
大家可能比较熟悉BGA,CSP就是小型的BGA,外形和球间距比BGA 小,球间距小于0.8毫米的BGA称为CSP,或者封装面积和里面芯片的面积之比小于1.2。


图1. WLCSP封装晶圆级芯片级封装是倒装芯片互联技术的一个变体(图1)。
一般地,这些焊球的尺寸足够大(0.5 mm间距,回流前为300 µm,0.4 mm间距,回流前为250 um),无需倒装互联技术所需要的底部填充。
图2. 直接凸点WLCSP图3. 再分配层(RDL) WLCSP运用RDL技术,可以把针对线焊设计的芯片(焊盘沿外围排列)转换成WLCSP。

• 在IC工艺线上完成的WL-CSP样品, 只是增加了重 布线和凸点制作两道工序, 并使用了两层BCB或PI 作为介质层和保护层, 整套工艺与IC芯片的制作技 术完全兼容, 所以它在成本、质量方面明显优于其 它CSP的制作工艺。
• WL-CSP工艺的倒装焊技术, 将芯片正面(有源区) 面向管座衬底作压焊焊接, 可充分发挥出超大规模 集成电路的高性能和新品质, 它不存在较大的电感、 电容和其它不希望有的特性。
• 一、晶圆级芯片封装的定义 • 二、晶圆级芯片封装工艺 • 三、晶圆级芯片封装的可靠性
• 根据定义,晶圆级芯片封装就是芯片 尺寸的封装,其尺寸与芯片原尺寸相 同。基本概念是,在制造后,通常在 测试之前,马上取出晶片,再增加一 些步骤(金属和电介质层)产生一种结构, 就可将产品组装到电路板上。
• WL-CSP是在圆片前道工序完成后, 直接对圆片
利用半导体工艺进行后道工序, 再切割分离成单个 器件。因此, 采用WL-CSP能使产品直接从制造商 转入用户手中作全面测试。该项技术不但适应于 现有的标准表面贴装技术(SMT)设备, 而且也解决 了优质芯片问题。
• 圆片级器件和SMT进行大批量封装WL-CSP的封 装效率可达90%以上.
• 在所有的薄膜应用中最好采用聚合物,是由于 其非常低的介电常数和最小的损耗角正切值。
• 与干蚀刻材料相比,采用光敏聚合物, 要求更少的工艺处理步骤(可进行光刻) ,因此节省成本。
• 焊点制作可采用蒸发法、化学镀法、电镀 法、置球法和和焊膏模板印制法等。目前 仍以电镀法用得较多,该法2002年约占所有 焊料凸点制作法的70%(含金焊点制作), 其次是蒸发法(高铅),约占22.5%, 再者为 焊膏模板印制法, 约占5.5%。但因焊膏模板 印制法制作焊料凸点比较简便, 自动化程度 较高, 成本也较低, 故该法将会被较多地采 用。

17.关于电子封装中的粘片工艺,以下哪项描述是正确的?( )
18.以下哪种因素可能导致电子器件封装后的电性能下降?( )
12.以下哪些情况可能导致电子封装的电气性能下降?( )
13.以下哪些封装形式具有较好的抗干扰性能?( )
A. BGA封装
B. QFN封装
C. LGA封装
D. DIP封装
14.电子封装中,以下哪些方法可以提高散热效率?( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
1. A
2. B
8.下列哪种封装形式通常具有较好的电磁屏蔽效果?( )
A. QFN封装
B. SOP封装
C. DIP封装
D. BGA封装
9.在电子封装过程中,以下哪种情况可能导致芯片损坏?( )

在医疗设备中使用WLCSP封装的设计考虑作者:Mike Delaus和Santosh Kudtarkar便携式医疗保健设备和服务越来越普及。
例如,8-ball WLCSP所占电路板面积只有8-lead SOIC 的8%。

行词汇教学时, 一定要让学生在 情境中 学习词汇, 这样不 ! 仅能使学生准确地理解, 地记忆, 牢固 还能使学生掌握语 !
言使用的场合。 教师首先要设置词汇使用的情境, 然后可 , . 、, ! 以根据情境 对学生提 问 . 展现词 汇使用 的情境 , 最后教 师
点不再像初中、 高中那样讲解和大量练习, 而是培养学生 学习语法 的能力 , 指导学 生学会适 当归纳和总结 。 教师教
箭双雕 ” 。 输入 与输 出是 同时进行 的 , 并不是先输入 , 达到一定
作者 简介 : 立芬( 9 9 ) 女 , 顾 17 一 , 辽宁锦 州人 , 士 , 硕 主要从 事外 国语 言学与应 用语 言学研 究。
教师可 以尝试着把课 堂交 给学生 ,积极鼓励学 生走 上讲 台去讲 课 , 老师就从 “ 这样 知识 的传授者 ” 为“ 转 智慧 的启迪者 ” 以这种“ 生互换角 色” , 师 的教学方式来 转变学 生 的学 习方 式 , 学生 由传统 的“ 使 你讲我 听 ” 的被 动学 习
方 式转变为 积极主动学 习 ,也为提升学生 的交 际能力提 供 足够 的空间 () 3 开展丰富 多彩 的活动
输入前 提 出要求 。 以让 学生带着 问题 去听和读 , 可 也 可 以让其 先听后读 , 然后教师 提问题或提要求 。 输入 量要充分 。 如果课上 时间不够 , 课下要布置 阅读 和听力作 业 ; 而且要经常检查 , 至要 记下平时成绩 。 甚 事实证 明 , 与其花大量课 上时间讲语法 知识 , 不如让
丁 丁
顾 Байду номын сангаас芬
( 阜新高等专科 学校 外语 系, 宁 阜新 13 0 ) 辽 2 0 0
SnAgCu-nano Al钎料Anand本构关系及焊点可靠性

