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杂 着 对 自 己所 爱 的 人 的 深 深 的 失 望 。 这 痛 苦 终 令 老 郑 不 堪 通 过对 日常 琐 碎 事 件 和 细 节 的 真 实 自然 的 叙 述 与 描 写 , 展 重 负 , 于是 他 跳 进 了 湖里 ,结 束 了一 切 。 “ 不是孤立 的,他生 活在社会 中,社会环 境 中”, 人 现 人 物 的 平 凡 化和 形 象 的 自然 化 ,倾 诉人 物 不 甘 沉沦 却 又 看 不 到 光 明的苦 闷 。如 《 沉沦 》 ,乍 看 起来 ,与 中国传 统 小 说
的身 份 介 入 故 事 的发 展 进 程 ,对 事 件 的 发 展 进 行 评 论 和 判 眼 光 来 表 现 、 评 价 ,这 就 使 得 整 个 文 本 叙 事 的客 观 性 急 剧 断 , 评 价 人 物 的所 作 所 为 ,文 本 中 大 量 充 斥 着 作 家 自 己 的 提 升 ,大 大 增进 了作 品的 真 实感 。 种 种 “ 德 说 教 ” 。 这 种 叙 事 方 式 使 得 文 本 的真 实 性 大 大 道
“ fd说 家 要 进 行 的重 大 研 究 即 在 于社 会 对 个 人 与 个 人对 大 相 径 庭 : 主人 公在 学 校 的孤 独 、寂 寞 ,他 对 日本 人 的矛 盾 我t ' ] 社 会 的 交互 作 用 ” 。 郁 达 夫 笔 下 的平 凡 的小 人 物 ,无 法把 情 绪 , 他 的个 人 、 家 庭 经 历 ,他 对 女 人 、 对 性 的好 奇 与 向 握 自己 的命 运 ,沦 为 了社 会 大 环 境 的 奴 隶 。 《 沦 》 便 充 分 往 ……大量的生活琐碎细节 涌入小说,将 小说情节切割得七 沉 显 示 了环 境 对 人 物 性 格和 行 为 所 起 的 巨 大 作用 。主 人 公 的 徘 零 八 落 ,看似 松 散 平 淡 ,但仔 细 看 来 ,这 些 松 散 平 淡 的叙 述 徊 彷徨 、颓 废 感 伤 乃 至愤 世 嫉 俗 固 然 来 自作者 人 性 的苦 闷 , 而 对积 贫 积 弱 的 祖 国 既 爱又 恨 的矛 盾 心 理才 是 真 正 的病 根 。 从 路遇 日本 女 同学 , 到在 酒 店 吃 饭 ,他 无 时无 刻 不 感 到 日本

















































































特 ,用 自然环境变化来反应人物心理的变化 ,这是哈代 自然 主义 的完美 体现 。责备不应该让父亲去酒馆时这样写道 : “ 她的神情 和责备似 乎充 满 了整个屋子 ,一种使人害怕 的气氛似 乎传给 了家具 、蜡烛 和四周玩耍 的孩子们 ,也似乎传到 了她母亲 的脸上 。 ” 当苔 丝因打 瞌睡不小 心与 邮 车相撞 , 小说 中这样写道 :“ 无声 的树木 和树 篱从身 边掠过 ,变 成 了现 实以外幻想景物 中的东西 ,偶尔刮起的风声 ,也变成了某个 巨大的悲伤 的灵 魂的叹息。 ” 南环境的变化预示着不 幸的命运 的来 临,家里 “ 挣面 包”_ T具就这样被撞死 。由于老马被撞死 ,苔丝认 为这都 是她的错 ,本 不愿 去认 亲戚 的苔丝才 同意去 。 在写苔 丝小说 中多处写到 了 “ 鸟” ,而鸟 的各种反 应与人物 心理息 息相关 ,在亚历克 占据苔丝 的晚上 ,文 中写道 “ 温柔小鸟还在睡最后 的 觉” 。 当苔 丝 来 到 新 环 境 ,心 中充 满 希 望 时 ,文 中 写 道 “ 在 吹 来 的 阵 阵微风中 ,她听得 出快乐 的声音 ,在一声声鸟 的啼鸣里 ,也 似乎潜藏着 欢愉。 ” 当苔丝感到得 以喘息 的时候 ,“ 小鸟也会从 雾气中飞出来 ,一直 飞到高空中发光 的地方 ,停在半 空中晒太 阳,或者 ,它们 降落在把草地 隔离起来 的湿栏杆 上 , 这 时的栏杆 闪闪发亮 ,像 玻璃棒 一样。 ” 莱尔 回 家的时候 ,几个 姑娘很惆怅 , “ 那天早晨 太 阳的光芒突 然黯淡 无光 了, 鸟儿的啼鸣也变得嘶哑难 听了。 ” 当克莱 尔离开苔 丝 ,来 自北 极的 鸟儿 “ 骨瘦如柴的鬼怪似 的鸟儿 ,长着 悲伤 的眼睛 ,在人类 无法想 象其广 袤 寥廓的人迹罕至的极地 ,在人类无法忍受 的凝 固血液 的气 温里 ,这种 眼 睛曾经 目睹过灾难性地 质变迁 的恐怖 ” 。可以感觉 到 ,似乎苔 丝就是 鸟 儿 ,鸟儿就是苔丝 ,把 自然 的变化 和人 物 紧密 联系 在一 起 ,也 是哈代 “ 性格与环境”创造理念 的完美 阐释 。 苔丝 的悲剧是多方 面造 成的 ,哈代 把社会 和 性格 的悲剧 矛盾 结合 在 了一起 。在维 多利 亚时代 ,T业 文 明的发展 ,资本 主义 入侵 ,农 民 濒 临破产的边缘 ,但传 统的道德观 念和宗 教传 统仍 处支配 低位 。 当时 社 会 仍 是 男 权 主 义 社 会 ,对 于 男 女 的 道 德 评 价 标 准 是 双 重 的 ,女 性 失 去 贞洁就要受到指责 和唾弃 ,而男 性则没 有这 样的 道德标 准 。哈代虽 然看 到了社会对 于苔 丝悲惨命 运的迫 害 ,有所 揭露 ,但 由于阶 级 的原 因 ,他并不能看 到资本主义制 度才是造 成悲剧 的根 源 ,在 自由主义 下 的人们 自私 白利 、唯利是 图 ,根本 就没 有 同情 心 。而苔丝 生活 在社会 的底 层 ,家人为 了利益让苔 丝去 认 本家 ,不 幸 的苔 丝被 亚历 克诱 奸 , 苔 丝失去 了贞洁 就要 被 唾 弃 ,而 克 莱 尔也 曾放 荡过 ,却 不 肯原 谅 苔 丝。这正是男女 不同的道德标 准造成 的。苔丝 的性格 也是 造成 她悲 剧

























论 左拉 创作 中的 自然 主 义
◎周 飞 ( 郑 州旅 游职业学院 , 河南 郑州 4 5 0 0 0 9 )
自然主义文学流派 的代表人物 埃米尔 ・ 左拉 , 以 部《 戴 蕾丝 ・ 拉甘 》 的小说从 传统 文学成 功转 入 自 然主义创作 , 而后的系列小说《 卢贡・ 马 卡尔家族》 将 其 自然主义文学造诣推 向顶峰 , 从那一 刻起 , 左 拉成 为众 目所瞩 的另类 作家 ,其创立 的 自然主 义文学受 尽 非难 。本 文从左拉 的自然主义理论 出发 , 阐释左拉 作品中的 自然主义创作 方法 ,并 通过历史 和特 定环 境 的分析 , 论 述左拉 自然主义 作品理论 的真 实性 , 以 图挖掘 左拉 自然 主义 的独自然 主义创作背景
1 9世纪中后期 , 阶级 矛盾 日趋 对立尖锐 , 作为时 代 的记录者 , 左拉看到了有产阶级财富的疯狂积累 , 也 看到 了工人阶级的悲惨境遇。 在左拉的笔下 , 法国的工 人犹如生活在地狱中 , 为了生存 , 他们做出无数次可歌 可泣的斗争 , 由此构成一幅丑陋与壮美的图画。 面 对同样都是丑 陋的社会 画面 ,左拉只有也 只 能通过 真实地反映这幅 可耻的时代 图画 ,还原 历史 的黑暗与丑恶 , 苦 难与反抗 , 别无他 法。与 同期 浪漫 主 义 巨 匠如雨 果等 人 那 田园牧歌 般 的民 主理 想相 比, 左拉 的自然 主义显 然真实得 多 ; 与当时批判现 实 主义相 比 , 左拉的 自然主义显然也更为有效得 多。 这一 时期很多作家 大多描写个人 在宗教教条 和 法 规压 制下的生活和 冒险,借此寻找 社会 的积极 力 量 和存在 的意义 。但遗憾 的是 , 批 判现 实主义丧 失了 早 先的战斗性和社会力量 , 左拉敏 锐地观察 到 : 文学 需 要找到新 的突破 。 无疑 , 左拉是富 有眼光 的。在 左拉 的视 野下 , 看 到 真实的社会才会促使他 动笔写作 ,正是基于这种 历史使命 , 左拉才义无反顾地 拿起 了手 中的笔 。左拉 的写作 原则也是另类 的 ,他 从传统 写作的道德 空谈 中脱离 出来 , 不但不 牵涉 善恶 、 美丑 , 而且将 创作 当 作一场科 学实验 , 通过 作品 的解剖 和探寻 , 反映社会 和人 性 , 探 求人性 的真谛。 为此 , 他把 真实性提高到 衡量一个作 家作 品的唯一标准 。 那么何谓真实性? 如 何界定 才符 合左拉 的标 准? 对此 ,左 拉在其论著 中 说, 真实感就是如实地 感受 自然 , 表现 自然 。 对此 , 左拉提 出了自然主义 的创 作理论 。首 先 , 要忠于 生活的基础 ,给读者提 供人类 生活的一个 片 断, 犹如 真实的生活那样 。其次 , 左拉认为 , 真实性还 要和社会发生联 系。再次 , 左 拉特 别强调文学形式上 的创新 , 将作 品落脚在 自然和人 , 以严格 的分析代替
























内容摘要作为一种文学思潮自然主义在美国文学史上起过重要的作用根据自然主义理论人的行为是由环境遗传和机遇决定的自然主义承接了现实主义的写作特色同时又有所发展它又为文学现代主义做了铺垫作为伟大的美国作家杰克伦敦(Jack London,1876-1916)享有很高的国际声誉他的很多作品在国内外都广受欢迎在我国许多读者对伦敦的作品尤其是两部动物小说野性的呼唤1903和白牙1906都很熟悉到目前为止我国对于伦敦作品的研究大多是对其内容主题及写作方法的简单介绍和评议但伦敦不应该被看作是仅仅擅长于动物小说的作家要更好地了解伦敦我们有必要从更多的角度对其生平及作品进行研究从而给他一个更为客观公正的评价同时更好地认识他在美国乃至世界文学史上的地位作为伦敦著名的两部动物小说野性的呼唤和白牙为许多读者及批评家所喜爱这两个发生在荒原上的故事毫无疑问体现了丰富的自然主义元素而作为伦敦的代表作马丁伊登(1909)已经被很多评论家和读者所研读与评论并曾鼓舞了无数人努力奋斗以在学习或事业上取得成功但就我收集到的资料来看迄今为止还少有人从自然主义角度对其进行研究尽管并非所有伦敦的作品都表现自然主义但这几部主要作品还是体现了明显的自然主义倾向本文是对伦敦的几部主要作品如两部动物小说与其自传性作品马丁伊登中的自然主义元素的一次尝试性的研究意图通过分析这些元素来揭示自然主义的作品中遗传环境时机等是如何控制这些作品中人物的行动思想和命运的实际上伦敦唯一的一部海洋小说海狼1904也体现了自然主义倾向鉴于本论文的长度在此从略了我希望这份论文的研究结果能证明我们把伦敦看作是美国自然主义小说家的代表之一是完全有理的这将有助于我们全面正确地认识这位作家关键词自然主义美国自然主义自然主义小说杰克伦敦AbstractAs a literary trend, naturalism has played an important part in American literature. According to naturalistic theory, human beings are controlled by environment, heredity and chance. Naturalism has carried on and developed the writing features of realism, and at the same time it has helped lay the foundation of literary modernism. As a great American writer, Jack London (1876-1916) is well-known through the world and many of his works are very popular both at home and abroad. Many Chinese readers are familiar with London’s works especially his two animal novels The Call of the Wild (1903)and White Fang (1906). But up to now, the studies on London’s works are mainly introductory of t he contents, themes and writing skills. London should not be taken as a writer who is only good at depicting dogs and wolves. To know more about London, we must study his life and his works from more perspectives and then we can give him a comparatively e quitable and objective comment and recognize his proper status in the literary history of America and the world.The Call of the Wild and White Fang are loved by many readers and critics. As the stories take place in the wilderness, they obviously contain naturalistic elements in the narration. London’s masterpiece, Martin Eden (1909), has also been read and studied by many critics and common readers. It is a book which has encouraged many people to work hard to succeed in their study and their career. But as for the materials and comments I have collected about it, few have approached it from the naturalistic point of view. However, from these main works of London’s we can clearly see the naturalistic elements although not all his works show the naturalistic tendency.The present thesis is a tentative study of the naturalistic elements in London’s main works as mentioned above. It aims to analyze the naturalistic elements in these novels to illuminate how environment, heredity, and chance determine a person’s fate as London sees it. Actually, London’s only sea novel The Sea Wolf (1904) also demonstrates a naturalistic tendency. But due to the length of this thesis, I’d like to discuss it in another paper. From the result of my study, I hope we can have a better understanding of Jack London as one of the representatives of American naturalism.Key words: Naturalism; American naturalism; naturalistic novel; Jack LondonIntroductionLiterary criticism of Jack London has proliferated since the 1970s. Some critics appraise his works and some appraise his person; some analyze his works as realistic and some as naturalistic; some criticize him as a proletarian writer while the others praise him highly for this. London is a paradoxical figure and this is one of the many reasons why he and his works have been and are still been studied throughout the world besides his rich and colorful description, vivid characterization and accurate psychoanalysis of the characters in his works, especially of animals.Jack London has been in the forefront of the move toward naturalistic fiction and realism in America. He has been deeply influenced by Darwin’s ideas of constant struggle in nature and “the survival of the fittest”. His social fiction gives him credence as a spokesman for the working class because of his strong sympathy for the poor. As a folk hero, London has achieved a popularity which, along with Mark Twain, may make him a permanent figure in American mythology. London is also extremely popular abroad, especially in Europe and the former Soviet Union. London's reputation as a solid craftsman—especially of short stories—has now been established firmly, even among literary critics as more and more critics find London's works a subject worthy of discussion. London’s works are very popular in China and they have been praised and read by many Chinese people up to the present. Besides the vivid characterization and rich and colorful description in his works, his fame in China is also linked with his status as the spokesman of the working class and his sympathies towards the downtrodden in such works as The Iron Heel (1907) and The People of the Abyss (1903).Since the 1970s, more and more studies on London and his works have appeared and this gives us a great chance to read him, understand him and study him. Although there are many studies on London and his works in China, the studies are mainly introductory and commentarial without academic depth. There is only one page about London in the book A Survey of American Literature which is taken as a textbook for English majors in some universities and appointed as a reference book to those who pursue post-graduate studies in English language and literature. I especially feel unsatisfied because there are few systematic and detailed studies from the naturalistic perspective, because most critics and writers in China take London as a realisticnovelist. This gives us the opportunity to study his works from the naturalistic point of view, but at the same time it also makes it difficult to do so. In this thesis, I will attempt a detailed and systematic study of his main works from the naturalistic point of view.In general, naturalism is the literary movement that provides the best context for Jack London. The theme of naturalistic novels is often the escape from the civil society. A stock naturalistic device involves taking an “over-civilized” man from the normal society into a primitive environment where he must live by muscle and wit. London uses this device in The Sea-Wolf, The Call of the Wild and White Fang, although the hero in the two animal novels is a dog or a wolf.This thesis consists of three chapters: Chapter one