
十大场景1. 机场场景1.票已售完 2、接人晚点 3、送人伤感Airport 机场Air line 航线flight 航班check-in counter 安检通道direct/non-stop flight 直达航班take off 起飞departure time 起飞时间arrival time 抵达时间air hostess 空姐first class 头等仓economy class 经济舱transfer 转乘飞机destination 目的地one-way ticket 单程票round-trip ticket 往返票safe landing 安全着陆safety/seat belt 安全带security check 安全检查declare/claim 报关,申报customs 海关boarding card 登机牌2.大学场景a.选课(男生常常因为上课要早起而逃课,男生选课少,女生选课多)学生逃课常见的三个原因1、生病 get ill2、睡过头 over sleep3、traffic (车坏了,或者交通的问题semester/term 学期required course/compulsory course 必修课optional course/selective course 选修课credit 学分cut /drop/ miss/ a class 逃课drop school/ quit school 辍学seminar 研讨会b.论文1、题目难选2、资料难查3、打字困难(机房总被占,总会出现打印错误4.不能在预定时间完成论文paper/thesis/essay 论文term paper 学期论文research paper 研究论文extension 延期deadline 最后期限typing error 打印错误quality paper 打印纸revise 修改c.考试(男生不过女生过,临时抱佛脚)midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试quiz 随堂小测验pop test 突如其来的考试pass/get through the exam 考试刚刚及格fail/bomb the test 考试不及格make up 补考ace/nail the test 考试考得很好scholarship 奖学金mark/score 分数full mark/score 满分note 笔记take notes 记笔记d.人物称呼freshman 大一的新生sophomore 大二的学生junior 大三的学生senior 大四的学生teaching assistant 助教research assistant 研教lecturer 讲师tutor 导师,家教faculty (member) 全体员工bachelor: 学士master 硕士doctor 博士graduate 毕业生undergraduate 本科生postgraduate 研究生3.餐馆场景(菜不好,上菜慢)a.与餐馆有关的词汇restaurant饭店 cafe 咖啡馆 bar酒吧 pub 酒吧 inn 小旅店cafeteria/canteen 餐厅,食堂b.上菜程序waiter/ waitress: 服务生menu 菜单order 点菜soup 汤main course 主菜salad 沙拉dessert 甜点snack 零食whisky 威士忌c.上菜内容bacon 熏肉beef 牛肉beverage 饮料champagne 香宾seasonings: 调料steak:牛排pork:猪肉flesh :鲜肉pea 豌豆juice 果汁soft drink 软饮(不含酒精的饮料)hard drink 硬饮spring roll 春卷ice creamjam/jelly 果酱mushroom 蘑菇mustard 芥末pie 派roll 卷c.付账, 结账bill/check 帐单It's my treat. 我请客I’ll treat you 我请客It is on me 我请客go Dutch= let’s go fifty fifty AA制Let's split the bill. AA制Let’s go fifty fifty. AA制Tip 小费4.医院场景1、医生难找2、病情如何3、有病耽误课4.朋友责备应该早点去看病I told you …Examine/check up 检查Have/ catch/get a cold 感冒Have a fever/temperature 发烧Sore foot 脚疼flu 流感bird flu 禽流感fracture 骨折faint 晕倒heart attack: 心脏病high blood pressure 高血压prescribe 开药方prescription 处方签pill/tablet 药片dosage 剂量give ab an injection /shot 给某人打针dentist 牙医surgeon 外科医生physician 内科医生physicist 物理学家ICU: intensive care unit 特护病房emergency room 急救市ambulance 救护车5.工作场景1、找到工作高兴2、失去工作伤心3. 很少拒绝工作,如果有,也是因为要经常出差,想和家人一起.找工作Interview 面试Interviewer 面试官Interviewee 面试者hunt a job 找工作job hunter 找工作的人job applicant找工作的人recruit 招聘vacant position 空缺职位finance department 财政部门human resources 人力资源part-time job 兼职full-time job 全职apply for 申请want ads 招聘广告resume 简历letter of application 申请信,求职信personal information 个人信息,基本信息certificates 证书working experience 工作经验sales manager 销售经理job promotion 升职接受工作Accept the offer 接受工作Salary 薪水Wages 报酬Income 收入bonus 奖金business trip 出差6.旅馆场景reserve /book 预定make a reservation 预定Single room 单人间double room 双人间spare/vacant room 空闲的房间check in 办理如住手续check out 办理出来手续room service 客房服务7.邮局场景Postage 邮资airmail 航空信件registered mail 挂号信mailbox 油箱package/parcel 包裹send a telegram/send a cable 发电报urgent cable 急电postcard 明信片post office 邮局postal code 邮政编码express mail 快件8. 图书馆场景1、想借的书借不到。

英语演讲开场白和结束语:正式场合与非正式场合-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...1 / 4-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to 2 / 4present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation 3 / 4is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time... - I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... - I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief - I have a lot to cram in to the topic4 / 4。

House -Renti n g 租房landl o rd / landl a dy (女)房东 tenan t 房客neigh b our 邻居 resid e nt / citiz e n / inhab i tant / dwell e r 居民 Feeswater / gas / elect r icit y / telep h one bill utili t y bill 水电费 rent 租金 depos i t 押金 laund r y fee 洗衣费 incom i ng call 来电 Locat i on 位置 rural / count r y / villa g e 乡村 subur b / outsk i rts 郊区 subur b an 郊区的 urban / downt o wn / city centr e 城市 addre s s 地址 livin g quart e r 生活区 road/stree t /avenu e /lane/drive 街道 alley 小巷 for sale 待售 for lease / rent 待租 refun d able 可归还 noisy 吵闹 shade 树荫 black o ut 停电House alter a tion 房屋改造 room alloc a tion 房屋分配 prope r ty 资产,财产 enqui r y 咨询 settl e 定居 contr a ct 合同 conta c t numbe r 联系号码 Uplan d Stree t Kays Stree t Green w ay RoadCoteh e le House 考特黑尔宅第(英国) Accom m odat i on 住宿 stude n t hoste l 学生宿舍dormi t ory (dorm)学生宿舍stude n t resid e ncehomes t ay 寄宿家庭 youth hoste l 青年旅店 flat / apart m ent 公寓 studi o apart m ent 单间公寓singl e bedro o m 单人间doubl e bedro o m 双人间(单床) twin room 双人间(两个床) bedsi t / bedsi t ting room单间(卧室兼起居室)livin g room 客厅 share d kitch e n 公用厨房 bathr o om 浴室(带厕所)showe r space 淋浴室 garag e 车库 study 书房 store r oom 储藏室 laund r y room 洗衣房entra n ce hall / lobby / foyer 大厅 court y ard 庭院 basem e nt 地下室 fire door / fire escap e 安全出口corri d or / hallw a y / porch / aisle 走廊slopi n g ramp 斜坡 balco n y 阳台 fount a in 喷泉 Foodrefre s hmen t 茶点 speci a l food / dieta r y requi r emen t 对于食物特殊要求veget a rian / veget a ble only / vegan 素食的no red meat (印度人)不吃牛羊肉 break f ast lunch dinne r meal brunc h 早午饭 estat e 房产 房屋结构mulli o ned windo w 直棂窗 wall 墙壁 ceili n g 天花板 roof 屋顶 sun sheet 阳光板skyli g ht 天窗 switc h 开关gate / door 门 doorb e ll 门铃 peeph o le 猫眼 fence 篱笆chimn e y (stack )烟囱(管) tile 瓦片 brick 砖头Facil i ty / Equip m ent / Appar a tus 设备close circu i t telev i sion / video surve i llan c e 闭路电视监控系统 air condi t ione r / condi t ioni n g (中央)空调 heate r / stove / radia t or 取暖器 firep l ace 壁炉 heati n g 取暖 stuff y 空气不流通 airy 通风的 venti l atio n 通风 stair 楼梯 escal a tor 自动扶梯 lift / eleva t or 电梯 ladde r 梯子 pool 水池 paddi n g pool 戏水池rubbi s h / dust / conta m inan t 垃圾 decor a tion 装饰 unfur n ishe d 没有配家具的 cream 奶油(色) 客厅carpe t / rug 地毯 lamp 灯 cushi o n 垫子 firep l ace 壁炉 table 桌子cha i r 椅子 sofa / couch 沙发 coffe e table 咖啡桌 armch a ir 扶手椅 stere o syste m 立体声 telev i sion 电视digit a l TV set 数字电视 perso n al compu t er 个人电脑 (ceili n g) fan 吊扇卧室bookca se书橱cabine t橱柜wardro be衣柜closet衣橱QueenSize / King Size(超)大床double decker / bunk bed双层床bed linen床上编织品pillow (case) 枕头/枕套sheet床单mattre ss 床垫blanke t 毛毯curtai n 窗帘厨房gas cooker煤气灶utensi ls器皿spoon勺子kettle壶子pot罐子jar缸waterpipe水管runnin g water自来水dishwa sher洗碗机squeez er榨汁机microw ave oven 微波炉toaste r吐司机,烤面包机refrig erato r / fridge / freeze r 冰箱卫生间shower淋浴头mirror镜子basin脸盆bathtu b浴缸deterg ent 清洁剂soap肥皂shampo o香波sponge海绵toilet厕所,马桶lotion洗液towel毛巾mop拖把broom扫帚razor/ shaver (手动/电动)剃须刀dryer烘干机vacuum cleane r吸尘器washin g machin e 洗衣机waterheater热水器ashtra y烟灰缸Occupa ncy占据Travel ling旅游Genera ljourne y / trip / tour / travel旅游travel agency旅行社passen ger旅客guide导游,指南member ship会员资格recrea tion/ entert ainme nt娱乐packag e tour团队游free tour自由行busine ss trip出差mid-range中距离(旅游)机场场景econom y / touris t class经济舱busine ss class商务舱first/ VIP class头等舱one-way ticket单程票round-trip / return ticket往返票layove r / stopov er中途停留non-stop flight直达航班connec ting-flight转机airpor t tax机场税duty-free shop免税店excess charge超重vacant seat空座destin ation目的地termin al终点站notice board通知板fare票价extracharge / surcha rge附加费air host / hostes s空中先生(小姐)ground stewar d地勤stewar d/stewar dess男(女)乘务员seat reserv ation/ assign ment/ arrang ement定座fullin g-booked满了undern eath/ unders ide / bottom 底部lounge休息室,候机厅Touris t Attrac tion旅游景点hotspo t / highli ght热点scenic spot / view point景点histor ic(al) intere st历史遗迹sights eeing观光landsc ape风景seasca pe scener y海景viewpo int / look-up point观景台herita ge遗迹relics残迹castle城堡cathed ral大教堂mounta in resort山林风景区botani cal garden植物园art galler y画廊concer t音乐会museum博物馆ancien t temple古寺themepark主题公园organi c farm有机农场harbou r 海港beach/ coast沙滩、海滨hot spring / spa温泉cave / cavern大洞穴club俱乐部cinema电影院theatr e剧院aquari um水族馆amusem ent park游乐园orchar d果园ice rink旱冰场watermill水力发电站bay 海湾dock港口dam水坝reserv oir水库Town Hall市政大厅govern ment政府Post Office邮局Telete ch电信GreatBarrie r Reef大堡礁Stoneh enge巨石阵Studio Theatr e演播剧场Footbr idge人行小桥Sydney OperaHouse悉尼歌剧院Towerof London伦敦塔dome圆顶地质地貌rainfo rest雨林swamp/ marsh/ wetlan d沼泽desert沙漠grassl and草原bush灌木丛hillyarea丘陵地带waterf all 瀑布Schedu le / Itiner ary / Route/Agenda / Timeta ble日程安排/线路scheme计划,方案outdoo rs户外活动hitch-hike搭便车旅行hiking徒步旅行camp野营outing / excurs ion短途旅行,远足voyage航行outtri p郊游expedi tion探险,远征运动cyclin g骑自行车yoga瑜伽rock climbi ng / cliffwalks攀岩bungee jumpin g蹦极跳hang-glidin g滑翔judo柔道surf冲浪scubadiving(带水肺的)潜水skiing滑雪ice-skatin g滑冰tennis网球golf高尔夫球badmin ton羽毛球rowing划船volley ball排球basket ball篮球tabletennis兵乓球squash壁球joggin g慢跑住宿motel/ hotel(汽车)酒店B&B / bed and breakf ast早餐旅店Sea View Restau rant海景餐馆cottag e / cabin/ lodge小屋hostel招待所inn小酒店hut小屋语言Mandar in普通话Canton ese粤语Public Transp ortat ion公共交通traffi c交通traffi c jam交通堵塞ride bicycl e骑车(mini)bus(小)巴士boat / ship船plane/ aircra ft飞机,飞行器craft工艺品,船舶subway/ underg round/ tube / Metro地铁railwa y statio n火车站commut er乘公共车辆上下班者coach长途客车ferry轮渡carava n大篷车tram有轨电车rivercruise游艇游览helico pter直升飞机submar ine潜艇4-Wheel-Drive四驱车van中巴shuttl e bus班车airpor t limous ine机场大巴berth铺位(火车上)pullma n / sleepi ng-car卧铺车cab / taxi计程车expres s快车Centra l Statio n中心车站stop watch停车灯穿戴casual clothe s休闲服sports wear运动服jacket夹克hat帽子bathin g suit / swimmi ng costum e泳衣watch手表sweate r毛衣rainco at雨衣trouse rs/long pants裤子jeans牛仔裤shoes鞋子boots靴子(fancy) dress(高档的)连衣裙socks/stocki ngs短(长)袜shirt衬衫skirt短裙coat外套suit西装tie领带neckla ce项链trunks泳裤scarf围巾pullov er套衫jumper上衣underw ear内衣pajama s睡衣sandal s凉鞋slippe rs拖鞋sneake rs运动鞋携带物品sungla sses太阳镜mosqui to net蚊帐(micro)film(缩微)胶片telesc ope / binocu lars(双筒)望远镜FirstAid kit急救箱torch/ flashl ight手电筒sunbed日光浴床sleepi ng bag睡袋backpa ck双肩背包tent帐篷compas s指南针insect repell ent驱虫剂sun cream/suntan lotion/sun block防晒霜camera照相机batter y电池注意事项stinge r带刺的东西sunbur nt太阳晒伤的Activi ties活动picnic野餐barbec ue 烧烤karaok e卡拉OKchess象棋jigsaw puzzle七巧板rover漫游者music(al) instru ment乐器jazz爵士乐classi cal古典音乐disco迪斯科drama戏剧magic(ian)魔术(师)comedy喜剧animat ed cartoo ns动画片traged y悲剧romanc e浪漫故事片scienc e fictio n科幻rock摇滚乐blues蓝调hip-hop街舞folk music民间音乐karaok e卡拉OKguitar吉他piano钢琴violin小提琴saxoph one萨克斯管flute笛子electr ic keyboa rd电子琴mime哑剧art festiv al艺术节perfor mance演出,表现main stage大舞台fringe stage边缘舞台audien ce观众solo独奏band乐队,阶段duet二重唱orches tra管弦乐队sympho ny交响乐concer to协奏曲sonata奏鸣曲pop music流行乐comedi an喜剧演员acroba t杂技演员circus show马戏表演puppet木偶celebr ity名人main attrac tion压轴戏work of art艺术品sketch素描sculpt ure雕塑potter y / porcel ain / china/ cerami cs / crocke ry陶器drumme r鼓手portra it人物肖像landsc ape风景画traged y悲剧ballet芭蕾舞mask面具spotli ght聚光灯conduc tor指挥Diseas e疾病疾病名称Yellow fever黄热病epidem ic流行病chroni c慢性的acute急性的tootha che牙疼backac he背疼headac he头疼back pain(背疼)stomac hache胃疼sore throat喉咙痛heartdiseas e心脏病flu / influe nza流感cold感冒fever发烧asthma哮喘pneumo nia肺炎livertroubl e肝炎arthri tis 关节炎diabet es糖尿病diarrh ea腹泻Choler a霍乱lepros y麻风病Sympto m / Syndro me症状allerg y过敏cough咳嗽runny/ stuffy nose流鼻涕(鼻塞)infect ion感染insomn ia失眠vomit/ throwup呕吐feel chilly感觉冷ulcer溃疡depres sion忧郁、沮丧stress紧张drowsi ness困倦fatigu e疲劳lump肿块indige stion消化不良sprain / twiste d扭伤elbow肘部disloc ation脱臼flat Foot 扁平足fractu re 骨折wry neck 颈部僵硬dizzy眩晕stiffneck脖子发僵obesit y肥胖cramps抽筋bruise瘀伤baldne ss秃顶pregna nt怀孕Drug / Medica tion/ Medici ne药物check医生检查prescr ibe开药instru ction s注意事项dosage / intake剂量antibi otics抗生素side effect副作用painki ller镇痛剂安眠药(sleepi ng pills)pill药丸tablet药片capsul e胶囊ointme nt药膏mixtur e合剂eye drops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块X-ray X光vitami n维生素aspiri n阿司匹林antibi otic抗生素penici llin青霉素cold cure感冒药ambula nce救护车soluti on解答pharma cy/ chemis t's / drug store药店Treatm ent / Therap y治疗,疗法acupun cture针灸vein静脉inject ion注射thermo meter体温计needle针头ward病房bandag e绷带operat ion手术case histor y病历metabo lism新陈代谢ligame nt韧带heel足跟cell细胞bacter ia细菌Health care健康保健疾病起因occupa tiona l factor s职业的原因workin g irregu lar hours工作时间不规律sports injury运动受伤ignora nce of theirbody对身体的忽视life expect ancy预期寿命intern al clockdisord er生物钟紊乱unsoci al hours社交时间depres sion抑郁family proble ms家庭问题high pressu re家庭的压力unheal thy lifest yle不良生活习惯stress manage ment压力管理hectic节奏快anxiou s焦虑depres sed抑郁Clinic诊所dentis t牙医Practi ce私人诊所Genera l practi tione r全科执业医师surgeo n外科医生physic ian内科医生vet / veteri nary兽医oculis t / eye doctor眼科医生check-up检查diagno sis诊断prescr iptio n / prescr ibe处方virus病毒consul tatio n检查eyesig ht视力医院中常见用语:日间门诊 Clinic Area门诊部 Out-patien t Depart ment门诊检验 OPD Labora tory门诊注射室Outpat ientInject ion诊室 Consul tingRoom其他bury埋葬night mare噩梦disabl ed残疾的Academ ic 学术Orient ation Meetin g新生报到会orient ation talkin g / tour 情况介绍expect ation期待openin g ceremo ny开学典礼gradua tionceremo ny 毕业典礼closeceremo ny / commen cemen t闭幕式enroll ment注册regist ratio n注册check-in 签到applic ation form 申请表letter of recomm endat ion 推荐信letter of accept ance录取通知书intern ation al studen t /overse a(s) studen t国际/海外学生Course课程term / semest er / trimes ter学期curric ulum课程(表)approv al 批准entryrequir ement入学要求academ ic durati ons 学业年限tuitio n 学费charge / expens e / fee / toll / fare费用course number课程代码modula r course模块课程specia lised/ specia listcourse专业课程select ive / electi ve / option al course s 选修课requir ed / compul sorycourse s必修课exempt ion 免修traini ng course培训课程prepar atory course预科课程profes siona l 专业的vocati onal职业的dual major双专业major专业,主修minor辅修course arrang ement课程安排timeta ble时间表course schedu le课程安排course outlin e 课程大纲course focus课程重点teachi ng materi al教材teachi ng approa ch教学方法Subjec t 学科分类Arts 文科Humani ties人文学科Social scienc e 社会科学Scienc es 理科Engine ering course工科Medica l course医科Agrono my 农学Natura l scienc e /physic al scienc e自然科学文科Politi cs 政治学Econom ics 经济学Sociol ogy 社会学Anthro polog y 人类学Litera ture文学Law 法学Philos ophy哲学Histor y 历史Archae ology考古学Financ e 金融学Lingui stics语言学Educat ion 教育学Busine ss 商务Bankin g 银行学Hotel/ Hospit ality manage ment酒店管理Chrono logy年表,年代学理科Mathem atics / Maths数学Statis tics统计学Accoun ting会计学Physic s 物理学Chemis try 化学Biolog y 生物学Botany植物学Bioche mistr y 生物化学Ecolog y 生态学Geneti cs 遗传学Astron omy 天文学Planet ology行星学Geogra phy地理学Geolog y 地质学Oceano graph y 海洋学Electr onics电子学Archit ectur e 建筑学Psycho logy心理学工科Electr onicengine ering电子信息工程Mechan icalengine ering机械工程Chemic al engine ering化学工程Civilengine ering土木工程Comput er scienc e 计算机科学Archit ectur e / archit ecton ics 建筑学Irriga tion水利Mechan ics 力学Commun icati on engine ering通信工程Enviro nment al engine ering环境工程Design设计Engine ering工程学医科Surger y 外科学Medici ne 内科学Paedia trics儿科学Nursin g 护理专业Physio logy生理学农业Agricu lture农学Hortic ultur e 园艺学Forest ry 林学Farmin g 畜牧Aquicu lture水产养殖课程级别levelof course s 课程级别intens ive readin g精读extens ive readin g泛读introd uctor y 预备级的beginn er / primar y 初级的fundam ental基本原理的elemen tary基础的interm ediat e 中级的second ary 次高级的advanc ed 高级的expert专家full-time / part-time studen t全日制/业余学生in advanc e预先文凭diplom a 文凭degree学位certif icate证书underg radua te 本科生Bachel or 学士gradua te studen t / postgr aduat e 研究生Master of Arts / Scienc e文(理)科硕士Doctor博士Post-doctor博士后学术,学院Pre-school educat ion 学前教育Nurser y 托儿所Tertia ry / colleg e educat ion 大学教育instit ute / school学院polyte chnic school理工学院Freshm an 大一新生Sophom ore 大二Junior大三,年少的Senior大四作业assign ment/ course work/ homewo rk作业paper/ thesis / disser tatio n 论文essay小论文projec t 项目intern ship/ fieldtrip / practi ce实习charit y慈善事业speech演讲lectur e 讲座tutori al 辅导课程semina r 研讨会virtua l learni ng虚拟学习theore tical study理论研究presen tatio n (n.)专题报告,(v.)颁布experi ment试验,实验explor ation探险,考察defens e答辩public ity宣传要求explan ation解释groupdiscus sion集体讨论venue聚会地点journa l读书笔记powerp oint/ slide幻灯片layout布局,排版struct ure结构syllab us大纲profil e 简介summar y / abstra ct摘要,概要sectio n / chapte r章节,部分draft草稿revise / correc tion修改,修正proofr eadin g校对submit提交length(篇幅)长度deadli ne最后期限flexib le 可变通的,灵活的extens ion延期word-proces sed文字处理gramma r语法techni cal terms/ vocabu lary科技术语margin边缘空白评估assess ment/ evalua tion评估standa rd / criter ion / criter ia(pl.)标准dimens ion 维度,规格attend ance/ partic ipati on 出勤quiz小测验dictat ion听写object ive / subjec tiveexam客(主)观性考试finalexam / midter m test期末(中)考试open / closebook / open noteexam开(闭)卷,开笔记考试oral / writte n test口(笔)试placem ent test分级考试score/ mark成绩credit (point)学分schola rship奖学金grant助学金excell ence优秀pass及格fail不及格cheati ng 作弊plagia rism/ copy剽窃resit重考the expell ed/drop out退学review回顾handou t讲义,传单调查invest igati on/ survey调查研究resear ch approa ch / method s /method ology研究方法questi onnai re 问卷调查observ ation观测teleph one survey/ face-to-faceinterv iews访问postal surveycase study案例分析poll 民意调查respon dents/ interv iewee回答者opinio n 观点prefer ence偏好drawba cks缺点feedba ck反馈quanti tativ e 数量的,定量的statis tical ly valid统计学上有效的datum/ data 数据databa se数据库analys is 分析interp retat ion 解释hypoth esis假设instru ction指示theory理论studyaid教学用具Facult y / Staff全体教工divisi on / depart ment系facult y 院系Studen t Union学生会(studen t后面没有's)counci l / commit tee委员会tutor/ adviso r / mentor导师lectur er讲师associ ate / vice profes sor 副教授Direct or of Studie s 教学主管princi pal / presid ent 校长chance llor名誉校长headma ster/ headmi stres s小学校长dean 主任coordi nator协调员counse llor顾问Teachi ng Assist ant / TA助教Instru ctor指导员School Consul tant老师Campus校园Recept ion 接待处FrontDesk前台Main Buildi ng / Hall主楼Lectur e Theatr e / Hall / Room阶梯教室Gym / Gymnas ium / Keep-fit Studio/ Fitnes s Center / Fitnes s Room / Workou t Room健身中心Sports Center运动中心Common Room 公共休息室Confer enceRoom / Centre/ hall会议室Safety Office / Securi ty Post保卫处Lab / Labora tory实验室Self Access Centre/ Room自学中心Admini strat ing office /admini strat ion buildi ng行政办公室Stadiu m 体育馆Recrea tionCentre娱乐中心Teachi ng buildi ng 教学楼Audito rium会堂footba ll pitch足球场tennis court网球场wing / annex配楼landma rk标志性建筑Audio-VideoCentre视听中心New Studen t Enroll ment新生报到处drop-in centre活动中心newsag ent's报刊亭premis es房产,房屋playgr ound操场surrou nding s / circum stanc e 环境lawn草地parkin g lot停车场Head Office总部StudyAid教学用具projec tor幻灯机reel卷轴stitch(编织中的)一针vessel容器fragme nt碎片imitat ion仿制品manual手册,手工的seat belt安全带contes t竞赛docume ntary纪录片cutler y刀具featur e特征,专题片subtit le字幕invent ory详细目录Studie s of Scienc e理科学习intern al clock生物钟techno logy科技,工艺distri butio n分散,分布energy能量curren t水流,电流image镜像capaci ty容积,容量revers e反转,推翻isolat e隔离,孤立calcul ation计算,推算divert转移conjun ction连接,联合vary变化Studie s of Arts 文科学习overla p部分重叠slang俚语proced ure过程trace追踪,描绘concen trati on专心,集中intell igenc e智力commun icati on交流rule规则matchi ng搭配enthus iasm热情origin起点,来源tone语调,语气,风格demons trate说明,演示vacanc y空白,空虚disgui se伪装,装扮attach ment附属物,附着creati vity创造力missio n使命,任务compos ition构成,作品season变干燥,调味,季节suppor t支持mistak e错误simula tion模仿,模拟transl ate翻译interf ace界面involv e参与,牵涉footpr int足迹contex t背景,上下文mood情绪purpos e目标exclus ive专用的,高级的,独家报道partic ipate参加repres entat ive代表,代表性的descri be / descri ption描述strate gy策略outcom e结果sense感觉skim略读,预览ignore忽略co-orient再调整conver t into转变,转化issue问题discip line纪律cite引用sort分类sensat ion感觉,轰动verdic t裁定,评估factor因素preten sion主张,意图priori tize优先考虑decoy诱捕trick哄骗modifi catio n减轻astray歧途overco me克服initia tive主动权propor tion比例trail足迹indica te暗示exagge rate夸张seek寻找branch分支tensio n紧张常见学术类形容词mental精神的intact完整无缺的,未受触动的massiv e大量的altern ative供替代的pale苍白的,淡的eligib le合适的volunt ary自愿的,义务的optica l视觉的,光学的confid entia l机密的dynami c有活力的,动态的Social Affair s / Matter社会事务sponso r赞助drop-out逃学warn警告accide nt事故barrie r阻碍,关卡Librar y 图书馆图书类别variet y品种,多样化catego ry 种类card index卡片索引pigeon hole sort鸽笼式分类(归档)stack书库glossa ry词汇表librar iansh ip 图书馆学DeweyDecima l Classi ficat ion System杜威十进制分类法则press出版社videot ape录像带casset te record er磁带newspa per报纸magazi ne杂志microf orm 微缩版public ation出版物classi ficat ion 分类volume卷dictio nary字典journa l 杂志,期刊boundperiod ical合订期刊curren t / back issue现(过)刊supple menta ry materi al补充材料multim ediamateri als多媒体资料refere nce book 参考书biblio graph y 参考书目(non-)fictio n(非)小说类prescr ibedtextbo oks指定教材encycl opedi a 百科全书(Encycl opedi a Britan nia 大英百科全书)litera ture文献资料atlas地图册almana c 年鉴conten t目录handou t / leafle t / pamphl et / bookle t / brochu re小册子借书librar y / admiss ion card借书卡call slip 索书单checkout借出renew续借availa ble 可以借到out on loan 借出的reserv e 预借closed reserv e 只读不借in circul ation在书库里out of circul ation借走了not for circul ation不外借access to有权使用还书overdu e 超期deadli ne / due time / date ofexpire / date slip期限loan period租借期限due(s) 应付费fine 罚款设施record er录音机headph one头戴式耳机open / closed shelf开架/闭架借阅magnet ize / demagn etize磁化/消磁TouchScreen触摸屏Return Area 还书处Inform ation Desk 信息台Delive ry / Circul ation Desk 借书台openin g time/hours开门(放)时间librar ian 图书管理员lock锁folder文件夹著名报纸Forbes《福布斯》Guardi an《卫报》(英国)Observ er《观察家报》(美国)Indepe ndent《独立报》(英国)Times《泰晤士报》(英国)Sunday times《星期日泰晤士报》电脑与互联网laptop / notebo ok 笔记本screen屏幕printe r打印机scanne r扫描仪type打字,类别photoc opier / copier复印机laserprinte r激光打印机dot-matrix printe r针式打印机colorinject printe r彩色喷墨打印机mainfr ame主机monito r (n.)监视器,班长,(v.)监控button按键keyboa rd键盘modem调制解调器cable宽带mouse鼠标hard disk硬盘floppy disk软盘disc光盘(圆形)memory内存soundcard声卡graphi c card图形卡,显卡loud speake r扬声器softwa re软件copyri ght版权prospe ctus简介websit e网页online联网的11-13专名Names人名(至少会读)Genera lSurnam e / last / family name姓initia l缩写,最初的nameli st名单Thomso n汤姆森City城市(至少会读)UK(the United Kingdo m of GreatBritai n and Northe rn Irelan d)英国Englan d英格兰Scotla nd苏格兰Irelan d爱尔兰Wales威尔士Bristo l布里斯托尔(记住拼写)Birmin gham伯明翰Cambri dge剑桥Oxford牛津Edinbu rgh爱丁堡Liverp ool利物浦London伦敦Manche ster曼切斯特Sheffi eld谢菲尔德York约克Austra lia澳大利亚Americ a美国U.S.A. United StateU.S.S.R.苏联Alaska阿拉斯加Atlant a亚特兰大Boston波士顿Chicag o芝加哥Hawaii夏威夷Los Angele s洛杉矶New York纽约Seattl e西雅图Canada加拿大Albert a艾伯塔Montre al蒙特利尔Ontari o安大略Ottawa渥太华Quebec魁北克Toront o多伦多Vancou ver温哥华Amster dan阿姆斯特丹Athens雅典Bali巴厘岛Bankok曼谷Berlin柏林Caribb ean加勒比Medite rrane an地中海Seoul首尔,汉城Vienna维也纳Tokyo东京Britis h / Englis h英国人German德国人Ge rmanyNew Zealan der新西兰NewZealan dAmeric an美国人Ameri caIndian印度人In diaSpanis h西班牙人SpainMalays ia马来西亚Polish波兰人Po landSwedis h瑞典人S wedenDanish丹麦人Da nmarkIrish爱尔兰人Ir elandTurkis h土耳其人Turke yCanadi an加拿大人Cana daAustri an奥地利人Aust riaRussia n俄罗斯人Russi aAustra lian澳大利亚人A ustra liaChines e中国人C hinaJapane se日本人JapanVietna mese缅甸人Vie tnamPortug uese葡萄牙人Po rtuga lIraqi伊拉克人Ir aqKuwait i科威特人Kuwai tPakist ani巴基斯坦人Pa kista nArabic阿拉伯人A rabFrench法国人Fr anceSwiss瑞士人Swi tzerl andGreek希腊人Gre eceDutch荷兰人Hol land/Nether landsThai泰国人Thai landEgypti an埃及人EgyptItalia n意大利人ItalySingap orean新加坡人S ingap oreRome罗马Indone sia印度尼西亚passpo rt number护照号码passpo rt-sizedphotos护照尺寸的照片weight体重accent方言visa签证ID / identi ficat ion / identi ty身份证drivin g / driver's licens e / licenc e驾驶执照date of birth出生年月日,age年龄bloodtype血型height身高marita l status婚姻状况home addres s家庭住址Englis h profic iency英语水平date of arriva l / depart ure到达/出发日期signat ure签名Contin ent大洲 / Ocean大洋Africa非洲Europe欧洲Asia亚洲Americ a美洲Oceani a大洋洲Antarc tica南极洲Atlant ic Ocean大西洋Pacifi c Ocean太平洋Indian Ocean印度洋Arctic Ocean北冰洋Tropic al Zone热带Temper ate Zone温带Frigid Zone寒带Alps阿尔卑斯山Amazon亚马逊河Hymala yas / MountEveres t喜马拉雅山Missis sippi River密西西比河Nile尼罗河RockyMounta in落基山脉Sahara撒哈拉沙漠Seine塞纳河Thames泰晤士河Yangtz e River长江SouthPole南极点equato r赤道longit ude经度latitu de维度12-13tropic s zone热带temper ate zone温带frigid zone寒带provin ce省county县state州time时间Nation al Holida y法定假日centur y世纪decade十年per annum每年(=per year)quarte r季度,一刻钟,1/4 monthl y每月的fortni ght半月Januar y一月Februa ry二月March三月April四月May五June六月July七月August八月Septem ber九月Octobe r十月Novemb er十一月Decemb er十二月Monday星期一Tuesda y星期二Wednes day星期三Thursd ay星期四Friday星期五Saturd ay星期六Sunday星期天weekda ys工作日weeken d周末midmor ning/ midday / noon中午measur ement测量Metre米naught / zero / null / nill零percen t百分比area / zip code区号fax传真Centim etre厘米Millim etre毫米Gramme克Pound磅Foot英尺Inch英寸Litre升Acre英亩Mile英里Square平方Hectar e公顷Ounce盎司7-fold 7倍的size形状triang le三角形rectan gle / rectan gular矩形circle / circul ar圆形,圈square正方形star星形pentag on五边形radius半径angle角度Olympi c games奥运会satell ite卫星sun恒星meteor流星comet彗星planet行星Jupite r木星13-13。

