


考 试  ̄B 2 0 第4 J 0年 5 - 1 | 期
论 英 汉Biblioteka 互 译中 的 直 译
林 佳
与 意 译
( 建 中 医药 大 学 管 理 学 院 , 建 福 州 3 0 0 ) 福 福 5 18
摘 要 :本 文 探 讨 的 是 直 译 和 意 译 这 两 种 重 要 翻 译 方 法 之 间 的 区别 和 联 系 , 它们 既 相 互 对 立 又 服 务 于 同一 翻 译 目的 。 同 时还 重 点 谈 到 了直 译 和 意译 在 翻 译 过 程 中的 选择 和 运 用 。 关键 词 : 汉互译 直译 意译 区别和联 系 选择和运 用 英
英 语 与 汉 语 属 于 不 同 的 两 种 语 言 ,它 们 语 言 系 统 独 立 鲜 明 , 态 和句 法 等 方 面差 异 也 很 大 。但 因 为 人们 在感 情 表 达 、 形 在 对 客 观 事 物 的 感 知 以及 在 社 会 经 历 等 方 面 总 有 相 似 之 处 , 所 以英 汉 语 言 表 达 中有 少 量 相 同 或 相 似 的 表 达 方 式 。正 是 由 于 英 汉 两 种语 言之 间 既有 共 同点 又有 不 同 点 .所 以 在 翻 译 实 践 过 程 中 , 们 不 能 千篇 一 律 地 使 用 一 种 方 法 进 行 翻 译 。 译 我 直 和 意 译是 重要 的 翻译 理 论 , 是 最 主 要 的两 种 翻 译 方 法 。 谓 也 所 直 译 是指 在语 言条 件 许 可 下 . 译 文 中不 仅 传 达 原 文 的 内容 , 在 也 尽 可 能 完整 地 保 留原 文 的修 辞 风格 和 组 句 形 式 。 而 意 译 是 指 只保 持 原 文 内容 、 保 持 原 文 形 式 的 翻 译 方 法 。 不 直译 和意 译 孰 优 孰 劣 。 下 定 论 。 查 阅 中 国 的翻 译 史 , 难 赞 成 直 译和 意 译 的大 有 人 在 。 期 佛 典 翻 译 中 的文 质 说 , 代 玄 早 唐 奘的“ 真” “ 求 与 喻俗 ” 近 代 有 严 复 的 “ 、 、 ” 鲁 迅 的 “ 。 信 达 雅 及 宁 信 而 不顺 ” 赵 景深 的 “ 顺 而 不 信 ” 。 是从 直译 和 意 译 的 与 宁 等 都 角度 来 探 讨 翻 译 的 原 则 。 举 个 例 子 ,杜 拉 拉 升 职 记 》 一 书 的英 文译 名 采 取 的 是 直 《 译 “ t yo L l ’ Po o o ” 但 是 在 拍 成 电影 后 , 了更 有 A S r aa S rm t n , o f i 为 气 势 易 于 宣 传 , 用 的是 意 译 “ o a G !。 采 G L l o” 当然 , 有 人认 为 a 也 采 取 的这 个 意 译 缺 乏 新 意 。容 易 让 人 想 到 另 一 部 更 有 名 的 电 影《 拉快跑》 罗 的英 文 名 “ u o u !” 比较 不 利 于 在 电影 R nL l R n , a 国 际 市场 上 的 推 广 , 国 人 直 接 就 迷 糊 了 《 拉 拉 升 职 记 》 外 杜 和 《 罗拉 快 跑 》 不 是 有 所 联 系 。 由 此 可 见 直 译 和 意 译 无 法 分 出 是










三、意译与直译的关联性分析1. 意译与直译的内涵意译是指在翻译过程中,根据原文的含义进行翻译,不拘泥于原文的形式。


2. 意译与直译的关联性意译和直译并非相互排斥,而是相互依存、相互补充的关系。



四、运用关联理论指导意译和直译的选择1. 确定最佳关联原则根据关联理论,翻译过程中的关键在于寻找最佳关联。


2. 考虑文化背景差异文化背景差异是影响翻译策略选择的重要因素。



3. 保持语言结构一致性在追求最佳关联的同时,译者还需要注意保持语言结构的一致性。




关于直译和意译的英文作文Title: Direct Translation vs. Free Translation: Striking the Balance。

Translation is a delicate art that involves conveying the meaning of a text from one language to another while preserving its essence, style, and nuances. Two primary approaches to translation are direct translation and free translation, each with its own merits and challenges. In this essay, we will delve into the differences between these two methods and explore how translators navigate between them to achieve the optimal balance.Direct translation, also known as literal translation or word-for-word translation, aims to render the original text into the target language without deviation from the original structure or wording. It prioritizes fidelity to the source text, aiming to retain its exact meaning and form. Direct translation is often favored in technical or legal texts where precision is paramount, as any deviationcould lead to misinterpretation or legal ramifications. For example, in legal documents, a single mistranslated term could alter the entire legal interpretation.However, direct translation encounters challenges when faced with idiomatic expressions, cultural references, or linguistic nuances that do not have direct equivalents inthe target language. In such cases, adhering strictly tothe original wording may result in awkward or incomprehensible translations. Additionally, direct translation may fail to capture the stylistic flair or emotional resonance of the original text, leading to a loss of impact or engagement for the target audience.On the other hand, free translation, also known as dynamic equivalence or sense-for-sense translation, prioritizes conveying the meaning and intent of theoriginal text rather than adhering rigidly to its form. Translators employing this approach have more flexibilityto adapt the text to the target language's cultural context, linguistic conventions, and stylistic preferences. Free translation allows for the recreation of idiomaticexpressions, metaphors, and humor in a way that resonates with the target audience, enhancing readability and engagement.Free translation is particularly effective for literary works, poetry, marketing materials, and creative writing where capturing the essence and emotional resonance of the original text is crucial. By conveying the meaning in a more natural and idiomatic manner, free translation can evoke the same emotions and reactions in the target audience as the original text did in its source audience.However, free translation runs the risk of straying too far from the original text, potentially altering theauthor's intended meaning or tone. Translators must exercise judgment and cultural sensitivity to ensure that the essence of the original text is preserved while making necessary adaptations for the target audience. Moreover, free translation requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural contexts in which they are embedded, to avoid mistranslations or misinterpretations.In practice, most translations employ a combination of both direct and free translation strategies, depending on the nature of the text, its intended audience, and the translator's judgment. This hybrid approach, often referred to as "faithful adaptation," seeks to strike a balance between fidelity to the original text and readability in the target language. Translators may opt for direct translation in technical or legal documents to ensure accuracy, while employing free translation techniques in literary or creative works to preserve the aesthetic and emotional qualities of the original.In conclusion, direct translation and free translation represent two distinct approaches to the complex task of language translation, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. While direct translation prioritizes fidelity to the source text, free translation focuses on conveying meaning and resonance in the target language. By understanding the nuances of both methods and employing a judicious combination of the two, translators can effectively bridge the gap between languages and cultures,enabling the exchange of ideas and expressions on a global scale.。




