



( )21.Put it down, Tom, You mustn't read _________________ l etter.

A.else anyone's

B. anyone's else C・ anyone else's D. anyone else ( )22.The surface of Mars is _________ like the surface of Earth than _________ planet in our solar system.

A.much; the other

B. much; any other C・ more; the other D. more; any other

( )23.Not only the teacher but also the students ______________ enjoying the film at that moment

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

( )24.Our English teacher devoted all her time she had ___________ others.

A. helped

B. helping

C. to help

D. to helping

( )25.The water in the river smells terrible, people must __________ dirty things into it.

A. be stopped to throw

B. be stopped from throwing

C. stop to throw

D. stop from throwing

( )26•一Sorry for being late again.

一________ here on time next time, or youTl be punishcd・

A. Come

B. Coming

C. To come

D. Came

( )27.一Your brother doesnl get up early on weekdays, does he?

一________ .But he gets up late at weekends .

A. Yes, he does

B. No, he doesnS

C. Yes, he doesn^t

D. No, he does

( )2&一Must I stay here with you?

一No, you _________ .You may go home, but you _________ go to the net bar.

A. mustnY, needn^t

B. neednt mustn5t C・ must, need D. need, must

( )29.一He,s never seen to eat so much food, _____________ ?

——No, he always eats a little・

A. is he B・ isnS he C. has he D. hasn't he

)30. He spent as much time as he could _________ his spoken English・

A. improve

B. improving

C. to improve

D. improved

)31. Suzhou is _________ beautiful place that ___________ many people come to visit it every year.

A. such, so

B.so ,so

C.such a ,so

D.such a ,such

( )32・ ______ .1 hear the BRT in Yancheng has been in service for a few days ・

A what exciting news

B what an excited news

C how excited news is

D how exciting news

( )33.一What's the low-carbon (低碳的)lifestyle like?

一Save ______ energy, produce _______ carbon.

A. more; more

B. less; more

C. less; less

D. more; less

( )34.1 wonder _________ , M匚Smith ・ We^re looking for him everywhere ・

A where has your son been

B where your son has been

C where have you gone

D where your son has gone

( )35.The teacher _________ the papers and the test began .

A gave in

B gave away

C gave out

D gave up


_36 the population of China? There are more than 1.3 billion people in China・ It is almost one fifth of the world's population・ How to cont「ol(控制)the population growth is a big probl em. Some people think 37 to control the population growth, But I don't quite agree 38 them, because

39 .there is a way .

The question is that we should make it 40 how serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming less and less to every one • We have already got too many mouths to fe el.

41 wc control the population growth, many people will die 42 hungcr. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. Though laws(法彳聿)have been 43, to control the population growth, in some places, 44 is done to carry out (贯彻)the law. We should make people

45 that it is foolish 46 them to bring too many children into the

world .They shall 47 do 48 they have been doing for many years ・

We are fighting 49 too fast population growth・ Yet, the fighting won't end 50 everyone knows its meaning and docs something for it.

()36. A. How many arc B.What is C・ How much is D. What arc

( ) 37. A. that it impossible for B.it impossible of C. that it impossible of D.it impossibl

e ( ) 3& A. to B. for C. with D. on

( ) 39. A. there's

will B. where there's a will C. there's the will D.where there's the


l ( ) 40. A. known to everybody B. known by

everybody C.known D.is known by

( ) 41. A.讦not B.Unless C. Until D. If ( ) 42. A. of B.about C. on D・ out of ( ) 43. A. past B. passed C. broken D. thought ( ) 44. A. many B. little C. a lot D. much

( ) 45. A. to know B. to

leam C・ know D. learning

( ) 46. A.about B. for C. with D.of ( ) 47. A. not longer B. not more C. no longer D. no more ( ) 4& A. that B. which C. what D. how

( ) 49. A. for B.

against C. with D. without

( ) 50. A. until B. after C・ when D. as



No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly

the signs around us, wc can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun arc a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather, their joints hurt. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because of the insects(昆虫)which they arc hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows(彩虹)come in the evening・ If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm・ If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting・

( )51 .People's joints ache _____ .

