
①USB插座②AC稳压电源插孔右侧面装入干电池/AC 稳压电源的使用方法 本产品既可以使用干电池又可以使用AC 稳压电源①② 装入干电池 ③① 将电池盒盖沿箭头方向卸下② 将5号干电池按极装入③ 将电池盒盖滑动关上图标 “”:表示电池电量即将耗尽。
使用后的电池的废弃方法请参照城市有关环境保护规定进行处理AC 稳压电源的使用方法① 连接血压计与AC 稳压电源请将AC 稳压电源的插头插入血压计本体右侧面的AC 稳压电源插孔② 请将AC 稳压电源的电源插头插入AC220V 插座注意 切断电源时,先切断电源插座与稳压电源,再切断稳压电源与血压计请务必使用专用AC 稳压电源(型号: )注意当稳压电源与干电池同时使用时,不消耗干电池电量● 稳压电源与干电池切换时请在关机状态下进行,否则会使仪器因断电关机设定日期和时间接通电源按开机键开机后,需设置日期和时间本血压计可自动存储测量结果及日期和时间干电池能量耗尽,或卸下电池等时,计时停止。

三、术语定义1. 收缩压:心脏收缩时血液对动脉壁的压力。
2. 舒张压:心脏舒张时血液对动脉壁的压力。
3. 脉压差:收缩压与舒张压之间的差值。
4. 平均动脉压:每个心脏收缩周期内,血液对动脉壁的平均压力。
四、操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 确保血压计处于正常工作状态,检查电源、显示屏、气袋等是否正常。
b. 选择适当大小的气袋,根据被测者的臂围选择合适的气袋尺寸。
c. 被测者应保持安静,避免剧烈运动、吸烟、喝咖啡等刺激性活动。
d. 被测者应坐于椅子上,双脚平放在地上,背部挺直,手臂放松自然垂直于身体。
2. 开始测量a. 将气袋正确安装在被测者的上臂上,气袋的下缘应与肘关节的上缘对齐。
b. 确保气袋与被测者的皮肤紧密贴合,没有松动或皱褶。
c. 按下血压计的开关按钮,启动测量程序。
d. 血压计会自动充气,被测者可能感到一些压迫感,但不应感到疼痛。
e. 当血压计检测到脉搏时,会开始逐渐放气,同时显示出血压数值。
f. 当血压计完成测量后,显示屏上会显示出收缩压、舒张压和脉搏数值。
3. 结束测量a. 关闭血压计的电源开关,将气袋从被测者的上臂上取下。
b. 清洁血压计的气袋和其他接触被测者的部分,使用酒精棉擦拭,确保卫生。
c. 将血压计放置在干燥通风的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。
五、注意事项1. 在测量前应静坐5-10分钟,以确保身体放松。
2. 测量时应保持安静,避免说话或移动手臂。
3. 使用时应按照说明书的要求正确操作,避免误操作导致不准确的测量结果。
4. 定期校准血压计,确保测量结果的准确性。
5. 长期不使用时,应将血压计存放在干燥通风的地方,避免受潮或受热。
欧姆龙HEM-717X 电子血压计C上臂式 使用说明书

侧面/底面扬声器5. 缠绕袖带· 请正确缠绕袖带。
· 以下步骤适用于将袖带缠绕在左臂上测量血压。
· 右臂和左臂的血压可能不同,并且测得的血压读数亦可能不同。
· 请勿在袖带缠绕上手臂之前开始加压。
· 请将袖带紧贴皮肤或薄内衣等进行测量。
· 穿着厚衣服时,勿卷起衣袖,请脱去厚衣服后再进行测量。
错误测量姿势袖带缠绕太松向前倾的姿势卷起袖子测量过程中移动身体或说话穿着较厚的衣服测量过程中移动身体或触碰袖带注意:· 袖带正确缠绕在手臂时,“ ”图标亮起。
· 袖带缠绕过松时,“ ”图标亮起。
· 测量过程中移动身体时,“ ”图标亮起。
· 如果“ ”图标和“ ”图标同时亮起,语音提示「本次测量中有移动身体或说话及袖带缠绕过松的现象同时出现,建议您重新测量」。
· 测量过程中脉波的间隔不规则时,在测量结果中将会显示“ ”图标,并在下方显示不规则脉波出现的次数。
· 如果“ ”图标和“ ”图标同时亮起,语音提示「本次测量中有2次不规则脉波和袖带缠绕过松的现象同时出现,建议您重新测量」或「本次测量中有3次不规则脉波和袖带缠绕过松的现象同时出现,建议您重新测量」。

三、术语和定义1. 血压计:指用于测量人体血压的设备,包括传统的手动血压计和电子血压计等。
2. 收缩压:指心脏收缩时血液对血管壁的压力。
3. 舒张压:指心脏舒张时血液对血管壁的压力。
4. 脉搏:指心脏搏动时血液通过动脉产生的脉动。
四、操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 确保血压计处于正常工作状态,检查电池电量或者气压是否充足。
b. 选择合适的测量环境,确保肃静、舒适,避免干扰因素。
c. 让被测者坐在舒适的椅子上,保持放松状态,双脚平放在地上,胳膊伸直并放在桌面上。
2. 安装血压计a. 将血压计袖带绑在被测者的上臂上,袖带应紧贴皮肤但无非紧。
b. 确保袖带位置与心脏水平,袖带中心点应位于肘关节内侧动脉搏动处。
3. 开始测量a. 按下血压计的开关按钮,开始自动充气。
b. 血压计充气时,袖带会逐渐紧缩,直至彻底封闭动脉血流。
c. 血压计开始自动放气,同时开始测量被测者的血压。
d. 在测量过程中,被测者应保持肃静,不要说话或者挪移。
4. 记录测量结果a. 当血压计完成测量后,屏幕上会显示收缩压、舒张压和脉搏等数据。
b. 将测量结果记录在相关的测量表格或者健康档案中,包括测量时间、日期和测量位置等信息。
五、注意事项1. 在测量前,被测者应避免饮食、饮酒、吸烟、剧烈运动等会影响血压的因素。
2. 袖带应正确安装,过紧或者过松都会影响测量结果的准确性。
3. 在测量过程中,被测者应放松身体,不要说话或者挪移,以免干扰测量结果。
4. 每次测量前应清洁和消毒血压计的袖带,避免交叉感染的发生。
5. 定期校准血压计,确保测量结果的准确性和可靠性。
6. 如有异常情况或者不适,应及时就医或者咨询专业人士。
莱茵 Omron HEM-711AC 自动血压监测器手臂带说明书

OPERATING THE DEVICEpressure. Self-diagnosis and treatment using measured results may be dangerous. Follow the instructions of your physician or licensed healthcare provider.clean water. Contact a physician immediately.literature in the box before operating the unit.pulse rate in the adult population. Do not use this device on infants or persons who cannot express their intentions.To ensure a reliable reading follow these recommendations:1. Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising, and bathing for 30 minutes before taking a measurement. Rest for at least 15 minutes before taking the measurement.2. Stress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking measurements during stressful times.3. Measurements should be taken in a quiet place.4. Remove tight-fitting clothing from your arm.5. Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arm ona table so that the cuff is at the same level as your heart.6. Remain still and do not talk during the measurement.7. Keep a record of your blood pressure and pulse readings for your physician. A single measurement does not provide an accurate indication of your true blood pressure. You need to take and record several readings over a period of time. Try to measure your blood pressure at about the same time each day for consistency.8. Wait 2-3 minutes between measurements. The wait time allows the arteries to return to the condition prior to taking the blood pressure measurement. You may need to increase the wait time depending on your individual physiological characteristics.Main Unit:Components:Air TubeArm CuffStorage CaseMemory SymbolIRREGULAR HEARTBEAT SYMBOL ()When the monitor detects an irregular rhythm two or more times during the measurement, the Irregular Heartbeat Symbol ()will appear on the display with the measurement values.An irregular heartbeat rhythm is definedas a rhythm that is more than 25% sloweror 25% faster than the average rhythmdetected while the monitor is measuringthe systolic blood pressure and thediastolic blood pressure.If the irregular heartbeat symbol ()displays with your measurement results,we recommend you consult your physician. Follow the directions of your doctor.MOVEMENT ERROR SYMBOL ()The Movement Error Symbol () is displayed if you move your body during the measurement. Please remove the arm cuff, wait 2-3 minutes,reapply the arm cuff, then take another measurement.A VERAGE V ALUE SYMBOL ()The Average Value Symbol () is displayed when you press the MEMORY button. The most recent average reading appears on thedisplay screen.Set the monitor to the current date and time before taking a measurement for the first time. If the date and time are not set correctly, the measurement values stored in the memory and the average values may not be correct.The Blood Pressure Monitor automatically stores up to 60 individual measurement values with the dates and times.The monitor can also calculate an average reading based on the three most recent measurements taken within 10 minutes of the last reading. NOTES:• If only two readings are stored in the memory for the 10-1.TO START THE SETTINGPress and hold the Date/Timeand time.The year flashes on the display.3.SETTING THE MONTHThe day flashes on the display.The hour flashes on the display.5.SETTING THE HOURThe time is set using AM or PM.Press the Date/Time Setting button to setthe current hour.The minute flashes on the display.6.SETTING THE MINUTEPress the MEMORY button to advance by increments of one minute. Press the Date/Time Setting button to set the minute setting.7.TO TURN THE MONITOR OFFPress the START/STOP button.NOTE:The monitor will automatically turn off after the minute hasbeen set after battery replacement.Your HEM-711AC IntelliSense®Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor, excluding the arm cuff, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 5 years from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The arm cuff is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within one year from the date of purchase when the monitor is used in accordance with the instructions provided with the monitor. The above warranties extend only to theoriginal retail purchaser.We will, at our option, repair or replace without charge any monitor or arm cuff covered by the above warranties. Repair or replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranties.To obtain warranty service contact Omron Healthcare for the addressof the repair location. Shipping instructions and repair information is available by calling 1-800-634-4350or visit our website at . Enclose the Proof of Purchase. Include $5.00 for the return shipping and handling.Include a letter, with your name, address, phone number, and description of the specific problem. Pack the product carefully to prevent damage in transit. Because of possible loss in transit, we recommend insuring the product with return receipt requested.ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR P ARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE WRITTEN W ARRANTY ABOVE.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS,EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.FOR CUSTOMER SERVICEVisit our web site at: Call toll free:1-800-634-4350Model:HEM-711ACDisplay:LCD Digital DisplayMeasurement Range:Pressure: 0 to 299 mmHg, Pulse: 40 to 180/min. Accuracy/Calibration:Pressure: ±3mmHg or 2% of readingPulse:±5% of readingInflation:Automatic by electric pumpDeflation: Automatic pressure release valveRapid Air Release:Automatic exhaust valvePressure Detection:Capacitive pressure sensorMeasurement Method:Oscillometric methodPulse Wave Detection:Capacitance type pressure sensorPower Source:120V 60Hz AC adapter or 4 “AA” batteriesBattery Life:Approx. 1500 uses when used 2 times a daywith 4 new alkaline batteriesOperating Temperature50ºF to 104ºF (10ºC to 40ºC) /30 to 85% RH/Humidity:Storage Temperature-4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC) /10 to 95% RH/Humidity/Air Pressure:/700 - 1060 hPaMain Unit Weight:Approximately 12 1/2 oz. (355 g)not including batteriesMain Unit Dimensions:Approx. 6 3/32" (l) × 5 5/32" (w) ×3 5/16" (h)(155 mm ×131 mm ×84 mm)Cuff Size:Approx. 5 3/4" (w) ×17 1/2" (l) (146 mm ×446 mm)Cuff tube 23 5/8" (l) (600 mm)Cuff Circumference:Fits arm circumferences 9" to 13" (220 mm to 320 mm) Memory:Up to 60 readingsContents:Main Unit, Arm Cuff, AC Adapter, Instruction Manual,Storage Case and Warranty CardUPC Code:************NOTE:These specifications are subject to change without notice.Manufactured by OMRON HEALTHCARE Made in ChinaDistributed by:OMRON HEALTHCARE,INC.1200 Lakeside DriveBannockburn, Illinois 60015。
2018-欧姆龙hem906,操作说明word版本 (14页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==欧姆龙hem906,操作说明篇一:电子血压计校准方法欧姆龙福禄克校验方法检测类型:全自动电子血压计:9020/9021血压计,曲线设定值-10%,203血压计,曲线设定值-4%。