How are you?怎么是你?How old are you?怎么老是你?You have seed!I will give you some color to see see!你有种!给你点颜色看看!Brothers, together up!哥们儿,给我上!虽然这些翻译有点荒唐,但不可否认,这也让很多青年人记住了这些英文。














我们先从一首古诗看起,李白的《静夜思》相信是每一个中国人小时候必背的古诗之一,而当李白的《静夜思》被引入西方时:例1.I saw the moonlight before my bed,床前明月光,I wondered if it were the frost on the ground.疑是地上霜。



Literal Translation And Free Translataion语言文化论文推荐文章HandsAllOver--Maroon5英文歌词热度:JasonMraz--YouandIboth 热度:歌曲YoungAndBeautiful推荐热度: android 局域网扫描器怎么样热度: excel中and函数的使用教程详解热度:英语和汉语是两种不同的语言。







意译,也称为自由翻译 Free Translataion ,它是只保持原文内容、不保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。

直译Literal Translation 与意译相互关联、互为补充,同时,它们又互相协调、互相渗透,不可分割。


下面是店铺为大家精心准备的语言文化论文:Literal Translation And Free Translataion。

仅供大家参考!Literal Translation And Free Translataion(直译和自由翻译) 全文如下:[THESIS]How to use literal translation and free translation proper?[INTRODUCTION]People often discuss literal translation and free translation. We lay stress on how to handle two different kinds of language. And which way of translation is better to use to translation a sentence. Especially, target language must express what source language meams, distortion is not allowed. Literal translation and free translation are two main forms of translation. They are not repulsive, contrarily, they are complementary. Translation literally,if possible,or appeal to free translation. Literal translation retains original skill. So it is get on for original. When literal translation, encounter some obstades, people often use free translation.Free translation expresses general idea of the original, and can be accepted by readers. A good translation composition contains literal translation and free translation.[CONTENT]1. What is the conception of literal translation and free translation?2. How to use literal translation properly?2.1 Translate literally,if possible.2.2 Literal translation≠word-for-word translation.2.3 Some sentences should not translate literally.3. How to use free translation properly?3.1 If it has some trouble to understand a sentence in using literal translation, use free translation.3.2 Don not add personal enmotion to the original works.3.3 Free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.[CONCLUTION]If use literal translation and free translation proper, you will success in translating a composition.[KEY WORDS]Literal translation/Free translation/Source language/Targer language/Word-for-word/Original1. What is the conception of literal translation and free translation?Literal translation and free translation are two basic skills of translation. Literal translation refers to translate a sentence originally, keep the original message form, including construction of sentence, meaning of the original words, metaphor of the original and so on. Translation would be fluent and easy to comprehend by target language readers.Free translation refers to, according to the meaning of the original, without paying attention to the details and translation would also be fluent and natural. Free translation need not pay attention to the form of the original, including construction of the original sentences,meaning of the original works, matapher of the original and so on . But free translation does not mean to delete or add content to the original and translators must consider the original carefully, know its stress, translate it natually, express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language, and must have extensive knowledge.When translating, should not use literal translation completely or use free translation completely. According to the passage which you are translating, you should use literal translation frequently and use free translation when neccessary.But what kind of translation is literal translation? And what kind of translation is free translation?For example:①1) Don't lock the stable door after the hourses has been stolen.Literal translation: 不要等马被盗后,才去锁楖门.Free translation: 不要贼走关门.2) Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor it is a way to make social problem evaporate.Literal translation: 砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散.Free translation: 砸镜子并不能解决实际问题.Form the example 1), free translation is better than literal translation. From the example 2), literal translation is better than free translation. But how to use literal translation and free translation? There is a sentence:"Translate literally,if possible, or appeal to free translation."2. How to use literal translation properly?2.1 Translate literally, if possible.Why translate, if possible? What is the advantage of literal translation?Generally, rhetoric is often used in a passage to make the passage lively. Literal translation retains the rhetoric of the original, so it is lively as the original. But free translation only expresses the general idea of original, lively rhetoric of the original disappeared. So generally speaking, literal translation is a good choice in translation.For example:②3) For ma father know and I know that if you only dig enougha pasture can be made free.Literal translation: 因为我父亲知道,我也知道,只要挖到一定程度,早晚可以在这里辟出个牧场的.Free translation: 因为我父亲知道,我也知道,功到自然成.4) For Kino and Juana this was the meaning of morning of their lives, comparable only to the day when the baby had been born.Literal translation: 在Kino和Juana看来,这是他们一生中最了不起的早晨,只有宝宝出生的那一天,才可以与之媲美.Free translation: Kino和Juana以为,这一天非常重要.Free translation of examples 3) and 4), only express the general idea of the original sentences. It is too simple. Metaphor and discribtion of the original sentences hava dissappeared. After free translation, it was inferior and dull. So it is undesirable. But the literal translation of example 3) and 4) is clearer than the free translation. Actually, literal translation is the chief way of translation. It is close to the original, lively and natural. It is acceptable. Acceptableness is very important in translation. From theory of translation angle, translation is a theroy which uses target language to express the idea, content and style of source language.It should accord with the culture and customs of the target language. Translation not only does express the idea and style of the original message, but also need to accord with the culture and customs of the target language, so that the translation can easy be accepted by target language readers. Because the differences of two languages, sometimes it is difficult to retain the idea and style of the source language. The advantage of literal translation is that almostly retain the idea and style of the original. So most of translators like to use literal translation.From all above, that is the reason of "translate literally, if possible."2.2 Literal translation≠word-for-word translation.At first, which kind of translation is word-for-word translation? Word-for-word translation is that: When translating, consider every words. Every words of source language is translated cooridnatly.For example:③5) It was an old and ragged moon.Word-for-word translation: 那是一个又老又破的月亮.6) Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth.Word-for-word translation: 他的许多思想对当代青年特别有趣.From the example 5) and 6), we know word-for-word translation does not do any changes to source language. The form is close to the original, but it does not express the meaning of the source language. Strictly speaking, it is not translation. Nevertheless, some translation which did some change to source language and the structure of target language is also the same as source language, the translation is smooth, but the meaning and the style are far from the original, usually, target language readers did not know what it said. This is also word-for-word translation.For example: ④7) Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.Word-for-word translation: 你的肉中的每一个原子,对我来说,都像我自己一样亲;即使在病痛中,仍然是亲的.8) Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begin to breathe.Word-for-word translation: 当一名教师意味着是创造的见证人,他目睹人体开始呼吸,开始了生命.Translation of 7) and 8) are smooth. But they do not accordwith the expressive way of Chinese. It is word-for-word translation.From all above, word-for-word translation is so starchy, goes after the form of source language that it never think of the effect of target language. Because word-for-word translation does not accord with the expressive way of target language, it is obscure, hard to understand it even makes target language readers did not know what does translator want to express. Word-for-word translation makes target language readers confused. It is unqualified translation.Literal translation also keeps the general form of source language,and keeps the structure and the metaphor of the original. But literal translation does make some neccessary adjustment, make target language smooth, clean and acceptable. After reading, target language readers can have almost the same feeling as the source language readers. But word-for-word translation only translate word by word, it is stiff and unitelligible. Quality of literal translation is good. Word-for-word translation is inferior. Literal translation and word-for-word translation