



1. Don’t take the low-fat label as a license to eat。 不能因为食品标明低脂肪而敞开食用。
2. If the term sounds unscientific to 20th-century ears, let us remember there is a definite connection between marshy lands and malaria… 如果这个术语对生活在20 世纪的人听来 不科学的话,那就让我们记住沼泽地和疟 疾之间是一定有联系的……
7. All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car window. 当晚我彻夜难眠,眼前不时出现那副黑手套伸 向车窗的一瞬间。
3. She is a little confused. 她疯了。
1. But the hope that was in his brain
died. 2. The night crawled slowly like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford . 3. Night found him leg weary . (from The Most Dangerous Game)
1. What is learned in the cradle is
carried to the grave.



xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯

51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿


Roads became roaring oceans. C. 拟人 personification
e.g. The thirsty soil drank in the rain. 干燥的土壤大口大口地喝着雨水。
6)A群nn山a肃wa立s,gi江ve河n a挥b泪la,ck辽m阔ar的k l祖as国t w大ee地k沉fo浸r b在ei巨ng大la的te悲 f痛or之w中or。k.
e.g. 樱花红陌上,柳叶绿池边。
The pathways red with cherry blossoms;
The lakeside green with willow trees. Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love, are roots, and every green.
然而悲惨的皱纹,却也从他的眉头和嘴角出现了。 7)WeMaisrernaobtlegwoirningktloeslebt ehgimanbtroinagpspheaamr beeotwn eoeunr theiasm.
eye-brows and round his mouth.
如H.呼e.g告.祖A国po啊str,op可he见你是一切神圣美丽东西的总称!你不能不 让人乐于为你生,勇于为你而死,为了你而奋发前进!
I came, I saw, I conquered.



2)“Don’t talk to me about no opportunity any
more. Opportunity’s knocking down every door
in the country,trying to get in. When I was
young,a man had to go out and find opportunity and drag it home by the ears.”(Kurt Vonnegut: Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog)
(康濯《春种秋收》) Having returned to the village,Liu Yucui
felt as if she had got into prison. 2) He drove as if possessed by the devil. 他着魔似的驾车狂奔。
这个辞格在汉语和英语修辞里有着共同的特 点,那就是明显地打比方,在本体和喻体之 间都出现显而易见的喻词,如:汉语里的 “像”、“好像”、 “比如”、“仿佛”、 “好比”、“像……一样”、“如……一般” 等等;英语里的like,as,as if,as though 等等。在翻译时,我们可利用其共同特点, 用译文中相应的喻词来译原文里本体之间的 喻词。
“休说什么机会难逢。机会正在国内每家每户敲 门,想要进去呢。 我年轻那会儿,人们得出门去 寻找机会,揪着耳朵把它拖回来。”
3) How soon hath Time,the sung my three and
twentieth year! (John Milton)
At once,the Eastern and Western Chang’an Roads became roaring oceans.

第七讲 修辞格的翻译1

第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
heart. 那次长谈之后,吉姆成了她心中的太阳。第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
汉语的暗喻和英语的暗喻都不露比喻的 痕迹,把甲直接说成 “ 是”乙或“变成 了”乙,常用的喻词在汉语里有 “是”、 “变成”、“变为”、“成为”、“成 了”、“当作”等,英语里常用 “be”作 喻词,也用 “become”,“turn into”等 词语。暗喻在翻译中一般也可采取直译。
第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
夸张; Hyperbole 1)我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年
了。(鲁迅:《一件小事》)Six years have passed by in a twinkle since I
came to the capital city from the countryside.
第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
英语里 as ... as ...结构的明喻大多可以 直译 :
as cold as ice 冰冷 as hot as fire 火热 as hard as rock 坚如磐石 as light as feather 轻如鸿毛
第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
下面的直译生动形象,也能被中国读者 所理解接受:
第七讲 修辞格的翻译1
折绕;Periphrasis 1) “孔乙己,你脸上又添上新伤疤了!”(鲁迅:
《孔乙己》)(“ 添上新伤疤”意为 “又挨
打了”。)“Kong Yiji! You’ve got fresh scars
on your face!” 2) 胡思乱想,一夜也不曾合眼。(曹雪芹:
1) He has provided the poor with jobs,with opportunity,with self-respect. (在 with selfrespect 之前省去了连词 and。)他给穷人提 供了工作,提供了机会,提供了自尊。



