能明显治疗大鼠胃粘膜的萎缩性癌变,并能逆转腺 上皮的部典型性增生和肠上皮化生。
四、 对中枢神经系统的作用
能显著增强小鼠学习和记忆能力,对亚硝酸钠及40%乙 醇造成的小鼠记忆不良均有不同程度对抗作用。
2、镇痛作用:三七总皂苷(PNS)、人参皂苷Rb1 对化学性和热刺激引起的疼痛均有明显的对抗作用,且 PNS 是一种阿片肽样受体刺激剂,不具有成瘾的副作用。
剪口呈不规则的皱缩块状及条状,表面有数个明显的茎痕 及环纹,断面中心灰绿色或白色,边缘深绿色或灰色。
本品粉末灰黄色。淀粉粒甚多,单粒圆形、半圆形或圆多 角形,直径4~30μm;复粒由2~10 余分粒组成。
1、由大戟科植物木薯的淀粉与楝科(Meli-aceae)植物苦楝的 叶水煎液混合伪制而成。类圆锥形,大小均匀,上端中心处有一 伪造突起的根茎基,周围有4-6个伪造的瘤状突起。表面刻有粗大 突起的横向假皮孔,无皱纹。下端有的有2-3个分支,质坚硬,断 面角质样,无木部,气无,味苦,嚼之粘牙。
(4)氨基酸成分:三七含有19种以上的氨基酸,有8种 人体必需的氨基酸。
三七的功效:化瘀止血、活血定痛。治吐血, 咳血,衄血,便血,血痢,崩漏,癥瘕, 产后血晕,恶露不下,跌扑瘀血,外伤出 血,痈肿疼痛。
三七的现代功效主要是预防和治疗心血管系 统、血液系统和中枢神经系统等方面的影 响。特别是三七在心脑血管系统疾病方面 的独特作用,为三七作为医疗和保健用品 与进一步开发利用提供了重要的科学依据, 使三七成为预防、治疗心脑血管系统疾病、 调节新陈代谢和生理功能、抗老防衰、保 持机体正常生长发育的重要药物。三七的 药理作用主要表现在以下几方面:
介绍文山三七的英语作文标题,An Introduction to Sanqi (Panax Notoginseng) from Wenshan: A Miraculous Herb。
Sanqi, also known as Panax notoginseng or Tianqi, is a precious medicinal herb native to Wenshan, a region in Yunnan Province, China. Renowned for its remarkable health benefits and therapeutic properties, Sanqi has garnered widespread attention both domestically and internationally. In this essay, we delve into the origins, characteristics, medicinal uses, and cultural significance of this miraculous herb.Originating from the mountainous areas of Wenshan, Sanqi has been cultivated and utilized for centuries by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. The name "Sanqi" itself holds significance, with "San" meaning "three" and "qi" representing "seven," indicating itsthree-pronged root system and seven lobes on its leaf. This unique plant typically thrives in temperate climates,flourishing in well-drained soil with adequate sunlight.Sanqi is distinguished by its slender stems, serrated leaves, and delicate white flowers, which bloom in clusters during the summer months. However, it is the root of the Sanqi plant that holds the most potent medicinal properties. Harvested after three to five years of growth, the rootsare carefully dried and processed to preserve their therapeutic efficacy.Medicinally, Sanqi is revered for its ability to invigorate blood circulation, alleviate pain, and promote healing. Its pharmacological actions include anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic, and cardioprotective effects, making it a versatile remedy for various ailments. Sanqi is commonly used to treat conditions such as trauma-induced injuries, cardiovascular disorders, and menstrual irregularities.One of the most notable applications of Sanqi is in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shownthat Sanqi can help reduce blood pressure, improvecirculation, and prevent clot formation, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Its ability to strengthen the heart muscle and regulate cholesterol levels has earned it the nickname "the miracle herb for the heart."In addition to its medicinal properties, Sanqi holds significant cultural and economic value in Wenshan and beyond. It is deeply ingrained in the cultural heritage of the region, featuring prominently in traditional festivals, rituals, and folklore. Furthermore, the cultivation and trade of Sanqi have become major sources of income forlocal farmers, contributing to the economic development of rural communities.Despite its centuries-old history and widespread use in traditional medicine, Sanqi has recently gained recognition in the global health and wellness market. With increasing demand for natural remedies and alternative therapies, Sanqi products such as extracts, capsules, and teas have gained popularity worldwide. Its reputation as a safe and effective herbal supplement continues to grow, attractingthe interest of researchers, healthcare professionals, and consumers alike.In conclusion, Sanqi from Wenshan stands as a testament to the rich botanical diversity and healing wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Its therapeutic potential, cultural significance, and economic importance underscore its status as a precious herbal treasure. As the world continues to embrace holistic approaches to health and wellness, Sanqi remains a shining example of nature's power to heal and rejuvenate.。
坝美,位于文山州广 南县,至今不通公路。 要想进入坝美村,必 须坐小船,穿过一个 溶洞才能到达。坝美 村与世隔绝的地理环 境造就了与世无争的 鸡犬相闻的古朴风貌, 像极了桃花源。这里 的风景温婉动人,成 为全国摄影爱好者的 新宠;这里的壮族风情 也让人陶醉。
Thin skin meat thin, carcass lean muscle, bright red, muscle fiber and fat white, taste sweet beauty, rich in nutrition. 皮薄肉细,胴体瘦肉多, 肌肉鲜红,肌纤维细嫩,脂肪洁白,味美甘香,营养丰富。 Adopt unique ways of feeding, and good breeding environment, make it unique flesh. 采用独特的饲养方法,加之优良饲养环境,造就了它独特的肉质。
