林肯焊机Power Wave ACDC 1000操作手册(中文版)




MUL TI-SOURCEOPERATOR’S MANUALFor use with machines Code 10668October, 2000IM692Safety Depends on YouLinco ln arc welding equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper instal-latio n ... and tho ughtful o peratio n on your part.DO NOT INSTALL,OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READ-ING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CON-TAINED THROUGHOUT.And,most importantly, think before you act and be careful.Copyright © 2000 Lincoln Global Inc.This manual covers equipment which is nolonger in production by The Lincoln Electric Co. Speci cations and availability of optional features may have changed.Mar ‘95Mar ‘95Mar. ‘93for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:vvOther indicator lights include the amber Thermal light that signals when the long term output current limit has been exceeded. This limit is determined by a ther-mostat sensing the temperature of the negative output lead from the secondary coils. The white Power light indicates when the Control board is energized. The three lights are high intensity LEDs for improved visi-bility in daylight.The Output Power display uses high intensity LEDs to indicate the percentage of full rated output the machine is supplying.Two additional thermostats protect the machine in the case of fan failure or blocked air flow. The SCR heat sink thermostat responds first to loss of air flow at nor-mal output loads. This thermostat will disable the machine output. The transformer iron rear thermostat senses that the lamination (and thus the coil insula-tion) is over heating (which can happen even if the output is disabled). This thermostat will interrupt power to the Control board causing the input contactor to open until the iron cools.The only user controls are an on-off toggle Power switch that energizes the machine and a 10 A circuit breaker protecting the fan auxiliary against short cir-cuits.DESIGN FEATURES - ALL MODELSSPECIFICATIONS,DESIG N FEATURES AND ADVANTAGESCase parts are predominantly stainless steel, the PC boards are potted in trays, the controls are sealed, all machine coils are copper and the whole transformer is varnish dipped to maximize environmental withstand capability. The coils are all conservatively rated for long life.The Multi-Source output regulates against wide changes in output loading and input line voltage varia-tions to supply a consistently stable voltage high enough to allow the Multi-Welds to provide good man-ual electrode capability.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Multi-Source is designed to supply power to the Multi-Weld welders. It has a wide range three phase AC input and can be operated on 50 or 60 Hz. The Multi-Source output peak voltage regulates against wide changes in output loading and input line voltage variations to supply a consistently stable voltage high enough to allow the Multi-Welds to provide good man-ual electrode capability.Primary input voltage taps are selected by a single movable link on the reconnect panel. Main trans-former auxiliary windings power the firing circuit and fan motor. The control auxiliary transformer has a sin-gle, wide range primary and is not reconnectable.The Fan As Needed feature is activated by an output current of 20 Adc or a thermostat on the main trans-former iron.An independent safety circuit on the Control board monitors the voltage peaks and opens the input con-tactor if the limit is exceeded. The green Safe Output light indicates when the machine output voltage isFACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS / ACCESSORIESThere are no factory installed options.FIELD INSTALLED OPTIONS / ACCESSORIESK1735-1 Multi-Weld 350, Multi-process controller.K857, K857-1 Remote Control, Control Multi-Weldremotely (25 or 100 ft.).K1736-1 Distribution Box, Connects up to 10 Multi-Welds.K449 LN-25, Across the arc wire feeder.K1788-1 Roll Cage, Protect power source, facilitate moving, store cable.K1806-1 Multi-Weld Four Pack, Mounting / lift rack for M-S and four M-Ws.K1807-1 Multi-Weld Eight Pack, Mounting / lift rack for M-S and eight M-Ws.S20428Paralleling Kit,Allows two machines toequally share double load.MACHINE CALIBRATION SPECIFICATIONThe Multi-Source digital display is controlled by a cur-rent sensing circuit on the Control board. The display reads 100 when machine output is a little over 40 kW. To recalibrate the display, the machine output may loaded with Multi-Weld welders or resistive grids or a combination of both to obtain an output of 533 Adc as read by a calibrated standard ammeter. Trimmer resistor R49 may be adjusted to cause the display to read 100.This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” liststhe obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________5. LEDs 1 through 6 indicate gate signals are being sent to the main SCRs 1 through 6 respectively. If LED2 on the Control board is bright, along with LEDs 7, 8, and 9 on Firing board, and LEDs 1through 6 are unequal in brightness, check to make sure lead 231 between Control board and Firing board is not broken. (If lead 231 is removed while the machine output is at open circuit, the output voltage peaks may be unregulated and cause the over-voltage protection circuit to open the input contactor. The over-voltage protection circuit may disabled by disconnecting lead 222D at the nega-tive output stud or at pin 1 of P2. NOTE: Themachine may not be used for welding with the pro-tection circuit disabled.6. If one or more of LEDs 1 through 6 are off, LEDs 7,8, and 9 are on and the voltage on lead 231 from the Control board (pin 13, P5 to pin 12, P5) is 3 to 13Vdc replace the Firing PCB.PC BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE - FIRING P .C.BOARD1. LEDs 1 through 9 must be lit when the Multi-Source is turned on and the Control board is sending an enable signal to the Firing board (pin 7 in P8 is low in reference to common at pin 12 in P5).2. LEDs 7, 8, and 9 indicate AC power being supplied to the P.C. board from auxiliary windings on the main transformer (T1). If a LED is not on, turn the machine off and unplug P8 from the firing board.Turn the machine back on and check the following voltages:3. If all voltages are present, turn power off, and plug P5 back into J5. Turn power back on. If LEDs 7, 8or 9 are still not lit, replace Firing PCB.4. If voltages were not present, check the circuit back through the external dropping resistors to the auxil-iary windings for a possible open resistor or wire.PC BOARD TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE - CONTROL P .C.BOARD1. The white Power light on the machine control panel indicates that the Control board power supply is being supplied by rectified secondary voltage from the Control transformer (T2) by way of the Power switch and transformer iron rear thermostat.2. LED1 indicates machine output voltage. At normal output voltages, LED1 will be brightly lit.3. LED2 indicates the level of the control signal to the Firing board. The brightness of LED2 is inversely proportional to machine output because the control signal increases as the machine output decreases.4. LED3 lights when the current amplifier senses an output current over about 10 amps and sends a sig-nal to turn the cooling fan on. If LED3 is on but the fan is not , there could be a problem with the fan motor or the fan motor drive circuit (see LED6).5. LED4 says that some signal, either thermostat, out-put current or output over-current is calling for the fan to operate.6. LED5 tells us that the current signal from the shunt is too high. If LED5 is lit for 5-8 seconds, the enable signal to the Firing board is made high to shut off the output SCRs. In the case of a short duration current overload, LED5 may only be briefly litbecause, in normal operation, the machine output immediately goes to zero. Once disabled, the out-put will remain off for about 75 seconds.7. LED6 indicates that the input to the fan motor opto triac driver has been energized. LED6 should be on as long as the fan motor runs. LED6 and the fan motor will be on for about 5 minutes after LED4goes off.8. LED7 will light when the shorted SCR circuit acti-vates. A positive voltage on the negative output stud (AC instead of DC on the output studs) will activate a circuit causing the input contactor to open. This circuit is active only when the enable signal to the Firing board is high (the output is off).The contactor will remain open (and the whitePower light will remain on) until the Power switch is turned off (or the input power to the machine is oth-erwise removed) for about 1 second and then turned on again.9. The green Safe Output light on the control panel when the machine output voltage is present and safe. It lights when the machine output is between 40 Vdc and 113 volts peak. 10. The yellow Thermal light on the front panel lightswhen the open thermostat signal is sent to the fan control and output disable circuits.Now Available...12th EditionThe Procedure Handbook of Arc WeldingWith over 500,000 copies of previous editions published since 1933, the Procedure Handbook is considered by many to be the “Bible” of the arc welding industry.This printing will go fast so don’t delay. Place your order now using the coupon below.The hardbound book contains over 750 pages of welding information, techniques and procedures. Much of this material has never been included in any other book.A must for all welders, supervisors, engineers and designers. Many welding instructors will want to use the book as a reference for all students by taking advantage of the low quantity discount prices which include shipping by 4th class parcel post.$15.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandHow To Read Shop DrawingsThe book contains the latest information and application data on the American Welding Society Standard Welding Symbols. D etailed discussion tells how engineers and draftsmen use the “short-cut” language of symbols to pass on assembly and welding information to shop personnel.Practical exercises and examples develop the reader’s ability to visualize mechanically drawn objects as they will appear in their assembled form.187 pages with more than 100 illustrations. Size 8-1/2” x 11”Durable, cloth-covered board binding.$4.50postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNew Lessons in Arc WeldingLessons, simply written, cover manipulatory techniques;machine and electrode characteristics; related subjects,such as distortion; and supplemental information on arc welding applications, speeds and costs. Practice materials,exercises, questions and answers are suggested for each lesson.528 pages, well illustrated, 6” x 9” size, bound in simulated,gold embossed leather.$5.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNeed Welding Training?The Lincoln Electric Company operates the oldest and most respected Arc Welding School in the United States at its corporate headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 100,000stu-dents have graduated. Tuition is low and the training is “hands on”For details write:Lincoln Welding School 22801 St. Clair Ave.Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.and ask for bulletin ED-80 or call 216-383-2259 and ask for the Welding School Registrar.Lincoln Welding SchoolBASIC COURSE $700.005 weeks of fundamentalsThere is a 10%discount on all orders of $50.00 or more for shipment at one time to one location.Orders of $50 or less before discount or orders outside of North America must be prepaid with charge, check or money order in U.S. Funds Only.Prices include shipment by 4th Class Book Rate for U.S.A. 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3.导电杆组件国内一般常用K231 和K226●K231 导电杆组件:一般用于600A,更高电流可能引起导电嘴磨损坏。