can give different feeling to target language readers. All translation which is hard to accept, which have bad effect, which message is indistinct, which meaning is far from the original is word-for-word translation. This kind of translation is abortive.Some translation though that all translation keeps the form of the original is literal translation. That is erroneous. They confuse the conception of literal translation with word-for-word translation. These translators translate like this: first, they look up the meaning of every word of source language in dictionary. Then, they combine the meaning of every word, never do any change. They do not know what translation is, so word-for-wordtranslation emerge. But excellent translators know the meaning of the original. When translating, they do some neccessary adjustment, make target language clearer, smooth and acceptable. They know the difference between word-for-word translation and literal translation. They can use literal translation properly, it is a skill of translation.All in all. literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Literal translation is acceptable and nimble.2.3 Some sentences should not translate literally.Some source language sentences are very difficult to translate literally. It only though of the meaning of surface, translate it literally, the result is unintelligible and indistinct. Some sentences do not accord with expressive way in target language. Different country has different culture,different language, different custom and different way to express the same meaning, different language has different way about metaphors, and has different idioms. In China, people usually use some idioms to describe an event or a person. So do in abroad. But Chinese idioms are unintelligible in western countries. In these suituations, if translate literally, usually, it would have bad effect and be unacceptable. When target language readers read, they could not know the exact meaning of source language. Because the message which target language express was vague.There are two examples: ⑤9) Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that hold us in.Literal translation: 我们的儿子一定得进学校,他一定得打破这个把我们关在里面的罐子.Free translation: 我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地.10) Their legs mored a little jerkily, like well-made woodendolls, and they carried pillars of blank fear about them.Literal translation: 他的腿轻轻痉挛地移动着,像做得很好的木偶一样,他们随身携带着黑色的恐怖柱子.Free translation: 他们每向前迈一步,腿就抖动一下,好似精制的木偶一样,他们身上带着一股阴沉的杀气.From the two examples, literal translation is unintelligible even absurd. But after had translated it freely, translation became cleaner, smooth, acceptable and accord with the culture of target language.But in which suituation translators should not translate literally? How to use literal translation correctly?Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example: In example 9), "Break out the pot that hole us in", it is an English idiom, it means do something successful. But how to translate it into Chines?There is also an idiom in China. It almost has the same meaning as"Break out of the pot that hold us in". It is "出人头地". So when translating that sentence translators should not use literal translation, translators should use free translation.And how to use literal translation correctly? First, know source language and target language culture as much as possible and translators should have extensive knowledge with the problems which the original wrote or talk about, translators should be conversant. We often have experience like that: Because lake of some knowledge that somebody talking about, even after others explained, we still did not know or understand. So before translators translating some materials, especially some proffessional materials translators must grasp some knowledge about the materials. For example, if translate some materialsabout economy,translators should know some knowledge about economy; if translate some material about news, translators should know some knowledge about news;if translate some professional materials,translators should know some knowledge about that proffession, or be an export of that proffession. If translator was a man who did not know something about the material which he wanted to translate, his translation would be unqualified. Second, comprehend source language message correctly and thoroughly. It is very important. Translators should not only know the surface meaning of the original and translators should read through the surface, know what does the original want to express. If a translator does only know surface meaning of the original and translate it literally, his translation would be correspondingly. After target language reader read his translation, they would be confuse and have different feeling between the original and the translation or even have erroneous comprehension.Translation is different from reading. When we reading, it no matter how much we understand or can be understand or have erroneous comprehension. Because level of the readers is limited. Reading is only a feeling of himself. But translation affects others. Instead of the original author, translation is a man retell source language massage to target language. So translators should comprehened the source language message deeply and thoroughly, then retell the meaning of the source language correctly and close to the source language message. If a translator comprehened the source language just a little nmbiguiously,translation would be different from the source language message. Therefore, comprehension is very important. If translators had false comprehension to the source languagemessage, his translation could be far from the original. This will lead his translation to be unqualified.At last, enhance acceptability of translation. From above we know that translation should accord with the expressive way of target language, so that it can be easily accepted by target language readers. Actually, it is not difficult to retain the style of the original. But it is difficult to translate the original accord with target language expressive way. A translator who has abandant experience can surmount obstacle between two language. An excellent translator must have done his best effort on his translation. This is translators' duty. An excellent translator has practised a lot on how to handle the problems in translation. Excellent translation are acceptable.From all above, literal translation is a basic skill of translation. It keeps the form of source language, including construction of sentences, mataphor. Sometimes it should do some neccessary change to the original, make the translation accord with the expressive way of target language. So make the translation acceptable. A translation which translated literally is close to the original. But literal translation is not omnipotent. Some sentences should not translate literally, because these sentences contained idioms which are different in source language and target language. Translators should have extensive knowledge. Comprehened source language message correctly and thoroughly, enhance acceptability of translation. If translators want to use literal translation properly and skillfully, they must comprehened all above, and have some practice. After all, practise is the most important aspect intranslation.3. How to use free translation properly?3.1 If it was some trouble to understand a sentence in usingliteral translation, use free translation.In which suituation the translators can not use literal translation? When some sentences that the way of expressive between source language and target language are different, should not use literal translation. If use literal translation, target language readers would have some trouble to understand, then make the translation unacceptable. In these suituation, free translation should in use. Free translation expresses the general idea of the original according to the meaning of the original, and does not pay attention to the details. But translation should be fluent and natural.There are two examples:⑥11) I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave her ( my wife ) my old age.Literal translation: 我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子.Free translation: 我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍了.12) Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself.Literal translation: 也许Kino会割掉自己的脑袋,把自己毁了.Free translation: 也许Kino走了绝路,自己毁了自己.From the example 12), the original "cut off his head" means have done something badly, felt into predicament. If a translator translated the original literally, his translating would make target language readers confused, after reading, target language readers would feel unacceptable. So translators should use free translation in the example 11) and 12). Because free translation can tell the ture meaning to target language readers.Some sentences, if translate literally are also fluent andnatural that it seems these sentences should translate literally. But translated these sentences literally could not