新编英语语法教程框架整理 (导论+第一讲)



















The book on the desk is mine.(介词on把名词book和另一名词desk联系起来)He is sure of it.他对此很有把握。

(of联系it和sure.)It is good for you.这对你有好处。

新编英语语法教程 教案 章振邦(上)精编版

新编英语语法教程 教案 章振邦(上)精编版




教材及参考书目:《新编英语语法教程》章振邦《实用英语语法详解》薄冰《高级英语语法详解》全建强考核方式及成绩计算方法:笔试总成绩=平时成绩X30% + 考试成绩X70%课程教学日历课程名称:商务英语语法与词汇授课学期:2016—2017学年第一学期第1讲教学安排的说明章节题目:句子结构学时分配:2本章教学目的与要求:谓结构和句子分析基本句型课堂教学方案课题名称、句子结构授课时数:2 授课类型:理论课教学方法与手段:讲授、讨论、指导教学目的的要求:1谓结构和句子分析 2基本句型教学重点、难点:1谓结构和句子分析 2基本句型教学内容及组织安排:1主谓结构和句子分析(1)主语和谓语分句按其逻辑意义,通常分为主语和谓语两大部分。



试观察下列诸句:主语谓语China is a great socialist country.中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。

Marxism-Leninism is a universally applicable truth.马克思列宁主义是放之四海而皆准的真理。

The students have English lessons twice a week.学生们每星期上两堂英语课。

Hans doesn't seem to be taller than Peter.汉斯似乎并不比彼得高。



Te aching N o te sChapter OneThe Hierarchical Structure of GrammarⅠTe ach in g Aim s:This chapter aims to:1.help students to know the hierachial structure of English grammar.2.get students to learn morphemes words, phrases and sentences and their classification.ⅡTe achin g Pro ce d u re s1.IntroductionThe grammatical structure o f English is a hierarchical one, which can be divided into five levels, i.e. Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Wo rd and Morpheme. A sentence is the largest unit and highest level in a gram m atical structure while a morpheme is the smallest and lowest one.2.MorphemesA morpheme is the smallest unit in Eng lish grammar, and also the smallest meaningful unit of language.1) Free MorphemesFree m o rp hem es are m o rp hem es which can co nstitute wo rd s b y them selves,e.g. b o y, g irl, wo rk, wate r.2) Bound MorphemesSome morphemes like de-, dis-, -ness, -ly are never used independently in speech and writing. They are always attached to fre e morphemes to form ne w words. These morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are mostly affixes. Affixes are attached to free morphemes either to form new wo rd s or to indicate grammatical categories. Affixes can b e divided into two types: prefixes and suffixes.3.Wo rd s1)Sim p le Wo rd, De rivative, Co m p o und Wo rda)simple words (morpheme words):at, far, hand, getb)derivatives:prefixes: dislike, unhappy, pronoun, prewarsuffixes: worker, widen, foolish, manlyc)compound words: handbook, outline, moreover, anybody2)According to grammatical function, English wo rd s can be classified into Closed Class and Open Class.a)Closed ClassClo se d class re fe rs to all the Functio n wo rd s. The num b e r o f this typ e o f wo rd sare limited. No new comers will enter into this class. Therefore, this kind of words are called Closed Class. They include:Preposition: in, on, withoutPronoun: you, he, one, thisDeterminer: a, the, his, that, someConjunction: and, or, but, whenAuxiliary: do, can, must, willb)Open ClassOp en class refers to all the Co ntent Wo rd s. In this typ e o f wo rd s, new wo rd sappear continuously. Therefore, they are called Open Class. They included:Noun: Smith, Paris, man, bookAdjective: old, big, cheapAdverb: here, fast, earlyMain Verb: work, make, give4.PhrasesA p hrase is a g ram m atical unit which is fo rm e d b y o ne wo rd o r m o re than o newo rd. A phrase is usually a string o f wo rd s built up aro und a head wo rd which d eterm ines both the class that the phrase belong s to and the way the phrase is structured.Noun Phrase ( N P ):all the college studentsthe tall boy sitting thereVe rb Phrase ( V P ):looks palearrived last nightAdjective Phrase ( Adj P ):very difficultcareful enoughAdverb Phrase ( Adv P ):very clearlyso slowlyPreposition Phrase ( P.P ):before the warin the north5.ClausesIn logical terms, a clause is a construction of a subject and a predicate. In view of grammatical relations, clauses are divided into two broad categories, the mainclause and the sub o rd inate clause, the latter o f which m ay functio n as a no m inalclause, a relative clause, or an adverbial clause.1)Nominal clausesHe said that he had done his best.What he said was true.2)Relative clausesThis is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.He failed to pass the test, which was a pity.3)Adverbial clausesIf I were you, I would not quit.I was having dinner when he came.6. SentencesIn terms of sentence structure, sentences can be classified into three kinds: (1) simple sentences, (2) compound sentences and (3) complex sentences.(1)Yo u thro w a sto ne at the wind o w.I’ll scream.( two simple sentences)(2)You throw a stone at the window and I’ll scream. ( two coordinate main clauses in one sentence).(3)If yo u th ro w a sto n e at th e win d o w, I’ll scre am. ( o n e m ain clau se an d o n e subordinate clause within one and the same sentence)。

