
THURSDAY 1 AUGUST 2013SENIOR DIVISIONAUSTRALIAN S CHOOL YEARS 11 and 12TIME ALLOWED: 75 MINUTES©AMT P ublishing 2013 AMTT liMiTed Acn 083 950 341A ustrAliAn M AtheMAtics c oMpetitionsponsored by the c oMMonweAlth b AnkAn AcTiviTy of The AusTrAliAn MATheMATics TrusTNAMEYEAR TEACHERA u s T r A l i A n M A T h e M A T i c s T r u s T姓 名: 年 级: 监考老师:意事项一般规定1.未获监考老师许可之前不可翻开此测验题本。
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2.请用B 或2B 铅笔在答案卡上(不是在题本上)将您认为正确选项的圆圈涂满。

一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 小明有苹果5个,小红有苹果3个,他们一共有多少个苹果?A. 8个B. 10个C. 15个D. 18个2. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 16厘米B. 24厘米C. 32厘米D. 40厘米3. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 15B. 16C. 17D. 184. 一个钟表的时针从3点走到6点,经过了多少小时?A. 2小时B. 3小时C. 4小时D. 5小时5. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 13B. 14C. 15D. 166. 小华有12个足球,小明比小华少4个足球,小明有多少个足球?A. 8个B. 9个C. 10个D. 11个7. 一个正方形的边长是6厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 12平方厘米B. 36平方厘米C. 54平方厘米D. 72平方厘米8. 下列哪个分数大于1?A. 1/2B. 2/3C. 3/4D. 4/59. 一个班级有男生10人,女生12人,这个班级共有多少人?A. 22人B. 23人C. 24人D. 25人10. 小明有5个橙子,他吃掉了3个橙子,还剩下多少个橙子?A. 2个B. 3个C. 4个D. 5个二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 一个长方体的长是8厘米,宽是4厘米,高是3厘米,它的体积是______立方厘米。
12. 一个分数的分子是15,分母是20,这个分数化简后是______。
13. 一个班级有40名学生,其中女生占40%,那么这个班级有______名女生。
14. 一个圆形的半径是5厘米,它的周长是______厘米。
15. 一个三角形的底是6厘米,高是4厘米,它的面积是______平方厘米。
三、应用题(每题5分,共20分)16. 小华买了3支铅笔和2个笔记本,共花费12元。
17. 一个长方形的长是15厘米,宽是10厘米,如果长方形的长增加5厘米,宽减少3厘米,请计算新长方形的面积。

云龙区小学数学六年级学情调研(2024.1)星级一、计算题1.直接写出得数 0.3³=2.计算下面各题,能简便的用简便方法计算3.解方程(1) (2) (3)二、填空4.=0.75=( )%=( )÷8=( ):4=( )折5.7.02立方分米=( )立方厘米 2300毫升=( )升6.一辆汽车行千米,用去汽油升。
平均每行1千米用汽油( )升,1升汽油可行( )千米。
=÷9721=⨯3054=+511511=⨯%25218=⨯⨯24065=÷10953=-6151=⨯15865=÷-÷45454492417851+÷⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡÷⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-÷8575.0875434723475⨯+⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷31216733421164-÷-1184.38316.4÷+⨯4372x 21=-40x 53x %20=+5431x 54=÷()()45517.已知a×=b×=c×,这里( )最大,( )最小。
8.一种茶饮药方:生黄芪9克、金银花5克、广藿香3克,按这个药方配中药510 克,需要生黄芪()克,金银花( )克。
9.图1是一块长方形麦田,阴影部分的面积是( )公顷。
10.图2是用体积为1cm ³的小正方体拼成的图形,它的体积是( )cm ³。
小琳为了测一块石头的体积,把石头放入甲容器(全部淹没),水面正好上升了3厘米,她再把这块石头放入乙容器也全部淹没,水面会上升( )厘米。
(图1第9题) (图2第10题)(图3第11题)12.王师傅做了48个零件,其中2个不合格;又补做了2个合格的,他做的这批零件的合格率是( )。
按规定应缴纳10%的个人所得税,小明实际获得奖金( )元;小明将获得的奖金存入银行,定期3年,年利率为2%,到期后可以从银行取回( )元。

