The Comparison between American Westward Movement and China Western Development一.Similarities1. Direction: The development from its coast areas to the inland.2. The vast expanse of the western region is rich in mineral resources, water resources and forest resources. To take advantage of the rich natural resources in western regions and their market potential, fully open up the domestic market.3. The advanced way of production and culture were brought to the west. Both have great influence on the west regions.二.Differences1. Definition(1)American Westward Movement is a long and sustained process of development. It began after the founding of the United States. At first, the immigration moved across the Appalachian Mountains into the east of the Mississippi River region. From the 1820s, immigrants started moving across the Mississippi River into the new expansion.Back in the United States prior to independence, the Americans began to expand to the western North American continent, but until the United States after independence, the United States westward movement was more active and planned, and continues to the present.(2)China Western Development is a policy adopted by the People's Republic of China to boost its less developed western regions. The policy covers 6 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and 1 municipality.The main components of the strategy include the development of infrastructure (transport, hydropower plants, energy, and telecommunications), enticement of foreign investment, increased efforts on ecological protection (such as reforestation), promotion of education, and retention of talent flowing to richer provinces.2. Background(1) American Westward Movement: As early as colonial period, the immigration activity to the west began. Slave owners in the south, land speculators and industrial capitalist in the north, and common people hope to get the land in the west. After the War of 1812, America experienced a period of both economic and physical expansion. As population increased, more and more people needed new opportunities in the west.(2)China Western Development: Since 1978, under Deng Xiaoping's Reform and Open-up policy, China has been developing rather rapidly by most standards, particularly its eastern, coastal regions. The western region, however, has been left behind with widening disparities between the east and west with regard to such conditions as education, economy, infrastructure, and social development.3. Main Purpose(1)American Westward Movement:It aimed to get resources and develop its capitalist economy.(2)China Western Development:To develop its socialist economy.The Chinesegovernment has chosen to vigorously pursue the economic development of its western provinces. It seeks to raise the standard of living of people in its west, to bring about more interaction between west and east, and at the same time to raise the level of development of the entire country.4. Way of development(1)American Westward Movement: Westward Movement is the process of pioneering the American people. To face various difficulties and obstacles, the United States abandoned the people of all stereotypes, overcome difficulties and forge ahead, thereby fostering the formation of the American nation reality, optimism and courage of the national character, which is an inexhaustible wealth of a life time. Americans forced people to migrate and slaughter the Indians. It has the nature of the invasion. It is full of force and bloody economic expansion.(2)China Western Development:The government intensifies propaganda and carries out many preferential policies and supports. Therefore, people in the country are voluntary to make contributions to the development of the west.5. Effects(1)American Westward Movement: T o some extent, it promoted America’s economic development and increased the national strength of the United States. However, it sharpened conflicts, and rendered the emergence of the Civil War.For the American Westward Movement, which is in a free market economy and the territorial expansion against the backdrop of large-scale population movements as the basis for the pilot transport, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry as the main point, in order to promote regional development in growth centers socio-economic development process. The results of the American West, complete the east and west between U.S. political and economic integration, promoting the development of capitalist industrialization, modern agriculture led to the American Revolution, the industrial revolution and the knowledge revolution, foster the pioneering spirit of the American people, especially the United States in the western development embodied in the esteem, fear no sacrifice, high-spirited, constantly finding new lands, new wealth of the cowboy spirit of the frontier spirit, the Americans became indomitable, heroic optimism, courage, to explore more than the spirit of the entire nation. In short, the United States through the Westward Movement, in the hundred millions of years in the development of square kilometers of land. And established in these lands of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, and this growth is the U.S. number one economic power in the world had a decisive impact. So, no westward movement, there is no United States today.(2)China Western Development:The results show that great achievements have been made in infrastructure construction and ecological improvement. The west regions enjoy a fast economic growth rate, the development with best quality. Comprehensive strength is promoted. The living standard of the people is increased. And it is beneficial for China’s national equality, unity and mutual prosperity.。
The westword movement(美国西进运动)
• The Westward Movement of the U.S. have had a significant and far-reaching impact on economic, political and social.
• The development of agriculture in the western region provided for industrial development a large amount of food, raw materials, exports and domestic markets.