3.9020/9021/203血压计检测方法:动态测量法:1.将检测模块(一般为四个组合模块)放入袖筒里面;2.用三通管将9020/9021/203血压计(接口处于本体背面盖,扭开螺丝, 9020/9021连接300气孔)与福禄克检测仪连接;3.接通福禄克和血压计电源,福禄克按到NIBP检测模式,调整到常规检测血压值(180/120、120/80、90/60毫米汞柱,对应心率大概为80/分、70/分、60/分)进行测定,曲线设定值为-10%(203血压计曲线设定值为0%),然后血压计按开始键开始检测。
静态测量法:1. 将检测模块放入袖筒里面;2. 用三通管将9020/9021/203血压计(接口处于本体背面盖,扭开螺丝,9020/9021连接300气孔)与福禄克检测仪连接;3. 9020/9021本体背面的模式开关设定在“2”的刻度位置(正常设定“4”的刻度);4.按住模式开关的同时打开电源开关ON(203血压计同时按住模式和停止键),此时HBP-9020/9021显示屏显示的代码为tES_1,203血压计显示屏显示的代码为t_0,此为检测模式;5.在检测模式下,HBP-9020选择[tES_13]、HBP-9021选择[tES_14],按上、下按钮加减数值(203血压计不用调整数值),再按下开始/停止按钮,自动卷紧模拟手臂,等待几秒后,舒张压和收缩压均为0,然后开始测量。

( 参照第21页)
本血压计可以用“mmHg”或“kPa” 来表示。 ※出厂时设定为“mmHg”。 要从“mmHg”切换为“kPa”表示
钮,切断电源。 ※同样,要切换为“mmHg”表示时,
也要按住「开始/停止」按钮5秒钟以 上。
动脉 血管壁
收缩 的压力增加
血管壁 静脉
舒张 的压力降低
世界卫生组织(WHO)、国际高血压学会(ISH)制订了如下图所示的血压分类。 此表以不同年龄、在医院坐在椅子上、测上臂血压为基准。 ※低血压还没有定义,一般认为高压值不满100mmHg的人为低血压。
Q 为什么袖带缠绕手臂会感到疼痛和麻木 ?
A 此为暂时性现象,不必担心
测量血压时,需要将袖带紧缩至动脉的血液流动暂时停止,因此可能会感到手臂 有些疼痛和麻木。当取下袖带后,稍事休息即可缓解。
Q 什么时候是测量血压的最佳时间 ?
A 测量血压的最佳时间为早晨起床后1小时之内*,或者晚上就寝之前
人体的血压在一天内会不断地发生变化,变化 的方式及幅度也因人而异。正常的情况下清晨 起床后血压渐渐升高,到中午达到最高,随后 渐渐下降,在傍晚时会再次升高后并再次下降, 深夜时会降至最低。 但是,血压的这种变化规律也会有所变化,也 会有清晨血压急剧上升的情况,这种情况被称 为「清晨高血压」并被人们所关注。 服用降压药的人请注意,早饭后服用降压药会 使血压降低,日间在医院测量血压时很可能得 到正常的血压测量结果。

三、术语定义1. 收缩压:心脏收缩时血液对血管壁施加的压力。
2. 舒张压:心脏舒张时血液对血管壁施加的压力。
3. 脉压差:收缩压与舒张压之间的差值。
4. 平均动脉压:心脏收缩和舒张期之间的平均压力。
四、操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 检查血压计的完整性和准确性,确保其正常工作。
b. 选择合适的血压计袖带尺寸,一般应该覆盖被测者上臂的2/3。
c. 确保被测者处于安静、放松的状态,不要进行剧烈运动、吸烟或饮咖啡等刺激性活动。
d. 记录被测者的基本信息,如姓名、年龄、性别等。
2. 安装袖带a. 将袖带固定在被测者的上臂上,袖带应与被测者心脏水平。
b. 袖带应紧密贴合被测者的皮肤,但不要过紧,以免影响血流。
3. 开始测量a. 打开血压计,并确保其处于正常工作状态。
b. 被测者应坐于椅子上,保持直立姿势,双脚平放在地面上。
c. 被测者的上臂应放置在桌面上,与心脏处于同一水平线上。
d. 被测者的手臂应放松,不要用力支撑或移动。
4. 进行测量a. 按下血压计上的启动按钮,开始自动充气。
b. 血压计会逐渐增加袖带的压力,直到达到最大压力。
c. 在袖带缓慢放气时,血压计会自动测量收缩压、舒张压和脉压差。
d. 测量结果会显示在血压计的屏幕上,同时可以发出声音提示。
5. 记录和分析结果a. 将测量结果记录在测量表格或健康管理系统中。
b. 分析测量结果,判断被测者的血压是否正常。
c. 如果测量结果异常或不确定,可以重新进行测量,或者请专业人员进行进一步评估。
五、注意事项1. 使用血压计前,应仔细阅读和理解血压计的使用说明书。
2. 操作血压计时,应保持安静、放松的环境,避免干扰因素对测量结果的影响。

Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor Model HEM-703CPImportantCONTENTSImportant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Name and Function of Each Part . . . . . . . . 2Preparations for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Instructions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8When Error Indication Symbols Appear . . 10Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Thank you for purchasing our Digital Blood Pressure & Pulse Monitoring Kit . Please care-fully read this instruction manual before use and keep it with your portion of the enclosed warranty card .PLEASE NOTE:1 . Allow 3 to 5 minutes between blood pres-sure readings on same arm . Repeated mea-surement results in inaccurate readings .2 . Keep in mind only a physician can ac-curately determine safe or unsafe limits of blood pressure . This instrument should be used by non-professional persons only to determine measurement of blood pres-sure, not to make any medical judgement . Remember, blood pressure varies during the day .3 . This unit is a precision instrument − avoidrough handling, direct sunlight, high tem-perature/humidity and magnetic field . Fold-ing or bending cuff may result in damage to cuff .4 . Do not inflate cuff above 280 mmHg .5 . Do not take unit apart . You cannotcalibrate unit . If you have any difficulties or problems with unit, contact our Service Center . 1-800-634-4350 .Name and Function of Each PartAir JackSystolic Bood Pressure DisplayDiastolic Blood Pressure and Pulse DisplayPrinting PaperPaper CutterSPHYG/CLOCK ButtonSTART ButtonPRINT / PAPER FEED ButtonSET ButtonTabAir PlugMODE Selector Button Main UnitCuff1 How to insert the batteriesBattery Cover1 . Take off the battery cover at the back ofthe main unit by sliding it in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol .Replacement• the “Replace Batteries” symbol ( ) flashes during measurement, replace the batteries with the new ones .• When the batteries have run down, random numbers may be displayed .Points to be careful about whan using the batteries• When replacing the batteries please replace all four batteries at once .• Use the same kind of batteries .• Take out weak batteries quickly so as to avoid causing damage to the machine .