排版:根据绘本故事的内容,对文字进行排版,使其与图片、插画等元素相协调,易于阅 读
选择图片:选 择与故事内容 相符的图片, 如人物、场景、 物品等
文字处理:选择 合适的字体、字 号、颜色,确保 文字清晰易读
图片处理:选择 与主题相关的图 片,调整大小、 位置,确保图片 与文字协调
动画效果:添加 适当的动画效果 ,使课件更加生 动有趣
排版布局:合理 安排文字和图片 的位置,确保课 件整洁美观
方便快捷:可 以随时随地进 行学习和复习, 不受时间和地 点的限制
教育意义:故事具有教育意义,能够帮助孩子学习知识、 培养良好的行为习惯
设计精美:PPT课件的视觉效果和设计风格都非常吸引人,能够激发学生 的学习兴趣
互动性强:PPT课件中包含了许多互动环节,能够提高学生的学习参与度 和学习效果
实用性强:PPT课件中的内容可以直接应用于课堂教学,对于教师来说是 非常有价值的教学资源
技术发展:利用 AR、VR等技术, 增强互动性和沉 浸感
演示功能:支持幻灯片播放、动画效果、音频视频播放等 互动功能:支持问答、投票、游戏等互动方式,增加观众参与度 辅助功能:支持笔记、标注、分享等功能,方便观众理解和分享 技术支持:支持多种设备、操作系统和浏览器,保证演示效果和稳定性
• At sunset, a sudden rainstorm.
• They exchanged phone numbers and said a hurried goo英d文b绘y本e教.学课件
However, there are so many unexpected surprises in people’s lives.
Lesson 1
What is picture book?
Types of picture books
Famous picture books
Build your team
Some tips
• 1. 准时 • 2.多听,多说,多想 • 3.有事缺席须请假 • 4.抱着轻松愉快,但也要对自己负责的
They both dare not to go anywhere for afraid of missing any phone calls
because the rain has blurred the numbers. (涂污)
However, there are so many unexpected surprises in people’s lives.
How to create your masterpieces?
Our course’s timeline
小学英语绘本故事精品PPT课件 图文
![小学英语绘本故事精品PPT课件 图文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/78cf1a95360cba1aa811dafa.png)
A very hungry caterpillar
By zhang Yuntao (Tom)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
英语绘本mymum课件•Introduction and Background of Picture Books•Text interpretation and appreciation•Exploration of Illustration Art in Picture Books•Theme ideas and educational value mining•Cross cultural comparison and extension•Design and implementation suggestions for practical activitiesIntroduction and Background of Picture BooksOverview of Picture Book "My Mum""My Mum" is an English picture book with the theme ofpraising mothers, showcasing a mother who is bothordinary and special from a child's perspective.In the picture book, the author uses simple and vividlanguage and pictures to depict various images of themother and daily life, expressing the child's deep loveand admiration for the mother.Author Anthony Browne is a famous British children's picture book writer and illustrator, known for his surrealistic style in his works, adept at using symbols and metaphors to express themes."My Mum" is one of Anthony Brown's representative works, inspired by his personal childhood experiences and deep feelings for his mother. Through this picture book, he hopes to guide children to cherish and appreciatematernal love more.Author and creative backgroundThe text in the picture book is concise and clear, rhymes and has a sense of rhythm. It reads aloudand is easy for children to accept and love. At the same time, through vivid pictures and vivid metaphors, help children better understand the content of the text.The picture book adopts a surrealistic style, combining rich imagination and exaggeratedexpression techniques to create a dreamy and infectious visual effect.The screen has bright and vibrant colors, using a large number of contrasting and complementarycolors, making the entire picture book full of vitality and tension.Picture book style and characteristicsText interpretation and appreciation03Plot twistWhen the protagonist encounters difficulties or challenges, his mother provides encouragement and support.01Story openingIntroduce the daily life of the protagonist and mother, showcasing the intimate mother son relationship.02Emotional expressionBy depicting the details of the mother taking care of the protagonist, express gratitude and love for the mother.Story climaxThe protagonist overcomes difficulties and achieves success with the help of his mother.ConclusionEmphasizing the deep emotional connection between mother and son, as well as the significant influence of the mother on the protagonist's growth.Character image analysisMomGentle, considerate, strong, and wise, she is the protagonist's guide andsupporter.The protagonistBrave, persevering, kind, and grateful, gradually growing up under the care of hismother.Other charactersAccording to the needs of the story plot, some auxiliary characters can be set up,such as the protagonist's friends, teachers, etc., to enrich the story content andcharacter images.Language characteristics and expression skills•Vivid Description: Using vivid vocabulary and techniques to enablereaders to deeply experience the story context and characteremotions.•Emotional rendering: By using sentence structures such as exclamationand rhetorical questions, the expression of emotions is enhanced,making readers resonate.•Concise and clear: The language is concise and clear, avoidingexcessive embellishments and complex sentence structures, making iteasy for readers to understand and accept.