express the deep meaning of the original. If we use freetranslation,effect would be better than literal translation. Free translation could express the deep meaning of the original sentences.F or example: ⑦13) Cast pearls before swine.Literal translation: 把珍珠扔到猪面前.Free translation: 对牛弹琴.14) Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.Literal translation: Barbara嘴里叼着银调羹出生的.Free translation: Barbara出生最富贵人家.Example 13) and 14) are metaphor, have deep moral. If translated literally, translations are fluent and natural, but it could not express the deep meaning of the oroginal, it is unadvisable.There is another suituation which should use free translation: a sentense that use idioms.Fo r example:⑧15) Something unexpected may happen ang time.Free translation: 天有不测风云.Literal translation: 一些没有预料到的事会随时发生.In English, this sentence is very common. But if translated it literally into Chinese, it did not accord with the habit of expressive. On the contrarary, it would be unitelligible and would not achive the effect of the original. It would make target language readers inappreciatable. But in the example 15), free translation used a Chinese idioms, after reading target language readers would comprehened and have nice feeling. So free translation is a good choice when literal translation could not be used.3.2 Don not add personal emotion to the original works.Translation is a brige between source language and target language. Task of translation is to express the meaning and manifestation of the source language message by target language. The translation should give target language readers almost the same feeling as source language readers. If target language readers and source language readers had almost the same feeling after reading the translation, it was successful. If target language readers and source language readers had different feeling after reading the translation, it showed the translation was unqualified. From the angle of translation, actually, the feeling of readers can judge a translation. So the feeling of readers is the standard of translation.Tough free translation gives some leeways to translators. Translators should comprehened the original thoroughly, and use the leeways correctly. Some translators usually use the leeways incorrectly. They often add their personal emotion to the original works. So translation was subjunctive and different as the original. It was unqualified translation. Because if translators added their personal emotion to the original works that the meaning of the original message had been changed by translators. After reading, target language readers might have different feeling between translation and the original. Those translations which added translator's own emotion were not according with the standard of translation. Translation should avoid to add personal emotion to the original works.3.3 Free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.Free translation gives translators some leeways. Translators should use then correctly. Not only should translators comprehened the meaning of the original message, but also theyshould be provided with extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. Especially, on literature works, translators should be provided with literature training, and they also should know extensive literature knowledge. A translator who wanted to translate a literature composition should do his effort to accumulate something about history, geography, custom, natural style and features, tranditional culture and so on about the literature composition. In additional, translators should know the background of age and the author, style of the anthor. More extensive knowledge the translators have, more thoroughly he can comprehend the meaning of the original.Free translation is a skill in translation. Translators should first comprehend the original thoroughly, then translate it correctly by target language, and acceptablely comprehend the original thoroughly is on the basis of extensive knowledge and excellent literature training. Some successful translators, when they were translating they did the research on the original author at the same time. After translating, they became on expert to the author and his composition. This spirit is worthly to study.Let's see some examples:⑨16) When the going gets tough, the tough getsgoing.Free translation: 沧海横流方显英雄本色.The words"going" and "tough" have different meaning. The translator used a sentence in a Chinese poem to translate this sentence.17) Faults are thick where love is thin.Free translation: 一朝情义淡, 样样不顺眼.18) You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people allthe time.Free translation: 骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难.19) Out of the FULLNESS of the heart the mouth speaks.Free translation: 盈于心则溢于言.The example above are all free translation. Translators translated them not only smoothly and fluently, but also acceptable and accordingly with Chinese culture. In addition, translators should know extensive idioms about both source language and target language. Different countries have different idioms. So in translation, some idioms are unable to translate literally. Translators should change the original form into another form which is easy to be accepted by target language readers. Thereby, convey the purpose of the original wanted to express.For example: ⑩20) When in Rome, do as the Romes do.Free translation: 入乡随俗.21) A cat on hot bricks.Free translation: 热锅上的蚂蚁.22) To expect one's son to become an outstanding personage.Free translation: 望子成龙.23) The dog that will feech a bone will carry a bone.Free translation: 以你说别人坏话的人,也会说你的坏话.Free translation does not strachy the form of the original. If translators want to use free translation proficiently. You'd better grasp extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.CONCLUTION:If using literal translation and free translation proper, you will succeed in translating a composition. The mostimportant intranslation is the way in which how to dear with the complex problems of equivalence between the source and target articles. But complete identity of message is important, even use literal translation on the designative level of imformative function one can only aim at the closet approrimotion and in general it is posible to obtain a functionally satisfactory correspondace.Literal translation is a good choice to translate lively and closely, as the original. It retains the idea, style and rhetoric of the original. Translators should grasp it. Literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Sometimes, translators should do some change in translation so that they can make the translation more acceptable. Word-for-word translation is unqualified. Not all sentences can translate literally. Some sentences, if used literal translation would not be according with the culture of target language. Especially for some idioms. Translators should have extensive knowledge, comprehend the original thoroughly. Especially in translating some proffessional materials.Free translation is a skill. It need not pay more attention to the form of the original and the details. But free translation should accord with target language culture and customs. Then target language readers can accept translation easily. Though free tranlation gives leeways to translators, they should not add personal emotion to the original works. Because if translators added their own emotion to the translation, target language readers and source language readers would have different feeling. So the translation is unqualified. Free translation also needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. Translators should be proviede with literature training. Especially knowing some idioms in both target language and source language is very important.Literal translation and free translation are two different way in translation. An excellent translation includs this two kinds of translation. An excellent translator could use these two kinds of way properly and proficiently. No translators can use literal translation and free translation proficiently at beginning. All successful translators have practised lots. When they were translating, they accumulated experience and knowledge. After they have translated some composition, they accumulate extensive knowledge. So translators needs practise. And both content and style are insparaby linked in any text, and success in translation means dealing creatively with both of these aspect of communication.① P91 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.② P92 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.③ P88 Fanzhongya n 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.④ P88 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.⑤ P102 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language T eaching And Researching Press.⑥ P92 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.⑦ P95 Fanzhongyan 1994 Foreign Language Teaching And Researching Press.⑧ From:/schools/maoya.htm⑨ From:/schools/maoya.htm⑩ From:/schools/maoya.htmABSTRACT。