新编英语语法教程 导论 语法层次(含英语开放词类的相关论述)

新编英语语法教程 导论 语法层次(含英语开放词类的相关论述)








词素分为两大类;自由词素(Free Morpheme)和粘附词素(Bound Morpheme).1)自由词素自由词素指本身具有完整意义并能作为“简单词(Simple Word).而单独使用的词素,比如boy(男孩),girl(女孩),desk(书桌),chair(椅子),kind(仁慈的),cruel(残酷的),give (给),take(拿)等都属于这一类。

自由词素可以充当词根(Root)加上词缀(Affix)构成派生词(Derivative),例如:kind: kindness, unkind, unkindness, kindlyfriend: friendly , friendship , friendless, unfriendly, unfriendliness自由词素还可以和其他自由词素相结合,构成复合词(Compound Word).例如:book: bookmark, bookshop, bookstalltake: intake, take-home, take-over, take-off, takeaway, undertake2)粘附词素粘附词素指本身没有完整意义,不能单独使用,而必须粘附在自由词素或其他形式上才能表示出意义的词素。


The practical application of grammar refers to using the grammar rules learned in this unit in real-life situations. Students will practice speaking and writing in English using the grammar structures covered in this unit, such as simple present, present continuous, and present perfect tenses.
提前阅读问题,了解需要回答 的内容和要求。
在听的过程中,注意捕捉关键 信息和细节,记录重要内容。
根据问题类型,选择合适的答 题方法,确保答案准确、完整

Listening skills sharing
reading comprehension
Reading article analysis
本篇文章主要探讨了英语学习 的技巧和方法,包括词汇、语 法、阅读和写作等方面的学习 建议。
文章采用了总分总的结构,先 总体介绍了英语学习的重要性 ,然后分别从词汇、语法、阅 读和写作四个方面进行了详细 阐述,最后总结了提高英语学 习的关键因素。
Analysis of Listening Materials
评估听力材料中涉及的词 汇量,确定是否超出了学 生的词汇范围。