• Remove the batteries when the unit is not used for extended periods .2 . Install 4 “AA” size batteries attached sothat the + and - polarities on the batteries correctly match the polarities in the battery compartment .3 . Replace the cover .2 How to Set Time and Date3 Plug in and Turn on1 . When batteries are installed, the display shows PM 12:00 .1 . Insert the air plug into the air jack on the left side of the main unit correctly .2 . When the SPHYG/CLOCK button is changed to the sphygmomanometer mode, all the LCD symbols are momentarily displayed . This happens because the unit is running a check on the display and this state lasts for approximately one second .3 . Once the LCD symbols vanish, the air release indication symbol ( ↓ ) starts flashing . Please wait until the ( ↓ ) symbol goes out .4 . When the preparations necessary before measurement have been completed, the unit emits a series of beeps and finally the “Ready to Measure” symbol ( ♥ ) will be displayed .2 . When the MODE button is pressed down, the “month” sign displayed . When the SET button is pressed down, the “month” .3 . When the MODE button is pressed the “day” sign is displayed . Adjust the “day” in the same way as the “month” .4 . In the same manner select the “hour” and “min .” with the MODE and set each value with the SET button . AM and the “hour” adjsutment .5 . Press the MODE button for the last time min .) display .Initial Display“Ready to Measure”DisplayAir releaseindication symbol4 How to Set the Printing PaperPlease be sure not to print without inserting printing paper as it will shorten the life span of the printer head .1 . Slide the plastic printer cover in the direction indicated by the arrow symbol and remove it from the main unit .4 . Insert the printing paper in the installation section, and then attach the cover back to the main unit in such a way that the edge of the paper protrudes from the cover .5 . When the PRINT/PAPER FEED button is pressed while the results of the measurement are shown on the digital display, these results, together with the date and time of measurement are printed out .6 . When purchasing printing paper, ask at the shop where you purchased the main unit for further supply . Other brands of paper may be used providing the dimensions are smaller than 38mm wide and 20mm in di-ameter . However the printing quality may differ a little .2 . Peel off the glued edge of the prontlng paper included with the unit, and cut it off to about 2 inches with a pair of scissors, and then shape and cut the edge for easy insertion to the printer as shown in the figure .3 . Press the PRINT/PAPER FEED button while inserting the edge of the printing paper to the paper feeding slit . When the edge of the paper protrudes sufficiently, release the button and stop feeding .Inserting DirectionReverseFront5 Changing the Printer InkThough not originally equipped with an ink roller, the HEM-703CP digital blood pressure monitor contains enough printer ink to last about two years when used once a day at normal room temperature .When the ink on the print out becomes light and hard to read, purchase a replacement ink roller from your retailer and install as fol-lows .1 . Remove the printer cover .3 . Insert the supplement ink roller into the allotted space next to the printer .4 . Replace the printer cover .NOTE: The supplement ink roller should last about two years, however, if youneed to replace the supplement inkroller, simply grasp the top of the inkroller and turn itslightlycounterc1ock-wise before lifting the roller from theprinter .Supplement ink roller2 . Removethe ink, which came with the unit when you bought it, from the allotted space .about 1 inchArteryno space6 Attach the CuffThis cuff has eliminated the need for a microphone thereby lessening possible interference from vibrations and noise . Fitting also has been made much easier through the widening of the artery oscillation detection area .1 . Place the cuff on the left arm so that the air tube lies across the center of the arm .3 . Place your arm on a table or a support with the palm facing upward so that the cuff is placed at the same level as the heart .2 . Wrap the cuff pulling in a diagonal angle securely so that the cuff tab is positioned about one inch above the elbow joint of the inner your left upper arm . (Over the brachi-al artery) .There should be no space between the cuff and your arm .NOTE: If you have any difficulties wrap-pingcuff by yourself, we recom-mend that you ask someone to wrap the cuff for you .7 Apply Pressure to the Cuff1 . When you press the start button, the pump operates and pressure is applied . When the pressure reaches 170mmHg, the pump stops automatically .2 . When the appropriate pressure has been reached, the air is automatically released and the value on the display window starts to decrease . After a while when the artery oscillations are detected, the ( ♥ ) symbol starts flashing and the unit emits a beep-ing sound simultaneously . The value shown on the display will continue to fall .* During measurement, do not shake the cuff or the air tube .Depress the START button continuously untill the cuff is inflated up to the targeted pressure .After the cuff has been inflated, release the START button .Notes:* If your systolic blood pressure is higher than 140mmHg, the pump starts again and the cuff will be inflated up to 210mmHg .