•Repetition and parallelism: Using rhetorical devices such as repetitionand parallelism to enhance the rhythm and infectiousness of language,leaving a deep impression on readers.Exploration of Illustration Art in Picture BooksAnalysis of illustration style and techniquesWarm and Soft TonesPicture books use warm and soft tones to create a warm atmosphere between parents and children,allowing readers to feel the warmth of home while reading.Vivid character imagesThe figures in the illustrations are lifelike, expressing their emotions and personalities through delicatelines and colors, making it easier for readers to resonate.Rich scene descriptionThe scenes in picture books are rich and colorful, and through delicate brushstrokes and colorrendering, readers are brought into an imaginative world.Illustrations and textcomplement each otherIllustrations and text in picture books complement each other to build a complete story world.Illustrations showcase the story plot through visualimagery, while texts enrich the story's meaningthrough language descriptions.要点一要点二The interpretation and extension of illustrations to text Illustrations not only explain the content of the text, but also extend and expand the text. Through the depiction of illustrations, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the theme and significance of the story.Exploration of the Relationship betweenIllustrations and TextThe role of illustrations in story expressionEnhance the fun of the storyvivid and interesting illustrations can increase the fun of the story, attractreaders' attention, and stimulate their reading interest.Help readers understand the story plotIllustrations showcase the story plot through intuitive visual imagery, helpingreaders better understand the development of the story and the relationshipsbetween characters.Conveying the theme and emotions of the storyIllustrations convey the theme and emotions of the story through visualelements such as color and lines, allowing readers to resonate and emotionalresonance during the reading process.Theme ideas and educational value miningElaborate on the theme and ideasMotherly selflessnessPicture books depict the small sacrifices made by mothers in their daily lives, showcasing the greatness and selflessness of maternal love, and inspiring children's gratitude towards their mothers.The multiple roles of a motherThe mother in the picture book is not only the caregiver of the child, but also the guide and supporter of the child's growth process, reflecting the important role of a mother in the child's growth process.Through reading English picture books, children can learn English vocabulary and expressions in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, and improve their English language abilities.The story plot and characterimages in picture books helpguide children to understand andfeel various emotions, cultivatetheir emotional expression abilityand emotional intelligence.Through the portrayal ofmothers and the portrayal ofstorylines, picture books conveyexcellent qualities such askindness, bravery, and resilienceto children, which helps tocultivate their moral character.Language learning Emotionalcultivation Moral EducationReflection of educational valueInspiration for children's growthGratitude01By reading picture books, children can deeply appreciate thegreatness and selflessness of maternal love, and learn to begrateful and cherish the efforts of those around them.Role identification02The image of mothers in picture books can help childrendevelop role identification, helping them better understand andaccept their gender and family roles.Self growth03By observing and imitating the behavior and qualities ofmothers, children can learn how to face challenges anddifficulties in life, promoting their own growth and development.Cross cultural comparison and extensionComparison of Differences in Family Concepts between the East and the West•Differences in family structure: Chinese families usually attachimportance to the concept of a large family, emphasizing family andkinship relationships; Western families place more emphasis on thenuclear family, which is a small family composed of parents andchildren.•Differences in parent-child relationships: Chinese families emphasizethe authority of parents and the obedience of children, emphasizingfilial piety; Western families place greater emphasis on equality andrespect, encouraging children to express themselves.