SnAgCu-nano Al钎料Anand本构关系及焊点可靠性张亮;韩继光;郭永环;何成文【摘要】In this paper, the constitutive relation of SnAgCu-nano Al is investigated and the constitutive model is used in the finite element simulation to analyze the stress-strain response in FCBGA devices. The results show that the nine parameters of the Anand model can be fitted based on nonlinear data fitting method with different temperature and strain rate. Combining Anand model, the stress-strain response of solder joints is calculated by using the finite element method, and it is found that the distribution of stress-strain of solder joints in FCBGA device can be affected by the solder joints array, i.e., the maximum stress-strain concentrates in the concern solder joints. The results also demonstratethat the stress-strain of SnAgCu-nano Al solder joints is lower than that of SnAgCu solder joints, which implies that the addition of nano Al particles can enhance the reliability of SnAgCu solder joints.%研究了含纳米0.1 wt.%Al颗粒SnAgCu无铅钎料Anand本构关系,将本构关系应用于有限元模拟,分析FCBGA器件SnAgCu-nano Al焊点的应力-应变响应。
ucsp - 晶片级封装

UCSP - 晶片级封装概述晶片级封装(WLCSP)是一种可以使集成电路(IC)面向下贴装到印刷电路板上的CSP封装技术,芯片的焊点通过独立的锡球焊接到PC板的焊盘上,不需要任何填充材料(图1)。
Maxim 的WLCSP技术商标为UCSP。
图1. 4x4 UCSP照片,底部视图UCSP结构Maxim的UCSP结构是在硅晶片衬底上建立的。
在晶片的表面附上一层BCB(Benzocyclobutene, 苯并环丁烯)树脂薄膜。
图2. 典型的UCSP截面图UCSP锡球阵列是基于具有统一栅距的长方形栅格排列的。
UCSP球阵列可能包含满足6 > ND > 2和6 > NE > 2的任意行数(ND)和列数(NE)。
表1. UCSP 结构注释:一些特定器件的球阵列设计需要的锡球数目可能比较少。
具体的UCSP制图方法可以在Maxim的封装概况目录中得到:/cgi-bin/packages.表2. 典型的UCSP尺寸Ball Diameter b注释:一些特定器件的球阵列设计需要的锡球数目可能比较少。

wlcsp封装技术的优缺点与未来WLCSP 即晶圆级芯片封装方式,英文全称是Wafer-Level Chip Scale Packaging Technology,不同于传统的芯片封装方式(先切割再封测,而封装后至少增加原芯片20%的体积),此种最新技术是先在整片晶圆上进行封装和测试,然后才切割成一个个的IC 颗粒,因此封装后的体积即等同IC 裸晶的原尺寸。
在封装过程中再将芯片从晶圆上分离,从而使WLCSP 可以实现与芯片尺寸相同的最小的封装体积,这几乎是最终的封装缩微技术。
芯片规模封装技术既提供性能改进路线自1998 年可行性的WLCSP 技术宣布以来,近年市场上已经出现了各种不同类型的WLCSP。
WLCSP 是倒装芯片互连技术的一个变种。
借助WLCSP 技术,裸片的有源面被倒置,并使用焊球连接到PCB。
如封装结构WLCSP 可以被分成两种结构类型:直接凸块和重分布层(RDL)直接凸块直接凸块WLCSP 包含一个可选的有机层(聚酰亚胺),这个层用作有源裸片表面上的应力缓冲器。

可焊性、焊接能力和焊点可靠性之评估和测试(汕头超声印制板公司广东汕头 515065)马学辉摘要:本文主要在于明确可焊性、焊接能力和焊点可靠性三者之间的联系和区别,指出对它们进行评估和测试时其各自关注的主要特性和常见的评估和测试方法,同时简单介绍影响它们的关键因素。
关键词:可焊性、焊接能力、焊点可靠性The Evaluation and Test of Solderability, Soldering abilityand Solder Joints ReliabilityMa XuehuiAbstract: The objective of the article is to clearly describe the relation and difference among solderability, soldering ability and solder joints reliability and point out the corresponding characteristics when evaluating and testing these items. Usual evaluating and testing methods are briefly introduced and the critical factors to the items are also briefly discussed.Key words: solderability, soldering ability, solder joints reliability1 前言可焊性和可靠性是电子组装行业经常提到的名词。

本论文针对SCSP封装技术开发过程中存在的跌落可靠性问题,较深入地研究了BGA封装中锡银铜无铅焊料对器件可靠性影响,跌落试验中失效的产生类型,以及焊点可靠性SJR(Solder Joint reliability)跌落试验技术和失效分析技术;并根据失效模式提出了如何在批量生产中监测芯片在跌落试验中的表现,提前预测产品的合格率。
同主题文章[1].高剑峰,蒋华,张申生. CBD关键技术研究' [J]. 计算机工程. 1998.(06)[2].尹衍波. 精炼二级计算机系统数据通讯作用与功能实现' [J]. 包钢科技. 2004.(02)[3].谭天水,刘明治,刘海东,刘士华,赵德胜. ANSYS仿真跌落试验' [J]. 机械. 2004.(08)[4].杜万古. CSP轧机计算机控制系统的功能与实现' [J]. 包钢科技. 2001.(04)[5].贾若宇,赵保华,屈玉贵,顾翔. CSP和RSL应用于协议形式化描述的研究' [J]. 计算机应用. 2003.(01)[6].李铁克,车琳,周健,杜景红. CSP生产线制造执行系统的功能结构' [J]. 冶金自动化. 2003.(05)[7].李行,邓家青. CSP生产线设备故障诊断与监测实践' [J]. 南方金属. 2002.(02)[8].吴敏,徐德智,N ,Damas. 基于离散模式的XML数据查询的CSP实现' [J]. 计算机应用. 2003.(04)[9].姚世军. 加密服务程序CSP的建立方法' [J]. 计算机系统应用. 2003.(05)[10].娄晓晋,陈恭亮,杨树堂. 基于USB和SD接口智能卡的CSP设计' [J]. 信息安全与通信保密. 2007.(01)【关键词相关文档搜索】:材料工程; 叠层芯片级封装; 可靠性; 跌落试验; 失效分析; 锡银铜无铅焊料【作者相关信息搜索】:复旦大学;材料工程;王家楫;孙国英;。
1) 概述常见的封装材料有:塑料、陶瓷、玻璃、金属等,现在基本采用塑料封装。
两引脚之间的间距分:普通标准型塑料封装,双列、单列直插式一般多为2.54±0.25 mm,其次有2mm(多见于单列直插式)、1.778±0.25mm(多见于缩型双列直插式)、1.5±0.25mm,或1.27±0.25mm(多见于单列附散热片或单列V 型)、1.27±0.25mm(多见于双列扁平封装)、1±0.15mm(多见于双列或四列扁平封装)、0.8±0.05~0.15mm(多见于四列扁平封装)、0.65±0.03mm(多见于四列扁平封装)。
双列直插式两列引脚之间的宽度分:一般有7.4~7.62mm、10.16mm、12.7mm、1 5.24mm等数种。
四列扁平封装40引脚以上的长×宽一般有:10×10mm(不计引线长度)、13.6×1 3.6±0.4mm(包括引线长度)、20.6×20.6±0.4mm(包括引线长度)、8.45×8.45±0.5mm(不计引线长度)、14×14±0.15mm(不计引线长度)等。