• The western development and utilization of resources also met the needs of industrial development and the rapid development of the transport industry is also ... ... the American Westward Movement inspired American creativity and economic vitality, and the United States improved the national comprehensive strength and international status; It was of great significance for the United States that took off the entire national economy
历时100多年又称血泪之路(Trail of Tears)的美国西进运动,是指从北美殖民地时期开始的向西移民的活动和对西部的开发,同时也是美国的教育从农业手工业社会向工业化、城镇化,以及文化本土化转型的初始阶段。
Active English 大地惊雷
2011年奥斯卡大奖的大幕早已落下,在大获成功的《国王的演讲》背后是一干失意的影片,其中就有获十项提名却没有拿到任何奖项的西部片《大地惊雷》(True Grit)。
本期Active English,Nicola带你走进《True Grit》的精彩情节。
说到西部片就不得不提美国的西部大开发(Western exploitation),美国的西部大开发在历史上又称为西进运动(movement into the West),它不仅是美国资本主义发展的资本原始积累(original accumulation)的过程,也是美国经济创业(economical pioneering)发展的过程,极大地促进了美国西部地区的广泛开发和美国经济的快速发展。
美国的西部开发经历了密西西比河流域的拓殖(colonization in Mississippi drainage basin)、远西部的开发(exploitation in the distant West)、大草原的开发(exploitation in prairie)三个阶段。
美国西部的开发过程是美国国内的一次大规模移民拓殖运动,也是美国城市化、工业化和美利坚民族大融合的过程,这场运动对美国的经济、政治和社会都产生了重大而深远的影响(It had a great effect on American economy, politics and society.)。
安定的社会环境(stable society)、政府的积极扶持(support from government)、重视科技和交通(much attention for science technology and transport)是美国西部大开发成功的主要原因。
Western exploitation (also called movement into the West) in the history of America was not only the process of capital's original accumulation in the development of capitalism, but also the process of doing economical pioneering work It promoted extensive exploitation of the West and rapid development of economy This exploitation experienced three stages: colonization in Mississippi drainage basin,exploitation in the distant West, exploitation in prairie Western exploitation is the movement of extensive...《大地惊雷》翻拍自1969年的同名电影,影片的女主角是来自阿肯色州耶尔县的一个14岁小女孩Bettie,为报弑父之仇,她与史密斯堡小镇一位老警探Cogburn和年轻的德州骑警LaBoeuf一起踏上了一条前途未卜的追凶之路。
高中研究性学习1、古代史书中的客侠形象2、校园文化浏览及特征3、《围城》修辞手法的运用4、略论网络文学的优略5、武汉(或者其它地区)民俗探究(主要是社会生活民俗中的某一种民俗的产生、发展及文化内涵的研究)6、关于武汉综合市场现状的调查7、梁实秋与闲适小品8、武汉地方报纸透视社会现象的优点与不足9、武汉市民中成年人阅读情况抽样调查及我的见解10、泰山为什么成为帝王封禅的选择地11、《诗经》中的景物描写12、中国古典诗和英美诗中山水美感意识的比较13、阿Q与堂吉诃德形象的比较14、“新概念阅读”15、从周瘦鹃的《杜鹃枝上杜鹃啼》看小品文的写作16、川端康成与《雪国》17、我校学生课外阅读的倾向18、我眼中的诸葛亮19、唐传奇与宋元话本中的女性形象的比较20、《桃花源记》与托马斯?莫尔《乌托邦》(1516 英)的对比21、唐传奇《莺莺传》与元杂剧《西厢记》有何不同22、寺庙文化在武汉23、追寻在武汉留下足迹的文化名人24、屈原与荆楚文化25当代校园言语文化及其影响原因26、鲁迅《阿Q正传》中阿Q的现实意义27、韩寒现象透视28、中国行诗与外国十四行诗比较29香港新武侠小说为何难现昔日风采30、我看梁凤仪的财经小说31、台湾言情小说探幽32、港台文化的含金量有几成33、网络文学对中学生的影响34、新概念作文对传统作文的冲击35、金庸、琼瑶小说为什么会引起同学的兴趣、关注36、“韩寒”现象的出现对传统教育模式带来哪些冲击37、中学生早恋现象的心理探究38、中学生有阅读名著的必要吗39、如何处理好课外阅读与课本知识的关系40、《红楼梦》中的主要人物及其性格特征的探讨41、唐朝田园水诗的研究42、宋朝婉约派词风的研讨43、剖析赵本山小品的艺术风格44、校园设计之我见45、关注青少年上网聊天46、诗词雅韵47、珍爱生命,远离毒品48、撩开图书馆神秘面纱49、80年代新生活调查50、中外科幻文学的发展51、有关低龄出书的思考52、我们生活中的广告53、武汉广场文化54古典小说与武侠小说的历史背景及文学考究对现实生活的影响55广告的昨天、今天、明天56、中西文化差异探讨57、广告英语的特点58、英语习语中对称美的研究59、修辞手法在英文写作中的运用60、英语中的象形现象61饮食英语及西方餐桌礼仪62、标志英语63、趣味英语收集64、英诗赏析65、英语学习中性别差异66、性格与英语学习67、色彩在英语学习的背后故事68、英文报刊及其语言特色69、听英文歌曲有助英语学习70、阅读方法与英语学习效果71、英文广告说明书与英语学习72、中英美人之间的交际习惯73、英语交际中的非语言行为74、英语颜色词语与心理情绪75、英语中的性别语言76、从西方电影与音乐看文化差异77、中美交际用语中看中西文化差异78、英文歌词和中文歌词的差异79、中学生如何说好口语80、英语词汇的奥秘81、对钱的看法82、对公交车上某一现象的探究83、各超市物品的价格84、调查本市部分商店的服务情况及发展前景85、对某一侵权行为的解析86、学生消费状况的调查研究87、加入WTO对衡阳市经济发展的影响88、对汽车超载问题的调查研究89、农村家庭消费结构变化的思考90、关于假货问题的思考91、中学生与网络世界92、中学生(枫叶学生)成为教学(学习)主人问题探究93、本地企业(市场)经营状况94、中学生(枫叶学生)人生价值(人际关系、社会公德)95、(枫叶学生)的劳动观(家庭、学校、劳动状况)96、中学生(枫叶学生)的消费状况97、金钱与人生98、知与行(终身学习等)99、中学生心理承受能力研究100、人与自然(经济与环境)101、武汉风景区的现状分析102、武昌城的历史沿革103楚剧的过去与未来104、民间艺术的探究105、民间节日106、婚丧、喜庆的风俗等107、噪声污染及危害108、农村耕地利用现状及处理109、学习天空图的制作110、新时期的创业精神112、钓鱼岛问题的由来113、比较美国西进运动与中国西部大开发114、武汉历史文化古迹、古代建筑文化115、关于洪承畴的评价问题116、海上丝绸之路为何以泉州为起点117、武汉历史人物118、现代国际关系演变中的几个问题119、美国霸权主义政策的由来与表现120、先秦思想概述121、中国各朝服饰特点及发展122、20世纪的战争和发展历程123、服饰的历史与发展124、硝烟弥漫—中东地区为何迟迟不见和平曙光125、封建社会制度在中国漫长存在的原因126、关于贫困地区与人口问题的探讨127、关于城镇绿化的研究128、板材厂的污染危害及治理129、关于武汉市水资源利用状况130、农村垃圾现状及处理1311、武汉的旅游资源132、返璞归真与自然交融133、武汉市公交现状与规划134、衡阳特色旅游商品的研究和开发135、校园绿化136、外地人怎样在武汉谋生137、研究地球的温室效应138、21世纪的交通及其交通工具139、网上获取信息指导140、武汉地区水资源探讨141、武汉大气污染及危害142、中学生接触互联网的弊与利143、中学生制使用互联网的思考144、学生制作个人主页必须具备哪些条件?145、制作好班级主页需要合作精神146、谈谈中学生开设“信息技术”必修课的必要必与重要性。