* If your systolic blood pressure is higher than 180mmHg, sufficient inflation will not be applied to the cuff by automatic reinflation . In this case, inflate up to 30mmHg higher than your expected systolic blood pressure by pressing the start button continuously . While press-ing the start button, the cuff can be in-flated continuously, and when the start button is released, the pump stops and the cuff is no longer inflated . When the pressure reaches 300mmHg, the cuff deflates rapidly .* When you want to stop measurememt, press SPHYG/CLOCK button . The pres-sure will stop and the air is deflated rapidly .Pressure being appliedTargetted Blood Pressure ReachedIndicated Value DropsMeasuringMeasurement CompletedAlternate DisplayBlood Pressure Reading Display (for approx . 3 seconds)Pulse Reading Display(for approx . 1 .5 seconds)*P: Stands for PULSE .8 Blood Pressure and Pulse are displayedWhen the deflation symbol begins to flash, the residual pressure in the cuff is then rapidly released .1 . When the unit has continued to deflate to a point when the artery oscillations are no longer detected, the unit will display the systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, along with a long beep, and causes the deflation indication symbol ( ) to start flashing . After this, blood pressure and the pulse readings are displayed alter-nately .* When you wish to stop measuring during operation, press the SPHYGICLOCK button . The pump will stop and all the cuff pressure will be released rapidly .* When the PRINT button is pressed while the results of the measurement are shown on the digital display, the results will be printed .3 . Measurement of the blood pressure is now complete . The results will remain displayed even after the cuff is taken off . If you wish to carry out repeated measurements, repeat the operation from Step 6 .* The arm gradually becomes congested when measurements are repeatedly taken . If you wish to take consecutive measurements, take off the cuff and wait at least 3 to 5 minutes between measurements .4 . When measurement is completed press the SPHYG/CLOCK button to return to the time display . If you should forget to press this button, the display will return to time display mode automatically after about 5 minutes .2 . Upon total cuff deflation, a series of beeps are emitted and the ( ♥ ) symbol is displayed .When Error Indication Symbols Appear The following special error symbols will appear in the display if the unit is being used incorrectly:ERROR SYMBOL CAUSE CORRECTION 1 . Cuff underinflated 1) Release air pressure in cuff 2)Wait 10 minutes before taking another reading .3)Repeat “Instructions for Use” steps except inflate cuff 30 mmHg higher than previous inflation value .2 . Movement during measurement Residual air pressure in cuff .1) Release air pressure in cuff 2) Wait 10 minutes before taking another reading .3) Repeat “Instructions for Use” stepsCuff overinflated (more than 300 mmHg) .No pulse or blood pressure reading due to:1) Motion 2) Very weak artery oscillationSpecificationsPower Source:Battery (four type “AA” dry cell batteries) 6V 4W Measurement Method:Oscillometric MethodDisplay:Liquid Crystal Digital Display Measurement Range:Pressure: 0 ~ 280mmHgPulse: 40 ~ 200/minuteAccuracy:Pressure: within ± 3 mmHgPulse: within ± 5% readingPressure Detection:Capacitive Pressure SensorInflation:Automatic Pressure Application by a Pump Deflation and Rapid Air Release:Automatic pressure release valve Automatic-shut-off System When the internal pressure in the unit continuesat less than 20mmHg for about 5 ~ 8 minutes, themode changes automatically to clock . Printer:Serial static impact printerOperating/Temperature, Humidity:+500F to +104°F (+100C to +40 0C) 30-85% RH StorageiTemperature, Humidity:-4°F to 140°F (-20°C to + 600C) 10-95% RH Dimensions (Approx .):Main Unit: 82/4” (w) X 51/8” (d) x 23/5” (h) (215x 130x 66 mm)Cuff: 51/2 “(w) x 184/5”(1) (140x 480 mm)Cuff Range:For arms 9” to 13” in circumference Weight:Main Unit: approx . 201/2 oz (580 g)includingbatteriesCuff: approx . 42/5 oz (125 g) Accessories:Cuff, instruction manual,Printing paper: 2 rollsOptional parts: AC Adaptor Specifications subject to change without notice .This equipment generates and used radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception . It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation . However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation . If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- reorient the receiving antenna- relocate the computer with respect to the receiver- move the computer away from the receiver- plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and receiver are on different branch circuits .If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions . The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Fedral Communications Commision helpful:“How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems” . This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, D .C ., 20402, Stock No . 