is a general view of naturalism and American naturalism including two sections. Section one contains two parts. One is a brief introduction of the term “naturalism” and its social and philosophical backgrounds, and the other deals with the relation between naturalism and realism because these two trends have many similarities as well as differences. Some critics treat naturalism as one kind of realism or of an extremity of realism and some treat naturalism and realism as two separate literary trends. Section two is about naturalism in American literature which also consists of two parts. Part one is about the three traits of American naturalist writers and part two deals with difference between American naturalism and European naturalism. Chapter two is an introduction of London’s life and analysis of his two animal novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang. From this introduction we can know how London’s life experience provides him with a great deal of materials for writing and how this experience affects his character, his mind and hence his works. This can help to prove the theme of the naturalistic novels that environment plays an important part in controlling one’s behavior and thoughts. London is a prolific writer who has written about 50 novels and more than 150 stories, but those which show the naturalistic tendency are only his main works as the animal novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang, his autobiographical novel Martin Eden and also his sea novel The Sea Wolf. Section one of this chapter is a brief introduction of London’s life and section two is the analysis of the controlling power of environment in these two novels, while section three is about the significance of the two novels. Chapter three is a detailed analysis of the naturalistic elements in Martin Eden. The first three parts of this chapter are about the controlling power of environment, the controlling power of heredity and thecontrolling power of chance in this novel, while the last part is about the significance of this novel. By this analysis, we can see how environment, heredity and chance affect and control the thoughts, behavior and speech of the characters, especially Martin and Ruth. The last part of this thesis is the conclusion which discusses London’s contribution to literature and his status in the world now.Chapter 1A General View of Naturalism and American Naturalism1.1 Naturalism1.1.1 NaturalismIt seems that many can answer the question what naturalism is but few can give the term a precise definition acceptable to all. Webster’s Dictionary gives a concise definition:A made of thought (religious, moral or philosophical) glorifying nature and excludingsupernatural and spiritual elements/ close adherence to nature in art or literature, esp. (inliterature) the technique, chiefly associated with Zola, used to present a naturalisticphilosophy, esp. by emphasizing the effect of heredity and environment on humannature and action (p667).And in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, we find a comparatively more detailed definition:Naturalism, late 19th- and early 20th- century aesthetic movement, inspired byadaptation of the principles and methods of natural science, especially the Darwinianview of nature, to literature and art. In literature it extended the tradition of Realism,aiming at an even more faithful, unselective representation of reality, a veritable “sliceof life”, presented without moral judgment. Naturalism differed from Realism in itsassumption of scientific determinism, which led naturalistic authors to emphasizeman’s accidental, physiological nature rather than his moral or rational equalities.Individual characters were seen as helpless products of heredity and environment,motivated by strong instinctual drives from within, and harassed by social andeconomic pressures from without. As such, they had little will or responsibility for theirfates, and the prognosis for their “cases” was pessimistic at the outset (p559).In the 19th century, the industrial revolution spread over the entire face of Western Europe and North America. In 1859, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species was published and his theory of evolution was on everyone’s lips. The scientific discoveries gave people of that age a new way of viewing and understanding themselves. Darwin’s evolutionary theory gave naturalism its theoretical basis. Donald Pizer points out that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is the comparatively mostimportant theory to naturalism. “Darwin’s On the Origin of Species would prove more important for naturalism, though it came out as early as 1859” (Pizer, 2000:27).But before Darwin’s ideas were available in a literary form, they were first transformed by Emile Zola (1840-1902), the French writer and theorist, in his Le Roman experimental (1880). As it is, Zola is universally labeled as the founder of literary naturalism. In his early literary theory, Zola put great emphasis on trueness. He repeatedly said that trueness was