A. is a sign of coming rain B・ without any reason

C・ because they arc ill D. because of the insects

( )52. Which is true about weather forecasting?

A.Weather forecasting is a report about the today's weather .

B.Weather forecasting is a way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or


C.Weather forecasting is a sign of coming rain.

D.People can change the weather forecasting.

)53. The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will ______ .

A・ be warm B. be rainy C・ become clear and fine D. be cold

)54. A rainbow is a _____ of the fine weather.

A. sign

B. way C・ method D・ road

55. We must _____ to make weather forecasting・

A. use our eyes and brains B・ study the weather hard

D. All of the above

C. read correctly the signs

As a devoted (忠实A勺)son, Freud often visited his old mother. His mother usually spent her summers in a small mountain town in Austria (奥地利).The King Josef usually spent his summers there, too. One day in the summer, a band (乐队)was playing a lively tune ([Hl 子)when FrcucTs mother was sitting at the window and watching the people singing and dancing on Main Street. The old woman had a poor memory. She heard the band playing, but forgot it was the Kings birthday. Freud was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday. He told his mother, "Mama, the band is playing for your birthday.^ She believed him and had a wonderful day.

)56. Freud was a famous of _____________ •

A • doctor, Austria

B ・ general, Vienna

C・ King, Austria D. doctor, Australia

)57. One day Freud came to the small mountain town for _________ •

A. his 70th birthday

B. the King Josefs birthday

C. his mother's birthday

D. his holiday

)58.Freudss mother felt very happy on her 95th birthday because _______________

A. the King Josef himself came to celebrate (庆贺)her birthday

B・ the people of the town came out to celebrate her birthday

C・ she believed that the band was playing for her birthday

D. she heard the band playing a lively tune so wonderfully




Name/ Address

single Doubles Special attractions

The number

of the rooms

A. Fairview Hotel

B. First Hotel.

C. Orchard Hotel

D. Osaka Hotel

( )60.The cheapest price for a single bed is ________ i n _______ in Boswell.

A. $12, First Hotel

B. $15, Osaka Hotel

C. $12, Fairview Hotel

D. $25, Orchard Hotel

()61. Which hotel faces Orchard Hotel?

A. First Hotel.

B. Osaka Hotel.

C. Fairview Hotel.

D. No Hotel.


When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor, Dr. Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor Fd ever known. He never invited us to play in his yard, but he was a very kind person.

When Dr. Gibbs wasrft saving lives, he was planting trees・He owned a large field and wanted to make it a forest・

The good doctor had some interesting ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you watered them, each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker, so you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early on.

He talked about how watering trees made for shallow(浅白勺)roots, and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots(木艮)in search of(搜寻)water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important.

So he never watered his trees・ He'd planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, hcM beat it with a rollcd-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home・ Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years ago. They're very big and strong now.

I plant ed some trees a few years back and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. Mostly I pray (祈祷)that their lives will be easy・ But lately Fve been thinking that it's time to change my prayer. I know my children arc going to face difficulties. There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to

do is to pray for roots that reach deep into the brave heart, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we could face it strongly and won't be beaten down.

( )62 Wc know from the reading the doctor _________ ・

A. didn't know how to plant trees at all

B. wasn't good at his own medical job

C・ had his own ways of planting trees D. had nothing to do but plant trees

()63・ When Dr. Gibbs said "... pick out the weaker trees early on'\ he meant that ___ •

A.some weak trees would be easily found out at the beginning

B.he would choose the weak trees to water earlier

C・ the weak trees would be sent to his patients later

D. he would not plant weak trees so early any more

()64. The passage tells us that the writer _______ .

