juniper配置命令大全 中英文对照版



configure ospf vlan <vlan name> neighbor add <ipaddress>
enable ospf export direct [cost <metric> [ase-type-1 | ase-type-2] {tag <number>} | <route map>]
show ospf
show access-list {<name> | port <portlist>}
show access-list-monitor
show ospf area <area identifier>
show ospf area detail
show ospf ase-summary
create access-list icmp destination source
create access-list ip destination source ports
create access-list tcp destination source ports
enable sharing <port> grouping <portlist> {port-based | address-based | round-robin}
show port sharing //查看配置
enable stpd //启动生成树
show diag
show iparp



juniper交换机命令juniper 交换机配置命令整理导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“juniper 交换机配置命令整理”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对 的支持!设置交换机名字set system host-name BaoGaoTing端口镜像set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug input ingress interface ge-0/0/0.0set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug input egress interface ge-0/0/0.0set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug output interface ge-0/0/4.0Dual-partition的主要目的:解决异常断电设备无法启动的问题request system snapshot media internal slice alternate request system snapshot slice alternate //主备之间备份request system reboot slice alternate media internal // 指定从另外一个分区启动,下一次启动就会默认从上次启动的分区启动junos os,记忆功能QinQ 配置基本的set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100 封装协议set vlans qinqvlan vlan-id 2821set vlans qinqvlan dot1q-tunnelingset interfaces ge-0/0/28 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 2821 上行端口set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100set vlans cust1 vlan-id 100set vlans cust1 interface ge-0/0/1.0set vlans cust1 interface ge-0/0/2.0灵活的set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100 ##set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access ##下行端口set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members qinq ##用户Vlan为qinq 管理Vlan为Vlan600是透传上去的set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan600 ** 注意点:一般情况下是不可以同时两个access的,--那样就做成trunk模式** 除非有一个vlan是dot1q-tunnel,而且需要tunnel vlan必须得有customer-vlan的,没有customer-vlan是无法提交成功的set vlans qinq vlan-id 4000 ##//灵活qinq,对于内层标签2-150的tag加上外层4000set vlans qinq interface ge-0/0/27.0set vlans qinq dot1q-tunneling customer-vlans 2-150接入交换机配置setinterfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunkset interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 2set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 600 **由于上联汇聚交换机的端口为Access口所以要透传的Vlan为native-Vlan##root用户名密码set system root-authentication encrypted-password &quot;$1$z2Z28Ixe$AScMP7uMvMHY3fy8dgtm11&quot; ##用户idset system login user juniper uid 2100 ##设置root用户为超级用户set system login user juniper class super-user##远程用户名和密码set system login user juniper authentication encrypted-password &quot;$1$qUdu0s0Z$vGS88V0jrjhsPnQOTF9oy/&quot; ##启用telnet set system services telnet connection-limit 10 set system services telnet rate-limit 10##端口模式为accesset interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access ##端口加入Vlan为600 set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 600 ##端口为trunkset interfaces ge-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk ##允许通过Vlan为600 set interfaces ge-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 600 ##设置Vlan600的ip地址set interfaces vlan unit 600 family inet address ##设置默认网关set routing-options static route next-hop ##开启Vlan的三层接口set vlans default l3-interface vlan.0 ##创建Vlan 名字为mgt id 为600 set vlans mgt vlan-id 600 ##开启Vlans mgt的三层接口set vlans mgt l3-interface vlan.600 ##开启Vlans mgt的三层接口set poe interface all X配置VLAN的L3接口地址set vlans name l3-interface vlan.xxset interface vlan xx unit xx family inet address x.x.x.x/24将某个交换端口添加到创建好的VLAN中set interface ge-0/0/x unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access vlan members name 配置TRUNK端口set interface ge-0/0/23 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk native-vlan-id 1 vlan member xx预提交commit check清除LED灯报警clear alarm trafficclear alarm eventEX2200 ALARM告警灯亮红灯:show chassis alarmshow system alarmrequest system configuration rescue save/delete set chassis alarmmanagement-ethernet link-down ignore 管理口状态警告信息灯关闭set chassis alarm ethernet link-down ignore 交换机端口状态警告信息灯关闭igmp 开启set protocols igmp-snooping vlan alldeactivate protocols igmp-snooping开启生成树Set protocol stp恢复出厂设置load factory defaultDual-partition的主要目的:解决异常断电设备无法启动的问题request system snapshot media internal slice alternate //主备之间备份request system reboot slice alternate media internal // 指定从另外一个分区启动,下一次启动就会默认从上次启动的分区启动junos os,记忆功能dhcp 配置set system services dhcp pool address-range low system services dhcp pool address-range high system services dhcp pool default-lease-time 7200set system services dhcp pool router将端口设置为三层模式。



JuniperSRX中文配置手册及图解前言、版本说明 (1)一、界面菜单管理 (3)2、WEB管理界面 (4)(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。

(4)(2)输入用户名密码登陆: (4)(3)仪表盘首页 (5)3、菜单目录 (7)二、接口配置 (12)1、接口静态IP (12)2、PPPoE (13)3、DHCP (14)三、路由配置 (16)1、静态路由 (16)2、动态路由 (16)四、区域设置Zone (18)五、策略配置 (20)1、策略元素定义 (20)2、防火墙策略配置 (22)3、安全防护策略 (25)六、地址转换 (26)1、源地址转换-建立地址池 (26)2、源地址转换规则设置 (27)七、VPN配置 (30)1、建立第一阶段加密建议IKE Proposal (Phase 1) (或者用默认提议) (30)2、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (31)3、建立第一阶段IKE Gateway (32)4、建立第二阶段加密提议IKE Proposal (Phase 2) (或者用默认提议) (33)5、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (34)6、建立VPN策略 (35)八、Screen防攻击 (38)九、双机 (39)十、故障诊断 (39)前言、版本说明产品:Juniper SRX240 SH版本:JUNOS Software Release [9.6R1.13]注:测试推荐使用此版本。