中美西部开发的六大不同 美国西进运动VS中国西部大开发
作者: 张绍学;洪武林
作者机构: 不详
出版物刊名: 中国西部
页码: 36-37页
American Westward MovementU.S. Westward Movement is a long and sustained process of development. Back in the United States prior to independence, the Americans began to expand to the western North American continent, but until the United States after independence, the United States westward movement was more active and planned, and continues to the present.Throughout the American West in the history of westward movement can be divided into the following period.Agriculture is the main period of initial developmentFrom the War of Independence to the Civil War is the American West during the first period, mainly agriculture-based initial development period. Land on the western economic development after independence the United States has a special significance, not open to the west is not today's America. Seven years after the war ended, Britain and France, the United Kingdom from France won the west of the Appalachian Mountains of Canada and the east bank of the Mississippi River until the vast area; the same time, the United Kingdom announced that the Appalachian Mountains to the west of all land belongs to the British royal family, which be triggered anti-British colonists in North America one of the factors. Bourgeois desire for expansion of the national territory, land speculators attempt to derive profits, farmers, artisans, and put the western land of immigrants, as from oppression, the only hope for a new life.Integrated development of the industrial periodFrom the Civil War to World War II is the American West in the second period, mainly based on industry-based, integrated development period. The end of the Civil War, especially after the reconstruction of the South, the South won the largest capitalist economy, the development of plantations in northern and southern main bourgeois compromise, there have been relatively stable political situation. At the same time, the second industrial revolution is rapidly rising, the United States began the country from an agricultural to an industrial transformation. Thus, the westward movement of this period, based on industry-based, integrated development.Development of high-tech times the depth of the mainFrom the end of World War II to the present is the American West in the third period, mainly in the depth of the main development of science and technology development period. After the end of World War II, the United States first occurred in a computer network technology, nuclear technology, biotechnology, space technology, space and an important symbol of the third technological revolution. Western United States full use of its scientific and technological revolution in the hotbed of the geographical advantages, to science and technology development as the main use of advanced technology to transform traditional industries, develop new industries, greatly promoted the development of the western United States and the prosperity of the entireU.S. economy and strong support for development of knowledge economy of the United States.Sport natureA constant migration to the west, the process of territorial expansion American Westward Movement, is a constant migration to the west, the process of territorial expansion, and migration to the west, only a prelude to the United States territorial expansion, was the result. First, illegal immigration into the west, and then, the government will map these areas into the U.S., then followed that the influx of large numbers of Reclamation. Independent United States of America, the region is very small, only 13 states Atlantic coast. After independence, large numbers of people flocked to the Wild West. Initially, immigrants mainly settled in areas to the east of the Mississippi. Early 19th century, the United States through the purchase of armed subversion and means of waging war for territorial expansion. In 1803, while Napoleon was busy with the U.S. government war machine in Europe, bought Louisiana from France. 