the precondition of literary creation. “Trueness is the foremost important thing” and “All artists must study and present the true nature” (Liu Mingjiu, 1989:13-14). Zola beli eved that the nove list should function like a scientist, observing nature and social data, rejecting absolute standards of morality and free will, and depicting nature and human experience as a deterministic and mechanistic process. All reality could be explained by a biological understanding of matter subject to natural laws. Besides his emphasis on “trueness”, Z ola advocated the original creation of writers and this is another important trait of early naturalistic theory. Zola also called for the method of ob serving and analyzing the society from the biological and hereditary points of view. In his eyes, controlled by heredity and environment, man was the product of his temperament in a social context.So naturalism describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity to its study of human beings. For naturalists, since human beings are, in Zola’s phrase, “human beasts”, characters can be studied through their relationships to their surroundings. Through this objective study of human beings, naturalistic writers believe that the laws behind the forces which control one’s behavior may be studied and understood. Naturalistic writers thus use a scientific method to write their novels by studying human beings governed by their instincts and passions as well as the ways in which the characters’ lives are governed by forces of heredity and environment. Although they use the techniques of accumulating detail advocated and practiced by the realists, the naturalists thus have a specific object in mind when they choose the aspect of reality that they wish to convey.Naturalism is closely related to determinism because it depicts characters who are driven not by personal will or moral principles but by natural forces that they do not fully understand or control. Human beings are living in a natural environment like animals. They can react toward the exterior and interior forces but they are helpless before these forces (Lin Xianghua, 1989:528). In contrast to other views of human experience, the naturalistic view makes no moral judgments on the lives of thecharacters. Their lives, often bleak or defeating, are determined by social, environmental, instinctive, and hereditary forces. “People in naturalistic works don’t act by their reason and thought. Their behavior is determined by their instincts, biological and hereditary elements” (Jiang Chengyong, 2002:193). Naturalism is in part a reaction by writers against the nineteenth century Romantic view of man as master of his own fate.1.1.2 Relation between naturalism and realismWhen discussing naturalism, we have to mention realism because these two literary trends have many similarities as well as differences. “Almost without exception critics have been in the habit of grouping the two terms together or at least of writing about both, irrespective of whether their work was supposed to be about Realism or about Naturalism” (Furst, 1971:5-6).Some critics take naturalism as an extension or continuation of realism with the addition of pessimistic determinism because naturalism has developed from realism and they have some similarities. “Both naturalism and realism emphasize the importance of writing about reality and truth and this is their most important similarity. The similarity of realism and naturalism is that both of them have a basic belief that the essence of art is the imitation and objective reproduction of reality (opposite to the imaginative, idealized and subjective method of romanticism)” (Xie Dongbing, 1999:1). While some take naturalism and realism as two separate literary trends. However, naturalism is a movement considered to be beyond realism. Pizer points out that “More specifically, though naturalism could have arisen only after absorbing the insights of realism, it insisted on subjects, attitudes, and techniques that bewildered and often offended its forerunners” (Pizer, 2000:21). Both movements try to portray real-life, but naturalism is based more on scientific studies. Realism is a manner and method of composition by which the author describes normal, average life, in an accurate, truthful way and it puts its emphasis on typical setting and typical characters. While naturalism is a manner and method of composition by which the author portrays “life as it is” without the writers’ personal feelings and comments.In his Responsibilities of the Novelist (1903), Norris points out that the real rival of naturalism is not romanticism but realism. Here he takes naturalism and realism as two completely opposite literary trends. Therefore naturalism is regarded as quitedifferent from realism. Mentioning the relation between naturalism and realism, Jiang Chengyong says “From the angle of understanding human beings, it is obvious that naturalism derived from realism, but what is more important is that it has its own development and enrichment” (Jiang Chengyong, 2002:9). In