From eight treasures in township, because of its name, colour and lustre to points, have white, gray jade two varieties, there are big granule, taste sweet, soft center in viscous, cooking time short etc., as long GongMi.产于八宝乡, 因以得名,以色泽来分, 有雪白、青玉两个品种, 都有粒大、味香饭粒软和、 富于粘性,蒸煮时间短等 特点,长期列为贡米
Row poison keep a yan, resisting bleeding effect, it is medicine edible plants in order to take medicine of famous brand.排毒养颜、抗出血的功效,是药食同 源植物中以花入药的名品
三七[Panax notoginseng(Burk)F.H.Chen]为五加科多年生草本植物,又名田七、金不换等,以干燥根及根茎入药,药材名三七。
三七起源于2 500万年前的第三纪古热带中国西南山区,其分布主要局限在23°30′N附近的中高海拔地区,分布范围极其狭小。
植株形态特征三七是多年生宿根性草本植物,株高20~60 cm。
介绍云南白药的英语作文Yunnan Baiyao is a well-known Chinese brand that produces a range of traditional Chinese medicine products. The company was founded in 1902 and has been providing high-quality products for over a century. Its products are widely used in China and are gaining popularity worldwide.What is Yunnan Baiyao used for?Yunnan Baiyao is used for a variety of purposes. It is most commonly used to stop bleeding, promote healing, and relieve pain. It can be used internally or externally depending on the condition being treated. It is also used to treat conditions such as inflammation, swelling, and infections.Yunnan Baiyao ingredientsYunnan Baiyao contains a variety of ingredients including Panax notoginseng, Dioscorea nipponica, and Scrophularia ningpoensis. It also contains a small amount of an ingredient called Sanqi, which is believed to be the key to its effectiveness. Sanqi is a type of ginseng that is only found in Yunnan province.How to use Yunnan BaiyaoYunnan Baiyao can be used internally or externally. For internal use, it can be taken in powder or capsule form.For external use, it can be applied to the affected area as a powder or paste.Is Yunnan Baiyao safe?Yunnan Baiyao is generally considered safe when used as directed. However, it is important to note that it is still a type of medicine and should be used with caution. If you experience any adverse side effects, you should consultyour healthcare provider.中文翻译:云南白药是一家知名的中国品牌,生产各种传统中药产品。
介绍文山三七的英语作文英文:I would like to introduce the traditional Chinese medicine called Sanqi, which is also known as Panax notoginseng or Tianqi. Sanqi is a valuable herb that has been used in China for centuries to promote health andwell-being. It is mainly grown in the southwest region of China, particularly in the province of Yunnan.Sanqi is renowned for its ability to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, and promote blood circulation. It is often used to treat various health issues such as traumatic injuries, internal and external bleeding, and cardiovascular diseases. For example, if someone gets a cut and is bleeding excessively, Sanqi can be applied to the wound to help stop the bleeding and promote healing.In addition to its medicinal properties, Sanqi is also used as a dietary supplement. It can be consumed in theform of powder, capsules, or tea to support overall health and vitality. Many people believe that Sanqi can help improve energy levels, enhance physical performance, and even aid in the recovery from illness or injury.I personally have experienced the benefits of Sanqi. A few years ago, I suffered from a sports injury and was recommended to take Sanqi capsules to help with the healing process. I noticed a significant improvement in my recovery time and was able to return to my normal activities much sooner than expected.Overall, Sanqi is a versatile and valuable herb with a wide range of health benefits. Whether used in traditional Chinese medicine or as a dietary supplement, it has the potential to improve overall well-being and promote a healthy lifestyle.中文:我想介绍一下传统中药——三七,也被称为田七或者田七。
• 1.性状评价 • 一般以根粗壮、颗粒大而圆、体重、质 坚、表面光滑、断面色灰绿或黄绿、味苦 回甜浓厚者为佳。 • 2.含人参皂苷Rb1(C54H92O23)和Rg1 (C42H72O14)的总量不得少于3.8%。
• 性温,味甘、微苦。散瘀止血,消肿定痛。 主要用于咯血、吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏、 外伤出血、胸腹刺痛、跌扑肿痛等。 • 【用法用量】 3 ~9g。研粉吞服,1次1~3g。 外用适量。孕妇慎用。 • 【贮藏】 置于阴凉干燥处,防蛀。
• 取原药材,除去杂质,洗净,干燥,为 “净三七”。用时捣碎。 • 取净三七研成细粉,过筛,为“三七粉”。 • 取净三七,润透,置蒸笼中蒸透,刨成极 薄片,为“三七片”。 • 取三七片或净三七打碎(分大小颗粒),用食 油炸至表面焦黄色,取出,放凉,为“熟 三七”。
• 1.药材 类圆锥形或圆柱 形。 • 表面灰褐色或灰黄色,有 断续的纵皱纹及支根痕。 • 顶端有茎痕,周围有瘤状 突起。 • 体重,质坚实,断面灰绿 色、黄绿色或灰白色,木 部可见细微放射状纹理。 • 气微,味苦回甜。
• 主根(习称“头子”)再晒1天左右,进行搓揉, 着力要轻和均匀,以防破皮、变黑或变形,揉搓 过的主根再经曝晒、搓揉,增加光滑度,即为商 品三七(头子)。如遇阴雨天,可在室内搭烤架 进行加工,烤架第一层离地99cm,每隔33cm左 右再设1层,架上放席子或簸箕。按主根大小、筋 条、剪口、三七须的顺序分别放置,烘烤,温度 保持40℃~50℃,烘烤时要勤检查、翻动,边烘 烤边搓揉。避免温差过大,温度过高会使主根皮 干内潮、外萎内空、干瘪,温度过低会造成外滑、 内湿或腐烂。