20 years since the 19th century, immigrants migrated to the west of the Mississippi River, a large number of Americans who moved to Texas a division of Mexico, a pioneer of Texas annexation. 40 Americans over the age of the Rocky Mountains, along the Pacific region flocked in groups, setting off the "Oregon Fever" and "California fever" and led to the U.S. territory of coverage of these areas.The same period, the Eurasian region of the shortage of large disaster and war, a large number of European and Asian immigrants flock to the United States. 1857 The first global economic crisis in the eastern U.S. large numbers of workers facing unemployment, a large number of hungry people wandering in the country, many people with great desire to flock to the western land. In 1862, Lincoln government promulgated the "Homestead Act", the Westward Movement to a new climax. According to statistics, from 1815 to 1860, immigration has 500 thousand people; from 1861 to 1914 half-century, migration of more than 2,700 people. A large number of European and Asian immigrants, many come to seek a way out gold or laborers. In human history, like the U.S., scale, scope, length of time, the deep social impact of immigration movement is rare, making the United States as the world's most typical, dynamic nation of immigrants. The contribution of immigrants is apparentAn economic development processAmerican Westward Movement, is an industrial revolution go hand in hand, the coordinated development of industrial and agricultural economic development process. The vast expanse of the western region is rich in mineral resources, water resources and forest resources, has a long coastline and excellent harbor, has the right climate, suitable for agriculture Yi Mu. It provides a superior American industrial conditions and broad market prospects, but also for the development of U.S. agriculture provides the vast world. The 19th century, 60 years, the Ohio River and the Mississippi River north of the development of a "kingdom of wheat", the Mississippi River as "CottonKingdom." The rise of agriculture as the economic prosperity of the United States provides a good foundation for the eastern industrial and urban population with ample raw materials, food.The American Industrial Revolution of the unique characteristics of Western development means the expansion of the domestic market. Tens of millions of immigrants gradually came to settle in Western business, production and labor required for the basic necessities of life are required to purchase materials, market capacity of large, unprecedented. This promoted the development of manufacturing industry in eastern, but also to keep them westward. Large land area, the need to improve traffic conditions in the 19th century built 20 to 30 years and the Ohio Erie Canal - Erie Canal, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean linked together. In particular, from 30 years onwards, the government encouraged and funded the construction of railways in the country set off a boom in decades has built a transcontinental railway lines 5, formed the backbone of the national railway land and water transport system. Accelerate the development of the transport industry the process of industrial revolution in the United States, while it is also an important result of the industrial revolution the United States to promote the mechanization of agriculture production.The process of pioneering the American peopleWestward Movement is the process of pioneering the American people. To face various difficulties and obstacles, the United States