●K226 压钳式导电杆:一般用于600-1000A。

K226-T 由两个锥形夹组成用于Ф2.4-3.2mm。




Ⅱ.电气安装1.电缆连接需600W,115V/50AC(其中,350W 给送丝电机和控制电路,250W 给行走电路)●从机头到控制箱:所有的工件电缆都接到控制箱后部,每个机头都带1.2m 长电机电缆和1.2m 长焊剂斗电缆,插到控制箱一侧对应的接口内。



SP-100OPERA TOR'S MANUALFor use with machines having Code Number 9284 and above .Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors WorldwideWorld's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products Premier Manufacturer of Industrial MotorsIM366-BNovember 1993Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding equipment is designed and built wit h safet y in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper instal-lat ion ... and t hought ful operat ion on your part.DO NOT INSTALL OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READ-ING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CON-TAINED THROUGHOUT.And,most importantly, think before you act and be careful.9284; 9429; 9521; 9522; 9725;9726; 9794; 9795; 10050Thank Youfor selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric.We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric C ompany product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection. The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe SP-100, Type K462, is a complete semiautomatic constant voltage DC arc welding machine. Included is a solid state controlled, single phase constant voltage transformer/ rectifier power source and a wire feeder for feeding .023 – .030" (0.6 – 0.8 mm) solid steel electrode and .035" (0.9 mm) cored electrode.The SP-100 is ideally suited for individuals having access to 115 volt AC input power, and wanting the ease of use, quality and dependability of both gas metal arc welding or GMAW (also known as MIG welding) and the Innershield®electrode process (self-shielded flux-cored or FC AW). A convenient chart is mounted inside the wire feed section door for setting welding procedures for 24 gauge through 12 gauge (0.6 – 2.5 mm) mild steel (Chart also may be found in this manual). The SP-100 is a rugged and reliable machine that has been designed for dependable ser-vice and long life.RECOMMENDED PROCESSES AND EQUIPMENTThe SP-100 can be used for welding mild steel using the GMAW, single pass, process which requires a supply of shielding gas or it can be used for the self-shielded, Innershield electrode process.The recommended gas and electrode for GMAW is welding grade CO2gas and .025" (0.6 mm) diameter Lincoln L-56 mild-steel welding wire [supplied on 12 1/2 lb (6 kg) spools]. For 14 gauge (2.0 mm) and thin-ner, CO2gas is recommended because it gives equal or better performance than a blended gas at a lower cost. A mixed gas consisting of 75 to 80% Argon and 20 to 25% CO2is recommended for welding on heav-ier gauge [12 gauge (2.5 mm) for example] steel.The recommended electrode for the self-shielded process is .035" (0.9 mm) diameter Lincoln Innershield NR-211-MP on 10 lb (4.5 kg) spools. This electrode can be used for all position welding of 20 gauge through 5/16" (1.0 – 8.0 mm) thick steel [multi-ple passes are required for 1/4" and 5/16" (6.0 and 8.0 mm)].OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES1.K463 CO2G as Regulator and Hose Kit—Includes a preset, nonadjustable pressure and flow regulator for use on C O2cylinders. Also included is a 10 foot (3.0 m) gas hose which con-nects to the rear of the SP-100.2.K499 Ar-Mixed Gas Regulator and Hose Kit—Includes a preset, nonadjustable pressure and flow regulator for use on argon-mixed gas cylin-ders. Also included is a 10 foot (3.0 m) gas hose which connects to the rear of the SP-100.3..035 (0.9 mm) Innershield®Welding Kit —Includes a contact tip, a gasless nozzle and a cable liner to permit the SP-100 gun and cable to use a .035" (0.9 mm) diameter flux-cored elec-trode. Also included is a spool of .035 (0.9 mm) Innershield®NR-211-MP.Two kits are available:K549-1 kit is for use with the Magnum™100L gun (with red trigger).K464 kit is for use with the original Lincoln Electric®gun (with black trigger).4.M15448-1 Reversible Drive Roll with doubleknurled grooves for .035 cored electrode.5.K467 Input Line Cord — Same as line cord sup-plied with the SP-100 but has a NEMA type 5-20P plug for use on 25 amp branch circuits.To install optional features refer to instructions included with the kit, and/or in this manual.INSTALLATIONDESCRIPTION OF CONTROLSBecome familiar with the SP-100 controls and compo-nents before attempting to weld. Refer to illustrations and lettered items below for brief descriptions.A.Wire speed — Controls the wire speed from 50 –400 in./min (1.3 – 10 m/min). The control can be preset on the dial to the setting specified on the SP-100 Application Chart located on the inside of the wire feed section door. Wire speed is not affected when changes are made in the voltage control. The control is marked (“olo”)B.Power ON/OFF switch — When the power is on,the fan motor will run and air will be exhausted out the louvers in the front of the machine. The welding output and wire feeder remain off until the gun trigger is pressed.C.Voltage control — A continuous control that givesfull range adjustment of power source output volt-age. Can be adjusted while welding.D.Thumbscrew — secures gun and cable assembly.E.Positive (+) and negative (–) output terminals.F.Shielding gas hose (factory installed, not shown)— routed from gas solenoid inside rear of machine to gun connector block.G.Gun trigger lead connectors.H.Circuit breaker — Protects machine from damageif maximum output is exceeded. Button will extend out when tripped. (Manual reset.)I.Wire spool spindle.J.Gas solenoid inlet fitting.K.Power cord.L.Spring loaded pressure arm — adjusts pressureof idle roll on wire.M.Wire feed gearbox and gun connector block.N.Wire feed section door — With application chartfor machine setting procedures.O.Gun cable and control lead access hole.P.Work cable access hole.LOCATIONLocate the welder in a dry location where there is free circulation of clean air into the louvers in the back and out the front. A location that minimizes the amount of smoke and dirt drawn into the rear louvers reduces the chance of dirt accumulation that can block air pas-sages and cause overheating.WORK CABLE AND CLAMP INSTALLATIONWork Clamp InstallationAttach the work clamp to the work cable per the fol-lowing:1.Unplug the machine or turn the power switch to the “Off” position.2.Insert the work cable terminal lug with the larger hole through the strain relief hole in the work clamp as shown below.3.Fasten securely with the bolt and nut provided.Work cableWork clampWork Cable Installation1.Open the wire feed section door on the right side ofthe SP-100.2.Pass the end of the work cable that has the termi-nal lug with the smaller hole through the hole (holeD) next to the louvers in the case front.3.Route the cable under and around the back of thewire feed unit.ing wing nut provided, connect the terminal lugto the negative (–) output terminal located above the wire feed unit; item M (make certain that both wing nuts are tight).NOTE: This connection gives the correct electrode polarity for the GMAW process. If using Innershield, see Output Polarity C onnection Section below for negative electrode polarity connection. OUTPUT POLARITY CONNECTIONThe SP-100, as shipped, is connected for positiveelectrode polarity.To connect for negative electrode polarity (required for the Innershield process), connect the short cable attached to the gun connector block to the negative (–) output terminal and the work cable to the positive (+) terminal using the provided wing nuts (make cer-tain that both wing nuts are tight).GUN INSTALLATIONAs shipped from the factory, the SP-100 gun is ready to feed .023, .024 or .025" (0.6 mm) wire. If .030" (0.8 mm) wire is to be used, install the .030" (0.8 mm) con-tact tip. .023 – .025" contact tip is stenciled .025 and/or 0.6 mm and .030" contact tip is stenciled .030 and/or 0.8 mm. See Maintenance Section for instruc-tions to change contact tip.If .035" (0.9 mm) Innershield flux cored wire is to be used, see Maintenance Section for instructions to change contact tip, cable liner, and gas nozzle.C onnect the gun cable to the SP-100 per the follow-ing:1.Unplug the machine or turn power switch to the off“O” position.2.Pass the insulated terminals of the gun trigger con-trol leads, one at a time, through the rectangular “keyhole” opening (item F) in the case front. The leads are to be routed under the wire feed unit and through the cable hanger on the inner panel.3.Insert the connector on the gun conductor cablethrough the large hole in the SP-100 case front.Make sure the connector is all the way in the metal connector block to obtain proper gas flow. Rotate the connector so control leads are on the underside and tighten the thumbscrew in the connector block.4.Connect the insulated control lead terminals to thetwo insulated 1/4" (6.4 mm) tab connector bushings located above the “Gun Trigger C onnection” decal in the wire feed section. Either lead can go to either connector. Form the leads so that they are as close as possible to the inside panel.WIRE FEED DRIVE ROLLThe SP-100 drive roll has two grooves; one for .023 –.025" (0.6 mm) solid steel electrode and the other for .030" (0.8 mm) solid and .035" (0.9 mm) flux-cored steel electrode. As shipped, the drive roll is installed in the .023/.025" (0.6 mm) position (as indicated by the stenciling on the exposed side of the drive roll).Replace the washer and retaining screw.connectors{Brass connectorIdle roll armRetaining ScrewWELDING WIRE LOADINGThe machine power switch should be turned to the OFF (“O”) position before working inside the wirefeed enclosure.