Book IUnit 1 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别;过去进行时;过去完成时1. The simple past and the present perfect contrasted2. The past progressive3. The past perfectUnit 2 if、wh、that引导的宾语从句The nominal clause used as the object, introduced by1. if2. wh-word3. thatUnit 3 被动语态The passive sentence1. in the simple present2. in the present perfect3. in the simple past4. in the futureUnit 4 情态动词1. Modal auxiliaries can /could and be able to used to express “ability”2. Modal auxiliary have to expressing “obligation”3. Modal auxiliaries can /may used to express “permission” or “request for permission”4. Modal auxiliaries had better expressing “advice” or “suggestion”Unit 5 一般现在时的间接引语Indirect speech introduced by a simple present verb1. reporting statements2. reporting yes-no questions3. reporting wh-questionsUnit 6 时间状语从句The adverbial clause of time introduced by1.when2.before3.since4. untilUnit 7 非谓语动词的使用1. The infinitive preceded by a wh- word used as the object2. The infinitive used as a postponed object in the pattern It takes ( so much time) to do sth3. The bare infinitive used as the object complement4. The –ing participle used as the object in pattern Would you mind…Unit 8 关系分句1. The relative clause introduced by that(as the subject)2. The relative clause introduced by that (as the object of a verb)3. The relative clause introduced by who,whomUnit 9 真实条件句与非真实条件句1. Sentences of real conditions2. Sentences of unreal conditions related to the present with be /have /action verbs in the conditional clauseUnit 10将来进行时,将来完成时与将来完成进行时1. The future progressive2. The future perfect3. The future perfect progressive.Unit 11 名词性从句Master the use of English nominal clauses and review indirect speechUnit 12 被动语态Master the use of passive voiceUnit 13 情态动词Modal auxiliaries: may/might, should/ought to, would rather, must/can‟tUnit 14 间接引语Indirect speech introduced by1. a simple present verb reporting past events2. a simple past verb reporting questions and answers3. a simple past verb reporting a conversationUnit 15 状语从句(地点,条件,原因,让步)The adverbial clause1. of place introduced by where2. of condition introduced by unless3. of cause introduced by because/ since4. of concession introduced by thoughUnit 16 现在分词1. –ing participle used as the object2. –ing participle preceded by go3. –ing participle used as the subject4. –ing participle used as the object of a preposition5. –ing participle used as a noun modifier6. –ing participle used as the object complement7. The infinitive preceded by in order expressing …purposeUnit 17 whose,whom引导的关系分句1. The relative clause introduced by whose.2. The relative clause introduced by w hom (as the object of a preposition)3. The cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elements.4. The relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative. Unit 18 非真实条件句1. Sentences of unreal conditions making a supposition about the future2. Sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and present imaginary consequences3. Sentences of unreal conditions with past non-facts and past imaginary consequencesBook IIUnit 1 现在完成进行时,过去进行时与过去完成进行时Unit 2 名词性从句Unit 3 被动语态Unit 4 情态动词Unit 5 间接引语Unit 6 状语从句(目的,结果,让步)Unit 7 非谓语动词Unit 8 关系分句(关系副词)Unit 9 虚拟语气Unit 10 将来时间表示法Unit 11 it 引导的名词性从句Unit 12 被动语态Unit 13 情态动词Unit 14 间接引语Unit 15 状语从句Unit 16 非谓语动词Unit 17 关系分句(介词+关系代词)Unit 18 非真实条件句。


accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. Do Ex. 1C 1, 17, 18 and 20 (p.19) Key to the rest of Ex. 1C
要 成 分 谓 语
动词性 复合 复合谓语 谓语 名词性 复合谓语
由不及物动词+主语的 不及物动词come, go, leave, 表语构成,表现主语的 arrive, return, rise, die, live 等 双重状况 + 名词、形容词或分词
次 要 成 分
宾语、补足语、定 语、同位语、状语
句子的主体,叙述的中心,表明 所说的是“谁”或“什么”

成 分
简单谓语 说明主语的行为、动作、特征或 复 动词性 复合谓语 所处的状态,即“是什么”、 合 谓 谓 名词性 “干什么”、 “怎么样” 语 复合谓语

由不及物动词+主语的表语构成, 表现主语的双重状况
宾 语 间接宾语 复合宾语 介词宾语 宾语补足语 主语补足语 定语 同位语
Note 1: Single subject/predicate S–V and Compound subject/predicate (p.14)
S1: The boys and the girls are planning a dance. S V S S4: Leah jumped on her bike and rode around the block. V S V S7: Her brother and her sister were very shy and were really hard persons to get know. S S V V