abandoned the people of all stereotypes, overcome difficulties and forge ahead, thereby fostering the formation of the American nation reality, optimism and courage of the national character, which is an inexhaustible wealth of a life time.Flooding also killed the movement of indigenous IndianAmerican Westward Movement, is also a drive to kill the movement of indigenous Indians, the Indians a history of hardship. But from the perspective of the evolution of human civilization, it is the United States, the process of capital accumulation, in the form of modern civilization. Advanced capitalist mode of production extended to the western region, making it the capitalist world-system components.Rating:For the American Westward Movement, which is in a free market economy and the territorial expansion against the backdrop of large-scale population movements as the basis for the pilot transport, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry as the main point, in order to promote regional development in growth centers socio-economic development process. The results of the American West, complete the east and west between U.S. political and economic integration, promoting the development of capitalist industrialization, modern agriculture led to the American Revolution, the industrial revolution and the knowledge revolution, foster the pioneering spiritof the American people, especially the United States in the western development embodied in the esteem, fear no sacrifice, high-spirited, constantly finding new lands, new wealth of the cowboy spirit of the frontier spirit, the Americans became indomitable, heroic optimism, courage, to explore more than the spirit of the entire nation. In short, the United States through the Westward Movement, in the hundred millions of years in the development of square kilometers of land. And established in these lands of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, and this growth is the U.S. number one economic power in the world had a decisive impact. So, no westward movement, there is no United States today.。
语文研究性学习课题1、古代史书中的客侠形象2、校园文化浏览及特征3、《围城》修辞手法的运用4、略论网络文学的优略5、民俗探究(主要是社会生活民俗中的某一种民俗的产生、发展及文化内涵的研究)6、宋朝婉约派词风的研讨7、梁实秋与闲适小品8、唐朝田园水诗的研究9、本市民中成年人阅读情况抽样调查及我的见解10、泰山为什么成为帝王封禅的选择地11、《诗经》中的景物描写12、中国古典诗和英美诗中山水美感意识的比较13、阿Q与堂•吉诃德形象的比较14、“新概念阅读”15、从周瘦鹃的《杜鹃枝上杜鹃啼》看小品文的写作16、川端康成与《雪国》17、我校学生课外阅读的倾向18、我眼中的诸葛亮19、唐传奇与宋元话本中的女性形象的比较20、《桃花源记》与托马斯;莫尔《乌托邦》(1516 英)的对比21、唐传奇《莺莺传》与元杂剧《西厢记》有何不同22、《红楼梦》中的主要人物及其性格特征的探讨23、如何处理好课外阅读与课本知识的关系24、中学生有阅读名著的必要吗25、当代校园言语文化及其影响原因26、鲁迅《阿Q正传》中阿Q的现实意义27、韩寒现象透视28、中国行诗与外国十四行诗比较29、香港新武侠小说为何难现昔日风采30、我看梁凤仪的财经小说31、台湾言情小说探幽32、港台文化的含金量有几成33、网络文学对中学生的影响34、新概念作文对传统作文的冲击35、金庸、琼瑶小说为什么会引起同学的兴趣、关注36、“韩寒”现象的出现对传统教育模式带来哪些冲击37、中学生早恋现象的心理探究数学研究性学习课题我身边的数学―――数学建模子课题(注:子课题由同学们自己拟定,下列题目仅供参考)1、劳动生产中的数学2、商品营销中的利润问题3、购房(车)贷款决策问题4、人口问题中的数学问题5、家庭中的数学6、古诗中的数学……数学思想方法的应用子课题(注:子课题由同学们自己拟定,下列题目仅供参考)1、函数思想的应用2、方程思想的应用3、数形结合思想的应用……网络(电脑)与数学学习子课题(注:子课题由同学们自己拟定,下列题目仅供参考)1、互联(局域)网上的数学单元学习内容的搜索与运用研究2、互联(局域)网上的数学练习、测验等学习内容的搜索与运用研究3、互联(局域)网上的数学文献(数学史…)的搜索及其对数学学习之影响的研究4、数学学习资源网的制作5、几何画板的数学实验功能1、银行存款利息和利税的调查2、气象学中的数学应用问题3、如何开发解题智慧4、多面体欧拉定理的发现5、购房贷款决策问题6、有关房子粉刷的预算7、日常生活中的悖论问题8、关于数学知识在物理上的应用探索9、投资人寿保险和投资银行的分析比较10、黄金数的广泛应用11、编程中的优化算法问题12、余弦定理在日常生活中的应用13、证券投资中的数学14、环境规划与数学15、如何计算一份试卷的难度与区分度16、数学的发展历史17、以“养老金”问题谈起18、中国体育彩票中的数学问题19、“开放型题”及其思维对策20、解答应用题的思维方法21、高中数学的学习活动——解题分析A)从尝试到严谨、B)从一个到一类22、高中数学的学习活动——解题后的反思——开发解题智慧23、中国电脑福利彩票中的数学问题24、各镇中学生生活情况25、城镇/农村饮食构成及优化设计26、如何安置军事侦察卫星27、给人与人的关系(友情)评分28、丈量成功大厦29、寻找人的情绪变化规律30、如何存款最合算31、哪家超市最便宜32、数学中的黄金分割33、通讯网络收费调查统计34、数学中的最优化问题35、水库的来水量如何计算36、计算器对运算能力影响37、数学灵感的培养38、如何提高数学课堂效率39、二次函数图象特点应用40、D中线段计算41、统计溪美月降水量42、如何合理抽税43、南安市区车辆构成44、出租车车费的合理定价45、衣服的价格、质地、品牌,左右消费者观念多少?46、购房贷款决策问题英语研究性学习课题1、中西文化差异探讨2、中美撞机事件中美国致歉信含义争析3、广告英语的特点4、英语习语中对称美的研究5、修辞手法在英文写作中的运用6、英语中的象形现象7饮食英语8、标志英语9、趣味英语收集10、英诗赏析11、英语学习中性别差异12、性格与英语学习13、色彩在英语学习的背后故事14、英文报刊及其语言特色15、听英文歌曲有助英语学习16、阅读方法与英语学习效果17、英文广告说明书与英语学习18、中英美人之间的交际习惯19、英语交际中的非语言行为