第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(共36分)1.(本题3分)的相反数是()A.2024B.C.D.2.(本题3分)若收入5元记为,则支出2元记为()A.B.C.1D.23.(本题3分)下列各式中运算正确的是()A.B.C.D.4.(本题3分)下列说法错误的是()A.的系数是B.数字也是单项式C.的系数D.的次数是5.(本题3分)小明同学在“百度”搜索引擎中输入“2023亚运会”,搜索到与之相关的结果条数为31400000,这个数用科学记数法表示为()A.B.C.D.6.(本题3分)下列说法中,正确的()A.没有最大的正数,但有最大的负数B.最大的负整数是C.有理数包括正有理数和负有理数D.一个有理数的绝对值总是正数7.(本题3分)小明和小亮期中考试的语文、数学成绩分别都是80分,m分.到了期末考时,小明期末考试的语文、数学两科成绩依次比期中考试增长了,两科总成绩比期中增长的百分数为a.小亮期末考试的语文、数学两科成绩依次比期中考试增长了,两科总成绩比期中增长的百分数为b,则()A.B.C.D.8.(本题3分)在,15,,0,.这些数中,非负数有()个A.2B.3C.4D.59.(本题3分)如图所示是计算机程序流程图,若开始输入,则最后输出的结果是()A.29B.C.D.3310.(本题3分)某企业今年3月份产值为万元,4月份比3月份减少了,5月份比4月份增加了,则5月份的产值是( )A.万元B.万元C.万元D.万元11.(本题3分)下列说法正确的有()①若,则为非正数;②与互为相反数;③近似数精确到十分位;④的次数是5;A.1个B.2个C.3D.4个12.(本题3分)如图,填在下列各正方形中的四个数之间都有相同的规律,根据此规律,c的值是()385127169b579a cA.B.C.D.第II卷(非选择题)二、填空题(共12分)13.(本题3分)若与是同类项,则.14.(本题3分)已知,,且,则的值为.15.(本题3分).16.(本题3分)已知a,b互为相反数且,c,d互为倒数;m的绝对值是最小的正整数,则.三、解答题(共72分)17.(本题16分)计算.(1);(2)(3);(4).18.(本题5分)画一条数轴,把下列各数表示在数轴上,然后把这些数按从大到小的顺序用“”连接起来.0,,,,,19.(本题6分)把下列各数填在相应的大括号里:23,,,0,,,,;整数:{ …};负分数:{ …};正有理数:{ …}.20.(本题5分)先化简,再求值:,其中.21.(本题6分)已知有理数在数轴上的位置如图所示,(1)分别判断以下式子的符号(填“”或“”或“”):;;(2)化简:.22.(本题6分)某检修队从A地出发,在东西方向的公路上检修线路.如果规定向东行驶为正,向西行驶为负,这个检修队一天中的行程记录如下(单位:km)∶.若检修队所乘汽车每千米耗油,问:(1)检修队收工地在何处?(2)从出发到收工共耗油多少升?23.(本题6分)甲、乙两家超市以相同的价格出售同样的商品,为了吸引顾客,各自推出不同的优惠方案:在甲超市累计购物超出300元,超出部分按原价的八折优惠;在乙超市累计购物超出200元,超出部分按原价的八五折优惠.已知某顾客累计购物元.(1)请用含x的代数式分别表示该顾客在两家超市购物所付的费用(2)当该顾客累计购物500元时在哪个超市购物合算?24.(本题10分)用“”规定一种新运算:对于任意有理数和,规定.如:.(1)求的值;(2)若,求的值;(3)若,(其中为有理数),试比较、的大小.25.(本题12分)阅读理解:若A、B、C为数轴上三点且点C在A、B之间,若点C到A的距离是点C到B的距离的3倍,我们就成点C是【A,B】的好点.例如,点A表示的数为-2,点B表示的数为2.表示1的点C到A的距离是3,到B的距离是1,那么点C是【A,B】的好点;又如,表示-1的点D 到A的距离是1,到B的距离是3,那么点D就不是【A,B】的好点,但是点D是【B,A】的好点.知识运用:(1)若M、N为数轴上两点,点M所表示的数为-6,点N所表示的数为2.数所表示的点是【M,N】的好点;数所表示的点是【N,M】的好点;(2)若点A表示的数a,点B表示的数b,点B在点A的右边,且点B在A、C之间,点B是【C,A】的好点,求点C所表示的数(用含a、b的代数式表示);(3)若A、B为数轴上两点,点A所表示的数为-11,点B所表示的数为9,现有一只电子蚂蚁P从点A 出发,以每秒2个单位的速度向右运动,运动时间为t秒.如果P、A、B中恰有一个点为其余两点的好点,求t的值.参考答案:题号12345678910答案A A B C D B B C A C 题号1112答案B C13.2 14.1或15./ 16.017.(1) (2) (3)15 (4)018.解:,,,各数表示在数轴上,如下图所示,则有.19.23,,,0;,,;23,;20.,21.(1);(2)22.(1)在A处(2)12.6升23.(1)在甲超市购物所付的费用是元,在乙超市购物所付的费用是元;(2)去乙超市,理由见详解24.(1)(2)(3)25.(1)0,;(2);(3)或或或。

小学二年级上册期末考试数学试卷(十)一.选择题(共5小题)1.5个8相加,列成乘法算式是()A.8+8+8+8+8 B.5×8 C.5+82.从正面、侧面或上面观察如图,不可能看到的形状是()A. B.C.3.下面的算式中,不能先算36﹣30的是()A.36﹣30+7 B.94﹣(36﹣30)C.94﹣36﹣304.在一个乘法算式中,两个乘数都是6,积是()A.8 B.12 C.365.9时整,钟面上时针和分针所成的角是()A.180°B.90°C.45°D.30°二.填空题(共10小题)6.把加法算式改写成乘法算式.6+6+6=×=×7.5个8相加,写成加法算式是,写成乘法算式是.8.计算48﹣12+6时,先算法,再算法.9.数一数.(1)个角.(2)个锐角.(3)个直角.(4)个钝角.10.时钟在2时的时候,时针和分针成度的角,它是一个角.11.下面哪些可以用“三四十二”这句口诀计算?在后面的横线上画“√”,错的画“×”.3+3+3+3 .3+4 .4×3 .4+4+4 .3乘4 .4加3 .4个3相加.3个4相加.12.两个乘数都是5,积是.13.40﹣(13+7),先算得,后算得.14.把4个同样大小的正方体摆成,再添一个同样大的正方体摆成如图所示的三个形状,选择适当的序号填在横线上.(1)从上面看到的是的有.(2)从前面看到的是的有.(3)从侧面看到的是的有.15.用4个摆一摆.从正面和上面看形状都是,有种摆法.三.判断题(共5小题)16.一个几何体从正面看到的图形是,这个几何体一定是由3个小正方体搭成的.(判断对错)17.67+(9﹣4)=72.(判断对错),改正.18.把3+3+3+3+6改写成乘法算式是3×5.(判断对错).19.乘法口诀四六二十四可以写出两道乘法算式.(判断对错)20.用放大镜看一个角,发现角的两条边变长了,所以这个角的度数也变大了.(判断对错)四.计算题(共2小题)21.口算.5×2=2×5=1×5=5×5=3×5=5×4=4×5=5×3=22.比一比,算一算.32+27﹣10=56﹣14﹣16=32+(27﹣10)=56﹣(14+16)=五.操作题(共2小题)23.在方格纸上分别画出直角、锐角.24.将立体图形与其从正面看到的平面图形连起来.六.应用题(共4小题)25.兔妈妈和小兔都拔了36个萝卜,现在小兔比兔妈妈多多少个萝卜?26.明明要搭一个立体图形,从正面、上面、左面看都是,至少要用几个?27.每只小猴分一个,够吗?28.下面钟面上时针和分针所成的角,哪个是锐角,哪个是直角,哪个是钝角?填在括号里.时整,钟面上时针和分针所成的角是直角.参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共5小题)1. 5个8相加,是8×5,然后再进一步解答.解:8×5=40.答:5个8相加是40.故选:B.求几个相同加数的和是多少,用乘法进行解答.2.根据所给几何体的形状,从正面看:4格小正方形,上面1个下面3个,左齐;从侧面看(左侧):3个小正方形,上面1个,下面3个,左齐;从上面看:4个小正方形,上排3个,下排1个,左齐.据此选择.解:根据可知:从正面、侧面或上面观察如图,不可能看到的形状是.故选:B.本题是考查从不同方向观察物体和几何图形.是培养学生的观察能力.3.根据四则混合运算的顺序,逐个选项进行,找出不能先算36﹣30的算式即可.解:A:36﹣30+7是加减混合运算,按照从左到右的顺序计算,是先算36﹣30;B:94﹣(36﹣30),有小括号,先算小括号里面的36﹣30;C:94﹣36﹣30是连减算式,按照从左到右的顺序计算,是先算94﹣36,不是先算36﹣30.故选:C.四则混合运算的顺序:1、如果是同一级运算,一般按从左往右依次进行计算;2、如果既有加减、又有乘除法,先算乘除法、再算加减;3、如果有括号,先算括号里面的.4.乘数×乘数=积,代入数据计算即可求解.解:6×6=36答:积是36.故选:C.本题主要考查了学生根据乘法各部分的名称来解答问题的能力.5.根据锐角、直角、钝角的意义,小于90度的角叫做锐角;等于90度的角叫做直角;大于90度小于180度的角叫做钝角.据此解答.解:9时整,钟面上时针和分针所成的角是90°.故选:B。