• 2.谓语动词(predicate verb)它是说明主
• 3.表语(predicative)它是放在连系动词之
后表示主语的身份或特征的。表语也就是 主语补语。补语(complement)分为主语补 语和宾语补语。
• 4.宾语(object)它是表示及物动词动作的
• 5.定语(attribute)它是限定或修饰名词或
English Grammar 英语语法 第一讲
1.语法是什么? (What is grammar? )
• 语法是语言的组织规律, 它赋予语言以结构
系统。(the entire system of a language, including its syntax, morphology, semantics, and phonology)
• 7.冠词(article, 缩写为art.) 说明名词所指的
人或物的词。An article is a name for the (definite article) and a, an (indefinite
• 8.介词(preposition,缩写为prep.) 表示名词
• 4.他是我的顶头上司。 • He is above me. • 5.微积分对我来说太难了。 • Calculus was always beyond me. • 6.你打这个电话就能找到我。 • You can reach me at this phone number.
4. How does that song go?
• 具体地讲, 主要有下列六种句子成分。
• 1. 主语(subject)它是句子所要说明的人
或事物, 是一句的主体。The subject is the part of the sentence that names whom or



《新编英语语法教程》1-18讲参考答案新编英语语法教程第01讲练习参考答案Ex. 1A1. A. his home workB. quickly, to play2. A. The huge black horseB. the race3. A. have thought aboutB. going into space4. A. warms up and crawlsB. out of the bag5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescopeB. because of the many rings that surround it6. A. 165 yearsB. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun7. A. you and your brotherB. How many pairs of shorts8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menuB. What9. A. an “Outdoor Code”B. their members10. A. can blowB. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist airB. to twist and grow and spin12. A. The direction a hu rricane’s spiral movesB. counterclockwise13. A. does not shineB. At the north pole: for half of the year14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic OceanB. a very cold place15. A. might have beenB. guilty of murderEx. 1B1. SVCWithin the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller.2. SVThe bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun.3. SVOOn August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima.4. SvoOThree days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.5. SVOCThe explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble.6. SV AWithin the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of enpanding gas, millions of degrees hot.7. SVOAA tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, cencrete, metal, and wood over the ground. Ex. 1C1. Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many tourist stands.2. Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. / Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made…3. The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.4. With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade, this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.5. Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr wood stood at his neighbour’s doo r and knocked again and again till someone opened it.6. The town folk envied horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.7. Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years.8. The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad.9. The story, written in plain language, consists of three parts with an interesting plot centering round an aristocratic family living in 17th century France.10. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.11. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pime trees growing on the steep ofa hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.12. Farther down the street, the old man stopped and leaned against a lamp-post, listening to a cheerful song coming out of a restaurant on the oppsite side of the street.13. Sarah sank in the nearest chair, completely exhausted, her limbs stiff with cold, her mind a piece of blank.14. Throughout the day Mrs Rymer behaved very properly, her pleasant, refined face wearing a grave look, her elegant figure wrapped in deep mourning while occasionally she uttered a sigh or a sob.15. Tony thought it necessary to break the news to his family, that Mr Jacob, his former employer, had promised him a half-day job at 20 pounds a week. 16. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.17. The men of the disbanded royal bodyguard, suddenly turned loose onto the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element.18. For many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommadation for visiting businessmen toghter with well-to-do travellers but completely inadequate for the swarms of shour-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover.19. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faser and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs.20. Bertrand Russell was one of the very few persons who have received both the Order of Merit, which was conferred on him by the British government in 1949, and the Nobel Prize for literature, conferred in Norway in 1950.新编英语语法教程第02讲练习参考答案Ex. 2A1. come2. are3. has / have4. are5. are6. are7. was / were8. is9. costs 10. were 11. are 12. are 13. was 14. are 15. lie 16. were 17. are 18. is 19. is 20. was 21. Has 22. were 23. is 24. is 25. are 26. is 27. are 28. cover, are 29. is / are 30. was/wereEx. 2B1. were2. have3. is, is4. was5. were6. is7. is8. are9. is 10. are, are11. have 12. are, their, their 13. was, It, was 14, It / They, is / are 15. are, their, they, disapprove 16. were, they 17. was 18. are 19. were 20. were新编英语语法教程第03讲练习参考答案Ex. 3A1. is2. was3. is4. has5. were6. means7. is8. is9. is 10. is 11. were 12. sells 13. is 14. are 15. are 16. are 17. is 18. is 19. was 20.provides 21. are 22. was 23. stops 24. is 25. is 26. does 27. produces 28. is 29. is 30. was Ex. 3B1. ’s2. are3. is4. are5. is6. was7. is8. were9. is 10. ’s 11. is 12. is, is, is 13. are 14. is 15. have 16. is 17. are 18. looks 19. are 20. are 21. understand 22. has 23. was 24. have 25. was 26. was 27. are 28. is 29. is 30. was 31. is 32. is / are 33. leaves 34. is / are 35. are 36. are 37. is 38. comes 39. is 40. live 41. are 42. points / point 43. are 44. is 45. are 46. was 47. is / are 48. is 49. has 50. wasEx. 3C1. is / are2. is / are3. is4. is / are5. is / are6. remain7. is8. are9. has / have 10.care / cares 11. is 12. plays 13. is 14. am 15. are / is 16. was 17. is, has 18. was 19. come 20. is新编英语语法教程第04讲练习参考答案Ex. 4A1. description2. arrangement3. attendance4. peculiarity5. expectation6. argument7. dependence 8. originality 9. exaggeration10. measurement 11. purity 12. persistence 13. extension 14. statement 15. generosity 16. entrance 17. loneliness18. forgetfulness 19. happiness 20. seriousness Ex. 4B1. strange sounds2. foods are3. chief, tribes, their, salmon (s)4. The runners-up were given pound notes / The runners-up were each given a pound note.5. bodies, their heroes6. mice, tooth-marks7. Crises, occur, families8. / 9. / 10. these businesses 11. / 12. fruits are13. / 14. these articles are well written 15. / 16. several personal kindnesses17. / 18. sufferings 19. professors 20. children are playing, sandsEx. 4C1. experience2. waters3. for advice4. an important piece of information5. for it is fun6. were not numerous7. Poultry8. directors are9. militia 10. geniuses 11. merchandise has 12. sympathies 13. experiences 14. were times, rivalry 15. clippings, were 16. lookers-on 17. foliage is 18. photos 19. 12-pages 20. Luggage isEx. 4D1. blade2. piece3. choir4. flash5. lump6. gang7. grain8. head9. staff 10. collection 11. fleet 12. cluster 13. bundle 14. bunch 15. team 16. piece 17. ear 18. bar 19. herd 20. pack 21. flock 22. crowd / swarm 23. troupe 24. bench 25. grove 26. collection 27. suite 28. squadron 29. band 30. libraryEx. 4E1-5 BCADC 6-10 CBDAB 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 BDCAB新编英语语法教程第05讲练习参考答案Ex. 5A1. my father has a car2. the bull has horns3. the prisoner escaped4. her parents consented5. somebody released the prisoner6. somebody assassinated the President7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter8. the crowd felt sympathy9. a college for women10. a summer day, a day in the summer11. the earth has a (rough) surface12. the absence lasted ten days13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate14. the bird made the nest15. the committee made a report16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story17. the volcano erupted18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous19. somebody punished the boy20. the critics recevied the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B1. The comedian performed, and he was well received by a huge audience.这位喜剧演员的演出很受广大观众的欢迎。