20、英语颜色词语与心理情绪21、英语中的性别语言物理研究性学习课题1、研究影响滑动摩擦的因素2、估测高压锅内的水温3、研究弹簧环子的周期和小球质量的关系4、菜刀上的力学知识5、调查研究:灶具的演变6、高中物理学习困难调查7、男女生对高中物理的学习差异8、浅议物理作业在物理学习中的作用9、浅谈可再生能源10、调查研究:家用电器的发展带来的安全问题11、小论文:从电球箱到臭氧层12、小论文:温泉效应13、小论文:从伽利略望远镜到哈勃太空望远镜——人类对宇宙的认识史14、用激光笔做光学实验15、摄影技术(相机自备)26、太阳能的利用27、从“石油文明”到“核文明”28、万有引力与天体运动29、古代中国的物理学贡献30、时代呼唤纳米科技31、生活中的电磁辐射化学研究性学习课题1、酒精可燃与不可燃的临界浓度的研究2、无污染氯气装置的研究3、关于含碘食盐的日常保存的研究4、无磷洗衣粉为何难以推广的探研5、本市城区生活垃圾处理状况的调查6、厨房生活垃圾能再利用吗7、处处可见的动态平衡8、用植物色素制取代用酸碱指示剂及其变色范围的测试9、绿色能源离我们多远10、有机消毒剂应用的初探11、化肥对土壤的影响12、农药污染的影响13、部分废品的回收利用14、石材石粉尘污染的调查15、本市工业废水污染情况16、废电池的危害和处理方法17、农村生活用水调查18、工厂密集度和生活环境的关系20、大气污染对农作物的影响21、生活中的化学22、生活垃圾23、居室污染24、厨房里的化学25、化妆用品的副作用26、食品污染生活中的化学问题1、农用生物肥2、新型建筑材料的开发与利用3、生命之源——营养4、家庭包装5、以氢气(天然气)为燃料的灶具6、正确提取热量及饮食7、对化妆品成分的研究8、方便面可食性内分装9、油烟革命10、装潢材料的应用及改进11、金属防锈的研究12、关于低自由基、无毒香烟13、有关饮料中非食用色素的调查14、化学与农村经济15、纯净水是否“纯净”16、环保型防震材料的开发17、维生素王国探秘18、浅淡当今社会之健康饮食19、修正液对人体的危害20、洗涤用品的发展与前景21、新型墙对材料的开发和利用22、竹制品代替木制品的可行性研究23、中学生营养与健康24、研究特别环境下使用的救生衣25、浅谈食盐与人体健康26、食用油中过氧化值的分析27、研究高二学生早上的饮食资源利用1、海洋资源的利用与保护2、太阳能发展前景及利用3、创造绿色电能4、未来能源技术5、石油的开发与利用化学实验(改进)探索与研究1、亚硝酸盐在不同土壤中累积的研究2、眼睛防水的实验3、关于铵盐冷却性能的实验与探讨4、利用废物制取活性炭5、回收、利用旧电池中的有用物质6、再生橡胶废水的胶色研究7、乙酸乙酯的制备与最大化8、干电池的实验探究及环境污染控制生物研究性学习课题1、校园植物分类调查2、某些植物的药用价值3、研究人类基因组的意义4、锦鲤的饲养与观赏价值5、对ONA的再认识7、壁虎尿有毒?8、调查学校生物种类(植物、动物、真菌)9、调查环境污染的状况10、水螅个体研究11、当地蛙类资源调查12、调查当地“植树造林、绿化祖国”活动的开展情况13、有关“爱滋病”常识14、了解转基因技术15、烟丝对染色体畸变的影响16、模拟生态系统实验历史研究性学习课题1、新时期的创业精神2、台湾问题的由来3、比较美国西进运动与中国西部大开发5、海上丝绸之路为何以泉州为起点6、上海的历史人物7、现代国际关系演变中的几个问题8、美国霸权主义政策的由来与表现9、先秦思想概述10、建筑艺术浅谈11、浅析中国近代化曲折的进程12、金字塔密室之迷13、中国足球为何难以冲出亚洲14、假如没有希特勒,二战会不会爆发——再论二战爆发的原因15、二战对第三次科技革命的影响明治维新与戊戌变法对比研究16、明治维新与洋务运动对比研究17、浅谈闭关锁国对中国的负面影响18、新中国对美关系研究19、二次工业革命对世界格局的影响20、早期资产阶级革命对比研究21、义和团失败原因研究——浅谈农民阶级的局限性22、中国资本主义萌芽缓慢发展的原因分析23、中国在近代史上长败的原因研究与中国传统文化的冲突分析24、对李鸿章这一历史人物的再认识25、凡——华体系对世界的积极作用研究26、30年代中共出现左倾冒险主义的原因分析27、二战后日本经济腾飞的原因分析28、如何正确评价拿破仑这一历史人物29、太平天国运动失败原因分析30、论香港“国际金融中心”之形成31、共和国辉煌五十年的经济建设32、历史不应忘记——南京大屠杀33、论新文化运动34、中国共产党三代领导集体的对台政策及其历史背景35、文化大革命对人们思想的冲击36、鸦片战争前后中国社会的变化37、洋务运动对中国近代社会发展的影响38、辛亥革命的成功与失败39、太平天国与义和团运动的比较40、如何看待五四精神41、抗日战争胜利的原因42、抗日战争和解放战争时期,本地区的英雄人物和革命斗争事迹43、改革开放以来,我国社会生活的变化44、中国近现代史上的中美关系45、近代史上主要资本主义国家形成的特点46、第一、第二次工业革命对人类社会发展的影响47、世界反法西斯战争胜利的原因48、第三次科技革命的特点及影响49、世界近代史上著名科学家的传略50、中国古代专制主义中央集权制度的演变51、中国古代史上经济重心逐渐南移的探究52、少数民族对中华民族发展作出的贡献53、中国古代文明对人类文明的贡献54、我国古代史上著名政治家的评价55、美国世贸中心和五角大楼为什么会遭飞机撞击地理研究性学习课题1、噪声污染及危害2、农村耕地利用现状及处理3、学习天空图的制作4、泉州地区水资源探讨5、官桥大气污染及危害6、关于贫困地区与人口问题的探讨7、关于城镇绿化的研究8、板材厂的污染危害及治理9、关于南安市水资源利用状况10、农村垃圾现状及处理政治研究性学习课题1、对钱的看法2、对公交车上某一现象的探究3、各超市物品的价格4、调查本市部分商店的服务情况及发展前景5、对某一侵权行为的解析6、学生消费状况的调查研究7、加入WTO对上海市经济发展的影响8、对汽车超载问题的调查研究9、农村家庭消费结构变化的思考10、关于假货问题的思考11、中学生与网络世界12、中学生成为教学(学习)主人问题探究13、本地企业(市场)经营状况14、中学生人生价值(人际关系、社会公德)15、学生的劳动观(家庭、学校、劳动状况)16、中学生的消费状况17、金钱与人生18、知与行(终身学习等)19、中学生心理承受能力研究20、人与自然(经济与环境)信息技术研究性学习课题1、网上获取信息指导2、中学生接触互联网的弊与利3、中学生制使用互联网的思考4、学生制作个人主页必须具备哪些条件?5、制作好班级主页需要全作精神6、谈谈中学生开设“信息技术”必修课的必要必与重要性。
2018年06期总第394期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS大视野美国西部运动与中国西部大开发的对比研究文/付娅【摘要】每个国家地区间经济发展不平衡是非常普遍的现象。
和美国西部运动又有什么相似点和不同之处呢?【关键词】美国西部运动;中国西部大开发;对比研究【Abstract】Economic development of Inter-regional imbalance which exists in every country is very common. The United States has launched the Western Movement, which made the United States to achieve the integration of eastern and Western economies. This movement set a good example for promoting the regional economic integration around the world, at the same time, it provided a wealth of experience for other countries. But each country needs to make corresponding measures according to the actual situation.At the turn of the century, China launched the strategy of developing the western region in 1999. What are the differences and similarities between this two important events.【Key words】America’s Westward Movement; China’s West Region Development; comparison【作者简介】付娅(1993- ),女,汉族,山东菏泽人,广西壮族自治区桂林理工大学,在读硕士,专业:外国语言学及应用语言学,研究方向:语言与文化。
Westward movement 西进运动