1. 词汇的正式用法在正式用法中,人们往往使用更为正式、书面的词汇来表达意思。
2. 语法的正式用法中文语法中的正式用法主要表现在对语法结构的使用上。
3. 句法的正式用法正式用法中的句法结构通常更加复杂,使用的句式更加正式和庄重。
1. 词汇的非正式用法非正式用法中,人们往往使用更为口语化、简洁的词汇来表达意思。
2. 语法的非正式用法中文语法中的非正式用法主要表现在对语法结构的使用上。

个人收集整理仅供参考学习常见场景用语1.Airport and Airplanearrival/departure time 飞抵/起飞时间confirm the flight 确认航班window seat 靠窗的座位stewardess 女乘务员seat belt 安全带wing 机翼boarding gate 登机口make a flight reservation 预定机票customs form (officer) 海关申报表(官员)pilot 驾驶员passenger 乘客direct flight 直达航班take off 起飞ticket agency 售票代理处passport 护照2.Apartmentrent 房租deposit 定金toilet 卫生间landlord 房东shower 淋浴living room 客厅3.Bankcash a check 支票兑现cash 现金remittance 汇款deposit 存款bank teller 银行出纳open an account 立户,开户teller’s window 出纳柜台exchange rate 兑换率passbook 存折withdraw 取出interest rate 利率tens, twenties 10元,20元纸4.Bookstorebest-seller 畅销书edition 版本periodical 期刊out of stock 缺货order 订书in stock 有货out of print 脱销,绝版5.Busbus stop 车站fare 车费get off/on a bus 下/上车stop 车站change 换车/零钱bus terminal 终点站transfer 换车conductor 售票员traffic jam 交通拥挤6.Courtroomjudge 法官jury 陪审团witness 证人case 案件solicitor 初级律师charge 控告death penalty 死刑innocent 无罪的clerk 书记sentence 判刑guilty 有罪defendant 被告7.Department Store/Shop counselor 律师lawyer 律师accuse 指控grocery 杂货店socks 短袜stocking 长袜suit (一套)衣服dress 衣服clerk 店员bargain 便宜货installment 分期付款overcharge 多收钱sweater 毛衣pants 裤子price 价格cost 花费on sale 减价check-out counter 结账柜台daily necessities 日用品try on 试穿8.Doctor’s Office/Hospitaltemperature 体温diagnosis 诊断fever 发烧symptom 症状vomit 呕吐chest 胸部toothache 牙疼bleed 出血stomach 腹部pain-killer 止痛药prescribe 开药方flu 流感hurt 撞伤,疼痛knee 膝examine 检查aspirin 阿斯匹林injection 打针blood pressure 血压9.Hotelreception desk 服务台double-room 双人房suite 套房tip 小费check out 结账lounge 休息大厅single-room 单人房luggage 行李check in 登记住宿attendant 服务员10.Librarylibrarian 图书管理员publication 出版物magazine 杂志bibliography 参考书目return 还书renew 续借library card 借书证overdue 到期periodical 期刊index 索引look up 查阅fine 罚款11. Post Officeencyclopedia 百科全书stamp 邮票registered letter 挂号信airmail 航空信insured package 保价包裹overweigh 超重postcard 明信片ordinary mail 平信postage 邮资express 快件sticker 粘胶标签12. Telephoningreceiver 听筒dial 拨号message 留言operator 接线员hang up 挂断telephone box 电话亭insert, drop 投币slot 投币孔call back 回话long distance call 长途电话recognize 听出pick up 拿起collect 对方付款电话extension 分机coin 硬币13.Garagepark 停车used car 二手车engine failure 发动机故障parking space 停车位reverse 倒车brake failure 刹车失灵14. Restaurantsnack-bar 快餐店dessert 点心,甜食medium 适中over-done 煮过头waiter/waitress 男(女)招待knife and fork 刀叉spicy 辛辣的salad 色拉cheese 乳酪pepper 胡椒sandwich 三明治butter 奶油whisky 威士忌shellfish 贝类rare 很嫩well-done 煮熟beverage 饮料biscuit 饼干pie 馅饼go Dutch 个人自己付钱menu 菜单bill 账单napkin 餐巾steak 牛排pizza 比萨饼15.Officesecretary 秘书files 卷宗interview 会见appointment 约见conference 会议application form 申请表signature 签名employee 雇员receptionist 接待员safety pin 别针16.Theatre/Cinemaaudience 观众reserve a seat 订座Oscar 奥斯卡金像奖movie fan 影迷balcony 楼座tragedy 悲剧horror film 恐怖片program 节目plot 情节book a ticket 订票leading role 主角comedy 喜剧row 排stalls 厅座17.Railway Stationplatform 月台time table 列车时刻表train conductor 列车员express train 快车hard seat 硬座soft sleeper 软卧one way ticket 单程票waiting room 候车室refund 退票track 铁轨information desk 问讯处slow train 慢车seat 座位hard sleeper 硬卧return ticket 回程票running late 晚点book a ticket 订票car attendant 列车员18.Gas Stationgasoline 汽油fuel 燃料refuel 加油oil tanker 油箱litre 升diesel 柴油19.Travel Agencyinformation 信息tourist 游客historic interest 名胜brochure 小册子map 地图scenic spot 风景区tour guide 导游20.Plumbing修理水管plumber 管子工drain 下水道faucet 水龙头clog 阻塞住water pipe 水管leak 漏水21.In an Elevatorfloor 楼层button 电梯按钮22.The Dentist’stoothache 牙疼hurt 痛pull out the tooth 拔牙23.Art Gallery/Museumexhibit 展品masterpiece 杰作sculpture 雕塑作品oil painting 油画water color painting 水彩画carving 雕刻reproduction 复制品24.College and Universitytuition 学费exemption 免修semester, term 学期major 主修M. A. (Master of Arts) 文学硕士final exam 期末考试M. S. (Master of Science) 理工硕士session (一段)上课时间Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy) 博士required course 必修课audit 旁听field trip 实地考察assistant 助教diploma 文凭B. A. (Bachelor of Arts) 学士seminar (研究)课程associate 准学士scholarship 奖学金waive 免除assignment 作业course guideline 课程概要fellowship 研究奖学金optional course 选修课transcript 成绩单mid-term exam 期中考试enroll 录取quiz 小考minor 辅修register 注册referee 推荐人quit school 退学faculty (全体)教师assistantship 助学金term paper 学期论文presentation 宣读。

1.申请学校必备词汇表apply for申请business degree 商学院学位pay your own way 自己支付各种费用2.选修课程”必备词汇表semester学期(美国英语)biology生物学term学期(英国英语)registration注册course课程class permit听课证optional course选修课literature class 文学课3. 听课必备词汇表professor 教授briefing 剪报lecturer讲师barely stay awake 几乎不能保持清醒complicated 复杂extra copies 多余的篇子informative 信息量大presentation陈述,解释,示范mission 任务,使命4.演说必备词汇表nervous 紧张的contest 比赛calm 平静的contestant参赛选手a large audience 一大群观众talk of the town 镇上谈论的焦点shaking all over 浑身发抖not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情beyond me 超出我的理解范围5.阅读必备词汇表reading assignment 阅读任务selectively 有选择地chapter by chapter 一章一章地theory 理论read through 从头到尾地读plot情节cover a few chapters 涉及了几个章节intensively 精细地character 人物角色6.写文必备词汇表typing errors 打字错误revise修订quality paper 好纸get it published 出版proofread 校对paragraph 段落7.考试必备词汇表final exam 期末考试fail 不及格,失败mid-term 期中考试results (pl) 分数stay up 熬夜release发布(分数)two sleepless nights 两天两夜没睡觉be through with 结束,完成场景二:工作1.面试必备词汇表interview面试finance 金融suit 西装accounting 会计tie 领带brush up on 温习,复习resume简历working experience 工作经历hand in 上交travel 出差annual vacation 年假2.收发邮件必备词汇表email 邮件attachment 附件log in 登录forward the mail to 把邮件转发给log off 登出3.开会和约会必备词汇表appointment 约会move on to 继续confirm 确认the next item 下一议题个cancel 取消presentation 陈述,解释,示范come in one’s place 代表某人来replace 取代on behalf of 代表场景三:娱乐1.看戏必备词汇表Global theatre 环球剧院drama 戏剧Grand theatre 大剧院impressive令人印象深刻的too dramatic to be true 太假了audience 观众play the boss 扮演老板out of the way 太远了the greatest hit 大片 a long queue 长队appreciate 欣赏sold out 卖完了2.体育活动必备词汇表basketball season 篮球赛季tennis 网球camping 野营badminton羽毛球jogging 慢跑performance 表现fishing 钓鱼keep fit 保持健康3.旅游必备词汇表scenery风景Greek style 希腊风格lawn 草地museum 博物馆column 柱子statue 塑像场景四:购物1.采购衣服必备词汇表size 型号come in all sizes 号全2.采购电器必备词汇表model 款discount 折扣latest technology 最新的科技reduce 减少1.评点餐馆必备词汇表Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆popular 受人喜爱的environment 环境crowded 拥挤的2.饮食健康必备词汇表on diet 节食dessert 甜点contain 含有salad 沙拉steak 牛排场景六:居住1.电话询问租房信息必备词汇表inquire about 询问furnished (公寓)带家具的apartment 公寓(美国英语)double-bedroom 两室的flat 公寓(英国英语)2.买房必备词汇表brochure册子house developer 房产开发商1.飞机必备词汇表flight 航班wait for further notice 等候进一步通知gate 登机口seat belt 安全带minor mechanical errors 轻微的机械故障terminal候机大厅sign 标志2.小汽车必备词汇表parking lot 停车场maintain 保养break down 抛锚garage 修车场scratches 刮蹭highway 高速公路single lane 单行道No-parking sign 禁止停车标志3.公交必备词汇表bus stop 车站passengers 乘客crowded 拥挤的4.火车必备词汇表sleeper 卧铺be supposed to 应该view 景色scenery 景色场景八:疾病必备词汇表a cold 感冒dizzy头晕a fever 发烧exhausted 筋疲力尽的have the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝appetite 胃口high blood pressure 高血压blood vessel 血管场景九:天气必备词汇表cloud over 天阴起来sweat 出汗clear up 天晴起来swing 不稳定,极端weather forecast 天气预报coupled with strong wind 伴有强风freezing 非常冷场景十:人际关系必备词汇表hear from 听到某人消息get along 与……相处be mad with 对某人生气get in touch with 和……联系短对话的补充场景1.学校场景课程分类Optional course 选修课Required course 必修课Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课经常出现的科目或专业Chinese 中文English 英语mathematic 数学history 历史chemistry 化学Literature 文学考试Final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试make up 补考test测验pop test 事先没有说好的测验quiz 测验oral test 口试考试临近draw on / in sight of / draw nearly考试延期或取消delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类public school 公立学校private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校学校中的人president 校长dean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师coordinator 管理员doctor 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士freshman 大一新生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生图书馆借书 lend / borrow / check out参考书 reference book续借 renew过期 overdue还书 return罚金 fineattend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教 TAresearch assistant 助研RAfellowship 奖学金(不用干活的)2.交通运输场景fare 车票licence 驾照rush hours 高峰时间traffic jam 交通堵塞overtake 超车one way street 单行道over speed 超速police officer 交警ticket 罚单fine 罚金fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道super way 飞机机动车道free way 免费高速公路交通工具(出现频率从高到低)plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk(女) / taxi (女):女生比较喜欢tunnel / channel 隧道ring road 环线subway(美) / underground (英)地铁metro 地道overhead 轻轨flyover 人行天桥mag – lev 磁悬浮3.电话场景mobile phone 手机pay phone 公用电话telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页dial (拨电话号码) / press (按电话号码)extension 分机operator 总机put~through 接通wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人is not in 不在?hold on 不要挂断,稍等take/leave a message 留言hang up / get off 挂断credit call 记账式电话bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话collect call 对方付费电话4.机场场景plane / craft 飞机book 订票timetable 时间表destination 目的地open ticketone way ticket 单程票round trip ticket 来回票non-stop / direct flight 直航transfer / lay over / stop over 转机first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济舱confirm the flight 确认航班check in 登记boarding card 登机牌security check 安检see off 送行送别时的祝语keep in touch 保持联系safe landing 安全着陆board 登机take off 起飞departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带land 着陆arrival 进港pick up 接机5.公司场景job vacancy 有空缺职位letter of application 求职信resume 简历resume包括几部分basic / personal info. 基本信息/个人资料academic background 教育背景work experience 工作经验certificates and honorsinterview 面试offer 聘用信work experience 工作经验work overtime 加班ask for a raise 加钱wage 周薪salary 日薪bonus奖金allowance 津贴annual income 年收入promotion 升职fire 解雇resign 辞职work / job / career / course 工作post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期vacation 休假annual leave 年假sick leave 病假rest 休息break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee break away 离开一会6.租房场景live on campus 住校live off campus 住校外for sale 可销售的房子for rent / lease 可出租的房子to let 同上rent 租金utilities 公用事业费location 位置suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心condition 住房条件furnished 配家具unfurnished 无装修leaking 漏水blackout 断电environment 环境transportation 交通land lord 房东land lady 房东太太tenant 房客roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的apartment 公寓house 别墅dorm/dormitory 寝室7.医院场景see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor 让医生出诊health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医make an appointment 预约emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查cold(感冒)—— flu (流感)—— headache (头痛)—— sore throat (嗓子痛)——fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache (胃疼)prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片liquid 喝药水injection => shot 注射operation 手术medical result 诊断结果8.宾馆场景make a reservation 预订房间confirm a reservation 确认预订cancel a reservation 取消预订fully booked / full up / full 客满porter 行旅员tips 小费reception 前台check in 登记入住single room 单人房double room 一张大床的双人房twin room 两张单人床的双人房suite 套房bathroom toilet / w.c closet restroom 厕所room service 客房服务(四级听力中的客房服务一般只有考一种——送餐)lounge 男士用休息区lobby 大堂business center 商务中心salon 美容厅ball 舞厅bar 酒吧night club 夜总会check out 退房饭店eat out 出去吃take away 外带fast food 快餐book a table 订位子waiter / waitress 服务员menu 菜单10.饭店场景eat out 出去吃take away 外带fast food 快餐book a table 订位子waiter / waitress 服务员menu 菜单order 点菜appetizer 开胃菜main course 主食dessert 餐后甜点bill 账单service charge 服务费change 找零tips 小费keep the change 不用找零了order 点菜appetizer 开胃菜main course 主食dessert 餐后甜点bill 账单service charge 服务费change 找零tips 小费keep the change 不用找零了9.邮局场景post / send / mail 寄letter / mail 信registered mail 挂号信regular mail 平信airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹telegram / cable 电报rate 费率overweight 超重postage 邮资email 电子邮件reply 回复forward 转发cc(carbon copy)抄送bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送subject 主题attach 附件10.其他closed 关门open 开门office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关power on / off 开/关turn on / off 开/关switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)干杯cheerspropose a toast tobottom upthe best book 最好的书the best thing 最好的事情the last thing 最不愿意做的事情the last man 最不愿意见的人best seller 畅销sell up 卖完,卖光售罄sell out卖完,卖光售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则sell off 低价处理库存商品selling machine 自动售货机selling point 卖点count the days 渴望count on = dependent / rely oncount in 把……考虑在内count for nothing 一钱不值count for little 无足轻重count for much 举足轻重count down 倒计时count up 相加count up to 共计。