终端连接防火墙后,输入用户名(root)、密码(空),显示如下:root@srx240-1%输入cli命令进入JUNOS访问模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1>输入configure进入JUNOS配置模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1> configureEntering configuration mode[edit]root@srx240-1#防火墙至少要进行以下配置才可以正常使用:(1)设置root密码(否则无法保存配置)(2)开启ssh/telnet/http服务(3)添加用户(root权限不能作为远程telnet帐户,可以使用SHH方式)(4)分配新的用户权限2、WEB管理界面(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。

juniper 配置命令

juniper 配置命令

set dynamic-profiles vlan interfaces "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit "$junos-interfaceunit" no-traps set dynamic-profiles vlan interfaces "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit "$junos-interfaceunit" vlan-id "$junos-vlan-id" set dynamic-profiles vlan interfaces "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit "$junos-interfaceunit" family inet policer disable-arp-policer set dynamic-profiles vlan interfaces "$junos-interface-ifd-name" unit "$junos-interfaceunit" family inet6 unnumbered-address lo0.0 set system commit synchronize set system dynamic-profile-options versioning set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set dynamic-profiles pppoe predefined-variable-defaults input-filter 10M set dynamic-profiles pppoe predefined-variable-defaults output-filter 10M set access profile sunrise-test authentication-order none set access profile none authentication-order none set access profile sunrise-test accounting order none set system commit synchronize run request routing-engine login re0 进入低层 可以开ftp 纯交换模式 当交换机用 ssh { + + + root-login deny; protocol-version v2;



juniper命令注解netscreen 设备管理配置netscreen 设备管理配置8实例分析:NETSCREEN 现有配置1.1时间设定set clock dst-off /自动调整时间关set clock ntp /设置NTP时间同步set clock timezone 9 /设置时区set vrouter trust-vr sharable /设置虑拟路由器trust-vr可以为其他VSYS系统共享1.2路由导出及自定义服务设定unset vrouter "trust-vr" auto-route-export /禁止路由器trust-vr的路由自动导出set service "CVS" protocol tcp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 2401-2401/自定义CVS服务协议为TCP 源端口为0-65535 目地端口为24011.3认证的设定set auth-server "Local" id 0 /设置认证SERVER为本地认证set auth-server "Local" server-name "Local" /设置本地认证SERVER名为LOCAL set auth default auth server "Local" /设置默认认证服务器为LOCAL1.4管理员的设定set admin name "netscreen" /设置管理员用户名set admin password "XXXXXX" /设置管理员密码set admin user "livedoorcn" password "XXXXXXX" privilege "all"/添加管理员用户livedoorcn及其权限为R-W1.5管理IP的设定set admin manager-ip xxx.174.65.0 /设置管理IPset admin manager-ip /设置管理IPset admin manager-ip /设置管理IPset admin manager-ip /设置管理IPset admin manager-ip /设置管理IPset admin manager-ip /设置管理IP1.6SSH及区域设定set admin scs password disable username netscreen /禁止用户的SSH密码认证set admin scs password disable username livedoorcn /禁止用户的SSH密码认证set admin auth timeout 10 /设置认证时间超时set admin auth server "Local" /设置管理认证服务器set zone "Trust" vrouter "trust-vr" /设置信任区域set zone "Untrust" vrouter "trust-vr" /设置非信任区域set zone "VLAN" vrouter "trust-vr" /设置VLAN区域set zone "Trust" tcp-rst /设置TRUST安全区超时回应RESET信息set zone "Untrust" block /封锁同一安全区中主机之间的信息流unset zone "Untrust" tcp-rst /设置UNTRUST安全区超时不回应RESET信息set zone "MGT" block /封锁同一安全区中主机之间的信息流set zone "VLAN" block /封锁同一安全区中主机之间的信息流set zone "VLAN" tcp-rst /设置TRUST安全区超时回应RESET信息1.7网络攻击保护选项的设定set zone "Trust" screen alarm-without-drop /设置告警但并不丢弃数据包set zone "Trust" screen icmp-flood /设置ICMP泛洪攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen udp-flood /设置UDP泛洪攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen winnuke /设置winnuke攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen port-scan /设置端口扫描攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-sweep /设置IP地址扫描攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen tear-drop /设置tear-drop攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen syn-flood /设置SYN 泛滥攻击保护(DOS)set zone "Trust" screen ip-spoofing /设置IP欺骗攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen ping-death /设置PING-DEATH攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-filter-src /设置禁示使用松散源路由或严格源路由选项set zone "Trust" screen land /设置陆地攻击保护set zone "Trust" screen tcp-no-flag /设置TCP无标志保护set zone "Trust" screen unknown-protocol /设置未知协议保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-bad-option /设置BAD选项保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-record-route /设置记录路由保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-timestamp-opt /设置时间戳保护set zone "Trust" screen ip-security-opt /设置IP安全选项保护(已不用)set zone "Trust" screen ip-loose-src-route /设置松散源路由(记录)set zone "Trust" screen ip-strict-src-route /设置严格源路由(记录)set zone "Trust" screen ip-stream-opt /设置IP选项流ID(费弃选项)set zone "Trust" screen icmp-large /设置icmp大包保护set zone "Trust" screen syn-fin /设置操作系统set zone "Trust" screen fin-no-ack /设置FIN但无ACK标志保护set zone "Trust" screen limit-session source-ip-based /设置源IP会话限制set zone "Trust" screen syn-ack-ack-proxy /设置同步代理泛滥保护set zone "Trust" screen block-frag /设置IP封包的碎片保护set zone "Trust" screen limit-session destination-ip-based /设置目的IP会话限制set zone "Untrust" screen tear-dropset zone "Untrust" screen syn-floodset zone "Untrust" screen ping-deathset zone "Untrust" screen ip-filter-srcset zone "Untrust" screen landset zone "V1-Untrust" screen tear-dropset zone "V1-Untrust" screen syn-floodset zone "V1-Untrust" screen ping-deathset zone "V1-Untrust" screen ip-filter-srcset zone "V1-Untrust" screen landset zone "Trust" screen limit-session destination-ip-based 1280 /设置目的IP会话限制1.8接口的设定set interface "trust" zone "Trust" /将接口trust绑定到trust安全区域set interface "untrust" zone "Untrust" /将接口untrust绑定到untrust安本区域unset interface vlan1 ip /没有设定VLAN IP地址set interface trust ip /设置trust接口IP地址set interface trust nat /设置trust接口工作模式set interface untrust ip /设置untrust接口IP地址set interface untrust route /设置untrust接口工作模式set interface untrust gateway /设置untrust接口网关unset interface vlan1 bypass-others-ipsec /阻止NetScreen 设备通过IPSec信息流unset interface vlan1 bypass-non-ip /阻止所有非IP和非ARP 单点传送信息流set interface trust ip manageable /设置trust接口为可管理接口set interface untrust ip manageable /设置untrust接口为可管理接口set interface untrust manage ping /允许untrust接口PINGset interface untrust manage ssh /允许untrust接口可以SSH 管理set interface untrust manage web /允许untrust接口可以WEB 管理1.9MIP地址映射的设定set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr" /设置MIP映射地址以下类同:set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"set interface "untrust" mip host netmask vrouter "trust-vr"。



Juniper SRX标准配置第一节系统配置.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

、设备初始化............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

登岸......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

设置root用户口令.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

设置远程登岸治理用户 ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2、系统治理.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