•Differences in educational concepts: Chinese families generally attachgreat importance to academic performance and talent development,emphasizing the comprehensive development of their children;Western families place greater emphasis on their children'spersonalities and interests, encouraging them to explore freely.Exploring the expression of maternal love in different cultural backgrounds•Differences in expression methods: Chinese mothers usually expressmaternal love by taking care of their children's daily life, payingattention to academic performance, and other means; Westernmothers place greater emphasis on cultivating their children'sindependence and autonomy, encouraging them to explorethemselves.•Expectation difference: Chinese mothers often have high expectationsfor their children, hoping that their children can stand out; Westernmothers place greater emphasis on their children's happiness andmental health, encouraging them to pursue their dreams.•Differences in communication methods: Chinese mothers pay moreattention to listening and understanding when communicating withtheir children, emphasizing emotional communication; Westernmothers place more emphasis on guidance and inspiration,encouraging their children to express their thoughts and feelings.Introduce different culturesIntroduce children to the cultures and customs of different countries throughvarious forms such as picture books, stories, and movies, helping them understand the diversity of the world.Respect cultural differencesEducate children to respect values and lifestyles from different culturalbackgrounds, and avoid stereotypical impressions and discrimination against them.Cultivate cross-cultural communication skillsEncourage children to learn foreign languages and participate in internationalcommunication activities, improve their cross-cultural communication skills and global perspectives.Guide children to understand and respect multiculturalismDesign and implementation suggestions for practical activities•Activity objective: To organize a reading promotion activity for the English picture book "My Mum" to stimulate children's interest in reading, improve their English reading ability, and enhance emotional communication between mother and child/mother daughter.Activity contentReading guide: Stimulate children's interest and curiosity in picture books through a brief introduction and cover interpretation.Reading and explanation: Teachers or parents lead children to read picture books together, explaining the story plot and key vocabulary while reading.Interactive discussionEncourage children to share their understanding and feelings about the story, and raise their own questions or perspectives.Activity formatIt can be conducted in the form of group activities, class activities, or parent-child activities.reading activities•Preparation for co reading: Parents should familiarize themselves with the content of the picture book in advance, understand the background and plot of the story, and prepare for co reading.reading activitiesCo reading processCreate a reading atmosphere: Choose a quiet and comfortable environmentto let children feel the pleasure and relaxation of reading.Interactive reading: Parents can ask questions while reading, guiding theirchildren to participate in understanding and thinking about the story.Implementation suggestions for parent-child reading activitiesEmotional communicationThrough co reading, it enhances emotional communication between parents and children,allowing children to feel the companionship and care of their parents.Post reading activitiesEncourage children to retell stories or express their thoughts and feelings, and also engagein related handicraft or painting activities.books•Preparation for creation: Provide painting materials and paper for children to choose their favorite colors and brushes.booksThe creative processGuide imagination: Encourage children to imagine what their mother looks like,what her characteristics and strengths are.Free Creation: Allow children to freely express themselves and depict their mother'simage in their own way.booksText assistanceFor older children, you can guidethem to add some simple Englishdescriptions or titles.Work DisplayShow the children's works,allowing them to appreciate andcommunicate with each other,improving their confidence andexpression ability.THANKS。
Rain has blurred the numbers; they dialed one wrong number after another… Dare not to go anywhere for afraid of missing any phone calls…
They both dare not to go anywhere for afraid of missing any phone calls
because the rain has blurred the numbers. (涂污)
However, there are so many unexpected surprises in people’s lives.
However, there always are some coincidences(巧合) in people’s lives. Then, one day, they meet in front of the fountain in the park. They had a happy and sweet afternoon.
期刊近两倍容量超200P全彩阅读!豪华视觉盛宴,超值阅读享受!秉承 “传递清新绘温度,营造温暖绘生活”的宗旨,每月与你有约!