十大场景高频词汇场景一:租房及搬家(103)家具设备(49)drawer 抽屉dish 盘子the dishes 餐具dishwasher 洗碗机tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池spoon 调羹,勺子stove 炉子oven 烤箱alarm clock 闹钟CD player CD机stereo (system) 音响water heater 热水器vacuum cleaner 吸尘器coffee maker 咖啡机refrigerator/fridge 冰箱washing machine 洗衣机electric cooker 电灶gas cooker 煤气灶cooker hood 抽油烟机cassette recorder 录音机telephone 电话air-conditioner 空调central air-conditioner central heating 中央供暖系统electric fan 电扇microwave oven 微波炉radiator 暖气mobile phone 手机satellite TV 卫星电视cable TV 有线电视closed circuit TV 闭路电视carpet 地毯rug 小地毯curtain 窗帘bed linen 床单及枕套pillow case 枕套sheet 被单mattress 床垫pillow 枕头blanket 毯子towel 毛巾coffee table 茶几armchair 扶手椅sofa 长沙发cupboard 橱柜bath 浴缸shower 淋浴toilet 马桶租房要求(54)accommodation 住宿detached house 独立式住宅semi-detached house 半独立式flat/apartment 公寓dormitory/dorm 宿舍hostel 宿舍,招待所home stay 住在当地人家available (指物)可用的或可得到的,可入住的(房子)real estate agency/property agency 房屋中介land lord/lady 房东tenant 房客on lease/for rent 出租deposit 订金,押金rent 房租rental 租金额leak 漏水flicker 闪烁blackout 停电humid 潮湿的pet 宠物insurance 保险lift/elevator 电梯basement 地下室laundry 洗衣房burglar 入室抢劫者surroundings 环境rural 乡村的suburb 市郊outskirts 市区的外围地区urban 市镇的metropolis 大都市downtown 在市区,市区的furnished 房子有家具的unfurnished 房子不配家具的entrance 入口lobby 大厅porch 门廊balcony 阳台emergency/fire gate 紧急出口bed-sit 卧室兼起居室bedroom 卧室living room 起居室sitting room 起居室single room 单人间twin-room 双人间double bedroom 双人间bathroom 浴室kitchen 厨房study 书房garage 车库privacy 隐私residential number 住宅号码decorate 装饰free for heating 免费供暖场景二:求职与问路(80) 求职面试(41)volunteer 志愿者hire 雇用sack/fire 解雇position 职位vacant position 空缺职位replacement 代替者applicant 申请人curriculum vitae/resume 履历job interview 求职面试personnel manager 人事经理recruit 招聘full-time job 全职工作part-time job 兼职工作contract 合同day shift 日班night shift 夜班unsocial hours 非正常工作时间(如早班,晚班)shift work 倒班routine work 例行公事/日常工作commission 佣金pension 退休金payment 报酬salary 薪水wage 工资bonus 奖金welfare 福利client 客户cashier 收银员designer 设计师accountant 会计engineer 工程师window dressing 布置橱窗stock market 股票市场name badge 名字胸章challenging 富有挑战性的stimulating 刺激的interesting 有趣的full of adventure 充满冒险的disabled/handicapped 残疾的council 委员会register 登记identity 身份D.O.B./Date of Birth 出生年月日问路/方位(39)clockwise 顺时针方向的anti-/counter-clockwise direction 逆时针方向on the left/right 在左/右边turn (to the) left/right 向左/右转around (the corner) to theleft/right 在拐弯处向左/右转front 前面behind 在后面beside 在旁边opposite 在对面be on the corner of …street and …avenue 在…街和…街的拐角处parallel 平行的cross 交叉的corridor 走廊path 小路passage 通道aisle 过道step 台阶signpost 路标arrow 箭头escalator 滚梯pedestrian/pavement/sidewalk 人行道zebra crossing 斑马线crosswalk 人行横道overpass 立交桥underpass 地下通道crossroad/junction 十字路口T-junction 丁字路口road 路street 街avenue/boulevard 大街,林荫道lane (乡间)小路,巷子drive (通往住宅的)私人车道square 广场ground floor 首层wing 配楼(与主楼相连)landmark 标志性建筑gym 健身房nursery 托儿所department store 百货商店场景三:办理银行业务(32)bank transfer 银行转账loan 贷款student debt 学生借贷cash 现金currency 流通货币bill/note 纸币coin 硬币cheque/check 支票chequebook/checkbook 支票本traveller’s cheque 旅行支票credit card 信用卡Master Card 万事达卡Visa Card 维萨卡American Express Card 美国运通卡account 账户PIN number 密码activate 激活deposit 存withdraw 取bank statement 银行对账单interest rate 利率ATM/Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机overdraft 透支mortgage 抵押贷款net 净余的gross 总的interest 利息branch 分支,支行eligible 合格的individual circumstances 个人情况documentation 文件money order 汇票场景四:度假与旅行(131) 度假注意事项(24)casual clothes 休闲服装visa 签证extension 延期non-open time 非对外开放时间jellyfish 水母sunblock/sunscreen 防晒霜sunburnt 晒黑的tan 日晒后的颜色bather 泳衣trunks 泳裤sunglasses 太阳镜tent 帐篷picnic 帐篷expedition 远征,考察excursion 远足,短程旅行get lost 迷路compass 指南针helmet 头盔torch/flashlight 手电筒mosquito 蚊子insect 昆虫repellent 驱虫剂hiking boots 登山靴socks 短袜度假概况(24)recreation娱乐leisure activity 休闲活动hectare 公顷acre 英亩brochure 旅游介绍的小册子directory 目录voyage 航行backpack 双肩背包tour package 背包游go camping 宿营vacant seat 空座extra charge 额外收费heritage 遗产travel agency 旅行社in advance 事先book 预订reservation (旅馆房间等)预定,预约schedule 时间表fare 票款commence the tour 开始旅行cycling route 骑车路线survival 生存embassy 大使馆passport 护照driving license 驾照expire (驾照、护照等)过期度假地(33)resort 胜地southern hemisphere 南半球cave 洞穴cathedral 大教堂castle 城堡botanical garden 植物园safari park (可开车四处观赏的)野生动物园wild-life zoo 野生动物园national park 国家公园bird watching (在大自然中)对鸟的观察研究exhibition 展览会,展览reproduction 复制品sculpture 雕塑rain forest 雨林museum 博物馆art gallery 画廊souvenir 纪念品beach 海滩coast 海岸harbor 海港surfing 冲浪scuba-diving 深水潜水diving gear 潜水设备skiing 滑雪Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院Stonehenge 巨石阵cliff 悬崖ancient 古代的reception 接待demonstration 示范表演local guide 当地导游historical interest 历史景观stadium 体育场Olympic 奥林匹克的度假住处(8)sleeping bag 睡袋Lodge 乡间小舍motel 汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅社cottage 村舍inn 客栈B&B=bed and breakfast 旅游者住在当地人家里,提供床铺和早餐的住房服务cabin 小木屋交通工具(28)mountain bike 山地车bus route map 公交线路图hiking 徒步旅行hitch-hike 搭便车旅行back-packer 背包自助旅行的人coach 长途汽车off-road 越野的four-wheel drive 四轮驱动caravan 房车express (train) 快车economy class 经济舱petrol英=gasoline美汽油cable car 缆车tram 有轨电车trolley 无轨电车shuttle 往返机车taxi/cab 出租车lorry/truck 卡车underground/subway/tube/metr o 地铁ferry 渡轮cruise 游轮wheel 轮子tyre 轮胎make 牌子brake 刹车horn 喇叭gear 车档license plate number 车牌号气候情况(6)chilly 寒冷的humid 潮湿的arid 干旱的mild 温和的tropical 热带的equator 赤道货币(8)currency 流通货币dollar 美元cent 分pound 英镑penny/pence 便士Japanese yen 日元Euro 欧元buck 美元场景五:食物与健康(129) 食物(69)canteen 小卖部,食堂refectory=cafeteria 自助餐厅,食堂buffet 自助餐barbecue 烧烤snack bar 零食店candy bar 糖果店vending-machine 自动售货机spicy/hot 辛辣的chilli 辣椒sweet 甜的sour 酸的bitter 苦的salty 咸味浓的cheese 奶酪red meat 红肉garden salad 蔬菜沙拉fish & chips 炸鱼和土豆条snack 小吃,快餐refreshment 点心pork 猪肉steak 肉排,牛排sandwich 三明治nut 坚果burger/hamburger 汉堡包appetizer 开胃菜main course 主菜dessert 餐后甜点beverage 饮料vegetarian 素食的,素食者sea food 海鲜take-away 外卖drive-in 免下车路边餐厅pub 酒馆,客栈instant coffee 速溶咖啡espresso 蒸馏咖啡,浓咖啡cappuccino 热牛奶咖啡mineral water 矿泉水wine 葡萄酒black tea 红茶skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶yogurt 酸奶curry 咖喱ginger 姜ketchup 调味番茄酱vinegar 醋toast 吐司soup 汤egg plant 茄子broccoli 西兰花cauliflower 菜花celery 芹菜spinach 菠菜cucumber 黄瓜mushroom 蘑菇pumpkin 南瓜lettuce 生菜pea 豌豆lemon 柠檬chewing gum 口香糖fruit juice 水果汁calorie 卡路里calcium 钙fat 脂肪vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白质nutrient 营养物质indigestion 消化不良tissue 组织healthy diet pyramid 健康饮食金字塔健康(60)lung 肺chest 胸腔,胸膛infection 感染yellow fever 黄热病hay fever 枯草热vaccine 疫苗injection 注射chemist/pharmacy/drug store 药店allergy 过敏leprosy 麻风病epidemic 流行的,传染的,流行病chronic 慢性的precaution 预防flu/influenza 流行性感冒ulcer 溃疡clinic 诊所hospital 医院first-aid 急救的patient 病人dentist 牙科医生surgeon 外科医生physician 内科医生drowsy 昏昏欲睡的sore 疼痛的stuffy 窒息的dizzy 晕headache 头痛cough 咳嗽pulse 脉搏blood pressure 血压symptom 症状ward 病房life expectancy 预期寿命prescription 处方penicillin 青霉素aspirin 阿司匹林antibiotic 抗生素pill 药丸tablet 药片herb 草药capsule 胶囊ointment 药膏drop 滴剂poisoning 中毒remedy 治疗法therapy 疗法checkup 身体检查insomnia 失眠arthritis 关节炎fatigue 疲劳twist 扭伤swell 肿胀bruise 瘀伤sneeze 打喷嚏diarrhea 痢疾,腹泻diagnosis 诊断dosage 剂量immune system 免疫系统psychological 心理的场景六:报到、注册与选课(137) 学校概况(64)institute 学院freshman 大一学生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生undergraduate 本科在读生postgraduate 研究生commission 委员会kindergarten 幼儿园student union 学生会facility 设备semester/term 学期assessment 评估secondary education 中等教育higher education/tertiary education 高等教育adult education 成人教育open admission 免试入学制preparatory 预备的graduate school 研究生院open university 夜大,函大fieldwork 实地调查School of Arts and Sciences 文理学院auditor/guest student 旁听生boarder 住宿生bachelor 学士master 硕士doctor 博士alumnus/alumna 男/女校友Alma Mater 母校graduation appraisal 毕业评估graduationceremony/commencement 毕业典礼diploma/graduation certificate 毕业证书degree 学位certificate 证书qualification 资格expert 专家consultant 顾问faculty 教职工的总称teaching assistant 助教dean 学校分院长,系主任principal/president 校长coordinator 协调人lecturer 讲师associate professor 副教授professor 教授school counselor 校辅导员supervisor 论文指导老师career advisor 职业指导员adviser/mentor 导师coeducation 男女同校制度primary/elementary school 小学junior high school 初中senior high school 高中attached middle school 附中technical school 技校polytechnic 理工学院key school 重点中学letter of recommendation 推荐信sponsor 赞助人grant 拨款tuition 学费loan 贷款scholarship 本科奖学金fellowship 研究生奖学金入学报到(26)orientation 新生熟悉情况enrollment 注册,入学register/enroll 登记,报到opening ceremony 开学典礼recreation center 娱乐中心application form 申请表book list 书单give confirmation 确认conference room 会议室overhead projector 投影仪attendance 出勤exemption 免修resit 重考,补考report 报告reference (向读者指示参考书,文章等的)附注,旁注bibliography 书目,索引,文献plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheat 作弊auditorium 大礼堂drop out 辍学curriculum 课程syllabus 大纲credit point 学分credit system 学分制score 分数,成绩campus 校园venue 场地teaching facilities 教学设施选课(47)beginner course 入门课foundation/basic course 基础课elementary course 初级课secondary course 中级课intermediate 中级的advanced 高级的compulsory course/required course 必修课optional course/elective course 选修课specialized course 专业课general course 公共课major 主修minor 辅修archaeology 考古学architecture 建筑学astronomy 天文学agriculture 农业geography 地理学geology 地质学chemistry 化学micro-biology 微生物学marine-biology 海洋生物学hospitality 酒店管理botany 植物学zoology 动物学ecology 生态学electronics 电子学mathematics/maths 数学statistics 统计学genetics 遗传学physiology 生理学literature 文学philosophy 哲学history 历史art 艺术,美术sociology 社会学linguistics 语言学psychology 心理学engineering 工程学business 商务,商业law 法学economics 经济学finance 金融学accounting 会计学banking 银行学physics 物理学anthropology 人类学politics 政治学场景七:图书馆、电脑室(81) 图书馆(47)inquiry desk 咨询台folder 文件夹touch-screen information service 触摸信息屏extension 续借后的延长期renew(al) 续借due 到期的overdue 过期的expiry 到期catalogue under title/author 书名目录/著者目录fiction/non-fiction 小说类/非小说类reference book 工具书encyclopedia 百科全书atlas 地图册magnetically coded 磁化的,有条形码的demagnetize 消磁available 可借阅的in stock 有存货,图书馆有stack 书库,书架open shelf 开架书Closed Reserved 非外借图书处out on loan 借出去了reservation list 预约单prospectus 学校介绍,学生手册index 索引front/back cover 封面/封底fly leaf 扉页retrieval 检索audio visual resource center 视听资料室reprint 再版volume 卷abstract 摘要borrow 借用lend/loan 借给newspaper 报纸journal 杂志periodical 期刊category 类别fine 罚款check out 登记并借出return 归还information desk 服务台library card 借书证current/back issues 即期/过期刊物librarian 图书馆员student card 学生证loan period 借书期circulation desk 借书台电脑室(34)internet 互联网website 站点laser printer 激光打印机access to 连接(网络)attachment 附件jam 使塞满,堵塞copier 复印机fax machine 传真机hardware 硬件software 软件network 网络hard disk 硬盘monitor 监视器screen 屏幕keyboard 键盘mouse 鼠标setup 安装uninstall 卸载operation system 操作系统program 程序word/data processing 文字/数据处理user 用户click 点击update 更新manual 指南menu 菜单password 口令virus 病毒web page 网页online 在线email 电子邮件firewall 防火墙log on 登录laptop 笔记本电脑场景八:学习经验交流(35)cram 突击式学习(尤指为应考)distinction 优异pass 及格fail 不及格core books 核心书目motivation 动机handout 分发的印刷品assignment 作业presentation 课堂上专题发言project 课题participation 课堂参与情况,参与tutorial 个别辅导,讨论课office hour (教授与学生)面谈的时间final-examination 期末考核quiz 小测验oral test 口试open-book exam 开卷考pop test 抽考placement test 入学分级考试aptitude test 学能测试discipline 科目English proficiency 英语流利程度supplementary reading material补充阅读材料prescribed textbook 指定课本methodology 方法学debate 辩论seminar 研讨课lecture 讲座schedule/school timetable 课程表course arrangement 课程安排summary 小结repetition 重复review promptly 即时复习attend lecture 参加讲座notice board/bulletin board 公告场景九:学术报告与论文撰写(34)paper/thesis/dissertation 毕业论文essay 短论文draft 草稿deadline 截止日期extension 延期defense 答辩outline 大纲chapter 章research 研究feedback 反馈poll 民意调查survey 调查analyze data 分析数据questionnaire 调查问卷case study 案例调查observation 观察hypothesis 假设statistics 统计valid/invalid 有效的/无效的data/datum 数据investigation 调查open question 开放性问题quantitative 定量的qualitative 定性的significant difference 显著差异interview 访谈respondent/interviewee 被调查者multiple choice question 多项选择题result 结果conclusion 结论interpretation 解释,阐释opinion 观点random selection 随意选取sample 样品,标本,例子场景十:学术讲座(141) 动植物(45)mammal 哺乳动物life cycle 生命周期breed (使)繁殖;品种smelly 发臭的,有臭味的cage 笼子hen 母鸡goat 山羊killer whale 食人鲸pigeon 鸽子squirrel 松鼠swan 天鹅ape 猿frog 青蛙crocodile 鳄鱼kangaroo 袋鼠koala 考拉lizard 蜥蜴ostrich 鸵鸟penguin 企鹅dolphin 海豚whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼bat 蝙蝠dinosaur 恐龙hours 马lion 狮子elephant 大象parrot 鹦鹉snake 蛇tiger 虎migrant bird 候鸟cattle 牛livestock 牲畜endangered species 濒危物种rare species 稀有物种fin 鳍tail 尾巴scale 鳞片fur 毛皮feather 羽毛kelp 海藻,海藻灰(可提取碘的)palm 棕榈pine 松树bloom 开花seed 种子环境(35)loss of soil 土地流失fossil 化石costal 沿海的recycle 再循环waste disposal 废物处理rubbish 垃圾contaminant 污染物fertile soil 沃土fertilizer 化肥evaporate 蒸发irrigation 灌溉solar power 太阳能nuclear power 核能alternative energy 可替代能源carbon dioxide 二氧化碳aluminum 铝population density 人口密度pollution 污染sewage 污水排放consumption 消耗greenhouse effect 温室效应El Nino 厄尔尼诺ozone layer 臭氧层preservation 保存pollutant 污染物environment 环境resource 资源recycling 再循环criterion 标准generation of electricity 发电boom 繁荣sprawl 蔓延wetland 沼泽地marsh 湿地distribution 分布考古(15)tribe 部落profile 外形,轮廓pottery 陶器storehouse/warehouse 仓库craft 手工业,手艺fossil 化石texture 质地conservation 保存flourish 繁荣,茂盛raw material 原材料migration 移民toe 脚趾bacteria 细菌amber 琥珀precious stone 宝石课题报告(46)ageing population 人口老龄化settlement 殖民地innovation 革新commercialization 商业化globalization 全球化utilize 利用moisture 潮湿season 风化timber 木料treaty 条约military 军事的milestone 里程碑internal clock 生物钟charity 慈善depression 抑郁raise 筹集current affair 时事small scale 小规模mature 成熟的container 容器advertisement 广告domestic 国内的slang 俚语expected 预期的duration 持续时间detail 细节approval 正式批准strike 罢工flexibility 弹性,适应性velvet 天鹅绒reinforce 加强donation 捐款,捐赠public awareness 公众意识robot 机器人crisis 关键时刻,危机tunnel 隧道capital 首都,大写字母,资本abuse 滥用,虐待mass media 大众传媒maximum 最大量minimum 最小量juvenile 青少年vote 投票monopoly 垄断telescope 望远镜galaxy 星系,银河其他场景词汇(181) 机场(22)flight number 航班号book the ticket 订票take off 起飞land 降落check in 办理登记手续charter flight 包机book in advance 事先预定make a reservation/book 预定runway 飞机跑道baggage/luggage 行李baggage reclaim 行李提取处departure lounge 候机厅destination 目的地bound for 去,准备去crew 机组成员pilot 驾驶员flight attendant 空中乘务员international/domesticarrival/departure 国际/国内到/出港customs 海关duty-free shop 免税店economy class 经济舱first class 头等舱business class 商务舱体育运动(42)tennis 网球table tennis 乒乓球polo 马球water polo 水球skiing 滑雪water skiing 划水Gym 健身房yoga 瑜伽cycling 骑自行车jogging 慢跑weight training 力量性训练aerobics 有氧操stadium 体育场hi-tech fitness center 高科技健身中心squash 壁球cricket 板球rugby 橄榄球golf 高尔夫球bowling 保龄球billiard house 台球厅snooker 斯诺克hockey 曲棍球ice hockey 冰球skating 滑冰roller blade 直排轮滑badminton 羽毛球baseball 棒球beach volleyball 沙滩排球football 足球treadmill 跑步机track and field 田径tournament 联赛athlete 运动员referee 裁判coach 教练cheer leader 拉拉队长martial arts 武术wrestling 摔跤judo 柔道karate 空手道box 拳击canoeing 划独木舟艺术(20)circus 马戏acrobatics 杂技magic/trick 魔术ballet 芭蕾mime 哑剧comedy 喜剧comedian 喜剧演员guitar 吉他release 发行blockbuster 大片folk song 民歌classic music 古典音乐documentary 纪录片thriller 惊悚片TV chat show 电视聊天节目subtitle 电影字幕concert 演唱会spectator 观众audience 听众sound effect 声效灾难(29)air-crash 空难drought 干旱flood 洪水earthquake 地震volcano 火山tidal wave 海啸hurricane 飓风typhoon 台风disaster 灾难disease 疾病plague 瘟疫death toll/fatality 死亡数news bulletin 新闻公告financial assistance 经济援助rescue 援救wreckage 残骸fire brigade 消防队medical team 医疗队survivor 幸存者hotline 热线ambulance 救护车fire engine 救火车police car 警车theft 偷窃panic 恐慌priority 优先权illegal 非法的cop 警察capital punishment 死刑人物(68)over-weight 胖的sturdy 壮stout 结实的chubby 圆胖的plump 丰满的medium-built 中等身材的slender 苗条的lean 瘦的blond 金发的straight 直发的curly 卷发的beard 下巴上的胡子moustache 嘴巴上的胡子bald 谢顶的dye 染发wig 假发contact lens 隐形眼镜hat 礼帽cap 棒球帽umbrella 伞cane/stick 拐杖dimple 酒窝pimple 青春痘freckle 雀斑mole 痣wrinkle 皱纹chin 下巴cheek 面颊forehead 前额blouse 女士衬衫beauty spot 美人痣scar 疤痕short hair 短发long hair 长发tall/high 高short 矮thin 瘦的average height 平均高度wear a tie 戴领带bow tie 领结T-shirt T恤衫pullover 套头毛衣sweater/jersey 套头衫,运动衫suit 西服/套装jumper 套头外衣trousers 裤子jeans 牛仔裤sandals 凉鞋jewelry 珠宝laugher lines 笑纹thick eyebrows 浓眉long eyelashes 长睫毛high lined forehead 大脑门high cheek bones 高颧骨full lips 厚嘴唇turned-up nose 翘鼻double chin 双下巴crew cut 平头formal clothes 正装casual clothes 休闲服polo shirt 马球衫jacket 夹克sportswear 运动服raincoat 雨衣loose 宽松的tight 紧绷的ponytail 马尾辫pal 朋友。

在日常生活中,随处都可以看到浪费 粮食的 现象。 也许你 并未意 识到自 己在浪 费,也 许你认 为浪费 这一点 点算不 了什么
1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语 从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。
Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up early. W eather permitting (If weather permits), we shall go.
II. 人称代词
1) 通常在比较级中主格比宾格正式。 eg. He is taller than I (me). Who is there ? It is I.(me)
2) 在动名词前,所属格比主格正式。 eg. Do you mind my (me) smoking? I am surprised at his (him) making that mistake.
正式: 1.词汇: explode,reduce,position, fatigurd
2.短语动词: choose,abandon, continue,quarrel,investgate
在日常生活中,随处都可以看到浪费 粮食的 现象。 也许你 并未意 识到自 己在浪 费,也 许你认 为浪费 这一点 点算不 了什么
3) 指时间和地点的从句 `Prep + which' 比 `when' and `where' 从句正式 。 This is the place in which (where ) I worked. That is the day on which (when) I came.