电子封装焊点可靠性及寿命预测方法ΞRE LIABI LITY AN D LIFE PREDICTION METH ODOLOGIES FOR SOLDER JOINTS OF E L ECTRONIC PACKAGES李晓延ΞΞ 严永长(北京工业大学材料学院,北京100022)LI X iao Y an Y AN Y ongChang(School o f Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing Univer sity o f Technology,Beijing100022,China)摘要 高功率、高密度、小型化是现代电子封装结构的基本特征,软焊料是电子封装中应用最广的连接材料,一个焊点的破坏往往导致整个封装结构的失效。
关键词 电子封装 无铅焊料 寿命预测中图分类号 TG407Abstract High power,high density and miniaturization are the basic characteristics of m odern electronic packages.S olders,as the im portant materials for microjoining and interconnection,play a fundamental role in the assembly of the devices.H owever,the fail2 ure of one s oldered joint is frequently found to be the origin of the failure of the whole package.The phase out of lead is the major target of next generation s olders.Based on the review of the developed Pb2free s olders and their applications,the failure behavior and the life prediction methodologies for Pb2free s older joints were presented and discussed.K ey w ords E lectronic p ack age;Pb2free solders;Life predictionCorresponding author:LI XiaoYan,E2mail:xyli@The project supported by the National Natural Science F oundation of China(N o.50475043),the Nature Science F oundation of Bei2 jing(N o.2052006)and the S pecialized Research Fund for the D octoral Program of Higher Education of China(N o.20040005012).Manuscript received20050301,in revised form20050423.1 引言微电子技术是发展现代电子信息技术的基础。

引言随着集成电路技术的不断发展,芯片工艺制程的典型线宽不断缩小,芯片集成度越来越高,功能越来越复杂,这使得芯片表面的引出端数目和密度急剧地增加,传统的封装形式无法满足这种高密度芯片的封装需求,晶圆级封装(WLP :Wafer Level Package )技术因此产生。
具体来说,WLP 是通过类似于晶圆流片的方式,以圆片的形式进行芯片封装,具体的工艺手段包括磁控溅射、光刻和湿法等。
WLP 通过再布线实现单芯片的引出端重新分布或者多芯片的高密度互联,再通过细节距的凸点制备技术实现高密度外连引出端。
WLP 的典型再布线尺寸为2~30μm ,能够很好地衔接目前多引出端芯片封装需求。
WLP 具有互连密度高、传输距离短等优势,不仅可以极大地减小器件的尺寸和重量,还能提高产品性能。
WLP 样片如图1所示。
目前WLP 已广泛地应用于各类电子产品中,产品的可靠性也是关注的重点,因此统一的可靠性考核标准和试验方法就非常重要,目前对于WLP 的可靠性,业内的权威标准体系还没有针对性规范,但是,由于技术的广泛应用,主流厂商各自制定了内控标准,而参考的文件均为业内针对微电子器件的通用标准和规范[1]。
本文针对WLP 可靠性标准问题,分别论述目前WLP 常见的失效问题,介绍当前图1WLP 样片晶圆级封装(WLP )可靠性标准及试验方法综述吉勇,李杨,朱家昌,朱召贤(中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,江苏无锡214035)摘要:随着晶圆级封装的广泛应用,其可靠性也受到越来越多的重视。

目前,带有倒装芯片(FC)结构的封装、晶圆级封装(WLP)、2.5D 封装、3D 封装等被认为属于先进封装的范畴。
先进封装发展线路图资料来源:公开资料从2018 年到2024 年,整个半导体封装市场的营收预计将以5.2%的复合年增长率(CAGR)增长,而先进封装市场将以8%的复合年增长率增长,市场规模到2023 年将增长至400亿美元。
在各种不同的先进封装平台中,3D 硅通孔(TSV)和扇出型(Fan-out)封装,将分别以29%和15%的速度增长。
与此同时,扇入型晶圆级封装(Fan-in WLP)主要受到移动市场驱动,也将以8%的复合年增长率增长。
2018~2024 年全球先进封装技术市场规模预测情况(十亿美元)资料来源:Yole 此外,前段晶圆制造与后段先进封装结合的趋势日渐增强。
受技术和规模两方面的影响,全球封测产业集中度稳步提升,2017 年前八大封测企业(含晶圆代工厂后段封装业务部分)占据先进封装市场约87%的份额。
WLCSP 封装与传统封装相比,其主要优势体现在:①WLC SP优化了封装产业链。

本课程的教材是以讲师所著的三本书“Chip Scale Packages”,“Microvias for Low-Cost High-Density Interconnects”,和“Electronics Manufacturing with Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, and Conductive Adhesive Materials”的内容为主轴,并加上他近期的研究成果以及与业界互动的心得。
课程特色在本培训课程中,将会着重于让学员瞭解下列相关知识:•认证测试与可靠性测试的不同•如何正确处理测试数据和进行统计分析•各种器件级与板级焊点可靠性的测试方法•热老化与多次回流对焊点的影响•如何从器件级焊点强度测试评估板级跌落试验的表现•机板与PC板应变量测•瞭解仿真分析的角色•焊点面向可靠性设计的观念讲师简介李世玮博士于1992年在美国普度大学(Purdue University)获得航天工程博士学位,留原校一年作博士后研究后,于1993年加入香港科技大学,目前他是该校机械工程系副教授,同时兼任该校电子封装研究中心主任。

