
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Further Study Words and Phrases
Unit 1
Lesson 14
Mike: Hi, Mary! I know you are good at computer. Could you help me with my computer?
Unit 1 Hardware
Lesson 1 Recognizing Computers Lesson 2 Dealing with Memory Lesson 3 Working with Storage Devices Lesson 4 Dealing with Motherboards
Lesson 1 Recognizing Computers
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 1
Lesson 14
B. Work with your partner to translate the sentences into Chinese.
Microphones allow you to record sounds.
Goal Identify parts of the computer.
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading
Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 1
Lesson 14
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box according to the picture.
Unit 1
Lesson 14
Mike: Hi, Mary! I know you are good at computer. Could you help me with my computer?
Unit 1 Hardware
Lesson 1 Recognizing Computers Lesson 2 Dealing with Memory Lesson 3 Working with Storage Devices Lesson 4 Dealing with Motherboards
Lesson 1 Recognizing Computers
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 1
Lesson 14
B. Work with your partner to translate the sentences into Chinese.
Microphones allow you to record sounds.
Goal Identify parts of the computer.
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading
Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 1
Lesson 14
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box according to the picture.
中职计算机专业英语教学课件Lesson 1 What Is a Computer

Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions
1. Since the technology is developing rapidly nowadays ... 由于当今科技发展迅速…… since 在这里表示“由于”的意思,引导原因状语从句, 例如: Since we are going to have our final exam, we should get well prepared. 由于快考试了,我们要做好充分的准备。
6.Computers really do a lot of favor to our daily life. 电脑 确实在我们日常生活中帮了大忙。 do a favor to sb.意思是“帮……一个忙”,例如: The box is too heavy for me to carry. Can you do me a favor? 这个盒子太沉了我拿不动。你能帮我个忙吗?
Lesson 1 What Is a Computer?
The first computer in the history was named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) in 1946. It was quite huge and expensive. Ordinary people cannot afford it. Later on, since the contribution of human being’s intelligence, computers are becoming smaller and less expensive. Even ordinary people like you and me can afford it today.
Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions
Words and Expressions
1. Since the technology is developing rapidly nowadays ... 由于当今科技发展迅速…… since 在这里表示“由于”的意思,引导原因状语从句, 例如: Since we are going to have our final exam, we should get well prepared. 由于快考试了,我们要做好充分的准备。
6.Computers really do a lot of favor to our daily life. 电脑 确实在我们日常生活中帮了大忙。 do a favor to sb.意思是“帮……一个忙”,例如: The box is too heavy for me to carry. Can you do me a favor? 这个盒子太沉了我拿不动。你能帮我个忙吗?
Lesson 1 What Is a Computer?
The first computer in the history was named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) in 1946. It was quite huge and expensive. Ordinary people cannot afford it. Later on, since the contribution of human being’s intelligence, computers are becoming smaller and less expensive. Even ordinary people like you and me can afford it today.

• Most takes place in central processing unit (CPU), a computer’s “brain” • Computer programs are instructions that tell computers how to process
How are computers classified?
• Computers are divided into five categories:
• Handheld computers • Personal computers • Servers • Mainframe computers • Supercomputers
• A server is used a network
How are computers classified?
• A mainframe computer is capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users
• A Notebook computer (laptop) incorporates screen, keyboard, storage, and processing
How are computers classified?
• A tablet computer is portable, featuring a touch-sensitive screen used for writing or drawing
How are computers classified?
• Computers are divided into five categories:
• Handheld computers • Personal computers • Servers • Mainframe computers • Supercomputers
• A server is used a network
How are computers classified?
• A mainframe computer is capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users
• A Notebook computer (laptop) incorporates screen, keyboard, storage, and processing
How are computers classified?
• A tablet computer is portable, featuring a touch-sensitive screen used for writing or drawing
计算机专业英语教程课件-unit 1 计算机导论

• Main articles: CPU design and Control unit
• The control unit (often called a control system or central controller) manages the computer's various components; it reads and interprets (decodes)(6) the program instructions, transforming them into(7) a series of control signals which activate other parts of the computer.注3 Control systems in advanced(8) computers may change the order of some instructions so as to improve performance(9).
1. 元件部分 2. 由..联系起来 3. 由..组成
Text A The function of computers
• Inside each of these parts are trillions of small electrical circuits(4) which can be turned off or on by means of an electronic switch. Each circuit represents a bit (binary digit) of information so that when the circuit is on it represents a "1", and when off it represents a "0" (in positive logic representation). 注1 The circuits are arranged in logic gates so that one or more of the circuits may control the state of one or more of the other circuits.
《计算机专业英语(第4版)》Unit 1 Hardware Knowledge