.生活类场景词汇一.租房类场景1.住宿类型accommodation: Homestay/hostfamily 住宿家庭 ,flat/apartment 公寓 ,dormitory(dorm) 宿舍 ,hallofresidence宿舍楼 ,studio 单身公寓 ,house 房子 ,cottage 村舍、别墅、小屋 ,mansion 大厦 2.租金账单 Maximum/minimum 最大 / 最小 ,weekly/monthly/annually每周、每月、每年Eg:Paytherentonamonthly/weeklybasis B ills 费用 :phonebill电话费 ,gasbill燃气费,waterbill水费,electricitybill电费 ,laundrycharge 洗衣费 ,(free)internetaccess 网络接口 ,rent/deposit租金/押金 3.房间设置entrancehall/foyer/lobby大厅 lounge 休息室 ,porch/corridor 走廊 ,balcony 阳台 livingroom/sittingroom客厅 ,diningroom餐厅 ,bathroom浴室 ,kitchen/kitchenette厨房 ,study书房 ,laundryroom洗衣房 ,basement 地下室 ,attic 阁楼 , singleroom/doubleroom( 双人房 )/twinroom 〔两张单人床的双人房〕 /tripleroom三张单人床的三人房其他设施:garden公园,yard 院子 ,swimmingpool 游泳池 ,tenniscourt 网球场 ,garage 车库 4. 房间硬件及电器 (householdappliance/facility) decoration/newlydecorated 新装修的 ,furnished/unfurnished有 /无家具的,air-conditioner空调,electricfans电扇 ,radiator/heater暖气片、加热器bath/shower泡澡/淋浴,washingmachine 洗衣机,cableTV(TVlicense)有线电视〔电视许可〕 ,stereosystem 立体声音响系统,refrigerator/fridge/freezer冰箱 ,stove/electricstove电炉子,microwaveoven 微波炉 ,toaster 烤面包机 5.家庭用具 (utensil) Carpet 地毯 ,curtain 窗帘 ,lamp 灯 ,cupboard 碗柜 ,wardrobe 衣柜,drawer 抽屉 ,broom 扫帚 ,mop 拖把 ,vacuumcleaner 真空吸尘器 6.床上用品(bedpack) bedlinen 〔被单和枕套〕,sheet 床单,quilt 棉被 ,duvet 羽绒被,pillow 枕头 ,pillowcase 枕套 ,blanket 毛毯 ,mattress床垫,cushion垫子,towel毛巾7.住房规定(rules/regulations)nosmoking,nodrinking,nopets,nochildren/kid s,nonoise8.饮食 diet/preference Vegetarian/vegan 素食主义者 ,take-away 外卖 ,seafood 海鲜 ,salad 沙拉 , soda 苏打 ,allergy(beallergicto)/havefoodallergies食物过敏9. 地点location/situation/place/venue/area/address/sitecitycentre/downtown市中心,urbandistrict市区,ruraldistrict/outskirt/suburb 郊区 ,localshops,localschools nosmoking,no drinking ,no pets,no children/kids,nonoise8. 饮食diet/preference Vegetarian/vegan 素食主义者,take-away 外卖 ,seafood 海鲜 ,salad 沙拉 , soda 苏打 ,allergy(be allergic to)/have food allergies食物过敏9.地点location/situation/place/venue/area/address/site city centre/downtown市中心 ,urban district市区,ruraldistrict/outskirt/suburb 郊区 ,local shops, local schools二.购物聚会打工场景 1.购物 : 特征: Price 价格 ,material 材质 ,color 颜色 ,function 功能 ,brand 品牌 ,size 尺寸 ,model 模型,promotion 促销、宣传付款方式payment :cash 现金 ,creditcard 信用卡, check/cheque 支票 , discount 折扣 ,tax 税索赔(claim for compensation):refund 退款 ,purchasing date 购置日期,branch 分支 ,receipt 收据 ,invoice 发票 2.聚会: venue 地点 ,participant 参与者 ,representative/delegate 代表 ,rehearsal 彩排,reservation预定,confirm确定,menu菜单 ,drinks/beverage 饮料 ,snacks/refreshments 小吃 ,extraservice 额外效劳3.打工:clerk 店员,typist 打字员,receptionist 接待员 ,cleaner 清洁工 ,secretary 秘书 ,dayshift/nightshift 白班 / 夜班 ,pay/wage/salary 薪水 ,work permit 工作许可 ,timetable 时间表 ,day-off 休息日三.银行场景open an account 开户, passport 护照 ,bankletter银行证明,currentaccount活期账户,deposit/saving account储蓄、定期账户,joint account合资账户,bank statement 银行账单 ,internetservice网络服务.PIN(PersonalIdentificationNumber 〕个人密码 Debitcard 借记卡,overdraft 透支 ,creditcard 信用卡 ,interest 利息英国几大常见银行Natwest,LloydsTSB,Barclays,HSBC(servicecharge),bankholiday,cashpoint machine 取款机 ,withdraw/deposit/transfermoney取/存/转钱四.文化活动1. 地点 :theatre剧院,concert音乐会,operahouse歌剧院 ,auditorium观众席,clubhouse俱乐部,dininghall食堂 ,karaokebarsKTV2.活动类型 Volunteer 志愿者 ,competition 竞争 ,socialactivity社会活动,fund -raisingevent筹款活动 ,charity 慈善 Puppet 木偶 /mime 哑剧 /talkshow 脱口秀/circus 马戏团 /magicshow 魔术 ,festival 节日 ,programlist 节目单 ,mainattraction主要吸引Opera歌剧,ballet芭蕾 ,classicalmusic 古典乐 ,folkmusic 民俗乐 ,livemusic 现场音乐 ,jazz 爵士 ,rap 说唱 ,pop 流行 ,blues 布鲁斯 ,instrument乐器,violin 小提琴 ,piano(pianist) 钢琴 ,cello 大提琴, keyboard 键盘,orchestra 管弦乐对 ,symphony 交响乐 Drama 戏剧 ,comedy喜剧 ,tragedy 悲剧 ,western 西部片 ,romance 爱情片 ,musical 音乐剧 ,horrormovie/thriller 恐怖片 ,documentary 纪录片 ,action 动作片 Exhibition/display 展览 ,statue/sculpture 雕塑 ,photograph摄影Comedian 喜剧演员 ,tragedian悲剧演员,artist 艺术家 ,painter 画家 ,craftsman 手工匠 ,celebrity 名人五.运动健身 1.设施及人员 :stadium 体育场 ,court(tenniscourt)球场 ,gym健身房 ,studio工作室(keep-fit/dancestudio),fitnesscentre/club健身中心 ,membershipcard会员卡 ,annual/quarterlyjoiningfee年费 /季度费 ,reception 接待处 ,coach 教练 ,referee 裁判 ,assessment 评估 2.体育活动 :golf 高尔夫 ,tennis 网球 ,tabletennis 乒乓球,badminton 羽毛球 ,yoga 瑜伽 ,judo 柔道 ,football 足球 l,rugby 橄榄球 ,swimming 游泳 ,diving 跳水 ,squash 壁球 ,kick-boxing 拳击,rowing 赛艇六.旅游tour/trip/journey旅行 ,package/group/organized/guided/walking/bus/spotlighttour, rivercruise 乘船游览 ,boattrips,plan方案 /schedule日程安排/route 路线 /itinerary 行程安排 brochure/pamphlet/booklet宣传小册子,leaflet传单 1.景点(touristattraction/touristresort/scenicspot/historicalinterest〕mountains,mountainous/hillyareas山区 ,valley峡谷 ,cliff悬崖,tropicalrainforests热带雨林 ,bushland灌木丛,marsh(wetlands) 湿地 ,beaches 海滩 , coastalarea 海滨地区,Sunrise/sunset 日出日落 ,hotsprings温泉,fountain喷泉,waterfall瀑布l,volcano火山,desert沙漠architecture建筑,castle 城堡 ,palace 宫殿,temple 寺庙 ,church 教堂,cathedral 大教堂 ,museum(exhibition)博物馆,artgallery艺术展,seven-screencinema 有七个影厅的电影院 ,amusementpark游乐园 ,aquarium水族馆 2. 活动及设施(activities,facilities)Swimming 游泳,scuba-diving 带水肺的潜水,surfing 冲浪,waterskiing 划水 ,rafting 漂流 ,mountain/rockclimbing 爬山 / 攀岩 ,expedition 远征 ,excursion 远足 ,hiking 徒步 ,cycling 骑单车 ,hotairballooning 乘坐热气球, picnic 野餐 ,barbecue 烧烤ticket/boxoffice 售票处 ,giftshop(souvenir) 礼品店〔纪念品〕 ,caf é咖啡馆(refreshment),carpark/parkinglot 停车场 ,shoppingmall 购物商场,storehouse/warehouse 仓库,cottage 别墅、村舍 ,cabin 小木屋 viewpoint 视角 /viewingshelter 观景棚,boardwalk木板路, path/trail/track/lane/alley小路 ,footbridge 人行桥 3.旅游前的准备 :包括衣食住行 ,设备种种方面关于旅行服饰longtrousers 长裤,walkingboots 步行靴,sandals 凉鞋 ,leathershoes 皮鞋 ,socks 袜子 ,beachtowel 沙滩浴巾 ,bottledwater瓶装水,tent帐篷,sleepingbag睡袋,sunglasses太阳镜 ,sunblock 防晒霜, compass 指南针 ,torch火炬,telescopes望远镜,helmet头盔 4.注意:poisonous/venomoussnakes 毒蛇,stingers 有刺的动物,sharks 鲨鱼 , jellyfish 水母 ,handicapped 残障的 ,wheelchair.轮椅 5. 引申: population人口, mainindustry主要工业 ,manufacturing加工制造业, farming耕作业 ,sheepandcattlefarming牛羊养殖 ,fishing养鱼业,transportation 交通 ,language 语言 ,accent 口音 ,dialect 方言,idiomsandslang习语和俚语,climate气候,highest/lowesttemperature 最高温、最低温七.生活咨询Book/reservetheroom/ticket预定房间/票,Make/confirm/cancelareservation进行/确认/取消预定publictransport/privatetransport公共/私人交通,,rivercruise/boattrips,ferry 渡船 ,rowboat划船vehicle 交通工具:van 面包车 ,cab/taxi 出租车 ,shuttlebus 班车 ,double -deckbus 双层巴士,tram轻轨,trolley手推车,underground/subway/tube/metrosystem地铁accommodation住宿 :Hotel宾馆 ,motel汽车旅馆,hostel 旅社 ,inn客栈 ,lodge旅店 ,tavern酒窖、客栈fare票价 ,extracharge/surcharge( 额外费用 ) (saverticket 打折票/coupon 优惠券 ,openticket 开放票〔不固定时间〕 ,one-wayticket 单程票 ,round -trip/returnticket) 往返票 ,(firstclass.,businessclass,economyclass)? legroom 〔座位间放腿的空间〕 , non -stopflight 直飞航班 ,connectingflight 联程航班 ,takeoff(departure) 起飞 ,taxi(滑行 ),landdestination 目的地,dateofdeparture/arrival出发日期/到达日期checkinluggage 托运行李 ,duty -freeshop 免税店 ,taxirefund/reimbursement退税八.看病就医 1.医院及疾病病症 :Pharmacy/drugstore/chemist ’ s 药店, practitioner(ageneralpractitioner) 通科医生 ,dentist 牙医 ,surgeon(外科医生 ),physician 〔内科医生〕 ,vetclinic 兽医院 ,mentalhospital精神病院,makeanappointment预约,catchacold得了感冒,fever发烧,cough咳嗽 ,stuffednose/runningnose 鼻塞 / 流鼻涕 ,dizzy 头晕,stomachache 胃痛 /toothache 牙痛 /headache 头痛 /backache 背痛 ,cancer 癌症 ,allergy 过敏 ,flu 流感 2.治疗方法 :pills 药丸,tablet 药片 ,herb 草药 ,capsule 胶囊 ,mixture 混合药剂 ,syrup糖浆 (twiceaday,takeafterbreakfastandsupper),eyedrops 眼药水 ,eyepad 眼罩 3.男 / 女性健康问题、心理健康情况探讨occupationalfactors 职业因素 ,workingirregularhours 工作时间不规律 ,highpressure 高压力 ,unhealthylifestyle 不健康生活方式,internalclock 生物钟 ,familyproblem 家庭问题, anxious 焦虑的,depressed 沮丧的4.特定疾病的介绍和讨论,国外医疗制度的介绍:diabetes 糖尿病,yellowfever 黄热病,livertrouble 肝病,insomnia(sleeplessness)失眠,amnesia 健忘症,infection 感染,chronic 慢性病 ,antibiotic 抗生素 ,vitamin 维生素 ,painkillers止痛剂 ,sleepingpills安眠药,injection注射,operation手术 ,relaxation/diettreatment 放松疗法 / 食疗 ,recreationtherapy 休闲疗法学术类场景词汇一 .图书馆1.相应操作:checkout 出馆 ,renew 续借 ,recall 召回 ,due 到期,overdueandpayafine 过期并罚款, computer 电脑 ,database 数据库 ,book/reserveinadvance提前预定,returnintime按时归还2.书的状态:loan借,specialloan短期借阅,notforcirculation/closedreserve只读不借的区域 ,overduebook 过期的书3.借的物品 :classification/category分类 ,abstract摘要,chapter章节, bibliography/reference/citation参考文献periodical(journal,magazine)期刊、杂志 ,issue(current,backissues)近期刊物/ 过期刊物 ,newspapers(local/nationalnewspaper)报纸 ,works作品 ,fiction 科幻小说 ,novel 小说 ,poem 诗歌 ,textbook 教科书,biography 人物传记 ,material(audio&videomaterial) 音频 & 视频材料 ,title 标题 ,author 作者, publisher出版社,yearofpublication出版年份 4.借书需要证:librarycard/admissioncard/callslip借书证、出入.卡 ,studentcard 学生证 ,ID 身份证 5.图书馆各局部:enquirydesk/informationdesk/reception咨询处 ,circulationdesk/deliverydesk 借还书处 ,returnarea还书处 ,touch -screeninformationservice触屏信息服务 ,referenceroom/section 参考书区域 ,open/closedshelf 开放式书架/非公开书架,photocopyroom影印室,copymachine/copier 复印件, printer 打印机, scanner 扫描仪 onlineresources 网络资源, interlibraryservices 馆内效劳二.新生报到 1.教职员工 :faculty/department/school 学院、部门 ,dean 系主任 ,faculty 全体教职人员 ,professor 教授,associateprofessor 副教授,assistantprofessor 助理教授,lecturer 讲师 ,tutor/advisor 导师 ,counselor 参谋 ,supervisor论文导师 ,coordinator 协调人员 ,teachingsecretary助教 ,TA(TeachingAssistant),RA(ResearchAssistant〕研究助理 2.学生遇见问题及建议:orientationweek迎新周 ,orientationtour 迎新游览,financial财政 ,tuitionfee学费,grants/scholarship/fellowship 助学金、奖学金 ,homesickness 想家 ,technicalterms/vocabulary/words专业术语 ,course 课程 ,deadlines 截止日期 ,attendance出勤率 3.学校设施Canteen/dininghall/refectory/cafeteria食堂、餐厅 ,saladbar 沙拉吧 ,buffet 自助餐 ,vendingmachine自动售后机 ,campus 校园,accommodation住宿,parkinglot/area停车场 ,commonroom/house 公共休息室 ,recreationcenter 娱乐中心 ,studentunion学生会,society社团,club俱乐部,admissionsoffice招生办公室 ,international/overseasstudents ’ office 留学生办公室,careercenter 职业规划中学 ,nurseryschool/daycarecentre 日托中心 ,shoppingmall 购物商场 ,teachingbuilding 教学楼,lecturetheatre 阶梯教室 ,multimedialectureroom 多媒体教室 ,laboratory/lab 实验室 4.课程咨询 :register(registration) 登记 ,enroll(enrollment) 注册 ,programme(program) 项目course:compulsory/requiredcourse必修课,selective/elective/optional course选修课Primary/elementary/fundamental/foundation/basic初级的,secondary/intermediate/middle-leveled 中级的 ,advanced 高级的 ,full -timecourse全日制课程 ,part -timecourse半日制课程,nightclass夜班,weekendclass周末班,extensive/intensivecourse泛读 / 精读课程 5.局部学科名称Biology 生物学 ,micro -biology 微生物学 ,marine -biology 海洋生物学 ,botany 植物学 ,zoology 动物学 ,ecology 环保学 ,geography 地理学 ,geology 地质学 ,physics 物理学 ,chemistry 化学,mathematics 数学,statistics 统计学,engineering 工程学 ,civilengineering 土木工程学 ,agriculture 农业学 ,astronomy天文学 ,architecture 建筑学 ,medicine 医学 ,computerscience 计算机科学, business 商学 ,economics 经济学 ,accounting 会计学,finance 财经学,marketing 市场营销,banking 银行学,literature 文学 ,psychology 心理学 ,sociology 社会学 ,history历史学 ,politics政治学,philosophy哲学,journalism新闻学 ,massmedia 大众传媒, law 法学 ,archaeology 考古学,anthropology 人类学 ,linguistics 语言学三.论文写作 paper/thesis/essay/report/dissertation 论文,syllabus 教学大纲 ,booklist 书单 ,handout 讲义 ,assignment 作业 ,project 项目, topic 话题 ,abstract 摘要 ,index 索引Introduction : researchquestions研究问题 ,hypothesis假设Literaturereview文献综述Methodology方法论 :poll投票/survey调查 /investigation调查 /research研究quantitative/qualitativeresearch定量研究/定性研究questionnaire问卷调查(proofreading校对,respondent,responserate回复率),interview(interviewee),face -to -face/telephoneinterview 采访 ,casestudy 个例研究 ,observation 观察Findings:analyzedata/statistics,分析数据缺点:drawback/disadvantage/limitation/downside/demerit/shortcoming/defect/weakpoints/weakness优.点:advantage/merit/virtue/strongpoint/strength Conclusion bibliography/references,citation参考文献四.动物介绍特征介绍:Length长度,height身高,weight体重 ,skeleton骨骼,skin皮肤,fur皮毛,hide兽皮,blood血液,leather 皮革,brain 大脑,territory 领土,migrationpattern 迁徙模式 ,food 食物 ,speed 速度 ,habitat 栖息地 ,growthstage 成长阶段,evolution 进化 ,endangered/nearlyextinctcreature濒临灭绝的物种常见动物:bird(migratorybird)留鸟,wildlife野生动植物,mammal 哺乳动物,reptile 爬行动物,marine 海洋生物,ox/bull 公牛 ,boar 野猪 ,lamb 羔羊 ,hare 野兔 ,rat 耗子 ,camel骆驼 ,donkey 驴,zebra 斑马 ,lion 狮子 ,puma 美洲狮 ,chimpanzee 黑猩猩 ,gorilla 大猩猩 ,ape 猿类 ,redkangaroo 红袋鼠 ,koala 考拉熊,dinosaur 恐龙,whale 鲸鱼,shark 鲨鱼,dolphin 海豚,seal 海豹,crocodile 鳄鱼 ,tortoise 乌龟, serpent 毒蛇 ,insect 昆虫 ,ant蚂蚁 ,bee 蜜蜂 ,butterfly蝴蝶,dragonfly蜻蜓,firefly萤火虫,cricket 蟋蟀 ,silkworm 蚕 ,mosquito 苍蝇 ,spider 蜘蛛 ,worm虫 ,ostrich鸵鸟,pigeon鸽子,falcon猎鹰生活习性:food(foodchain 食物链 ,naturalfood),feather 羽毛 ,fur 皮 ,hide 兽皮,leather 皮革 ,wing 翅膀 ,nest 巢,habitat 栖息地 ,domesticated家养的 ,breeding/rearing 饲养 ,feed 喂食 ,fertilize 使受精 ,reproduce(breed) 繁殖 ,hatch 孵化 ,creep 爬行 ,disease 疾病,insecticide 杀虫剂 ,resistance 抵抗力五.电影Genre 种类 :documentary纪录片,animation动画,artfilm 艺术品 ,musical 歌舞剧 ,travelogue 游记 ,tragedy 悲剧 ,comedy喜剧,studio演播厅,shooting拍摄,editing剪辑 ,setting布景,lighting灯光,stunt噱头,specialeffects特技,silentmovie 默剧 ,sound/acousticeffect 音效 ,projector 投影仪六.考古Fossil 化石 ,rock 岩石 ,trace 踪迹 ,track 踪迹、足迹,Neolithic 新石器时代的,Paleolithic 旧石器时代的,tribe 部落,relics 残骸, farming 农业 ,farmland 农田 ,cereal 燕麦 ,corn玉米 ,grain 谷物 ,crop 庄稼 ,wheat小麦,barley大麦,plough 犁,cultivation 耕作 ,irrigation 灌溉 ,hard-hoofedanimals 硬蹄类动物,cattle牛,sheep羊,breedinganimals饲养动物 ,domesticanimals 家养动物 ,livestock 家畜 ,poultry 家禽,pottery 陶器 ,porcelain/china 瓷器 ,clay 泥土 ,pot 壶 ,ware 器皿 ,polish 抛光 ,glaze 釉 ,sculpture 雕塑 ,carve 雕刻 (cave 洞穴),engrave 雕刻七.地球生态 Ecosystem 生态系统 ,vegetation 植被 ,wetland 湿地 ,grassland 草地 ,tropicrainforest 热带雨林 ,temperature 温度,climate 气候 ,globalwarming 全球变暖 ,greenhouseeffect 温室效应 ,sealevel 海平面 ,atmosphere 大气层 ,carbondioxide 二氧化碳,oxygen 氧,ozonelayer 臭氧层,radiation 辐射,flood 洪灾,drought 旱灾,embankment 筑堤 ,sediment 沉淀物 ,delta 三角洲 ,volcanoeruption火山爆发,glacier冰川 1. 污染破坏Pollute/contaminate 污染 ,deteriorate/exacerbate/worsen恶化,impact 影响 ,extinction 灭绝 ,dust -storm 尘暴 ,deforestation森林砍伐 ,desertification 荒漠化 ,waterandsoilerosion 水土流失noise/soundpollution噪音污染 ,garbage/rubbish/waste/litter/refuse垃圾,sewage下水道,plastic 塑料的 ,battery 电池 ,disposableproduct 一次性产品acidrain 酸雨 ,gas emission/exhaust fumes 废气排放 ,fossilfuels 化石燃料 ,petrol/petroleum石油,natural gas 天然气 ,coal 煤 ,firewood 木柴 2.资源利用 alternative resources 替代资源,solar/wind/water power, recycle 回收 ,landfill site 垃圾填埋场 ,incineration 焚化 ,reclaim 改造 ,reusable 可循环使用的,durable 耐用的 ,purification 净化 3.环境保护 new energyeconomy 新能源经济 ,low -carbon economy低碳经济,sustainable development可持续发展,conservation/preservation保护 ,(mineral,natural,freshwater)resource,afforestation/deforesta tion 植树造林 / 森林砍伐 ,greenbelt 绿化带 ,civilization 文明化,awareness 意识八.商科话题:Company/corporation公司企业,chain store 连锁店 ,retail outlet 零售店 , manager 经理 ,personnel 人事部门 ,staff全体员工Budget预算,break-even收支平衡的,balance 余额,capital 资金,profit(profitable) 利润,cost 本钱 ,sales 销售 ,share(share-holder) 持股人 ,invest(investment) 投资,deficit 赤字 ,inflation 通货膨胀 ,deflation 通货紧缩 ,recession 衰退 ,competition竞争,advertising campaign广告营销,marketing 市场营销 ,expansion 扩张员工招聘:recruitment招聘 ,management管理,individual个人,independent独立的 ,creativity创造性,initiative自发性,teamwork团队合作,cooperation合作,bonus福利,incentive(financial incentive)财政鼓励 ,stress/pressure 压力 ,benefits package 一揽子福利九.政治:treaty/compact 条约,issue 问题,democracy 民主 ,representative 代表 ,embassy 大使馆 ,ambassador 大使reform 改革 ,immigrant 移民 ,military 军事 ,welfare 福利 ,benefit 好处十.科技:Speed 速度,model 模型,switch 开关,button 按钮 ,manufacturing 制作加工业 ,mechanical device 机械装置,current 〔电、水、气〕流 ,industry(industrial revolution 工业革命 ),artificial intelligent 人工智能 ,radar 雷达 ,satellite 卫星。