naturalism, the subject matter deals with those unpleasant experiences which reduce characters to “degrading” and “animalizing” behavior in their struggle to survive. These characters are mostly from the lower class and the environment is the commonplace. Realism usually depicts people who are living a happy life. It offers an optimistic picture of reality and although characters in such works will also have some trouble and difficulty, they will finally succeed and reach their goal. In contrast to a realist, a naturalist believes that a character is fundamentally an animal without free will. In naturalism, characters do not have free will; external and internal forces control their behavior. Both naturalism and realism emphasize the importance of reality but one reality is different from the other. In naturalism, reality is objective and scientific while in realism, this reality is subjective and typical. Naturalism aims to depict every detail of the reality to show life as it is, and this description is objective without any sentiment of the writers. Realism chooses the typical person and event to describe while neglecting some details for the convenience and aim of description.1.2 Naturalism in American literature1.2.1 American naturalism and its difference from European naturalismBesides Darwin, Spencer and Zola have influenced American naturalism literature.Spencerian philosophy pervaded in the late nineteenth-century America and his works became a bestseller second only to The Bible. His theory of Social Darwinism was very popular in temporal America at that time. Crane, Dreiser and London all earnestly read his First Principles and Synthetic Philosophy and they got the conclusion that “human beings are only some atoms and cosmic dust” (Zhang Hezhen, 42). Their former philosophical opinions fell apart and some naturalistic points of view took their place.In terms of literary theory and writing skill, Zola is the most influential figure on American naturalism. In the American literary field of that time, one would beseverely attacked as soon as he mentioned Zola, but he still had many readers and potential influence. Many writers, including the so-called American “founder of realist literature” Howells, all tried to get Zola’s works to read.Through the course of the 19th century America progressed from an agricultural economy to an industrialized nation and in the-post-civil war America, industry developed rather rapidly. Along with the industrialization came the rise of the towns, rapid increase of population in the city, the appearance of the numerous slums and the spread of crimes. The whole America was facing the threat of a series of problems such as unemployment and poverty. In the last ten years of the nineteenth century, the wide gap between the rich and the poor was amazingly great and this sharp contrast could be seen in every big city. The severe reality broke the “American dream” which was often boasted in the press so most people felt disillusioned and desperate. “The collapse of this predominantly agrarian myth brought Americans up against harsh realities with a very sharp shock” (Furst, 1971:34). In this term, the rise of naturalism in American literature is an inevitable result.Literature is the reflection of society. At the end of the nineteenth century the American literary field was disappointing because at that time the elegant European tradition pervaded in the field. That was h ypocritical tradition whic h aimed t o beautify the reality to meet the need of the bourgeois and upper c lass. It was evasive in disclosing the crime and philistinism in the society and it went farthe r and farther from the reality. This was the so-called realism at that time. Some sensitive correspondents such as Dreiser, Norris and London who often lived with the lower class felt this tradition disgusting when they saw the bleak side of the real life. They were eager to write what they saw and heard to tell the truth they knew. The actual need forced them to explore a literary method which could best express the reality, and these young writers took the task. They bravely disclosed the conflict with the biting style of writing and raised some social problems of importance. “That is why among the serious writers, not a few regarded naturalism superior to realism” (Zhang Hezhen, 43). In conclusion, in the time of abrupt change and severe comparison, the American life called on these young writers to describe the reality and to show the bleak sides of American society. From the above analysis, we can see clearly that the American naturalistic literature of the late nineteenth century developed from a realistic basis but was rather different from the former “elegant tradition”. Thenaissance of American naturalistic literature indicated the end of a time and also foretold the new turn of American literature.According to Furst and Skrine, although greatly influenced by European naturalism, American naturalism has its own characteristics. American naturalism grew in direct response to the native social