• Gates did not have a definite study plan while a student at Harvard and spent a lot of time using the school's computers.
• Gates stepped down as chief executive officer of Microsoft in January 2000.
• He remained as chairman and created the position of chief software architect.
• In June 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to part-time work, and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
four basic units of simplified computer: the input unit, central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and output unit.
1.2 Computer Development
1.2.1 Text A • The hardware of a digital computer system
• Gates stepped down as chief executive officer of Microsoft in January 2000.
• He remained as chairman and created the position of chief software architect.
• In June 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to part-time work, and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
four basic units of simplified computer: the input unit, central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and output unit.
1.2 Computer Development
1.2.1 Text A • The hardware of a digital computer system

1.2 Section B: The Internet of Things
• Words
• bidding[ˈbidiŋ] n. 吩咐,投标 • brew[bruː] v. 煮(咖啡),酿制(啤酒),沏(茶) • gadget[ˈgædʒit] n. 小装置,小器具 • downtime[ˈdauntaim] n. 停止运行时间 • crumble[ˈkrʌmbl] v. 坍塌,损坏 • impending[imˈpendiŋ] adj. 即将发生的,迫在眉
1. Public cloud is a cloud environment in which all cloud infrastructure and computing resources are dedicated to, and accessible by, one customer only. 2. The private cloud provider owns, manages, and assumes all responsibility for the data centers, hardware, and infrastructure 3. Multicloud is the use of two or more public clouds together with a private cloud environment. 4. Hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud environments. 5. SaaS is application software that's hosted in the cloud and that you access and use via a Web browser, a dedicated desktop client, or an API that integrates with your desktop or mobile operating system.
计算机专业英语Lesson 1

Key Words & Terms
access arithmetic logic unit base on binary system chip control unit execute extract load microprocessor peripheral register word workstation
• On large maprinted circuit blocks. On personal computers(PC)and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor.[4]
• A CPU has three typical components, that is Arithmetic and Logic Unit(ALU),Control Unit(CU)and Registers. The ALU is made up of devices called gates that receive one or more inputs and, based upon what function they are designed to perform, output a result.[3] It performs simple arithmetic and logical operations, such as NOT, Left Shift, Right Shift, Add, Subtract, AND, and OR. CU extracts instructions from memory, decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary. Registers are temporary memory units that store words. The registers are located in the processor, instead of in RAM, so data can be accessed and stored faster.
计算机英语课件_Unit 1 What Is A Computer

1、知识点: (1)lots of 许多;大量
例:Only when you have lots of money will everything be all right. 只有当你拥有很多钱的时候,所有的事情才会好起来。
(2)think of as 2、句子结构:
例:For a long time the earth is think of as flat. 过去很长时间地球被认为是扁平的。
Project One: Computer Basics
根据导学图的提示或你的经验,简述“什么是计 算机?”
Project One: Computer Basics
Text: What Is A Computer?
例:Britain would be classified as third world country, soon . 英国很快就要被划归为第三世界国家了。
(2)either …or…
例:Either save or print the obtained results, to use as you require. 保存或打印获得的结果,以便您根据需要使用。
Text: What Is A Computer?
学习课文---P3 (通译全文,分析难句):
P4 第11行:Anything you buy for your computer can be classified as either hardware or software.
例:Only when you have lots of money will everything be all right. 只有当你拥有很多钱的时候,所有的事情才会好起来。
(2)think of as 2、句子结构:
例:For a long time the earth is think of as flat. 过去很长时间地球被认为是扁平的。
Project One: Computer Basics
根据导学图的提示或你的经验,简述“什么是计 算机?”
Project One: Computer Basics
Text: What Is A Computer?
例:Britain would be classified as third world country, soon . 英国很快就要被划归为第三世界国家了。
(2)either …or…
例:Either save or print the obtained results, to use as you require. 保存或打印获得的结果,以便您根据需要使用。
Text: What Is A Computer?
学习课文---P3 (通译全文,分析难句):
P4 第11行:Anything you buy for your computer can be classified as either hardware or software.