A. should beat his trees with a rolled-up newspaper B・ didn't often water his trees

C.didn't have a large field

D. took too much care of his trees

()65 The writer wants to change his prayer, hoping that _______ .

A. his trees will be stronger than Dr. Gibbs'

B. his trees will not be beaten down

C・ his sons will be better at planting trees D. his sons will be able to face difficulties



Now you've finished three years of English study. There's one way to demonstrate(展示)what you've learned-take a test!

Do you have any special methods(方•法)you use to help you do better on a test? How well you do is often a matter of how well prepared you are. Here are some ways to make sure you're at your best on test days-

Go to bed early. The night before a test is not the time to stay up watching TV. You want to be rested and wide-awake for test day.

Have a good breakfast. Test day isn't a morning for donuts(血包圈)・Nor is it a time to starve yourself Eat plenty of low-sugar, high-energy food to keep your brain and body working their best.

Be prepared, Make sure you have two pencils and anything else you were asked to bring・Watch the numbers・ Make sure that the number of the items(项U )on your answer sheet matches the number of the question.

Look over all the answer choices(选择).Don't assume(假定)that choice A is correct until you^ve checked the others. You may find a better one・ And it is wrong to eliminate(刘E 除)any choice that you can see at once・ You'll have a better chance of finding the right answer.

Check the clock・ Make sure you allow yourself enough time to answer every question and go back and check your answers ・Don't spend too much time on any difficult question .Skip(ME 读)it and come back to it late匚

Keep up with your school work all year long That's how you get the skills you need for taking tests.




76.The Sixteenth Asian Games have been held in Guangzhou ___________ L成功)•

77.What useful ___________ (建议)it is !

7& —Do you have any __________ (最新的)news about Liu Xiang ?

-一Fm afraid not. I know as much as you do .

79.The number of the students in our class is about __________ (四:三)of that in his class.

80.Every day my father spends over an hour __________ (锻炼)・

81.My father minds d ___________ him when he is working .He needs quiet places .

82.He is not at all s ________ with the kizy robot and he wants to return it to the robot shop .

83.Would you please r ___________ him for the Most Helpful students ? Everyone is happy with him •

84.His spoken English is e _______ . How did he leam such good English ?

85.—Have you read Han han's works r ______ ?It's very popular online・

---- Really? I will read them when I am free.

86.How did he feel when he heard the __________ (surprise) news ?

87.Our English teacher was ___________ (honour) with many awards for her hard work .

88.The more you cat, the _________ (fat) you will be .

89.Our own planet,Earth is becoming more and more crowded and _______ (pollute).

90.Sandy got a lot If presents at her ______ (twenty )birthday party.

B用方框中所给的词语的适当形势填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词限用一次)not support, zoo , care for , keep , good , hardly , surprise , for , much , be suitable for | Yesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was 91 to find few people there. 92 are very important places. They provide homes 93 many endangered animals .They also help to educate the public about

94 them . If we 95 our zoos, they won't have enough money to take care of so 96 fine animals. Therefore, People should go and visit the zoos more often to leam about animals and help to protect them 97 •

However, some people don't think so. They think zoos arc terrible places for animals to live. u Fve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I like or one that 98 animals to live in •” Jenny said The animals 99 in small cages and can 100 move at all .What's more, they are only given food once a week That's terrible.




______ y ou get up early ,you _______________________ the early bus .


I ______________ to my penfriend _______________________ last night •


Jim has ________________________ but ________________________ the work .


I __________________ he can __________________________ all his classmates .


When they ________________ the cinema ,the film _____________________ for five minutes. B三年的学习生活即将结束,你将作为学生代表,在校2011届毕业典礼上发言,请你用英




Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and fellow graduates. It is a great honour for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating class of 2011.

