高中语文课本重点句子以及 背诵大全集记忆方法总结







一、古代文学史1. 文言文鉴赏2. 古代文学流派3. 古代文学名篇4. 古代文学家及其代表作品二、现当代文学史1. 白话文鉴赏2. 现当代文学流派3. 现当代文学名篇4. 现当代文学家及其代表作品三、修辞手法1. 比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法2. 修辞手法在作文中的应用3. 修辞手法与语言表达的关系四、作文技巧1. 议论文写作技巧2. 记叙文写作技巧3. 说明文写作技巧4. 应用文写作技巧五、古诗文鉴赏1. 古诗文基础知识2. 古诗人及其代表作品3. 古文阅读和鉴赏技巧六、现代文鉴赏1. 现代文基础知识2. 现代作家及其代表作品3. 现代文阅读和鉴赏技巧七、文学常识1. 唐诗宋词元曲基础知识2. 文言文基础知识3. 现代文学常识4. 文学名著及其作者八、常见的修辞手法及作用1. 比喻的作用2. 拟人的作用3. 夸张的作用4. 对比的作用九、常见的修辞手法及运用1. 比喻的运用技巧2. 拟人的运用技巧3. 夸张的运用技巧4. 对比的运用技巧十、常见的作文技巧及应用1. 提炼主题思想2. 情景交融的描写3. 运用修辞手法4. 增加修饰语的使用以上是高中语文重点必背的知识点总结,学生们可以根据这些知识点进行有目的的复习和备考。






1. 文言文常用辞藻:如“驾鹤西归”、“相濡以沫”、“日暮途穷”等,需要通过阅读文言文而熟记。

2. 古文阅读方法:包括理解上下文,理解古汉语词汇,理解文言文结构及修辞等。

3. 文言文常用结构:如“有假推真”、“转折分句”、“倒装句”、“对仗句”等都是文言文中经常出现的语法结构,需要我们在学习中逐渐体会。

4. 诗歌鉴赏:包括诗歌体裁、韵律结构、意象表达等方面,要理解并记住相关知识点。

5. 文学流派:学习文学流派可以帮助我们更好的理解文本背后的思想和文化内涵,如现代主义、自然主义、浪漫主义等。

6. 文学名著:如《红楼梦》、《水浒传》、《百年孤独》、《荷马史诗》等,通过阅读这些名著可以拓展我们的阅读广度,提高文化素养。

7. 修辞手法:如比喻、拟人、夸张、反问等,记住这些修辞手法可以帮助我们更好地分析文本中的修辞技巧。

8. 文化常识:如中国古代文化、道德伦理、历史事件等,理解文本背后的文化意蕴对于我们阅读和理解文本至关重要。












知识点一:文言文阅读技巧1. 理解古文的基本方法:抓住关键词,通过熟悉的字词进行推测,根据上下文判断词义,并理解作者的意图。

2. 注意古文的修辞特点:包括比喻、夸张、排比、对仗、转承等,要学会把握作者的修辞手法,理解语境中的意象和比喻。

3. 知晓古文阅读的典型题型:包括选词填空、简答题、判断题、翻译句子等,针对不同题型掌握相应的解题技巧。

4. 平时要多阅读古文经典著作,培养对古文的感知能力和阅读理解能力。

知识点二:现代文阅读技巧1. 注意把握文章的中心思想和脉络结构,了解作者使用的修辞手法和表达方式,抓住文章的重点和要点。

2. 善于分析文章结构,包括引言部分、论证部分和结论部分,理清作者的论述逻辑。

3. 学会运用上下文推测词义,辨别词语的褒贬意义,理解文章中的暗示和寓意。

4. 掌握常见的现代文阅读题型,包括主旨要点题、细节理解题、词语理解题等,针对不同题型有针对性地进行训练。

知识点三:修辞手法和修辞功能1. 基本修辞手法:比喻、夸张、排比、对仗、拟人等。


2. 修辞功能的理解:包括增强感染力、烘托氛围、塑造人物形象、突显主题思想等。


知识点四:诗歌鉴赏与写作技巧1. 学会分析诗歌的韵律和格律,了解韵律的作用和意义,同时掌握不同格律的特点和运用方式。

2. 理解诗歌的形象表达和意境构建,包括描写技巧、意象的运用和抒情手法等,善于品味和感受诗歌的美。

3. 掌握古代诗歌的基本体裁和构思方式,包括五言绝句、七言绝句、古体诗等,以及现代诗歌的创作技巧。

4. 高三语文书还需要背诵经典的诗歌篇目,包括李白、杜甫、白居易等名家的作品。

知识点五:修辞手法在作文中的运用1. 掌握作文的基本结构和写作技巧,包括开头引入、论证段落和结尾总结。

























一、古诗文知识点1. 诗歌鉴赏方法:包括韵脚、格律、诗句的含义和形象意境的解读等。

2. 古文阅读技巧:概括大意、分析结构、把握重点、理解词句的含义等。

二、文言文知识点1. 熟悉文言文基本字词的含义及用法。

2. 掌握文言文的句法结构、修辞手法和表达方式。

3. 认识重要的古代作品、作者及其题材特点。

三、现代文知识点1. 阅读理解技巧:分析推理、找准重点、主旨归纳、文中细节等。

2. 写作技巧:包括议论文、应用文、记叙文、说明文等不同文体的写作要点。

3. 文学常识:包括现代作家、作品、流派、风格等的了解与认识。

四、修辞与修辞手法1. 掌握修辞手法的基本概念及分类。

2. 了解修辞手法在文学作品中的应用和效果。

3. 辨析修辞手法的差异和作用,提高对文学作品的赏析力和鉴赏水平。

五、古代文化常识1. 熟悉古代文化的基本概念和知识。

2. 了解古代文化在文学作品中的体现和影响。

3. 掌握古代文化与文学作品的关系,提高对文学作品的理解度。

六、修辞与韵律1. 掌握基本修辞手法的运用和效果,如比喻、拟人、夸张等。

2. 了解诗歌的韵律结构,如押韵、格律等。

3. 辨析修辞手法的不同,提高对诗歌鉴赏的准确性和品味。








下面就让店铺给大家分享一些高中语文必背知识总结吧,希望能对你有帮助!高中语文必背知识总结篇一卫风·氓(背诵全文) 《诗经》氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝。


