(三)音韵修辞格(phonetic stylistic devices) 顾名思义,音韵修辞格是利用词语的语音特点创 造出来的修辞手法。

双声,叠韵Alliteration 拟声Onomatopoeia
1 直译法 ——对可译的辞格,尽可能直译

明喻;暗喻;拟人;夸张 讳饰;转喻;省略; 移就;递升;递降;反语 排比; 设问; 反问;

反复Repetition 顶真Anadiplosis 排比parallelism 对偶antithesis, 设问rhetoric question, 倒装anastrophe, 递升climax, 递降Anti-climax 脚韵Rhyme 摹形Graphic 列锦
eg:每条岭都是那么温柔,虽然下自山脚,上至岭 顶,长满了珍贵的林木,可是谁也不孤峰突起, 盛气凌人。(老舍:《小花朵集》) 译文:All the ridges were so amiable. None of them stood above the others with arrogance, though their slopes were fully covered with precious trees.

eg:妈妈让他洗碗,她就不洗。 译文:Mother tells her to wash the dishes, but she will not(do it)
移就;Transferred Epithet

把本来用以修饰人的形容词移属于同人有关的抽象物 或具体物,这种貌似错误、实为妙用的修辞格叫做 “移就”(Transferred Epithet),它通过词语巧妙 的“移植”,来取得常规搭配所无法得到的效果。



There are a lot of good heads in the university.
He blushed to the roots of his hair.
I must write one line out of my dreary bed …I am not going to talk of my suffering----it would be useless and painful. Transferred epithet 我必须从忧郁的床上爬起来写几个字…我不想谈我的苦痛----谈了也无用,且令人痛心。
She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.
她对这个无家可归的孩子打开了自己的大门, 也打开了自己的心扉。
Yesterday he had a blue coat and heart.
The world is in orderly chaos.
I used to organize my father’s tools, my other’s kitchen utensils, my sister’s boyfriends.
与汉语双关一样,就是用一个词,一句话,或一个语言片段同时表达双重意思:一个是表面的,一是隐含的,并且以隐含的意思为主。恰当的运用这种手法会使语言生动有趣,达到由此及彼的效果。可分为谐音双关和语义双关。 The wounded captive, an enemy high-ranking officer, lies before the doctor. 受伤的俘虏是敌人的高级军官,他躺在医生面前——对医生撒谎。




























1、Hyperbole:He ate like a pig.

2、Hyperbole:It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing T-shirts.

3、Hyperbole:I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

4、Hyperbole:He was as tall as a mountain.

5、Hyperbole:She had a million things to do.

6、Hyperbole:I was so scared I nearly jumped out of my skin.

7、Hyperbole:I was running like the wind.

8、Hyperbole:I was so bored that I thought I was going to die.

第二节修辞格的翻译 (1)

第二节修辞格的翻译 (1)







例如下面一些句子:1. His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him.这会儿,他肚子里的饥饿又苏醒过来撕咬着他。

2. Of me, my mother would say, with characteristic restraint, "This bandit. He doesn't even have to open a book---'A' in everything. Albert Einstein the Second."至于我,母亲总是以特有的矜持说:"这小鬼头,他甚至连书本都不消打开──门门都是优秀,真是个活脱脱的爱因斯坦。

"3. The Dutchman was six-foot, a great, red-faced,hot-tempered trek-ox of a man.那荷兰人身高六英尺,大块头,红脸膛,暴脾气,简直是一头拉车的公牛。

4. The parental discipline can be described as cruel kindness.父母的惩戒可以说是残酷的仁慈。

5. Safety will be the sturdy child of terror, and survival the twin brother of annihilation.安全是恐怖的健壮婴儿,生存是毁灭的孪生兄弟。

6. The plays adapted from Greek tragedies and Shakespearean drama by Suzuki, although performed in Japanese, caused a big stir among the western audience with their strange and cruel beauty.铃木正改编自希腊悲剧和莎士比亚戏剧的剧作,虽然以日语演出,但那种奇异而残酷的美,却在西方观众中引起了轰动。