机专业 计 机专业 语
Unit 1 Instruction to Computers
Section 1 Situational Dialogue
Computer Festival 1、你们学校有计算机协会吗?如果有,会开展哪些和计 、你们学校有计算机协会吗?如果有, 算机相关的社团活动? 算机相关的社团活动? 2、如果由你是计算机协会会长,负责组织一次大学生电 、如果由你是计算机协会会长, 脑节,你将如何规划? 脑节,你将如何规划?
机专业 计 机专业 语
Unit 1 Instruction to Computers
Section 2 Passage A:Evolution of Computers :
1、什么是计算机? 、什么是计算机? 2、计算机的发展史是怎样的? 、计算机的发展史是怎样的? 3、计算机是如何分类的? 、计算机是如何分类的?
机专业 计 机专业 语
Unit 1 Section 2 Passage A
• Categories of Computers
Micro Computer Also called personal computers, computers that can perform all of its input, process, output, and storage activities by itself.
机专业 计 机专业 语
Unit 1 Section 2 Passage A
• processing speed • workstation • supercomputer • mainframe • CPU • micro computer • analytical engine • vacuum tube • ENIAC • IBM • machine language

1-2 The Year 2038 Problem
Key Words
pun wrap around odometer haywire lurk pooh-pooh impending plague n.俏皮话 回卷 n.里程表 adj.混乱的 v.潜伏 v.轻视 adj.即将发生的 v.折磨
Key Words
moderate spreadsheet surf fray onslaught clone pin down high-end low-end
adj.中等的,适度的 n.电子表格程序 v.浏览,专指上网浏览,和internet连用 n.竞争 n.猛攻 n.克隆,仿制,仿造 确定,明确 adj.高端的 adj.低端的
Professional English in Computer Field
Chapter One The Fundamental of Computers
Computers Types The Year 2038 Problem
History of Electronic Digital Computers Cable vs. DSL
legacy code scratch backward compatibility blindly computer-illiterate scenario doomsday 难以替换的代码 n.什么都没有 向后兼容 adv.盲目地 不懂计算机的 n.方案 n.最后的审判日
A later generation of UNIX authors, fearful that stuffy, humorless corporate drones would remove this cherished pun, added a programmer's comment inside the documentation's source code that read, "Take this out and a UNIX demon will dog your steps until the time_t's wrap around!" 一个后期的UNIX作者由于担心那些自命不凡、没有幽默感的企业 里的“雄蜂”们会删掉这段他心爱的俏皮话,于是在源代码文档上加 了一段程序员的注释, “删掉它,UNIX demon将会跟踪你所作的一切 直到time_t函数发生回卷”。 time_t is never, ever at fault in any Year 2000 bug. time_t从来都不是一个“千年虫”问题。

计算机专业英语 》》
▪ in order to ▪ effectively ▪ solve ▪ environment ▪ devise ▪ imply ▪ mixture ▪ integrate ▪ form ▪ be discussed in ▪ include ▪ both…and…
为了 adv.有效地 vt.解决 n.环境,外界 vt.设计,作出(计划);n.遗赠 vt.暗示,意味 n.混合,混合物 vt.使成整体;v.结合 n.形式,外形;v.形成,构成 被分为 vt.包含,包括 不但…而且…; 既…又…
计算机专业英语 》》
计算机专业英语 》》
Unit One Computer Fundamental Unit Two Hardware Component Unit Three The Operating System Unit Four Database Management Software Unit Five Network technology Unit Six Graph and Image Processing and Animation Design
计算机专业英语 》》
▪ The physical components of a computer- the processor, memory, input devices, and output devices-are its hardware. You can see them, touch them, and feel them.
▪ physical components
计算机专业英语 》》
计算机专业英语实用教程 .ppt