新编英语语法教程第五版1 Sentence Structure

新编英语语法教程第五版1 Sentence Structure
短语或从句担任。具体说来,可用做状 语的有:副词、名词、代词、数词、形 容词、不定式、分词、介词短语、从句 等。
(2014-TEM4) 53. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object complement? A. The front door remained locked. B. The boy looked disappointed. C. Nancy appeared worried. D. He seemed to have no money left.
(2011-TEM4) 58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object? A. What do you think has happened to her? B. Who do you think the visiting professor is? C. How much do you think he earns every month? D. How quickly would you say he would come? (2010-TEM4) 61. In the sentence "It's no use waiting for her", the italicized phrase is ____. A. the object B. an adverbial C. a complement D. the subject
Lecture 1: Sentence Structure 1. Clause elements
The construction of the simple sentence or clause


16. The thought that he might have wronged his friend who had rendered him good services on many occasions troubled his mind, already overburdened with worries and cares.
Exercise 1C
2. Almost every summer night the cooling
northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, making air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome. Sweeping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made...
Exercise 1C
10. Mud-covered and shivering, John sat hunched over a bowl of hot broth prepared by his father to drive off the chill.
Exercise 1C
11. Far above the waters of a beautiful lake and over the tops of the tall pine trees growing on the steep slopes of a hill stand five Chinese-style pavilions.
Exercise 1C
19. Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faster and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs.