1. 下列各数中,最小的数是:()A. 3.5B. 2.8C. 4.22. 下列各数中,是质数的是:()A. 11B. 12C. 153. 一个长方形的长是6厘米,宽是4厘米,这个长方形的面积是:()A. 10平方厘米B. 24平方厘米C. 30平方厘米4. 下列各图形中,是轴对称图形的是:()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 平行四边形5. 下列各数中,能同时被2和3整除的是:()A. 12B. 15C. 186. 一个三角形的三边长分别是3厘米、4厘米、5厘米,这个三角形是:()A. 直角三角形B. 钝角三角形C. 锐角三角形7. 下列各数中,是整数的是:()A. 3.14B. 5.6C. 78. 下列各图形中,是正多边形的是:()A. 正方形B. 长方形C. 平行四边形9. 一个正方形的周长是16厘米,这个正方形的面积是:()A. 16平方厘米B. 24平方厘米C. 36平方厘米10. 下列各数中,是奇数的是:()A. 2B. 3C. 4二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 3.2 + 4.5 = ______2. 8 -3.1 = ______3. 5 × 7 = ______4. 24 ÷ 3 = ______5. 3.6 × 2 = ______6. 9.8 - 2.5 = ______7. 7 × 4 = ______8. 18 ÷ 3 = ______9. 6.2 × 3 = ______10. 10.5 - 4.3 = ______三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 小明有18个苹果,小红有25个苹果,他们两个一共有多少个苹果?2. 一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。
3. 一个正方形的边长是6厘米,求这个正方形的周长。
四、应用题(每题10分,共20分)1. 小明买了3本书,每本书的价格是10元,他一共花了多少元?2. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是8厘米,求这个长方形的周长。
AMC Senior 2011(澳大利亚数学竞赛AMC-E:11-12年级中英文历年真题)