Panax notoginseng(Bilingual)
Panax notoginsengGlance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 What is Tienchi ginseng?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Tienchi ginseng benefits---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Modern pharmacological actions of Tien Chi ginseng----------------------------------------------3 Tienchi ginseng side effects and contraindications---------------------------------------------------3 From Wikipedia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4Glance概览Tienchi ginseng,also called Panax notoginseng in English and San Qi in Mandarin, has long been used as a Chinese herb that is with magical medicinal value.What's your first reaction when you hear that name?Anyway,it is quite natural that if youassociate it with Korean ginseng and the like.Tell youthe truth,as a species in genus Panax it does havesomething to do with Panax ginseng root(Ren Shen).Hence,it is also known as ginseng(Panaxpseudoginseng).We cannot praise this herb too muchsince all notoginseng root,flower,and leaf can be usedas medicine for a number of ailments like severehepatitis,coronary heart disease,and more.The reasonfor the name San Qi,literally“three seven”,istwofold:its roots will be dug out3to7years after thesowing,plus each plant has3leaf petioles and eachpetiole has7blades.What's more,thanks to the factthat it contains more effective active substances thanginseng does,it is also labeled as“King of ginsengs”by modern TCM pharmacologists.三七由于其神奇的药用价值长期以来被作为中草药使用。
英语作文介绍中国中草药【中英文版】Title: Introduction to Chinese Herbal MedicineIn the vast expanse of traditional Chinese culture lies the treasure of herbal medicine, a practice that has been passed down through generations.Chinese herbal medicine encompasses a diverse range of plants, minerals, and animal products, all of which are believed to restore balance and harmony to the body"s energy, or "Qi."标题:中国中草药简介在博大精深的中华文化宝库中,中草药是代代相传的瑰宝。
Rooted in the principles of Yin and Yang, these herbs are categorized based on their properties, such as hot, cold, warm, and cool.Each herb is thought to have a specific effect on the body"s meridians and internal organs, and they are often combined in complex formulas to address various ailments.基于阴阳五行原则,这些草药根据其属性(如热、冷、温、凉)进行分类。
田七的描写英语作文200Panax Notoginseng: A Comprehensive Exploration.Panax notoginseng, commonly known as Tianqi, is a perennial herb belonging to the Araliaceae family. Indigenous to southwestern China, this remarkable plant has been revered for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for its wide-ranging therapeutic properties. In recent years, scientific research has further validated the efficacy of Tianqi, unveiling its potential as a valuable addition to modern healthcare.Botanical Description.Panax notoginseng is a robust plant characterized byits large, fleshy taproot. The root, which constitutes the primary medicinal component, possesses a distinctive cylindrical shape and can grow up to 12 inches in length. The above-ground portion of the plant features multiple stems adorned with compound leaves and clusters of small,greenish-white flowers. Tianqi typically thrives in moist, shady environments and can be cultivated in mountainous regions at altitudes ranging from 1,000 to 4,000 feet.Historical Significance.Tianqi holds a prominent place in the annals of Chinese herbalism. Its use can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, when it was first documented in the renowned medical compendium, "Compendium of Materia Medica." Traditional Chinese practitioners have long valued Tianqi for its hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties, employing it to treat a variety of ailments, including traumatic injuries, bruises, sprains, and menstrual disorders.Chemical Composition.The therapeutic efficacy of Tianqi stems from its complex chemical composition, which includes a diverse array of bioactive compounds. Among the most notable constituents are:Ginsenosides: A group of triterpenoid saponins responsible for many of Tianqi's pharmacological effects.Notoginsenoside R1: A unique ginsenoside with potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.Polysaccharides: Complex carbohydrates that contribute to Tianqi's antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities.Volatile