西部产粮区奠定了基础;第二次是1815年以后,移民们在大湖区开拓,建立了美国谷 物生产和畜牧业的基地,同时在南方的濒临墨西哥湾介于佐治亚南部与路易斯安那之 间的平原地区,建立棉花种植园,扩大了南部的奴隶制种植园经济;第三次高潮是19 世纪中期,开拓了俄勒冈、加利福尼亚等地。到1890年,西进运动正式结束。西进运 动和领土扩张是交织在一起的,在西进运动过程中,西部得到开发,大大促进了美国 经济的发展;但是,随着西进运动的进行,大批印第安人遭到屠杀,幸存者被强行赶 到更为荒凉的“保留地”,他们的被迫迁徙之路也被称为印第安人的“眼泪之路”。
淘金热(Gold Rush)
• • 淘金热是美国西进运动的产物,也是其中极为重要的一个环节。对美国18-19 世纪的经济开发,农业扩张交通革命,工商业发展具有重要的意义。 淘金热是由于西进运动的发展引发的人口迁移为开端的。在人口第三次大规 模的浪潮来临之际,美国移民萨特在加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托附近发现了金 矿,并有冒险商人、操纵者、土地投机家布兰那使金矿发现的消息扩大到全 世界。 西进运动的发展首先是由于布兰那在加利福尼亚的企业中首次与顾客用金沙 交换商品并从中捕获商机开始的,由于他的宣传在一定程度上产生了经济效 应。 更为重要的是美国政府的支持和引导。美国政府支持西部牛仔向西部披荆斩 棘,并在淘金热兴起前后准备正式兼并加利福尼亚,即便在加利福尼亚商品 匮乏之时也设法调剂和统筹商品货源。 初期 金矿被发现后,美国沸腾,世界震撼。近在咫尺的圣弗朗西斯科首先感受到 了淘金热的冲击,几乎所有的企业停止了营业,海员把船只抛弃在了圣弗朗 西斯科湾,士兵离开了营房,仆人离开了主人,涌向金矿发源地,农民典押 田宅,拓荒者卡垦荒地,工人扔下工具,公务员离开写字台,甚至连传教士 也离开了布道所。这股热潮一直席卷到圣弗朗西斯科北部的俄勒冈及南部的 墨西哥。成千上万的淘金者使加利福尼亚人口猛增。并且许多新近出现的城 镇很快成为国际性的城市。
论美国西进运动对中国西部大开发的启示 On the revelation of the American Westward Movement of China
On the revelation of the American Westward Movement ofChina's western developmentAmerican Westward Movement is in a free market economy and the expansion of territory in the background, to large-scale population migration as a basis, to transport for the pilot, with farming animal husbandry, mineral mining and processing industry as the industry points to use as power to science and technology, comprehensive development of the west of the United States, it has achieved something of political and economic integration, the accumulation of the valuable lessons learned.Because of difference of development of thing ministry area historical existence and excessive expand, to become a long-term problems China's economic and social health of the overall situation of development problem. So China began the development of Western Grand plan. Western area development principle is to enhance ego to develop ability as the main line, to improve the livelihood of the people as the core, with the progress of science and technology and talent development for the support. Goal is to the eastern coastal areas of the remaining economic development ability, in order to improve the western region's economic and social development level, consolidate national defense. China in order to realize the leap development of western region economy, and reduce the economic gap between the eastern developedareas, it is necessary to draw lessons from American Westward Movement and, more efficient to embark on a road of sustainable development.The United States western and Chinese western natural conditions, development despite very different, however, in the absence of western big development will be no modernization this point, the two are completely is the same. Draw lessons from American westward movement experience to choose our country western development path and make scientific strategic measures to promote our country western big development, should from the following several aspects:1. To improve and perfect the market to run a mechanism.2. To create favorable environment of macroscopically economic policy.3.Must strengthen western economic competitive advantage; optimize the economic structure of the west.4. To develop energetically western science and technology culture and education, development of the western human resources.5. Develop in order to focus on transport infrastructure construction.6. To strengthen the environment protection in West China, and take the road of sustainable development.The Westward Movement in the United States has made dazzling achievements and successful experience is commendable, but the quickdevelopment of the west, there are many mistakes; the Americans paid a heavy price. China's western development can not be like the United States that care for immediate benefits, the blind construction, brutally predatory development, but also detours leaps and bounds, effectively promote Western economic prosperity within the shortest possible time. China should learn from the lessons learned in the United States, a full range of multi-level planning and development, and strengthen the self-development of the western economy, to avoid aid dependence tendency. At the same time to strengthen ecological and environmental awareness, economic, social, environmental and human development to achieve true harmony and sustainable development.论美国西进运动对中国西部大开发的启示美国西进运动是在自由市场经济和领土扩张的背景下,以大规模人口迁移为基础,以交通运输为先导,以农牧业、矿产开掘及加工业为产业指向,以科技运用为动力的西部综合开发过程,它实现了美国东西部政治经济的一体化,积累了宝贵的经验教训。