------------------------------------------------------------------------The machine is shipped from the factory ready to feed 8" (200 mm) diameter spools [2.2" (56 mm) max. width]. These spools fit on a 2" (50 mm) diameter spindle that has a built-in, adjustable* friction brake to prevent overrun of the spool and excess slack in theWARNINGK499 Argon-Mixed Gas Regulator and Hose Kit Install the pressure-flow regulator and gauge to a cylinder according to the instructions in Section 1.10.C onnect one end of the 10 foot (3.0 m) hose to the SP-100 gas inlet fitting and the other end to the regu-lator fitting.The K499 argon-mixed gas pressure-flow regulator is preset by the manufacturer to deliver a nominal flow of 30 cubic feet per hour (14 1/min) of argon or argon-mixed gas. This setting cannot be changed..035" (0.9 mm) Innershield Welding KitIncludes a contact tip, gasless nozzle, and a cable liner to permit the SP-100 gun and cable to use .035 (0.9 mm) diameter flux-cored electrode. Also included is a spool of .035 (0.9 mm) Innershield®NR-211-MP. The K549-1 Kit is for use with the Magnum™100L gun (with red trigger). The fitting on the end of the liner is stenciled with the maximum rated wire size (.045"/1.2 mm).The K464 Kit is for use with the earlier “Lincoln Electric®” gun (with black trigger). The end of the brass fitting on the end of the liner for .035 (0.9 mm) wire is color coded green. The .023-.030 (0.6-0.8 mm) factory installed liner is color coded orange.See Maintenance and Troubleshooting Section for instructions on installing liner and contact tip in gun.K467 Input Line CordSame as line cord supplied with the SP-100 but has a NEMA type 5-20P plug for use on a 25 amp branch circuit with a nominal voltage rating of 115 volts to 125 volts, 60 hertz. Install per the following:1.Turn the SP-100 Power Switch to OFF (“O”).2.If connected, remove the line cord plug from powersupply receptacle.3.Remove the two screws that hold the line cordreceptacle in the SP-100 flanged inlet connector and disconnect the line cord from the SP-100.4.C onnect the S18410 input line cord receptacle tothe SP-100 and replace the retaining screws.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1.Decrease stickout2.Increase WFS (wire feed speed) (“oIo”)3.Decrease voltage (“V”)4.Increase speed5.Decrease drag angle6.Check for correct gas, if usedIf Arc Blow Occurs (in order of importance) (NOTE: Try different ground connection locations before adjusting procedures)1.Decrease drag angle2.Increase stickout3.Decrease voltage (“V”)4.Decrease WFS (wire feed speed) (“oIo”) andvoltage (“V”)5.Decrease travel speedTo Eliminate Stubbing (in order of importance)1.Increase voltage (“V”)2.Decrease WFS (wire feed speed) (“oIo”)3.Decrease stickout4.Increase drag angleStubbing occurs when the electrode drives through the molten puddle and hits the bottom plate tending to push the gun up.PROPER GUN HANDLINGMost feeding problems are caused by improper han-dling of the gun cable or electrodes.1.Do not kink or pull the gun cable around sharp cor-ners.2.Keep the gun cable straight as practical when weld-ing.3.Do not allow dolly wheels or trucks to run over thecables.4.Keep the cable clean per maintenance instructionsin this Operation Manual.5.Innershield electrode has proper surface lubrica-tion. Use only clean, rust-free electrode.6.Replace the contact tip when it becomes worn orthe end is fused or deformed.Low or no gas flow Cylinder valve closed Open cylinder valveGas flow not set correctly Set proper flow rateCylinder out of gas Get new cylinder of gasLeak in gas line Inspect and replaceClog or Leak in gun Check for obstruction or defective sealsArc unstable Wrong welding polarity Check polarity - Refer to proper sectionErratic or Intermittent Wrong size, worn and/or Replace tip - remove any spatter on end of tip Arc - Poor Starting melted contact tip"Hunting" ArcWorn work cable or poor connections Inspect - repair or replace as necessaryLoose electrode connections Be sure electrode lead is tight, gun cable tight inwire feeder contact block, gun nozzle and guntip tightM 16576S P 100 W I R I N G D I A G R A MNow Available...12th Edition The Procedure Handbook of Arc WeldingWith over 500,000 copies of previous editions publishedsince 1933, the Procedure Handbook is considered by many tobe the “Bible” of the arc welding industry.This printing will go fast so don’t delay. Place yourorder now using the coupon below.The hardbound book contains over 750 pages of weldinginformation, techniques and procedures. Much of this materialhas never been included in any other book.A must for all welders, supervisors, engineers anddesigners. Many welding instructors will want to use the bookas a reference for all students by taking advantage of the lowquantity discount prices which include shipping by4th class parcel post.$15.00postage paid U.S.A. Mainland How To Read Shop Drawings The book contains the latest information and application data on the American Welding Society Standard Welding Symbols. Detailed discussion tells how engineers and draftsmen use the “short-cut” language of symbols to pass on assembly and welding information to shop personnel.Practical exercises and examples develop the reader’s abilityto visualize mechanically drawn objects as they will appearin their assembled form.187 pages with more than 100 illustrations. Size 8-1/2” x 11”Durable, cloth-covered board binding.$4.50postage paid U.S.A. Mainland New Lessons in Arc Welding Lessons, simply written, cover manipulatory techniques;machine and electrode characteristics; related subjects,such as distortion; and supplemental information on arc welding applications, speeds and costs. Practice materials,exercises, questions and answers are suggested for each lesson.528 pages, well illustrated, 6” x 9” size, bound in simulated,gold embossed leather.$5.00postage paid U.S.A. Mainland Need Welding Training?The Lincoln Electric Company operates the oldest andmost respected Arc Welding School in the United States at itscorporate headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 100,000stu-dents have graduated. Tuition is low and the training is“hands on”For details write: Lincoln Welding School 22801 St. Clair Ave.Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.and ask for bulletin ED-80 or call 216-383-2259 and ask for the Welding School Registrar.Lincoln Welding School BASIC COURSE$700.005 weeks of fundamentals There is a 10%discount on all orders of $50.00 or more for shipment at one time to one location.Orders of $50 or less before discount or orders outside of North America must be prepaid with charge, check or money order in U.S. Funds Only.Prices include shipment by 4th Class Book Rate for U.S.A. 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Lincoln Arc WeldingThe American Century of John C. Lincoln $5.00AC Foundation Book Information Welding Preheat Calculator $3.00WC-8(JFLF-515)Pipe Welding Charts $4.50ED-89SUB TOTALAdditional Shipping Costs if anyTOTAL COSTJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.(such as loss of business, etc.) caused by the defect or Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. Tel. (216) 481-8100Premier Manufacturer of Industrial Motorsd。