WLCSP器件结构优化模拟及无铅焊点可靠性张亮;韩继光;郭永环;何成文【期刊名称】《焊接学报》【年(卷),期】2012(033)007【摘要】构建WLCSPl44器件四分之一模型,研究无铅焊点阵列的应力-应变响应.结果表明,焊点应力-应变大小和焊点的位置有密切关系,中心焊点的应力-应变最小,拐角焊点的应力-应变最大,应力和焊点位置的关系为盯(x,y)=1.78x +1.78y+0.33,焊点蠕变应变和焊点位置的关系为s(x,y)=0.006x+0.006y +0.009.同时发现焊点可靠性与器件结构有明显关系,在结构中选择聚合物作为封装材料对应的焊点可靠性较低,应该选择与PCB线膨胀系数较为匹配的材料最为适宜.焊点阵列数(焊点间距相同)的增加会降低焊点的可靠性,这主要是和阵列拐角焊点与芯片中心的距离有明显的关系.【总页数】4页(P53-56)【作者】张亮;韩继光;郭永环;何成文【作者单位】江苏师范大学机电工程学院,徐州221116 江苏科技大学先进焊接技术省级重点实验室,镇江212003;江苏师范大学机电工程学院,徐州221116;江苏师范大学机电工程学院,徐州221116;江苏师范大学机电工程学院,徐州221116【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG454【相关文献】1.CSP器件无铅焊点可靠性的有限元分析 [J], 叶焕;薛松柏;张亮;王慧2.电子封装结构无铅焊点可靠性有限元模拟的研究进展 [J], 张亮;郭永环;孙磊;何成文3.国内无铅焊点可靠性有限元模拟研究最新进展 [J], 郦金花;张亮4.热循环加载片式元器件带空洞无铅焊点的可靠性 [J], 王斌;黄春跃;李天明5.有限元数值模拟在BGA/QFP/CCGA器件焊点可靠性研究中的应用 [J], 夏卓杰; 张亮; 熊明月; 赵猛因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

杨氏模量 E / MPa 43 70022. 3 T 163 000 16 000 69 105 50 130 25 130 1. 2 130 1. 2 1. 2 14
为 了 对 研究 结 果进 行量化, 选取每个焊点最大 应力值绘制成图 3 的 三 维 柱状图, 可 以 看出 应力值 的大小和焊点的位 置 有 明显 的 关 系, 可以将某一位 y ) 处理, 置的焊点做 σ( x, 近似得到
, 因 此 焊 点 的性能 直 接 决 定 了整个电子器件的可靠性. 影响焊 点 性能的 因 素主 明显的非 弹 性 变 形 要有温度、 湿度、 振动、 灰尘, 而在这四个因素中温度 [5 ] 的影响是最主 要 的 . 电 子 器 件在 服 役 期 间, 由于 “开 - 关” 过程中的运行, 焊 点 内 部 会 产 生 明显 的 交 [6 ] 变温度场, 由 于材料 线 膨胀 系数 的 差 异 , 焊点内 [7 ] , 部会出现明显的应力 集 中 导致焊点内部出现裂 纹, 进而使整个 电 子 器 件 失 去 功 能 效 用. 借 助 有限 [8 ] 可以 快 速的 找 到 焊 点 内 部 的 应力 集 元软件模拟 , 中区, 为焊点可靠性的评估提供良好的数据支撑, 同 时也可以为预防焊点的快速失效和电子器件的结构 优化提供理论依据. 针对 WLCSP144 器件, 采 用 有限元 软 件构 建 四 分之一模型, 分析 无铅 焊 点在 温度 循 环 过 程中 的 应 力—应变响应以及整体分 布 规律, 同 时 分析 WLCSP , 不同结构对焊点可靠性的影响 研究 结 果 为 WLCSP 器件优化设计及焊点可靠性提供数据支撑.
有限元模型 主 要包 括 芯 片、 金属焊 盘、 钝 化 层、 PCB 焊 盘、PCB 板 和 SnAgCu 聚合物、 凸点 下 金属、 焊点几种材料. 由于温度载荷 对 前 七 种材料的性能 影响很小, 因此 做 线 弹 性 处 理. 球 状 焊 点在 服 役 器 件容易发 生 剧 烈 的 蠕 变变 形, 因 此 做 非 线 性 处 理. Arrhenius 稳 态 蠕 变 本 构 方 程 描 述 采 用 GarofaloSnAgCu 焊 点 的 蠕 变 变 形[9]. 具 体 材 料 参 数 如 [10 , 11 ] 表1 所示. C C3 = C1[ sinh( C2 σ) ] exp - 4 ε T