Section 1 Survival ScenarioRenting1.Character 人物Tenant 房客Owner of the property 业主Real estate agency 房产中介Lodger (拎包入住的)房客Landlord/landlady 房东/女房东Real estate agent2.Accommodation 住宿1)Type of residence 房型Flat/Apartmet 公寓Home-stay 住家Semi-detached house 半独立式住宅Dormitory/Dorm q寝室Studio apartment 小型公寓Terraced house 排屋Detached house 独立式住宅Hall of residence 宿舍2)Furniture 家具Furnished 带家具的Unfurnished 不带家具的Partially furnished 配备部分家具的En suite 成套家具的3)location 位置Urban 城区的Outskirts 郊区Downtown 商业区Metropolis 都市Suburban 郊区的Rural 农村的Uptown 住宅区Cosmopolis 大都市3. Payment 支付Rent 房租Deposit 押金Bill/utilities 费用(phone,electriity gas water)Cash 现金Cheque/check 支票Reundable 可退还的Weekly 按星期Quarterly 按季Monthly 按月Annually 按年4.Failties 设施1)living room 客厅Porch 门廊Hall/lobby 大厅Corridor 走廊Balcony 阳台Fireplace 壁炉Curtain/drape 窗帘Stereo 音响Projector 投影仪Armchair 扶手椅‘Bench 长椅Couch 长沙发Sofa 沙发Courtyard 后院Basement 地下室Attic 阁楼Garage 车库2)Bedroom 卧室Radiator 暖气管Central heating 集中供暖Air-conditioner 空调Blackout 停电Sheet 床单Quilt 被子Pillow 枕头Nightstand 床头柜Cushion 靠垫Mattress 床垫Carpet 地毯Blanket 毯子3)study 书房Bureau 写字台Lamp 台灯Bookcase/bookshelf 书架Torch 手电筒/火炬4)restroom/bathroom 浴室Tap 水龙头Towel 毛巾Toothpaste 牙膏Mirror 镜子Shower 淋浴Toothbrush 牙刷Comb 梳子Razor 剃须刀Detergent 清洁剂5)kitchen 厨房Sink 洗碗池Refrigerator/fridge 冰箱Microwave 微波炉Cupboard 碗橱Kettle 水壶Dish-waster 洗碗机Pven 烤炉Gas burner 煤气灶Toaster 面包机Pot 茶壶6)dinnerware 餐具Dish 盘子,菜肴Spoon 调羹Chopsticks 筷子Plate 盘子Fork 叉Bowl 碗Banking1.account 账户Current account 活期帐户Joint account 共有账户Service charge 手续费Deposit account 定期账户Instant account 速成账户Opening sum 开户金额Password/code/pin number 密码Activate 激活Net/gross 净/总Bankbook/deposit book 存折Bank balance 银行余额Bank statement 银行报表Interest rate 利率Interest 利息Headquarter 总行Branch 分行2.transation 交易Deposit 存款Withdraw 取款Credit card 信用卡Overdraft 透支Transfer 转账Money order 汇票Mortgage 按揭Eligible 合格的Loan 贷款Fund 基金Foreign exchange 外汇Exchange rate 汇率ATM 自动柜员机(automatic teller machine)3.Currency 货币Cash 现金Chequebook 支票簿Cheque 支票Traveller’s cheque 旅行支票Bill 纸币Coin 硬币Shooping1.option 挑选Shopping mall 购物商场Hypermarket 超大型商场General store 综合商店Corner shop 街角小店Stall 货摊Fair 集市Supermarket 超级市场Department store 百货商店Arcade 拱廊市场Grocery store 杂货店Boutique 时装精品店Booth 有蓬的流动商店Flea market 跳蚤市场2.action 行动Taste 嗜好Refined taste 高雅的品味Discount 打折Auction 拍卖Cashier 收银员Shop assistant 售货员Suit one’s taste 符合……的嗜好Of versatile tastes 兴趣广泛的Sale/big sale 甩卖Counter 柜台Shift work 倒班Bid 喊价,投票,机会,试图Travelling1.tour 旅行Trip 短途旅行Journey 长途旅行V oyage 航程Hiking 步行Travel agency 旅行社Passport 护照Expire/expiry (护照)过期Excursion 短途旅行,远足Expedition 远征Cruise 巡游Bag-packer 背包族Package tour 旅游套餐Visa 签证Extension 延期Department/depart 出发Resort/attraction/scenic spot 景点Signpost 路标Disembark/disembarkation到达,登录Brochure/booklet/leaflet宣传资料Souvenir 纪念品2.transportation 交通运输Coach 长途客车Shuttle bus/commuter line 班车Hitch-hike搭便车旅行Siren 汽笛Trainman 乘务员Helicopter 直升机First class 头等舱Runaway 跑道Departure lounge 候机厅Pilot 驾驶员Steward 乘务员Underground/subway 地铁Saver ticket 优惠票Caravan 房车Express train 特快列车Platform 站台Conductor 检票员Airplane 飞机Economy class 经济舱Charter flight 包机Baggage reclaim 行李提取处Crew 机组成员Flight attendant 乘务员Double-deck 双层巴士Timetable 时刻表3.accommodation 膳宿Hotel 旅馆Motel 汽车旅馆Lodge/inn 小旅馆Peak season 旺季Ahead of time/in advance 提前Suite 套房Hostel 青年旅社Base 营地Off season 淡季Reserve/book/reservation/booking预定4.cuisine 烹饪1)Canteen/refectory 食堂Restaurant 饭店Café小餐馆Cafeteria 自助餐厅Dinning hall 餐厅Vending machine 自动贩卖机2)dishes 菜肴Main course 正餐Snack 小吃Buffet 自助餐Pudding 布丁Dessert 甜点Cookie 曲奇饼Refreshments 茶点Salad 沙拉Chip 薯条Biscuit 饼干3)ingredients 原料Cream 奶油Yogurt 酸乳酪Ketchup 番茄酱Sour 酸Spicy 辣Butter 黄油Cheese 奶酪Sweet 甜Bitter 苦Salty 咸4)beverage 饮料Coffee 咖啡Lemon juice 柠檬汁Alcohol 酒精饮料Wine 葡萄酒Mineral water 矿泉水Lemonade 柠檬水Liquor 烈酒5. attraction 名胜Cathedral 大教堂Abbey 大修道院Thames bridge/tower bridge 泰晤士桥Stonehenge 巨石阵The great barrier 大堡礁Sydney opera house 悉尼歌剧院6.metropolis 都会1)the united kingdom of great Britain England 英格兰London 伦敦Manchester 曼彻斯特Birmingham 伯明翰Leeds 利兹Livepool 利物浦Sheffield 谢菲尔德Coventry 考文垂Scotland 苏格兰Glasgow 格拉斯哥Edinburgh 爱丁堡Wales 威尔士Cardiff 加的夫North Ireland 北爱尔兰2)Ireland republicDublin 都柏林3)new ZealandWellington 惠灵顿Christchurch 克里斯特切奇Auckland 奥克兰4)the commonwealth of Australia Canberra 堪培拉Sydney 悉尼Melbourne 墨尔本Queensland 昆士兰州victoria 维多利亚州western Australia 西澳大利亚州Brisbane 布里斯班Perth 铂斯South Australia 南澳大利亚州New south Wales 新南威尔士州5)the united states of America Washington 华盛顿Boston 波士顿Seattle 西雅图Chicago 芝加哥New york 纽约Atlanta 亚特兰大Los angeles 洛杉矶6)canadaOttawa 渥太华Ontario Vancouver 温哥华Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Ontario 安大略省British Columbia 哥伦比亚Toronto 多伦多Montreal 蒙多利亚Quebec 魁北克省Enquiry1. receptionReceptionist 接待员Section manager 部门经理Reference 参考Clerk 店员Counsel/consult 咨询2.MembershipInternal member 内部人员Members of public 大众Trial session 体验课程External member 外部人员Subscription fee 入会费Partially restricted 部分限制的3.registrationApplication form 申请表Personal information 个人信息Sex/gender 性别Documents for ID 身份证明Identity card 身份证Driving licence 驾照Contact number 联系电话Minimum joining age 年龄底线Provisional 暂定Registration form注册表Personal condition 个人情况Marital status 婚姻状况Credential 证件Student card 学生证Passport photo 护照照片In case of emergency person 紧急联系人Needs accompany 需陪同的Reference number 档案号Sports1.ball 球类Basketball 篮球Beach volleyball 沙滩排球Soccer 足球Cricket 板球Softball 垒球Table tennis 乒乓球Squash 壁球V olleyball 排球Football 足球Baseball棒球Rugby 橄榄球Tennis 网球Badminton 羽毛球Hockey 曲棍球Ice hockey 冰球Polo 马球Bowling 保龄球Pool 台球Referee 裁判Tournament 巡回赛Water polo 水球Golf 高尔夫Snooker 斯诺克Billiard 弹子球Umpire 裁判2.fitness centre/gym/stadium Weight training 力量练习Boxing 拳击Treadmill 跑步机Yoga 瑜伽Karate 空手道Be keen on 热衷于Wrestling 摔跤Aerobics 有氧运动Cycling 自行车Martial art 武术judo 柔道scheme计划injury 受伤3.athleteDash 短跑Long jump 跳远Pole vault 撑杆跳高Shot 铅球Discus 铁饼Heptathlon 七项全能Long-distance running 长跑High jump 跳高Javelin 标枪Hammer 链球Decathlon 十项全能4.othersSkating 滑冰Canoeing 独木舟滑行Roller blade 轮滑Bungee jumping 蹦极Party,conference/exhibition 1.categoryMeeting 会议Congress 国代表大会/议会Exhibition 展览会Session 一次会议Display 陈列,展览Exposition 博览会2.arrangementVenue 地点Exhibition hall 展览厅Confirmation 确定Agenda 议程Calendar 日历Conference pack 会议资料包Guesthouse 招待所Conference hall 会议厅Invitation 邀请Attendance/presence 出席Documentation 文件资料Newsletter 内部时事通讯Accommodation 食宿3.characterHost/emcee 主持Addresser/lecturer 发言人Reservation clerk 预定员Temporary worker 临时工Guest 嘉宾Staff manager 人事经理Miss manners 礼仪V olunteer 志愿者4.safetyEntrance/access 入口Fire gate /fire exits 紧急出口Electronic surveillance 电子监控Exit 出口Monitor 监视器Security guard 保安Library1.procedureAvailable/in stock 可借的Loan time/period 借书期Due 到期Fine 罚金Open shelf stack 开架书Out on loan 已借出的Date of expiry 到期日Overdue 超期Renewal 续借Index /retrieval 索引Closed reserved 非外界的Librarian 图书管理员2 resourcesTextbook 教科书Core books 核心科目Prescribed textbook 指定课本Supplementary reading material 补充阅读教材References 参考书Journal / periodical 期刊Fiction 小说Catalogue 目录Encyclopedia 百科全书National / local paper 全国性/当地报纸Back/current issue 过,现刊Non-fiction 非小说类Prospectus 内容简介Almanac 年鉴puter centreInternet café网吧Website 网站Mouse device 鼠标Floppy/hard disk 软,键盘Setup 安装Crash 死机Laptop 手提电脑Access to the internet 上网Log on 登录Click 点击CD-ROM 光盘驱动器Uninstall 卸载Manual 指南Macintosh 苹果电脑Job hopping1.recruitementOpening 空缺Training 培训Internship 实习Freelance 自由职业者Opportunity 工作机会Day / night shift 日/晚班Apprentice / trainee 实习生2.QualificationCompetence / capability 能力Incapable / incompetent / inadequate 能力不足的Inexperienced 经验不足的Junior 初级的Senior 资深的3.AdjustmentPromote 晋身Lay-off 失业Quite / resign 辞职Transfer 调动Downsize 裁员Fire / sack / dismiss 解雇Welfare 福利Bonus 奖金4.DepartmentAdministrative 行政Financial 财务的Human resources 人力资源Sales 销售的Marketing 市场的Public relation 公共关系Purchasing 采购的Logistic 物流的Supporting 后勤的Engineering 工程的Technical 技术的Manufacturing 生产的5.positionGeneral manager 总经理Supervisor 主管Consultant 顾问Engineer 工程师Director 主任Specialist专家Assistant 助理Editor in chief 总编辑Reporter/journalist/pressman 记者Doctor’s 1.symptomSneeze 大喷嚏Headache 头痛Stuffed nose 鼻塞Indigestion 消化不良Obesity 肥胖Snore 打鼾Twist/sprain 扭伤Bruise 瘀伤Spasm 痉挛Dizzy/pass out/faint 眩晕Cough 咳嗽Sore throat 嗓子疼Running nose 流鼻涕Hiccup 打嗝Insomnia 失眠Drowsiness 嗜睡Swell 肿胀Cramp 抽筋Shock 休克2.illnessChronic 慢性病Acute 急性病Common 常见的Epidemic 流行性的Flu/influenza 流感Asthma 哮喘Anemia 贫血Ulcer 溃疡Cholera 霍乱Yellow fever 黄热病Chicken pox 水痘Arthritis 关节炎Tuberculosis 肺结核Lung infection 肺部感染Allergy 过敏Diarrhea 腹泻Leprosy 麻风病Hey fever 花粉病Small pox 天花Handicapped 残疾人3.remedy/therapy Ambulance 救护车Surgeon 外科医生Shrink 心理医生Diagnosis 诊断Ward 病房Pulse 脉搏Prescription 处方First aid kit 急救箱Physician 内科医生Vet 兽医Clinical 临床的Blood pressure 血压Blood transfusion 输血Dosage 剂量Pill 药丸Ointment 药膏Capsule 胶囊Syrup 糖浆Precaution 预防Optic examination 视力检查Chemist’s/pharmacy/drug store 药店Tablet 药片Herb 草药Lozenge 含片Drop 滴液Vaccine injection 疫苗注射Outlook1.feature1)faceLong 长脸Angular 长方脸Broad 宽脸Well-featured 五官端正Pale 脸色苍白Round 圆脸Square 方脸Thin 瘦脸Rosy 脸色红润2)eyesSmall 小眼睛Deep-set 深陷的眼睛Hollow 眼神空洞Sharp 眼神锐利Cross-eyed 斗鸡眼Contact lenses 隐形眼镜Big 大眼睛Bright 大眼睛Bright 眼神明亮Watery 水汪汪Near-sighted 近视眼Glasses/spectacles 眼镜3)noseBig 大鼻子Short 短鼻子Straight 直鼻梁Hooked/roman鹰钩鼻Snub-nosed 翘鼻子Pointed 突出的鼻子Long 长鼻子Flat 塌鼻子Turn-up nose 朝天鼻4)mouthMean lips 薄嘴唇Full lips 厚嘴唇Moustache 小胡子Beard 络腮胡Clean-shaven 刮干净的Sideburns 鬓角5)othersForehead 额头Eyelashes 睫毛Cheek 面颊Pimple 粉刺Chin 下巴Scar 疤Eyebrows 眉毛Wrinkle 皱纹Dimple 酒窝Freckle 雀斑Jaw 下颚Wart 痣2.hair1)colorBlack 黑发Blonde 金发Dye 染发Brown 棕发2)qualityStraight 直发Wavy 大波浪卷发Curly 卷发Frizzy 小卷发3)styleFlattop/crew cut 平头All-back 大背Parting 分头Pony tail 马尾辫Bald 秃头Wig 假发Shock-headed 爆炸头Pig tail 麻花辫Bun 发髻Bush-haired 嘻嘻拉拉的头发3.Body1)heightTall 高Short 矮1.75-one meter seventy-five 一米七五(读法)2)sizeSturdy/solid 结实的Muscular 肌肉发达的Small 小的Skinny/bony 皮包骨头Fleshy/chubby 肉嘟嘟的Plump 臃肿的Well-built 身材好的Lean/thin 瘦的Slim/slender 苗条的Fat 胖的Overweight 超重的Stocky/stumpy 敦实的Medium-built 中等身材3)colorOlive 古铜色的Tanned 晒黑的Toffee-colored 小麦色的4.dressing1)formalSuit 正装Tailcoat 燕尾服Blouse 女士衬衫Shirt 衬衫Tuxedo/tux 礼服Evening wear 晚装Tie 领带Stickpin/tie bar 领带夹Hairpin 发簪Necklace 项链Bow tie 领结Brooch 胸针Earring 耳环Bracelet 手镯2)casualJeans 牛仔裤Short-sleeved 短袖Pullover 套头毛衣Top 上衣Blazer 休闲西装Sneaker 板鞋Boots 靴子Sock 运动袜T-shirt T恤Sweat 毛衣Jumper 女士套头毛衣Jersey 运动T恤Sandal 凉鞋High-heel 高跟鞋Hiking boots 登山靴Stocking 丝袜SECTION 2 CULTURE SCENARIOLeisure life1.festivalSt.valentine’s day (0214) 情人节St.David’s Day (0301) 圣戴维节St.Patrick’s Day(0317) 圣帕特里克节Lady’s Day / Annunciation Day (0325) 圣玛丽亚日Good Friday(复活节前的周五) 耶稣受难日Easter(约0321) 复活节Holy Thursday(复活节四十天后的周日) 耶稣升天日Pentecost / White Sunday(复活节后的第七个周日) 圣灵降临日Fool’s Day (0401) 愚人节Queen’s birthday(0421) 女王诞辰Shakespeare’s Day 莎士比亚纪念日St. George Day(0423) 圣乔治节May Day(0501) 劳动节/五一节Spring Bank(五月最后的周一) 春假Midsummer’s Eve(0621) 仲夏节Summer Bank (八月最后的周一) 夏假Halloween(1031) 万圣节Christmas Day(1225) 圣诞节Boxing Day(圣诞节后一日,遇周日推迟一天) 节礼日New Year(0101) 元旦2.Touring(见touring场景)3.Programme (Radio /TV)Announcer / Broadcaster 播音员Narrator 解说员Revirwer 评论员Programme Parade 节目预告Weather forecast 天气预报TV play series 电视连续剧Sitcom 情景喜剧Fill in 提供信息In store 即将播出BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司NBC-National Broadcasting Company 全国广播公司(美)ABC-American Broadcasting Corporation 美国广播公司CNN-Cable News Network 美国有线电视新闻网HBO-Home Box Office 家庭影院频道Social Life1.Theatre&Cinema1)CategoriesDrama 戏剧Tragedy 悲剧Opera 歌剧Comedy 喜剧Film / Movie 电影2)LayoutStagre 舞台Scenery 布景Auditorium 观众席Box / Bolcony 包厢Front stalls 正厅前座Wing 侧翼Aisle 通道Usher 引坐员Foyer 休息室Dressing room 更衣室/ 化妆间Parking / Pull over 停车Parking lots 车位3)PerformanceLeading role 主角Supporting role 配角Extra 临时演员Stunt / Stand-in / double 替身Monologue 独白Dialogue 对白4)Box officeCater to 迎合(品为)Full house 剧院满座Blockbuster 大片2. Concert HallConductor 指挥Orchestra 交响乐团String 弦乐Pipe 管乐Symphony 交响乐Chamber music 室内乐Classical music 古典乐Suite 组乐Folk song 民谣Jazz 爵士乐3.Museum & GalleryMasterpiece 名作Study 临摹Painting 油画Sketch 素描Sculpture 雕塑Mural 壁画Pigment 色彩Perspective 透视画法Light & Shadow 光影Shape&proportion 形状比例4.CharityPoverty 贫困Impoverished 贫困的The needy 穷人Poor box 捐款箱Underdeveloped 欠发达的The widowed 寡居的The homeless 无家可归的Refugee 难名Orphan 孤儿Orphanage 孤儿院Charity dance 慈善舞会Charity school 慈善学校Campus Life1.AdmissionApplication 申请Documentation 文件CV 个人简介Academic Record Transcript 成绩单Referee 推荐人Reference / Recommendation 推荐信Personal statement 个人陈述Enrollment/registration 注册Open admission 免试入学Scholarship/fellowship 奖学金Interview 面试Preparatory year 预科Funding 资金补助Grant 助学金2.facultyInstitute 学院,协会School/college 学院Professor 讲授Lecturer 讲师Tutor 指导老师President 校长Dean 系主任Academy 学院,研究院Graduate school 研究生院Associate professor 副教授Adviser/mentor 导师Tutorial 辅导Chancellor 名誉校长Coordinator 班主任3.facilityLecturer room 阶梯教室Recreation centre 娱乐中心Student union 学生会Counseling centre 辅导中心Common room 公共休息室Administration building 行政楼、Alumni association 校友会Counselor 辅导员4.activityOpening ceremony 开学典礼Graduation ceremony 毕业典礼Prom 毕业舞会Orientation meeting 新生见面会5.academic life1)attendanceAttendance/participation 出勤Drop out 辍学Sit in 旁听Exemption 免修Absence/presence 缺,到Cut /miss class 跷课Auditor 旁听生2)examinationPlacement test 分班考试Open-book exam 开卷考试Pass 通过Re-sit 重考Final assessment 期末总评Graduation appraisal 毕业总评Final examination 期末考试Pop test 抽考Fail 不及格Expel 退学Credit 学分High distinction 优异Map1.directionEast 东South 南West 西North 北Northeastern 东北Northwest 西北Southwest 西南Backward 后方Downward 下方Westward 西方Southward 南方Southeast 东南Forward 前方Upward 上方Eastward 东方Northward 北方12o’clock 正北3o’clok 正东6o’clock 正南9 o’clock 正西2.LocationTop 顶部Centre 中间Bottom 底部Top left/right corner 左右上角Bottom left/right corner 左右下角Back 后Beside 旁边Beyond 远处Front 前Left 左Next to/off by 紧邻Nearby/ close by 附近On the other side of 另一端On the far side/end 远端Opposite to/in the opposite/across form 对面3.actionGo down/go up/go ahead 往前Go on/ walk on/carry on/go further down 继续走Go along 沿着……往前Cross/go across/walk across 穿过Go round the corner/go round the turning 拐弯SECTION 3 OFF CLASS SCENARIOBusiness1.managementConvention 例会Layer/hierarchy 科层Mission 目标Corruption 贪污Fraud 欺诈Appointment 会晤Overhead 运营费用Corporate culture 企业文化Bride 贿赂Embezzlement 挪用公款2.marketingSale 销售Retail 零售Revenue 收益Outlet 门店Wholesale 批发Profit 利润Cost 成本Turnover 销售额Promotion/push 促销Brochure/booklet/leaflet 宣传资料Campaign 市场活动Brand 品牌Circulation 发行量Publicity 宣传Ads/commercial 广告Launch 面试Trademark 商标3.financeCapital/fund 资金、资本Bound 债券Stocks & shares 证券股票Commission 佣金Bankrupt 破产Credit 信贷Security 证券Futures 期货Broker 经纪人Takeover 购买兼并4.economicsEntrepreneur 企业家Productivity 生产率Taxation 税收Currency 通货Stability & prosperity 稳定与繁荣Marginal 边际的Monopoly 垄断Budget 预算Inflation &deflation 通货膨胀与紧缩Depression & recession 萧条与衰退Environment1.resoureeFossil fuel 化石燃料Natural gas 天然气Lunar energy 潮汐能Mineral 矿物Mine 矿藏Silver mine 银矿Platinum 白金Aluminum 铝Lead 铅Nickel 镍Sulphate 硫酸盐Petroleum 汽油Solar energy 太阳能Nuclear energy 核能Ore 矿石Gold mine 金矿Copper mine 铜矿Zinc 锌Uranium 铀Mercury 汞Calcium 钙2.issuesPollution 污染Deterioration 恶化Exhaust gas 废气Atmosphere 大气层Radiation 辐射Infra-red 红外线Green house effect 温室效应Glacier melting 冰川融化Decibel 分贝Pollutant 污染物Emission 排放Carbon-dioxide 二氧化碳O-zone layer depletion 臭氧破洞Ultra-violet 紫外线Global warming 全球变暖Rising sea level 海平面上升Acid rain 酸雨Soil erosion 土壤侵蚀3.weatherDrizzle 细雨Hail 冰雹Breeze 微风。

1. 状语1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以⽤⾮谓语动词的形式,也可以⽤状语从句的形式,⼀般的说,⾮谓语动词形式⽐状语从句形式正式。
Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up early.Weather permitting (If weather permits), we shall go.2)⽅式和程度状语可⽤介词短语,也可以⽤副词表⽰,⼀般说,介词短语⽐副词正式。
He spoke in a confident way/with confidence. (Confidently)3) 英语中⽤⼀些副词有两种形式,⼀种是-ly形式,⼀种是同形容词的形式相同,⼀般说,前者⽐后者正式。
He read loudly (loud).I guessed rightly (right).4) 让步状语从句 `how (who, when, what) ever‘ 的形式⽐ no matter how (who, when, what) 的形式正式。
Whoever (No matter who) he is, I wont‘ see him.2. 代词I. 关系代词1) 定语从句中作宾语的关系词`Whom‘ ⽐ `who‘正式。
Whom (Who) are you waiting for?He is the person whom (who) I met the other day.2) 在定语从句中作主语和宾语的关系词`Who‘ `whom‘ and `which‘⽐ `that‘ 正式。
He is the person who (that) is well-known here.This is the book which (that) I bought yesterday.I know the person whom (that) you spoke to.3) 指时间和地点的从句 `Prep + which‘ ⽐ `when‘ and `where‘ 从句正式。

影视剧本中常用单词或缩写中文译意全解ACTION ………………………………………………… 动作ANIMATOR ……………………………………………… 原画者,动画设计ASSISTANT …………………………………………… 动画者ANTIC …………………………………………………… 预备动作AIR BRUSHING ………………………………………… 喷效ANGLE ………………………………………………… 角度ANIMATED ZOOM ……………………………………… 画面扩大或缩小ANIMATION FILM ……………………………………… 动画片ANIMATION COMPUTER ………………………………… 电脑控制动画摄影ATMOSPHERE SKETCH ………………………………… 气氛草图B.P.(BOT PEGS) …………………………………… 下定位BG(BACKGROUND) ……………………………………… 背景BLURS ………………………………………………… 模糊BLK(BLINK) …………………………………………… 眨眼BRK DN(B.D.)(BREAK-DOWN) ……………………… 中割BG LAYOUT …………………………………………… 背景设计稿BACKGROUND KEYS …………………………………… 背景样本BACKGROUND HOOKU P ………………………………… 衔接背景BACKGROUND PAN ……………………………………… 长背景BACKGROUND STILL …………………………………… 短背景BAR SHEETS …………………………………………… 音节表BEAT …………………………………………………… 节拍BLANK …………………………………………………… 空白BLOOM …………………………………………………… 闪光BLOW UP ………………………………………………… 放大CAMERA NOTES ………………………………………… 摄影注意事项C.U.(CLOSE-UP) …………………………………… 特写CLEAN UP ……………………………………………… 清稿,修形,作监CUT …………………………………………………… 镜头结束CEL=CELLULOID ……………………………………… 化学板CYCLE ………………………………………………… 循环CW(CLOCK-WISE) ……………………………………… 顺时针转动CCW(COUNTER CLOCK-WISE) ………………………… 逆时针转动CONTINUE(CONT,CON‘D) …………………………… 继续CAM(CAMERA) ………………………………………… 摄影机CUSH(CUSHION) ……………………………………… 缓冲C=CENTER ……………………………………………… 中心点CAMERA SHAKE ………………………………………… 镜头振动CHECKER ……………………………………………… 检查员CONSTANT ……………………………………………… 等速持续COLOR KEYS=COLOR MARK-UPS ……………………… 色指定COLOR MODEL ………………………………………… 彩色造型COLOR FLASH(PAINT FLASH) ………………………… 跳色CAMERA ANIMATION …………………………………… 动画摄影机CEL LE VEL …………………………………………… 化学板层次CHARACTER …………………………………………… 人物造型DIALOG (DIALOGUE) ………………………………… 对白及口形DUBLE EXPOSURE …………………………………… 双重曝光MULTI RUNS ………………………………………… 多重曝光1st RUN ……………………………………………… 第一次曝光2nd RUN ……………………………………………… 地二次曝光DRY BRUSHING ……………………………………… 干刷DIAG PAN(DIAGONAL) ………………………………… 斜移DWF(DRAWING) ………………………………………… 画,动画纸DOUBLE IMAGE ………………………………………… 双重影像DAILIES (RUSHES) …………………………………… 样片DIRECTOR …………………………………………… 导演DISSOLVE(X. D) ……………………………………… 溶景,叠化DISTORTION …………………………………………… 变形DOUBLE FRAME ………………………………………… 双(画)格DRAWING DISC ………………………………………… 动画圆盘E. C. U = EXTREME CLOSE UP ……………………… 大特写EXT(EXTERIOR) ……………………………………… 外面;室外景EFT(EF FECT) ………………………………………… 特效EDITING ……………………………………………… 剪辑EXIT(MOVES OUT, O. S. ) ………………………… 出去ENTER(IN) …………………………………………… 入画EASE-IN ……………………………………………… 渐快EASE-OUT ……………………………………………… 渐慢EDITOR ………………………………………………… 剪辑师EPISODE ……………………………………………… 片集FIELD(FLD) …………………………………………… 安全框FADE(IN/ON) ………………………………………… 画面淡入FADE(OUT/OFF) ……………………………………… 画面淡出FIN(FINISH) ………………………………………… 完成FOLOS(FOLLOWS) ……………………………………… 跟随,跟着FAST; QUICKLY ……………………………………… 快速FIELD GUIDE ………………………………………… 安全框指示FINIAL CHECK ………………………………………… 总检FOOTAGE ……………………………………………… 尺数(英尺)F. G. (FOREGROUND) ………………………………… 前景FOCAL LENGTH ……………………………………… 焦距FRAME ………………………………………………… 格数FREEZE FRAME ………………………………………… 停格GAIN IN ……………………………………………… 移入HOOK UP ……………………………………………… 接景;衔接HOLD …………………………………………………… 画面停格HALO …………………………………………………… 光圈INT(INTERIOR) ……………………………………… 里面;室内景INB(IN BETWEEN) …………………………………… 动画IN-B ETWEENER ……………………………………… 动画员I&P(INK & PAINT) …………………………………… 描线和着色INKING ………………………………………………… 描线IN SYNC ……………………………………………… 同步INTERMITTENT ………………………………………… 间歇IRIS OUT ……………………………………………… 画面旋逝JIGGLE ………………………………………………… 摇动JUMP …………………………………………………… 跳JITTER ………………………………………………… 跳动LIP SYNC(SYNCHRONIZATION) ……………………… 口形LEVEL ………………………………………………… 层LOOK …………………………………………………… 看LISTEN ………………………………………………… 听LAYOUT ………………………………………………… 设计稿;构图LAUGHS(LAFFS) ……………………………………… 笑L/S(LIGHT SOURCE) ………………………………… 光源LINE TEST(PENCIL TEST) …………………………… 铅笔稿试拍;线拍M. S. (MEDIUM SHOT) ……………………………… 中景M. C. U. (MEDIIUM CLOSE UP) …………………… 近景MOVES OUT(EXIT; O. S. ) ………………………… 出去MOVES IN ……………………………………………… 进入MATCH LINE …………………………………………… 组合线MULTI RUNS …………………………………………… 多重拍摄MOUTH CHARTS ………………………………………… 口形图MAG TRACK(MAGNETIC SOUND TRACK) ……………… 音轨MULTICEL LEVELS …………………………………… 多层次化学板MULTIPLANE …………………………………………… 多层设计N/S PEGS …………………………………………… 南北定位器N.G.(NO GOOD) …………………………………… 不好的,作废NARRATION …………………………………………… 旁白叙述OL(OVERLAY) ………………………………………… 前层景OUT OF SCENE ………………………………………… 到画外面O.S.(OFF STAGE OFF SCENE) …………………… 出景(或画外音)OFF MODEL …………………………………………… 走型OL/UL(UNDERLAY) …………………………………… 前层与中层间的景OVERLAP ACTION …………………………………… 重叠动作ONES …………………………………………………… 一格;单格POSE …………………………………………………… 姿势POS(POSITION) ……………………………………… 位置;定点PAN …………………………………………………… 移动POPS IN/ON ………………………………………… 突然出现PAUSE ………………………………………………… 停顿;暂停PERSPECTIVE ………………………………………… 透视PEG BAR ……………………………………………… 定位尺P.T.(PAINTING) …………………………………… 着色PAINT FLASHES(COLOR FLASHES) …………………… 跳色PAPERCUT ……………………………………………… 剪纸片PENCIL TEST ………………………………………… 铅笔稿试拍PERSISTENCE OF VISION …………………………… 视觉暂留POST-SYNCHRONIZED SOUND ………………………… 后期同步录音PUPPET ………………………………………………… 木偶片RIPPLE GLASS ………………………………………… 水纹玻璃RE-PEG ………………………………………………… 重新定位RUFF(ROUGH-DRAWING) ……………………………… 草稿RUN …………………………………………………… 跑REG(REGISTER) ………………………………………… 组合RPT(REPEAT) ………………………………………… 重复RETAKES ……………………………………………… 重拍;修改REGISTRATION PEGS ………………………………… 定位器REGISTRATION HOLES ………………………………… 定位洞SILHOUETTE(SILO) …………………………………… 剪影SPEED LINE …………………………………………… 流线STORM OUT …………………………………………… 速转出SPARKLE ……………………………………………… 火花;闪光SHADOW ………………………………………………… 阴影SMILE ………………………………………………… 微笑SMOKE ………………………………………………… 烟STOP …………………………………………………… 停止SLOW …………………………………………………… 慢慢的SC(SCENE) …………………………………………… 镜号S/A(SAME AS) ……………………………………… 兼用S.S(SCREEN SHAKE) ………………………………… 画面振动SIZE COMPARISON …………………………………… 大小比例STORYBOA RD(SAB) …………………………………… 分镜头台本SFX(SOUND EFFECT) ………………………………… 声效;音效SETTLE ………………………………………………… 定姿;定置SELF-LINE(SELF-TRACE LINE) ……………………… 色线SOUND CHART(BAR SHEEETS) ………………………… 音节表SPECIAL EFFECT …………………………………… 特效T.A.(TOP AUX) …………………………………… 上辅助定位T.P.(TOP PEGS) …………………………………… 上定位TRACK ………………………………………………… 声带TURNS ………………………………………………… 转向TAKE …………………………………………………… 拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序)TRUCK IN ……………………………………………… 镜头推人TRUCK OUT …………………………………………… 镜头拉出TR(TRACE) …………………………………………… 同描TAPERS ………………………………………………… 渐TAPER-UP ……………………………………………… 渐快TAPER-DOWN …………………………………………… 渐慢TIGHT FIELD ………………………………………… 小安全框TAP(BEAT) …………………………………………… 节拍TITTLE ………………………………………………… 片名;字幕UL(UNDERLAY) ………………………………………… 中景;后景UP ……………………………………………………… 上面USE …………………………………………………… 用VERT UP ……………………………………………… 垂直上移V.O. (VOICE OVER) ………………………………… 旁白;画外音value ………………………………………………… 明暗度WIPE …………………………………………………… 转(换)景方式WORK PRINT …………………………………………… 工作样片X(X-DISS) (X. D. ) ………………………………… 两景交融XEROX DOWN …………………………………………… 缩小XEROX UP(XEROX PASTE-UPS) ……………………… 放大X-SHEET ……………………………………………… 摄影表ZOOM OUT ……………………………………………… 拉出ZOON CHART …………………………………………… 镜头推拉轨迹ZOOM LENS …………………………………………… 变焦距镜头。