oils: Fragrant compounds that provide Tianqi with its characteristic aroma.Pharmacological Activities.Extensive scientific research has corroborated the traditional uses of Tianqi, demonstrating its multifaceted pharmacological activities:Hemostasis: Tianqi exhibits remarkable hemostatic properties, promoting blood clotting and reducing bleeding time. This effect is primarily attributed to the presenceof ginsenosides, which enhance platelet aggregation and promote vasoconstriction.Anti-inflammatory: Tianqi contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds, particularly notoginsenoside R1. These compounds inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators and reduce tissue damage, making Tianqi effective in treating conditions such as arthritis, inflammation of the digestive tract, and liver disease.Pain relief: Tianqi has analgesic properties, suppressing pain perception by reducing the release of inflammatory mediators and inhibiting the transmission of pain signals. This makes it useful for alleviating pain from injuries, headaches, and menstrual cramps.Cardiovascular protection: Tianqi has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, and protecting against heart attacks and strokes.Neuroprotective effects: Notoginsenoside R1 hasdemonstrated neuroprotective properties, protecting against neuronal damage and improving cognitive function.Clinical Applications.Based on its pharmacological activities, Tianqi has been used clinically to treat various conditions:Traumatic injuries: Tianqi plays a significant role in promoting wound healing and minimizing pain associated with traumatic injuries, fractures, and bruises.Cardiovascular disease: Tianqi may help prevent and manage cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis.Gynecological disorders: Tianqi is used to alleviate menstrual pain, reduce excessive menstrual bleeding, and improve fertility.Neurological disorders: Tianqi may have therapeutic potential for neurological conditions such as Alzheimer'sdisease and Parkinson's disease.Immune disorders: Tianqi's immunomodulatory properties suggest it may be beneficial for treating immune-related disorders and enhancing immune function.Dosage and Administration.Tianqi is typically available in various forms, including dried root, powder, capsules, and extracts. The recommended dosage and administration method depend on the specific condition being treated and should be guided by a healthcare professional.Safety Considerations.Tianqi is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, as with any herbal supplement, potential interactions with medications orcontraindications for certain health conditions may exist. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using Tianqi to ensure its safe andappropriate use.Conclusion.Panax notoginseng is a remarkable medicinal plant with a rich history in traditional Chinese medicine and a growing body of scientific evidence supporting its therapeutic efficacy. Its diverse pharmacological activities, including its hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and cardiovascular protective properties, make Tianqi a valuable addition to the modern healthcare landscape. As research continues to unravel the full potential of this ancient herb, Panax notoginseng promises to play an increasingly significant role in the promotion of health and well-being.。
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用英文介绍中药药材作文Title: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs。
Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have been an integral part of Chinese culture and healthcare for thousands of years. These herbs, derived from various plants, animals, and minerals, are used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to prevent and treat a wide range of ailments. In this article, we will explore some commonly used Chinese medicinal herbs and their therapeutic properties.1. Ginseng (人参)。
Ginseng, known as "Ren Shen" in Chinese, is one of the most well-known and widely used medicinal herbs in TCM. It is revered for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and promote overall wellbeing. Ginseng is believed to enhance energy, improve cognitive function,and strengthen the immune system. It is commonly used to treat fatigue, boost vitality, and promote longevity.2. Ginkgo Biloba (银杏)。