* (2) Classification in terms of grammatical functionNoun phrase Verb phraseAdjective phrase Adverb phrase Preposition phraseConjunction(1) I ndependent clause & Subordinate clause独立分句和从属分句(2) S imple clause & Complex clause (*complex sentence)简单分句和复杂分句(*复杂句)(3) M ain clause & Subordinate clause主句和从句(4) F inite clause, non-finite clause and Verbless clause限定分句、非限定分句、无动词分句(1) Full sentence &Minor sentence 完全句和不完全句(2)Simple sentence, Compound sentence, Complex sentence & Compound complex sentence 简单句、并列句、复杂句、并列复杂句(3)Declarative sentence, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, exclamatory sentence《新编英语语法教程》主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论一语法层次)1. Morpheme词素Free morpheme 自 由词素 Bound morpheme 粘附词素 j Allomorph 词素变体 2. Parts of speech (word class) Simple words 简单词 Derivatives 派生词Compounds 复合词 *(1) Classification in terms of word formationOpen-class words (content words)开放词类(实义词)NounVerb Adjective AdverbClosed-class words (function words封闭词类(功能词)Preposition PronounDeterminer Conjunction AuxiliaryIntermediate class(中间词类)NumeralsInterjection3. Phrases词组4. Clause分句5. Sentence句子Lecture 1 Sentence Structure ( L1 )Sentence elements: S (subject)V (predicate verb)O (object)主语 谓语动词 宾语1. Two ways of sentence analysis 1) SVOSentence ClauseSentence = Subject + Predicate (Predicate Verb + Object, Complement, Adverbial, etc.)句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为谓语动词、宾语、补语、状语等。

译林版新教材模块一Unit 1 Grammar 句子基本结构 45张PPT

译林版新教材模块一Unit 1 Grammar 句子基本结构 45张PPT
He is a teacher.
状态:seem, appear, prove ---
感官:smell, feel, taste, sound, look ---
变化:become, get, turn, go, come, grow --
持续:remain, stay, keep, continue
I am very sorry.
句首, At 8, I ate my breakfast. = I ate my breakfast at 8
3.一些表示不确定时间(如:often)或程度(如:almost)的 副词状语通常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,动词之前。
I like China.. (名词 ) She didn't say anything. ( 代词) How many do you want? - I want two. (数词) They decided to leave now. (不定式) I enjoy working with you. (动名词) Did you write down what he said? (句子) Are you afraid of the snake? (名词 )
We often help him.
• I will go there tomorrow. 时间 • The meeting will be held in the
meeting room. 地点 • The meat went bad because of the hot

新编英语语法教程 导论 语法层次(含英语开放词类的相关论述)

新编英语语法教程 导论 语法层次(含英语开放词类的相关论述)




在语言的结构体系,语音系统和语义系统中,结构系统(即语法)是中心成分,是结合语音系统和语义系统的枢纽,在书写中则是结合文字系统和语义系统的枢纽,可以用公式表示如下: 语义——语法——语音系统/文字系统英语的语法结构具有层次性。




词素分为两大类;自由词素Free Morpheme)和粘附词素(Bound Morpheme). (1)自由词素自由词素指本身具有完整意义并能作为“简单词(Simple Word).而单独使用的词素,比如boy(男孩),girl(女孩),desk(书桌),chair(椅子),kind(仁慈的),cruel(残酷的),give(给),take(拿)等都属于这一类。

自由词素可以充当词根(Root)加上词缀(Affix)构成派生词(Derivative),例如:kind: kindness, unkind, unkindness, kindly friend: friendly , friendship , friendless, unfriendly, unfriendliness 自由词素还可以和其他自由词素相结合,构成复合词(Compound Word).例如: book: bookmark, bookshop, bookstall take: intake, take-home, take-over, take-off, takeaway, undertake 2)粘附词素粘附词素指本身没有完整意义,不能单独使用,而必须粘附在自由词素或其他形式上才能表示出意义的词素。