MAGNUM® PRO ROBOTIC GUNS DESIGNED FOR LONG LIFE.Thru-ArmExternal DressPublication E12.03 | Issue Date 07/24/20• Patented HexConnect ™ Gun Bushing- Delivers superior mechanical and electrical connectionresulting in longer expendable life. - Resists twisting and provides more points of contactfor current flow.• Fixed Electrical Connection- Robust design resists fatigue - Lasted over 1 milliontortuous flex cycles in extreme lab testing. - Competitive rotating designs can cause micro-arcingresulting in arc instability and potential shorter gun life.Tough Teflon ® Insulation• Single Tool Center Point (TCP) - No need to re-programwhen switching between the Magnum ® PRO 350 and 550 amp expendables.• Contact Tip Technology - Copper Plus ™ - more copper for better heat dissipation.- Anti-Seize ™ thread design on contact tips and diffuser.• Aluminum- Aircraft grade aluminum outer tube extends service.• Copper- High quality copper inner tube enhances electrical conductivity.Contact Tip for up to 550 AMagnum ®PRO 550 A ExpendablesGun Tube Insulator 550 A(1) 550 only350 A and 550 A Magnum ® PRO Expendable Parts are interchangeable. Interchanging will require gun tube insulator and gas diffuser changes. Customersmay choose to change expendable parts to standardize stocking parts or to make the gun more compact for tight spaces.(2)(2)Gas Diffuser for up to 550 A Slip-onGas Diffuser for up to 550 AThread-on (2) Jump liners and wire guides are only used on Thru-arm torches with wire brake.Gas Nozzlefor 550Thread-on 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) RecessedBottleneck Gas Nozzle for 550Thread-on 1/8 in. (3.2 mm)RecessedGENERAL OPTIONSRobotic Gun Tube Straightener Used in the event of a robot crash to check and correct robotic gun tube alignment. OrderK3193-1(Compatible with all standard KP3056-XX and KP3057-XX gun tubes)K3193-2(Compatible with all standard KP3354-XX and KP3355-XX gun tubes)EXTERNAL DRESS OPTIONS External Dress Torch Mounting KitsDesigned to mount the External Dress torch in the proper orientation for the application and fixturing presented to the robot. Consult Automation Division for correct mounting kit selection assistance. OrderKP2769-2222 Degree – Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)KP2769-4545 Degree – Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)KP2769-180180 Degree – Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)KP3054-2222 Degree – Tregaskiss ® TCP, FANUC ® Solid Mount KP3055-2222 Degree – Tregaskiss ® TCP, Tregaskiss ® Clutch Mount KP3499-2222 Degree - Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)for ABB and KUKA Robot Arms KP3499-4545 Degree - Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)for ABB and KUKA Robot Arms KP3499-180180 Degree - Lincoln Electric Tool Center Point (TCP)for ABB and KUKA Robot ArmsExternal Dress Break-Away Disks Replaceable mounting interface disk designed to protect the robot arm by absorbing the effects of any damage in the event of a robot work envelope collision. OrderKP3194-1External Dress Break-Away Disk (Fanuc iB)KP3194-2External Dress Break-Away Disk (Fanuc 50 iC)KP3194-3External Dress Break-Away Disk (Fanuc iC)KP3194-4External Dress Break-Away Disk(ABB2600)KP3194-5External Dress Break-Away Disk(KR6, KR8, KR10)THRU-ARM OPTIONSThru-Arm Break-Away Disks Replaceable mounting interface disk designed to protect the robot arm by absorbing the effects of any damage in the event of a robot work envelope collision.See specification chart below for correct part number rWire Brake PlugPlug when removing wire brake from K4307-2 Order K3563-1Nose Cone Assemblies See specification chart below for correct part numberTorch HousingsSee specification chart below for correct part numberAir Blast KitBlows spatter from the nozzle orifice. Includes 20 ft (6.1 m) hose and fitting. Order K3352-1Thru-Arm Replacement Cable AssembliesSee specification chart below for correct part numberK466-10(1) K1500-3 Gun Receiver Bushing is required for Power Feed 10 series, LF series and LN-25 PRO wire feeders.(2)Terms are tradmarks of Illinois Tool Works.[3]Included with External Dress Torch [4]Included with Thru-Arm Torch(3)(3) Note that external dress guns include a 22 degree Lincoln Electric TCP gooseneck,liner and consumables. Mounting kit is not included.®®®®®®The Lincoln Electric Company22801 St. Clair Avenue • Cleveland, OH • 44117-1199 • U.S.A.C USTO ME R ASSI STA NC E PO LICYThe business of The Lincoln Electric Company ® is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for information or advice about their use of our products. Our employees respond to inquiries to the best of their ability based on information provided to them by the customers and the knowledge they may have concerning the application. Our employees, however, are not in a position to verify the information provided or to evaluate the engineering requirements for the particular weldment. Accordingly, Lincoln Electric does not warrant or guarantee or assume any liability with respect to such information or advice. Moreover, the provision of such information or advice does not create, expand, or alter any warranty on our products. Any express or implied warranty that might arise from the information or advice, including any implied warranty of merchantability or any warranty of fitness for any customers’ particular purpose is specifically disclaimed.Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements.Subject to Change – This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to for any updated information.For best welding results with Lincoln Electric equipment, always use Lincoln Electric consumables. Visit for more detail.All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。