反是不思,亦已焉哉!涉江采芙蓉(背诵全文) 古诗十九首涉江采芙蓉,兰泽多芳草。




秋兴八首(其一)(背诵全文) 杜甫玉露凋伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森。




咏怀古迹(其三)(背诵全文) 杜甫群山万壑赴荆棘,生长明妃尚有村。




登高(背诵全文) 杜甫风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。




锦瑟(背诵全文) 李商隐锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。







高一语文必背知识点一、古诗文背诵1. 《诗经》选篇- 《关雎》- 《蒹葭》- 《卷耳》2. 唐诗宋词- 李白《将进酒》- 杜甫《春望》- 苏轼《水调歌头》- 李清照《如梦令》3. 文言文- 《岳阳楼记》 - 范仲淹- 《醉翁亭记》 - 欧阳修- 《出师表》 - 诸葛亮二、现代文阅读1. 散文- 朱自清《背影》- 鲁迅《从百草园到三味书屋》2. 小说- 鲁迅《阿Q正传》- 茅盾《子夜》节选三、文学常识1. 文学流派- 现实主义- 浪漫主义- 新文化运动2. 文学术语- 比喻- 拟人- 排比- 对仗四、写作技巧1. 文章结构- 引言- 正文- 结尾2. 修辞手法- 夸张- 反问- 设问五、语言知识1. 成语- 必背成语100条 - 成语故事2. 古诗文默写- 课本内古诗文- 经典文言文篇章六、阅读理解1. 主旨大意- 抓住文章中心思想- 理解作者意图2. 细节把握- 文章中的关键信息- 人物、事件、时间、地点七、古文翻译1. 直译与意译- 理解古文原意- 现代汉语表达2. 词汇与句式- 古今异义词- 特殊句式结构请将以上内容复制到Word文档中,并根据实际需要进行格式设置,如标题加粗、分点符号使用、段落缩进等,以确保文档的专业性和可读性。




























