004-000-00345-4 .LICENSED UNDER U . S . PAT .4829419 .4942516 .4896260 .4531132 .4825364,4686622 .4121284 4396976 .4371923 .4471385 .4120583 .4435732,4672457 .4739396CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE: 1-800-634-4350Limited One Year WarrantyYOUR OMRON MODEL HEM-713C Digital Blood Pressure Monitor is warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of one year under normal use . This warranty extends only to the original retail purchaser .Should repair be needed, within the warranty period, ship the unit and receipt as proof of purchase prepaid to OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC ., 300 Lakeview Parkway, Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061, together with $5 .00 for return shipping and insurance .We will either repair or at our option replace free of charge any parts necessary to correct defects in material or workmanship . The above warranty is complete ad exclusive . The warrantor expressly disclaims liability for incidental, special or consequential damages of any nature . (Some status do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you .)Any implied warranties arising by operation of law shall be limited in duration to the term of this warranty . (Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you .)This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state . As condition to operation of your warranty, the enclosed registration card must be completed and sent to us within 10 days from the date of purchase .Caution Changes or modifications not expressively approved by OMRON HEALTH CARE, INC . could void the user’s authority to operate this product .Note Potential For RadiofTelevision Interference (for U .S .A . only)This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules .These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation . The product generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications . However . there is no guarantee that interierence will not occur in a particular installation . If the product does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the product off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna .• Increase the separation between the product and receiver .• Connect the product into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected .• Consult the dealer or an experienced radiofTV technician for help .Potential For RadiofTelevision Interference (for Canada only)This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interferencEH:ausing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus”, ICES’{)03 of the Canadian Department of Communications .Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur Ie materiel brouilleur . “Appareils Numeriques”, NMB .{J03 ildictee par Ie ministre des communications .OMRON uses recycled paper to help preserve our natural recources .Distributed by OMRON HEALTHCARE,INC.300 Lakeview Parkway Vernon Hills, Illinois 600610692581-7 A。

1. 主机:负责控制仪器的各项功能和显示测量结果;2. 臂带:使用柔软的材料制成,缠绕在用户的上臂上,具有可调节尺寸的功能,以适应不同用户的臂围;3. 显示屏:用于显示血压和脉搏等数据以及其他重要信息;4. 按钮:用于用户选择菜单、设置和确认操作;5. 电池盒:用于存放电池,以供血压计正常工作。
三、使用方法1. 将电池装入电池盒,注意正负极的正确安装方向;2. 将臂带套入主机,并将臂带固定在用户的上臂上,保证臂带固定牢固且舒适;3. 打开电源开关,显示屏上将出现欢迎界面以及相应的操作提示;4. 如显示选项提示,请根据需要选择适当的选项;5. 如果是第一次使用,需要设置用户的个人信息,如姓名、性别、年龄等;6. 按下“开始”按钮,仪器开始充气,同时显示血压和脉搏等数据;7. 仪器充气至一定压力后,自动检测用户的血压和脉搏频率,并在显示屏上显示相应数值;8. 测量结束后,显示血压和脉搏数据,并提供相应的健康建议;9. 关闭电源开关,拆卸臂带,将血压计放置在干燥通风的地方。
四、注意事项1. 请在测量前保证用户身体处于放松状态,避免测量结果受到身体运动和情绪等因素的影响;2. 严格按照说明书操作,避免操作错误导致的不准确测量结果;3. 使用过程中请注意观察身体反应,如出现异常情况应及时停止使用并咨询医生;4. 定期检查电池的电量,确保血压计正常使用;5. 定期进行校准,以保证测量结果的准确性;6. 请注意血压计的清洁和维护,避免测量结果受到污垢和灰尘等因素的影响。
五、常见问答Q: 使用血压计是不是可以替代医院测量?A: 血压计的测量结果可以作为参考,但不能完全替代医院的测量结果,建议用户适时到医院进行专业测量。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!血压计的使用操作流程。
1. 检查设备,取出血压计,检查仪器和袖带是否完好无损,确保仪器正常工作。
OMRON HEM-7011智能电子血压计 说明书

1. 如臂带安装正确,尼龙搭扣应位于臂带圈外侧,而金属D环不会 接触手臂. 注意: 绒毛面材料 尼龙搭扣 如果臂带从金属D环中滑出,将离 空气管最远的臂带末端穿过金属D 环,形成臂带圈.光滑布料应在臂 带圈内侧. 光滑布料 D环 2. 将空气管插头插入空气管接口(设备左侧). 空气管插头
空气管接口 臂带插入空气管接口时应充分排气. 3. 请脱去外套,毛衣等较厚的衣服,裸 露上臂或穿较薄的衬衫进行测量.
7. 臂带正确安置后,扣紧尼龙搭扣固定. 注意: 臂带应舒适地接触皮肤.臂带与手臂间 应能介入食指,以便装卸臂带. 确定空气管无纠结. 14
本品有毫米汞柱(mmHg),千帕(kPa)2种血压值显示单位,具体切换 方法请参照第12页. 以下讲解以mmHg值显示为例.
3. 每按一次「记忆读出」按钮,数字将增长1.
注意: 年份设定的范围为2004至2030.当年份到达2030后,将返回到 2004. 若按住按钮不放,数字将快速增大. 4. 当所要设定的年份出现在显示屏上 时,按「时钟设定」按钮确认该设 定值,进入下一步设定. 5. 重复步骤3和4设定月和日.