Goodbye, our beautiful school, our dear teachers and our friends. Thank you for listening・









61-65 AC ADD

66 > better best 67、ways 68

> staying 6


70> have 71、other 72

、match 7


74、Planning 75、if 76


77> advice 78、up-to-date /latest 79

8() > exercising 81 > disturbing 82


83、recommend 84 > excellent 85


86、suiprising 87、honored 88



89、polluted 90、twentieth 91


92> Zoos 93、for 94

caring for

95、don't support 96、many 97


9X、is suitable for 99、are kept 10


101s Unless will not catch

102、was sending an-mail/e-mails while he was watching TV 103、no choice to put all his effort into

104、am not sure /certain get on/along well with

105 > arrived at/reached /got to had been on much



九年级英语(人教版) 期中测试卷 (含解析)

九年级英语(人教版)期中测试卷(含解 析) 九年级英语期中测试卷 (时间:100分钟,满分:100分) 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.—The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.—The doctor is right. ________ you eat, ________ you will be. A.The less; the healthier B.The less; the more healthier C.The more; the healthier D.The more; the more healthier 【答案】A 【详解】 句意:——医生告诉我们不要吃太多,但是我发现那很难。——医生是对的,你吃得越少,你就将越健康。the less更少;the healthier更健康;the more healthier形式错误,more应放在多音节形容词前,构成比较级,healthy的比较级是healthier;the more更多。这句话使用的句型是the +形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级,表示越……,就越……,故应选A。 2.We find_____impossible for us______a foreign language well in a short time. A.one ;learn B.it ;to learn C.that ;to learn D.this ;learning

【分析】 句意:我们认为对于我们来说短时间内学好一种外语是不可能的。【详解】 根据句型find it+形容词+for sb to do sth“认为对于某人来说,做某事是……”,此处it是形式宾语,to do sth是真正的宾语,故选B。3.﹣Hello,Lucy,please give me some____on how to improve my English! ﹣You'd better keep___more English books. A.advices;read B.advice;read C.advice;reading D.advices;reading 【答案】C 【详解】 句意:——你好,露西,关于如何提高我的英语请给我一些建议。——你最好坚持读英语书。 考查名词的数和动词形式辨析。advice建议,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,前空可排除AD两项;后空keep doing sth.坚持做某事,是固定结构。根据句意结构,故选C。 4.—Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday —I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________. A.is; will rain B.is; rains C.will be; will rain D.will be; rains 【答案】A


九年级英语期中测试卷姓名:_____________ 一、笔试部分(100分) I.根据句意以及首字母提示完成单词。(5分) 1. I don’t know the p___________ of the word. 2. She often misses her friends and r___________ in her hometown. 3. It’s c___________ to travel around Paris by subway. 4. Do you know the differences between B__________ English and American English? 5. There are some leaves on the s___________ of the water. II. 用所给词或汉语的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. Do you learn English by ____________ (watch) English-language videos? 2. Maybe someone has ____________ (偷走) my handbag at the station. 3. This is the ___________ (中心的) city of the whole area. 4. You ____________ (use) to be quiet, didn’t you? 5. Peter is a ____________ (Germany), but his mother is a Chinese. III.单项选择(15分) 1.Tom was so careless that he often _______ the exam. A.make mistake of B.makes mistakes in C.made mistakes in D.made mistakes of 2.Many heroes are ready to help others, Lei Feng, _______. A.such as B.like C.for example D.example 3.I usually _______ Tian’anmen Square on the way to school every day. A.pass on B.pass by C.drop by https://www.360docs.net/doc/7519310009.html,e by 4.______ clever boy he is! A.How B.What C.How a D.What a 5.He comes from a small village _______ Choushui. A.calls B.called C.calling D.call 6.My uncle _______ a doctor, but now he has retired. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7519310009.html,ed to be https://www.360docs.net/doc/7519310009.html,e to be C.was used to being https://www.360docs.net/doc/7519310009.html,ed to being 7.I didn’t understand _______, so I raised my hand to ask. A.what my teacher says B.what does my teacher say C.what my teacher said D.what did my teacher say 8.Could you tell me where _______ the post office? A. to find B.can I find C.how to find D.find 9.Do you know _______ there are any good restaurants _______ this block? A.if;on B.how;on C.if;to D.where;to 10.I used to _______ upstairs, but now I am used to _______ downstairs.It’s cooler. A.sleep;sleep B.sleeping;sleeping C.sleeping;sleep D.sleep;sleeping 11.The old man lives ______, but she never feels ______. A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone D.alone;lonely 12.He ______ many books in the last few years. A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.was written 13.Her book are _______ read. A.wide B.widely C.wider D.widest 14.Mo Yan is famous _______ an excellent writer.And China is famous ______ culture. A.for;as B.as;for C.because;as D.as;for 15.Leo was late for class.So he _______ clean the classroom after school. A.made B.made to C.was made D.was made to IV.句型转换,每空一词。(10分) 1.The boy is too young to dress himself. (改为同义句) The boy is ________ young ________ he can’t dress himself. 2.The flowers are very beautiful. (改为感叹句) _________ __________ flowers they are! 3.The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year. (改为反义疑问句) The Smiths said they would visit Beijing the next year, ________ _________? 4.Could you tell me how to deal with it? (改为同义句) Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ deal with it? 5.The tomatoes are picked by hand. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the tomatoes ________? V.交际运用(15分) (A).补全对话。(5分) A: Hi, Bob. Don’t you remember me?


