now. 病人现在好多了。 二忌比较对象不一致 如果有人问你“一公斤苹果多还是一尺布多”时,你会怎么回答?你肯定认为无法回答。对,无法回答,因为它们“单位”不一样,或者说它们不是同一类型的两个比较对象。在使用英语的比较级时,也要特别注意不要“比”错了对象。如: Her French was no better than mine. 她的法语比我好不了多少。 My dictionary is more useful than yours. 我的词典对你的词典更有用。 All your neighbours are noisier than ours. 你们的所有邻居都比我们的吵闹。

Being done的用法

Being done的用法 一、与be动词一起构成现在进行时的被动语态(am/ is/ are being done)和过去进行时的被动语态(was/ were being done)。如: The new houses are being painted.这些新房子还在刷漆。 When I went to pay him a visit, he was being examined by a doctor. 当我去看他时,他正在接受医生的检查。 二、作后置定语,修饰某一名词,表示某一被动动作正在进行。如: The meeting being held now is of great importance. 现在正在开的会很重要。 上面的句子也可以变成含有定语从句的句子: The meeting which is being held now is of great importance. 注意:being done,to be done与done均可作后置定语,其区别为:being done表示正在发生的被动动作;to be done表示将要发生的被动动作;而done表示已经发生的被动动作。如: The house to be built here next year belongs to Fred. 明年将在这里建的房屋是弗雷德的。 The house built here last year belongs to Fred. 去年在这里建的房屋是弗雷德的。 三、作某些及物动词或介词的宾语。如: John hates being laughed at in public. 约翰不喜欢当众被嘲笑。 Do you mind being left alone at home. 把你一个人留在家里你介意吗? My class teacher was honoured for being devoted to the cause of the education. 我的班主任因致力于教育事业受到了表彰。 四、有时作主语或用在see,hear,feel等少量感官动词后作宾语补足语。如:Being lost can be a terrifying experience.迷路可能是一种可怕的经历。(作主语)He heard the song being sung next door. 他听到隔壁有人在唱这首歌。(作宾补)Having been done 和done用法的区别 1.done是过去分词,having been done是现在分词完成时的被动语态。两个都可以表示“完成+被动。”但作状语时,having been done表示该动作发生在主句动作之前;而done则不强调这层含义; Having been criticized by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking. Not having been invited, he felt very unhappy. (分词完成式的被动语态(having been done)强调分词动作先于谓语动词)Killed, she couldn't stop her blood from going chilled. Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent. (过去分词也表示被动,但没有强调动作先后的含义) 2. done可作定语而having been done一般不作定语。 The concert given by the symphony orchesta was a great success. They are problems left over by history. 完成体的分词一般不作定语,若要表达完成意义最好用定语从句。如: 我们一般不说:The girl having won the race is my deskmate. 而常这样说:The girl who has won the race is my deskmate. 但非限定性的完成体作定语或如果分词所修饰的词是泛指则没有这个限制。如:Anyone having passed the test has got a prize. 任何通过考试的人都能得到一份奖品。


Until的详细用法总结 你们知道until用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Until的用法 比较until和till 此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是"做某事直至某时",动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是"直至某时才做某事"。动词为延续性或非延续性都可以。正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。 肯定句: I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。 Wait till I call you. 等着我叫你。 (在肯定句中可用before代替Lets get in the wheat before the sun sets.) 否定句: She didnt arrive until 6 oclock.

她直到6点才到。 until 用法上的三个难点 一、 1. until用在肯定句,谓语动词通常是延续性动词,如stand, stay, talk, wait等,表示主句动作终止的时间。如: ③I waited until he cam e back.我一直等到他回来。 ④The war lasted until 1945.战争持续到1945年。 如果用在否定句,谓语动词通常是瞬间性动词,如open, start, leave, arrive, finish, stop等,强调主句动作开始的时间。如: ⑤I didnt leave the boy until his mother turned up.直到这孩子的母亲来,我才离开。 ⑥The noise of the street didnt stop until it wa s midnight.街上的噪音直到半夜才停止。 2.连词until引导的从句中谓语动词的时态 1)until后面的从句中不能用一般将来时,应该用一般现在时代替。所谓的“主将从现”。 He will stay here until his mother comes back.