常见中药介绍英文Introduction to Common Traditional Chinese MedicinesTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history and is widely practiced in China and many other parts of the world. It encompasses a wide range of treatment modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and dietary therapy. In this article, we will introduce some common Chinese herbal medicines, their uses, and potential health benefits.1. Ginseng (人参)Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese herbal medicines. It has been used for centuries to improve overall health and vitality. Ginseng is believed to boost the immune system, enhance cognitive function, reduce fatigue, and improve physical endurance. It is commonly consumed in the form of teas, powders, or capsules.2. Astragalus (黄芪)Astragalus is a popular herb in TCM known for its immune-boosting properties. It is often used to prevent and treat respiratory infections, such as the common cold and flu. Astragalus is believed to enhance the body's resistance to diseases and promote overall wellness. It is commonly brewed into a tea or taken in supplement form.3. Goji Berry (枸杞子)Goji berries have been used for centuries in TCM for their health-promoting properties. These small bright red berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for boosting the immunesystem and improving overall health. Goji berries can be eaten raw, added to teas or soups, or taken in the form of juice or supplements.4. Licorice Root (甘草)Licorice root is a commonly used Chinese herb with various medicinal properties. It is often used to alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers. Licorice root is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. It can be brewed into tea, taken in capsule form, or used to make herbal preparations.5. Danshen (丹参)Danshen is a type of Chinese herb commonly used for cardiovascular health. It is believed to improve blood circulation, reduce blood clotting, and protect against heart-related conditions. Danshen is often taken in the form of capsules or brewed into a tea.6. Danggui (当归)Danggui, also known as Chinese Angelica, is widely used in TCM to nourish the blood and regulate menstrual cycles. It is often prescribed for women experiencing menstrual problems or menopausal symptoms. Danggui can be consumed in the form of teas, tablets, or liquid extracts.7. Chrysanthemum (菊花)Chrysanthemum flowers have a long history of use in TCM for their cooling and calming effects. Chrysanthemum tea is commonly consumed to help relieve stress, reduce inflammation, and improve eye health. It can be brewed with hot water and enjoyed as a refreshing beverage.8. Eucommia Bark (杜仲)Eucommia bark is known for its beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system. It is commonly used in TCM to strengthen the bones, tendons, and ligaments. Eucommia bark is often brewed into teas or taken in the form of capsules or tablets.ConclusionTraditional Chinese Medicine offers a rich repertoire of herbal medicines with various health benefits. Although these herbs have been used for centuries in TCM, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using them, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, it is essential to ensure the quality and safety of the herbal products you choose to use.。
介绍云南白药的英语作文Yunnan Baiyao, a traditional Chinese medicine, has a long history and is renowned both in China and internationally. Developed in Yunnan Province in 1902 by the physician Qui Beihong, it has since become an essential item in many Chinese households.The main ingredient of Yunnan Baiyao is a mixture of various herbs found in Yunnan's rich biodiversity. The exact formula is a well-guarded secret, known only to a few individuals. However, it is known to contain ingredients such as Panax notoginseng, a herb that is highly valued for its medicinal properties.Yunnan Baiyao is famous for its ability to stop bleeding, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain. It is commonly used to treat wounds, bruises, and muscle soreness. Additionally, it is also used for post-surgical recovery to reduce bleeding and accelerate healing. The medicine comes in various forms, including powder, capsules, and ointment, making it convenient for different uses.One of the remarkable aspects of Yunnan Baiyao is its versatility. It is not only used in traditionalChinese medicine but has also found its way into modern medical practice. Many Chinese athletes use it to recover from injuries, and it is often included in the medical kits of mountaineers and soldiers.Despite its many benefits, Yunnan Baiyao is not without its controversies. The use of certain ingredients in the medicine has raised concerns among animal rights activists. However, the manufacturer has taken steps to address these issues and ensure the product's sustainability.In conclusion, Yunnan Baiyao is a time-honored traditional Chinese medicine with a wide range of applications. Its effectiveness and cultural significance make it an important part of China's medical heritage.中文翻译:云南白药,作为一种传统中药,历史悠久,在中国乃至国际上都享有盛誉。
