Topic Six 文娱与体育

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Topic Six 文娱与体育


What could a poem writer and a movie director share? More than you think!

Langston Hughes began writing poems in high school and soon became one of America's greatest writers.Most of his writing is about his experiences as an African American.He wrote poems about people who worked hard through life but still found things to be happy about.He wrote plays and books about justice(正义) for all people,and he wrote kids' books,too.The Sweet and Sour Animal Book is a book of his animal poems.Pictures and photos were used in the book. "Hold fast to dreams" is a line in a famous poem by Hughes. That's exactly what he did throughout his life.

When Steven Spielberg was in middle school,he wanted to make a film.He had an idea for a movie,but no money.He started a tree-planting business and made his film with the money he earned.Spielberg never stopped making films,even after many film schools refused him.Today he is one of the most popular and important filmmakers in the world.His movies are about people who are adventurous(爱冒险的),brave and kind.His characters often fight for what is good.Some of his films are about his Jewish background,such as Schindler's List.Spielberg once said,"I don't dream that much at night because I dream for a living."

In different ways,both Hughes and Spielberg have encouraged people of all ages to reach for their dreams.

1.Which of the following is Langston Hughes' writing about?

A.His experiences as an American.

B.The fair treatment of animals.

C.Hard working and happy people.

D.The brave people.

2.What does the underlined word "that" refer to _______.

A.holding to dreams B.staying happy

C.having fair ideas D.being brave

3.When Steven Spielberg was in middle school,he wanted to _______.

A.make a film

B.start a business

C.write a poem

D.earn some money

4.Steven Spielberg's movies are about the following except _______.

A.important people

B.courageous people

C.friendly people

D.his Jewish background

5.The passage mainly tells us about _______.

A.two men who were afraid to dream

B.two filmmakers who were afraid to dream

C.two writers who weren't afraid to dream

D.two men who weren't afraid to dream


tree-planting n.植树造林,合成词。合成词是由两个或两个以上的单词组成的。名词、副词或形容词 + 动名词可以构成合成词,比如:hard-working good-looking。写出 peace 后加动名词的合成词及汉语意思:_______ _______


start v.开创,创办

He started a tree-planting business and made his film with the money he earned.他创办了植树造林公司,用挣的钱来制作电影。

我们以前学的 start 是“开始”的意思,而在本文中的意思是“创办、开办”。



His father _______ a new factory.


His movies are about people who are adventurous(爱冒险的),brave and kind.这是个含定语从句的复合句。主句是①_______,定语从句是 who are adventurous(爱冒险的), brave and kind,作的②_______的定语。




做这类题的关键是寻找主题句,主题句通常在文首、文尾或首尾呼应,有时在句中。也有可能没有主题句,若没有主题句,我们需根据文章所描述的内容进行归纳。另外在提出文章的主旨时有这些文字出现,它们是:therefore,thus,but,however,in fact,in short。如本文第五题可以根据文尾最后一句话“In different ways,both Hughes and Spielberg have encouraged people of all ages to reach for their dreams.”以及对整篇文章的理解判断出文章主要告诉我们两个坚持梦想并敢于梦想的男人的故事。
