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1、胆小如鼠 as timid as a hare 2、吓得要命 scared like/as a rabbit make a hare of sb. 3、愚弄某人 4、同时追两只兔子, run after two hares 做徒劳无益的事 5、迟到 kiss the hare’s foot 6、挤得水泄不通 like rabbits in a warren
be as quiet as a lamb and as fast as a hare 8、两面讨好 run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 9、估计错误,错怪某人 hunt/ run the wrong hare 10、像兔子一样多生孩子 breed like rabbit

• 英语中,兔分为hare(野兔)和rabbit(家兔)两种。 这两个词一般用作名词,但hare也可作动词,有“奔跑” 之意。 • 与兔有关的词语有: hare-footed(移动很快的) harebrain(痴呆或愚蠢之人) hare bell(圆叶风铃草) the year of hare/rabbit(兔年)。 • Rabbit 有“不擅长某项运动 的人”之意,例如: I’m just a rabbit at tennis. 我不擅长打网球。
If you run after two • 同时追两只兔,一只也难捕。hares, you will catch neither. One should not run with theth the hounds. • 缘木求鱼 • 兔死狗烹 Seek a hare in a hen’s nest.
The hounds are killed for good once all the hares are bagged.
• 兔子急了也咬人。 Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.
First catch your hare then cook him.
Thank you !!!
值得注意的是,因为动物词汇的联想含义不同, 有些关于“兔”的词语找不到汉英一致的表达, 只能用其他动物词汇来转译,如:“兔子不吃 窝边草”就译为“A wise fox will never rob his neighbor’s hen roost”。
• 1、“For a good life: Work like a dog. Eat like a horse. Think like a fox. And play like a rabbit.” (George Allen) 好生活就是像狗一样工作,像马一样进食,像狐 狸一样思考,像兔子一样嬉戏。(乔治· 艾伦) • 2、“Romance, like the rabbit at the dog track, is the elusive, fake and never attain reward.” (Beverly Jones) 浪漫,就像被猎狗追逐的野兔,四处躲闪,拼 命伪装,却从来得不到回报。(贝弗利· 琼斯)