Copyright © Lincoln Global Inc.LN ™- 25 PIPEIM10056April, 2011For use with machines having Code Number:11693Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thoughtful operation on your part. DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think beforeyou act and be careful.IP23IEC 60974-5SECTION A:WARNINGSC ALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGSWARNING: This product, when used for welding or cutting, produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California Health & Safety Code § 25249.5 et seq.)ARC WELDING CAN BE HAZARDOUS. PROTECTYOURSELF AND OTHERS FROM POSSIBLE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY.PACEMAKER WEARERS SHOULD CONSULT WITH THEIR DOCTOR BEFORE OPERATING.Read and understand the following safety highlights. For additional safety information, it is strongly recommended that you purchase a copy of “Safety in Welding & Cutting - ANSI Standard Z49.1” from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135 or CSA Standard W117.2-1974. A Free copy of “Arc Welding Safety” booklet E205 is available from the Lincoln Electric Company, 22801 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.BE SURE THAT ALL INSTALLATION, OPERATION,MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES ARE PERFORMED ONLY BY QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS.FOR ENGINE POWERED EQUIPMENT.1.a.Turn the engine off before troubleshootingand maintenance work unless themaintenance work requires it to be running.1.b.Operate engines in open, well-ventilated areas or vent the engineexhaust fumes outdoors. 1.c.Do not add the fuel near an open flame weldingwith hot engine parts and igniting. Do not spill fuel when filling tank. If fuel is spilled, wipe it up and do not start engine until fumes have been eliminated.1.d. Keep all equipment safety guards, coversand devices in position and in good repair.Keep hands, hair, clothing and tools away from V-belts, gears, fans and all other moving parts when starting, operating or repairing equipment.1.e.In some cases it may be necessary to remove safety guards toperform required maintenance. Remove guards only when necessary and replace them when the maintenance requiring their removal is complete. Always use the greatest care when working near moving parts. 1.f. Do not put your hands near the engine fan. Do not attempt tooverride the governor or idler by pushing on the throttle control rods while the engine is running. 1.g.To prevent accidentally starting gasoline engines while turningthe engine or welding generator during maintenance work,disconnect the spark plug wires, distributor cap or magneto wire as appropriate. 1.h.To avoid scalding, do not remove the radiatorpressure cap when the engine is hot.ELECTRIC ANDMAGNETIC FIELDS MAY BE DANGEROUS2.a.Electric current flowing through any conductorcauses localized Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF).Welding current creates EMF fields around welding cables and welding machines 2.b.EMF fields may interfere with some pacemakers, andwelders having a pacemaker should consult their physician before welding. 2.c.Exposure to EMF fields in welding may have other health effectswhich are now not known. 2.d.All welders should use the following procedures in order tominimize exposure to EMF fields from the welding circuit:2.d.1.Route the electrode and work cables together - Securethem with tape when possible.2.d.2.Never coil the electrode lead around your body.2.d.3.Do not place your body between the electrode and workcables. If the electrode cable is on your right side, the work cable should also be on your right side.2.d.4.Connect the work cable to the workpiece as close as pos-sible to the area being welded.2.d.5.Do not work next to welding power source.SAFETYConformanceProducts displaying the CE mark are in conformity with European Community Council Directive of 15 Dec 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility,2004/108/EC. It was manufactured in conformity with a national standard that implements a harmonized standard: EN 60974-10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Product Standard for Arc Welding Equipment. It is for use with other Lincoln Electric equipment. It is designed for industrial and professional use. IntroductionAll electrical equipment generates small amounts of electromagnetic emission. Electrical emission may be transmitted through power lines or radiated through space, similar to a radio transmitter. When emissions are received by other equipment, electrical interference may result. Electrical emissions may affect many kinds of electrical equipment; other nearby welding equipment, radio and TV reception, numerical controlled machines, telephone systems, computers, etc. Be aware that interference may result and extra precautions may be required when a welding power source is used in a domestic establishment.Installation and UseThe user is responsible for installing and using the welding equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If electromagnetic disturbances are detected then it shall be the responsibility of the user of the welding equipment to resolve the situation with the technical assistance of the manufacturer. In some cases this remedial action may be as simple as earthing (grounding) the welding circuit, see Note. In other cases it could involve construction of an electromagnetic screen enclosing the power source and the work complete with associated input filters. In all cases electromagnetic disturbances must be reduced to the point where they are no longer troublesome.Note: The welding circuit may or may not be earthed for safety reasons according to national codes.Changing the earthing arrangements should only be authorized by a person who is compe-tent to access whether the changes will increase the risk of injury, e.g., by allowing parallelwelding current return paths which may damage the earth circuits of other equipment. Assessment of AreaBefore installing welding equipment the user shall make an assessment of potential electromagnetic prob-lems in the surrounding area. The following shall be taken into account:a) other supply cables, control cables, signaling and telephone cables; above, below and adjacent to thewelding equipment;b) radio and television transmitters and receivers;c) computer and other control equipment;d) safety critical equipment, e.g., guarding of industrial equipment;e) the health of the people around, e.g., the use of pacemakers and hearing aids;f) equipment used for calibration or measurementg) the immunity of other equipment in the environment. The user shall ensure that other equipment beingused in the environment is compatible. This may require additional protection measures;h) the time of day that welding or other activities are to be carried out.The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and other activities that are taking place. The surrounding area may extend beyond the boundaries of the premises. Methods of Reducing EmissionsMains SupplyWelding equipment should be connected to the mains supply according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filtering of the mains supply. Consideration should be given to shielding the supply cable of permanently installed welding equip-ment, in metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding should be electrically continuous throughout its length. The shielding should be connected to the welding power source so that good electrical contact is maintained between the conduit and the welding power source enclosure.Maintenance of the Welding EquipmentThe welding equipment should be routinely maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. All access and service doors and covers should be closed and properly fastened when the welding equip-ment is in operation. The welding equipment should not be modified in any way except for those changes and adjustments covered in the manufacturers instructions. In particular, the spark gaps of arc striking and stabilizing devices should be adjusted and maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Welding CablesThe welding cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned close together, running at or close to floor level.Equipotential BondingBonding of all metallic components in the welding installation and adjacent to it should be considered. However, metallic components bonded to the work piece will increase the risk that the operator could receive a shock by touching these metallic components and the electrode at the same time. The operator should be insulated from all such bonded metallic components.Earthing of the WorkpieceWhere the workpiece is not bonded to earth for electrical safety, not connected to earth because of its size and position, e.g., ships hull or building steelwork, a connection bonding the workpiece to earth may reduce emissions in some, but not all instances. Care should be taken to prevent the earthing of the workpiece increasing the risk of injury to users, or damage to other electrical equipment. Where necessary, the connec-tion of the workpiece to earth should be made by a direct connection to the workpiece, but in some countries where direct connection is not permitted, the bonding should be achieved by suitable capacitance, selected according to national regulations.Screening and ShieldingSelective screening and shielding of other cables and equipment in the surrounding area may alleviate prob-lems of interference. Screening of the entire welding installation may be considered for special applications1._________________________1 Portions of the preceding text are contained in EN 60974-10: “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) prod-uct standard for arc welding equipment.”TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – LN™-25 PIPE (K2614-5)Thermal tests have been performed at ambient temperature. The Duty Cycle (duty factor) @ 40ºC (104°F) has been determined by simulation.WELD CAbLE SIzETable A.1 located below are copper cable sizes rec-ommended for different currents and duty cycles.Lengths stipulated are the distance from the welder to work and back to the welder again. Cable sizes are increased for greater lengths primarily for the purpose of minimizing cable drop.** Tabled values are for operation at ambient temperatures of 104°F(40°C) and below. Applications above 104°F(40°C) may require cables larger than recommended, or cables rated higher than 167°F(75°C).CV Power Sources with Stud Connectors and no Remote/Local Switch. (See Figure A.7)Place CV/CC switch in the feeder in the "CV" position.Work clipWorkElectrodeJumperLN™-25 PIPERanger 250, 250 LPG Ranger 305G, 305D Ranger 10,000Ranger 3 Phase Ranger 225GXT Ranger 225Commander 300Vantage 300, 400, 500Air Vantage 500FIGURE A.7POWER SOURCE TO LN™-25 PIPE CAbLE CONNECTION DIAGRAMS*If Power Source has a 14-Pin Cable connector and no“Output Terminal” switch.• ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL. Unless using COLD FEED fea-ture, when feeding with gun trig-ger, the electrode anddrivemechanism are always electri-cally energized and could remain energized several sec-onds after the welding ceases..• Do not touch electrically live partor electrodewith skin or wet clothing.• Insulate yourself from work and ground.• Always wear dry insulating gloves.• Do not operate with covers, panels or guards removed or open.AND GASSES can bedangerous.ventilation or exhaust toremove fumes from breathingzone.SPARKS can causefire or explosion.eye, ear and body protec-tion.SEE ADDITIONAL WARNING INFORMATIONUNDER ARC WELDING SAFETY PRECAUTIONSAND IN THE FRONT OF THIS OPERATING MAN-UAL.---------------------------------------------------------------------READ AND UNDERSTAND ENTIRE SECTIONbEFORE OPERATING MACHINE.INPUT POWERONOFFWIRE FEEDERPOSITIVE OUTPUTNEGATIVE OUTPUTINPUT POWERDIRECT CURRENTOPEN CIRCUITVOLTAGEINPUT VOLTAGEOUTPUT VOLTAGEINPUT CURRENTOUTPUT CURRENTPROTECTIVEGROUNDWARNING ORCAUTIONU0U1U2I1I2GRAPHIC SYMbOLS THAT APPEAR ONTHIS MACHINE OR IN THIS MANUALDEFINITION OF WELDING TERMSWFS• Wire Feed SpeedCC• Constant CurrentCV• Constant VoltageGMAW• Gas Metal Arc weldingSMAW• Shielded Metal Arc weldingFCAW• Flux Core Arc WeldingGENERAL DESCRIPTIONGeneral Physical DescriptionThe LN™-25 PIPE is specially engineered to be the most rugged portable wire feeder available and meets the individual welder needs. This model includes a gas solenoid for flexibility to run most wire processes.The plastic case is molded from a high impact, flame retardant plastic for durability and low weight. The patent pending design keeps the internal components protected and dry.The heart of the LN™-25 PIPE is the 2 roll MAX-TRAC™ drive. The patented features on the wire drive offer tool-less changing of the drive rolls and wire guides for quick spool changes. A tachometer controlled motor powers the patent pending drive rolls for smooth, steady feeding without slippage.The LN™-25 PIPE has only two p.c. boards that are designed to be simple, reliable and easy to service. General Functional DescriptionThe LN™-25 PIPE as designed is a simple, robust feeder. Standard features include a calibrated wire feed speed dial, 2 step/trigger interlock switch, Gas Purge and Cold Feed.RECOMMENDED PROCESSES• GMAW• FCAWPROCESS LIMITATIONS• GMAW-P procedures must be qualified by the cus-tomer.• Across-the-Arc models are not recommended for stitch or spot welding.EQUIPMENT LIMITATIONS• The duty cycle of the wire feeder is 450A, 60%. Duty cycle is based upon the amount of welding performed in a 10 minute period.• The maximum spool size is 45 lb, 12" diameter.• Maximum FCAW gun length is 15 ft.• Maximum GMAW gun length is 25 ft.• K2330-1 Timer Kits do not work with the feeder. Use K2330-2 kits.• Push-pull guns do not work with the wire feeder.• The digital displays do not show preset voltage RECOMMENDED POWER SOURCES• CV-250• CV-300• CV-305• CV-400• CV-655• DC-400• DC-600• DC-655• Invertec V-350 PRO• Invertec V-450 PRO• Multi-Weld 350• Ranger 10,000• Ranger 3 Phase• Ranger 225• Ranger 225 GXT• Ranger 250• Ranger 250 GXT• Ranger 305• SAE-400• Pipeliner 200G• Classic 300• Vantage 300• Vantage 400• Vantage 500• Air Vantage 500Big Red’sEagle 10,000 PlusClassic’sWIRE FEED SPEED KNObWire Feed Speed, CV OperationWhen Across the Arc models are operated with CV power sources, the wire feed speed will remain a con-stant value, independent of arc voltage changes, as along as the arc voltage does not drop below the val-ues per the following table.83% Wire Feed SpeedThe 83% wire feed speed reduces the wire feed speed to 83% of the original set value when activated.For example, if the original wfs = 200 in/min, the feed-er will regulate to 0.83 x 200 = 166 in/min.The 83% trigger requires a gun with a dual procedure switch.This feature is often useful when welding pipe, and a “cooler” procedure is required on the bottom portion.The thermal light illuminates when the wiredrive motor draws too much current. If thewill automatically shutdown for up to 30 seconds to allowWFSA VWeldingvalue in the left display will be either ampsAMPS VOLTAGEA VAfter WeldingThe display continues to hold the value of theWFS and arc voltage for five secondsINTERNAL CONTROLSGAS PURGE PUSHbUTTONThe gas solenoid valve will energize but neither the power source output nor the drive motor will be turned on. The Gas Purge switch is useful for setting the proper flow rate of shielding gas. Flow meters should always be adjusted while the shielding gas is flowing.FACTORY INSTALLED EQUIPMENT • K1500-2 Gun Receiver Bushing.DRIVE ROLL KITS (See Parts Pages)ing with hose nipple, set screw ing with hose nipple, set screwing with hose nipple, set screwELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Turnthe input power OFF at the welding power source before installation or changing drive rolls and/or guides.•Do not touch electrically live parts.• When inching with the gun trigger, electrode and drive mechanism are "hot" to work and ground and could remain energized several seconds after the gun trigger is released.• Do not operate with covers, panels or guards removed or open.• Only qualified personnel should perform mainte-nance work.-----------------------------------------------------------------------ROUTINE MAINTENANCE• Check weld cables, control cables and gas hoses for cuts.• Clean and tighten all weld terminals.PERIODIC MAINTENANCE• Clean drive rolls and inner wire guide and replace if worn.• Blow out or vacuum the inside of the feeder.This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine is exhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” lists the obviousexternal possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform theRecommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUbLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRO-DENEINSATZ DES HERSTELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。