正式和非正式的英语打招呼用语2. It has been a long time since I last came here. 自从我上次来这里已经有很长时间了。
3. Have you seen Mr. Smith recently? 最近你见过史密斯先生吗?4. They’ve been working on this project since last year. 他们从去年开始一直都在做这个项目。
5. I’ve been watching TV all night. 我看了一整晚的电视。
6. Hi, Jack, where do you live now? 你好,杰克,你现在住哪儿?7. I live at 203 Curzon Street. 我住在可胜街203号。
8. Curzon Street? Isn’t Mary livin g there? 可胜街?玛丽不是也住那儿吗?9. Yes, she lives just across the street. 是的,她就住在街对面。
10. How long have you stayed there? 你在那儿住多久了?正式和非正式的英语打招呼用语(最新篇)1. Where are you going? 你去哪儿?2. Where did you go for dinner yesterday? 你们昨天去哪儿吃的饭?3. When will he come to see you? 他什么时候来看你?4. When did you buy the car? 你什么时候买的车?5. Who told you? 谁告诉你的?6. What’s the height of the building? 这座楼有多高?7. How much does the elephant weigh? 这个大象有多重?8. What’s the color of your new dress? 你的新衣服是什么颜色的?9. What’s the size of your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺寸?10. My brother is twice as tall as your sister. 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

雅思场景词汇总结一、旅行场景1. 交通工具•airplane:飞机•train:火车•car:汽车•bus:公共汽车•taxi:出租车•bicycle:自行车2. 旅馆设施•hotel:酒店•room:房间•reception:接待处•reservation:预订•check-in:办理入住手续•check-out:退房•key card:门卡•luggage:行李•lift/elevator:电梯3. 饮食•restaurant:餐厅•menu:菜单•reservation:预订•table:餐桌•waiter/waitress:服务员•order:点餐•bill/check:账单•tip:小费•dish:菜肴1. 职业•teacher:教师•doctor:医生•engineer:工程师•lawyer:律师•accountant:会计师•journalist:记者•nurse:护士•architect:建筑师•scientist:科学家•musician:音乐家2. 办公设备•computer:电脑•printer:打印机•telephone:电话•fax machine:传真机•scanner:扫描仪•photocopier:复印机•whiteboard:白板•projector:投影仪3. 商务活动•meeting:会议•presentation:演示•negotiation:谈判•business trip:出差•deadline:截止日期•contract:合同•client:客户•colleague:同事•promotion:晋升•teamwork:团队合作1. 学科•mathematics:数学•physics:物理学•chemistry:化学•biology:生物学•literature:文学•history:历史学•geography:地理学•economics:经济学•psychology:心理学•sociology:社会学2. 教育机构•university:大学•college:学院•school:学校•classroom:教室•library:图书馆•laboratory/lab:实验室•dormitory:宿舍•lecture:讲座•assignment:作业•examination/exam:考试3. 学术词汇•research:研究•experiment:实验•hypothesis:假设•analysis:分析•conclusion:结论•theory:理论•data:数据•methodology:方法论•citation:引用•plagiarism:抄袭1. 活动•party:派对•gathering:聚会•wedding:婚礼•birthday:生日•reunion:团圆•conference:会议•exhibition:展览•concert:音乐会•festival:节日•performance:表演2. 交流方式•conversation:对话•greeting:问候•introduction:介绍•small talk:闲聊•discussion:讨论•invitation:邀请•compliment:赞美•apology:道歉•gratitude:感激•farewell:告别3. 社交媒体•social media:社交媒体•Facebook:脸书•Instagram:Instagram•Twitter:推特•WeChat:微信•Weibo:微博•Snapchat:Snapchat•TikTok:抖音•YouTube:YouTube•LinkedIn:领英1. 身体部位•head:头部•neck:颈部•shoulder:肩膀•arm:手臂•wrist:手腕•hand:手•chest:胸部•stomach:胃部•back:背部•leg:腿部2. 疾病与症状•fever:发烧•cough:咳嗽•headache:头痛•stomachache:胃痛•nausea:恶心•dizziness:头晕•allergy:过敏•insomnia:失眠•fatigue:疲劳•depression:抑郁3. 医疗服务•hospital:医院•clinic:诊所•doctor:医生•nurse:护士•patient:患者•appointment:预约•diagnosis:诊断•prescription:处方•surgery:手术•vaccination:疫苗接种以上是一些常见的雅思场景词汇总结,希望对您备考雅思有所帮助。

场景专题1.餐馆场景餐馆:restaurant餐馆place餐馆French place法式餐厅Chinese place中餐馆Italian place意式餐厅pub酒吧inn小旅馆,小客栈snack food小吃snack bar快餐店subway赛百味sandwich三明治Pizza hut必胜客bread talks 面包新语hamburger汉堡burger king 汉堡王cafeteria 自助餐厅食品:steak牛排buffet自助餐main dish主菜salad 沙拉soup汤vegetable sea food egg drop soup蔬菜海鲜蛋花汤sauce 汁,酱dessert甜点pudding布丁dressing调味汁doughnut面包圈French bread法式面包 a loaf一条面包jam果酱apple pie苹果sandwich 三明治toast土司pizza披萨hamburger汉堡snack food 快餐potato chips土豆片French fries炸薯条yoghourt酸奶double cheese burger双层吉士汉堡Mcdonald's spicy drumstick burger 麦辣鸡腿汉堡soda water 苏打水mineral water 矿泉水Orange Juice 橘汁lemon juice 柠檬汁soft drink 软饮料beer 啤酒wine 酒a bottle of wine 一瓶红酒liquor 烈酒alcohol 酒精coffee 咖啡 a cup of coffee动作:order dishes点菜bring me the menu看菜单recommendation推荐,招牌菜付账:我有钱我请客。
Let me treat you. It's my treat.我来买单。
I will check out. pick up the bill.foot the billpick up the table请客It's on me.AA制:Let's go Dutch.各人付自己的帐Let's go fifty-fifty. separate checks split the bill Background:book reserve 预定all the tables have been booked up Are you ready to order, sir? See the menu . What is the specialty of the house? I will be back with your order in a minute. Short-handed I will take care of it right now. Your meal will be free.2.图书馆场景图书馆设施:shelf书架stac书库reading room 阅览室reference room参考书阅览室periodical room期刊阅览室copier复印机study lounge 自习室circulation desk 流通台check out外借return还书renew 续借library 图书librarian图书馆长, 图书管理员book number 书号catalogue书目index索引volume卷,宗library card借书卡规章制度:writing permission书面许可book reservation 预定due到期over-due超期fine罚款reserved library books馆内收藏书check out外借return 还书put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读期刊:magazine 杂志journal 期刊periodical 期刊quarterly 季刊back number 过刊current issue 现刊latest number 最新一期Background: index 索引on the name/subject/具体说明title stack 书库I have trouble to find it. ask the librarian for help library card 借书证circulation desk 流通台magnetically coded 磁性条码demagnetis 消磁pay the fine 罚款3.打电话场景电话种类:long distance call 长途电话over sea call 越洋电话collect call 对方付款电话incoming call 打进的电话outgoing call 往外打的电话phonebooth 公用电话self phone 手机pay phone 投币式电话person to person call 受话者接听的电话station to station call 叫号电话reciever 听筒打电话出现的问题:I am sorry I dialed the wrong number. 拨错电话The line is busy/hut/engaged. 占线The connection is bad. 信号不好The phone is not clear. 听不清楚常用表达:电话本telephone book /directory电话听筒receiver 电话账单phone bill 挂上电话hang up 先别挂hand on 挂掉电话Line is dead. 别挂电话hold on for moment hold the line 给某人打电话ring sb up give sb a ring/call电话自动答录机answering machine 留言leave a message稍等,我马上给你打过去。