代词:形容词和副词都有级的变化。用来代替名词、数词、短语或从句的词 叫代ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示 代词、反身代词、关系代词和不定代词等。
形容词及副词:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。副词主要用 来修饰动词、形容词、介词短语或其他副词。形容词和副词都有级的变化。 同等比较句型: 1)肯定句式:“A +谓语+ as +adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B一样。 2)否定句式:“A+谓语+not as(so)+adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B不同, 或A不如B。 比较级常用句型: 1)“A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+ than +B”表示A比B更…… 2)“which is + adj./adv.比较级, A or B?”表示两者之间选择。 3)“adj./adv.比较级 + and + adj./adv.比较级”表示越来越……
including the keyboard, the mouse, and the scanner etc., output devices(See Figure 1-8~Figure 1-10)— including the monitor, the printer, the speakers etc., and secondary storage devices(See Figure1-11~Figure 1-13)— including
What is the Computer and the Internet?
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
形容词及副词:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。副词主要用 来修饰动词、形容词、介词短语或其他副词。形容词和副词都有级的变化。 同等比较句型: 1)肯定句式:“A +谓语+ as +adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B一样。 2)否定句式:“A+谓语+not as(so)+adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B不同, 或A不如B。 比较级常用句型: 1)“A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+ than +B”表示A比B更…… 2)“which is + adj./adv.比较级, A or B?”表示两者之间选择。 3)“adj./adv.比较级 + and + adj./adv.比较级”表示越来越……
including the keyboard, the mouse, and the scanner etc., output devices(See Figure 1-8~Figure 1-10)— including the monitor, the printer, the speakers etc., and secondary storage devices(See Figure1-11~Figure 1-13)— including
What is the Computer and the Internet?
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What is a hard disk?
Provides much greater storage capacity than a floppy disk
self-contained hard disk
removable hard disk
1.1 computer literacy Computers are valuable tools As technology advances and computers extend into every fact of daily living, it is essential you gain some level of computer literacy. To be successful in today’s world, you must have a knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.
Define the term computer
Identify the components of a computer Explain why a computer is a powerful tool
Discuss the computers in everyday life
Computer Competency
Storage Device
• Records and retrieves
items to and from a storage medium
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What are common storage devices or drives?
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive ZIP® drive floppy disk drive
What are hardware and software?
Electronic and mechanical equipment
Instructions that tell hardware how to perform tasks
1.2 What Is a computer and What does it do ?
What is miniature storage media?
Portable, thin, credit card size memory Used in digital cameras and handheld computers
Memory card miniature storage media
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What is a compact disc?
Portable storage media • CD-ROM • CD-RW • DVD-ROM • DVD+RW
1.3 The Components of a Computer
CD-RW drive hard disk drive
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What is a floppy disk?
Thin, circular, flexible disk enclosed in rigid plastic A Zip® disk is a higher capacity disk
1.4 Computer Software
What makes a computer powerful?
Storage Reliability
1.4 Computer Software
What is a computer program?
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What is the system unit?
Box-like device containing electronic components connected to motherboard Also called a chassis
1.2 What Is a computer and What does it do ? How is a computer defined?
Electronic machine operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory • Accepts data • Manipulates data • Produces results • Stores results
The purpose of these lectures is to help you become competent in both computer English reading and computer-related skills.
• To understand the basic concepts and
CD-RW drive
Zip® drive hard disk drive (inside case)
CD-ROM or DVDROM drive
floppy disk drive
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What are two main components on the motherboard? Central Processing Unit (CPU)
第1 章 Introduction to Computers
第1章 Introduction to
Explain why it is important to be computer literate Differentiate among the various types of software Explain the purpose of a network Discuss the uses of the Internet and the World Wide Web Describe the categories of computers and their uses
• Also called a processor • Carries out instructions that tell
computer what to do
• Temporary holding place for data
and instructions
1.3 The Components of a Computer
1.2 What Is a computer and What does it do ? What are data and information?
Raw facts, figures, and symbols
Data that is organized, meaningful, and useful
What is the information processing cycle?
Input Process
Output Communication Storage
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What are common computer hardware components? monitor scaner
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What iБайду номын сангаас a communications device?
Establishes a connection between two computers using cable, telephone lines, and satellites One type is a modem
What is a chip?
Device with microscopic pathways that carry electrical currents Attaches to motherboard
Processor chip
Memory chip
1.3 The Components of a Computer
1.2 What Is a computer and What does it do ?
Who is a user?
Person who communicates with a computer or uses the information it generates
1.2 What Is a computer and What does it do ?
System unit
keyboa rd
PC camera
1.3 The Components of a Computer
What is an input device?
Hardware used to enter data and instructions