新目标九年级英语期中试卷附参考答案 I.单项选择(15%) 1. Excuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera? A. what to B .where to C. what I can D. where can I 2. I’d like a piece of paper _________ . A. to write B. to be writing C. to write on D. to write with 3. Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer? A. for, with B. with, about C. about, with D. with, with 4. –“I hope _________ play soccer with us tomorrow. ” –“Yes, I hope _________. ” A. him not to, not too B. he won’t, it too C. him not to, that too D. he won’t, so too 5. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because 1

technology _______ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 6. – Lisa has made great progress these days. – _________, and _________. A. So has she, so have you B. So has she, so you have C. So she has, so you have D. So she has, so have you 7. I didn’t go to the party not _______ the weather but _______ I didn’t feel well. A. because of; because B. because; because of C. because; because D. because of; because of 8. If I _____ her address, I _____ write to her. A. know; would B. knew; will C. would know; wrote D. knew; would 2


九年级第二学期期中考试 英语试题 二、单项选择:(计15分) ( )21.Put it down, Tom, You mustn't read _________________ l etter. A.else anyone's B. anyone's else C・ anyone else's D. anyone else ( )22.The surface of Mars is _________ like the surface of Earth than _________ planet in our solar system. A.much; the other B. much; any other C・ more; the other D. more; any other ( )23.Not only the teacher but also the students ______________ enjoying the film at that moment A. are B. is C. were D. was ( )24.Our English teacher devoted all her time she had ___________ others. A. helped B. helping C. to help D. to helping ( )25.The water in the river smells terrible, people must __________ dirty things into it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing ( )26•一Sorry for being late again. 一________ here on time next time, or youTl be punishcd・ A. Come B. Coming C. To come D. Came ( )27.一Your brother doesnl get up early on weekdays, does he? 一________ .But he gets up late at weekends . A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnS C. Yes, he doesn^t D. No, he does ( )2&一Must I stay here with you? 一No, you _________ .You may go home, but you _________ go to the net bar. A. mustnY, needn^t B. neednt mustn5t C・ must, need D. need, must ( )29.一He,s never seen to eat so much food, _____________ ? ——No, he always eats a little・ A. is he B・ isnS he C. has he D. hasn't he )30. He spent as much time as he could _________ his spoken English・ A. improve B. improving C. to improve D. improved )31. Suzhou is _________ beautiful place that ___________ many people come to visit it every year. A. such, so B.so ,so C.such a ,so D.such a ,such ( )32・ ______ .1 hear the BRT in Yancheng has been in service for a few days ・ A what exciting news B what an excited news C how excited news is D how exciting news ( )33.一What's the low-carbon (低碳的)lifestyle like? 一Save ______ energy, produce _______ carbon. A. more; more B. less; more C. less; less D. more; less ( )34.1 wonder _________ , M匚Smith ・ We^re looking for him everywhere ・ A where has your son been B where your son has been C where have you gone D where your son has gone ( )35.The teacher _________ the papers and the test began . A gave in B gave away C gave out D gave up 二.完形填空(共15小题,满分15分)