新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇新托福听力场景汇总之CONVERSATION篇1. 课程相关事务场景➢场景词汇:●Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, good choice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员●Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版, softcopy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房●Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据, information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的●Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, editedversion修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交●Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定, department院系, invigilator, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square, draft,草稿 dean院长, review复习, draw up, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册●Physiology 100物理100, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first yearstudent新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验●Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难●School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course必修写作课程, first year student大一新生, third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业 final grade最终分数●Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行, revision复习, grade分数●Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, themost frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结●Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage优点●Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息●Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤,optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景3. 选课场景➢场景词汇:●Course课程, semester学期, summer session暑期课程, elective选修, bird course轻松的课, splendor大厅, lecture hall报告厅, lab实验室, tough decision艰难的抉择, pick挑选, choose选择, grade分数, relaxed放松的, paper论文, final exam期末考试, advice建议, sign up注册●Enquiry询问, credit course学分课程, off-campus校外, program项目, remote遥远的, access方法, internet互联网, degree学位, distance education远程教育, diploma证书, requirement要求, format格式, print materials打印材料, audio-tapes录音带, video视频, teleconferencing远程会议, deliver传输, cost费用, fixed date固定日期, history 490历史490●Drop放课, fail不及格, math 101数学101, rough糟糕, test考试, med school医学院●Use your advice遵从您的建议, do premed医学预科, introductory course导论, non-sciencemajor非科学专业, be weak in薄弱, do poorly in薄弱, meet at the same time同时满足, modern drama course现代戏剧课程●Semester学期, enroll in注册, graduate course能毕业的课, qualified合格的, hard timekeep up, favorite interest兴趣偏好, challenging挑战性的, easy grade容易拿的分数●Permission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite满足先决条件, the beginning course初期课程, catalog目录, instructor导师, previous experience事前经验, formal training 正式培训, decision决定●Signature签字, schedule card日程, advisor’s approval导师许可, quite a heavy load课业负担沉重, drop the course放课, seminar学术研讨会●Sign up for a noncredit course注册非学分课程, intermediate level中级水平, grade分数,regular meeting例会●Transfer转专业,转学, bachelor’s degree学士学位, associate助手, selective选修课,letters of recommendation推荐信●Hard course困难的课程, rehearsal彩排, extra time课余时间, once a week每周一次●Flight program飞行项目, degree学位, license执照,许可, excellent reputation好的声誉, selective选修课,4. 迟到旷课场景➢场景词汇:●feel good感觉良好, cover涵盖, lecture演讲,课程, point out指明, chapter章节, textbook教材, part部分, divide分组, project作业,项目, focus专注, due截止日期, show up出现, note笔记, transcribe纪录, email电子邮件●oversleep睡过头, talk about谈论●trouble with my car汽车出故障, lecture series系列讲座, attend参加,出席, admission许可●fill me in something给我补课, dentist牙医, emergency紧急事件, missed somebody’slecture缺课, note笔记, make sense知道,了解5. 转学场景➢场景词汇:●Public university公立大学, private university私立大学, community college社区大学,reputation声誉, class size班级容量, personal attention/individual attention个人参与度, interact互动, group discussion小组讨论, tuition学费, expense花费, cost费用, afford 支付承担, affordable支付得起的, location地理位置, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town大学城, top student尖子生, application申请, experience经历, special特别的,与众不同的6. 实验室场景➢场景词汇:●Laboratory实验室, research procedure研究进程, lab assistant实验室助手, retrieveinformation检索信息, track the course课程跟踪, monitor监视器, track the progress记录实验进展●Lab instructor导师, lab experience实验经历, setup安装, equipment实验室设备, result实验结果, grade分数, lab notebook实验报告, proper precautions恰当的预防措施, protective goggles防护眼镜, toxic effect of chemicals化学品的毒性, lab procedure实验步骤, heavy metal重金属●Workbook实验手册, material实验材料, experiment实验, available实验可以进行7. 图书馆场景➢场景词汇:●Library图书馆, check out查看, spread out扩展, focus热点, jam阻塞, spot地点, crowd拥挤, comfy舒服, far away遥远●Due到期, finish完成, renew续借, check核查,确认, library card图书证, late逾期, mixedup错乱, request要求, fine罚金, overdue逾期, pay付款, process处理,用打卡机标示, sign 签字, suspend吊销, privilege借书权利●Librarian图书管理员, facilities设施, reference room阅览室, reference material参考资料, dictionary字典, bibliography参考书目, literature guide导读, telephone book电话簿, periodical room期刊室, newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, academic journal学术期刊, current issue最新期刊, older issue过刊, card catalog卡片式目录(图书馆用), listed by title,按书名排序 by author and by topic按作者和主题排序, call number卡号●Return还书, shelves书架, check out查看, reserve book藏书, overnigh use过度借书●secondhand bookstore二手书店, inscription(作者)题词,献词, front cover,书的封面signature署名, poetry book诗集●paperback section精装版, index索引●exit gate出口, check out查看●reserve保留,收藏, additional copy加印, article文章8. 课堂内容讨论场景9. 奖学金场景➢场景词汇:●Scholarship奖学金, bursary助学金, department院系, information信息, financial aid助学金, monetary货币的, grant授予/补助金,津贴, determine决定, committee委员会, donor捐款人, apply for申请, financially最终, in need贫困的, consider考虑, out-of-town乡下, requirement要求, website网址, on-line在线, submit,提交 official官方,正式, document 文件, in person亲自●Scholarship奖学金, available可得的, maintain,保持 average平均分, mark分数, apply for申请, applicant申请人, committee委员会, honor荣誉, award奖励, exam,考试 candidate 候选人, weight权衡, guarantee保证, grade point average (GPA)学习基点, percent百分数, website网址, address地址, rigorous严谨的, extra-curricular课外, hardship苦难, achievement成就, letter of recommendation推荐信, fill填表, time consuming job耗时的工作, recommend推荐, eligibility合格, enrolment注册10. 论文场景➢场景词汇:●Organize组织, essay论文, topic主题, chosen已选, broad宽泛, narrow it down缩小范围,ompare相比, focused概括的, interested有趣的, begin开始, discussion讨论, opinion观点, fact事实, support支持, idea观点, check核实, statistics统计学, percentage百分数, include包括, words, rough draft草稿, outline提纲, break down, subtopic副标题, office hour办公时间, reference参考, material资料●Research paper,论文 discuss讨论, topic主题, recommend推荐, theory理论, work progress工作进程●Report报告, subject主题, catalog目录, published source发表来源, gather material收集资料●Information信息, plagiarize剽窃, failing grade不及格分数, gather收集, note笔记,assimilate the information thoroughly完全吸收信息, paraphrase意译, capture the mian idea抓住要义, quote directly直接引用, finalize the research paper完成论文●Draft草稿, pass it out in our classes传阅论文clear up the problem解决问题11. 实地考查场景➢场景词汇:●List列表, supply供应, on site实地,现场, kit包裹, notebook笔记本, axe斧子, glove手套, instrument工具, measure测量, clean清整, cancel取消, weather天气, clothes衣服, outside室外, food食物, snack快餐,零食, transportation交通, transport交通, dig 挖●Trip leader领头人, participate参与, report报告, field trip郊游12. 体育运动场景➢场景词汇:●Spring cycling season春季骑车, regular hobby爱好, physical fitness routine日常体育锻炼, bicyclist自行车手, expert riders专业车手●Endurance test耐力测试, recreational cyclists娱乐为目的的车手, racers参赛车手●Ski patrol滑雪, ski patroller滑雪者, safety安全性●Physical education clas体育课, rock climbing攀岩, rope绳子, belt安全带, buckle安全带, safety equipment安全设施, climbing trip攀岩旅程,登山之旅13. 游玩场景➢场景词汇:●Break休假, racket球拍, reserve a court预定场地Rock concert摇滚音乐会, vacation假期, weather天气14. 打工场景➢场景词汇:●Summer break暑假, work工作, job工作, offer提供, excellent opportunity绝佳机会,practice练习, wonderful非常好的, dilemma进退两难, difficult decision艰难的抉择, plan 计划, volunteer志愿, NGO,非政府组织 chance机会, share分享, interesting有趣的, spend 花费, accept接受, program项目, interview采访,面试, company公司, application申请表, apply for申请, money金钱, advice意见●Tough艰难的, exam考试, stressed压力大的, dread恐惧, cram the night熬夜, part-time兼职, money钱, board学费, balance平衡, hit the book温习功课, energy能量, tired劳累的, sleep睡觉, consolation安慰, get through度过, fun有意思, fondness喜爱●Announcement声明, hire雇佣, part-time assistant兼职助手, experience经验, research调查, daily日常●Laboratory assistant实验室助手, fill out an application填申请表, fit into my schedule与个人时间表相符●Variety of job opportunities大量的工作机会, responsible for负责, volunteer志愿,service服务, postions are open虚位以待, link of service服务链接, career training职业培训, program available可得项目, demand physical endurance要求体力好, receive no salary无偿, pay for living expense支付生活费, housing and food allowance住房与食物补贴, additional information额外信息●Internship program实习项目, advanced planning预先计划, career opportunities职业机遇,working experience工作经验, short term experience短期经验, permanent employment永久雇佣, full-time全职, academic credit,学分 supervise主管, hand out分发, career advisory service就业指导, living expence生活费15. 学生组织活动场景➢场景词汇:●Run跑步, marathon马拉松, motivator动机, back into shape减肥, inspire激励, runningbuddies一起跑步的伙伴, positive积极地, sponsor赞助商, tons of money大量资金, cause 原因●Introduce介绍, campus daily日常校园生活, volunteer,志愿者 salary薪水, ceremony仪式,alumni校友16. 报到注册场景➢场景词汇:●Registration注册, time时间, determine决定, first year student一年级新生, mail邮寄,designated date指定日期, specific time具体时间, admission letter录取通知书, continuing students, average平均分, previous之前的, session, pay,支付 credit card学分, bank银行, teller出纳, confirmation slip确认便条, in person亲自●Registration注册, date,日期 newly admitted student新生, undergraduate本科生, junior大三, sophomore大二, returning student在校生, senior大四, check核查, pay attention 注意, time时间, register注册, designated time指定时间, pay支付, fee费用, financial aid助学金, financial officer财务官, sponsor赞助商, authorization letter, on-line在线17. 校园生活场景➢场景词汇:●Move搬, accent口音, pod班级, international group国际小组, major专业, lucky幸运的,excellent优秀的, booklet小册子, regulation规定, rule规则, conductive有利的, quiet policy保持安静, self-policed自律, problem困难, allow允许, smoke吸烟, cook烹饪, plug 插座, dryer吹风机, voltage电压, alarm警报, kitchen厨房, leftover剩菜, clean-up day 扫除日, hot water热水, meter水表,电表, washroom洗手间, laundry facility洗衣设备, basement地下室, conserving energy节能, lounge area洗衣房, heat供暖, air-conditioning 空调, atorage area储藏间, permit允许, hallway走廊, community space活动区, prior notification预先通知, safe安全, valuable值钱的, housekeeper守门人, vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器, lock锁, key钥匙, check检查, fire prevention equipment防火设备, cover涵盖, overnight visitor过夜的客人, arrange按排, in advance提前, religious propaganda 宗教宣传, dorm组设, furnishing装修, park公园●Roommate室友, dormitory宿舍, unpacking our things摆放物品, neat整洁●Housing office房管处, living off campus住在校外, cost花费, rent租金, utilities设备,工具, need a car to commute需要汽车以通勤, noisy喧嚣的, peace and quiet安静祥和●Winter break寒假, dean院长, vacation arrangement假期安排, fill up the forms填表格,heating cost取暖费, temporary accommodation暂时住宿●Housing director房管负责人, checkout procedure退房手续, leave for vacation外出度假,return your key交还钥匙, summer maintenance crew夏季维护人员, residence advisor居住顾问, pass around分发,传送●Apartment公寓, dump, functional, noisy喧嚣吵闹18. 医院场景➢场景词汇:●Diagnose诊断, patient’s illness病人病情, painful痛苦的, technological advance技术进步, blood and tissue sample血液与组织样本, diagnostic techniques诊断技术, detect diseases发现疾病, variations in temperature体温变化, X raysX射线, side effect副作用, uncomfortable难受, endure pain忍受疼痛, health care保健●Medical clinic and infirmary诊所,医务室, nursing staff医护人员, get sick生病, a reallybad cold严重的感冒, develop terrible coughs咳嗽的厉害, pneumonia肺炎, stay in the infirmary住院, don’t feel well感觉不好, rest more and skip a few classes多休息,缺课, get medical excuse病假, the clinic hour接诊时间, emergency number急诊数●Modern medical facility现代医疗设备, health needs健康需求, dental clinic牙医诊所,maternity ward产房, operating room手术室, special sugery特殊手术, surgeons外科医生●Student Health Services学生保健服务, blood pressure血压, university nutritionists学校营养师, processed foods加工食品, university hospital校医院●Pain疼痛, discharge出院, slight earache轻微的耳痛, take it easy放松●Prevention预防, symptoms症状, cough咳嗽, fever发烧, funny nose流鼻涕, head and bonesache头疼, chill发冷, flu流感, influenza流感, overtired过度劳累, stressed out压力过大, exposure to virus病毒感染, sneeze打喷嚏, airborne virus空气传播病毒, body’s resistance抗体, ward off the flu抵御病毒, rest休息, eat well注意饮食, drink a lot of water多喝水, immune system免疫系统, fight off illness,战胜疾病 immunized免疫的, vaccine,疫苗 university health center学校医疗中心1. 生物学antibody抗体toxin毒素immunity免疫immunology免疫学vaccine疫苗fungus真菌bacteria细菌fermentation发酵inflection传染 / 感染microorganism / microbe微生物virus病毒disfection消毒sterilization灭菌biology生物学marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学ornithology鸟类学microbiology微生物学genetics遗传学speciology物种学parasitology寄生虫学paleontology古生物学paleontologist古生物学家dinosaur恐龙die out / extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物carnivore 食肉动物rodent啮齿类动物underwater水下的marine 海洋的scuba 水下呼吸器diving潜水 / 跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator 捕猎者oceanic snail蜗牛animal adaptation动物适应性survival of the fittest适者生存origin of species物种起源wild environment野生环境insecticide杀虫剂prenatal care 产后护理habitat 栖息地tentacle触须prey捕食navigate导航tiny receptor接收器nerve / specimen物种amphibian 两栖类动物decline in the number数量减少gene基因genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危动物survival活着的transition转变/过渡microbe微生物yeast酵母(菌)bacteria 细菌single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物hatch孵化incubation孵化nest巢offspring子孙chew up咀嚼unfertilized eggs未受精卵nutrient营养品nourishment营养品 / 食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食respiration呼吸ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞nucleus细胞核cytoplasm细胞质plasma lemma / cell membrane细胞膜cell wall细胞壁protein蛋白质amino acid 核酸plankton浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species物种变异chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态/变形mutation变种variation变异2. 动物学zoology动物学Darwinism达尔文学说natural selection自然选择phylum门class纲order目suborder 亚目family科genus属species 种invertebrate无脊椎动物vertebrate脊椎动物aquatic life 水生动物reptile爬行动物amphibian/amphibious animal两栖动物protozoa原生动物rodent啮齿动物ruminant反刍动物parasitic animal寄生动物primate灵长动物plankton浮游生物mollusk软体动物coelenterate腔肠动物(如水母、海蜇、珊瑚等)herbivore食草动物mammal哺乳动物homotherm 恒温动物cold-blooded animal冷血动物poikilotherm变温动物scavenger食腐动物carnivorous食肉的herbivorous食草的omnivorous杂食的bird鸟类camouflage伪装hibernate冬眠;蛰伏regeneration 再生predatory / carnivore食肉的predator捕食者prey捕食hordes/swarms(昆虫等)群flock(牛、羊等)群community动物的群落或人的部落population种群herd兽群hygiene卫生sanitation公共卫生;卫生设施monogamous一夫一妻的/一雌一雄的polygamous一夫多妻的/一雄多雌的polyandrous一妻多夫的/一雌多雄的nomadic游牧的;流浪的trapper诱捕动物者niche小生态环境vestige 退化器fertilizer使受精metabolism新陈代谢breed(名词)品种;(动词)繁殖multiply / reproduce繁殖spawn(鱼、虾、蛙等)孵anatomy解剖学appetite食欲creature生物scales鳞feathers羽毛armor 甲spinal cord脊椎digestive system消化系统excretory system排泄系统reproductive system生殖系统circulatory system循环系统respiratory system呼吸系统hormonal system内分泌系统digestive duct消化管esophagus食管stomach胃small intestine小肠large intestine大肠anus肛门digestive gland消化腺salivary gland 唾液腺liver肝gallbladder胆pancreas胰squirrel松鼠marten貂bat 蝙蝠squeak(老鼠等)吱吱otter水獭antelope羚羊gorilla大猩猩chimpanzee黑猩猩baboon狒狒hyena 鬣狗moose驼鹿beaver海狸elk麋鹿reindeer驯鹿giraffe长颈鹿rhinoceros犀牛hippo河马sloth 树懒slothful懒惰的frog青蛙tadpole蝌蚪salamander蝾螈scorpion蝎子turtle龟lizard蜥蜴chameleon变色龙caymen / crocodile鳄鱼centipede蜈蚣robin知更鸟owl猫头鹰barnacle北极鹅penguin企鹅canary金丝雀chirp(鸟、虫的叫声)vulture秃鹫crane鹤stork 鹳ptarmigan雷鸟migrate迁移plumage羽体camouflage伪装wing翅膀bill(鸟)嘴beak(鹰等的)嘴insect昆虫wasp 黄蜂hornet大黄蜂spider蜘蛛pest害虫worm虫/蠕虫cicada蝉mantis螳螂cockroach蟑螂earthworm 蚯蚓antenna / tentacle触须larva幼虫3. 海洋生物学jellyfish水母nettlefish海蜇coral珊瑚dolphin海豚whale鲸鱼shrimp小虾prawn对虾lobster龙虾crab螃蟹mussel贻贝;蚌类clam蛤蜊oyster牡蛎sponge海绵starfish海星squid鱿鱼;乌贼burro / octopus章鱼sole鳎;鳎目鱼plaice鲽,红斑比目鱼4. 植物学botany植物学botanical / botanic植物学的horticulture 园艺学aquatic plant水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root根canopy 树冠层/顶棚foliage / leaf叶leaflet小叶rosette(叶的)丛生stem茎stalk杆leafstalk叶柄shoot / sprout嫩芽/抽枝flower 花bud花蕾petal 花瓣peel / skin 果皮shell(硬)果壳husk(干)果壳/(玉米)苞叶trunk树干bark树皮branch树枝bough大或者粗的树枝twig小树枝jungle 丛林lawn草坪meadow草地/牧场prairie 大草原mosses苔藓shrub / bush 灌木cluster一簇(灌木)fern蕨类植物horsetails木贼类植物club mosses 石松类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用chlorophyll 叶绿素symbiosis共生symbiotic 共生的wither / shrivel / fade凋谢blossom花pollen花粉pollinate传授花粉petal花瓣nectar花蜜tissue组织organ器官system系统seeds 种子everlasting永久的crossbreed杂交root pressure根压bore腔/肠cohesion-tension凝聚压力column花柱necrosis坏死barren贫瘠的;不生育的futile无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉)glucose葡萄糖starch淀粉fat脂肪protein蛋白质vitamin 维他命malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养perennial多年一生的annual一年一生的verdant 绿油油的,嫩绿的,翠绿的evergreen常青树conifer tree 针叶树larch落叶松pine松树spruce云杉juniper 刺柏;杜松sequoia红杉elm榆树walnut核桃树redwood 红木树plum blossom 梅花orchid兰花chrysanthemum菊花water lily荷花/莲花rhododendron 杜鹃花rose 玫瑰carnation康乃馨lily 百合jasmine茉莉花helianthus / heliotrope / sunflower向日葵camellia 茶花corn / maize / mealie玉米pumpkin南瓜tomato 番茄lettuce莴苣cabbage 卷心菜wheat 小麦rye 黑麦barley大麦oats燕麦5. 气象学meteorology气象meteorologist气象学家meteorological station气象站forecast / predict预报climate气候atmosphere大气层troposphere对流层stratosphere平流层mesosphere 中间层ionosphere电离层exosphere逸散层cold front 冷锋warm air mass热气团current(气)流moisture 潮湿,水气spell某种天气持续一段时间vapor蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp / moist / humid潮湿humidity 湿度moisture潮湿 / 水分saturate饱和dew露frost 霜fog / mist 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水condense浓缩crystal 水晶体sheet(水、冰、雪的)一层downpour / torrential rain大雨tempest (storm) / torrential rain暴风雨drizzle细雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard / snowstorm 暴风雪avalanche / snow slide 雪崩precipitation(雨、露、雪等)降水thunder 雷breeze微风sandstorm 沙暴monsoon季风gale大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon台风hurricane飓风tornado / twister / cyclone龙卷风wind scale风级tsunami / seismic sea wave海啸tidal wave潮汐;浪潮upper atmosphere上层大气funnel漏斗云disaster / calamity / catastrophe灾难devastation破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾convection对流wind velocity风速wind direction 风向long-range forecast长期预报numerical weather prediction数值天气预报nephanalysis云层分析;卫星云图6. 地质学crust地壳mantle 地幔core地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust海洋地壳layer / stratum地层stratigraphy 地层学fault 断层fault plane断层面fault zone断层带rift / crack / split断裂disintegration / decomposition分解erosion腐蚀fossil化石igneous rock火成岩sedimentary rock沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩limestone 石灰岩granite花岗岩marble大理石lithosphere岩石圈magma / molten lava岩浆quartz石英mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床rubble 碎石debris残骸platinum白金/铂金silver银copper黄铜aluminum铝tin锡lead 铅zinc锌nickel镍mercury汞/水银sodium 钠gem宝石diamond钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby红宝石glacier 冰川glacial冰川的glacial epoch / age / period冰川期glacial drift冰渍moraines冰碛iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano活火山extinct volcano死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山(sloping) shield volcano盾状火山(平缓)(steep-sided) cone volcano锥状火山(陡峭)eruption 火山喷发crater火山口caldera (开口较大的)火山口depression洼地,凹陷处;盆地lava火山岩浆volcanic dust火山尘volcanic ash火山灰geyser间歇喷泉hot spring 温泉earthquake / quake / tremor / seism地震seismic地震的seismology地震学magnitude震级seismic intensity scale震烈度seismic wave 地震波transverse wave横波longitudinal wave纵波epicenter震中epicentral distance震中距aftershock 余震cataclysm灾变tsunami / tidal / force海啸undersea landslide 海底山崩melt global warming 全球逐渐变暖aquifer 蓄水层swamp沼泽peat bog泥炭沼泽Great Canyon大峡谷Nile River尼罗河Colorado river 科罗拉多河crumples zones地质缓冲地带bedrock 岩床bulge凸起物7. 考古学archaeology考古学paleontology古生物学anthropolog人类学archaeologist人类学家pale-anthropologist古人类学家ecological anthropologist生态人类学家psychological anthropologist心理人类学家originate起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous同以种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan氏族excavation挖掘excavate / unearth挖掘ruins遗迹/废墟remains遗产/遗骸artifact手工艺品relic遗物/文物antique 古物/古董antiquity古代/古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age 青铜器时代Iron Age铁器时代Paleolithic旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic新石器时代的morphology形态学skull颅骨cranial颅骨的fossil化石ancient civilization古代文明cave man山顶洞人cultural relics文物rock painting岩画8. 地理学hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线 / 经线parallel 平行圈latitude纬线longitude经线 / 经度elevation海拔altitude高度 / 海拔horizon地平线equator赤道temperature latitudes温带地区tropics 热带地区Arctic / the North Pole 北极Antarctic / Antarctica南极the Antarctic Continent 南极洲the Antarctic Circle南极圈the Arctic Circle北极圈aurora极光tropics of Cancer 北回归线tropics of Capricorn 南回归线international date line国际日期变更线time difference 时差time zone时区topography 地形 / 地形学plain平原plateau / highland 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地oasis绿洲enclave飞地peak山峰cordillera / ranges山脉carven / cave洞穴terrain地域subterranean地底下coastland 沿海地区coastline海岸线watershed分水岭upper reaches上游lower reaches下游tributary 支流deposit沉积spring / fountain泉水iceberg 冰山riverbed河床gulf / bay海湾waterfall 瀑布cascade小瀑布;喷流reef暗礁tide湖水torrent水的急流tropical rain forest热带雨林continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular半岛archipelago群岛delta三角洲landlocked area内陆inland waterway 内陆河subcontinent 次大陆cliff山崖valley山谷hillside / mountain slope山坡continental shelf 大陆架canyon / gorge峡谷channel / strait 海峡remote-sensing遥感的terrestrial 地球的/陆地的terrestrial heat / geothermal 地热terrestrial magnetism 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation蒸发salinity含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment沉积物tropical热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的frost heaving冻胀现象tundra苔原,冻原fieldstone卵石the Mediterranean Sea地中海the primeval forest原始森林Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚(半岛)(瑞典、挪威、丹麦、冰岛的泛称)fjord峡湾coral reef珊瑚礁Chalk白垩纪cataclysm大洪水ridge山脊;分水岭abyss 深渊territory 版图;领土地域Pyrenees比利牛斯山脉Carpathians喀尔巴阡山脉Vesuvius维苏威火山Pompeii庞贝precipice悬崖eon世;纪;代glacier冰河Pangaea盘古大陆dune 沙丘Lagoon 咸水湖9. 天文学astronomy天文学astronomical observatory天文台planetarium天文馆astrophysics 天文物理学astrology占星学pseudoscience伪科学cosmos / universe 宇宙cosmology宇宙infinite无限的cosmic宇宙的cosmic radiation宇宙辐射cosmic rays宇宙射线celestial天体的celestial body / heavenly body天体celestial map / sky atlas天体图celestial sphere天球dwarf / dwarf star矮星quasar类星体constellation 星座galaxy / Milky Way银河系star cluster星团asterism星群solar system太阳系solar corona日冕solar eclipse日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet行星planetoid / asteroid 小行星revolve旋转twinkle闪烁naked eye肉眼Mercury 水星Venus金星Earth地球Mars火星Jupiter木星Saturn 土星Uranus天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin旋转satellite 卫星lunar月球的meteor流星meteor shower流星雨star恒星meteoroid 流星体meteorite陨石comet 彗星space / outer space太空,外层空间spacecraft / spaceship宇宙飞船space shuttle航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut / spaceman 宇航员space suit 宇航服stellar 恒星的intergalactic星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary行星间的asteroid小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia氨photosphere光球;光球层chromospheres 色球;色球层日冕层sunspot太阳黑子(发生在光球层)flare耀斑(发生在色球层)solar prominence日珥(发生在色球层)convection zone对流层vacuum真空infrared ray红外线absolute magnitude绝对量级emission发射/散发high-resolution高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪,干涉仪illusive object 幻影体faint 微弱的image 影像gravitational force吸引力molten融化的leap year 闰年rotation 自传revolution公转black hole 黑洞ultraviolet ray紫外线luminosity光度light year光年10. 环保相关ecology 生态学ecosystem生态系统balance of nature自然界生态平衡fauna动物群flora 植物群rain forest雨林food chain 食物链acid rain酸雨greenhouse温室效应infrared radiation红外线辐射ozone layer / ozonosphere臭氧层ultraviolet radiation紫外辐射pollution control污染控制air pollution 空气控制water pollution 水污染noxious / toxic 有毒的fumes (有毒的)废气waste 废物solid waste固体废物sewage / wastewater污水sewage purification污水净化swage disposal污水处理decibel(噪音)分贝11. 能源相关fossil fuel矿物燃料process of photo synthesis光合作用solar energy太阳能nonrenewable不可再生的energy conservation保护能源resource资源energy source能源资源tidal energy 潮汐能fuel-efficient节能型的rush hour高峰期zero emission零辐射wildness野生/天然preservation保护atmosphere大气carbon碳dioxide 二氧化物burning of coal and oil煤油燃烧global warming 全球变暖greenhouse effect温室效应rise in sea level海平面上升long-term climatic change长期的气候变化environmental recycling center再循环利用中心litter/trash garbage垃圾pollutant污染物desertification沙漠化deforest 滥伐森林drought干旱water shortage 水源缺乏offshore spillage 近海岸溢出carbon dioxide release 二氧化碳排放industrial sewage工业污水recycling再循环purify 净化deteriorate恶化acid rain酸雨sewage disposal污水处理environment protection环境保护ozone layer臭氧层waste disposal废物处理emission(汽车废气的)排放soot 烟尘El Niño厄尔尼诺现象12. 新技术发明相关13. 人类学artist艺术家choreographer舞蹈编排家critic 批评家satirist讽刺作家inventor发明家biographer 自传作家sculptor雕塑家feminist 女权主义者humanitarian人道主义者imagist 意象派诗人philanthropist 慈善家proprietor业主mortal 犯人precursor先驱figurehead 名誉领袖disciple 学徒apprentice学徒mechanic机械工minimalist简单抽象派艺术家avant-garde前卫派territory领域genre风格/体裁eccentric古怪的odd怪诞的/奇数的erratic奇怪的weird怪异的/不可思议的romantic浪漫的innocent天真的/无罪的lovelorn相思病苦的emotional情绪的/情感的sentimental感伤的/多愁善感的cheerless无精打采的/无生命力的patriarchal 家长的/族长的rigid 僵化的spare简朴的clumsy笨拙的zigzag曲折的contemporary当代的acclaimed受欢迎的preeminent 杰出的versatile(人)多才多艺的/(物)多功能的household家庭的/家喻户晓的genuine真正的authentic逼真的/原汁原味的symbolic象征性的immortal不朽的/神nostalgia怀旧主义/思乡emotive 感人的prodigious巨大的classic 经典的posthumous死后的14. 发展史➢文学pose散文diary日记autobiography 传记editorial 社论narrative prose叙述性descriptive prose 描写性essay随笔poetry 诗歌ballad民谣lullaby催眠曲fiction小说allegory寓言fairy tale童话legend传说proverb 谚语model人物原型leading character主人公main plot主要情节prelude序曲prologue序言epilogue 尾声literary criticism文学批评literary studies文学研究schools of literature文学流派comparative literature比较文学realism现实主义surrealism超现实主义futurism未来主义modernism现代主义aestheticism唯美主义➢音乐musical instrument乐器orchestra(管弦)乐队shook rattle摇拨浪鼓pound dru 击鼓foot beat跺脚note 音符score乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music乡村音乐folk music民间音乐pop music流行音乐classical music古典音乐Jazz爵士乐symphony交响乐rock and roll摇滚乐band music / wind music管乐string弦乐violin小提琴viola中提琴cello大提琴harp 竖琴horn号;喇叭clarinet 单簧管oboe双簧管keyboard instrument键盘乐器percussion震荡/打击乐器vocal music声乐concerto协奏曲sonata奏鸣曲serenade小夜曲solo独奏/独唱duet二重唱conducting指挥podium指挥台accompaniment伴奏quality音质volume音量chord和弦harmony和声rest 休止time节拍lullaby催眠曲prelude 序曲epilogue尾声➢政治经济subsistence存活,生活subsistence wage刚够养家糊口的工资subsistence level 收支平衡的生活水平kinship亲属关系,血缘关系commodity商品check支票;收据;账单bank loan银行贷款interest 利息withdraw从银行账户中提款honor (a cheque/bill/draft)承兑a run on a bank挤兑the Great Depression大萧条consumerism消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的看法);保护消费者权益主义affluence富裕,富足sophisticated世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖端的➢建筑architecture建筑学architect建筑学家construct结构wing 辐楼/侧楼design设计elevator电梯skyscraper摩天大楼design element设计元素log structure原木结构cabin小木屋beam梁prototype 原型building technique建筑工艺new material新材料metal-frame金属结构repair person修理工planetarium天文馆aquarium水族馆archives档案馆office building 写字楼cathedral大教堂mosque清真寺the statue of liberty自由女神像the triumphal arch凯旋门sphinx狮身人面像pyramid 金字塔castle城堡➢美术fine arts美术oil painting油画water color水彩画tempera 蛋彩画sketch速写/素描pastel 彩色蜡笔画poster海报/招贴画charcoal drawing木炭画mural painting / fresco壁画engraving 版画lithograph石板画landscape painting风景画still life静物画portrait肖像画caricature漫画pigment颜色,色素canvas油画布brush 画笔drawing board画板perspective透视画法original 原作copy临本reproduction / replica复制品genuine真的fake假的gallery美术馆autograph 真迹panorama 全景画calligraphy书法paste裱糊impressionistic style印象派风格framing装框sculpture 雕塑sculptor 雕塑家figurine小雕像bust 半身雕塑像statue塑像unique唯一的/独特的animator漫画家saxophonist 萨克斯风管吹奏者indigo靛蓝purple紫色(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

Greetings are used to say hello in English. It's common to use different greetings depending on whether you greet a friend, family or a business associate. When you meet friends, use informal greetings. If it's really important, use formal greetings. Formal greetings are also used with people you do not know very well.在英语中,问候语被用跟别人打招呼。
Greetings also depend on whether you are saying hello, or you are saying goodbye.在打招呼或者告别的时候,我们使用的问候语也不同。
Learn the correct phrases using the notes below, and then practice using greetings with the practice dialogues.利用下面的提示,学习正确的短语用法,然后利用下面的对话来练习问候语。
Formal Greetings:Arriving正式问候语:到达Good morning / afternoon / evening.早上好/中午好/晚上好Hello (name), how are you?嗨(人名),你好吗?Good day Sir / Madam (very formal)先生/太太日安(非常正式)Respond to a formal greeting with another formal greeting.使用正式问候语来回应Good morning Mr. Smith.早上好,史密斯先生。
2019年雅思指导:辨认和使用正式与非正式词汇-精选word文档 (1页)