三、背诵的方法和技巧为了更好地进行人教版高中语文背诵,学生可以采用以下方法和技巧:1. 分段背诵:将长篇作品或较长的散文、诗歌分段背诵,逐步掌握全文内容。

2. 熟悉背景知识:在背诵之前,了解作品的背景知识,包括作者的生平、作品的创作背景等,有助于更好地理解作品内容。















































一、古文阅读1. 古文基础知识(1)理解古文的基本方法:拆字解义、疏通句意、品味意境。



2. 名篇赏析(1)《离骚》:了解屈原的生平、创作背景和主题思想。



二、现代文阅读1. 散文阅读(1)名家散文:鲁迅、朱自清、丁玲等的代表作品。


2. 小说阅读(1)名家小说:《红楼梦》、《老人与海》、《茶馆》等的作者和主要情节。


三、古诗文1. 诗歌鉴赏(1)学会理解古代诗歌作品的意境和感情表达。


2. 文言文(1)背诵典籍:《诗经》、《论语》等的篇目和主题。


四、作文技巧1. 作文基本功(1)修辞手法:比喻、拟人、夸张等的灵活运用。


2. 文章结构(1)开头引入:引发读者兴趣的方法和技巧。



五、修辞手法1. 比喻手法(1)形象比喻:用一个生动的形象来说明事物。


2. 拟人手法(1)借助人的行为来描写非人物,赋予其生命和感情。





















高中语文课本重点句子以及 背诵大全集记忆方法总结(High school Chinese textb

高中语文课本重点句子以及 背诵大全集记忆方法总结(High school Chinese textb

高中语文课本重点句子以及背诵大全集记忆方法总结(High school Chinese textbooks, key sentences, and recitation of the great works memory method summary)High school Chinese textbooks, key sentences and recitation of the great collection of Memory Methods Summary (from Baidu Library)Chinese knowledge point memory method DaquanRecite key sentences in Volume 11. true warriors, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face dripping blood. (Lu Xun Memorial "Liu Hezhen")2. silence, O silence! Do not break out in silence, perish in silence. (Lu Xun Memorial "Liu Hezhen")3. I have the honor of teaching, Shen to baiban. ("Mencius - King in country"4. taken from the blue, blue, and green in blue; ice, water, and cold in the water. (Xunzi "advised")5. of the wood by the rope is straight, then the interest payments on the grind, the gentleman and three seems to have, you know the line without fault. (Xunzi "advised")6. false Yu Ma, non-profit foot, and thousands of miles; false vessels, non water can also, and the vast rivers. (Xunzi "advised")7. mountains, rain Hing Yan; an Yan Sheng dragon; jishanchengde, the gods contented, sacred heart it. (Xunzi "advised")The 8. step, not a thousand miles; not small streams, no seas. (Xunzi "advised")9. perseverance, nothing; perseverance, can engrave stone. (Xunzi "advised")10. steed leap, not ten steps; ten inferior horse riding through perseverance. (Xunzi "advised")11. the water hammer, Tuan soaring in June to ninety thousand in the top, also of interest. (Chuang-tzu's "carefree travel")12. and when the first emperor, Fen VI, Yu lie,The vibration LTHS and royal buildings, swallow two weeks from the princes, and the Liuhe supreme shoe, to knock and lash at the world, Zhenwei sihai. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)13. chop wood for the soldiers, rose as a flag, the world gathered in response to win the king from the grain. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)14. a husband feel embarrassed and seven temple destroy, his death manpower, smile for the world who, why? Righteousness and no use, and offensive and defensive potential is different. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)15. and, at the same time. ("Xiang Yu Shih")The 16. lines do not care Xijin, care for small gift. ("Xiang Yu Shih")17. there is an agreeable environment clean, high mountains and lofty hills, and exciting rapids, each other. (Wang Xizhi "Orchid Pavilion")18. seeing not advice, but the future can be repaired. (Tao Qian "Chosun")19. trees are thriving and vigorous. The spring began trickling stream. (Tao Qian "Chosun")Second key sentences to recite20. I heard for the elderly wood, will be solid fundamental, to be far, will build its source. Those who think of the state, will accumulate their virtue. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)21. Jun when the artifact is heavy, in the field of big, do not read the danger, quit extravagance frugal, Adams is also in order to stump wood Mao, plug source to flow long. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)22. a saneshige, who covered the final few grams. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)23. read high risk, then think of modest and blunt from the herd;afraid of overflowing, then think of rivers and seas under the river. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)24. wise men do their best,The best, the benevolent Bo Qihui, who believe the loyalty effect. Civil and military, Chuigongerzhi. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)25. flies and the sunset sky. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)26. yuzhouchangwan, sound poor Peng calabash coast; goose cold shock sound off Hengyang pu. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)27. the more difficult, sad who lost road? The guest is this country. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)28. old but vigorous, rather shift the ambition of the elderly? The harder pressed, the stronger, do not fall Albatron ambition. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)29. so late, late Yufei sang. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)30. the teacher, so preaching by the industry doubts. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)30. the teacher, so preaching by the industry doubts. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)31. is no expensive, no cheap, no long no less, the road of the deposit, the division of the deposit also. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)I do not know the 32. sentences, confusion, or a teacher, or how, and primary school left, I have not seen the ming. (Han Yu, Division said) 33., Confucius said: "three lines, there must be my division.". Therefore, a disciple should not be inferior to a teacher, but a teacher should not be a good disciple. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)34. I have successively, specialize in. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)35. Long bridge lying wave, not what the dragon? I do not line, where over the rainbow? (Du Mu "metrical Fu")36., the future of sorrow and not to learn from it, but also to later generations and sorrow, later generations also. (Du Mu "metrical Fu")37., the destruction of the six countries, non military disadvantage,War mismanagement, disadvantages in the approach of the Qin dynasty. (Suxun "six theory")The ancients said: "38. things to Qin, still baoxinjiuhuo, salary endless, eternal fire. "(Suxun" six theory ")39. and the world of kiwi, rose strange, the very concept of the insurance is often far, and the person to Yan Han, so the non - where there is not to have. (Wang Anshi "art of conception")40. however enough to power it, the man can be ridiculed, and in others for regret; do Wuzhi also but not to those who may be having no regrets, it is ridiculed it? (Wang Anshi "art of conception")41. "book", said: "the modest benefit. "(Ou Yangxiu's biography)42. one could, leisurelyhenan can dead body, is the truth of nature. (Ou Yangxiu, biography of the governor)43. Schiff scourge often Many a little make a mickle, and Zhiyong more trapped in the female. (Ou Yangxiu, biography of the governor)44. do not assume there is no from this green earth, it will. (Su Shi's book of Shizhongshan)45., 35 night, moon, half wall, cinnamon shadow mottled, wind moving shadow, Shan lovely. (Gui Youguang, Xiang Ji Xuan Ji)46. is to have the same agency and the gentleman's Tomb of the mourning stone to remember, also to death, every man has to have the. (Zhang Pu's "tombstone of five people")In 47 it is no expensive or cheap La long less La Tao alsoobserved that the division of the deposit.48 in the not shown confusion or La teacher or La and La La Yan primary school. I have not seen the ming.Confucius said in the 49 f three of us are walking together tending to be my teacher.So pupils are not necessarily inferior division division La no Yin to his disciples.In the 50 Wen Road has shown specialize in. Han Yu included "teacher said" fromIn the 51 Long bridge lying wave is observed not Yunhe dragon, shown by our rainbow lineIn the 52 song of Taiwan warm spring flowers share ring La dance hall sleeve cold windy and rainy LaIn the 53 stars twinkling La makeup mirror is also shown to increase green cloud Xiao Huan also comb.In 54 more than the body tile seam stagger La cotton wisp share column cross threshold more than nine soil share increase city orchestra vomit dumb people increase more than words55 people in mourning and not in La also make people and future generations are sad. Du Mu included "metrical Fu" from56 in the six la la War soldiers burst non negative baddisadvantages in the bribe Qin la.57 in the ancient cloud "to what Qin La R baoxinjiuhuo la la do not pay still alive." 