人教版九年级下册期中试卷 英语 一、听力技能(两部分,共20小题,计20分) 第一节对话理解根据所听到的对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。(共5小题,计5分) 1. What is the man probably doing now? A. Writing a report. B. Washing socks. C. Buying socks. 2. How will the woman travel to the beach next month? A. By plane. B. By train. C. By ship. 3. How often do Lisa and Mark go to the Spanish Corner? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 4. What has Linda made out of wood? A. Plates. B. Bowls. C. Forks. 5. What does the woman dislike about Sissy? A. Her writing style. B. Her hairstyle. C. Her dressing style. 第二节听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2-3个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题。(共15小题,计15分) 听第六段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6. What is the boy looking for? A. His balls. B. His socks. C. His football shoes. 7. Where does the boy find them? A. In the garden. B. In the living room. C. Under his bed. 听第七段对话,回答第8至9小题。 8. Which number does the man like? A. 4. B. 8. C. 9. 9. What is “4-2-1-2”? A. The woman’s race number. B. The woman’s house number. C. The woman’s class number. 听第八段对话,回答第10至11小题。 10. What is The Great Bamboo Wall House made of besides bamboo? A. Steel. B. Silver. C. Rice paper. 11. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A map. B. A photo. C. A painting.


人教版九年级英语期中考试题(含答案) 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.--—How do you study _______a test? ———-I study _______reading the textbook。 A. for ;for B。for ; by C。by ; for D .by ; by ( )2。I don’t know _______。Can you tell me________? A. how swim; what to do B. how to swim ;what to do it C。how to swim;what to do D。what to swim; how to do ( )3. Liu Xiang is one of ______ runners in the world. A. famous B. more famous C。the most famous ()4. My brother spends too much time ______computer games. A。to play B. play C. plays D.playing ( ) 5. If I ____ ten million dollars,I ____travel around the world. A。have; will B. had;will C. had;will D .had;would ( )6。The young trees should ______well as often as possible A.be water B. watered C. watering D. be watered ()7。He pretended ________me when he walked by. A. not see B。not to see C。don’t see D. to not see ( )8。_________that river ________very clean? A. Did ;use to B. Did ;use to be C。Does ;used to D。Does ;use to be ()9。You__________to school so early。It opens at 7. A。needn't come B。don’t need come C. needn’t coming D。needn't to come ( )10。———-How many people will come to Beijing next year? —--—It's hard to say. _________people ,I think. A. Million of B。Millions of C. Three millions D. Three millions of ( )11.-—-——Whose guitar is this? -—-—-Susan plays the guitar。It must _______。


2022-2023学年九年级下学期英语期中测试题(含答案) 本试题卷共12页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:1.试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。 2.作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。 3.考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。 第Ⅰ卷(共95分) I. 听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. Yes, they do. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is. 2. A. By bus. B. By taking exercise. C. By reading aloud. 3. A. Metal. B. 50 dollars. C. In Hong Kong. 4. A. All right. B. I agree. C. No problem. 5. A. Sounds great. B. You’d better not. C. You are welcome. 6. A. Best wishes. B. Good luck. C. Thanks a lot. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7. A. Germany. B. Switzerland. C. Mexico. 8. A. To run after an alien. B. To catch the bus. C. To exercise. 9. A. Speaking Chinese. B. Having Chinese food. C. Listening to Chinese. 10.A. At 7:00. B. At 7:20. C. At 7:40. 11.A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter. C. Student and teacher. 12.A. Some rubbish. B. Old clothes. C. Some bags. 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13.What did Kate use to be like? A. Tall and fat. B. Short and thin. C. Tall and thin. 14. When did they use to go to the movies together? A. on Saturdays . B. on Sundays. C. on Mondays. 听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。 15. How much does an elephant weigh at birth? A.About 10 kilos. B. Abut 100 kilos. C. About 1,000 kilos. 16.What color are most elephants? A. Black. B. Brown. C. Gray. 第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目