选择时区 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

系统时刻 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



Juniper路由器配置命令介绍Juniper路由器配置命令介绍目录1、简介2、配置基础命令2.1 进入操作模式2.2 配置系统参数2.3 设置管理接口2.4 配置路由表3、高级配置命令3.1 OSPF配置3.2 BGP配置3.3 VRF配置3.4 MPLS配置4、安全配置命令4.1 配置防火墙4.2 配置安全策略4.3 配置VPN4.4 配置ACL5、故障排查命令5.1 显示命令5.2 路由故障排查5.3 硬件故障排查5.4 访问控制故障排查6、性能优化命令6.1 接口配置6.2 QoS配置6.3 缓存配置6.4 动态路由配置1、简介Juniper路由器是一种支持多种网络协议的高性能路由器。


2、配置基础命令2.1 进入操作模式- login:登录路由器- cli:进入命令行操作模式- configure:进入配置操作模式2.2 配置系统参数- set system hostname <hostname>:设置路由器主机名- set system domn-name <domn-name>:设置路由器域名- set system time-zone <time-zone>:设置时区- set system name-server <ip-address>:设置DNS服务器2.3 设置管理接口- set interfaces <interface> unit <unit> family inet address <ip-address/mask>:配置管理接口的IP地质- set interfaces <interface> unit <unit> family inet address dhcp:使用DHCP分配管理接口的IP地质2.4 配置路由表- set routing-options static route <destination> next-hop <next-hop>:配置静态路由- set routing-options router-id <id>:配置路由器ID- set protocols ospf area <area> interface <interface>:配置接口与OSPF区域的关联3、高级配置命令3.1 OSPF配置- set protocols ospf area <area> interface <interface>:配置接口与OSPF区域的关联- show ospf neighbor:显示OSPF邻居信息- show ospf route:显示OSPF路由表3.2 BGP配置- set protocols bgp group <group-name> neighbor<neighbor-address>:配置BGP邻居- set protocols bgp group <group-name> family <family>:配置BGP邻居的地质族- show bgp neighbor:显示BGP邻居信息- show bgp summary:显示BGP邻居摘要信息3.3 VRF配置- set routing-instances <instance-name> interface<interface>:配置接口与VRF的关联- set routing-instances <instance-name> routing-options static route <destination> next-hop <next-hop>:配置静态路由3.4 MPLS配置- set protocols mpls interface <interface>:启用接口的MPLS功能- set protocols mpls label-switched-path <LSP-name> to <destination-address> : 配置LSP的路径4、安全配置命令4.1 配置防火墙- set security policies from-zone <from-zone> to-zone <to-zone> policy <policy-name> match <match-conditions> then permit/deny:配置安全策略4.2 配置安全策略- set security zones security-zone <zone-name> address-book address <address-name> <ip-address>:配置地质对象- set security zones security-zone <zone-name> host-inbound-traffic system-services <services>:配置允许进入防火墙的服务4.3 配置VPN- set security ike proposal <proposal-name> authentication-method <method>:配置IKE提议- set security ike gateway <gateway-name> ike-policy <policy-name>:配置IKE网关- set security ipsec vpn <vpn-name> bind-interface<interface>:绑定VPN到接口4.4 配置ACL- set firewall family inet filter <filter-name> term <term-name> from protocol <protocol>:配置ACL规则- set firewall family inet filter <filter-name> term <term-name> then accept/discard:配置ACL规则动作5、故障排查命令5.1 显示命令- show interfaces <interface> detl:显示接口详细信息- show route <destination> : 显示路由信息- show chassis hardware:显示硬件信息5.2 路由故障排查- show bgp summary:显示BGP邻居摘要信息- show ospf neighbor:显示OSPF邻居信息- show route protocol <protocol>:显示指定协议的路由5.3 硬件故障排查- show chassis hardware:显示硬件信息- show log messages:显示系统日志消息- request support information:收集支持信息文件5.4 访问控制故障排查- show security policies from-zone <from-zone> to-zone <to-zone> policy <policy-name>:显示安全策略信息- show security zones interfaces:显示接口与安全域的关联信息6、性能优化命令6.1 接口配置- set interfaces <interface> mtu <mtu-size>:设置接口MTU大小- set interfaces <interface> description <description>:设置接口描述6.2 QoS配置- set class-of-service interfaces <interface> unit<unit> scheduler-map <map-name>:为接口配置调度器映射- set class-of-service scheduler-maps <map-name> forwarding-class <forwarding-class> scheduler <scheduler-name>:配置调度器映射6.3 缓存配置- set forwarding-options cache hit-cache-size <size>:设置缓存大小- set forwarding-options cache timeout <timeout-value>:设置缓存超时时间6.4 动态路由配置- set protocols ospf area <area> interface <interface> passive:将接口设置为OSPF被动接口- set routing-instances <instance-name> interface <interface> passive:将接口设置为VRF被动接口附件:无法律名词及注释:无。



juniper设备命令set system root-authentication plain-text-password 设置root 密码set system login user jianglong class super-user authentication plain-text-password 设置超级用户及密码set system services telnet 开启telnetcommit 提交生效show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/0/31 查看端口模块信息show chassis pic fpc-slot 0 pic-slot 0 查看模块信息show system uptime 查看系统时间及设备启动时间show log link-status 查看系统日志show | display set 查看配置show | compare 未保存之前查看做过的配置show chassis hardware 查看模块信息包括SN号show class-of-service 查看端口限速set class-of-service interfaces xe-0/0/5 shaping-rate 2g 端口限速deactivate interfaces xe-1/1/0 unit 3027 (保留端口配置,但使配置失效)activate interfaces xe-1/1/0 unit 3027(使失效的端口配置生效)两台设备之间传输vlan一、设备端口建立相关vlanset interfaces xe-1/1/0 unit 3033 vlan-id 3033 family inet address (在xe1/1/0端口建立vlan3033,配IP:二、建立好在两段设备和传输设备上建立好vlan后在4550交换机上做传输策略show protocols l2circuit (查看传输策略)set protocols l2circuit neighbor interface xe-0/0/24.3033 virtual-circuit-id 13033 encapsulation-typeethernet-vlan (从本端设备的xe0/0/24口将vlan3033传到118.186.247.99这个设备,并定义策略。

JUNIPer SRX配置(原创,公司使用中)

JUNIPer SRX配置(原创,公司使用中)