浅谈英汉互译中的直译与意译Discussed shallowly the literal translation and the transliteration in English to Chinesetranslates mutually一、引言一直以来,无论是在我国还是在西方,直译与意译都是翻译讨论的中心话题。
















例如:I am up to my neck in your bullshit(你让我倒八辈子霉),没有把它译成“你把我害得好苦”,如果这样翻译就达不到前面的效果。




直译和意译的异同 英语作文

直译和意译的异同 英语作文

直译和意译的异同英语作文英文回答:Literal translation and interpretative translation are two different approaches to translating texts. Literal translation aims to render the source text as closely as possible to the target language, word-for-word and structure-for-structure. The focus is on preserving the original meaning and form of the text, with minimal adaptation to the target language's conventions and cultural context.Interpretative translation, on the other hand, prioritizes conveying the meaning and intent of the source text while allowing for more freedom in adapting the language and structure to suit the target audience. The translator assumes a more active role in interpreting the original text, taking into account cultural differences, idioms, and the overall context.The choice between literal and interpretative translation depends on the specific purpose and context of the translation. Literal translation may be more appropriate for technical or legal documents where accuracy and precision are paramount. Interpretative translation is often used for literary works, marketing materials, and other texts where cultural sensitivity and readability are important.中文回答:直译和意译是两种不同的翻译方法。















(王转)从上面的几种定义中我们不难看出, 无论直译还是意译都必须首先保证原文意思的表达。





















论文学翻译中的直译和意译【摘要】本文主要讨论如何正确看待文学翻译中的直译和意译; 如何将这两种方法有机地结合起来。


直译能忠实原文, 保持原著的风格。

然而由于东西方文化及语言的差异, 有些作品用直译无法为译入国读者所接受。

而意译比较容易为译入国读者所理解, 但却无法完美地保持原著的风格, 再现异国文化的风采。

所以在译入国读者能接受的情况下尽量用直译, 直译行不通时用意译, 不必执着于一种译法。


持直译观点的译者认为: 直译能忠实原文, 保持原著的风格;而意译是随意发挥, 篡改原文。

持意译观点的译者认为: 意译便于译入国读者的理解, 而直译是死译、硬译。


一、直译的优点在于保持了原文的内容和风格每个民族都有其文化传统, 直译能充分再现原著中人物的思想、语言、行为的特色。

翻译家刘重德在《文化翻译十讲》一书中是这样写的: “Why should I regard literal translatio n as th e prima ry o r basic metho d in g eneral? It is beause it will help make our translation much easier to acco mplish the following three purpos- es: 1. being faithful to the o riginal in ideological content, 2. reflecting the scene and flav o r of the fo reig n co un- tr y co ncer ned and 3. abso rbing the new way s o f ex pression”。





































































文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Translation is the process of converting words or text from one language into another language. It involves understanding the meaning of the original text and then finding the equivalent expression in the target language.Literal translation, also known as word-for-word translation, aims to translate the text as closely to the original language as possible. This type of translation may result in awkward or unnatural-sounding language, as the focus is on preserving the structure and words of the original text.On the other hand, dynamic translation, also known as meaning-based translation, focuses on conveying the meaning and intent of the original text, rather than translating it word for word. This approach allows for more flexibility and creativity in the translation process, as thetranslator can adapt the language and expression to better fit the target audience.In some cases, a combination of both literal and dynamic translation may be used to achieve the best results. This approach allows the translator to preserve theoriginal meaning while also ensuring that the language and expression are natural and appropriate for the target audience.Ultimately, the choice between direct translation and dynamic translation depends on the specific needs of the audience and the purpose of the translation. Both approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best translation is often a balance between staying true to the original text and effectively communicating theintended message in the target language.。