ever的用法说明 1.主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件句、比较句等,其意大致相当于汉语的“曾经”“以前”等,有时往往有较活的译法。 Nothing ever makes him angry. 从来没有任何事使他生过气。 We hardly ever go out at night. 我们晚上几乎从不出去。 Do you ever wish you were rich? 你曾希望过自己很富吗? It is colder than ever today. 今天比以往更冷。 He studies as hard as ever. 他仍像以前一样用功。 If you ever visit London, you must come and stay with us. 你要是到伦敦来,一定要到我们这里住住。 2.在通常情况下,ever(曾经)不能用于肯定句中(包括肯定回答中)。 他曾经住在巴黎。 误:I ever lived in Paris. 正:He once lived in Paris. 你曾见过他吗?—是的,(曾经)见过。 误:Have you ever met him? —Yes, I ever. 正:Have you ever met him? —Yes, I have. 有时ever 也可用肯定句,主要见于以下情况: (1) 修饰“最高级+名词”结构的定语从句中。 It is the most interesting film that I (have) ever see n.那是我所看过的最有趣的电影。 (2) 具有较强怀疑语气的句子中。 I wonder if he’d ever stopped to think how I felt. 我不知道他是否曾经想过我的感受。 (3) 修饰比较级,表示“越来越”“日益”。 The situation there is becoming ever more complicated. 那儿的情况越来越复杂了。 (4) 表示“总是”“经常”(=always)。 He is ever ready to find fault. 他老是喜欢挑毛病。 【注】这种用法在现代英语中已很少见,通常用always 代之。 (5) 用于某些习语: for ever(永远),ever since(自从……以来),ever so(非常),ever such(非常)等。 even的用法说明 1.表示“甚至”,通常应放在被修饰词语之前,否则会引起含义的变化。 Even now he doesn’t believe me. 甚至到现在他还不相信我。(其它时候就不用说了) Now even he doesn’t believe me. 现在连他都不相信我了。(其他人就更不会相信

not until的北京中考用法

【中考链接】 1.Not until 1. 托尼经过和老师长时间地反复讨论之后,才下定决心尝试这个新想法。(09西城一模) Tony didn’t ________________________ discussing it with his teacher again and again. 2. 这本小说太长了,我直到昨天才读完。(09丰台二模) The novel was so long _________________________________________ until yesterday. 3. 昨天晚上比尔直到十二点钟才上床睡觉。(09顺义二模) Bill _____________________________ 12 o’clock last night. 4. 昨天下午我直到写完作业才回家。(09石景山模拟) I __________ go home yesterday afternoon ______________ I finished my homework. 5.刘先生过去总抽烟。知道病得严重了,他才戒烟。(11延庆二模) Mr Liu used to smoke a lot.______________ he was seriously ill. 6. 昨天李英洗完衣服才做作业。(11房山一模) Li Ying ________________ her clothes yesterday. 主将从现 1.Be confident! Everyone will succeed if he ___________ in himself. (11 海淀一模) A.believe B. believes C.believed D.will believe 2.You won't have the chance to succeed when you ____________.(11 海淀二模) A.gave up B.give up C. will give up D.are giving up 3.----What will you do tomorrow? (11 西城二模) ----- I will go out for fun if it ___________ fine. C. will be D. Was 4.We ____________ for Dalian as soon as we get the train tickets.(11 东城一模) A.leave B. left C.will leave D.were leaving 4.George will send us an e-mail as soon as he ________in London.(11 东城二模) B.working C. worked D. To work 6.Difficult work___________ easy if you do it very carefully.(11朝阳一模) A.become B.became C.will become D.has become 2.Make 的用法 1.Let's ____________ goodbye to plastic bags in order to protect the environment .(11海淀一模) A. say B. said C. saying D. to say 2.Sarah always makes her son ___________ his hands before eating. (11海淀二模) A.wash B. washed C.washing wash 3.My mother made me ___________ the piano when I was very young . Now, I begin to understand her. (11西城一模) B. to play C. playing D. play 4.----Don't always make Tony ________ this or that. He is already a big boy.(11朝阳一模) ----Maybe you're right. B.done C. to do D.doing 5.让我们忘记分歧,做好朋友吧。(11海淀二模) ____________ forget our differences and be good friends. 6.今天下午没课。让我们去公园吧!(11东城二模) We're free this afternoon.__________ go to the park.