教学 目标
WLP可靠性 可靠性试验 WLP局限性
可靠性资料: 焊点的典型失效机理; 可靠性试验的条件;
拟定失效数据必须合理; 试验数据应恰当; 数据量应具有统计意义; 热循环试验与热冲击试验;
外引出端数量有限; 标准化比较差; 可靠性数据积累有限; 进一步降低成本;
1、晶圆级封装可靠性: 典型失效机理、可靠性试验的条件; 2、可靠性试验: ①失效数据必须合理;②实验数据恰当;③可统计数据; ④热循环试验与热冲击试验; 3、晶圆级封装局限性: ①外引出端数量;②标准化差;③可靠性数据少;
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Rate-dependent properties of Sn–Ag–Cu based lead-free solder joints for WLCSPY.A.Su a ,L.B.Tan a ,T.Y.Tee b ,V.B.C.Tan a,*a National University of Singapore,Department of Mechanical Engineering,9Engineering Drive 1,Singapore 117576,Singapore bAmkor Technology,Inc.,2Science Park Drive,Singapore 118222,Singaporea r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 22July 2009Received in revised form 18January 2010Available online 24February 2010a b s t r a c tThe increasing demand for portable electronics has led to the shrinking in size of electronic components and solder joint dimensions.The industry also made a transition towards the adoption of lead-free solder alloys,commonly based around the Sn–Ag–Cu alloys.As knowledge of the processes and operational reli-ability of these lead-free solder joints (used especially in advanced packages)is limited,it has become a major concern to characterise the mechanical performance of these interconnects amid the greater push for greener electronics by the European Union.In this study,bulk solder tensile tests were performed to characterise the mechanical properties of SAC 105(Sn–1%wt Ag–0.5%wt Cu)and SAC 405(Sn–4%wt Ag–0.5%wt Cu)at strain rates ranging from 0.0088s À1to 57.0s À1.Solder joint array shear and tensile tests were also conducted on wafer-level chip scale package (WLCSP)specimens of different solder alloy materials under two test rates of 0.5mm/s (2.27s À1)and 5mm/s (22.73s À1).These WLCSP packages have an array of 12Â12solder bumps (300l m in diameter);and double redistribution layers with a Ti/Cu/Ni/Au under-bump metallurgy (UBM)as their silicon-based interface structure.The bulk solder tensile tests show that Sn–Ag–Cu alloys exhibit higher mechanical strength (yield stress and ultimate tensile strength)with increasing strain rate.A rate-dependent model of yield stress and ultimate tensile strength (UTS)was developed based on the test results.Good mechanical perfor-mance of package pull-tests at high strain rates is often correlated to a higher percentage of bulk solder failures than interface failures in solder joints.The solder joint array tests show that for higher test rates and Ag content,there are less bulk solder failures and more interface failures.Correspondingly,the aver-age solder joint strength,peak load and ductility also decrease under higher test rate and Ag content.The solder joint results relate closely to the higher rate sensitivity of SAC 405in gaining material strength which might prove detrimental to solder joint interfaces that are less rate sensitive.In addition,speci-mens under shear yielded more bulk solder failures,higher average solder joint strength and ductility than specimens under tension.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionElectronic components are shrinking in size to meet demands for lightweight and feature filled portable electronic products.This leads to decreasing solder joint dimensions,where mechanical reli-ability has become an issue [1],especially under high strain rate conditions during testing,transport and handling,impact loading under automotive [2]and consumer portable applications.Tin lead alloy (SnPb)was commonly used as a solder material in microelectronic packaging,but it is also hazardous to the environ-ment and health.Therefore,the industry made a transition to lead-free solders,with the implementation a ban on lead (Pb)from elec-tronic products by the EU RoHS (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)inJuly 2006.The transition to lead-free solders is led by the widely adopted Sn–Ag–Cu (SAC)eutectic [3].However,some studies have shown that standard SAC alloys such as SAC 405(Sn–4%wt Ag–0.5%wt Cu)have poorer mechanical performance than eutectic SnPb under high strain rate conditions [4].Moreover,with the increasing popularity of portable devices,the performance of Sn–Ag–Cu solder joints under high strain rate and large rate ranges typical of drop impact situations is a major concern.In this study,dogbone-shaped bulk material tensile tests were conducted to investigate the effect of strain rate and silver content on the material properties of Sn–Ag–Cu solders.Solder joint array shear and tensile experiments were conducted on WLCSP speci-mens of different alloy materials under different strain rates and loading orientations to investigate the effects of strain rate,silver content in Sn–Ag–Cu solder joints,and loading orientation on microelectronic packages.Failure analyses were also performed on the fractured dogbone-shaped bulk material test specimens and WLCSP solder joints.0026-2714/$-see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2010.01.043*Corresponding author.E-mail address:mpetanbc@.sg (V.B.C.Tan).Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMicroelectronics Reliabilityjournal homepage:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l oc a t e /m i c r o r el2.Experimental details and methodology2.1.Test methodology for dogbone-shaped bulk solder tensile test Dogbone-shaped bulk solder specimens were used to perform tensile tests to characterise the mechanical properties of SAC 105and SAC 405.The bulk solder specimens had a gauge length of 19mm and diameter of 3mm as shown in Fig.1.The specimens were fabricated by machining from solder ingots and annealed at 70°C for 24h to reduce residual stresses.The bulk solder tensile tests were conducted on a universal tes-ter.Three to four samples were tested at various test rates from 10mm/min (0.0088s À1)to 65,000mm/min (57.0s À1).2.2.Test methodology for solder joint array shear and tensile test Package pull and shear tests were conducted on wafer-level chip scale packages (WLCSP)with SAC 105or SAC 405alloy solder joints at 0.5mm/s and 5mm/s.Solder joint strength and ductility data are collected and failure analysis (FA)of the WLCSP joints performed via optical microscopy and SEM.The FA findings are then statisti-cally tabulated and jointly analysed and correlated with test results.The WLCSP specimens were sawed out from board assemblies which were as-reflowed,unaged and non-solder mask defined,as shown in Fig.2.Each WLCSP specimen had an array of 12Â12sol-der joints sandwiched between a die substrate and a printed circuit board.These WLCSP packages have solder bumps that are 300l m in diameter and double redistribution layers with a Ti/Cu/Ni/Au under-bump metallurgy (UBM)as their silicon-based interface structure.The test samples were bonded onto fixtures using a cyanoacry-late base adhesive and tested on an Instron Microtester.Specimens of two solder alloy materials (SAC 105and SAC 405)were tested at room conditions.Two to three samples were tested for each test parameter.The tests were carried out at test rates of 0.5mm/s (2.27s À1)and 5.0mm/s (22.73s À1)and two loading orientations of shear and tension,as shown in Fig.3.3.Results and discussion3.1.Dogbone-shaped bulk solder tensile test resultsThe dogbone-shaped bulk solder specimens were tested un-der four test rates,with four