直译和意译的区别英语作文English:Translation is the process of rendering a text from one language into another, which can be done through two main approaches: literal translation (direct translation) and free translation (dynamic translation). Direct translation, also known as word-for-word translation, aims to preserve the exact meaning and structure of the original text without altering the content or style. On the other hand, dynamic translation focuses on conveying the underlying message or intent of the source text, even if it means deviating from the literal wording. While direct translation ensures accuracy and faithfulness to the original text, it may result in awkward phrasing or obscure meanings due to linguistic and cultural differences. In contrast, free translation allows for flexibility and creativity in adapting the text to make it more natural and comprehensible to the target audience. The choice between direct and dynamic translation depends on the purpose of the translation, the nature of the text, and the preferences of the translator. Both approaches have their pros and cons, but ultimately, the goal of translation is to bridgecommunication gaps and facilitate understanding between speakers of different languages.中文翻译:翻译是将一种语言的文本转化为另一种语言的过程,可以通过两种主要方法来实现:直译和意译。

























关键词:直译意译翻译方法翻译理论关系与差异On Literal Translation and Free TranslationAbstract: What is argued here: the independent features which differentiate these two translation approaches, say, literal translation and free translation in real practice; meanwhile the correlations and distinctions between the two; the semantic field and the linguistic register in which the two translation approaches are applied; the different contexts in which they are employed; and the status-quo of these two approaches. What is in question here as well is how to properly use the two approaches to convey the original ideas that the passage or discourse in original expresses. Key words: Literal translation; Free translation; Translation methods; Translation theories;Relations and differencesKey words: Literal translation; Free translation; Translation methods;Translation theory;Relation and difference引言直译与意译? (Literal translation and Free translation) 所谓的英汉互译方法,即:通过英、汉两种语言特点的对比,分析其异同,跨越两种语言文化之间的障碍,在忠实于原文的情况下,阐述表达原文的一般规律。

直译和意译的异同 英语作文

直译和意译的异同 英语作文

直译和意译的异同英语作文英文回答:Direct translation involves rendering the source text word-for-word into the target language, preserving the original structure and meaning as closely as possible. While this approach ensures accuracy and fidelity to the original, it may result in awkward phrasing or unnatural expressions in the target language. Direct translation is often used in technical or legal documents, where precision is paramount.Paraphrasing, on the other hand, focuses on conveying the overall meaning of the source text without adhering strictly to the original wording or structure. This approach allows for greater flexibility and creativity, enabling the translator to adapt the text to the specific needs of the target audience. Paraphrasing is often employed in literary works, news articles, and other creative content where readability and cultural relevanceare important.中文回答:直译是指将源语言文本逐字逐句地转换成目标语言,尽可能地保留原文的结构和含义。