智能电子血压计 型号: HEM-7011
辽制02000216号 辽食药监械(准)字2004第2200065号 注 册 标 准 编 号 YZB/辽 0047-2003 (企 业 标 准 编 号 Q/OMD 08-2003) 辽药管械生产许[2001]第0032号
前言 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 安全注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 了解您购买的产品 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 快速指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 初始设定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 如何安装和更换电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 如何设定日期和时间 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 正确的使用方法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 如何使用臂带 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 如何测量血压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 如何使用记忆功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 血压小知识 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 血压Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 故障排除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 保养和维修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 服务网络 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 保证书/保修卡 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

目录(一) 规格(二) 安全注意事项(三) 各部名称(四) 使用方法(五) 测量(六) 其它(七) 异常状态之检定(八) 注意事项(一) 规 格品 名臂式全自动电子血压计 型 号FT-A11-2 显 示 方 式数字式液晶显示 测 量 方 式示波法检测方式 测 量 范 围压 力:(20mmHg ~300mmHg) 脉搏数:(30~160)次/分 准 确 度压 力:(±5mmHg) 脉搏数:±5%以内 电 源DC6V (2A)4节 正常工作环境温 度 5℃~40℃ 湿 度 ≤80%RH 贮存运输环境温 度 -20℃~55℃ 湿 度 10%RH ~93%RH 可测量的手臂周长约200mm ~195mm 重 量355克(含臂带,电池除外) 外形尺寸(主机)长135mm ×高93mm ×厚60mm 安全分类内部电源B 型 加压方式振动片式泵的加压调整方式 快速排气方式急速排气阀开放方式 压力检测半导体压力传感器 脉博检测 半导体压力传感器 ※ 本型号电子血压计不可用于幼儿。
(二) 安全注意事项※使用之前,请仔细阅读本“安全注意事项”,以便正确使用。
注 意一、自己判断测量结果而进行治疗十分危险。
禁 止(三) 各 部 名 称(四) 使 用 方 法一、装入电池※请务必使用碱性电池1将主机翻过来,按箭头所指方向卸下电池盖。
OMRON HEM-7071 说明书

自行判斷測量結果或自行治療都是非常危險的行為, 請務必遵照醫師指示。
• 自行判斷,可能導致病情更加惡化。
具體注意事項以文字或圖案標示於 左圖表示”心觸電”。
尤其是有重度血液循環障礙或血液疾病的患者,使用 前請務必先獲得醫師指導。
萬一電池液滲入眼睛,請立即以大量的清水沖洗 眼睛。
• 為避免導致眼睛失明等傷害,請務必立即就醫診治。
• 否則可能造成手臂淤血或麻痺。
300mmHg 以上
一旦電池液附著於皮膚或衣物上時,請立即以大量 清水沖洗乾淨。
• 否則可能造成傷害。
要重新設定時間功能時,請參照16頁的下半段說明。 請依照西元年份、月份、日期、小時、分鐘的順序逐一設定。
1 2
將專用AC變壓器的連接插頭插入主機的專用AC 變壓器用接頭內。 將專用AC變壓器插入電源插座內。
當顯示部燈全亮後,西元 年份便會開始閃爍。
製造廠名稱:OMRON DALIAN Co., Ltd. 製造廠地址:No.3 Songjiang Road, Dalian Economic & Technical Development Zone, China 藥商名稱:台灣歐姆龍健康事業股份有限公司 藥商地址:台北市中山區民權東路3段37號5樓之1
■ 非常感謝您購買OMRON製品。 ■ 為確保您正確及安全地操作本產品, 使用前請務必詳閱本操作說明書。 ■ 請將本說明書置於方便取得的位置, 以便日後隨時查閱。
Omron 血压计与体重秤测量仪套装说明书

A DATA HUB (with Charger)
NOTE: You may receive only a BP monitor or a BP monitor with a weight scale, depending on what your clinician has ordered.
Quick Start Guide
IMPORTANT: This kit has been prepared specifically for you and your health needs. It should not be used by anyone else, including family.
Your clinician determines which of the following devices you’ll receive:
• Sit quietly for 5 to 15
minutes before taking the measurement
Body Weight Scale
• Be sure to place the scale
on a hard, level surface
• Use the bathroom before
Blood Pressure
• Don’t exercise, drink
alcohol, smoke or eat a big meal 30 minutes before taking a measurement

无创自动测量电子血压计计量检定分析及探讨作者:***来源:《品牌与标准化》2024年第01期【摘要】文章依据JJG 692—2010《无创自动测量血压计检定规程》并结合工作经验,分析了电子血压计的外观、静态压力、示值重复性等检定项目,重点讨论了静态压力的测量方法,并对其结果进行了不确定度评定。
【关键词】电子血压计;静态压力;不确定评定【DOI编码】10.3969/j.issn.1674-4977.2024.01.069Analysis and Discussion on Metrological Verification Items of Non-invasive Automatic Measurement Electronic SphygmomanometerCHEN Shurong(Beijing Xicheng Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100055, China)Abstract: Based on JJG 692—2010 Non-invasive Automated Sphygmomanometers and daily work experience, the article analyzes the verification items of electronic blood pressure meters,such as appearance, static pressure, and repeatability of indication. The focus is on discussing the measurement method of static pressure, and evaluating the uncertainty of the results.Keywords: digital electronic sphygmomanometer; static pressur; uncertainty evaluation目前,用于醫疗卫生的电子血压计已经被列入《实施强制管理的计量器具目录》中。