JUNIPer配置说明〉操作模式#配置模式#show interface#show interface deatil | math fe‐0/0/0>hlpe apropes arp>config 3种模式#edit interface 一层一层配置#up 退出#show |display set (显示所有可刷的命令)#edit security nat source#rename rule‐set trust‐to‐untrust to rule‐set inside‐to‐outside (重命令nat名字) #rollback (恢复到以前的配置,可选50份)#commit at 201207200800(定时提交)>clear system commit (清除未提交的配置)#commit comment "beyond"(为提交的配置进行说明)# run show system commit(查看提交的配置说明,用于快速恢复的配置) #commit confirmed (十分钟之内不对配置进行确认,自动恢复配置到提交之前) #copy interface ge‐0/0/1 to ge0/0/3 (复制配置)#show system update (查看系统时间)>request system reboot (重启系统)>request system power‐off (关闭系统)#edit sytem login user class ? (设置用户,有4种权限)#edit system service (设置系统服务)#set ssh /telnet /web‐ma….>show system license (查看授权)>request system license add terminal (加载授权信息)> show system processes extensive(查看系统进程)> restart chassis‐control gracefully(重启系统进程)> load update xxx (加载以前的配置文件)run show security flow session summary(查看防火墙会话数)run show security flow session(查看防火墙具体会话数)1, root密码设置set system root‐authentication plain‐text‐passworderpo@66982, 远程登录用户set system login user erpo class super‐user authentication plain‐text‐passworderpo66983,设置时间run set date 2012070919084,设置时区为上海set system time‐zone Asia/shanghai5,设置主机名set system host‐name FW6,设置NDS服和器Set system name‐server;;7,端口交换机属性设置root@ex2200# edit vlans test #新建vlan名称为testroot@ex2200# set vlan-id 10 #设置vlan idroot@ex2200# set description “Test VLAN” #设置vlan描述root@ex2200# set mac-limit 200 #设置mac数量,范围是(1..65535),通常可以不配置root@ex2200# set mac-table-aging-time 600 #”设置mac生存时间(秒),范围是(60-1000000) ”root@ex2200# set l3-interface vlan.10 #”将绑定三层逻辑子端口”root@ex2200# set interface ge-0/0/1.0 #”将端口加入到VLAN中”root@ex2200# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 #”将端口加入到VLAN中”(2)创建三层逻辑子端口root@ex2200# top #”回到最外层菜单”root@ex2200# set interfaces vlan unit 10 family inet address #设置网关(3)将交换机端口修改为access模式并加入到新创建的VLAN中root@ex2200# top #”回到最外层菜单”root@ex2200# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode accessroot@ex2200# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 10root@ex2200# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode accessroot@ex2200# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 10(4)commit提交:root@ex2200#commit8, DHCP 配置(DHCP Server)set system services dhcp pool address-range low system services dhcp pool address-range high system services dhcp pool domain-name set system services dhcp pool name-server system services dhcp pool router system services dhcp pool default-lease-time 3600set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/5.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services dhcpuser@host# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/6.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services dhcp user@host# set interfaces fe-0/0/6 unit 0 family inet address设置(DHCP Client)user@host# set interfaces fe‐0/0/7 unit 0 family inet dhcpuser@host# set security zones security‐zone untrust interfaces fe‐0/0/7.0 host‐inbound‐traffic system‐services dhcpDHCP设置(DHCP Relay)user@host# set forwarding‐options helpers bootp description "Global DHCP relay service"user@host# set forwarding‐options helpers bootp server set forwarding‐options helpers bootp maximum‐hop‐count 4user@host# set forwarding‐options helpers bootp interface fe‐0/0/7.0user@host# set security zones security‐zone untrust interfaces fe‐0/0/7 host‐inbound‐traffic system‐services dhcpuser@host# set security zones security‐zone untrust interfaces fe‐0/0/8 host‐inbound‐traffic system‐services dhcp9,接口设置user@host# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address或者set interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 family inet address 设置区域user@host# set security zones security-zone trustuser@host# set security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/1.0…ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services http (允许的服务)10, 静态路由user@host# set routing-options static route next-hop set routing-options static route next-hop,在系统级开启ftp/telnet/http远程接入管理服务Set system services ftpSet system services sshSet system services telnetSet system services web‐management http12, 在untrust zone 打开允许远程登录管理服务Set security zones security‐zone untrnst host‐inbound‐traffic system‐services ssh13,防火墙策略安全设备的缺省行为是拒绝安全区段之间的所有信息流,允许绑定到同一区段的接口间的所有信息流。



Juniper的简单配置注:必须设置root密码,配置才能够提交,配置必须commit提交才会生效、、console(通过超级终端)连接SRX,root用户登录,密码为空cli------进入操作模式configure---进入配置模式、、配置root用户登录口令2.1设置root用户口令Set system root-authentication plain-text-password注:root用户仅用户console连接本地管理,不能通过远程登录管理,必须成功设置root口令后,才能执行commit提交继续配置命令。

2.2设置远程登录:Set system login user (name)class super-user authentication plain-text-passwordNew password:root123Retype new password:root123注:此用户拥有超级管理员权限,可用于console和远程及web,另也可以自行灵活定义其他管理权限用户。

2.3远程管理的相关配置:Run set date ----- 设置系统时钟Set system time-zone ------设置时区Set system host-name ------设置主机名Set system services ftpSet system services telnetSet system service web-management http ---在系统中开启ftp、远程和web管理、、接口配置Ip地址必须配置在逻辑接口下,接口必须加入zone例如:Set security zones security-zone untrust host-inbound-traffic system-service ping Set security zones security-zone untrust host-inbound-traffic system-service http Set security zones security-zone untrust host-inbound-traffic system-service telnet 基于untrust zone打开允许 ping、远程和telnet、、NATNAT 共分为3中基于目的地址的NAT:包括目的地址及端口的转换基于源地址的NAT:包括源IP地址及端口的转换Static—静态地址转换这次是基于source 做的;源地址池转换公网地址Set secu nat sou pool pool-1 add to sec nat sou rule-set from zone trusSet sec nat sou rule-set 1 to zone untSet sec nat sour rule-set 1 rule rule-1 match source-add destination-add0.0.0.0/0Set sec nat sou rule-set 1 rule rule1 then source-nat pool pool-1Set sec nat proxy-arp inter ge-0/0/0 address to策略方行—策略是写在zone中的Set sec poli from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 1 match soures-add pc-1 Set sec poli from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 1 match destination-add any Set sec poli from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 1 match addplication anySet sec policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust poli 1 then permit。