关键词:文化差异;直译;意译AbstractTranslation is a trans-cultural communication of information. Translation is not only the transformation of two kinds of language, but also the conversion of culture. Their are many kinds of disparities between Chinese and western culture, such as history, rhetoric, thinking methods and so on, which impose huge influence on Chinese and English translation. There are two major translate approaches: literal translation and free translation. Literal translation is a translation method which can keep the content as well as the form of the source language. Free translation only keeps the content. It will change the form of the source language. Because of these cultural differences, we can find sentences with the same forms and meaning between English and Chinese. So if we want to make good translation, we have to use literal translation and free translation fluently. At the same time, we can use some methods, such as functional equivalence to eliminate the cultural differences. This paper will help translation beginners comprehend the main differences between Chinese and western culture and explore translation methods which will improve translation quality and fulfill equivalent translation.Key words: culture; literal translation; free translationContentsChapter Ⅰ Introduction (1)Chapter Ⅱ Theoretical Foundation (3)2.1 Standards of Translation (3)2.2 Literal and Free Translation (3)2.2.1 Definition of Literal Translation (3)2.2.2 Definition of Free Translation (4)2.2.3 Relationship Between Free Translation and Literal Translation (4)2.3 The Concept of Culture (4)Chapter Ⅲ Analysis of Cultural Differences (6)3.1 Reasons and Expressions of Cultural Differences (6)3.2 Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation (6)3.2.1 Historical differences and Influences on Translation (7)3..2.2 Rhetorical Differences and Influences on Translation (7)3.2.3 Influence of Thinking Methods and Emotional Differences on Translation (8)Chapter Ⅳ Methods of H andling Cultural Differences by Literal Translation and Free Translation (9)4.1 Annotation (9)4.2 Explanation (10)4.3 Functional Equivalence (10)4.4 Combination (11)4.5 Division (11)Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion (13)Bibliography (14)Acknowledgments (15)Chapter ⅠIntroductionTranslation is defined as a written communication in a second language with the same meaning as the written communication in a first language. Translation has great history, both in western countries and eastern countries. In European countries, translation has a long history, from Roman Empire till now. Everyone needs translation to carry through international trade. Besides, in literature, some people said that if the Bible which was writing in Hebrew was not translated into Greek and Latin, European culture would not appear.Translation in China has a long history of about two thousand years. Dating back to Eastern Han, many foreigners came to China to translate Buddhist Scripture. The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of translation in Ancient China. Our translation industry was declining in North Song, but stepped into a new stage after Opium War. There were many translation masters in Chinese Modern History, such as Lu Xun, Hu Shi etc.With scientific development, our country needs to communicate with other countries. Learning advanced technology from other countries is the best way to improve ourselves. The people all around the country are determined to raise the scientific level of the nation. We must strengthen scientific cooperation and academic exchange with other countries. As a result, we need translation to be a tool to use the experience of other countries for reference.Translating writing involves two elements, original language and target language, anyone of which is quite different from the other. A translator, no matter how excellent he is, can’t express all the meaning and verv e of the original work, because culture differences are important factors that influence translation. The culture differences of different nationalities are embodied directly in the differences of thinking methods and expressions. So there are two kinds of translation, literal translation and free translation, both of which are necessary.At this point, culture is a contributory element in translation. Many famous translators have expressed their ideas about the relationship between culture differences and translation methods. It has long been taken for granted that translation deals only with language. Cultural perspective, however, has never been brought into discussion. We can get this result from many translator s’ definitions of translation. But a small number of translators have taken culture into account. For example, Eugene A. Nida said “Translation is an exchange between two cultures. For a real successful translation, knowing two cultures is more important than grasping two languages, because words become meaningful only in its effective cul tural background”. (1993)We can learn that culture differences make great influence on translation. According to a German philosopher, Wilhelm V on Humboldt, “language was something dynamic: it was an activity rather than a static inventory of items as the product of activity. At the same time language is an expression of culture andindividuality of the speakers, who perceive the world through language”(Snell-Hornby, 1988:40)I always think that culture makes great differences in choosing translation method. When we start to translate, culture differences must been considered deeply. Maintain the form of the original language is good to keep the culture of what it plans to express, but it will make people put great emphasis on preserving the previous form, which may not convey the real meaning. So translators should choose the translation methods properly.This paper is used to help us comprehend the main differences between Chinese and western culture, and explore translation methods which will improve translation quality and fulfill equivalent translation. First, I will discuss the theoretical foundation of translation, then I will analysis many aspects of cultural differences and the influences on translation. Next, I will discuss how to use translation methods to eliminate cultural differences.Chapter ⅡTheoretical Foundation2.1 Standards of TranslationOn standards of translation, a lot of translation linguists have advanced their theories.In the Western countries, Alexander Fraser Tytler has suggested three principles in his work “Essay on the Principles of Translation”.“1 The translation should give a complete transcript of the idea of the original work. 2 The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 3 The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.” (Liu Junbiao, 2009:220).In eastern countries, Lu Xun's most famous dictim relating to translation is "I'd rather be faithful than smooth". (Guo Zhuzhang, Li Qingsheng, 2008:24). Yan fu in his work “Evolution and Ethics” has advanced:“Translation has to do three difficult things: to be faithful, expressive, and elegant. It is difficult enough to be faithful to the original, and yet if a translation is not expressive, it is tantamount to having no translation. Hence expressiveness should be required too. Yan Fu’s faithful means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content. or thought. His “expressiveness” demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. Elegance refers to the use of classical Chinese before Han Dynasty. (Yang Shizhuo, 2006:5).”Lin Yutang stressed the responsibility of the translator to the original, to the reader, and to art. To fulfill this responsibility, the translator needs to meet standards of fidelity, smoothness and beauty. (Yang Shizhuo, 2006:5)Fu Lei held that translation is like painting: what is essential is not formal resemblance but rather spiritual resemblance. (Yang Shizhuo, 2006:6). Qian Zhongshu wrote that the highest standard of translation is transformation: bodies are sloughed off but the spirit, appearance and manner are the same as before. (Yang Shizhuo, 2006:6)2.2 Literal and Free TranslationLiteral translation and free translation are two basic skills of translation. The two methods are both necessary. Sometimes you should use the method of literal translation, sometimes that of free translation and sometimes both of them must be employed together. We cannot say which one is better. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. We have to choose the suitable method according to culture2.2.1 Definition of Literal TranslationAccording to Dictionary of Translation Studies, literal translation is the direct transfer of a source language text(SLT) into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target language(Shuttleworth & cowie, 2004: 95).Lu Xun defined it as: literal translation means faithfulness and expressiveness. It must contain two aspects: 1) being easy to understand 2) retaining he manner of the source language text. (Zhang Jin & Zhang Ning, 2005:232)Professor Liu Zhongde defines literal translation as that “in the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and meanwhile takes the whole passage into consideration: a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structure of the original as possible”. (Tan Weiguo, 2005:15)2.2.2 Definition of Free TranslationAccording to Dictionary of Translation Studies, free translation is a type of translation in which more attention is paid to producing a natural target language than to preserving the source language wording intact (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 2004:62). According to Catford, it is a prerequisite of free translation that they should be unbounded as regards the level on which they are performed. (1965:25). Newmark said free translation produced the matter without the manner and the content without the form of original (1988:46). Liu Zhongde (1994:173) also gives a detailed explanation of this translation approach: “if translator adopt literal translation to deal with the source text and the translation cannot be understand or accepted by readers, they should give up or change the original content and spirit by the use of traditional methods and any appropriate syntax of the target language”.2.2.3 Relationship Between in Free Translation and Literal TranslationSome people may have misunderstanding about literal translation. They always consider literal understanding is translating word by word. That’s wrong! Literal translation may make a few adjustments, in order to make the sentences fluently. Translating word by word is to knock together some single words into a sentence which is stiff.Free translation doesn’t mean you could use any words you want. We cannot delete or add words facilely. We can use forms according to the target language, while faithful to the original one. When Yan Fu’s theory “faithful, expressive and elegant” was the most popular, many people did not understand the essence of that theory, they did not regard the original work; just want to make beautiful essays, which caused many mistakes in translation.Good translation is composed of both of literal translation and free translation. A good translator is who can handle these two methods skillfully,.2.3 The Concept of CultureCulture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the pattern of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually every aspect of human life and influences predominant ly people’s behavior, including linguistic behavior. In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture etc. (Dai Weidong & He Zhaoxiong, 2007:127)Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people. (/classes/cosc/choudhury/culture.html)There is no definite standard definition of culture, but we can some common ground from these different definitions. Culture must convey historic beliefs, attitudes, religion and custom of a group of people. These people live together and form a way of their life, which is called culture.Chapter Ⅲ Analysis of Cultural DifferencesLanguage is the product of social culture. The existence and development of any language cannot leave social cultural environment. On the other hand, social culture restrains the thinking methods and expressive ability of the users. As we all know, translation means changing one language into the other language. Clearly, the process of this translation must convey two kinds of culture. In fact, translation is communication of culture “A writer does not just write in a vac uum: he or she is the product of a particular culture, of a particular moment in time, and the writing reflects those factors such as race, gender, age, class, and birthplace as well as the stylistic, idiosyncratic features of the individual. Moreover, the material conditions in which the text is produced, sold, marketed and read also have a crucial role to play”(Bassnett-McGuire, 1980:136)3.1 Some Expressions of Cultural DifferencesThe natural environment is not only deciding living styles of nations but also cultural features and society. For example, China and western countries have different geographical environment. Western countries have wide plane and heavy rainfall, which diversify their species of crops. China has small plane, so the Animal Husbandry which needs wide plane is not developed. Different crops cause different life styles. For example, in Chinese, east wind is the wind of spring, which represents warm and beautiful things. But east wind in English is cold wind. It gives us a feeling of cold and uncomfortable.Western countries earn their living by fighting and striving, which gives them a prominent character: radical. There is no time for them to contemplate. They have to make decisions rapidly. This culture makes them speaking and doing things directly. So when they talk to other people, they will speak results and intentions in the first place. But Chinese people are irrigated by Confucianism. They focus on stability. They always say by implication and euphemism. Firstly, they will state reasons and conditions. Intentions are in the last place. So the first part of an English sentence is the most important with an open ending. However, Chinese sentences are not the same. They have open beginning.Ways of thinking is the process of an individual choosing, evaluating and organizing external stimulus. In western culture, people think that there is direct relation between ideology and actual world, focusing on deduction. They believe that as long as following right logical steps, they will obtain truth. While in some eastern culture, people think that rationale and logic cannot obtain truth, the best way of obtaining truth is speculation, meditation and waiting, and then truth will appear naturally. Different ways of thinking make people response differently in same things.3.2 Influence of Cultural Differences on TranslationIf we want to make good translation, we must acknowledge different culture and eliminate cultural barriers. It is quite difficult to find a word in English which is absolutecorresponding with words in Chinese.3.2.1 Historical Differences and Influences on TranslationHistory is one of the most important reasons. Each nation has its own history. Historical differences formed by a long period. China is an old coun try with over 5ooo years’ history. But most western countries have only several hundred year’s history. China has experienced thousand years’ feudal society, which makes Chinese people traditionally. On the contrary, western countries are open. Differences in history culture appear in translation. For example, a sentence “Mr. Black is the manager’s man Friday”. Englishmen know man Friday was the staunch servant in “Robinson Crusoe”, but most Chinese people don’t know what it is. They may consider it is a man in Friday. So when we face this article, we have to consider it clearly. We have to choose free translation, not literal translation.In the evening, after a huge tea, often including a big Christmas cake covered with a frosting as sweating as candy and as smooth as pudding, the family will probably sit round the fire eating nuts, sweats and fruit, talking or watching television or playing party games. Literal translation: 在晚上,先喝浓茶,常有一只圣诞大蛋糕,蛋糕上的糖霜甜如糖果滑似布丁;然后,全家人可坐在篝火旁,一边吃干果和水果,一边聊天看电视,或做集体游戏。