中国文山的美食之旅An Epicurean Journey Through the Gastronomic Delights of Wenshan, ChinaNestled in the picturesque landscapes of Yunnan Province, Wenshan is a gem that shines brightly with not only its stunning natural beauty but also its rich culinary heritage. This vibrant city, blessed with a unique blend of ethnic cultures, offers a culinary adventure that tantalizes the taste buds and warms the heart.At the heart of Wenshan's culinary scene lies a fusion of flavors inspired by its diverse ethnic groups, including Han, Zhuang, Miao, and Yi. Each ethnicity has contributed its own signature dishes, creating a harmonious tapestry of tastes that reflects the region's deep-rooted cultural diversity.One cannot help but be enchanted by the fragrance of Wenshan's signature dish –the fragrant chicken rice. Cooked to perfection with tender, juicy chicken meat and fragrant rice, drenched in a rich, golden broth, this dish is a testament to the city's culinary prowess. Served with a variety of condiments and vegetables, it is a comfort food that satisfies both the body and soul.Another must-try delicacy is the spicy and flavorful Yunnan spicy chicken feet. Marinated in a secret blend of spices and slow-cooked to tenderness, these chicken feet are a snackthat packs a punch of heat and umami, leaving a lasting impression on the palate.For those with a sweet tooth, Wenshan's sweet potato cakes are a delightful indulgence. Made from freshly harvested sweet potatoes, these cakes are steamed to perfection, resulting in a soft, moist texture that melts in your mouth. Dusted with a sprinkle of sugar or coated in a thin layer of sesame, they are a delightful ending to any meal.Wenshan's culinary delights extend beyond its signature dishes, embracing a variety of street foods and local specialties. The bustling markets and streets are filled with vendors selling everything from freshly grilled skewers and savory noodles to mouth-watering rice noodle rolls and handmade pastries. These humble offerings, each with its own unique flavor and story, contribute to the vibrant food culture of Wenshan.As you embark on this epicurean journey through Wenshan, be prepared to be overwhelmed by the sheer variety and depth of flavors that await you. Whether you're savoring a hearty meal at a local restaurant or indulging in a quick snack from a street vendor, every bite is a celebration of Wenshan's rich cultural heritage and culinary ingenuity.In conclusion, Wenshan is a city that invites you to feast on more than just food; it invites you to experience the vibrant energy and rich traditions that have shaped its culinarylandscape. So, come hungry and leave with memories that will linger long after the last bite.中国文山的美食之旅位于中国云南省的美丽风景之中,文山是一座不仅以其壮丽自然风光而闻名,还以其丰富的美食文化而闪耀的瑰宝。
文山背景介绍英语作文Title: Introduction to Wenshan in English。
Wenshan, located in the southeastern part of Yunnan Province, China, is a region characterized by its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ethnic communities. This essay aims to provide an insightful introduction to the enchanting beauty and cultural significance of Wenshan.Geographically, Wenshan is blessed with a diverse topography, encompassing majestic mountains, deep valleys, winding rivers, and lush forests. The region is renownedfor its stunning natural scenery, attracting nature lovers, photographers, and adventurers alike. One of the mosticonic landmarks in Wenshan is the awe-inspiring Red River Valley, which offers panoramic views of terraced fields carved into the mountainsides.Culturally, Wenshan is home to a tapestry of ethnicminorities, including the Miao, Yi, Zhuang, and Yao people, each contributing to the vibrant mosaic of traditions, festivals, and customs. The region's cultural diversity is reflected in its colorful festivals, such as the Torch Festival celebrated by the Yi ethnic