samples per test rate.Nominal stress–strain data were derived from the load–displacementraw data and plotted as shown in Fig.4a ,where the mechanical properties such as yield stress and ultimate tensile strength (UTS)were obtained.Yield stress was obtained at the point of 0.5%offset.True stress–strain curves were also plotted for comparison.3.1.1.Effect of strain rate on bulk solder material propertiesFig.4b shows the true stress–strain curves of SAC 405,where the most representative sample curves of each of the four test rates were extracted and combined.It is observed that strain rate affects the bulk solder material properties,with increasing strength at higher rate of loading.Both Pang [5]and Che [6]had performed similar dogbone-shaped bulk solder tensile tests and also showed that material properties such as the yield stress and UTS of Sn–Ag–Cu solder alloys increase at higher strain rates. model development.Mechanical properties such as yield stress and UTS have linear logarithmic/power relationship with respect to strain rate.As such,a rate-dependent model can be developed to express this relationship quantitatively.NomenclatureSn–Ag–Cu tin–silver–copper (Sn–Ag–Cu)alloy WLCSP wafer-level chip scale package r y yield stress,MPa r UTS ultimate tensile stress,MPa _e strain rate,s À1Std.dev.standard deviationDTBTSR ductile to brittle transition strain rateSEM scanning electron microscope UBM under-bump metallization IMC inter-metallic compound Cu RDL copper redistribution layerA T total failure cross sectional area,m 2r aveaverage solder joint array strength,MPaF maxpeak load from solder joint array shear and tensile tests,NFig.1.Dimensions of dogbone bulk solderspecimen.Fig.2.Printed circuit board assembly and sawed WLCSP testspecimen.Fig.3.Schematic of solder joint array shear and tensile tests.Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576565This is expressed in logarithmic scale as shown in Figs.5a and5b. Different solder alloy materials exhibit similar linear trend,with yield stress and UTS increasing at higher strain rate.The yield stress and UTS relationships with strain rate are obtained through curvefitting of the plots in Figs.5a and5b respectively to give:r yð_eÞSn—Ag—0:5Cu¼b1logð_eÞþb2ð1ÞrUTSð_eÞSn—Ag—0:5Cu¼c1logð_eÞþc2ð2ÞFor ease of comparison with existing literature,the rate depen-dence in yield stress and UTS can be further expressed in the fol-lowing power relationships:r yð_eÞSn—Ag—0:5Cu¼b3ð_eÞb4ð3ÞrUTSð_eÞSn—Ag—0:5Cu¼c3ð_eÞc4ð4ÞThe coefficients b1,b2,c1,c2,b3,b4,c3and c4are listed in Table1.The material parameters of SAC105and Amkor’s internal data for SAC305are compared with the results obtained by Che[6], which are presented in Table2.The development of such a rate-dependent model allows for better understanding of the relationships between mechanical properties and strain rate of applied loading.This enables the pre-diction of the mechanical properties at the strain rate of interest.It also enables the comparison of experimental results across similar literature. rate sensitivity.Referring to Figs.5a and5b,the high-er gradient of the linear curves translate to larger increase in strength with a given increase in strain rate,which can also be ex-pressed as higher strain rate sensitivity of material strength.The coefficients b1and c1correspond to the gradient of the linear curves,which also directly relate to the strain rate sensitivity of yield stress and UTS respectively.Strain rate sensitivity can be use-ful in the study of the ductile to brittle transition strain rate (DTBTSR)in solder joints,which is affected by the sensitivity of bulk solder strength to strain rate,as depicted in Fig.12a.3.1.2.Effect of Ag content on mechanical properties of bulk solderFigs.5a,5b,6a and6b show the effect of silver(Ag)content on the yield stress and UTS of Sn–Ag–Cu solder alloy.Silver(Ag)con-tent of1%corresponds to SAC105and4%corresponds to SAC405. The yield stress and UTS of4%Ag content(SAC405)are consis-tently higher than1%Ag content(SAC105).Therefore,yield stress and UTS increase with higher Ag content in Sn–Ag–Cu alloys.Che[6]had also obtained results that show higher yield stress, UTS and lower elongation(equivalent to ductility)in Sn–Ag–Cu al-loys with higher Ag content.Sn–Ag–Cu alloys have three phases of primary Sn,Ag3Sn and Cu6Sn5[4].Suh[4]had presented the mechanical properties of the three phases of Sn–Ag–Cu micro-structure and primary Sn has the lowest elastic modulus and strength of the three phases.Sn–Ag–Cu alloys are strengthened by the internal stress accumulated due to the difference in elastic modulus and volume fraction between Ag3Sn and Sn matrix[7]. Higher Ag content will increase the amount of Ag3Sn phase[2] and also lower the amount of primary Sn phase in Sn–Ag–Cu solder alloys[4].SAC105,with lower Ag content,is expected to have less Ag3Sn and more primary Sn phase.This contributes to the lower566Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability50(2010)564–576strength of SAC 105compared to Sn–Ag–Cu alloys with higher Ag content [4].3.1.3.Failure analysis of fractured dogbone-shaped bulk solder test specimensPhotographs of the fractured dogbone-shaped bulk solder test specimens were taken under an optical microscope.The sideviews/overviews and closeup views of the specimens are presented in Fig.7.It is generally observed that 45°shearing is the primary mode of failure at low test/strain rates while necking is mostly ob-served at higher test/strain rates.At low strain rates,the solder al-loy is able to undergo slip deformation across the whole cross section of the dogbone shaped specimen,resulting in 45°shearing.As Sn–Ag–Cu alloy materials have high homologous temperature,there is not much strain hardening under low strain rate loading.At higher strain rates,the material is not able to respond to the ap-plied loading by slip deformation and experiences greater strain hardening,therefore necking occurs.From Fig.7,it can be observed that the diameter of fracture generally decreases at higher test/strain rate due to necking.3.2.Solder joint array shear and tensile test results3.2.1.Failure analysis of WLCSP jointsOptical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)were used to examine the fractured solder joints,which are around 0.3mm in diameter each.Three modes of failure were identified and categorised,namely:(1)bulk solder failure,(2)UBM IMC fail-ure and (3)pad matrix failure.Although there are other less pre-vailing failure modes observed (such as Cu RDL and Pad IMC),the three failure modes are chosen to be analysed due to their high frequency of occurrence (adding up to >90%of the failure modes of all the solder joints).They are also the most common failures iden-tified by researchers [8,9].Images of the respective failure modes at both the die/substrate side and board side were taken under the optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM),as shown in Fig.8a–c .The photographs and SEM images are accompanied by cross sectional schematics to show the location of each failure mode. solder failure.Bulk solder failure occurs by fracturing through the solder sphere as shown in Fig.8a.These failures are usually detected near the die side interface and can be easily iden-tified by the silvery solder residue on the die