直译和意译的区别英语作文题目:Bridging Worlds: Unfolding the Nuances of Literaland Free TranslationIn the realm of language, where words are the threadsthat weave together thoughts and cultures, translation standsas a bridge connecting diverse linguistic landscapes. Amongits many facets, two prominent approaches shine: literal, orword-for-word, translation, and free, or sense-for-sense,translation. Each holds a unique charm, much like the delicatebalance between a faithful replica and a creative interpretationof a masterpiece.Literal Translation: The Faithful GuardianImagine strolling through a museum, where each exhibitcomes with a detailed plaque beside it. Literal translationfunctions akin to this, meticulously ensuring that every wordand phrase finds its mirror image in the target language. Itcherishes accuracy, maintaining the structure and form of theoriginal, even at the cost of readability or natural flow. Forinstance, translating a phrase like "to kick the bucket" directlyinto another language might baffle native speakers unawareof its idiomatic meaning, yet it preserves the literal construct.In scientific texts or legal documents, where precision isparamount, literal translation reigns supreme. It ensures instructions remain unambiguous, and technical terms retain their specialized meanings, safeguarding against potential misunderstandings. Here, directness trumps elegance, serving a functional purpose above all else.Free Translation: The Artful InterpreterContrastingly, free translation takes a more malleable approach, akin to an artist breathing new life into a classic sculpture. It transcends the boundaries of words to capture the essence, the spirit, and the intention behind the text. Rather than adhering strictly to the source text's structure, it adapts, infusing the translation with fluency and cultural relevance that resonates with the target audience.When dealing with literature, idioms, or humor, free translation shines. It reimagines jokes to tickle the funny bone of a different culture, or transforms poetic expressions to evoke similar emotions across linguistic divides. it is an act of creative recreation, where the translator becomes both a linguist and a storyteller.Finding Harmony in ContrastThe dichotomy between literal and free translation isn't a battle of superiority but rather a harmonious dance. Skilledtranslators navigate between these two poles, sometimes taking a step closer to literal when the context demands precision, and at others, embracing the freedom to convey meaning over form. It's akin to a master chef adjusting ingredients to suit different palates while preserving the dish's soul.Ultimately, the choice between literal and free translation is a nuanced decision, guided by the text's purpose, audience, and cultural context. Just as a chameleon changes its hue to blend into various environments, a translator's artistry lies in adapting their approach to ensure the message crosses borders not just in words but in hearts and minds too.In the intricate world of translation, then, literal and free translation aren't adversaries but complementary partners, each bringing its unique flavor to the feast of intercultural communication. Together, they weave a rich tapestry of understanding, bridging gaps and fostering empathy across the vast expanse of human expression.。

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从上面的几种定义中我们不难看出, 无论直译还是意译都必须






in march i heard from mr.liu xunyu that husheng was sick
and hopelessly sick at that. the doctor said there was nothing he could do but to wait for the day to arrive.


after a few steps,he looked back at me and said,“go back to your seat。

don’t leave your things alone。




例如:the leafless trees become spires of flame in the sunset, with the blue cast for their background, and the stars of the dead calicos of flowers, and every withered stem and stubble rimed with frost contribute something to the mute music.





[1]田传茂《汉英翻译策略》华东师范大学出版社 2007
[2]张培基《英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社 2008
[3]王转直译与意译漫谈湖南教育学院学报 1996
[4]牛谷芳浅谈直译与意译忻州师范学院学报 2004。