58 in the city have approach of the Qin Dynasty perished after the other five la la Hezai and win but not to help the five countries also.59 in La La is still not good. The outcome of the number of survival increase when compared with the Qin in LA or the volume easily. Suxun "six Exergy Theory" fromIn the 60 and more than four to fire into the crowded into the deeper the la la la and into more difficult to see more odd.61 in the Yi nearly La La is people who travel beyond risk compared to those who are less.62 and in the world of kiwi, rose strange, the very concept of the increase of risk is often far from LA and LA to Yan Han is not where there is not to have.In 63 however enough to power behavior compared to human can be ridiculed and shown in others for regret share do Wuzhi also increase but not to those who can no regrets men who can increase the ridicule of peace "Wang Anshi included art of conception" from64 F "book" said "in the" modest profit share."Peacock Flying Southeast" exergy82 the girl from La long altair.83 La slim slim hands from zhazha get loom. Included "Nineteen Ancient Poems"84 increase from his hands flew to scratch and scattered horseshoe. Cao Zhi "white horse" exergy85 La Ji Lianjiu bird from the fish think therefore abyss.86 La Yu eaves from plum Luo willow in front of the hall.87 people from the village La heating Yiyi village smoke.88 observed a long time in the cage from return to nature. Tao Yuanming "Sonoda" exergy89 increase will not work in those needy age.90 from the geometry of life tending to sing while drinking91 increase from the green yo my heart.92 La stars from Ukraine magpie flying south. Cao Cao "Tanka" exergy93 La can bow and scrape powerful thing makes me not happy Yan from the "Li Bai Tianmu Mountain ascended in a dream" exergyThe 94 time and again come out from La veiled.95 La noisy as mixed shells from pearls falling into a jade plate.96 La don't have quiet sorrow dark hate from the sound of silence.97 color is from La Dawn comes after dusk. door pommel horse rare.98 compared with the the world, from strangers when we meet. Bai Juyi "Pipa" exergy99 increase according to the moon between pine from spring stone upper.100 La bamboos female from lotus under yuzhou. Wang Wei "autumn evening in the mountains" exergy101 La boundless Xiao Xiao Lamu from endless rolling to the Yangtze river.102 miles away from the autumn often increase energy-saving.103 La bitter frost cream from new cups stop down. Du Fu "climb" exergy104 La three gupin vexed the world from two to veteran open heart.105 La DOA from long the hero tearful. Du Fu "Shu Prime Minister" exergy106 compared the mountains around the circumference homeland from lonely ghost town tide fight back.107 La huaishui the eastern side of the old from late at night also had to crownnatural. Liu Yuxi "Stone City" exergy108 La Johnson dream many butterflies from the cuckoo.109 La sea pearl tears from Lantian sun smoke. Liu Yuxi "Jinse" exergy110. Yang Mi, drilling of intact. (Analects of Confucius)111. The gentleman is open and at ease., one man. (Analects of Confucius)112. corner the number of branch Mei, Ling Han alone, away the snow is not known to the subtle fragrance. (Wang Anshi, plum blossom)113. energy-saving, a term Qunfang jealousy. Grind to dust scattered into the mud, only as incense. (Lu You "," plum Busuanzi)114. until the time when flowers are blooming, she laughed in the leaves. (Mao Zedong "," plum Busuanzi)115. the frosty night, Jiang Feng lights to worry about sleeping. Suzhou city outside the Hanshan Temple, midnight bell to the passenger ship. (Zhang's "midnight bells")When he cut a total of 116. west window candle, but when the hope of reunion among friends. (Li Shangyin sends North at night rain)117. after three days, more regard with special esteem. (Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms)118. yifudangguan, mofu. (Li Bai "Sichuan Road")174. Shudao difficult, almost inaccessible. (Li Bai "Sichuan Road")119., there are six dragon back to Japan high mark, there is a reverse wave of the back of the sichuan.(Li Bai "Sichuan Road")120. don't you see the Yellow River from heaven, pour into the sea no longer return. (Li Bai "cursive")121. to be the man, who will make it happen. (Li Bai "cursive")122. I am born to be useful, the daughter also cleared to resume. (Li Bai "cursive")123. flower diameter is not swept clean, quiet man. (Du Fu, "guest to")124. star Chui Hirano wide in the month. (Du Fu, "night book, Huai")125., Dongting Lake water, now on Yueyang Tower. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")The 126. served in the north of the mountain, energy-saving. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")127. Wu Chu southeast southeast, and earth floating. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")128. old, old, old, old, young, and young. (Meng Zi)129. faith and doubt, loyalty and slander. (Sima Qian "Qu Yuan biography")130. of the agreement, the speech, the Zhi Jie, the lian. ("the biography of Qu Yuan Sima Qian1. mechanical memoryThis memory method is applicable to memory unrelated, scattered, isolated knowledge points. For the Chinese, the text of the new words, new words, works of common sense, individual style, grammar and rhetoric concept, it is not easy to use in other memory methods, often using mechanical memory method.2. comprehension memoryIn Chinese learning, both the mastery of words and the mastery of different concepts can not be separated from comprehension,Memory should be based on the capture of features and the understanding of the nature. Such as: "line" and "money", "light", "stack", according to the sound we can know their pronunciation similar with "Ge Jian", according to the meaning we can know their meaning and content respectively "silk", "gold" and "water" and "wood" and other things. Again, understanding the relationship between the environment and the characters in the novel, we can according to the specific content of a section, from the background, rendering the atmosphere, foil characters, plot "perspective to consider the relationship between the people and the scenery writing3. associative memoryA lot of Lenovo, Lenovo can be related to the horizontal, for example, from a writer can associate the dynasty, works, source, of the writer's evaluation; from one dynasty can associate with him on behalf of the writers and works, the background, work style etc.. Also can be related to Lenovo, longitudinal for example, by a work can be associated to the work style, content, theme, writing techniques, aphorisms; Lenovo by prepositions function to the prepositional phrase, and then think of "the prepositional phrase generally adverbial or complement in the sentence sentence division method and so on. By using the method of associative memory can take a lot of knowledge linking into line, form a knowledge network, we can follow it in the memory of knowledge, to remember the knowledge4. comparative memory methodThe method of comparative memory has a wide range ofapplications.For example: in the learning of rhetoric can put metaphor and personification and exaggeration to do comparison, parallelism and duality and repeated comparison, compare the rhetorical questions; in grammar learning can compare attributive and predicate object before and after the complement; in classical Chinese learning can compare the same words in different in the context of meaning and function....... For example, to remember the narrative and discussion of the two ways of expression in different styles of function, using list comparison method of comparative memory, it will be much easier5, pithy formula memoryThe scope of application of mnemonics memory is very wide, we cite a few examples to illustrate.