A u s t r A l i A n M At h e M At i c s c o M p e t i t i o na n a c t i v i t y o f t h e a u s t r a l i a n m a t h e m a t i c s t r u s tt h u r sd ay4a u g u s t2011senior Division Competition papera u st r a l i a n s c h o o l y e a r s11a n d12t i m e a l l o w e d:75m i n u t e sinstruCtions anD informationGeneraL1. Do not open the booklet until told to do so by your teacher.2. NO calculators, slide rules, log tables, maths stencils, mobile phones or other calculating aids arepermitted. Scribbling paper, graph paper, ruler and compasses are permitted, but are not essential.3. Diagrams are NOT drawn to scale. They are intended only as aids.4. There are 25 multiple-choice questions, each with 5 possible answers given and 5 questions thatrequire a whole number answer between 0 and 999. The questions generally get harder as you work through the paper. There is no penalty for an incorrect response.5. This is a competition not a test; do not expect to answer all questions. You are only competingagainst your own year in your own State or Region so different years doing the same paper are not compared.6. Read the instructions on the answer sheet carefully. Ensure your name, school name and schoolyear are entered. It is your responsibility to correctly code your answer sheet.7. When your teacher gives the signal, begin working on the problems.tHe ansWer sHeet1. Use only lead pencil.2. Record your answers on the reverse of the answer sheet (not on the question paper) by FULLYcolouring the circle matching your answer.3. Your answer sheet will be scanned. The optical scanner will attempt to read all markings evenif they are in the wrong places, so please be careful not to doodle or write anything extra on the answer sheet. If you want to change an answer or remove any marks, use a plastic eraser and be sure to remove all marks and smudges.inteGritY of tHe CompetitionThe AMT reserves the right to re-examine students before deciding whether to grant official status to their score.©amt P ublishing2011amtt limited acn083 950 341Senior DivisionQuestions 1to 10,3marks each1.The expression 3x (x −4)−2(5−3x )equals (A)3x 2−3x −14(B)3x 2−6x −10(C)3x 2−18x +10(D)3x 2−18x −10(E)9x 2−22x2.A coach notices that 2out of 5players in his club are studying at university.If there are 12university students in his club,how many players are there in total?(A)20(B)24(C)30(D)36(E)603.The value of 14÷0.4is (A)3.5(B)35(C)5.6(D)350(E)0.144.In the diagram,ABCD is a square.What is the value of x ?(A)142(B)128(C)48(D)104(E)52................................................................................................................ (52)◦x◦ABCD5.Which of the following is the largest?(A)210(B)210(C)102(D)201(E)2106.If m and n are positive whole numbers and mn =100,then m +n cannot be equalto (A)25(B)29(C)50(D)52(E)1017.P QRS is a square.T is a point on RS such that QT =2RT .The value of x is (A)100(B)110(C)120(D)150(E)160.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................P QRS T x ◦8.In my neighbourhood,90%of the properties are houses and 10%are shops.Today,10%of the houses are for sale and 30%of the shops are for sale.What percentage of the properties for sale are houses?(A)9%(B)80%(C)3313%(D)75%(E)25%9.The value of 12+14+182+4+8is(A)16(B)4(C)1(D)14(E)11610.Anne’s morning exercise consists of walking a distance of 1km at a rate of 5km/h,jogging a distance of 3km at 10km/h and fast walking for a distance of 2km at 6km/h.How long does it take her to complete her morning exercise?(A)30min(B)35min(C)40min(D)45min(E)50minQuestions 11to 20,4marks each11.The diagram shows a square of sidelength 12units divided into six triangles of equal area.What is the distance,in units,of T from the side P Q ?(A)4(B)3(C)2(D)1(E)√5......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PS QRT12.Each of the first six prime numbers is written on a separate card.The cards areshu ffled and two cards are selected.The probability that the sum of the numbers selected is prime is(A)15(B)14(C)13(D)12(E)1613.Two tourists are walking 12km apart along a flat track at a constant speed of4km/h.When each tourist reaches the slope of a mountain,she begins to climb with a constant speed of 3km/h.✲✛12km✡✡✣✑✑✸✑✑✰k m What is the kilometres,the two tourists during the climb?(A)16(B)12(C)10(D)9(E)814.Lines parallel to the sides of a rectangle 56cm by 98cm and joining its oppositeedges are drawn so that they cut this rectangle into squares.The smallest number of such lines is(A)3(B)9(C)11(D)20(E)7515.What is the sum of the digits of the positive integer n for which n 2+2011is thesquare of an integer?(A)6(B)7(C)8(D)9(E)1016.Of the sta ffin an o ffice,15rode a pushbike to work on Monday,12rode on Tuesdayand 9rode on Wednesday.If 22sta ffrode a pushbike to work at least once during these three days,what is the maximum number of sta ffwho could have ridden a pushbike to work on all three days?(A)4(B)5(C)6(D)7(E)812 kmk m17.How many integer values of n make n 2−6n +8a positive prime number?(A)1(B)2(C)3(D)4(E)an infinite number18.If x 2−9x +5=0,then x 4−18x 3+81x 2+42equals(A)5(B)25(C)42(D)67(E)8119.The centre of a sphere of radius 1is one of the vertices of a cube of side 1.What is the volume of the combined solid?(A)7π6+1(B)7π6+56(C)7π6+43(D)7π8+1(E)π+120.In a best of five sets tennis match (where the first player to win three sets wins thematch),Chris has a probability of 23of winning each set.What is the probabilityof him winning this particular match?(A)23(B)190243(C)89(D)1927(E)6481Questions 21to 25,5marks each21.How many 3-digit numbers can be written as the sum of three (not necessarilydi fferent)2-digit numbers?(A)194(B)198(C)204(D)287(E)29622.A rectangular sheet of paper is folded along a single line so that one corner lieson top of another.In the resulting figure,60%of the area is two sheets thick and 40%is one sheet thick.What is the ratio of the length of the longer side of the rectangle to the length of the shorter side?(A)3:2(B)5:3(C)√2:1(D)2:1(E)√3:223.An irrational spider lives at one corner of a closed box which is a cube of edge 1metre.The spider is not prepared to travel more than √2metres from its home (measured by the shortest route across the surface of the box).Which of the following is closest to the proportion (measured as a percentage)of the surface of the box that the spider never visits?(A)20%(B)25%(C)30%(D)35%(E)50%24.Functions f ,g and h are defined byf (x )=x +2g (0)=f (1)g (x )=f (g (x −1))for x ≥1h (0)=g (1)h (x )=g (h (x −1))for x ≥1.Find h (4).(A)61(B)117(C)123(D)125(E)31325.A cone has base diameter 1unit and slant height 3units.From a point A halfwayup the side of the cone,a string is passed twice around it to come to a point B on the circumference of the base,directly below A .The string is then pulled until taut.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ABHow far is it from A to B along this taut string?(A)38(√29+√53)(B)3√72(C)3√32(D)94(E)3√1088For questions 26to 30,shade the answer as an integer from 0to 999inthe space provided on the answer sheet.Question 26is 6marks,question 27is 7marks,question 28is 8marks,question 29is 9marks and question 30is 10marks.26.Paul is one year older than his wife and they have two children whose ages are alsoone year apart.Paul notices that on his birthday in 2011,the product of his age and his wife’s age plus the sum of his children’s ages is 2011.What would have been the result if he had done this calculation thirteen years before?27.The diagram shows the net of a cube.On each face there is an integer:1,w ,2011,x ,y and z .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (x)yz2011w1If each of the numbers w ,x ,y and z equals the average of the numbers written on the four faces of the cube adjacent to it,find the value of x .28.Two beetles sit at the vertices A and H of a cube ABCDEF GH with edge length40√110units.The beetles start moving simultaneously along AC and HF with the speed of the first beetle twice that of the other one.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ADCBEF GH✈s✈s ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................What will be the shortest distance between the beetles?29.A family of six has six Christmas crackers to pull.Each person will pull twocrackers,each with a di fferent person.In how many di fferent ways can this be done?30.A40×40white square is divided into1×1squares by lines parallel to its sides.Some of these1×1squares are coloured red so that each of the1×1squares, regardless of whether it is coloured red or not,shares a side with at most one red square(not counting itself).What is the largest possible number of red squares?Senior 2011 Answers Question Answer 1B2C3B4A5B6C7C8D9E10E11B12A13D14B15A16D17B18D19A20E21B22C23C24D25B269972780528440297030420。


浙江省绍兴市2024小学数学一年级上学期人教版期末考试(拓展卷)完整试卷一、填一填(共10小题,28分) (共10题)第(1)题在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
11( )15 17( )16 20( )10 14( )1419( )20 9( )13 17( )20 11( )10第(2)题在少的后面画“○”。
第(4)题一个数十位上是1,个位上是7,这个数是( ),读作( ),它在( )的前面,在( )的后面。
第(5)题11前面的一个数是( ),后面的一个数是( )。
11( )9 16-10( )7 12( )7+5 6+5( )20-10第(8)题填一填。
( )+5=10 10-( )=8 9+( )=9( )+4=14 9-( )=2 8+( )=17( )+7=10 18-( )=12 6+6=9+( )第(10)题看图填一填。
( )双袜子 ( )串樱桃 ( )只手( )只袜子 ( )颗樱桃 ( )根手指二、轻松选择(共4题,12分) (共4题)第(1)题刚刚游走了8条小鱼,小河里现在还有5条小鱼,原来有()条小鱼。
A.4B.5C.6三、算一算(共4题,32分) (共4题)第(1)题看图列式计算。
7+9= 12-2= 7-2= 3+4-2=16-4= 10+0= 17-3= 19-5+5=15+3= 9-3= 16-5= 12+2+3=第(4)题看图列式计算。