英语修辞手法总结Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, orto create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.2) Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the worldis a stage.3) Analogy: (类比)It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.4) Personification: (拟人)It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes(赋予) to inanimate(无生命的) objects, or to ideas and abstractions(抽象). For example, the wind whistled through the trees.5) Hyperbole: (夸张) It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. For instance, he almost died laughing.6) Understatement: (含蓄陈述) It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. Itachieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately(故意地) understating it,impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. For instance, It is no laughing matter.7) Euphemism: (委婉) It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive(无冒犯) expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. For instance, we refer to "die" as " pass away".8) Metonymy (转喻)It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another. For instance, the pen (words) is mightier than the sword (forces).9) Synecdoche (提喻) It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or thewhole for the part. For instance, they say there's bread and work for all. She was dressedin silks.10) Antonomasia (换喻)It has also to do with substitution. It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use. For example, Solomon for a wise man. Daniel for a wise and fair judge. Judas for a traitor.11) Pun: (双关语) It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. For instance, a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. (Here "arms" has two meanings: a person's body; weapons carried by a soldier.)12) Syllepsis: (一语双叙) It has two connotations.In the first case, it is a figure by which a word, or a particular form or inflection of a word, refers to two or more words in the same sentence, while properly applying to or agreeing with only on of them in grammar or syntax(句法). For example, He addressed you and me, and desired us to follow him. (Here us is used to refer to you and me.)In the second case, it a word may refer to two or more words in the same sentence. For example, while he was fighting , and losing limb and mind, and dying, others stayed behind to pursue education and career. (Here to losing one's limbs in literal; to lose one's mindis figurative, and means to go mad.)13) Zeugma: (轭式搭配) It is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, wither properly applying in sense to only one of them, orapplying to them in different senses. For example, The sun shall not burn you by day, nor the moon by night. (Here noon is not strong enough to burn)14) Irony: (反语) It is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. For instance, we are lucky, what you said makes me feel real good.15) Innuendo: (暗讽) It is a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout (曲折)way at something disparaging(不一致) or uncomplimentary(不赞美) to the person or subject mentioned. For example, the weatherman said it would be worm. He must take his readings in a bathroom.16) Sarcasm: (讽刺) It Sarcasm is a strong form of irony. It attacks in a taunting and bitter manner, and its aim is to disparage, ridicule and wound the feelings of the subject attacked. For example, laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps break through.17) Paradox: (似非而是的隽语) It is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to established fact or practice, but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true, well-founded, and even to contain a succinct point. For example more haste, less speed.18) Oxymoron: (矛盾修饰) It is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining(结合) of two contrasting, contradictory or incongruous(不协调) terms as in bitter-sweet memories, orderly chaos(混乱) and proud humility(侮辱).19) Antithesis: (对照) It is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis. For example, speech is silver; silence is golden.20) Epigram: (警句) It states a simple truth pithily(有利地) and pungently(强烈地). It is usually terse and arouses interest and surprise by its deep insight into certain aspects of human behavior or feeling. For instance, Few, save the poor, feel for the poor.21) Climax: (渐进) It is derived from the Greek word for "ladder" and implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost uniform rate of significance or intensity,like the steps of a ladder ascending evenly. For example, I came, I saw, I conquered.22) Anti-climax or bathos: (突降)It is the opposite of Climax. It involves stating one's thoughts in a descending order of significance or intensity, from strong to weak, from weighty to light or frivolous. For instance, But thousands die, without or this or that, die, and endow(赋予) a college, or a cat.23) Apostrophe: (顿呼) In this figure of speech, a thing, place, idea or person (dead or absent) is addressed as if present, listening and understanding what is being said. For instance, England! awake! awake! awake!24) Transferred Epithet: (转类形容词) It is a figure of speech where an epithet (anadjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify(修饰) to another to which it does not really apply or belong. For instance, I spent sleeplessnights on my project.25) Alliteration: (头韵) It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words for effect. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals(间隔) and since the sound repeated is usually the initial consonant sound, it is also called "front rhyme". For instance, the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free.26) Onomatopoeia: (拟声) It is a device that uses words which imitate the sounds made by an object (animate or inanimate), or which are associated with or suggestive(提示的) of some action or movementExplanation version1一、什么是修辞格修辞格(figures of speech)是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术。