(1) the use of mnemonics memory form words, words such as "error prone, cross point Xu Shu Wu Xu Shu e hollow cross read Rong Rong" formula "to remember Xu, Shu, e, Rong" four nearly word; "Wang Ji went to the Summer Palace, the crowd streams of people busily coming and going" to remember "Ji Yi, Xi," the three Chinese special words; "the tiger is cruel, claws outward" to remember "abuse" special writing part of the word.(2) the use of grammatical knowledge such as mnemonics memory: can "move form, number of generation, even help with vice mediated onomatopoeia" mnemonics to remember 6 word class after class words; can be used in dynamic shape adverbs, prepositions in the generation before falling between "formulas to rememberadverbs and prepositions you can use" interjection; at the beginning of the sentence, the difference between gosuke at the end of the sentence "formula to remember the Interjections and modal particles; can be used" will be the guest of honor before the predicate attributive, adverbial predicate complement before; '' before, '' shape, '' word is behind the complement formula to remember the sentence sentence division method(3) using the formula of classical knowledge such as memory, can be used to 'is' yes' to be', 'to' be 'so', 'why' is' what ',' what 'what "to remember" is "and" how to translate "the method can be used;" subject predicate cracked, disconnect the French word "formula to remember the classical Chinese reading in the reasonable pause; can use the" literal translation and free translation to translation, translation methods supplement general ellipsis adjusting word order "to remember the classical formula. (4) the use of some effective formulas memory methods of reading for example: you can use the original meaning of "extended context, remember the key words in the sentence analysis method combined with the center of" formula; "sentence characteristics and function, combined with the center and context" of the formulas to remember analysis of different sentence patterns or different rhetorical sentences the meaning and function of the. The total score and temporal logic, the sentence, since the general formula "to remember the analysis of expository paragraph structure and the Italian section, / basic high school students how to do the summary of study notes6. picture memory methodWhen reciting ancient poems, we can first carefully study the artistic conception of poetry, and turn it into a vivid picture, so that the content of the poem can be deeply stored in the brain. For example, read Li Bai's "Mount Lu falls", according to the poetic fantasy picture of the mountain wind around the clouds, the sun is like Mount Lu Xianglufeng braved purple clouds, the distant waterfall from Fei Liu, splash, as if the sky of the Milky Way dropped down from the sky. Remember this magnificent picture, and then carefully understand, also quite profound remember this poem7. linked mnemonicsThis is a method of classifying and linking memories according to the inner links and certain characteristics of the contents to be memorized. By using mnemonics to memorize the literary history knowledge of writers' works, we can often get good results. We see the "string lines" so that one day, Maupassant picked up a string of "the necklace", Balzac considered "miser", that dude is to lose yourself in the prominent "siege of Berlin", said Gogol is "Prius Heekin", Chekhov as "man in a case" the. Finally, everyone went to Golgi to decide, and Golgi decided that all the men you said were male, and the man didn't use it, so the real owner was mother. This arrangement, the high school textbooks in the most foreign novels and the author name together, when reviewing as enjoy a group of smooth songs of the world anthem, in a relaxed mind imperceptibly down8. to remember more than the lawSometimes there are two groups of easily confused knowledge ofmaterials, a group can infer when remember when another group, can be taken to "remember a minority, learning method that the majority.". This is called "less remembering"". For example, "Yin" and "speed" are easily confused. Check the "modern Chinese Dictionary", "speed" by Chinese characters about 120; "from" side ", and built Chinese characters only ting Yan 3, treasure a covering more than 80 Chinese characters (intervals), covering the bald (Piao) Chinese characters commonly used only 9. In the end of the note which group to infer another group of students at a glance9. head grasping method"Grab the mnemonic" refers to the comprehensive study or review of a text, conscious of a head to head down a sentence, or the content in the first sentence of the word, and the above turning or jumping links connecting the first sentence word for strengthening memory. Use these sentences or words to help remember something when needed. And for those few short sentences short poems, but also the first word of each sentence in order to recite together. So, to use can be handy and rarely bad. Such as Bai Juyi "Twilight Jiang Yin" a poem: a setting sun shop in the water, half howling half river red river. Poor in the early September, three nights, dew like pearls, like a bow. After the back, and then the first word of each sentence in order to focus, that is, half of the dew". This is not in any case because of a sentence and recite the poem stuck10. mnemonics mnemonicsEasy to recite poetry than prose, as easy to remember than thegeneral provisions. "Mnemonics mnemonics" is the study content of compiled formulas a method to help memory. Using this method, we should pay attention to the following three points: the series of formulas, general should be an important, regular or clear cut type provisions; in the preparation, should seriously understand all the contents to be compiled, try to put their outlines, making it clear, for lay the foundation for the formula; to sum up the provisions are arranged together, compiled formulas. Pithy statement, should be concise and popular, and pay attention to image, rhyme and rhythm, as far as possible to read and easy to remember, easy to pronounce11. interest mnemonicThe mnemonic method",When you are studying or reviewing, try to use or create interesting ways to transform the original, less interesting, and even boring knowledge into interesting materials to help you remember. For example, the available ShunKouLiu mnemonics. As a literary genre and achievements of ancient if summed up the following sentence, there is vertical thinking helps formed in our minds to remember clearly. The spring and Autumn Warring States from "Book of Songs", two different prose; Chu Han Fu has now, "historical records" "Yuefu" Han Wei Jin Sheng Wu peak; history, and folk songs have "double star"; Tang and Song Yuan Dynasty, the number of stories in Ming and Qing dynasties. Note: the "double star" refers to the "Wu Song", "West Song" as the representative of the Southern Dynasties and the "folk song", "Mulan" as the representative of the folk songs of the Northern Dynasty。

