电子行业电子血压计使用说明书1. 产品概述本产品是一款电子血压计设备,用于测量人体的血压值。
2. 功能特点•高精度测量:本电子血压计采用先进的传感技术,能够测量出准确的血压值。
3. 使用方法3.1 准备工作在使用电子血压计之前,需要先进行以下准备工作:1.打开设备开关:将电源开关打开,确保设备处于工作状态。
3.2 开始测量1.坐姿测量:坐在椅子上,保持身体放松,将袖带绑在上臂处。
4. 注意事项•在测量前,确保血压计和测量袖带处于正常工作状态。
5. 故障排除以下是一些可能出现的故障及解决方法:故障现象可能原因解决方法设备无法开电池电更换电池机量不足测量结果不准确袖带位置不正确重新调整袖带的位置,保证紧贴皮肤设备无法连接到手机或电脑无线连接异常检查无线连接设置,确认设备与手机或电脑在同一网络环境下如有其他故障或疑问,请咨询本产品的售后服务中心。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
安裝電池時,請注意不要弄錯 方向。 電池用完時請立即取出,並同時更換4顆新電池。 長時間(3個月以上)不需使用時,請將電池取出。
• 以免因漏液、發熱、破裂等造成主機受損。
新 逆
除了專用的壓脈帶以外,請勿使用 其他產品。
• 以免無法正確測量。
製造廠名稱:OMRON DALIAN Co., Ltd. 製造廠地址:No.3 Songjiang Road, Dalian Economic & Technical Development Zone, China 藥商名稱:台灣歐姆龍健康事業股份有限公司 藥商地址:台北市中山區民權東路3段37號5樓之1
• 若誤將電池以可燃物方式處分時,可能導致電池爆炸引發火災, 造成他人燒傷或受傷。
処 分 場
• 以免造成血壓計無法正常運作。
• 以免因漏液、發熱、破裂等造成主機受損。
新 古
命或財產遭受損害。 ●標誌及其含意說明如下。
• 以免引發火災與觸電。 警告標誌的含意
● 以下標示的警告標誌及圖案是用來確保您正確及安全地操作本產品,以避免您及旁人的生
如圖中所示般對準電池蓋與主機上的記號 ,並將其滑動,當聽到喀嚓聲時,代表電 池蓋已關上。
使用專用AC變壓器(請參閱 座作為電源。 第42頁的選購品目錄)時,可利用家中的電源插
將壓脈帶捲緊................................................ 17 確認姿勢是否正確...................................... 19 測量血壓.......................................................... 21 手動加壓的方法........................................... 24 讀取測量記錄................................................ 25 保養與保存..................................................... 29
■ 非常感謝您購買OMRON製品。 ■ 為確保您正確及安全地操作本產品, 使用前請務必詳閱本操作說明書。 ■ 請將本說明書置於方便取得的位置, 以便日後隨時查閱。
■ 本書刊載圖片僅供參考。
測量Q&A......................................................... 31 (測量值太高/太低時) 血壓小百科..................................................... 34 出現錯誤訊息時........................................... 37 疑似故障時..................................................... 39 規格.................................................................... 41 選購配備.......................................................... 42
• 以免無法正確測量。
請勿強行彎折壓脈帶或壓脈帶空氣管。 要拆下壓脈帶空氣管時,請以手部握住空氣管前端的空氣管接頭來將其拆下。 請勿以重力撞擊或是摔落主機。 手臂未捲好壓脈帶時,請勿加壓。 關閉主機外蓋時,請注意避免夾傷手指。
除三號錳電池及鹼性乾電池(4顆)外,請勿使 用其他電池。
※更換電池前請務必先關閉電源。若於電源開啟的情況下取下電池的話,將導致時間功 能停止。(先前紀錄的所有測量值將被完全刪除。) ※若已設定過日期與時間時,請在30秒內完成更換電池的動作。 若取下電池的時間超過30秒時,將導致時間功能停止。此時請重新設定日期與時間。( 先前紀錄的所有測量值將被完全刪除。) ※請遵照居住當地之相關行政單位的規定回收舊電池。 ◎ 三號錳性乾電池(4顆)約可測量300次。 (於室溫23℃、臂圍25cm、每天測量6次 加壓值為170mmHg的條件下) ◎所附的電池乃試用品。有時使用不到300次,電池的壽命就會耗盡。
• 本血壓計在測量血壓時可能因壓迫血管而引發暫時性的內 出血。
採用手動加壓方式時,請先參照本使用說明書後再行 使用。
• 若加壓力道過大時,可能因壓迫血管而引發暫時性的內出 血。
• 以免引起事故或故障。
◎本公司另備有專用電源插頭以供選購。( 請參照第42頁)
1 2
「電池更換圖示」閃爍:代表電池電力即將耗盡。 「電池更換圖示」持續亮燈:代表電池電力已經耗盡。 請同時更換四顆新電池(同種類電池)。
• 以免造成血壓計無法正常運作。
壓脈帶收藏於主機內。 請按下主機機身上的開關鍵來開啟主 機外蓋,並確認裡面的物品。
※所附的電池乃試用品。 有時使用不到300次,電池的壽命就 會耗盡。
需另行選購的專用AC變壓器僅可使用於AC 110V的電源 上。請單獨使用一個插座。
• 以免引發火災與觸電。
萬一須另行選購的 AC 變壓器的插頭或電線破 損時,請立即將電源插頭自插座拔出。
※在電池的電力耗盡,或取下電池的時間超過30秒以上等情況下,時間功能將會停止 。此時請重新設定日期與時間。
‧即使以專用AC變壓器作為電源時,也請將電池裝入主機內。 裝入電池可確保時間的設定值維持不變。 若未裝入電池就直接使用時,一旦將專用AC變壓器從電源插座上拔下後,時間功 能將會停止。(先前紀錄的所有測量值將被完全刪除。) ‧若一併使用專用AC變壓器與電池時,將能減緩電池的消耗速度。 ※使用原廠指定的專用AC變壓器。
自行判斷測量結果或自行治療都是非常危險的行為, 請務必遵照醫師指示。
• 自行判斷,可能導致病情更加惡化。
具體注意事項以文字或圖案標示於 左圖表示”心觸電”。
尤其是有重度血液循環障礙或血液疾病的患者,使用 前請務必先獲得醫師指導。
於測量過程中進行 減壓排氣時顯示
紀錄編號圖示 壓脈帶夾
( 請參照第12頁)
※另外選購的壓脈帶不附空氣管接頭。更換時請勿丟棄空氣管接 頭,並將其直接換插到新的壓脈帶上使用。 ※在一天測量6次(早晚各3次)的使用情形下,壓脈帶的使用壽命約一年左右(根據本 公司測試條件測得)。為能正確測量血壓,建議提前更換壓脈帶。如果有漏氣時,請 選購更新。( 請參照第42頁)
請依照以下步驟使 用HEM-7071。
電源準備 工作
( 請參閱第11頁)
1 捲上壓脈帶
( ( ( 請參閱第17頁) 請參閱第19頁) 請參閱第21頁)
2 確認姿勢是否正確 3 測量血壓
請固定於每天同一時段進行測 量,來提高血壓管理的成效
※建議於起床後一個小時內與就 寢前測量
※本公司另備有專用AC變壓器 以供選購。 ( 至第42頁)
本血壓器可配合時間與日期自 動記錄測量結果。 使用前請務必調整成正確的日 期與時間。
查閱測量 紀錄
本血壓計可察看最近 3 次的測 量紀錄平均值與84次份的測量 紀錄。
可透過選擇使用者 A 與 B 的方式, 供兩位使用者一起使用此血壓計。 對於夫妻等使用者而言,是一項非 常方便的功能。
萬一電池液滲入眼睛,請立即以大量的清水沖洗 眼睛。