1. 那男孩像只蜗牛慢慢向前挪动,嘟哝着不愿去上学。2. 那男孩一动不动地呆着。3. 我们为那伟大的一文不值的信念而死。4. -- 那个律师死后能干什么? (1)--静静地躺着。 (2)--躺着说鬼话。
quiet, light, fresh ,blind, clear, stubborn, cunning, old ,slippery, busy
明喻 Simile
英语中的simile和汉语明喻基本格式相同,一般情况下,可以照直翻译。as busy as bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌as brave as lion 像狮子一样勇猛as black as crow 像乌鸦一般黑as sharp as knife 像刀一样锋利
1 go to sleep in the presence of Mrs. General and blood was to change to milk and water. (Dickens. Little Dorrit) 在杰纳勒尔夫人跟前,一个人的激情会变得麻木不仁,热血也会变成掺了水的牛奶。
1. Most of us are too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. 我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬的阳光。2. Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. (Shakespeare) 男人求爱时如和煦的4月,婚后却像寒冬腊月;闺中少女则宛若温暖的5月,而为人妇后却像易变的天气阴晴莫测。


world to me, and the moon and the stars.
8.Parallelism 排比, 平行
这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大 体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语. 句子排列成串,形成一个整体.
1>.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.
13.Parody 仿拟
这是一种模仿名言.警句.谚语,改动其中 部分词语,从而使其产生新意的修辞.
例如: A friend in need is a friend to be
avoided. 处于危难之中的朋友是一个为众人所
14.Rhetorical question 修辞疑问 (反问)
17.Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻
这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调 和的特征形容一个事物,以不协调的搭 配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义.
例如: 1>.No light, but rather darkness
18.Climax 渐进法,层进法
这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大 小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到 顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象.
它与疑问句的不同在于它并不以得到答 复为目的,而是以疑问为手段,取得修辞 上的效果,其特点是:肯定问句表示强烈 否定,而否定问句表示强烈的肯定.它的 答案往往是不言而喻的.
Shall we allow those untruths to go unanswered?












如:He was like a cock who thought the sun hadrisen for him to crow. 他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。

( simile →明喻。

直译法)Tom was as sober as a judge. 他十分清醒。

(simile →非修辞格。

意译法)He is as cunning as a dead pig. 他像狐狸一样狡猾。

(simile →明喻。


变通法)Falstaff : I am as poor as Job , my lord , but not sopatient . 福斯塔夫: 我是像约伯(注) 一样穷的,大人,可是却没有他那样的好耐性。

(注:约伯(Job)《圣经》中的人物, 以忍耐贫穷而著称的圣徒。

)(simile →明喻。






中英句子翻译-结构修辞格的翻译展开全文中英句子翻译-结构修辞格的翻译结构修辞格的翻译将下列句子翻译成汉语,注意结构修辞格的译法1) To err is human; T o forgive, divine.犯错乃是人性;宽恕才是神性。

(对偶)2) That short and easy trip made a lasting and profound change in Harold’s outlook.那次短暂但轻松的旅行让哈罗德的人生观起了深刻而长久的变化。

(对偶)3) That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.对于个人来说,那只是一小步,但对于人类来说却是一个巨大的跳跃。

(对偶)4) We waited for hours at the airport, reading and sleeping.我们在机场等了几个小时,看看书,睡睡觉。

(排比)5) To support his family and to put himself through college, he worked ten hours a day.为了支撑家庭并念完大学,他一天工作十小时。

(排比)6) There is no reason for us to be enemies; neither of us seeks the territory of the other; neither of us seeks domination over the other; neither of us seeks to stretch out our hands and rule the world.我们没有理由成为敌人;我们谁也不觊觎对方的领土;谁也不企图征服对方;谁也不妄想统治世界。

(排比)7) Their sun-burned faces were dark, and their sun-whipped eyes were light.他们被烈日灸烤的脸是黝黑的,被阳光灼热的眼神是质朴的。



中英句子翻译- 语义修辞格的翻译中英句子翻译- 语义修辞格的翻译语义修辞格的翻译将下列句子翻译成汉语,注意语义修辞格的译法1) True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those move easiest who have learnt to dance… (Pope) 写作中运用自如的艺术,绝非偶然,正象学过舞的人步履轻松洒脱。