• 绘本志《约绘》144P,16开,全彩;插画志《虹色》64P,16开,全彩,
How to create your masterpieces?
主要目的: ﹡训练绘本信息的输出能力 ﹡提升学生的人文素养
1、在图片和词语提示下复述故事,主要是 为了巩固和提高特别是在语言表达方面 的能力。
2、读后联系所读的故事让学生能够结合自 己的生活经验和情感做一些讨论和思考。
3、学生自由组合,配对或分组讨论,并在 此基础上续写故事。
4、把故事的结局进行改写。 5、画卡通,设计书签,介绍该故事给其他人。 6、绘画小书;制作班级大书;制作谜语海报。 7、组合式讲故事——分小组的故事接龙。 8、表演短剧或者木偶戏。 9、讲述类似的个人经历。
nonse neck(脖子)
lelg 腿 /e/
j例 也og来子g说,in说最g?后(运At动last)请同…学们
wrestling 摔跤
/e/ 59
(2)进行绘本封面的导读 在学生阅读前,教师做一些背景介绍,
主要任务: ﹡通过阅读了解文本的大意
reading for the main ideas ﹡通过阅读获取文本的具体信息或细节性信息
reading for specific information
读中活动分了三个层次。 • 初读。让学生整体理解故事,通过看动画,
了解比赛一共几个回合? • 让学生通过了解每个回合的选手和获胜者,
HoRwoduone两sdt个h1e回: e合le_后Wp_h大h_aon_象tww_感feii_nne觉dVsl赢o如aiSnf,w_t获何Re_r胜o?_2u_nro_du_1n? ds?
P4: 夏天是一个天气多变的季节 , 可能现在烈日当空, 但也许几分钟后就会下起了大雨 但也有可能, 东边大雨倾盆,西边却阳光灿烂
P5: 在夏天,我们可以去游泳池游泳, 我们也可以吃到甜甜的冰淇淋, 我们还可以吃到西瓜和桃子, 对于吃货来说是一个非常梦幻的季 节
团团白雪,像仙女在空中洒下了一 把把面粉,
可编辑就课像件P银PT 天上的星星
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考! 部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考! 部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!
P6: 秋天也是一个美丽的季节, 当秋天来了, 树叶变成黄色或红色 ,十分
美丽 无数美丽的叶子随风飘荡
秋天,果园里开始忙了 然后我们会看到一车车的水果和 谷物
菊花也盛开了,香气四溢,让人耳目 一新
P8: 冬天的到来, 人们都穿上了厚厚的棉衣抵抗寒冷。 冬天的到来 也让一切失去了活力,让人疲惫 。
The arrival of winter and the snow in the footsteps of also is near 。
Little white snow ,Like a fairy in the air and a handful of flour ,
Sparse, is like concealed 。
• Overview of Primary School Eng • Analysis of the Teaching Context • Skills for making elements • Example display of elements
Cultural background and values
The courseware introduces the cultural background of English speaking countries, including history, geography, culture, customs, traditions, etc., to help students understand the cultural background of English
The courseware analyzes and discusses the characteristics and psychological states of the characters in the story, and train students' ability to understand and analyze characters
The courseware selects typical picture books with positive energy and values to help students establish correct values and moral concepts, and cultivate students' independent thinking ability and critical thinking ability
(Baby Fox sees a ______ .)
Baby Fox:I want to_____ . Mother Fox: OK .
Baby Fox:I can’t ___ like _____ . Mother Fox:____ ,a fox can’t___ like ____. Baby Fox so sad .
1. Who does Baby Fox see ? Baby Fox sees a _____ . 2. What does Baby Fox want to do? Baby Fox wants to _____ . 3. Can Baby Fox swim like a fish?
____________________ .
Who does the Baby Fox see ?
Q :Who does the Baby Fox see ?
1. A bird .
2. A dog .
3. A rabbit .
Underline the key sentence. (划出重点句子)
(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)
Underline the key sentence.(划出重点句子 )
(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)
Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit . Mother Fox: OK .
Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop . Baby Fox:I can’t hop like a rabbit . Mother Fox:It‘ s OK,a fox can’t hop like a rabbit
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提一一二三四五 六七八九一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八九文 ,单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最 终呈现发布的良好效果单击此4*25}
When writing compound senses, it is important to use punctation correctly to separate the individual senses and show their relationships
Reasoning skill 2: Comparing and contrasting
Comparing and contrasting different characters, settings, or events in the story to understand their similarities aion introduces new words that are essential for sixth grade students to learn
The courseware includes a slideshow with colored images and definitions for
Predicting what will happen next in the story based on the title, cover, and early pages of the book
Summarizing the overall plot or message of each section or chapter
Author's Style
Describe the author's unique writing style, including their use of language, image, and narrative voice
Let's enjoy
What is the soቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱg about? It is about animals.
Let's fill
Does a kangaroo have a mother? __Y_e_s___,_____it _d_o_e_s____. Kangaroo's mother has _____s_t_ro_n_g__le_g_s_______. She can___j_u_m_p___far.
All animal mothers love their babies.
Kiss your mother
2.Does the tadpole look like his All animal mothers love their babies.
One of the most beautiful things in life is love---
a swan
Let's talk
E:elegant 优雅的
F:smart 聪明的
C:gentle 温柔的 G:funny 有趣的
D:fashionable 时尚的
Let's summarize
All animal mothers love their babies. Of course (当然了) Just like your mother loves you.
What is the song about?
E:elegant 优雅的
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
____________________ .
It‘ s OK,a fox can’t hop like a rabbit.
I can’t like a rabbit .
Q:Which group is better ?
1. Group 1
2. Group 2
Read P2 quickly and answer the question on the small sheet . (看第二页并完成 小纸上的练习。)
Scene 2 (Baby Fox sees a fish swim in the lake .) Baby Fox:I want to swim like a fish. Mother Fox: OK . Baby Fox and Mother Fox go to swim . Baby Fox:I can’t swim like a fish . Mother Fox:It‘ s OK,a fox can’t swim like a fish.
Read P3 quickly aloud and answer the question .
(Baby Fox sees a bird fly .)
Baby Fox:I want to fly. Mother Fox: OK .
Baby Fox and Mother Fox fly and fly . Baby Fox:I can’t fly like a bird . Mother Fox:It‘ s OK,a fox can’t fly like a bird.
3.What’s the title (题目)of the story?
(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down
the road.)
Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit .
Mother Fox: OK .
Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop .
Baby Fox sees ______ . He wants to ________ . But he __________. So _____________.
Look at the picture ,can you raise questions?
Q:What does Baby Fox want to do?
Q:What does Baby Fox want to do?
1.Baby Fox wants to fly . 2.Baby Fox wants to swim like a fish. 3.Baby Fox wants to hop like a rabbit .
Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit . Mother Fox: OK . Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop . Baby Fox:I can’t like a rabbit . Mother Fox:It‘ s OK,a fox can’t hop like a rabbit 。
Underline the key sentence.(划出重点句子)
(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)
Baby Fox:I want to hop like a rabbit . Mother Fox: OK . Baby Fox and Mother Fox hop and hop . Baby Fox:I can’t hop like a rabbit . Mother Fox:It‘ s OK,a fox can’t hop like a rabbit 。
(Baby Fox sees a ______ .)
Baby Fox:I want to_____ . Mother Fox: OK .
Baby Fox:I can’t ___ like _____ . Mother Fox:____ ,a fox can’t___ like ____. Baby Fox so sad .
Listen to the story again and these questions.
1.How many animals are there in the story? What are they ?
2.Is Baby Fox sad at the end (最后)of the story? Why or why not ?
What can you do?
I can ______.
I can’t sing like her . But I can _____ .
I can’t run like Liu Xiang . But I can _____ .
I can’t draw like Qi Baishi . But I can _____ .
Who does the Baby Fox see ?
Q :Who does the Baby Fox see ?
1. A bird . 2. A dog . 3. A rabbit .
Underline the key sentence. (划出重点句子)
(Baby Fox sees a rabbit hopping down the road.)