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Theme of the class Earthquake Kills Hun dreds

Time of the class 45 mi nu tes

Target of the class senior high school students

Type of the class E n glish vocabulary

Teaching Goals:

1. To make sure that stude nts know the Chin ese meaning and En glish expla nati on of the new words.

2. To in troduce the differe nt categories of the new words

3. To make sure that the stude nts could know how to use these new words..

Key Point of Teaching: new words in a short readi ng text.

Teaching Methods:expository method, questi oning method, discuss method. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1.Pre-vocabulary teaching(5 minutes)

Warm up activity

Asking the stude nts to liste n to the song Earth Song, and fill in the bla nks. There are five words miss ing in the lyrics. The song will be played once or twice accordi ng to the stude nts requireme nts. Then, the teacher will ask all the stude nts to say their an swers to the song together and give them the correct an swers. The n the teacher will ask one of the stude nts to tell us the main idea of the song.

Therefore, the first step is a lead-i n which helps to activate the atmosphere and en ter into the n ext step cohere ntly.

Step 2.While-vocabulary teaching (35 minutes)

Introducing the new words in the short reading context

After the lead-i n part, the teacher will firstly ask the stude nts to look at the ppt, and there are two lines in the ppt. There are ten new words in the left line and its Chinese meaning in the right line. The teacher will ask ten students to find the corresp onding Chin ese mea ning for the ten new words in the left line.

Whe n the first part has bee n fini shed, there comes the sec ond part. In the sec ond part, the teacher will divide the stude nts into several teams, and each team invo Ives four to five stude nts. The n the stude nts will be asked to sort out these words accord ing to different categories. There will be noun, ed-participle, and adjective. After three mi nutes, the teacher will ask three represe ntatives from three groups to give us their an swers. The n the teacher will an alyze these words in detail.

The ppt will prese nt these words one by one. Then, the teacher will an alyze these words from several points and an alyze the senten ces in the short read ing passage with the ten words, and the teacher will ask the stude nts to make a sentence with some of these words.


Chinese meaning:大小,震级,重要性

The quake, measuri ng 6.3nagnitude, came just minu tes after a warni ng had bee n give n by scie ntist. (from the readi ng text)



Teachers are of grea magnitude in students' lives.

The teacher will expla in this sentence in the text. The magn itude in the sentence means 震级.Then the teacher will ask the stude nts to tran slate the senten ce.

collapsed —collapse (original form )

Chinese meaning:倒塌,瓦解,晕倒

There are collapsed build ings everywhere.


The teacher will tell the stude nts its orig inal form. The n explai n the sentence in the text. And the teacher will tell the students the collapsed' here is used as an adjective.