(18分)1. 20里面有( )个十,9可以分成4和( )。
2. 个位的( )边是十位。
3. 与11相邻的两个数是( )和( )。
4. 18是( )位数,个位上是( ),表示( )个( );十位上是( ),表示( )个( )。
5. 十位上是1,个位上的数比十位上的数多7,这个数是( )。
6. 被减数是15,减数是5,差是( );两个加数都是8,和是( )。
7. 松松和欢欢有同样多的糖果,两个人都吃掉自己的一些后,松松剩了3颗,欢欢剩了5颗,( )吃得多,多吃了( )颗;( )给( )( )颗后,两个人剩下的糖果一样多。
(1)3,5,( ),( ),11,( ),( )。
(2)2,( ),6,( ),10,12。
(3)20,19,( ),( ),( ),15,( ),( ),( )。
(9分)1. 从下往上数,足球在第( )层,从左数是第( )个。
2. 从下往上数,乒乓球拍在第( )层,从右数是第( )个。
3. 从下往上数,洋娃娃在第( )层,在小马的( )面,在小汽车的( )面。
4. 羽毛球拍在地球仪的( )面,在卡车的( )面。
(8分)6 1 0 1 4 2 0四、比一比。
( ) ( )3.松松最矮,在他下面画“○”。
(8分)6+8= 19-9= 9+4= 8+5=4+2-3= 6-0+5= 10-3-4= 4+5-9=2.在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
(6分)16-6○6 7+8○8 5+7○135+7○3+5 3+6○10-2 18-8○15-5六、可以怎样分? (8分)①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩七、看图列式计算。

A. 21600平方厘米B. 150平方厘米C. 125立方厘米2.一个等腰三角形的顶角和一个底角和是135度,这个三角形的顶角度数是内角和的()。
A. B. C.3.把一个图形绕其中一点顺时针旋转(),又回到原来的位置。
AMC Senior 2018(澳大利亚数学竞赛AMC-E:11-12年级中英文历年真题)