人教版九年级英语下册中考模拟学情评估 附答案 (2)

中考模拟学情评估(二) 英语九年级下册 R版陕西 时间:120分钟满分:120分 第一部分(听力30分) Ⅰ. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分) 第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分) ()1. A. To the bookstore. B. To the bus station. C. To the airport. ()2. A. At 7:00 p. m. B. At 8:00 p. m. C. At 9:00 p. m. ()3. A. To a bank. B. To a hospital. C. To a bookstore. ()4. A. Her pens. B. Her glasses. C. Her keys. ()5. A. She likes it. B. She doesn't like it. C. She doesn't mind it. ()6. A. In a zoo. B. At home. C. At a parking lot. ()7. A. She often goes shopping. B. She often goes swimming. C. She often goes hiking. ()8. A. She has a round face. B. She has short hair.

C. She has long hair. ()9. A. A musician. B. A basketball player. C. A tennis player. ()10. A. 3 yuan. B. 4 yuan. C. 5 yuan. 第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据对话的内容,从题目所给的三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10分) 听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。 ()11. What are the evening discussions about? A. Popular music. B. Popular writers. C. Popular operas. ()12. How often do they meet? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。 ()13. Why didn't Tom go to school? A. Because he lost his notebook. B. Because he was late. C. Because he had a toothache. ()14. When are they going to meet? A. Tomorrow morning. B. In a short while. C. Next week. ()15. What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.


2022-2023学年度九年级英语第二学期期中检测试卷(含答案) 注意事项: 1. 本试卷包含第Ⅰ卷选择题(第1-45题)、第Ⅱ卷非选择题(第46-81题)部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分。考试形式为闭卷。 2. 本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后再开始答题。 3. 所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。 4. 答题前,务必将姓名、准考证号用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. It's great that China has played _______ important role in fighting against COVID-19 all over the world. A. the B. an C. a D. / 2. When times are difficult, tell _________ that pain is part of growing. A. you B. yourself C. your D. yours 3. Never do anything bad because you think it's too small. You never know _________ it can lead. A. why B. what C. where D. when 4. — How long can this mobile phone last? —If you use it _________ , it may work for you for quite a few years. A. smoothly B. completely C. widely D. properly 5. —Why don't you go to bed, Jimmy? —Mum promised to tell me a bedtime story, but she _________ her work. A. doesn't finish B. didn't finish C. hasn't finished D. won't finish 6. Sometimes I feel stressed because what my parents want me to do has gone _________ my ability. A. through B. against C. above D. beyond 7. —Everyone should learn to say "I love you" to their parents often. —I think so. _______in life is more important than family. A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing 8. If parents do everything for their children, they won't learn to ________ themselves. A. depend on B. get on C. put on D. come on