90 ―225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ―225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ―225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min)
45 ―185 ipm (1.14 ― 4.7 m/min)
45 ―185 ipm (1.14 ― 4.7 m/min)
Mode #
93 94 95
10 11 12 13 411 272 550 324 325 304 305 380 381
138 139 140 141 412 273 551 326 327 306 307 382 383
20 21 22 18 413 274 552 328 329 308 309 384 385
NonSynergic STT®(‡)
Synergic AC STT®(§)
CV Pulse RapidArc® Precision Pulse™ Rapid X™(‡) Low Fume Pulse(‡) Synergic STT®(‡)
NonSynergic STT®(‡)
Synergic AC STT®(§)
75 ―1200 ipm (1.91 ― 30.48 m/min)
75 ―1200 ipm (1.91 ― 30.48 m/min)
100 ―225 ipm (2.54 ― 5.72 m/min)
100 ―225 ipm (2.54 ― 5.72 m/min)
100 ―300 ipm (2.54 ― 7.62 m/min)
Mode #
Arc Control
Max. Range (*)
CV Pulse
Argon Mix


Ar-Mix Tri-Mix (He) 90% He 7.5% Ar 2.5% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% O₂ Ar/CO₂/H Ar/CO₂/N
Ar-Mix Tri-Mix (He) 90% He 7.5% Ar 2.5% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% O₂
100 to 625 in/min
75 to 500 in/min
75 to 495 in/min
75 to 780 in/min
75 to 760 in/min
100 to 510 in/min
90 to 225 in/min
Wave Control 1 Pinch -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 Pinch -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 Pinch -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 Pinch -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 Pinch -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0
100 to 600 in/min
100 to 645 in/min 100 to 625 in/min 100 to 645 in/min 90 to 250 in/min 125 to 700 in/min 150 to 750 in/min 125 to 800 in/min
Wave Control 1 UltimArc® -10.0 to 10.0



2.3焊接电流、送丝速度设置 当选定一个焊接程序后,拨动电流调节旋钮(旋钮2)进行焊接电流的调节。
2.4焊接电压、Trim设置 当选定一个焊接程序后,拨动电压调节旋钮(按钮3)进行焊接电压的调节。
2.5Arc control(弧控)设置 -frequency 默认情况下,按一下按钮1,Arc control(弧控)指示灯亮,显示屏1上显示当前 频率(图示为60Hz),此时拨动旋钮1,可以调整输出电流频率图示为62Hz;
4.1 焊接程序选择说明
2 - 7/32’’ (5.6mm)
3 -3/16’’ (4.8mm)
4 -5/32’’ (4.0mm)
5 - 1/8’’ (3.2mm)
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -balance 将频率设为希望的值后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示当前Balance (含义在 后面讲),拨动旋钮1可以在25-75之间设定;
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -dc offset 将Balance设定完成后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示DC OFFSET(见图), 拨动旋钮1可以在-25,25之间进行设置。(对于单弧系统,设置完成后按一 下按钮1,则指示灯回复weld mode)
旋钮3 回抽丝 冷送丝
显示屏1 起弧 收弧

Power Wave ACDC 1000 SD

Power Wave ACDC 1000 SD
Europe and Australia CE-Ready machine (requires additional CE Filter kit for compliance) China (pending)
United State
Severe Duty – Construction极度防尘-结构 • Each power source tested for 2 hours at full output in the factory在满载情况试验2小时 • Standard air intake filter标准空 气过滤器 • 3-year warranty三年保修
Parallel up to 3 machines per arc 并联最多 可以3台 电源
Process Control – Summary工艺控制-概述
占空比 偏置
Severe Duty – Testing 极度防尘试验 • Vibration振动 • Drop & Jerk Testing下蹲挺试验
Severe Duty – Construction 极度防尘-结构
• • • • • • Can be used outdoors户外使用 Stainless Steel Covers不锈钢外壳 Potted PC Boards封装电路板 Encapsulated transformers特殊设计变压器 Greased electrical connections良好的连接 Separate input power compartment输入部 分的隔离 • Copper and copper/aluminum heatsinks铜 及铜铝组合散热 • Class F transformers (varnished)F级变压器 (绝缘好)


4.与设备相关的焊接资料 Effect of Wave Balance波形平衡的作用
PENETRATION熔深 = 0.346”
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -balance 将频率设为希望的值后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示当前Balance (含义在 后面讲),拨动旋钮1可以在25-75之间设定;
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -dc offset 将Balance设定完成后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示DC OFFSET(见图), 拨动旋钮1可以在-25,25之间进行设置。(对于单弧系统,设置完成后按一 下按钮1,则指示灯回复weld mode)
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-burn back焊丝回烧时间 Crater time设置完成后,再按一次按钮2,可在0-2s间进行Burn back设置,再按 一下按钮2,则start option灯亮,显示屏上显示为arc delay time,回到默认状态。
6 - 3/32’’ (2.4mm)
7 - 5/64’’ (2.0mm)
8 - 1/16’’ (1.6mm)
2-60 HZ SINE WAVE 频率为60赫兹的正弦波
3-50HZ SINE WAVE 频率为50赫兹的正弦波