路易斯安那购地:1803年,美国从法国购买路易斯安那,获得大量土地 西部土地法:1862年,美国颁布西部土地法,鼓励人们向西部迁移 加利福尼亚淘金热:1848年,加利福尼亚发现金矿,引发淘金热 横贯大陆铁路:1869年,美国建成横贯大陆铁路,促进东西部交流
土地开发的影响:促进了西部 地区的经济发展和社会进步
西部的开拓促进了美国工业的发 展
西部开拓为美国提供了丰富的自 然资源
西部的开拓为美国提供了广阔的 市场和劳动力资源
西进运动促进了美国的社会进步,带来了新的技术和文化 西部开拓过程中,不同文化之间的交流和融合,形成了独特的西部文化 西进运动和西部开拓为美国的经济发展提供了广阔的市场和资源 西部开拓过程中,不同种族之间的交流和融合,促进了美国的多元化发展
XXX,a click to unlimited possibilites
05 西 进 运 动 与 西 部 开 拓动
04 西 进 运 动 与 西 部 开 拓 的 关 系
06 西 进 运 动 与 西 部 开 拓 的 反 思
艰苦条件: 恶劣的自 然环境, 缺乏食物 和水源
交通工具: 马车、牛 车、徒步 等
居住条件: 简陋的帐 篷、木屋 等
工作方式: 狩猎、捕 鱼、耕种 等
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12 级商务英语专业本科一班宋柳 2012100237 The Comparison Between Westward Expansion in the US and the
Western Development in China
1. Direction: The development from its coast areas to the inland.
2. The great expanse of the western region is rich in mineral, water and forest . To get the rich natural resources from the western regions and make more fortune from the western.
3. The advanced way of production and culture were brought to the west. Both have great influence on the west regions.
1. Background
(1) American Westward Movement: From the early 19th century, thousands of people across the Appalachian Mountains or moved to west . The pioneers are brave and full of adventure mon people can get land in the west.They went to the west to seek a better life. As population increased, more and more people needed new opportunities in the west.
(2) China Western Development: Since 1978, under Deng Xiaoping's Reform and Open-up policy, China has been developing rather rapidly by most standards, particularly its eastern, coastal regions. The western region, however, has been left behind with widening disparities between
the east and west with regard to such conditions as education, economy, infrastructure, and social development.
2. Main Purpose
(1) American Westward Movement: It aimed to get resources and develop its capitalist economy.
(2) China Western Development:To develop its socialist economy. The Chinese government has chosen to develop the economic in western provinces. And at the same time to raise the level of development of the entire country.
3. Way of development
(1) American Westward Movement: Westward Movement is the process of pioneering the American people. To face various difficulties and risks , overcome difficulties and forge ahead. As a result,American people are self-reliance,rugged individualism and foster the can-do spirit. Americans forced the native Indians to get away from their home. It has the nature of the invasion. It is full of force and bloody economic expansion.
(2) China Western Development:The government set out a serial of policies to develop and give great concentrate to support the western area . Therefore, people in the country are voluntary to make contributions to the development of the west.
4. Effects
(1) American Westward Movement: In some degrees, it promoted
America’s economic development and increased the national strength. However, it sharpened conflicts, and rendered the emergence of the Civil War.
(2)China Western Development:The results show that great achievements have been made in the process of construction and ecological improvement. The west regions have a fast economic growth rate. Comprehensive strength is promoted. The living standard of the people is increased. And it is beneficial f or China’s national equality, unity and mutual prosperity.。