and economic problems. Often the struggles of the poor with the capitalists are the theme of naturalist writing as, for instances, in the novels of Dreiser or the short stories of Stephen Crane. “In this way American Naturalism owes much to local factors than to outside influences, and it is worth recalling the so-called ‘local colour’ tendencies of the 1870s and 1880s which carried on into Naturalism, though with certain shifts of emphasis” (Furst, 1971:34). Another difference of American naturalism from European naturalism is that American naturalism was much less of a movement and there were no clear groups united by common aims and manifestos. Furst thought that this was its advantage because “Thus American Naturalism, extending from the mid-1880s well into the twentieth century, had a far longer life-span than its European counterparts which strangled themselves with their own theories” (ibid.36).1.2.2 Three traits of American naturalist writersAccording to Zhang Hezhen, American naturalists mainly have three traits in writing.(1) American naturalists usually take human beings as victims, first as the victims of heredity, that is, biological force, and they try to explain human beings and the society by natural laws especially biological laws (Zhang Hezhen, 44).For the naturalists, heredity refers to human’s instinct which is a kind of strong desire and impulse inherited from the ancestors such as hunger, fear and sexuality. These desires and impulses are the animal instincts which drive animals. One theme of the American naturalists is the description of the animal instincts of human beings. In their stories, human beings are only animals that when they meet with danger or pressure they will show their most original crude animal nature. The most appropriate representative of this theme is Frank Norris’ McTeague. Another novel expressing this theme is Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage. The author shows the biological force controlling the protagonist Fleming by describing his horror when he is in the battles.(2) American naturalists usually take human beings as the victims of environment.Almost all naturalists believe environment is a powerful force which is unmeasurable, mysterious and inevitable. Human beings in this environment are no more than some “cosmic dust”. Or as what Frank Norris describes in Octopus, are just some ephemeras which will be forgotten soon. To them, human life is a meaningless dream. These naturalists believe the mysterious and inevitable force of the environment is the result of society and economy. Crane’s Maggie, Girl of the Street is an outstanding example of this theme. The world in which Maggie finds herself is indifferent to people’s suffering and misery. In this novel, Crane does not care about the fate of such girls as Maggie. His aim is to show the naturalistic theme that human beings are the victims of environment by describing the power of this force.(3) American naturalists usually take human beings as the victims of fate or chance.Romantics believe nature is beneficent and virtuous. The relationship between nature and human beings is harmonious. Human beings are the masters of the world and they can control their fate and do whatever they like and want. Romanticists usually beautify nature and in their works, nature is the fascinating paradise. Naturalists regard nature as neither beneficent nor vicious. It is absolutely indifferent to human beings. Human beings can never make their own choice. They can not control but accept the arrangement of the mysterious fate. Mentioning Henry Adams, Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser as young writers, E. Ronald Martin points out th at they are keenly aware of the in difference of the universe. “In their works we get the first clear intimations of how depressing, amoral, and absurd the universe can appear to man in such nontraditional, nonanthropomorphic conceptual frameworks; they give us our first strong taste of naturalistic alienation” (Martin, 1981:xiv-xv).Crane’s fictional world is a naturalistic one in which man is deprived of free will and expects no help from others whatever. “It is a world in which ‘God is cold’ as is adumbrated vividly in some of his poems” (Zhang Hezhen, 45). “A Man Said to the Universe” is revealing enough: “A man said to the universe:/ ‘Sir, I exist!’ /‘However,’ replied the universe, / ‘The fact has not created in me/ A sense of obligation’” (Stephen Crane, 1895).The greatest achievement of American naturalism is t he exploration and innovation of the subject matter. Naturalists are conc erned about the suffering and misery of the lower class and they gre atly enlarge the sco pe of the subject matter in American novels. American naturalists make great efforts in exploring the writing skill. They emphasize the importance of being honest to describe the reality and they especially a ttach i mportance to details. Many naturalists were b orn in the poor so they are rather familiar with the life of the lower class and they show sympathy towards their sufferings and misery. “Actually, some naturalistic works describe the writers’ own experiences or the experiences of one of the family members so the description is authentic and trustful” (ibid.46). For example, Crane’s early works which describe the misery of the farmers are ba sed on his own miserable experience of youth and his impression of Boston slums; London’s Martin Eden is a description of his own experience; Crane’s Open Boat is the recall of his miserable experience of a boat wreck. That is why most American naturalistic works are so authentic and appealing.Chapter 2Jack London’s Life and Analysis of His Two Animal Novels2.1 LifeJohn Griffith London (1876-1916) was born in San Francisco of an unmarried mother Flora Wellman. Flora had been stricken by typhus in her girlhood, and afterwards she was unstable if not unbalanced. His father may have been William Chaney, a journalist, lawyer, and major figure in the development of American astrology. Chaney was very strong and had the experience of sailing for many years. He spent much time in writing and reading. Here we can see the influence of heredity on London. He also had a strong build and he loved reading very much. A thirst for knowledge snatched young London and he read every book he could get. London was very ambitious that when reading Ouida’s Signa, a story of an Italian peasant’s rise to glory as a musician, he had the thought that he could also reach his goal by working hard. London inherited the paradoxical characteristics from his mother while he inherited his adventurous nature from his father. He got great interest in adventure and he took any chance to sail and do some risky things. “In all the exciting and dangerous things, what Jack was mostly interested in was his desire to prove that he was the greatest wandering prince” (Chu Lüyuan, 1999: 50).London grew up in poverty and worked at various hard laboring jobs. Realizing that he could never become great by doing odd jobs and determined to prepare himself for better than common labor, he attended Oakland High School at age nineteen. There he got known of Mabel, sister of one of his classmates. Mabel became the prototype of Ruth in London’s masterpiece Martin Eden (1909). Always a prolific reader, London consciously chose to become a writer to escape from the horrific prospects of life as a factory worker. He studied other writers and began to submit stories, jokes, and poems to various publications, mostly without success. He also read many philosophical books and his philosophical thoughts were greatly influenced by the four great teachers of him: Darwin, Spencer, Marx and Nietzsche (ibid.99). Londo n believed in Da rwin’s evolutionary theory of “survival of the fittest” and also Nietzsche’s supermanism. These theories were presented in many of his novels.。

























而德莱塞却把嘉莉妹妹和赫思特渥德最终得不到幸福归因于“人心盲目的追求,命中注定本该如此….”关键词:自然主义达尔文主义消费主义欲望环境Dreiser’s Naturalism in Sister CarrieZhang YuAbstract:Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism. In this thesis, Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie is taken as an example to analyze the features of Dreiser’s naturalism. The thesis referred to three great historical and cultural background of the novel which are Darwinism,Determinism. American Naturalism and Consumerism. Meanwhile the thesis analyzes three features of naturalism. At last, we can draw the conclusion that the leading character of the novel-Carrie’s destiny has a great connection with Dreiser himself and the decline of Hurstwo od is a result of Dreiser’s fear of failure, but Dreiser attributes Carrie and Hurstwood’s unhappiness to their insatiable desire for life or they are doomed to be unhappy etc, and from which we can see Dreiser’s naturalism easily.Key Words:Naturalism Darwinism Consumerism desire environmentContentsIntroduction (1)1. The historical and cultural background for Sister Carrie (2)1.1 Darwinism and Determinism (2)1.2 American naturalism (2)2. The typical characteristics of naturalism in Sister Carrie (2)2.1 The relationship among reason, free will and instinct (2)2.2 The influence of the environment (3)3. Dreiser’s naturalistic attitude of truthful reflection of life (3)3.1 Dreiser's “Sister”一Carrie (3)3.2 Hurstwood's decline一Dreiser's fear of failure (3)Conclusion (3)Notes (4)Bibliography (5)Dreiser’s Naturalism in Sister CarrieZhang YuIntroductionTheodore Dreiser is one of the most influential American writers of critical realism, but many of his works referred to the description of naturalism and weakened his critical spirit. His first novel Sister Carrie published in 1990 revealed the financial disparity and the moral decline of American society and thus regarded as forbidden book. But now the book becomes one of the best-sellers of American literature because of the naturalistic features in it. Then Dreiser is regarded as a pioneer of American naturalism and as a naturalist Dreiser expresses the characteristics of naturalism in most of his works. The themes of Darwinism and Determinism are the common features