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Up the US, down the UK. why?

The UK has its glory in the history, but lags behind the US respects in various nowadays, why would this happen? I will analyze the cause for the declining of the UK and the rising of the US with the following two steps:

The cause for the declining of the UK

1. The economic

After losing the status of the "world factory”, the economic of Britain began producing a series of negative factors, the original advantage began translating into some heavy baggage, which include old production department, stick in the mud of the technology, the style of the backward management and so on. The margins with a low profit forced the capital flowed to the foreign. In turn, it affects the growth rate of the UK economy, which makes the status of British industry weak in the further global competition.

2. The structure of society

The structure of society in British includes not the upper class and the lower class, but a strong middle class. In the period of middle class, Aristocrat class still put their views of the world over to a new successor through their influence in the political and education. But with the greed of the new

bourgeoisie, it lost the idea of the "legitimate" position, the noble reconstruct their social master's image, and the middle class began to close it's values --gentleman. The energy was lost when the British entrepreneurs began emulating the life of the noble's.

3. Culture and the way of life

Many industrialists view business activities as just a amateur in Britain, some successful entrepreneur usually gave up the business, even if the others still engage in commercial activities, they see it as a kind of social responsibility, more than an opportunity. They prefer to use a "leisure" attitude towards their social roles. It’s the roots of why Britain can't become strong monopoly company.

4.The power of the government

The enlargement of the democratic made some very significant national decision not be done, because the average people consider the interests of practical only, and the senator just caring about how to get the votes, not real politics. It causes the power of the parliament shift to the cabinet. When debate, the cabinets are just thinking about how to defend the position of government, and not want to solve the problem.

5.The group of vested interests

The main concern of special interest group is the distribution of field, how to improve the efficiency of the whole society, which is need n’t to be considered by a single interest group. It appears obviously in the UK labor movement and labor organization. It increases the difficulty of two sides reached a compromise because of the unique union structure. In addition, trade unions and organization reduces the ability that absorbs new technology in order to redistribute resources for the environment which is changed, and then it reduces the rate of economic growth.

The cause for the rising of the US

1. Superior natural conditions and abundant natural resources

Native American is located in the zone of mid-latitude, it own rich rain , wet summer. High developed traffic can strengthen the relationship with other countries in the political, economic, cultural and other aspects. At the same time, it can develop the further of the navy, marine rights to defend, and facilitate the international migration and foreign trade.

2. Collection of immigration

Because the natural condition is superior, marine