【高中语文】高中语文基础知识总结 高中语文须背诵及熟记的句子

【高中语文】高中语文基础知识总结 高中语文须背诵及熟记的句子






















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高中语文课本重点句子以及背诵大全集记忆方法总结(High school Chinese textbooks, key sentences, and recitation of the great works memory method summary)High school Chinese textbooks, key sentences and recitation of the great collection of Memory Methods Summary (from Baidu Library)Chinese knowledge point memory method DaquanRecite key sentences in Volume 11. true warriors, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face dripping blood. (Lu Xun Memorial "Liu Hezhen")2. silence, O silence! Do not break out in silence, perish in silence. (Lu Xun Memorial "Liu Hezhen")3. I have the honor of teaching, Shen to baiban. ("Mencius - King in country"4. taken from the blue, blue, and green in blue; ice, water, and cold in the water. (Xunzi "advised")5. of the wood by the rope is straight, then the interest payments on the grind, the gentleman and three seems to have, you know the line without fault. (Xunzi "advised")6. false Yu Ma, non-profit foot, and thousands of miles; false vessels, non water can also, and the vast rivers. (Xunzi "advised")7. mountains, rain Hing Yan; an Yan Sheng dragon; jishanchengde, the gods contented, sacred heart it. (Xunzi "advised")The 8. step, not a thousand miles; not small streams, no seas. (Xunzi "advised")9. perseverance, nothing; perseverance, can engrave stone. (Xunzi "advised")10. steed leap, not ten steps; ten inferior horse riding through perseverance. (Xunzi "advised")11. the water hammer, Tuan soaring in June to ninety thousand in the top, also of interest. (Chuang-tzu's "carefree travel")12. and when the first emperor, Fen VI, Yu lie,The vibration LTHS and royal buildings, swallow two weeks from the princes, and the Liuhe supreme shoe, to knock and lash at the world, Zhenwei sihai. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)13. chop wood for the soldiers, rose as a flag, the world gathered in response to win the king from the grain. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)14. a husband feel embarrassed and seven temple destroy, his death manpower, smile for the world who, why? Righteousness and no use, and offensive and defensive potential is different. (Jia Yi on the theory of Qin Dynasty)15. and, at the same time. ("Xiang Yu Shih")The 16. lines do not care Xijin, care for small gift. ("Xiang Yu Shih")17. there is an agreeable environment clean, high mountains and lofty hills, and exciting rapids, each other. (Wang Xizhi "Orchid Pavilion")18. seeing not advice, but the future can be repaired. (Tao Qian "Chosun")19. trees are thriving and vigorous. The spring began trickling stream. (Tao Qian "Chosun")Second key sentences to recite20. I heard for the elderly wood, will be solid fundamental, to be far, will build its source. Those who think of the state, will accumulate their virtue. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)21. Jun when the artifact is heavy, in the field of big, do not read the danger, quit extravagance frugal, Adams is also in order to stump wood Mao, plug source to flow long. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)22. a saneshige, who covered the final few grams. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)23. read high risk, then think of modest and blunt from the herd;afraid of overflowing, then think of rivers and seas under the river. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)24. wise men do their best,The best, the benevolent Bo Qihui, who believe the loyalty effect. Civil and military, Chuigongerzhi. (Wei Zheng "ten" Si Shu Jian Taizong)25. flies and the sunset sky. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)26. yuzhouchangwan, sound poor Peng calabash coast; goose cold shock sound off Hengyang pu. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)27. the more difficult, sad who lost road? The guest is this country. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)28. old but vigorous, rather shift the ambition of the elderly? The harder pressed, the stronger, do not fall Albatron ambition. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)29. so late, late Yufei sang. (Wang Bo, preface of Pavilion of Prince Teng)30. the teacher, so preaching by the industry doubts. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)30. the teacher, so preaching by the industry doubts. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)31. is no expensive, no cheap, no long no less, the road of the deposit, the division of the deposit also. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)I do not know the 32. sentences, confusion, or a teacher, or how, and primary school left, I have not seen the ming. (Han Yu, Division said) 33., Confucius said: "three lines, there must be my division.". Therefore, a disciple should not be inferior to a teacher, but a teacher should not be a good disciple. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)34. I have successively, specialize in. (Han Yu, the teacher said.)35. Long bridge lying wave, not what the dragon? I do not line, where over the rainbow? (Du Mu "metrical Fu")36., the future of sorrow and not to learn from it, but also to later generations and sorrow, later generations also. (Du Mu "metrical Fu")37., the destruction of the six countries, non military disadvantage,War mismanagement, disadvantages in the approach of the Qin dynasty. (Suxun "six theory")The ancients said: "38. things to Qin, still baoxinjiuhuo, salary endless, eternal fire. "(Suxun" six theory ")39. and the world of kiwi, rose strange, the very concept of the insurance is often far, and the person to Yan Han, so the non - where there is not to have. (Wang Anshi "art of conception")40. however enough to power it, the man can be ridiculed, and in others for regret; do Wuzhi also but not to those who may be having no regrets, it is ridiculed it? (Wang Anshi "art of conception")41. "book", said: "the modest benefit. "(Ou Yangxiu's biography)42. one could, leisurelyhenan can dead body, is the truth of nature. (Ou Yangxiu, biography of the governor)43. Schiff scourge often Many a little make a mickle, and Zhiyong more trapped in the female. (Ou Yangxiu, biography of the governor)44. do not assume there is no from this green earth, it will. (Su Shi's book of Shizhongshan)45., 35 night, moon, half wall, cinnamon shadow mottled, wind moving shadow, Shan lovely. (Gui Youguang, Xiang Ji Xuan Ji)46. is to have the same agency and the gentleman's Tomb of the mourning stone to remember, also to death, every man has to have the. (Zhang Pu's "tombstone of five people")In 47 it is no expensive or cheap La long less La Tao alsoobserved that the division of the deposit.48 in the not shown confusion or La teacher or La and La La Yan primary school. I have not seen the ming.Confucius said in the 49 f three of us are walking together tending to be my teacher.So pupils are not necessarily inferior division division La no Yin to his disciples.In the 50 Wen Road has shown specialize in. Han Yu included "teacher said" fromIn the 51 Long bridge lying wave is observed not Yunhe dragon, shown by our rainbow lineIn the 52 song of Taiwan warm spring flowers share ring La dance hall sleeve cold windy and rainy LaIn the 53 stars twinkling La makeup mirror is also shown to increase green cloud Xiao Huan also comb.In 54 more than the body tile seam stagger La cotton wisp share column cross threshold more than nine soil share increase city orchestra vomit dumb people increase more than words55 people in mourning and not in La also make people and future generations are sad. Du Mu included "metrical Fu" from56 in the six la la War soldiers burst non negative baddisadvantages in the bribe Qin la.57 in the ancient cloud "to what Qin La R baoxinjiuhuo la la do not pay still alive." 