Lincoln 电焊机和配件操作手册说明书

 Lincoln 电焊机和配件操作手册说明书

Century 80GL (codes 11306, 11305)
Wire Feeder Welder (125, 140 180 Models) (codes 11173 thru 11506, 11550)
IMT783 IMT786 IMT791 IMT792 IMT793 IMT821 IMT825 IMT864 IMT888 IMT891
IMT913 IMT953 IMT964 IMT977 IMT10004 IMT10016 IMT10049 IMT10075 IMT10089 IMT10097
Power Mig (140, 180 Models) (code 11819, 11820)
Wire Feeder Welder (140, 180 Models) (codes 11821, 11822)
Adobe Reader vXI
APRIL 2014
Main Menu
Magnum 100 SG Spool Gun (Type: K2532-1) Century Wire Feed 255 (code 11595) Century Wire Feed 100, 140 & 180 (codes 11554, 11555, 11556) Power Mig 255XT (codes 11519, 11520) Welding Helmet (4x5) Shade 10 Helmet Instructions Power Mig 216 (code 11588) Wire Feeder Welder (125, 140 Models) (codes 11631 thru 11639) Wire Feeder Welder (180 Model) (codes 11646 thru 11650) Power Mig 180 Dual (code 11659) Power Mig 216 (code 11817)


Ar-Mix 90% He 7.5% Ar 2.5% CO₂
Tri-Mix (He) 98% Ar 2% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% O₂
Ar-Mix 90% He 7.5% Ar 2.5% CO₂
Tri-Mix (He) 98% Ar 2% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% O₂
Workpoint Limits
The Lincoln Electric Company (§) Requires Advanced machine Process type Wire type Wire size
Manual CV None
.035 in GMAW
3XX Stainless
CV Precision Pulse™ AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
CV Precision Pulse™ AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
CV Precision Pulse™ AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
CV Precision Pulse™
.035 in
Al 5XXX 3/64 in
1/16 in
.035 in .045 in
Waveform AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
CV Precision Pulse™ AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
CV Precision Pulse™ AC Precision Pulse™ (§)
Tri-Mix (He) 98% Ar 2% CO₂ 98% Ar 2% O₂
Ar-Mix 90% He 7.5% Ar 2.5% CO₂

Lincoln Electric Power Wave AC DC 1000系统和相关配件介绍说明书

Lincoln Electric Power Wave AC DC 1000系统和相关配件介绍说明书

NX-4.180 9/05SUCCESS4/4AC/DC Submerged Arc WeldingWHAT IS NEXTWELD?The challenges facing industrial fabricators today are increasingly difficult. Rising labor, material, and energy costs, intense domestic and global competition, a dwindling pool of skilled workers,more stringent and specific quality demands.Through ourcommitment to extensive research and investments in product development,Lincoln Electric has established an industry benchmark for applyingtechnology to improve the quality, lower the cost and enhance the performance of arc welding processes.Advancements in power electronics,digital communications and Waveform Control Technology TM are the foundation for many of the improvements.NEXTWELD brings you a series ofProcess, Technology, Application and Success Story documents like this one.NEXTWELD explains how technologies,products, processes and applications are linked together to answer theimportant questions that all businesses face:•How can we work faster, smarter,more efficiently?•How can we get equipment and people to perform in ways they’ve never had to before?•How do we stay competitive?NEXTWELD is the future of welding but its benefits are available to you today. Ask your Lincoln Electric representative how to improve the flexibility, efficiency and quality of your welding operations to reduce your cost of fabrication.THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY 1.216.481.8100“This equipment is light years ahead of the other stuff,” he said. “I’m really looking forward to the productivity we’ll get on the cell spar work. Our new design, coupled with the Power Wave technology will make us even more competitive for new projects.”Last year’s equipment transition was nearly seamless, Cortez explained. He said operators picked up the changes quickly and learned the new system with relative ease.“The changeover really didn’t slow us down at all,” he said. “There was very little learning curve, which is unusual.The team of Lincoln technicians was very helpful and many of them returned a number of times until we were dialed into the best possible settings.”Miller said that as the changeover continues and flexibility of theequipment is better understood, even more productivity will follow. “The possibilities with this technology are endless,” he said. “There’s no telling where it will take us next.”Gulf MarineFeatured Lincoln ProductsWelding for OffshoreW A V E F O R M C O N T R O L T E C H N O L O G Y ™The Power Wave AC/DC 1000 is the first power source to introduce Waveform Control Technology™ to submerged arc welding.Variable frequency and amplitude AC, DCpositive or DC negative output allows the user to control the deposition rate and penetration. An operator can increase weld speeds, yield higher quality welds and improve efficiencies in a single or multi-arc environment. The phase angle and frequency of different machines can also be synchronized to balance the interactionsbetween multiple arcs and minimize arc blow.Depending on the output, a welding arc may be driven by a single machine or multiple machines in parallel for applications that require more than 1000 amps of continuous operation.Power Wave ® AC/DC 1000。



林肯DC1000焊机中文说明书IDEALARC DC-1000 IM420-A配合以下代码的机器使用:9919-9925 和10293注意安全,重在自己林肯电弧焊接和切割设备是以安全第一为准则进行设计和制造的。





1.h. 为了防止烫伤,当发动机仍然热时严禁打开散热器压力盖!内燃机类设备1.a.在排除故障和维修前,应关闭发动机,除非维修工作需要它运转。













电磁场对人体有害2.a.流过任何导体的电流会产生电磁场(EMF) 。


2.b. 在EMF区内心脏起搏器会受到干扰,带有心脏起搏器的焊工在焊接前应向医生咨询。


2.d. 所有焊工需执行下述步骤以减小焊接回路EMF区的暴露程度。


0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045
0.045 0.045 0.052
Procedure GMAW CV GMAW Power
Waveform STD CV Power Mode®
The Lincoln Electric Company
Weld Set Reference: Z194513 Power Wave® C300 (Imperial units)
Metal Core
Stainll All
Gas Type
CO2 Argon Mix Argon Mix CO2 Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix CO2 Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix CO2 Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix
ipm (2.54 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.54 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.29 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.03 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.54 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.54 ― 17.78 m/min)
ipm (1.91 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (1.91 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (1.91 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (1.52 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (2.54 ― 15.24 m/min) ipm (2.54 ― 17.78 m/min) ipm (1.91 ― 9.91 m/min) ipm (1.91 ― 12.07 m/min) ipm (1.91 ― 12.83 m/min) ipm (1.27 ― 10.54 m/min) ipm (1.27 ― 10.16 m/min) ipm (1.52 ― 10.16 m/min)



Power Wave AC/DC 1000What is it ?它是什么?t Submerged Arc Welding Power Source埋弧电源t Inverter based逆变t 3 phase input power (with AC output)三相输入t1,000 amps @ 100% Duty Cycle1000安100%暂载率Output输出t DC+ and DC–直流反接和直流正接t AC (Sine Wave and Variable Square Wave)交流(正弦波和可变的方波)t Constant Current恒流t Constant Voltage恒压High Power Factor 高功率因数P = V x I cos β(Real Input Power -kW)实际功率S = V x I (Apparent Input Power -kVA)表观功率βQ=V x I sin β(Reactive Power -kVAR)无效功率Power Factor 功率因数= cos β•Designed with passive power factor correction 采用被动功率因数修正技术•Less complex and more reliable. 简单和可靠•Lower losses and higher efficiency.更少的能量损耗和更高的效率•Power Fact: 95% 功率因素达到95%•Power Triangle 功率三角关系Advantages of High Power Factor高功率因数的优势t Increased Power Supply Capacity增加电源容量t Reduced Heat Load on Electrical Cables减少电缆线上的热损耗t Reduction of kVA Demand Decreases Electricity Delivery Charge需求功率的减少使得电力输送成本的减少t Reduced Voltage Drop on Cables减少压降损耗t Improved Equipment Operation提高设备运行Power UsageComparison电源使用比较shifts / per day , 80% Duty Cycle, 5 days a week , 50 weeks / year.计算基于电费为$0.11/度,设备以额定输出运行,每天两班各8小时,80%暂载率,每周5天,每年50周–Three coaxial modules combine to form a 50kW transformer三组模块组成了50kW的主变压器PowerWave AC/DC 1000Little output if aCoaxial Transformer同轴变压器Design Features 结构特点Molded Plastic End Caps 热塑端盖Retain Components 支撑部件Protect the Windings 保护线圈Means of Mounting Assembly 便于安装Secondary Windings 次级线圈Heavy Copper Tubing Joined at Rearwith Copper Strap.Each Tubing PairForms One Turn. Inside Pair Slides intothe Outside Pair in a Slide TromboneFashion.在端部与铜板相联的厚壁铜管。

林肯电气 电弧焊机操作手册 Power Wave

林肯电气 电弧焊机操作手册 Power Wave

操作员手册请注册您的机器:/register 搜索授权维修商和分销商: /locatorIM C 10370 | 发布日期 2016年9月Lincoln Global, Inc. 保留所有权利。