juniper 常用配置命令

juniper 常用配置命令

1.〉模式进入#模式:configure2.配置静态路由:>set route int e1 gateway查看接口的配置:>get interface4.查看静态路由:>get route >get route ip 测试:>ping 测试:>trace配置接口的模式(nat和route):>set interface e1 nat8.保存:>save9.配置文件备份:>save config from flash to tftp 15june03.cfg10.配置文件恢复:>save config from tftp 15june03.cfg to flash11.IOS备份:>save software from flash to tftp ns208image.bin12.IOS升级:>save software from tftp newimage to flash13.透明模式的配置:A.建立2层的安全区(在没有使用缺省安全区的情况下):>set zonename L2-Demo L2 1 // set zone name <name> L2 <vlan_tag>B.分配接口给2层安全区:>set int e3 zone L2-DemoC.为vlan1配置管理地址:>set int vlan1 manage-ip配置IP地址:>set int vlan1 ip选择广播的方法:>set vlan1 broadcast floodc.配置管理服务:(允许所有的管理服务)>set int vlan1 manageD.(可选项)配置每个安全区的管理服务:>set zone v1-dmz manage webE.在不同的安全区之间配置策略:14.透明模式的检查工具:>get int>get arp ,>get mac-learn,>get session15.透明模式是一个非常灵活的防火墙部署解决方案,可以快速实现防火墙和VPN的功能,不需要修改网络结构,建立虚拟地址(NAT),就可以实现访问控制。



前言、版本说明 (2)一、界面菜单管理 (4)2、WEB管理界面 (4)(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。

(4)(2)输入用户名密码登陆: (4)(3)仪表盘首页 (5)3、菜单目录 (7)二、接口配置 (12)1、接口静态IP (12)2、PPPoE (13)3、DHCP (14)三、路由配置 (16)1、静态路由 (16)2、动态路由 (16)四、区域设置Zone (18)五、策略配置 (20)1、策略元素定义 (20)2、防火墙策略配置 (22)3、安全防护策略 (25)六、地址转换 (26)1、源地址转换-建立地址池 (26)2、源地址转换规则设置 (27)七、VPN配置 (30)1、建立第一阶段加密建议IKE Proposal (Phase 1) (或者用默认提议) (30)2、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (31)3、建立第一阶段IKE Gateway (32)4、建立第二阶段加密提议IKE Proposal (Phase 2) (或者用默认提议) (33)5、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (34)6、建立VPN策略 (35)八、Screen防攻击 (37)九、双机 (38)十、故障诊断 (38)前言、版本说明产品:Juniper SRX240 SH版本:JUNOS Software Release [9.6R1.13]注:测试推荐使用此版本。



终端连接防火墙后,输入用户名(root)、密码(空),显示如下:root@srx240-1%输入cli命令进入JUNOS访问模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1>输入configure进入JUNOS配置模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1> configureEntering configuration mode[edit]root@srx240-1#防火墙至少要进行以下配置才可以正常使用:(1)设置root密码(否则无法保存配置)(2)开启ssh/telnet/http服务(3)添加用户(root权限不能作为远程telnet帐户,可以使用SHH方式)(4)分配新的用户权限2、WEB管理界面(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。








基础配置命令(如未说明则在[edit]⽬录下)1、配置主机名字:set system host-name router12、配置域名: set system domain-name 3、配置fxp0接⼝(以太⽹中通过这个接⼝进⾏路由器的配置)。

Set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address 44、配置备份路由器:set system backup-router、配置DNS服务器:set system name-server、配置root⽤户的密码:set system root-authentication plain-text-password(密码中不可以全是⼤写、全是⼩写、全是数字)7、设置ntp服务器: set system ntp server、提交修改:commit9、查看提交是否合法: commit check10、在当天特定时间进⾏提交 commit at 22:4511、在特定⽇期的特定时间提交: commit at “2005-02-26 10:45”12、取消commit的操作 clear system commit13、为了避免提交带来意外的损害采⽤:commit confirmed,会在10分钟以后⾃动回滚14、与14相同,但在⼀分钟以后⾃动回滚:commit confirmed 115、提交信息,并同步到备份路由器上: commit synchronize配置服务:1、设置ssh服务:set system services ssh2、配置ftp服务: set system services ftp3、删除ftp服务: delete system services ftp权限设置:1、设置root⽤户ssh登录的密码:set system root-authentication ssh password2、禁⽌root⽤户使⽤ssh登录:[edit system ] set services ssh root-login deny3、设置密码要求:[edit system login] set password maximun-length 20 set password minimum-length 8 set password mi nimum-changes 24、设置密码加密算法:set system login password formate md55、查看⾃⼰的权限,以及可以设置的权限: show cli authorization进⼊与退出命令:1、Edit2、修改root的配置:configure3、避免多⼈修改导致设置丢失采⽤ configure exclusive4、查看⽬前修改区域有谁在线:[edit]status(只能看见⽐你先登录的⼈,后⾯登录的信息看不见)5、强制要求别⼈下线:request system logout user mike6、进⼊到根⽬录 top7、退出configuration 模块:quit8、退出configuration模块:exit configuration-mode9、提交并退出:commit and-quit10、退出当前⽬录:exit11、进⼊到某⽬录 edit ⽬录名字查看命令:1、查看当前⽬录地下的设置 [edit]show2、查看你设置的命令 show | display set3、查看你新增的命令 show | compare(+表⽰你增加的命令,-表⽰你删除的命令。