substrate.From the board side,it can be recognised by the uneven fracture surface on the solder bump that is still attached to the board. IMC (under-bump metallization intermetallic compound)failure.Brittle interface failure occurs at the interfacial regions be-tween the bulk solder and the die substrate.The failure crack usu-ally occurs in the intermetallic compounds (IMC)or at the interfaces with the substrate.These intermetallic compounds are usually more brittle than the bulk solder [1].UBM IMC failure refers to fracture at the intermetallic com-pound (IMC)interface layer between the UBM layer and the bulk solder.It can be identified by a smooth grey surface on the die sub-strate.From the board side,it can also be identified by its charac-teristic ring step and smooth surface at the top of the solder bump,shown in Fig.8b. matrix failure.Pad matrix failure is failure in the pad re-sin at the printed circuit board.It occurs at the matrix of the com-posite that makes up the board.It is identified by the distinct redTable 1Material parameters of rate dependent yield stress and UTS of different solder alloys.Logarithmic Power Yield stress UTS Yield stress UTS b 1b 2c 1c 2b 3b 4c 3c 4SAC 105 2.92241.373 4.17454.71740.3780.077553.0930.081SAC 4052.97349.8645.29572.21348.7410.059669.6330.0779Table 2Comparison of material parameters of rate dependent yield stress and UTS of different solder alloys between Amkor’s data and Che’s data based on Eqs.(3)and (4).Yield stress UTS AmkorChe Std.dev.Amkor Che Std.dev.b 3b 4SAC 10540.3832.15 5.8190.07750.05130.01853SAC 30552.74643.32 6.6650.07150.04450.01909c 3c 4SAC10553.09353.990.6340.0810.09180.00764SAC30570.25860.187.1260.07770.06080.01195Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576567copper pad on the solder bump that is attached to the die.It can also be identified by ‘cratering’[3]in the board side,as shown in Fig.8c.Solder joints that were fractured during tests were examined to determine their modes of failure.Both Zhao [9]and Darveaux [8]had identified three major modes of solder joint failures forballFig.7.Photographs of fractured dogbone-shaped bulk solder tensile testspecimens.Fig.8.Schematic diagram of:(a)bulk solder failure,(b)UBM IMC failure and (c)pad matrix failure on die substrate,board,and solder joint cross section.568Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576grid array packages (BGAs),namely ductile bulk solder failure,brit-tle interface fracture at the intermetallic compound (IMC)layer and pad failure,shown in Fig.9.Bulk solder failure is commonly regarded as a desirable mode of failure.A ductile bulk solder will deform when loading is applied,and this will minimise stresses in the interfacial regions due to bet-ter package/PCB curvature compliance.As failure in interfacial re-gions can occur under relatively small strain displacements and under rapid crack propagation rate,it will be preferable to reduce their occurrence to avoid catastrophic failures [8].Wong et al.noted that bulk solder failures correspond to high drop test life of ball grid array packages (BGAs),which is more desirable than IMC failures that correspond to low drop test life [10].Therefore,the observation of bulk solder failure is often related to better reli-ability of solder joints under high strain rate conditions.3.2.2.Derivation of average solder joint array strengthThe package pull/shear tests yielded load–displacement raw data,where the peak load was recorded.Darveaux had calculated the average stress in the solder joint array by dividing load over the sum of joint pad area [2].In this study,the WLCSP solder joint has varying cross sectional dimensions at the different regions of failure as shown in Fig.10.The number of solder joints that failed under each mode (n i )were counted based on photographs taken using an optical microscope,shown in Figs.11a and 11b .The fail-ure mode count (n i )was subsequently multiplied by the cross sec-tional area of that failure region in a single solder bump (a i ),to obtain the total affected cross sectional area for that particular mode of failure (A i ).The total failure cross sectional area (A T )can be obtained by summing up the failure cross sectional area of each failure mode (A i ).Total failure cross sectional area,A T ¼XiA i ¼Xia i n i ð5Þwhere i =1corresponds to failure mode 1(e.g.bulk solder failure),i =2corresponds to failure mode 2(e.g.UBM IMC failure),etc.The average solder joint array strength (r ave )is calculated by dividing peak load (F max )over the total failure cross sectional area,A T .Average solder joint array strength,r ave ¼F max Tð6ÞThe peak loads obtained from the tests and the resulting peak stresses derived are given in Table 3.As shown in the preceding paragraphs,there is a distinction be-tween bulk solder strength and solder joint strength.Bulk solder strength refers to the strength of the solder alloy in resisting fail-ure,whereas solder joint strength refers to the strength of the en-tire solder joint that consists of a multitude of different materials making up the joint,such as that of the bulk solder,PCB Cu pad,UBM,RDL Polyimide layer dielectric,and silicon die.Further,fail-ure of the solder joint may not lie within a particular material,but at the interfaces,e.g.UBM/RDL,solder/IMC,etc.Hence,a strong solder alloy may not necessarily create a strong and reliable solder joint.In general,solder joint reliability depends on its components’mechanical properties and interaction,and the proper selection of solder alloys and their properties on a particular joint structure and make-up would improve solder jointlife.Fig.10.Typical cross sectional diameters of WLCSP solderjoint.Fig.11a.Fractured solder joint array specimen after shear test (dieside).Fig.11b.Fractured solder joint array specimen after shear test (padside).Fig.9.Schematic of bulk solder failure and interface failures.Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–5765693.2.3.Effect of strain rate3.2.3.1.Ductile to brittle transition.Sn–Ag–Cu solder alloys gener-ally attain higher strength at higher strain rates [6,5].This is repre-sented in Fig.12a as an upward sloping line.At low strain rates,bulk solders have low strength,resulting in predominant failure in the bulk solders,depicted as ‘100%bulk solder failure’in Fig.12b .At higher strain rates,the bulk solders are stronger and more resistant to mechanical loading.The gain in strength also re-sulted in less deformation and compliance for the solder,and the applied loading stress will increasingly accumulate at the solder joint interfaces [8]due to their proximity to geometric discontinu-ities,resulting in more interfacial failures than bulk solder failures.As the test rates increases,there will eventually be no more bulk solder failures,being replaced entirely by failures occurring at the interface regions,depicted by ‘100%interface failure’in Fig.12b .As such,there is a transition from predominant ductile bulk solder failures to brittle interface failures with increasing strain rate,as shown in Fig.12b .Darveaux had investigated the ductile to brittle transition strain rate (DTBTSR)by performing solder joint array tensile tests [2].The ductile to brittle transition strain rate (DTBTSR)was defined as the strain rate at which,50%of the joints fail