荆州市2022-2023学年人教版新目标九年级英语上学期期中测试题笔试2(含答案) 【知识运用】 Ⅲ单项选择。 1.Ben watched Tom and Jerry yesterday. cartoon made him laugh. A.A B.An C.The D./ 2.Everybody,please keep .It’s not allowed to make any noise in the reading room. A.fit B.warm C. dry D.quiet 3.-Jack,I have no idea for the report. -Me neither. Why don’t we ask the teacher for ? A.help B. jokes C.food D. tickets 4.There was a storm yesterday., ,most of the flowers in my garden are still alive. A.Clearly B.Luckily C.Suddenly D.Firstly 5.-Thomas, where are my postcards?I find them. -They’re on the bookshelf. A.can't B.needn’t C. mustn’t D.shouldn't 6.-Mum, may I have more chocolate? -You’d better not __too much sweet food is bad for health. A.until B.while C.although D.because 7.In China, people usually__their houses to sweep away bad luck before Spring Festival. A. clean up B.look up C. make up D. put up 8.-Lydia,have you decided which city to travel to,London or New York? -Not yet. Maybe I London to meet my friends this time. A.visit B.visited C.will visit D. was visiting 9.-Nancy,do you know_ ? -In 1957,I think. A.who wrote the play Teahouse B. what the play Teahouse is about C.when the play Teahouse was written D. why Lao She wrote the play Teahouse


人教版九年级下册英语 期中测试卷 VI. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 31.The NPC and CPPCC annual sessions(全国两会)began ______ early March. A. on B. at C. in D. of 32.______ bad news it was that the tornado(龙卷风)hit this area and killed many people! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 33.In the past few months, Chinese COVID vaccines(疫苗)______ in many other countries. A. have arrived B. arrived C. will arrive D. had arrived 34.---Because of the Double Reduction Policy(双减政策), students go home ______ they finish their homework at school. --- Sure. As a parent of a Grade 9 student, I don’t feel so tired as before. A. before B. while C. since D. after 35.Though Su Bingtian is over thirty, he can still run ______ some younger players. A. so fast as B. more fast than C. more faster than D. as fast as 36.The young man couldn't afford the car because he ______ all his money on the house. A. will spend B. spends C. was spending D. spent 37.If each of us ______ the rules of nature, our world will be better and better. A. followed B. follows C. is following D. will follow 38.The motto of the Tokyo Olympics is “______”. A. Fast, high, strong, together B. Faster, higher, stronger, together C. Faster, higher, stronger, nicer D. Faster, high, stronger, nice 39.--- Many companies in the world ______ HUAWEI chips(华为芯片). --- Great. The world will ______ more chances to the better company. A. are used to using; offer B. were used to use; offer C. used to use; provide D. are used to; provide 40.--- Do you know about the Japanese nuclear crisis(核危机)? --- Yes. I know ______. A. how are they dealing with it B. what it has caused C. how terrible was it D. how long will it last VII. 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下列短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 On Sept. 30, I watched a film on the Chinese People’s V olunteers who joined the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(抗美援朝)(1950-53)—The Battle at Lake Changjin. It

人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 2 学情评估试卷 附答案

人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 2 学情评估 一、单项选择。(每小题2分,共20分) 1. There is going to be an English movie in our school ____ the evening of June 30. A.at B.in C.for D.on 2. ____ a fresh spring morning it is! A.Who B.Why C.What D.How 3. The poor boy's parents have been ____ for two years in a traffic accident. He has to live alone. A.wise B.sleepy C.angry D.dead 4. [易错题]—Look! There's an old woman ____ on the road. —Oh, it's dangerous. Let's go and help her. A.laying B.lying C.lain D.laid 5. When reaching the mountain top, all the visitors became quiet and began ____ the beautiful sunrise. A.treating B.reviewing C.discovering D.admiring 6. I don't know if it ____ tomorrow, but if it ____,I'll stay at home. A.will rain; rains B.will rain; will rain C.rains; will rain D.rains; rains 7. Be quick, or we'll ____ missing the last bus. A.grow up B.hurry up C.end up D.give up 8. —The doctor warns you ____ too much time on the Internet.—Oh, Mom, I won't. A.to spend B.not to spend C.spending D.not spending 9. —The Dragon Boat Races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. —Don't worry. I am sure ____ our team will win! A.if B.that C.whether D.why 10. —It's World Sleep Day today. Let's talk about sleep.