参数时区设置虚拟路由器设置ALG认证和管理员属性ZONE设置接口设置Flow设置HA设置SNMP VPN命令set clock dst-offset clock ntpset clock timezone 8set ntp server x.x.x.xset ntp server backup1 "x.x.x.x"set ntp server backup2 "x.x.x.x"set ntp max-adjustment 0set vrouter trust-vr sharableunset vrouter "trust-vr" auto-route-exportunset alg sip enableunset alg mgcp enableunset alg sccp enableunset alg sunrpc enableunset alg msrpc enableunset alg rtsp enableunset alg h323 enableset auth-server "Local" id 0set auth-server "Local" server-name "Local" set auth-server "XXXX" id 1set auth-server "XXXX" server-name "x.x.x.x" set auth-server "XXXX" account-type admin set auth default auth server "Local"set auth-server "XXXX" radius secret "xxxx"set auth-server "ACS" radius port 1646set admin name "ccb"set admin password "xxxxxxxxx"set admin manager-ip x.x.x.x x.x.x.xset admin auth timeout 10set admin auth server "XXXX"set admin auth banner console login "Access is….ly" set admin privilege get-externalset admin format dosset zone "Trust" vrouter "untrust-vr"set zone "Untrust" vrouter "untrust-vr"set zone "DMZ" vrouter "untrust-vr"unset zone "Trust" tcp-rstset zone "Trust" blockunset zone "Untrust" tcp-rstset zone "Untrust" blockset zone "Untrust" screen tear-dropset zone "Untrust" screen syn-floodset zone "Untrust" screen ping-deathset zone "Untrust" screen ip-filter-srcset zone "Untrust" screen landset zone "Untrust" screen alarm-without-dropset interface "ethernet1/1" zone "xxx"set interface ethernet1/1 ip x.x.x.x/xset interface ethernet1/1 routeset interface ethernet1/1 manage-ipset interface ethernet1/1 ip manageableset interface ethernet1/1 manage xxxxunset flow tcp-syn-checkset flow tcp-syn-bit-checkset flow syn-proxy syn-cookieset flow reverse-route clear-text peferset flow reverse-route tunnel alwaysset flow no-tcp-seq-checkset nsrp cluster id 1set nsrp rto-mirror syncset nsrp rto-mirror session ageout-ackunset nsrp rto-mirror session pingset nsrp vsd-group id 0 priority 20set nsrp vsd-group id 0 monitor interface ethernet1/1 set nsrp monitor track-ip ipset nsrp monitor track-ip ip x.x.x.x threshold 10set nsrp vsd-group master-always-existset ntp no-ha-syncset snmp community "xxx" Read-Only Trap-on version v1set snmp host "bbb" y.y.y.y trap v2set snmp name xxxxset snmp port listen 161set snmp port trap 162set pki authority default scep mode "auto"set pki x509 default cert-path partialset ike respond-bad-spi 1unset ike ikeid-enumerationunset ike dos-protectionunset ipsec access-session enableset ipsec access-session maximum 5000set ipsec access-session upper-threshold 0set ipsec access-session lower-threshold 0set ipsec access-session dead-p2-sa-timeout 0unset ipsec access-session log-errorunset ipsec access-session info-exch-connectedunset ipsec access-session use-error-logset interface tunnel.1 zone untrustset interface tunnel.1 ip unnumbered interface ethernet3set ike gateway To_Paris address main outgoing-interface ethernet3 preshare h1p8A24nG5 proposal pre-g2-3des-shaset vpn Tokyo_Paris gateway To_Paris sec-level compatibleset vpn Tokyo_Paris bind interface tunnel.1set vpn Tokyo_Paris proxy-id local-ip remote-ip10.2.2.0/24 anywebConfiguration > Date/Time > Configuration > Date/Time > Configuration > Date/Time > Set Time Zone_hours_minutes from GMT Configuration > Date/Time>Primary Server IP/Name: X.X.X.X Configuration > Date/Time>Backup Server1 IP/Name: X.X.X.X Configuration > Date/Time>Backup Server2 IP/Name: X.X.X.X Configuration >Date/Time>Automatically synchronize with an Internet Time Server (NTP): ( 选择 )Maximum time adjustment seconds:0Network > Routing > Virtual Routers > Edit ( 对于 trust-vr):Shared and accessible by other vsys ( 选择 )Network > Routing > Virtual Router > Edit ( 对于 trust-vr): 取消选择Auto Export Route to Untrust-VR,然后单击 OK。



JUNIPER命令翻译Enter ——Execute this commandactivate ——Remove the inactive tag from a statement annotate ——Annotate the statement with a comment commit ——Commit current set of changescopy ——Copy a statementdeactivate ——Add the inactive tag to a statementdelete ——Delete a data elementedit ——Edit a sub-elementexit ——Exit from this levelextension ——Extension operationshelp ——Provide help information insert——Insert a new ordered data element load——Load configuration from ASCII file quit ——Quit from this levelrename ——Rename a statement replace——Replace character string in configuration rollback——Roll back to previous committed configuration run ——Run an operational-mode command save——Save configuration to ASCII file set ——Set a parametershow ——Show a parameterstatus——Show users currently editing configuration top ——Exit to top level of configurationup ——Exit one level of configurationwildcard ——Wildcard operations输入- 执行此命令激活- 从一份声明中删除非活动标记注释- 注释与评论的声明提交- 提交当前设置的变化复制- 复制一份声明停用- 一份声明中添加非标记删除- 删除一个数据元素编辑- 编辑一个子元素退出- 退出从这个层面扩展- 扩展业务帮助- 提供帮助信息插入- 插入一个新的有序数据元素负载- 从ASCII文件加载配置重新命名- 重新命名声明在配置取代- 替换字符串回滚- 回滚到先前的承诺配置运行“- ”运行运作模式命令保存- 保存配置ASCII文件设置- 设置参数显示- 显示参数目前的状态- 显示用户编辑配置顶部- 退出顶级配置高达- 退出一个级别的配置通配符- 通配符操作。



juniper交换机配置指南开机后:login: rootLast login: Fri Jan 17 22:21:55 on ttyd0--- JUNOS 7.2R3.3 built 2002-03-23 02:44:36 UTCTerminal type? [vt100] <enter>root@%注意使用root用户登录的情况下,输入帐号/密码以后,默认是进入shell模式的(而只有root用户帐号有这个现象),要输入cli命令进入用户模式:root@% cliroot>配置模式用户模式下输入configure命令进入配置模式,配置模式下可以对设备进行各种参数的配置root> configure[edit]root#设置root用户密码命令:set system root-authentication plain-text-password路由器初始化root用户是没有密码的,在第一次进行配置的时候必须要配置root密码才能commit成功。


Example:lab@M7i_GZ# set system root-authentication plain-text-password精品文档New password:Retype new password:添加系统用户命令:set system login user juniper uid 2000 <-设置用户名为juniper用户id为2000set system login user juniper class super-user <-设置juniper用户为超级用户set system login user juniper authentication plain-text-password <-设置juniper用户的密码设置主机名命令:set system host-name M7i_GZ <-设置主机名为M7i_GZ开启系统telnet服务命令:set system services telnet说明:系统默认是没有打开telnet功能的,只有打开telnet服务之后才能从网络上登陆到路由器。



Juniper路由器常用命令表Juniper路由器常用命令表:1·登录与基本操作1·1 连接与登录1·2 登录后的基本操作1·3 退出登录2·系统操作与管理2·1 系统状态与信息查看2·2 系统配置与修改2·3 系统重启与关机2·4 用户管理3·接口配置3·1 物理接口3·1·1 接口状态查看与设置3·1·2 接口带宽与速率限制设置3·2 逻辑接口3·2·1 VLAN接口配置3·2·2 Loopback接口配置4·路由配置4·1 静态路由配置4·2 动态路由配置4·2·1 OSPF配置4·2·2 BGP配置4·2·3 RIP配置5·安全配置5·1 防火墙配置5·1·1 基本防火墙规则配置5·1·2 会话表与连接追踪配置5·1·3 防火墙日志配置5·2 虚拟专用网络(VPN)配置5·2·1 IPsec VPN配置5·2·2 SSL VPN配置6·网络服务配置6·1 DHCP服务配置6·2 DNS服务配置6·3 NAT配置7·系统诊断与故障处理7·1 接口故障排查7·2 路由故障排查7·3 防火墙故障排查7·4 网络连通性测试7·5 系统日志与告警查看附:本文档涉及附件附件:无注释:本文所涉及的法律名词及注释1·路由器:一种计算机网络设备,用于在局域网或广域网之间转发数据包。



user id为2001;
Line vty 0 4
#set services telnet
ip ftp
# set services ftp
#set system services telnet connection-limit 5
# set ntp boot-server202.96.103.37
ntp server配置
#set snmp community keepalive authorization read-only
#edit interfaces
# set syslog user * any emergency
#set system syslog host202.96.103.73any any
#set system syslog file messages any notice
>show chassis alarms
sh environment all
>show chassis environment
# run show chassis fpc pic-status
show controller intfc