wherever的用法总结 wherever的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来wherever的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 wherever的用法总结大全 wherever的意思 adv. (究竟)在哪儿 conj. 无论什么地方,各处,处处 wherever用法 wherever可以用作连词 wherever用作连词,引导地点状语从句,比where语气强。 wherever用作连词的用法例句 Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go.不论你到哪里,记住你是中国人。 Well go wherever you like.你爱去哪儿我们就去哪儿。 wherever用法例句

1、Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men. 不管上哪儿,保安人员都紧跟在他们身后。 2、They agreed to work co-operatively to ease tensions wherever possible. 他们同意互相配合尽一切努力缓解紧张局势。 3、Wherever he goes, a carload of soldiers goes with him. 不管他去哪里,总有一车士兵跟着。 whenever、whoever、wherever最高级的用法在这里... “疑问词+ever”有以下两个常规用法 1. 在疑问句中,表示“到底……”,用于加强语气。 比如: “Whatever are you doing up here Bill?”asked the vicar in surprise. 牧师问道:“比尔,你到底在这里做什么?” 此时whatever表达“到底…做什么”; wherever,表达“到底…在哪里”;


“the more…,the more…”的用法 (1)“the more…,the more…”句型为“the+形容词或副词比较级,the+比较级”结构,常表示“越……,就越……”,是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 The more he gets,the more he wants.他越来越贪(他得到的越多,就越想要)。 The more she learns, the more she wants to learn.她越学就越想学。 (2)“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型主从句的时态常用一般现在时或 一般过去时。 The higher the ground is, the thinner the air becomes.离地面越高,空气就越稀薄。 The harder he worked, the more he got.他工作越努力,得到的就越多。 (3)若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来。 The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你越用功,进步就越大。 The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer.战 争持续越久,那里的人们受难就越多。 (4)在这种句型中,主句在程度上随着从句变化而变化,常把被强调的部分提前。

The faster you run, the better it will be. 你跑得越快越好。 (5)这种句型的特点是前后都可以有所省略,特别是谚语、俗语,只要意义明确,越简单越好。 The more, the better. 多多益善。 The sooner, the better. 越早越好。 (6)这种句型中的比较部分通常是状语、宾语、表语,也可以是主语。The more English you practice, the better your English is. 你练习英语越多,你的英语就越好。 The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙越高兴。 The more air there is inside the tyre, the greater the pressure there is in it. 轮胎里空气越多,里面的压力就越大。 (7)若表示“越……,越不……”,常用“the more…,the less…”句型。 The more she flatters me, the less Ilike her.她越逢迎我,我越不喜欢她。 (8)若表示“越不……,就越……”,常用“the less…,the more…”句型。The less he worried, the better he worked. 他越不烦恼,工作就干得越 好。


使用注意事项: ◇注意事项一 until用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止。一般可译为“……直到……为止”。在这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是持续动词(非瞬间动词),如live, wait , last, love, like, stay, work, continue 等。 until用于否定句中,表示主句的动作在从句的动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句的动作在从句的动作发生之后才开始。一般可译为“直到……才”。 ◇注意事项二 until后面的从句中不能用一般将来时,应该用一般现在时代替。所谓的“主将从现”。 He will stay here until his mother comes back. They will study at the school until their parents come to take them home. ◇注意事项三(该考点为高中内容) till和until的意思基本相同,用法也基本一样,但until语气较重,多用于较正式的文体里。till多用于英式英语,until多用于美式英语;till不能用在句首,也不能用在not开头的短语或从句里,而until可以。在这种情况下应用倒装语序。 Until he came home, we knew the news. 在他到家之前,我们不知道这消息。Not until nine o’clock yesterday evening did we fi nish the work. 直到昨晚九点,我们才完成这项工作。 ◇注意事项四(该考点在初中阶段基本不涉及)