英语语法学习框架●第一部分简单句●第一章简单句的核心●第一节简单句核心构成●主语+谓语+?●主谓=主语+不及物动词●主谓宾=主语+及物动词+宾语●主谓双宾=主语+及物动词+两个宾语(人+物)●主谓宾补=主语+宾语+宾语补足语(简称宾补)●主系表=主语+系动词+表语●第二节简单句的核心变化●谓语动词的变化●时态●情态●表达实际意思的●will/would 愿意/将要(将来时)●may/might 可以/可能●should应该●表示“推测”●must肯定、一定、必须●can't/couldn't不可能●语态●主动●被动●与时态结合●与情态结合●否定●实义动词变否定●助动词和情态动词变否定●强调●主语、宾语、表语的变化●名词、代词●非谓语动词doing●作主语●作宾语●非谓语动词to do●作主语●作宾语●作表语●并列多个(通常要加上并列连词)●表示并列●and/both…and… 和●not only…but also不但……而且……●表示选择●or/either…or… 或者(二选一)●neither…nor…既不……也不……●第二章简单句的扩展●第一节词性角度的扩展●限定词(冠词、数词、名词所有格)●形容词、副词●形容词、副词作修饰成分●形容词修饰名词●副词修饰动词、句子、形容词或其他的副词●形容词、副词的三种比较级别(原级比较、比较级、最高级)●介词短语●表示时间●表示地点或范围●其他用法●第二节成分角度的扩展●非谓语动词(doing表主动/done表被动/to do表目的)做定语、状语●同位语、插入语●同位语→解释说明名词●插入语→补充说明●①主谓结构作插入语,表示“某人说……,某人认为……”●②副词作插入语●③介词作插入语●第二部分长难句●第一章并列句●并列句的构成●表顺接…and…/ both…and…/not only…but…as well/not only…but also/not only…but…●表转折…but…/…yet…●表选择…or…/ether…or…/nether…nor…●表因果…for…/…so…●并列句的省略●省略同主语/谓语●逗号代替相同的并列连词●第二章复合句=主句+从句●第一节名词性从句[=连接词(缺什么成分+相应连词/不缺+that,且只有宾从可省)+陈述语句]●宾语从句★●写法●陈述句→加that(可省)●特殊疑问句→变陈述语序●一般疑问句→加whether(or not)/if,陈述语序●位置●动宾★●及物动词+从句(单宾)●及物动词+人+从句(双宾)●介宾●介宾+宾语从句●形容词+宾语从句(省略了介词→原本:形容词+介词+宾语从句)●补充:●①及物动词的非谓语(to do/doing)的后面也可以+宾语从句●②一个长难句中也可存在多个宾语从句(看懂即可)●③it作形式宾语(避免头重脚轻)●表语从句●写法(与宾语从句同,但that不能省略)●位置→系动词之后(通常在be动词之后)●补充:除谓语系动词,非谓语系动词也可为表语从句(简单了解)●主语从句●写法(与宾语从句同,但that不能省略)●位置●句首●句末→it作形式主语●补充●①It is done+主语从句(表达人们对一件事的观点或看法)●②It is +adj./n. +主语从句(表达对一件事的评价)●同位语从句●同位语从句→解释说明一个抽象名词●写法(与宾语从句同,但that不能省略)●位置→出现在抽象名词的后面●补充:一个长难句不止包含一个名词性从句;连接词可找从句数量;所在位置可判断类型。