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如以下几个多音节词 compensate , ascend 和interrogate 。
正式写作中,通常较为客观,经常使用 it 这样的非人称代词和动词的被动形式。
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1. 课程相关事务场景➢场景词汇:●Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, good choice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员●Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版, soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印computer lab机房●Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据, information信息,input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的●Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, editedversion修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock 忙碌, mark分数, draft草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back 核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交●Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定, department院系,invigilator, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square, draft,草稿dean院长, review复习, draw up, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册●Physiology 100物理100, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验●Final exam,期末考试midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题review,复习textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难●School bulletin学校公告栏, required writing course必修写作课程, first year student大一新生,third year stuent大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业final grade最终分数●Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行,revision复习, grade分数●Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, themost frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结●Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度,register注册, advantage优点●Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息●Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optionalclass选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景3. 选课场景➢场景词汇:●Course课程, semester学期, summer session暑期课程, elective选修, bird course轻松的课,splendor大厅, lecture hall报告厅, lab实验室, tough decision艰难的抉择, pick挑选, choose选择, grade分数, relaxed放松的, paper论文, final exam期末考试, advice建议, sign up注册●Enquiry询问, credit course学分课程, off-campus校外, program项目, remote遥远的, access方法, internet互联网, degree学位, distance education远程教育, diploma证书, requirement要求, format格式, print materials打印材料, audio-tapes录音带, video视频, teleconferencing远程会议, deliver传输, cost费用, fixed date固定日期, history 490历史490●Drop放课, fail不及格, math 101数学101, rough糟糕, test考试, med school医学院●Use your advice遵从您的建议, do premed医学预科, introductory course导论, non-sciencemajor非科学专业, be weak in薄弱, do poorly in薄弱, meet at the same time同时满足, modern drama course现代戏剧课程●Semester学期, enroll in注册, graduate course能毕业的课, qualified合格的, hard time keep up,favorite interest兴趣偏好, challenging挑战性的, easy grade容易拿的分数●Permission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite满足先决条件, the beginning course初期课程, catalog目录, instructor导师, previous experience事前经验, formal training正式培训, decision决定●Signature签字, schedule card日程, advisor’s approval导师许可, quite a heavy load课业负担沉重, drop the course放课, seminar学术研讨会●Sign up for a noncredit course注册非学分课程, intermediate level中级水平, grade分数, regularmeeting例会●Transfer转专业,转学, bachelor’s degree学士学位, associate助手, selective选修课, letters ofrecommendation推荐信●Hard course困难的课程, rehearsal彩排, extra time课余时间, once a week每周一次●Flight program飞行项目, degree学位, license执照,许可, excellent reputation好的声誉,selective选修课,4. 迟到旷课场景➢场景词汇:●feel good感觉良好, cover涵盖,lecture演讲,课程, point out指明, chapter章节, textbook教材, part部分, divide分组, project作业,项目, focus专注, due截止日期, show up出现, note笔记, transcribe纪录, email电子邮件●oversleep睡过头, talk about谈论●trouble with my car汽车出故障, lecture series系列讲座, attend参加,出席, admission许可●fill me in something给我补课, dentist牙医, emergency紧急事件, missed somebody’s lecture缺课, note笔记, make sense知道,了解5. 转学场景➢场景词汇:●Public university公立大学, private university私立大学, community college社区大学, reputation声誉, class size班级容量, personal attention/individual attention个人参与度, interact互动, group discussion小组讨论, tuition学费, expense花费, cost费用, afford支付承担, affordable支付得起的, location地理位置, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town大学城, top student尖子生, application申请, experience经历, special特别的,与众不同的6. 实验室场景➢场景词汇:●Laboratory实验室, research procedure研究进程, lab assistant实验室助手, retrieve information检索信息, track the course课程跟踪, monitor监视器, track the progress记录实验进展●Lab instructor导师, lab experience实验经历, setup安装, equipment实验室设备, result实验结果, grade分数, lab notebook实验报告, proper precautions恰当的预防措施, protective goggles 防护眼镜, toxic effect of chemicals化学品的毒性, lab procedure实验步骤, heavy metal重金属●Workbook实验手册, material实验材料, experiment实验, available实验可以进行7. 图书馆场景➢场景词汇:●Library图书馆, check out查看, spread out扩展, focus热点, jam阻塞, spot地点, crowd拥挤,comfy舒服, far away遥远●Due到期, finish完成, renew续借, check核查,确认, library card图书证, late逾期, mixed up错乱, request要求, fine罚金, overdue逾期, pay付款, process处理,用打卡机标示, sign签字, suspend吊销, privilege借书权利●Librarian图书管理员, facilities设施, reference room阅览室, reference material参考资料,dictionary字典, bibliography参考书目, literature guide导读, telephone book电话簿, periodical room期刊室, newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, academic journal学术期刊, current issue最新期刊, older issue过刊, card catalog卡片式目录(图书馆用), listed by title,按书名排序by author and by topic按作者和主题排序, call number卡号●Return还书, shelves书架, check out查看, reserve book藏书, overnigh use过度借书●secondhand bookstore二手书店, inscription(作者)题词,献词, front cover,书的封面signature署名, poetry book诗集●paperback section精装版, index索引●exit gate出口, check out查看●reserve保留,收藏, additional copy加印, article文章8. 课堂内容讨论场景9. 奖学金场景➢场景词汇:●Scholarship奖学金, bursary助学金, department院系, information信息, financial aid助学金,monetary货币的, grant授予/补助金,津贴, determine决定, committee委员会, donor捐款人, apply for申请, financially最终, in need贫困的, consider考虑, out-of-town乡下, requirement要求, website网址, on-line在线, submit,提交official官方,正式, document文件, in person亲自●Scholarship奖学金, available可得的, maintain,保持average平均分, mark分数, apply for申请,applicant申请人, committee委员会, honor荣誉, award奖励, exam,考试candidate候选人, weight权衡, guarantee保证, grade point average (GPA)学习基点, percent百分数, website网址, address地址, rigorous严谨的, extra-curricular课外, hardship苦难, achievement成就, letter of recommendation推荐信, fill填表, time consuming job耗时的工作, recommend推荐, eligibility 合格, enrolment注册10. 论文场景➢场景词汇:●Organize组织, essay论文, topic主题, chosen已选, broad宽泛, narrow it down缩小范围,ompare相比, focused概括的, interested有趣的, begin开始, discussion讨论, opinion观点, fact 事实, support支持, idea观点, check核实, statistics统计学, percentage百分数, include包括, words, rough draft草稿, outline提纲, break down, subtopic副标题, office hour办公时间, reference参考, material资料●Research paper,论文discuss讨论, topic主题, recommend推荐, theory理论, work progress工作进程●Report报告, subject主题, catalog目录, published source发表来源, gather material收集资料●Information信息, plagiarize剽窃, failing grade不及格分数, gather收集, note笔记, assimilate theinformation thoroughly完全吸收信息, paraphrase意译, capture the mian idea抓住要义, quote directly直接引用, finalize the research paper完成论文●Draft草稿, pass it out in our classes传阅论文clear up the problem解决问题11. 实地考查场景➢场景词汇:●List列表, supply供应, on site实地,现场, kit包裹, notebook笔记本, axe斧子, glove手套,instrument工具, measure测量, clean清整, cancel取消, weather天气, clothes衣服, outside室外, food食物, snack快餐,零食, transportation交通, transport交通, dig挖●Trip leader领头人, participate参与, report报告, field trip郊游12. 体育运动场景➢场景词汇:●Spring cycling season春季骑车, regular hobby爱好, physical fitness routine日常体育锻炼,bicyclist自行车手, expert riders专业车手●Endurance test耐力测试, recreational cyclists娱乐为目的的车手, racers参赛车手●Ski patrol滑雪, ski patroller滑雪者, safety安全性●Physical education clas体育课, rock climbing攀岩, rope绳子, belt安全带, buckle安全带, safetyequipment安全设施, climbing trip攀岩旅程,登山之旅13. 游玩场景➢场景词汇:●Break休假, racket球拍, reserve a court预定场地●Rock concert摇滚音乐会, vacation假期, weather天气14. 打工场景➢场景词汇:●Summer break暑假, work工作, job工作, offer提供, excellent opportunity绝佳机会, practice练习, wonderful非常好的, dilemma进退两难, difficult decision艰难的抉择, plan计划, volunteer 志愿, NGO,非政府组织chance机会, share分享, interesting有趣的, spend花费, accept接受, program项目, interview采访,面试, company公司, application申请表, apply for申请, money 金钱, advice意见●Tough艰难的, exam考试, stressed压力大的, dread恐惧, cram the night熬夜, part-time兼职,money钱, board学费, balance平衡, hit the book温习功课, energy能量, tired劳累的, sleep睡觉, consolation安慰, get through度过, fun有意思, fondness喜爱●Announcement声明, hire雇佣, part-time assistant兼职助手, experience经验, research调查,daily日常●Laboratory assistant实验室助手, fill out an application填申请表, fit into my schedule与个人时间表相符●Variety of job opportunities大量的工作机会, responsible for负责, volunteer志愿, service服务,postions are open虚位以待, link of service服务链接, career training职业培训, program available可得项目, demand physical endurance要求体力好, receive no salary无偿, pay for living expense支付生活费, housing and food allowance住房与食物补贴, additional information 额外信息●Internship program实习项目, advanced planning预先计划, career opportunities职业机遇,working experience工作经验, short term experience短期经验, permanent employment永久雇佣, full-time全职, academic credit,学分supervise主管, hand out分发, career advisory service 就业指导, living expence生活费15. 学生组织活动场景➢场景词汇:●Run跑步, marathon马拉松, motivator动机, back into shape减肥, inspire激励, running buddies一起跑步的伙伴, positive积极地, sponsor赞助商, tons of money大量资金, cause原因●Introduce介绍, campus daily日常校园生活, volunteer,志愿者salary薪水, ceremony仪式,alumni校友16. 报到注册场景➢场景词汇:●Registration注册, time时间, determine决定, first year student一年级新生, mail邮寄,designated date指定日期, specific time具体时间, admission letter录取通知书, continuing students, average平均分, previous之前的, session, pay,支付credit card学分, bank银行, teller 出纳, confirmation slip确认便条, in person亲自●Registration注册, date,日期newly admitted student新生, undergraduate本科生, junior大三,sophomore大二,returning student在校生, senior大四, check核查, pay attention注意, time 时间, register注册, designated time指定时间, pay支付, fee费用, financial aid助学金, financial officer财务官, sponsor赞助商, authorization letter, on-line在线17. 校园生活场景➢场景词汇:●Move搬, accent口音, pod班级, international group国际小组, major专业, lucky幸运的,excellent优秀的, booklet小册子, regulation规定, rule规则, conductive有利的, quiet policy保持安静, self-policed自律, problem困难, allow允许, smoke吸烟, cook烹饪, plug插座, dryer吹风机, voltage电压, alarm警报, kitchen厨房, leftover剩菜, clean-up day扫除日, hot water热水, meter水表,电表, washroom洗手间, laundry facility洗衣设备, basement地下室, conserving energy节能, lounge area洗衣房, heat供暖, air-conditioning空调, atorage area储藏间, permit 允许, hallway走廊, community space活动区, prior notification预先通知, safe安全, valuable值钱的, housekeeper守门人, vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器, lock锁, key钥匙, check检查, fire prevention equipment防火设备, cover涵盖, overnight visitor过夜的客人, arrange按排, in advance提前, religious propaganda宗教宣传, dorm组设, furnishing装修, park公园●Roommate室友, dormitory宿舍, unpacking our things摆放物品, neat整洁●Housing office房管处, living off campus住在校外, cost花费, rent租金, utilities设备,工具, needa car to commute需要汽车以通勤, noisy喧嚣的, peace and quiet安静祥和●Winter break寒假, dean院长, vacation arrangement假期安排, fill up the forms填表格, heatingcost取暖费, temporary accommodation暂时住宿●Housing director房管负责人, checkout procedure退房手续, leave for vacation外出度假, returnyour key交还钥匙, summer maintenance crew夏季维护人员, residence advisor居住顾问, pass around分发,传送●Apartment公寓, dump, functional, noisy喧嚣吵闹18. 医院场景➢场景词汇:●Diagnose诊断, patient’s illness病人病情, painful痛苦的, technological advance技术进步, bloodand tissue sample血液与组织样本, diagnostic techniques诊断技术, detect diseases发现疾病, variations in temperature体温变化, X raysX射线, side effect副作用, uncomfortable难受, endure pain忍受疼痛, health care保健●Medical clinic and infirmary诊所,医务室, nursing staff医护人员, get sick生病, a really bad cold严重的感冒, develop terrible coughs咳嗽的厉害, pneumonia肺炎, stay in the infirmary住院, don’t feel well感觉不好, rest more and skip a few classes多休息,缺课, get medical excuse病假, the clinic hour接诊时间, emergency number急诊数●Modern medical facility现代医疗设备, health needs健康需求, dental clinic牙医诊所, maternityward产房, operating room手术室, special sugery特殊手术, surgeons外科医生●Student Health Services学生保健服务, blood pressure血压, university nutritionists学校营养师,processed foods加工食品, university hospital校医院●Pain疼痛, discharge出院, slight earache轻微的耳痛, take it easy放松●Prevention预防, symptoms症状, cough咳嗽, fever发烧, funny nose流鼻涕, head and bonesache头疼, chill发冷, flu流感, influenza流感, overtired过度劳累, stressed out压力过大,exposure to virus病毒感染, sneeze打喷嚏, airborne virus空气传播病毒, body’s resistance抗体, ward off the flu抵御病毒, rest休息, eat well注意饮食, drink a lot of water多喝水, immune system免疫系统, fight off illness,战胜疾病immunized免疫的, vaccine,疫苗university health center学校医疗中心1. 生物学antibody抗体toxin毒素immunity免疫immunology免疫学vaccine疫苗fungus真菌bacteria细菌fermentation发酵inflection传染/ 感染microorganism / microbe微生物virus病毒disfection消毒sterilization灭菌biology生物学marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学ornithology鸟类学microbiology微生物学genetics遗传学speciology物种学parasitology寄生虫学paleontology古生物学paleontologist古生物学家dinosaur恐龙die out / extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物carnivore食肉动物rodent啮齿类动物underwater水下的marine 海洋的scuba 水下呼吸器diving潜水/ 跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator捕猎者oceanic snail蜗牛animal adaptation动物适应性survival of the fittest适者生存origin of species物种起源wild environment野生环境insecticide杀虫剂prenatal care 产后护理habitat栖息地tentacle触须prey捕食navigate导航tiny receptor接收器nerve / specimen物种amphibian两栖类动物decline in the number 数量减少gene基因genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危动物survival活着的transition转变/过渡microbe微生物yeast酵母(菌)bacteria 细菌single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物hatch孵化incubation孵化nest巢offspring子孙chew up咀嚼unfertilized eggs未受精卵nutrient营养品nourishment 营养品/ 食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食respiration呼吸ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞nucleus细胞核cytoplasm细胞质plasma lemma / cell membrane细胞膜cell wall 细胞壁protein蛋白质amino acid核酸plankton浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species物种变异chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态/变形mutation变种variation变异2. 动物学zoology动物学Darwinism达尔文学说natural selection自然选择phylum门class纲order目suborder 亚目family科genus属species 种invertebrate无脊椎动物vertebrate脊椎动物aquatic life 水生动物reptile爬行动物amphibian/amphibious animal两栖动物protozoa原生动物rodent啮齿动物ruminant反刍动物parasitic animal寄生动物primate灵长动物plankton浮游生物mollusk软体动物coelenterate腔肠动物(如水母、海蜇、珊瑚等)herbivore食草动物mammal哺乳动物homotherm恒温动物cold-blooded animal冷血动物poikilotherm变温动物scavenger食腐动物carnivorous食肉的herbivorous食草的omnivorous杂食的bird鸟类camouflage伪装hibernate冬眠;蛰伏regeneration再生predatory / carnivore 食肉的predator捕食者prey捕食hordes/swarms(昆虫等)群flock(牛、羊等)群community动物的群落或人的部落population种群herd兽群hygiene卫生sanitation公共卫生;卫生设施monogamous一夫一妻的/一雌一雄的polygamous一夫多妻的/一雄多雌的polyandrous一妻多夫的/一雌多雄的nomadic游牧的;流浪的trapper诱捕动物者niche小生态环境vestige 退化器fertilizer使受精metabolism新陈代谢breed(名词)品种;(动词)繁殖multiply / reproduce繁殖spawn(鱼、虾、蛙等)孵anatomy解剖学appetite食欲creature生物scales鳞feathers羽毛armor甲spinal cord脊椎digestive system消化系统excretory system排泄系统reproductive system生殖系统circulatory system循环系统respiratory system 呼吸系统hormonal system内分泌系统digestive duct消化管esophagus食管stomach胃small intestine 小肠large intestine大肠anus肛门digestive gland消化腺salivary gland 唾液腺liver肝gallbladder胆pancreas胰squirrel松鼠marten貂bat蝙蝠squeak(老鼠等)吱吱otter水獭antelope羚羊gorilla大猩猩chimpanzee黑猩猩baboon狒狒hyena鬣狗moose驼鹿beaver海狸elk麋鹿reindeer驯鹿giraffe长颈鹿rhinoceros犀牛hippo河马sloth树懒slothful懒惰的frog青蛙tadpole蝌蚪salamander蝾螈scorpion 蝎子turtle龟lizard蜥蜴chameleon变色龙caymen / crocodile鳄鱼centipede蜈蚣robin知更鸟owl猫头鹰barnacle北极鹅penguin企鹅canary金丝雀chirp(鸟、虫的叫声)vulture秃鹫crane鹤stork 鹳ptarmigan雷鸟migrate迁移plumage羽体camouflage伪装wing翅膀bill(鸟)嘴beak(鹰等的)嘴insect昆虫wasp黄蜂hornet大黄蜂spider蜘蛛pest害虫worm虫/蠕虫cicada蝉mantis螳螂cockroach蟑螂earthworm蚯蚓antenna / tentacle触须larva幼虫3. 海洋生物学jellyfish水母nettlefish海蜇coral珊瑚dolphin海豚whale鲸鱼shrimp小虾prawn对虾lobster龙虾crab 螃蟹mussel贻贝;蚌类clam蛤蜊oyster牡蛎sponge海绵starfish海星squid鱿鱼;乌贼burro / octopus 章鱼sole鳎;鳎目鱼plaice鲽,红斑比目鱼4. 植物学botany植物学botanical / botanic植物学的horticulture 园艺学aquatic plant水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root根canopy 树冠层/顶棚foliage / leaf叶leaflet小叶rosette(叶的)丛生stem茎stalk杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot / sprout嫩芽/抽枝flower 花bud花蕾petal 花瓣peel / skin果皮shell(硬)果壳husk(干)果壳/(玉米)苞叶trunk树干bark树皮branch树枝bough大或者粗的树枝twig小树枝jungle 丛林lawn草坪meadow草地/牧场prairie 大草原mosses苔藓shrub / bush灌木cluster一簇(灌木)fern蕨类植物horsetails木贼类植物club mosses 石松类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用chlorophyll 叶绿素symbiosis共生symbiotic 共生的wither / shrivel / fade凋谢blossom花pollen花粉pollinate传授花粉petal花瓣nectar花蜜tissue组织organ器官system系统seeds 种子everlasting永久的crossbreed 杂交root pressure根压bore腔/肠cohesion-tension凝聚压力column花柱necrosis坏死barren贫瘠的;不生育的futile无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉)glucose葡萄糖starch淀粉fat脂肪protein蛋白质vitamin 维他命malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养perennial多年一生的annual一年一生的verdant 绿油油的,嫩绿的,翠绿的evergreen常青树conifer tree 针叶树larch落叶松pine松树spruce云杉juniper 刺柏;杜松sequoia红杉elm榆树walnut核桃树redwood 红木树plum blossom 梅花orchid兰花chrysanthemum菊花water lily荷花/莲花rhododendron 杜鹃花rose 玫瑰carnation康乃馨lily 百合jasmine茉莉花helianthus / heliotrope / sunflower向日葵camellia茶花corn / maize / mealie 玉米pumpkin南瓜tomato 番茄lettuce莴苣cabbage 卷心菜wheat 小麦rye 黑麦barley大麦oats燕麦5. 气象学meteorology气象meteorologist气象学家meteorological station气象站forecast / predict预报climate气候atmosphere大气层troposphere对流层stratosphere平流层mesosphere 中间层ionosphere电离层exosphere逸散层cold front 冷锋warm air mass热气团current(气)流moisture潮湿,水气spell 某种天气持续一段时间vapor蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp / moist / humid潮湿humidity 湿度moisture潮湿/ 水分saturate饱和dew露frost 霜fog / mist 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水condense浓缩crystal 水晶体sheet(水、冰、雪的)一层downpour / torrential rain大雨tempest (storm) / torrential rain暴风雨drizzle细雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard / snowstorm暴风雪avalanche / snow slide 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水thunder 雷breeze微风sandstorm 沙暴monsoon季风gale大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon台风hurricane飓风tornado / twister / cyclone龙卷风wind scale风级tsunami / seismic sea wave海啸tidal wave潮汐;浪潮upper atmosphere上层大气funnel漏斗云disaster / calamity / catastrophe灾难devastation破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾convection对流wind velocity风速wind direction 风向long-range forecast长期预报numerical weather prediction数值天气预报nephanalysis云层分析;卫星云图6. 地质学crust地壳mantle 地幔core地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust海洋地壳layer / stratum地层stratigraphy 地层学fault 断层fault plane断层面fault zone断层带rift / crack / split断裂disintegration / decomposition分解erosion腐蚀fossil化石igneous rock火成岩sedimentary rock沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩limestone 石灰岩granite花岗岩marble大理石lithosphere岩石圈magma / molten lava岩浆quartz石英mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床rubble 碎石debris残骸platinum白金/铂金silver银copper黄铜aluminum铝tin锡lead 铅zinc锌nickel镍mercury汞/水银sodium 钠gem宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby红宝石glacier 冰川glacial冰川的glacial epoch / age / period冰川期glacial drift冰渍moraines冰碛iceberg冰山volcano 火山active volcano活火山extinct volcano死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山(sloping) shield volcano盾状火山(平缓)(steep-sided) cone volcano锥状火山(陡峭)eruption火山喷发crater火山口caldera (开口较大的)火山口depression洼地,凹陷处;盆地lava火山岩浆volcanic dust火山尘volcanic ash火山灰geyser间歇喷泉hot spring 温泉earthquake / quake / tremor / seism地震seismic地震的seismology地震学magnitude震级seismic intensity scale震烈度seismic wave 地震波transverse wave横波longitudinal wave纵波epicenter震中epicentral distance震中距aftershock 余震cataclysm灾变tsunami / tidal / force海啸undersea landslide 海底山崩melt global warming 全球逐渐变暖aquifer 蓄水层swamp沼泽peat bog泥炭沼泽Great Canyon大峡谷Nile River 尼罗河Colorado river 科罗拉多河crumples zones地质缓冲地带bedrock岩床bulge凸起物7. 考古学archaeology考古学paleontology古生物学anthropolog人类学archaeologist人类学家pale-anthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist生态人类学家psychological anthropologist心理人类学家originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous同以种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan氏族excavation挖掘excavate / unearth挖掘ruins遗迹/废墟remains遗产/遗骸artifact手工艺品relic遗物/文物antique 古物/古董antiquity古代/古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age 青铜器时代Iron Age铁器时代Paleolithic旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic新石器时代的morphology形态学skull 颅骨cranial颅骨的fossil化石ancient civilization古代文明cave man山顶洞人cultural relics文物rock painting岩画8. 地理学hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线/ 经线parallel 平行圈latitude纬线longitude经线/ 经度elevation海拔altitude高度/ 海拔horizon地平线equator赤道temperature latitudes温带地区tropics 热带地区Arctic / the North Pole 北极Antarctic / Antarctica南极the Antarctic Continent 南极洲the Antarctic Circle 南极圈the Arctic Circle北极圈aurora极光tropics of Cancer 北回归线tropics of Capricorn 南回归线international date line国际日期变更线time difference 时差time zone时区topography 地形/ 地形学plain平原plateau / highland 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地oasis绿洲enclave飞地peak山峰cordillera / ranges山脉carven / cave洞穴terrain地域subterranean地底下coastland 沿海地区coastline海岸线watershed分水岭upper reaches上游lower reaches下游tributary 支流deposit沉积spring / fountain泉水iceberg 冰山riverbed河床gulf / bay海湾waterfall 瀑布cascade小瀑布;喷流reef暗礁tide湖水torrent 水的急流tropical rain forest热带雨林continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island珊瑚岛islet小岛peninsular半岛archipelago群岛delta三角洲landlocked area内陆inland waterway 内陆河subcontinent 次大陆cliff山崖valley山谷hillside / mountain slope山坡continental shelf大陆架canyon / gorge峡谷channel / strait 海峡remote-sensing遥感的terrestrial 地球的/陆地的terrestrial heat / geothermal 地热terrestrial magnetism 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation蒸发salinity含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment沉积物tropical热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的frost heaving冻胀现象tundra苔原,冻原fieldstone卵石the Mediterranean Sea地中海the primeval forest原始森林Scandinavia斯堪的纳维亚(半岛)(瑞典、挪威、丹麦、冰岛的泛称)fjord 峡湾coral reef珊瑚礁Chalk白垩纪cataclysm大洪水ridge山脊;分水岭abyss 深渊territory 版图;领土地域Pyrenees比利牛斯山脉Carpathians喀尔巴阡山脉Vesuvius维苏威火山Pompeii庞贝precipice 悬崖eon世;纪;代glacier冰河Pangaea盘古大陆dune 沙丘Lagoon 咸水湖9. 天文学astronomy天文学astronomical observatory天文台planetarium天文馆astrophysics 天文物理学astrology占星学pseudoscience伪科学cosmos / universe 宇宙cosmology宇宙infinite无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation宇宙辐射cosmic rays宇宙射线celestial天体的celestial body / heavenly body 天体celestial map / sky atlas天体图celestial sphere天球dwarf / dwarf star矮星quasar类星体constellation 星座galaxy / Milky Way银河系star cluster星团asterism星群solar system太阳系solar corona日冕solar eclipse日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet行星planetoid / asteroid 小行星revolve旋转twinkle闪烁naked eye肉眼Mercury 水星Venus金星Earth地球Mars火星Jupiter木星Saturn 土星Uranus天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin旋转satellite 卫星lunar月球的meteor 流星meteor shower流星雨star恒星meteoroid流星体meteorite陨石comet 彗星space / outer space太空,外层空间spacecraft / spaceship宇宙飞船space shuttle航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut / spaceman 宇航员space suit 宇航服stellar 恒星的intergalactic星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary行星间的asteroid小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia氨photosphere 光球;光球层chromospheres 色球;色球层日冕层sunspot太阳黑子(发生在光球层)flare耀斑(发生在色球层)solar prominence日珥(发生在色球层)convection zone对流层vacuum真空infrared ray红外线absolute magnitude绝对量级emission发射/散发high-resolution高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪,干涉仪illusive object 幻影体faint 微弱的image 影像gravitational force吸引力molten融化的leap year 闰年rotation 自传revolution公转black hole 黑洞ultraviolet ray紫外线luminosity光度light year光年10. 环保相关ecology 生态学ecosystem生态系统balance of nature自然界生态平衡fauna动物群flora 植物群rain forest雨林food chain 食物链acid rain酸雨greenhouse温室效应infrared radiation红外线辐射ozone layer / ozonosphere臭氧层ultraviolet radiation紫外辐射pollution control污染控制air pollution 空气控制water pollution 水污染noxious / toxic 有毒的fumes (有毒的)废气waste 废物solid waste固体废物sewage / wastewater污水sewage purification污水净化swage disposal污水处理decibel(噪音)分贝11. 能源相关fossil fuel矿物燃料process of photo synthesis光合作用solar energy太阳能nonrenewable不可再生的energy conservation保护能源resource资源energy source能源资源tidal energy 潮汐能fuel-efficient节能型的rush hour高峰期zero emission零辐射wildness野生/天然preservation保护atmosphere大气carbon碳dioxide 二氧化物burning of coal and oil煤油燃烧global warming全球变暖greenhouse effect 温室效应rise in sea level海平面上升long-term climatic change长期的气候变化environmental recycling center再循环利用中心litter/trash garbage垃圾pollutant污染物desertification沙漠化deforest 滥伐森林drought干旱water shortage 水源缺乏offshore spillage 近海岸溢出carbon dioxide release 二氧化碳排放industrial sewage工业污水recycling再循环purify 净化deteriorate恶化acid rain酸雨sewage disposal污水处理environment protection环境保护ozone layer臭氧层waste disposal废物处理emission (汽车废气的)排放soot烟尘El Niño厄尔尼诺现象12. 新技术发明相关13. 人类学artist艺术家choreographer舞蹈编排家critic 批评家satirist讽刺作家inventor发明家biographer自传作家sculptor雕塑家feminist 女权主义者humanitarian人道主义者imagist 意象派诗人philanthropist 慈善家proprietor业主mortal 犯人precursor先驱figurehead 名誉领袖disciple 学徒apprentice学徒mechanic机械工minimalist简单抽象派艺术家avant-garde前卫派territory领域genre风格/体裁eccentric古怪的odd怪诞的/奇数的erratic奇怪的weird怪异的/不可思议的romantic浪漫的innocent天真的/无罪的lovelorn相思病苦的emotional情绪的/情感的sentimental感伤的/多愁善感的cheerless无精打采的/无生命力的patriarchal 家长的/族长的rigid僵化的spare简朴的clumsy笨拙的zigzag曲折的contemporary当代的acclaimed受欢迎的preeminent 杰出的versatile(人)多才多艺的/(物)多功能的household家庭的/家喻户晓的genuine真正的authentic逼真的/原汁原味的symbolic象征性的immortal 不朽的/神nostalgia怀旧主义/思乡emotive感人的prodigious巨大的classic 经典的posthumous死后的14. 发展史➢文学pose散文diary日记autobiography 传记editorial 社论narrative prose叙述性descriptive prose 描写性essay随笔poetry 诗歌ballad民谣lullaby催眠曲fiction小说allegory寓言fairy tale童话legend传说proverb 谚语model人物原型leading character主人公main plot主要情节prelude序曲prologue序言epilogue 尾声literary criticism文学批评literary studies文学研究schools of literature文学流派comparative literature比较文学realism现实主义surrealism超现实主义futurism未来主义modernism现代主义aestheticism唯美主义➢音乐musical instrument乐器orchestra(管弦)乐队shook rattle摇拨浪鼓pound dru 击鼓foot beat跺脚note 音符score乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music乡村音乐folk music民间音乐pop music流行音乐classical music古典音乐Jazz爵士乐symphony交响乐rock and roll摇滚乐band music / wind music管乐string弦乐violin小提琴viola中提琴cello大提琴harp 竖琴horn号;喇叭clarinet 单簧管oboe双簧管keyboard instrument键盘乐器percussion震荡/打击乐器vocal music声乐concerto协奏曲sonata奏鸣曲serenade小夜曲solo独奏/独唱duet二重唱conducting指挥podium指挥台accompaniment伴奏quality音质volume音量chord和弦harmony和声rest 休止time节拍lullaby催眠曲prelude 序曲epilogue尾声➢政治经济subsistence存活,生活subsistence wage刚够养家糊口的工资subsistence level 收支平衡的生活水平kinship亲属关系,血缘关系commodity商品check支票;收据;账单bank loan银行贷款interest 利息withdraw从银行账户中提款honor (a cheque/bill/draft)承兑a run on a bank挤兑the Great Depression 大萧条consumerism消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的看法);保护消费者权益主义affluence 富裕,富足sophisticated世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖端的➢建筑architecture建筑学architect建筑学家construct结构wing 辐楼/侧楼design设计elevator电梯skyscraper摩天大楼design element设计元素log structure原木结构cabin小木屋beam梁prototype原型building technique建筑工艺new material新材料metal-frame金属结构repair person修理工planetarium天文馆aquarium水族馆archives档案馆office building 写字楼cathedral大教堂mosque清真寺the statue of liberty自由女神像the triumphal arch凯旋门sphinx狮身人面像pyramid 金字塔castle 城堡➢美术fine arts美术oil painting油画water color水彩画tempera 蛋彩画sketch速写/素描pastel 彩色蜡笔画poster海报/招贴画charcoal drawing木炭画mural painting / fresco壁画engraving版画lithograph石板画landscape painting风景画still life静物画portrait肖像画caricature漫画pigment颜色,色素canvas 油画布brush 画笔drawing board画板perspective透视画法original 原作copy临本reproduction / replica 复制品genuine真的fake假的gallery美术馆autograph真迹panorama 全景画calligraphy书法paste裱糊impressionistic style印象派风格framing装框sculpture 雕塑sculptor 雕塑家figurine小雕像bust 半身雕塑像statue塑像unique唯一的/独特的animator漫画家saxophonist 萨克斯风管吹奏者indigo靛蓝purple紫色。