58 in the city have approach of the Qin Dynasty perished after the other five la la Hezai and win but not to help the five countries also.59 in La La is still not good. The outcome of the number of survival increase when compared with the Qin in LA or the volume easily. Suxun "six Exergy Theory" fromIn the 60 and more than four to fire into the crowded into the deeper the la la la and into more difficult to see more odd.61 in the Yi nearly La La is people who travel beyond risk compared to those who are less.62 and in the world of kiwi, rose strange, the very concept of the increase of risk is often far from LA and LA to Yan Han is not where there is not to have.In 63 however enough to power behavior compared to human can be ridiculed and shown in others for regret share do Wuzhi also increase but not to those who can no regrets men who can increase the ridicule of peace "Wang Anshi included art of conception" from64 F "book" said "in the" modest profit share."Peacock Flying Southeast" exergy82 the girl from La long altair.83 La slim slim hands from zhazha get loom. Included "Nineteen Ancient Poems"84 increase from his hands flew to scratch and scattered horseshoe. Cao Zhi "white horse" exergy85 La Ji Lianjiu bird from the fish think therefore abyss.86 La Yu eaves from plum Luo willow in front of the hall.87 people from the village La heating Yiyi village smoke.88 observed a long time in the cage from return to nature. Tao Yuanming "Sonoda" exergy89 increase will not work in those needy age.90 from the geometry of life tending to sing while drinking91 increase from the green yo my heart.92 La stars from Ukraine magpie flying south. Cao Cao "Tanka" exergy93 La can bow and scrape powerful thing makes me not happy Yan from the "Li Bai Tianmu Mountain ascended in a dream" exergyThe 94 time and again come out from La veiled.95 La noisy as mixed shells from pearls falling into a jade plate.96 La don't have quiet sorrow dark hate from the sound of silence.97 color is from La Dawn comes after dusk. door pommel horse rare.98 compared with the the world, from strangers when we meet. Bai Juyi "Pipa" exergy99 increase according to the moon between pine from spring stone upper.100 La bamboos female from lotus under yuzhou. Wang Wei "autumn evening in the mountains" exergy101 La boundless Xiao Xiao Lamu from endless rolling to the Yangtze river.102 miles away from the autumn often increase energy-saving.103 La bitter frost cream from new cups stop down. Du Fu "climb" exergy104 La three gupin vexed the world from two to veteran open heart.105 La DOA from long the hero tearful. Du Fu "Shu Prime Minister" exergy106 compared the mountains around the circumference homeland from lonely ghost town tide fight back.107 La huaishui the eastern side of the old from late at night also had to crownnatural. Liu Yuxi "Stone City" exergy108 La Johnson dream many butterflies from the cuckoo.109 La sea pearl tears from Lantian sun smoke. Liu Yuxi "Jinse" exergy110. Yang Mi, drilling of intact. (Analects of Confucius)111. The gentleman is open and at ease., one man. (Analects of Confucius)112. corner the number of branch Mei, Ling Han alone, away the snow is not known to the subtle fragrance. (Wang Anshi, plum blossom)113. energy-saving, a term Qunfang jealousy. Grind to dust scattered into the mud, only as incense. (Lu You "," plum Busuanzi)114. until the time when flowers are blooming, she laughed in the leaves. (Mao Zedong "," plum Busuanzi)115. the frosty night, Jiang Feng lights to worry about sleeping. Suzhou city outside the Hanshan Temple, midnight bell to the passenger ship. (Zhang's "midnight bells")When he cut a total of 116. west window candle, but when the hope of reunion among friends. (Li Shangyin sends North at night rain)117. after three days, more regard with special esteem. (Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms)118. yifudangguan, mofu. (Li Bai "Sichuan Road")174. Shudao difficult, almost inaccessible. (Li Bai "Sichuan Road")119., there are six dragon back to Japan high mark, there is a reverse wave of the back of the sichuan.(Li Bai "Sichuan Road")120. don't you see the Yellow River from heaven, pour into the sea no longer return. (Li Bai "cursive")121. to be the man, who will make it happen. (Li Bai "cursive")122. I am born to be useful, the daughter also cleared to resume. (Li Bai "cursive")123. flower diameter is not swept clean, quiet man. (Du Fu, "guest to")124. star Chui Hirano wide in the month. (Du Fu, "night book, Huai")125., Dongting Lake water, now on Yueyang Tower. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")The 126. served in the north of the mountain, energy-saving. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")127. Wu Chu southeast southeast, and earth floating. (Du Fu's "Yueyang Tower")128. old, old, old, old, young, and young. (Meng Zi)129. faith and doubt, loyalty and slander. (Sima Qian "Qu Yuan biography")130. of the agreement, the speech, the Zhi Jie, the lian. ("the biography of Qu Yuan Sima Qian1. mechanical memoryThis memory method is applicable to memory unrelated, scattered, isolated knowledge points. For the Chinese, the text of the new words, new words, works of common sense, individual style, grammar and rhetoric concept, it is not easy to use in other memory methods, often using mechanical memory method.2. comprehension memoryIn Chinese learning, both the mastery of words and the mastery of different concepts can not be separated from comprehension,Memory should be based on the capture of features and the understanding of the nature. Such as: "line" and "money", "light", "stack", according to the sound we can know their pronunciation similar with "Ge Jian", according to the meaning we can know their meaning and content respectively "silk", "gold" and "water" and "wood" and other things. Again, understanding the relationship between the environment and the characters in the novel, we can according to the specific content of a section, from the background, rendering the atmosphere, foil characters, plot "perspective to consider the relationship between the people and the scenery writing3. associative memoryA lot of Lenovo, Lenovo can be related to the horizontal, for example, from a writer can associate the dynasty, works, source, of the writer's evaluation; from one dynasty can associate with him on behalf of the writers and works, the background, work style etc.. Also can be related to Lenovo, longitudinal for example, by a work can be associated to the work style, content, theme, writing techniques, aphorisms; Lenovo by prepositions function to the prepositional phrase, and then think of "the prepositional phrase generally adverbial or complement in the sentence sentence division method and so on. By using the method of associative memory can take a lot of knowledge linking into line, form a knowledge network, we can follow it in the memory of knowledge, to remember the knowledge4. comparative memory methodThe method of comparative memory has a wide range ofapplications.For example: in the learning of rhetoric can put metaphor and personification and exaggeration to do comparison, parallelism and duality and repeated comparison, compare the rhetorical questions; in grammar learning can compare attributive and predicate object before and after the complement; in classical Chinese learning can compare the same words in different in the context of meaning and function....... For example, to remember the narrative and discussion of the two ways of expression in different styles of function, using list comparison method of comparative memory, it will be much easier5, pithy formula memoryThe scope of application of mnemonics memory is very wide, we cite a few examples to illustrate.