前言、版本说明 (2)一、界面菜单管理 (4)2、WEB管理界面 (4)(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。

(4)(2)输入用户名密码登陆: (4)(3)仪表盘首页 (5)3、菜单目录 (7)二、接口配置 (12)1、接口静态IP (12)2、PPPoE (13)3、DHCP (14)三、路由配置 (16)1、静态路由 (16)2、动态路由 (16)四、区域设置Zone (18)五、策略配置 (20)1、策略元素定义 (20)2、防火墙策略配置 (22)3、安全防护策略 (25)六、地址转换 (26)1、源地址转换-建立地址池 (26)2、源地址转换规则设置 (27)七、VPN配置 (30)1、建立第一阶段加密建议IKE Proposal (Phase 1) (或者用默认提议) (30)2、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (31)3、建立第一阶段IKE Gateway (32)4、建立第二阶段加密提议IKE Proposal (Phase 2) (或者用默认提议) (33)5、建立第一阶段IKE策略 (34)6、建立VPN策略 (35)八、Screen防攻击 (37)九、双机 (38)十、故障诊断 (38)前言、版本说明产品:Juniper SRX240 SH版本:JUNOS Software Release [9.6R1.13]注:测试推荐使用此版本。



终端连接防火墙后,输入用户名(root)、密码(空),显示如下:root@srx240-1%输入cli命令进入JUNOS访问模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1>输入configure进入JUNOS配置模式:root@srx240-1% cliroot@srx240-1> configureEntering configuration mode[edit]root@srx240-1#防火墙至少要进行以下配置才可以正常使用:(1)设置root密码(否则无法保存配置)(2)开启ssh/telnet/http服务(3)添加用户(root权限不能作为远程telnet帐户,可以使用SHH方式)(4)分配新的用户权限2、WEB管理界面(1)Web管理界面需要浏览器支持Flash控件。