2018CHINESE VERSION SENIOR DIVISIONAUSTRALIAN S CHOOL YEARS 11 and 12TIME ALLOWED: 75 MINUTESINSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATIONGENERAL1. Do not open the booklet until told to do so by your teacher.2. NO calculators, maths stencils, mobile phones or other calculating aids are permitted. Scribbling paper, graphpaper, ruler and compasses are permitted, but are not essential. 3. Diagrams are NOT drawn to scale. They are intended only as aids.4. There are 25 multiple-choice questions, each requiring a single answer, and 5 questions that require a wholenumber answer between 0 and 999. The questions generally get harder as you work through the paper. There is no penalty for an incorrect response.5. This is a competition not a test; do not expect to answer all questions. You are only competing against yourown year in your own country/Australian state so different years doing the same paper are not compared. 6. Read the instructions on the answer sheet carefully. Ensure your name, school name and school year areentered. It is your responsibility to correctly code your answer sheet. 7. When your teacher gives the signal, begin working on the problems.THE ANSWER SHEET 1. Use only lead pencil.2. Record your answers on the reverse of the answer sheet (not on the question paper) by FULLY colouring thecircle matching your answer.3. Your answer sheet will be scanned. The optical scanner will attempt to read all markings even if they are inthe wrong places, so please be careful not to doodle or write anything extra on the answer sheet. If you want to change an answer or remove any marks, use a plastic eraser and be sure to remove all marks and YEAR TEACHERA ustrAliAn M AtheMAtics c oMpetitionAn AcTiviTy of The AusTrAliAn MATheMATics TrusTA u s T r A l i A n M A T h e M A T i c s T r u s T1-10题,每题3分Questions 1to 10,3marks1.Ϩૼ֘Ѕ䩟P QRS ϥϣϬԜҤ࣏䦚Տ՜∠XP Y ϡϽЩϥѮА䩲Q R XIn the diagram,P QRS is a square.What is the size of ∠XP Y ?(A)25◦(B)30◦(C)35◦(D)40◦(E)45◦2.ϩϣԿსҵԝॳҪӗ250km 䦚Ғҝϩ֧שѲӋڲѓ8ϳҵԟҪࡄ䩟Տ՜јҟϳۓછϽऎҵЄ䩲The Great North Walk is a 250km long trail from Sydney to Newcastle.If you want to complete it in 8days,approximately how far do you need to walk each day?(A)15km(B)20km(C)30km(D)40km(E)80km3.ϣϬّϡϣٻϥ32䦚Տ՜ϸϬّϡҖහϥЄվ䩲Half of a number is 32.What is twice the number?(A)16(B)32(C)64(D)128(E)2564.Տ՜ϸϬԜࡏ࣏ϡӪдҏӪҩຂϼംؙ䩲What fraction of this regular hexagon is shaded?(A)12(B)23(C)34(D)35(E)455.ڲܴ9×1.2345−9×0.1234ҏߚҳӊThe value of 9×1.2345−9×0.1234is (A)9.9999(B)9(C)9.0909(D)10.909(E)11.11116.Տ՜ڲܴ20−18ҏߚϥѮА䩲What is 20−18?(A)0(B)1(C)2(D)3(E)107.ϣϬّϡ1000%ҳӊ100䩟Տ՜ϸϬّϥѮА䩲1000%of a number is 100.What is the number?(A)0.1(B)1(C)10(D)100(E)10008.྅ޚףђࠂѧϳϡې٭Ћ$60䦚ҟϳҟђࠂϡې٭ЁԚӎ䩟Տ՜྅ޚࢳђࠂࢳϳϡې٭ЋЄվ䩲The cost of feeding four dogs for three days is$ing the same food costs per dog per day,what would be the cost of feeding seven dogs for seven days?(A)$140(B)$200(C)$245(D)$350(E)$4209.Ϩѧࡠ࣏ABCЅ䩟ѢMϥABϡЅѢ䦚Տ՜Ў࠶ڃϣֵ࣮ϡᡵЋѐ䩲A B(A)∠CAM=∠ACM(B)∠CMB=2∠CAM(C)AC=2BC(D)CM=BC(E)△AMCϡӌۯ=△MBCϡӌۯIn the triangle ABC,M is the midpoint of AB.Which one of the following statements must be true?(A)∠CAM=∠ACM(B)∠CMB=2∠CAM(C)AC=2BC(D)CM=BC(E)Area△AMC=Area△MBC10.Ԫ1Ϻ100ϡւфЋ5050䦚Տ՜Ԫ101Ϻ200ϡւфЋЄվ䩲The sum of the numbers from1to100is5050.What is the sum of the numbers from 101to200?(A)15050(B)50500(C)51500(D)150500(E)50500011-20题,每题4分Questions11to20,4marks each11.ЩϩϣԈҪҳϡԜѧࡠ࣏࣏૮ϡᖞᏪ䦚ϴԗϸԈᖞᏪۂюϣӗ࠶(йц)ٍЏױسԗพ߃оϡ࣏૮ҏرӗЋ֍ϱәᖞᏪرӗϡහ䩟Տ՜ؑϴЄվәᖞᏪ䩲Leila has a number of identical equilateral triangle shaped tiles.How many of these must she put together in a row(edge to edge)to create a shape which has a perimeter ten times that of a single tile?(A)14(B)20(C)25(D)28(E)3012.��������,�C���,�A�B�D�E����������∠BCD=200◦�∠DCA=x◦�∠BCA=3x◦,�����请问∠DAC:∠BAC������In the circle shown,C is the centre and A,B,Dand E all lie on the circumference.Reflex∠BCD=200◦,∠DCA=x◦and∠BCA=3x◦as shown.The ratio of∠DAC:∠BAC is(A)3:1(B)5:2(C)8:3(D)7:4(E)7:313.�������4���330,�位������������4���330������,����������请问��������Instead of multiplying a number by4and then subtracting330,I accidentally divided that number by4and then added330.Luckily,my final answer was correct.What was the original number?(A)220(B)990(C)144(D)374(E)17614.����������1m������请问��������������m2�The diagram shows a regular octagon of side length1metre.In square metres,what is the area of the shaded region?(A)1(B)√2(C)2(D)3−√2(E)1+√2215.�位�����P��W�������������P��W��������,�����������������������,�位������6位P��7位W����,��8位P��4位W�����������,��位�����W�������,请问������位�A netball coach is planning a train trip for players from her two netball clubs,Pan-thers and Warriors.The two clubs are in different towns,so the train fares per player are different.For the same cost she can either take6Panthers and7Warriors or she can take8Panthers and4Warriors.If she takes only members of the Warriors on the train journey,the number she could take for the same cost is(A)11(B)13(C)16(D)20(E)2516.�����P QR 的�����P �,������T �S ����P R �P Q 的����∠QT P =α�∠SRP =β,请问tan α:tan β�����QRThe triangle P QR shown has a right angle at P .Points T and S are the midpoints of the sides P R and P Q ,respectively.Also ∠QT P =αand ∠SRP =β.The ratio tan α:tan βequals (A)3:1(B)4:1(C)5:1(D)7:2(E)9:217.������的�������请问���的���数�����的数�������Three fair 6-sided dice are thrown.What is the probability that the three numbers rolled are three consecutive numbers,in some order?(A)16(B)19(C)127(D)736(E)15418.请问数2018��位数�How many digits does the number 2018have?(A)24(B)38(C)18(D)36(E)2519.������,���数�100�数�����数�50�数��111......111 100位数−222 (222)50位数请问����的数������In this subtraction,the first number has 100digits and the second number has 50digits.111......111 100digits−222 (222)50digitsWhat is the sum of the digits in the result?(A)375(B)420(C)429(D)450(E)47520.��������,���的�����的����5��������的����1◦�请问�的��������I have two regular polygons where the larger polygon has 5sides more than the smaller polygon.The interior angles of the two polygons differ by 1◦.How many sides does the larger polygon have?(A)30(B)40(C)45(D)50(E)6021-25题,每题5分Questions 21to 25,5marks each21.ӔҌm 䦙n Ћݱّ䦚Տ՜Ҥࡄn =√100−m 2ϩЄվॵث(m,n )䩲How many solutions (m,n )exist for the equation n =√100−m 2where both m and n are integers?(A)4(B)6(C)7(D)8(E)1022.ϣϬԜףӌՄֵבӊϣϬӗЋ2ϡԜ߹ҤՄ䩟Ғ֘ӛܾ䦚Տ՜ϸϬԜףӌՄϡՄۯϥѮА䩲A tetrahedron is inscribed in a cube of side length 2as shown.What is the volume of the tetrahedron?(A)83(B)4(C)163(D)√6(E)8−2√223.ϣϬӗЋ5֧×12֧ϡᗀ࣏䦚ࡌоԷЅϣֺцࡠ۶䩟ѼњϨҖϬѧࡠֵ࣏ࡌозϽНЌϡֵבஆ䦚Տ՜ϸҖϬஆϡஆКҏயڒЋЄվ֧䩲A rectangle has sides of length 5and 12units.A diagonal is drawn and then the largest possible circle is drawn in each of the two triangles.What is the distance between the centres of these two circles?(A)√60(B)8(C)√65(D)√68(E)924.��√√...√256����60=2(8x ),请问x ��为��In the equation √√...√256����60=2(8x )the value of x is(A)−17(B)−19(C)−21(D)−23(E)1625.����为3�4�5���������������������,�����请问���������������43A right-angled triangle with sides of length 3,4and 5is tiled by infinitely many right-angled triangles,as shown.What is the shaded area?(A)187(B)5425(C)83(D)2717(E)9641问题26-30的答案为000-999之间的整数,请将答案填在答案卡上对应的位置。