(1) the use of mnemonics memory form words, words such as "error prone, cross point Xu Shu Wu Xu Shu e hollow cross read Rong Rong" formula "to remember Xu, Shu, e, Rong" four nearly word; "Wang Ji went to the Summer Palace, the crowd streams of people busily coming and going" to remember "Ji Yi, Xi," the three Chinese special words; "the tiger is cruel, claws outward" to remember "abuse" special writing part of the word.(2) the use of grammatical knowledge such as mnemonics memory: can "move form, number of generation, even help with vice mediated onomatopoeia" mnemonics to remember 6 word class after class words; can be used in dynamic shape adverbs, prepositions in the generation before falling between "formulas to rememberadverbs and prepositions you can use" interjection; at the beginning of the sentence, the difference between gosuke at the end of the sentence "formula to remember the Interjections and modal particles; can be used" will be the guest of honor before the predicate attributive, adverbial predicate complement before; '' before, '' shape, '' word is behind the complement formula to remember the sentence sentence division method(3) using the formula of classical knowledge such as memory, can be used to 'is' yes' to be', 'to' be 'so', 'why' is' what ',' what 'what "to remember" is "and" how to translate "the method can be used;" subject predicate cracked, disconnect the French word "formula to remember the classical Chinese reading in the reasonable pause; can use the" literal translation and free translation to translation, translation methods supplement general ellipsis adjusting word order "to remember the classical formula. (4) the use of some effective formulas memory methods of reading for example: you can use the original meaning of "extended context, remember the key words in the sentence analysis method combined with the center of" formula; "sentence characteristics and function, combined with the center and context" of the formulas to remember analysis of different sentence patterns or different rhetorical sentences the meaning and function of the. The total score and temporal logic, the sentence, since the general formula "to remember the analysis of expository paragraph structure and the Italian section, / basic high school students how to do the summary of study notes6. picture memory methodWhen reciting ancient poems, we can first carefully study the artistic conception of poetry, and turn it into a vivid picture, so that the content of the poem can be deeply stored in the brain. For example, read Li Bai's "Mount Lu falls", according to the poetic fantasy picture of the mountain wind around the clouds, the sun is like Mount Lu Xianglufeng braved purple clouds, the distant waterfall from Fei Liu, splash, as if the sky of the Milky Way dropped down from the sky. Remember this magnificent picture, and then carefully understand, also quite profound remember this poem7. linked mnemonicsThis is a method of classifying and linking memories according to the inner links and certain characteristics of the contents to be memorized. By using mnemonics to memorize the literary history knowledge of writers' works, we can often get good results. We see the "string lines" so that one day, Maupassant picked up a string of "the necklace", Balzac considered "miser", that dude is to lose yourself in the prominent "siege of Berlin", said Gogol is "Prius Heekin", Chekhov as "man in a case" the. Finally, everyone went to Golgi to decide, and Golgi decided that all the men you said were male, and the man didn't use it, so the real owner was mother. This arrangement, the high school textbooks in the most foreign novels and the author name together, when reviewing as enjoy a group of smooth songs of the world anthem, in a relaxed mind imperceptibly down8. to remember more than the lawSometimes there are two groups of easily confused knowledge ofmaterials, a group can infer when remember when another group, can be taken to "remember a minority, learning method that the majority.". This is called "less remembering"". For example, "Yin" and "speed" are easily confused. Check the "modern Chinese Dictionary", "speed" by Chinese characters about 120; "from" side ", and built Chinese characters only ting Yan 3, treasure a covering more than 80 Chinese characters (intervals), covering the bald (Piao) Chinese characters commonly used only 9. In the end of the note which group to infer another group of students at a glance9. head grasping method"Grab the mnemonic" refers to the comprehensive study or review of a text, conscious of a head to head down a sentence, or the content in the first sentence of the word, and the above turning or jumping links connecting the first sentence word for strengthening memory. Use these sentences or words to help remember something when needed. And for those few short sentences short poems, but also the first word of each sentence in order to recite together. So, to use can be handy and rarely bad. Such as Bai Juyi "Twilight Jiang Yin" a poem: a setting sun shop in the water, half howling half river red river. Poor in the early September, three nights, dew like pearls, like a bow. After the back, and then the first word of each sentence in order to focus, that is, half of the dew". This is not in any case because of a sentence and recite the poem stuck10. mnemonics mnemonicsEasy to recite poetry than prose, as easy to remember than thegeneral provisions. "Mnemonics mnemonics" is the study content of compiled formulas a method to help memory. Using this method, we should pay attention to the following three points: the series of formulas, general should be an important, regular or clear cut type provisions; in the preparation, should seriously understand all the contents to be compiled, try to put their outlines, making it clear, for lay the foundation for the formula; to sum up the provisions are arranged together, compiled formulas. Pithy statement, should be concise and popular, and pay attention to image, rhyme and rhythm, as far as possible to read and easy to remember, easy to pronounce11. interest mnemonicThe mnemonic method",When you are studying or reviewing, try to use or create interesting ways to transform the original, less interesting, and even boring knowledge into interesting materials to help you remember. For example, the available ShunKouLiu mnemonics. As a literary genre and achievements of ancient if summed up the following sentence, there is vertical thinking helps formed in our minds to remember clearly. The spring and Autumn Warring States from "Book of Songs", two different prose; Chu Han Fu has now, "historical records" "Yuefu" Han Wei Jin Sheng Wu peak; history, and folk songs have "double star"; Tang and Song Yuan Dynasty, the number of stories in Ming and Qing dynasties. Note: the "double star" refers to the "Wu Song", "West Song" as the representative of the Southern Dynasties and the "folk song", "Mulan" as the representative of the folk songs of the Northern Dynasty。