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#---表示翻译不一定准确*---表示常用命令>get ?Address show address book显示地址信息admin show admin information 显示管理员信息alarm show alarm info 显示报警信息alg application layer gateway information 应用层网关信息alg-portnum get ALG port num 获得ALG接口号码alias get alias definitions 得到别名定义arp show ARP entries 显示ARP记录asp aspattack show attacks 显示攻击信息auth show authentication information 显示登陆信息认证信息auth-server authentication server settings 认证服务器设置backu4p backup information 备份信息chassis show chassis information 显示机架信息(机架温度….)clock show system clock 显示系统时钟config show system configuration 显示系统配置信息console show console parameters 显示控制台参数设置counter show counters 显示计数器仪表di get deep inspection parameters 深入检测参数dialer get dialer information 得到拨号器信息dip show all dips in a vsys or root 显示所有dip里的虚拟系统或者根dip-in show incoming dip table info 显示进入DIP表的信息dns show dns info 显示DNS信息domain show domain name 显示域名dot1x display global configuration 显示全局配置driver show driver info 显示驱动信息envar show environment variables 显示环境变量信息event show event messages 显示事件消息file show file information 显示文件信息firewall show firewall protection information 显示防火墙保护信息gate show gate info 阀门信息显示global-pro global-pro settings 全局设置 #group show groups 显示组信息group-expression group expressions details 组的表达方式详细信息hostname show host name 显示主机名igmp IGMPike get IKE info 得到密钥信息infranet Infranet Controller configuration Infranet控制器配置interface show interfaces 显示接口信息ip get ip parameters 获得IP参数ip-classification Show IP classification 显示IP分类ippool get ippool info 得到IP地址池信息ipsec get ipsec information 得到安全协议的信息irdp show IRDP status 显示IRDP的状态地位l2tp get l2tp information 得到L2TP的信息license-key get license key info 得到许可证密钥信息log show log info 显示日志信息mac-learn show mac learning table 透明模式下显示MAC地址信息memory show memory info 显示内存信息mip show all mips in a vsys or root 显示所有MIP的虚拟系统或者根multicast-group-policy multicast group policy 多播组策略nrtp show nrtp information 显示NRTP信息nsmgmt show NSM agent status/configuration 显示NSM代理/配置状态nsrp show nsrp info 显示冗余协议信息ntp get ntp parameters 得到NTP参数os show task information 显示任务信息password-policy password policy 密码策略performance get performance info 获得性能信息pim show global PIM-SM information 显示全球sm信息 #pki show the pki settings 显示pki 设置参数policy show policy 显示策略信息ppp get PPP settings 得到PPP设置参数pppoe how pppoe configuration and statistics 如何配置和统计pppoe # proxy-id vpn proxy-id setting vpn 代理ID的设置信息rm show resource management info 显示资源管理信息route show routes in a vrouter 查看路由信息sa show security association 显示安全协议sa-filter config debug message per SA filter 过滤器 #scheduler show scheduler 显示虚拟机信息scp show SCP status 显示SCP 状态service show service book 显示服务目录session show all sessions 显示所有会话信息snmp show SNMP information 显示简单网络管理协议的信息snmpwalk snmp walk ?socket show socket info 显示插座信息ssh show SSH status 显示SSH 状态ssl show ssl info 显示ssl 信息syslog show syslog information 显示系统日志信息system show system info 显示系统信息tech-support show tech support information 显示技术支持信息timer show timer info 显示时钟计时器信息traffic-shaping show traffic shaping info 显示传输形成信息 #url show url filter information 显示 URL 过滤信息user show user 显示用户信息user-group user group settings 用户组设置vip show virtual IP info 显示虚拟IP信息vpn show vpn session 显示VPN会话信息vpn-group Keyword for showing vpn group setup vpn关键字组的设置vpnmonitor show vpn monitor parameters显示vpn监控参数vrouter show virtual router info 显示虚拟路由器信息webauth webauth settings webauth设置webtrends show webtrends information 显示电子商务信息xauth get xauth information 得到扩展认证的信息xlate show xlate ctx infozone configure zone 配置区域> ?Clear clear dynamic system info 清晰的动态系统信息Delete delete persistent info in flash 删除信息:在flash中持续exec exec system commands 执行系统命令exit exit command console 退出命令控制台get get system information 获得系统信息mtrace multicast traceroute from source to destination 多播traceroute从来源到目的地ping ping other hostreset reset system 重启系统save save command 保存命令set configure system parameters 配置系统参数命令trace-route trace route 跟踪路由到目的地址unset unconfigure system parameters 删除系统配置参数>clear ?admin clear admin information 清除的管理员信息alarm clear alarm infoalg application layer gateway information 应用层网关信息arp clear ARP entries in the current vsys 明确在当前vsys ARP条目auth clear user authentication table 清除用户认证表cluster cluster option 集群选择config clear config related setting 清除相关配置设定counter clear counters 清除接口计数器dbuf clear debug buffer 清除debug 缓冲器dhcp clear dhcp 清除dhcpdip-in clear incoming dip entries 清除进入dip条目dns clear dns cache table 清除dns缓存服务器dot1x clear info 清除信息event clear event messages 清除事件消息igmp IGMPike Clear IKE info 清除 IKE 信息ike-cookie clear ike cookieinterface clear interfaces 清除接口ippool clear ippool info 清除ip地址池信息ipsec get ipsec information 得到网际协议安全信息l2tp clear l2tp 清除 2层隧道协议log clear log info 清除日志信息mac-learn clear mac learning tablemulticast clear multicast informationnrtp clear nrtp resourcesnsrp clear nsrp infopppoe clear pppoe statisticssa clear sa ike valuesa-statistics clear statistics in security associationsession clear session tablesnmp clear snmptraffic-shaping clear traffic shaping paramtersvrouter clear vrouter param> delete ?Cluster cluster option 删除集群选择Crypto delete crypto info 删除密码信息file delete a file 删除一个文件node_secret clear SecurID stored node secret 清除存储节点SecurID秘密nsmgmt delete nsmgmt private/public keys 删除nsmgmt私人和公共钥匙pki delete a PKI object 删除一个PKI对象ssh delete SSH 删除 SSHccie-> exec ?admin exec ADMIN commands 执行管理员命令alg application layer gateway information 执行应用层网关信息attack-db perform attack database update or checking数据库进行更新或攻击的检查auth user authentication actions 用户身份认证的行为backup exec backup command 执行备份命令config config exec command 配置执行命令dhcp exec dhcp command执行dhcp命令dialer exec dialer commands 执行拨号器命令dns refresh all dns entries 刷新所有dns条目igmp IGMPike IKE exec commands 执行密钥命令infranet Infranet Confroller configurationinterface Interface configuration 执行接口配置license-key set feature configuration 设置功能配置log exec log commands 执行日志命令modem exec modem Hayes Command Set 执行的命令集现代海耶斯nsrp exec nsrp commandsntp exec ntp command执行nsrp命令password perform password verification 执行密码验证pki PKI exec commands 执行命令policy policy verify 执行策略验证pppoe maintain pppoe connection 保持pppoe连接proxy-id exec proxy id update command执行代理身份更新命令save save command 保存命令ssh exec SSH commands 执行 SSH 命令switch test switch module 测试交换机模块syslog syslog configuration 执行系统日志配置usb-device exec usb command 执行USB 命令vrouter execute vrouter commands 虚拟路由命令ccie-> exit ?<return><string>> mtrace ?由源向目标跟踪解析组播地址路径destination mtrace to the destination mtrace到目的地source mtrace from source mtrace从源> ping ?<return><string> host name> reset ?<return>no-prompt no confirmation 无法确认save-config save configurations 保存配置> save ?<return>attack-db save attack database 保存攻击数据库config save configurations 保存配置image-key save image key 保存关键图像software save software 保存软件ccie-> set ?address define address book entry 定义通讯录条目admin admin commandalarm set alarm parameters 参数设置闹钟alg attach algalias set alias 设置别名arp set arp entries arp条目集attack set attack 设置攻击auth user authentication settings 用户认证设置auth-server authentication server settings 认证服务器设置clock system clock adjustment 系统时钟调整common-criteria Common Criteria function 普遍的标准功能config set/unset config 设置/删除配置console console parameters 控制台参数dbuf set debug buffer 缓冲设置调试di set deep inspection parameters 深度检测参数设置dialer set dialer parameters 拨号器参数设置dip port-translated dip attribute & dip group configuration dns dns configuration dns配置domain domain name 域名envar set environment variables 设置环境变量ffilter flow filter configuration 流过滤配置fips-mode FIPS mode functionfirewall enable firewall protection 使防火墙保护flow flow configuration 流程配置group define address/ser vice groups 定义地址/ ser副组group-expression group expression details 集团表达细节hostname name of this host 主机名ike config Internet Key Exchange 配置网络匙交换infranet Infranet Controller configuration Infranet控制器配置interface interface command接口命令ip set ip parameters设置IP参数ippool ippool settingsipsec set ipsec access sessionl2tp l2tp configuration l2tp配置license-key license-key 密钥许可证log set log config 配置日志信息mac configure static mac entry into mac learning table 配置静态mac进入MAC 学习表multicast-group-policy multicast group policy 多播组策略nsmgmt set NSM agent configuration NSM代理配置设置nsrp NetScreen Redundancy Protocol command NetScreen冗余协议命令ntp set ntp parameters ntp参数设置password-policy password policy 密码策略pki PKI Configuration PKI配置policy policy configuration 策略配置ppp set PPP settings 设置PPP设置pppoe pppoe configuration pppoe配置proxy-id vpn proxy-id setting vpn proxy-id设置sa-filter config debug message per SA filter 配置调试信息/ SA的过滤器scheduler scheduler parameters 调度参数scp set SCP 集单片机service service configuration 服务配置snmp snmp command snmp(简单网络管理协议)命令ssh set SSHssl set ssl configuration ssl配置设置syslog syslog configuration syslog配置tftp tftp settings 配置设置timer timer configurationtraffic-shaping set traffic shaping infourl Web filtering configuration 网页过滤配置user user database 用户数据库user-group user group settings 用户组设置vip virtual ip configuration虚拟ip配置vpn vpn configuration vpn配置vpn-group Keyword for define vpn group 为定义vpn关键字组vpnmonitor vpn monitor parameters vpn监测参数vrouter configure vrouter 配置vrouterwebauth webauth settings webauth设置webtrends webtrends configurat ionxauth xauth configurationzone configure security zone 配置的安全地带。