一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数字不是两位数?A. 10B. 99C. 100D. 502. 下列哪个算式结果是10?A. 2 + 5B. 4 - 3C. 3 × 2D. 6 ÷ 23. 小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给了他3个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 2B. 3C. 8D. 104. 下列哪个数字比5大?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 35. 小华有8个橙子,小丽有6个橙子,他们一共有多少个橙子?A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 186. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 矩形B. 三角形C. 圆形D. 平行四边形7. 下列哪个数字不是3的倍数?A. 9B. 12C. 15D. 188. 小明走了10步,每步走了2米,小明一共走了多少米?A. 10B. 20C. 30D. 409. 下列哪个算式结果是5?A. 2 + 3B. 4 - 1C. 3 × 2D. 6 ÷ 210. 小红有7个苹果,小明给了她2个苹果,小红现在有多少个苹果?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 9二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 5 + 4 = ______12. 7 - 3 = ______13. 3 × 4 = ______14. 8 ÷ 2 = ______15. 12 + 5 = ______16. 9 - 4 = ______17. 6 × 3 = ______18. 10 ÷ 2 = ______19. 20 - 8 = ______20. 4 × 5 = ______三、应用题(每题5分,共20分)21. 小明有15个糖果,他给小红3个糖果,小明还剩下多少个糖果?22. 小华有9个铅笔,小丽有7个铅笔,他们一共有多少个铅笔?23. 小明和小红一起买了12个苹果,小明买了6个苹果,小红买了多少个苹果?24. 小华有20个糖果,他给了小丽一些糖果,小华剩下10个糖果,小丽得到了多少个糖果?四、解答题(每题10分,共20分)25. 请计算下列算式的结果:8 × 5 + 3 ÷ 2 - 426. 请写出5的乘法口诀。

姓名:__________________ 班级:__________________ 日期:____年__月__日注意:本试卷共20题,满分100分。
一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 17B. 26C. 35D. 482. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 长方形B. 三角形C. 正方形D. 梯形3. 小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给了他3个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 114. 一辆汽车从A地开往B地,每小时行驶60公里,3小时后到达。
A地到B地的距离是多少公里?A. 120B. 180C. 240D. 3005. 小华有一些铅笔,如果每人分给2支,还剩4支;如果每人分给3支,还剩1支。
小华至少有多少支铅笔?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 106. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 15B. 17C. 20D. 257. 一本书有100页,小明已经看了50页,他还需要看多少页才能看完整本书?A. 50B. 60C. 70D. 808. 下列哪个分数是最简分数?A. 3/6B. 4/8C. 5/10D. 7/149. 一个正方形的边长是4厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 8B. 12C. 16D. 2010. 小明有3个苹果,小红有2个苹果,他们两个人一共有多少个苹果?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)11. 7 + 8 = _________12. 9 - 4 = _________13. 6 × 5 = _________14. 24 ÷ 3 = _________15. 2/3 + 1/4 = _________三、应用题(每题10分,共20分)16. 小华的房间长5米,宽4米,房间面积是多少平方米?17. 小明骑自行车去图书馆,他每小时可以骑10公里,图书馆距离小明家20公里,小明需要多少小时才能到达图书馆?四、解答题(每题10分,共20分)18. 小红有5个苹果,小蓝有3个苹果,他们两个人一共有多少个苹果?如果每人分给4个苹果,还剩几个苹果?19. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是8厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?如果这个长方形的周长是40厘米,那么它的长和宽各是多少厘米?答案:一、选择题1. B2. C3. A4. C5. B6. B7. A8. D9. B 10. A二、填空题11. 15 12. 5 13. 30 14. 8 15. 11/12三、应用题16. 40平方米17. 2小时四、解答题18. 小红和小华一共有8个苹果。

丹东“PEP”2024年11版小学六年级下册英语第六单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The __________ is a famous area known for its cultural exchanges.2. 填空题:The __________ is the capital city of South Africa. (开普敦)3. 填空题:The __________ (历史的传承) connects us to the past.4. 填空题:My pet fish swims in the ______ (鱼缸). It is very ______ (漂亮).5. 填空题:The hedgehog rolls into a _________ (球) when scared.6. 填空题:A _______ (青蛙) can leap great distances.7. 听力题:The rabbits are ___ in the field. (hopping)8. 听力题:The book is _____ (interesting/boring).9. 填空题:The capital of Georgia is ________ (格鲁吉亚的首都是________).10. 填空题:I love to help my dad with the _______ (我爱帮我爸爸做_______).11. 听力题:We enjoy going to the ___. (movies)12. 填空题:The ________ was a significant event in the quest for knowledge.13. 选择题:What do you call the events that happen around the world?A. NewsB. StoriesC. MythsD. Legends答案:A14. 选择题:Which fruit has a hard shell and is often eaten as a nut?A. AlmondB. BananaC. CherryD. Grapefruit15. 填空题:The ant works together in a _________. (群体)16. 填空题:The teacher instills a sense of _____ (责任感) in students.17. 听力题:The atomic model developed by Dalton was based on the idea that atoms are _______.18. 选择题:Which of these is a planet in our solar system?A. SunB. MoonC. EarthD. Star答案: C19. 填空题:I love to watch ________ (惊悚片) with friends.20. 填空题:I love to _______ (种花) in my garden.21. 选择题:What do we call the art of storytelling through pictures?A. PhotographyB. PaintingC. IllustrationD. Animation答案:C22. 填空题:The process of photosynthesis takes place in the ______ of plants. (光合作用发生在植物的叶子中。