(完整版)新编英语语法教程框架整理(导论+第一讲).doc导论——语法层次自由词素Free Morpheme词素屈折词缀Inflectional Affix粘附词素Bound Morpheme 前缀Prefix派生词缀Derivational Affix后缀Suffix简单词 Simple Word构成(构词法)派生词 Derivative复合词 Compound Word词封闭词类:所有功能词Function Word (介代连助限定词)类别(语法功能)半闭半开:基数词序数词感叹词开放词类:名词 Noun 形容词 Adjective 副词主动词Verb 名词词组Noun Phrase:(限定词) +(置修饰语 )+名词 +(后置修饰语 ) 简单动词词组Simple Phrase主动词为中心词语法动词词组Verb Phrase 复杂动词词组Complex phrase词组限定动词词组Finite Verb Phrase按照动词形式非限定词词组Non-finite Verb Phrase 形容词词组Adjective Phrase :(修饰语) +形容词 +(后置修饰语 /补足成分)副词词组Adverb Phrase:(修饰语) +副词 +(后置修饰语)介词词组Prepositional Phrase:(修饰语) +介词 +不足成分主句 Main Clause形式分句句子功能形式功能从句 Subordinate Claus限定分句Finite Clause无动词分句Verbless Clause非限定分句Non-finite Clause :不定式简单句 Simple Sentence并列句 Compound Sentence复杂句 Complex Sentence并列复杂句Compound-complex Sentence 陈述句 Declarative Sentence疑问句 Question感叹句 Exclamatory Sentence祈使句 Imperative Sentence-ing 分词-ed 分词第一讲句子结构主动补 SVC 结构主动 SV 结构基本句型主动宾宾SVoO 结构主动宾 SVO 结构主动宾补SVOC 结构完全句Full Sentence简单句基本语序语序前置(倒装)后置句型的转换与扩大:修饰、并列、从属、省略、替代句式变换并列句形式复杂句并列复杂句不完全句Minor Sentence句子句子分析主语 Subject谓语动词Predicate Verb①宾语Object补语 Complement状语 Adverbial②操作词Operator+述谓成分Prediction。

新编英语语法教程第-讲 ppt课件

新编英语语法教程第-讲 ppt课件
A:This is an infectious disease to be
wiped out in a few years.
4.听不到有什么声音。 A:There was no sound to be heard. 5. 我已经在这里呆了两天,没有什
A:I’ve spent 2 days here. There is
say to any other person.
8.这是一个难以解答的问题。 A:This is a difficult question to answer.
9.听见窗外有脚步声,我便轻手轻 脚走出室外,但什么也没看见。
A:Awitntdhoewso, uI nsdtoolef
footsteps out of the
• 非谓语动词 • 具有双重性质: • 1) 动词性质 • have breakfast fast • Having breakfast fast is bad for
• 2) 非动词性质,即名词及形容词性 质
• To see is to believe. • The girl standing there is my sister.
• He expected to see him at once. • I can’t afford to buy a house now.
• 3)部分动词只用动名词作宾语 • acknowledge/ admit/ advise/
advocate/ allow/ anticipate/ appreciate/ avoid/ complete/ confess/ consider/ contemplate
• 非谓语动词作宾语 • 1) 不定式是 “未发生” 或 “将发生”
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Free Morpheme
屈折词缀Inflectional Affix
Bound Morpheme 前缀Prefix
派生词缀Derivational Affix
简单词Simple Word
复合词Compound Word
封闭词类:所有功能词Function Word (介代连助限定词)类别(语法功能)半闭半开:基数词序数词感叹词
开放词类:名词Noun形容词Adjective副词主动词Verb Noun Phrase:(限定词)+(置修饰语)+名词+(后置修饰语)
简单动词词组Simple Phrase
Verb Phrase 复杂动词词组Complex phrase
限定动词词组Finite Verb Phrase
非限定词词组Non-finite Verb Phrase Adjective Phrase:(修饰语)+形容词+(后置修饰语/补足成分)
Adverb Phrase:(修饰语)+副词+(后置修饰语)
Prepositional Phrase:(修饰语)+介词+不足成分
主句Main Clause
从句Subordinate Claus
限定分句Finite Clause
功能无动词分句Verbless Clause
非限定分句Non-finite Clause:不定式-ing分词-ed分词
简单句Simple Sentence
形式并列句Compound Sentence
复杂句Complex Sentence
并列复杂句Compound-complex Sentence
陈述句Declarative Sentence
功能感叹句Exclamatory Sentence
祈使句Imperative Sentence
句型的转换与扩大:修饰、并列、完全句Full Sentence 从属、省略、替代
不完全句Minor Sentence
谓语动词Predicate Verb