使用本手册的机器代码是:12643!˖保持供未来参考购买日期代码:(如:10859)序列号:(如: U1060512345)目录产品描述 (3)设备局限 (3)设计特点 (3)安装 .......................................................................A部分技术规格 .........................................................................A-1机器接地 .........................................................................A-2位置与冷却通风 ....................................................................A-2高频保护 .........................................................................A-2升举.........................................................................A-2堆垛 .........................................................................A-2倾斜.........................................................................A-2环境局限性.........................................................................A-2箱前控制 .........................................................................A-3箱后控制 .........................................................................A-4电弧焊的推荐焊条和作业电缆尺寸 .....................................................A-7控制电缆与电压传感连接.............................................................A-8TYPICA;集成系统(单ARM)...........................................................A-9操作 .......................................................................B部分通电顺序 .........................................................................B-1负载周期.........................................................................B-2常见焊接工艺.......................................................................B-3配件 .......................................................................C部分维护 .......................................................................D部分目视检查 .........................................................................D-1例行维护 .........................................................................D-1定期维护 .........................................................................D-1故障排除 .......................................................................E部分如何使用故障排除指南...............................................................E-1用状态灯解决系统问题...............................................................E-2POWER WAVE的错误代码 ..............................................................E-3图 ...........................................................................F部分零部件清单可能会在未给出通知的情况下修改或升级内容/详情。

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2.6 起弧、收弧设置-Arc delay time 默认情况下,按一下按钮2,则指示灯start option亮,此时,显示屏上显示Arc delay time,拨动旋钮1可进行延迟时间的设置(0-5s),OFF表示0S。
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-Arc strike 设定好ARC DELAY TIME 后再按一下按钮2,指示灯start option及WFS闪烁,显示 屏1上显示Arc strike,此时可拨动旋钮2进行起弧时送丝速度设置(10-200)
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-crater time填弧坑时间 Start time设置完成后,再按一下按钮2,显示屏上显示crater time, 旋转旋钮1进行 熄弧时间设置(0-10s),OFF表示熄弧时间为0s,该设置不为0时,可拨动旋 钮2和旋钮3分别进行收弧电流及电压的调节
5.焊接实例 5.3.调整埋弧焊机头的角度和位置 焊丝干伸长32mm 焊枪角度0-3° 推角焊枪与底板的夹角:40°
5.4.设定焊接速度为22-23 Inch/min.
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-burn back焊丝回烧时间 Crater time设置完成后,再按一次按钮2,可在0-2s间进行Burn back设置,再按 一下按钮2,则start option灯亮,显示屏上显示为arc delay time,回到默认状态。
4.2 焊接程序库 4.2.1程序号的含义 Z052802K –软件库的编号 05-表示该软件是05年更新的 2802-表示该软件更新的作者 4.2.2软件库清单
4.3 Balance 及 DC offset
Positive正半周 Current Level 电流水平 == Penetration熔深 Current, Voltage or Power 电流,电压或电源 Cycle Balance周期平衡 == Penetration / Deposition 熔深/ 熔敷率 Frequency频率 TIME时间 Negative负半周 Current Level电流水平== Deposition 熔敷率
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-start time 设定好arc strike后,再按一下按钮2,显示屏1上显示start time,此时start option, amps, volts都闪烁,拨动旋钮1可在0-0.5s之间进行起弧时间设定,拨动旋钮2和 3进行起弧电流和电压的设置
2.3焊接电流、送丝速度设置 当选定一个焊接程序后,拨动电流调节旋钮(旋钮2)进行焊接电流的调节。
2.4焊接电压、Trim设置 当选定一个焊接程序后,拨动电压调节旋钮(按钮3)进行焊接电压的调节。
2.5Arc control(弧控)设置 -frequency 默认情况下,按一下按钮1,Arc control(弧控)指示灯亮,显示屏1上显示当前 频率(图示为60Hz),此时拨动旋钮1,可以调整输出电流频率图示为62Hz;
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -arc 2 balance(对于使用相位发生器的系统) 紧接上一步,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示arc 2 balance (见图),拨动旋 钮1可以在25,75之间进行设置。
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -arc 2 phase (对于使用相位发生器的系统) 将Balance设定完成后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示arc 2 phase (见图), 拨动旋钮1可以在0-270度之间进行设置。 重复上两张幻灯片的步骤可进行arc 3,arc 4的balance 和 phase angel 的设置。
Power wave AC/DC1000操作指南
1. PF10A控制面板总体介绍
2. PF10A各项焊接参数的设置
3. 焊接操作介绍 4. 与设备相关的焊接资料 5. 焊接实例
显示屏2 状态灯
启动 停止
旋钮3 回抽丝 冷送丝 冷送焊剂 存储按钮组
红外接口 焊接模式 弧控 按钮1 旋钮1 按钮2
• The waveform can be varied to control Penetration and Bead Shape 变化波形可以控制熔深和焊道形状. • Electrode Negative Deposition without the Arc Blow Concerns
5.焊接实例 此例针对振华港机六弧同时焊接来进行说明。其操作步骤如下: 5.1.对主弧控制箱PF10A一号和四号,分别进行下面的设置:
5.1.2拨动旋钮2,设置焊接电流为700A。 5.1.3拨动旋钮3,设置焊接电压为33V。 5.1.4按一下按钮1,按照第二条‘PF10A各项焊接参数的设置’中介绍的方
3.5 Inch down-冷送丝(用于装焊丝或调整干伸长)
4.1 焊接程序选择说明 在PF10A中,焊接程序号有着特定的含义,保护盖上有说明,其中 焊丝尺寸为英制显示。 第一位数字:表示所使用焊丝的尺寸 2 - 7/32’’ (5.6mm) 3 -3/16’’ (4.8mm) 4 -5/32’’ (4.0mm) 5 - 1/8’’ (3.2mm) 6 - 3/32’’ (2.4mm) 7 - 5/64’’ (2.0mm) 8 - 1/16’’ (1.6mm) 第二位数字:表示所使用电流的类型 2-60 HZ SINE WAVE 频率为60赫兹的正弦波 3-50HZ SINE WAVE 频率为50赫兹的正弦波 4-CV DC恒压模式下的直流正接(工件接正) 5-CV DC+ 恒压模式下的直流反接(工件接负) 6-CV SQARE 恒压模式下的方波 7-CC DC恒流模式下的直流正接(工件接正) 8-CC DC+ 恒流模式下的直流反接(工件接负) 9-CC SQUARE 恒流模式下的方波
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -balance 将频率设为希望的值后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示当前Balance (含义在 后面讲),拨动旋钮1可以在25-75之间设定;
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -dc offset 将Balance设定完成后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示DC OFFSET(见图), 拨动旋钮1可以在-25,25之间进行设置。(对于单弧系统,设置完成后按一 下按钮1,则指示灯回复weld mode)
法设定方波频率70Hz,Balance设为65,DC offset设为5。Arc 2 balance为65. Arc 3 balance为65。Arc 4为任意值。
5.2.对丛弧控制箱PF 10A 2,3,5,6,分别进行下面的设置: 5.2.1拨动旋钮2,设置焊接电流为700A。 5.2.2拨动旋钮3,设置焊接电压为33V。 5.2.3按照第二条‘PF10A各项焊接参数的设置’中介绍的方法设定方波频率 70Hz,DC offset设为5。
4.与设备相关的焊接资料 Effect of DC Offset
POSITIVE正极 = 835 Amps NEGATIVE负极 = 519 Amps POSITIVE正极 = 450 Amps NEGATIVE负极 = 822 Amps
Effect of Wave Balance波形平衡的作用
PENETRATION熔深 = 0.346”
熔深 = 0.242”
显示屏1 起弧 收弧
保护盖 程序代码含义示例
2.2开机后默认情况下旋钮1左边的指示灯,weld mode(焊接模式)亮,此时拨动程序选择旋 钮(旋钮1),进行焊接程序(焊接模式)的选择。如果此时焊接程序(焊接模式)的灯未 亮,而是弧控(Arc control)亮,按按钮1可以进行这两种模式的切换。
3.1 Start 按钮启动焊接操作 3.2 Stop 按钮停止焊接操作
3.3 travel 操作架行走模式选择开关
3.3.1 on-小车只要加电就会运动 3.3.2 off-小车停止运动 3.3.3 auto-按下Start后小车自动行走,按下Stop后小车自动停止 3.4 Inch up-回抽丝(用于调整干伸长)