丹东“PEP”2024年11版小学五年级下册英语第6单元期末试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which month is known for April Fools’ Day?A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. June2、What is the primary ingredient in salsa?A. TomatoB. OnionC. PepperD. Cilantro3、What is the name of the boundary beyond which no light can escape a black hole?A. Event HorizonB. SingularityC. Photon SphereD. Accretion Disk4、What do we call the smallest particle of an element?A. AtomB. MoleculeC. CompoundD. Ion5、What is the term for the gradual increase in brightness of a supernova?A. Light CurveB. Brightness IncreaseC. Magnitude ShiftD. Luminosity Change6、选择题:What is the name of the famous novel by Mark Twain?A. Moby DickB. The Great GatsbyC. Huckleberry FinnD. To Kill a Mockingbird7、选择题:What is the name of the animal that builds dams?A. BeaverB. OtterC. RabbitD. Squirrel8、What do you call a type of music played on a piano?A. ClassicalB. JazzC. RockD. All of the above9、What do we call the hot season of the year?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Autumn10、What is the capital city of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza11、What is the capital city of Japan?A. SeoulB. BeijingC. TokyoD. Bangkok12、选择题:What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. Christ the RedeemerB. Statue of LibertyC. DavidD. Venus de Milo13、What do we call the sport played on ice?A. HockeyB. FootballC. BasketballD. Baseball14、选择题:What is the name of the famous novel written by Harper Lee?A. The Great GatsbyB. To Kill a MockingbirdC. Moby DickD. Pride and Prejudice15、What do we call the study of numbers?A. MathematicsB. GeometryC. AlgebraD. Statistics16、选择题:What do we call a person who draws pictures?A. IllustratorB. PainterC. Sketch ArtistD. All of the above17、Which season comes after spring?A. WinterB. SummerC. FallD. Rainy18、What do you call the process of changing a liquid to a gas?A. MeltingB. EvaporationC. CondensationD. Freezing19、What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome20、What do we call the study of weather patterns?A. MeteorologyB. ClimatologyC. GeographyD. Astronomy二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:She sings a ___ (song).2、听力题:Sound travels through _______ like air or water.3、听力题:He is a great ___ (singer).4、听力题:A chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base is called a ______ reaction.5、听力题:A magnet can attract _______ objects.6、听力题:A __________ is a geological feature that influences land use planning.7、听力题:A __________ can affect human development.8、听力题:A ____ hops around and has big ears.9、听力题:The ________ is a famous landmark in Paris.10、听力题:The _____ (leaf) is green.11、听力题:The ________ (championship) was exciting.12、听力题:The _______ can provide beauty to any landscape.13、听力题:A _______ is a solution that contains more solute than it normally would at a given temperature.A substance made up of two or more elements is called a ________.15、听力题:We need to ________ (clean) our room.16、听力题:The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces __________.17、听力题:She is _______ (playing) the flute.18、听力题:The ______ helps with the storage of fat in the body.19、听力题:The Earth's rotation causes _______ and night.20、听力题:A ____ lounges in the sun and enjoys the warmth.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The ________ was a major milestone in scientific discovery.2、ers are cultivated for their unique ______, making them popular in floral arrangements. (某些花因其独特的外观而受到欢迎,成为花卉安排中的流行选择。

南充2024年11版小学6年级上册英语第三单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The cake looks very ___ (delicious).2. 听力题:The chemical symbol for potassium is ________.3. 听力题:The capital of Canada is __________.4. 填空题:She is a _____ (科学家) studying renewable resources.5. 选择题:Which animal is known for its wisdom?A. OwlB. EagleC. CrowD. Parrot答案:A6. 填空题:I enjoy the sound of __________ during a gentle rain. (滴答声)7. 选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work in chemistry?A. Marie CurieB. Dmitri MendeleevC. Robert BoyleD. All of the above8. 填空题:A tarantula can live for over twenty years with proper ________________ (照顾).9. 听力题:Chemical properties describe how a substance _____ with other substances.10. 听力题:The ______ loves exploring new ideas.11. 听力题:The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is ______.12. 填空题:My _____ (堂姐) enjoys shopping for toys and games.我堂姐喜欢购物买玩具和游戏。
大理“PEP”2024年11版小学4年级英语第三单元期末试卷[含答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、How do you say "mouse" in Spanish?A. RatónB. SourisC. MausD. Mus2、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is ______.3、听力题:The capital city of Egypt is ________.4、填空题:My uncle is a __________. (律师)5、Which of these is a type of flower?A. OakB. RoseC. PineD. Maple6、填空题:The doctor gives _____ (建议) about staying healthy.7、听力题:A chemical reaction can be classified as ______ or endothermic.8、听力题:The chihuahua is a small ______ dog.9、填空题:My favorite color is the color of a ________.10、What is the color of an emerald?A. RedB. BlueC. GreenD. Yellow11、What is the capital of France?A. RomeB. MadridC. ParisD. Berlin答案:C12、选择题:What do we call a person who flies an airplane?A. PilotB. EngineerC. DoctorD. Teacher13、听力题:She is a great ________.14、填空题:The __________ is a famous city known for its flowers. (阿姆斯特丹)15、填空题:A _____ is a place known for its beauty and tranquility.16、What is the primary source of energy for the Earth?A. WindB. WaterC. SunD. Coal答案: C. Sun17、填空题:The _______ (青蛙) often sits on lily pads.18、What is the main ingredient in pancakes?A. FlourB. RiceC. Sugar答案:A19、填空题:Gardening is a great way to connect with ______. (园艺是与自然联系的好方法。

考试时间:60分钟总分:100分一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给他买了7个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 2个B. 10个C. 12个D. 22个2. 一辆火车从A站开往B站,每小时行驶80公里,火车从A站到B站需要4小时,请问A站到B站的距离是多少公里?A. 160公里B. 240公里C. 320公里D. 400公里3. 小华有3个红色球和4个蓝色球,她将这些球混合在一起,随机拿出一个球,拿到红色球的概率是多少?A. 1/2B. 2/3C. 3/4D. 4/74. 一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是8厘米,这个长方形的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 80平方厘米B. 96平方厘米C. 144平方厘米D. 192平方厘米5. 一个数字加上它的两倍,再减去它的三倍,结果是4,这个数字是多少?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 46. 一个班级有男生25人,女生30人,这个班级的总人数是多少?A. 55人B. 60人C. 65人D. 70人7. 小刚骑自行车去图书馆,每小时可以骑10公里,如果他想在30分钟内到达图书馆,他至少需要以多快的速度骑行?A. 5公里/小时B. 10公里/小时C. 15公里/小时D. 20公里/小时8. 一个圆形的直径是14厘米,这个圆形的周长是多少厘米?A. 42厘米B. 56厘米C. 70厘米D. 84厘米9. 小明有20个橙子,他吃掉了其中的3个,然后又买回了5个橙子,小明现在有多少个橙子?A. 15个B. 18个C. 20个D. 23个10. 一个班级有40名学生,其中男生占60%,女生占多少比例?A. 40%B. 50%C. 60%D. 70%二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 7 + 8 = ______2. 15 - 9 = ______3. 12 × 3 = ______4. 20 ÷ 4 = ______5. 8 × 7 = ______6. 100 - 37 = ______7. 24 ÷ 6 = ______8. 6 × 9 = ______9. 25 + 47 = ______10. 50 ÷ 2 = ______三、应用题(每题10分,共30分)1. 小明和小华一起去商店买文具,小明买了3支铅笔和2个橡皮,小华买了4支铅笔和1个橡皮。