at the pad interface’[2].In this study,‘ductile to brittle transition strain rate’will simply be the strain rate where 50%of the joints fail at the bulk solder,‘inter-facial failure’will collectively refer to all the other non bulk solder modes of failure.It can be seen that the value of DTBTSR is a good gauge of what application strain rate the particular structure of solder joints can withstand before they start to fail abruptly at the joint interfaces.Knowledge of the DTBTSR values will allow researchers to design their packages to avoid excessive strain rate ranges that the joint would not be able to handle.As it would be desirable to register a relatively high peak load and observe bulk solder failures in solder joints under high strain rate loading,from Fig.12b ,the preferred outcome then would be to design solder joints to have a higher ductile to brittle transition strain rate (DTBTSR)[8]for improved reliability under high strain rate conditions. of strain rate on solder joint array strength.Figs.13a and 13b show the average solder joint array strength of the tested specimens at two different test rates (0.5mm/s and 5.0mm/s)un-Fig.12a.Diagram of ductile to brittle transition in the relationship between solder joint strength and strain rate (adapted from [2]).Fig.12b.Diagram of ductile to brittle transition in the relationship between %bulk solder failures and strain rate (adapted from [2]).Table 3Solder joint array shear and tensile test results and derivation of average solder joint array strength.Solder alloyLoading orientationTest rate (mm/s)Average solder joint array strength,r ave (MPa)Failure mode count,n i Bulk solderUBM IMC Cu RDL Pad matrix SAC 405Shear 539.4401083330.543.663510107Tension58.960001440.556.77060139SAC 105Shear 536.890644770.554.79750070Tension517.110511390.542.36331111‘Pad IMC’mode of failure is not observed for SAC 105and SAC 405.570Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576der shear and tension.It is observed that the average solder joint array strength decreases at higher test/strain rates,regardless of solder alloy material and test orientation.Newman had observed higher strength at higher shear rates in solder ball impact shear tests [11],and Darveaux also obtained similar trend in solder joint array tensile tests [8].However,Darveaux also noted that solder joint strength declined at even higher strain rates when ‘interface failures start to occur’[8].From the experiments conducted in this study,interface failures had already started to occur in all the test specimens under the test rates of 0.5mm/s and 5mm/s.The test/strain rates employed in this study (0.5mm/s and 5mm/s)may al-ready be high enough to lead to the decline in average solder joint array strength.Referring to Fig.12a of the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model,it can be seen that beyond the DTBTSR,there is a fall in interface strength of solder joints.Coupled with the increase in the amount of interface failures (see Fig.12b or Fig.17),this will lead to a decline in combined solder joint array strength at higher strain rate.The solder joint array test results in Figs.13a and 13b have also shown that average solder joint strength declined with higher test/strain rate. of strain rate on failure mode (under shear).(1)Bulk solder failure.Fig.14a shows the percentage of bulk solder failures observed for the two different solder alloy solder joints tested under shear.At the higher test rate of 5mm/s,there is almost no more failure at the bulk solder,implying that all failures occur at the interfa-cial regions.As bulk solder becomes more load resistant and experience less deformation,it is less susceptible to mechanical failure at higher strain rates.In the transition from ductile to brittle failure,there is a decrease in bulk solder failures to even-tually no more bulk solder failure at higher strain rates [2],as shown in Fig.12b .This is also depicted in Fig.14b ,in which the experimental result of SAC 105from Fig.14a is superimposed onto Fig.12b of the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model.Fig.14b shows that the experimental results of SAC 105follow a similar trend as the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model.(2)UBM IMC failure.Fig.14c shows the percentage of UBM IMC failures for the dif-ferent alloy solder joints under shear.Such failure modes are prominent at higher shear application rates due to the transition from ductile (cohesive)to brittle (interface)failures at increasingly higher strain rates.Fig.14b.Experimental result of SAC 105(under shear)superimposed onto the ductile to brittle transition strain ratemodel.Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability 50(2010)564–576571(3)Pad matrix failure.In Fig.14d,pad matrix failure is observed to be increasingly dominant for SAC105as the test rates increases for shear.In contrary,SAC405has a reduction of pad matrix failures at the higher test rate of5mm/s,as a result of a corresponding predom-inance of UBM IMC failures(see Fig.14c),which is also an interfa-cial mode of failure.From thefigures for SAC405,the predominant failure mode changes from pad matrix failure at0.5mm/s to UBM IMC failure at5mm/s.(see Fig.14c).The observed failure modes transition may be a result of the UBM IMC layer being weaker than pad ma-trix layer at the higher test rate of5mm/s for SAC405.It is sur-mised that the higher rate sensitivity of SAC’s405mechanical strength may have contributed to the mode transition that is not yet observable for solder joints of the other two alloys.Essentially,interfacial failures such as UBM IMC and pad matrix failures become more dominant at higher strain rates,due to the strengthening of the bulk solder.Thefinal failure location depends on the components mechanical characteristics and is a competition among the different interfacial regions for failure as they share the applied load.Figs.14e and14f shows the percentage of interface failures (UBM IMC and pad matrix failures)of SAC405and SAC105respec-tively at the two test rates under shearing.There is a higher per-centage of interface failures at the higher test rate.Non bulk solder modes of failures such as UBM IMC and pad matrix failures are interfacial failures that become more dominant at higher strain rate,due to the strengthening of the bulk solder.This is similar to Figs.12b and14b,depicting the transition from ductile to interface failures in solder joints at higher strain rates. of strain rate on failure mode(under tension).(1)Bulk solder failure.No bulk solder failure is observed for the two test rates.It is likely that the designated test rates of0.5mm/s and5mm/s have already surpassed the ductile to brittle transition strain rate (DTBTSR)for the three different alloyed joints and hence experi-ence100%interface failures shown in Fig.12b.In Fig.15a,the experimental result of SAC105is superimposed onto Fig.12b of the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model.Fig.15a also shows that the experimental results of SAC105correlates with the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model.Fig.15a.Experimental result of SAC105(under tension)superimposed into the ductile to brittle transition strain rate model.572Y.A.Su et al./Microelectronics Reliability50(2010)564–576。