group, where communities come together to honor their ancestors and ward off evil spirits with bonfires and traditional performances.Moreover, Wenshan boasts a rich historical heritage,with ancient towns, temples, and archaeological sites scattered throughout the region. Visitors can explore the historic town of Malipo, known for its well-preserved Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture, or visit the ancientcliffside Dounan Stone Forest, which dates back thousandsof years and showcases intricate carvings depicting scenes from local folklore and mythology.In addition to its natural beauty and cultural attractions, Wenshan offers a plethora of outdooractivities for adventurous travelers. From trekking through pristine wilderness areas to rafting along the winding rivers, there are endless opportunities to immerse oneselfin the region's unspoiled natural environment.Furthermore, Wenshan is renowned for its rich biodiversity, serving as a haven for rare and endangered species of flora and fauna. The region is home to several protected nature reserves, including the Wenshan Puzhehei Scenic Area and the Jinping Mountain Nature Reserve, where visitors can observe a diverse array of plant and animal life in their natural habitats.In conclusion, Wenshan is a captivating destinationthat seamlessly blends natural beauty, cultural diversity, and historical heritage. Whether you're seeking adventurein the great outdoors, immersing yourself in vibrant local traditions, or simply marveling at breathtaking landscapes, Wenshan offers something for every traveler to discover and enjoy. Plan your journey to Wenshan today and embark on an unforgettable exploration of this hidden gem in the heart of Yunnan Province.。
介绍云南文山英语作文100词Introduction to Yunnan Wenshan English Composition 100 WordsYunnan Wenshan is a place filled with natural beauty and cultural richness. As an English learner, writing compositions about this enchanting place is both inspiring and rewarding. In this brief composition, I will share my thoughts and experiences about Yunnan Wenshan in just 100 words.Yunnan Wenshan, located in the southwestern part of China, is known for its picturesque landscapes and diverse ethnic cultures. The lush green mountains, crystal-clear rivers, and vibrant ethnic minority villages provide endless inspiration for writing. The local customs, traditional festivals, and unique cuisine offer a rich tapestry of topics to explore in English compositions.Writing about Yunnan Wenshan in English allows me to practice my language skills while also learning more about this fascinating region. It challenges me to describe thebeauty of the scenery, capture the essence of the culture, and convey the emotions evoked by this magical place.In my compositions, I strive to paint a vivid picture of Yunnan Wenshan through descriptive language, sensory details, and personal reflections. I aim to engage the reader's imagination, transport them to this captivating destination, and leave them with a deeper appreciation for the wonders of Yunnan Wenshan.Through writing about Yunnan Wenshan in English, I not only hone my language proficiency but also cultivate a deeper connection to this remarkable place. Each composition is a journey of exploration, discovery, and creativity, allowing me to express my thoughts and feelings in a meaningful and impactful way.In conclusion, Yunnan Wenshan is a treasure trove of inspiration for English compositions, offering a wealth of material to explore and write about. With just 100 words, I can capture the essence of this enchanting destination and share its beauty with readers around the world. Writing about Yunnan Wenshan in English is not only a linguistic exercise but also a cultural journey that enriches myunderstanding of this unique corner of the world.。
被遗忘的珍宝——三七茎叶蔡树杏; 林建云【期刊名称】《《药物资讯》》【年(卷),期】2018(007)006【总页数】3页(P141-143)【关键词】三七茎叶; 资源; 开发利用【作者】蔡树杏; 林建云【作者单位】[1]广州白云山和记黄埔中药有限公司现代中药研究院广东广州【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R281.引言三七,主产于云南文山州,故名文山三七,又名文州三七,为五加科植物三七Panax notoginseng (Burk.)F.H.Chen的干燥根和根茎。
2.三七茎叶资源及利用情况三七是我国特有品种,因其对气候、土壤、植被等环境有特殊要求,主要分布于中国西南部海拔1200~2200 m,北回归线附近,传统上以云南文山、广西靖西等地为主要种植地区。
据不完全统计,2014年三七的采挖面积将较2013年翻倍,产量为15,000~18,000 t,如此大的产量是三七用量的两倍,三七的供需关系处于供过于求的状态。
3.三七茎叶的成分及功效三七茎叶含有较高的蛋白质、粗纤维、维生素 C、胡萝卜素、较低的脂肪含量以及大量的矿质元素其中以锌、铁、锰含量较髙,其中,蛋白质的质量分数为9.63%~15.18% [2],类胡萝卜素的含量为0.24~0.53 mg/g [3],维生素C的含量为11.36 mg/100 g [4],均高于一般市售蔬菜,营养价值较高。