of Dreiser’s story which also characterize Sister Carrie.When most novels deal only with the smiling and beautiful aspects of life, Dreiser advocates truthful reflection of life in his fiction. It is not an exaggeration to say that Dreiser's Sister Carrie clears the way for the development of American fiction.Since 1900, American critics have never ceased their study on Dreiser. The early research was mainly based on the writer's life experience. It provided us with lots of useful information about the writer. The study witnessed a transition from the author himself to the text in 1960s. From 1980s, scholars employed new devices of Freudianism, Feminism and Post-Structuralism in their studies. These new methods help us know Dreiser and his works from different angles. However, one thing they share in common is that they lack macroscopic analysis.In china , some Chinese critics have also shown great interest in Sister Carrie. Two domestic literary magazines, Foreign Literature Study and Foreign Literature Review, have been the major publishing fields for these critics…In order to find out Dreiser's naturalism, the method of text analysis isemployed in this thesis. The author of this thesis reads the novel intensively so that evidences can be dug out to demonstrate Dreiser's naturalism. Another method, cultural criticism, is employed to research the complicated relation between Dreiser and the society he lived in. Dreiser is investigated in his historical and cultural background. The conclusion shows that Dreiser is not only a criticizer of capitalism, but also a builder of American cultural system.1. The historical and cultural background for Sister CarrieTheodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie reflects the profound transformations in American life in the late nineteenth century. Among the most sweeping changes registered in the novel are the economy's shifting from an agricultural base to an…1.1 Darwinism and DeterminismSister Carrie was written at the time when Darwinism was prevalent. Many of Sister Carrie’s themes-struggle, survival and desire-derive directly from the evolutionary views. The concept of evolution was put forward in the mid-19th century by Charles Darwin…1.2 American naturalismSister Carrie was written and published also at the rise of American naturalism, which means a particular genre of fiction that developed in the late 19th century America, and associated principally with writers such as Jack London ,Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Theodore Dreiser…2. The typical characteristics of naturalism in Sister CarrieIn Sister Carrie I find out that some of its themes differ from those of other naturalistic works…2.1 The relationship among reason, free will and instinctIn Sister Carrie Dreiser details the relationship among reason, free will andinstinct: When humans' instinct and reason are at war, the former prevails over the latter in most instances; humans' free will is mostly an illusion and submits to humans' instinct…2.2 The influence of the environmentEnvironment is a tremendous thing and often leads human to a wrong direction. We know that Drouet tells Carrie that Chicago is a wonder, and that she will find lots to see there. Even her meager sister Minnie tells her, “You'll want to see the city.” [1]…3. Dreiser’s naturalistic attitude of truthful reflection of lifeA phrase often applied to Dreiser by others is standing alone or marching alone. In his Nobel Prize address, Sinclair Lewis tells the Swedish Academy that Dreiser “more than any other man, marching alone, usually unappreciated, often hated, has cleared the trail from Victorian and Howell Sian timidity and gentility in American fiction to honesty and boldness and passion of life.[2]”…3.1 Dreiser's “Sister”一CarrieEmma Dreiser, the prettiest of the five Dreiser sisters, was eight years older than Theodore Dreiser. As a young girl in the small town of Sullivan, Indiana, she and her other sisters were deeply interested in boys ...3.2 Hurstwood's decline一Dreiser's fear of failureFor Hopkins Dreiser substitutes the prosperous and respected upper-middle-class manager who keeps a well-appointed house on the North Side, the best section of Chicago…ConclusionThis short thesis can not cover Dreiser's meaningful naturalism. His greatness is in his insight, his sympathy, and his tragic view of life…Notes[1]Bantam. Sister Carrie [M].New York: Bantam Classics , 1992. p.61.[2] Ibid., p.51.Bibliography[1]Bartlett, L. Teacher Development Through Reflective Teaching [A]. in Richards& Nunan (eds.).Second Language Teacher Education [C]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press, 2000.26-29.[2]He Gang. The Brief Analysis of Jane Eyre. http://www.pragmatics China.Com/grammaticalization.htm, 2003-05-12.[3]Williams, M & L. B. Burden. Psychology for Language Teachers [M]. Beijing:Foreign language Teaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press, 2000.[4]肖晨.英语语言、文学工具书及其使用[M].北京:学苑出版社,1990.34-42.[5]……[6]……[7]……[8]……[9]……[10]……。

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