(明喻)2) The slave-owner’s heart was like stone, (simile) 奴隶主的心象石头。

3) Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.她的幸福像晨露一样消失了。

4) The news you bring is a dagger to my heart. 你带来的消息是一把匕在我心上的短剑。

(隐喻)5) Sometimes you go into what I call a bubble boom.有时候,你会进入一种泡沫式的繁荣。

(隐喻)6) East St. Louis High School, in fact, is the citadel of a football dynasty.东圣路易中学,事实上是一个足球王朝的堡垒。

(隐喻)7) So I shut all other thoughts and switch them onto the road mending.所以,我摒弃了一切杂念,集中精力来修路。

(隐喻)8) There are many sails along the river.河中有很多船只。

(转喻)9) Many authorities were involved in this case.很多官员卷进了这一案件中。

(转喻)10) Premier Zhou Enlai is my admiration, the boy said.那男孩说周恩来总理是他崇拜的人。

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中英句子翻译- 语义修辞格的翻译
中英句子翻译- 语义修辞格的翻译
1) True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those move easiest who have learnt to dance… (Pope) 写作中运用自如的艺术,绝非偶然,正象学过舞的人步履轻松洒脱。

2) The slave-owner’s heart was like stone, (simile) 奴隶主的心象石头。

3) Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.她的幸福像晨露一样消失了。

4) The news you bring is a dagger to my heart. 你带来的消息是一把匕在我心上的短剑。

5) Sometimes you go into what I call a bubble boom.有时候,你会进入一种泡沫式的繁荣。

6) East St. Louis High School, in fact, is the citadel of a football dynasty.东圣路易中学,事实上是一个足球王朝的堡垒。

7) So I shut all other thoughts and switch them onto the road mending.所以,我摒弃了一切杂念,集中精力来修

8) There are many sails along the river.河中有很多船只。

9) Many authorities were involved in this case.很多官员卷进了这一案件中。

10) Premier Zhou Enlai is my admiration, the boy said.那男孩说周恩来总理是他崇拜的人。

11) Alas, that spring should vanish with the rose.啊,春天将随着玫瑰花的凋谢而消失。

12) He had a superb confidence that fortune was always working for him;… 他信心十足地相信幸运之神一直为他效劳。

13) Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head,… 像慈爱的母亲那样,夜晚把她的手轻轻地放在我们发烧的额头上,
14) Fortune seems to be always bestowing his smiling on you.幸运之神似乎总是向你微笑。

15) History will never forget that it was here that Thomas More was falsely accused and condemned.. 历史永远不会忘记就是在这里托马斯。


(拟人)16) All of us want to escape the fact that John would never
come back again.我们大家都想逃避一个事实,即约翰再也回不来了。

17) As for me, I shall go to the courtyard with as light a heart as any child starting home for the holidays.至于我,我将怀着孩子放假回家一样的轻松心情,走到外面院子里去。

18) More attention must be paid to the underachievers in the class.要更加关心班级里的差生。

19) “One of my kids wrote four-letter words in his composition,” said the teacher.老师说,“我的一个学生在作文里写脏词。

” (委婉)
20) Maggie smiles and the whole world is happy.麦琪一笑,整个世界都开怀。

21) For she was beautiful— her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade.因为她很美——她的美貌让明亮的世界显得暗淡无光、让她周围的一切看上去像稍纵即逝的影子。

22) The camels are the largest and finest I have ever seen, and in superb condition.这些骆驼是我见到过最大、最好的,也是最棒的。

23) All at once she discovered a splendid diamond necklace.

24) The virtuous, dignified bishop has four illegitimate children.那个品德高尚、威严的主教有四个私生子。

25) We are lucky. It’s the other side on the thirteenth of December. That makes us feel real good.我们很幸运。


26) If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don’t listen… They’re probably trying to trick you into living.如果有人苦口婆心地劝你戒烟,不要理他……他们大概是想骗你活得长久些。

27) O Hero,… But fare thee well, most foul, most fair! farewell, Thou pure impiety and impious purity!啊,希罗
(Oxymoron→ 精警。

28) He was restlessly tired, even as he lay in bed.他因过度疲劳,即使躺在床上,也烦躁不安。

(Oxymoron→ 非修辞格。

29) Phew, you are nothing but a walking dead.呸,你简直就

(Oxymoron→ 精警。


30) She nodded her head, with a touch of sorrowful gladness.他点点头,带着悲喜交集的神情。

(Oxymoron→ 精警。


